#kai and nikova
bluearcheron · 3 months
oi, você poderia fazer uma header de banks e kai? (hideaway) com um ícone da alice pagani combinando?
Kai Mori and Nikova Banks headers + Alice Pagani icons✨
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torrancefavgirl · 6 months
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The softest teddy bear ever to you
Owner of the "hates everyone but you" trope
He thinks he's in control but he's just stupid it's Obviously you
You have this man wrapped around your finger
Literally might as well put a leash on him
But he's so good to you and he's so sexy that he has you on your knees as well
He's insanely possessive sometimes it'll be a problem but he's getting better
You're his goddess in a temple and he's the servant
Not ashamed in the slightest to go on his knees for you
His type = you. Period.
Rich ass husband will be spoiling you 24/7
If you stare at something for too long you'll find it on your nightstand 2 days later
Dates all the time before and after kids
The honeymoon phase never goes away with you guys
If you smoke too, yall are chainsmokers together
Big on physical touch. Little kisses all the time everywhere on you
Writes you love letters and hides them around the house for you to find randomly
Will not admit that he's sick until he's bedridden
Will never allow anyone to touch him while he's sick other than you
Matter of fact nobody touches him but you
Sleeps on the side closest to the door just in case
If you're into cars, he loves to work on cars with you
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song89320 · 6 months
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caia444 · 5 months
All my Devils Night TT audios🖤
-My favourite Will and Emmy audio🩷
-Torrance-Fane siblings audio🔪🗡️
-Will Grayson eating Emmy👀
-Sad Micheal and Erika audio💔
-Damon Torrance audio👀
-Emory Scott audio👑
-Sad Emory Scott💔
-Kai Mori audio👀
-Damon Torrance audio👀
-Hot devilsnight girls audio👯‍♀️
-Hot devilsnight 🐎🙋‍♂️ audio
-Emory Scott and Nikova Banks parallel audio👯‍♀️
-Sad Damon Torrance trauma audio💔
-Emory and Will proposal audio💍
-Damon Torrance & Will Graysoniii being fruity audio🥭
-Will being mean/Emory’s trauma audio💔
-Damon Torrance trauma audio💔
-Emory Scott trauma audio💔
-Alex Palmer and Emory Scott audio👀
-Devilsnight audio 2022💀
-Damon Torrance and Emmy Scott friendship audio🩷
-Will and Emory future audio🏠
-Emory and the Horsemen in school audio📚
-Damon Torrance and Nikova Banks audio👸🏻🤴🏻
-FireNight audio🕯️
-My beautiful Nikova Banks audio💐
-Emory my hot girl audio💄
-Winter Ashby my beautiful girl audio❄️
-Damon Torrance&WillGraysoniii party audio🍾
-Emory, Micah, Rory and Aydin family audio🩷
-Will being obsessed with Emmy audio🥹
-Emory Scott touching the untouchable audio🔪
-Damon and Emory Friend audio🩷pt 2
-Sad Emory Scott trauma audio💔
-Micheal and Erika relationship audio🖤
-Winter putting Damon in his place audio🔪
-Damon Torrance mistreating my girls audio💔
-Emory Scott putting Will in his place audio💋
-Damon and his burrito (Will) audio🌯
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sadgirlfor3versblog · 11 months
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Hideaway by Penelope douglas aesthetic
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evacrstairs · 3 months
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hideaway (kaibanks) headers. like or reblog if you save or use. 🖤
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pro-logue-epi-logue · 11 months
Devil's Night-
Some things people forgets or pay less attention to:
1. Michael was also abused by his father.
2. Rika lost her father to accident but her mother to drugs and depression( she didn't die but she was not fine at all).
3. Banks mother made her steal things before she lived with the torrance's.
4. Banks mother SOLD her to damon when she was 12.
5. Damon saved Winter from an abusive family.
6. Damon saw all kinds of horror by the age of 11 in his house.
7. Only person who cared about winter is damon.
8. Winter gets left behind because of being blind, by her own family and even by the "found family" gang.
9. In the entire series only Emory pushed Will to do better and be better.
10. Will would have dies by 30 if Emory would not have came in the picture again.
11. Emory's parents died when she was 11.
Her brother who was fun suddenly became the thing of her nightmares.
She was abused financially, emotionally, physically and mentally for years.
12. Emory's abuse started when she was 11 and did not stop until she was 18 all of her formative years revolved around abuse.
13. Everytime Martin used to hit emory and she was brused or bleeding NO ONE used to put medication on her, NO ONE.
14. 11 years old Emory used to go to school with bleeding wounds or bruised body.😭😭
15. Emory only used to get hugs from her grandma even that stopped when she was 14.
16. Emory Scott lived a hellish life of abuse, got out of that house, got a better education and then became an ARCHITECT but it was always overlooked.
17. Emory was probably alone at her college graduation.
18. Emory fell in love with Will when she was 16 but had to let him go because she knew he would never understand her trauma( he didn't even when he was 26) and she would only bring him pain.
19. Emory always considered Alex as a friend but Alex was never a friend to Emory.
20. When Emory was getting rape threats( more than 4, yes i kept a count), was bleeding and getting brused, aydin was playing with her mind and rory wanted her to die, while not knowing anything about those boys, Alex was hiding safely in blackchurch, knowing what aydin can do, how taylor was a vile rapist and rory was a serial killer, and she called herself a "friend" of Emory.
21. Alex could have easily found 2 minutes to show herself the first day Emory arrived at blackchurch and explain everything, but she didn't, until she realized Aydin liked Emory, and she was jealous.
22. Alex was not planning to take Emory back to Thunderbay with them, hence not telling anyone about her from her satellite phone.
23. Alex was neither a good friend to Will nor to Emory.( she came to blackchurch for aydin, told a legit addict how she preferred him drunk, don't even get me started on how bitch she was to Emory example hitting a abuse survior even completelybeing aware of emmy's abuse).
24. Alex was always jealous of Emory and hated her all throughout Nightfall for no reason. (Will was literally in love with her since emory was 13,
Aydin whom Alex loved ignored her and never respected her in 7 years but respected Emory in 1 day and was a friend to emmy in blackchurch.
Micah and Rory were acting like brothers to emory within knowing her for only 1 day.
Will wasn't giving Alex time of the day in blackchurch and thinking of emmy
Emory faced life of difficulties but made something of her, architect, but alex hated what she did.
Emory had no one with her but was still standing strong but alex had the support of the friends and would be nothing without them
Emmy didn't need anyone but alex did
Every single boy in blackchurch respected and wanted to be close to emmy and save her but Everyone was ignoring alex, literally micah and rory didn't even gave her 1 look).
25. Alex was in love with Will and wanted to marry him.
26. The friend Will was to Alex he was never to Emory.
27. Will never understood Emory and her abuse.
28. Alex hated Emory but was fake acting as a friend and always looked down on Emory's and never leaft a chance to show her down( everyday she was visible in blackchurch,
Everytime aydin looked at emmy,
The entire train ride,
And even after the train ride in some scenes).
29. Alex COMPARING her difficulty life to Emory a literal surivor of child abuse and trauma was the most Shittiest thing.
( i get it alex had seen bad times butttttttt alex was thrown out of college when she was 18, started working as a luxury escort at 19,
But emmy lost her parents at 11,
Got brutally abused EVERYDAY from 11 to 18,
Lost the love of her life at 16,
Had to take care of her grandma since she was a child herself,
Had to make all adult decisions as a child.)
30. Alex thought Will was in love with her too.
31. Emory was more like Damon than anyone. Literally they are the 2 sides of same coin.
32. Emory at 16 always thought she will bring will down with her problems and he deserves to always smile so she let him go.
33. When emmy saw damon bury a body her first instinct was not to run but asked him if Will had anything to do with it.
34. Alex was going to use Will as plan B and marry him to make aydin jealous and make him feel less.
35. Emory was abused financially, emotionally, physically and mentally for years.
36. Emory had no one to lean on since she was 11 to she was 25, thats 14 YEARS!
37. Banks was the knly girl in a house full of gangsters and criminals.
38. Both Emmy's and Will's reaction after seeing a dead body is to dump it in ocean.
39. Will thought of Emory the first time he drowned and the second time too just like he did the third time.
40. Will was never in love with Alex.
41. Aydin had to fight his entire abusive family for Alex but when he came back She acted as if she was the only victim( as always).
42. Aydin was someone else's boyfriend when Alex wanted him and Alex was her friend, just like she wanted Will knowing full well Will and Emmy have a thing and just like she was Emmy's "friend".
43. Emory don't remember her parents.
44. Rika and Alex wanted the horseman validation. Seriously they were drooling for it.
45. Emory and Banks has no respect for The horseman. (Okay we all know this).
46. Kai got the biggest daddy issues.
47. Pd's decision to insert Alex in Nightfall was completely stupid, it ruined the book. WILLEMMY'S BOOK SHOULD HAVE BEEN THEIR ONLY!
48. Rika and Alex are not girls girl.
49. Rika knew Damon wanted to hurt Winter still didn't do anything.
50. Emmy was the only person someone can rely on.
51. Will knows how to tattoo someone and he tattooed most of his tattoos himself when he was in jail.
52. Both best friends Damon and Will are stalker they both stalked their Love interests. I mean guys Damon was is Winter's house and Will... this guy knew EVERYTHING about Emmy, on Saturday she works all day at gazebo, she gies to school, gazebo and her house not other places, her with her grandma.
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lighthousepigeons · 1 year
The kids in the car with Kai: McDonald's! McDonald's! McDonald's!
Kai: Sorry kids, we have healthy food at home.
The kids in the car with Damon: McDonald's! McDonald's! McDonald's!
Damon: *pulls up at a McDonald's drive-thru*
The kids: *cheering*
Damon: One black coffee.
The kids in the car with Will: McDonald's! McDonald's! McDonald's!
Will: McDonald's! McDonald's! McDonald's!
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ballntines · 1 year
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͏͏ ͏͏͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏𝗍𝗈𝗋𝗋𝖺𝗇𝖼𝖾'𝗌 𝗆𝗈𝗈𝖽𝖻𝗈𝖺𝗋𝖽 ͏͏ ͏͏͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏⸺ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏͏͏by 𝗐𝗂𝗅𝗅𝗋𝗋𝖺𝗇𝖼𝖾
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ 𝖽𝖾𝗏𝗂𝗅'𝗌 𝗇𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍 ⎯⎯⠀ 𝗆𝗈𝗈𝖽𝖻𝗈𝖺𝗋𝖽
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maddiesflame · 5 months
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alice pagani x hideaway layouts
like/reblog if saved © maddiesflame
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landonsmuse · 1 month
and what if I said Penelope Douglas’ obsession with inculcating group sex scenes (threesomes, orgies, bjs and action between characters uncalled for) as a ‘metaphor for emotional intimacy and vulnerability’ in her books needs to stop because, and I ain’t even a prude but, it’s unnecessary, ineffective, stale, icky, and just ugly vibes in general, cause there’s a gazillion diff ways you can highlight the bond between your characters save dicks in pussys, just what the fuck honestly.
what then.
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devilznights · 8 months
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Like or reblog if I use the icons and give me credits.
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torrancefavgirl · 4 months
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This man is not ashamed in the slightest to go on his knees for you
Will buy a new outfit + new lingerie for every date/event
So so clingy, he's literally super glued to you
Personal space doesn't exist to him
Whether it's your personal space or his it doesn't matter
If you ever ever think about taking out your wallet when you're shopping, he'll give you the nastiest look ever like you killed his dog or something
Weekly flowers with sweet ass notes
If you're a reader, you bet your ass he'll buy you every book you'll ever want
He'll also build you a library in the house
His wallpaper/lockscreen is absolutely you
Wants to do everything with you, that includes eating, sleeping, working out etc...
No matter what you're going through, this man is so understanding it's crazy
You're this man's entire focus 24/7, no one matters more than you
Heavy on eye contact, will know what's hiding in your soul cause of his intense ass eye contact
Will throw a bitch fit if you ever say you're ugly or fat etc...
Negative self talk is a big no fir him he will never allow anyone to disrespect his woman like that
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song89320 · 7 months
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urlocalrambler · 6 months
DN fanfic: an exploration into Kai Mori's mind while he's in prison. Introspective piece. So get ready for self-loathing, the woes of the disgraced son and the Banks reminiscence and yearning that we deserved.
My first Devils Night fanfiction ever. Actually, it's my first writing piece in a long time in general, but fuck it, we balling. I've always struggled a little with understanding Kai, but I think this piece helped me get more of a grip on my characterisation of him <3.
Kai sits in jail, and he knows he's a scrouge on his family name. He’s the shameful blot in their lineage, the fuck up who keeps on giving even when all they want is for him to stop. Kai's the shadow in his family's illustrious life. A good boy gone wrong, the ungrateful child, responsible for his mother's tight smiles and fervent worry — he’s the parasite leeching away at his mother's kindness, carelessly ruining the happy life his father fought to give her. It took one blow of a hammer slamming against a gavel, and his parents have a sword of humiliation rammed into their guts. The pain is only dug in deeper with the indignity of a sentence of 28 months lost to the confines of walls crammed to the brim with prisoners, with his fitted suits for interviews traded in for a standardised orange jumpsuit, as a lifestyle befitting of an animal is thrust into the hands of their only son. 
The worst part is that they still loved him despite his neverending failures.
"–Gave him three broken ribs. So he fractured his fucking spine."
"The rich brat. Mori. He didn't even hesitate."
"Shit, he might belong here, after all."
Yeah, maybe he does belong here.
From the start of it all, he's been the defining reason for the lines marring his father's forehead, those were wrinkles etched in from worrying about Kai's unfortunate tendencies, but he's still forgiven again and again for every indiscretion that they catch him in and he learns to forgive himself for the thousands that they don't know about as a default. Kai's allowed to follow his own path even if it means spitting at his father's feet and disparaging the legacy that Katsu built with his roughened hands. It's wrong, grievously so, but he takes the chances and the freedom, Kai proves he's a certified fuck up. Useless boy who's worth nothing much when compared to the father who tried to give him every head start in life no matter what it cost. Katsu's a man who pulled his family out of poverty, he gives his wife her old life back tenfold, and Kai’s the worthless son who ruins it by gorging himself on endless vices, amusing himself by toeing the lines, and eventually, he gets a crew and starts obliterating the lines. Never improving even as they ardently pray for him, Kai only gets worse as the years pass.
Everyone knows it in Thunder Bay. Kai Mori's a cautionary tale in the flesh. 
The good boy who gets caught up in the wrong crowd and suffers for it. Prince amongst the heathens, gilded gold stained by their tar, a demon playing at being an angel. Kinder smiles and 'thank you's' on his tongue don’t get rid of the taste of sin, but they mask it well enough. Until it suddenly doesn't anymore, and they see that he's made of the same strokes as his friends. Demon, not an angel. Predator, not the prey. Villain, never a prince. Sins can't be hidden forever in a modern era of phones to the ear and the glimmer of cameras catching their every move. He should’ve known better than to have expected zero consequences – Kai hid his truths better than his friends ever managed to, but an unchained nature couldn't be hidden forever.
People were predisposed to making assumptions. 
In Thunder Bay, they accepted and revered the version of him that they thought they knew, and they share their aggrieved regrets as his fall from grace occurs in the brightened spotlight. Analysed just like Icarus, with a tragic fate of his own making – Kai can't meet his father's eyes for the first couple of weeks after his wrongs are aired to the public. Kai Mori had potential in spades, the gossip somberly chastens, and he squandered it away on freedom ravelled within insanity, he wasted a guaranteed future on the kind of lust that made priests look away in discomfort, and he ruined himself due to a useless loyalty towards friends that should've never amounted to much more than a footnote in his life.
Outsiders never understood how the blood of the covenant could run thicker than the water of the womb. They didn't feel the allure of darkness in its fullest form. Nor could they understand the power that control gave him when it was cradled in his palms, and he had chaos biting at his neck. She had, though, that one girl who hides in his mind just like she'd veiled herself into that confession all those years ago– she understood it all, and she even fed into it back then. 
He wonders what she felt when she saw him in cuffs. 
Mystery Girl was among his worst mistakes, mostly because she quickly became his darkest daydream and a favourite nightmare.
Kai's quiet when he does it. In the showers, when heat spindles against the mirror, he washes off the heat of shame by engaging in more depravity. He thinks about her often. And he's not gentle, not even close to it. Whenever he thinks about girls wrapped up in men's clothes, in shirts that aren't his, he's harsh and angry because they should've been his clothes, she should've been his girl. He thinks of smart quips on the curve of her lips, and he wonders how sweet it would've been to have held her and shut her up in the way he'd desperately wanted to whenever she said the name of a man who wasn't him. Kai's got a hand on his cock and he jerks it hard to the thoughts of her. 
Chocolate hair. Green eyes. Golden skin. Daydreams and nightmares. 
She's the only thing he never got that he'd desperately wanted in his golden years; she's the thing he still wants so carnally even in his darkest hours. Wants her thighs wrapped around his torso, wants his name to be the only thing she's capable of saying by the time he's done with her, wants her marked and ruined by the touch of him and him only. Indulging in her, Kai knows, would've been his favourite sin. Back then, he got only a speck, got nothing more than a touch, and he'd still been hopelessly addicted, high on fumes when he had the wisp of her silhouetted in his arms, and he was in withdrawal whenever he lost her to a man he hated and loved in equal measure. Just a taste back then, just the thoughts now, and he's still maddeningly hooked on her. Pretty girl, harsh girl, but never his girl. Sweet like candy with a tangy kick to her. She's the only drug in his veins, inching in without warning, putting him in a trance and an unruly high.
In the dead of night, she visits him, and Kai welcomes her. 
He is a fuck-up, Kai knows it well. Somehow, he's still so ready to engage in the betrayal of his brother in everything but blood. Damon's down in a living nightmare in solitary, and he dreams of stealing his girl. He dreams of using her up. He yearns to take her and have her feed the desires of his concupiscent flesh for as long as he wants, and he thinks he wants to keep her for months, for years, for as long as it takes until she feels more his than anything else.
Irreverent lust, onerous fingers, amatory desires, and all for what? A girl he had known all of a couple of weeks. And he thinks he'd sell the flesh on his back to go back to that time with her. For her, he thinks he'd do anything because if she's a reverie then he's a victim to the ghost of her. Kai thinks of her and that hotel room, and he wonders why he let his dream girl go. 
She's the only person to ever make him feel alive, to make him feel desire on an impulse, the only one who could easily stoke his dangerous need for control, and she did it all without ever trying. No fight to take and no need to make his blood boil; there was no need to force himself into those conversations with her because he was already obsessed with her voice from the second he heard it. Everything came naturally when it was with her. 
He thinks she could've been his if she hadn't been Damon's to keep. 
Kai laughs when he grips the plexiglass, breathes harder, and strokes faster– she's certainly not either’s now, and she wasn't his back then, but she is all Kai’s in the darkness of his mind. Smooth skin pressed against his chest, lips to his neck, and she's begging for it, for his dirty criminal's hands to stay on her neck. Moaning, whining, crying for more. He's undone by the idea of her, air caught in the chasm of his lungs, knuckles tightened to a pale white, as he gives into his favourite nightmare. Kai's spent by the thought of her, the evidence washed away by water, as his back presses against the shower wall. 
Suddenly, he's almost glad that he doesn't see Damon here at all. Kai tries to convince himself that he should be relieved that he'll likely never see her again either (it doesn't work but he tries). If he doesn't see her, then it means the fantasies, the output of those unreachable desires, can stay intact.
There's no Damon to stop him. No dancer in a hotel to distort what they could've had. No blood to mop away and no nights to hide away. It was just him and her again.
In his dreams, Banks is everything he still desires.
In his dreams, she belongs to no one else.
In his dreams, Banks is all his.
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stargirlie25 · 9 months
Lizzie young🤝 Nikova banks🤝Emory scott🤝Silver Queens🤝Nesta Archeron🤝Donatella dragna🤝 all being our fav problematic girlies
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