kaiju-wolfdragon · 3 months
I'm back with another of Kaiju bfdi au! And it's part 4 of it too!
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sanjipussyindulgence · 5 months
watching the kaiju no. 8 anime and the kafka + reno dynamic is so top-tier. contrasting reno, a sterotypical edgy anime teenager, with kafka, a pretty regular guy in his 30s, has such endless comedy to it.
they're father-son coded but reno did the adopting. he saw how lame and wet kafka was and fetched the adoption papers out himself.
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wild-saber1337 · 1 year
MORE FOOD MONSTERS PLZ!!! (artist: s_kumaco) on twitter
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I'm getting hungry >=)
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PIC(S) INFO: Resolution at 1417x1984 & 1005x1500 -- Spotlight on an homage poster to "Jaws" à la "Pacific Rim," artwork by Matt Ferguson, c. 2013.
Ah, the age-old question:
If you had to choose, which one would it be: Giant robots? Or a bigger boat? Hmmm... 🤔🤖🌊🚢🦈
Source: www.geek-art.net/matt-ferguson-pacific-rim.
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
Help meee help me life alerttt helppp
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kikanawj · 1 year
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Yūji learned what a Battra is! Yay! And now she's trying to reckon with the horror, terror, and destruction that is Battra, what it means that she's an Empowered of him, and what that means for her own tendencies toward destruction as the first and only answer to questions. Also, she asked Takawa (a very helpful AI lady) what her definition of "human" is, and I'm kind of proud at how I made the Storyteller have to pause and really think on his answer.
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aamircoeur · 2 months
just distressed (still not a damsel) ー ultraman, ken sato.
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ultraman getting to know his damsel as kenji sato, the baseball player.
sfw, female reader. UNEDITED.
you smiled at the chef and sat down on a stool, looking around to examine the place. it was clean and the lighting inside was warm, and the place had a lingering smell of fried eggs and soy sauce, which you really liked.
it was seven in the evening and you were at tonkatsu tonki for dinner, as per ultraman's suggestion. you had small chats with the chef as he made your order, with you being the only customer that he had as of the moment.
a few weeks have passed since your lengthy chat with japan's superhero. although you had been in the scene when yet another kaiju attacked this week, you weren't as involved as the previous times, which made you sad about not having the chance to talk to ultraman again. it was for the better, though, you thought. the poor guy sounded like he needed all the rest he could have.
he handed you your bowl of tonkatsu and poured water to your glass. while you were talking to the chef, a replay of this morning's baseball game was playing on the television that hung on the wall of the restaurant. you took a peek every now and then whenever the chef made reactions about the game, making you curious. "are you a fan of baseball?" you asked, taking a bite of your tonkatsu.
you got to know the chef for the past thirty minutes that you've been in the restaurant. he's a sarcastic man who genuinely cared for the food of the customers and their well-being, saying that his regulars had been coming in and out of his restaurant for more than twenty years.
"huge fan. i used to watch the games held in tokyo dome with my daughters," he said, his eyes never leaving the television. "but they've grown older, and we only watch together when they're free."
you hummed in response. "i was a huge tigers fan, and my daughters were even bigger fans of the giants." he laughed, and you smiled at him. "what about you? you like baseball?" he asked, wiping the spatula that he used.
you drank water to help you swallow your food before answering. "ah, not really. it never really piqued my interest." you said.
in the middle of your conversation, a group of rather tall men walked into the restaurant, greeting the chef before sitting down, who only waved his hand at them as he focused on his conversation with you.
"what do you mean it never piqued your interest?" the chef echoed, his eyebrow raised in a rather animated way which made you laugh at him.
"i-it just never crossed my mind much."
"baseball never crossed your mind much?" the chef asked in disbelief. "it's the best sport there is! don't tell me you're one of them basketball people."
"i have nothing against baseball. personally, i just don't like it. it looks fun though!" you explained yourself.
"you hate baseball?" the chef asked in front of you.
"i donー"
"you hate baseball?" the guy who sat near your stool chimed in.
"i don't!" you said, rubbing your cheek to show light-hearted annoyance.
the chef looked at you and faked a scoff, before walking to the group of men further from you to ask for their order. you laughed at him and sighed before drinking from your glass of water.
"so," the guy from beside you called out. "what was the "you hate baseball" argument with the chef?" he asked, taking off his sunglasses before hanging it at the front of his shirt.
you smiled and playfully rolled your eyes. "what i was saying is that i don't hate baseball." you said, taking a bite of your food after. "it's just not in my area of, uhm, interest or expertise."
the guy chuckled, running his hand through his jet-black hair. "i don't think i've ever met anyone who told me that they don't like baseball."
"what is it with guys and baseball?" you joked.
"hey, everyone likes baseball." he responded. he reached out his hand in front of you, offering a handshake. "i'm kenji." he said.
you accepted the handshake and held his hand, shaking it. "i'm [name] [surname], pleasure being baseball buddies with you."
"don't think that us being baseball buddies would work, considering how you don't like baseball," he joked with a forced frown on his face.
you groaned and he just laughed at you.
kenji ordered his usual and kept quiet, listening to his teammates as they debriefed the game that they had earlier. he was happy to have a close friendship with each and every one of them after struggling with adjusting to moving back to his home town two years ago.
but what made him the happiest is this restaurant, and seeing you in it. the night after his talk with you downtown, was the only time that he got a good night's sleep the whole week despite him getting only five hours.
not in a million years would he admit it, the chances of seeing you during a kaiju attack was the thought that made him feel light on his feet and eager to protect the city (to see you). but to his surprise (he was bummed the whole day), he didn't catch at least a glimpse of your [color] hair, but it was fine, he thought.
he didn't need to see you all the time, he thought. that would be greedy and desperate, he thought. your safety is what matters, it's a good thing that you weren't near another kaiju attack, where he had the chances of talking to you again, he thought.
"so, were you near the kaiju attack last week?" kenji asked.
why the fuck did he ask that.
you looked at him and tilted your head. "uhm," you said, chewing on your food and swallowing it as your facial expression questioned the weird conversation starter.
great, kenji. now she probably thinks you're a freak, he thought.
on the outside, kenji was as cool as ice with his unbothered look and relaxed body language. but internally, he was on his way to drive his motorcycle off mount fuji.
"i was near it, actually." you said, drinking your water. "i was a few streets down from the kaiju, so thankfully i didn't have any trouble getting to a safe place."
kenji sighed out of relief, thankful that you were safe, and that you didn't seem to think of him as a freak. "that's good," he said.
"funny you mentioned kaijus," you said. kenji looked at you with shock in his eyes, beads of sweat forming on his forehead.
did you figure it out . . ?
"i've recently gotten my old apartment building ruined by one just a few weeks ago." kenji sighed.
"oh, i'm sorry," kenji said and you just waved your hand to let him know that it was okay. "how are you holding up?" he asked.
"alright, i guess. the landlord was kind enough to give us back two months worth of rent back for the inconvenience and exposure to danger. i guess the kdf offered their aid to him." you said as you continued eating your meal.
kenji hummed. "what about you?" you asked, placing the back of your forearms against the table counter, your elbows brushing against his.
kenji took notice of this and cleared his throat. "i haven't been near one," an obvious lie. "there was one time when a kaiju attacked the arena that i played in, it was gigantron, i think?" kenji said.
"oh, that's unfortunate. glad to know you're safe." you said.
"oh, no, i'm really not. the kaiju now holds me hostage in my own home."
"huh . . ?" your eyebrows knit together in worry, your [color] eyes staring into his purple ones.
kenji stared back into your pretty eyes and felt warmth on his cheeks. he looked at how your expression says that you believed every word he said. kenji covered his smile with the back of his hand and laughed, squinting his eyes.
you immediately frowned at the joke and gave his shoulder a soft punch before taking another bite at your food.
suddenly, the lights of the restaurant started swinging and flickering. you felt the ground shake and you looked at the people in the restaurant, before locking eyes with kenji once again who gave you a worried look.
a speaker that came from the street alerted everyone of the happening. "this is the kaiju defense force. evacuate the area immediately." the speaker repeated.
the roof of the restaurant broke, a red-colored foot piercing into it. you heard the people that kenji came in with shouting as they guided to help each other scurry to exit the building. as the others left, everyone was divided and you were with the chef and three other people. the chef led you all to the back exit of the restaurant and you all ran into the street, gathering with the other people in the neighbouring buildings who went out for their safety.
"are you all okay?" the chef asked, beads of sweat forming on his forehead from the sprint.
you gasped for air, trying to ease your breathing as you threw him a thumbs up.
"kenji and the others went out into the street to where the kaiju is," one pointed out.
another held onto his shoulder and gave him a worried look. "i'm sure they're alright." he said.
the crowd talked amongst themselves while the tmpd (tokyo metropolitan police department) made sure that everyone was okay and that the injured were provided aid. ultraman appeared as always, his glowing eyes acting as the sun in the cold night.
after an hour, ultraman had guided the kaiju back to where it came from. the kdf gave the tmpd the green signal and told all the civilians to go home for the night, asking those with the damaged properties to stay behind to discuss insurance and such. you bid farewell to the chef who asked you to stay safe before he was guided by the policeman to talk in an office.
a man tapped your shoulder and bowed farewell to you along with his mates, hoping for your safe travels. they were the people you were separated with in the restaurant. you greeted them good bye and started walking home.
alone again, you sighed to yourself and rested your hands in the pockets of your jacket.
this was probably the first time that you were dangerously near a kaiju attack without talking to ultraman, you thought.
turning right into a dark street, you saw a big motorcycle parked on the side as you were about to pass it, and before you knew it, a huge being emitting a beam of light was falling from the sky.
what the fuck?!
you covered your face with your arms before it landed to spare yourself from accidental blindness, and you were surprised to lower your arms just to see the man that you met earlier at the restaurant instead. "little ma'am?" he called out, eyes widened as he panted.
you stared at him with complete shock visible on your face. "kenshi?!"
taglist: @ttulipwritezz @c-losur3 @saeyari @taleiak @spencerrxids
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harveybwabbit92 · 3 months
Grocery girl: Ken Sato x Reader pt. 3
You were a delivery girl who was frequently dispatched to the famous baseball player's Ken Sato residence, you were a nobody that anyone hardly paid attention to, until you found the legendary baseball passed out on his front steps looking like hell, being a bit of worry wart you help him inside and that things took a HUGE turn when you find yourself playing mommy for a giant baby dragon....
Part 1, Part 2
*"Help me raise this baby Kaiju"* "Pfft, easier said then done..." R/n muttered as she unpacked her stuff in one of the guest rooms, which was by the way; bigger than her apartment, R/n's things barely filled the space leaving huge gaps in the room making it feel little empty.
"Maybe I'll buy a couple plants or something..." She sighed and went to go check with Ken on what exactly she was supposed to do? Like R/n knew she had to help with the baby...but, how exactly? Not everyone can turn into a superhero the size of a skyscraper! She'd like to know what exactly his game plan was?
Meanwhile Ken was pacing around his base while baby was napping in her chamber. He had no freaking clue what to say to R/n, his brain was so fried from a lack of sleep he wasn't thinking straight when he came up with whole co-parenting thing, it was all starting hit him all at once!
What could he get R/n to do? She was just regular human! What if she had work the same time he had a game? what if baby has an explosive tantrum and accidentally hurts R/n or worse? The death of a civvy would not look good on Ultraman's track record, then again; neither was hiding a baby Kaiju but-
Ken's train of though was cut off by R/n coming down the elevator it was kinda weird seeing her in regular clothes and not that obnoxious red and blue Depotman uniform, having traded in said uniform in for a t-shirt and shorts, Ken straightened himself out and tried to make it seem like he wasn't on the verge of a complete breakdown as He and R/n got down to business...whatever it may be.
R/n's responsibilities were meager at due to her human factor, she was basically a glorified playmate to distract the baby whenever Ken was away. "...Feed her when her tummy rumbles, the burp her." R/n interrupted him with a snort.
"Right!~ burp her, right, right- I'll do that, But first lemme just call up Zordon and see if he has any spare Megazords laying around..."
"Ah, a woman of culture I see..."
"Lonely childhood."
So...yeah, R/n burping Baby was out of the question...almost, they tried testing at method that Mina suggested; it involved R/n running up and down barefoot along the little Kaiju's back as a alternative and while it did work. the downside was it was very unstable for R/n to keep her footing and Baby's need to spit up afterwards caused some problems.
The infant immediately jumped to her feet with R/n still on her back and sent the woman tumbling off towards the metal floor, where she would've broken her back or neck if Ultraman hadn't quickly caught her. "Okay, not doing that again..." Ken said with a sigh as R/n slapped her hand over her mouth. "Ugh, I think I'm gonna barf too if I don't get on solid ground." She groaned Ultraman carefully put her down and announced his intention to clean baby up outside seeing as she wasn't completely done spitting up yet.
R/n meanwhile was looking at the putrid green mess already pooling around on the floor and was worried he was leaving this for her to clean up, until the she noticed the glowing "window" was actually a force field; sea pooled into the room as ultraman and Baby stepped outside before it was all pumped out by a drainage system. "Seriously, how much did this cost to build?" R/n wondered out loud It was then when Mina revealed that this basement use to be part of a spaceship that Ken's father used to arrive to Earth.
Cut to Ultraman rubbing Baby's back as she finishes up her business when the rare silence was broken by a faint yell from somewhere...It sounded like someone yelled "What?!" at the top of their lungs.
To say, things got better for Ken with the extra help would be stretching it R/n again had no idea what she was doing and was mainly in charge of keeping the baby entertained for a couple hours so he could get so sleep or go to work, but unfortunately life's a B, and Though they took turns waking up at odd hours feeding her, or bathing her. (R/n uses a large push broom as a scrub brush.. or at least tries to, that baby Kaiju can run!),
Ken was still heavily needed for heavy clean up duty and that left him exhausted during his games, also he noticed R/n hadn't gone to work once since she moved in with him which caused him to jump to the conclusion that she quit, cos that what the last person who lived with him back in LA did (Which resulted in nasty break up).
So he confronted her "No I didn't quit my job, I took maternity leave." R/n said affronted by his accusation, Ken looks at her skeptical how she could possibly gotten on leave when she doesn't have kids? "I told my boss that a friend of mine had just became a single parent and asked me for help so I'm moving in with them, he gave a month off to adjust my new responsibilities." She further explained that it was Mina's idea and the bot pretended to be the friend on the phone with R/n's boss to confirm her story.
"Okay, if this is the case, then where the heck have you been going when I'm on baby duty?" The exhausted baseball player pressed R/n looked at him slyly. "Toy shopping." Ken at her befuddled "Toys for who?" Cut to Mina helping R/n pull in a large cart with a tarp over it out of the elevator and in front of the baby who looked at it curious as R/n removed the tarp revealing a adult pedal car (It looks like the ZAT van from Ultraman Taro) and a 9ft tall Oni? action figure. (it's Momotaros from Den-o)
The baby cooed reached out to them but R/n stopped her for a moment before pulling out what looked like a giant tan rolled up mattress, Ken wondered if it was for chewing on or something, until the delivery girl cut the straps and plastic wrapping open to reveal it was a vacuum sealed 15 foot tall stuffed bear!
Baby squealed excitedly bouncing on her feet before grabbing the bear hugging it; she started playing with rest of the toys she got. While Ken stares on in awe. "I'd figured she was bored being stuck indoors all watching nothing but TV, I know was..." The baby was apparently acting out a hero saving her bear from a car crash she saw on TV show.
"How much did that stuff cost you?" Ken asked watching the scene feeling guilty about earlier; he pretty much accused R/n of being a leech when she was spending money for him. "The car and figure were from my job, rejected packages that were rotting away in the warehouse for the last 10 years; figured they might as well be used for something." She said the paused for moment seemingly in thought. "Annd you kind of paid for the bear." Ken looked at her confused how he could've possibly paid for the bear, R/n noticing his confusion and sighed. "Of you don't remember, last month? when I brought you coffee and donuts? You acted like a spaz and tipped me?" The cogs were spinning in Ken's head before grinding to a halt now remembering.
"Right....How much did I give you?
"Around 30000 yen or so..."
"...That's three hundred dollars, Yer telling me that bear cost three hundred dollars?"
"Hard to believe, but yes. It was a prop for photos in this designer children's photography shop I deliver to, the guy was selling it cos it scared the kids, I thought we could make better use of it."
R/n said with a little shrug Ken hummed and went back to watching the baby and trying not to doze off, only to be alerted that he had to go to work and begrudgingly made his way to the elevator much to R/n's concern the delivery girl could feel the tipping point was coming, she just hopes that when it does Ken knows he's not alone now and can try to open up to her a little more... 
Cross posted on my A03/Squidgeworld/Wattpad.
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nororitz · 19 days
narumi gen and academic achievement
tags: self-indulgent, bullet points-style, self-imposed stress, academics stuff, curse words, no kaiju au, non-established relationship
note: uh first post yay. english is not my first language ngl. also idk how to format anything please. writing this while i have an essay due tmr morning is crazy though.
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• Recently, you've been stressing yourself over the overwhelming tests and work that never seems to end. After working your ass off for weeks without any respite, all your efforts are finally being paid off.
• Staring back at you was your phone screen with words of congratulations and a high score written along with it.
• Absolutely elated you turned to Narumi Gen, your close friend of many years. Preparing to tell the good news to Narumi who's busy with his controller and some kind of BS5 game.
• There's a high chance of him not even hearing you because he's too absorbed in his gaming, bloodshot eyes boring holes into the screen. Yet, you're still showing him your phone screen anyway, excitedly displaying your proud achievements. The adrenaline rush overpowering the small, hideous doubt stored in a corner of your mind.
• At first, you're sure he didn't even register your voice talking to him. But then suddenly Narumi is putting down his controller and taking the phone from your hand, the BS5 no longer playing game music and sound effects. His bangs block half of his face so you can't read his expression well. Silently, you eagerly awaits his reaction.
• After a while, he says "You worked hard so it's to be expected that you would do well," before handing your phone back to you. It's startling, but Narumi is really someone who is blunt.
• "Yeah...but there was a chance I still wouldn't be able to do it you know?" Narumi, who senses the sadness in your voice, goes still. Finally, he lets out a huff and faces you properly.
• "What are you talking about? Since when did you have so little faith in yourself? You always gave your all in everything so this result isn't surprising in the least." Damn this guy and his attitude.
• But this is pretty much Narumi Gen's roundabout way of saying I've seen you put your effort into this and I believed you would succeed from the start. It might seem like he doesn't care, but Narumi is a person who pays close attention to someone important to him.
• It did kind of sound like he was scolding you though. "Narumi, you really..." "Hah!?!?" Breaking a smile, the bickering between you and Narumi erases the traces of doubt lingering in your mind.
• Narumi is someone who knows about hard work, results, and acknowledgement better than anyone. So, I believe he would think that you were more than capable of achieving the results that you wanted. Even if he's not as direct about it, he has a lot of trust in your abilities.
• If you end up falling asleep in the living room at the end of the day, the familiar sounds of Narumi's BS5 lulling you to sleep. He would take a glance at you before muttering something like a, "You did well," his gaze holding a kind of secret fondness to it.
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can you tell that i love narumi. he might be slightly ooc my brain is fried.
likes, reblogs, and comments are so very appreciated ☆
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theratcircus · 29 days
Hi I need so badly for you to say literally anything about EDS herms or dysautonomia newt some more (perhaps more focus/importance from me on herms.) when you have the spoons because you’re the first person I’ve seen to mention his disability possibly being EDS and as someone who has had pacrim as a special interest since 2013, EDS Hermann very quickly became a very personally impactful headcanon when I found out that’s what was going on with me. like it was an even deeper layer of connection if that makes sense. and then dysautonomia newt is also cool because at my current job I am literally going by the name newt and my dysautonomia is a Known Thing because I keep having to either run and lick salt out of my hand in the little hallway corner between the kitchen and tables or beg the expo worker to give me fries with more seasoning salt than any sane person would want lmaooo. Anyways sorry I just saw the post and it was huge for me personally
Yea of course!! I love EDS Herms & dysautonomia Newt dearly. I think Herms had issues with his hypermobility + stomach issues from his EDS from an early age, but his father always pressured him to push through it & tough it out, which caused more problems than not. After so long of having his problems ignored, he started doing his own research on EDS on his own & started to slowly but surely find what worked best for him around high school/college. He successfully got accommodations for online classes for college, but held off on using a cane in public for years out of fear of judgement by his peers, but eventually got more comfortable. His half of the lab probably has neatly organized drawers of heating pads & braces for when he’s working long hours. He also probably has metal ring splints to help stabilize his fingers with how long he’s at the chalkboard every day, which have the unexpected upside of appealing to Newt because the ring splints look cool & accent Herms hands nicely.
As far as Newt goes, he started developing symptoms of dysautonomia in his early teens & was good at first about taking care of himself, but after the Kaiju attacks started ramping up, he ended up with blinders on about just about anything that wasn’t saving the world, so he’d often forget about eating/staying hydrated/sleeping, which obviously wasn’t good for him. The most he’d do to help himself was to toss back a handful of salt or drink caffeine to manually raise his heart rate/pressure if he started feeling heavy.
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melishade · 6 months
prompt #25
This ask game
TFP Kids in AOP. Jack, Miko, and Raf doing something nice for the Survey Corps
Sasha could smell it and it was distracting her. She was consistently sniffing the air, the ground, the walls. Where was that damn smell coming from?!
The 104th stared in confusion at Sasha's manic gestures. They wanted to know what was going on, but they were afraid to ask.
"Is something wrong?" Optimus asked as he approached the 104th in his holoform with Hanji and Levi.
"Sasha's acting like some rabid animal," Jean answered lamely.
"Quite manic," Hanji commented before their gaze turned to the crowd, "Odd, I thought Jack, Miko, and Raf would be with you guys."
"I thought you kidnapped Raf again and Jack and Miko had to chase you down," Eren retorted dryly.
"Hey!" Hanji was offended at the jab, but Levi shook his head, signaling them to accept defeat. They shouldn't have even tried that in the first place.
Sasha snapped her head upwards and grinned. "I got you."
Sasha made a mad dash towards the kitchen, prompting the others to follow her. When Sasha reached the kitchen door and swung it wide open, she took a step forward. But she yelled as a rope snagged around her ankle and hoisted her upside down in the air. Sasha yelled in frustration, trying her best to get down but to no avail. The Survey Corps were surprised to see Sasha dangling like that, but their gaze fell to what was inside.
Jack, Miko, and Rafael were hard at work in the kitchen. Jack seemed to be keeping a close eye on a pot of chopped potatoes boiling over a fire, stirring it over and over again with a wooden spoon. Miko was peeling potatoes with a knife, seemingly whistling a tune in the process. Meanwhile, Rafael was working over another fire, boiling some water and filtering some of the contents of the water out with paper. Atop the table at the center of the kitchen rested a tray of potatoes cooked very differently compared to what they were used to. It wasn't boiled at all, and it looked like it was chopped into tiny sticks, or fried into small circles. They spotted both oil and salt on the table next to the stuff, but how they got the oil was clearly a mystery. They saw different vegetables on the table as well, clearly they were experimenting with something.
Rafael stopped what he was doing and noticed Sasha hanging from the trap. "Oh, that was meant for Hanji."
"Stop making jabs at me!" Hanji ordered.
"Stop trying to kidnap me," Rafael stated.
"It's probably good that this is holding Sasha," Connie proclaimed.
"Connie get me down from here! Let me enjoy paradise!" Sasha demanded.
"I'm not letting you hog whatever this is!" Connie yelled.
"What the hell is this anyway?" Levi demanded.
"While this world is cool when it comes to medieval spidermen and kaiju transformations," Miko began dramatically, the back of her hand over her head.
"We miss food from our world and the island's food is bland," Jack went straight to the point as he tapped the wooden spoon against the pot, "So we're making chips and fries with what we have."
"Chips and fries?" Armin questioned.
"It's just two different ways to cook potatoes," Jack explained, "I made french fries all the time back on Earth when I worked at a fast food place."
"We usually get chips already ready in bags and we're trying to add some flavor, like onions and limes, so a few of our attempts might be botched," Rafael warned, "At the very least, those Marleyan ships have quite a bit of food we can use."
"I want to try!" Sasha pleaded.
"Okie dokie!" Miko set down her peeled potato and snagged one french fry from the table. She walked over and kneeled down to Sasha's face before putting the french fry in her open mouth. Sasha gasped in shock at the saltiness and warmth of the fried potato. The huntress bawled tears of joy as she chewed the delicious treat.
"I'M IN HEAVEN!" Sasha sobbed.
"Hey, I want to try!" Jean exclaimed.
"Yeah, me too!" Connie agreed.
"Sooooo, what are you making?" Hanji slid over to Rafael with a sly grin.
Optimus watched from afar as the Survey Corps chatted and ate snacks with his old human allies. A few were helping Miko peel potatoes, some were listening to Jack talk about his old job as he got the fries out of the pot. And Rafael was explaining how to make salt with the ocean's water. He couldn't help but smile at the sight of the 104th's faces turning sour at some of the potato chips with lime on them. However, the captain appeared to like the lime-flavored chips, taking a small bowl and chewing quietly. He did hear the captain grumble about a mess the food was making, but he didn't stop their fun. Sasha consistently tried to scarf down more fries and chips, but consistently had to be held back by Mikasa so everyone got their fair share.
"I'm curious," Hanji began as they grabbed the bottle of oil from the table, "How did you get this? Oil is extremely rare and meant for people in the inner circle. You've even used some salt, even though Rafael appears to be making some just fine."
"The better question is, Commandant." Miko approached the Commander before glaring at them, "Are you going to snitch on us?"
"Snitch on you about what?" Everyone was surprised at Levi playing dumb, but the captain merely continued to eat his fill, "It could use less salt."
(Okay, someone asked about 38, but the rest is free game!)
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This episode man...
This is a damn good Superman series.
I all but stood up and cheered when the House of Zod and his Full-Blown Space Armada was 30 seconds away from straight-up invading Earth but were apparently so in denial about Jor-El's warning that the fricking origin story blew them straight to hell.
I love how they finally name dropped General Sam Lane, implied that he was about to or just had a kid on Zero Day, and had Waller confirm that Clark reminds him of Lois, but still won't actually reveal it until next weeks episode about Fathers.
They were already hinting he subverts the 'heartless general' archetype before, but the way his resolve just breaks when he sees the tears streaming down Clark's face...
The attention to detail with the subtle confirmation that Waller didn't miss Livewire realizing she retained her powers without the suit...
And then Deathstroke gets his trademark eyepatch when she fries his eye out of its socket...
The Kaiju Parasite is a bit excessive, and in a lesser series it would be the season finale villain, but overall it's a pretty cool design, and this isn't over yet.
More attention to detail with the fact that Clark immediately healed when the sun oh-so-symbolically rose, and the emphasis on the dropped bag as a cue to notice Jimmy would pick it up- these people know what they're doing.
I find it interesting that (presumably) Zod is already in superhuman aspect, leading me to believe that he, and by extension Clark, were in fact intentionally engineered as living weapons rather than gaining powers inadvertently from the sun (and to reassert the part of my theory that Clark looks just like him, likely due to being some form of clone.) But it probably is actually Zod rather than a Dark Clark if he was an adult on Zero Day.
So we're just gonna have the most awkward family dinner in the world, where Lois has to explain that The General is actually her dad, Ma and Pa Kent finally make *another* onscreen appearance, Jimmy and Lois collectively freak the hell out over the Dark Clark reveal, and then Zod is just gonna burst through the wall battered from having spent twenty years flying here the long way...
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PIC INFO: Spotlight on codename "Bladehead" kaiju concept art from American sci-fi/action/monster movie "Pacific Rim," c. 2011. Artwork by ILM (Industrial Light & Magic).
"One of the rules that I gave to the Kaiju designers is, I wanted to think how a man in a suit would fit in there. The Kaiju are trying to honor the spirit and the feeling of the classical Kaiju. We are keeping them mostly two-legged, not humanoid, but sort of a silhouette that reminds you of those classical ones."
-- GUILLERMO DEL TORO, on "Honoring the Kaiju Tradition" (DVD featurette)
Source: https://monsterlegacy.net/2013/07/11/monster-gallery-pacific-rim-2013/bladeheadconcept-2.
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chernobog13 · 7 months
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The family that flies together fries (kaiju) together!
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harveybwabbit92 · 3 months
[Hikari and Mother of Ultra have Akari hooked up to some kind of giant light bulb looking contraption, apparently they heard about her gaining certain mutations from eating kaiju meat like, fire resistance, poison immunity etc, etc... Their testing the effects from her eating Elecking meat Zero and Seven were there to observe and though neither were keen on the idea of experimenting on Akari but they had to make sure there were no negative effects from her dietary habits.]
Mother: Now dear, we're doing a electricity test today.
Hikari: You just need to eat some Elecking meat and we're going to monitor any changes in you body or energy levels.
Akari: Okay, but I should warn you beforehand don't touch my ax unless you wanna get shocked!
{A few minutes of Akari eating the meat there wasn't really any change until they heard a loud pop they looked over at Akari's ax and could see it was letting off electrical discharges as the slugger's blade turned teal green and it's shape morphed into a more jagged or zigzag appearance; almost resembling a lightning bolt.
They looked back at Akari and saw the three nondetachable sluggers on her head had also taken a similar shape, the color of her body had also changed; now silver it bore some semblance to her brother's Shining form, however it had teal and yellow Lichtenberg figure designs going down her body and the energy coming off her was caused the light bulb to shine brightly before overloading then the bulb blew out.]
Hikari: Fascinating, Let's do a combat test.
Seven: Right now? She's barely been on the planet a week!
Hikari: It's better to do this now, then sit on it later.
Zero: You'll be using drones, right?
Mother: Of course we're using drones, You don't need to worry about your sister's safety.
[Zero winces]
Seven: It's not Akari's safety we're worried about...
{Hikari and Mother didn't understand until after the combat simulation was over, When they witnessed Akari's electrical attacks had fried the drones and the systems of the training room they were using to a crisp; which would take days to repair! both Mother and Hikari were both stunned in amazement and terror at the sheer power the teen could put out, Mother was suggesting that Seven enroll Akari into the more advance combat classes as she'd be too much for the beginner and mid class students to handle, Seven reluctantly agreed.]
{Akari doesn't actually have to consume Kaiju meat to achieve her power up forms, she can turn at will or from absorbing large amounts of electricity (for her electric form anyway), Eating kaiju meat just gives her a little boost to speed things up.
In her poison form Akari's body turns purple and black and her eyes turn pink; she can't use her ax due to the oily poison secreting from her hands, she can however elongate her nails into claws that can be used in devastating slash attacks, in this form Akari's touch is not deadly by any means but it can paralyze her foes, put them to sleep, hypnotize or cause them to hallucinate.
in her fire form Akari looks the same except for her all her silver markings turn gold and she emits a blazing aura that's hot enough to glass sand and melt steel, and since she lives in a heavily forested area, Akari tries not to use that form at all so not to burn her home down.]
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engagekiss · 2 years
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DiViNECEMBER ‿‿‿ the kinda 1000, kinda 300 followers coining event from the goddess !
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🖤 RULES ‿‿‿ these also count as just notes for the event … event starts December 01st !
01 ; you can skip any day if needed, but do not go ahead ! just for the sake of organization && keeping the spirit of the event ~
02 ; these prompts are mostly concepts … therefore, you can do what they mean to you ! for example, if a prompt was “ bunnies, ” your term does not have to mention bunnies — it can be about what bunnies are to you, like luck, purity, anything [ within reason … but that’s hard to gauge ] ! this is as to inspire creativity !
03 ; this coining event is actually 08 days, but the final day is optional … this is because the goddess isn’t fond of odd numbers ~
04 ; each day has two prompts ! you can choose between them, combine them, or do both !
05 ; you can use the tag divinecember or as avdecember so the goddess can see your hard work ~ you may also tag the goddess if you wish !
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🐇 PROMPTS ‿‿‿ what it says on the tin !
DAY 01 : TRUTH / IDEALS ; the goddess holds a certain game very dearly … those are the theme to that game …
DAY 02 : SAINT(ESS) / TEMPT(RESS) ; the fragile one is both a saintess && a temptress, both equally important … but what’s the difference between the two?
DAY 03 : AI / FLESH ; the fragile one is an ai, yet vi has a fleshy exterior … going in && out of computers is fun !
DAY 04 : LOVE / NEUTRALITY ; they say the opposite of love isn’t hate, but rather neutrality … and the goddess agrees — vi isn’t even capable of hate, never has been !
DAY 05 : STARS / EARTH ; the goddess is a cosmic horror … yet vi is mother earth ! the earth is more grand than we realize !
DAY 06 : FAIRYTALES / HORROR ; fri who sleeps comes from many stories that can be seen as fairytales or horror stories depending on who you are ~ hehehe …
DAY 07 : ELDRITCH / MORTALS ; the goddess is in love with many mortals ! there is so much love for them in the goddess’s heart !
( BONUS ) DAY 08 : PATIENCE / CHAOS ; the goddess is an abomination of extreme patience … yet fri sends mortals into madness, hehe ~
ALTERNATIVE PROMPTS : if you’re struggling with prompts but would still like to create something that day, here are a few ! ; weapons / cuteness / snow / warmth / ribbons / spikes / dolls / monsters ( kaiju ) … these are not day specific, and you can combine them with the “ official ” prompts, but you can’t use them again after using them once, so be careful !
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good luck && have fun ! the goddess hopes you all enjoy this event as much as scy had fun creating it ! 🖤🎀
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