#justice for RG kar
bywons · 1 month
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NOTE: THIS POST HAS INFO SOLELY BASED ON MY OWN RESEARCH, SOURCES FROM THE NEWS AND INTERNET SO CREDS OF SS TO THE OWNERS. if you have any other information regarding this case, please please do feel free to reblog this and share them, as i can't compile everything in one post due to the case being an ongoing one. I would appreciate if you could read all of it, I tried to keep it short and compact and easy enough for everyone to understand. Of course, I have to keep a few names and specific political parties and critism out of this for obvious reasons of this post being taken down, but trust me, karma is real.
Do tell me if I lack anything, will try my best to add it or make another post about it. WE WANT JUSTICE.
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Dr. Moumita Debnath, a junior female doctor, a 2nd year PGT at R G KAR medical college and hospital was gang r4ped and m4rdered in the college seminar hall, while she was in a 36 hr shift, in 9th of August, 2024, Kolkata.
R G KAR, a reputed college and hospital, only allowing the top of brains to enter its premises, has now lost it's name to this heinous crime. Moumita debnath's perpetrators live to this day and the college authorities are yet to pay any heed. Why?
That poor girl was bleeding from her eyes, vagina, with disfigured limbs and broken collarbones, bite marks, broken pelvic girdle and hyoid bone several other signs of struggle and violence ( attached report below ) Even her legs were forcefully coaxed apart, that her bones were broken. 150 gms of sperm was have been discovered from her body, when a male individual can only transfer a maximum of 15 gms. Can you imagine her pain? What did she do to deserve this pain and suffering, this heinous crime against her? Can you imagine how her parents must have felt to hear the news?
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Oh, I forgot. This absolute blood boiling, gut wrenching and demonic of an act was immediately announced as a "SU3CIDE" upon initial FIR, and to her parents, by authorities. Can't you see? How they tried to coarctate the matter by calling it a su3cide?
How can a girl with extreme signs of violence and r4pe on her body, with little to no clothes, broken limbs, bleeding eyes, commit a su4cide? THIS IS A BLOT ON THE AUTHORITIES WHO ARE CLEARING VIEWING THIS MATTER AS A JOKE no girl in that condition can commit a su3cide, do you really think people are THAT DUMB?? that we won't notice you trying to cover up this case??
Dr. Moumita Debnath's body was cremated without her parents' approval/permission. They were kept waiting for 3 fucking hours. As if to get rid of her body as soon as they can with minimal autopsy, before CBI could even start investigation.
As soon as this case was handed over from WBPD ( west bengal police department ) to CBI ( central bereau of intelligence ) mobs have barged in and LITERALLY DAMAGED THE WALLS BESIDE THE SEMINAR HALL ( the crime scene ) inside the college premises. And for what? Come on we know it all, for removal of some obvious evidence.
On 14th august, during the middle of the night which was during the ‘RAAT DOKHOLE MEYERA’ ( girls reclaim the night ) rally, in RG KAR, mobs yet again managed to infiltrate the college premises to cause damage again, this time targeting specific cctv cameras as well. They also vandalised public property and vehicles in a "profesional" way. — “MBBS student Anupam Roy, an eyewitness to the mob attack, said the mob's act was deliberate with the clandestine motive of ending their agitation.” — from Hindustan Times.
They even CAUSED HARM TO THE WASHROOMS OF THE FLOOR WHERE EVIDENCE COULD'VE BEEN FOUND. The motive of the mob is obvious— to tamper the evidence in order to protect the perpetrators.
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Political parties are busy blaming each other and throwing dirt on names, meanwhile also trying to hide the perpetrators and start protests against opposition parties. Is your political position and meaningless arguments more valuable than a girl's life which been lost so brutally? Can we not keep politics aside, just for a moment and try to bring the girl justice? These thick skinned selfish monsters don't feel the pain of her parents, the emotions of helpless women and the crime they're commiting themselves.
They are slowly shifting away from the main matter of bringing her justice, trying to coarctate is slowly by heavy politics. Well the public is not dumb, we can see it all and understand how our CM doesn't even care about this situation.
SHAME ON YOU, the authorities, you're are only hope in this city in this state and you're acting this way?! Do you not have spines? Is money and votes everything to you? How low is too low and why is it the west bengal government?
They even have an accused suspect in custody ( Sanjoy Roy ) whom everybody is calling a scapegoat, which he possibly could be regarding the governments recent inactivities towards the situation. They are even giving out orders to resist rallies and protests, such a fucking disgrace, cause then vandalism and tampering of evidence is right but not raising your voice against it?
This year marks the 77th independent year for India, but are we really? Women are not safe at night walking along the streets their own ancestors fought for, women are not safe in their own workplace working shifts, women are not safe in public transport, in their homes, neighbourhood, schools, colleges, NOWHERE ARE WE ALLOWED TO HAVE A PEACEFUL BREATHE. But for how long? It's been 12 years since we witnessed a similar, horrible and atrocious crime as NIRBHAYA, only for it to happen again. This shows how weak, corrupted, and unjust Indian judiciary system has become, and as an Indian myself, it ashames me deeply to admit this. We are failing as a society, still not being able to create a safe environment for our women.
But time has come now to raise our voice and fists together against this oppressive, corrupt government and snatch our own freedom ourselves. DONT YOU EVER FORGET ABOUT HER, TAKE AND HER NAME AND PROMISE YOURSELF TO BRING HER JUSTICE. If we forget and give up, god knows how many others will die like this without any justice. Justice is ours and we will have it, there is no point of being 'independent' if we have to do candle marches every other day, mourn for our women every other day, be scared of letting our daughter out every other day.
This is time, we rise up as one.
We want the actual criminals to be punished a hundred times more cruelly than Dr. Moumita Debnath was k!lied.
tagging few of my moots. @leaderwon @rainytapestry @fertilizedtoesw @atrirose @hoonvrs @flwrstqr @mioons @dioll @okwonyo @okwons @heeblurs @weoris @junislqve @jlheon @sainns @hyeinism @fleurre @soov @isoobie @boyfhee @jjunae @onlyjjong @wonfilms @kissofhoon @voikiraz @koishua
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desi-girll · 1 month
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last night's Women Reclaim The Night: The Night Is Ours midnight protest march... turns out my father actually wasn't against me going out late, it was just that i made assumptions without asking. but anyways, me, mom, dad, and 8-10 of our neighbours went to the Garia More protest site. the turnout here was pretty great so imagine the turnout at the other, more popular sites.
anyways, we went with a candle each, and placed it in front of a poster, as the pic shows. i really hope Abhaya gets the justice she deserves and her soul rests in peace.
but people, let's not forget that the fight isn't over yet! the culprits, and by that i mean the real culprits haven't been punished yet, and are still under political protection. FORDA had called off the nationwide strike after meeting with Union Health Minister, and we all know what that means. everything is corrupted right now, and nothing can be trusted. but we as citizens should do our part in getting justice.
today, 15th Aug 2024, is the indian independence day. but do you think we're really independent yet? is independence only for men? are women supposed to stay at home, be blind to all the corruptions and illegal things happening, and just stay quiet? why is it still not safe for women to go out at night? why is it that we women have to suffer always, whether be it a nursery child or a doctor or an aged person? as Alakh Pandey said recently Girls can't go out late at night not because they are scared of other girls. Boys are what scares them. So the whole problem is not you, it's us (males). The fact that you all are not safe late at night because of us should be our (males) responsibility.
the day women can walk on the streets at any time of the day without being catcalled, stared at in creepy way, being raped, sexually assaulted, having acid thrown over their faces, be subjected to domestic violence, marital rape, tortured, murdered, etc etc etc, that will be the day india will become truly independent. but not before that. not today.
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intellectual6666 · 1 month
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মা মেয়েটা যেনো বিচার পায়
(Ma, she must get justice)
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theamoristwriter · 7 days
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স্বাস্থ্য ভবন। আজ।
12/9/24 ✊🏻
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punneswor · 1 month
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Today 13/8/24, our High Court has asked him to take a long leave. That isn't enough but it's a start.
This man (SANDIP GHOSH) needs to be tried for his complacency. He is an accomplice in what happened and what is still going on. We need to be asking the right questions: what is actually going on in this institution? Who are they protecting? How deep does this shit run?
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Proud to see people of Kolkata stand together against such a heinous crime
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shamster · 1 month
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These men understand consent very well when they're around gay men
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wordsandmeraki · 12 days
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I have been quiet for a long time on this platform.
Quiet because my heart was crying but I was full of rage.
Quiet because I was protesting the best way I could.
Quiet because my elder sister lost her life in the hands of heinous criminals.
But not quiet anymore.
I am raging and now I will let my rage show.
I am raging because I demand justice for my elder sister.
I am raging because criminals are lurking around the corners freely.
It has been a month now.
A month and the system could not provide us with justice.
A month and justice is still being delayed.
A month and my sister is still crying for justice.
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scarletbomb · 8 days
On August 9 2024, the body of a trainee doctor was found at a seminar room at the campus of RG Kar Medical College and Hospital. She was raped and murdered. Her body bore injury marks, and the autopsy report confirmed that she was sexually harassed.
Her death was passed off as a suicide to her family. The bureau of Investigation declared that the crime scene was altered.
Her name was Moumita Debnath. She was 31 years old. She was a postgraduate doctor.
Up to now, thousands of doctors and students and many more people are rallying against the government to protest for better and safer conditions, to give her the justice she deserves.
Please, don't let this story pass you by. Please give your attention to the movement. India is in the middle of a movement, not just for doctors, but for basic human right. The right to be safe.
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sadaf-e-mohabbat · 1 month
I'm highly disturbed by the r*pe and m*rder which happened in RG KAR MEDICAL college... our society should be ashamed... Medical is a noble profession, but now a doctor is not safe in her own workplace... I hope people demand the strictest punishment for it rather than making this more of a political issue. I urge you to see how brutal and heinous this was. Security of doctors isn't a joke.. Medical is a great, reputed profession in India that demands your whole life, literally and figuratively. WHAT WAS HER FAULT!!??.. SHE WAS BRUTALLY KILLED!!!!! HOW TF IS A SEMINAR ROOM THAT UNSAFE!!??
Be angry. Be ashamed. Be disturbed.
We failed her as a society.
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diaryofnishtha · 1 month
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And this is the truth of our country and I will feel guilty of Being Indian if she will not get Justice.
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desi-girll · 1 month
মেয়েরা রাত দখল করো: THE NIGHT IS OURS
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let's do our part in protesting against the brutal rape and murder of RG Kar PGT doctor who was on a 36 hour shift on Friday, 9th August when she was resting alone in a room. please read the entire post even though it's long.
if you don't know what happened, the 31 year old woman had been gang raped (both before and after murder), and tortured to such an extent which cannot be explained. afterwards, the authorities and police first tried to cover it up by telling her parents it's a suicide but later it was revealed not to be so. it is a case of rape and homicide.
(i) speculations are that the girl had possibly become privy to some unlawful work going on at the hospital during night shifts, and hence to silence her, all this was done.
(ii) parents were refused to be allowed to see their daughter's body until after 3 hours of their arrival. they had to beg and plead for their basic rights.
(iii) what's more is that her body was burned by the police without taking the consent of her parents, possibly to erase evidences in case a second post mortem was to be done.
(iv) the girl's father has also reported to the high court, the fact that the DGP called him up and asked him not to take matters forward and just settle it amongst themselves.
(v) the person who has been arrested for this incident is speculatively just a scapegoat who has been paid to take the blame for something done by a larger group of people, probably under the protection of the syndicate ran in West Bengal by the government.
Post Mortem report of the victim (which again, was conducted by RG Kar doctors themselves, and we don't know if some details are intentionally being hidden or not
The postmortem report of the trainee doctor raped and murdered at Kolkata's RG Kar Medical College and Hospital revealed that she was throttled to death. Her thyroid cartilage was broken due to strangling and a deep wound was found in her private parts, the four-page report said. Sources said the murder and rape likely took place between 3 am and 5 am on August 9.
Injuries were found on her belly, lips, fingers, and left leg. Sources said the victim's nose and mouth were clamped, and her head was pushed against a wall to prevent her from screaming.
The scratch marks on the woman's face are believed to have been caused by the accused's fingernails, indicating that the victim desperately tried to fight back.
"The mouth and throat were constantly pressed to prevent screaming. The throat was strangled to suffocate. The thyroid cartilage broke due to strangling," the postmortem report said.
The report also mentioned that the woman was bleeding from both eyes, mouth and private parts. The report said the wounds in her private parts were caused by "perverted sexuality" and "genital torture". However, the reason for her eye wound has not been determined yet.
Source of the post mortem
so today (14th August, 2024) at 11:55 PM IST, there is going to be a midnight protest held across Kolkata. women protestors have planned to hold night long agitation across multiple spots in the city. the campaign titled 'Women, Reclaim The Night: The Night Is Ours' is aimed at seeking justice for the sexual assault and murder of the woman doctor. Men have also decided to join the protest in large numbers to show their solidarity with the cause.
The protest will take place simultaneously at the Jadavpur 8B Stand, Academy of Fine Arts, College Street, Sinthee More, Dunlop, Maldah English Bazaar, Siliguri (Darjeeling More).
i know it isn't possible for many of us to attend the protest but let's do our part virtually if not physically. share posts about the incident on your social media, with your friends, relatives. take part in the online campaign going on in social media. at 11:55 PM IST (14th August, 2024) tag your posts with #womenreclaimthenight and #thenightisours.
make this tag trending on all your socials. share this post to raise awareness. share all other posts related to this incident. with the tags i wrote above.
spread the word to your friends and relatives, do your part this way. indians and non indians, both alike. male, female, non binary, all genders, all alike. raise your voice before it's too late.
because the next victim could be you or any of your loved ones.
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intellectual6666 · 1 month
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The night is ours
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theamoristwriter · 29 days
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"पाऊं पे छाले हैं सांसें बुलंद, लड़ने चली हूँ आज़ादी कि जंग"
21/8/24 ❤️✊🏻
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punneswor · 1 month
The sort of absolutely disgusting shit that takes place in my city, in my country, an example (TW: r*pe, m*rder):
I live in Kolkata, India. Recently, a second year doctor in training was brutally r*ped, and m*rdered, then her body was defiled again, in my city in her own workplace. It happened when she was resting after a long shift. She only wanted to take a few hour's nap before she went back to taking care of her patients, and she was accosted by what seemed like one person at first, later determined as a group. Only one person has been arrested as of yet, who conveniently gave himself up. It is suspected that this man is only a scape goat, and the real criminals are doctors and interns working in the same hospital as her (R.G.Kar Medical College). It is also suspected that this happened because she was privy to a bigger set of criminal activities taking place in this institution, and this was done to silence her. We are all angry and upset. This crime echoes that which happened in Delhi years ago (in 2012) to a physiotherapy intern. The chances are slim, since the criminals may have deep political connections, but I hope the perpetrators are brought to court. Even death wouldn't be a good enough punishment. Fuck r*pers and fuck the government.
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epiph-annie · 1 month
For the ones unaware, an on-duty female doctor was brutally raped and murdered on the night of August 9th in India. There have been waves of mass protests all over the country regarding this issue.
The doctor, a junior resident working a 36 hours shift was resting in the hospital's seminar hall when she was subjected to this gruesome torment. Her body was found in an incomprehensible state half-naked in the same seminar hall the next morning.
I urge you to stand by truth. This is something no woman should face, after multiple years of studying and training, we do not enter this field to be subjected to inhumane treatment.
I was born to live.
I was born to dream.
I was born to achieve.
Any other human deserves the same chance at life that you and I do.
Don't let your silence become an enabling factor for inhumanity.
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