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bluektw · 17 days ago
So... CK Korea spinoff when?
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kenposting · 2 years ago
Kenposting Masterlist <3
i have ryan gosling brainrot so bad..
°.✩┈┈ ┈┈ ∘*┈୨୧┈*∘┈┈ ┈┈ ✩.°
Ken (Barbie, 2023): 
He’s Just Ken ⋆˚✿˖° Ken has always been more than fond of you, and he kept that to himself, like a small thought that didn't mean much. You, unbeknownst to him, of course, felt the same, and he is shocked to learn this.
New Guy ⋆˚✿˖° Short & sweet; Ken is the new guy at your work - somewhere he keeps calling the ‘real world’. You don’t get that, but what’s new, he never really makes any sense.
New Guy Part 2 ⋆˚✿˖° Ken invites you over for dinner at his house - something you were greatly looking forward to! Until you noticed something was on his mind.
Every Night is Ghoul's Night⋆˚✿˖° Ken leads the way to the Real World to join Barbie for a new holiday he doesn't quite understand. Once he arrives, he learns that most things in this place are hard to understand.
Holland March (The Nice Guys, 2016):
You’re Protesting the Air? ⋆˚✿˖° The tension between Holland and his client had been building for weeks. You were proud of yourself for keeping your cool - until Healy left you under the care of his partner.
Officer K (Blade Runner 2049, 2017): 
Baseline ⋆˚✿˖° You're a Blade Runner paired to work with Officer K. You both sense a bizarre shift lately.  Something is wrong.
Other Ken posts: 
Mojo Dojo Bingo + links to free ryan gosling movies ⋆˚✿˖° Just a bingo sheet of Ryan Gosling movies.
Ken’s Cowboy Outfit ⋆˚✿˖° Noticed the difference and thought it was funny.
Kenergy Fits ⋆˚✿˖° Ryan going so hard at the red carpets for some reason.
What Kenergy is This ⋆˚✿˖°  He is an anomaly.
Ken Crying ⋆˚✿˖° :( sad
France Poster ⋆˚✿˖° this had me dying omg lol
THE MOJO DOJO ⋆˚✿˖° need to go so bad u guys don’t understand if this is torn down before i see it i will die
Beach Off ⋆˚✿˖° he gets so mad it is so funny omg
Just Madi ⋆˚✿˖° i luv ken wtf
ryan gosling 😁😁 ⋆˚✿˖° idc this is my favorite video of him
jitterbug 😭 ⋆˚✿˖° no comment
u look lonely ⋆˚✿˖° i giggled
no kitchen :( ⋆˚✿˖° evil!!!!! but accurate
RYAN BEING SO CUTE W GRETA WTF ⋆˚✿˖° screaming crying throwing a tantrum wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf
my dumbest post ⋆˚✿˖° sorry i giggled
the world is healing ⋆˚✿˖° just my brother being sweet wtf
ken behind the scenes <3 ⋆˚✿˖° him
barbie cast ⋆˚✿˖° i luv them
what was going on here ⋆˚✿˖° i want to know so bad
why is he so tall (and this)⋆˚✿˖° wtf
fall guy behind the scenes ⋆˚✿˖° idc he looks so good
hands ⋆˚✿˖° teehee
gq ⋆˚✿˖° they luv him
film cooper talking ab barbie ⋆˚✿˖° slay cooper
week :3 ⋆˚✿˖° this just made me giggle lol
seriously how did this happen ⋆˚✿˖° i just want to hug them plea se argehejjd
ken fits :3 ⋆˚✿˖° so slay ryan so slay
mmmmmm ken ⋆˚✿˖° stfu this outfit
holland brainrot p2 ⋆˚✿˖° he is just so
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ridiasfangirlings · 5 months ago
who do you think would win in a combat 1v1? (whichever homra alphabet boys x scepter 4 alphabet boys you choose up to kusanagi and awashima)
Just gonna mostly pair up the alphabet squads by letter, since that’s the easiest way. For Akiyama vs Akagi and Benzai vs Bandou I think the S4 boys would win pretty handily, both Akiyama and Benzai are actual trained soldiers and I think they’d have the edge by far here. Akagi and Bandou might be willing to fight a little dirtier but I don’t think that would affect Akiben enough to throw them off, I feel like Homra’s at a distinct disadvantage with these two (particularly when you remember that Akiyama is fourth in command, from a chain of command standpoint he’s really more on par with like Kamamoto than the rank and file Homra guys). 
Kamo vs Chitose I could see going either way, Kamo is a good fighter but he was a chef before he was in S4 so I suspect his skills aren’t to the level of someone like Akiyama. On the other hand I don’t think Chitose is the strongest Homra alphabet boy either, I could really see either one taking this. Dewa vs Doumyouji I tend to lean towards Doumyouji, who’s the heir to a dojo and is kinda implied to be a bit of a prodigy swordsmanship-wise. I think the big issue would be that he probably wouldn’t take this as seriously and also he’s kind of an idiot so Dewa would have the brains advantage, I just don’t know if that would be enough to beat Doumyouji’s skills. 
Enomoto vs Eric, I think this one Homra definitely takes. Enomoto is generally implied to be the weakest of the S4 alphabet squad (he doesn’t really fight in the opening episode of ROK and he’s usually in the vans during combat), so I think Eric could defeat him pretty handily. Fuse vs Fujishima I think is another one I could see going either way, Fuse is supposed to be pretty skilled in fighting but I don’t think Fujishima is a slouch either. I feel like either one could be the winner here, it just depends on how the fight goes. 
Hidaka and Gotou don’t have letter counterparts so I’ll just pick some Homra guys for them I guess XD Hidaka vs Kamamoto I think I’m leaning towards Kamamoto winning, I feel like he has more raw power than Hidaka and would be able to wear him down. Hidaka is athletic so I could see him kinda looking down on Kamamoto until he’s almost blown away, then he grins and figures it’ll be a good fight. Ultimately though I feel like Kamamoto would be the stronger one here. Gotou….he doesn’t fight anyone, he just spends ten minutes chatting with Totsuka excitedly about cursed statues. 
Fushimi and Yata: draw. Always a draw. It’s basically the whole point of their characters, that they’re equal in strength and similar while also mirroring each other. If we had to choose I think it would depend a lot on the fight itself. Fushimi is more cunning and has more weaponry, but Yata’s more agile and I think has much better stamina and endurance. From a fighting game standpoint I would say Fushimi is a glass cannon and Yata’s a tank, so if it was a quick knockout fight I think Fushimi has the advantage but if the fight draws out longer the advantage moves to Yata. 
Awashima vs Kusanagi is another close one. My initial thought was Kusanagi but the more I consider it the more I’m moving towards Awashima, for the same reason as most of the S4 wins: she has actual combat training. For Awashima particularly even outside of swordfighting she practices martial arts and hand-to-hand and she’s apparently extremely strong, so if she had to she probably could snap Kusanagi in two like a toothpick. I could see Kusanagi being stronger from a clansman standpoint (like his Red is stronger than Awashima’s Blue) but I think if they had to seriously fight she could honestly just punch him out if needed.
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cantevenbeachhere · 7 months ago
Hey Ken! I was the a book fair (with my little sister) and I saw a bunch of wooden horses, I bought one that's colored as the ocean for you (⁠っ⁠˘⁠з⁠(⁠˘⁠⌣⁠˘⁠ ⁠)
Yeah really? That sounds really neat actually! I bet it’s pretty, isn’t it. That sounds like a good find.
That’s really sweet of you to think of me like that.
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//somewhere in the distant future, K stops mid-step and says, “Wooden horse?!”
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h34vybottom · 8 months ago
Shionne Vymer Imeris Daymore
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brookediamonds · 3 months ago
but daddy i love him | Axel Kovačević x Fem Reader
Request: Could you please do series where reader is sensei wolfs daughter and he doesnt want them to be together but during the sekai taikai they meet in his room and confess their feelings, spicy mabye - and you could add like wolf finds out or smthn else
summary: Being Sensei Wolf's daughter had it's ups and downs. On one hand, you could kick some serious ass. On the other you were off limits to his students. Especially to the one you favored the most. Limits did have to come to a close as you are 18 now, the ripe age of being an adult that can make her own decisions. With your dad's approval of course.
Wc 2.5K Warnings: Fluff, smut, OVER 18+, minors dni, angst if you squint
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not my gif
You and Axel traded blows with each other, your sensei waiting for someone to either get knocked off their feet or get knocked out entirely.
As Axel attempted to strike your shoulder, you caught his arm and pulled you both down to the mat, turning him over on to his back.
"Enough!" Sensei Wolf cuts the fight off before it can go further. Standing up from your spots, the tall dark haired figure stood quietly gazing over his captains for Sekai Taikai.
"That is all for today," he dismisses you after a moment of silence.
"I will see you both in the morning," he gives you the bow of respect. The both of you return the notion before turning on your heel to leave the training studio in the hotel.
The Sekei Taikai was here and had your sensei whom also held the title of your father, was on edge because of the competition. Two new teams rose from out of nowhere and your father saw it as threat.
He had you and your co-captain Axel, training every second you weren't in an event, sleeping, or eating.
"Xiǎolóng!" Your father calls out to you before you can exit the room. Axel continued on, recognizing the familiar nickname knowing 'little dragon' was not meant for him, but for you.
Sensei Wolf walked up to you, reaching a hand up to hold the side of your face gently.
"Good work today," he states before stepping past you.
Your father while hard on you, loved you very much. You were his only child and held a special place in his heart, to him you were the universe.
It was later in the evening, just past dinner when you make it back to your hotel room. You luckily had your own room allowing you to take advantage of a long needed shower.
After changing into a red tank top and black sleep shorts, you laid in your clean white sheets, taking in the comfort of the plush mattress beneath you.
You heard your phone buzz on the pillow next to you making you turn over on to your stomach. It was a text from your co-captain.
bestie for the restie: do you have more of that lotion?
You were up in an instant, slippers on, vitamin k lotion in your hand. Your sensei being your father, also meant you for forbidden to have any romantic relations with anyone from your dojo.
That unfortunately included your co-captain and best friend Axel Kovačević. The two of you had grown close, being Sensei Wolf's champions, it meant you had to be careful.
You knew you could never be more than friends, but it didn't mean you couldn't stare into Axel's dark blue eyes all day, or feel warm inside when he held you close during a sparring session.
So when your friend gives you an opportunity to be in close proximity without your dad around, you take it. Slipping on a hoodie, you grab your key card and head out.
The elevator ride wasn't long, luckily Axel's room was only a floor down from you. Butterflies swarmed your stomach, while you had hung out with Axel many times this time was different.
You two could finally be alone, secluded in one room. With a bed.
Stopping at his door, you knock lightly announcing your arrival. The door swings open revealing a damp haired boy indicating Axel had just taken a shower, and wore a plain black t-shirt with white gym shorts.
"You knocked me on my ass today," Axel says bluntly arms crossed over his chest.
"You made me," you shrug nonchalantly.
"Right," he responds sarcastically, the corners of Axel's lips quirk up, a smirk forming across his face as you walked past him into the room.
"I can't wait for this tournament to be over you," you sigh plopping down on Axel's bed. "Here," you toss the lotion next to you.
Axel picks up the healing ointment, twisting the cap off while looking at your exhausted form.
"Why?" He asks curious as to why you wanted to get past this weekend together.
"My dad is driving me crazy," you confess. From your peripheral vision, you see Axel peel his shirt off and turn his back to the mirror.
"He wants you to win," Axel justifies.
"At what cost?" You question sitting up on your elbows. Your heart sank seeing the fresh new bruises lining down your friend's back. Seeing him struggle to apply on his back, you stood up and walked over to Axel taking the lotion from his hand.
"Here," you whisper squeezing out the ointment on to your fingertips. Gently, you rub in the vitamin k, making sure not to add too much pressure.
“Thank you,” he says looking over his shoulder down at you.
It takes everything inside you to not kiss away the injuries, to somehow not kiss his pain away. Your sensei was hard on you, but he was even harder on Axel.
He knew he was the best, and that meant there was no room for errors. Without realizing your actions, you laid your head on Axel’s back wrapping your arms around his toned torso.
He followed suit by laying a hand over yours, enjoying the feeling of you so close to him, without fighting for once.
Axel too had developed feelings for his co-captain, and settled for the idea of only keeping her as his best friend. To dishonor his sensei scared the hell out of him.
But as he turned to face you, you fluttered your long lashes up at him, he couldn’t help but lean down and go for what he’s always wanted. You.
Your heart races as you notice Axel inch towards you, but your thoughts get the best of you. Placing a hand on his chest, you step back and go to sit on the bed.
A look of hurt feigns on your teammates face, a look that made your heart hurt.
“I’m sorry, I thought-“ he began but you shook your head.
“No, I’m sorry,” you apologize looking down at your feet. Axel walks towards you, bending down on his knees to your level.
“Sorry for what?” He’s confused. “I misread the situation.”
You can’t help but tear up at his words, he was so far from how you felt.
“You didn’t,” you admit truthfully. Axel’s eyebrows furrow, noticing the glossy shine your eyes held. “I love you.”
You wipe away the the small droplets that fell on to your cheeks.
“I have loved you since we were fourteen years old, and I have had to hold back and watch you talk to other girls that weren’t me, that weren’t your sensei’s daughter,” you spill your heart out. “And all I want to do is love and take care of you without having to worry about you being hurt.”
Axel processes your words, finally understanding the situation at hand. You both had fallen for each other, and remained silent about it because of your sensei.
“Y/n,” Axel speaks up after a moment of silence. He reaches a hand out to wipe away your stray tears. “I love you too. And I would fight to the ends of the earth to be with you.”
You couldn’t take it anymore. You loved Axel and you wanted nothing more than to show him how much.
This time you take charge, grabbing ahold of the back of his head, you pull him into you smashing your lips together.
It feels like he was the missing puzzle piece you were missing when your lips follow in sync with one another’s.
Your hands roam over Axel’s chest and torso making their around his shoulders as he kept on hand around the back of your neck and the other running down your side.
There’s a turn in your stomach as you both move back on to the bed, sharing opened mouth kisses. Axel laid between your legs that remained bent on either side of him.
As you came up for air, you let a soft moan when Axel took his time laying feverish kisses down your neck and collarbone.
You begin to feel the hardness between your bodies, making you bite your lip.
“Axel,” you breathed out thrusting your hips up to meet his. “I want you.”
He tore away from your skin, wanting to make sure he heard you correctly.
“You what?” His eyes are searching for yours, the lust invading your eyes making him blush.
“I want you,” you repeat louder tightening the hold you held around his waist.
“Are you sure?” Axel inquires, pressing a soft kiss to your nose.
“Yes,” you respond with no hesitation.
You two were adults now. You called the shots. And you were sure you wanted all of Axel Kovačević and he wanted all of you.
It’s new, the sensation of it all, you both take a moment to adjust to the vulnerable state.
He’s bigger than you had expected, your body swallows him deliciously, it takes all his strength to not ruin you and take you the way he wants to.
But he waits for you, he wants you to feel the same feeling he does. Axel kisses you through your pain, holding your hands beneath him.
And when the burning feeling subsides, you began to moan at the sudden pleasure you felt in the pit of your stomach.
Both flushed, the two of your bodies moved in sync chasing the peak of satisfaction.
Axel reaches his high as your face twists with pleasure, whimpers falling from your beautiful mouth as he continued to thrust his release into you.
You withered at the feeling, his lips finding yours in an instant wanting to seal this moment with a kiss.
You’re in his arms within minutes, his chin resting over your shoulder from behind you, legs intertwined.
“When did you know?” you spoke up breaking the comfortable silence. “When did you know you loved me?”
A small smile came across Axel’s face, he couldn’t help but press a quick kiss to your bare shoulder lovingly.
“You came into dojo, wearing your black shoes, messy shirt,” he began to explain. You knew he was referring to your black high top converse and your favorite pink crop top that may have had a few purposeful holes in them.
“Your father was upset because you are usually early, but that day you showed up five minutes till practice because you stopped to get me candy to cheer me up,” you could hear the smile on his face.
“You texted me you had a bad day,” you remembered when he sent you a message at lunch complaining about one of his classes and his struggle with the teacher.
You’d do anything to make Axel happy, and nothing made him happier than a piece of chocolate.
“I just wanted to see you happy,” you grin squeezing the arm he kept around you.
“And that is why I love you,” he murmurs along your skin. “Now it is my turn to make you happy.”
He turns you on to your back, and makes sure you get your happy ending, in a more personal way.
When morning comes, you both dread having to hide your new kindled romance away from your dad but feel excitement at the prospect of you and Axel finally being together.
“Once more,” you beg pouting up at the tall boy who stood with you at his door.
“One more,” he warns you playfully before giving you one final kiss.
“See you soon,” you say pulling back from him.
“I will see you in a bit,” Axel promises watching you back away.
You can’t contain the smile on your face as you press the button for the elevator, when it opens you don’t notice the other figure standing inside of it.
“Good morning, Xiǎolóng,” your father greets you as you stood still in front of the double doors.
“Daddy,” you attempt to keep cool, hurriedly walking into the elevator, pressing your floor number.
“Where are you coming from?” He asks seeing you still in pajamas and on a different floor than your room.
“(Y/n!)” A hand is suddenly shot through the closing doors, Axel standing on the other side keeping it from closing.
“You forgot your…” you cringe as Axel holds out the bruise cream, suddenly noticing his sensei standing beside you.
Sensei Wolf’s eyes fall to a small red blotch sitting just above Axel’s collarbone, and turns to you taking in the messy state of your hair and bright pink blush on your face.
“You little-“ Axel is thrown up against the wall across from you, your father holding him up by his muscle shirt.
“Daddy stop!” You beg attempting to wiggle your way between them.
“I’m gonna kill you with my bare hands,” he seethed his grip never loosening. You angrily pushed your way between them, shoving your dad back.
“Don’t touch him!” You shout standing in front of the boy you loved. “Daddy, I love him!”
You father glares down at your protective state, knowing damn well he’d never lay a hand on you.
“You are not to be involved with my students,” he repeats the rule he gave you when you were twelve years old.
“I’m eighteen years old and so is Axel, we can see whomever we like,” you stood your ground. Sensei Wolf flared with anger, not liking his captains are now affiliated.
You had gone against word. But at the same time, he couldn’t help but feel just the tiniest bit of pride for his daughter. You were an adult and very well could make your own decisions.
“I love your daughter sensei,” Axel speaks, your father’s eyes cutting over to the boy behind you. “She is my best friend and I love her with all my heart.”
Sensei Wolf watches as you and Axel hold each other’s hand, finding comfort within one another.
“We will discuss this later,” your father states before walking out of the elevator shooting one last glare to Axel.
You let out a deep breath when the doors close, turning to face the panting boy.
“Perfect timing," you say sarcastically to the whole situation,
"You stood up to your father for me," Axel says staring down at you in awe.
"Of course I did," you tell him like it was the most easiest thing to do.
He grabs the sides of your face, leaning down to press his forehead against yours.
"I love you," Axel reminds you making you melt beneath his touch.
"I love you too," you grin snaking up your arms around his neck.
Before you could kiss, the door open again, this time revealing your teammate who held her phone up indicating she was live.
"Damn, it's about time you two," Zara exclaims pointing her camera over at you both. "These two fools are finally together after years of pining."
You and Axel laugh as she goes back to her followers, knowing she was in fact right. After years of hiding each other's feelings, you could finally be together.
(a/n: so i don't usually write smut, its still pretty new to me so hopefully this was okay!! more things on the way!)
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notyourhetloki · 2 years ago
Ken's NSFW Alphabet
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Reader: gender neutral
/NSFW Ken x Reader/
A/N: You know what? I ALWAYS wanted to make one of these... I literally have no excuse for it I just need him carnally ok pls don't judge me NSFW Alphabet originally found here.
Warnings: this Ken has genitals lol, top!Ken, lots of sex talk, no images just text, very explicit!
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
I think Ken would be a very caring lover, making sure you had everything you needed and that includes aftercare! He would draw a trail of kisses down your body to your legs, massaging them while asking if you're ok, then would take you in his arms and keep you there for all the time you needed. Ken would even clean you up if necessary, joining you in a nice shower, combing your hair... Yeah, he's the KING of aftercare!
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
I think Ken really like his arms, they're amazing to show off his muscles and strength and even better for carrying you around!
And his favorite part about you is definitely your beautiful face! But most especially, your lips. Ken loves when you kiss him all over his body, it never fails to make him shiver.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically...)
Well, because he's a doll, I don't believe there would be a risk of diseases or pregnancy (particularly if you live in Barbieland/are a doll as well) so… yeah he would cum inside you pretty much every time. The feeling of you around him while he cums is intoxicating enough, but he would make exceptions for when you asked him to cum over your face… that vision was also fantastic.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Ken has a very big fantasy of fucking you while he wears his mink, or seeing you suck him off while he wears it… anyway, he wants to wear the mink!! But he feels a little silly about it…
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Before you, I don't think he had any experience, really. He knew about sex from the media he consumed (he even read a few books on it, out of curiosity) but sex was not really a priority especially in Barbieland. That is until he visited the Real World and you showed up...
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying.)
Cowgirl/boy. Ken loves to have you on top, seeing you bounce on top of him while he grabs your waist is SUCH a turn-on. And that way you also could control the pace... yeah, he adores it.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
It depends... are you making love after a whole day spent together? Yeah, he could be goofy, wanting to see you laugh at every opportunity he can. But are you fucking after spending the day apart, needy and desperate? No time for joking around.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He's a doll so I'm pretty sure he's just shaved down there... nothing really to be worried about!
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect...)
Ken is so needy... so needy he would embrace you during the whole thing if he could. He's the type of guy who says "I love you" during sex, and he's ok with it! As long as you say it back... and you always say it back.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Masturbating was not really a thing dolls did, but he would do it occasionally out of curiosity. And after you came around, he couldn't help himself a few times... humping a pillow before sleep and dreaming about your body. Yeah, he masturbated quite a lot then, thinking about you.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
PRAISE KINK this one's obvious… the guy could nut only from being praised if you took the time to do it. If you praise him during sex while looking him in the eyes, oh… his cock immediately twitches in anticipation. It's adorable, actually.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Because he's very jealous and protective of you, he only does it inside of your house (or his mojo dojo casa house) somewhere no one can see you, so yeah… not very adventurous in that aspect.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Besides the praise, just... being your boyfriend. Matching clothes with you, holding your hand... kissing you immediately turns him on, and being called names like "baby", "love", "blondie" makes him go wild. He just loves the attention and of course, loves when you're turned on as well.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
I don't think Ken would enjoy rougher sex... don't get me wrong, he can definitely pick up a fast pace from time to time, but... ROUGH as in, slapping you, calling you names... nuh-uh, he don't likey. He hates the possibility of hurting you in any way.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Ken honestly doesn't have a preference. He loooves eating you out/sucking you off and the praise that comes with it, making sure you finish so he can taste you. But oh, there's something just as endearing in the wet sounds you make while sucking him, the feeling of your lips tightly around his dick... oof! He loves both ways!
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
At the very first time you had sex I think Ken would be slow and not really in rhythm, so overwhelmed by the sensation of being with you… So you'd have to take control and guide him. He would eventually get the hang of it, and the more confident he became, the faster he went. So yeah, when he's feeling sentimental he goes slow, taking his time with you. But if he's feeling confident, he likes to show off and fuck you raw.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He's pretty neutral about quickies, I mean... Ken likes taking his sweet time with you, but if you're both feeling naughty and there's not really much time, he would definitely go for it!
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Hmm, I would say he's not really into taking risks. Ken probably waits for you to suggest something before he suggests it himself. He doesn't want to scare you off or anything like that.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last...)
Baby, he's a DOLL... He can go as many times as you desire! LOL But oh, on the first few times you had sex, he didn't last very long... he was too overwhelmed but soon he felt better! Now he lasts a reaaally long time.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Not sure if there are sex toys in Barbieland, but if yes, sure! He would definitely have a vibrator to use on you. Anything that helps you cum is a treasured tool for him, because getting you to cum is his top priority during sex!
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Besides lasting for an absurd amount of time, he loooves to tease as well. Kissing and softly biting on your skin before slowly going down on you, looking up at you with puppy eyes while humming and moving his tongue around your sex... yeah, he's a tease.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Fuck, Ken's loud. He learned to tone it down a bit by muffling his sounds with his hand, but he continues to be a loud moaner. He whines and groans a lot, too... calling your name while being super vocal. "Oh, my... yes. Yes, (Y/N). Please don't stop, ah..."
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Ken still gets emotional every time you make love, holding your face while kissing you deeply, your bodies moving in tandem feeling so good he could cry. He probably did cry the first time, but now he holds back trying to not seem too sappy.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants.)
I MEAN... hear me out. I think he's pretty damn hot, like... maybe around 7 inches? And like, girthy as well LOL He's a dooooll he has to have a pretty perfect dick, right??? (don't look at me)
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Again, not really high before you came around. Now he thinks about sex all the time, looking for excuses to be alone with you and get his hands all over your body. 
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Ken would make sure you were fine (and had finished), do some aftercare if needed and then he would fall asleep rather quickly, rolling over into a little spoon so you could hold him. In your arms, he feels safe and sound.
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yanderederee · 2 years ago
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tw; nsfw, fingering, impliedunderage, simp:)
Part1 … Part2 … now~ … Part4 … Part5
Once again, you caught Mikey in a lovesick stare.
You smiled fondly, and wrapped a loose lock of hair behind his ear.
You saw no reason to object. He was so cute, that look on his face. Mikey caressed your palm eagerly, loving how you let him do anything he wants with nothing but praise and validation.
Yet still, he knew you were good for him.
Your good habits and traits rubbed off on him little by little. He kept to a routine, and agreed to do the bare minimum so he could in the least, graduate with you. You promised him if he could pass every grade until third year highschool, you would stay his forever.
It was a silly little promise meant to encourage him to get a basic education, but in Mikey’s eyes, you were his. As long as he kept to his word, you wouldn’t leave him, too.
He wasn’t fond of the bullying happening behind your back before, but after you had kissed him that one day in the library, he didn’t stand for it.
He was a handful, though. Every day, he would lie and say he couldn’t find his own school books, or remember to bring a book bag with him at all.
Luckily for him of course, you always had your book, Spare pencils, and voluntarily carry both his and your own journals and homework. —that you made him do, every night.
Everyday after school, you couldn’t protest Mikey’s puppy eyes, leading you to his family dojo, claiming he can only study in peace when you taught him. And he really wanted to do so his homework in bed.
No darker intentions, he was sleepy. And you could never deny him a nap, even if you would affectionately nag him into finishing the homework he was more than capable of handling, afterward.
And once all the papers and pencil shavings were put away, before you could take your leave, Mikey would pull you in, firmly against him, holding so tight.
“I really like having you around… here, with me. I like your laugh,” he kissed your shoulder, smiling when you let out a complimentary giggle. “I love the way you look at me,” he rolled his head, meeting your gaze quickly, given you were already staring at him. “How you hug me without question,” a very quiet crack in his voicebroke at the end of his words, his eyebrows curling upward slightly. The implication was quickly met with your turning form wrapping your arms firmly around Mikey’s shoulders, your knees resting beside his thighs against the side of the bed. “When you k-“
You descended to meet Mikey’s lips in a solid, loud releasing kiss. “I also like when you kiss me,” you whispered, forehead resting on his.
His black eyes darkened as his eyebrows dipped deeply, desperately leaning forward to kiss you. Immediately his hands wrap around your rib cage, above your shirt, grabbing the fabric to bring you ever closer.
You gave him a hint of what making out felt like once in public. Now, he’s eager to put to use all that he’s learned til now in the confides of his own separated shed-room.
Closer, closer, he pulls you in, until your shirt is pulled off your shoulders.
His kiss is hot with how hard he breaths, from what seems to be excitement, having you all to himself.
But you knew him better than that.
“Manjiro…” you moaned into his mouth, peeking your eyes open so you could see to run the tears falling down his face into his skin.
He looked back up at you, sighing at the feeling of your thumb running over his cheek. He bats his lashes at you, desperate for you to say more.
How can you tell him no?
“Follow my lead,” you smiled, pecking his bottom lip once, then his top lip, til you slid your tongue flat against his own, melting together immediately.
Mikey couldn’t help the little whine that escaped at your bold movements.
“This whole time, until I say so,” you say clearly, fiddling with something behind you. “You aren’t allowed to open your eyes,” he notices a shift amongst the fabric against him, and realizes quickly you had unhooked your bra. “And you can’t stop kissing me.”
You untucked your shirt and threw your bra elsewhere. You drew your body in closer, your chest only a single layer of fabric between your soft chest and his own. And oh, he never really thought to realize, how soft your chest was.
Mikey bites his lip, wavering gaze still keeping up with you as you trace his reaction with your eyes. “You can touch anywhere you like, just go slow,” you stated, and gently took hold of Mikey’s wrists, guiding them under your shirt and rested his palms on your hips. “Okay?”
He nods, frantically, he nods, touch starved after years of disappointment after tragedy.
“It’s okay,” you shushed him, cradling his face with a smile. “I’m yours.” And kissed his waiting lips.
Immediately Mikey kisses you back, with fever and impatience. He’s pushing himself up, while pressing you down against him with all his strength. Immediately you moaned, embarrassingly loud. But it was his fault. “M-Manjiro..!” You yelled at him, an attempt at anger. Mikey grinned at his inappropriate actions, but he kept going, feeling no need to argue further.
Repeating himself, as though your warning meant nothing, he rolled the both of you into a push and pull make out session.
With wandering hands, slowly tracing the smooth textures that made up your body. He ran the tips of his fingers gently over every inch of your back twice before experimenting his thumbs to smooth along the line where your breast met your ribcage. Breathing into one another, you gave an encouraging ‘mm-hmm’. He answered by tracing further, until his thumbs met in between your breasts, the webbing between his thumb and forefinger cupping the underside of your breasts. They were so soft and so warm. It was only instinct that he cradled them roughly in his palms.
He loved when he was able to draw reactions out of you. Always, yes. But gods, the way you act under his touch, he himself feels like god.
Attempting to be slick, you rolled yourself into his touch, hoping he would read your body language.
Before that, he had shifted your seating posture so he was rolling his lower stomach between the juncture of your legs. Your weak thighs slowly rested you further down, threatening to sit into his waiting lap.
“Can I-“ he started, but was cut off with your impatient tongue. “Just as long as you go slow,” you said softly against his lips, a high pitched whine escaping when you gave in and sat into his lap. “Y-you can…” you said, now eye to eye with The InvincibleMikey.
While still a few fabrics away, your warm core sat right against his own, each twitching involuntary.
Pressing into him just a little more, you watch as Manjiro gasps helplessly. A soft and whisky ‘fuck’ fluttered out of Mikey’s lips when he slowly slid his right hand away from your breast, the perky nipple he was just attending to eagerly scratching against the fabric of your shirt.
The gentle friction made you let out a sigh, shivering into his touch. Keeping to his promise, his lips were latched against yours in wet colliding passion. His attempt at a slow kiss was unsuccessful when his hand finally slid over your skirt, tracing the hem of the material before his thumb peeks under, and his hand slides up the skin of your thigh to find your panties.
Opening his eyes to see your reaction, your expression lusty and pleading. God, he thought he would lose control there. Maybe he did, his feverish actions were confident and rough , trying to keep up with his own impatience.
“Manjiro…” you encouraged, squeezing your thighs against his hips.
His tongue lapped into the drooling kiss with persistence, even when you tried breaking your own rule to not break said kiss. He growled into your cavern when his fingers slid along the smooth fabric covering your core. It was warm. So fucking warm. You were so hot, what with all the sensations flooding your every direction. Even still, Manjiro’s assault on your left breast wanted to claim another squeal from you.
You moaned, sweet in tone. “P..please…” the back of Mikey’s nail pushed back the band of your underwear, and slid his dominant hand in, his palm gently petting against your skin, and finger tips making contact with your slick—
Mikey couldn’t help but clench his lower abdominal muscles, breaking the kiss to groan at how your arousal sent him into dangerous levels of need.
Mikey’s needy hands felt to touch everything. He’s never done anything like this before. You were his first kiss. His first crush. His first girlfriend. His first love. And now, he had you on top of him, taking his first intimate relation now too.
Manjiro willingly let out a drawn out, vocal moan as your whining pitched his erection to jump. “Y-your voice… please. Let me hear you, god, p-please.” He bit in small bites into the juncture of your neck, kissing and sucking in rhythm while he also explored you folds. He messaged them back and forth in between his fingers as he savored the silk feel. You were fucking intoxicating.
Unknowing to the sensitivity that same with licking the eroginic zone of your neck, his assault to leave behind little love bites only forced your pitch to rise. Biting your lip and swallowing thickly.
“S-so good… my manjiro, y-you’re so good f-for me…”
Your Manjiro.
Mikey grinned. He liked the sound of that.
“I’ll teach you one more thing tonight,”
You whispered,
You smiled when you pet your own hand over Manjiro’s rougher one. Pressing your finger tips against the back of Manjiro’s, you twitched involuntarily at the pressure. Manjiro’s pupils dilated.
Slowly, you slide his fingers up, barely over your bundle of nerves, twitching against him as though to reward him.
“So pay attention.”
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hanayama-simp · 3 months ago
Can you write chc's about Chiharu Shiba being a father? Like it is enough that he is reckless as fu*k but having a few copies of him running around and being reckless too would be hell. And Chiharu probably would have a small gang of his own so maybe he would have up to 6 kids or more or less XD
Chiharu Shiba chc's
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Chiharu Shiba never imagined that being a father would be more challenging than any fight in the arena. His already chaotic life reached a whole new level of madness when he found himself surrounded by his own kids, each one more rambunctious than the last. With five little ones (or six, because his wife insisted he needed to learn to count better), his home became a constant battlefield.
Mornings in the Shiba household are anything but peaceful. Breakfast turns into an all-out brawl, with kids fighting over the last piece of bread while Chiharu cheers them on as if watching a professional match. “Play fair!” he yells, while his wife facepalms, questioning for the umpteenth time how she ended up in this situation.
The days aren’t much calmer. For Chiharu, taking his kids to the park is the perfect chance to train them. They turn playground equipment into obstacle courses and practice pillow sparring while other parents look on with a mix of awe and horror. It all ends when one of the kids laughs and announces that their dad got stuck on the swings again.
At school, the Shiba name is synonymous with trouble. Every teacher has a story to tell about his kids, who have no problem quoting their father’s “teachings”: “My dad says if someone hits me first, I have to hit them back twice as hard.” Or, on a better day, “My dad says the weak should always protect each other.” Torn between admiration and exasperation, teachers never know whether to suspend them or applaud them.
The Shiba home isn’t much different from a dojo. The kids race down the hallways, build fortresses out of cushions, and end the nights piled on a shared futon watching action movies. The youngest of the group, barely five years old, has already proven to be her dad’s favorite—something all the others suspect but no one dares to mention. She, with an attitude seemingly inherited from her mother, doesn’t hesitate to scold Chiharu when he goes too far. “Dad, you can’t fight the neighbors! They don’t know karate like you!”
Despite the chaos, the true leader of the family is Chiharu’s wife. With her calm and patience, she manages the impossible: silencing the entire house with just one look. Even Chiharu, with all his pride, apologizes when he knows he’s crossed the line. She’s the perfect balance to the storm that is him and his kids.
Although the house feels like an endless whirlwind, there are moments when Chiharu sits with his kids and tells them stories of his days as a fighter. His tone softens as he reminds them that no matter how tough the world gets, they’ll always have their family to lean on. As the little ones finally tire out and fall asleep beside him, Chiharu smiles, knowing that, chaotic as it is, his clan is the best thing that’s ever happened to him.
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beah388love · 11 months ago
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Johnny Lawrence fluff alphabet
18+ Minors DNI!!!
Full Masterlist
Cobra Kai Masterlist
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
He loves going to golf n stuff with you and cuddling with you after school or karate.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
He loves your @ss especially slapping it and hearing you yelp.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
He would sit with you and Hold your hand until you calmed down , once you did he got you too speak to him about what happened.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
He pictures you two Getting married and having your dream house and dream family together.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
He l tries to be dominant but as soon as he looks into your eyes he can't and its like hes Being hypnotised , he gives into everything you say.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
He will usually forgive you very easily and he hates fighting with you so he tries to avoid things that would cause arguments between you both.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
He is super grateful for you and always thinks to himself about how he got you and how amazing you are.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
He doesn't hide much from you besides when its something about karate like if he beat someone up.
"John Lawrence!" You yelled As you slammed his bedroom door "Yeah?" He asked really confused
"Why have I heard about you beating a kid up?!" You yelled "Shit.." he muttered to himself "he looked you up and down!" Johnny said trying to defend himself "your apologising tomorrow!" You said whilst walking away and Johnny just rolled his eyes "Ugh".
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
He completely changed , he went from Mr.No one Messes with to Mr.Attachment issues.
He always brags about your relationship and he completely changed , like his attitude well for you , he still treats others bad but not you.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
He is the most jealous person EVER. If a guy even stands to close to you he would yell and punch them.
K iss - Are they a good kisser?
What was the first kiss like?
Your first kiss was A couple weeks after you began dating , he took you on a date and it was getting late so he walked you home , before you went to your door he gave you a passionate kiss on the lips , with his hand on the back if your hand and the other on your back.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
You and him were cuddling in his bed until he realised he had karate in about 5 minutes so he quickly got up and got ready "Bye Babe I Love you!" He yelled as he ran out the door , you sat there shocked and when his training was down you waited outside the dojo. When he came out you jumped up onto him and gave him a big kiss "I love you too!" You said with your head in the crookneck of his neck.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
He would Definitely want to get married , he would plan it for months and he would go all out he would take you somewhere beautiful and get down on one knee "Y/N will you marry me?" He would say and of course you said yes.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
He loves calling you babe or Baby but he also loves calling you hot stuff.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
He gives you everything and he always looks at you and admires you , he also loves seeing you smile And the way your eyes light up , he would do anything to see your smile.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
He is very upfront about your relationship and he makes it very clear to girls who flirt with him. He knows you dont like it when girls flirt with him because he doesn't like when guys flirt with you so he tells them right off the bat he's with you and lives you.
Q uirk - Some random ability they
have that's beneficial in a relationship.
He Can calm you down and ease your anxiety in Minutes and it really helps you especially when your in public with big crowds.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
He will go all out and bet his friends to make big pro postal signs for you at school , he goes all out and will get you loads of flowers and your favourite chocolates.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
He loves helping you and seeing you Get better at things , like he taught you how dance and now he loves watching you dance and loves when you dance with him.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
He doesn't mind trying out some new things but likes to try and keep it how it normally is and having somewhat of a routine in a way.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He understands you a lot and knows How you are inside and out , he loves how he can help you and be there for you to talk to.He's very empathetic and listens to you and tried to help you as much as he can.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it's worth in comparison to other things in their life?
You relationship is worth so much to him and he loves your relationship and he would go to great lengths to keep it.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
He has a box of memories under his bed with pictures of you two and Little things in there like A coin you saw on a date you had or one of your hairbands he found in his room.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
He Is the biggest hugger you've ever seen , as soon as he comes home from karate he falls on top of you and Wraps his arms around your waist , and falls asleep in your arms.
Y earning - How will they cope when they're missing their partner?
He Will miss you and miss your cuddles and kisses but he will try to distract himself And play games or go out with his friends in the meantime.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
He would go to great lengths for you he would do basically anything for you.
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itsscromp · 1 year ago
I love kid reader with Kuai Liang and Toma Vbrada. ♥️♥️ Please a Kuai Liang and Toma Vbrada x GN shy!Reader. Like the reader is a Earthrealmer and have powers like Dr Strange. https://youtu.be/WBIeFOlDcJY?si=7MhNMF4Ton8VZ-hL
Kuai Liang and Tomas Vbrada x reader
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Oooh an Earthrealm reader with powers, sign me up !!!. Word count:591
Taken in under the guidance of the Lin Kuei, You were extremely quiet and distant. No matter how much Kuai or Tomas tried to help you open up about yourself, You built your walls and kept to yourself. But being the patient brothers they were, They continued to try and help you feel comfortable with them.
Following the betrayal of Bi-Han and the formation of the Shirai Ryu, You started to open up.
"Good morning y/n" Kuai greeted you with a smile.
"Good morning..." You said, It was so quiet it was barley a whisper.
Kuai stopped in his tracks and turned to you.
"Did you... ??"
You looked at the ground, your walls being built up again until Kuai gently kneeled and rubbed your back.
"It's ok y/n, Remember that your safe with me and Tomas"
You softly nodded.
When Tomas found out he was over the moon on the inside when you started to talk to him.
"Hi..." You shyly said to him.
"Did you... Did you just talk ??" He smiled brightly.
You looked at the ground again but softly smiled.
He couldn't help but hug you tightly, He was so so happy for you.
But there was one element of you that they couldn't figure out, During missions when you three were so far away from each other, You were able to appear in front of them withing seconds.
Or if you were battling enemies in large groups or were two times your size, you were able to kill them all with the up most ease.
It continued to puzzle them.
But one day, after feeling safe with them, you decided to tell them how these miracles have happened.
While you were still a little quiet, you told them through writing.
"Do you both remember how I seem to appear when I'm far away or I take down many enemies without help ??" You showed them.
"Yes, we remember" Kuai responded.
"I have something to show you, come with me"
"What is it that you have to show us ??" Tomas asked curiously as you then guided them to the training area of the dojo.
You took a deep breath and held your hands up, Beginning to form a circle with one hand in repeated motions before something popped up, A portal.
"Is this... a portal ??" Tomas asked, You nodded.
"This looks like the front of the dojo" Kuai investigated and he was right, the portal led him to the front of the dojo. Heading back he was amazed.
"You almost have the same powers as lord Liu Kang himself" He gently smiled at you, causing you to shyly smile.
You then concentrated again and then began to form symbols with your hands to then conjure up what looked like an axe.
"That answers how you were able to take down large groups of enemies." Tomas was amazed as your axe then dissipated.
Picking up your notepad you then wrote. "I was scared to show you all, especially Bi-Han"
"We understand y/n, The fear of misunderstanding is evident with people who don't know what they see, especially Bi-Han" Kuai said.
"But rest assured y/n, You will feel safe with me and Kuai Liang, This doesn't change who you are." Tomas reassured.
Over time, with that fear and uncertainty, You grew less and less shy. Kuai and Tomas were proud of how far you're coming in terms of lowering your walls and opening up to them. No matter what, your brother will always be here for you.
Taglist: @callofdudes @fun-k-board
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 years ago
How would a sarumi dress up to watch a Barbie movie? (And no, Saru, you can't dress like you normally do and ignore the dress code (pink!)). + Bonus. How would Anna dress? (How old is she there in 2023?)
Why must they dress as Barbie, clearly Yata would dress in only the coolest look:
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(There is a non-zero chance Yata also thinks the patriarchy is about horses.)
Bonus Anna,I had trouble finding an iconic Barbie look in red that wasn't an evening gown but I found a Skipper doll in this cute outfit that I think would suit Anna nicely:
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teememdee · 1 month ago
I don’t think we talk about Akali’s traumatic upbringing enough. It’s laid out plainly in Runeterra, given passing mentions in Star Guardian, and likely occurred similarly in K/DA-verse. Her mother really did not love her, and that’ll affect someone in different ways forever.
I understand why people like to headcanon a happier family of hers with Shen and/or Kennen or even Kayn, but I’ve seen maybe one fanart of Mayym ever, and that’s like such an interesting dynamic to explore, I wish it was talked about it more for the alternate universes.
Star Guardian Akali will always be famous to me and I’ll never forgive those who hated her for… not wanting to die and to be with her best friend who is growing distant because of this newfound doomed destiny?? When that best friend has been the one person she has been able to rely on???
The passing mentions to her less-than-ideal home life haunt me to this day:
“‘She barely lets me in the house!’”
“…her mother’s admonishments of ‘useless’ and ‘delinquent’ failed to hit their mark for once…”
“When things at home had gotten really bad...”
“‘We didn’t do this, kid!’ ‘Akali,’ she corrected out of pure habit.”
[from Twin Stars, the prologue story to SG22, which is NOT mobile friendly anymore, if it ever was, luckily the wiki has it too]
Like hello!!! Mayym Jhomen Tethi you are not seeing heaven!
And then I’m sure no one thought that deeply of it, but K/DA Akali being “born into a martial arts dojo,” and then leaving to rap on the street cannot have earned her any approval from her mother. I definitely believe that Mayym detests her career even when she finds massive success.
I think she does a good job of masking the pain from her past, but she clearly always wants to be the best, always wants to prove her worth with her talents.
“More than I like to admit, I do get pretty angry sometimes,” from the Genius interview. Hmm I wonder who caused that to develop?
In conclusion, I think her difficult childhood is an extremely underutilized aspect of Akali’s character that absolutely shapes her personality as she grows older, and more of us (including canon writers) should consider that more often.
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clovermarigold · 1 year ago
Smoke & Ice Headcannons- Happy edition
Ok so doubling down might not have been the best idea. I am writing this at gun point now. So, enjoy I guess.
pt.1 pt.2
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Being the middle child, he had the most free time to himself, his father doting on Tomas, and his mother on Bi han. This is what led him to become such great friends with Harumi.
Was made fun of endlessly by Bi han for his obvious crush on Harumi. Tomas said it was sweet and that she would make an amazing sister.... He preferred Bi han's teasing.
In the past two head cannons I've stressed that he was not his parents' priority, but they still loved him and spent time with him. After Harumi had expressed her love of tea, Kuai Liang tried to adopt this love, so, he turned to his father, who could never be seen relaxing without a good cup.
He bonded with his mom by cooking, contrary to what everyone else would think, he is a very good cook. The majority of the clans moon cakes are his mother's recipe, and a good half were made by him.
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Though the brothers are different and tend to get into arguments regularly, that is standard brother behavior. And up until the betrayal they had their good moments. So here are some sibling style antics they've gotten into.
Bi han makes an unhealthy amount of 'milk' jokes to Tomas. Both in the sense of Tomas being super white, but also... his father didn't come back with the milk.
Both Bi han and Tomas make fun of how Kuai Liang sits.
Kuai Liang got fed up with how one sided the fights were between his two brothers, so he taught Tomas the art of, "I'm not in your room" (standing in the doorway).
What he did not account for was Bi han beating the absolute shit out of his brother for it. The three of them ended up cleaning the dojo for a month after their dad found Tomas on the floor crying, while Kuai Liang and Bi han tried to shut him up and tell him he was ok.
Bi han lunging at Kuai Liang after he walked in on him confessing that he did care for Tomas to their mother.
The three of them getting grounded after getting caught trying to sneak out because Tomas told them about a honey cake, he grew up with in Prague called a meldovnik.
Bi han will head lock Kuai Liang and force him to take back saying he was a pushover.
Kuai Liang will make Tomas feel so guilty and tell him he definitely hit Madam Bo WAY to hard.
(Dressing the brothers in matching clothes)
Mom: aww you look just like your brother
Kuai Liang: shit
Bi han: ew
Tomas: 😢
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His first roll was a middle school play rendition of the wizard of oz... he was a tree.
He's a huge cat person, but after he found out Kenshi was allergic to them, he bought a pet rabbit saying it 'reminds me of you'.
At first Kenshi didn't care for it but after waking up to a warm fluffy lump on his chest he caved. Johnny gave him the power to name it... he regrets that decision every day of his life.
And so may I introduce the mascot of the mkcu, the rabbit that can be found sleeping on the director's chair in-between takes of every shoot, Kris.... (Ex wife's name with a 'k')
He's starting to regret dating this asshole.
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brookediamonds · 3 months ago
these hands had to let it go free and this love came back to me | Axel Kovačević x fem! reader
based off this request
summary: after moving to the states from Hong Kong, you join a local dojo to pursue your love for karate and try to move on from the past you left behind. that included your ex-boyfriend that broke up with you right before you left. little do you know, you'd come face to face with him once again.
Wc 2.k Warnings: none, fluff, angstttttt
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not my gif
You had dreaded this moment. The day your dojo was invited to the Sekai Taikai, you prayed you wouldn't have to see him again. But there he was, dressed so nice in his green uniform, his captain's head band tied around his forehead you loved to kiss.
Axel Kovačević stood across from your team with the Iron Dragons, your former team. And now with seeing Tory stand with Cobra Kai, you couldn't help but feel sick to your stomach.
"You look like you're about to throw up," Miguel whispers over to you seeing your ill state.
"I might," you admit honestly.
"Maybe we can talk to her," Sam spoke up next to you.
"Yeah," you whisper knowing Tory wasn't the one consuming your thoughts.
Axel watched as the tall curly haired boy next to you reached behind you and rubbed your back comfortingly. Had you moved on? Who was this guy touching you?
After the head guy of the competition introduced all of the teams, and talked about the history of the Sekai Taikai, you're released for the day due to mingling events the sensei's have to attend and activities for the students to do.
As everyone was assigned to their designated rooms, you stood with Miguel and Sam waiting for Robby to return back to the group as he went to talk to Tory.
"Maybe I can ask my dad if we can go to one of the restaurants near here for dinner," Sam said scrolling through her phone seeing the map around the area.
"Johnny said all the student's are being treated to dinner at some restaurant nearby," Miguel interjected glumly.
"All the students?" You froze. That meant...
"(Y/n!)" You recognized her accent, the perky fake attitude hidden behind her voice.
"Why's that girl coming over?" Sam questions you.
"Well long time no see," Zara approaches you a smug look on her face. You roll your eyes, turning to face the perso you least wanted to see.
"Hi, Zara," you respond curtly crossing your arms over your chest.
"Sorry Axel couldn't say hi," she dramatically pouts. "He's busy finding our room. Cause we're together."
Our room? They were together?
"Can't say I'm surprised, you always did come up second to me," you tsk'd, tilting your head.
Sam and Miguel raised their eyebrows, eyes widening at your pettiness. They knew you could hold your own, but this was a new side of you they'd never seen before. And they were all for it.
Zara shot daggers at you, scoffing at your remark.
"Watch your back," she threatened glaring at you before walking away.
"Okay, start connecting those dots," Miguel and Sam step towards you wanting clarification. You stared off thinking back to when Axel ended things between you two.
A year ago...
You stretched on the mat of your dojo, distracted by the news your parents just gave you. Your mom received a promotion at work and the new position took place in Los Angeles, California.
You loved where you had grown up, even though you're originally from the states, you had spent the last ten years here. No dojo would be able to go through the same lengths as this one.
And California sure as hell didn't have Axel Kovačević, your current boyfriend. You had fallen in love with his dedication and quiet demeanor. He was your favorite mystery.
Seeing Axel walk into the dojo, you stood up on your feet and walk up to him.
"Hey," you greet him softly wrapping your arms around his frame. Axel goes stiff making you frown.
"Everything okay?" You ask pulling back from his body.
"Yes, need to go change," he says abruptly avoiding eye contact with you. Your shoulders deflated, at his sudden distant attitude. The only time he does this is when something is on his mind.
The next few hours of practice feel extremely long, especially when your sensei is taking every opportunity to call you out on every mistake you make.
When class is over, you wait outside the building for Axel, hoping you could talk him through whatever was on his mind.
"There you are," your boyfriend says seeing your figure standing alone outside the doors.
"I was waiting for you," you give him a small smile. Axel gives you a faint smile, his eyes still not entirely meeting your own.
"Axel, what's the matter?" You ask reaching out to stroke his arm. He takes your hand in his, squeezing it lightly.
"I- I think we should break up," he says hesitantly. You feel your heart drop to the pit of your stomach.
"What?" You blink, thinking maybe you misheard him. Maybe make out?
"I do not feel we belong together, I am sorry if this hurts your feelings," he says robotically. You drop his hand making him look down at you.
"D-Did I do something?" You stutter trying to find out where you went wrong this past week.
"It's not you," he shakes his head. "I think this is for the best."
You try to hold back the tears that swell in your eyes, his words cutting deep into you. None of this had made sense.
"Axel, I don't understand-" you begin to talk but he cuts you off with an impatient sigh.
"I do not want you anymore, (Y/n)!" He raises his voice startling you.
Oh. You nodded quickly wiping away the fresh hot tears cascading down your cheeks. He didn't want you anymore, he outgrew you.
"Got it," you muttered no longer looking at the boy you adored. "I'm not enough for you anymore."
"(Y/n)," Axel attempted to reach out for you but you had taken a step back not wanting to hear his excuses.
"Don't," you warn him making him stop in his place. "You made yourself clear."
He dropped his hand, watching your face turn to stone.
"Goodbye, Axel," say coldly before walking in the opposite direction, away from him.
Little did he know it would be the last time he saw you. When he saw your empty locker the next day, he was dumbfounded, no way you left this dojo just because of him.
He then learned a few weeks later, you were gone. You left home and there was no way of getting you back.
"Last I heard, Sensei Wolf had lost the dojo to gambling, but I guess he got it back," you explained to your friends.
You, Sam, Miguel, and Robby hung out in your room waiting for it to be time to go to the aquarium.
"So this Axel guy, you two used to date?" Robby asked carefully.
"Yup," you respond lowly. "Didn't last that long."
"I can't imagine how weird this must be for you," Sam empathizes with you. You've always appreciated her grace, it's something that lacked severely at your last dojo.
"Not really," you admit sheepishly. "Iron Dragons had the best fighters, but it doesn't mean we worked well as a team."
Sam gave you a look knowing that's not what she meant.
"I moved on from him, we broke up before I left town anyway," you shrug off, avoiding their gazes.
At least you think you moved on.
Your body was on high alert everywhere you went, the boy you fell in love with still gave you the same nerves he had given you on your very first date.
And you hated it. You were supposed to hate him after he did what he did to you. He made you feel small, like you were nothing.
Miyagi-Do made sure to never let you feel that way again. They accepted you for who you were and all that you are.
"You've got be kidding me..." you mumble seeing Axel and Zara sit diagonal from you, a couple of seats down from Robby and Miguel whom directly across from you and Sam.
"What's the matter?" Sam asks filled with concern. Her eyes trail down the table, landing on the issue that was bothering you. She lets out an angry sigh.
"Do you wanna move further down?" She suggests thoughtfully.
"No, we were here first," you held your head high, adjusting the menu in your hold. Sam nods, and from the corner of your eye you see her gesture to the people to the left of Miguel and Robby making them glance that way.
"There's so much room down there, they had to pick the chairs closest to us," Robby shakes his head in annoyance.
You can't help but giggle at your friend's protective state, one thing about this friend group; they will treat you like their own family.
"What's funny?" Miguel asks trying to see the comical side of this ordeal.
"Nothing," you grin at the three confused teenagers. "I just... love you guys."
"We love you too," Sam reciprocates wrapping an arm around you, leaning her head on your shoulder. You follow suit, laying your head on top of hers.
Unbeknownst to you, Axel is watching everything that happens. He sees your beautiful smile, the one that only a few people can bring out of you, it makes his heart ache.
He hears your laughter from down the table and can't help but want to know what was so funny? Who was making you gasp for air from how hard you were laughing?
He had missed the sound of your sweet giggles, to hear them again made him crack a smile he hardly wore now that you were gone.
For a brief moment, your eyes wonder down the table and connect with a pair of dark blue irises making your heart jump. Do you smile? Wave? Look away?
Before one of you can acknowledge each other, Zara catches sight of the two of you and holds her phone up in front of her and Axel making you break eye contact.
Right, they're together.
You focus back on Robby, slightly turning your body so you didn't have to face Axel the rest of the night.
When dessert was being passed around, you excused yourself needing to use the bathroom.
After you finished your business, you walked out into the hall but stop in your place when you see the tall Croatian boy standing a few feet away from you.
"Hey," Axel greets you, his deep voice sending a flutter through your heart.
"Hi," you exhale, taking in the sight of the boy in front of you. He wore a pair of black joggers, a red t-shirt, and his black jacket you would borrow time from time.
You make your way to walk past him, when he tugs at your hand, twirling you around to pull you in close, and smashes your lips together.
Fireworks erupted through your stomach, as he ran his hand through your locks, tugging your body close to his as much as possible.
You gasped shoving the boy back, realizing what had just happened.
"Why did you do that?" You demanded, tears brimming in your eyes.
"There's something you need to know," Axel says desperately making you shake with anger.
"You broke up with me," You pointed to yourself, reminding him he was the one who wanted out. "You said you didn't want me anymore."
"Is everything okay over here?"
You turn to see Robby standing behind you, his eyes filled with concern for you.
"All good," you smile faintly at your co-captain, walking towards him wiping away your salty tears.
"(Y/n)-" Axel reaches out for you again only for Robby to step in front of you.
"Let her go, man," Robby says calmly. Axel's face fell as you avoid his gaze.
Your friend wrapped an arm around you as you crossed your arms, guiding you away from your ex-boyfriend.
Sleeping was inevitable. You tossed and turned unable to get comfortable. There's something you need to know?
Ripping your sheets off, you quietly get out of bed and write a note for Sam incase she wakes up wondering where you went.
You decide to head to the hotel's gym to practice your breathing work that Sensei Toguchi taught you when you're feeling overwhelmed.
As you walked into the studio, you're taken by surprise when you see someone else was borrowing the room.
"Oh," you see Axel turn to you mid-move his eyes widening.
"S-Sorry," you apologize, "I'll go."
"Wait," Axel walks towards you, stopping when you start fidgeting with your fingers knowing it was a nervous tick you had.
"I do not apologize for kissing you," he confesses. "I missed you."
You shut your eyes, groaning at his words.
"You're with Zara," you point out to him. "You can't kiss me and be with her at the same time."
"I am not with Zara," Axel furrows his eyebrows, a small frown evident on his face. There was a jump of excitement that ran through you but then you remembered how things ended.
"Fine, with her, not with her, it's all the same," you mumble. "You ended us after a few months, with no explanation."
"I did not want to," he says urgently afraid you'd leave before finally being honest with you.
You narrowed your eyes at the guilty boy across from you, confused at what he was getting at.
"Sensei Wolf said we became distraction for each other," Axel explains.
A distraction?
"I did not want to hold you back, so I followed sensei's orders," he states. "I let you go so you could continue being the best fighter you could be."
You moved to sit down near the closest bench processing what he had just informed you.
"But now that I see you here, with those other guys," his hands turn into fist, tightening at the thought of them making you smile. "It makes me angry, I made mistake breaking up with you."
Axel tests the waters and moves to stand in front of you. You glanced up at him, slowly standing up your face only meeting chest level with the lengthy boy.
"Those guys are my friends, they're my family now," you explain softly. His familiar cologne filled your senses causing tingles to run through your body. You had missed him, all of him.
A year wasn't nearly long enough to forget what you two had, you still loved every little thing about him. His adoring freckles, his calming demeanor, his hard to pull smile.
"They look like they love you," he scoffs holding back an eye roll.
"They do love me," you say matter factly. "Because we're a team, we look out for each other."
"Do they love you as much as I do?" He asks throwing you for a loop. He closed the gap between you two, moving your hair over your shoulder.
You shuddered as Axel ran the back of his pointer finger over your cheek, finding it difficult to keep holding your wants back.
"They might," you murmur raising your hand to mess with the zipper of his jacket. He leans down, hovering his lips above yours, his warm breath mixing with your own.
"Do they kiss you like I used to?" He whispers before capturing your lips with his. It's passionate but sweet, making you chase after his lips when he pulls away.
"Maybe," you respond breathlessly as he tilted your head to the side giving him access to leave soft pecks down your neck.
"Do they even know what it takes to handle a woman like you?" He spoke lowly against your skin, tugging at the back of your hair lightly to make you look up at him.
You bit your lip, eyes hazily meeting his own.
"Probably," you teased. Axel ran a thumb across your bottom lip before diving in to brush his lips against yours, this time his tongue explored your mouth, getting to know it all over again.
When you come up for air, he leans his forehead against yours, pecking the tip of your nose.
"I am afraid if I let you go again, I will never see you, kiss you, or touch you, again," he frowns, rubbing your back soothingly.
"Then, don't," you beg. "I've missed you too."
"You do?" He asks searching for an answer in your eyes. You bring your hand to stroke his cheek.
"I always do," you respond. "Everyday."
"I do not care what sensei says, I love you and I will do anything to be with you again," he states.
"Anything?" You ask raising a skeptical eyebrow. Axel laughs pulling you into his chest, resting his chin on top of your head.
"Anything and everything," he promises leaving a sweet kiss to the top of your hair.
Anything and everything was true, Axel and you kept in contact the next few months until you both graduated and finally flew to see one another.
Turns out the study abroad program you applied to back in September had an opening in Europe making things just a little bit easier to see the man you loved.
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multiversal-sunshine · 1 month ago
Karate Kid/Cobra Kai Dr Introduction
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About me:
Name: Sol Gomez
Age: 17 years old (Karate K) 40 years old (Cobra K)
Pronouns: she/they
Faceclaim: Isabela Merced (Karate K) Salma Hayek (Cobra K)
Dojo: The Vipers (Karate K) Cobra Kai (Cobra K)
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My Family: Miguel Gomez and Robby Keene
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(There's a WHOLE backstory to my kiddos if you guys wanna hear it)
My Husband: Johnny Lawrence
Age: 41 years old (Yes, I made him younger I'm not shifting to be in my 50s thank you)
Dojo: Cobra Kai
Tropes: High school sweethearts, rivals to lovers, smartass and idiot, soulmates, second chance romance, exes to lovers, red string of fate
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My Friends: Atlas @bittersweetatlas + Andrew, Amanda and Gary (My sensei)
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If you guys have any questions or want to know more please feel free to ask me!
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