#k. kobus
love1kimono · 13 days
Maiko Kokara of Gion Kobu 1928
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Maiko (apprentice geisha) Kokara of the Gion Kōbu geisha district in Kyoto. She is seated near a river, probably the Kamogawa, wearing a summer yukata (cotton kimono) with a tabako-bon (tobacco tray) next to her. Captioned 祇園 (Gion) 小から (Kokara) in hentaigana. Photographed by K. Sasakura, Shinmachi, Osaka, circa 1928.
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byfurries4furries · 1 year
Where the Demon Lurks (Supernatural Action Visual Novel)
So I've talked a lot about visual novels. As you may be able to tell, there's been a recent trend of thematically and emotionally intense furry visual novels in unconventional genres like horror, sci-fi, and fantasy (Well I haven't talked about any fantasy ones yet, but they are out there). And this bucks against the previous trend of most furry visual novels being slice of life dating sims. That isn't to say they're automatically bad, but they're typically not that enticing beyond aesthetics. Where the Demon Lurks doesn't fit either trend.
This game is much more in line with shonen anime and light novels. It takes a lot from the Devil is a Part Timer and borrows plenty from Mob Psycho 100, Naruto, Blue Exorcist, Black Butler, Sailor Moon, and even more unusual influences like Saiki K. It's not really common for even non-furry visual novels to stylistically be like this (at least for the ones that become popular in the West or are made by Western writers).  It's very unique in that way.
But what is it about? Well you play as Kobu, the son of the last demon king who's inheriting his father's position after he died. Kobu, however, really hates this job. He at first tries to implement his own ideas, which constantly fail, because his assistant Vendrake flat out refuses to assist in implementing any of them because he is only really concerned with getting Kobu to basically do what his father did. Eventually, after years of this, he suspends Vendrake and contemplates quitting himself. Before he can make the decision though, Vendrake carries out a coup and drains Kobu of most of his magic, leaving him with only enough to open up one last portal to the mortal realm and put on his mortal disguise. There he builds a new life as a convenience store clerk along with his manager/new best friend, King. However, after a few years, Vendrake tracks him down and sends an assassin after him. In the scuffle though, King manages to get shot with the killing blow. Since harming mortals is EXTREMELY not allowed, the assassin is automatically returned to hell before he can finish off Kobu. King is fortunately still alive, but he's also transported to hell where the protocol is simply to immediately wipe his memory of hell and return him. Vendrake however exploits a loophole to hold him hostage so Kobu can come down to try to save him. He's going to need some help though. Fortunately, in the past few days, he's met some guys who might be able to figure out how to return him. There's Morris, the exorcist, Lucien, an angel sent by God to help Kobu take the throne back, and Toast, a very dumb ghost who somehow escaped hell.
Now there's a lot to love about this game. For one, it's pretty fun in the way a good shonen often can be and while it's not devoid of drama or emotion, it's certainly refreshing to see a furry VN that's funny and quirky more often than emotionally intense. There's also this amateurish charm to it. It's something I've always loved about Echo, but Where the Demon Lurks has a unique form of that charm. There's a sense that the developer, Bokedaidu, really loves what they're doing and are more concerned with making a fun story than making a very tightly written masterpiece. It's not trying to be the next Echo, Adastra, or Remember the Flowers. It's just trying to be entertaining. I can really admire that, especially as it fills a niche that most might not even notice was missing.
I would say if you don't want something as intense as the new crop of dramatic furry visual novels, but still want a story with higher stakes than "will the cute boy I like accept my love confession at the local festival?", then Where the Demon Lurks is perfect for you. However, if you do just want a slice-of-life smutty school romance, but with characters you can be sure are unique and likable enough that they could carry a higher stakes story if given the chance, then the spinoff, Kibbleton University, might be better for you. I will warn you that neither is very close to completion. Each route has barely even started and updates are pretty rare. Still, if you want a furry VN that stands out, Where the Demon Lurks might be for you. Until next time, keep on yiffing.
Itch.io (Where the Demon Lurks)
Itch.io (Kibbleton University)
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missmyloko · 2 years
I was always under the impression that once retired Geiko in Gion K were only accepted back as musicians, and retired Maiko didn't have the opportunity to come back at all. Now we have Mamefuji and Seika who were Maiko when retiring and returned as Tachikata Geiko. Has something changed? Was my impression wrong? What do you think?
I think that each left under very unique circumstances and that Gion Kobu isn't going to argue over the fact that very talented former members of their community wanted to come back. Any reason to bolster their numbers is a good thing, and especially with Mamefuji being such a popular maiko there was no doubt that she'd be a popular geiko as well, which is a win-win for all involved ^^
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ashleysingermfablog · 3 months
Wk 16, 23rd of June, 2024 Studio Work development
Sculpture that meets Organic Matter
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Left and Right: Ashley Singer, casts using various white clays (magnolia stamen, rose petal, seed, magnolia stem), 2024, unfired clay
To me, sculpture is pivotal in its role of making tangible matter do something in space. Therefore, I use translation as a sculptural language throughout the casting area of my practice.
To me, sculpture is pivotal in its role of making tangible matter do something in space. Therefore, I use translation as a sculptural language throughout the casting area of my practice.
Taking organic matter from life, I am be able to work clay into the shape of the petals and other forms. I do this by rolling worked clay into a small ball and then pushing the clay evenly across the petal or surface of what is being cast.
Two things are complex about this process. Firstly, it is the awkward shape of petals and how easy the thin carbon matter is to tear under the heavier and more plastic-feeling clay. (see below the varieties of camellia and magnolia petals)
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Nintin Mantri, Petal shape variability of Camellia species. Petals from A) C. fluviatilis; B) C. kissi; C) C. confusa; D) C. miyagii; E) C. tenii; F) C. puniceiflora ; G) C. obtusifolia; H) C. phaeoclada; I) C. brevistyla; J) C. lanceoleosa; K) C. oleifera; L) C. gauchowensis; M) C. vietnamensis; N) C. yuhsienensis; O) C. shensiensis; P) C. grijsii; Q) C. maliflora; R) C. hiemalis; and S) C. sasanqua, illustrating floral morphology containing continuous and discrete units, 2012, research figure in the essay Floral Morphology resolves the taxonomy of Camellia
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Ethnobotanist Harriet Gendall, Magnolia coco, Magnolia grandiflora , Magnolia denudata, Magnolia hypoleuca, Magnolia kobus, Magnolia mexicana, Magnolia pterocarpa , Magnolia soulangeana, from the blog Magnolia Madness: which are the tastiest blooms?, 2019
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Lilium (Lily Petals), shutterstock
Secondly, is the ability to take negatives from nature. I am not translating the petal perfectly by hand-casting in this way (unlike my bronze works which use complete silicone moulds to achieve the positive image of the cast matter). Sometimes only halves or fragments can be taken from the work. But you can also take small fragments of matter and impress them into clay squares to create tokens or rune-like shapes.
While maquette making is seen as a rough draft for work to be then made into a bronze cast, my use of casting differs. I see the language of maquette as just as interesting as the language of 'finished' bronze casting. By adopting the language of maquette in the materiality of clays and waxes, I make finished works that reach a completeness in their translation of organic matter.
Clay types are varied in this practice...
kaolin (porcelain) is fine, soft, and very sticky so it has to be worked for an extended period to remove excess moisture so it can be adequately removed from the matter that is being cast.
high grog clay (earthenware types) is fill with sand, hence the word grog, and relies on easy mouldablibity, yet the sand makes the clay harsher on petals and prone to the granules tearing the carbon matter, so it is best used for creating tokens, or small tiles, or being worked with another clay type to balance it's hardness out.
wild clay (from new lynn)
air dry white clay (can dry and won't change form when wet)
Wax types are varied:
Candlewaxes are perfect for picking up the rind of the clementines and other citrus fruits I have been gathering and then casting. They can be poured into the hollowed out skins of the fruits and take the resemblance of the fruits flesh perfectly.
Other sediments:
Clay-based soil from the garden beds and boundary plots of my rented apartment in Hillsborough, Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland)
Other things in the clay mix can include pollen, stones and other debris
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Ashley Singer, observations of flowers dropping and the posture of petal growth, 2024, from the domain gardens Auckland, iPhone research images
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7ooo-ru · 1 year
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Суд приговорил бизнесмена Кобу Васадзе к шести годам колонии
История началась в декабре 2019 года. Васадзе заключил с ПАО "Совкомбанк" кредитный договор под залог недвижимого имущества – здания столовой, расположенного в городском округе Мытищи Московской области, и двух земельных участков. Предприниматель получил денежные средства в размере 66,3 миллиона рублей.
В начале 2020 года Васадзе обратился в "Совкомбанк" и заявил, что хочет объединить заложенные земельные участки в один. Бизнесмен получил разрешение банка, но с условием, что объединенный участок останется в залоге.
В судебных материалах говорится, что в действительности Васадзе намеревался лишить "Совкомбанк" возможности обратить взыскание на заложенное имущество. В феврале 2020 года он прибыл в многофункциональный центр в подмосковных Химках вместе с неким Кашириным А.М. Спутник бизнесмена предоставил сотруднику МФЦ подложные документы о якобы исполнении Васадзе обязательств перед банком. Предприниматель составил заявление от своего имени и представителя "Совкомбанка" о погашении регистрационной записи об ипотеке и предоставил его сотруднику МФЦ.
"Васадзе в действительности не намеревался исполнять свои кредитные обязательства, завладев выданными ему денежными средствами. Вместе с тем, с целью создания видимости добросовестного заемщика, Васадзе некоторое время выполнял условия кредитного договора", – говорится в приговоре Черемушкинского суда.
Согласно показаниям одного из свидетелей, Каширин был сотрудником принадлежащего заемщику ООО "Геранд" и не имел отношения к "Совкомбанку". В тексте приговора содержатся данные экспертизы печати и подписей на документах, предоставленных в МФЦ. Специалисты установили, что печати на письме о якобы погашении Васадзе своих обязательств перед "Совкомбанком" выполнены с использованием цветного струйного принтера.
В марте 2020 года управление Федеральной службы государственной регистрации, кадастра и картографии Московской области погасило запись о залоге в отношении недвижимого имущества. Служба безопасности "Совкомбанка" обратилась в правоохранительные органы с заявлением о мошенничестве со стороны заемщика.
"Таким образом, Васадзе путем обмана завладел принадлежащими ПАО "Совкомбанк" денежными средствами в размере 64,7 миллиона рублей, которыми он распорядился по своему усмотрению, лишив банк права обратить взыскание на заложенное имущество", – говорится в тексте приговора.
После этого Васадзе получил под залог здания и участка заем в размере 18 миллионов рублей от А.Ю. Курочкина. К делу его привлекли в качестве свидетеля. Курочкин заявил, что с Васадзе его свел некий знакомый брокер. Заказанная в ЕГРН выписка не содержала отметок о залоге в пользу другого кредитора.
В ходе судебного заседания Васадзе свою вину не признал. Суд приговорил его к шести годам колонии общего режима за вычетом срока, который он провел в СИЗО.
"В случае с наглым и вопиющим мошенничеством со…
Подробнее https://7ooo.ru/group/2023/08/29/158-sud-prigovoril-biznesmena-kobu-vasadze-k-shesti-godam-kolonii-grss-234948603.html
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atomicdope · 2 years
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@_linobu_ 2022年12月29日(木) 今夜🌙 広島ラッパー初となるat HIROSHIMA CLUB QUATTRO ワンマンライブ Atomicdopeでもチケット販売中です‼️ 『Linobu Oneman Live "Concert“』 開場 18:00 / 開演 18:30 Guest Artist (A-Z) BBY NABE DJ LEN Lisa lil vinci SatoCobain SLEAZY SUB-K Sunao T-STONE Thouwid ZF 23:00からは club Gでアフターパーティー🍾💥  💎Linobu Oneman Live “Concert” ~After Party~💎   🎤Shot Live Linobu & Friends   🔊Music by
DJ CHANGG @djchangg DJ LEN @djlen_ ZF @takuya_zf DJ CLICK @djclick1994 DJ KOBU @kobu1993 DJ ESO @djeso_jerytown Paipo @_paipo_ 10PM – 5AM   📹 by Dex Filmz   DOOR | 当日 2000yen with One drink included
2000円 1ドリンク付き 🎟クアトロのライブチケット半券ご持参いただいた全員に1ドリンクチケットプレゼント🎁 #Linobu #LinobuOnemanLiveConcert #linobu #BBYNABE #DJLEN #Lisalilvinci #SatoCobain #SLEAZY #SUBK #Sunao #TSTONE #Thouwid #ZF #clubghiroshima #hiroshimaclubquattro #hiroshima #hiphop #rapper #広島クラブクアトロ #日本語ラップ #ラッパー #広島ヒップホップ #広島 (Atomicdope) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmveBPCyaGU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gliklofhameln · 2 years
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Hasidim on pilgrimage to the grave of Rabbi Elimelekh ben Eli‘ezer Lipman, Leżajsk, Poland, ca. 2005. (A. Olej/K. Kobus—Travelphoto)
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anime-captured · 4 years
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bovidaee · 3 years
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Three Waterbucks (Kobus ellipsiprymnus) walk under a lone tree in the savanna.  Via Snapshot Safari
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yeli-renrong · 3 years
Proto-North Bougainville reconstructions
This is an attempt to wring as much information as possible out of limited data. It is probably wrong. Rapoisi (Konua) is barely documented and Askopan and Ramopa (Keriaka) are only attested from a single wordlist. Low confidence is necessary.
With that out of the way:
PNB had */p t k ʔ b d g q v r m n ŋ/ and at least five vowels, maybe more. I’ll write correspondences between same-height front and back vowels as central vowels, but I haven’t looked into this yet. I also haven’t tried to filter out loans.
*t *k *r are preserved unchanged in all descendants. The basic correspondences are:
*p > A p, Rm p, Rp h, Rt p *t > A t, Rm t, Rp t, Rt t *k > A k, Rm k, Rp k, Rt k *ʔ > A 0, Rm ʔ, Rp ʔ, Rt 0 (I’m not sure about this) *b > A v, Rm b/v?, Rp p, Rt v *d > A r, Rm r, Rp t, Rt r *g > A k, Rm k, Rp k, Rt g (very few examples, but if Aita contrasts /g ŋ/, surely this is conservative) *q > A 0, Rm ʔ/0?, Rp k, Rt k *v > A v, Rm v, Rp b, Rt v (unclear if *b *v are distinguished in Rm) *r > A r, Rm r, Rp r, Rt r *m > A m, Rm m, Rp b, Rt v (Aita m) *n > A n, Rm n, Rp r, Rt r (Aita n) *ŋ > A ŋ, Rm ʔ/g?, Rp g, Rt g (Aita ŋ) (few to no examples, but see above on Aita)
Rotokas and Askopan share *b > v and *ʔ > 0. Ramopa and Rapoisi don’t appear to share any sound changes, except *ŋ > g, shared with Central (but not Aita) Rotokas.
In Rapoisi, *p *b *d *g *m *n *ŋ > h p t k b r g, uniquely distinguishing *b *d from *v *r, so it looks like Rapoisi and Aita Rotokas would be sufficient for reconstructing consonants other than *q, which you need Askopan for.
*-ma~mati ‘seed’ > A masipato, Rp ebabasi *(n)aŋa ‘I’ > A naŋa, Rm na’a, Rp aga, Rt ragai *(r)Vra ‘he’ > A era, Rm iraka, Rp roira, Rt rera *[bv]a[bv]ata ‘heavy’ > A vavatapato, Rt vavata *[bv]urUko ‘stick’ > A vurokoto, Rt vurukoto *aata- ‘swim’ > A ataonem, Rt aata *ainepa ‘new’ > A ainepato, Rt airepa (can Rm anumeapara a/o Rp arupita-iripa be connected?) *a(i)tE ‘father’ > A aisi, Rm ateka’a, Rp aitoko’oro, Rt aite *amio ‘yam’ > Rm amioka, Rp bo abio *anume- ‘yesterday’ > Rm anumea, Rp arube’i, Rt aruvea *ArebVV ‘tongue’ > A arevauto, Rp erepausi-ara, Rt arevuoto *ate- ‘liver’ > Rm ateate-ano, Rp ateraripa-avaro (?) *ato ‘house’ > Rm atoaka, Rp bo ato *avuka ‘old’ > A avokan, Rm avuka-, Rp avuka-, Rt avuka *beqa ‘we’ > Rm be’a, Rp peka *bitiunV-ko- ‘star’ > A visinako, Rm pisiunaia, Rp bo pisuruu’e, Rt visiuriko (probably a loan from Austronesian, cf. Proto-Central Papuan Tip *viti’u < POc *pituqun < PAn *bituqen) *daaka’- ‘dry’ > A rakasito, Rp bo taka’a, Rt raaka *dOkupV ‘short’ > A rukupisito, Rp tokuha-iripa *e(i)ba- ‘what’ > A evato, Rp eipa’o *emaV ‘tree’ > A emauto, Rp evaita, Rt evaova *gabuta- ‘ashes’ > A kautato, Rm kavu-taka, Rp kaputa’o, Rt gavuta (the Askopan form could be a mistranscription of kavutato) *Idu(V)- ‘louse’ > A iruto, Rm irua, Rt irui (Rp bo utu’o?) *-(t)iŋa ‘you’ > A iŋa, Rm misi(ʔ)a, Rp siga *-Vro- ‘who’ > A iro, Rm irokea, Rp eitaro (maybe unrelated) *iru[mv]a- ‘nose’ > Rp iruba, Rt iruvaoto *ke’et(i)u ‘dog’ > Rm ketu, Rp kesu ~ ke’esu *kaakau ‘dog’ > A kakau, Rt kaakau *kaita- ‘claw’ > Rm kaitabe-ano, Rp kaita’eru-ara *ka~kaa-rV- ‘white’ > A kakarapato, Rm kakarea, Rp kakaaso, Rt kaare *kakarau ‘frog’ > Rm/Rp/Rt kakarau *-keke- ‘see’ > A kekeponoi, Rp takekereva, Rt keke *ken(ao)ta ‘chin’ > A kentan, Rm kenaota-ano, Rp kerauta ava’aro, Rt keeta *kiVbu ‘wind’ > A kivuto, Rp bo kiipu, Rt kiuvu *kiraiko- ‘green’ > Rm kiraikoa, Rp -kiraiko- (A sikarato < *si-kVra-?) *kobe ‘fall’ > A kovepanoi, Rp takopeia, Rt kove *-koqo- ‘leg’ > A rakooto, Rp kokoru-ara, Rt kokotoa (not sure about this) *komV ‘belly’ > A komato, Rm komu-ano, Rp kobu-ara, Rt kovuaro ‘middle section’ / kovuto ‘abdomen, stomach, diarrhea’ *kVpV- ‘dead’ > A kapuponoi, Rt kopi- (dubious) *maŋoto ‘cough’ > A maŋotonoi, Rt vagoto *mapi ‘neck’ > A mapit, Rp bahi-ara (maybe Rm napi-ano) *mi(ti)(ra) ‘you’ > A misina, Rm misia, Rp bira, Rt visi *mutO- ‘shoulder’ > A mutoon, Rt vutuoua *nata- ‘head’ > A natat, Rm tanat-ano (ta-nata-ano?) *navinEo ‘sun’ > A ravinio, Rm navinioka, Rt ravireo *naVn- ‘arrow’ > A nainto, Rm naunua *ne- ‘her’ > A neenera, Rm nega *netiuna ‘four’ > A nesiuna, Rm nesiuna, Rp resiura, Rt resiura *niako ‘woman’ > A niakon, Rm niakoya, Rt riakova (Rm here could be niakoea or a misreading of niakova) *nono’o ‘breast’ > A nonoto, Rm nono’ano, Rp lolo’oo, Rt roroo ovi ‘breast milk’, roroua ‘breast’ *nukuTa ‘cloud’ > A nukuuta, Rt rukura (irregular?) *ŋota- ‘catch’ > A ŋotaponem, Rt gota *(o)ida- ‘man’ > A oiran, Rm irabika / iravika, Rp oitaiita, Rt oira *orivA ‘name’ > A ouivan, Rt orivoa (I assume the A form is a misreading of orivan) *otirOi ‘eye’ > A osiroito, Rm otsiri-ano, Rt osireito (and Rp otei-ara?) *penuma ‘three’ > A penuma, Rm penuma, Rp heruba, Rt peruva *piino- ‘finger’ > A pinokot, Rt piiro (maybe) *pIduqe- ‘tail’ > A peruen, Rp hitueiita, Rt pirukeua / porikeua *qaqaE- ‘boy’ > A aito, Rt kakaeto (maybe) *qati- ‘hot’ > A asiasipato, Rt kasirao *qeru ‘bone’ > A eruto, Rt keru (could Rm aitu-ano and Rp le’u-ara be connected?) *qotupi- ‘knee’ > A otopit, Rm kotupi, Rt kotupiua *r(o)i- ‘pig’ > A roiato, Rp bo riri’o (Rm leaka?) *taataa ‘sibling’ > A tata, Rt taataa- *to[dr]e- ‘stand’ > A torere nyimponoi, Rt tore (Rm turui, Rp taturuia / taturuea?) *tokono(’)- ‘stick’ > Rm tokonoaka, Rp tokoro’o *utu- ‘yam’ > A utunua, Rt utu *uvadeo- ‘ear’ > Rp uvateo, Rt uvareoua *vi(o)ŋa ‘we’ > Rm bi’a, Rp bioga
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thekimonogallery · 4 years
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Maiko Kokara of Gion Kobu 1928.  Maiko (apprentice geisha) Kokara of the Gion Kōbu geisha district in Kyoto. She is seated near a river, probably the Kamogawa, wearing a summer yukata (cotton kimono) with a tabako-bon (tobacco tray) next to her. Captioned 祇園 (Gion) 小から (Kokara) in hentaigana. Photographed by K. Sasakura, Shinmachi, Osaka, circa 1928. Text and image via Blue Ruin 1 on Flickr
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siahbautista · 5 years
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PHOTO BY: Kobu Agency (@kobuagency)
Hello World! 👋 Siah here, and welcome to my first blog!
For you guys to get to know me more, I decided that my first blog should not only be interesting but also personal. 
So here are 5 Random Facts About Me! 
1. I love pets! ❤
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PHOTO BY: Anusha Barwa (@anshaleena)
Especially dogs and cats. 
But I hate it when dogs bark a lot especially for no reason at all. And with cats, I hate when their fur sticks to your clothes and shoes (especially if its black, it would be more noticeable.)
2. I hate K-POP! 🤮
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PHOTO BY: ALLKPOP (@allkpop)
But that was a long time ago, I love it now! 
I mostly stan groups from JYP Entertainment (TWICE, GOT7, STRAY KIDS, DAY6, ITZY, AND MORE). I also love BTS’ music and their style. And I listen to k-pop songs that leave a strong impression to me over and over until it gets out of my head, and if I got really addicted to it, I will also learn its dance steps (most probably the chorus or the hook part). 
3. My work style is based on RANDOM ENERGY SPIKES! 💪
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PHOTO BY: STIL (@stilclassics)
You know, i’ve always tried to schedule things ahead and plan how my day goes but I JUST CAN’T! 
 I figured out that I work efficiently when I get motivated and it just pumps my mind to work continuously until I get demovitated again. (P.S. THAT TELLS I’M NOT LAZY AT ALL ) In short. i’m not an organized/methodical person. 
 4. I used to be a Content Creator at YouTube 📹💻
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PHOTO BY: Kon Karampelas (@konkarampelas)
Back in 2014, I started creating YouTube videos based on the online MMO-SandBox game called Growtopia. That was the start of me learning how to edit videos and the photos for my thumbnail. And when I saw that my channel is gaining some subscribers and views, I applied to a gaming network so I can get paid with my videos monetized. The first network that I joined was TGN and then after I found CURSE(Union For Gamers) Network that pays better, I terminated my contract with TGN and immediately joined CURSE Network. I lasted 2 years in the industry with a not-so-big fanbase, and I am really greatful that I got to experienced this thing in my early teenage years. 
Here’s my channel: RealSwiftRealBlade 
 5. I love 日本(JAPAN)! 🎌
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PHOTO BY: Jezael Melgoza (@jezael)
You know what, this last one is not really random. I purposely included it here because I REALLY LOVE JAPAN and I want you guys to know how much I love that country and their culture.
I don’t know how it started but I slowly fell in love with their culture and the country itself. It got to the point that I started learning their language (which a lot of people do when they really love a country). But in my case, I really invested my time in learning it. I watched japanese tutorial videos everyday, printed out different PDFs that contain Japanese lessons, I practiced my japanese handwriting from Hiragana to Katakana and a bit of Kanji and memorized the characters, and of course I practice conversing with people who also speaks Japanese (the part which I failed). I WAS SO OBSESSED WITH IT! In fact I don’t even know if i’m just a WEABOO or an OTAKU or someone who is just purely interested in learning the Japanese culture. 
I admire a lot of things in the Japanese culture. The way they respect people and the patience they have in them. Their hardworking people that gets me motivated to go and accomplish new things. And when it comes to entertainment, Japan never fails and will never fail. From the Mangas and Novels that you can read which eventually leads to an Anime that you can watch. They also have games that are quite popular in the gaming industry like Tekken and other console games. Their music artists are also one of the best singers and performers that you will ever see, plus, their actors and actresses really know how to play a scene! So I recommend you check it out! 
And as you can see, this is the only part that made the blog really long. I suppose it will really show my love for JAPAN! :) 
 And these are the 5 RANDOM FACTS ABOUT ME! Thank you for reading my blog and I hope you enjoyed it! Please follow me on my social media for more updates. お願いします!
Comment down what content you want to see next. 
SEE YOU AROUND! 🙋‍♂️じゃまた!
PEACE OUT! ✌ピースアウト!
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vilikemorgenthal · 6 years
Lexember 6th: dëhed
dëhed /tɤ̀ʍét/ n, classifier -inbu:
flint tip
A bit of grammar: numerals
Ubaghuns Tëhe uses a base-5 system:
kobu (also means ‘hand’)
Higher numbers are formed additively with the preposition ebes ‘with’; it is  common to simply give up after 15 and use the adjective didhi ‘many’.
The superscript plus sign signals that the form triggers consonant mutation on the initial consonant of the dependent word: b d g become h t k. In the case of numerals, the dependent word is the classifier.
de-kands danteb ‘one round pebble’
bin-gands danteb ‘two round pebbles’
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executiveibex · 6 years
Season 1 | Autumn in Hieron Season 2 | COUNTER/Weight Interlude | Marielda Season 3 | Winter in Hieron Season 4 | Twilight Mirage Season 5 | Spring in Hieron Interlude | The Road to PARTIZAN Season 6 | PARTIZAN Season 7 | Sangfielle Interlude | The Road to PALISADE Season 8 | PALISADE
Bluff City
Live at the Table
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The Chime
Aria Joie
Cassander Timaeus Berenice
Mako Trig
Adaire Ducarte
Fero Feritas
The Great Fantasmo
Hella Varal
Lem King
Throndir (and Kodiak)
Cupboard Salt
The Six
Aubrey Zosim
(Charter) Castille
Edmund Hitchcock
Ethan Hitchcock
Sige Coleburn
The Road to PALISADE
Caeso Wair
Ce Gull
Cheal Pushy
Cor’rina Corrine
Deutsch Synchro
Galaebalus Splu-u-mp
Mustard Red
Narmine Te’ketch
Paris France
Reatta Fossick
Teleos Triton Tanager
The News of Her Arrival Flowed Between the People of the Village Like ⸢Wine⸣, Rich and Intoxicating 
Blue Channel
Coriolis Sunset
The Figure in Bismuth
Kalvin Brnine
The Road to PARTIZAN
Antigone Gennadiy
David Talk
Memphis Longhand
Modus Maria
Orbit Shard
Trio Trifecta
Millennium Break
The Figure in Bismuth 
Kalar Anakalar 
The Rapid Evening
Clementine Kesh (The Witch in Glass)
Exeter Leap
Sovereign Immunity
Ver’million Blue 
The Society of Banners and Bright Returns
Kal’mera Broun
The Blackwick Group
Lye Lychen
M. Leopold Duvall
Marn Ancura
Virtue Mondegreen
Echo Reverie
Even Gardener
Fourteen Fifteen
The Body Politic
Carcanet’s Ironclad
The Gunslinger
Worthy of Grace
Gig Kephart
Grand Magnificent
They Marked Scars of Light in Pitch; Born in Fiercest Purpose, and Beheld as the ⸢Signet⸣ Sealed Upon Our Pact
Tender Sky
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NPCs and Others
A | Addax Dawn | Adelaide Triste | Agdeline | Agon Ortlights | Alekest san Geraint | Alexander Pencils Garriot | Alise Breka | Alyosha | Ana Berylia | Apokine | Apparatus Aperitif | Arrell | Ataraxia | Aterika’Kaal | Audacious Opportunity Rooke | August Righteousness | Avar
B | Ballad Reverie | The Black Century | Black Hook | To the Prince We Offered Twelve Thousand Flowers, ⸢Blooming⸣ in an Untouched Field | Bounty | The Brink | The Broken Quartet | Bucho
C | Calen fel Dynestia | Captain Calhoun | Caroline Fair-Play | Carolyn Fair-Play | Cas’alear Rizah | Cascabel | Cene Sixheart | Chantilly Scathe | Chital |  City City | Under the Cover of Night, the ⸢Civet⸣ Stalked Mouse and Berry Alike | Collette | Corrasion | Corsica Neue | Courage | Crysanth Kesh | Crystal Palace | Cymbidium
D | Dahlia | Darling Malice | Davia Pledge | Dayward yon Vantzon-Estonbergh | Declan’s Corrective | Demani Dusk | Devar Van Der Dawes | Diego Rose | The Divine, Arbitrage | Duck | Dyre Ode
E | Eiden Teak | Emmanuel Aracia La Salle | Ettel | Euanthe Akakios Themistokles | Eyes, Ears, and Mouth
F | Fezh | Figure A | Frank and Beans
G | The Glim Macula | Grace | The Grand Cormorant Limited | The Grass Snake | Gray Gloaming | Gren Voznick | Gucci Garantine | Gur Sevraq
H | Hector Hu | Hippocampus | Hudson Thorne | Hunting Tomorrow
I | Ibex | The Iconoclasts | Integrity | The Iron Choir | It
J | J-m 27 | Jace Rethal | Jacqui Green | Jamil Quartz-Noble | Jerboa | Jesset City | Jillian Red | Joe de Vivre | Jolyon
K | Katonya | Keen Forester Gloaming | Mr. Kenson | Kent Brighton | Kevin Vacation | The Kingdom Come | Kira Voigt | Kitcha Kanna | Kobus | Kueen Overture Rooke
L | Larch | Larry | Laurel | Law | Lazer Ted | Liberty and Discovery
M | Maelgwyn | Maritime Lapel | Marlon Styx | Maryland September | Massalia d’Argent | Maxine Ming | The Megalophile | Midnite Matinee | The Moon-Touched Woods | Morning’s Observation | Mother Glory | Mother’s Story | Motion | Mourningbride | Mow | M’reb
N | Natalya Greaves
O | Obelus | Open Metal | Order | Orth Godlove
P | Paisley Moon | Past | Peace | Peg | The Perpetual Oratorio | Perennial | Polyphony | Primo | Pure Cascara
R | Red Jack | The Red Zephyr | Regan Alaway | The Regent’s Brilliance | Rigour | Rosana | Routine Rennari
S | Miss Salary | Samol | Samot | Samothes | Shoghig Salon | Si’dra Balos | Sister Rust | The Skeleton Caretaker | Sloe Uplight | Slumbous | Sokrates Nikon Artemisios | The Steiger Sisters | The Stray Dog | Sunder Havelton
T | Tea Kenridge | Territory Jazz, Jr. | Tes’ili Serikos | Thalia | The Toll Collectors | Tomorrow Mourning | Tower Chalet
U | Uklan Tel | Uno Riscano
V | Vicuna
W | Waltz Tango (Cache) | The Whiteflower Beast | William Blick
Y | Yellowfield
Z | Zaktrak | Zevunzolia | Zig’ell Barbos | Ziziliana Esterhazy | Zo’la
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Ali Acampora
Andrew Lee Swan
Art Martinez-Tebbel
Austin Walker
Keith J. Carberry
Jack de Quidt
Janine Hawkins
Sylvi Clare
Spoilers (only most recent episodes)
* My Posts ** My Art
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sleepymarmot · 6 years
COUNTER/Weight liveblog, part 3
Finale +post-mortem
Am I glad to return to the political big picture! It's such a relief that the finale is in this format! Hopefully it won't devolve into another “fighting a giant robot” scene.
Oh, so the Chime are leading the faction game now! Somehow I completely missed the point of the two previous scenes that indicated Aria becoming the new leader of the Righteous Vanguard – I was very surprised and then 10 minutes later went “Oh that's what it was, time to go back and relisten”
Pronoun update: Austin consistently uses “they”, Art consistently uses “he”. End my suffering…
The sheer comedic impact of seven Makos, Larry and Lazer Ted all in a room together has healed my soul immediately. Can we end on this image so nothing bad happens
I'm so proud of Orth!! “I'm sorry, which one are you?” lmao
Oooh the relationship drama~ But how come Jacqui didn't know Jill was alive? Actually, now that I think of it, back then it was clearly said that Jacqui knows Jillian is back and is sad because Jillian doesn't remember her. This show's retcons…
Look I know shit must hit the fan pretty soon but for now this finale is just. So relaxing. I'm having a lot of fun listening to these squabbles. (The only exception were Mako and Orth – boys, stop fighting, why!)
That Cass & Aria scene was cool but please don't give me world leader old friends sneaking away for secret stress relief sparring sessions when I'm not supposed to start shipping them
Oh hell yeah, I was hoping that since Jacqui went with Jillian, Aria would go with Ibex. (Not very relevant here, but Ibex is from Kesh like Maryland, right? If so, there must be fanart of young Ibex and Maryland in 19th century outfits?)
Stop cryptically saying oh Sokrates isn't here, oh they aren't using their candidate name, like what's up with them?! Are they doing well? I'm worried!
Oh Orth wants to dance with Ibex huh *eyes emoji* Rematch! Rematch!
“I'll take anything” “Anything?” My mind, of course, autocompletes “Then perish”
THIS WAS A LOT and I need to take a couple of minutes to start breathing normally again. Also there just has to be a lovingly drawn fanart adaptation of this entire scene (in, like, fukcing Leyendecker style), come on fandom please say someone has done it
Jacq/Jill continuing with the heartbreaking scenes, I see
Mako doesn't like dancing now…… holy shit this is the most upsetting ball ever… (The cynical part of me must say that it's only Austin who talks about this connection, Keith doesn't and still sounds way less emotional about the whole thing than the others assume Mako to be)
I amend my previous statement, I also need fanart with snapshots of every dance: Orth firmly taking Ibex's hand and receiving a surprised but approving look, Jillian throwing her head back in laughter and Jacqui watching with a pained smile, sullen Mako leaning on a wall cross-armed and looking for an opportunity to slip away, Cass dropping his one-liner with a completely dispassionate face.
Wow Ibex is really getting ready for death. Sounds as if he knows the exact date.
HOLY SHIT THE DIVINES' ORIGIN STORY!!! FINALLY!!! I'm surprised they were all created by the same person…
I'm relieved Mako and Orth are on good terms again!
I love the new Aria as this competent politician who does a lot of swordfighting and dealing with old flames
Have I mentioned I really love the game they're playing? It almost synthesizes the best parts of the game they played previously – as if it was written just for this finale. It's so great how this show and specifically this campaign go through so many games, showing the universe and the characters from different angles, instead of having them be defined by only one game system and its limitations and quirks.
That's some real good mech if it can function for 80,000 years, Divines' body or not!
Okay, I fucking knew Liberty and Discovery would split up at some point (which is what I meant above by my expectations for AuDy's fate), but why is Liberty attacking Ibex?
Mako's robots!!! :DDD Now that's the real finale shit!
I CAN'T BELIEVE Keith missed Tower's brief appearance of all things. It's like a fucking scene from the show on the level of dramatic irony. They were truly not meant to be, even the universe in real life is saying that. Do you ever get rejected so badly that the guy you like runs away from you at the prom, and then lets you fall into a deadly portal with the rest of your planet, and then you get brainwashed, and then you are killed by an ally of that guy, and the person playing him doesn't even witness that?!
I thought Orth was going to challenge Kobus about Liberty…
“I have Liberty contained” *winces*
Every time it is asked what is Mako wearing I just mentally pull out the popcorn
“I welcome anyone to tell Cass that AuDy is a non-person”
Let me restate how much I'm loving how the scenes that in any other show would be minor fluff or short summaries in an epilogue are a legit fully rendered part of the finale
Sokrates & Orth reunion please!!
Aw Ted! It never occured to me that this comic relief character has, in fact, lost his entire planet and almost everyone he knows.
…I think I like Apokine Cass more than Chime Cass
That's a big lore dump holy cow! I'm glad Apostolosians are ex-humans after all, but I wonder how they turned into fish people
So what happened to the idea of Mako hacking Grace?
They just… went and straight up murdered two Divines… If it had happened early in the show I'd probably cheer, and no tears were shed for Grace, but Liberty… Just take a third of another player character and drive it into a sun…
Of course. I knew Sokrates is the kind of character who dies nobly in a grand finale.
I've spent all this time wondering how the piece of Voice in Mako doesn't get infected by Rigor, and it seems to finally happen and Larry seems to die repairing it, but what about all other Makos, aren't they in danger too?
This is way too easy so far, just sacrifice NPCs one by one to win.
This whole time I was assuming Mako saved as many clones as he could, not just his own… If he gets another turn I bet it's submit or die :/
Hello I'm crying over Lazer Ted! Choices in the campaign sound futile now: who cares which guy Mako saved – they both died anyway! All named NPCs did!
Except for Jacqui. Congratulations, the NPC Who Lived! (I mistyped “loved” at first, which is also relevant. And yes, I cried here too.)
How the hell would falling into a sun kill Rigor if it was previously not killed by a bomb that destroys hundreds of suns?
Poor Cass… Not only sacrificing yourself in such a difficult way, but to have a final conversation only just to learn that your friend, a passionate revolutionary further empowered by Righteousness, has deserted… The sheer contempt and disappointment he pours in just three words “Ibex told you���...
Welp. Mako's fate was not tragic like I feared! Good news I guess, but it's still kind of sad. And I think the saddest part is that Mako himself doesn't realize. Because it can just sound like the natural continuation of his character growth – after he had to learn to be the responsible one first in contrast to Larry and then to the other Makos. But it's not that, or not just that, and it's kind of chilling to hear that he never knows it, and never knows peace.
Executive Joie, oh my… It's so strange and cool how Aria somehow continues the legacy of Jace and Ibex at once.
The race is over. It's so strange that now there are no consequences to fear or spoilers to avoid.
I didn't like the final battle as much as the rest of the finale – I hoped for a more clever solution than just throwing bodies at the enemy (but I guess the intro warned me lol…). Especially since these bodies had very unequal impact – I'm not going to care about Diego Rose or Chet Wise or Orth's newly-created lieutenants or as much as I care about Jacqui -- so it felt unfair towards players/characters who had more important or likeable chracters in their faction. I'm opposed on principle to making the big confrontation feel important and emotional just by killing off characters (hi, J. K. Rowling and Russo brothers), I think it's cheap and emotionally manipulative, but in this case the emotional manipulation doesn't even work so it’s doubly disappointing.
If someone's reading this, you can see that what I expected or wanted from the story was not what it gave me, and that was frustrating or disappointing at times. But nevertheless, it was a wild ride.
I've slept on it and it still fucks me up that out of the Chime only Aria gets a genuinely happy ending! Cass is fucking dead, Liberty is dead while AuDy becomes a ghost, and Mako loses everyone and is lonely for the rest of his life!
It's so strange to listen to the opening theme in the post-mortem and think that this is the second-to-last time. (Relistens don't count, it's not the same thing.) By the way, I love that theme – it sounds like a half song with the words on the tip of my tongue, like space, or like city at night. Really atmospheric.
I love how everyone continues to be into that moment where Aria has the opportunity to kill Cass lol (I am too)
Yeah, thanks for reminding me about that coin toss moment for Kobus in the finale, that was so sudden and shocking I was completely losing it for the long few seconds it lasted
I'm glad someone asked whether Jack knew the Big Spoiler in advance – he was so calm about it in the following episodes that I started wondering
Oh so it wasn't my imagination that the players needed the comic relief of the Lazer Ted episode no less than the characters
After a sad talk about Mako's dead friends, Andi, cheerfully: “I love to kill and I love to hurt and I never regretted anything I ever did! :D” which won the least surprising comment of the hour award lol. Honestly, after that one scene with Diego I started to get a bit nervous whenever Andi announced they had an idea… C/w was fun because I now realize the cinnamon roll Aubrey was actually them playing against type.
I love that someone asked about Mako's first kiss and/or Orth's fandom life!!
Keith's answer is sad, though… He “had literally never considered Mako even being capable of kissing someone, like it wasn't something on the table” and that was unexpected to me. I'd mentioned several times that he sounded reluctant to play up the romance, but I was assuming it was the player's preference, not an innate trait of the character whose attraction to someone was a part of his character creation. How do I interpret it? Mako is aro? Mako never had a chance to properly grow emotionally because his youth was fake and for the rest of his life, all emotional connections were sabotaged by Rigour's shadow, and also literally all his potential love interests died? Ugh, I just keep making myself more and more upset.
Holy shit I forgot about Art asking if there's an old Apostolosian mech on September by any chance lmao
Cene always knew?! Holy shit w h a t
It's nice to hear Ali talk about her growth in confidence as a player because she's definitely kind of an inspiration – for years I've thought tabletop roleplaying is too intense and I'll never do it, but when I finally tried out it was not so scary, so maybe there's hope for me too!
The concept that the real challenge of the final battle was that the easier it would be to defeat Rigor, the worse shape would the world be afterwards sounds much better than what that battle actually felt like to me. Instead of paying for victory with the health of society and their faction's political power, in the actual gameplay they paid with NPCs from their circle and that was it; the political consequences came later and sounded entirely unrelated. Maybe if they had to go against their faction's goals or sacrifice its assets – e.g. “use Minerva's Rigor-tech mechs in exchange for the promise to leave them alone afterwards” instead of “sacrifice all Mako clones”… Aria had something similar with Weight, but it was the price of Jacqui's life, not the price of a victorious battle against Rigour.
It's very cool to learn where the sound effects in the theme come from! And god, every line as its own take? My head hurts just imagining that…
Austin getting distracted by the idea of fucking Rigor was hilarious, but I never, ever want to hear the word “daddy” in this context! What's with these jokes this season, ew, please stop.
Excuse me, Ali wanted to kiss Ibex as who exactly, Jace or Aria? Both options are equally crazy!
See, “You wanna say ‘Oh he was just doing what was necessary, he was just doing the thing that's good in the end’, and yeah that's him working on you” is exactly why he reminds me of Dukat! Literally the same mind game on the viewers/listeners!
Why is the link broken, I want to see AuDy in Titanfall!
Listening to team “Fuck Ibex!” and team “Fuck Ibex ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)” yell at each other is very entertaining
“Nobody on the Kingdom Come is cishet” is a nice sentiment but I'm kind of confused by which definition of cis Cass is not. Have I missed something about them changing pronouns in-universe? Just because English doesn't have exact analogies for the Apostolosian pronouns doesn't mean everyone who uses them isn't following their own society's conventions. And now Austin also's saying “We never wanted to say these pronouns are equivalent to gender” which is, a, not true, and b, sends the whole problem back to square one – because if that's not the Apostolosian gender then what is? This! Is! A! Mess!
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Letra K
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(Photo by KOBU Agency on Unsplash)
Kamikaze: Persona que vuelve con su ex.
Karma:  Eso que le pasa a tu ex tanto en soledad como con la nueva persona con la que se junta después de que te hizo todo lo que te hizo (oferta disponible solo para villanxs). // Placebo para quienes se niegan a aceptar la existencia de la injusticia.
Kattástrofes: Cosas que solo le pasan a Katterin.
Kilómetro: Distancia mínima a la que debe estar de mi la gente que desprecio.
Kunkun: Aparato inventado en el reciente Japón que te informa si hueles mal.
Acostumbradoalfindelmundolandia: linktr.ee/acostumbradoalfindelmundo
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