bri78748 · 5 years
Support Animal Adoption Agencies
Animal abandonment and cruelty is a real serious issue throughout the world. There is a variety of animals being mistreated by their owners or growing up in shelters where there may not be enough space or resources to take care of them. However the most known case of animal cruelty is canines, these canines need help, love, and support and anyone who is willing enough to listen, but they can not get that without our help.
The various ways to get the message out that these animals need help is endless, however not nearly enough people are bringing awareness to it or attempting to fix it.According to Petfinder.com "Approximately half of the pets (42.8 of dogs, 50.8 of cats surrendered were not neutered. Many of the pets relinquished (33% of dogs, 46.9 of cats) had not been to a veterinarian."  The fact that these animals have to go through numerous amounts of physical and emotional abuse or harassment until anyone takes action is wrong. This is a situation that needs to be emphasized, tv commercials, fliers, online advertisements and several others are adequate ways to spread the word,however the most effective way to get the word out is through apps. Apps are the fastest, most illustrative, and comprehensible ways to alert each individual about the importance of this ongoing situation and furthermore why it needs to end. 
There are six apps total that are greatly recommended for promoting animal adoption agencies that have no limitations towards the information given to make the process work, therefore creating an app that is both highly productive and easy to operate.These reliable apps are Petfinder Mobile, Like That Pets, AllPets, Pose A Pet, Bark Buddy, and ResQWalk. Like Petfinder.com says "Regional investigators were encouraged to select shelters that were likely to be representative of those in their locations". Creative thinking comes to mind at this point because the apps must be able to help find the animals a permanent home and be free and accessible for everyone to use. So each app should have a variety of information on each breed of animals and a broad spectrum of where to locate them in your area, to make the adoption process more easier to use and more appealing to each viewer.
In other words Petfinder.com states that "The council has undertaken several important studies to better understand the issue of unwanted companion animals:This problem can not be solved unless we truly understand it".With Petfinder you have access to look up the kind of animal you want, read more information about it, and save it to the most liked or favorite folder to view it later. Plus it can shared anywhere through the phone, computer, or any mobile devices so no complications can stop the news from spreading. These apps and us together have the power to change an animals life and create a lifelong unity between animals and owners, so let's unite starting now.
https://www.petfinder.com/pet-adoption/dog-adoption/pets-relinquished-shelters/- Citation
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bri78748 · 5 years
Respect For Children With Special Needs And Disabilities
Children with Special Needs and Disabilities have dealt with the constant struggle of confrontational school environments far longer than acceptable. Because there is a numerous amount of special needs and disabilities out there, these students could be at risk of severe bullying like being exposed to harmful and possibly sickening situations.Therefore illustrating the main objective that the risk of bullying is too high and emphasizing this situation is essential because it creates a type of support system to help these students out and make everyone aware of the signs of bullying and ways to prevent it. 
Due to the lack of support from their peers,there seems to be a slight unbalance between special students and regular students because of the lack of communication or the weak comprehensiveness between them. According to Stopbullying.gov “Children with disabilities such as physical,developmental, intellectual, emotional, and sensory disabilities are at an increased risk of being bullied: any number of factors- physical vulnerability, social skill challenges, or intolerant environments-may increase the risk.”Depending on the type of disability the student might have, students with similar impairments have a possibility of turning against each other as well just to increase their social status. Consequently participating in hazardous acts such as exposing students to harsh treatment from others or substances they may be allergic to. Therefore crossing the line from disability bullying to disability harassment.
 As a result of their impairment,difficult situations like this are harder to comprehend and handle because their impairment could have had a lasting effect on their social skills and caused them to need more critical thinking and assistance than others. Stopbullying.gov says “However, children with special health care needs may have difficulty getting around the school, trouble communicating, and navigating social interactions, or may show signs of vulnerability and emotional distress.”It is for this reason that Human Centered Design comes to mind because it strongly relates to this topic well and could have a unique creative way to solve the problem at hand just by thinking through the mentality of children. In other words helping the students step into each other's shoes by organizing a socialization full of activities and events that could help bring them together.Team building projects like buddy systems, wheelchair games, improvs,theme nights,information sessions and many more could have the ability to create a unity between each student.. 
Therefore making a difference in their lives by teaching them kindness and respect and showing them the difference between right and wrong on how situations should be handled versus how they are actually handled. Like stopbullying.gov states “Strategies to address student`s special needs at school can also help to prevent bullying, and have positive outcomes for all students, especially tactics that use a team approach, foster peer relationships, and help students develop empathy.” Misunderstandings could be the root of bullying and that is why it continues to happen but attempting to correct this situation by student bonding makes the difference.
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bri78748 · 5 years
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In the development of the Pictogram System project the main objective was to choose 4 unique yet comparable animals to illustrate. Through careful consideration and speculation, my idea for viewers to fully grasp and appreciate became clear and that based off of 4 different animal groups (Frog,Parrots, Elephants, and Leopards) located in Africa. Because the animals are the foreground of the artwork ant similarities or differences that can be accentuated through my designs is crucial.
According to the resources that were throughly researched, there were definite similarities in appearance between each animal. In Africa within the shapes of the animals there is a collection of spots or blotches all over the textured skin. Therefore emphasizing a definite indicator that these animals are different breed of species compared to others and creates a type of harmony between them. Etching out the spots and blotches accurately was complicated, but once the placement and position was intacted, each stroke emphasizing the details needed to be in a thick or thin perspective. Evidently creating a desired balance and unity in the composition to connect all four animals together.
In the end, thanks to all the process work of sketches, thumbnails, roughs,and word listing, the artwork came out strong and throughly accurate. Therefore supporting my main focal point to precisely illustrate each animal and climax their linkage.
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bri78748 · 5 years
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My Lettering and Typography Project accommodates the first letter of my first and last name, which are the Letters B and T. Within these two letters is a representation of ordinary objects and letters combined to create typography. As I pondered through the process of the project through word listing and process drawing, the focalization of the project becomes apparent to be efficient and comprehensible to the public eye and have a strong principle of objective while putting it together.
The evolution started from choosing a type of Serif and San Serif font for our chosen letters that would be recognizable through the composition put over them.After much deliberation and consideration of each font, the Serif font chosen for the Letter B was Bodoni and the Sans Serif font chosen for the Letter T was Franklin Gothic. After the typefaces were chosen, the layout of the letters required a natural organic or man made non organic object to accentuate the letter without fully covering it up. Thereafter conceptualizing in the word lists,using the process of continuty in the sketching thumbnail designs within the paper templates, and receiving constructive feedback, the final designs were Two Snails together for the Letter B and a Razor for the Letter T.
As a result of the letters being the main figure/ground perspective, utilizing the organic or man made objects to create the letter became imperative. Since the designs that were used on my letters were focused on individuality and simplicity. Enhancing and accentuating the letters depended on how strongly the amount of thin or thickness would be for each stroke. Therefore creating enough balance and unity between the letters in their black and white or colored versions to be different but connected at the same time.
Through it all the main composition of the Snails B and the Razor T aimed to create a clear and strong comprehensible outlook to how simple objects can be the foreground letters and accent them in the finished project.
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bri78748 · 5 years
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My Compositing Images Project contains an image of a cow and one separate image of my art school. These three images are combined together to create a collage of my unique idea of a cow school. Through the thought process of word listing,sketches,roughs, and test runs, my main focal point became abruptly clear to be literal and abnormal, but natural all at the same time.
The development started from choosing from five different groups of opposites and experimenting with each one to create a clear understandable visual. The decision was torn between the two groups which were joy/sorrow and outside/inside.As many ideas were formed to clearly illustrate this concept, the idea that stood out the most was a cow school. Since cows were illustrated on milk cartons disrupted out in school, a cow seemed the perfect match to enhance the school.
Through the assemblement of the cow school the positioning and placement of each image became crucial. Since the main focal point of the illustration was the cow, all other photographs included need to reinforce and embellish the project further. Once the placement had been settled, each picture needed to be adjusted to its complimentary levels, balance, and unity to completely compose the project. In the end, the main goal of it all was to use the school as a background and the cow as a foreground to accentuate the conception of a cow school. Therefore strengthening the notion for kids to always stay in school and keep calm and drink their milk.
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bri78748 · 5 years
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Southpark Meadows is a popular advertisement area with a broad variety of signage to go and take pictures of with a certain concept in mind. The proportion of retail and street signs around Southpark Meadows creates a wide range of conceptions waiting to be brought together. Therefore merging several contrast signs together explores and communicates the entertainment and excitement within.
The comprehensive process of the pictures taken and collaborated together created patterns to help support the foreground of the 5 conceptions that were made. Each one of the conceptions specifies the local public businesses in Southpark Meadows but essentially putting emphasis on the businesses around the bus stop. It took alot of testing the placement and positioning of each image to fully accentuate the concept. Yet the most essential part of this process was making sure each image in them once the layers were put on. Evidently creating an equal balance and unity between each image and within the whole conception.
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bri78748 · 5 years
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Compositing Images- ARTC 1302 Project 3
Statement Of Intent: Compositing Images
My Compositing Images Project contains two different images of cows and one separate image of my art school. These three images are combined together to create a collage of my unique idea of a cow school. Through the thought process of word listing,sketches,roughs,and test runs, my main focal point became abruptly clear to be literal and abnormal, but natural all at the same time.
The development started from choosing from five different groups of opposites and experimenting with each one to create a clear understandable visual. The decision was torn between two groups which were joy/sorrow and outside/inside. After brainstorming frequently and constant experimenting the choice was outside/inside. As many ideas were formed to clearly illustrate this conceot, the idea that stood out the most was a cow school. Since cows were illustrated on milk cartons disrupted out in school, a cow seemed the perfect match to enhance the school.
Through the assemblement of the cow school the positioning and placement of each image became crucial. Since the main focal point of the illustration were the cows,all other photographs included needed to reinforce and embellish the project further. Once the placement has been settled, each picture needed to be adjusted to its complementary levels, balance, and unity to completely compose the project. In the end, the main goal of it all was to use the school as a background and the cows as a foreground to accentuate the conception of a cow school.Therefore strengthening the notion for kids to always stay in school and keep calm and drink their milk.
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bri78748 · 5 years
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Statement Of Intent-Project 2- Lettering and Objects.
My Lettering and Objects Project uses the first letter of my first and last name, which are both the Letters B and T. As I worked through the process of the project through my word listing and process drawing.I was able to come up with some ideas of how I could make my project efficient and comprehensible to the public eye and have a strong principle of objective towards my project as I was putting it together.
The process started off with choosing a type of Serif and San Serif font for our chosen letters that would still be easily recognizable through the designs we put over it.After much deliberation and consideration the font that was chosen for the Letter B was the Serif font Bodoni and the font chosen for the Letter T was the Sans Serif font Franklin Gothic. Once the typefaces had been chosen the next step was to choose a design to accentuate the letter without fully covering it up and the options needed to be from a natural organic object or a man-made non-organic object.After a bunch of brainstorming in the word lists, using the process of continuty in the sketching thumbnail designs within the paper templates, and receiving constructive feedback.The final choices for the designs were Two Snails together for the Letter B and Razor for the Letter T.
The goal was to use organic or man-made objects to create the letter but still have a piece of the letter clear and recognizable as well.There were many different ways that the object could enhance the letter without covering it up completely. Since the designs that were used on my letters were focused on individuality and simplicity. The interpretation of highlighting the letters in my case depended on how strongly the amount of thin or thickness would be with each stroke in the drawing. As the letters were being processed and completed, my main mentality was to have an efficient way of balance and unity with each letter through it's black and white and colored versions and through both letters as well.
The main composition of the Snail B and Razor T aims for a clear form of objects used within the letters. Stating a strong comprehensible outlook to how simple objects can be the foreground for the letters and benefits the letters by accenting them in the finished project.
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bri78748 · 5 years
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 Project 1 Pictogram System- 1302 
This is my pictogram System based off of the 4 different animal groups (Frogs, Parrots, Elephants, and Leopards) located in Africa.Though these animals may seem similar enough due to their similar climate. There are many differences and similarities between them that are yet to be discovered.For instance there is a certain similarity in appearances between a Leopard and an African Poisonous Frog. Leopards have visible spots that are clear to see from up close or far away. Obvious appearances can be an advantage for prey to be able to see their predators lurking in the weeds or avoid a potential threat that the Leopard could impose. Coincidentally the African Poisonous Frog has the same qualities as well: obvious spots that heed a warning to stay away and precaution to steer clear of them in order to avoid the threat these frogs could create.By using tons of different pictures and images based off these interesting animals and their unique qualities a lot of research and history can be explored and retained. My intention for this project is to feed everyones thirst for knowledge by a shining a light upon those differences and similarities these animals have by showing how the simplest picture could represent the biggest message or give off the biggest impression.
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bri78748 · 5 years
Statement Of Intent:
I will be creating a Pictogram System using 4 different animal groups based off of the animals in Africa. Even though these animals seem similar enough due to living in the same climate. There may be some other similarities and differences between them that are yet to be discovered. By using tons of different pictures and images based off these animals alot can be explored and researched. So with this project I intend to feed everyone's thirst for knowledge by shining a light upon those differences and similarities between these animals by showing how the simplest picture could represent the biggest message or give off the biggest impression.
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bri78748 · 5 years
When life/work intersects with your hobby
I’m a big believer in signs.  I think the universe shows us things and it is up to us to absorb its meaning.  Sort of like when I went to the S2 premiere in NYC at the American Museum of Natural History and the next day walked the museum and came across this exhibit.
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Or when we had to drop something off at a venue last weekend where people were setting up for a wedding and I noticed this on the table.
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But the funniest sign so far is today. I’m in the middle of an intense ten-week online course in Human Centered Design (for designing customer experiences) -because I have sooo much free time..not- and this week we are studying rapid prototyping for fast fail.  And the assignment is to use tin foil, construction paper and tape to design a TIN HAT that represents your work, life or hobby.  So, what do you think, can I make a tin foil hat of a ship?  Or is that redundant? 
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bri78748 · 5 years
You will welcome what you want into your life when you believe in your success before the joyful goal has manifested. Believe it before it happens! Know yourself to be a creator, learning to master the building of your reality - and your luck - patiently, little by little, from the smallest of wise suggestions you offer yourself. These suggestions are a vehicle of creation. So, think hard: Is it merely good fortune that happens to you by chance, or are your suggestions guiding the beautiful unfolding of events? When you behold the grand direction your life is taking, meet it with gratitude, and feel peace in your heart. Remember that success is sure, and act in accordance with it.
Natalie (via voicesfromthelight)
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bri78748 · 5 years
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Since starting this class, I have started looking at everything as art. The art of cooking. The art of meditation. The art of essential oils. The art of organizing. I feel as though everything we do needs some sort of design thinking whether it’s the form of your running or the form of a clay sculpture. We are constantly thinking about how we can change things for the better and be creative. Though I could be wrong because I am a design student. I am here because I do this in everyday life. I am constantly trying to arrange things, build things, make things, ect. This makes me wonder what design really means and are there two different types? Natural vs. unnatural design.
I think most people can cook and make a beautiful meal whether its spaghetti or sushi. But can they create a new sushi that hasn’t been made before. I think the cooking by knowing is natural design but to invent something entirely new is unnatural and takes a much bigger process.
Don’t you think everyone’s natural design Is at a different state? Some people could wake up and design the perfect building while other would have to go through 10 years of architecture school to even make an okay building. Those that can just design are often said to have “the eye” for these types of things. But really what does that means and where does this design eye come from? Does it come from your childhood experiences? Your genes? Education? Who knows, I think it’s different for everyone.
Saying someone has “the eye” is just silly, I want to know about them and where they acquired their talent. You don’t just wake up one day and become the best designer even though it looks that way sometimes. I do believe there are design geniuses, but they still have a story and a starting project. You cannot learn from people that just have “the eye.”
I think people that are not used to design get discouraged because they think they need this magical “eye” or to be born with come sort of design gene. I think the stigma around designers needs to be put down and everyones story needs to be put forth. I think that would encourage everyone to develop these design skills and make the world better one small design process at a time.
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bri78748 · 5 years
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“a Due Colori” - Ink mixing with water; high-speed photography by Alberto Seveso.
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bri78748 · 5 years
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Love the sketches/thought process.
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bri78748 · 5 years
When life/work intersects with your hobby
I’m a big believer in signs.  I think the universe shows us things and it is up to us to absorb its meaning.  Sort of like when I went to the S2 premiere in NYC at the American Museum of Natural History and the next day walked the museum and came across this exhibit.
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Or when we had to drop something off at a venue last weekend where people were setting up for a wedding and I noticed this on the table.
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But the funniest sign so far is today. I’m in the middle of an intense ten-week online course in Human Centered Design (for designing customer experiences) -because I have sooo much free time..not- and this week we are studying rapid prototyping for fast fail.  And the assignment is to use tin foil, construction paper and tape to design a TIN HAT that represents your work, life or hobby.  So, what do you think, can I make a tin foil hat of a ship?  Or is that redundant? 
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bri78748 · 5 years
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Since starting this class, I have started looking at everything as art. The art of cooking. The art of meditation. The art of essential oils. The art of organizing. I feel as though everything we do needs some sort of design thinking whether it’s the form of your running or the form of a clay sculpture. We are constantly thinking about how we can change things for the better and be creative. Though I could be wrong because I am a design student. I am here because I do this in everyday life. I am constantly trying to arrange things, build things, make things, ect. This makes me wonder what design really means and are there two different types? Natural vs. unnatural design.
I think most people can cook and make a beautiful meal whether its spaghetti or sushi. But can they create a new sushi that hasn’t been made before. I think the cooking by knowing is natural design but to invent something entirely new is unnatural and takes a much bigger process.
Don’t you think everyone’s natural design Is at a different state? Some people could wake up and design the perfect building while other would have to go through 10 years of architecture school to even make an okay building. Those that can just design are often said to have “the eye” for these types of things. But really what does that means and where does this design eye come from? Does it come from your childhood experiences? Your genes? Education? Who knows, I think it’s different for everyone.
Saying someone has “the eye” is just silly, I want to know about them and where they acquired their talent. You don’t just wake up one day and become the best designer even though it looks that way sometimes. I do believe there are design geniuses, but they still have a story and a starting project. You cannot learn from people that just have “the eye.”
I think people that are not used to design get discouraged because they think they need this magical “eye” or to be born with come sort of design gene. I think the stigma around designers needs to be put down and everyones story needs to be put forth. I think that would encourage everyone to develop these design skills and make the world better one small design process at a time.
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