#justice for casey goodson
kunigunda · 2 years
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Help the family of Sinzae Reed
Sin'Zae Reed, 13, was fatally shot Oct. 12 at the Wedgewood Apartments complex in #Columbus Hilltop neighborhood. His sister, 20-year-old Makayla Nichols, and other family members said Sinzae was a good kid and want justice for him from authorities. 36-year-old Krieg Butler, a resident of the complex, fatally shot Reed.
Megan Reed, Sin'Zae's mother, said her son will now always be a 13-year-old teenage boy that she can longer hold or hear him speak. In his obituary, family members remembered Reed, who went by 'Zay,' as a boy who loved music, video games and spending time with his friends. Reed attended KIPP Columbus, a charter school on the Northeast Side.
According to court records, an eyewitness saw Butler exit a red truck and fire multiple times at Reed. Butler then got back in the truck and fled the scene. Butler was initially charged with Reed's homicide and ordered held on $1 million bond, but prosecutors filed a motion to dismiss the case after Butler's arrest; Homicide charges were dropped pending further police investigation into Butler's claim of self-defense in the shooting.
"All I'm asking for is justice for my baby — is that too much to give?" Reed said. "I will never stop until Sin'Zae gets justice, I will forever be his voice."
Reed and others at the press conference called for the immediate re-arrest of Butler. Ramon Obey II, president of JUST 614 and event organizer, said he was calling on members of the community to pressure the Franklin County Prosecutor's office to take action.
Obey called Sunday for four points of action from criminal justice officials: that Butler be immediately re-arrested and charged with murder, that Franklin County Prosecutor Gary Tyack resign from his position, an apology from the city of Columbus to Reed's family and a U.S. Department of Justice investigation into the shooting.
Dejuan Sharp, a member of the Columbus Downtownerz who has been advocating for Reed's family, said the criminal justice system was incapable of delivering justice to the family.
Obey said that community activists planned several events to continue to try and pressure the justice system into action against Butler. On Thursday, they plan to travel to Tyack's office and deliver a letter saying they want the removal of the member of his office responsible for dismissing the criminal charges against Butler. Next Saturday, a protest at noon at the Ohio Statehouse, where they plan to march for not just Reed, but also Donovan Lewis and Casey Goodson, who were both shot and killed by police officers in Franklin County.
On Jan. 9, Obey said he and others plan to attend Columbus City Council's next regular meeting and ask every member of council to sign a letter saying they support the immediate arrest of Butler and removal of Franklin County prosecutor personnel.
Full text article via dispatch (this post is a paraphrasing/shortening)
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2ducks-agoose · 1 year
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starsettheory · 4 years
Please tell me how you can mistake a sandwich for a gun?
Everything in a black mans hand seems to be a weapon now, isn’t it?
You got the wrong guy and now ANOTHER innocent life is gone.
Another mistake with the price tag of a life.
Reform. Fix it.
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mostfamousunknown · 4 years
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ravenfirethief · 4 years
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crustycrackhead · 4 years
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I’m still educating myself on what has happened but I do have some info to help!
I need to say loud and clear, DO NOT DONATE TO CHANGE, the money that you donate will not go to the families of the victims. Go directly donate to the GoFundMe:
Go check out the Carrd in my bio for more petitions and info.
Also for Americans, please sign this:
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imduckym8 · 4 years
please reblog.
tw// death, swearing 
tonight (12-10-2020 at 9:27pm) Brandon Bernard was executed in Indiana.  our justice system is fucked. if you signed petitions, thank you. please dont go silent. black voices need to be recognized and heard. 
  sign these petitions and donate if you can: 
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midnightfunk · 4 years
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grannygerd · 4 years
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Lynn via Instagram Stories ×
December 10th, 2020
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flyingspaceships · 4 years
Justice for Casey Goodson
On Friday, December 4th, 23 year-old Casey Christian Goodson Jr, was shot three times in the back and murdered by Franklin County Sheriff's Deputy Jason Meade. The US Marshals were in Estate Place in Northeast Columbus finishing up work for the Southern Ohio Fugitive Apprehension Task Force (SOFAST) when allegedly, according to police, Goodson Jr drove by waving a gun. However, Casey's sister refutes this: Goodson Jr had walked across the yard, walked into the back fence to get to the side door, with his Subway sandwich and mask in one hand and keys in the other, unlocked and opened the door, and stepped in the house before being shot by police. Instead of leaving Goodson Jr alone, police killed Goodson Jr, who was a licensed concealed carry weapon holder. Just two days earlier in nearby Delaware, Merak Burr, a white man, was pulled over for speeding. Instead of complying with officers, Burr became agitated and pulled out his gun, which he did not have a concealed carry weapons license for. In spite of this, Burr was initially let go but arrested two hours later.
For more information click on the link and please do sign the petition!
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starsettheory · 4 years
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TW: Police Brutality, Gore, Death
They shot first, thought later.
Casey and family, I’m so sorry.
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By @MaritsaPatrinos on Twitter
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ohokaylie · 4 years
The hypocrisy of conservatives, man. Y’all are so fucking pathetic. Unarmed black people get killed for no reason by cops and you motherfuckers blame them and say the cops deserve to keep their jobs when they literally MURDERED innocent people!
But an employee on Walmart’s Twitter calls a whiny bitch Republican on Twitter a sore loser because Trump doesn’t get to be president for 4 more years and the senator plans to object to the electoral votes that Joe Biden fucking won fair and square and y’all hillbillies are out for blood. You’re gonna boycott the company until the employee is fired. Walmart doesn’t give a fuck if you boycott them.
With all you antimaskers not clogging the aisles maybe the employees will feel safe actually going to fucking work for once and not have to worry about you little bitches giving them COVID and crying about being controlled. Go ahead and boycott them. The company remains unbothered. Grow the fuck up.
Trump lost.
Biden is your next president.
Josh Hawley is little bitch.
Conservative Republicans are racist pieces of shit.
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Another day... another black man killed by law enforcement.
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turtlepowerriiise · 4 years
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https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/justice-casey-goodson pls sign!!!!! it needs to reach its goal by January 6, 2021!!!
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t100fic-for-blm · 4 years
Petition Spotlight
as featured in the 6th issue of our newsletter
Demand Justice for Casey Christian Goodson Jr
On Friday, December 4th, 23 year-old Casey Christian Goodson Jr, was shot three times in the back and murdered by Franklin County Sheriff's Deputy Jason Meade.
The murder of Casey Christian Goodson Jr cannot be swept under the rug as so many murders of Black and Brown folx, and the city of Columbus must continue to eliminate the issue of systemic racism through innovative and progressive strategies.
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