#justice for mon el
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wwprice1 · 8 months ago
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New stories and creative teams coming in October! Love these covers!
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superheroes-or-whatever · 22 days ago
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Action Comics #1077 art by Clayton Henry
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dc-megatournament · 1 month ago
Batman VS Everyone
If Batman gets prep time, so does everyone else
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gayshitanddadjokes · 2 years ago
Okay so the stepsiblings Tim and Cassie again! I want the rest of YJ to figure it out first and just not mention out of politeness, thinking that 'yeah, everyone already knows but you don't just say it out loud'. Like she brings (read: drags kicking and screaming) Tim to meet young justice. Everyone (actually I wanna say everyone but Kon because he's a moron) can immediately tell and they assume that Cassie knows and is just making fun of him for thinking she wouldn't recognize him so they play along.
Next time Kon and Cassie are making a fuss about Robin not telling them his secret ID they get the most incredulous looks in the world.
Kon: I just don't think we can trust him if he doesn't trust us
Cassie: I mean I love him but who knows what he's doing when he's not here
Everyone else:
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evilhorse · 6 months ago
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We apologize for interfering, but with all due respect…we can’t let you do this.
(Justice Society of America #10)
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splooosh · 1 year ago
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“The Summoning”
George Perez - Jerry Ordway
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whynot-animations · 7 months ago
Legion of Super-Heroes (2023)
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djrenard · 2 months ago
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My Pull List (12/25/24):
Justice League Unlimited #2
Action Comics #1081
The Flash #16
Absolute Wonder Woman #3
X-Men #9
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paladin-of-nerd-fandom65 · 9 months ago
Alrighty, after taking some inspiration from the recent X Men 97 and now that the Krakoa Era is finally wrapping up, I would like taking this opportunity in explaining a sort of take on this idea of an entire nation of supernatural peoples and beings from all across the globe and giving it a….Titanic spin to it
What if The (formerly Teen) Titans have a Krakoa Arc to call their own?
Yes this idea will be based on my little Fanon universe that’s in my Pinned Post so anyways Brace Yourselves My Friends
Background: Taking place an in universe year or two after Dick and Kory’s epic honeymoon and after a more or less steady status quo for the DCU, things start escalating with a grand alliance of Planet Tamaran’s enemies from all across the Vega System reconvene once again to seize the planet for themselves. While the Tamaraneans under their Empress Komand’r are well prepared for such a threat, so have their enemies in advance with equipment and tech from Apokolips. Despite their best efforts, Komand’r and her people are deeply struggling against New God tech and it’s not too long before their enemies surround their capital demanding their unconditional surrender. Kom’s scientists though have come up with a final desperate plan which they believe can either help their people fight back against the overwhelming odds however at a great risk, a plan Kom is all too willing to go if it means saving her people from subjugation.
As such, she flies with all her great speed fully charged with her power right all the way to the Vega sun itself, the plan being to supercharge its solar output with her power inner reserves, allowing more energy to shine which should empower her people even those who didn’t tap into their starbolts like Kory and her can. While granting the entire race the ability to charge up Starbolts, the ability to legit breathe in space and other advanced powers and abilities, it all came at an extraordinary cost; the Star itself wounded up overloading and with barely time for their enemies to acknowledge it on time, it explodes into a massive supernova, taking not just them and not even just the planet itself but the whole of the Vega system.
The Tamaraneans themselves, all their civilians and even their then freed relatives managed to evacuate right on time so not one was lost in the supernova but now they have no home to come back to, leaving them a diaspora.
Meanwhile, as the Titans (nominally split into the premier Justice Titans and their B team allies though in the whole composed of Nightwing, Starfire, Raven, Beast Boy, Cyborg, Terra, Troia and Red Arrow) have numerous adventures and meet new allies across not just the universe and other planes of existence which can include the Phantom Zone, the realm of the Lord of Chaos etc, but throughout the Multiverse itself, even coming into contact and allying with the titular Titans of the Multiverse in their own quests to fix worlds with their timelines screwed over; all of it has them gaining new never wig their team and other allies but more importantly a massive influx of entire peoples as refugees and immigrants settling in the Titans’ universe for a new home. Unluckily for the Titans by the point this influx of people’s in need of new home becomes of a priority, The Legion of Doom, Lex Luthor’s team of supervillains, have launched an all out assault on their T shaped bases in both in Earth’s exosphere and in Bludhaven bay. While the attack was ultimately repelled, both T Towers were destroyed, now requiring the Titans themselves in need of a base themselves
Eventually the Titans decide on a Take out Multiple Birds with One Stone approach: with some Kryptonian tech borrowed from the City of Kandor and a location on the opposite side of Mars’ orbit (due to Earth’s orbit being occupied by Earth itself and New Krypton but I Digress lol), a massive new planet is created to be a sort of new home for all those refugees across existence and of course the Tamaraneans, Empress Blackfire acting as their representative in a high governing council which her sister and the other Titans are the ultimate authority on
While the Titans themselves are mainly tendering to Earth’s matters and small scale operations and crime fighting, this Planet shall serve as their new base of operations and the mainly settlers on it being their allies for Cosmic scale threats and crises.
Thus we present to you,
Titans Planet
For this new status quo, before the destruction of the Towers, the Titans Book (the one featuring the aforementioned B team of Troia, Red Arrow, The Flash (Wally West), Omen, Bumblebee, Herald and Jericho) would have a definitive conclusion after around hopefully 100-120 issues (bi weekly schedule applying), the team within it being consolidated into Justice Titans
Therefore in Issue #125, that’ll be a triple sized jumping on issue in which has not just that grand attack by the Legion of Doom but also the Titans consulting with the Kryrptonians of Kandor for borrowing their tech to create Titans Planet. Midway through the issue, Dick would have a bite among their members on whether to proceed with this plan or not, bringing up some differing options and raised concerns among them. Eventually the votes lean in favor of a Yes, leading to creation of the new planet in the opposite side of Mars’ orbit.
Here, Dick, Kom, Donna and Kory lay down simple ground rules for their new found headquarters/planet:
1) The core team should be addressed of tensions between peoples over land rights and other disputes.
2) No citizen of this planet should harm not especially kill another. Should they travel to Earth, they must also not kill any humans or any earthlings
3) The earthlings in turn must respect and treat these citizens of this planet as much any other earthling
4) Titans Planet Must Be Respected. Any attacks on its citizens, not the Titans themselves, but its citizens by hostile powers across both the stars and across dimensions will be a declaration of war.
As for the books that would be affected or launched by this new status quo;
- Titans (formerly Justice Titans, starting in maybe Issue #126, this book will be renamed)
- Nightwing and Starfire: The Flying Graysons (Despite the both of them still officially living in Bludhaven, the Planet especially due to the presence of Kom would serve being a platform for stories for Kory in order to diversify it from the standard Bludhaven based ones)
- Titans Planet (launching after Justice Titans #125, The Main ‘Hub World’ series which explores the day to day operations of the planet’s many people groups and factions; the only title that operates in a one issue per month schedule, Though each single issue are double sized)
- Blackfire: Empress of Tamaran (Launches after Justice Titans #125, serving as the solo adventures of Empress Komand’r as she contends with not just remnants of that alliance that ultimate destroyed her home planet but also other cosmic foes and enemies including probably up to Darkseid himself)
- Mon El: Man of Valor (Similarly launches after Justice Titans #126; Among the people groups that have settled on Titans Planet was the Daxamites who due to events in Action Comics, their own planet too has been destroyed thus they are in the need of a new home. Mon himself being a top representative on their behalf on the planet while he deals with not just a rise of potential supervillains on this planet but also his own place in this world, on Earth and in the universe as a whole in light of these events. Mon himself at this point is something of an Honorary Titan due to his stronger connections with the Superman family)
- Cyborg
- Raven
- Beast Boy
Future event comics and crossovers that involve these books can still occur though the status quo remains for a lengthy amount of time in real life. At the bare minimum, it should last between 2-5 years before another massive shake up can occur.
For any constructive criticism, compliments or additions, Please Reblog and/Reply if you can. It’ll be greatly appreciated
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jasposeyblog · 11 months ago
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My acquisition of Mon-El and Shadow Lass by Dean Lee
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comicnate · 2 years ago
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Superman 686 cover by Andrew Robinson
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wwprice1 · 1 year ago
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Incredible art by Mark Bagley!
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argentinpantsuit · 16 hours ago
The way they are currently writing Mon is genuinely a type of torture to me taking such a potently fascinating character and making him either a boring slate or a selfish spoiled man baby instead of his original slightly obnoxious kind doomed child messiah self is making me want to bash my head in.
You have so many opportunities !!! He’s rife with possibilities so much you could explore or even rehash (I am so desperate) if your going to have him star in your book for the nazareths sakes USE HIM WELL THERE IS SO MUCH YOU COULD GET OR DO WITH HIM AND YOU JUST ??? CHOOSE NOT TO??
Lar I will fight for your freedom until my last dying breath….
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dc-megatournament · 1 year ago
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DC Mega Tournament
Round 3
Vote for who you think would win
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lesansnom · 1 year ago
Tim .
merci Kon d'être un peu moin con
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Dialogues : Page 1: Tim : You've got to be kidding me! There's no right answer! Tim : He's just trying to drive me crazy! Kon: Or is it just because you haven't slept in three days, maybe? Page 2 : Tim : *Goblin noise* Kon : Remember your non-murder pact. *Time* Tim : I received a message from the Riddler three hours ago. Tim : He sent me a riddle because he was "bored". Tim : Every time I give an answer, the program gives me new information. Tim : And after three wrong answers, game over. Tim : You haven't tried it, MR. Sleep-is-important.
o Page 3: Riddle
A detective returns to his 7th-floor hotel room after a restaurant outing. The detective has come alone.
On entering his room, he finds an envelope with a note. However, there is only one key to enter the room.
How did the envelope get into the room? Tim : No sign of forced entry on the door. Tim : No meta-human in this riddle. Tim : Nor any related magic either. Tim : AND neither room service nor housekeeping have access to the room. Kon : Kon : Didn't someone just slip the letter under the door? Computer : Correct answer Kon : Eh.
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evilhorse · 5 months ago
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Into the future
(Justice Society of America Volume 4 #11)
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