#kai is a stupid guy~
chisfics · 5 months
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what the fck is this man on.. 😭😭😭😭
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carltonlassie · 2 years
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shxwstxpper · 5 months
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betty is the worst song on folklore. i said what i said
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academicgangster · 1 year
My new favourite thing is finding pictures of characters in suits (or something like suits) so they can be the Bugs Bunny meme
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m0e-ru · 7 months
who wants to talk about why the izanamis for some reason are just like the izanagis
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pastriibunz · 4 months
Please I beg of thee
✝️: Abstinence Camp
Kai in AC is so stupid and it’s gonna be hella canon divergent I can already tell 😭
nyways TIDBIT TIME!!!!
There’s gonna be a stupid side plot where fuckin Boy Jerry tries adopting Kai cause she mistook him for Paul and called him dad once. Funny thing is, Kai has no clue who the fuck he is-
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minty-bubblegum · 9 months
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Vash’s Complicity in the Big Fall
This isn’t so much a theory or speculation as a “wouldn’t it be cool/fucked up if” kind of post. Trigun is ripe for that kind of thing. This post is brought to you by: insomnia. Insomnia! Help, I can’t fucking sleep! In Trigun Stampede, during the Big Fall, Nai says Vash is his accomplice because he gave Nai the access codes he needed to engineer the disaster. As Vash is running away from the dying humans and his visions of the dead chasing him, Vash says something along the lines of “I didn’t know this would happen!” So why did Vash give Nai the codes, and what did he think *would* happen? Wouldn’t it be cool/fucked up if Vash knew Nai was planning to kill humans, but only the ones who hurt Tesla? I’m sure they could get a list of the main crew/scientific staff aboard, and even if Rem didn’t say who was responsible, they could probably make some educated guesses. The scientists would’ve been back in cold sleep, hell, if they knew the names Vash could’ve probably even pointed out which pods were theirs. So maybe Nai says to his brother, sure Rem loves us, but not all humans will. We need to keep ourselves safe, keep all future Independents safe. What if we just manufactured some malfunctions in the cold sleep pods? It probably won’t even hurt. Then only the bad ones will be dead and we’ll all be safe. Doesn’t that sound fair? And maybe Vash thinks, I don’t like it but Nai isn’t wrong. What happened was terrible but Rem promised it would never happen again, and he still has faith in her. Maybe he says no at first, then Nai keeps asking and asking, until in a moment of weakness or doubt Vash gives in. It’ll just be the few who hurt Tesla, and Nai will do the deed because Vash can’t bring himself to be a direct part of it, no matter how monstrous those people might have been. So he gives his brother the access codes that will let him manipulate the ship’s computer/controls/whatever, and looks the other way. Then the ships crash and so, so many people die, and not just the ones who experimented on Tesla. All those people whose names and faces Vash learned and tried to keep company in their sleep, crushed and burned alive. “You’re my accomplice!” Nai tells Vash, because by giving Nai those codes, Vash chose to help his brother murder humans. The only thing Vash didn’t know was the sheer scale of his plan.
For the rest of his life, Vash refuses to kill anyone, even the most unrepentant of monsters, because the lesson he learned was that if he condemned those he believed were evil to die, then the innocent would die too.
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"There is an innocent man in jail okay? He's the only one who knows how to fix my boat!"
Almost Paradise S02E03 A Fisherfolk Tale.
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eaglefangz · 2 years
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you’re hurting right now, and i want you to heal. i’m right here.
#cobra kai#cobrakaiedit#amanda larusso#daniel larusso#s.gif#breaking my silence........i'm an amanda apologist#LISTEN. LISTEN. PUT THE TOMATOES DOWN.#amanda gets so much shit but she really. is consistently the Adult of the situation.#YES even in season five!!!!!!!!!#like ok. in e4 they make it. ABUNDANTLY clear that her anger is justified#BUT BUT BUT. and here's the kicker!!! it's NOT daniel's fault either#the thing abt daniel is that when he's hurt he either lashes out or isolates. he can't talk abt it.#just like. god. that scene from tkk when he throws away his bike.#i wanna go home i don't like it here i wanna go home.#he can't talk abt it he can't say why.#and its. something he never really got over. he doesnt ask for help. its stupid and childish but he doesnt.#SO that being said. season five episode four.#amanda doesn't KNOW that terry silver burned down a store. that he cornered and threatened daniel.#that he was willing to have his guys beat up chozen.#she doesnt know any of that!!!!!!#all that she knows is that daniel pretended everything was fine.#and then (from her pov) picked a fight w terry at an event that mattered a lot to her.#she's justified in being angry about it. but neither of them were necessarily the bad guys in the situation.#and then when she REALIZES how badly she fucked up. she immediately tries to help daniel HEAL. not put the past in a box not lock it away#she's right next to him. she's going to stay with him.#and that's what GETS me.#because like. daniel's trauma leads to isolation. and amanda understands that. finally.#so she's not gonna do that to him again. she's going to trust him. she's going to help him Win.#do what you have to do. i'm right here. GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD#larusso women i would die for you ask me to die for you
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twodlover · 2 years
since people can't stay on their line, why don't we start sharing hcs?
one of my favorites is that kai knows how to cook but he pretends he doesn't (cause he likes to use his powers to do it instead of, you know, doing it the normal way) so only nya knew about it.
untill a day he sees lloyd a little down and he decides to cheer him up with a warm hot chocolate with marshmallows (that he roasted with his power hehe) and a sandwich with a tasty filling (i'm low on cooking ideas, imagine ur fave thing here).
so !! it became a secret between them, since kai didn't wanted cooking as one of his chores. from that time, lloyd and nya are the only ones who know and they both love to annoy kai to make some comfort food for them just to eat something made from someone who them love (in their own ways).
(also can u imagine lloyd asking for a cup pudding while kissing kai's face — cause kai is grumpy and does not want to get up from the couch and away from their cuddling — because he both wants to eat something sweet and wants to watch his boyfriend on the kitchen?)
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master-wus-tea · 10 months
Some Wu takes are
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aura-bug · 7 months
What are your thoughts on Shien in Yokai Watch ?
I like all the little hints that he and Lucas are connected in some sort of deeper way, and like most things lore-related in yo-kai watch I wish they did more with that
If they make a new ykw game, and IF that game has any sort of focus on the Enma family (or acknowledges literally anything that happened in shadowside), I'm hoping they expand more on Shien and Lucas's whole deal
also mao shien looks funny. gloop ass creature
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variousqueerthings · 2 years
also lol reconstructing the top gun volleyball scene, famously described as basically being softcore porn by the director of top gun as if it’s a hetero fantasy and accidentally positioning johnny and miguel in an oddly sexual position (one that carmen is watching.....????)
the song isn’t called “playing with the boys” because it’s about dudes who love to have sex with women
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santicazorla · 1 year
whats the difference between the kai havertz and jorginho reactions? Genuine question its looked the same to me
havertz not even signed for us yet and he’s got so much more support than jorge got/gets, there’s still a lot of arsenal fans who don’t like jorginho i just don’t get it a gunners a gunner support them stop hating
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