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splepulomn · 2 years ago
okkkaaaay im gunna try this pit and stuff for real maybe lets see what happens. first i meed 3 names
a searaffe wrestler/whisperer/wrangler
a super robo-fanatic who wants to be a robot
a nd i dont know aboit the last chaeacter
i want all their stories to be told ay the same time, they dont know each other and (maybe) never meet all takes place on other sides of the tlanep and they share some simillar experiences and maybe meet some of the same peolple
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bluehairandpronouns42069 · 8 months ago
Sowwy sweaty. have u ever tried eating fruit when it grows instead of eating greenhouse-farmed melon? #justanidea
I never realized my (correct) opinion would be so controversial 🤭
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@bluehairandpronouns42069 @severalonions @juiscetime
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kartoffelblume · 3 years ago
Recently I've noticed that plenty of people, me included, don't feel comfortable reading the tag anymore.
So here for everyone who needs druck as a comfort show and loves to read opinions but doesn’t feel like fandom discourse atm:
-> A tag without fandom discourse, without judgement if you want to enjoy a show/characters that aren't perfect and still have a lot to work on, without critisism for things that haven't happened yet and just a safe space for everyone wanting to read a positive druck tag.
I'm not saying anything else is wrong - but just post that in the regular tag.
For everything positive use the new tag or just double tag
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thedrawingfairy · 5 years ago
Okay, so what if like..
Gray figures out she’s unknowingly burning Metro, and he knows it is because of what he said about her being his power to life.
But it stops when she regains herself and calms down.
What if, and hear me out..
Gray continues to tease her so she becomes embaressed again and burns Metro?🧐
What if he goes with his cheeky smirk to tell her all sorts of stuff he wants to do with her, like marriage,dates and all sorts of stuff, asking her how many babies she would like and maybe even joking about having to practise for that. Because 33 babies are a lot ;)
And Juvia will just boil from shame, crying his name over and over again whilst Gray knows his plan is working🙃❤️
Waiting for a moment to strike and then takes down a severly damaged Metro and saves Juvia?
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truthfrommyredlips013 · 6 years ago
I can’t be the only one that wants a 21+ secret session so I can get drunk and rock out with Drunk Taylor, right?
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randommatsutrash · 6 years ago
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It’s been a long time since I post something, shame on me.
So, here’s an idea I had last year where I combine the king osomatsu or something with the chessmatsu. It looked kinda cool last year but I got lazy, lol.
I probally post more later, probably...
p.s. - I never made any correction on this crappy comic so don’t mind them spelling errors.
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I probably abandon this idea because I don’t have time to really thing about it...
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bizzylizzy12 · 5 years ago
Ok Reylo but...
"Dead Girl Walking" from Heathers the Musical
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thumpere23 · 5 years ago
I was finally allowed into the inner sanctum of Absolution, the office of Paget Melanthios, now maybe I could get this interview for my article.  This would be my first time meeting the reclusive Ms. Melanthios.  From the dance floor below, I’ve caught glimpses of her when she would come out to her vantage point, where she would look over the club for a few moments and then disappear. The crowds in the club would worship her, like a queen or a goddess, from afar.  All I could see from afar was a tall dark hooded figure with the shape of dark wings spread out for all to see and worship.  I had no idea what Ms. Melanthios even looked like.  But the refrain from that song the DJ played every time she came out to observe rang in my ears as I walked into the office.
She offers me sleep.
Under her black.
Whoa Oh, under her black wings.
The gothic style that filled the club ended at the door to the office.  I’d say, I was rather disappointed.  The sanctum was just white gypsum board painted walls, and the desk looked like a cheap Ikea brand desk, a Hemnes, I believe. There were two battered and ripped, maybe even second hand, sofas, that didn’t match.  A few cheap, probably Ikea, bookshelves were against one wall, and they were littered with vinyl records, books, and piles of paper.  The only remote thing that was gothic in this room was the round stained glass window, which with the darkness of the night outside, I couldn’t make out what was depicted on it.
The door closed, loudly, behind me.  This drew my gaze from the desk back towards the door.  I was a bit nervous, maybe it was because I was getting this interview, or this place just creeped me out.  I turned to look back at the desk, and there she was.  I could swear she wasn’t standing there before.  This was my first good up-close look at Ms. Melanthios.
The cape, hood, and wings were gone.  
Those eyes.  It’s her eyes, that’s what got me.  Her eyes were outlined in black, and they were cold.  But I felt they could burn a hole into my soul.  They were pale gray, almost colorless, and so cold it wanted to make me shiver.  They had a predatory quality to them.  I knew if I wasn’t careful, I would be her next victim.
What she wore seemed to fit the club.  She wore a black brocade corseted short dress, with a brocaded high collar, and sweetheart neckline, around her neck and under the high collar she wore a black Victorian style choker necklace, from which hung a rose made from some red jewel stone.  Her sleeves were a black sheer lace, her legs were either covered by her thigh-high high-heeled boots, or black fishnets, where the suspenders were visible because the dress was so short.  She was tall for a woman, and the high-heeled boots made her taller.  The only splash of color was red that ran along the bust line of her corset.
Her skin, un-stereotypically was tanned, was it her natural skin tone, earned from hours under the sun, or from a tanning bed, from this distance I couldn’t tell.  Her arms were marked in intricate dark scrollwork, the lead to her chest, the dark ink of the tattoos formed a tribal or Celtic pattern, I again was unsure at first glance.  Her hair was blonde, pale, platinum, I’d call her a towhead, and worn in a low side angular loop bun.  Her lips were deep crimson and full.  She reminded me of the waitress Elly, if I didn’t know better, they could pass as sisters.
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nerd2715 · 5 years ago
The Four Truths
Short student film about how others see you can effect who you become and how you feel about yourself. Such as when people think you're smart, stupid, popular, or a loser.
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veto-unable · 6 years ago
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I've been thinking of making an au of bnha of instead of training to be pro heroes' they are training to be pro skaters. At first I was just thinking of a Izuku who can skateboard then it just branched out to an au. This is just Izuku's outfit I might draw him later.
Damn such a long explanation for my first post. Hope y'all like the idea. \(°^°)/
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bklyntraveler · 2 years ago
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Leaves are almost at peak change in Brooklyn. Good time to see it from above it all. Manhattan Bridge during sunset has a great view of the Brooklyn and Manhattan skyline and fall foliage. Just sayin 🤷🏾‍♂️ 🧠 Check when sunset is and get to the entrance of the pedestrian walkway for the bridge about 30mins before (15mins if you want to cut it close) and take a slow walk across the bridge. Brooklyn side entrance is on Sand and Jay Streets. York street train station on the F line is the closest to the entrance. FYI: It can be noisy though due to the cars and the train that crosses it. #localtravels #somethingfuntodo #nicecasual #unwind #justanidea #thefallseason https://www.instagram.com/p/CkYyrhaO1DN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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awhitehead17 · 7 years ago
Tough Mudder BatBros Style
Just imagine the batboys taking part in Tough Mudder.
At first Jason, Tim and Damian all refuse to do it when it first gets mentioned but Dick is all for it. With the help of both Alfred and Bruce, Dick gets the others to agree.
They go there all wearing matching outfits and matching headbands thanks to Dick.
The boys practically fly through it (thanks to their night time activities). Around halfway however, they start trying to sabotage one another. Jason grabs Tim’s ankle and yanks him down a slope as he’s about to reach the top. Tim pushes Damian when he’s about to jump for a swinging rope and causes him to miss. As Dick is pulling Tim up over a wall Jason jumps up and pants him. On the same wall Jason starts to pull Damian over but drops him causing him to fall. Jason purposelly leaves the ring swinging back and forth making it difficult or Dick to grab.
When they finally get to the end all, completely covered in mud, Bruce and Alfred are waiting for them and congratulate them. All four of them are wearing big smiles and have enjoyed the experience that leaves them wanting to do it again.
The following year the girls all take part and it becomes a competition on what team can finish it in the fastest time.
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craftyxcynthia · 7 years ago
Just An Idea
Hey why don’t y’all just tell every school to implement metal detectors to check everyone entering schools. That’s a better idea than handing guns to teachers.  #NewsFixDFW #CNN #NBCNews #ABCnews #NewsHour #POTUS #SchoolShootings #gunsdontkillpeopledo #TeachersAndGunsDontMix #SecureOurSchools #gunsense  #NRA #ArmMeWithBooksNotBullets #ArmMeWith Art &music Programs.
" #ArmMeWith Snacks to feed my hungry students who can't focus. #ArmMeWith A curriculum that focuses on student passions rather than raising test scores. #ArmMeWith a comprehensive school counseling program. DO NOT #ArmMeWith a gun. I teach to raise up the future, not to bury it." -Noelle Clark
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jilliannbeck-bryant · 5 years ago
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Digging up my old astrology notes prepping for our next venture... . . . Bummed we can't go in person anytime soon. . . . Wondering if they will be planning a virtual one in near future/next Spring? . . . #justanidea #justasuggestion #justathought #learning #astrology #divingin #dontputeveryoneinabubble #get #the #whole #chart #done #astro #horoscopes #not #just #sun #sign #whatsyoursignbaby #what #is #your #moon #ascendantsign #norwac #convention #virtual #maybe #miss #memories (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDH1PbnFild/?igshid=vl5x10fdfd6g
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tis-but-a-moment · 5 years ago
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Instead of donating to campaigns, we should be putting our money directly towards the policies and programs we support. Wouldn't it be nice to democratize the dollars we're already giving to the government? Read more, link in bio. #idealworld #taxes #whatif #notaplan #justanidea #democracy #paytoplay #reimagine https://www.instagram.com/p/CBMEF0Snv00/?igshid=1fsv308ercdto
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bunnycatlover · 5 years ago
I was thinking, what if I did an animal crossing event?
A lot of presents, and anything could be inside.
Bells, furniture (crafted, store or miles redemption), clothes from able sisters, crafting materials, or wallpaper/floor, basically anything, DIY recipes
Basically anything
I want your ideas and thoughts on this
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