monsterincharge · 1 month
So duncan do you have have feelings for roger?
"...wh-WHA???" Duncan is so surprised by the sudden question that he coughs and straightens his posture. "FELLINGS!???? you mean-- feelings or... feeeellliiinnnggss??----" He hisses
"I-i mean..wow thats such a random question i--....i mean it depend!! No wait- WAIT. UH...hahahaHAHAHA UHHH.... Roger's a good...mmmiifffter....and...a good friend....i-.." he hesitates when speaking...he slams his hand on the table a few times and speaks softly "i like him, but...not as a friiiend...and NOT as a lover...like-- hes not- hes...hes my friend, but not my...FRIEEEND.....yk??...uhh... he.. he..."
Duncan was trying hard not to laugh from being nervous, he puts a hand over his mouth and looks away, blushing a little bit. He feels his face getting warm and its a terrible feeling, at least for him. "yeah uh....he really has that..uhm...bbbbrRiGht aura aroUnd him...idk i feel good around him even if we're not exactly friends...but i have NO FEELINGS FOR HIM AT ALL!!!"
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monsterincharge · 1 month
Gaaassp!??? ITS ME! hAHAAA
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lil duncan in WigglyPaint
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monsterincharge · 1 month
YO DUNCAN!! do u have any life advice for the fans?🗣️
"The only person you can trust is yourself, because if you keep waiting por people, even family, to do something for you, you'll get disappointed." Duncan says coldly as he moves his long and skinny fingers to mess with a little piece of paper, folding the paper lazily.
Duncan grunts and raises his hand, pointing upwards, going to say something else "oh!...and do not trust no one. Sometimes the people you think its your family will stab you in the back. Thats why i try to have no..uhm...REAL friends! Val and cutter are good people and bla bla bla, but i do NOT trust them with anything about my life! Getit???"
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monsterincharge · 1 month
"Clothes??? I don't know use Clothes normally....aaaaaaahhh..."
That's rude🤨 No clothes😡 /ref
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monsterincharge · 1 month
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By reblogging you also get a cool gif of a bat on your blog :)
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monsterincharge · 1 month
Hi Duncan!! (^_^)/ I know you're not exactly the fashion type, but are there any styles you'd like to try out or think that would fit you?
"Clothes??? I don't know use Clothes normally....aaaaaaahhh..." Duncan starts to think, thinking about what his clothing style should be like. which is difficult, since he doesn't wear much clothing normally, in fact, almost never... Duncan is a bit disoriented for a while, staring into space... "aah...Vvvv...iinnnttaaage?"
Duncan puts a hand to his face, just below his mouth and grits his teeth, looking at the floor. "oh yeah, right... i have no idea! Hahaa!!! Maybe vintage? Well maybe ill try some clothes...ILL TRY SOME CLOTHES!!!!"
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monsterincharge · 1 month
[[Ask for the mun but dude the moment I saw this pop up on my for you I'm just over here like "THERE HE IS" thank you for making this blog this is gonna be great]]
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monsterincharge · 1 month
hobbies? ^^
Duncan looks at the little being with a funny hat in front of him and shrugs, crossing his arms and speaking in a calm, somewhat bored tone of voice. "Eh?- Hobbies? I don't have hobbies...! sports, arts, it's all bullshit!! Its a waste of time."
"...but I kind of like cooking...a little. My aMAzing mother tells me that my cookies are wonderful, but the rest??...ehhh... I don't know how to make rice without burning down the house" He chuckles, rolling his eyes and thinking better about what a hobbie would be for him...
"..hhnm...is reading a hobbie? I like to read sometimes and i like to look at the stars, but that's also not a hobbie, Sooo yeah Hah-- no hobbies" He pats the little guys head in an awkward way
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monsterincharge · 1 month
a random question, but what’s your opinion on Tylor? is there anything that you like about him, even though you two are ‘sworn enemies’?
Duncan was distracted reading the newspaper, he responded dryly with a somewhat broken voice, not bothering to look at whoever was asking the question. "The TUSKMON??.. Really? He really fits his job, hes a clown. A jester, even. he and those ridiculously huge horns of his!"
but then the second sentence catches Duncan's attention. his hands crumple the newspaper and he adjusts his posture, with an impressed expression, eyes wide open. "WHAaA-? There's nothing I like about him! Why would I like anything about him? We're like...arch nemesis...or something, i don't care...i rEeEeeAally- REALLY. do NOT. CARE."
he says, looking away back to the newspaper, a little hesitant to say anything else. There was an air of falsehood in Duncan's words, just like hes lying about something. "Like...at all. No, no. Nothing good about him to say. He isn't even good at his job, college boy isn't funny."
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monsterincharge · 2 months
I’m almost afraid to ask but are you and Declan related by any chance or are you just the same species?
(Btw you’re 10 times better than him)
"Eh!? DECLAN!!? That rat is NOT my brother!" Duncan says, standing up defensively. He seems to get angry and upset about the matter. Duncan mutters under his breath. "At least, not anymore..."
"This heartless bastard is DEAD to me! Never wanna see his old face ever again!!" He says as he scoffs "And OF COURSE im better than him. Im prettier, smarter, simply BETTER!" Duncan says as he puts his hand oh his chest, tapping it with confidence and super smug
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monsterincharge · 2 months
What's your plan if Tylor gets Fritz' job?
Duncan's four eyes go wide open as he hears the question. "A-hem! I don't think you even KNOW this, but college boy can't take Fritz's job BY LAW! He signed a contract. It's legally mandatory!"
He says in a firm voice as he quickly opens a drawer on his desk and takes out a contract, showing it to you. "And it means that he legally can't, at all, never ever, by ANY CHANCE pursue Fritz's job."
Duncan carefully puts the contract on the table, smiles smugly and crosses his arms. "And the Tuskmon doesn't even work with the MIFT team anymore, so yeah, not worried at all...i guess." Duncan still looked kinda insecure about this topic.
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monsterincharge · 2 months
OI YOU! This is an roleplay/ask blog for Duncan P Anderson!! ★
(Character from "Monsters at work")
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👁 AU(ish?) Rp
👁 Mix of canon info and headcanons add-ons
👁 Maybe kinda inactive(??)
👁 Crossover friendly!! (Even if im not familiar w the fandom)
👁 PRETTY-Please see my strawpage for RULES and DNI PAGE ^^"
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