ssibsc--deac · 5 years
if posts were cats, I would have 4647 cats, which actually sounds about right.
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ssibsc--deac · 5 years
apparently, I joined this tumblr place at 07/13/2018 11:59:07 PM.
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ssibsc--deac · 5 years
i post about #what am i doing way too much
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ssibsc--deac · 5 years
50% #coppy, 49% #coppy, 1% dumbass.
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ssibsc--deac · 5 years
If there’s one thing I learned since I signed up on 07/13/2018 11:59:07 PM, it’s that #sam seaborn takes up too much of my time.
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ssibsc--deac · 5 years
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ssibsc--deac · 5 years
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ssibsc--deac · 6 years
No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn’t trying.
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ssibsc--deac · 6 years
If it’s fast and healthy, it’s expensive. If it’s healthy and cheap, it’s slow. If it’s cheap and fast, it’s unhealthy.
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ssibsc--deac · 6 years
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pls rb/credit if you use <3
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ssibsc--deac · 6 years
University of Bonn literally invented Soma.
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ssibsc--deac · 6 years
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ssibsc--deac · 6 years
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ssibsc--deac · 6 years
men, you mean the sex that have always had the right to attend school/vote/own property? they need a day dedicated to them?
Bitch shut the fuck up
Men are more likely to have physical violence committed on them (not talking about rape, talking about murders and getting beat up etc)
Men are likely to go through sexual or physical abuse when they’re younger (close to the same as women but not completely)
Men are expected to be the man of the house and do shit for their partners and when they don’t, they tend to commit suicide out of being a failure in their society (look at the fifties and the amount of men who went without a job and ended up either killing themsleves or leaving their family out of embarrassment for not being the men they were ‘meant to be’)
Speaking of men our suicide rates are higher than women’s. (Especially Native American men, there’s is the highest overall)
Men are less likely to be taken seriously when faced with abuse. You read all the articles and stories of how someone wa abused and no one believed them because ‘how could a man hurt a woman when he’s bigger and stronger’
I cannot fucking think off the top of my head ANY rights a man has that a woman does not have in this day and age. Literally none.
Who gives a shit if back then only white men could vote and own property. Shit has fucking changed now and now ANYONE can vote and have property. Now WOMEN AND MEN ARE EQUAL.
Anon, men struggle too. Men have shaped society too. Men have suffered too. Some men have been oppressed too. Men are fucking human too.
Fuck off with. That ‘they need a day dedicated to them?’ Yes we fucking do, because if there’s a international woman’s day celebrating all walks of life with women, there DAMN WELL better be an international men’s day celebrating all walks of like with men.
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ssibsc--deac · 6 years
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ssibsc--deac · 6 years
ever notice how men criticize games like animal crossing and stardew valley on the basis of “the entire game is just doing tasks” without recognizing that “kill bad guy” is also just a task but violent?
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ssibsc--deac · 6 years
Remember, whenever you feel tempted to second-guess the decisions of a police officer, that you are doing so at a leisurely pace AND from a position of total physical safety. The person whose actions you so blithely judge had to do so within a very brief window of time, probably whilst in fear for his or her very LIFE. So please, try to see things from their point of view. As the Doctor says:
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