#kaden rants
assassyart · 1 month
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I know he sacrificed his life at the end to save the universe, but I always found a but weird that after he killed Ratchet in a fit of rage, he didn't seem to regret what he did like ik he was probably thinking he could fix this when he saves the lombax but still tpu would've thought he would've had a "what have I done moment?"
I also find if weird that the great clock isn't a time machine and yet it can go through the past by 6 minutes
Ah. Yay. :) I love talking about Alister Azimuth's thinking process. Thank you for the invitation to rant about this!
The end of A Crack in Time is one of the best parts of Ratchet & Clank, period. It has two incredibly emotional scenes, and every character is so well done. Buuut there is obviously one part of the ending that sticks out, and that's when Alister Azimuth killed Ratchet. This was the moment the player finally realizes just how far gone Azimuth is and that all of those flags were, indeed, bright red. To understand why he made this decision, we have to get into Azimuth's mindset. It's important to note Azimuth's decision wasn't just a fit of rage.
Azimuth had revealed to us that he does not view this current time he is in as "real" and, as such, has been treating everything he does and everyone he meets as temporary until the present gets back on track and he fixes his mistake. He sees talking to Ratchet about the past as pointless because it'll be "fixed," so why does it matter? (But even he can't stop himself from gushing about Kaden.) He even declines to help the Vullards while they're being attacked by the Agorians until they offer him something he needs to reach his goal. He views everyone as just another stepping stone to reaching his goal. He's detached himself emotionally from this world because it is not real to him.
This is similar to how Nefarious views everything in ACiT as well, just less exaggerated and silly. In a way, the two are pretty similar. Nefarious copes with his loss believing he can rewind time to "wrong" the "right" while Azimuth copes with his mistake, chasing after the idea that he can still fix it. Both are consumed by their failures in the past.
While Azimuth does try to care about Ratchet, it's clear that he doesn't let himself care that much about any one individual more than his goal. He doesn't even care about himself making it out alive after being captured by Vorselon— he only cares about fixing his mistake (and pushes this duty onto Ratchet as well). He is still putting up that emotional wall between him and Ratchet, so he won't get attached. Because to him, Ratchet won't exist once he "fixes" his mistake. This Ratchet he is currently fighting alongside will be gone, replaced by a completely different person— a Lombax that got to be raised by his father and mother, and never had to face the hardships "Ratchet" went through.
In Azimuth's mind, once he achieves his goal and fixes the past, this "Ratchet" will die. There is no point crying over someone you already accepted will not exist. He will simply care about the Ratchet that he will "save" in the past, not the one he doomed in the present.
Azimuth believes The Great Clock will fix all of his problems. Ratchet going back into the past to find out what happened to Orvus only strengthens Azimuth's belief that this will work. It has to. He does not even want to entertain the idea that it won't work, because that would mean he'd have to sit with himself and think about all of the awful things he did to get to this point.
"For the Lombaxes," he says, as he kills one of his own. "For Kaden," he says, as he kills his best friend's son. "To fix the past," he says, as he ruins the present.
It's only when he is faced with the fact The Great Clock won't fix his problems, that Ratchet (just like Kaden) is desperately trying to salvage the mess he made, that he has doomed the universe... that is when he realizes that he was chasing after something that was never going to work. You can't run from the past. You must learn from your mistakes. Azimuth wouldn't listen to Ratchet, just like how he wouldn't listen to Kaden. History repeated itself, and now his mistake was going to get Ratchet killed. All of his guilt from everything he did washes over him at once. He apologizes, but that doesn't change anything.
And he knows that. Azimuth's redemption comes from the fact that he doesn't run from this mistake. He faces it head-on, and his last words break the emotional wall he had set up before—
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"Take care of yourself, Ratchet."
He's finally acknowledged the past can't be fixed and that he's doomed Ratchet to being the last Lombax yet again, but his final words are one of care and hope. He sacrifices himself for Ratchet and the present. In this action, he atones for his mistake.
And gah. This character is so amazing. I hate him. I love him. He's one of the best characters we have in the series, and I could fill an entire video essay just babbling on and on about this beautiful ending. Every character in this ending can be dissected for their choices, and this ending has definitely impacted the series far more than any of the others. I would dare Insomniac to top this ending, but I think it's dumb to even try. There's no topping this.
The game itself might have some flaws, but this ending is just perfect. I'd change absolutely nothing about it. What a banger ending to a banger character.
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charred-angel-ribs · 2 years
Ok, I have to get this out. I have been listening to "You Stupid Face" by Kaden MacKay for so long now (I wanna say years but I don't know how long it's been out, but it's been for a very very long time, at least a year) and I have only ever heard up to the third (3rd) verse, which is where I thought it ended, and that the love interest betrayed them and then died or something to that extent, and that it ended sad. I loved the song. But then I heard it on spotify a few months ago, and saw that it was like six (6) minutes long, and figured that it had just been bulked out with some more instrumental, and as I was listening, I figured that was the case, and then there was the pause, and I thought it was over. It was a beautiful song and it sounded brilliant with the extra innstrumental, AND THEN IT KEEPS GOING WITH THAT BUILD UP AND I FUCKING DIED LIKE HOLY SHIT-
It gives me such an immense need to hug someone, to dance with someone, to sing with someone or just by myself, to just scream/shout to get this energy out, it gives me emotional sensory overload (/pos).
This song is love. And I fucking love it.
It doesn't matter how many times I listen to it, again and again, that part where it moves on past the third (3rd) verse still hits me so hard and I wouldn't have it any other way.
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loves-dream · 2 years
Composers doing normal shit is the realest thing ever.
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In order
Young Sergei Prokofiev playing an intense game of chess (date unknown)
Richard Strauss in Schierke, Germany, sledging with noticeable discomfort (date unknown)
Italian opera composer Giuseppe Verdi with his beloved dogs (1800s)
Leonard Bernstein at lunch with Aaron Copland at Tanglewood, the summer home of the Boston Symphony Orchestra (1946)
Dmitri Shostakovich showing off his billiard skills.
Sergei Prokofiev playing chess against violinist David Oistrakh with violinist Liza Gilels watching.
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky properly dressed for winter.
Sergei Rachmaninoff cutting his birthday cake.
Like. Wow. Surreal.
Links for the above pictures (and more!)
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abominare · 1 year
Blah blah Kaden is his father's son because he's stubborn and righteous and proud and steadfast and just really fucking annoying in that commander sort of way
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Kayne's new and improved radio is placed on Kaden's desk, with a cassette tape titled "Funny videos - 1 (we abuse the gods!!). It's a collection of a bunch of people swearing and ranting about the gods in turn, and then finally cuts to-
"A much healthier way for you to express your..uh, distaste with the gods. No harm done except maybe to the god's egos! Anyway, to conclude, Dike is a (censored bleeps follow, indicating a lot of cursing) and she does not deserve an ounce of my time! Wow, that already feels better."
When Kaden finds the radio on his desk, he chuckles, a little sadly. Kayne’s just left. And left him—well, not in the breaking up sense, but in the three thousand miles apart sort of a way.
It’s not that he doesn’t understand her voyage to see her family. He’d do the same, if it meant he could see his sister again.
So he does understand. It’s just: three thousand miles. Wow.
She swore she’d write, but in the meantime, Kaden can’t do much. So he listens to the cassette tape.
And he starts to laugh. And then cry.
By this point, it’s become a bit of a routine. Three weeks have passed—three long, painful, horrible weeks—and he listens to the tape again and again. Specifically Kayne’s part.
He has to tilt his head back today and blink rapidly. It’s one of those days. Kayne’s letters have somewhat dried up. Is she in pain? Injured? Dead?
He listens to her speech one last time. It’s happy and angry and so perfectly Kayne that he stands up to look out at Half-Blood Hill, illuminated by the moon.
“Kayne, where are you?”
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sunnydaleherald · 8 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Saturday, February 3rd
Darla: The Master has grown past the curse of human features. Angelus: I'm not gonna get a bat-nose like that, huh? Am I?
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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His Proper Place by MadeInGold (Angel/Darla, E)
In My Dreams (You Should See The Things We Do) by Anonymous (Buffy/Faith, G)
Please Be Gentle by AmmoniteSkin (AmmoniteFlesh) (Darla/Drusilla, M)
Am I Sexual? by ThatShipper13 (Buffy/Faith, M)
Night Light by ami_ven (Willow, G)
AITA For Lying to My Friend And Causing Her To Kill Her Boyfriend? by ineffablecabbage (Xander, M)
Understanding by Anonymous (Cordelia/Faith, T)
Бабочка by B_E_S (Buffy/Angel, T, in Russian)
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Femslash February 2 - 'Please Be Gentle' by AmmoniteFlesh (Darla/Drusilla, M)
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Graveyard by Lilacsandorangeblossoms (Buffy/Spike, G)
Unwrap me by the fireplace by Lilacsandorangeblossoms (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Raven: Chapter 1 by sparrow2000 (Vamp!Xander & Spike, G)
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Forgiveness Doesn't Come Easy, Chapter 20 by slaymesoftly (Buffy/Spike, R)
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Shadow Over Hellmouth, Chapter 103 by Tuxedo_Mark (Ensemble, E)
They Know Exactly What We're Here For, Chapter 6 by MadeInGold (Angel/Riley/Spike, E)
Sisters, the adventures of Sam and Buffy Carter - Year 1, Chapter 16 by FPBarbieri (Buffy, Stargate crossover, G)
Let me rest in peace, Chapter 11 (complete!) by cauliflower666 (Spike/OC, E)
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Forgiveness Doesn't Come Easy, Chapter 20 by slaymesoftly (Buffy/Spike, R)
Afterburn, Chapter 10 by Melme1325 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Beg, Chapter 2 by Maxineeden (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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The Ring Talks, Chapter 36 by myrabeth (Buffy/Spike, 13+)
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Rules of Engagement, Chapter 9 by all choseny (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Love Lives Here, Chapter 17 by Passion4Spike (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: The Power Within by veronyxk84 (Darla, Drusilla, Anya, Willow, Buffy, Harmony, worksafe)
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Artwork: they went to in-n-out by genericaces (Lorne, Fred, Cordelia, Gunn, Wesley, Angel, worksafe)
Artwork: Spike in Hush by notbraveenoughforpolitics (worksafe)
Artwork: Buffy characters as My Little Ponies by wiltinn (worksafe)
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Playlist: The Mixtape Chronicles, Chapter 4 by Julikobold
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Fanvid: Dawn Summers - All American Bitch (BTVS) by Scarlet Speedster
Fanvid: Buffy || Hold Me While You Wait [Grief] by Lucy Whiskers
Fanvid: buffy and one tree hill edit by Buffy the vamire slayer fan
Fanvid: I'm in love with a monster by Obx Queen (Angelus)
Fanvid: Buffy Summers - All I Wanna Do by juliaroxs241
Fanvid: Buffy and Angel - It Ain't Easy by juliaroxs241
Fanvid: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - The Greatest Show by juliaroxs241
Fanvid: Buffy and Angel - I Miss You by juliaroxs241
Fanvid: Buffy and Spike - Les Rois du Monde by Nina Mironovitch
Video: “This is Hell” Monologue from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Season Six Episode Three Acting Casting Reel by Bobby Aiello
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Slayers: A Buffyverse Story releases all episodes today - thoughts? continued by Stoney
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Video: Flooded-Slayer Sunday by Jane Talks Buffy
Video: The Controversial Episode of Angel that never was! by Screen Rant
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Podcast: 1.5 Never Kill a Boy On the First Date by Once More: A Rewatch Podcast
[Recs & Search]
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Fic search: Spike/Willow-centric with Angel/Tara by Kaden Pekarovich
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Vid rec: Buffy & Angel / You get me by darkswordfish7x recced by bisexualblckcanary
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Search: Buffy analysis videos on YouTube by justanother1990sdude
[Fandom Discussions]
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[Xander in Halloween] by irkallanprince
buffy’s friends are honestly so rude to her during the slayerfest episode by lightsaroundyourvanity
Analyzing Anya & Xander’s Duet by melinoephilia
Angel would at first want Buffy to try and mend the bridge with her dad if at all possible by oveliagirlhaditright
Do people really think Buffy saying “when you kiss me I want to die” to Angel meant she wanted to become a vampire?? by targaryenvampireslayer
In season 5 when Spike is watching Dawson’s Creek and says, “Oh, Pacey you idiot can’t you tell she doesn’t love you?” by kat--writes
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Initial Reaction to Buffy continued by multiple posters
So Bored By the Joss Whedon Disclaimer by Priceless
30 Day Challenge: BtVS vs AtS - Best season finales by multiple posters
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Amazing ending [Not Fade Away] by SerranoStreamer
Cordelia being nasty to Darla by BlueisGreen2Some
Cangel Forever by Sweet-Siren
Story purposes - Why did Wesley go to Faith for help and not Buffy or Willow? by jdpm1991
Anything in Angel You Think Could've Been Utilized More? by Big-Restaurant-2766
People who read the comics and didn't hate it, do you feel like it's an extension of the show? by SafiraAshai
As a Midwesterner, the snow kills me every time by koakoba
The ��Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ Storyline That Ruined a Great Season by panbear69
Something I just noticed. Season 5 episode 1 & EP 22 connection (Buffy vs Drac/The Gift) by kipcarson37
Previously on Buffy... by not_firewood_yet
Why do you love BTVS? by smilbs1996
Fool for love: How did buffy even lose? by Tsole96
What exactly was the advanced 2.0 slayer training? by Tsole96
Was The First telling Dawn the truth? by Sad_Abbreviations318
Two ways to be become a vamp? by AntiTas
Why is Angel watching Buffy in season 4? by Chris55730
Were you surprised by the Heaven reveal in S6? by AllHailMyFace
Favorite seasonal music scores by Crosisx2
Was The First's limitation of only being able to appear as dead people a change in season 7 by theredacer
The US government be like: by Eagles56
ASH comments on an IYKYK moment 💔 [The Body] by Dependent_Room_2922
Jenny translates Lord's Prayer by your_kind_doctor
Backup has arrived [Dirty Girls] by SuperSaiyanMoon
Whats your favorite Buffy haircut and least favorite? by bevgron
This is one of my favourite Bangel scenes [Angel biting Buffy] by Sweet-Siren
I watched “the body” at night by goodandpure
What's Your Best Buffy: The Vampire Slayer and/or Angel Relationship or Dynamic? by Big-Restaurant-2766
Does City Of encompasses what Angel the series is like? by sadhungryandvirgin
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wildissylupus · 1 year
Ok I got some songs that maybe you'll like for your playlist, maybe you won't
"Achilles Come Down" by Gang of Youths- I personally always associate this song with Cass singing it, and I somehow I think it sounds like him like when he's genuinely trying to sing well.
"Your Stupid Face" by Kaden MacKay
"Valentine" by Laufey
"Rhythm of Love" by Plain White T's- Come on, you can't not imagine Cass learning to play guitar and singing this to Bap (with pronoun changes as needed)
"Lucky" by Jason Mraz (I think?)
"Red Solo Cup" by Toby Keith- This is such a Cass song. Prove me wrong, I DARE you. He'd love it.
"La Da Dee" by Cody Simpson
"Fire And The Flood" by Vance Joy- I can't explain it, I just heard it while searching for songs and though "YES. YES."
"Life" by Neffex- The lyrics sorta remind me of Cassidy but I also wonder if he'd listen to it.
"All Who Wander" by Old 97's(??)
"Something Entirely New" by Rebecca Sugar- Idk I can just kinda see their relationship in it
"Treasure" by Bruno Mars- Bap would KILL singing and dancing to this (Off topic but I think he can absolutely KILL a moonwalk if he wanted to)
"Escapism" by Rebecca Sugar
I'm gonna stop here because I put SO many songs down lmao, and if I kept going I'd have put like 30 in this ask. But also, I genuinely don't know or think all too much about like. Bapssidy's dynamic or Bap in general so a lot of these songs were either things that I thought would work for Bapssidy or mainly Cassidy songs. Hope this helps tho!
*looks at Love Like You by Rebecca Sugar already in playlist*
I couldn't agree more-
Thankyou for the suggestions!!
If I'm gonna be honest most of these are probably going onto the play list XD.
But songs for their dynamic specifically, I've personally been looking for songs that have themes of redemption, falling in love again and acceptance. Since in my mind those are the main themes of Bapssidy as a ship!
That and any song with two dumbasses flirting with eachother would also work-
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aclevername8 · 2 years
Mags and Julie of the Lost Time AU
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Being an avid researcher on interdimensionality, a cohead of the Center for Advanced Lombax Research’s Interdimensional Division alongside Kaden, and having explored the entirety of the multiverse in only a year (and three weeks), Mags is definitely one of the sharper tools in the shed. And when it’s not about other dimensions or a breakthrough in dimensional theory that he's ranting about, it’s definitely about his most prized possession: his cherished ship, Centauri. 
He is most often found in his lab, researching yet another theory or anomaly, and once the Council's Dimensionator ban was lifted, he was almost impossible to find now that he was constantly exploring other dimensions, completely free of any time restraint, unlike when he had to make the Dimensional Map to help all the Lombaxes escape Tachyon all those years ago. 
He has best friends in both Kaden and Julie--a fellow Councilmember alongside them--and they were the only two to stick with Kaden for the entire two decades of his unhappy life without Ratchet in his life--eventually being the only ones who still voted in favor of his monthly appeal to get the Council to allow him to go back to the original dimension to get him back in spite of Tachyon still being a present danger. 
Mags is usually the most reasonable one in their trio, and an extremely loyal friend as well--going so far as to almost land in prison to help Kaden build a counterfeit Dimensionator to try and save Ratchet behind the Council’s back. 
But when he’s not trying to break the law for his friends, he’s almost always found bickering and arguing with Julie to make fun of her lack of flying skills, convince her out of yet another stupidly dangerous idea, simply bantering with her to pass the time, or--usually--all three.
However, all of their arguing doesn’t change anything about the fact that they care very much about each other--so much so in fact that they eventually became a couple. 
He once had a sister who was a fellow researcher such as himself, stationed in a research colony on Savali. However, when the Exodus occurred, she and her family--a husband and daughter--didn’t make it to the evacuation, as their ship was shot down by soldiers working under an ‘Emperor’ while they were out to research a dimensional anomaly that popped up.
For twenty years, he had presumed them all dead until Ratchet and Kaden came back from their expedition in the other dimension with Rivet--his niece that survived the attack as a baby via an escape pod. 
Now with his own family back--and one that got larger with the arrival of his niece's children of Mallarie and Miter--he is excited to start an exciting new chapter of his life.
Well, almost as exciting as the next dimension he’ll decide to go study next.
She isn’t a gun nut; she prefers the term, 'Weapons Enthusiast'. 
As head of the Center’s Weapons Division, Julie’s job is to design, shoot, and blow stuff up all day--and many would say that she loves it too much.
Always filled with such high energy that she’d be apt to bounce off the walls just like a gun built to ricochet grenades, it’s safe to say that she’s a handful, and to a lot of people, a danger to herself and others. 
She’s always coming up with new ideas, and with many of them being very bad ideas. In fact, she has her own personal quality assurance team whose sole job is to shoot down her especially crazy gun ideas before they get too far and maim someone because she thought that it'd be 'kickass' to build a gun that just shoots another gun for the hell of it. 
But once you get past her energetic recklessness and enthusiasm, she is one of the greatest friends anyone could hope for, willing to do almost anything for her best friends of Mags and Kaden--especially if it needs to involve guns and destruction. 
And once Ratchet showed up, she immediately deemed herself as his ‘Cool Aunt Julie!’ despite her not being related to him at all whatsoever. She takes it upon herself to try and impress him in almost any way she can, which is almost always just constantly giving him fresh new gun prototypes straight from the lab. And once Rivet came in, she instantly deemed her as her own niece too, right alongside Mags--and once she started dating him and became Rivet's actual aunt, she was one of Ratchet and Rivet's biggest supporters in trying to get them together so that 'I can tell Mags and Kaden to suck it now that I'm Ratchet's actual aunt too!' 
She was initially disappointed at how Ratchet and Rivet refused to name Mallarie after herself in lieu of Ratchet's deceased mother, Marie, and then even more disappointed when they named Miter after Mags (Julie was Rivet's family now, too!), and even more disappointed when Mallarie and Jett named their kids after Mallarie's mother and grandmother.
But, when it was Miter who eventually gave in and elected to name his and Estelle's son Jules in honor of her, needless to say, Julie was content that she could die happy at finally getting one of her relative's children named after her.
(Art by @wolfcha1k)
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possumkingluca · 1 year
Pinned Post
Hallo! I'm Luca (Pronouns: He/They/It)
I'm a minor so please just behave thanks
Asks are always open so feel free to throw words at me, I do take about 5 billion years to reply though
DMs are also open
@/possumkingluca everywhere else
(if you want me to add content warnings for certain things let me know and I'll try my best to remember)
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Main Fandoms/Interests:
Dungeons and Dragons, Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos, Pokémon, Fire Emblem: Engage, Fire Emblem: Heroes, Stardew Valley
Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves, The Owl House,
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Steam Powered Giraffe, Will Wood/Will Wood and The Tapeworms, Kaden Mackay, Lemon Demon, Ricky Montgomery, The Happy Fits, Tally Hall, The Crane Wives, Jack Stauber, Fish in a Birdcage
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(if there's others i forgor)
P.S. I never know when or when not to add spoiler warnings to things so uh be warned my blog is a cesspool
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Also some of my posts I constantly add to (I'm tired of being unable to find them easily):
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Strixhaven NPC Textpost Memes
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luxmaeastra · 4 days
Nismera leaned against the wall watching her neice rant and vent. She stopped and looked to her.
"Am I the crazy one? I don't want to be owned, not even by him."
"Is that how he's acting? Or is he acting like you are his mate. And as your mate it's just job to protect him. To him every male is a threat till you are marked by him."
Amarantha rolled her eyes and threw her blade at the target.
"Aren't you supposed to convince me not to give myself to first male who smiled at me?"
Nismera shrugged.
"He wasn't the first."
And maybe she was biased, but she grew up changelings more than the fae. And that community was far more loyal than anything else she'd seen.
She liked how possesive mates were of each other, she liked that they would die for their kin.
When Kaden and Isaiah had been taken they were the ones who had gotten her through that. And after Sotoria...
After Sotoria it was them that put her back together.
Amarantha stared at her aunt, her fingers flexed before she looked away and back at the target. The fire within her roared, the flames spurned her on as she tried to keep herself in check.
The idea of being owned, of being possessed. She had seen other females who were just content to be that way, to be nothing more than a male's mate. Not themselves, not an equal.
But Narcissus had never made her feel that way. It was just...the possessiveness without even really talking to her, without even making it clear.
"I just want there to be more than being mates, I want to feel I am more than a bond to him." She confessed. "I liked it before we had the inkling, back when he wasn't stalking around scaring males off..."
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gaygoose09 · 2 months
new blog.
Send me things to rant about so I can release my anger please :D
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loves-dream · 2 years
What is musicality?
I saw a video on my YT feed about a guy who asked 5 concert pianists to play an opening of Chopin Op. 9 No. 2 without / with musicality, and then he asked them each what they did different for each version and what they defined musicality as. This was very interesting for me so here's my thoughts on the concept of musicality.
All art is inherently emotional. Even a blank slate can incite anxiety in someone. Even more so when the art is something audible, music. Google's definition of musicality (musical talent or sensitivity) doesn't do justice to the true experience of it.
Strings and voice are where musicality is most obvious. It's the little things. It could be a notation like allegro molto or the action of vibrato. Musicality, in my view, is something unique to each person. That's why the same music can be played in so many expressive and emotional ways. With the correct tuning, use of embellishments and etc. a sad song can be made to sound happy without changing a single note or key.
Such a simple song like Happy Birthday can be sung in a way that makes it sound heavenly, and an epic song can be diminished into something simple.
It's easier to express your own perception of the piece with your voice compared to a piano. I mean, how many things can you do with those keys? No vibrato or crescendo, some major factors to the musicality of a piece. That's why pianists find their own way to play it uniquely, breaking chords into arpeggios, accents, etc. Hell, even fucking up some notes gives it more emotion.
But you also don't want to stray away from the original meaning of the piece. That's just an insult to the composer. You'll want to keep its meaning, the true emotion behind it, but also want to make it special, make it so people can listen to that and tell it was you who played it.
This video inspired this btw I definitely recommend giving it a listen
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colby-jac-cheese · 4 years
The princess from sleepy princess in the demon castle is aroace and i wont hear anything else.
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monarchisms · 3 years
god did you see what Peter Hayes (one of the rttv mods tweeted)??? i feel so bad for them. wanna go for those trolls and transphobes with my fists (ง •̀_•́)ง
i haven't, but thank you for telling me! i'm also including michelle's (another moderator's) tweets for context.
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and here's peter's thread:
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bananatrashsenpai · 6 years
That moment when you scroll past your own post on your dash
Whenever you follow a tag posts about it will appear. I follow the “nishiki fire emblem” tag. My summoning Kaden/Nishiki post keeps appearing. Twice now. I think my boy is rubbing in the fact I got him. Also the tag might be small? At least I get to see his beautiful face whenever on my dash!
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actuallyafandomess · 6 years
Oh the joys of when you think of a new au but have to decide which of five directions you want to take it
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