#just vore things
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hedonists-den · 10 months ago
Yandere preds have taken over my thoughts lately. Particularly the idea of them being a possessive roommate.
You get along with them nicely. They're good about staying tidy, they keep up with their portion of rent, they're just a great roommate in general! And what's more, you actually consider them a good friend. They're fun, easy to hang with, and they're supportive.
Although you have noticed that they get a little shut off around your partner...it sucks because you'd really like them to get along! When you ask, your roommate assures you they have no problems with your partner, but you're not convinced. Being the peacekeeper and mediator that you are, you convince both of them to hang out with each other, have some drinks, and find some common ground.
You're out running some weekend errands and just killing some time while your roommate and your partner hang out back at your place. You don't plan on staying out all too late, just in case they aren't really getting along. You'd go back, help diffuse any tension, and simply call this a failed experiment, right?
It's about sundown when you pull in to the driveway, gather your things, and walk up to the front door. Locked...odd... You unlock the door and step in. "Hello..?" You call out both of their names. You hear a sudden clatter down the hall accompanied by some strange noises. You set down your things and go to investigate, only to be left paralyzed with shock as you look into your roommate's bedroom.
Your roommate, pinned to the floor on all fours by a massive, writhing gut, gulps loudly and pushes a pair of hands into their mouth and down their throat. The bulge travels down their body and disappears into their belly, which is taut and vaguely human shaped. Panting, they look up at you, eyes wide and clearly not expecting to see you standing in the doorway.
"...hey...I-" they say nervously, just in time for you to pass out.
You slowly come to, a heavy weight moving on your torso and sounds of muffled whimpering mixed with disgusting squelching noises. You open your eyes and see your roommate sitting on top of you. Their fleshy mound of a belly squirms on top of you.
"Shh, shh...it's okay~" they tell you, noticing the instant panic on your face. "Everything is perfect now. It's just you and me~"
You struggle beneath them, pushing on their gut to try to get away, only to be met with yelps from inside. There's no way...
"I know... I have some explaining to do. But can't we just enjoy this moment? There's no more third wheel to get between us~" Your roommate belches, causing a vibrating rumble through their body and yours. "Well, not for long anyways. Once I digest them~"
It's all dawning on you. Your roommate ate your partner... "H-How...why..?" You barely manage to say in a strained voice.
"Oh come on, you were never going to have anything special with them. Not like you have with me. They'd end up breaking your heart or something, so I just wanted to save you that pain! Now you don't have to worry and we can be like we used to before they came along." They lean forward, squashing you and your poor, helpless partner even more. "And I know how much you love extra cushion. Just imagine how much pudgier I'll be when my body is done with them~ I'd let you admire and touch it all you want, you know. You deserve it."
A deep, gut-wrenching gurgle comes from the depths of their stomach, and you feel the last, weakened struggles of your partner.
"Whoops...guess they couldn't hold out anymore. Skinny little thing..." They roll their eyes. "They really didn't deserve you. They weren't nearly good enough for someone as amazing as you~ Now, could you do me a favor and rub my belly? The sooner I churn them, the sooner I can start getting fatter for you~"
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sealmaw · 2 years ago
The weird thin about liking vore is that some times your brane crosses in with your curtness aggression and when you see something cute you want to stick it in your mouth
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pricetagged · 2 months ago
Please pretty please if someone wants to give me a Christmas gift I request one (1) of the following 💖 dark, mdni, implied dubcon/noncon.
Yulecat Gaz. He's a sinister, toothsome predator. A solstice spirit with just a touch of malice. He's smiling, of course, and so sorry, love - You've broken a rule that you didn't know exists, but ignorance does not grant pardon. And it's a death sentence. He should eat you right up, tear into the soft arch of your neck (gristle and blood and teeth) and suck at the marrow.
Except now that he's circling you, something slithers into his mind. He's a cat batting at a trembling mouse (cowering, timorous beastie) and it's just delicious. Lapping at your tears. Toying with you, letting you chase at hope before he snaps his teeth. Closes the cage.
You pay the toll in flesh, but not as first intended. Let him paw at you, lave his tongue along your spit-slick flesh until you're raw and aching.
It's mercy and it's punishment. He makes you thank him for his kindness; give offering to this benevolent creature of chaos and hunger. You spell out your gratitude (bitter, sour, desperate) letter by letter on your knees before him, claws nails and too-strong fingers keeping you in place (strong enough to dig in and rend you to pulp).
He coos at you as he wipes your tears, nails catching and drawing crimson as they follow the lacrimal tributaries cooling on your cheeks. Salt and iron dripping down, heady and fuck-
He's trembling more than you. Coiled tight from the strain of stifling his strength. It itches at his gums, his fingertips. Bite, rend, lacerate.
But that would be an ephemeral pleasure; a transient taste, all hot spray and cooling chunks. The thought is anathema. A malediction (isn't that funny, face stretching into a trenchant grin).
You're a meal he wants to savour.
In this universe I will also take one (1) hulking, mean krampus Simon; one (1) chaotic solstice spirit/Jack Frost Johnny; and one (1) disciplinarian "Santa" Price (they all work for him; he's the architect).
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pstnya · 5 months ago
"Oh, my sweet little morsel... You're not going to be freed, little snacks don't need freedom. All you need to do is keep me nice and full. There's no reason for you to worry about the outside world... Just let me take care of you. Now now, no arguing with your owner. You're only meant for staying nice and cuddled up in my tummy. Now hush, little snack. Let the walls press you down..."
"I love you, my snack."
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encion-posting · 1 year ago
Kinitoe PETT with a bowtie because whi not
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novorehere · 9 months ago
So like… tumblr wouldn’t manually approve a community that said the word vore in it, would they? Have any of you who are braver than me tried and succeeded?
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the-sussy-imposter2 · 7 months ago
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I thought Will would like messing with louise sometimes. Louise doesnt seem to like his sense of humor, though.
(Characters are will and louise from @peachnewt 's story, getting in deep !!)
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saucy-mesothelioma · 10 months ago
Beginning of The Beast Route: Oh my God, are we gonna see a kitty princess? Is this the kitty route?????
Actually in The Beast Route: Not a kitty not a kitty nOT A KITTY NOT A KITTY NOT A KITTY
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pr-fae · 8 months ago
I'm not keen on vore because 1). It scares the hell out of me and gives me actual dread when I see it, (I am a mouthplay bitch tho) but also 2). I physically cannot imagine trying to swallow anything bigger than like an inch whole. Especially for unaware or accidental vore. Like, maybe it's my Autism ™️ but I'm too keenly aware of things in my mouth having the wrong texture, and I check every bite of food. I felt a single coffee ground hit my tongue this morning and nearly folded in on myself
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nomstellations · 3 months ago
i do really love vore that's used in a utilitarian kinda way, if that makes sense? people getting swallowed up as a form of transport between places, or using bellies as massage therapy bc of all the squeezing and churning....vore with a purpose is Good
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just-antithings · 9 months ago
Fascinating. Saw a blog where the person's intro post says they're a self-shipper, furry, vore enthusiast, etc, and finishes it with a big "Proshitters DNI."
I feel compelled to study this user like a lab animal.
Do these people not understand that:
Their interests are considered "proship" by many
They're admitting they understand that unconventional fictional interests are strictly fictional
Being able to enjoy their interests with little or no grief is definitely due to proshippers establishing "live and let ship" courtesies
Without proshippers as a lightning rod, there would be no hesitation of antis putting them on the chopping block next
Every damn time
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vore-scientist · 6 months ago
im still alive
im still PhD'ing
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shinygemstone · 12 days ago
Tumblr dotcom you guys tend to have ideas that the rest of the internet does not have so here we go
I'm writing a thing with a few friends and we're making curses! They're each based on a word and they're very much supposed to be a combination of body and psychological horror. For example, one person got "replace" and their character turned into someone completely different while their friends and family could only watch.
My word is "reduce" and I'm having trouble coming up with a good curse. Got any suggestions?
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vorekody · 6 months ago
This isn't just about me, honestly, you're the real star here.
I may be the instrument to your demise, but you are the melody, you are what they jeer for.
What will you do when you're faced with a mutilated oblivion?
There's so many options.
You could run, but in here? Not many places to go, you're stuck with me, and fleeing will only make me chase you down all the faster, it'd be a shame to end things so quickly.
Some stand their ground, trying to face me down with the supplied simple weaponry. That's fun. I'll swat you about, pick away at you between each futile jab. Because we all know that it's only games, those pointed sticks are toys just as much as you are, there to fulfill a role- a mimicry of fairness. To give the idea that you'd stand a chance.
Attempted escape artists are a joy. To drag you back kicking and screaming after watching your efforts to scale the walls is pleasurable, and dashing those fragile hopes with a few simple tugs always seems to get the crowd going.
I can't help but be amused by intimation, you're face growing dark with every yell or toss up of your arms, limbs that will soon become dettached, really you shouldn't be waving them around like that if you'd like to keep them. I am no bear, I will not cower to you.
I've heard cries of mercy too, whiney pleas for life that don't make sense to sound in a arena catered to death. On the other end of the spectrum attempts to sympathize, to rationalize - which are equally as inappropriate, why rationalize the irrational?
But some just don't know when to let go, Read the room. Play your part.
This isn't simply a feeding, it's a performance, a show of the food chain put on display for the morbidly curious, and to grovel is so unbefitting of what we're here to do.
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mamawasatesttube · 1 year ago
trying to codify rules for running that lil followers only "we must fix the kon tags" minibang and i think this is the funniest one ive come up with so far:
NO jason todd allowed.
exceptions can be made for background tentatodd ONLY
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