#kaiju no. 8 imagines
zenokei · 2 days
— love taste ; hoshina soshiro.
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starring :: hoshina soshiro x reader
wc :: 1.1k
tags :: mature themes, hoshina is lowkey a pervert, (but reader seems to like it), reader is implied a member of the third division, word vomit, breast fondling, heavy kissing, and biting
synopsis :: hoshina soshiro thinks he’s slick–that you’re not aware of his special fetish for your tits.
warning: r18, read at your own risk
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hoshina soshiro loves every single bit of you: from the things he cannot physically see but feel through his heart, to the plump flesh of your curves–all of it, hoshina adores.
however, something he won’t admit yet shamefully indulges in are your breasts. with any chance he gets, he’ll find a way to be close to your chest. from slinging a relaxed arm over your shoulder just extended enough for his hand to dangerously hover over your clothed skin, to the big bear hugs he greets you with when you’re back from a long day of fighting kaiju’s–he’s done it all. 
for that split second of a chance to feel the warmth of your tits graze over his body, he’s ultimately done everything.
hoshina’s too far gone, perhaps. because every inch of his body craves for your breasts. he feels as if he’ll die soon if he doesn’t see it in the flesh: how it looks under your tight uniform, how your bra holds it up, and just how soft it truly feels with his own skin. 
“vice-captain, just how long are you going to stare at my tits?” you finally sigh, dropping the stack of evaluation papers you were going to give him as your last task for the night.
“wha- i am not!” he didn’t make it too obvious this whole time, right? “i’m not that oblivious, you know?” suddenly, you take a step forward, leaning your upper body to where hoshina stands frozen. you could see his eyes now, slightly blown wide with what you assume is a mixture of shock and pent-up lust. “you’ve really got it all wrong, i was just zoning out-” hoshina tries to step back–to let himself breathe in a clear whiff of air that’s not overwhelmingly yours, yet he’s unable to as you take hold of his wrist firmly. “really? so i’ve just gotten it all wrong?” hoshina’s jaw is slack, and his neck feels embarrassingly warm. no, you haven’t gotten it wrong–it’s almost like you knew about his obsession more than hoshina himself.
slowly, you bring hoshina’s stiff hand closer to your chest, and despite the feeling of resistance, his fingers betray him as it reaches out for you. hoshina truly is shameless, you both deduce–because he’s brashly cupping one of your tits with his palm, with the guidance of your hand atop of it. hoshina desires to do more, to feel more, and to see more. 
“i know we’re in your office, and no one’s really going to come in here…” you breathe out, eyes looking at hoshina’s hand that’s twitching to squeeze your breast. “but i do feel like this is still too unprofessional of us both.” despite your voice being of warning to him, your own hand betrays you. your palm indulges in hoshina’s, pushing his cupped hand further onto your tit, involuntarily squishing your flesh. “vice-captain, what do you think?” with one deep breath, hoshina’s now the one to grab your wrist–dragging you through the hallways with much speed to the destination you assume is to be his bedroom.
“well, i think…damn, you’re really a tease, huh?” with your back pressed against the cold door of hoshina’s bedroom, he feels your chest heave so close to him. his own chest feels it too, and despite his efforts to match your breathing, he truly is too far gone in desire to calm down. “‘s not like i’m the one who started it, you were always so close.” too close, even. perhaps the aching tension hoshina built towards you had become something to be in his favor. now,  with the thought replaying in his mind, hoshina grins widely. 
hoshina’s head dives deep into your neck, just where it’s hidden by the collar of your jacket, and you accept it with a soft moan. as your own cravings collide with hoshina, the more your jacket’s zipper comes down. each kiss of hoshina to the skin of your neck leaves a warm residue of saliva that hastily creates more intimacy. hoshina tries his best to slow down the pace, he really does–to deny your hands from pulling his own into touching you all over roughly has taken a toll on his patience.
“hoshina, more…” with another soft whimper that leaves your swollen mouth, he copies. “glad we’re thinkin’ the same thing, angel.” amidst the same urgency it took for him to take you into his room, hoshina unzips your uniform-jacket fully and drops it onto the floor.
the moment your back falls on hoshina’s bed, his weight follows directly on top of you, hoshina’s face looking up to you from the hem of your shirt cutely. “what’re you even waiting for?” despite the intimacy suffocating you both, hoshina manages to laugh at the situation. 
a sigh of relief escapes hoshina as he starts to push your shirt higher, the minimal lights feeding onto hoshina’s hunger for a taste of your breasts. he doesn’t entirely strip your torso, your shirt sits crumpled just above your chest–giving hoshina the sight he’s always occupied himself with, no matter what he does. your deep breaths continue, a rush of blood surging through your cheeks as you take in hoshina’s expression of shock. and before you could ask anything, hoshina dives into your cleavage excitedly, mimicking the same kisses and licks he’s done to your neck in anticipation for your sweet moans.
you easily give into hoshina, arching your back with a whine that has him quickly edging his hand on the gap between your back and the bed to unclasp your bra, and it going completely loose as his mouth feigns to stop. 
hoshina is beyond desperate for you, his skin feeling yours directly feels dizzying. although, this really is hoshina’s ultimate breaking point; when he takes sight of your nipple peeking through your loose bra. hoshina’s tongue falters, the feeling of your tits becoming softer with the tight fabric now gone. his hand takes hold of your breasts with delight, his calloused and rough skin against your sensitive nipple makes you shudder, calling out hoshina’s name.
“can’t you be a bit more gentle- hoshina!” your head gets thrown back onto the pillow as an unbearable wave of shock, pain, and arousal comes from your tit. “sorry, angel. i’ve been waitin’ for sooo long,” hoshina blows a cool breeze of air to the raging bite he inflicted directly on your nipple–his fangs prominently engraved on your plush skin. 
you take ragged breaths as your hand covers your mouth from being any louder, however, hoshina tears your hand away. “please? let me hear you, c’mon.” he pouts, one side of his head cushioned by your unbruised breast, while the other hoshina continues to caress. your eyes are still hazy with lust, sneering at hoshina. “that fucking hurt, a lot.” despite your complaints, whenever hoshina grazes his finger over your bitten and hardened nipple, you whimper lewdly. “and ‘m sorry ‘bout that, angel. but…” hoshina slightly sits up now, his body satiated between your aching legs looming over with eyes that are eager for you.
“we both want more, don’t we?”
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© zenokei | do not repost, copy, or use my works.
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aennasan · 1 day
Imagine you created a hate account just to slander the First Division Commander, Gen Narumi. He is a petty loser and you feel this slight satisfaction watching him getting annoyed reading all the hateful comments you leave on his posts and all articles written about him. But you didn't think much about what he would do to you once he finds out that one of his team members was behind that awful account. He wouldn't find out about it anyway. Why bother?
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bokutizer · 2 years
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summary : Narumi Gen's life has its highs and its lows, but he's glad that he does not have to deal with the latter ones on his own (he would never admit that though). tags : exes to lovers (?), fem!reader, fluff, angst, something between comfort and reverse comfort?, mentions of blood, spoilers for chapters 53/54 a/n : I can't believe how much fun I had writing for him. He's such a versatile character AND A GODDAMN BABY <;33
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It was not an unusual occurrence to find the commander of the first division of the Defense Force huddled up in his messy and dump-like bedroom. Yet the palpable melancholy in the light deprived room was rare. It was nothing new, considering that his job brought many sacrifices and losses with it, but still. It was rare.
Narumi was lying on his bed, hands clasped behind his head, changed into a white shirt with a faded Gundom imprint on it and his usual black sweatpants. Besides the few scratches along his jaw, nothing would have made you guess that this man had been on the battle field and had lost his mentor a few hours prior.
Yet here he was, barely acknowledging your presence as you finally closed the door behind you and, with slow and quiet steps, strode over to his bed. Between the various cushions and blankets on his bed, you could also spot the controller of his BS5 which lay beside his limp hand, even though the TV was clearly turned off, its screen pitch black. You wondered if he had really been able to muster some strength to game or if the abandoned controller was just another sign of defeat. Defeat because he had neither physical nor mental strength left to distract himself.
"What are you doing here?" despite the low volume of his raspy voice, his words managed to resonate through the quiet room, his face still facing the ceiling, his eyes covered by his multicoloured bangs.
"I've heard what happened to Mr. Isao." you spoke quietly, carefully choosing your words because you knew Narumi all too well. If it were for him, he would think that your presence was a mere sign of pity, a sign of his defeat, of his failure.
That's why the next time he spoke, his words were louder, harsher even. The tension in his body was clearly visible, tendons along his throat straining and jaw clenching. "Why. Are you here?"
You remained quiet and instead of snapping back, simply decided to take a seat on the edge of his bed. It was not noticeable to the naked eye, but Narumi relaxed, even if it was for only a tiniest bit. Somehow the air around him seemed less suffocating, now.
But as your hand slowly inched closer to his forehead, not being able to fight against your desire to just touch him even if it was for a short moment, one of his arms flew up, his hand grasping your wrist in a tight grip. "Narumi, I brought eye drops. Doctor said you overused them quite a bit." you said matter-of-factly, no softness coating your words, your expression emotionless as your eyes finally locked with his. They were bloodshot, red veins weaving themselves over his sclera, while the blueish rings beneath them seemed to have taken on an even darker shade than usual.
The hold on your wrist loosened, a wordless invitation for you to do whatever you had intended to do. Because, yeah, you knew Narumi but the same went the other way around. And if he knew one thing about you, then it was that you were stubborn as hell.
You motioned him do lie back down and soon after that his head hit the softness of his pillow, black and silver strands of hair sprawled over its pillowcase. How long has it been since the last time he had felt the tenderness of your hands? Three? Four months? It has definitely been long enough for him to feel like a terminally ill man who finally seemed to get his salvation.
The gentless with which your fingers combed his bangs out of his face, how they delicately rested along his eyes, not putting too much pressure around the irritated area as you pressed the prescribed amount of droplets out of the little tube. Narumi swore it was not the medication that soothed the uncomfortable itch in his eyes but rather just the simple sight of you.
However, he was aware that letting himself get used to this, to you, would be a fatal mistake.
"That’s enough." he muttered, slapping your hands away as if they could burn him. "Don’t need a damn nurse."
You sighed as you watched him turn on his side, his back facing you. This could have been your cue to simply leave him alone, let him shoulder this burden on his own, but you could not. And you knew that it was selfish because you were obviously not only staying because of Narumi. You were staying because the thought of him being alone right now would hurt you incredibly hard.
"How are you feeling?"
"'M fine. I've also been fine before. The bleeding's stopped. Now go."
"You know that’s not what I meant."
You flinched at the sight of his upper body swiftly shooting up, his bangs falling back into their place and hiding the frown etched on his face. "Why do you care? Huh? I couldn't do anything. Couldn’t save him. So why do you-"
"Because I care about you, Gen. You, not the first division commander." you cut him off, your own composure slowly crumbling as you felt your eyes sting. "Because I know that you liked Isao a lot."
Narumi's chest heaved heavily and he wondered if, in midst of the silence that reigned in the room, you could hear the rapid pounding of his heart, a result of all the anger, sorrow and relief that he felt currently. Anger towards himself, sorrow because that was simply something you felt when you lost someone, and relief because- because of you? He was not sure but that seemed to be the only plausible explanation.
The breathy chuckle vibrating in his chest seemed rather anguished as he flopped back down on his back, the heels of his palms pressed against his eyes. "You've missed me that badly, huh?" he derided, yet proceeded to scooch over a tiniest bit. Another silent invitation for you.
"You wish." the string of tension hanging between you two seemed to diminish, especially once your head lay beside his, two pairs of eyes now hyperfixating the grey ceiling as if it was the most engrossing thing you've ever witnessed.
"How did the evacuation go?" Narumi asked reluctantly after a beat of slience but received only a light jerk of your shoulders, one of them brushing against his. "That many deaths?"
He had already been looking at you as you turned your head to look into an ocean of red, your own eyes glazing over at the images of all the bodies your troop and you had recovered today from beneath all the ruins and debris that had remained after the destruction of so many buildings. "Way too many."
The reason Narumi's body felt rigid now was not tension, but rather hesitancy. It was just a small gesture of comfort, right? It would not hurt? Maybe a bit ironic since you were the one who had appeared in his room to comfort him, but who was he to give a shit? Warmth creeped through the skin of your palm as you felt him wrap his hand around yours until his fingers weaved themselves through the crevices of your own cold ones.
"Missed me that badly, huh?" you repeated his words, the light crack in your voice, however, drowning the lightheartedness in your words. The fake overly exaggerated laugh emanating from him nearly pulled a smile at your lips, the knot in your chest loosening a tad bit.
"You're insufferable." Narumi muttered defeatedly, the light squeeze you felt around your hand feeling like anything but annoyance or loathing.
"Right. That's why you broke up with me, remember?"
His eyes widened momentarily at your statement. The reason he had broken up with you? Many things annoyed Narumi Gen. Headlines of Ashiro Mina in the news, Hasegawa when he dragged him to unnecessary meetings, people who were only talks without any real actions and strength behind their words- You had never been part of any of these things.
The only thing that had scared him away from you was he himself. He feared all the things that you made him feel; the love that you made him feel for you. He feared becoming too attached and the possibility that your death would not leave him indifferent. For God's sake, neither of you had simple nine to five jobs. Every single day you left your cabins in your suits, you instantly signed a contract that granted you a meeting with Death himself.
But as Narumi noticed your breaths becoming deeper and steadier, his free hand brushing a single strand of your soft hair behind your ear, he realized that life without you was one of the many things that annoyed him. He realized that not having you at all was worse than the constant risk of loosing you, and for once, he was glad that many people had a rather bad image of him. Because he also realized that being selfish had never felt better than now.
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spinningwebsandtales · 2 months
Imagine Having To Patch Soshiro Up After A Kaiju Attack
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Soshiro Hoshina X FemReader
Rating: T+
Warnings: Blood, injuries, mentions of death, teasing, and kaiju remains
Word Count: 1k
(A/N:) I am enjoying the Kaiju No. 8 anime immensely and it's giving me all sorts of ideas to write! I have several more Kafka ones in my drafts and I want to write more for several other of the male characters. So keep an eye out I may write your favorite dude! I'm also thinking about opening my requests back up in case anyone has any Kaiju No. 8 requests, even though my drafts are insanely full. We'll just see but until next time happy reading! ~Countess
The suits made by Izumo Tech were a marvel of innovation and technology. Designed to give the members of Japan's fiercest warriors; The Defense Force, a fighting chance against the Kaiju that plagued their country. But still the warriors were only human no matter how amazing the suit.
Your booted feet thundered against the broken asphalt, breath heaving in pants as you raced across the now quiet battlefield. Just seconds ago it was Hell on Earth as you and your fellow soldiers fought for your very lives. But now Kaiju matter was splattered against everything. It was going to be quite the mess for whatever cleaning crew was open to do the dirty job. The attacks had become more frequent here lately, that the few companies that specialized in Kaiju clean up were becoming overwhelmed to get the different attack sights back to some semblance of normalcy for the citizens. But even that problem was far back from your mind. Only one person had you running so hard after fighting so intensely. Soshiro had gone silent after dispatching some of the smaller ones with his blades. You knew he had sustained injuries, but for him to go quiet, it wasn't a good sign. There was closer Third Division officers nearby but you knew with whatever stamina you had left you could make it. Your worries taking over any rational thought in your mind.
Konomi echoed in your ear, leading you straight towards Soshiro's location. Her frantic directions wasn't doing much to calm your nerves, but as an officer you couldn't let your anxiety show.
"Just around this corner," Konomi said. You thanked her turning down your communication device as you skidded around a pile of rubble. There leaned up against what remained of a wall was Soshiro. He held his side, eyes closed, and protective mask discarded at his side. Though winded and exhausted from the long race here, you gripped your rifle tighter the sling hitting your neck and tangling in the wild strands of hair that had broken free. Blood coated Soshiro's face and the fact that he wasn't responding to footsteps coming closer was more than concerning. Fear was beginning to grip your heart, when you finally got at his side.
"Two cracked ribs and significant blood loss," Konomi's sudden voice through the comm caused you to jump. "He's not critical just yet but I do have the medics on route to your location."
"I can staunch the blood flow," you replied. "I'll try to get him conscious again too."
"Good idea. I'll keep monitoring his vitals and let you know if anything changes."
Unslinging the rifle from your neck, you set it close by in case any threats remained. You removed the small med pack from your belt and got to work. Tapping at his cheek, you started working on getting Soshiro awake. Several moments went by and it wasn't until you put pressure on one of his worse wounds did he finally groan.
"Vice Captain," you continued to pat his cheek. "Vice Captain Hoshina! Soshiro wake up!"
He stirred, bleary eyes blinking against the bright sunlight before his gaze finally found you.
"Welcome back to the land of the living sir," you sighed in relief.
"So I died," he groaned. "And here I thought I was immortal."
"Well you didn't die but you do have a long road to recovery. You're pretty banged up and look terrible. The Kaiju Captain blew to smithereens looks better than you."
"Officer (L/N)," Soshiro groaned more as you wrapped several wounds tightly in gauze, "did anyone ever tell you that your bedside manner is garbage?"
"We're out on the battlefield and you're not laying on a bed sir," you grinned before going back to placing pressure on a wound that was too large for bandages. "Beside manners don't exist out here."
"Fieldside manner then," he glared. "And if you press any tighter to my side you're going to stab my lungs with my ribs."
"That's not me. That would be your suit keeping you from jostling your cracked ribs."
"(Y/N)! Vice-Captain Hoshina's vitals seem to be stabilizing more. Medics are inbound and will be there shortly," Konomi updated you and you acknowledged her.
"You had me worried Soshiro," you sniffed, hands stained with his blood. You had turned your comm off so you could talk with him in private for just a moment. You both didn't have long anyway with the evac team so close by.
"Sorry," he grimaced. Righting himself up more he wrapped one arm around your neck and pulled you in tight. "I'm sorry I worried you so much. I take risks but this time my decision wasn't the right one."
You held him as best as you could without hurting him further, "I'm just so glad you're okay!"
You hated crying but the relief you felt, had you breaking down in seconds. Soshiro wasn't used to seeing you cry and it broke his heart. Always the strong soldier, you couldn't help yourself around him as you wanted him by your side forever.
"You're not hurt are you," Soshiro asked as he stroked the back of your hair.
"No." You breathed deep, calming yourself and wiped your eyes. "Does that mean that I have surpassed the great Soshiro Hoshina in skills?"
"Absolutely not. We both know that my blade skills leave everyone else in the dust," he scoffed.
"Yeah but I didn't decide to use my ribs to stop a kaiju punch."
"Shut up."
You laughed kissing his forehead quickly, as it was the only place not covered in blood, as the boots of the medics came closer.
"I'm glad you're okay," you whispered. Soshiro couldn't answer as he was suddenly surrounded by several medical officers. He nodded towards you as you picked your rifle back up and started to go join the other members of the Third Division. The battle wasn't over just yet as you needed to look for more survivors. But you felt the burden lift from your shoulders knowing that the man you loved was going to be okay and was in capable hands. The fight with the kaiju continued on but if you stayed by Hoshiro's side you felt like you both could make the world a better place together.
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hoshiina · 2 months
— a guy asks for your number ft. hoshina, narumi, reno
warnings: mentions dick and profanities in hoshina's
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dark-night-hero · 26 days
Imagine being Gen Narumi's significant other.
Imagine being the oldest child of the Shinomiya family as well as one of the strongest troops within the JAKDF but unlike others who goes on teams and squads, you prefer going alone. That was until he came along, Gen Narumi. Looking back, he was really an annoying piece of shit. "What are you thinking about?" There was the sound of his console all over his room. "Thinking how annoying you actually are." You sigh, started picking up trash in his office room. "Too bad for you. I'm your annoying bastard fore- AHHHHH MY RANK!"
Imagine attending interviews on his behalf, only to get mad you for getting all the attention he should be getting. In the end you could only roll your eyes at him as you toss him a parcel box. "Are you an idiot? If you want to get some attention then why don't you attend them yourself? It wasn't even as bad as you thought em to be." "How tiring." "Hurry up and open that shit, let's play." To be honest, he was not mad for the attention are getting, rather he was annoyed and the malicious comments on the internet about you and does not know what to feel about the people saying how attractive you are.
Imagine, the two of you never really had a sweet relationship. After all, the two of you started off as competitive idiots going for each others throat into lovers constantly going for each other throats. The competition on who was the strongers never went away. It was the two of you who kept hyping each other up as if that was your love language and maybe it was. So when you father died while you were away the country doing some solo missiom somewhere in the pacific. He just stand there next to you. You knew how important you father to him, he was both your mentor and to Gen, he was almost a father figure. So he stand there right next to you, fingers intertwined as if it was enough, because it is. It was enough.
"I request for backup, what are you doing here?" He raise a brow at you as he was busy taking down a huge ass kaiju. "I am the back up, Gen." "The acting commander down on the battle field themselves? Don't you have some other business to do?" "I was bored sitting down behind the scene. Being in here is much better." You laugh before approaching him and grabbing him by the cheeks. "Take care of yourself better dumbass." You wipe away the remaining blood marks on his cheeks. "Don't die before me."
[ⓒdark-night-hero] 2024°
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hiragvs · 9 days
Hoshina Soshiro is very arranged marriage to friends to lovers coded
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nightfal1n · 5 days
Hospitalization and reading
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renard-dartigue · 2 days
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May I interest you in a kaiju sandwich with Gen, Kafka, and Soshiro?
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narumi-gens · 7 days
Agents of Chaos MC—she seems like the type that would be excited to be near a human/kaiju hybrid. What does she think of Kafka? How does Gen react to her reacting to that?
this is such a great question bc I used to think the exact same, but then I thought about it more and worried that she would be a little too close to hange from aot. reader is v chaotic, but not in that way. plus I've made the executive decision that she's much more interested in the tech/weaponry side of the Defense Force. but I've also been thinking about her reaction to kafka a lot, so this ask came at a great time.
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narumi gen x f!reader
part of the Agents of Chaos series
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When Narumi plops down in the rolling chair next to yours in the Operation Room, his face buried in his handheld, you should immediately look up at him. It’s late and the room is largely empty, only the bare minimum number of the Operations Team who were unlucky enough to end up with the night shift are there to keep you company. So his sudden presence as it interrupts the stillness should at least warrant a glance. 
However, the music coming through your headphones is so loud and you’re so focused on the monitor in front of you that you don’t even notice. Even when he rolls the chair closer, you remain oblivious. It’s only when he rolls his chair directly into yours that you start and finally look up from the footage of the attack on Tachikawa Base and the sudden appearance of Kaiju No. 8 that had gripped your attention. 
You slide your headphones down to hang from your neck and swivel your seat to face him, only to frown at how his attention is directed toward the game he’s currently obsessed with beating. 
“What’s wrong?” you ask as you lazily slouch in your chair. 
“Isao-san placed Kaiju No. 8 in the First,” he grumbles, and you prop your elbow on your armrest so that you can rest your cheek on your closed fist as you watch him pout.
“Yeah, I saw the orders,” you say with a shrug. “What’s the big deal?”
“The big deal is that the First doesn’t need a kaiju,” he replies, pressing the buttons on his handheld with more force than necessary. 
You raise an eyebrow when his words are followed by the unexpected, telltale “Game Over” sound. He’s been blowing through this game up to this point, even complaining at one point that it needed a higher difficulty setting. 
He sighs heavily and sets down his handheld onto the empty console in front of him. He glances over at the footage still playing out on your monitor with a scowl. In response, you hit a few keys on the keyboard and Hibino Kafka’s transformation into Kaiju No. 8 is now displayed on the large monitor that spans the width of the wall at the front of the room. 
“We should just convert him into a weapon,” he mutters and you immediately scoff, which earns you a pitiful glare. 
“Don’t be dumb. Even if we did that, there’s no guarantee you would even be able to use it. The odds of someone being able to use one numbered weapon, let alone two, are astronomical,” you counter easily. “It’d just sit in storage for another few decades until a compatible user finally comes along.” 
He doesn’t reply, instead continuing to watch the battle playing out on the screen with a complicated expression. As Kaiju No. 8 attacks the bomb created from a horde of yoju as it hurtles towards the base, Narumi looks at you from the corner of his eye. 
“You’ve just been here all day watching this footage over and over?” he asks.
“And reading the reports HQ put together plus the one that the Third submitted.” Narumi rolls his eyes and lets out an exaggerated noise of disgust at the mention of the First Division’s eternal rivals. “It’s interesting.”
“Interesting?” he repeats slowly, his frown deepening. You pause the footage on Kaiju No. 8’s full form. 
“Yeah. This guy was on a kaiju clean-up crew, swallowed some weird kaiju bug, gained the power to turn into one of the strongest kaiju on record, and decided to join the Defense Force. That’s interesting.” 
He continues to look up at the screen in silence.
“You don’t wanna fuck Kaiju No. 8, do you?” he finally asks and the question is so unexpected that you burst into a loud fit of laughter, catching the attention of the handful of other people in the empty room. 
Your reaction doesn’t seem to please him because he picks his handheld back up and gets ready to roll his chair in the opposite direction. But you’re quick to grab the armrest before he can and toss both of your legs across his lap to keep him in place. 
“No, I don’t want to fuck Kaiju No. 8,” you assure him with a smile as your laughter dies down. Narumi rests his hand holding his game on your shins and drops the other on your thigh just above your knee. You then look back up at the screen with an analytical eye. “I mean…do you think he even has a dick when he’s in his kaiju form?”
You hit a few more keys and the picture on the screen zooms in close on Kaiju No. 8’s crotch. Your brow furrows and you tilt your head in thought. 
“It’s so…smooth? Does it, like, pop out? And if he doesn’t have one then how does he pee? Does it come out somewhere—” 
Your line of questioning is abruptly cut off when Narumi suddenly stands up, your legs falling from his lap. Before you can ask what he’s doing, he grabs onto the back of your chair and begins to pull it — and you — after him as he makes his way out of the room.
“That’s enough talk of another guy’s dick for the night,” he says and you can only laugh as you’re rolled away from your station, the both of you leaving behind a grainy, close-up of Kaiju No. 8’s crotch displayed across the Operation Room’s main screen.
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kaisa-ryo · 16 days
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i’m kaisa
i'm not from the US, but i'm happy to chat with you!
jujutsu kaisen
who wakes up first?
who needs more attention?
does he like public display of sympathy?
his love language
your phone rang during sex pt. 1 (18+)
your phone rang during sex pt. 2 (18+)
his habits pt. 1
his habits pt. 2
attention deficit pt. 1
who apologises first during an argument?
alphabets (NSFW 🔞):
itadori yuji
satoru gojo
megumi fushiguro
inumaki toge
sukuna ryōmen
nanami kento
fan fictions:
ino takuma
megumi fushiguro (mention of dirty talk without 18+ scenes)
suguru geto
kaiju no. 8
fan fictions:
soshiro hoshina (18+)
❗️everything (including anime and characters) is being added gradually❗️
post work rarely, but neatly
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spinningwebsandtales · 3 months
Imagine Kafka Taking Care Of You At A Kaiju Cleanup Sight
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Kafka Hibino X FemReader
Rating: T
Warnings: Kaiju gore, blood
Word Count: 1.3k
(A/N:) I have been so dang excited about the Kaiju No. 8 anime! I have read the manga since it came out and when they finally announced it getting an anime adaption, I freaked out. So yesterday was so awesome, I watched it three times! XD So I apologize for the fangirl I'm about to become and hopefully all the other Kaiju No. 8 fangirls can appreciate what I'm about to do! Until next time happy reading! ~Countess
You just knew your bosses hated you. It wasn't unusual for companies like Izumo Tech requesting specialists to go out in the field and oversee the kaiju cleanup crews. Only to make certain that they were receiving the best parts of the kaiju to create weapons, armor, and various forms of gear for the brave men and women who take the battles to the front line. But for some unfortunate reason you were the one being constantly sent out to supervise. It had to be done, even though the majority of the cleaning crews did their jobs right, but you'd be out of a job if you didn't go. This time you were to watch and take note of the Monster Sweep Inc. crew. The best of the business and always making sure they sent nothing but the parts Izumo requests. This wasn't the first time you had overseen this crew and you enjoyed being around them. What you didn't enjoy was dodging spurts of blood, or tripping over entrails, or squishing eyeball pieces under your shoes. The Defense Force always left a mess and it was the brave and iron stomached men and women of the cleaners.
Rubbing at your temples, fighting the oncoming headache, while your driver navigated the destroyed streets of the city. Your bag across your knees and the seatbelt strapped tight. You said a small prayer for the poor white shirt you unwittingly wore today. The car squealed to a stop as you couldn't go any further in the vehicle. Giving you a sorrowful smile, your driver let you out before backing out as fast as he could, leaving you alone in front of a giant bloody kaiju mess. Heaving a large sigh, the tainted coppery tang of kaiju blood filling your nostrils, you got to work.
"Hey Kafka," Masahide called to the dark haired male.
Kafka lifted his face shield wiping sweat from his forehead before heading to Toku's direction. Dread settled in the pit of his stomach, sensing he was being dragged into something else. He just hoped it wasn't entrail duty like the other times. But when Kafka saw you standing at Toku's side everything became clear, but it still didn't mean he was dodging entrail duty just yet.
"(Y/N) just got here. She's being assigned to your side since you're closer to the parts Izumo Tech are looking for."
You gave him a small wave, holding your bag tightly and standing as straight as could be. Making yourself as small as possible seemed like the safer option of keeping clean. You and Kafka knew each other pretty well by now as you had been on several scenes with him and the crew. You had become his charge every time you were on scene and it wasn't unusual for you both to go out for drinks and dinner afterwards. Majority of the time the other guys would join but sometimes you both were alone. So in Kafka's care you always felt safe as he tried his best not to splatter you with any kaiju fluids. Majority of cleaners didn't like you around, thinking that you were only here because the company thought they were doing their jobs wrong when it was the complete opposite. So it wasn't unusual for you to get doused in gore in an act of retaliation.
"Welcome back," Kafka said giving you a warm smile.
"Looks like you guys have your work cut out for you this time," you replied.
He sighed, shoulders sagging in defeat, "They keep upping our finish dates every time a kaiju is dispatched. They're really working us to the bone."
"Well if anyone can do it and handle it it's you guys," you offered him what little encouragement you could.
"Thanks." Kafka walked past you leaving you a little confused as he went to the company van. He tugged a large protective jacket from a bag on the floorboard before setting it on your shoulders. You gratefully slipped your arms inside and zipped it up to your chin. It swallowed you but you wouldn't complain.
"Thank you so much!"
Kafka blushed, "Didn't want your pretty shirt to get messed up."
"I didn't know I was coming out into the field until I came to work," you grumbled. "I would have dressed accordingly. Please continue like I'm not even here."
"I couldn't do that even if I tried," Kafka laughed. "Follow me. Some idle chat would do me some good."
Time passed by quickly as you and Kafka fell into easy chatter and before you both knew it lunch break was called. Majority of the time the smells of the dead kaiju killed your appetite but some form of luck came your way as the wind was right. Blowing the majority of the stench in the opposite direction. But still you couldn't do anything more than nibble on a few veggies you had packed in your bento. Kafka noticed you barely eating, so he dug around in his cooler. Tossing you a can, you caught it, barely.
"Ginger ale," he said at your confused glance. "It'll help settle your stomach. I carry them around just in case I'm on entrail duty. I also have some nausea pills somewhere too." He started to pat around in his pockets.
"No that's okay," you hurriedly grabbed his wrist. "This is more than enough thank you."
Sipping at the cold beverage and testing out a few bites of your lunch. You were able to finish most of it, but didn't push your luck as you had a couple more hours of staying on sight. The bark of the tree you leaned against, bit into your back. But you enjoyed the moment of just being able to take it easy. It was a rare thing to get to enjoy the slow pace of life. Between kaiju attacks, rushing around for work, and the fast pace of just life in general; you didn't find many times like this. Kafka, now finished with his lunch, leaned backwards cushioning his head with his hands. He breathed deep relaxing as the sun danced across his skin.
"Want to grab something later together," Kafka asked. His shoulders shaking as his nerves almost made him redact his question. You carefully slid your hand over, tugging at his sleeve, Kafka removed the hand you wanted from behind his head. You clasped his tightly in your grip, threading your fingers together causing him to stiffen. He knew he was sweaty and it only made his hand sweat worse and he didn't know how you felt about that. But you didn't let go.
"I would like that a lot," you replied. This time resting your head on his shoulder. "Thanks for taking care of me Kafka when I come here."
He gulped, "I enjoy it and want to make sure you're safe."
That had always been the thing. Nobody made you feel as safe as Kafka did. Accidents happened all the time at the sights of kaiju clean up and while it was dangerous for everyone involved. With Kafka you felt like at his side was the safest place that existed. Kafka squeezed your hand, closing his eyes and relishing in the touch of you. He would keep you safe no matter what. As he felt it as his duty as a man and friend. That is just who Kafka is deep down in his core. He squeezed your hand tighter resting his head on top of yours. Taking in the moment with you before you both got back to work. Yeah if you were by his side it was the safest place you could possibly be.
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itznothingreally · 1 month
The days passed by in a blur, and I find myself in a state of nothingness. I long for something interesting to happen, to fill the emptiness I feel in my heart, and I wonder— what would life be like if I were part of your world?
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Ask Box Open!!
Please request anything and everything!
Bonus points if you request:
Tokyo Debunker
Windbreakers (anime only)
Honkai Star Rail
Obey Me
Kaiju No. 8 (anime only)
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butterfirefly · 1 month
The Blue Lock Kn8 AU no one asked for
In hindsight, perhaps he should’ve arranged their meeting at a more… opportune moment.
Oh, well, Hyouma thinks with a lazy shrug, opting to study the ends of his hair instead of watching the newest member of their division struggle to rein in his reactions like he's soloing a daikaiju. Not my circus, not my monkeys.
“Welcome to the First Division!” Reo greets loudly from over the sound of the blow dryer. “The newbie, right?” “…” “You probably already know who we are, but just in case you’re a hick, I’m Mikage Reo—yes, that Mikage—vice captain. And this," he says grandly, giving Nagi's mop of white hair an affectionate ruffle, "is my treasure and Japan’s strongest kaiju combatant, Nagi Seishiro.” “You don’t have to say all that all the time though,” Hyouma says drily. “It's okay if you just call him Captain Nagi when you're in a hurry.” The blow dryer shuts off, and Nagi—no longer looking like a waterlogged Borzoi thanks to it—rises from his seat in his best imitation of the world's fastest sloth. He stands there for a second, and Hyouma catches himself wondering—stupidly, naively—if this is the day Nagi Seishiro finally acts the way a proper captain—nay, a proper human—should, but then he lets out this soft, somewhat grating mix of oof and uwek, and plops right back down the stool.
“Can’t… Too tired…” Nagi whines, holding his arms out to Reo pathetically. “Carry meee.”
Hyouma feels the recruit reaching his limit (goodness knows he's reached his faster back when he first met the two), and so in a rare bout of altruism, he takes pity on him and places a hand on his shoulder. What can he say? Sometimes he can be just as pretty on the inside as he is on the outside.
“Right. This is Barou Shouei,” he introduces with faux-formality—gun to his head, he could not muster any genuine respect when his officers are too busy acting like freaks. “He’ll be joining us from now.”
And without further ado, he turns on his heels and ushers Barou back into the hallway.
Protocol demands that they wait for their commanding officers to give their dismissal first before they leave, but Hyouma knows for a fact that Reo has already forgotten about them now that he’s too busy fussing over their captain, and he highly doubts Nagi has even taken note of their presence in the first place. As far as Hyouma’s concerned, protocol was shot dead the moment those two were appointed as their superiors.
Unsurprisingly, Barou explodes once he's deemed they're far enough away to be heard.
“What—” “Yep.” “The actual—” “I know.” “Fu—” “You’ll get used to it,” Hyouma lies with a saccharine smile.
Barou keeps his tirade going all the way to the cafeteria, and Hyouma makes a mental note to steer him away from Zantetsu for as long as possible.
After all, it wouldn’t look good for the First Division if Barou files for a transfer on his very first day.
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nightfal1n · 3 days
(wake up to thunder noise at 5am, thinking) (It's Shinomiyas+Narumi thought)
Isao becoming the monster to ensure the later generation's survival is how Kikoru lose her daddy and how Narumi finds his father figure
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