#kai voyagers one shot
firemenenthusiast · 5 months
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kai voyagers x reader headcannons
warnings: sfw, fluff. kinda sad tbh
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- since you were little kids you’ve been almost inseparable, doing almost everything together
- he had his eyes set on you when all of you were introduced to each other in the playroom and as a kid he had approached to befriend you without thinking
- the blue makes them emotionless, cant feel happy, cant feel sad, cant feel love— yet he knows deep down he feels something for you. he just didn’t know what it was
- and the something he feels since you were little wasn’t necessarily love, but what he is sure of is that he’d always pick you in a room full of people
- richard noticed how both of you would play together, do chores together and was becoming a pair. a one for two deal. so he let the both of you be
- the best thing about living on the ship is when all of you are given a free day of the week. where you could just do whatever you feel like doing, no chores, no schedules, for the whole day
- so he would knock on your compound first thing in the morning, making sure to be the earliest so you can have the whole day to spend time together
- you as a child was so cute, so he would pick a blooming small flower from the garden, picking out the most vibrant of them all because he couldn’t tell what was pretty and what was not
- the flower he’d pick would be tucked behind your ear, making you look even cuter to him
- the feeling you both have for each other would at times pound at your chests yet there’s nothing you could do about it, the blue supressing them all
- he wished he could describe or atleast tell you that he loves spending time with you but he didnt know how, he didn’t know that was a thing
- despite not understanding or knowing what the two of you have, you continue doing everything with him cuz you feel the most at ease beside him
- the two of you have always been around each other since there wasn’t much difference in your height so when kai started growing so tall, you have to crane your neck to look at him
- free days are always both your favourites, up until you’ve both grown up as teenagers. especially now, you spend more time just sitting together at the ship’s viewpoint, pointing at the nearest burning star, you resting your head against his shoulder
- so when the whole ship stopped taking the blue, the feelings you have for each other became elevated. like you had just now discovering a deep connection with each other
- the lack of blue in your systems makes the two of you happier, finally being able to feel the rush of running around the ship, laughing and giggling at each other,,
- and cry together at your designated spot, the viewpoint while watching the stars in private after they had found richards stash of his photos on earth
- you don’t understand the fault of your existence that you have to be shipped away in a swallowing abyss of darkness, away from the shining sun on earth
- he doesn’t know what it feels like to sit on the grass, basking in the sunlight like richard used to do in those pictures, but he bet it feels nice
- and he wants nothing more than to feel how nice it is to lay on the grassy field, with your hand in his, you on his side for hours on end
- living on the ship is full of uncertainty, they don’t know who they actually are most of the times
- but one thing kai knows that even if it’s the end of the world, he wants you to always be with him
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r4vn · 1 month
hey shawties ;)
so i have started uni again! its a new university so im still getting accustomed to my new environment. updates will be maybe even slower. but i will do my best to continue :) for those in school i hope you have an amazing school year also <3 and if you are on break, enjoy yourself!!
all love!!
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tryskomys · 7 months
Wet Sand
Stone Gossard x OC
Chapter 3 - For Emily, Whenever I May Find Her
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Summary: there’s a first time for everything.
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notes: chapter three is go! hope you enjoy the voyage through the start of the weird relationship between these punky dummies - you met a day ago, it’s not that deep. right? right?!
tw: weed, virginity talk, allusions to the word that rhymes with eggs. dreamy pining psychedellia.
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“Morning! What can I help you with?”
“I’ll have a latte, please. Do you have something else than milk, though?”
“Jeff? Do we have any oat milk left?”
“Yep, I just opened a fresh carton.”
“There you have it!”
“Great, I’ll take that, thanks.”
“That’ll be a dollar in total, please. One oat milk latte, Jeff!”
“Coming up, Keeks.”
Just as Keeva took a dollar bill from the cute ginger girl in front of her, the front door swung open, sending in a swift of cold air.
It was Stone, excitedly waving a paper bag in the air. Her jaw dropped and she shook her head with a huff. Stone seemed out of breath as he ran up to the counter, fog still puffing out of his mouth.
“Here it is, milady, it’s still warm. My apple turnovers will burn if I don’t come back in ten minutes, so make it quick, please,” he spewed, leaning against the counter as he tried to catch his breath.
“You’re so weird,” was all Keeva stuttered out through giggles. That made a huge smile appear on his face, his eyes twinkling. She took the paper bag from him and peeked inside, sighing with contentment when the scent of freshly baked pastry filled her nose.
“Jeff! One cappuccino with an extra shot of spit, please,” Keeva called over her shoulder and Stone’s Cheshire cat grin grew even wider, chuckling. She scratched her forehead to hide her raging blush with her hair.
Jeff shook his head as if he was already over what he called ‘the Tom and Jerry on crack routine’ earlier. He gave her the ginger’s order and as Keeva handed her the oat milk latte, she noticed that the girl checked Stone up and down. And he gave her a little side-eye, smirking.
“Oh! Oh hey, Stoney! Haven’t seen you in ages, almost didn’t recognize you! Great hair,” the girl blurted out and went in for a hug. Stone seemed to know who she is, but Keeva could notice that he tensed up, clearly not too keen on hugging everyone he bumps into.
She felt some sort of twisted satisfaction when he awkwardly gave her a half-assed hug, but as soon as the girl let him go, it was as if a switch flipped in his brain. He eased again and folded his arms, as cool as ever.
“Mel, Mel, Mel…fancy seeing you here. Thanks, there was a sale on red box dye in CVS. Not like you need that,” he chirped and reached out to flick a strand of her hair, a sly smirk plastered on his lips. "You might find a few of us strolling around town."
Mel’s airy giggle rang through the room and Keeva darted between the two of them. The dynamic seemed to be slightly similar to the one she’d seen with the blondie last night. And once again, she couldn’t help but feel awful.
‘Kay, mate, I get it, you enjoy flirting with everybody else, but do you have to fling it in my face?
“There’s a rumour going around that you’ve dropped out and ran off with a travelling circus show. Disappeared for, like, what…” he continued, scratching his chin.
“I don’t know, five months? I just had tons of work for school so I wasn’t out much,” she shrugged. “I’m back now, though, Christmas break. So we can get the party started right where we left off,” Mel quipped and took a sip of her coffee, leaving a lipstick stain on the lid.
She looked at him through her lashes to emulate a ginger Bambi and he smirked, but his words were seeping with sarcasm.
“Can’t wait.”
Oblivious to his jab, she took another sip and asked Keeva for a napkin. Without leaving Mel out of her sight, she blindly reached under the counter, whipping out a tissue box.
Stone carefully observed the shorter woman in front of him, biting his cheek when Keeva put on a fake smile and theatrically presented the box to Mel.
“Hate to barge in on your planning session but I might need to serve another coffee, so I gotta ask you to move slightly to your left or right, depending on your preference,” she explained, moving her sardonic gaze to Stone.
He was already darting across her face with a cocky grin and he didn’t seem too phased. On the contrary, his scoff indicated that he was amused by her acidity.
“You still have my number, right? So that’s sorted,” Mel said after patting her lips dry as they shifted to the side.
Nobody was behind them, but Stone knew better than to comment on it. He knew Keeva’s frigid response would provoke another war for the last word.
“I keep it in a heart-shaped locket next to my bed, no worries,” he retorted and Mel blushed a little, putting a stray lock of hair behind her ear.
“Always the tease. Let me know then and we’ll figure something out,” she purred and took a look at her wristwatch. “Oh, gotta run. My class starts in half an hour. See ya, Stoney!” she went in for another hug and he lousily put his arm around her shoulders, his smile once again twitching with an uncomfortable cramp.
“Yeah, see ya,” he mumbled, giving her a jittery wave.
“Cheers, have a great day,” Keeva called after Mel as she walked away, narrowing her eyes at Stone when he turned back to her.
She took a big bite of her croissant, humming when Stone raised his eyebrows in question.
“Hm, it’s digestible.”
“Excuse me? We at Grand Central Bakery pride ourselves in the best pastries in town,” he shot back, shaking his head as he leaned on the counter. “I chose the crispiest one I had, don’t be a brat.”
Keeva dusted off a fleck of puff pastry that settled in the corner of her lips, ignoring the rush of blood that crept up her neck. She scoffed.
“You don’t strike me as a locket kinda guy.”
“I had to think of something,” he shrugged, fiddling with little clumps of wool on his left glove. She raised her eyebrows with a dramatic gasp and clutched her invisible pearls.
“So you’re saying you don’t have it?”
“The only things I keep next to my bed are a grass pipe and a mug that’s been collecting coffee debris for two months.”
That’s, uh…not surprising. Somehow. What the -
“I’ve seen her once at the Ramp and didn’t have the heart to turn her number down. She had cute handwriting,” Stone shrugged again, biting his lips to contain a grin when she let out a loud annoyed sigh.
“How chivalrous of you. Your turnovers are burning as we speak, so you should make like a Mel and disappear,” Keeva said as she took the coffee Jeff handed her. “One spit cappuccino to-go, that will be fifty cents.”
“It says a buck on the board,” he squinted at the menu and grabbed his cup. His freezing fingers brushed against Keeva’s knuckles and she stifled a cough before taking another big bite of her croissant.
“You paid the other half in material goods,” she mumbled with her mouth full and stuck out her palm. Stone chuckled and fished a half-dollar coin out of his back pocket, theatrically slapping it on top of her palm.
“Should I make like a Mel and give you my number? As a little tip?” he grinned, taking a sip of his coffee as she raised her eyebrows.
“Tempting…but, no,” she gave him a mocking smile and tossed the coin into the cashier drawer. “I don’t have a locket to store such a valuable thing.”
Stone scoffed and mirrored her sarcastic smile, reaching over the counter to flick her nose. She slapped his hand away and tapped on her watch to remind him to leave.
“Touché. I’ll be waiting ‘til you get one,” he gave her a silly wink and whistled to get Jeff’s attention. “See ya at lunch, Ames.”
Jeff just quickly looked over his shoulder and continued to wash his hands in the sink.
“See ya, now go before they sack you,” he mumbled with a grin. Keeva gasped.
“Jesus, don’t give him ideas or we'll never get rid of him.”
Stone was already half out of the door when he gave her a middle finger, leaving his arm between the doorframe. He held it there until the door squished him and then snaked out, once again disappearing into the icy fog outside.
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Precise like a Swiss clock, he came back to the café exactly at half past noon, just as Jeff reached the door to lock it for the lunch pause. He let Stone in, eyeing the bag in his hand with a gulp.
“I have arrived, children. Turkey salad sandwiches from Cyclops, fries to share,” Stone sharply exhaled when he walked in, slightly out of breath, and shook the plastic bag in the air. His hair was tied up in a neat ponytail, pointy ears red and tender from the frosty wind.
Keeva’s stomach growled on cue at the whiff of fries and Jeff whistled, reaching into the bag like a starved raccoon.
“Woah, fancy. Got your allowance, buddy?” he mused, chuckling when Stone softly slapped his cheek.
“Fuck off. Took three extra shifts last week to pay you back for the weed, asshole. You’re a spendy date,” he hissed and walked away from Jeff before he could finish taking his food.
He came up to Keeva and reached out to ruffle her hair, throwing his arm around her shoulders. As he led her to the back door, he called after Jeff. “Baby didn’t even want me to buy her a beer yesterday, you should take notes.”
Keeva chuckled and grabbed her leather jacket as they walked past the coathanger. A picture of his awkward wince at Mel's hug flashed through her head when he tugged on her hair as if it was the most natural move in the world, his cold fingers grazing her neck.
“Like a wolf,” she quipped back, chuckling when Jeff mocked Stone’s hair tug and yanked the bag out of his hands. He reached inside and chomped down a bundle of fries.
When they walked out, the cold air felt refreshing, in stark contrast to the overheated café. There was a small roof over the short staircase as well as a part of the patio.
It was quite clean and without any snow, so they all sat down in a circle and took their food, plopping the fry basket in the centre.
When Keeva took the first bite, it was a heavenly sensation. After days on crusty bread, the juicy salad and grilled turkey hit just the right spot. She closed her eyes and hummed, dipping a few fries into the signature Cyclops spicy mayo dip.
“My, my, Ames, I think she likes it,” Stone mused and she rolled her eyes, scoffing.
“I shall die and go to heaven, now. Bye,” she mumbled with her mouth full, resting her head against the brick wall.
Jeff laughed and reached into the inner pocket of his windbreaker. He grabbed a cigarette pack with three blunts and a lighter inside and offered it to Stone, who took one out and lit it. After he took a long drag, he handed it to Keeva, who just took a bite of her sandwich.
“I told you, it’s like sticking your head into a fratboy’s gym locker,” she shook her head and pushed his hand away.
Stone exchanged an amused look with Jeff as he passed him the joint and chomped down a bunch of fries.
“Oh, and I can’t jam today, gotta go get the knee checked for the last time,” Jeff shrugged and Stone shook his head. He wiped his hands on his jeans and loosened his scarf to scratch the back of his neck, just where the tips of his ponytail tickled him.
Jeff did a quick double-check between Stone and his food as he passed the joint back and prepared to take the first bite.
“Stoney. My dude. Is that a fucking hickey?” he gasped, breathing in a bit of toast.
Stone's eyes popped open as if someone dumped a bucket of cold water down his jacket and started feeling around his neck in panic.
“Huh? Where?”
“Holy shit, how old did you say you were?” Keeva scoffed, slapping her forehead when she leaned over to take a peek at the small purple bruise under his ear. “Fifteen?”
They spoke at the same time and Jeff started laughing at Stone’s sudden defensive body language, choking on his sandwich.
“I’ve seen worse, Keeks. One time, he ca-“
“Okay, okay, okay. Chill out or I’ll tell her why the hat stays on when you fuck,” Stone reached over to Jeff and slapped the back of his head, forcing the blunt into his mouth.
Jeff was still trying to cough out the piece of bread stuck in his throat, so he started wheezing even harder.
When Stone guaranteed that Jeff was properly shut down, he finally let him go and slapped his back a few times while taking a puff. His brawny friend finally calmed down after a minute of furious coughing, but he still didn’t lose the wide grin on his face.
“Jesus fuck, I need water. Be good,” Jeff stuttered and hopped up, disappearing behind the staff door.
A moment of slightly awkward silence passed as they exchanged a look, both eagerly trying not to burst out laughing. Stone tried to offer her the blunt once again, but Keeva took a bite of her sandwich instead.
With a little bit of luck, I’ll choke too and won’t have to look at you anymore. That would be cool.
“Pussy,” Stone huffed and broke into a wide grin when she gave him the finger. He sighed and leaned his back against the cold brick wall, crossing his legs as he chomped on a fry.
“So, you came here all alone?” he questioned, his face clouded by remnants of smoke.
“Yup. Free as a bird, I guess. Weehoo,” Keeva chuckled, wiping toast crumbs from her cheeks with the back of her hand.
Not getting into that right now. Not when I have this glorious toastie in my hand.
Stone whistled.
“Left a strapping young lad named Arthur behind, I presume?”
“Do I really seem like a desirable object of attention?” she huffed, softly tugging on her freckled cheeks and pointing at her mismatched irises. He gave her a side-eye and took another fry.
“I mean…”
Stop taunting, asshole.
“Shut it. No, there was no Arthur to leave behind.”
“No, there were no Tommies or Charlies or Henries, so save that.”
Stone shut his mouth and his eyes slowly widened as he sat up straight, taking the half-eaten fry out of his mouth. He stared at her for a few seconds before raising his eyebrows as far as they could go, his hand still hanging in the air.
“Uh, wait, wait, wait. Let me get this straight. You mean…I’m sitting in front of a real, unadulterated Virgin Mary?”
“I’m not -“ Keeva interrupted him way too abruptly and shrugged so hard that a piece of turkey flew out of her sandwich. When his overwhelming stare grew even wider, she lowered her voice. “I’m not a virgin, okay?”
“Sure. And I am,” he snorted out a laugh and slapped his knee as if it was the most amusing information he’d ever learned. “Bet you never even kissed a guy, Mary.”
She kicked his shin as hard as she could, adding a weak punch to his bony shoulder. Stone just giggled again and his freckled nose scrunched.
Irresistibly irritating.
“Leave me alone! I have! I have kissed a guy, okay? Once or twice…or once,” she mumbled, getting more quiet as her excuses ran out. His jaw dropped.
“Holy. Shit.”
“Fuck off! It’s not fair to compare me to you, you’re a little whore!” she shrieked, her voice jumping a few octaves higher than usual. That made him laugh even harder.
“I’d take a whore over a Mother Theresa,” he shrugged and finally ate the cold fry he’d been squishing between his fingers. Keeva shook her mop of curls, trying to curtain her patchy cheeks.
“You know, Stoney, you talk a lot for someone who’s at an arm’s length from my virgin fists. So watch your mouth.”
He raised his hands in defence and bit his lips to contain the laughter. She threw him a scolding stare and took an angry bite of a big bunch of fries.
Stone inhaled to speak and she already raised her finger to shut him up, but he just wouldn’t let it go.
“You know, there’s two things I can’t stand in my proximity. Girls with freckles and virgins. And you’re sitting right in front of me.”
“Yeah? Tough shit, can’t do much about that,” she shot back, her mouth full of potatoes. He raised his eyebrows again, breaking into a poorly contained grin.
“Uh…I have a few ideas.“
Okay, now you’re crossing a line.
“You disgust me,” she coughed out after a few moments of chewing.
Stone just slowly took a big hit and lazily leaned closer to her. He puffed the thick cloud right into her face and a tingle ran through her vertebrae as if he shocked her with a taser.
Fuck. That’s impossible. He knows. He must know.
“Do I? Why are you blushing?” he added, voice hoarse from the smoke.
Keeva took a moment to compose herself, suppressing a sneeze that tickled her nostrils. She gulped down the fries, mindlessly staring at his smirking lips as she recalled her dream.
“Fucking hell. Your hubris is baffling, mate,” she muttered and cleared her throat to get rid of the strain in her vocal cords.
“My hubris is baffling? Golly gee shucks. I shall dub thee ‘granny’ instead of ‘baby’ if you keep talking like it’s the eighteen hundreds,” he calmly retorted, tipping his head to the side. “I’m just saying, if you ever need a friend to help out…”
Keeva scoffed.
“You know, this whole ‘sarcastic lanky stoner punk‘ shtick you got going on might work on girls around here, but I can see right through you,” she sneered, trying to show confidence in her words. “You’re like an annoying old book I’ve read ten times over. I’m in your fucking head, beanpole.”
“Yeah, you are,” he quietly quipped, tipping his head to the other side. Keeva raised her eyebrows.
“Stop staring at me like that.”
“Why?” Stone tipped his head again and put on an innocent pout, his eyes gleaming as if he flipped a light switch.
How the fuck does he do that?
“Because I don’t like it,” she weakly shot back.
“Somehow, I don’t believe you.”
Neither of them moved an inch, though. And after a few moments of tense silence, she finally thought of an answer worthy of the personified mischief in front of her.
Payback, beanpole. Payback.
“Stoney, Stoney. My great-great-grandma used to have this saying. You know, in the eighteen hundreds,” she nonchalantly waved her hand and tipped her head as well, carefully taking the joint from his fingers.
“It went ‘Never trust a guy with a hickey,’” she mumbled and raised it to her lips. “‘…especially when he says he wants to fuck you real bad.’”
She finished by taking a deep hit and without a single blink, she blew the smoke in his face.
“And I’ve lived by that ever since.”
Before he could respond, she stuck the blunt between his lips, backed away and took another unassuming bite of her sandwich.
Stone’s eyes fluttered closed for a split second before he raised his eyebrows and cleared his throat.
Just as he took the joint out to shoot back at her, the metal door swung open and Jeff hopped off the small set of stairs, landing right between them.
“Ah, I could’ve died back there and you didn’t even come to check on me! Bet you were talking shit,” he chuckled and scooted over to his food, chomping on a few fries. “What did I miss?”
Stone stared at Keeva and she just shrugged, challenging him to answer. He blinked and then finally eased back into his immovable cool facade, scoffing.
He took a quick look at his watch and got up, unceremoniously putting the joint out on the door before slipping inside.
“Keeva is a virgin.”
She was carefully scanning the empty street for any signs of human appearance, but it seemed like this ghost town was empty.
What a haunting feeling.
She was evidently waiting for something - someone, anxiously tapping her foot in a steady rhythm.
It was the dead of night, soft snowflakes soundlessly floated around her and muffled all sounds of the darkness like weightless cotton balls. As if she was stuck in a crystal snow globe filled with ink.
Warm lamps stood along the pavement of what was eerily similar to Pioneer Square. They emanated a beautiful amber glow, making the white flecks seem almost like fire sparks.
The entry signs of all surrounding shops were written in unreadable letters that moved and changed time and time again, appearing and going as they pleased.
A clump of snow glided its way to the tip of her nose. She crossed her eyes to look at it and tried to blow it away, but she accidentally breathed it in instead.
She let out a suppressed sneeze and rubbed the melting flake away, her fingertips freezing.
Looking up from the sparkling gravel under her feet, she scanned the starry sky with childlike wonder. She couldn’t exactly tell the stars from the snowflakes. Both twinkled similarly, illuminated by the full moon that hung right above her.
The light mirrored in his peculiar eyes, making them seem like glowing gems from afar when he emerged from the surrounding fog on the opposite end of the street. He made his presence known with a soft whistle.
She already knew he was there, though. The air shifted around her just as he appeared out of nowhere.
She turned her head to look at him, breaking into a wide grin when he took his hand out of his pocket and gave her an endearing wave.
He skipped along the road in long hops, nearing her a lot quicker than the distance seemed to be. As if he was skipping through time as well.
He wasn’t leaving any footsteps behind, he didn’t have a shade. But then again, neither did she.
Sprinkles of snowflakes fell on his messy red hair, tied into a tangled bun on top of his head with an outrageously pink scrunchie. Here, though, the fabric seemed to be muted and warm, surprisingly soft. Just like him.
“Oh, look who’s here! You were waiting for me in this weather? I’m blushing,” he mused, putting his arm around her as soon as he reached her.
He gave her what would normally be a bone-crushing squeeze, but in this place, it felt like catching fog with bare hands.
“You told me not to forget. You’re more intimidating than you think,” she mumbled and folded her arms to warm her hands in the armpits of her leather jacket. He grinned.
“Well, I think pretty highly of myself, so…”
“Yeah, I figured,” she squinted at him, curiously studying the red frostbitten patches on his cheeks with a sly smile.
“Wanna take this? It’s fucking freezing out here,” he mumbled when her teeth started chattering and began to take his suede jacket off. But she shook her head, holding his arms in place.
She ran her hands through thin air.
“Nope, I’m fine, ta. Did you make this weather up, Stoney? Like a weird yawn-to-put-your-arm-around-a-girl type deal?” she nonchalantly chuckled and blood quickly rushed to her cheeks when he unexpectedly took her fingers in his palms, rubbing them together to melt the freezing sensation.
It was eerie, to suddenly feel his skin on hers. Icy and silky, like a soft breeze tickling her pale knuckles. The intensity of her blush was painful, stinging and scratching her cold flesh from the inside.
He lifted her hands to his lips, softly blowing on them. His breath was balmy and caressing, like running one’s hands through a bowl of honey.
“Maybe I did. Twenty-one years alive and I’ve never seen as much snow as this year. It’s like you brought it with you, like a little punky Jack Frost,” he mumbled into their intertwined fingers. “I’m not complaining, though. Feels like we’re in a song or something.”
“Why do I have the feeling that you’ve already used that trick a couple of times?” she playfully lifted her index finger to nudge his aquiline nose, but once again, she only poked air.
Like she was able to touch him only when he permitted it. Manipulating the matter of her body, the sole sovereign of this bizarre world, above the limits of time and space. The look he gave her wasn’t as mischievous as she’d expected.
“Would it hurt you to stop being bitchy for just a couple of seconds?” he raised his eyebrows but continued to softly caress the back of her hands.
Silence hung in the air as she averted her eyes, embarrassed by his sudden crassness.
“I never dream,” he added and waited for her to look at him. His eyes were brutally honest. Older, wiser, burdened with something she wasn’t able to decipher. “But when I see you out there, I can’t tell if I’m awake.”
She opened her mouth to say something, but she wasn’t able to find words that would describe the feelings running through her head like a freight train.
Instead, she opted for carefully loosening her hands out of his grip and then took his fingers in hers, now returning the favour by blowing on his red knuckles.
His expression softened a bit as he watched little puffs of fog leave her lips, eyes dissociating when she gathered the courage to plant a feather-light kiss on his fingertips. Then, she gently pushed the hand back to his face, pressing the fingers against his lips.
They were still warm.
His eyes fluttered closed because somehow, he could still feel the soft skin of her lips on them.
Without thinking, he mirrored her action and returned the roundabout kiss by reaching back down to her, lingering on her lips for a fleeting moment before finally slipping his hands back into his pockets.
After what felt like hours in a maze of his strange gaze, she gathered enough strength to steady her breath and finally spoke.
“Let’s not wake up, then.”
And as if on cue, the shriek of an alarm clock disturbed the ghostly silence. It seemed to be slightly muffled by the glowing fog around them, but it still pierced her heart like a scalloped knife.
His murky voice washed over her like a warm ocean wave, spilling into her veins. Slowly, calmly, somberly.
And as always, crowned by a daring smirk.
“Tomorrow, same time, same place. Don’t you forget…”
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yorshie · 1 year
Which is your favorite Lord of the Rings movie?
You- you sure you wanna ask, nonnie? Are you suuuuurrrreeee? This is my LOTR self coming out of hiding, Kay?
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*slams book on table while laughing maniacally*
I first read The Fellowship of the Ring in 8th grade, for shits and giggles. Shits and giggles. I consumed books at an alarming rate but that’s not the point don’t look at the stack of books behind me look at me-
I can’t. Pick one. I can’t tell you which one is my favorite. Tolkien made a perfectly imperfect world and filled it to the brim with chivalry and doomed but doing the right thing anyway and-
Well fuck I just scrolled back up and noticed you said movie not book. Whelp. Great. Here I go looking like a crazy person. I apologize.
Favorite Lord of the Rings movie…. Ughhhhhhh-
The shallow answer is The Two Towers for…. reasons….
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The um. *Cough* the actual answer is Return of the King.
Now don’t get me wrong, each is wonderful and beautiful. I love Fellowship because it has the shire shots and it’s hopeful and it’s the beginning, but return of the king, with its prophecy fulfillment, characters answering to their fate, and just. Swoon. There’s so much hidden details and dialogue with double or triple the meanings and it’s like a full course meal for anyone paying attention.
The Dimholt Road. The Lament for Faramir. The Last Ride of the Eorlingas. Eomer who expected to die and finds himself alive and his family “dead”. The fact that Frodo would have fallen if not for his servants. (I use servants loosely but Frodo was higher up in hobbit hierarchy than Sam and yet without Sam he could not succeed). The literal return of the king, the symbol of old world before the “fall of man” and the lifeblood of the people. The redemption of Isildur. Just. Chefs kiss it’s all so good. How all these Good and Great people could not have succeeded without help from those they deemed small in the grand scheme of things. Merry saving Eowyn. Pippin saving Faramir. The last voyage of all that was considered old and hallow from the shores of middle earth but somehow still having hope for the future.
I love angst and I love old world storytelling and when I look at any of Tolkien’s writings I see Beowulf and Ring Der Nibelung and The Arthurian Legends. And it’s just perfect. And Peter Jackson did a wonderful job of encapsulating all that onto the silver screen.
Wow. Maybe I am a crazy person. Thank you for the ask, nonnie!
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zombeesknees · 2 years
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I posted 6,436 times in 2022
That's 928 more posts than 2021!
47 posts created (1%)
6,389 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 6,430 of my posts in 2022
#as queue wish - 6,182 posts
#art - 1,059 posts
#lgbtq - 699 posts
#videos - 471 posts
#our flag means death - 358 posts
#marvel - 321 posts
#wookies cheat and han shot first - 208 posts
#brb loling forever - 198 posts
#kinnporsche - 198 posts
#good vibes - 192 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i love the idea of their jaeger just looking like a giant one of them and the helmet has an led visor that delivers pithy bon mots in french
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Hey, folks. I know we’re all currently consumed with Our Flag Means Death brainrot. But now that season one is done, and we’re impatiently awaiting a season two, we’ve got some downtime to fill.
Might I recommend the Sink or Swim duology, co-written by a pair of queer authors, yours truly and @stephanierabig?
What’s Sink or Swim? Well, it’s more queer pirate greatness, with a focus on romance, swashbuckling action, and supernatural sea creatures. We’ve got lesbians and nonbinary characters and canon throuples; we’ve got mermaids (and a particularly hunky merman) and sirens and magic and more! The heroes take on slavers and kill bad men. There’s love across class/racial/species divides, a heavy dose of Found Family, and badass women aplenty.
Click the read more for the synopses and order links!
Captain Harry Roberts and the crew of The Sappho are an unusual bunch. Bound by defiance, friendship, and a shared code of honor, these pirates took to the seas to escape marriage, cruelty, and prejudice. To find adventure, freedom, and those they’ve lost. The pirate’s life isn’t an easy one, but the ladies of The Sappho love to rise to a challenge. Whether it’s sailing through treacherous reefs or tangling with treacherous enemies, like Wrath Drew of The Charon… Navigating the cultural waters of merfolk and sirens, or the wild nightlife of lawless ports…. Pursuing romance or preparing for revenge…. Making impressive scientific discoveries or tending to the sick and injured…. Righting the wrongs of society or rescuing the victims of slavery…. Captain Harry and her wild women are ready for anything. Or so they think.
Click here to order Sink or Swim: The Search for Aveline.
The bold crew of The Sappho return for more swashbuckling adventure and sizzling romance! Finally reunited with her long-lost sister Aveline, Captain Harry is happier than she’s ever been. But it will take time for Aveline to recover from her ordeals. The tales she has to tell will be hard for her sister to hear. And will the singer and Harry’s first mate, Jo, ever be able to reconcile after everything they’ve been through? Meanwhile, a chivalrous titan comes to Lady Deborah and Katherine’s aid. Harry takes steps to set the penny dreadful stories straight. Kai and Isabelle encounter a unique ghost, and the pirates witness two momentous births. Hope puts her mystical skills to good use to thwart mermaid collectors, Franky finally sees how Maddie got her nickname, the search is on for the Emerald of Tococo, and unexpected reunions expand the crew. Plus: Just how did a one-legged scientist become The Sappho’s cook? Is it true that only women can change into merfolk? And how many golden-hearted pirates does it take to liberate a plantation? The voyage is never a dull one aboard The Sappho!
Click here to order Sink or Swim: The Sanctuary of Nalani.
35 notes - Posted April 5, 2022
Hi, I've never seen any Cary Grant movies. Do you have any recommendations on where to start? <3
So Cary is, at his core, a Very Handsome Clown.
That first bit is obvious right from the get go, while the second sometimes surprises people -- but the man came from a family of acrobats and vaudeville performers, and he was NEVER afraid to go Full Buffoon in something, thank God.
Which means most of his film career can be boiled down into two primary genres: Screwball Comedy and Handsome Asshole.
In the first, you’ve got (and here’s where my recommendations kick in)
Bringing Up Baby -- Cary is a paleontologist who JUST WANTS AN INTERCOSTAL CLAVICLE FOR HIS BRONTOSAURUS, GOT DAMMIT and yet has to deal with a ROGUE LEOPARD because of ditzy socialite Katharine Hepburn.
The Philadelphia Story -- Cary is a rich dude named C. K. Dexter Haven who’s trying to re-woo his ex-wife, Katharine Hepburn, on the eve of her second wedding, but then reporter Jimmy Stewart’s also there and romantic, drunken shenanigans ensue. (Note: Cary and Katharine did a TON of movies together, all of which were great, and his influence at the studio helped save her movie career when she was deemed “too much trouble/box office poison” by shitty men in Hollywood. For that reason alone he has my undying love and respect.)
Arsenic and Old Lace -- Cary just wants to go on his Halloween honeymoon with his new bride, but it turns out his sweet dear old aunties have been KILLING LONELY OLD MEN as a public service and he’s just found a body in the window seat. Awkward.
His Girl Friday -- Newspaperman Cary tries to convince hotshot reporter (and ex-wife) Rosalind Russell to cover the Execution Story of the Year -- and also to not marry her bland new beau. Things get wild when the condemned man escapes and the whole city goes wild. (Note: This film is extra notable because it’s arguably the first movie to have realistic dialogue where characters frequently speak over and interrupt each other. The patter is FANTASTIC.)
People Will Talk -- World’s Greatest Doctor Cary falls in love with a patient who’s in dire straits due to an out-of-wedlock pregnancy, and also has to face down a committee seeking to destroy his career. (This one’s a bit more melodramatic than screwball, and isn’t talked about near as often as his other films, but it holds a special place in my heart.)
As for the second, you can largely thank Hitchcock because there’s
To Catch A Thief -- Retired Jewel Thief Cary is forced to get back into the game/clear his name when he’s suspected of making off with ladies’ necklaces again. This one co-stars the ever-goddessly Grace Kelly and a really cute red neckerchief.
Notorious -- Cold-as-Ice Spy Cary recruits innocent Ingrid Bergman, the daughter of a Nazi, to infiltrate a group of her father’s old friends who fled to Brazil (one of whom is The Invisible Man himself, Claude Rains). Things get rough in a hurry.
North By Northwest -- Ad Exec (think Mad Men) Cary is mistaken for a spy and goes on the lam. Featuring that infamous crop duster chase across the field, and a fight literally on the face of Mount Rushmore.
Charade -- Widow Audrey Hepburn is pursued by several mysterious men who’re after a fortune her thief husband stole just before he was murdered. Can she trust Cary, or is he just after the money?
Houseboat -- Stoic Widower Cary hires the vivacious Sophia Loren to nanny his three unruly children, and hijinks ensue when the family moves onto a rickety houseboat. (This one is more of a Screwball, but he DOES play a Handsome Asshole/Straight Man in this one.)
So yeah. Any one of these movies would be a good place to start, though I most recommend diving into his screwball comedies first. They’re just so fun and zany and silly, with really superb dialogue and goofy characters.
35 notes - Posted March 5, 2022
driving home from work tonight, coming around the corner of my cul-de-sac and about to turn into the driveway leading to the garage, i slammed on my brakes HARD.
there was a FOR SALE sign in front of a townhouse three buildings down from ours.
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i immediately whipped out my phone, texted a photo to my realtor, called the number on the sign, left a voicemail for the seller’s realtor.
kirsten (my realtor) got back to me and set up a showing at 8 pm. the place had been active online for about two hours at this point.
we did the walk-through. it’s the exact SAME layout of my current place, except with new wood laminate flooring throughout.
told kirsten to put together an offer TONIGHT. just signed all the paperwork for said offer. the seller’s realtor wants the listing to be up for at least two days, so i won’t know until tomorrow night if i’ve been accepted. i offered significantly over the asking price, because that’s how the market is right now, but who knows -- someone could swoop in and offer an extra 1k and i could miss out.
but y’all.
if i actually manage to get this place
it’s less than a MINUTE walk from my current digs. i wouldn’t have to pay a DIME for moving expenses. twads and i could just walk everything over in the course of a day.
if there is ANY higher power out there, please, i am b e g g i n g you, do me this one solid. PLEASE.
37 notes - Posted April 26, 2022
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See the full post
58 notes - Posted May 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
A Happy NaNoWriMo to all who observe it. May the odds be ever in our favor.
132 notes - Posted November 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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heybrownieboy · 3 months
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POV: Written. 2nd Person.
— Word Count: 1.6K
Author’s Note: It’s been 10 whole days since I’ve updated😬 I am so sorry. There was a lot of things going on in my life that I barely had ANY time for myself or to actually be able to write😭 But now everything is sorted out and I will be able to get back into making this regularly. Also, the accounts in orange in the taglist cannot be tagged :(
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“What movie should we watch?” Nicholas asked.
“Twilight?” Lily suggested. 
A chorus of groans erupted amongst your friends. 
“Hell no,” Matthew said, “I can’t sit through them again.” 
Lily huffed, folding her arms across her chest with a defiant pout. You bit back at laugh at her antics, thoroughly amused. 
You and your six other friends— Nicholas, Lily, Matthew, Huening Kai, Jay and Natty— all sat in the Huening family’s home theater. It was alway the destination for your group’s weekly movie night. 
“American Psycho?” Kai asked. He was flipping through the heavy DVD binder you had brought over. 
“You and Y/N are the only one into movies like that,” Natty said. 
“It’s a classic!” Kai and you exclaimed at the exact same time. 
“That’s considered a classic?” Lily asked. 
“To Millennials and Gen Z, probably,” Jay said, shaking his head.
“The Human Centipede?” you asked with a smirk.
Lily, Natty, and Matthew all shot you disgusted looks. You couldn’t help but laugh at them and held up your arms in mock defense.
“Sorry,” you said. “I forgot not everyone has taste.” 
“Taste?” Nicholas asked exasperated. “Nothing about liking The Human Centipede screams ‘taste’.”
“My sister’s ex forced me to watch it in eighth grade,” Matthew recounted with a grimace. “I had nightmares for a week straight.” 
“Weak,” you taunted. 
“I was fourteen!” 
You giggled, hopping out of your seat and walking over to where Kai, Natty, and Nicholas were with the binder. 
“Why are all of these horror?” Natty grumbled, flipping another section of the binder. 
“Because that’s all Y/N watches,” Nicholas said.
“It’s the best genre,” you said. 
“Don’t you have enough horror in your life?” Lily asked. “Dealing with ghost and demons on a daily basis?”
You shrug. “Maybe that’s why I like it? It’s familiar.” 
“Tusk and Ichi The Killer is familiar?” Nicholas asked eyeing at the movies that were nestled next to one another.
Kai snorted in amusement. “She has dealt with spirits of murders before.”
“Honestly they’re some of the easier spirits to deal with,” you said, scanning over the DVDs.Your eyes landed on a certain one. I don’t think any of them have seen that before.  “What about The Autopsy Of Jane Doe? It’s actually really good. It was made by the same person that made The Last Voyage Of The Demeter.”
“I’m down,” Matthew agreed.
“Sure why not,” Jay said.
A few minutes later, Kai had everything set up and you were plopping yourself down in-between Lily and Jay with a big bowl of fresh popcorn. 
But it was about half way through the movie when you felt something enter the house. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes in mild annoyance. 
“Why is it every time I go somewhere, something has to crash?” You grumbled quietly, hopping up.
I really can’t just have one night? Damn. 
Kai paused the movie and looked over at you. “Is something here?” he asked.
You nodded. “It’s in the bathroom,” you said, nodding to the exit of the theater. The bathroom was right across the hall. 
Nicholas started to stand but you waved him off. “It’s fine. I’m pretty sure it’s human.”
“Yell if you need the holy water,” Nicholas said.
“Will do.” Your eyes flicked to the huge screen the movie was paused on and you sighed. “You guys can keep watching the movie. Whatever this is might take a while.”
“You sure?” Lily asked. 
“We can wait,” Natty said. 
You shook your head and started for the door. “I’ve seen it before a few times. Don’t worry about it. I’ll be back.” 
The second you stepped foot into the bathroom tough, you were hit by an overwhelming strong aura. It threw you off balance for a moment but, you were able to catch yourself. 
It’s almost like Lee Minho’s aura, you thought to yourself. But it’s different. More severe. 
You squared your shoulders and eyes scanned across the bathroom.“Why don’t you show yourself, hmm?” you urged, pulling the door shut behind you. “You are here for me right? I’d like to know who I’m talking to.” 
The spirit’s aura wavered slightly— almost hesitantly. “I guess I can do that,” a raspy, deep voice said. 
You watched curiously as the spirit materialized in front of you, its aura becoming even more intense than before. Now why did that look like something out of a sci-fi movie?
You eyed the man now visible to you. He stood a few meters away closer to the bathroom’s window. He was shorter in stature with pretty honey toned skin and fluffy black hair. His big eyes were a deep chocolate brown and his round cheeks added to his cute appearance. He wore a torn up green plaid pajama set that was covered in mud and blood. A deep gash wrapped around his neck and was surrounded in splotchy bruises purple and blue bruises. You scrunched your nose at the sight of the infected wound, your stomach feeling a little queasy. 
He’s just like Lee Minho.
Your eyes then widened in realization. Slowly, you dragged them down to look at his limbs. Heavy iron balls and chains latched on to every one. Just as you had expected.
So he’s…
“You know who I am, don’t you?” the spirit asked.
“Han Jisung,” you breathed. 
Jisung nodded and gave you a small, tired smile. He lifted his arm, the heavy chain clanking loudly. “Minho-hyung has these too,” he said. “They’re really annoying. So heavy and for what?” 
“In my premonition you didn’t have any,” you said, voice quiet. 
“You were running from hellhounds. You almost made it to Purgatory but…” 
Jisung grimaced. “I gotta go through that again, huh? Not surprised. Hey, maybe third time is the charm.”
“Jeongin had a dream about it too,” you said. “But that was ten months ago.”
“He did?” Jisung asked surprised. “Is that why he came to the mountains in the middle of the night?” 
You nodded, shifting your weight from one foot to the other. “He doesn’t really remember how he got there or most of his hike through the forest. He snapped out of it when he heard you calling for him.”
Jisung clicked his tongue in annoyance. “Those things were playing games with him,” he said. 
“Wait, things? As in multiple?”
“We made a contract with three of them,” Jisung said. “We don’t know what they are but we were so desperate we acted like dumbasses and agreed.”
“You have no idea what they are?” 
Jisung shook his head. “All I can say is that two of them aren’t human,” he said. “The other one… I don’t really know. He’s still a living person so, I guess he is.” 
You stared at him shocked. “Living? You made a contract with a living person? Was it a warlock? A shaman?” 
“Maybe? Um, he did do a few spells and rituals. But I honestly don’t know what exactly he is either.” 
Your eyebrows furrowed. “That just makes things worse.”
A lot worse.
“Jeongin asked you for help, didn’t he?” Jisung asked after a moment.
You nodded. “Minho’s been haunting him for a little while and he asked for my advice. He tried a knocking method to talk to him and well…” 
Jisung hummed. “We didn’t want to get him involved,” he said. “We didn’t want to get anyone involved. But when we broke the binding spell to the mountain, Jeongin’s apartment was the only familiar place we could actually enter for awhile. We’ve only just been able to enter other buildings.” 
“Binding spell?” You asked, more to yourself than the man across from you. You sucked in a breath. “Okay, so this contract you made, what was it?” 
“To be resurrected.” 
You stared at him, mouth opened in shock. “Huh?!”
Sheepishly, Jisung rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah I know,” he said. “It was insanely stupid. The living guy was the one that told us he could help. He found our bodies after we were murdered. He told us we could come back to life but we’d have to do a few, uh… things first.”
You let out a soft sigh. “It’s stupid yes. But, you’re only human. Most people would accept an offer of resurrection in a heartbeat.” You rolled your shoulders. “So what were these things you had to do?” 
“It was like a trial,” Jisung said. “First, we had to escape Purgatory.” 
“Escape Purgatory?” 
“It’s not as easy as it sounds. Easier than escaping hell but still very difficult. The hellhounds are everywhere along the boarder. They hunt down anyone who tries to get in or out without permission. If they succeed, you’re sent straight to hell. If they fail, Azrael comes and personally sends you to hell. It’s practically impossible to escape him.” 
“But you have, haven’t you?” you asked. 
Jisung nodded. “Once,” he said. He grimaced. “When they said biblically accurate angels are actually terrifying, they really meant it. I was more afraid of him than of the hellhounds.”
I was too.  
“What happens after that?”  
“We had to sell our souls,” Jisung said. “Originally, it was only a quarter. But we were deceived. They took half instead.” 
So I was right. That’s why their aura is so overwhelming and dark.
Jisung opened his mouth to continue but halted. You watched as his body tensed up, eyes widening almost comically. 
“Shit!” he hissed.
“What’s wrong?” you asked. “What’s happening?”
“They’re back already,” Jisung said, He looked around the room frantically. “I thought I would have a lot more time to speak with you. But if they see I’m gone, God only knows what they’ll do.” His eyes connected with yours. “Go to Minho-hyung. Please. He’s with Jeongin and he will explain all the rest to you. We really need your help, Y/N.” 
And with that, Jisung was gone.
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Of Chaos And Spirits Masterlist
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©️heybrownieboy 2024
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jules-has-notes · 7 months
2016 VoicePlay spring events — love all around
A busy winter for VoicePlay rolled into equally packed spring months, full of concerts, educational outreach, personal projects, and growing families.
Here, there, and everywhere
The guys began their spring with a few weeks working on new music at home, during which they fit in a colorful corporate gig alongside Layne's sister- and brother-in-law.
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The second weekend in April was an absolute whirlwind. They started just outside Denver at the annual CHSAA music festival, where they got to spend two days with student vocal groups, and found a reminder of a friend.
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From there they headed east for the Boston Sings festival and the CARA ceremony. They didn't win for their "Phantom" video, but they did get to see Deke receive his well-deserved lifetime achievement award in person.
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The next day, they drove out to Worcester for a matinee concert and a radio interview with Bonnie Johnson on "Colors of Jazz" before flying back home.
The next weekend, the boys traveled back to Wisconsin to make up the second show that had been cancelled by winter weather earlier in the year. One stalwart young fan was so determined to see them that she and her prom date skipped the big dance in favor of the show.
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a sleepy soundcheck, but a lively show
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audience participation — photos by Sarah Kay
Love you lady, bye bye
During a brief few days back at home, Eli proposed to his girlfriend Ashley before the boys hopped on the Disney Magic for the first of four cruises they'd booked over the next couple of months.
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The other work didn't stop just because they were at sea, though. Some of their downtime was spent creating new arrangements and rehearsing for upcoming video shoots. (They did get up to some shenanigans on board, of course.)
After the Magic ended, they had a few days at home before hopping aboard the Disney Wonder.
Give it up for auditioner Tom and his well-timed platypus!
During the few days between the second and third cruise gigs, they filmed the video for "My Shot". Also, Eli and Ashley acquired a new little buddy, a pup named Anna (after the Frozen character).
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Then during the three weeks between the third and fourth voyages, VoicePlay recorded their "Aca Top 10 — Bro Country" video with Chris Rupp, released the "Aca Top 10 — Old School Rap" video, and held a launch day event for "My Shot" at Full Sail University.
Hey, baby
Just before they were scheduled to set sail again, Layne and Cyndi welcomed their daughter Doris to the world. (Her new uncles were pretty excited, too.)
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the Steins welcome their littlest little one
A little help from their friends
With that happy event, the contingency plans for Layne's paternity leave kicked in, including a few local friends. On their final cruise of the season, Max Herskovitz stepped in on percussion. Erik Winger also subbed for Tony so he could focus on finishing preparations for the impending public launch of PattyCake Productions.
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onboard with Erik and Max // in Tampa Bay with Antonio
The weekend after they returned to dry land, the guys scooped up buddy Antonio Fernandez once more and trundled down to the Gulf Coast for a concert in Pinellas Park.
By the time they were ready to head up to Ohio for camp at the end of June, Layne was back in the mix (at least for non-oceanic matters), but that's a story that deserves its own post.
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brookstonalmanac · 9 months
Events 12.23 (after 1950)
1950 – General Walton Walker dies in a jeep accident and is replaced by General Matthew Ridgway in the Eighth United States Army. 1954 – First successful kidney transplant is performed by J. Hartwell Harrison and Joseph Murray. 1955 – The first film adaptation of Väinö Linna's novel The Unknown Soldier, directed by Edvin Laine, premieres. 1960 – Hilkka Saarinen née Pylkkänen is murdered in the so-called "oven homicide" case in Krootila, Kokemäki, Finland. 1968 – The 82 sailors from the USS Pueblo are released after eleven months of internment in North Korea. 1970 – The North Tower of the World Trade Center in Manhattan, New York, New York is topped out at 417 metres (1,368 ft), making it the tallest building in the world. 1970 – The Democratic Republic of the Congo officially becomes a one-party state. 1972 – The Immaculate Reception is caught by Franco Harris to win the Pittsburgh Steelers their first ever playoff victory, after defeating the Oakland Raiders. 1972 – A 6.5 magnitude earthquake strikes the Nicaraguan capital of Managua killing more than 10,000. 1972 – The 16 survivors of the Andes flight disaster are rescued after 73 days, surviving by cannibalism. 1978 – Alitalia Flight 4128 crashes into the Tyrrhenian Sea while on approach to Falcone Borsellino Airport in Palermo, Italy, killing 108. 1979 – Soviet–Afghan War: Soviet Union forces occupy Kabul, the Afghan capital. 1984 – After experiencing an engine fire, Aeroflot Flight 3519 attempts to make an emergency landing at Krasnoyarsk International Airport but crashes, killing 110 of the 111 people on board. 1986 – Voyager, piloted by Dick Rutan and Jeana Yeager, lands at Edwards Air Force Base in California becoming the first aircraft to fly non-stop around the world without aerial or ground refueling. 1990 – History of Slovenia: In a referendum, 88.5% of Slovenia's overall electorate vote for independence from Yugoslavia. 2002 – A U.S. MQ-1 Predator is shot down by an Iraqi MiG-25 in the first combat engagement between a drone and conventional aircraft. 2003 – An explosion at the PetroChina Chuandongbei natural gas field in Kai County, Chongqing, China, kills at least 234. 2005 – An Antonov An-140, Azerbaijan Airlines Flight 217 from Baku, Azerbaijan, to Aktau, Kazakhstan, heading across the Caspian Sea, crashes, killing 23 people. 2007 – An agreement is made for the Kingdom of Nepal to be abolished and the country to become a federal republic with the Prime Minister becoming head of state. 2008 – A coup d'état occurs in Guinea hours after the death of President Lansana Conté. 2015 – A bomb explodes at Istanbul's Sabiha Gökçen Airport, killing one airport cleaner. The Kurdistan Freedom Hawks claim responsibility for the attack four days later.
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sombrasaiyan · 2 years
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Beautiful Black Bride | blacklifla
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major character deaths, graphic violence, sexual themes, angst
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summary: Goku Black wants his perfect utopia free of mortals. However, he doesn’t plan on going any further without his saiyan mate Caulifla at his side. Through attempts does he try to get her to be his bride, but it may have to cause him to make some sacrifices. Finally, Caulifla reciprocates his feelings as the two dance their way into the darkness.
pairing: goku black x caulifla, vegeta x caulifla mentioned
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author’s note: Please note that this one shot is unfinished at the moment but I want to get it out there! When I get the motivation again I will be adding the smut! But in the meantime, enjoy of what I have to offer! My next official one shot is still a work in progress and my estimate is that it will be as long as the Immortal Affair. So look forward to that.
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Sparing a mortal's life was out of the question. However, only the rarest red red rose would receive the upmost golden ticket to live on without the fear of being purged. Never in a thousand years would Goku Black believe that he would harbor such romantic feelings—for a mortal saiyan—a bad combination of both worlds. Both kinds of beings he wanted deceased, especially when it came to the most annoying ones such as Goku and Vegeta. There was one mortal saiyan who he didn't want to see perish at all—nor would he let Zamasu torture with his murderous intentions.
"You've hardly taken a sip of your tea." The familiar voice breaks the god out of his thoughts.
Goku Black blinks as his eyes wander to his partner who assists him in carrying out his mortal purging.
"It's not like you to be so easily distracted," he continues, taking an ample sip of his hot tea. "What's caught your attention?" Curiosity seeps through the green Supreme Kai's very being.
To easily pull his pondering away, Black raises the teacup from being placed down the table and forces himself to take a sip of his tea, delightful and earthy. "Nothing in particular, Zamasu. Just the thought of our utopia's future being blessed with no mortals remaining. Just the way we envision it."
Zamasu arches a snow white eyebrow and hums a soft melodic tune. "I like the sound of that." Zamasu chuckles as a matter of factly. "Forget I intruded your very god-like thoughts with such a stupid question."
And Goku Black did forget, because he could only think of her.
Her body became restless with never-ending thoughts of the future timeline. Once was she a forced citizen who inhabited that cruel world. Now with the help of the time machine, she was pushed back to the present, where she could rest easy with the warmth and safety of this world.
Of course, Beerus and Whis had many conversations and arguments with Champa and Vados about how a universe six saiyan managed to make her way to the future timeline when truly she didn't belong there. Of course, neither of them had the answer to that question, and Caulifla herself didn't have the answer to that question either.
It was like a magnetic force that pulled her to that universe and forced her to live her days there. Fortunately and unfortunately, was she able to drag Cabba and Kale along. Now, her two best friends were stuck in that universe while she was free of a dark paradise here. It was alright though, they had Trunks and Mai alongside them for safety and defense.
As Caulifla hesitantly voyages out towards the time machine, she takes a deep breath, exhaling her fears as she lays a gentle hand on the surface. Flinching, she feels a big hand pressed down on her shoulder, followed by a giggle.
"I'm going to have so much fun knocking some sense into Black and Zamasu!" The goofball giggles with optimism. "Not that I can, but beating them up sure will be lots of fun." He sensed the boiling tension inside of Caulifla, and hoped that his words would ease her mind free of her nightmares.
"Oh yeah! I can't wait to show Zamasu what I'm made of! I'll make sure I twist him into a green pretzel!" Caulifla comments with as much boldness as possible.
"That's the spirit," Goku turns himself towards the open door. cupping his face he shouts, "Hey, Vegeta! Get a move on, we don't have much time to waste! The others could really use our help!"
"I hear you Kakarot!" Vegeta growls as he adjusts his armor to his liking, casting a quick glance at Caulifla before taking her into his lifting arms and throws her into the time machine, and as he expected, she was screaming her head off at him at his action.
"So you sense her uneasiness too, huh Vegeta..." Goku silently thinks as he watches the prince hover into the time machine, Goku quick to follow. This time, the three saiyans would be going without the two female scientists, since the time machine was cramped enough as it is.
Caulifla takes a deep breath, ready as she'll ever be to return to the future.
Kale found herself sleeping in Cabba's arms lately, and the male saiyan didn't seem to mind. Frost too, was plastered on Cabba like thick glue. Frost eventually decided to join in the attempts to stop the gods of this world, since he couldn't stand seeing his three saiyan friends stuck with a problem they couldn't easily fix without help. As time passed in this world, Frost grew much closer to Cabba, more than he expected.
Cabba was wide awake as he frowns at the thought of Goku Black and Zamasu resting so peacefully. His fists quietly clench underneath the covers, as he attempts to distract himself with other thoughts. As he is close to falling asleep, he feels a storm of footsteps coming towards his direction. Careful to not wake up his friends, he is quick to get on his feet and hover over to the open area of the train station that was now their home.
His eyes widen as his jaw hangs loose at the sight that laid in front of him: healthy and raring to go saiyans, Vegeta, Goku and most importantly, Caulifla.
"Cabba! Are you and Frost and Kale alright?" Caulifla attempts to poke her head around her friend to spot the other two.
"Yeah, we're alright. Frost and Kale helped me fight off Black and Zamasu for a bit, they deserve to rest as much as the rest of you do." Cabba answers, though knowing these three wouldn't easily comply.
"Hmph! You seriously think that the lot of us are here to sleep? Those pathetic so called gods deserve to die for everything they've put us through! It's time to get a move on!" Vegeta turns to Goku and Caulifla before turning around to face the front of the train station. "Well? Are you two coming?"
Goku smirks, "Yep! I've been itching for those rematches!"
As Goku and Vegeta begin to speed their way out, Caulifla tails behind them, only to be stopped by a firm hand on her shoulder.
"Wait, Caulifla. I need to talk to you about something that happened earlier today." Cabba whispers lowly.
"Uh, okay. Is everything good with Frost and Kale?"
"...Yeah. It has something to do with you, but I don't think you'll like it."
The ghastly smoke from the fire burns his nostrils as the smell of debris was also very prominent in this area. The fresh memories of torturing the frost demon and the weak saiyan girl made him smirk—but what made it twist into a frown was the fact that Caulifla was no where to be found. It made him want to go on a purging mortal rampage, but he had to be patient. His beloved would return sooner than no time.
"Ah, I sense the saiyans have returned, how about we pursue them again?" Zamasu suggests as Black blinks out of his thoughts. He hated when Zamasu pulled him away from concentrating on his own little plans.
"Mmm, Vegeta and Goku. But then, where's Caulifla?" Goku Black resists the urge to growl, knowing that Zamasu was already rather suspicious of him.
"I can't sense her, but do you want to do the honors of killing her? If you give me the honors of killing Goku." Zamasu says as he turns to look at the dark god with a sinister smirk.
"Good. He doesn't suspect a thing." Goku Black inwardly thought. Nodding at his partner, he gathers himself up. "Well then, let's show those blundering fools what we're truly capable of!"
With that, the two gods soar across their almost perfect world, scanning the area for the saiyans. Goku Black could care less about Goku and Vegeta right now—he'll leave Zamasu to pester them. Right now he needed to be with Caulifla, he needed to have his mate alongside him, protected from any dangers that could come her way. She too, needed him. Goku Black could see it in her eyes, that she knew that they belonged together for eternity.
"There you two phony gods are!" Goku bellows from below as Zamasu grins in delight. Just the sight of Goku made him very elated. Today was the day that Zamasu would kill Goku.
"And where's Caulifla?" Goku Black asks casually, with arms folded. Though, knowing the two saiyans, they weren't just about to give intel on their female teammate. Perhaps, they had caught on instead of Zamasu about Goku Black's loving feelings for her. Most definitely, if they knew, they would never trust the wickedly evil saiyan.
"That's none of your concern Black, but if you must know, she's in the present timeline as safe can be." Vegeta declares with a grin, knowing that it would piss off Goku Black.
"Never mind about the brat saiyan. We have these two to kill." Zamasu says, keeping his eyes on Goku. "I hope you enjoy your last day on earth."
"If you think I'm going down that easy, then you're wrong, Zamasu! You're dead wrong!" Goku immediately transforms into super saiyan.
"We'll see about that." The green god creates his signature lavender purple ki blade and chases after Goku, the saiyan quick to throw punches and kicks, avoiding the blade as much as possible.
That left Vegeta and Goku Black. Goku Black wasn't in much of a mood to fight, not while his saiyaness was out there somewhere without him. If he wanted her to trust him, that meant no harm was to come to any of her friends from now on. For now, however, he would allow Zamasu to have his fun. Goku would be a big distraction for Zamasu, and that gave Goku Black enough time to look for Caulifla.
"Does something trouble you, Black?" Vegeta asks with folded arms, seeing as though the god didn't proceed with their newly awaited battle.
"Nothing at all, saiyan. You see, I am rather tired from fighting that other female saiyan and that lizard. Also, I would much rather rest now. How about you join Goku? From here I can sense that he is struggling to maintain in the fight with my counterpart." Black suggests, hoping that Vegeta would go away as he intended.
"Is this some kind of joke?!" Vegeta demands. "Because if it is, it isn't funny at all, bastard."
Black simply smiles, "Ah, Vegeta. You can sense it too, can't you? Goku isn't going to win this fight. Why don't you be smart and go assist your friend before he's murdered."
Vegeta growls under his breath. He hated to admit it, but Black was right. However, the prince was mildly confused about the dark saiyan's behavior. He wanted answers, but he wouldn't get them anyway. It was hopeless trying to get Goku Black to say anything. Without another word, Vegeta was finally off, flying into the sky to join in the fight to help Goku.
The sweet smell of roses cloud Black's nose as he frowns. The two saiyans lied to him about Caulifla's whereabouts, because he's finally found her.
And he won't intend on letting her go ever again.
Caulifla could only lay on the floor, shattered glass surrounds her being, some pierced her lovely ivory skin enough to make her bleed. Soft whimpers escape her lips as she forced herself not cry in pain. "Stupid Cabba..." she manages to say. Her vision was blurred by the tears she attempted to push back. Her world felt heavy as her ears rang in pain.
"Soon, Caulifla you'll understand...I'm doing this for the safety of all of us!"
Is all he said before he blasted her into the wretched glass building, and now here she was, laying on the ground with many questions of Cabba's cruel intentions. What his mere words meant, and why, just why would he do it?!
Soon, she'll receive her answer.
"Caulifla?" The familiar husky voice calls out, light like vanilla, loving and trusting for once.
The little saiyan's eyes widen once she realized who it was. How was it that he found her so easily? When she masked her ki as much as possible to hide herself in this state. Squeezing her eyes shut, she tries to ignore the pain that was overwhelming her body.
Thud. Thud. Thud.
The sound of his boots coming closer and closer sends shivers down her spine as she forces herself on all fours. Even attempting o crawl away was such a chore, and she hated feeling so defeated at this moment. Soon, she'll be trap in the arms of the dark god, and she had to at least try. Try to escape the hell he was about to put her in.
Goku Black onlooks at her bloodied and broken figure with a frown. His eyebrows furrow once he realized that this was most likely Cabba's doing.
"Remember, boy! No harm shall come to my mate, and I will spare your life alongside your two lovers!"
"Tch, stupid saiyan couldn't even keep his promise of not hurting you." Goku Black saunters slowly in the direction of Caulifla, almost getting a high of watching her struggle in that position.
"Y-You led Cabba to do this! Why?!" Caulifla demands, her palms pierced with the fragments of broken glass as she gasps out in pain of it cutting her skin.
Black was tired of watching her crawl through the glass bath and inflicting pain upon herself. Sighing, he scoops her up within his arms. Again, however like their last few encounters was the little saiyan quick to try and escape his strong arms, leaving Goku Black frustrated.
"Let me go you bastard! I am not going to stay in that hideout with you again!" She cries out, as Goku Black growls into the back of her neck, causing Caulifla to gasp out in surprise. A part of her was drawn to him, but the very sane part of her wanted to evade him. Deep down however, she too knew how eternally bound she was to him.
"Quit being so childish, Caulifla! I'm not going to have you bleed out to death here, and you don't have to worry about Zamasu this time around, alright? You'll be with me, and I won't let anything happen to you." Goku Black assures her as he cautiously begins to take flight to the sky.
Caulifla keeps a scowl on her face, digging her nails into her palms. She was angry at the fact that she was dragged back into his arms, again. Somehow, Cabba had something to do with Goku Black. Caulifla couldn't help but feel a sense of betrayal over this very fact—though whatever Cabba must've gotten promised in return was worth it, apparently.
Delicately as possible, Goku Black begins to remove the shards of glass as Caulifla lays there with her tattered and torn clothes removed, leaving her in only a black undershirt and her red and black panties. Once all the glass was removed and he had tended to her wounds as quick as possible, she was quick to get on her feet.
"Where do you think you're going?" Black wraps a hand around her arm and tugs the small saiyan back into the bed, as she fell into his embrace. Caulifla bit down her lip so that her growl wouldn't be heard by the dark god. She knew Goku and Vegeta were currently fighting against Zamasu, and quite possibly Cabba. Caulifla wasn't just going to sit here and let Goku Black get possessive over her. Not again, at least.
"I need to take a bath..." she mutters.
Goku Black then realized, that it had been a few hours since he had taken a bath, given that he was too distracted with his training and trying to perfect his rosé form. With a devious smirk, and sexual intent in the husk of his voice, he playfully chimes in, "Then allow me to join you~ tonight shall be the night we shall fully expose ourselves to each other!" Caulifla's heart drops to her stomach as an unfamiliar tingling sensation spreads within her legs. She didn't know what this was, but all the saiyan knew was that she only experienced it when she was with Black.
"No, Black. I don't want to shower with the likes of you...the blood of your victims most likely stains your body." She says through her teeth, just in case saying these words louder would cause an unpleasant reaction from him. True to her beliefs, it did, because she could feel his slowly building up anger on her back. However, she didn't regret making the ugly truth known.
He firmly squeezes her into an embrace, not a single temptation of murder was in his mind, oddly enough. But this was the saiyan he had grown quite fond of, one he absolutely couldn't live without. Did he regret toying with the saiyan from the start? Even sparing her life when had many chances to kill her? No. Not a fragment of Goku Black regretted it at all.
"Stubborn as always, my beloved saiyan..."
Caulifla inwardly sighs in relief. The fear that began to internally devour her mental state was now subdued. In the past, if Caulifla wasn't too careful with the choosing of her words, Goku Black wouldn't hesitate on punishing her. Most of which resulted in him throwing her over his legs and spanking her, or even biting into her skin to taste her blood and leaving bite marks. Her words tumble out of her mouth in a begging manner. "Please, Goku Black...let me shower alone...I'm not entirely ready to expose myself to you...yet."
Goku Black felt a nice warmth on his chest as a smile couldn't resist being painted on his lips. He nuzzles into her neck lovingly as he whispers softly, "I understand, my beloved saiyan. A feast shall await you after you finish your bath, please don't take long..."
"Change in words..." Caulifla thought to herself as she nods, inching herself out of Black's hold. "Okay, Black. I can't wait to have dinner with you..."
Black grins, watching as she nostalgically gathers up a couple of fluffy towels alongside a change of clothes. As he eyes her body up and down, he says, "Until when will you finally be comfortable with me bathing with you—or even, having me completely..."
Caulifla nearly flinches at his dirty words, as she found herself looking at him. Conjuring up the right words, she takes a few moments to respond to the saiyan god. When he wasn't being evil or murdering mortals, was his company genuinely good. When he wasn't so eerily nice with a sense of stalkerish tendencies, did Caulifla find herself in a safe position. When Zamasu wasn't constantly glaring at her, or even breathing in the same spot as her, was she fine with being with Goku Black.
"When I know it's entirely safe and I don't feel like I'm drowning in your demons..."
The sound of the running shower was barely audible in the kitchen, as Black admired the spread of food he had cooked for himself and Caulifla. His raging sexual urges beg him to barge in the bathroom and join Caulifla in the shower. Just the dirty thought of the naked saiyan with water droplets sprawling across her body, and the way the water runs down her skin so perfectly. Perhaps it was his filthy imagination, but he could swear he heard her soft moans. Maybe she too, wanted him to join her in the shower, where their desires would unveil to each other.
Licking his lips, he darts toward the bathroom, his lips transfixing into a frown once he realized they were moans of pain. "Caulifla! I'm coming in!" Goku Black shouts as he quickly opens the door and scurries in. His jaw gapes at the sight of her body laying there in the tub, her blood seeping out more than it should. Most likely it was weakening her, causing him to curse under his breath. Goku Black quickly swipes the towel from hanging on the towel rack.
Caulifla shivers as she lays bare in the tub, yelping out in pain, Goku Black with his free hand plays with the knobs to turn them off, then proceeding to wrap Caulifla in the towel. "Did Cabba do more than shove you into that glass building?!" He demands, his worrying words bubbling high with his tone.
"Nngh—I don't think it was just that...I-I don't know what's wrong with me...." Caulifla whines.
"Nothing is wrong with you..." Goku Black sighs as he swiftly leaves the bathroom, gently holding Caulifla.
Upon exiting, his eyes lock with Zamasu, who was on the other end of the hallway with a frown. From the corner of her eye, could Caulifla see the god who intimidated her and tortured her. Of course he had a frown of disapproval, and a menacing glare.
"So, you leave me alone to fight Goku and Vegeta so you can play house with this stupid saiyan!" He growls, shaking his head. "Have you learned nothing from the first time around? She'll always get in the way of perfecting our utopia!"
"You're here safe and sound are you not?" Goku Black says with a grin. "And my mate is here to stay. With that being said Zamasu, I want no harm to come in the way of my saiyan. Are we clear?"
Zamasu slams a fist into the wall closest to him, causing Caulifla to flinch in Goku Black's hold. "Are you seriously going to risk everything we've worked so hard for—for this saiyan?!"
"Enough foolish talk, Zamasu! I'm not just going to listen to you ramble on about our failures and blame them on Caulifla! I'm going to tend her wounds again, and I expect you to tell me every intricate detail of your battles!" With that, Goku Black returned to his room with an exhausted Caulifla.
It wasn't until Caulifla woke up in Goku Black's bed did she realize she had fallen asleep. Of course he was sitting at the edge of the bed, awaiting for her to finally awaken. It seemed that he had realized this, as he turns around to face her. "Are you okay?"
"Oh yeah, I'm one-hundred percent fine being kidnapped by you again. And it's not like I'm in pain."
"Cut the sarcasm, saiyan."
Caulifla sits up slowly, looking at Goku Black. "Maybe you should listen to Zamasu and let me go—he's right, I'll only get in the way."
Goku Black's eyes linger towards Caulifla's bandaged figure before locking eyes with her. "Pay no heed to him, his words should have no effect on our relationship. Just stay by my side..." his fingers glide across the covers as he inches close to her. "...And I promise you, I will give you everything."
As Goku Black comes closer and closer to the saiyan, Caulifla found herself laying back down the bed. Goku Black quickly yanks the covers away as he slowly gets on top of her, leaning his face towards hers. Under slow breaths, did Caulifla fight with herself on whether or not to give in to temptation, when multiple times, the offer was completely consensual from his part. This wasn't the first time they kissed, and certainly wasn't the last.
"Caulifla~" Goku Black lovingly whispers before entrapping his lips onto hers, her heart hammering in her chest. She couldn't respond as quickly as he could, but her arms numbly wrap around his broad back, Black sinking down against her body, causing Caulifla to shiver. Eyes closed, the saiyans continue their kissing session, the god's curious hands roaming across her body, trailing across the warm skin of her stomach, rising up to her bra playfully.
Caulifla's eyes immediately open once he crossed that barrier. The most they've ever done was kiss, never once did they cross over to sexual territory—no matter how much both of them wanted to.
"B-Black, we can't..." she whispers.
Black grins as he chuckles, "I'm sure Zamasu already senses our ki spikes, he must've gone out to..." not finishing what he mentally thought, but instead choosing another set of words. "Give us privacy."
"Not when your world is like this...I don't want to have sex knowing the majority of my friends are fighting for their lives."
Goku Black closes his eyes as he takes a deep breath, he loved Caulifla's heart of gold, but hated how much she cared for Goku and Vegeta. "Alright, we'll wait my love. Are you hungry?"
Caulifla nods as Goku Black leads her out the room, both anticipating the feast that hopefully hadn't gotten cold.
The sun has dipped itself into the ocean, the colors of scarlet, orange and magenta bleeding into the waves. The saiyan couple walk alongside each other as they take a loving stroll on the beach. Caulifla wears a two piece scarlet bikini while having a black sarong wrap cover the lower half of her bikini. Goku Black wears a black tank top with a pair of black swimming trunks with red amaryllises patterned on them. They both wear a pair of matching sunglasses as they hold hands with each other.
Caulifla looks at the ocean as she giggles giddily at the sight of it. "Please, can we swim for a bit? I know you only wanted to take a stroll—"
Goku Black chuckles as he shakes his head. "Of course we can swim, we can do whatever you want."
Caulifla smiles, taking Goku Black's hand as they make their way towards the water, Goku Black hoisting his little saiyan up before throwing her into the body of water. Caulifla immediately shrieks as she shivers in the cold temperature of the water. "What the hell was that for?! Do you want me to go rosé on you and beat you up!" She screams through her chattering teeth.
Goku Black chuckles as he trudges towards her. "I want you to get used to the cold water," he scoops her body up as her body leans against his, her frigid form had yet to fade away. "You're so cute when you're all mad and threatening~"
Caulifla pouts, and before she could open her mouth to respond, Goku Black had swiftly dropped the two of them into the water. Wrapping his arms around her figure, he grins mischievously at the frown that had formed on her lips. Kissing her swiftly, he never wanted this moment to end.
As they come back up to catch their breaths, Caulifla floats her way over to Black and punches his cheek lightly. "That's some way to get your girl to forget that you threw her in the water." Caulifla says as Black grins in amusement at her words, inching closer to her.
"My girl indeed..."
As the night went on, the saiyan couple found themselves walking back to their beach house. As the dark god's eyes stare at the crystal moon surrounded by a wave of stars, did he realize that right now was the absolute perfect time to make Caulifla always and forever his.
Tugging her back into his arms, Caulifla confusingly looks in his direction. "Another swim? Thanks but no thanks, I'm really looking to scrub all the sand and sea off me."
Goku Black genuinely smiles as he whispers, "I don't think I can live without you, the saiyan within me wants you forever." He takes her hand into the warmth of his own and gets down on one knee slowly, Caulifla's eyes widening as her heart skips a beat. Chills travel through her body as this surreal moment seemed like a beautiful nightmare.
"Caulifla, will you marry me and spend your immortality alongside me?"
Those words rang long and loud in her ears in a repeated echo, over and over again. Their eyes are matched in a silent staring contest as Caulifla shivers within her skin. She knew that he would ask this eventually but she didn't think it'd be so soon.
"On one condition..." she finally says, her voice unfamiliar to her.
"Anything, Caulifla!"
"I want you to stop your Zero Mortal Plan and let all my friends live."
"What on earth has gotten into you, Black!" Zamasu screeches at the god, who was sitting silently at the table out in the balcony. His tea remained cold and untouched for hours. His hands were clasp together as he rests his chin on them, lost in many many fathoming futures. He wasn't particularly interested in anything Zamasu had to say, much less going to reply. He was just going to let his partner ramble. "First you refuse to assist me with the Zero Mortal Plan, then next you go on this absurdly romantic, and might I add repulsive vacation with that stupid saiyan! She's got you wrapped around her little finger and you're eating up all the false feelings she's giving you!"
Goku Black rolls his eyes beneath his eyelids, grumbling at Zamasu's annoying words. With a big exasperated sigh, he finally speaks, "How many times must I tell you Zamasu, stop shoving yourself in my business with my saiyan! It has absolutely nothing to do with you! Now kindly leave me alone, I'm not in the mood for this!"
Zamasu grumbles, shaking his head. "Mark my words, you're going to regret all of this when time comes." Goku Black watches Zamasu disappear into the night sky, off to do Kami knows what.
Angrily, Black throws the teacup through the sky and blasts it with a ki blast. Nothing was going his way, and he wanted Caulifla. He wanted Caulifla so badly, he wanted her at his side—he wanted her to be his bride—but her conditions were too difficult to agree with. He wanted to finally experience indulging in the forbidden fruit—and of course, they would be each other's firsts.
If only they came to a stunning conclusion which would lead to their unity.
Caulifla didn't want to interact with Cabba, that included Frost and Kale, sadly. Sure, she missed both of them dearly, but she didn't want to feel the potential betrayal from them as well. She didn't stay much longer in the hideout either after Black pulled away silently at the beach. Even if she did decide to go back, Black would most likely ignore her and Zamasu would continuously glare at her and mock her—inevitably torturing her beneath him again and again. She would be screaming out for Black to help, and he being so angry wouldn't give a damn.
And then she would die in a bath of her blood.
Avoiding the many safe areas known to the remaining survivors, she hoped she would at least run into either Goku or Vegeta while she was on foot. She wasn't in much of a mood to fly, since that would leave her wide open for anyone to spot her.
It didn't help however that her sexual frustrations were growing, and she wasn't one to be swayed to sex so easy, let alone touching herself. If Black had simply agreed to her conditions, they would most likely be away in their honeymoon, their sensual saiyan mating would commence, and no doubt they'd be craving each other each moment they had available. Just like she was craving him right now, surely he'd be craving her too.
Before she could attempt to get into an abandoned building, a familiar voice calls out to her from above the sky.
"Caulifla, is that you?"
Her eyes cast above to the sky, searching for the voice, sighing in relief once she saw it was Vegeta.
"Of course it's me, Vegeta! Where's Goku at? Is he with everyone else?" She asks as she watches Vegeta drop himself across from her with his casual folded arms across his chest routine.
"As a matter of fact, he's not. I assumed he was with you since he wasn't with me or anyone else...by the time I got to the fight, Kakarot and Zamasu were gone."
Caulifla's heart drops to her stomach at the prince's words. "Ah..." she couldn't come up with a snarky remark on the bat, which left Vegeta to believe that Goku wasn't with Caulifla either. "Well, i-if I see him, I'll make sure to tell him you said hi..." her words were nervous and nearly too stuttery, so in an attempt to not cry or scream in anger, she forced herself to take flight. Before she could speed away entirely, Vegeta pulled Caulifla into his arms and wrapped them around her body.
"Wait just a second, Caulifla!"
She froze within his hold and none of the words she wanted to say were coming out. At this rate, she would for sure cry over the unknown fate of Goku.
"All this time, you've been with Black haven't you?"
Caulifla remains silent, the sound of her heartbeat was loud in her ears.
Vegeta growls under his breath, "Damn it, Caulifla! You may not be saying a word right now, but we both know how very infatuated that stubborn bastard is with you!" He spins Caulifla's body around and holds her chin in his hand, forcing her to stare into his menacing eyes.
"Kakarot may very well be dead...and there's nothing we can do about it...we can't trust the others no more..." Vegeta leans his face down to meet hers. "Please, let's run away from this together..."
"But the present..."
"We're stuck here, Caulifla! No one can find the time machine anymore, so please! The only thing keeping me sane right now is you! You're all I have left if Kakarot is truly dead!"
Although Caulifla herself felt eternally intertwined with Goku Black, vise versa—if Goku truly was gone, Vegeta was the only person she could genuinely trust. Caulifla smiles softly and wraps her arms around Vegeta slowly. "Okay, Vegeta. Let's survive together."
"Caulifla, I l—"
A roar of applause breaks the pureblood saiyans' attention as Caulifla's eyes widen at the sound of a sinister and dark chuckle.
"Bravo, saiyans. Bravo! Oh Vegeta, you should've had Caulifla when you had the chance." Black gives Caulifla a sideways glance from standing across Vegeta. "But now it's too late...now both of you shall pay the consequences. You Vegeta for harboring such erotically emotional feelings for my mate." In an instant, Black teleports in front of Caulifla, coiling a hand around her neck as she gasps, immediately being lifted up into the air. With silver eyes, and a sinister dark and deep husk, he whispers, "And you Caulifla for abandoning me and hiding yourself well from me."
"Black, let her go!" Vegeta says as he makes a move to inflict pain on the god to make him drop Caulifla.
"I don't think so."
Another voice cuts in, dragging his ki blade down Vegeta's insides as the prince's eyes widen, coughing out blood as he rasps out, "Za-Zamasu! What have you done to Goku!"
Caulifla's watering eyes force themselves to focus on Zamasu. She too wanted to know the whereabouts of Goku.
Black nearly frowns at Caulifla's sudden interest in Goku, as he smirks, dropping the small saiyan down to the ground. "Go on, Zamasu. Enlighten these saiyans as to what you've done to Goku. Every. Single. Detail."
"How could I forget?" Zamasu chuckles, placing a firm boot into the back of Vegeta's skull as the prince struggles to fight back due to his blood loss, managing to curse at Zamasu was enough. "First and foremost, I allowed Goku to get carried away with his own optimism. And just when he was wide open, and wanting to know what happened to Caulifla, he kept on fighting me to answer him, but of course, I didn't give him intel." Zamasu wickedly smiles at Goku Black. "Someone didn't let me."
"And then...?" Caulifla cautiously finds herself crawling towards the direction of a now severely wounded Vegeta, attempting to reach out. "Vegeta..." she whispers lowly as she outstretches a hand towards him.
"C-Caulifla...stop..." Vegeta warns, but it was too late.
Caulifla squeaks as Goku Black drags his little saiyan, hauling her up into his arms, creating a ki blade as he points it towards her neck threateningly. "Behave, little saiyan. Why don't you keep listening to Zamasu's story? It isn't very nice to try and pull away his prey, is it?"
Caulifla could only whimper as she could feel his gentle breathing down her neck. "Please, let me go!"
"Ah, ah, ah!" Goku Black taunts, motioning Zamasu to keep going.
"Right," Zamasu clears his throat, gripping Vegeta's hair tightly as he raises the saiyan up on his knees, making his ki blade swim through his insides. Vegeta could only scream inside his mouth as he bit down onto his gloved hand so Caulifla wouldn't get injured through attempts to try and save him. But as the prince's eyes locked on her, he could see the fear and anguish in her eyes. The tears flow as she couldn't reach to Vegeta. "As I was saying, Goku wanted to know where his precious Caulifla was—obviously I didn't know either. I knew my fellow comrade would tell Vegeta that he should save Goku. And two against one is no fun...so after I tortured that idiot saiyan I dragged him into our palace and..."
Black chuckles as he waves his ki blade away. "Here comes my favorite part!"
"I killed him! I made sure that each and every moment was excruciatingly painful for him until his last dying breath! He kept screaming out for the both of you, but none of you came to his rescue!" Zamasu loudly laughs as Vegeta and Caulifla could only share the same horrified expressions, neither one of them said a word, or breathed for that matter.
Caulifla was the first to snap out of her silence as she squirms and shakes uncontrollably in Black's arms. "No! No! GOKU!" She screams into the skies as she cries. "YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR KILLING GOKU!" In a flash, the shades of magenta and purple collide, unveiling Caulifla in Rosé, due to allowing darkness seep through her being.
Black's eyes widen as he couldn't contain her any longer, pulling away from the bright light that was Caulifla's transformation. Immediately, the female saiyan speeds her way towards Zamasu, slamming a hard fist into his face. Through his growls, does he attempt to claw at her face, met with a kick at his outstretched left arm, snapping whatever bone was holding it together.
The kneeling saiyan prince could only watch in horror as Caulifla mauled at Zamasu with such sinister pair of silver eyes. The worst of it all, was she was adorning the form of rosé rather than that of blue. Vegeta could only force himself to stay mute, he really couldn't say anything after seeing Caulifla in such a state of darkness.
Goku Black grins over at the direction of Vegeta, amused by his paralyzed state of being. "Does it amaze you Vegeta that my lovely mate has such a dark side to her as I do?"
Vegeta manages to snap out of his trance as he glares at the saiyan god. "You've led Caulifla astray, Black! You will regret tainting her into this monster!" His body was quivering with such a burning hatred for Black. He has done nothing but trouble from the start, let alone, allowing Goku to die takes the cake. Which, hadn't entirely hit Vegeta yet, since in some fucked up way he believed Goku was still very much alive.
Zamasu coughs out blood, his health depleting by the waves of attacks, a completely insane Caulifla was throwing at him. He had very little chance to recuperate from every single one, and at this rate he feared that he would die at the unleashed evil of the pathetic mortal saiyan he forever hated. When his eyes weren't focused on Caulifla, they would linger towards Black, bewildered by the fact that he was grinning at this, that he was allowing this to happen—and to continue for so long!
"A-At this r-rate I-I'll..." striking his ki blade at Caulifla was hopeless, the more he slashed at her, the stronger she became. "What kind of saiyan are you!"
"You didn't show mercy to Goku, do you honestly believe you deserve me to spare you?! Goku's gone!" Caulifla slams her body on top of Zamasu's as all he could do was stare up at her, feeling her hands coil across his throat as she began to choke him. Through his blurred vision he could see tears forming at the ends of her eyes, rosé engulfing the grime green sky above. "He's never coming back this time! You bastard! You took away not only my comrade, but one of the only people I could trust!" She screams at Zamasu, jabbing her foot into his stomach repeatedly as the green god continued to choke and scream out, but of course Black would only watch.
Caulifla had become his equal.
"Alright, Caulifla. That's enough, off of Zamasu, now." Black says calmly as he walks up towards his mate beating Zamasu to the ground.
"Why are you even allowing this to happen!" Zamasu screams at his direction, Caulifla halting in her brutal actions. She too, wanted to know why as well, though she didn't lift herself off from Zamasu.
Goku Black chuckles as he shakes his head at Zamasu. "Well, Zamasu this is the third time you've broken a promise with me, isn't it? I told you you could only torture that insolent saiyan Goku, not kill him. Once again, you've shown me who my real ally is. Who belongs in this world aside from myself." Black comes closer to the pair, casually lifting Caulifla off from laying on top Zamasu, quite infuriated by the sight even though it wasn't by any means sexual. "So I'm going to do away with this meaningless partnership. Now."
"Black, what're you..." Caulifla gasps as Black throws her over his shoulder, and before she could finish what she was going to ask, a loud boom erupted throughout the area, leaving both Caulifla and Vegeta stunned. Caulifla barely manages to catch a glimpse of Zamasu's body deteriorating into thousands of chunks, blazed by the obsidian and purple mixed Black Power Ball. Black grins in delight as he hears Zamasu's dying cries, going into fits of laughter.
"What a monster!" Vegeta utters under his breath as he shakes his head, visibly disturbed enough for the day. "Y-You better not do the same to Caulifla! I'll kill you!"
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
Almost ~ JJK [Request]
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GENRE: Angst, fluffy, established-relationship, jealous, happy ending
PAIRING: Jungkook x Fem!Reader
A/N: Hope this is okay, I took a different approach with it, rather than a huge fight I did a calmer one? Hope you like it!
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The sun felt as though it was burning your skin even through the layers of clothes you were wearing and the vast amount of suncream you had on didn't feel as though it was doing its job. You knew that Australia was going to be hot but you had no idea it was going to be this hot,
"You okay?" Jungkook chuckled as he stepped back to walk with you, you hummed at him taking the bottle of water he was holding out for you. 
"You sure?" He knew that you didn't handle the heat well but he didn't want to leave you behind while he and the boys travelled to Australia for Bon Voyage 5. This season was one of their more relaxed ones, just like season four when they were in their own place the boys had been offered their own small b&b to film the fifth season in. Whilst in Australia they could do whatever they wanted to do, including travelling around, touring the famous places and doing whatever it was that the boys wanted to do.
"Yeah, just out of breath." You giggled as you all came to a stop at the museum the boys had been travelling to. It was Namjoons day to pick what they were going to do and he had picked The Nation Gallery Of Victoria to go to which was why you'd walked most of the way. It was only a 30-minute walk from where the boys, crew and you were all staying so it wasn't a big walk. The heat however was making it a little harder on you.
"Once we're inside and they have enough shots we can walk around together sound good?" He questioned you as you all waited for the crew to go and get your tickets and make sure that the museum was clear for the boys to head inside.
"Sounds perfect to-" 
"Jungkook! Make-up!" His personal make-up artist called out to him making him look away from you and over at her. That was how it always seemed to be, whenever she saw you and Jungkook getting close to one another she would give some excuse for him to leave you alone or go to her. At first, you figured it was because of the show, he needed his makeup on for the cameras but even when the cameras weren't rolling and you and Jungkook were finally having some alone time she would come up with something to get him away from you. 
"I'll be back soon," He quickly kissed your forehead before going over to her. Lee Bomi was one of the most beautiful makeup artists that BigHit had to offer, she was also the most talented one too. She'd worked with a lot of the BigHit artists before being settled with BTS and becoming Jungkook's number one. Sitting down on a wall you watched the two of them interacting with one another. Deep down you knew that there was nothing going on between them since Jungkook and you were engaged but you still always had that sinking feeling inside of you. The jealously always bubbled up inside you whenever you got to see how close they were with one another. They'd known one another for so long there was no surprise that they were as close as they were with each other but it didn't stop you from getting jealous. Watching them laughing amongst one another with their inside jokes, watching how she could always get close to him physically without being pulled away. Even though you and Jungkook were engaged you were never allowed to have PDA unless you were alone, alone. BigHit had made it a rule when they realised how serious Jungkook was about you, you figured it was just to keep fans at peace.
"Cat got your tongue?" Hoseok asked as he sat down next to you on the wall and followed your gaze, smiling when he saw what you were looking at. 
"You know they're just friends." He reassured you as he held out some dried fruit for you to munch on,
"I know but I still can't help it...She gets to be around him all of the time..." Hoseok sighed softly as he nudged you playfully, it wasn't as though your relationship wasn't known amongst fans. BigHit had announced it months ago but you still weren't allowed to be overly physical with him. 
"She's a makeup artist, she has to be around all of the time," Hoseok told you as he got up and held out his arm for you to take. Everyone was starting to head inside for the tour of the museum and Hoseok didn't want you to wait outside and overthink every little detail about Jungkook's friendship with Bomi.
"I have these tickets for a small getaway, do you think he would want to go?" You questioned as you and Hoseok stood in front of a display case not paying attention to anything that was inside of it, Hoseok turned to you with a smile and nodded. 
"He loves spending time with you and a getaway after being cramped up with the crew and the boys will probably do him some good." He chuckled at the thought of it and you smiled, feeling reassured that you and Jungkook would finally get some time alone together.
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Later in the night, you were staying up late with Jungkook, sitting on the sofa with your head on his shoulder while some boring movie played on the TV. Neither of you was paying attention to it, you were too busy talking to one another and then kissing to bother looking at the screen. 
"I think," You started as you laid down with your head on his thighs, moving so that your legs hung over the arm of the sofa and looked up at Jungkook. 
"You think what?" He questioned, moving some of your hair from your face and smiling happily at you. 
"That when we head back home, we should go on our own mini-holiday? I've seen this amazing b&b just outside of Seoul, I've got some tickets that I got from a while ago..." You'd been wanting to ask him to go with you for a while but you never knew when to ask. Now seemed like the right time since he'd been working so hard lately. The break would be perfect, just the two of you on a mini getaway,
"It'll be romantic, we can just hide out together. Doing whatever we want," He told you as he bent down to kiss your lips softly, 
"I can't wait, babe. I'll talk to Sejin about it tomorrow morning," He promised you as he looked into your eyes, cupping your face in his hands. 
"Talk to Sejin about what?!" Bomi's voice called out as she forced herself down onto the sofa behind Jungkook making you move out of his lap so you could all sit on the sofa together.
"Y/n and I are going to take a romantic break together, just the two of us when we get back to Korea," You smiled brightly as Jungkook told her the plans and then held onto you tightly, you snuggled your head down into his shoulder. 
"Oh...What about our plans though? I thought we were going to binge-watch Demon slayer and then start working out," Bomi sounded disappointed as she said this to Jungkook, you turned to look at her and she had the puppy dog eyes out trying to convince Jungkook not to go with you. 
"We can do that when I get back, I just miss spending time with Y/n-"
"You're always spending time with Y/n! What about me?!" You frowned as she raised her voice at him and then spoke about you as if you weren't in the room, you stared at her as she got up from the sofa. Acting as though she was some child whose parents had just told her off for something she shouldn't have been doing. 
"She's my girlfriend if I want to spend time with her, I can?" Jungkook was confused as to where all of this was coming from with Bomi, 
"You can go and spend time with Kai?" He suggested as he thought back on Bomi's boyfriend back home but she began shaking her head and crying hysterically, 
"He broke up with me! That's why I was looking forward to hanging out with you so much." As soon as the tears began to roll down her face Jungkook turn to give you a sympathetic look and you knew you'd lost the romantic trip to her. 
"Fine, Y/n and I can always rearrange the dates?" He asked as he stared at you but you shook your head at him not wanting to talk about it now or ever in front of her. 
"Whatever." You mumbled before storming out of the living room, ignoring his calls for you to go back to him as you walked towards your room in the crew section of the B&B, locking the door behind you.
Jungkook knocked on the door over and over again throughout the night trying to get you to come out and talk to him but you weren't going to. You kept the door shut and pretended to be asleep so that he would just go away, all you wanted to do was spend some time alone with him and yet you never seemed to get that. Bomi would always come into it and ruin it somehow. 
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The next morning Jungkook waited outside your room for you to come out but you hadn't, he'd been sitting there since he woke up and you were nowhere to be seen. 
"Y/n left, she said she was going to go to the beach alone today," Yoongi told Jungkook when he walked down the hall to see him knocking on the door over and over again. 
"When?!" Jungkook was up on his feet in a flash and Hoseok came down the hall to see why the youngest member was yelling so early in the morning. It wasn't even 9 am yet so no one had expected him to be out of bed. Bomi followed Hoseok and they all stared at Jungkook, 
"She was leaving at 6? I got up to make coffee and she was going out of the door. Said she needed to think things over," Yoongi explained but this only earnt a scoff from Bomi as she folded her arms over her chest and pouted out her bottom lip. 
"It's a desperate cry for attention for Guky. He said no to going on a romantic get away with her," Hoseok frowned looking at Bomi and then to Jungkook who was already pulling out his phone to call you and find out when you would be coming back.
"He said no? I thought he would have loved it, I told her to go ahead and ask him." Hoseok sounded upset for you at the thought of Jungkook saying no but then he looked at Bomi who was staring at Jungkook. 
"Guky, can we go and play video games?" She whined pulling on his arms as he looked at his phone, ignoring her while he tried to call your phone. 
"Guky. You promised you'd make me feel better after Kai," That was when it started to sink into Hoseok that maybe Jungkook hadn't said no to you but that Bomi had convinced him otherwise.
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When you came back that night Jungkook was curled up on the sofa with Bomi's head in his lap, he was asleep with his head on the back of the sofa. 
"Hey, where have you been?" Hoseok questioned when he looked up from his phone, he'd been calling you all day to find out when you were coming home and what had happened with Bomi but you ignored everyone. Turning off your phone and just exploring the city on your own for a while, 
"Went out. That's a new development..." You whispered as you looked at your fiancé being used as a pillow, jealously beginning to bubble again but this time Hoseok didn't stop you from feeling jealous. In his eyes, you had every right to feel upset with how the two of them acted around one another. Bomi treated Jungkook as though he was her boyfriend and not your fiancé. All-day he'd had to watch Bomi cling onto Jungkook and try to steer him away from calling you but it was as if Jungkook was blind to it and Hoseok was torn between telling you or letting it go on. 
"Babe! I've missed you so much!" Jungkook mumbled as he woke up and saw you standing there staring at him but you made no attempt to go close to him. 
"Looks like it." You mumbled sarcastically, turning to Hoseok with a smile and going towards your room. 
"Babe! Wait!" Jungkook whisper-yelled as he slowly moved Bomi off him and chased after you. You thought you were safe in your room but he walked straight inside and stared at you, 
"You've been ignoring my calls all day, I was worried about you." He said as he tried to wrap his arms around you but you stepped away from him and shook your head. 
"You didn't look worried, it looked to me as though you'd been cuddling up with Bomi all day." You snapped as you began packing up your suitcase. Throughout the whole day of being on your own, you'd thought about how better it would be if you just headed home for the rest of the stay. 
"No, I haven't, I've been non-stop calling you. You would know if you bothered to check your phone," Scoffing at his statement you continued to pack while Jungkook un-packed everything you were putting inside. 
"What are you doing?" He questioned as he continued to watch you try and pack, 
"Leaving. You're clearly having more fun with Bomi here, I'll go home." You said dryly as your head continued to throw the image of them on the sofa together but he shook his head. 
"Bomi just needed comforting, Kai and her-"
"Kai and her broke up four months ago. I asked him while I was making coffee this morning," You interrupted him as you waited for the next excuse to come from him but he said nothing. Just standing there staring at you in silence, 
"Can't you see why she's doing it? She has a huge crush on you, it doesn't take a genius to see it." You told him as you finally got everything into your suitcase and zipped it up, turning to leave when you saw Bomi standing there. Tears streaming down her cheeks,
"I-I had a nightmare and you weren't there," You rolled your eyes and laughed as you turned to see Jungkook falling for it all over again, 
"See. Just like that, you're putty in her fucking hands." You dragged your suitcase off the bed and began to leave the room when Jungkook took hold of your hand. 
"She doesn't have a crush on me, she's just upset and lonely," He tried to defend her but you weren't going to stand for it anymore, you'd reached your breaking point. 
"I'm lonely too but I don't go around clingy to other people's fiancé's." This time you stared at Bomi as you said it to Jungkook, waiting for her to finally crack and tell Jungkookt he truth as to why she was always clingy onto him but she just smirked at you. 
"That's insane, you're not lonely," He told you as he let go of your wrist but you just walked away from him, ignoring his yells after you as you put your suitcase into the trunk of the rental car you'd gotten. 
"You can keep the tickets for the romantic getaway, you and Bomi might need them." You mumbled as you opened the driver's door but Jungkook slammed it shut, 
"Enough! What is your problem?!" He called out as he stared at you waiting for some kind of explanation as to what you doing. 
"I already told you. She's trying to come between us because of her crush on you and you're too blind to see it." You tried to open the door but Jungkook leant his back against it so you didn't have a chance to. 
"Bomi is a friend-"
"Does she know that?" You questioned turning around to see her watching you from the front door of the b&b, arms folded across her chest as she waited for all of this to be over. 
"You're being ridiculous," Jungkook grumbled as he looked at you but this time you didn't have a chance to say anything. Hoseok stepped in, 
"Jungkook all day Bomi has done nothing but stop you from calling Y/n, clinging onto you as though you were the couple." Your head snapped around to Bomi who was now smirking even more while tears rolled down your face, 
"No she hasn't, s-she's been upset over Kai and I wanted to comfort her like a good friend." You stared up at Jungkook as he spoke and it hit you that he really didn't see what Bomi was doing, that he was just an innocent party in all of this.
"You don't see it, do you? You don't see the way she clings onto you and pulls you away from me?" Your hand on the car door dropped as you realised he really hadn't seen what she was doing to the two of you.
"See what?" Jungkook sighed as he looked at you, 
"She's manipulative, she'll push a wedge between you both until she can slot herself in until she can finally get Y/n out," You turned around when you heard a new voice come into the conversation and Kai was standing there watching everything. Bomi moved out of the way and headed into the b&b while Hoseok looked at you and smiled weakly before leaving. After seeing Bomi and Jungkook all day he went to speak to Kai about everything to see if he could speak to Jungkook for you. 
"You cheated on her, you'll do anything to make her seem-"
"She cheated on me. Starting sleeping with one of the other crew members...Also engaged. That's what she does, she loves chasing after things she knows she's not supposed to...Jungkook don't throw away what you and Y/n have." Jungkook looked back down at you as he heard Kai speaking and it hit him. Everything she had been doing since before the trip to Australia. Everything hitting him as if he'd been driving and hit into a wall.
Jungkook convinced you to stay that night and he laid in bed with you, holding you close to him as you both spoke over everything to do with it. He was going to remove Bomi as he makeup artist and put forward that he was switched to someone else. It wasn't just to make you feel better but also himself, he felt awful for not seeing what she was doing until it was almost too late. 
"I can't believe I almost lost you," He whispered as he noticed you were nodding off to sleep
"I-I don't want to lose you," He whispered again as he began to draw small patterns into your skin, you hummed against his chest as he spoke to you about it. 
"I love you too much to let you go," He said to you again as you hummed tiredly in agreement with him. Yawning as you tried to speak to him, 
"I love you too...N-Not going anywhere." You whispered tiredly before drifting off to sleep in his arms, Jungkook holding onto you tightly throughout the entire night.
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Tagline: @lyoongx​ @mitzwinchester​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @taestannie​ @rjsmochii​ @fan-ati--c​ @bisexualmess007​ @sweeneyblue1​ @sw33tnight​ @innersooya​ @jin-from-the-block​
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lovewillthaw-j · 4 years
Scenes in Frozen-verse that will never be the same again because of Dangerous Secrets
This is my second mega post on Dangerous Secrets. The first was on all the in-universe references, and this one focuses on scenes within Frozen-verse that now have a new meaning because of DS. These posts are 100% original.
Again, spoiler alert!
1. Kai, Olinda and Gerda are old!
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You knew that they had been there since Elsa and Anna were kids, but did you know they were also there since Agnarr was 14?! The following excerpts are all from the time that he was 14.
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Since Agnarr is about 21 when Elsa is born, that means the castle staff have been there for more than 31 years at the time of F2! [(21-14) + 24)]
2. “Conceal, don’t feel” didn’t start with Elsa =(
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That’s Lord Peterssen speaking to Agnarr. In fact, he goes on to say that King Runeard did it too in his time. This is so sad...part of the tragedy of Agnarr and Iduna.
3. Anna/Agnarr and Mattias
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Mattias is so fatherly, he was a father to both Agnarr and later, Anna. And Mattias’ father’s wise words, “Do the next right thing”, were passed down to both Agnarr and Anna!
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Although Anna didn’t know it, she really takes after her father! She promoted Mattias to General, and she gave Mattias news about Halima (that Halima’s still unmarried)
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4. This is the MAKE-OUT tree!!!
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Ok, there’s no avoiding it, Agnarr and Iduna MADE OUT A LOT!!!!! In the tree, in the secret room, behind other trees and bushes...Elsa and Anna still do not know till this day the hot kisses that took place in these locations!!!
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5. Ariel (The Little Mermaid) “stopped” their first kiss!!
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That’s the “some new Danish author” that Agnarr was reading - the Little Mermaid! You can see Ariel on the front cover.
Iduna and Agnarr were lost in their PASSIONATE kiss inside the Secret Room...until...
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No underaged kissing!! 
(hey Ariel, you were sixteen too...) JOKE lol
Ariel was also “responsible” for them finding the Secret Room in the first place!
6. Iduna’s Windmills
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The windmill(s) in Arendelle exist because of Iduna’s research and experimentation (credit also to Johan) and maybe a little help from Gale? =)
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7. Iduna and Agnarr stopped at Oaken’s!!!!
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Also - did you realise that Iduna and Agnarr were in the sauna together? STEAMY!!
8. This was not the first time Iduna and Agnarr met Pabbie
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Iduna and Agnarr met Pabbie years earlier. It is revealed that Pabbie knew from the Northern Lights that one day, the King and Queen would come to him to save their daughter’s life. To me, this actually creates a “Sleeping Beauty” scenario because they knew in advance that their daughter (at least, one of them) is “cursed” in some way.
9. Sir Jorgenbjorgen belonged to Agnarr!!!
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In the text below, “she” refers to little Elsa.
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10. Anna’s horse, Kjekk, was Iduna’s!
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11. Iduna was the first to say Elsa is a gift, not a curse
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Anna really takes after Iduna too!
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12. These 2 scenes took place in the Secret Room!! 
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Never knew that we’ve seen the secret room right from the prologue of F1 way back in 2013! Of course, there’s not much to see in this shot.
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“I need to tell you about my past” - this scene took place in the secret room. (not providing the text from the book as it’s too long and spread out over multiple paragraphs) Also, DS clarified that this took place a few weeks before the voyage. My previous headcanon was that this happened on the very same night as Anna’s accident (AKA both prologues) but it’s not.
Thank you @marimancusi​ !
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firemenenthusiast · 2 months
kinda random what if reader was a domme and had not only Jann as a sub but FARLEIGH also and reader makes them get freaky deaky with each other while reader watches 🌚🌚🌚🌚
or Farleigh gets to fuck reader and lowkey cuck Jann watches and can’t touch them or even touch himself and has to clean up the juices afterwards.....OOOOOORRRRR vice versa, oh I just knowwwww Farleigh would be having a fit but high-key like it maybe RRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH I NEED TO SPREAD MY POLY READER/JANN/FARLEIGH AGENDAAAAAA
hell, to spice it up even more throw Kai in there, he's the ultra king of freaky fucks out of all of archie's characters to me so I have a feeling the whole thing would have him in freak paradise me thinks 😼😼😼
im officially combusting juniperhasfallen i fear you are a freaking genius cuz all your ideas in my inbox are nothing short of absolute deliciousness WAAARRRBBRRHRHRH. oh how i love making all of them my sub cuz they be suubbbyyyy
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warnings: 18+, porn w/o plot, no protection (which is very unethical in this situation), three foursome, p in v, sub!/dom! farleigh, sub!jann, sub!/dom! kai, blowjobs, cum eating, reverse cowgirl, m! masturbation, creampie, teabagging, men whimpering, whining, crying, edging, overstimulating, ruined orgasms, cuckolding, cumshots, cuffing
a/n: well isn’t this interesting
GET THIS. we all know how farleigh is willing to fuck basically anyone. and jann, is by default the sweetest sub known to mankind. but when you brought up the idea to farleigh he secretly got excited but pretended to hate it cuz he thinks jann’s a loser. also because he’s lowkey jealous with how sweet you are with jann. farleigh ofcourse had to get his turn first with you, making jann sit in the cuck sofa in the corner, forcing jann to watch you play with his cock at the edge of the bed, his arms propped against the mattress with his thighs spread far apart. farleigh wants to be all whimpery and whining while you tease the sensitive tip of his cock but when he remembers that jann’s watching, he contains his moans cuz it would be embarrassing. while jann sits pretty in the chair naked with his hard cock out, tip red and leaking with the vein on the side bulging prominently, farleigh makes sure that he watches with his hands obediently on the armrests, no touching allowed. eventho farleigh’s literally getting fucked over by you, his cock twitching and precum trickling down his length into your hands, he still manages to be an asshole towards jann who’s watching, saying things like “dont you dare look away racer boy, keep your fucking hands to yourself” farleigh’s just spewing mean orders to jann, who suprisingly, obeys whatever farleigh says.
jann aches to fist his length with his hands at the view of you bouncing on another huge cock but he has to behave, because you’re praising them both while farleigh is in you, telling jann how good of a boy he’s being just sitting there obediently, and how pretty he looks, and reminding him how good boys get rewarded. jann refuses to jeopardise his chance at an orgasm even though he’s close to cumming undone from cucking you and farleigh. he doesn’t want to end up being overstimulated like him, being edged over and over again by you, being stripped off from his orgasm repeatedly that his balls are starting to turn purple. farleigh’s whining, begging you to let him cum, his hips desperately bucking but still, he’s running his mouth at jann. “fuck—, you okay over there, mngh ? you’re so hard man, it’s pathetic” which gets him another ruined orgasm from you, for being mean to jann. guess he just couldn’t help it. jann is quiet, maybe too fucked with how hard he’s bucking his hips into thin air, desperate for some sort of relieve for his rock hard cock, bending towards his navel. every time farleigh would humiliate him with his words, jann would whine, tears threatening to spill from his pretty eyes. his balls are tight, full of cum, rubbing against the fabric of the sofa. “please—oh, please farleigh let me have her” being one of jann’s pleads amongst others that came out incoherent, sounding more like blabbers from how lightheaded he is, only for farleigh to respond with “shut your mouth”. at times farleigh would receive a slap across his face, as you put him back in his place. you would think that’ll shut him up but no, he’d let out a loud moan, enjoying being slapped that you can feel his cock twitch. jann almost cums when you’re cumming for the second time on farleigh’s cock, all while ruining his orgasm for the ninth time.
farleigh’s now crying from blue balls, his tip leaking so much precum, his hand desperately grabbing at your waist to aid the intense aching on his crotch, another hand over his quivering lips, his eyes red with droplets of tear clinging onto his long lashes. eventho he’s in that state, his mouth is still spewing humiliation towards jann, only to whimper again from you overstimulating him. “stop, stop- stop, stop please” farleigh would beg, shutting his eyes as you edge him over another waves of pleasure, only to rip it away again. you’d kiss down his body from his jaws, making sure to spend extra time licking at his nipple, feeling yet another orgasm coming from farleigh from his twitching cock. you bite at his nipple slightly harder before quickly getting up from his cock for it to instantly slap against his lower belly before ropes of cum squirts out of his raging red tip, so much of it landing all over his body, some even getting on his lips. he’s crying, hips bucking from the overstimulation, as you hear jann mutters a low “fuck—“. catching your breath, you smile at farleigh in his fucked up state, he’s too hazy to say anything to jann now, only being able to blabber strings of thankyou’s to you for letting him cum this time. while you watch him come down from his cries, your fingers trace small hearts with his cum on his chest, giggling at his limp twitching cock in front of your pussy. when you turn your head over to jann, he looks like a madman, having just watched his girlfriend fucking another huge cock that’s not his, all while he’s forced to keep his hands to himself by a brat he doesn’t even know why he’s obeying.
when you get up from farleigh to walk over and kneel before jann, your fingers carefully grazing over the length, an immediate spurt of cum shooting onto your face. you look up to jann who’s breathing hard, he just can’t keep it anymore, cumming with just a slight touch from your hand. you help him ride out his orgasm, though not as satisfying as he would hope for, atleast he finally gets to be touched by you. you continue to milk his cock, popping his balls into your mouth before sucking on them, slobbering saliva all over the skin. now that he’s allowed to touch himself, he’s tugging on his shaft while you suck on his balls, swirling your tongue over the soft mounds. he’s occasionally bumping his knuckles over your forehead from how hard he’s jerking his cock off. flattening your tongue over his balls, you grab his hand away before dragging your tongue from the underside of his balls to the head of his cock, finishing off with a suckle on his tip, swallowing the drops of cum decorating his cock, before pushing your head down to throat his length. the way you reward him is the exact reason he’ll always behave, because good boys get rewarded. and jann loves delayed gratification. “having fun, racer boy ?” you hear farleigh chirp from his place, sprawled out on the mattress, too fucked out from his turn before. “come here farleigh” you order, earning an eyeroll from him. “i said— come here”. you get up to meet farleigh halfway at the edge of the bed, climbing over him before grabbing his jaw to kiss him, giving him a taste of jann’s cum. he’s moaning at the taste, fingers kneading at the soft flesh of your waist. jann is breathing hard, his chest heaving covered in sweat.
how would i add kai in this mix you may ask ? while you’re fucking yourself on jann’s cock, farleigh submits to kai who’s also been watching the whole time, except he’s fully clothed in that navy blue shirt with his hands cuffed to the railing in the wardrobe. farleigh’s sucking him off, kneeling over him having to take it all with his hands over his head, depraved from the satisfaction of pulling at farleigh’s tight curls. wet sounds bouncing off the walls of the room pornographically, the four of you moaning against each other’s touch. jann is fucking into you reverse cowgirl, so you’d be able to watch kai getting a blowjob from farleigh, who looks like he’s having the time of his life. just as you can tell that kai is close, you tell farleigh to swallow most of it, keeping some on his tongue to bring it over to you, before spitting it into your mouth. he’s hard again, so you let him stand beside the chair and fuck your mouth while jann’s chases his orgasm, rapidly thrusting into your cunt. as you’re taking both farleigh and jann’s cock, kai is left still hanging on the railing, his cock limp with stickiness dripping from the tip onto the floor. he’s groaning, his knees threatening to give up yet his eyes couldn’t get off the view of you getting fucked by two cocks at once. “kai, baby- you wanna join ?” you deliriously ask with half lidded eyes, not even knowing where to fit him in the position. maybe after jann finish fucking his load into you, you make him get up and uncuff kai, plopping him onto the bed to ride him into oblivion.
and when you decide you’re done with all of them, they’re all gonna have to lie on the bed, cuddling with each other <3 who knows ? maybe kofun or ivo can join next time
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bluenet13 · 3 years
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The worst trip I've ever been on
Written for @badthingshappenbingo​
Fandom: NCIS: Hawai'i  
Characters: Jesse Boone, Kai Holman, Lucy Tara, Gracie Boone.
Prompt: Ambulance Ride
Summary: Much to his displeasure Jesse doesn’t come through his ordeal with the pirates unscathed and it’s up to his teammates and daughter to make sure he gets some necessary medical attention. A 1x15 Coda
Ao3 - ff.net
With every step back to shore Jesse absentmindedly wondered how he was still standing. Every bump, scratch and hit from the past day was making itself known with a vengeance; his ribs protested every small movement, his head was beginning to ache and mess up with his balance, and his knee was about ready to kill him. But he was all too aware of the worried glances Lucy, Agent Pike, and even Adrian, kept sending his way so he took deep breaths in and out, and focused on putting one foot in front of the other.
At long last after what felt like forever walking, or rather stumbling, through the forest, the ocean came into view, and as Jesse's eyes landed on the Coast Guard dinghy beached on the shore he almost sank to the ground and kissed the sand under his feet. He knew he was still far off from the city and total salvation but for the first time since the attack he felt safe and like he would live long enough to see another sunrise. But more important than his own well-being was the fact that Gracie was out of harm's way and unharmed after the ordeal.
With that thought Jesse scanned the shoreline searching for his daughter and instantly relaxed when he saw her talking to Kai and the other kids. Across the beach, Kai stopped whatever he was saying and quietly pointed at him, making Gracie turn around and run to her father. Ignoring his injuries and pain, Jesse hugged her tight and closed his eyes, letting relief wash over him.
Stuck on fight-or-flight mode, Jesse clung to Gracie's arm as they waited on the beach while the other agents transported the prisoners to the Coast Guard's Response Boat, and only let her go when it was their turn to use the dinghy to get to the main boat. Still he held her hand through the short trip and squeezed back every time a wave made the little boat sway, threatening to flip it over.
Aboard the Response Boat Gracie seemed completely at ease and back to enjoying the voyage, making Jesse realize she had held onto his hand without complaint and grasped it tighter with every wave for his benefit and not her own. And in that moment he smiled to himself knowing he and Heather must have done something right.
"Ready to go home?" Jesse asked his daughter once they docked back in Oahu.
Kai huffed and looked at Lucy pleadingly but she just shrugged. "I don't think you're going home anytime soon, buddy," he said when it was clear that she wouldn't be the one to point out the obvious. "There's an ambulance with your name on it." He pointed to the parking lot where a few rigs were waiting for them and looked at Jesse pointedly.
"I don't need an ambulance." Jesse rolled his eyes and swung his arm over Gracie's shoulder. "Let's go, kid."
Gracie let herself be led away, but shot her dad concerned glances every time he tripped and stumbled. "Are you sure you don't need to be looked at?" She asked after they almost crashed against a parked SUV.
Jesse nodded but at the same time closed his eyes as a wave of dizziness hit him. He set his hand on the wall and willed his nausea to go away, not wanting to puke his guts out in front of his team and daughter.
When he felt clear-headed enough, he opened his eyes again but the world around him became indistinguishable as soon as he took his first step. Blurriness then gave way to full blown darkness and before he could process what was happening, he was falling forward and would have face planted if not for Kai and Lucy running to catch him.
"Whoa there," Kai gasped as he tried to steady him.
Lucy signaled the paramedics to come over and softly pushed Jesse down on the curb. "Sit down and let yourself be checked out. You're definitely going to the hospital now. No questions asked."
Jesse would have been more inclined to argue if he didn't feel like he was under water, everything around him blurry and no air reaching his lungs.
"Hey dad, hey. You got to breathe. Just like you taught me when I was little," Gracie whispered, kneeling in front of her dad and holding his gaze. "In through your nose, hold, and out through your mouth."
Jesse did as directed and slowly felt his panic receding. He matched his daughter's breathing and couldn't help but smile proudly at the sight of her coaching him out of a panic attack. "Thank you," he rasped, stifling a cough.
Gracie nodded and squeezed her dad's shoulder before she stepped away, giving the paramedics space to work.
It took less than ten minutes for them to stabilize Jesse and load him into a stretcher, his grumbled protests following him all the way inside the ambulance.
"Anyone coming?" The lead paramedic asked when they finished carrying their bags and equipment back into the rig.
"We are," Lucy called, looking back at Kai for confirmation.
"Wait, where are you going?" Jesse croaked from behind the oxygen mask, lifting himself from the stretcher and putting up a fight when the paramedics pushed him back down as they tried to hook him to the heart monitor.
Lucy stopped suddenly but her resolve didn't waver. "I told you, I'm not letting you out of my sight."
"That's not necessary, Luce. We're home, I'm safe. We're all okay," Jesse argued, pulling the mask away and complaining when the paramedics settled it back on his face.
"I don't mean to overstep, but you don't seem to be the easiest patient so we'd appreciate it if one of you could come with us," the younger of the two paramedics said, giving them a shy but cheeky grin.
Kai chuckled and raised his hand. "I'll go," he offered, knowing that their kind usually made for terrible patients.
"I don't need a babysitter." Jesse tried to sound serious, he really did, but only managed to sound like a whining child that in fact needed to be looked after.
Kai's lip twitched up into a smile even as he rolled his eyes. "Clearly," he said sarcastically, looking from the crusted blood on Jesse's face to his tattered and bloody clothes. "Today we saw what happens when you're left without adult supervision. We learned our lesson."
Jesse looked at himself and took the hint, begrudgingly accepting the company and finally settling down and letting the paramedics continue their work.
"Wait, why can he go?" Lucy questioned, trying not to look too offended as Kai climbed into the back of the rig in her place.
"I need you to take care of Gracie," Jesse said easily, his tone sincere. "So if you really want to help me, please just make sure she's okay."
"Nice safe," Lucy muttered, but wasted no time taking a step closer to Gracie. "Just focus on getting better, I'll take care of her."
"Thank you," Jesse told Lucy, then directed his attention to his daughter. "I will see you soon. Listen to Miss Tara and do whatever she says, alright?"
"I will, I promise." Gracie agreed before she said, teasing, "and you do everything the doctors say."
Taking that as his cue to leave, Jesse gave the thumbs up to the two paramedics who proceeded to shut the doors before one of them moved to the driver's seat and began driving.
Jesse and Kai fell into comfortable silence as the other paramedic continued treating him, starting an IV and reattaching electrodes that had gotten loose, and it was only when he touched his knee that Jesse let out a stream of loud curses.
"Sorry," he said quickly. "What happened here?"
Jesse took a few deep breaths and proceeded to tell the tale of the seashell that cut into his skin and his improvised aloe vera treatment. All throughout the story his voice was tight as waves of pain hit him every time the man touched the wound.
"Anyone ever tell you you're not supposed to remove an impaled object?" Kai hissed, but the way he drew comforting circles on his shoulder told Jesse that he was trying to distract him from the pain rather than nag him about his actions.
"Too busy trying not to get caught, shot at, or beaten," Jesse explained through gritted teeth, and he wasn't able to stifle a groan and stop a few tears from spilling as the rig hit a bump in the road, jostling his injured leg.
"Pushing in some morphine," the paramedic said apologetically. "I managed to remove the makeshift bandage and the rest will be taken care of at the hospital. Now just relax and wait for it to kick in." He sat back against the bench and began to scribble some notes.
Jesse doubted he could relax even if he tried, but he still nodded and closed his eyes trying to think of anything but this agony. Not only was his knee pulsating and sending electricity up and down his leg, but the siren was making his headache worse and he was beginning to feel dizzy and nauseous again.
When Jesse began breathing hard again, Kai set his arms on his knees, leaning forward, and asked, "Hey, how are you doing brother?" Heavy-lidded eyes flicked to his, and he winced at the pain swirling there. "We're almost at the ER."
"Hanging in there," Jesse admitted, and it was a testament to how terrible he felt that he didn't go for his usual 'I'm fine'. "Thank you for coming," he added sincerely, needing his teammate to know how much he appreciated not being alone right now. "I love Lucy, but in a moment like this, I need someone more level-headed."
Kai chuckled and nodded, knowing what he meant. "Of course."
They fell silent once again, until Jesse's eyes began fluttering shut making Kai speak once again. "But just so you know, Lucy was really worried today." He could see Jesse was out of it now that the morphine was kicking in but he needed to keep his friend awake and talking, especially as they didn't know if there was any serious injury hidden below the surface. "She crossed an ocean for you, and you know how much she hates it."
That seemed to grab Jesse's attention and he turned to Kai, rewarding his attempts with a half-smile and squinted eyes. "Yeah, I thought about that. How did she get there anyway? Was there another helo I missed?"
"Nope. Coast Guard boat. I told you, she was really worried." Kai sobered at the memory and set his hand on Jesse's wrist, squeezing once as he quietly felt for a pulse. "We all were."
"Aww, you do care," Jesse said, giving him a loopy grin. "And just so you know, I would cross an ocean for any of you too."
Kai's eyes widened marginally before he was grinning too. He turned to the paramedic when he asked, "how much morphine did you give me?"
"I take it this is not his usual level of openness?" he asked knowingly, well acquainted with the effects of morphine on the human body.
"You could say that," Kai retorted, before he turned back to his friend, continuing to make small talk for the remainder of the ambulance ride.
Five minutes later they reached the hospital and the paramedics wasted no time lowering the stretcher and rattling numbers and explanations to the waiting medics. But it all went over Jesse's head as his mind floated in a haze of pain and painkillers.
"We will all be waiting for you," Kai promised as he walked beside the stretcher. "Be nice to the doctors and we will get you some ice cream when you're discharged."
"Ha-ha," Jesse said, but otherwise stayed silent. Even a grown man and Federal Agent knew not to argue against ice cream, so no grumbles or complaints were heard this time as his stretcher was pushed past the double doors of the ER.
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grumpy-zane · 3 years
“you knew Cliff Gordon?” Lloyd’s voice pricked at Jay’s ears. He stopped and stepped back a few paces, peaking into the room where Lloyd, Kai, and Dareth sat, a thick leather bound book laying flat on the table before them. 
“ehh, kinda sorta,” Dareth started before noticing the blue in the door, “Hello?”
Jay smiled awkwardly, “Did I hear you right? you said ‘Cliff Gordon’?” he stepped in and loomed over the book. Photographs with various dates written around them laid in the plastic, some more glossy than others.
Dareth hummed and pointed to one, the contents including the actor being much younger among a few other people. “Yeah, this was before he got famous, and there’s me poking my head out.”
The others leaned in, noticing the small face in the background hiding between the props. “So you were on set?” Kai asked.
“Nah, My mom didn’t want to leave me home.. I believe I was 7 at the time. I know he didn’t mean it, but he said something really rude to me and my mom flipped a lid and allegedly shoved him down a flight of stairs. I never saw it.” He laughed.
Jay felt goosebumps, memories of the time he was handed the key to the mansion rising from the creases of him mind. He knew that Cliff was a romantic from the guide but.. it didn’t stop him from wanting to ask questions on why he left him at a junkyard. He swallowed, “Didn’t like kids? haha..”
Lloyd and Kai shot him a glance, picking up on the subtle unease in his voice.
Dareth waved a hand, “Nah, I was a really annoying kid. Happened a lot, my ma didn’t trust medications for stuff until I hit my teens. Anyway, here’s another of him on the movie ‘Tomb-Voyage’, a horrible movie really but he did a good job with what he was given.” He had flipped the page and pointed.
His smile, the angle of his face, Jay felt like he was looking in a mirror. It made him feel sick, though his curiosity told him to stay.
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curator-on-ao3 · 3 years
21 answers for a fanfic 2021
1. fandoms you wrote for this year
Star Trek: Voyager
Star Trek: Picard
Star Trek: Lower Decks
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Ted Lasso
2. favorite fic you wrote this year
I’m really proud of The Autobiography of Kirsten Clancy. I’ve always wanted to write a character backstory, and am grateful to have had the opportunity.
3. favorite fic you read this year
I fangirled — hard — for Who Shot AR’s Everything Will Come Right (If You Only Believe), a Julius Eaton/Kay Eaton origin story from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine’s “Far Beyond the Stars” universe. I misted up for parts of @marymoss1971’s The Inspiration, in which newly minted Captain Kathryn Janeway visits a mentor, Captain Benjamin Maxwell, who is in prison due to the events of TNG’s “The Wounded.” I, of course, delighted in @ussjellyfish bringing Kirsten and Matthew Clancy into her Star Trek: Janeways universe with her delightfully naughty Unscheduled Time and sweet what we can. Oh, and the Michael Burnham & Paul Stamets conversation in SiderumInCaelo’s i don’t forgive you (but please don’t hold me to it) was exactly the between-the-seasons discussion I needed for those two characters.
4. favorite opening line/scene you wrote this year
I’m pleased with both opening scenes of Fly Me to the Moon, a non-linear Kathryn Janeway/Tom Paris story that examines four universes of their relationship — three canon and one AU.
5. favorite ending line/scene you wrote this year
Again, I’m pleased with both endings to Fly Me to the Moon. I love the feeling of tying up a story with a little bow, and I think I did it well on that one.
6. a trope you wrote this year
I actually kicked off the year with a Kathryn Janeway/Tom Paris four times, one time: Console Me (Four Times Paris and Janeway Almost Had Sex and One Time They Did).
7. pairings you wrote this year
Just looking at main pairings, not sub-pairings, I wrote:
Jet Manhaver & Tom Paris
Kirsten Clancy/Original Character (Matthew Clancy)
Raffi Musiker/Seven of Nine
Kirsten Clancy & Jean-Luc Picard
Kirsten Clancy & Sonya Gomez
Kirsten Clancy & Edward Jellico
Kirsten Clancy & Simon Tarses
(untagged, but I’m proud of it) Kirsten Clancy & Tom Paris
Kathryn Janeway/Tom Paris
Kathryn Janeway & Tom Paris
Chakotay/Kathryn Janeway
Tom Paris/B’Elanna Torres
Kathryn Janeway/B’Elanna Torres
Kathryn Janeway/Kes
Kathryn Janeway/Harry Kim
The Doctor (Star Trek)/Kathryn Janeway
Keeley Jones/Roy Kent (Ted Lasso)
8. a fic regret from this year
I don’t know.
9. a song that helped you write
Fly Me to the Moon (of course). That fic had an entire playlist. And I have, ahem, four Clancy playlists.
10. total number of fics you posted
I think 14 [edit: 15 — another little one happened]. (It’s a little hard to tell with so many crossovers within the Trekverse and one fic that carries over from last year.)
11. total number of words you posted
92,769 [edit: 92,960 — yes, the little addition was very little]
12. most popular fic written this year
By hits, kudos, subscriptions, bookmarks, and comment threads, Fly Me to the Moon was my most popular fic this year, which makes me happy because I am very proud of it. (Shout out to beta extraordinaire @caladeniablue! 🎉)
13. least popular fic written this year
It’s a little tougher to tell least popular, but I think In Bed has my lowest hit and kudos count. That’s okay. I knew my E-rated vignettes that dip into The Autobiography of Kirsten Clancy universe through the perspective of Matthew Clancy wouldn’t get a lot of traffic. I’m pleased with the work, though, and that’s important.
14. longest completed fic you posted this year
That would be The Autobiography of Kirsten Clancy, at 32,536 words.
15. shortest completed fic you posted this year
As a stand-alone story, the shortest is Starlight, a 154-word, G-rated, Chakotay/Kathryn Janeway musing on the ways different people see and express love.
16. favorite character to write about this year
Kirsten Quayle Clancy
17. a fic you didn’t expect to write
All of them.
18. most memorable comment/review
So many! When Fly Me to the Moon comments became a forum for Tom Paris character analysis, I could feel my fandom soul begin to ascend. Also, every time someone commented some variation of, “How did you make me care about Kirsten Clancy?” or, “I don’t usually ship this, but …” or, “I’m so happy you wrote this friendship/scenario/pairing,” my writerly heart filled with joy. I don’t want to single anyone out, but comments wishing for an Autobiography of Kirsten Clancy book club, comments from regular commenters who said they tried something new because I wrote it, and comments from re-readers were all especially meaningful.
19. trends you noticed in your writing this year
I don’t know why but, across three stories, I wrote experiences during and immediately after Wolf 359 for Kathryn Janeway, Tom Paris, Raffi Musiker, and Kirsten Clancy, plus glimpses for Nick Locarno and Edward Jellico, the latter of whom was in two stories, so he got two experiences — and two characterizations.
20. fics you wanted to write but didn’t
Real life has been demanding this year. I have a few fics I hope to finish next year.
21. something you want to write next year
I’d like to finish my post-Endgame Kathryn Janeway/Mark Johnson story. I also have a few other WIPs rattling around. But I just don’t know.
If anyone has questions on any of that, please ask. Also, if you write, I’d love to read your fanfic 2021 answers!
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muffindaddystyles · 4 years
ᗩᑭᑭOIᑎTᗰᗴᑎT, ᖇᗴᗪ ᐯᗴᒪᐯᗴT ᗩᑎᗪ ᗰᑌᖴᖴIᑎՏ
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Rhythmically mellifluous waves of notes echoes after bouncing back from anile theatre's walls, the trill getting softer the more I firmly place my chin over the tail piece.
Eye lids slip shutting at the flurries of heart chasing the last cadences, pinky shivering as the middle and ring finger pushes the string down while the bow touches through the strings simultaneously producing the last chords.
Feels like a voyage over a baby leaf that's leading me through a pallid wind.
My chest heaving vigorously and lifting my jaw from the violin my head snapped in the direction of loud claps flowing. After a hectic performance the seats went empty and instead of going backstage I tried to play a melody for myself.
I was so lost finding my way through strings that didn't even noticed when Azi came. He's the owner of this old hideously beautiful theatre, his love for arts has this place still running without compliance knowing else it would have left baren just like the other popular theatres they shut years ago.
"Well done Harry, people seemed to love your performance last night and today." A smile quenching from my inners causing the bottom lip to tuck in between my teeth.
A feeling like no other spiralling around my ribcages, this's all I ever wanted.
"They were properly soused into your magic and we know what that means, shit loads of money." I remained quite putting my violin and bow aside while he spoke with a tobacco cigar rolled in between his lips.
I never wanted to play for money but nor do I've problem if we're getting it because half of the people in theater needs it. They deserve it.
It's not their fault they've to die in return of loving the devotedness that's gifted naturally.
Their talent and adroitness is the only thing keeping them in this world even though they've to remain veiled from the ordinary people.
Azi drags the stash of money on the table in my direction causing me to shake my head in refusal, "you know that I don't need this money. Save it for the renovation of theatre before we all get buried deep under it." He laughs lungs rumbling from his old age.
For God's sake the ceilings are about to cripple and chandelier might bonk my head one day.
"Or' maybe double pay our ballerina she was prepossesing last night." The twitch of his wrinkles at the corners of eyes smoothed down sadly and he sighed loudly piercing a hole in my stomach.
Anticipation wrapped around my head shoving me into the sea of worry where I'm finding it difficult to process, "what happened-" my words choking in my windpipes when he cuts me off revealing the horror information.
"She was abducted last night, her body was found shot near the suburb of where she lives." Everything's feeling claustrophobic around me and I keep on gawking him in astonished dread.
She was one hell of the great dancers, the only ballerina of our theatre. She didn't not deserved this; fuck it nobody does. I refuse to believe.
Fuck this government. Fuck this stupid world.
Gripping my hair from roots I looked him straight in the eyes, "Tell me if her family needs any help." Then the realization dawned upon me like a heavy dust she never had a family. This theatre, her skills were her only family.
"Harry my boy listen I know you'll take it as a hard toll but believe me we can't do anything for what has happened, go home have a rest you've a performance in the coming month." I was taken aback when he hugged me assuring me like a father would do, not utterly sure how to respond to interactions like these I raised my hands several times only to let them fall back.
Memories of her on tips dancing beautifully on the stage displaying infront of me as I stored my violin into case putting it aside.
We weren't close. But the few times we had exchange of words in the middle of lunch breaks and her full concentration on my foolish jokes was worth than any friendships I ever had; which I unfortunately never had.
Without even noticing the whispers let out of my chest, "I'll miss ya." Never thought you could yearn to have a single glimpse of people last time even though they were barely in your life.
I didn't changed into comfortable clothes letting the flashy suit stick to my skin, so the weigh of it will keep on making me realize that the world has no place for us.
A sacrifice for living praise.
The alley outside's pitch dark with the sun roguishly trying to dawn from the horizon.
Azi Theatre's situated at the most lifeless spot in the city possible, you've to walk through several hidden allies to reach there.
While, walking past the streets and avoiding to ruin my trousers by splashing my boots into puddle my brain havoced with unnecessary thoughts.
Thousand of faces with erastz beauty passing in mili seconds on these vast fulgurant billboards their mocks appearing like arrows to my already wounded guts; though it's all in my head it's still crawling under my skin.
A peek of cognisance from the day she made me ate her red velvet muffins dizzied around in my mind painting sorrow over me.
Even though I protested with my nonsical excuses she won ending up handing me one of her perfectly shaped muffin on my palm with a huge grin.
Just like that alot of people's smiles in my life petered out in the lost pocket of my mind.
In the littlest remembrance of her I made route to the small bakery situated two blocks away from the building I live in. The city's sleeping the only thing's shop's boards blinking and hazy bakeries showing through the thick fog.
It's open twenty four hours seven. The sky tweeked with ribbons of brume and the digital clock showed 5:00 sharp in the early dawn the large glass windows fogy from weather. The counter lady's wrapped into a comfy blanket trying not to fall asleep.
The bell chimed startling the cute old lady when I stepped inside passing by the wooden counter, "uhh..hi sorry to disturb. I'll look in myself." She nodded slumping back into her seat soon about to knock off.
Strolling in between the squeezy aisles my eyes roamed over empty refrigerators ceasing to the one at the far corner.
There in the transparent domed box are four cherry-red muffins attracting every dull view of bakery towards themselves. They're perfectly shaped and snow-flaked into red coconut shudders but failed to water my mouth.
I've no appetite to eat them. Her's used to be baked into undescribeable funny shapes but atleast I had a company while chomping them in one bite.
A reel of same memory binging and before it could permanently imprint in my brain I cleared my throat raising my pointy finger as a habit, "I'll have these!"
We said in a unison. Hold on. We? Am I that exhausted that I've started to hallucinate.
My head snapshoting towards the person from whom the feminine voice billowed in the dense warm air.
Resplendent. Florid and kaleidoscopic were the first words that striked my confused mind when my vision raked from the faux suede ankle boots richer in pigment than the red velvet muffins resting inside the refrigerator; then straight towards to meet their eyes.
Her gaze projecting warmth in this wimtertide and out of curiosity I met her eyes to recognize their colour.
Golden syrup. They're like the glassed honey pool that has squeezed the bee in the syrup lake as if it's greed for honey became it's trap, hazel speckles caged inside the rim of irises flickering with her slightest of eye movement.
We both keeps on looking at eachother the morning peace surrounding us too unsure how to break the spell.
She's wearing a cerise peach long trench wool coat a sweet rose enamel pin attached to where her heart is. Her nose and ears pink from the cold outside, but her lips plump from under the translucent violaceous bubble gum coloured gloss.
Burnette tresses of hair loose till her covered shoulders, the peach tealed beanie intact on her head.
The women standing infront of me is in abstract contrast to the pastels of the bakery and the luster of gray buildings out of these bakery walls.
The pastelish hues still prominent in her and crimson peaked up my neck at the fact that she caught me intriguing her by my peer.
Boldly her eyes remained fixated at my suit that's very exotic for strolling into a bakery. She might think so I'm a bellend idiot.
The cashier lady came to us yawning placing her hands on her hips done with two strangers just looking at eachother but she doesn't know that both of them are inquisitive of what the other is wearing this early where anybody's barely awake.
"We've the only box, decide it quick kiddos that who'll get it." The lady yawned for fiftieth time taking the box of muffins out of refrigerator.
"I came here first and I was the first one to ask." I frowned for an obvious reason and the lady was about to give me the box when a honeyed voice again melted in my ears.
Now I really wanna hear her talk for a long time, "but I pointed at it first!" She whines softly jutting her lower lip.
"But vocalisation matters the most." I quipped arching my brow at her and she glared me but her beatific personality radiating naturally from her is breaking the bitter demeanour she's trying to pull towards me.
"Kay. We can leave it upto the rock, paper and siscorss." She smirks mishveously raising her brows several times in a challenge.
Her tongue poking out from her glossy lips with her one leg straight and other bended perpendicular she placed her on foot over another balancing with only one leg like a flamingo.
The cute small lady groaned, "are you really gonna do this?" Our eyes widening and chuckles spiraling when we once again we said 'yep.' In unison.
She was ready to launch her hand in a paper and mine was stone so I quickly interrupted looking down at her legs, "why are you standin' like a swan?" Her eyes slitting into a squint and lips shrinking into a pout.
Tilting her chin towards me and standing in the same position as before just the difference now's that her hands are on her hips to convey the offend.
She ruched her lower lip inside her mouth to stop from giving a smile, so she's a buoyant person...
"Because maybe I am?" And she doesn't have simple answers to straight questions. Our fists still raised into air and the cashier lady hissed this time ready to throw hands.
"You kids are worse than my grandchildren!" She gasped comically at the words of short lady.
"That's very mean of you..." I'm clearly surprised that she isn't one bit influenced by lady's sharpness instead she's further engaging in a conversation that will result in the loss of time for all of us. "...and your daughter wouldn't be very happy to know."
"Kay. Back to where we left." She quickly turned her head towards me her complete concentration struck over me making my stomach go fluttery and funny.
"Uhm..yes- rock, paper, siscorss!" I never thought I'd play a game with some stranger who's looking so cozy and comfy in the early dew, for some muffins in the middle of empty bakery when I scarcely interact with people.
"Yes! I won." I punched the air when my siscorss cut her paper and her jaw went slack for a moment.
What the fuck you're doing Styles!?
Out of shyness and awkwardness I abruptly combed back my curls rubbing my hand down the nape of my neck not meeting her eyes.
The lady handed me the box with a boring expression while Hers stayed ticked to it, "anyway I don't even like red-velvet muffins." Yeah. Grapes are sour when fox can't get it.
She was about to walk away near to step out of shop. I want to call her but don't know her name; so out of sheer rampage I blurted out the only word that the department of my brain could manage at the time.
"Swan!" She halted in her tracks torso turning and with her chin atop of her shoulder she looked back at me smiling coyly.
"Yes. Sparkly?" She's probably calling me that because of my glittery black suit and I'm sure my ribcages did something at the name. Getting made fun of doesn't sound very good; but it is at the time.
Today's an odd day.
"Um..we can share if you want to?" Her grin etching to the corner of her lips and she jumped excitedly clasping her hands together,"Really!?"
A timid smile crawling over my features watching her get delighted at the littlest of fact. "Yes. There are two pair of muffins we both can have one pair if you like to?" I told her and she bobs her head while going towards the cash counter, patting the counter with a huge grin indicating me to put the box down.
"Your total's $8.25." We both payed half of the total price and I shoved my hands into my trouser's pockets scrutinizing my surrounding while the annoyed cashier lady packed two muffins separately for one of us.
And she rummaged through her wallet which has alot of ebullient key-chains hanging from it, who's this girl?
Why I've never seen her here before? and I've never seen a person this cheerful in the crowd of prosaic people of city.
The lady handed us our respective delights with a roll of eyes and I was the first one to take mine and quickly sprinted out of there, because I didn't know what else to do.
A whiff of pungent vanilla, mulberry pomegranate sprouting with cocoa made it's way in my nostrils when I passed beside her. Her fragrance's divergent.
You know a scent that addictively clouds your senses but it's so rare you never get to smell it again; but if out of nowhere you get to it brings back nostalgia for no reason, she smelled like that.
When I glanced back the two women were still watching my weirdness in amusement through the glass windows of bakery.
It appeared like her rose enamel pin winked at me from far.
Mick was tangled up into cassette tapes when I stepped inside my flat, the tiny bugger he is jumped atop me straddling me to the floor.
"You're lookin' like a disco ball. No need to be so proud." Instead he gave a long slicky lick to my cheek woofing at me.
He's being too cheeky but it wouldn't last long when I'll take him for a checkup. He fucking envy his doc. I'm already sensing sympathy seeking whining from him, happens every year.
Shaking my head I grunted skiding from underneath him but he's fast and climbed up in my lap while I struggled to open the box.
The minute red hilly muffins were infront of me it reminded me of honey the ooze of golden, treacle eyes. Her eyes.
Shit. It's getting hard to get rid of her delicate image that's playing like an aesthetic reel in the back of my mind.
I was jerked into reality when Mick lurched greedily eating the delcious muffin from my hand in one bite, leaving his slickness at the tip of my fingers. Before he could attack my muffin too I quickly grabbed it.
"Mick you wouldn't believe what happened today!?" I spoke in an animated voice scratching his sweet spot under his ear my mouth full of red coconut and he looked up at me with his sick puppy eyes.
"We wouldn't have been able to eat these if I wouldn't have won from...." I stuttered pondering over the fact that the nameless peachy coat girl's too stubborn and wouldn't leave my fuzzy thoughts alone, "...from swan."
Mick just barked at me going to his sleeping pillow and I practically rubbed my eyes with the heels of my palms to bring myself to some consciousness from that bloody bakery fantasy.
When the proper morning hit I made myself breakfast and the longer I stared it the more it impeded my appetite.
With one hand offering Mick treats to deceive him into the idea that I'll take him to the park for a walk which instead will end up in a clinic's room and other hand diligent in searching word puzzles over the newspaper my jaw worked to chew the sandwich.
Throwing a sweater over my head and slipping into white washed jeans quickly I got ready to take Mick with me.
I had to scoop Mick up in my arms when he sprawled onto footpath of veterinary clinic the second he realized what was about to happen.
The kid leaning against the wall giggled loudly watching me practically drag my dog across the floor because he's too socially akward, fucking wow.
The waiting area's already full of pupils alongside their pets, someone stood up from the last bench and taking the advantage of opportunity I strided towards it sitting at it's edge.
Fifteen minutes passed since I've been caressing and comforting my scared bud, tucking his crown under my chin to make him at rest.
There's loud raucous noise when the elevator doors to the floor we're at opened wide gaining everyone's attention and when the person in tizzy strided inside the corridor I had to look at her twice.
What the fuck she's doing here? She never owned a pet and the one for whom she'll get this worried about.
Lyida's exactly same, her eyes bright as always and she has become more striking from when she was with me.
But she's not mine now, she never was.
She lurched over the receptionist with the box in her hand and distress of having to meet her eyes creeped inside me. The girl beside me threw daggers at me when I stood up hastily causing the whole bench to shake. I apologised for the disturbance.
My hands fumbled with the knob of nearest door right beside me and I had to shush Mick sternly when he kept on whining.
Heavy puff of breaths escaping my lungs when I stumbled inside some empty doctor's room shutting the door behind me, back meeting against the wooden plank of door, cold sweat breaking under the nape of my neck and I blinked several times taking in my surrounding.
I'm a weak son of a bitch.
It's fuckin' gruelling to be in her presence. It's hellish to meet her sympathetic gaze for me and I'm a bastard who's pathetic as hell.
I have to be away, I've to go right now. Trotting towards the large window panes I uncliped them stepping outside the shared balcony of room.
There's a drain pipe so I can climb it down to the ground and get the hell away from here.
Maybe, Mick was right it was a bad day and idea to come here.
Adjusting Mick inside my armpit I threw my one leg over the rail and then the second, my breath wavering as I gripped the rail tighter taking baby steps towards the plastic pipe.
The smack of air stinging my eyes while the cars are being parked infront of me at the parking lot.
A delucet voice clamoured from inside startling me to death and Mick barked lowly in reaction, "Whoops! Sorry to interrupt your suicidal mission." I turned my head steadily to see who's it even though I can comprehend the sherbet similarity.
Her voice has melted like a hot maroon stamp into my ears since the dawn hour and with the corner of my eyes I watched her leaning against the stretcher.
"But let me tell you Sparkly this height would cause you nothing but two broken ribs, one fractured thigh and you might loose your brain memory. No more than that." I gawked her appalled while she remained peacific arms folded infront of her chest, into different cardinal clothes now.
Again a replete splitness to what every other person's wearing outside.
Even though my intentions are nothing like that but saying this to someone who's about to take their life doesn't seem very pleasing.
I was about to speak something into my defence that she misinterpreted things but she cut me off popping her chewing gum and capturing the ropes of sticked bubble around her lips with her teeth.
A/n; Please lovies. Reblog it and gimme feedback alot of kisses!
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