#jutsu trio
everykonan · 10 months
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ch. 446
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spacealligator · 11 days
New fic just dropped!
I wrote this fic for Fest no Jutsu 2024 and today they revealed the name of the writers/artists that made the prompts. I had a lot of fun participating/writing/discussing/reading/prompting in the event kudos to @gerardwayissexah and the other organizers!
I know it's not my usual ObiKaka, but I loved the -- Konan/Yahiko/Nagato decide to adopt Karin -- prompt so much that even if it wasn't a romantic fic like I usually do, I still wanted to write it! Please check it out!
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salad-storm · 1 year
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Haven't had a bagel in so long
The proportion of this are incredibly fucked but it's gone midnight and I'm sleepy and had to finish this before I lost motivation so
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Connecting to others
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featherstorm2004 · 1 month
Star Devouring Dragons
Since I'm almost certain that the Nova Blade isn't going to be able to defat Aaravos and have my doubts in the power of talk-no-jutsu, I was thinking on what would be a cool way for him to be taken out. And then I remembered star devouring dragons exit, and since we basically know nothing about them- with it even being uncertain if they even exits that means the writers can do basically whatever they want with them.
So, this is an incredibly stupid thought, but since we don't know were star dragons come from I it would be fun if they're what happens when a star touched elf is killed. Or at the very least someone can be turned into one if they defy the natural order of things like idk being resurrected multiple times.
I'm just saying it would be really fun if either Viren or Leola came back as a star devourer to help deal with Aaravos. Especially, when none of the main characters have a real dynamic with him, yes Callum and Ezren have definitely been affected by his actions but having it only be the main trio wouldn't have the same emotional impact to me.
Plus I feel like Viren and Leola deserve to come back for a final hurrah, especially when Viren was revived only to be stuck in jail for the majority of the season. And out of everyone in the show Viren was the person most deserving (in my opinion) of telling Aaravos to fuck off. Also, since Leola is an integral part of Aaravos's character it would be a waste to not use her, especially when she's just been introduced and is already a fan fave.
I'm just saying we could have it all, Star dragons and awesome characters return.
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bestnarutoduo · 19 days
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Team Gai
first already established and bonded team we see
 Care about each other
 Have a fun dynamic
 Team of throw hands (and weapons)
No fancy jutsu or superpowers just good old-fashioned guts, training, determination, and teamwork are pulling together!
they're the taijutsu team.
 they're strong and cool and passionate.
their dynamic is really funny, despite being very different personalities they have a genuine connection and care about each other.
Submitter like the fact the team consists of an 8 gates user, someone born with a powerful dojutsu, and a girl with a fuck ton of knives.
tenten is another decently written female character.
Kakashi, Gai, & Yamato
Best dads holding hands and causing problems in public on purpose
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mixelation · 10 months
Tori ending up as Hokage is terrifying. If Obito catches wind of her training he's gonna commit waaaaaay too hard. And like, people might not necessarily consider her "Kage Level", but those who like, KNOW HER know her being Hokage will end up terrifying.
But she's really kind of Minatos protege after the Hiraishin? And she'll definitely be enough to help with Jinchuriki seals. Plus Akatsuki would be kind-of backing her.
Hokage!Tori: You don't think I'm Kage level.....? :'(
Hokage!Tori: (unforbiddens all her jutsu)
Minato, who thought he'd have a peaceful retirement: NO--
but no i don't think she'd a be a popular choice, for a bunch of reasons ranging from her being foreign born to her just not being as famous as some other ninja. i think someone like kakashi or itachi (or shisui?) would be a more popular choice. so i think if i went in this direction, it would be minato sitting back and trying to visualize all these people as hokage and being like. oh god. not only does tori have the strongest admin experience, but she's also very consistently been in friendly conversations with other countries. it has to be her
ame trio receiving the news: interesting choice. we accept it
if it's reborn au au and obito is involved, i think her chances of becoming hokage are even HIGHER? bc in that au minato is like "okay the winning strategy for being hokage is not so much being badass as it is being able to charm a large collection of unhinged OP maniacs into not destroying the entire country. tori isn't charming but she is. somehow. doing that?"
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synergysilhouette · 3 months
Rewriting "Naruto" (Part I)
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If this looks familiar, that's because it is. I decided to delete the OG post and repost this with a couple more changes, and I'm actually gonna start working on rewriting Part II now--which will probably have more changes than Part I.
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Prologue--Land of Waves: Definitely create a more healthy team dynamic with team 7; Kakashi isn't biased towards Sasuke (though he does admit it's easier to train a fellow sharingan user), Sakura is more compassionate and a better listener, not being Sasuke-obsessed or high-strung (with her feelings for him coming from sympathy before getting to know him and becoming more substantial), and Sasuke, while still planning on killing Itachi, is more open to forming relationships again (because that's the only way I buy the series ending like it did with him), privately contemplating on how he's grown to care for his sensei and teammates. Following Naruto and Sasuke's battle against Haku, Sakura realizes she has to get stronger, vowing to be of better help in the future. It's also established from the get-go that Sharingan, while extremely powerful, isn't OP; it's genjutsu can still be avoided and it can't see through all genjutsu, but it can only be outdone by a powerful opponent.
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Chunin Exams: I'd introduce Sakura's parents here, who voice their concern of her becoming a ninja, explaining her insecurities. It also brings to light the backstories and families of other characters (ie Tenten's family and last name, whether or not Lee is an orphan, the Ino-Shika-Cho family relationship, Naruto growing up with Kiba, Shikamaru, and Choji as friends, Asuma being Sarutobi's son, Kiba's dreams of being Hokage, etc.) I'd also enjoy seeing Kabuto give Sakura little medical tips to help her team, foreshadowing her future potential. Her battle against the sound ninja are much cooler, as she performs genjutsu for the first time, involving Inner Sakura, perhaps it being a family kekkei genkai (maybe even connected to a dojutsu). Along with this, Ino can use her mind transfer jutsu to create hallucinations in Sakura's mind while she possesses her, only to be booted out by Inner Sakura--or maybe Ino performs a flower-related genjutsu that distracts Sakura while Ino possesses her. Ino and Sakura's friendship is expanded upon, and it's revealed their relationships have ebbs and flows independant of Sasuke, with Ino occasionally being fake/petty and Sakura stooping to her level. This is largely driven by shared insecurity, with Ino trying to live up to her family's reputation and Sakura trying to defy her family expectations. Sakura manages to beat Ino narrowly, and she battles Dosu in the finals at beats him before he's killed. It's also implied Sakura may be developing feelings for Lee. Not to mention, despite Naruto being the main character, he doesn't have to be the only person to inspire others. I enjoy the idea that Hinata's will is what truly opens Neji's eyes, not just Naruto's conviction, as well as Lee inspiring Gaara.
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Konoha Crush: I'd also expand on Hiruzen's relationship with Orochimaru and the first two hokages, giving us a bit more to work with than the extended tug-of-war sequence. We get more childhood flashbacks of the sand trio, especially their relationships with each other, their parents, and Yashamaru. I'd also like for Baki to reveal to Gaara that Yashamaru was made to lie to him about his and Karura's love for him, under threat that the Kazekage would kill Gaara if Yashamaru didn't emotionally scar him. Sakura uses her blossoming genjutsu (inspired by Ino's bush clover genjutsu) in order to distract Gaara/Shikkaku, but only manages to hide Sasuke before Gaara incapacitates her. After Naruto and Gaara's battle, Sakura and Sasuke come to Naruto's aid, as Temari and Kankuro do for Gaara, making him see how they care about him. Plus put a bit more focus on Asuma, as he loses his father in this arc, just as Konohamaru loses his grandfather.
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Search For Tsunade: Give Kurenai a better battle with Itachi. He's SUPER powerful, but Kurenai is supposed to be the best genjutsu user in the village; she'd have to at least be a good distraction for him. After Itachi beats Sasuke, Sasuke wonders if his friendships are holding him back, but simultaneously fears losing them to Itachi once more. And the whole "Itachi revelation" from part 2 is hinted at a LOT more (I was gonna write it off, but it's a big motivator for Sasuke later on, so I think it'd make more sense if Itachi wasn't super toxic) by having him take down Sasuke easily without torturing him and prolonging his pain. It's also vaguely alluded to that while the Akatsuki are dangerous, they weren't without their own humanity, with some of them being less evil than others. While it'd be a bit weird, I like the idea of Sakura joining Jiraya and Naruto to find Tsunade, as she's concerned about Sasuke and wants to learn medical skills from Tsunade. I'd like more flashbacks with Dan and Nawaki to be spread out a bit more for more emotional impact. I also think Kabuto should be hyped up a bit more; he's apparently a ninja whose jutsu exceeds Tsunade in her prime. Given this, it'd be cool to see him doing a grander battle against Tsunade, as well as Orochimaru taking an almost passive role in the fight against Tsunade and Jiraya. Given advice by Kabuto in the past, Sakura is able to clear Jiraya's head a little, and she and Naruto try to defend Tsunade against Kabuto. Tsunade still has an aversion to blood after the battle, but it isn't as bad as it was before.
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Sasuke Recovery Mission: Sakura trains with Shizune and Kurenai before Sasuke leaves to join Orochimaru, becoming advanced for a ninja her age. She manages to incapacitate Sasuke and Naruto before they harm each other at the hospital, only further fueling Sasuke's feelings of inferiority. Sasuke laments throwing away his friendships, but hopes that after he kills Itachi, perhaps he can pick up the pieces--you know, actually thinking about what comes after. Sakura attempts to stop him, but he refuses to acknowledge any feelings he has for his team, and leaves. Sakura manages to inflict minor damage on him via poison needles, slowing him down, though he still defeats her. The girls join the boys to rescue Sasuke, with the defeat of the sound ninja only coming from the combined efforts of the Leaf and Sand ninja, not the Sand ninja alone. Sakura and Naruto team up against Sasuke, but given Sasuke's curse mark and Naruto's 9-tailed chakra, she's outclassed in this moment (having not gained the Strength of a Hundred seal), though she manages to use genjutsu following the battle to convince Sasuke not to deal further harm to Naruto, and she promised (similar to Naruto) that she would drag him back to the village.
I may tweak some more details later, but for now I'm moving onto Part II.
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hozukitofu · 5 months
not a ship post but how funny would it be for people to mix shino and kiba's names up? at some point people give up and call them by 'shiba' just because it's guaranteed to send both kids running (we are talking genin-age).
tsume at some point: shi - ki - argh whatever SHIBA!
shino and kiba tuning into a very old summoning technique - call your kids the wrong name jutsu: THAT'S NOT MY NAME!!
bonus fun facts
tsume and hana had genuinely mixed up shino, kiba and akamaru. shino by virtue of his association with kiba had been called akamaru more times than his name. he's used to it
kakashi has a ninken named shiba that runs loose and he doesn't genuinely want to summon kibashino but somehow they've been trained to react to the name so kakashi is walking the street calling for shiba (the dog) and two teenagers (shiba - shino and kiba - unholy duo) turn up like 'you called?'
people who haven't met shino or kiba before think shiba is their name
shino and kiba have called each other shiba completely on instincts and now they just sigh and move on
it was funny when they were 12 but now naruto can't tease kiba anymore because kiba hypes up shino like you wouldn't believe. every team needs a cool guy and kiba nominates shino for this title (he literally told everyone but shino and hinata)
actually convenient to summon all three of them (akamaru is now part of the shiba bundle). imagine you're out in a field then suddenly there's a dog, a dog ninja and a bug ninja summoned from thin air. i'd retire
easier to shift blame. kiba played this card well into adulthood. he's perfected 'did you mean to call for shino or kiba?' and when people try to deliberate this he would disappear
shino's kids at the academy call him 'shiba sensei' and it stuck. they think shino's legal name is shiba aburame
kakashi somehow worked out a deal with akamaru and occasionally takes the massive dog out for a walk with all his 8 dogs (sometimes even without kiba knowing). when asked, he makes sure to introduce akamaru as shiba 2.0 and akamaru would nod and shake (why does he have two dogs name shiba? why not?)
it's listed in bingo books under aliases and as someone who have to endure bureaucracy weekly, making changes is akin to hell so people leave 'shiba' where it is. the trouble is that both shibas get in a rotten mood if they hear 'are you shiba?' from an enemy because that should really never leave village gossip
kiba very seriously said one day that if they get married it would be mr shiba aburame or shiba inuzuka x2 (think mr and mrs taylor lautner) and shino gave him fleas
mirai doesn't know who is who but she does know shiba. shino will let her have that one up until the age of 3
a lot of people just assumed they got married somewhere along the way? anbu delivering messages for kiba sometimes would find shino who's dead on his feet and would receive the message like it's for him. ANBU: are you mr inuzuka? shino who is too tired to correct the joke at this point: yes i am. people call kiba mr aburame in the same vein except kiba takes it with more fanfare
tsume wasn't that happy they eloped without her knowledge but shibi also genuinely doesn't know what's going on and he's not going to ask shino, so they roll with it and have family dinners between the two clans every fortnight and the shiba trio don't register this as anything unusual
im southeast asian and my aunt was a teacher so the spouse of a teacher is also a teacher by association. what this means is that kids also call kiba sensei. inuzuka sensei. shiba sensei. kiba who had never taught in his life after a child incorrectly identified him as married to his best friend and also his first name: yes sensei is here. how can i help you my child
when they do get married they were threatened by the clan elders to actually say kiba (shiba) aburame (he is a second son and the aburames love akamaru) and shino likewise dutifully put (shiba) on his actual legal marriage certificate
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sneezemonster15 · 2 years
I have written a little about how Sakura is written to be irrelevant throughout the narrative by Kishi, and as a result, demeaning her character through the literary tool of subversion. Here's another example of how Kishimoto makes Sakura's character redundant and very intently makes her the laughingstock of the manga. Like I have mentioned before, he gets some kind of perverse pleasure out of showing both Hinata and Sakura down and he would go a painstakingly intricate and at times, long way to do it too.
I will be publishing a longer write up about this subversion that Kishi uses for Sakura as an answer to an ask but I am writing this particular post separately because this bunch of chapters portray a series of incidents where Kishi really does it without any subtlety and is pretty in your face about it too, like you can viscerally feel his disdain towards Sakura's character just wafting over and it has made her a huge target for ridicule, it has become a ubiquitous topic for very popular jokes and memes even outside the fandom, lol.
Okay, so the chapter I am talking about is chapter 675 where Sakura has just been kamui'd out by Obito from his space time dimension to protect her from Madara's attack after she fails to stab his rinnegan eye. But she never had much determination to speak of unless it had to do with showing off to Sasuke and Naruto, mostly Sasuke. What is interesting to notice is that it also pointedly harks back to something else that she did (or didn't do lol) with her kunai which resulted in a frustrated and (greatly) annoyed audience, courtesy Kishi.
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Her nervous expression, the trembling kunai just centimetres away from its target but unable to reach it, failure to do it anyway, giving an opening to her opponent that could have easily been avoided had she been a little more resolute (no one really asked her to take on Sasuke though, that was her own decision given her poor sense of judgment, fighting strategy and skills), getting attacked by the opponent and then getting rescued by someone. Mostly Naruto.
Anyway. She couldn't do anything, having failed to stab Obito's eye so she is transported back by Obito and she joins Kakashi and Sasuke who are waiting for Madara to return. She sees Kakashi's condition and starts to heal him. Naruto leaves his clone to hold Madara's shadow captive with his sage of six paths staff and returns to Sasuke's side, his better half of the 'main act' of the war which has already been established at this point.
So seeing Sakura healing Kakashi, he takes over from a resisting Sakura and heals him. The ONE thing that she could do and not feel redundant in the trio is taken away from her, lolol.
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He not only heals him, he gives him a brand new eye, something that is beyond the reach of prevailing medical jutsu itself. How can Sakura even hope to compete with this? Lolol. Kishi, you sadistic so and so! You won't even let her catch a break.
Naruto can't explain and doesn't even understand how he did it and it took Sakura years of effort to learn medical jutsu and achieve a stage where she could even use her mitotic regeneration jutsu. Hahahahaha.
Okay, now then, Sasuke tells Naruto to keep his guard up while Sakura is acting like her usual pointlessly high handed self trying to condescend to Naruto who just made her presence utterly pointless, and Kakashi starts to reminisce about team seven dynamic. Kakashi, a man who has a very shallow understanding of his team members (he thinks Sakura's love has changed from what it was and that she is kind and gentle lol) and not at all about Sasuke, which he thankfully admits.
But what's funny to me is that Kishi was totally focusing on showing Sakura down, mercilessly. So Kakashi is seen reminiscing about their first day in team seven.
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Sakura squealing like a typical immature fangirl crushing over an entirely disinterested and quite embarrassed boy, while having no other goal or objective. While Naruto announces his goal to surpass the current hokage, Sasuke divulges his ambition of restoring his clan's honour and killing Itachi, Sakura just blushes and squeals.
Kakashi thinks she is kind and gentle (because of course he has never seen Sakura treating Naruto, at times even a badly injured Naruto, like a punching bag and manipulating him and everyone else for her ill conceived plans), she has grown and her love for Sasuke has matured because she still cares about him even though he tried to kill her in kage arc. Oh sure, running after a boy and begging for his attention no matter what the circumstances or timing is totally what a mature woman would do, lol. Thing is, he has got blinders on when it comes to Sakura because he obviously very conveniently forgets that Sakura attacked Sasuke first, in fact, she went there with the sole intention of killing Sasuke, while not knowing the truth but suspecting something, after having orchestrated a plan that included fake confessing to Naruto (#rejected lol), drugging her team mates and armed with a puny poisoned kunai which she didn't have the presence of mind to deduce would be pointless against Sasuke who trained with Orochimaru for years, some medical ninja, lol.
Kakashi treats her with kid gloves and doesn't understand Sasuke's feelings or motivations given his own lack of perception and failure to understand the intricacies of emotions and relationships, he makes a lot of faux pas when it comes to his team seven members. Kishi knows that these are the questions any reader would ask since these elements were given such consistent visibility in the manga and such consistent characterisation to the players, he is not an idiot. So he uses indirect and subtle techniques and narrative elements, and forces the reader to ask questions and then provides the answers. How? By showing, not telling. Okay, a little telling as well.
Kishi has already established, through Kakashi's interactions with Obito, that Kakashi is definitely flawed as he writes him to admit that he tried his best but he made mistakes.
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And that it can be contributed to his past, when he lost his father so cruelly along with his team mates. He also admits that giving false hope to Sakura when Sasuke is about to abandon Konoha was wrong. And what this proves is that Kakashi isn't infallible. His hypocrisy is very apparent when the core of his principle is to cherish his comrades and yet couldn't even attempt to understand Sasuke, given Sasuke's excruciatingly disturbing and scarring past. And even at the end, he expects Sasuke to behave and acts like it was all Sasuke's fault, not having understood him at all. The reason Sasuke gave up at the end was due to the revelatory experience he had with Naruto in chapter 698. Kakashi is emotionally stunted, perhaps which is why he is so good at being an ideal shinobi. A shinobi doesn't cry, doesn't emote, doesn't complain, doesn't break orders and protects his village with his life. Anyway, what becomes clear is that Kakashi's emotional perception is quite affected and far from accurate for sure.
Anyway, so Kakashi reminisces about what he perceives as the team seven dynamic after Naruto heals his eye and then reminds Sasuke of the first lesson he taught them when they were rookies. Sasuke remains meaningfully silent and only grunts. He obviously has a very low opinion of Kakashi, justifiably, as was established in kage arc and the succeeding chapters after this one emphasize it even more. Heh.
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So what does 'Team Seven' decide on?
Where was this notion of Team seven teamwork emphasized on the last time before this? Here.
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Where Sakura is seen nursing her past insecurities and ramping her ego to join Naruto and Sasuke in the fight because she can't tolerate being protected by them anymore like a damsel in distress.
She thought she was a full fledged kunoichi after passing her genin exams, lol.
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Anyway, so she doesn't want to gaze at the boys' back, meaning being shielded or protected by them, as they proceed to take on their opponent. And she manages to punch and make a dent while insulting her own sensei, like some badass that she definitely thinks she is, it becomes quite clear from her body language and expression.
Problem is, her feeling so good about herself (I have finally caught up to them) and acting like a badass is very disproportionate with her actual actions and contribution to the battle. Which is why it creates a dissonance in the reader's mind. As she keeps pulling the same shit over and over without changing or improving things, even after having certain realizations, she creates a negative impression of herself in the audience's mind. She doesn't evolve to be better in a manga where characters learn and grow as a rule which then contributes to the main plot, this is a coming of age story as well after all. Same with Hinata.
Btw, Hashirama saying her strength might be greater than Tsunade doesn't mean shit. Because he actually hasn't seen what his grand-daughter is capable of. Her strength is greater than Raikage, as Madara notices after fighting all the kages. Someone as strong as Naruto struggled to fight against Raikage when he tried to stop him from joining the war effort and so Bee had to intervene on his behalf. She couldn't even fight average cloud ninjas Omoi and Karui, lol. Like c'mon, they aren't even portrayed as some super strong, special ninjas, they are a hardly more than comedy fodder. But Kishi won't even let Sakura take some fodder level ninjas, lol, it's embarrassing. And what happens? Naruto comes to her rescue, as always. Heh. No way Sakura is stronger than Raikage, lol.
Why does Kishi do things like these? These obvious contradictions that he knows are very visible to anyone who pays attention? Especially with Sakura, where other characters like Kakashi, Shizune, Hashirama and Jiraiya remark positively about Sakura? To build expectations, make the reader anticipate some awesome action from Sakura, something that would actually justify these positive remarks in the narrative, building the premise of the action, escalating it, but then right at the moment of dramatic and narrative payback, 👎. He makes Sakura fail pathetically (he does the same thing with Hinata) by subverting the narrative development and tropes, by not satisfying the readers' expectations that he so painstakingly develops, by writing the most anti-climactic of actions at the end. No payback whatsoever. What does an actual payback look like? Cue Might Guy's opening all of the eight gates, when he smashes Madara's ribs in as he breaks his own bones in the process. Cue Tsunade grunting like a warrior goddess as she thrashes Madara's clone beyond recognition. Even Sakura when she punches the ground real hard and takes out little juubi soldiers.
He sadistically wastes all that effort that builds up the anticipation.
And what does doing that achieve? Simple. It makes the reader get really annoyed/dissatisfied with the character. And they feel compelled to berate or ridicule her character. And why won't they? They invested in the character and his/her actions in the narrative for a grand payback, watching multiple episodes or reading multiple chapters carefully, and when they don't get it, they would naturally be frustrated. Kishi consistently pulls this shit over and over again with Sakura and Hinata. And why would he go to such lengths to do shit like this? Well, it's not because he wants to make these ladies look credible or worthy. Heheh.
This is exactly why fans who don't see everything through rose coloured glasses, shipping lenses or have a good taste and a good understanding of characters and the human condition, and actually pay attention to what they are watching or reading, are so annoyed by these characters. Notice I am not saying disgusted or hateful (although some of y'all are) but mostly really annoyed and frustrated. Sakura and Hinata, more than anything else (although they are all those things too, like distasteful, boring and cringey lol), are simply annoying. Because of the reason I explained above.
Kishi is fucking relentless about it too. After this sense that he gives the reader of team seven dynamic, he pulls this shit here. No Sakura, no team. Just Naruto and Sasuke being the main act.
After which, we see Naruto and Sasuke fighting together or separately, but not with the team. But after they are given the sage of six paths power by Hagoromo, they fight together, well in sync with each other. Like they are meant to be. Sasuke bosses Naruto around, like usual, Naruto complains nostalgically but you can see he is totally enjoying it to the hilt. And both of them get shit done. Naruto stops Madara's shadow successfully as Sasuke skillfully slashes Madara's physical body in half. But before he can react further, Madara flies to Kakashi, steals his sharingan and just shoves it in his socket, because it really is that simple lol, enters Obito's space time dimension and attacks Sakura. Now Sakura has no idea about Madara's powers, not having fought him at all directly, and definitely not having fought with the juubi jinchuuriki Madara. So where on the one hand, you see Sasuke and Naruto thoughtfully device strategies to fight Madara, Sakura actually is totally clueless. But Kakashi reminds them of 'teamwork'.
So then Madara finally appears and then this happens.
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Hahahahaha. Teamwork? What teamwork?Sakura doesn't even know what Madara's strengths or weaknesses are. And just as expected, he stabs her in the chest and stops her punch with his Limbo jutsu. Payback? What payback? Readers who sympathized with Sakura? Disappointed. Readers who wanted returns on their investment, disappointed. But people who understood what she was really like? Vindication. Lol.
She did the same thing here that Hinata does in Pein arc, when she charges at Pein without putting any thought into it. Hinata did it to attract Naruto's attention. And why did Sakura do it?
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And what happened in both cases? Long build up resulting in them getting struck with a single hit and then being rescued by someone else. Naruto doesn't even acknowledge Hinata and Sakura droops because Sasuke ain't paying attention to her. So much for team work. Lol.
But what impression does it give to the reader?
1) Sakura's love for Sasuke didn't really evolve did it? It's the same when in part one, she climbs the tree by gathering chakra in her feet to impress Sasuke but Sasuke doesn't pay attention to her and she slumps, highly disappointed. Same as here.
2) She makes it look like she is creating an opening by using a diversionary tactic, but it's quite obvious she is really scared, but is still trying to show off to Naruto and Sasuke because she doesn't wanna stay behind, gazing at their backs again. So she attacks Madara blindly. Her desire to show off and strut around trumps her desire to actually defeat Madara. What a shinobi, lol. This is a freaking war, and she is fighting against a super strong villain who is bent on destroying their world as they know it, but she is more concerned with nursing her own shortcomings. Self centred, yes. And definitely not a badass. Just ass. Hehe.
After getting rescued by Naruto yet again, she wallows in sadness when Sasuke doesn't even glance at her but immediately calls for Naruto, who btw totally gets what he is indicating at without needing to say it out loud. Yay, team seven. Lol. So while Sasuke and Naruto get into form and fight Madara, what does Sakura do?
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Precisely nothing. Just sitting there in awe of Sasuke and Naruto. Spellbound at Madara's jutsu and power, that she didn't know zilch about. Kakashi is pretty pointless here as well, but he wasn't the one who just proclaimed they remembered the teamwork lesson and jumped in a fight without any plan. At least, he had the presence of mind to stop Sakura from joining in the fight when Naruto and Sasuke charge at Madara and she again finds herself watching their backs, as he tells her to not do it unless she has a plan. And she does stop, lol. She doesn't have the power or strategy, just ego. All she wants is to impress Sasuke and show off to Naruto and others, who cares there's a war going on? Lol.
3) It becomes pretty clear who the real team is here. And Sakura is very pointedly missing from it. And it stays that way till the end, staying true to the real team seven dynamic. The Main Act.
So after hyping up the team work element, Kishi discards Sakura's inclusion with a ruthless but consistently written treatment and makes her...?
She couldn't heal Kakashi, she couldn't punch Madara. And she didn't mature, like Kakashi believed. Still pretty useless. Lol.
I am aware that her stans only read the most surface level. How else would they justify something they invest so much in? But unfortunately, it's a fact and not a matter of opinion that Kishi never intended to portray her positively and he certainly puts a hell lot of effort to do so in a clever manner. It's not a coincidence that she (along with Hinata) is such a hated character. It's because she has been portrayed that way. Storytelling and visual language are intuitive by nature. All I am doing here is decoding them. I am writing here what you already know. I am just explaining the how of it. Excuse the digressions lol.
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hellcifrogs · 11 months
Oh man your big bro Sasuke ask sent me spiraling back into my own AU I made after finishing Naruto I called the Team 7 swap.
It was a swap between Team Minato and Team 7 which switch places and timelines. Naruto took over Obitos place raised by his father during the second and third Shinobi war and founded/joined the Akatsuki under Black Zetsus puppetry planning to get all the tailed beasts together to destroy their collective villages. He uses his Talk no jutsu to convince a lot of people to join him.
Sakura was made the three tails jinchuriki and because of her and Sasukes collective smarts, she was placed under a genjutsu before reaching the village and Minato helped reseal the three tails safely. She is now head of the healing department, under lady fourth and teaching young students to implement Tsunadaes plans for each team to have a healing nin.
Sasuke stayed in the village and wound up a Genin instructor to take on three students. Danzo did the Uchiha massacre but Sasuke was able to stop it before everyone died, but it was still a huge blow to his clan and most of the men died. Luckily, Danzos actions were enough to get him killed. He has his younger brother Itachi, a prodigy in his own right. His genin students are Kakashi, son of the white fang, Obito, one of the last Uchiha, and Rin, a promising healing kunoichi with a dark secret.
Jariya joins the Akatsuki with their justice and peace ambitions after seeing Naruto’s potential and reuniting with Konan, Yahiko and Nagato. Orochimaru doesn’t leave the village, being inspired by Sasukes growth to stick around. Tsunadae also doesn’t leave, inspired by Sakuras growth. Minato however, does leave the village after losing his son and wife, and goes into a drunken gambling fit, becoming a shell of what was once the yellow flash of the leaf. He’ll have a built in redemption to replace the Tsunadae arc.
Okay okay, but what happens to Naruto and Jiraya? How does the Ame trio work here? What is little Rin's big secret? Does three tails Sakura fight as well?? How stressed is Sasuke-sensei? I have so many questions, please tell me you're writing it sonewhere??
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teatitty · 3 months
Expanding more on my Mizuki thoughts actually I do have a headcanon that in shinobi culture it is completely normal to have some people who work so well together they're pretty much always a pair regardless of the mission, like Kotetsu and Izumo. If you were on the same genin team there's a good chance you still take a lot of missions together unless you pursued completely different nin careers [one of you became jounin, the other does desk work and the third is a medi nin for instance] but if you're the same rank and/or do the same jobs then having you in pairs is more advantageous
So we have Kotetsu & Izumo as a pair, and then Hinata, Kiba & Shino as a tracking team and the generational Ino-Shika-Cho trio. And this is what I believe Mizuki and Iruka were - one of those dime-a-dozen shinobi pairs that worked so seamlessly well together they almost always went on the same missions
I write them in the sense that Iruka is a great support nin with an emphasis on traps, seals and barriers but with a surprising arsenal of water and fire style jutsu's whereas Mizuki was an expert in weaponry and used to be Ten-Ten's personal weapons instructor before his betrayal. His chakra nature was Wind but all of his jutsu were neutral's -- like the transformations, shadow clones and body flickers
Most of their missions were therefore very stealth based and had a focus on espionage, breaking & entering, intel gathering etc and they always made up for what the other lacked - Mizuki's combat prowess to cover Iruka's back and lead enemies into his traps and barriers, and Iruka's skillset to do crowd control and put distance between Mizuki and their opponents when necessary
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fandrawsart · 1 month
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Do I know you?
So I have been experimenting with art styles, and when I was making this piece I wasn't all that happy with how it looked in my usual colouring style. I was like- I really really want it to look like it was plucked straight out of a comic. So I thought might as well hit two birds with one stone, and make this piece a Style study as well. The artist whose style I tried to study is one of my favourite One Piece artists. Their Shuggy art just gives me the butterflies. Shoutout to @huyandere
I have fallen in love with the fem Naruto design that I made for @bugbeee 's 'In Sound Judgement' and I adore creating fanart of her.
So here is a continuation of the Mission disaster - wherein Kakashi and Nana get separated from the rest of the team 7 and are attacked. In my mind, they were hit by a stray jutsu and were blasted to the past. The scenario was also influenced by that one Boruto episode, where he and Sasuke go back in time and meet 12-year-old Naruto. And I know we already have the Lost Tower and Road to Ninja, but that’s different. In them, Minato was older and there was a criminal lack of Kushina. I was like damn, what if Naruto/ Nana were to meet their parents when they were 12? Before they got together, and Kushina still had a major chip on her shoulder, and Minato and his team were- according to my timeline calculations- freshly abandoned by Jiraiya in favour of the Ame trio in the middle of a war.
I included both Kakashi and Nana because they are both Minakushi’s kids and deserve to know more about them. Kushina is this shining beacon of wonder in Nana’s mind. Someone whom she admires and who can do no wrong. She is the parent whom Nana has yearned to meet and make proud. Vs Minato who, she wants nothing to do with and ignores so much that she doesn’t even see him as her father, much less process the messy feelings she has regarding him.  
Nana knows when she meets Minato he will find her lacking and doesn’t bother, but she fears what Kushina will think. Because Nana knows without a doubt that Kushina loves her child, and that means a lot to a kid who keeps getting abandoned by the people around her. Kushina is a part of Nana which she selfishly guards, but if Kushina were to reject her then it would kill Nana.
This experience would make Nana realise that she is a lot more like both her mum and her dad than she realises. It would also make Nana get to actually know who Minato was before he was shaped to be the co-dependent martyr he was by the major traumas he suffered.
Same for Kakashi who thinks, he is the only unlucky bastard who got screwed over by a benign village, and much like Nana and Minato refuses to process the trauma.
I must emphasise- that this is a hypothetical scenario and is not canon to the actual fic- In Sound Judgement.
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inosakutema · 1 year
— August 23rd is Temari Nara's birthday! We compiled a list of 23 facts about her in celebration of her special day.
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🌵 DAY 1:
Temari is the oldest and tallest female of her trio and her generation. She was born on August 23rd three years before Sakura and Ino's generation and she’s 169cm tall (with one extra inch added by her sandals) according to her two official adult character design provided by Studio Pierrot.
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🌵DAY 2:
Temari is the only female character of her generation to use a nature transformation: Wind Release, the most unusual nature transformation.
But in further side stories she's not the only one. Sakura (in the novel Fire Release) and Ino (in the anime Fire Release) are the only females to use nature transformation jutsu.
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🌵DAY 3:
For Boruto: Naruto the Movie, Studio Pierrot had initially thought about Temari and Sakura having dango together in their favorite Dango Shop while waiting for Ino according to their sketches.
Temari's hairstyle also has three pigtails instead of four in this early design.
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However, they changed it to Sakura and Ino waiting for Temari for the final movie.
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🌵DAY 4:
Temari was the first kunoichi of her generation to be promoted to jōnin rank between the ages of 16 and 19 and she outranked every kunoichi of Konoha. Later, Sakura was promoted to jōnin at the same age as Temari, becoming the second and only ones of their generation.
Up to Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, Sakura Haruno, Temari Nara, Shikamaru Nara, Neji Hyūga and Rock Lee are the only jōnin of that generation in Konohagakure.
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🌵DAY 5:
According to official sources, databooks and novels, Temari is the best Wind Release user of Sunagakure and the possibly the world at 22 years old. She had displayed a several Wind Release techniques and mastery of her Giant Fan in the story, even leading the Wind Release Team in the Fourth Shinobi World War.
Temari becomes one of the kunoichi to be considered “the best” at her field, Wind Release and tessenjutsu manipulation, along with being Sakura hailed as the best medical ninja and strongest kunoichi in the world and Ino implied to be the best telepath of her clan.
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🌵DAY 6:
Unlike her friends Sakura and Ino, Masashi Kishimoto didn't assign Temari any flower or have any designated flower related to her name, while Sakura Haruno represents the cherry blossoms and Ino is compared to bush clovers.
However, Temari is very interested in plants according to her profile and her hobby is to appreciate them.
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🌵DAY 7:
Temari is the third most popular kunoichi of Naruto according to the official manga character popularity polls during serialization.
Adding all the polls together, she obtained 3.711 points, earning the third place overall among the female characters. Link to the third databook character popularity poll.
She was also voted 38th most popular Naruto character in Naruto Worldwide Character Popularity Poll NARUTOP99 and the 8th most popular kunoichi with 13.044 daily votes. Link to the poll results.
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🌵DAY 8:
Temari is the most experienced kunoichi of her trio and second of her generation. She completed 42 missions in total by age 19 and is also the only one to have completed an S-rank, which are exclusive to jōnin.
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🌵DAY 9:
In her profile from the second and third databooks, Tenten desires to fight Temari, to whom she lost in the Chūnin Exams, and Sakura, the disciple of her idol, Tsunade. Both Temari and Sakura are considered the strongest kunoichi of the generation.
One the other hand, Temari wishes a rematch against Shikamaru, who she almost beats in the Chūnin Exams Finals.
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🌵DAY 10:
Temari is the second kunoichi with the most outfit and hair changes of her generation, especially in the manga.
She’s known for her different dresses and kimonos in different colors with a belt to carry her Giant Fan, fishnets and her Sunagakure headband on her forehead. She doesn't have an official representative color as her outfits are lavender, black or blue. Her final design and official color now is blue.
Her hair has also changed throughout the eras from four pigtails to two ponytails.
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(Her War outfit style is not included in this picture)
🌵DAY 11:
Temari is the only kunoichi of her generation to have won a battle all by herself in the manga. She effortlessly defeated Tenten in the Chūnin Exams preliminaries, contrary to Sakura who defeated Sasori with Chiyo.
In side stories, Sakura won her first solo battle in her novel Sakura Hiden against Kido Tsumiki.
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🌵DAY 12:
In part 1 of the manga, Masashi Kishimoto ranked Temari as the strongest kunoichi according to the databooks with the highest statistics.
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By part 2, she was surpassed by Sakura Haruno and moved to second strongest. This feat continues until today.
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🌵DAY 13:
In Gaara Hiden, it's revealed that Temari comes from the Kazekage Clan but the crest or the history of it is unknown. In Sunagakure, the Kazekage is inherited from parent to child.
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🌵DAY 14:
Temari and Shikamaru are the married couple with the highest rank in Konohagakure with both parties obtaining the jōnin rank. This happened when Shikamaru was promoted to jōnin in the Blank Period.
This couple outranks the rest of canon marriages.
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🌵DAY 15:
Besides her active job as a ninja of Sunagakure, Temari has also actively contributed to the village in other fields. When Gaara became Kazekage, Temari was his bodyguard and advisor, and also proctor of the Chūnin Exams. Now she's the Ambassador of Konohagakure and Sunagakure.
Similarly, Ino used to help her parents at Yamanaka Flowers from time to time and now she runs the shop with her own family; while Sakura has worked in Konoha Hospital since she was 16 and is now the Head of the Medical Department and was also a member of the Cypher Corps.
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🌵DAY 16:
Out of 700 chapters of Naruto, Temari appears in 99. Link to the manga count.
She's the 4th kunoichi of her generation with the most screen time and was also the second female to be introduced in the manga.
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🌵DAY 17:
Temari is one of the two females of her generation to have a summoning, the other being Sakura.
Kamatari is a weasel based on the Japanese yōkai, Kamaitachi. The name is a combination of the words "itachi" meaning weasel, and "kama" meaning sickle. This spirit rides on dust winds and wields a sickle to attack humans. Her signature jutsu is called Sickle Weasel, in honor to this creature.
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🌵DAY 18:
Despite having less and less screen time as the years pass and new side stories are written, Temari filled a very important role during Boruto: Naruto the Movie, written by Masashi Kishimoto.
She was the second most important kunoichi, saving multiple people from the falling debris using a combo jutsu of her Sickle Weasel and Sakura's Cherry Blossom Clash that saved many civilians sitting in the rows of the Chūnin Exams Arena. Her priority was also prevent casualties.
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🌵DAY 19:
During the Fourth Shinobi World War, Temari was assigned to the Fourth Unit, the Long-range battle unit. That group was in charge of providing a link to the Intelligence Division and support the other units as their shield. It included Chōji Akimichi and Shikamaru Nara.
Moreover, Temari led her own team of Wind Release users.
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🌵DAY 20:
Temari is the only kunoichi of her generation to be in the cover art of Boruto: Naruto Next Generations manga. She was present in chapter 3 with her brothers.
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🌵DAY 21:
Temari is the only kunoichi to be stronger than her husband according to the databooks. Despite losing the match against Shikamaru due to his strategy, in the latest statistics Temari outclasses him in everything except in genjutsu and intelligence, but remains superior to him in skills.
She's the only wife that could defeat her husband.
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🌵DAY 22:
Temari's weapon is a giant iron fan (鉄扇, tessen) which she always uses to fight. This style is called tessenjutsu and is a branch of bukijutsu, the art of weaponry. She can create wind storms, protect herself from attacks and glide with it. It's based on samurai weapons during the feudal Japan.
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🌵DAY 23:
In the new era, Temari spends her time mostly doing missions for Konohagakure as one of their few jōnin. She also continues her job as the official Ambassador between Konohagakure and Sunagakure and she’s often invited to galas or banquets are a member of Sunagakure's society and traveling as a diplomat.
Temari has been seen training the new Team 10 for the Chūnin Exams and has also taught Shikadai in tessenjutsu and Wind Release techniques.
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Original post.
Sakura birthday post - Edited version Ino birthday post.
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riversimmone · 4 months
Three's A Crowd
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Three's A Crowd - Chapter 1
SasuSaku. He didn't mean to kill that man. He had simply reacted to being attacked. And now Konoha is forced to hunt down the rogue members of Team 7, or risk open war. Eventual NaruHina.
Cross-posting from fanfiction.net. Where it is complete. I wrote this back in 2011 and I wasn't sure whether to put it on AO3 or not. But why not, right? Please just keep in mind that it's not a representation of my current ability or style. I am cross-posting for the sake of having it on AO3. Don't get me wrong, I do really like this story. I have many fond memories of when I was writing it and certain songs are very nostalgic for me with this fic. And it's 20 chapters long and complete so it was a milestone I am proud of still. Please read and kudo and comment. I hope you enjoy. :)
End chapter notes:
Thankyou so much for reading. :)
This is a work in progress story you can also find on AO3 and FF.NET.
Enjoy. :)
Chapter One. Moving On.
Sakura Haruno. That was the name her parents had given her. They were lost amongst a sea of civilians and ninja alike who had died when Konoha was levelled and left masses of orphaned children in their wake. Sakura and her two team mates, Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha were amongst those who had no-one left, and decided to abandon Konoha.
Of course, Team 7, minus their teacher Kakashi Hatake, had been the only ones to actually leave. They spent years on the road, doing odd jobs to survive, while honing their ninja skills. They had even stolen jutsu from countries that despised their own, but their ultimate goal was just to keep moving, and find the one who had killed their respective families.
Revenge, yes that was it. No-one inside of Konoha, who had been left standing anyway, had wanted to actively search for that fiend.
It had been six years since they'd set off together, and Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto were now nineteen years old. They didn't trust anyone but each other, and even though Naruto had a bad habit of sleeping with disreputable women in dingy hotel rooms, they were only comfortable around each other.
No, Sakura was not the cream filling in some sort of sex trio, although Naruto had suggested he and Sasuke fuck her from both ends one night when he'd had too much sake. She'd violently motivated him never to suggest that again! That said, she had knocked him unconscious mostly to cover her own embarrassment. While she knew she'd never act on it, the idea of sleeping with Naruto had had her slightly intrigued. She was not a cream filling!
Sakura fumed at the memory, staring out over the picturesque view before her. She was standing outside a tea shop, only an hour outside of the small village she had spent the last few days scouring. It was called Gakutsuna town, and was home to low life reprobates. This land was abundant with them. The Land of Rice Paddies they called it. Sakura called it Freakville.
A loud crash coming from within the shop did not bother her. It was just routine after all. The owner of this shop had information they needed and was being stubborn. He just needed a little persuasion. Sakura smiled at that, imagining that that intimidating Uchiha stare as well as Naruto's brusque interrogation "techniques" were scaring that old coot. And normally she'd be in there, doing the whole fisticuffs thing she liked so much, but the owner was a seventy year old pervert and Sasuke had asked her to leave when she'd tried to kill him for asking her for sex. They needed him alive to talk.
Sakura shivered involuntarily. Yeah, she was happier out here.
Still, she was bored, staring out over this valley, wondering how much longer her boys were going to play for. They needed this information yes, but they also needed to be out of this valley by night fall. Rumour had it that leaf ninja were coming this way tonight. Sakura remembered Konoha fondly, but had no desire to run into old friends or even complete strangers when she was a missing-nin who had to be captured or killed on sight. Whoever these leaf ninja were, their mission had nothing to do with Kitsúne.
Kitsúne was the name Konoha knew them by, but as far as Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto knew, they didn't know what they looked like, let alone who they really were. That notorious S-Rank bingo book was only filled out by the living, and they weren't in it. Of course, when it came to people they didn't need to kill Sakura was very good at making them forget. A little Genjutsu went a long way. She was a natural with that particular type of jutsu.
Sasuke and Naruto exited the tea shop ten minutes later, in an orderly fashion. Naruto then ruined the image by poking tongue at Sakura and pulling down the bottom of his eye lid in mock. She glared at him.
"Who the hell are you mocking, dweeb?" She said threateningly.
He just chuckled and ignored her question. He was so immature, such a dobe, that if Sakura had not seen him kill on the battlefield before, she would never have believed he was capable of it. But he wasn't some blood thirsty animal – in fact, the only one of the three of them that sometimes had to be pulled back from that dark brink was Sasuke.
"We got what we needed," Sasuke said in a monotone voice.
She loved him, but would it kill him to at least sound like he cared? She rolled her eyes at him. "Yeah yeah, and while you boys got to play I've been bored to tears."
Sasuke spared her a smile, although it wasn't really his style. "You can do the next one."
She grinned. "Thank you Sasuke-kun!" She refrained from jumping him. They were out in the open and Naruto was here. That could wait until they were alone again.
"Teme!" Naruto whined. "I wanted to do the next one!" He huffed. "You're not in charge you know!"
"I know, dobe," Sasuke said, genuinely amused.
They had decided long ago that this would be a democracy. There were three of them, so when it came to making decisions, they were never deadlocked. But quite often, Naruto was the odd one out, voting for things that would never happen. Occasionally, either Sakura or Sasuke would change their vote to make their friend feel like one of the gang. He hated that he was outvoted more often than not.
Sakura glanced back at the little shop as they moved away, toward the setting sun. It was in the early stages of the orange tint that only sunset could bring.
"Did you kill him?" She asked, thinking about the old pervert and realising there was no sound within the shop anymore.
It was obvious they had, considering Sakura was the only one of them that could mess with people's memories. There was no way the boys would leave this guy alive if he could finger them in a line-up. Sasuke's Sharingan came in handy, but he hadn't figured out how to use it to do what came so easily to Sakura. This bugged him, but there were also a lot of things he used his Bloodline Limit to do that the others could never do, like put up a genjutsu that hid them from view from even other ninja.
"Of course, Sakura," Naruto said, waving away her concern. "He just didn't scream, that's why you didn't hear it."
"He didn't scream because I told him not to," Sasuke said, sounding slightly annoyed. His face remained impassive though.
"Don't argue boys," Sakura said, as Naruto opened his mouth to retort. She grabbed Sasuke's hand, linking their fingers together. "The important question is what did he tell you?"
"We were right," Sasuke said, without elaborating.
On Sakura's other side, Naruto brightened, humming softly to himself and admiring the trees as they found the path they'd taken to get here and entered the woods. They were well on their way to leaving the valley, and the nearby Gakutsuna town, so he was happy, but content – which explained why he wasn't bouncing all over the place. The energetic knucklehead was taking a time out, so it seemed.
Sakura ignored him and squeezed Sasuke's hand. "Well?"
"The cloud ninja are cleaning house with their missing-nin. If we enter Lightning Country, we'll have to keep a low profile."
Sakura nodded. "I still don't understand how he knew that."
"You'd be surprised the sort of things shop owners overhear," Sasuke said. "He didn't even realise how valuable that information would've been, if he'd just bartered for it, instead of holding back."
Naruto chuckled at that, barely listening. "Old goat."
"Stop." Sasuke pulled Sakura still and shot a glare at Naruto as the blonde glanced at him, still walking.
"You're not in charge, teme."
"There's someone coming this way," Sasuke said softly. "Ninja by the feel of them. We should hide."
"Leaf?" Sakura asked, worried. They had wanted to avoid this.
He nodded. "Don't worry, they don't know we're here... yet."
They jumped up and off the road, and he activated his Sharingan to protect them. Sakura watched the four figures heading their way, ambling along the road as though they had no idea anyone was around – which they didn't. They were definitely ninja though. As they came closer, she recognised their faces. A heavy weight on her heart almost made her sigh deeply. She missed Konoha, but Kitsúne could never return. Sasuke pulled gently on her hand and she followed him and Naruto away from their old friends, and into the sunset.
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sparklyfaerie · 1 year
So I’m reading the Naruto manga from the start because I’ve only actually seen the anime, and I’m at the beginning of the Forest of Death. I’m about to begin Volume Six (chapter 46, where they just step foot into the forest). Some observations thus far:
- Manga!Naruto isn’t as irritating as his anime counterpart? Like yeah he’s loud and dumb and obnoxious, but kind of in an endearing way? He’s still nowhere near my favourite character, but he’s not as bad as the anime made him out to be.
- Manga!Sasuke is a lot warmer than he was in the anime. I knew SP changed a lot in regards to the main trio’s characterisation, but so far Sasuke is the greatest victim of this. He gets flustered, he blushes, he has complimentary thoughts about his team--he’s actually made me laugh with his inner monologue a fair few times, which isn’t something that happened much in the anime outside of filler (which I don’t enjoy) that I can remember.
He’s a kid. Like he behaves like an actual child. I know I’m about to reach the point where he changes, (boo Orochimaru) but I’m surprised how much he behaved like a regular child. Or, well, an arrogant, stuck-up brat, but still. Had Orochimaru not interfered, his story feels like it was on the track towards being one about healing from trauma rather than the darkness of revenge.
He’s also isn’t as nasty to Sakura? There’s no shoving her away or being mean. He’s blunt, yeah; he doesn’t sugarcoat things and says what he thinks, but there’s no “let me go!” or “get off me!” like there was in the anime. Actually, there seems to be less of her hanging off him in the manga to begin with?
- Manga!Sakura, my love. She’s by far the one that makes me laugh the most. She’s a flirt and a little judgemental, but she’s human. She’s a little girl with an intense crush who is starting to grow up and discover the world. She’s my second-favourite character. (Sasuke will always be my favourite. He’s just got a more interesting story, since Sakura was shafted later in the series.) She has compassion and is able to admit to her mistakes and try to do better. She doubts herself but she also knows where her strengths are.
Also, y’know, the smartest kid in the village. (Aside from Shikamaru, but he’s too lazy to do anything with it right now, so.) That seems to get downplayed a lot.
- I also... miss when they weren’t nukes in human form? When they were ninja doing ninja stuff, not turning their chakra into giant energy monsters and obliterating whole battlefields. There’s a lot of focus on jutsu and stealth so far, which makes me laugh because Naruto is actually a pretty terrible ninja by these metrics. The boy is the antithesis of stealth.
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