#just to get all the fucking lint off cause it’s so uncomfortably
harryshomebaby · 2 days
bed sheets that pill with friction you can’t avoid at the bottom of the bed… my enemy
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sandyca5tle · 5 months
Slime HRT - 6 Months
Back again for six months of slime hrt. Starting to see more noticeable changes over the last two months, things are revving up!
First things first: I’ve actually got some slime now!! It’s only the skin on the tips of my fingers and toes, since they’re the thinnest part of my body, but they’re slime! (my hair’s also changed some more, but I’ll talk about that after this) It is a little weird since it’s only the skin, so I can see the musculature that resides beneath since the slime is translucent, but hopefully that’ll turn soon too. I was a little worried about infections, since obviously the skin is normally there to protect all the inside bits, but apparently my slime does the same job, if not better, since it can dissolve any germs and stuff that enter it.
I have gotten a couple of weirded out responses from people who’ve noticed, although one or two were a little fascinated by it as well, and a few people have given me… less than nice looks and remarks, but I've been trying to ignore and shrug them off… 
The other thing I’ve had to get used to is that, while my slime can dissolve microscopic things like germs and viruses, fluff and lint get stuck in there, so I have to pull them out. It’s a little annoying, since I kinda pick up any small fragments of anything, but it is a kinda nice sensation, almost like peeling dried glue off your hands, although that still wins on most satisfying.
As I said before my hair has also changed, it’s basically completely slime now, and is more one solid shape than individual strands, although there’s still a few holdouts. It has made it much easier to style as well, since it’s more like shaping clay, so I’ve been messing around with that a little too. Wearing a headset to play games does tend to cause issues though, since the weight tends to deform it, and I’m not at the point where I can just mentally reshape it, so I always have to find a mirror to help fix it after I’ve finished (Had a few embarrassing moments where I had a lovely imprint of my headset in my hair). Having a solid blob of slime around and at times resting against my face has been… interesting and it can be a little uncomfortable at times, since it kinda feels wet and, well, slimy. Kinda hoping that that’ll change once my face changes to slime as well, since they’ll match, so my sense about it will change too.
Naturally, actually being part slime now, my thirst has gotten worse, and I’m really having to keep on top of it; my body is sure to let me know if I’m not. I’m hoping that I won’t need to drink so much once I’m done, but we’ll have to see. 
On top of the thirst, I’ve now also been getting small cravings for sweet things, which I’m guessing is ‘cause I’m gonna be a sap slime, so I need to get the additional sugar for sweetness. On that note, my fingertips actually do taste a little sweet when I lick them, so that’s neat.
My skin is also undeniably orange now, although it’s a subtle shade for now, which is a small blessing, but yeah, really reaching the point where I can’t pass things off as a trick of the light. On the note of skin, where the slime meets skin is really weird, and I’ve had to stop myself picking at the less sensitive areas - found out the hard way that hitting mostly exposed nerve ending really fucking hurts.
That’s pretty much it for this month, but yeah, glad to have really noticeable changes finally. Will see you in the next update.
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hannahshattuck · 3 years
Captain Firefighter
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader
Warnings: fluff, angst, slight graphic description of injury, car accident
Steve Rogers Masterlist Main Masterlist
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You groaned as you slapped your hand around the nightstand trying to find your phone with the alarm going off. When you finally found it, you grabbed it and opened one eye to turn it off. You checked the time and realized you should get up to make sure you weren’t late on your first day at your new job. With a groan, you slowly sat up and noticed you were naked and had a pounding headache.
“Great. Hungover on the first day.” You mumbled as you rubbed your temples.
A groan behind you caught your attention. “God. I’m not drinking ever again.” 
You looked over your shoulder and saw a blond man laying on his back rubbing his hands over his face. The blankets sat at his hips which put his built torso on display. His chest looked like a good place to rest your head and it seemed like his abs had abs. You quickly found your underwear on the floor and a navy blue tee shirt and put them on. You stood facing him and tried to smile even though it felt like a construction crew was in your skull. 
“Um, hi.” You said.
The man brought his hands from his face and laid them on his chest. “Hi.” 
The two of you awkwardly stared at each other and you hoped you were smiling more than grimacing. The man sat up, keeping the sheet covering him and stood looking for most likely his underwear. He found black boxer briefs and put them on without moving the sheet which was impressive to say the least. 
Once he got them on, he dropped the sheet on the bed and found what seemed to be his jeans. He pulled them on and looked up at you and chuckled.
“I need my shirt.” He smirked.
You looked down. “Oh..” You found one of your sweatshirts in your dresser, along with shorts, and started towards the bathroom connected to your bedroom. “I’m just gonna…” You trailed off pointing to the bathroom.
He smiled, “Alright.”
You ducked into the bathroom and quickly locked the door. “Oh god.” You whispered to yourself. You quickly changed out of his shirt and into your clothes. 
You left the bathroom and saw him sitting on the edge in your bed on his phone. You cleared your throat.
“Uh, here you go.” You held his shirt out to him. He stood up and it was then when you realized how tall he was. You were eye level with his chest and had to title your head up to look in his eyes that were a very bright blue.
He took his shirt and put it on without breaking eye contact. “Thanks.”
“Mhm.” You hummed. 
“I don’t remember a lot from last night but I do know you said you start a new job today so good luck on that and I hope you don’t feel too bad today.” He bent down and kissed your cheek. You felt your face heat up.
“I-I’ll walk you out.” You walked out your bedroom and led the way to the front door of your apartment. The living wasn’t a mess so that told you the two of you went straight to your room. You unlocked the front door and opened it to let him out. “I, uh, hope you have a good day.”
He smiled before he walked out the door, “You too.”
You closed the door and leaned your forehead against the cool wood. “Fuck me.”
You pulled up into an empty parking spot and grabbed your backpack with all your stuff once you parked. Looking towards the fire station, you saw both big garage doors open and saw your soon to be coworkers messing around or cleaning or working out. You swung your backpack over one shoulder and started walking toward the station. 
“Hey! It’s the newbie!” You turned your head in the direction of the voice and saw a dark skin man waving at you. “Hi! I’m Sam.” 
“Hi.” You waved back. 
“Wilson, keep mopping. It’s your fault there’s whip cream everywhere.” A red head woman said as she walked over to you. “Hi, I’m Natasha.” She held out her hand.
“Y/N.” You said, shaking her hand. “Do I want to know why he’s mopping up whip cream?” You chuckled. 
Natasha playful rolled her eyes, “In between last night calls the boys were pulling pranks.” 
You couldn’t help but giggle. “Ah. That makes sense.”
“Yeah,” Natasha laughed. “They’re lucky it was our captain’s day off last night. Otherwise he would have laid into them and made them clean every nook and cranny of this place.”
“Is your captain here?” You fiddled with the strap of your backpack.
Natasha shook her head. “Not yet. He texted me earlier saying he was gonna be running late. Apparently had a good night if you know what I mean.” She wiggled her eyebrows playfully which caused you to chuckle. “Let’s get you settled before he arrives.”
She led you to the lockers, where you filled yours, and gave a quick run down of where everything is before leading you to the ambulance. You found out that Natasha is one of the paramedics they have and you two would be partners. 
“Okay, so here’s how everything is organized. We do share the ambulance with other shifts but we all got together and figured out where to put everything. If you figure out that a certain supply would be easier to grab in a different spot just send a quick text in the group chat we have for all the paramedics and EMTs. Oh! Speaking of which, let me get your number so I can add you.” Natasha pulled out her phone from her pocket and you gave her your number. “Most of the time we’re like a high school chat with the amount of memes we send.” 
You chuckled knowing exactly what she meant. She continued to show you around the ambulance and then started to introduce you to the other firefighters. You already met Sam when you walked in and he seemed to be done with mopping the whipped cream. Then met James Barnes; who goes by Bucky because there’s two named James but it’s also a childhood nicknamed that stayed, Clint Barton; whose Golden Retriever named Lucky is the station dog and loves pizza apparently, Wanda and Pietro Maximoff; who are twins and moved to the States when they were kids, James Rhodes; who goes by Rhodey and is the other James, and then was told that Carol Danvers, Maria Hill, Peter Parker, Scott Lang and Hope Van Dyne you would meet another time due to them being off.
“Sorry I’m late!” A voice boomed throughout the station. You turned in the direction of said voice and your breath got caught in your throat.
“Shit.” You mumbled under your breath.
“I know right.” Natasha smirked. “I’m kidding. One thing you’ll quickly see is how we all tease each other.”
You awkwardly chuckled, “Oh okay.” 
He noticed you standing with Natasha and you saw his face pale before he schooled his features and walked over to you. He was now wearing the same uniform everyone else was and it was fitting him perfectly just like the jeans and tee he put on this morning when he left your apartment.
“Hi there. You must be the new EMT we were sent.” He placed his hands in the pockets of his pants and stood there exuding authority. 
“Uh, yeah.” You tried to smile hoping it was an actual smile. 
“Steve. Or Captain Rogers. Or Rogers. Or Cap like everyone else seems to call me.” He chuckled as he held his hand out for you to shake.
“Y/N.” You said as you shook his hand while your brain so helpfully supplied an image of those hands around your waist.
“Let’s head to my office before we get a call. There’s some housekeeping things I want you to know.” 
You hummed an acknowledgement and followed him to his office trying to keep your gaze in the middle of his back or the floor so as to not focus on his behind that was contained by the uniform pants. Steve opened the door and motioned for you to walk through the doorway.
“You can have a seat in one of those chairs if you’d like.”
You quickly walked over to the chairs in front of his desk and sat down. He sat in the rolling chair on the other side and leaned back in the chair studying you. Instead of meeting his gaze, you looked down at your pants picking off pieces of invisible lint.
“Well,” Steve cleared his throat and leaned forward to place his forearms on his desk with his fingers interlocked with each other. “I will say that this is not how I expected this shift to go.”
You chuckled, still staring at your pants. “You and me both.”
“I don’t want to make this uncomfortable for you and I can work it out to where we won’t be on the same shift. But, I do want you to be here because I’ve seen your scores for all the tests and they’re phenomenal.” Steve said. 
“Thanks,” You mumbled with a slight heat in your cheeks. “And you don’t have to change anything. I’ll admit it might be weird the first couple days but I’ll be fine.” You gain the courage to look at him and saw his ocean blue eyes watching you. 
“Not to make this any more awkward than it kinda is but I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since I left your place.” Now it was Steve’s turn to blush. “I promise I’m not trying to come onto you but, uh, I just needed to say that.” He looked down at his desk and fiddled with his thumbs.”
“Well if it’s any consolation I haven't stopped thinking about you either.” You smiled. 
Steve opened his mouth to say something but then the bell rang signaling that there was a call. “Well, let’s start your first shift.” 
You two stood up from your seats and Steve opened the door for you to go first. You gave him a smile as you thanked him. 
“Let’s do that.” You chuckled and took off towards the ambulance with Natasha. 
It’s been a few months since your first day and the team has felt more like a family every day. Natasha has felt like a sister to you, Sam has gotten a run for his money when you’ve played pranks and your relationship with Steve has gotten…...closer. You ended up telling Natasha that you slept with him and she couldn’t help but laugh. When you asked why she was laughing she said, “Well, I don’t blame you. He is a nice snack.” You couldn’t disagree with her on that. Steve and you talked about how you two wouldn’t let that night affect you two working together but neither of you could ignore that there were feelings for the other. 
“Hey Y/N!! Can you call Lucky over? He keeps trying to drink the soapy water!” Clint yells across the firehouse where he, Bucky, Sam, and Rhodey were trying to was one of the trucks.
“Yeah. No problem. Lucky! C’mere!” You whistled. The Golden Retriever came bounding over to you and jumped into your arms licking you all over your face. You giggled as you gently pushed him away to go over to his toys and grabbed a tug rope. 
As you were playing with Lucky and wearing him out, the alarm that signaled a call sounded. Dispatch said an ambulance was needed for a car accident. It was always difficult to tell how bad car accidents are until you get there. You and Wanda, who you found out was another EMT, were on shift and ran to the ambulance to head to where the accident was. The accident was at an intersection that always had a lot of accidents whether it be minor or major. 
When you and Wanda arrived, there were already two ambulances there which told the two of you how bad it was. There were at least six cars involved. One was wrapped around a tree, two looked like they collided head on, and the three rear ended each other. There looked to be people out of some cars but your biggest worry was the one wrapped around the tree. You asked one of the other EMTs if any of them checked on the patient of the car around the tree and they said they got there a few seconds before you and Wanda. 
You yelled for Wanda to grab the bags while you ran over to check on whoever it was in the car. Your breath got caught in your throat as you saw it was Steve in the driver’s seat. He was unconscious, slumped over the steering wheel. You gently leaned him back so you could check his front for injuries. Steve had a cut above his eyebrow causing blood to trickle down his face, his left arm was broken which also had the bone poking through the skin, the steering wheel dashboard trapped his legs which caused you to not assess the injuries there. 
“Oh my god.” Wanda gasped when she saw who it was. 
“Wanda,” You turned to look at her. “I know it’s Steve but we treat him like every other person we’ve treated before. Okay?”
She swallowed and nodded her head. Wanda pulled out a cervical collar and handed it to you so you can place it around Steve’s neck to prevent any hidden injuries from getting worse. You called over your shoulder to have Wanda get the spine board. She nodded and ran to the ambulance. A groan pulled your attention back to the man in the banged up vehicle. 
“Steve? Hey big guy. Can you open your eyes for me?” You gently coaxed.
“Wha-? Y/N? What are you doin here?” His speech was slurred but you couldn’t tell if it was because he was regaining consciousness or if the cut on his head was more than just a cut.
“You got in a car accident. Do you know what happened?” You asked as you placed the collar around his neck.
Steve scrunched his face trying to think. “I-I can’t remember.” He started to panic. “Why can’t I remember?”
“Steve, you need to calm down.” You grabbed his wrists so he wouldn’t hurt himself. “Right now I need to check over your injuries.” You heard footsteps behind you and saw the spine board placed next to you. Wanda started getting stuff out of the bag to bandage the cut on Steve’s head. 
The two of you started to assess what you could see but you knew the steering wheel dashboard needed to get moved. You stood up and turned to see if there were any firefighters who could help and saw Sam, Bucky, Clint, and Rhodey all running over to you. They looked over your shoulder and saw it was Steve. 
“What do you need?” Sam asked. 
“His legs are trapped so we need to get those out.”
“Alright. Guys, let’s get the equipment to help.” The men took off back to the fire engine and you turned your attention back to Steve. 
“Hey. I’m going to ask you some questions, okay?” You asked Steve. He mumbled a ‘yes’ and you started asking questions which would assess his mental status. You heard many pairs of footsteps running back over to you and saw Sam out the corner of your eye. You, Sam, and the rest of your team who were there, worked together to get Steve out from being trapped in the car. Once his legs were free, you all placed him on the spine board while Clint and Wanda went to get the gurney. 
“Everything hurts.” Steve groaned in pain. 
“I know, honey.” Unintentionally letting the pet name slip out. “I’m gonna get you some meds for that.” You got everything to get an IV in his arm to distribute pain meds. Wanda and Clint came back with the gurney and everyone loaded him up on the gurney, then into the ambulance, and Wanda jumped in the driver seat and started heading to the hospital. 
“Y/N.” Steve whispered. “I’m glad that you were there.”
You smiled and grabbed his hand. “Well I’m glad that you’re alright for the most part.”
“You called me ‘honey’.”
“Eh. Pet names like that slip from me at times. Sorry if it was unprofessional.”
He gently shook his head as best he could with the collar on. “No, I actually liked it.” 
You could see a sense of determination in his eyes. “How ‘bout we focus on you getting better before we talk about possibly dating and what that means for our jobs.”
Steve’s jaw dropped. “How’d you know?”
“Steve. Honey.” You winked at him. “It’s my job to check for even the smallest facial expressions in order to see how much pain someone is in.”
“Oh. That makes sense.”
You shook your head chuckling, checking over his injuries you could see to make sure none have gotten worse. 
Wanda pulled into the ambulance bay of the hospital where three nurses met you and helped you roll Steve into the hospital. He went to surgery for his arm and to make sure there were know serious internal injuries. You were there by his bedside in recovery when he woke up. The two of you would figure out logistics with the budding relationship at a later date but knew you couldn’t wait too long. 
Steve mumbled as he was coming out of the anesthesia. He opened his eyes a bit and saw you sitting there. “Hi.” He closed his eyes with a smile on his face. 
You smiled. “Hi. How you feeling?”
Steve mumbled incoherently which caused you to chuckle. 
“Alright.” You grabbed his right hand, being careful of the IV line, in both of yours. “You get more rest.” Steve mumbled more as you placed a kiss on his knuckles.
Tags: @patzammit @bobbydearest @katiew1973 @rocketrhap3000 @harrysthiccthighss @justamarvelfan14​ @this-kitten-is-smitten​
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A/N: hello baes!! this is a little piece for @tbslenthusiast ‘s dadathon!!! i decided to take a tiny little break from writing dwm to make this, but i hope u enjoy!<3
Warnings: smut, semi public sex, heavy sexual tension, fluffy cute new dad harry, an appearance from anne 
Word count: 4.7k+
Summary: You and Harry are new parents and you finally get a few days alone in the mountains.
“Is she asleep?” You whisper through a yawn as Harry steps through your bedroom door and shuts it quietly behind him.
“I think so,” He sighs, walking over to where you rest on the bed with an open book in your hands. He leans down to press his lips to yours in a brief peck whilst he tugs his large rings off and tosses them onto the bedside table. “M’Surprised it took her so long to tire herself out with all that crying.” 
You chuckle, shaking your head. “She has a lot of power in that tiny body.”
He nods in agreement as he begins to undress at the edge of the bed and you allow your gaze to wander over his figure. He sits himself at the end of the bed with his back facing you as he tugs his shirt off and tosses it onto the floor below. His broad shoulders maneuver and stretch with his movements and you’re tempted to crawl up behind him and wrap your arms around him while pressing your lips to the curve of his jaw. It’s been so long since the two of you were able to have a lasting moment alone and you’re desperate for him. Since the birth of your beloved baby girl nearly three months ago, there’s been no time to do anything but tend to her every need at nearly every moment of every day. Whether she’s crying because she’s hungry, crying because she needs to be changed, or crying because she’s tired, your hands are full. 
You place a bookmark into the spine of your book before closing it and setting it on the bedside table. Through the silence, a heavy blanket of sexual tension fell over the two of you and both of you are itching to lunge at each other. Harry finally pulls the last item of clothing from his body, leaving him in his tight boxer briefs before he’s climbing back onto the bed. He slides beneath the comforter with you and rolls onto his side to face you, propping his head up on his arm.
“Hi,” You hum, turning over to face him as he gazes at you.
He smiles and leans forward, wrapping an arm around your waist and tugging you against him. “Hi.” 
Your own arm loops around his neck as he rolls you onto your back so that he can lean over you, pressing his lips to yours in a much longer kiss than before. His lips move against yours slowly and passionately, leaving you breathless and desperate for him. Your fingers bury themselves into his mop of curls, tugging and gripping at the handfuls of tendrils and causing a low moan to emit from the back of his throat. 
“Missed you so much,” You breathe between kisses.
“Darling,” He groans. “You have no idea.”
His hands wander your frame as he kisses you, gripping every plush curve with a gentle but passionate fervor. Your fingernails bury themselves into the muscles of his bare back and his hand slides down to grip your thigh and tug it over his hip so that he can slot himself between your legs. His hand begins to slowly inch towards the elastic of your shorts, building the suspense of his touch. Just as his fingertips tug at the cloth wrapped around your hips, the crackling static of the baby monitor sitting on the bedside table erupts into the silence and slices through the heated moment. Isla’s cries can be heard through the buzzing static and both of you pull away from each other reluctantly. 
“Jesus fucking christ,” Harry mutters, dropping his head to rest against your sternum as he catches his breath. 
You drag your hands down your face with a long sigh, moving from beneath his body and pushing yourself off of the mattress. “I’ll be right back.”
You saunter out into the hallway towards Isla’s bedroom, her cries growing louder with every step you take. As soon as you step into her bedroom, you begin to coo and shush her soothingly, quickly padding over to her crib. She kicks her chubby little legs, hiccupping through her tears as you reach into the crib, scooping her into your arms. 
“Shhhh, it’s alright,” You coo, rocking the small child side to side in your arms. You reach into the crib to find her pacifier tangled beneath her blanket. “Is this what’s got you all fussy, hm?” You ask, turning the rubber nipple over in your hand to make sure there isn’t any lint or fluff on it before gently coaxing it back into her mouth. Her pathetic cries simmer to a few shaky breaths and hiccups as she suckles on the pacifier and you sigh contendedly. 
“Quite the cockblock, isn’t she?” Harry hums quietly from the doorway behind you and you turn your head to look at him with a tired smile. He shuffles over to where you’re standing, gently placing his hand against the small of your back as he gazes over your shoulder at the tiny child in your arms. As you rock her from side to side, her eyelids begin to grow heavier and heavier, sinking into a deep sleep from the warmth of your body. Harry rests his chin against your shoulder and you both watch her drift off to sleep. 
Eventually, you return her back to her crib, making sure not to wake her as the two of you creep back out into the hallway. 
You step back into your bedroom, shutting the door behind the two of you.“I think we should get away.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, I think we should rent a place out of town and get away for a few days. Just the two of us.”
He frowns a little. “What would we do about bubs?”
“Anne could take her,” You shrug, walking back towards the bed. “I think she would be thrilled to have a few days with her grandbaby.”
“That’s true,” He nods, plopping himself onto the edge of the bed, pulling you to stand in front of him. “We’ve never left her for more than a few hours, though.”
“Yeah, I know,” You sigh. “But I need this–we need this.”
“You’re right,” He chuckles, his large hand coming to caress your bare thigh as you stand in front of him, hands resting on his broad shoulders. “M’surprised we haven’t gone insane by now. Haven’t touched you properly in so long…” He trails off quietly, glancing back up into your eyes.
Your bottom lip slips between your teeth as you make eye contact with him. There’s a lick of fire behind his green eyes for a moment, but it vanishes quickly as he composes himself, clearing his throat quietly and letting his hand fall from your skin. “Where should we go?” 
You stop for a moment, mulling over the possibilities of where the two of you could get away to that wouldn’t cause too much of an uproar. “The mountains?” You suggest as you crawl back into your side of the bed across from him. “I bet we could rent a house out there for a few nights.”
He nods, “S’a good place to get away from the paps,”
You hum in agreement, watching as he moves onto his side of the bed beside you and lies back on his pillow. “It’s also a good place to be as loud as we want…” 
He smirks at you, sliding his arms around your waist and tugging you against his chest, “It’s settled, then. We’ll start looking at places to rent tomorrow.” 
Turns out, finding a place to rent in the mountains is a lot easier than you thought it would be and nearly 3 days after your initial conversation, you’re already packed and ready to go, dropping Isla off at her grandmother’s house.
“Alright, we have her diaper bag here-” You pull the bag from your shoulder, handing it to Anne, “and that has all her clothes and toys in it as well. Then this bag has all her milk-” You take the other bag from Harry, handing it over to Anne. “I pumped enough for a few days, but if you run out, there’s some formula in there.” You sigh, glancing around you to make sure you had given her everything. “I think that’s it!” 
Anne smiles, setting the bags to the side. “We’re going to have so much fun, right darling?” She crouches down a little to be face to face with your daughter while she sits on your hip, bringing her hands up to tickle her. Isla giggles animatedly, babbling to her grandmother happily as she tickles her. You smile at the two of them, bouncing the child up and down on your hip to entertain her further. 
A few moments pass as you give Anne a few last minute details and then you’re finally passing Isla over into her arms. You can see the panic in her eyes as she realizes what’s happening and Harry leans in, pressing a kiss to her chubby cheek, “We’ll be back before you know it, bubs, don’t worry.” 
You lean in to give her a kiss as well, pressing one to each cheek, “Be good for mommy, okay?” (of course, Isla has no perception of speech yet, but for your own peace of mind, you speak to her like she can understand every word)
The two of you hug her and Anne one last time before sneaking out the door to ensure Isla doesn’t see you leaving, and then you’re off to the mountains. 
The drive to the mountain isn’t too long and the weather is beautiful, so you’re able to drive with all the windows down, blasting your favorite tunes. The majority of the trip is spent that way, blasting music and making humorous conversation as the cool breeze sift through the windows. It’s nice to be alone with him for once. Three months of longing eyes and lingering fingers; nothing more than a few stolen kisses with wandering hands. Being together like this, with the anticipation of what’s to come in the moment you’re truly alone with each other, is killing you. The niggling feeling at the back of your mind–the sexual itch that’s aching to be scratched–is building by the second and you can feel it building for Harry, too.
For a while, his hand is resting on his own thigh–fingers mindlessly tapping against his knee as he drives, but at some point during the trip, it migrates to yours. The heat of his hand against your thigh, burning through the fabric of your jeans, causes you to squirm uncomfortably, so you slide your hand beneath his, lacing your fingers between his own and letting both your hands rest in your lap. He glances at you for a moment, a hint of confusion behind his eyes, but he doesn’t question you verbally. You take a deep breath, brushing your thumb over his cross tattoo gently as you cross one of your legs over the other. The air is growing thicker and thicker, despite the windows being ajar, and you’re finding it harder to breathe.
Finally, after hours of trying to contain your breathing and a short trip to a nearby grocery store, you’re pulling into the steep driveway of the mountain house, slowly creeping up the narrow, cement path to the front of the house. It’s a quaint little house; you can tell it’s nearly 20 years old, but, from what you can see, the owners have repainted the exterior and added quite a few decorations.
As you enter the house, a feeling of comfort washes over you. The interior is also refinished with seemingly brand new furniture, a fresh coat of paint, and minimalistic (but homey) decorations and despite its new smell, it seems like home. 
You scramble into the kitchen after taking a moment to admire the living room, dropping the grocery bags onto the marble countertop that you’d carried inside from the car. Harry is following close behind you with your luggage, carrying both of your bags to the bedroom in the corner of the living room as you stand in the kitchen. 
“How’s the bedroom look?” You call out to him, pulling the refrigerated items from the bags and placing them into the empty fridge. 
“It’s great,” He responds, “There’s a king sized bed and a jacuzzi!” He steps around the corner, entering the kitchen with a smile.
“Sounds great.” You hum, smiling back at him as he approaches you and begins to help unload the rest of the groceries. 
The two of you unload everything within a matter of minutes before wandering out to the balcony. As soon as you step through the sliding glass door, you’re overwhelmed with the breathtaking view of the mountains. They’re so large and tall that their blue tips touch the clouds gently.
“Oh, wow,” You sigh, stepping towards the wooden railing and folding your arms against it.
Harry chuckles in amazement, coming up behind you as you lean against the railing, wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing himself against you. You relax into him, allowing your eyes to flutter shut in content. The chill, fall breeze rustles the leaves on the trees that frame the balcony, causing goosebumps to arise along your exposed skin.
The two of you sit there, soaking in one another’s company for what feels like hours before Harry’s thick voice vibrates against you from behind.
“What should we do for dinner tonight?”
Your eyes flicker back open at the sound of his voice,“What do you feel like doing?” 
He sighs, resting his chin on your shoulder. “I’m fine with anything.”
You turn your head to look at him, puckering your lips for a quick kiss that he immediately grants you. He pecks your lips a few more times before finally pulling away and you sigh. “Don’t really feel like making anything tonight,”
He hums, tilting his head to press his hot, plush lips along your neck. “Y’wanna order in?”
Your breathing grows heavier and heavier as your heart rate increases with each press of his lips against your skin. You shake your head, “Don’t think anyone delivers this far out,”
“Mm,” He grunts in response, lips continuing to trail along your jaw. “That’s too bad.”
You turn your body to face him slowly, allowing his arms to rest against the edge of the countertop and cage you in. “M’not really that hungry, anyways.” You breathe, taking his face between both of your hands and messily pressing your lips against his.
His arms snake around your waist, tightening to pull your body into his as close as possible and it feels like you’re finally gasping for air after being held just beneath the surface. Your arms loop around his neck, fingers tangling into his soft curls and tugging gently to coax a low growl from the depths of his throat. His fingers dig into your plush skin from beneath your knitted sweater, grasping every curve and scraping his dull fingernails along your hips. He sinks his teeth into your plump bottom lip, tugging it for a moment as he pulls away and makes eye contact with you again with his forehead resting against yours. 
“God, I’ve missed having you all to myself,” He grunts, pressing you impossibly close to his body. One of your hands drops to his chest, the other arm slung around his neck as the two of you heave from the lack of oxygen. You smirk at him seductively, sliding the hand that’s been resting against his chest down to massage him through his white linen trousers. His cock has already plumped beneath the cloth significantly just from kissing you and a low, boiling groan bubbles up from his throat at the contact. You lean in to kiss his jaw, lips trailing further up towards his ear to nip and suckle at it.
“Want you in my mouth,” You breathe right into his ear and you can feel the shutter that wracks his body as he tightens his grip on you. “Haven’t tasted you in so long…” You trail off, continuing to rub him through his trousers. 
“Y’want me down your throat, hm?” He mutters, pulling away to make eye contact with you again. You bite your lip, gazing at him through hooded eyes with a nod before you slowly sink to your knees in front of him. His hands fall to lean against the railing as he watches you, his breathing heavy and unmeasured with every movement you make.
You begin to unbutton his trousers slowly, pressing your lips against his bulge until you’ve tugged both his trousers and his briefs down his thighs, his thick shaft standing tall in front of you. He hisses at the contact of the chilled breeze on his hot skin and you lean forward, pressing your lips to his tip once, pulling back for a moment and then leaning back in to litter slow, gentle kisses from his head down to his base.
“Fuck me,” He groans, hands grasping the railing until his knuckles are white as you slowly take his head between your plush lips, suckling the warm, pulsing skin. You pop off of him for a moment, spitting on his tip and spreading the slickness down his shaft with your hand, stroking him up and down. You glance up to see him leaning over you with his eyes squeezed shut and his curls flopping gracefully over his face as you stroke him. 
Once he’s slick enough to your liking, you take his head back between your lips, pressing further down his shaft this time and preparing to take him down your throat. Harry is unbelievably hard and he’s finding it difficult not to thrust his hips into your mouth without warning, but he knows it’s been awhile and that you need to take your time. 
Finally, after a bit of stroking him whilst you slowly work him into your mouth, your nose is pressed against his pelvic bone, cock fully sheathed in your throat. He’s choking on a moan, hips thrusting forward at their own accord before you pull your head back and allow him to slide from your mouth for a moment. 
“You alright?” He breathes, dropping a hand from the railing to stroke your hair back. You nod, smiling up at him as you lean forward to take him again without struggling this time.  
Eventually, you’ve set a steady, bobbing pace taking him down your throat over and over again with small, wet gagging sounds that drive him absolutely mad. Your hands are gripping the backs of his thighs as you take him and you can feel the warm dampness building between your kneeling legs that grows with each grunt that leaves his lips. 
It doesn’t take long for Harry to breathe out a struggled warning to let you know he’s close to bursting and that only coaxes you to take him sloppier and faster, despite the tears streaming down your cheeks and spit dripping down your chin. His grunts grow deeper, one hand dropping to rest on the back of your head as you take him. 
Three more sloppy thrusts of his hips and he’s choking out a moan, releasing his thick, hot load right into your mouth. His head falls back on his shoulders and you pull your mouth from him completely, wiping your lips with the sleeve of your sweater before smiling up at him. 
“How was that?”
He chuckles in amazement, pushing his hand through his sweaty curls. “Fuckin’ amazing.”
He helps you up from the ground after you tuck him back into his trousers, immediately wrapping his meaty arms around your waist and pressing you into his body for a kiss. The two of you stay like that for a moment, basking in each other’s embraces before you pull away. 
“Bedroom,” You breathe, pushing him back towards the door. He quickly leads you inside, helping you tug your sweater off and toss it elsewhere as you walk to the bedroom (taking a quick moment to rinse your face and neck). Your back hits the mattress, your hair splayed out beneath you elegantly whilst you help Harry remove your jeans, leaving you in just a pair of panties since you had foregone the bra earlier this morning. His hands are all over you, calloused fingers dancing over every inch of your skin effortlessly. 
You’re reminded of that night, just slightly over a year before; the night your daughter was conceived. It had been gentle and loving, but utterly filthy all the same. He’d laid you out on your bed and taken you in the most passionate way you’d ever experienced. It was the first time the two of you had gone completely bare, hoping to start a family, and you were lucky enough to succeed on the first try, bearing a healthy baby girl just nine months later. Now, as he undresses himself and slots himself between your legs, lips pressed against your own, you feel that same overwhelming passion you’d felt that night. 
You allow him a moment to work himself up again, watching him tug at his cock between your legs with your bottom lip wedged between your teeth. It doesn’t take long for him to be fully hard again and then he’s looking up at you, muttering: “Turn over f’me.”
Smirking, you roll over onto your stomach wagging your ass at him teasingly and coaxing a chuckle from the depths of his throat. He grips your hip with one of his hands, pressing you into the mattress as he tugs your panties off and positions himself against your dripping folds. Your hands grip the crisp, white duvet tightly when he finally pushes into you and bottoms out with a low grunt. 
“Oh, fuck,” You mutter under your breath, dropping your head onto the bed when his hips press against your ass.
“S’that good?” He whispers into your ear, nipping at the lobe gently and you nod, reaching back to thread your fingers between the hair at the nape of his neck. 
He begins thrusting into you at an achingly slow pace, drawing low, breathless moans from your throat as his fingers grip your hips tightly. His agonizing pace is short-lived due to his inability to hold back and soon he’s pounding into you like he has nothing to lose. 
One of his hands moves from your hip, lacing his fingers between yours as he leans over you and gains better leverage, mumbling expletives under his breath at the difference. Your moans are loud and unrelenting with every drill of his hips, the head of his cock slamming directly against your g-spot over and over again. 
“Fuck, Harry- right there,” You whimper, burying your face into the duvet as you push your ass back into him to create more friction. 
He grunts quietly, pressing a large hand onto the small of your back. “S’that it, hm? S’that the spot?” 
You nod weakly through another moan, the sound of his voice sending sparks directly between your legs, which only builds the pooling warmth in your lower belly. His pace is utterly unrelenting and you know you could come undone within moments, but you want to hold off for a little bit longer. 
“Let me on top,” you mutter, turning your head so that he can hear you better. He stops his thrusts as soon as he hears you, smirking and pulling out of you to plop himself onto his back. You shuffle onto your knees, moving to straddle him quickly. His hands immediately fall to your hips as you hover over him, taking his cock into your hand and stroking him before aligning him with your entrance again. Both of you breathe out sighs of relief and pleasure as you bottom out, sitting at his hips for a moment to allow yourself to adjust to the position. 
Soon, you’re lifting your hips to build a steady rhythm against him, gasping his name as your fingernails bury themselves into the skin of his chest. 
“God, you’re so tight like this,” He nearly chokes, hands grasping your hips tightly to pull you down onto him faster. 
The pleasure bubbling in your tummy is building with every slap of skin that can be heard clearly throughout the bedroom and Harry can already feel you start to squeeze and spasm around him, so he drops his hand from your waist to brush his thumb against your clit frantically. Almost immediately after his finger comes in contact with your clit, you begin to climax around him, crying out one last time before collapsing against his body.
He flips the two of you over so your back is against the mattress and continues to fuck into you sloppily, chasing his second climax of the evening as you mutter words of encouragement to him. Then, he’s suddenly bursting inside of you with a sudden, guttural groan of your name laced with a few scattered expletives before he’s relaxing against you and burying his face into the crook of your neck. 
The two of you lie there, catching your breath for what feels like decades, pressing warm lips into sweaty skin, mumbling words of endearment as fingers lace between fingers. There isn’t a moment better than this, wrapped in the warm embrace of your husband, the love of your life, with not a single bit of worry or anxiety. Just you and him.
Eventually, after groans of ‘one more minute’ and ‘just gimme one more kiss’, Harry allows you to pry yourself from his arms and stumble into the bathroom connected to the bedroom so that you can clean yourself up.
Nearly an hour later, after a quick shower and change of clothes, the two of you find yourselves in the kitchen preparing a frozen pizza for you to share as Harry’s ‘60s/70s Favorites’ playlist plays quietly in the background.
“Let’s FaceTime Anne,” You suggest, casually tugging his body into yours and wrapping your arms around his waist as you lean against the counter. “I wanna see how bubs is doing.”
He smiles, reaching across the countertop for his phone, swiping and tapping around on it for all of 10 seconds before turning the phone so both of you can see the screen. Within moments, Anne’s face lights up the screen as she smiles and greets the two of you happily. 
“Hi darlings! How’s the mountain house? Did you get there alright?”
You chuckle, leaning your head against Harry’s shoulder, “The house is really nice and the drive was great! How’s Isla doing?”
“Oh, she’s such an angel, hasn’t cried once-” She’s interrupted by the happy babble of your child and you smile. 
“Well, it sounds like she’s having a lot of fun,”
Anne returns to the phone screen that’s propped up on her kitchen counter with Isla in her arms, “Oh, yes! She’s been playing with her toys and crawling around the place like a maniac. Isn’t that right?” She coos, bouncing the small child in her arms.
You glance up at Harry as he chuckles, watching him smile and gaze at her through the screen with sparkling eyes. 
“I guess she’s just been dying to get away from us,” He sighs sarcastically, “She’s been throwin’ fits all week.”
“I guess she just loves Grandma more than us.” You say to him with a feigned sadness and the three of you laugh in unison. 
Eventually, Anne brings the phone in front of Isla so that she can see the two of you and, of course, she’s beyond confused. Grasping clumsily at the phone, accidentally pressing buttons with her clammy little hands, she’s just like her father. 
Suddenly, the oven makes an alarming beep to announce the pizza being done cooking and you step away to pull it from the oven. Focused on not burning yourself, you’re unaware of the little conversation going on between your husband and daughter until you turn around to see him making faces at the phone, little giggles and babbles coming from the speaker. Unbeknownst to him, you’re utterly endeared by him as you watch the interaction, love-filled tears brimming in your eyes. 
It’s perfect. He’s perfect. And you truly believe that in that moment, you’re the luckiest girl alive. 
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alison-anonymous · 5 years
♡ lake house fever ♡ t.l.
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Lake House Fever ♡ Tom Lucitor Imagine
Requested: no, BUT I PROMISE I WILL GET TO THOSE THAT ARE REQUESTING!!! I just keep getting new ideas, I’m so sorry :’(
Warnings: extreme FLUFF, slight angst but not too major
Summary: obviously the main plot line of Lake House Fever, only it’s the reader instead of Star and things are a bit changed up. Reader is a human who has been dating Tom for a long time against her parents’ will because she and him are undeniably in love with each other. The second time he invites her over to hang out with his family, and they end up stranded due to a storm with his mother who is just a little bit skeptical about his new girlfriend...
To say that you were in love with Tom Lucitor might just be the understatement of the century.
Yes, you were a human.
And yes, you knew it was absolutely insane that you were in love with a demon hybrid who not only lived longer than you ever would, but was also the fucking Prince of the Underworld. There was no way that things would ever work out, right? This logic would have driven you away instantly, except for one fact that made your situation different.
He loved you too.
You and Tom had been dating for almost a year now, and you could feel it in your gut that Tom was the one you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. You've never been more certain about anything more than that. And he felt the same, secretly forming a plan to slowly ease you into becoming his wife one day and the Queen of the Underworld. They'd find a way to make the fact that you were a human work, I mean, Star had been teaching you how to cast very small spells that very special humans can perform. Most of them consisted of spells for protection, and one random one about conjuring a cloud bartender she had insisted on teaching you.
Yeah, they'd make it work.
Anyways, your parents definitely did not approve of your relationship for obvious reasons. But ever since the moment you and Tom had laid eyes on each other and it was like the whole world had frozen, Star knew that she had to get you two together. Despite your parents' constant nagging to end it, you forced their lack of blessings to the back of your mind and did your best to let go of your problems with your best friends and with Tom.
It worked every time.
Nothing made you happier than being with your best friends and the love of your life! And while the road may have been a bit rocky, the day that Tom invited you over to his Lake House with his family for some bonding time was going to turn out a lot more... exciting than you had ever imagined it would be...
The inside of the lava suit you were wearing was growing slightly warm from your closeness to said lava, but with one look at your boyfriend as he joyfully glided along the waves, you knew you could suffer through the heat. Surfing was never really your forte, but once Tom had taught you some tricks, you basically became a pro just to go surfing with him. 
Balancing your best on the board below you, you gradually picked up speed until you were side by side with Tom, who, not gonna lie, looked pretty hot when he was shirtless. 
“Hey there gorgeous,” he winked, earning a slight blush to rise to your cheeks. 
“Hey yourself, hottie,” you flirted back, receiving a sly grin from your boyfriend. His three red eyes were laced mischievously as he glanced towards the shoreline where his family was resting. 
“Race you to the shore?” 
“You’re on!” 
He beat you, of course. Not that you minded! He was totally awesome at surfing, not to mention you got a great view of his backside as you were left in the waves... Shaking your head to snap yourself out of it, you soon realized that you had a prior obligation to get to. Guilt riddled your mind as you popped the circular helmet off of your head and handed it over to your boyfriend.
“Thanks so much for the fun time, Tom,” you smiled. “But I totally forgot that I have to help Star with a Diaz family dinner.”
His mother made what sounded like an angry sigh from her height above you, only making you feel a little worse. With just one look at your hunched expression, Tom was instantly able to read your mind. 
“Hey, it’s all cool, sunshine,” you felt the butterflies flitter at the cute nickname. “But you know, you could just stay here!” 
You considered it. You truly did consider it because, even though you loved Star, you would choose staying with your boyfriend over attending another Diaz family dinner any day. They were sort of... strange. But the last time you tried to skip out, Star made sure that you paid for it by forcing you into owing her a favor when she needed it, and that usually resulted in cleaning Lavabo’s lint trap or helping Star and Jana awaken the dead... it was terrifying owing Star a favor.
“I would love to, but Star can be very... persuasive,” you chuckled awkwardly. “I really should get-"
A sudden loud, earsplitting bang of thunder erupted through the sky, startling you so badly you jumped out of the lava suit. Up above, the usual tangerine sky had now began turning a fiery red with neon yellow lightning bolts throughout. You quickly latched on to your boyfriend's lavender arm, not even noticing him smiling at how cute you were when you were scared.
"Well, that looks like a pretty nasty storm," Dave commented, already beginning to pack up the lawn chair he had been sitting in.
"We better head inside for safety. Guess you'll be sticking around," Tom grinned at you, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you close. You felt you face flush red at the closeness and the exhilaration that never went away. In your flustered state, you completely forgot all about the dinner as you muttered a soft "okay" before following them all inside.
The sky didn't look any better inside their lake house. In fact, it almost looked worse! You were cuddled up on the couch next to Tom while his family was splayed out on the couches next to and before you. To be honest, you weren't quite sure exactly how they felt about you. You hoped they liked you, but the Lucitors were the kind who seemed mostly indifferent which made it even more nerve wracking for you.
Another surprise thunder bolt caused you to squeak and grab onto Tom's arm out of fear. He smiled softly at you and rested his hand on top of yours. Once you realized what you had done, the blush quickly returned, causing you to stutter.
"H-hey there," you giggled.
"This is quite a storm," Dave commented. "Looks like we're gonna be here for quite some time."
Hey, that means more room for family bonding! Sure it made you a little nervous seeing as you were a human in a room full of demons... but then again, Tom's dad was also a human, so maybe things would be okay.
Your thoughts were interrupted by a shrill shriek that appeared to be coming from behind a very scary portrait of an old... bat, demon thing?
"W-what was that?" You stammered, realizing a bit too late that being with demons also meant a lot of scary, sudden stuff. But when Tom snaked his arm around your waist and pulled you into his chest, the fear was instantly gone.
"That's just Relicor, he wants to play Scrabble with us." As soon as he finished talking, the painting squeaked open to reveal the exact same creature. He let out a loud squak and flew down to rest on the couch beside you, pointing at the Scrabble box that had miraculously appeared on the table. After playing a few rounds of Scrabble, and showing off your complex vocabulary skills, Wrathmelior was coming back from the kitchen when she spotted a huge photo album book.
"Great idea, Honey," Dave agreed after she made some sort of clicking sound you assumed was her speaking. Everyone rose from their seats to go find a larger table that we could all look at the pictures from. While you were following your boyfriend's enormous mother, you suddenly realized how difficult it would be if you ever had to communicate with her one on one.
"I wish I could speak demon," you sighed to yourself, not realizing that Tom heard you.
"I could teach you," he winked. "It'd be fun!" It was only when you realized the suggestive tone he had added to it that you turned beet red and playfully pushed him.
"You're an idiot, Lucitor."
"And you are beautiful, L/n."
You finally reached the dining room and pulled up some chairs so you could gather around the photo book. She started at the beginning, so baby photos was obviously the first thing you saw. You couldn't help but coo over the adorableness as Tom's groans of embarrassment filled the background. Baby Tom was absolutely adorable!!
"Oh my gosh, T, you were such a cute baby!" You cried, leaning your head on his shoulder. His heart began to race as he chuckled softly.
Wrathmelior turned the pages as we passed through Tom's childhood years and family reunions until she stopped at...
"Oh, here we go," Wrathmelior's sister spoke in her raspy voice, practically rolling her eyes. "The Star and Tom section."
Instant tension filled the room as you felt your heart tighten in your chest. Before you were dozens of pictures of your best friend and your boyfriend... on dates, at parties, on walks in the park, on family reunions or celebrations...
To say that it nearly broke your heart would be an understatement. Dave sent you a sympathetic glance as you tried to force yourself to look away. You didn't want to see anymore. Tom, clearly seeing your uncomfortableness, laced his fingers through yours and cleared his throat.
"Umm... Mom? Maybe we can skip this part?"
She shook her head no and was about to continue on looking at the section until she noticed how sad you looked. She heaved a slight sigh and began to turn the page, but by that point you had already stood up and politely asked them to excuse you.
Wrapping your arms tightly around yourself, you walked through the winding hallways and just as you were about to make it to the door, Tom's hand landed gently on your shoulder, whirling you around to face him.
"Hey- sunshine, what's wrong?" His eyebrows knit in concern as he noticed the puffiness in your eyes, like a dam ready to break.
"I-it's nothing," you sniffed, hastily rubbing your eyes. "I'm fine. I just... I think I should go."
His obliviousness sparked a tiny flame of anger inside of you as you shook your head, turning back to face the door. "Your mom obviously hates me. And from the looks of it wishes you were still with Star so... maybe..." You bit your tongue as tears began cascading down your cheeks. "Maybe you should just be with her instead of me."
You threw open the door and raced out into the firestorm, just being glad to get some fresh air and not even caring about the danger surrounding you. Tom was quick to follow you, grabbing your hand and looking around at the sky with fear. He might be fine, but you? You were human, you might die the second you touched the lava.
"Y/n, please, don't do this. That's not true! My mom just has a hard time with change... just, please, come back inside. It's not safe-"
Just then, the absolute worse possible thing that could happen happened. A huge wave of lava came crashing in and dragged Tom out into the water... or lava? A scream escaped from your throat as you watched him struggle against the choppy waves. His mother was screaming from the window and the panic was beginning to close up your lungs.
But he was your boyfriend. And no matter what, you loved him and would do anything to save him. So, you grabbed your surfboard and leapt on top of the waves, wincing in fear at the heat that radiated around you. One wrong move, and you were gone.
"Y/n no!" Tom's shouts were staccatoed as he bobbed in and out of the lava. "It's too dangerous!"
But you didn't care. Riding the waves, you did your best to angle the board towards Tom and just as you were about to reach him, a huge wave rose high over both of your heads and came crashing down.
The only sound to be heard was your screaming.
About five minutes later, a large blue orb soon rolled onto the beach out of the lava, and soon dissipated to reveal you and Tom, lying side by side.
Tom let out a soft groan as he quickly sat up, and noticing your motionless body, quickly shook you.
"Y/n? Oh thank gods," he quickly swooped in to press a kiss to your lips once he realized you were okay. You giggled into the kiss until he pulled away and were about to sit up when you winced in pain.
He quickly wrapped his arms around your back to support you and inspected your leg. A huge, red gash was evident right by your hamstring. Just then, his family came rushing through the door and straight up to you.
"I'm fine, I'm fine," Tom said, gracefully swooping you up into his arms. "Y/n got burned by the lava saving me. Do we still have that first aid kit?"
"Yes, come on, let's go."
About a half our after they had all patched you up and Tom had never left your side, the sky had finally cleared.
"Hey look," you pointed out the window from your position on Tom's lap. "The storm's over."
Wrathmelior turned to you and began leaking some sort of strange substance from her eyes. You had guessed she was crying and felt a heavy weight press against your chest, soon realizing how much danger you and Tom had both been in. You leaned against him even more and rested your head on his shoulder.
"You could have died," he softly scolded.
"So could you," you countered. "I would rather die than let you die."
Just as he was about to respond, his mom made another series of clicks and sounds. You sat there dumbfounded until Dave translated.
"She says that it was she who caused the storm and she is incredibly sorry that she was so judgemental towards you. My wife has a hard time when it comes to girls hurting our boy, so she gets a little... overprotective," he chuckled, scratching the back of his neck before offering you a warm smile. "But please know that we do appreciate you Y/n, and are very happy that our boy has someone like you in his life. Thank you for saving him."
"Of course," you smiled, feeling tears of joy form in your eyes.
Maybe meeting your demon-hybrid boyfriend's family wasn't so bad after all.
♡ a.a.
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spacefoxy-irl · 4 years
IRL ramblings
For a little while now i had been noticing these huge silverfish all over my apartment (for those who do not know what  they are, they are bugs. and no minecraft did not invent them).
The first one I noticed was on my nightstand. Lovely. I didn’t really take a closer look at it and assumed it had gotten inside in my clothes that were hanging in the same room.
The next one was in the bathroom. I thought it was lint or something on the floor but when I  tried to pick it up, it started running. I squished it quick and flushed it down. Now I was starting to feel a bit... um... uncomfortable.
The last one I saw was running across my living room floor. At this point I took a good look at it cause holy shit what is going on and why are these little bastards invading my home. I even took a picture of it to show my landlord if need be. I identified it as a rare variant of silverfish that is pretty much the exact opposite of what silverfish usually is. These guys are everywhere, not just damp places. And they eat paper and fabric. And are apparently kind of a bitch to get rid of. So I freak out. I had just moved in this summer and now I had pests?? My apartment is renovated and clean so what the heck?? I learned that these little invaders can come in from neighboring apartments... so lovely.. We have a pest problem at our hands.
I contacted the landlord and they immediately contacted pest control to come in this same week. Their visit was today.
Now I have severe OCD and fear of contamination is a huge part of it. I literally get uncomfortable if anything from the outside comes into my home. Be it people or goods because I fear they’ll bring something in with them. And yeah this has been a thing with me since about 10 years before covid. Not something I’ve developed recently at all. I just cannot have guests over. At all. So now a stranger is gonna come in. Go through my entire home.
So yeah I was not happy. I wanted to call it off so bad. I was afraid that I’d develop a new compulsion (cause that has happened to me in the past) that I cannot touch ANYTHING in my apartment without freaking out that I have touched a surface that will contaminate and potentially kill me.
Like worst case scenario. Nightmare fuel.
I had to stay out of the apartment for 2-5 hours so I just went to hang out at the mall. I was not prepared at all because I had not been briefed about anything beforehand and I had never been in this kind of situation before. Even the post control dude was VERY hard to get any information out of. Like he didn’t even tell me I had to leave at first, just kind of awkwardly standing there like ‘why are you still here?’. I had to ask him do I have to leave!
But yeah I was terrified about .. well.. I have a whole lot of really important stuff in my apartment... like my entire KISS collection that was now gonna be fumed up with pesticide. I tried to not think about it cause I would have gone crazy during those hours I had to evacuate myself to the mall. I was in sweatpants and a hoodie cause.. yeah nobody had told me I had to leave so ... whatever I was being casual shut up lol
I came back home after I deemed enough time had passed and I came into the apartment. I could just... TASTE the pesticide in the air. Ugh.
I tried to not freak out but it was kinda hard considering this was my home and it had just been sprayed with poison. Thankfully the-zildjian-king was there for me and talked me through the entire ordeal. I was showing a brave front to him but I was crumbling up inside.
I cleaned all the surfaces and my KISS collection while ranting to him about how I felt. It was good to be able to voice my feelings as they washed over me and he never judged my crazyness. I think that was the only thing that kept me from breaking down and having a panic attack or whatever. At one point I wanted to pop a pill and get fucked up high but I needed to get this done and that would not have been the right time. I’m kind of proud of myself for not going for the obvious coping mechanism and just soldering on through the ordeal. And keeping it together!
So far I have been quick to wash my hands when I touch any surfaces that I could not really ... wipe clean. Like  the couch. That thing feels like a pesticide sponge right now. I can’t sit on it. I’m also dreading eventually having to go to bed. I did cover my bed up but.. you know... OCD is 100% in your head and your fears don’t even have to be factual.
I was given a very brief note by the pest control, boiling down to: we were here, we sprayed the pesticide, you gotta stay out at least 2 hours, then you can come back and continue living like normal. Like... ok! Just ignore  the fact that there’s poison fumes everywhere and and and all  your furniture is covered and UGH I’m gonna go nuts if I continue that train of thought. Basically they make it out to be nothing. I can’t do that. I’m sorry. I have to find a way to cope with my disorder in this new situation that’s making me think every surface is now a dangerous one.
I think that’s all I can say right now. I had to complile my thoughts into text to ... hope they get out of my system that way? I don’t know. If you made it this far, you are a trooper lol Thank you for listening to my rambling.
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emomint · 5 years
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a/n: i want apologize to the person who requested i am sorry for the wait for such a suck-ish reaction; this is definitely not my best work, but i believe it is beginning to improve; also i forgot yixing, whenever i am able i’ll try to add him if that is what you all would like - emomint 🥀
warning: this is a mafia au, there will be violence including murder, vulgar language, and or abuse. if any of these things make you uncomfortable, do not read. ⚠️
kim junmyeon.
it was never intentional to talk to him, it would just happen. you were with [ex name] when he introduced you to junmyeon. supposedly they had just became allies within the business, but do to meeting you. 
junmyeon no longer cared for business with him, but pursuing you. even after stealing you away, he kept [ex name] around, as if he was flaunting you around. but the moment [ex name] even tried to have a simple conversation, he would be made an example out of.
“i believe i’ve said once before, no one that works here and anyone who wants to continue living, would stay away from y/n” junmyeon said to everyone in the break room, while looking at [ex name]
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kim minseok.
he had went away to prison; he was at the wrong place at the wrong time. of course, you were pissed, you were the only person to attempt to make him stay home.
he even had the nerve to tell you not to come visit him, after the judge realized who he was and wouldn’t allow bail. just that fast, he would be doing 6 months in jail.
out of rage, you called up an old friend, not even thinking twice about minseok’s workers. whom had immediately went reporting the news to hiss boss.
you had woke up to an empty bed, while the bathtub water was running. the door then opened, there stood minseok covered in blood. 
“jagiya, why don’t you join me in a bubble bath” he said giving you a sinister smile afterwards.
you took the opportunity to run as fast as possible out of the bedroom, but ahead of laid out was your secret lover. fresh blood pouring down the staircase 
“that wasn’t very nice of you to run away from me” 
“oh i see you’ve noticed our guest, he had worn out his welcome. now, again, come join me in a bath.”
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byun baekhyun.
you were mesmerizing to baekhyun and when he fell, he fell hard, as did you. but what about [ex name], you did leave him for baekhyun. but he didn’t lose hope, he would try everything get you back. flowers, chocolate, cards, etc.
but when he realized how deeply in love you were with baehyun, he became violent. he would flatten your tires, throw bricks into your windshield, and going as far as trying to break into your house. recently he had gotten in contact with you, blackmailing your fiancé and baby’s father. you, you had become with child 6 months previous, as baekhyun proposed right afterwards.
the same questions sat in the back of your mind, how far would [ex name] go to get you back? would he really try to strip your family away to get you back
sitting in bed thinking of different foods you’d like to eat momentarily seemed like the only thing you did nowadays. every now and then, going work on the nursery. when suddenly a loud sound erupted through the hallway.
girl don’t go
you got up to see where the noise was coming from.
goddamn it please just turn around
twisting the knob, before you could pull, the door was forcefully pushed open, there stood on the other side [ex name] with a devious grin.
before you scream, he had you against the wall, hand covering your mouth. while the other wondered around your body occasionally groping your breast.
“you think your too good for me” he said, breathe smelling like liquor
“please.....”you said barely audibly 
“why did you leave me? why did you leave me for him!!?” He yelled, slapping you in the process, making you fall.
you were furious, but still the tears began to pour.
“because, i love him!!!” you screamed attempting to knee him in the chest, catching his growing.
he then wrapped his hand around your neck.
“if i can’t have you, non-”
his eyes widen as he froze in shock, he collapsed onto you. behind him stood baekhyun, pistol in hand, and with a glare you’d never thought you would ever see. making eye contact with you, his eyes softened, rushing over to you, pulling after you as far away from the man and into his arms.
“i’m so sorry y/n. I left you and our baby unprotected. i am so-”he said laying his head in crook of your neck, as his tears poured out.
“i’m ok, let’s just stay like this for a little bit longer.”
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kim jongdae.
you had been married to kim jongdae the last 17 years. had 3 beautiful children and was a full time housewife. sure, to anyone on the outside, you were living your best life. but, you didn’t. you felt like you were living with a complete stranger, constantly craving affection and attention, you couldn’t get even from your spouse.
jongdae was still apart of the mafia, still coming home late as ever and still expected you to take care of him, his kids, and his home. 
going grocery shopping one day, you ran into an old friend from college. the two of you caught up, while sharing a bottle of wine. which led to a mistake.
but once you had gotten a feel of what you’d been craving, it became an addiction. you knew it was wrong, but you couldn’t stop yourself.
that is until one day. jongdae had gotten home much earlier than expected. walking in on the two of you in an act, he didn’t yell, or fight, he just began packing.
your head was finally out of the clouds and you were about to hit rock bottom. you began admitting to your fault, pleading him to stay and forgive you.
“you want him or me” he said, pulling the pistol from his holester
“you. it’s always been you” you said immediately 
before you could blink, the gun went off, shooting the person beside you”
“go clean yourself up princess”
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park chanyeol.
he was your ex. the two of you married when you were only 18, while he was 25. during those 6 years together, the two of you shared 2 sons, but you left due to his uncontrollable possessiveness. 1 year later and you lived happily hours away from chanyeol and now closer to your boyfriend. he was kind, patient, and was really good with your boys. he was-
“y/n, open the door” the voice from the other side barked, beating as if they were the police.
opening up. there stood chanyeol with your sons. not waiting for your approval, he’d let himself in.
“where’s your boyfriend” he asked, looking around in disgust.
he always had something against bf/n.
“why? chanyeol don��t you have places to be? possibly even people to do, you whore” you said, not forgetting to through into his face that you knew he has been a hoe, since your divorce.
“actually, i do. boys, why don’t you go try out the new games” he said to the children, still holding eye contact with you.
once alone, he began inching closer. before you could properly comprehend what you were getting yourself into, the two of you were completely naked in your bedroom panting after what felt like hours.
“i love you. still, i still am in love with you. i want you and the boys back at home with me, not some shitty apartment. but i am willing to wait for you, my love” he said, gently kissing your lips, then leaving.
that’s how it started. the two of you couldn’t keep your hands to yourself whenever around each other.
“are you sleeping with him? it’s a simple yes or no question” your boyfriend yelled, blocking the walk way
“no” you said, as he finally let you walk pass
“fuck, it’s not your doing it” you muttered a little to loudly, which caused his hand to connect with your face.
“bitch, so you just go around sleeping with whoever?” he asked, roughly grabbing your hair
“well, do you?”  he asked, yanking it you closer.
“no” you cried out.
the next few days, he began beating on you. you were thankful your boys weren’t around to witness such things happen. you couldn’t call for help because he had broken your phone and threatened to hurt you again, if you told anyone what happened. finally the day had come, bf/n would be leaving for work.
your thoughts were interrupted by two loud knocks.
oh no, chanyeol
you cracked the door enough to let the boys slip in, but quickly tried shutting the door before chanyeol could come in. but due to his strength compared to yours, he easily pushed open the door. causing you to turn the opposite direction.
“boys go play in your room” he said 
“hey, you alright” chanyeol spoke again, once alone.
“yeah” you said picking up the imaginary lint from the counter to avoid turning
“y/n baby, please look at me” he said desperately as he walked closer
slowly, you turned, he gasped seeing your face
“did he really-” chanyeol was now as red as a tomato
“it was an accident” you said covering for bf/n
“accident my ass’
“boys, pack your things” he yelled, earning two high pitched scream ‘ok dad’
“what are you doing” you said, heart pounding
“babygirl, just go pack all of your things” he said pulling the gun from his holster, checking for bullets
“chanyeol, what are you doing”
“look, just make sure you and my boys are ready to come back home” he said, pecking your lips before rushing out.
you spent the next five hours pacing back and forth after packing. eventually, around 4:30 am, chanyeol walked in, covered in blood. huffing in relief, you ran into his arms, not caring about the blood.  “i thought i...we lost you” you said wrapping your legs around his torso
“never, you will always be stuck with me” he said playfully
“is everyone ready?” he asked
“yeah, let’s go home”
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do kyungsoo.
kyungsoo was your knight, he had saved you from your own castle. you had previously been with [ex name] during a dark time in your life, looking back, you realized how much he was tearing you down, worsening your mental health. sure, kyungsoo was apart of the mafia but he was also caring, funny, and an amazing cook.
one thing you learned on your journey bettering yourself and health was to just forgive and forget.
which is why you were agreeing to meet with him, when you were told about his terminal illness.
“where the hell is y/n” kyungsoo said thinking out loud in the hall
“sir, she went out with her friends again” the maid said, carrying your 1 year old son down the stairs
“again? she never told me anything about going with friends” he said to himself lowly
feeling suspicious of his lover, he did what any normal s/o would do. he tracked your phone. which lead him to a cheap apartment complex.
he followed you for days, watching your every move, until the time was right to fall through with his plan.
finally, he went through, picking the lock, there stood y/n, feeding [ex name] soup, whom much different from the last time the two had seen each other.
before anyone could say anything, kyungsoo had a gun to the man’s head.
“kyungsoo, baby, please don’t do this, he’s sick, he only needed some help around here.” you said gently 
“help? send his ass to a nursing home-”he screamed, but immediately shut up, seeing your face.
 “aishh, you too kind for your own good, try anything and i just might find a way to ‘cure’ you” he said holding his gun, now sitting down in the recliner.
“is that the soup i made” he yelled again
“you can leave” you finally yelled back
“i was just asking” he said sinking into the chair.
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kim jongin.
“are you done yet.”
“i don’t even know why your jealous, we’ve never been official and again he is an ex.” you yelled at the jongin from the closet
“i didn’t have too, when i fucked you in my car, you became mines”
“and to say your with a mafia boss, you act like any clown can just come sweep you away from me” he continued, flopping onto your bed
“whatever you say” you said coming out of the walk in closet with a backpack
“i am not property, you don’t own me jongin, if you can’t respect that then i’ll be with somebody who will. bye.” you said walking out, before he could protest.
time skip
*boom* *boom* *boom*
“who is-jongin. what are you going here.” you scolded the man, who wasn’t looking at you, but around you at the man coming down the stairs
“babygirl whose at the door.” [ex name], your former lover, said wrapping an arm around you.
*bang* *bang* *bang*
the sound of his body hitting the ground caused the tears to start prickle out of your eyes.
“did you think, he could save you from me? i thought you were smarter than that. go get her shit.” he said putting the gun back in his waistband.
his henchmen then emerged from what seemed like thin air. going upstairs to grab your items.
“after you” he said letting you walk out of the house to his car
holding the door open for you, you slowly got into the vehicle. anticipating what was to come. once jongin was in the car with, he gave you the most evilest look. before you could speak, the back of his hand came in contact with your face.
“i thought he was just an ex, huh?” he barked at you
“you probably fucked him too, you slu-
“i didn’t. can you just take me home.” you said looking out of the window letting the tears pour out silently.
time skip
“are you really still ignoring me? it’s been 3 weeks since you’ve said anything to me.”
“i get it, he was your ex, but he was also your friend. i wasn’t thinking rationally at the moment, being blinded my jealousy. but i’m sorry for i have done, i can’t take it back, but..i’m sorry.” jongin said getting up to leave the room.
“your also possessive, grumpy, clumsy, lazy, manipulative, psychotic, narcissistic, and a overall monster. but...i love you.” you said, making him turn around with the biggest smile.
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oh sehun.
“fuck” the man said as he began pushing himself deeper into your womanhood
he began thrusting deep, but slowly, making sure you felt every inch. he missed you so much. he hated the fact that he had to share you with another man. why couldn’t you have stayed with him?
“just like that, don’t stop” you moaned, moving your hips upwards, slamming against his prostate
feeling your walls clinching around him, he sped up. both of your moans, following after, but he’d keep thrusting, making your milky cum gush from your inside. finishing up, he immediately got down, to your private, sucking and licking away the substance.
“oh my-
the door knob was then shot, making the door push open. outside stood your husband, one of the most powerful mafia bosses in s.korea, oh sehun.
“baby, i-
“shut up” he said
you immediately got up from the bed, grabbing your clothes.
“you lie to me, tell me your going to see your hoe ass friend. i allow you. only to find out you went to get your pussy wet.” he said looking at you with so much hate, you would feel the heated tears at the rim of your eyes.
sehun then turned to leave the hotel room.
“wait. sehun don’t go.” you yelled, hurriedly. as he halted at the door waiting to hear what you had to say.
“let him go, we can finally be together.” the man said rubbing his fingertips against your waist.
“choose, it’s me or him.” sehun said turning back to you, a hint of excitement in his eyes.
“i..i choose sehun” you said looking up at him nervously.
“y/n your not thinking this through. you said you loved me...we have history-
“exactly, we have history. nothing else. i love you [ex name], but not like sehun. i regret reconnecting with you, these few weeks have been a mistake. i’m sorry.” you said looking at your ex lover, who was now on his knees, hoping you change your mind and pick him
you brushed him off, slowly walking toward sehun afraid of what was to come.
“go wait for me in the car” he said, not sparing you.
you began walking out of the room, down the hall, before you could make it down the stairs. the sound of a gun going off rang through the hall. you continued walking, feeling the same heated sensation in the rim of your eyes.
“i’m sorry.” you said feeling a single tear shed, before getting into the passenger seat
minutes later, sehun got into the car, slamming the door. you kept your head down to avoid his criticism, but it never came. in fact, he drove silently, going the correct the speed limited, which made being in the car scarier because sehun had been known for speeding.
when pulling up, he silently got out, opening the door for you, walking away right after. he went straight to his office. after hours of being home, sehun still had himself locked away.
what would you expect
finally gaining the courage, you knocked on the door of his office, after standing outside for about 7 minutes.
hearing a faint ‘come in’, you entered
“i..i was...gonna go cook. are you hungry?”you asked trying to start a conversation
he looked up at you as if you had two heads, a dry laugh following.
“come here”
you slowly stalked towards his desk, coming around, so that you now stood in front of him. within what felt like seconds, he had you against the wall, right hand lightly wrapped around your throat.
“if you were even so much as breath the same oxygen as another man, i’ll kill him and make you watch, is that what you want princess?” he asked lowly into your ear, seeing rapidly shake your head no, he gave you a deranged smile.
“good. bibimbap will do for tonight.” he said letting you go, sitting back in his seat.
“sure thing” you said hurriedly scurrying out of the office.
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credit to the owners of the gifs
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kd-holloman · 4 years
The Traveler’s Gift Deleted Scene
It’s funny how writing works sometimes. I thought for sure this deleted scene was going to make the final cut. No-so-spoiler alert: it did not. So, have some fun, non-spoilery deleted content in which Louis may or may not be jealous of his roommate’s flirtatious attitude. 
Harmon hills psychiatric Hospital was an ancient, sprawling brick building on the outskirts of Chicago. Ivy clung to the weather-worn brick, the windows were barred, and on the first two floors the majority of the lights had been turned out for the night. 
Louis had been here before, but the last time he had seen the ancient sprawling grounds, he’d been walking away from it instead of toward it. He tapped his fingers on his thigh. Maybe he could talk Slater into waiting a minute so he could have a smoke. 
“Do it now,” Slater said. 
He blinked and looked at the other man. “Do what?” 
“Suck on your cancer stick. You might as well do it now because once we’re inside for the night we’re stuck there.” 
He looked at him for a long moment. He knew he hadn’t said that out loud. “How did you know?” 
“Your fingers twitch when you want to smoke.” 
He didn’t waste time. “So,” he asked, the unlit cigarette between his lips, “how did Rick get his hands on a place like this?” 
The flame of his lighter was winked back at him in Slater’s reflective lenses. “Papa O’Brien’s funds allowed for the hospital to stay afloat a few years back. In exchange for the money, Rick gets to keep some of his assets here without too many people asking questions.”
Of course. Somebody like Rick would have the finances and power to pull something like that off. As long as the doctors who worked at Harmon Hills stayed content and quiet with their hush-money, he had no reason to fear betrayal. 
The scent of lemon floor polish hit him sinus-clearing force as soon as they stepped across the threshold. A massive chandelier reflected light onto the shining floor. Potted plants stood at attention in the corners, a bust of a man—the founder of the hospital—sat next to a large desk. 
A woman in a uniform sat at the desk. “Excuse me,” she said, stopping them. “It’s past visiting hours.” 
“We’re not here to visit.” Slater leaned on the desk and gave her a charming smile. “Peter called, do you know him? He wants us to come and relieve him. His relief is out with an injury and we’re here to save the day.” 
She blushed and flicked a piece of hair that had fallen from her ponytail behind her ear. “Really?” 
“Would I lie to you…” he paused to lean closer so he could read a name tag clipped to her shirt, “Julie?” 
Despite their obvious ten—if not more—year age gap, she gave him a bashful smile. “I suppose not, Mr.…” 
“Do you know where to find Peter?” 
“Yes, sweetheart.” He pushed easily off the desk and flicked an invisible piece of lint off of the black t-shirt. “Maybe I’ll see you around, Jill?” 
“Julie. I’d like that.” 
He winked; behind his glasses, the gesture was just a twitch of his cheek. 
Julie turned even more red, if it were possible. 
The entire interaction left Louis feeling mildly uncomfortable. He tried to recall a time he’d seen Slater flirting with somebody, aside from someone at the bar, and he was drawing blanks. Sure, he and Virginia sweet-talked to each other, but it was more friendly banter than it was actual “flirting”. 
By the time they got off the elevator, any signs of Slater’s easy and flirtatious demeanor was gone. He seemed more agitated and angry than anything else. He jabbed a button on a box that sat mounted next to a set of double doors. “Open up, Pete!” 
There was a pause before the doors slowly swung open.
Louis remembered Peter. He remembered his thinning gray hair, the way his round glasses sat low on his nose, and the way his face had been creased with aging lines. He knew better than to be fooled by Peter’s age. He remembered how swiftly his old bones had moved to shove a needle in his neck. 
Peter waved a hand and motioned for them to come in. “It’s been one hell of a day, boys.” 
Slater had no patience for small talk ninety percent of the time and he had none to spare for the older man. “How many of them are there?” 
“What was the last time they were dosed up?” 
He squinted at his watch through his bifocals. “About two hours ago. They’ll need it again around two in the morning. Dottie will be up to take care of that.” 
Louis remembered the old woman, her hair cropped short and her saggy earlobes weighed down by heavy earrings. He left Slater and Peter alone to hash out the details, drawn to the doors of the padded cells. 
He peered through the window in the door.
Whoever was on the other side looked to be asleep. He was wearing the same blue paper-like clothes he’d worn when he’d been held here. He was curled up on the narrow bed, the blanket kicked to the bottom of the bed next to his bare feet. 
“That one,” Peter said as he came up next to him, “can imitate any sound.” 
That one, like they weren’t people. Like he and Slater weren’t people. It was like they were objects, animals, inhuman. 
It was sickening. 
Louis moved to the next door and looked inside. Just like the room before, this cell’s occupant was sprawled out on the narrow mattress, mouth open as he slept. 
“He can make it windy as hell. I thought he was going to cause a twister when we brought him in. He was hiding in the middle of Tornado Alley, that smartass.” 
Louis stopped in front of the third door. He was surprised to see that the cell’s occupant wasn’t asleep. 
A woman was sitting up on the bed, her hair a matted and tangled mess. She had scratches down her cheeks, like she’d clawed herself in the face. She rocked back and forth on the bed, her mouth moving as she muttered something too quietly for him to hear. She looked like she had missed a turn on the road to sanity. 
“What about her?” 
At the sound of his voice, she snapped her gaze to him. Her face lit up, her eyes were feral, and a smile stretched slowly across her face. 
Louis’s eyes widened. 
It wasn’t a smile he’d anticipated to see from someone so thin and frail. It was the smile of a killer, a predator that had tasted blood and was looking to sink her teeth into another kill. Her teeth weren’t normal. Each tooth ended in a savage point. They were completely inhuman. 
“Oh, that one.” Once again, he said it the way a teacher talked about a naughty school child. It was the same way his father had talked about a particular member of his congregation after he’d been arrested for theft. “Keep that bitch drugged. She took half of Deuce’s hand off with those fucking chompers and she’ll take yours off too if she doesn’t get dosed up with Quench every few hours. It’s like she’s part shark or something. I mean, look at her teeth!” 
Louis could see them, alright, and the thought of them biting into his flesh left him feeling uneasy. 
“Dottie is stupid enough to get close to her?” Slater asked from behind Louis. He was close enough that his breath ghosted across the back of Louis’s neck as he spoke. 
“Stupid or brave. I haven’t decided which.” Peter stepped away from the window and grabbed his jacket. “Well,” he said as he tugged it on behind the U-shaped desk in the middle of the wing, “it’s been fun, boys. I’m going home to get some sleep.” 
Louis filed all of this information away for later. He wasn’t ready to make his move against Rick yet, but when he was, this place was a good start if he wanted to make it hurt. He wanted to get his hands on Quench. It seemed as though without the drug to suppress the superhuman abilities of his “assets”, he would have no way of holding them. 
With the scent of Slater’s leather jacket in his nose and the tickle of his breath on the back of his neck, he was hyper aware of the other man’s silence. “What’s your problem?” 
Slater replied with silence. He plopped himself in the chair Peter’s windbreaker had previously been occupying. 
Louis perched on the dusty countertop a few feet away. He kept one eye on the entrance to the wing with in eyesight and didn’t take his attention away from the four cell doors for long. The very thought of the ferocious woman getting loose and ripping out his throat with her shark teeth was enough to make him want another cigarette. 
He was used to his silent companionship with Slater, who seemed content playing a game on his cell phone to occupy his time. However, there was only so much silence Louis could tolerate while he waited for something—or nothing—to happen. “What are your side-effects like?” He asked. “I know what they are, but what is it like experiencing them? I mean, you know how I feel every time I use my gift. You’ve experienced it. What about you?”
Slater’s fingers stopped tapping the screen of his phone. He sat back, seeming to contemplate whether or not he wanted to answer. He paused for so long that Louis thought he wasn’t going to reply until he said, “It’s like popping a zit.” 
He scrunched up his face. That was a gross description. He supposed, Slater’s powers could be equally disgusting if he chose to just blow someone to pieces instead of keeping it contained inside of their skull. 
“When I want to use my powers I feel an insane build up of emotions—anger, mostly—and there’s a rush. Then, after I use them there’s just...nothing. It’s satisfying like popping a zit or lancing a blister. Get it?” 
It was a gross visual, but it made sense. “Do you genuinely not feel anything at all? You can still use your powers after you’re experiencing the side-effects.” 
“I feel things, but they’re dull. It’s like the memory of a wound. The wound doesn’t actively hurt anymore, it’s no longer there, but if I try hard enough I can feel a flicker of something. That is, if I care enough to try.” 
From the sound of it, Slater’s powers were emotionally draining because it took so much emotion for him to be able to use them. It wasn’t that he became apathetic, because he still had feelings. It was more like he’d used the majority of his emotional energy trying to feel things after such a powerful wave of emotion that his emotional “battery” needed time to recharge. 
Louis were impressed that Slater was opening up enough to talk to him about his powers. He decided to push his luck a little further. “How did you learn that you had abilities?” 
“Like most people do, by accident. What about you?” 
“I had a panic attack,” he had admitted with a soft laugh. It seemed silly now, but it certainly hadn’t been funny when the bombs had been raining down on him and the earth had been shaking apart. “During the war,” he added, “we were under attack. I thought I was going to be buried alive.” 
“Such a shame,” he teased dryly. He opened a few drawers next to his leg and produced a deck of cards. “Care to play a few hands?” 
Louis slid from the countertop to sit in an empty chair. “We might as well. We’re going to be here all night.” 
Tag List: @tricksexual, @wildler, @ganseyboii, @surrealirist, @obsessionandstuff, @pertinax--loculos, @pe-ersona, @a-curator-of-nonsense, @angelolytle, @aslanwrites, @aurumni-writes, @andrewminyardd, @lordkingsmith, @gloriafrimpong
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nightowlfandom · 5 years
Songwriting- Namjoon (Part 1)
REQUEST FROM PROMPT LIST- RIGHT HERE! (I also write for a lot of anime shows too wink wonk. )
No prompts because this wasn’t requested!
You walked back into the room with the bottle of water he had requested. Namjoon was hunched over the coffee table, a pen tapping aimlessly against the pages of your notebook, which was sprawled open. You two had been like that for a while. A while meaning four hours. The idol life wasn't an easy one, this was a really good reason why.
It wasn't that you weren't excited to be working with the famous RM. If anything you were through the roof. This was big! Very big! However, after three hours of being in the same room, on a couch, doing legitimately nothing. You were more than done.
You thought that two songwriters, two performers in the same atmosphere would be easy. When it came down to it, it wasn't that your ideas were different.
Neither of you had ideas to begin with! Which wasn't uncommon but damn sure of an inconvenience.
"Here you go." you sat back down, holding the bottle towards him.
"Thank you." he shot you a smile. "Any ideas while you were in there?" he joked.
"Not one, unless you want to sing about eggs and expired seasonings." you groaned. "You?" you asked, crossing your legs on the sofa. "At this rate, we're gonna be singing about the random weeds growing out of the ground." you grumbled.
Namjoon nodded in agreement, it wasn't like him to have writers block and he didn't like it. His eyes moved from the pen, back to the notebook. Just one phrase, one! Even a word would help.
" Maybe we should take a break." Namjoon threw the pen down. "How about we get to know eachother?" he asked. "Maybe something will come to us." he suggested. "It's better than just sitting here."
"Yeah, sure." You were a bit hesitant. You both were on a deadline. Technically it wasn't for a while, but every minute count. Then again, it couldn't hurt, right?
"Cool" he smiled again. "You first."
"Well, my full name is Y/N L/N. I'm from (Insert City, Country). I didn't plan on ever being where I am today." you trailed off.
Namjoon explained his life to you, and you listened intently. Nodding every so often. He seemed interested, which you respected.
"What's your love life like?" he asked suddenly, making your eyes widen. What a strange question to ask.
"Non-existent." you laughed, picking up the pen. "I'm far too busy for a boyfriend."
"So you just sing, go home, rinse and repeat??" he asked, his eyes narrowed a bit.
"Haven't found a guy I like...or a guy who likes me." you replied, smiling sadly. Namjoon slipped the pen from your fingertips.
"Have you looked?" he asked, his sudden interest in the topic scared you. "Of course. I just wasn't able to..." You sighed. "It's hard to find someone genuinely interested in me outside my career. I've never met a man who can see past my stage name." You shook your head.
"I know the feeling." he sighed. "That would make for an interesting track." his head suddenly perked up, as if something was on his mind. " Love and fake relationships?" you joked. Seeing his serious face sort of worried you.
Oh fuck he was serious.
"And that's done!" you cheered. You let out a huge yawn. "We finally did it." You stared at the clock. 1:00 AM...you've spent nearly 13 hours writing a song...how sad.
"Yeah told you something would come to us." he smiled, scribbling down what was left. "We just had to be patient." You let out a yawn, nodding in agreement. "I guess you were right then Namjoon." you smiled. "Though writing a song about failed relationship history and all that kind of worries me." you expressed.
"Why?" he asked. "Does it make you uncomfortable?" he raised a brow.
"No, I mean. My music and sound isn't like that. I know yours isn't either." you began. "Plus, it feels so personal."
"All the best sounds are." he reassured you. "It'll be fine, I promise.”
“I hope.” you nudged him, smiling sideways. 
He returned your smile.
“Hey Y/N...you have something. Like...lint or something on your shoulder.” he motioned to his shoulder, causing you to mirror his motions. “No, further up.” he said. you moved up your shoulder, still not seeing anything. “Here, let me.” he sighed. His hand was on your shoulder.
“There.” he flicked whatever had been on your shoulder off, but his hand never left your shoulder. You met his eyes, shyness overcoming you. Namjoon wasn’t readable, you couldn’t tell what he was thinking. 
“Namjoon?” you asks. 
“...Can I jus-” he leaned down and slowly connected your lips. “Hmm.” he sighed. He pulled away when he realized what he had done.
“I am so sorry!” you suddenly said, as if you were the one who kissed him.
“No no! I have no clue what came over me..you’re just so...” he stopped himself from speaking. “I should go, I gotta get back to my place and start working on the music and-”
“Yeah!.” you agreed. “I gotta get some sleep and you know rehearse and test my voice for the song.” you stumbled over your word and Namjoon scrambled to collect his belongings.
“I’ll see you later!” you called as he called a hasty goodbye as he ran out with a loud goodbye.
“Woah...”you touched your lips, still seemingly feeling Namjoon’s imprint on them.
“Woah.” Namjoon touched his lips, his back against the now closed door. “
(This was an old draft I had lying around so I figured why not post the shit!)
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new2fivesauce · 5 years
Please Don't Regret Me - 2. Hotel Management
Please Don't Regret Me - 2. Hotel Management
Warnings: Mild cursing
Words: 3660
February 2018.
The day had finally come. 5SOS was going to announce their third album and their first single. Nelle was so proud of them. It was the first time in their career that they were actually fully satisfied in the way their album was being produced. Not that they didn’t love their first two albums, but something about this upcoming album was making them all anxious and excited for what was to come.
They were in Los Angeles today. Nelle hated Los Angeles; Luke had agreed with her when they had landed just that morning.
A large amount of people were bustling around the studio where the guys were going to go live to announce their upcoming track. Nelle caught Michael and Calum at the food table stuffing their faces. She checked her schedule on her phone and saw that they had missed lunch time.
A delay in their flight had thrown off Nelle's whole schedule and she was not happy about it. Usually in cases like this, she was able to make do, but something about California always threw her off.
“10 minutes till!” a deep voice called from somewhere. She rolled her eyes. There was nothing for her to do; not on days like this when the band had other people pick out their clothes and do their hair, pushing her out the way.
She stood in the corner of the room, where she had a good line of the green screen that had been put up. There was a sofa in front of it and two side tables. Microphones were being tested. Calum and Michael had been moved from the food table and some girls were rolling lint rollers over their clothes to get any crumbs off.
“Would you like a chair?” a voice came from Nelle's right. Turning to the figure, she realized it was just the guy in charge of all this. He was less than 6-feet, probably by an inch or so. He was tan with sandy blonde hair in a man bun. The man bun was not a good look, at least on him. She shook her head.
“No, thanks. I’m good standing. We had a long flight in from Home. Sitting is just gonna make my ass flat.” She stated. The guy laughed.
“You’re their assistant, right?”
Nelle nodded.
“Cool, cool, cool.” He started rambling, pulling out a small notepad from his back pocket. He droned on about meetings and video conferences, making sure that Nelle was getting it all down in her own planner.
Someone called five minutes and he still wasn’t done. Nelle tried her best to appear interested. She already knew all about this and how they were going to announce the future track and blah blah blah. She was beginning to feel uncomfortable when she felt like someone was looking at her. She nodded and smiled at this manager guy, who’s name turned out to be Josh, before maneuvering her eyes around the studio.
Her amber eyes met with some baby blues and her body signed in relief when Luke beckoned her over.
“If we're done here, Josh, my guys are needing me. One minute till, right?” she exclaimed, taking his hand and shaking it once before crossing the room to Luke and Ashton without looking back.
Ashton was smirking at her as she came up to them. His dimples on the left super prominent and his hazel eyes were sparking with mischief.
“Ash said you looked like you were drowning.” Luke said quietly, his eyes flickering over to where Josh was now boring someone else. Nelle snickered but thanked the gods for her guys looking out for her.
Ashton was about to comment but was then hastily taken away by one of the girls that had cleaned Calum and Michael. Luke jumped back at her brashness. He didn't liked being touched. It caused his anxiety to act up.
“Hey, it's okay.” Nelle cooed. She stood in front of the blond giant. “Inhale. Exhale.” She repeated this multiple times. She’d forgotten to make sure he’d taken his anxiety meds and was pretty sure he had forgotten too. There was just something about California. She shook her head and continued to soothe Luke down.
Luke did as he was told, closing his eyes to calm himself further down. He didn’t flinch when he felt Nelle's cold fingers brush his curls behind his ears. He’d been growing it out, deciding that it was time for a new look. New album, new style. Nelle hadn’t liked it at first and made sure he knew it, but he guessed she was okay with it now since he hadn’t heard a snide remark about it in days.
Nelle’s fingers trailed down and fixed the collar of the white button-down the stylists had picked for Luke. It was silk and she knew Luke was going to be itchy from it later. Sweating in silk made him irritant. She mentally added baby powder to her ever growing list of items the boys needed. She adjusted the buttons on the shirt as well, buttoning up an additional one so he wouldn’t be showing too much chest. She didn’t like this stylist team sexualizing the band, especially Luke as he had body confidence issues.
Luke opened his eyes as Nelle rubbed some wrinkles out of his shirt. She was lost in concentration, he could tell by her blank, glassy eyes. He gently grabbed her hands by the wrists and held them still between them.
“Thanks, babe.” He whispered to her before dropping her hands to her side. He stepped backwards with a sly smirk and wink before walking over to his bandmates.
Nelle stared after Luke in confusion. He never called her anything but Nelle.
Calum looked at Nelle through the full-length mirror of his hotel room. She was propped up against the headboard of his bed, flipping through the channels.
“…and then he says thanks babe. Like what the fuck? Calum… it was too weird. He… it’s LUKE!!”Nelle tossed the TV remote onto the bed, clearly frustrated. Calum furrowed his brows as he adjusted the belt to his pants. He took a step to admire his outfit. He nodded at himself and smiled to check his teeth.
“Has he been acting weird to you? Look…” Nelle held up her phone to her best friend. Calum neared the bed and tried to decipher what she was showing him.
“I don’t know what you’re trying to show me.” He admitted, staring at her phone and seeing a jumble of words that didn’t make any sense to him.
“Oh.” Nelle said sadly and then pulled her phone back from Calum’s face. “It’s a list of your medications. Luke’s anxiety meds changed last month. Do you think that’s got anything to do with… wait… he didn’t even take them today. Fuck.”
She rapidly texted Luke a reminder to take his medications as well as Michael. Michael responded with a thumbs-up emoji but Luke left her on Read.
“Nelle… I think you’re overthinking this whole… uhh… thing. Luke is just Luke and sure… maybe his pills got him acting a bit strange, but I wouldn’t read too much into it.” Calum declared.
Nelle considered what he said. She scoffed. Calum shook his head with a small chuckle.
“Are you sure you don't wanna go out with me and Ash?”
Nelle shook her head. “Nah. It's a quiet night in for me tonight.”
Nelle shuffled to the hotel room door as the knocking on the door went from short pauses to rapid urgent knocks. She tripped on her Nike slide as she tried to put it on. It contorted to her foot as soon as she unlocked the door and pulled it open. Her eyes went from looking at the middle of a chest and upwards to a boy’s face with blond curls and blue eyes.
“Uhh… you’re not room service.” Nelle mused. Luke cocked his head to the side, surprised not knowing what Nelle looked like once she retreated from her work day.
He’d never seen her not dressed up and tidy. Before him stood a girl with basically a rat’s nest on her head; he assumed this is why it was called The Messy Bun. Her amber eyes were behind a pair of black-rimmed glasses, and she was wearing gray sweats that hung low on her hips with a black Hanes tank. Luke quickly averted his eyes back to hers when he noticed her nipples and possibly a nipple piercing protruding through her thin shirt. He didn’t want her getting the wrong idea.
“Sorry.” He apologized, not really knowing if because he was not room service or because maybe he’d been caught eyeing her up and down. Nelle’s facial expression looked more serious than anything so he guessed that she hadn’t seen him gazing at her. “My thermostat in my room is not working.” He said with a shrug of his shoulders. He held up his room card key, marked with a purple smiley face sticker.
Nelle sighed heavily and slumped her shoulders.
“Are you sure?” she asked. Luke paused for a second before nodding his head. Nelle rolled her eyes. “Fuck… okay.” She looked down at her attire. “Let me just change and I’ll go downstairs and get you another room.”
She began to close her door, but Luke shot his hand out and stopped her from doing so. The truth was he couldn’t get her out of his head… not since their announcement of their new track. The way she’d pushed his hair back and the way her fingers had left hot lingering trails as she had fixed his shirt. That was hours ago, but he could still feel her touch. He didn’t understand these new emotions. Sure, Nelle was quite a looker and he had looked at her before… but something was different about her. Something now intrigued him and he needed to figure it out. Maybe four years later he was finally developing that crush that both Michael and Ashton had had when they had originally met her.
“Can’t I just stay here for the night?” he asked. This time it was her to tilt her head in confusion.
“In my room? You want to take my room?” she asked, her voice raising an octave.
“Not take it, just… can’t I bunk with you for the night? I mean, we’re leaving tomorrow, right?”
Nelle finally noticed Luke carrying his duffel bag. She kept all the guys’ main luggage in her room to coordinate outfits and usually only left them with their duffels that had their sleeping clothes and hygiene products.
“Where are the boys?” she asked. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust Luke; he was an okay guy, but in all these years of touring and hotel living, they had never shared a room. Not even when they could only afford one room! In those days, he and one of the guys would sleep in the tour van/bus/vehicle. She was hoping to lead him to one of his mates rooms and not share a room.
“Well, you know where Michael is. Finding his flavor of the night.” Luke replied. “Ash and Cal went out for sushi or something, but I’m sure they’re gonna meet up with Mike afterwards. I would really just like a quiet night in, ya know?”
Nelle eyed Luke suspiciously. Luke knew she was looking for a reason to not let him in, so he crossed his eyes and stuck out his tongue. Nelle scoffed, but with a small smile, hesitantly pulled the door open to let in the giant.
Luke didn’t know what he was stepping into as he walked into Nelle’s room nervously. He expected for there to be more mess, but for handling four men’s luggage and her own, the room was basically spotless. It smelled of something familiarly sweet, almost like red Pop Rocks. Luke didn’t realize it at the time, but Calum also used the same Bath and Body Works Watermelon Lemonade lotion as Nelle.
Nelle walked past him after shutting the door. She had an assortment of stuff laid out on the king bed and she pulled everything to one side to make room for Luke. She plopped a pillow down the middle.
“My side.” She indicted with her hand the side of the bed where she moved all her things. “Your side.” She waved over the now blank space of bed. Luke nodded obediently and dropped his bag on the floor where his side was. He was already dressed for comfort in basketball shorts and a regular t-shirt, so he plopped himself where Nelle told him to be. He leaned back on the headboard of the bed, crossed his feet, and didn’t know whether to make conversation or not, so stared at what Nelle had playing on the TV.
“Brooklyn Nine-Nine? You watch this?” Luke questioned after a couple seconds of watching and realizing who the characters were on the screen.
Nelle looked up from her laptop. She was in the same position as Luke, but her computer in her lap. She pushed her glasses up her nose some and smiled at the TV.
“Yeah, it’s my favorite show. I got Michael into it” she stated before going back to what she was doing. Luke shot her a small smile but slowly let it drop when he saw that she wasn’t even looking at him.
She was working furiously on her laptop. Coloring coding items on an Excel spreadsheet and then switching screens to type on a word document and then watching some lanky man in a sweater vest and back again. She’d occasionally push her glasses up her nose and scrunch her face up when something across her screen went wrong.
Luke tried to figure out what she was up to but couldn’t make up all the jumble on her screen and pushed out his mind that Nelle was a very pretty girl. He was about to ask her what she was working on when there was a tap on the door. Nelle looked up from her screen.
“Now that should be room service.” She stated. She looked at Luke expectantly. He pointed at himself.
“You want me to get it?” he questioned as another light tapping was heard. She nodded. “Uhh, okay? Sure…”
He slowly raised himself from the bed and dashed to the door. Nelle went back to concentrating on her work, but was quickly interrupted by what sounded like silverware tinging and crashing down on something metal.
“Holy shit…” an unfamiliar, kind of raspy voice said. “I mean… crap. I’m not supposed to curse at work.”
Luke chuckled and said hi.
“I can’t believe I'm delivering room service to Luke fucking Hemmings. This. Is. The. Best. Day. Ever.” Nelle heard the girl say. Her stomach suddenly grumbled and she silently wished that the interaction would quickly finish.
Luke chatted with the girl for a bit and just as Nelle thought he was going to close the door and bring in the food, she heard him ask “Do you want to take a pic real quick?”
“Oh my God!! Yes! I would love to but since this is a high profile hotel and lots of famous people stay here, we are not allowed to have our phones on us while on shift. Thanks for asking. Enjoy your meal.”
“Whoa… hold on though.”
Luke rolled in the food cart and stopped it at the foot of the bed. Nelle looked at him annoyed, not because he was interacting at a fan but because she hadn’t eaten all day and she could already be halfway into her grilled cheese that she ordered thirty minutes ago.
“Nelle! Do you have the Polaroid camera?” Luke asked her and was heading towards the corner of the room where she had all the luggage and bags. She jumped up the bed quickly.
“Do not touch anything.” She reprimanded him and he quickly stepped back with his hands in the air. She rummaged through her daily backpack and pulled out a mint green Fujifilm camera. It was covered in stickers that the boys had placed on it during their years of touring. She checked the little counter on the back.
“Girl’s in luck. There’s two more left of this cartridge.”
Luke beamed at Nelle. “Do you mind?”
Nelle rolled her eyes, only wanting to be eating her dinner, but she reluctantly walked behind Luke to the door of her room.
The girl was still there waiting on pins and needles. She was about 18 or 19 with tan skin and long black hair pulled back into a pony tail. She was wearing the hotel uniform but her feet were clad in a pair of Converse.
When Nelle came into the girl’s view, her eyes quickly flickered between the singer and assistant. Luke noticed it quickly.
“Uh, this is Nelle. She’s the band’s assistant.” Luke clarified. The girl nodded excitedly.
“No, yeah, I know! Hi!” she turned her attention to Nelle. “I'm Steph. I love you! I mean… you are a style icon and I follow you on social media. You’re great. You make those sweatpants look good, I mean… ugh. I’m blabbing now.” She giggled.
Nelle thanked her with a wide smile. Luke looked so confused. This girl was drooling over Nelle and all he got was a smile. Nelle quickly took a picture of Steph and Luke and then Steph insisted on taking one with Nelle instead of another with Luke.
“Don’t worry, I'm not allowed to say anything about celebrities in the building until after they checkout.” Steph assured them as they stood in the doorway of Nelle's room. Once they bid each other goodbye, Nelle slipped around Luke and went straight to the food cart that was beckoning her.
The room was dark but for the TV that was lowly playing Juno. It was the movie Luke and Nelle had finally agreed on watching after binging a season of Brooklyn Nine-Nine and splitting the room service that Nelle had ordered.
Nelle was curled into her pillows, dozing off as she watched Ellen Page on screen. Luke was in and out of sleep. His body now taking a bit over half the bed. His left arm was stretched over the pillow barrier Nelle had put up and his hand was mindlessly playing with the drawstring on Nelle’s sweatpants. Nelle wasn’t bothered with it though. She was too tired. Calum’s I wouldn’t read too much into it kept ringing in her head.
Her eyes had closed for a couple minutes when the sudden loud ringing of her hotel room phone went off. Nelle jumped as did Luke. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d heard an actual phone ring. Nelle sat up and picked up the receiver.
Luke tried to listen to the conversation but kept getting distracted by Nelle’s face. She looked exhausted. She slumped her shoulders as she hung up the phone. She stood up from the bed and pulled what looked like one of Calum’s hoodies over her head and body. Luke eyed her curiously as she grabbed something from one of the bags.
“I'll be back.” She whispered and then left without explaining anything.
Luke was wide awake now. He kept looking at the red numbers on the digital clock to the television. She’d been gone five, ten, fifteen, twenty, now twenty five minutes. He was becoming uneasy and he couldn’t sleep knowing that she was not in the room. It was almost two AM. Where could she had gone?
Thirty minutes passed and he thought about looking for her but before he could sit up the door card reader beeped and then the door opened. Luke heard the locking of the door and then Nelle walked in, kicking off her slides and pulling off her hoodie. Her shirt rode up a bit and Luke caught a flash of the bare skin of her stomach and a belly button piercing before Nelle pulled her tank down. She saw Luke was still awake as she made her way back to her side of the bed.
“Where’d you go?” Luke asked, pulling the comforter over her body as she adjusted herself back into the position she’d been in before she had left. Her eyes closed for a moment before answering.
“Had to get Cal and Ash from the lobby. They are fucked up.” She stifled a yawn. Luke suddenly felt annoyed and slightly angered. He glanced at the clock across the room. 2:36 am.
“Is that in your job description?” Luke asked. Nelle shrugged her shoulders.
“My job is to assist and I was assisting on getting them to their rooms.” She nonchalantly told him. This riled Luke up more.
“I don’t think you should have gone to get them. They’re over 20 and fully capable of going to bed themselves.”
This caused Nelle to laugh.
“I don’t exactly have a 9 to 5 job, Luke… and besides, you saying that kinda makes you a hypocrite. I can’t tell you how many times I've had to get your drunk ass from a hotel lobby or answer your late night texts and calls and have to pick you up like I’m your personal uber. It’s whatever. Let’s go to sleep.” Nelle let out another yawn and reached down by her knee where the remote to the TV was.
Luke stewed in her words but found it hard to let it go. He wanted to go off on her, but she turned off the television and the room was suddenly dark. Luke couldn’t see her beautiful, weird amber eyes anymore or her pretty hair or her light freckles across her nose and cheeks.
“You deserve better.” Luke whispered to her, hoping for her to still be awake. And she was because she whispered back.
“Yeah… maybe I'll quit one day, baby. ”
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vagrantblvrd · 5 years
All These Pieces and Parts (1/1)
Summary: Ryan has a Problem with a capital ‘P’, and it has nothing to do with the assholes he works with.
(Okay, fine. That’s a lie because they’re always a problem, but this is different.)
Notes: Prompt fill for Anon who wanted Jeremwood with them as friendly neighbors who run into their Vagabond/Rimmy Tim alter egos  one night. :D???
(Read on AO3)
Ryan has a Problem with a capital ‘P’, and it has nothing to do with the assholes he works with.
(Okay, fine. That’s a lie because they’re always a problem, but this is different.)
Gavin is smirking at him, that infuriatingly smug one that sets Michael off whenever Gavin aims it in his general direction. Punchably smug, and the fact Gavin feels a hundred percent safe using it on Ryan just goes to show how soft this crew has made him. (Something like that.)
“Gavin, no,” Ryan says, not in the mood to deal with Gavin and his idiot shenanigans when he’s bleeding all over Ryan’s carpeting. “Please, for the love of God, no.”
It’s the middle of the night and Ryan woke up to Gavin climbing in through Ryan’s window looking like he lost a fight with a freight train. (And because Ryan’s apartment has thin walls, his neighbor heard the ruckus and came to make sure things were okay, and now Gavin knows.)
But Gavin is Gavin, and he just chuckles – chuckles! - as Ryan scowls at him.
“Your neighbor seems nice,” Gavin says, twinkle in his eye that spells doom for Ryan because Gavin lives to make Ryan’s life a goddamned misery. “Friendly.”
Ryan slants a look at Gavin, who pulls off innocent far too well for troublemaker he is. (People think Michael’s the bad influence, all those fights he gets into and don’t realize Gavin’s a million times worse. Actively goes looking for trouble, sticky little thief hands and no common sense to speak of, and just. Gavin.)
All wide-eyed like Ryan, no Ryan, Gavin would never and Ryan, please, how could you think I would do such a thing? and I’m just concerned about you Ryan, really like it’s not complete bullshit.
“I will kill you and they’ll never find the body,” Ryan says, even as he grabs the first-aide kit to patch Gavin up, because that’s how they work.
Ryan’s problem is that he has a new neighbor.
Sweet guy.
Friendly smile and this laugh and Ryan is a human disaster when it comes to people. (Also the matter of what Ryan does for a living, because wow, murder features in there kind of a lot? So yes.)
Jeremy’s also hot like burning, as the kids would say – do they still say that? - and that whole thing about Ryan being a human disaster.
They met when Jeremy knocked on Ryan’s door to borrow a cup of sugar - “Look, I know it’s a total cliché but it’s the middle of the night and I got a craving and I just thought I’d give it a shot? Sorry to bother you.” - and Ryan had been baffled and charmed in turn.
And then Jeremy had dropped by later to gift Ryan with some baked goods as a thank-you and that bit about the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach is undeniably true for Ryan.
Jeremy is a nice guy who lives next door and sometimes borrows ingredients from Ryan because he forgot to get them himself and can’t be bothered to head to the store. It should be a problem, but Ryan gets free food out the deal, Jeremy’s great, and did Ryan mention he’s a human disaster?
Because he is.
He really, really is.
Ryan’s in the shooting range, because of course he is. The crew’s between heists and he’s bored.
Michael is “critiquing” him and being zero help because he’s been around Gavin for too damned long. (He’s also bored, and everyone else is out or busy on something or other.)
“So,” Michael says, grin in his voice even though his face is neutral as anything, just making small-talk while Ryan shoots the hell out of things. “Gavin says you have a new neighbor?”
Ryan doesn't sigh, no, because that would show weakness and that’s always a terrible idea around these assholes.
What Ryan does is ignore Michael as he focuses on the paper target at the other end of the range and not the way his crew will drive him crazy one of these days.
“Oh, hey,” Jeremy says, bright grin and delighted to bump into Ryan like it’s such a novel experience running into each other in the elevator like this. “Fancy meeting you here.”
Ryan snorts, because nice, and gives Jeremy a look.
“You’ve got something there,” Ryan says, gesturing with his chin because his hands are full with grocery bags and there’s a kitten clawing its way up Jeremy’s shoulder.
Jeremy raises his eyebrows like oh, really? Thanks buddy as he reaches up to brush imaginary lint off his kitten-free shoulder.
And, look.
Their building has a no pets policy, but their landlord looks the other way when someone picks up one of the strays that linger out back. (Something about encouraging the residents to stick it to the man or some other nonsense, Ryan gave up trying to understand him years ago.)
Jeremy just looks at Ryan as he puts a hand out to steady the kitten as it wobbles its way up onto his shoulders, tiny little mews and indignant about something, and Ryan’s not heartless.
“You got it,” he says, and holds the door for Jeremy and his totally not a kitten when it opens on their floor.
There’s a crew meeting to go over plans for their next heist and they’re still waiting for everyone to arrive, so Ryan figures it’s a good time to caffeinate after being up late for a job the night before. (It’s early (for them) and Ryan is not ready to deal with the horror of coffee right now.)
“Hey,” Geoff says, and hands him a can of diet soda with a commiserating loo because Gavin and Michael are cahooting already and he’s always a convenient target for them.
Ryan takes it with a quiet thanks and the two of them enjoy the quiet while it lasts.
The elevator in their building is the worst.
Unreliable as hell and breaks down regularly, and like any good idiot Ryan forgets until he ends up trapped between floors in the damn thing.
“So then,” Jeremy goes on, incredulous like he still hasn’t figure out what a hellhole Los Santos is. “So then this asshole just fucking cuts me off!”
Ryan makes a non-committal noise. He stopped listening to Jeremy’s rant about five minutes back. Lost the thread and all that because he’s stuck in the elevator with Jeremy and yet another kitten.
Scrawny as hell, peeking around Jeremy’s leg to peer at Ryan.
Cute little thing, and Ryan is focusing on the damn kitten because the elevator is tiny and Jeremy’s pressed against him and Ryan is a weak, weak man. (Also, Ryan is a human disaster.)
Ryan wiggles his foot, and the kitten’s attention snaps to the ends of Ryan’s shoelaces. He’s so focused on getting the kitten interested in pouncing on his foot that he doesn’t notice at first when Jeremy stops talking.
When he does, he glances over, heat stealing over his cheeks in embarrassment.
“Uh,” Ryan says, because Jeremy’s watching him with this soft little smile. Opens his mouth to apologize for tuning him out, but the kitten chooses that moment to pounce and good God, it’s a vicious little thing.
Sharp claws and teeth and Ryan’s ankle will never recover, but he’s okay with that because Ryan’s weak for the sound of Jeremy’s laughter.
Jack gives him this beatific grin and Ryan turns right the hell around because hell no.
Geoff sends Ryan off on a job, tells him one of the new guys they picked up a while back will be there. Up high with a sniper rifle in case things go wrong and if that’s not cause for concern Ryan doesn’t know what is.
He goes because it’s what he does, and because this is Los Santos, things go wrong.
And because Ryan is Ryan, he’s more than capable of handling things.
Guns and knives and the usual armory he carries on his person. Throw in a sniper who knows what they’re doing and the two of them turn things right around soon enough.
Bodies on the ground, Ryan annoyed and this -
“What the fuck are you wearing?”
- cowboy?
Ryan gets a little chuckle and this judgy look in the angle of the cowboy’s(?) head as he looks Ryan over.
“Okay, so,” the cowboy says in a voice that’s too damn familiar. “I could ask you the same thing, but that would be rude, so I won’t.”
Ryan stares at the sniper/cowboy/??? because that’s Jeremy.
Next door neighbor Jeremy who seems to have a new stray on him every time they run into each other.
Jeremy who loves awful puns and terrible jokes and borrows ingredients from Ryan because he’s too much of an asshole to make a quick run to the store to get them himself.
The same Jeremy who checks in on Ryan when word of “suspicious activity” takes place around their building because he’s worried Ryan might be in trouble.
Jeremy cocks his head the other direction.
“Sorry pal,” he says, voice muffled by the face mask he’s wearing. “You must have me mistaken for someone else. The name’s Tim. Rimmy Tim.”
Ryan feels like he’s back in school when the class got new students and the teacher insisted on introducing them.
Lindsay’s chattering on about their new crew members, a trio they picked up from...somewhere.
Trevor, Matt, and...Rimmy Tim.
Matt seems indifferent to the proceedings but Trevor is making uncomfortable amounts of eye contact with Ryan like he’d like to have a word and Ryan is quietly dying inside because what is happening?
Ryan lost control of his life a long, long time ago, and this Thing (with a capital ‘T’) with Jeremy is just further proof, because -
There’s a knock on his door, and when he opens it, Jeremy’s on the other side.
Awkward little smile and measuring cup in hand.
“Hey, so,” Jeremy says, laughter in his voice because he’s ridiculous and knows it. “I don’t suppose you have a cup of bullets I could borrow? I’d get some myself, but I don’t think anywhere is open this late.”
- yes.a
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thiswasinevitableid · 5 years
Starstruck (Prompt Fill)
The second of two college AU prompts requested by @ghostabek
“ you’re an actor in my favourite show/movie, but you’re taking a break to study and in an attempt to be respectful, I pretend I don’t know who you are the first time we have a project together” for Danbrey.
Aubrey’s doomed.
Had she known Dani A, star of her favorite Netflix coming of age series “Vampire High”, was at her school? Of course. You’d have to be living under a rock (or without wifi) not to. Had she noticed her in Latin American literature class? Of course.
Had she been prepared to be paired with her on a project? No fucking way.
Yet there she was, blonde hair and freckles and the best smile in the world, right across from Aubrey. Aubrey didn’t want to gush, didn’t want to make Dani feel self-conscious, or like she could never be anything other than the cute girl on the T.V. Not to mention she didn’t trust herself not to say the words, “you are part of how I figured out I looked girls and I definitely have fantasized about what it’s like to kiss you.”
Dani gives her a shy, nervous smile after they introduce themselves and in that moment she decides she’s going to pretend she has no clue who she is. 
“Sooooo” Aubrey drums her fingers on the table, “are you thinking a more written or a more visual thing?”
“I don’t know about you, but I learn better with pictures.”
“Pictures it is!” She notices Dani looking at her, head cocked to one side, “Is everything okay?”
“Oh, yeah! I was just reading the pins on your jacket, they’re really neat. You’re vegan?”
“Me too. Please tell me you know places with good vegan food in town.”
“Totally. We could, uh, meet at one to work on stuff, if you wanted to.”  She’s suddenly aware that the people around them are packing up and that they’ve made no actual plan for putting the project together. 
Dani looks unsure.
“Is it a super crowded place, or like somewhere with lots of people walking by?”
“No, it’s small and usually pretty chill, and it’s a few blocks off the main chunk of downtown. Mosswood is the name of it”
Dani smiles, “That sounds great. How about four this afternoon?”
Aubrey nods and Dani stands with a wink, “see you then.”
Aubrey blushes all the way to her next class.
“Oh man, that was so good.” Dani stretches back from the table with a satisfied sound. Aubrey tries, and fails, not to stare at her neck and think about kissing it.  They’ve been in the cafe for two hours (she’s actually been there a bit longer, giving her friend who owns it a heads-up about Dani being there and wanting to be left in peace). They worked on the project, but also chatted enough for Dani to find out that Aubrey does magic (usually with fire) and for Aubrey to discover Dani has amazing taste in music. Aubrey’s had such a nice time that the clock takes her by surprise.
“Crap, I need to head home so I can feed Dr Harris Bonkers.”
“Who and or what is Dr. Harris Bonkers?”
“My rabbit.”
Dani gives a squeal of delight.
“Wanna see a picture?”
“Of course.”
Aubrey opens up her phone and Dani spends a good three minutes cooing over the giant bunny. As they pack up and head out the door, she turns and smiles.
“This has been the best day I’ve had since I got here, Aubrey. Thank you.”
Aubrey walks on air all the way home.
They’re almost done with their project. And while they’ll still see each other in class, it means Aubreys’ excuse to spend extra time, sometimes alone, with Dani is about to go poof. They’re en route to Dani’s place to go over their presentation when the taller woman grabs her hand and pulls her down a side alley. Aubrey turns to ask what’s wrong, but Dani makes a shushing gesture and her mouth snaps shut.
After a scramble up some back stairs, they finally make it to the apartment. 
“What was all that about?”
“Spotted a guy who I happen to know is a paparazzi.”
“Why would he be after you?” Aubrey is trying to play innocent. From the look on Dani’s face, it isn’t going well. 
“Aubrey, I’ve been a celeb for years now. I can tell when someone recognizes me and is pretending not to.”
“It was actually really sweet of you to keep at it as long as you did.” She takes a step towards her, voice warm as the spring sun. 
“I just didn’t want you to be uncomfortable, especially since we had to work together. And I didn’t want you to think I was, like, being nice to you just because you were famous.”
“I wouldn’t have assumed that about you, Aubrey. You’re like, like, uh, like a firework; you give off all this energy and light and it makes it pretty obvious when you feel positive towards someone.” She’s close, now, brushes stray lint from Aubreys’ vest, “Though something tells me your feelings might go beyond that.”
“I’ve had a crush on you since I was 16!” Aubrey slaps her hands over her mouth, feels her eyes widen at what she just confessed.
“And…?” Dani fiddles with the pins on Aubrey’s jacket. Cautiously, Aubrey moves her hands.
“And that was nothing compared to what I feel now. Because you’re not just this idea anymore, your this whole person and every part of you is cool or pretty or smart and I think about you all the time but not in a creepy way, like I see stuff and what to text you about it cause I think you’d like it and, and” She comes to a stop as Dani cups her cheeks and presses their lips together. After a moment she pulls away with a goofy smile and Aubrey tries her hardest not to melt into a puddle on the floor. 
“Feeling’s mutual, firebug.” Dani brushes their noses together, goes in for another kiss and Aubrey throws her arms around her neck, returns it enthusiastically, lets Dani guide her backwards until she’s pressed against a wall.
“You’re really good at that.” She pants when they break apart and Dani snorts out a laugh, kisses her forehead 
“You’d really be okay with dating me? It might mean getting pulled into more back alleys to dodge cameras.”
“I will let you pull me into as many back alleys as you want. Wait, that sounded, weird. Yes, is what I’m getting at.”
Dani kisses her again, hugs her close, and Aubrey has a fleeting thought that sometimes, reality can put fantasy to shame. 
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Every Single Star vs. the Forces of Evil episode in one sentence or less
I’ll probably post a more in depth-review later this week, as I have opinions literally no one wants to hear but I will proclaim anyway, and then I’ll probably also due a revision of my ‘Past Queens Connection to Star’ post from way back in season 2. Cause that needs an update.
Anyway, enjoy!
Star Comes to Earth: Princess Cinnamon Roll that Could Kill you comes to earth and meets Misunderstood Safe Kid.
Party With a Pony: Spoopy Wardens hunt for the glitter pony while Star gets ice for Marco’s sweaty back.
Matchmaker: In which we learn it was probably a bad idea to give Star the wand in the first place.
School Spirit: Star misunderstands football and Marco tries to get Ferguson to blow his whistle not in that way.
Monster Arm: “Not my bowels! I love my bowels!”
The Other Exchange Student: Star is jealous of the meatball man from Bakersfieldville.
Cheer Up Star: “It’s supposed to be ironic!”
Quest Buy: Very accurate depiction of what it is like to work in retail.
Diaz Family Vacation: Both Marco and Star see new sides of their dads but that’s not necessarily a good thing
Brittney’s Party: Star and Marco party on a bus that Ludo hijacks
Mewberty: Star gets horny and snares boys in her web but not in that way
Pixtopia: Marco messed up and Alfonso marries Ferguson’s rebound
Lobster Claws: “… You can’t eat children.” “Really? Not even the annoying ones?”
Sleep Spell: “Camera Phooone!”
Blood Moon Ball: We’re suppose to ship them now, right?
Fortune Cookies: Love is never the answer kids
Freeze Day: Father Time offers Star and Marco some mud before riding away on his wheel-mobile pulled by giant time-hamsters I am not making this up.
Royal Pain: King Santa Claus destroy mini-golf
St. Olga’s Reform School for Wayward Princesses: Princess Prison sure is a nightma–OH MY GOD ARE THOSE CLUBS?!
Mewnipendence Day: No wonder monsters hate Mewmans so much.
The Banagic Wand: Star still doesn’t get Earth and like all of us, Marco is always hungry.
Interdemensional Field Trip: Miss Skullnick fears the “Big Change” while Marco sends Jackie cat memes
Marco Grows a Beard: Ludo is out, Toffee is in, and Marco will probbaly be terrified of beards forever
Storm the Castle: “SURPRISE!”
My New Wand!: DIP DOOOWN
Ludo in the Wild: Wait, since when did Ludo become badass?
Mr. Candle Cares: “Star and I have recently become smooch buddies… On the lips.”
Red Belt: Marco searches for a meaning in life and Star searches for hammer.
Star on Wheels: *epic remix of Marco saying Star is in trouble*
Fetch: Marco can’t open juice and Star runs away from her problems and sending thank you cards
Star vs. Echo Creek: Star gets high and destroys a police car
Wand to Wand: Both Ludo and Star are terrible at magic also major ship tease
Starstruck: Star and her idol Sailor Super Saiyan destroy a park and Marco is 100002% done with this shit
Camping Trip: King Butterfly has a mid-life crisis and tries to control an eagle
Starsitting: They’re gonna be great parents some day.
On the Job: Buff Dad is best dad and buff babies are adorable
Goblin Dogs: “You might think this line is long, but listen to my goblin song!~”
By the Book: Ludo and Star still suck at magic and Glossaryck is a bigger troll than Alex Hirsch
Game of Flags: And I thought my family was dysfunctional...
Girls’ Day Out: Janna is back and is still awesome btw
Sleepover: “TRUTH! STAR HAS A CRUSH ON MA–” *cue fandom freakout*
Gift of the Card: R.I.P.  Rasticore Chaosus Disastorvayne… He couldn’ get his fucking chainsaw to work
Friendenemies: Star becomes one with Christmas tree while Tom and Marco go on a date and sing a romantic pop ballad.
Is Mystery: Meatfork is apparently a family name and Ludo is really starting to freak me out tbh
Hungry Larry: “He’s still hungry…”
Spider with a Top Hat: He tries and he is awesome and that’s all that matters
Into the Wand: SPAAAAADESS!!!
Pizza Thing: Marco is OCD about mushroom and Pony Head buys skinny jeans
Page Turner: Moon, how did you miss Toffee in the orb he was right there!
Naysaya: Marco is a mood in this episode
Bon Bon the Birthday Clown: Honestly my favorite episode overall
Raid the Cave: Glossaryck is the true neutral asshole.
Trickstar: Weird Al is a treasure and I’ll mes up anyone who makes Marco cry!
Baby: Aw, look at the little deadly baby, I love her!
Running With Scissors: Marco gets a new edition to his shipping harem and she is so cute!
Mathmagic: Why did the chicken cross the road?
The Bounce Lounge: Marco is definitely the mom friend.
Crystal Clear: The Chancellor guy is amazing and Rhombulus just needs a hug and wAS THAT ECLIPSA IN THE BACKGROUND?
The Hard Way: “SURPRISE!” 2.0
Heinous: Oh, so that’s how Marco got all that money.
All Belts Are Off: This is the negative side of “Pro-tag teen hangs out with older adult figure” trope done splendidly
Collateral Damage: Marco how do you not know what a possum is?
Just Friends: I’m fine! *blows up sign to prove just how fine I am*
Face the Music: This song is actually a banger
Star Crushed: Looking back, I’m starting to think the writing peaked at this episode....
Return to Mewni: This is… just an exposition filler. Not much else to say….
Moon the Undaunted: B4! B4! B4 B4 B4 B4 B4 B4 B4 B4 B4 B4!
Book Be Gone: Seriously, did Glossy take trolling lessons from Alex Hirsch this is hilarious!
Marco and the King: This is the  “Pro-tag teen hangs out with older adult figure” done slightly better
Puddle Defender: Aw, look at the little buff babies, they’re getting so big!
King Ludo: The mime stole the show.
Toffee: Yeah, I think the writing peaked somewhere around here...
Scent of Hoodie: Huh, so Ponyhead can be written as likeable, who would’ve thought?
Rest in Pudding: The colors are not doing the censors any favor here, huh?
Club Snubbed: I literally yelled “Phrasing!” whenever they dropped the title
Stranger Danger: Is she the new antagonist of the series? I can’t tell
Demoncism: Tom is a wonderful baby boy and Ponyhead is written as likeable, part 2!
Sophmore Slump: *sobbing* Jackie deserved better, dang it!
Lint Catcher: I’m starting to wonder if there is any competant authority figure in Mewni
Trial by Squire: I think the writers were all like” You think these guys will ship anyone with Marco?” and decided to test that theory.
Princess Turdina: I got more lore out of this episode than I thought I would.
Starfari: Welp, she makes me uncomfortable.
Sweet Dreams: *Sailor Moon-ing intensifies*
Lava Lake Beack: Proof that this fandom will ship anyone with Marco at the slightest inclanation
Death Peck: Rich Pigeon is my new favorite birb and Ponyhead is written as likeable for the third time
Ponymonium: Well, it was nice while it lasted.
Night Life: The writers made so many new ships they had to get rid of an old one!
Deep Dive: “Chicken butt”
Monster Bash: Well, that explains the cheekmarks.
Stump Day: I think they just made an episode based around a picture from that bookcover.
Holiday Special: *insert every cheesy Christmas/Holiday episode trope here*
The Bog Beast of Boggabah: The title is fun to say and the episode is average at best.
Total Eclipsa the Moon: Seriously, I’m supposed to think she’s an ultimate villain.
Butterfly Trap: In which we are all Sean, don’t lie we were all him at the end
Ludo, Where Art Thou?: Dennis is best brother, hands down.
Is Another Mystery: *sniff* I got more emotional over this episode than anyone else did and I’m not sure how I feel about that
Marco Jr.: I… I just… Why? What’s the point?
Skooled!: Epic advertisment fakeout combined with wonderful character development and lore with a shock ending makes a 8/10 episode.
Booth Buddies: Old Man McGucket ships Starco, proceed to react accordingly
Bam Ui Pati!: Ponyhead is kinda likeable in this episod–nevermind she’s back.
Tough Love: Oh man, it’s happening! It’s happening guys here we go!
Divide: We are going to war everybody–And they’re all dead. That was quick.
Conquer: They should have paid Alex HIrsch to voice Glossaryck at this point, it’d be more in character for him.
Butterfly Follies: Proof that someone will always complain about politics no matter what.
Escape from the Pie Folk: Is anyone else disturbed by the fact that he kinda resembles Eclipsa more than Festivia?
Moon Remembers: I was expecting a freakout but was pleasantly surprised
Swim Suit: I’m starting to get a bad feeling about Rhombulus
Ransomgram: Why is everyone in this dimesnion hot?!
Lake House Fever: She’s a good mom
Yada Yada Berries: They missed an opportunity to have a Seinfeld actor guest-star, just saying
Down by the River: I’m glad that she can relax
The Ponyhead Show!: And Ponyhead is offically no longer likeable, can someone toss her into an abyss please?
Surviving the Spiderbites: SpiderSlime is canon proceed to react accordingly
Out of Buisness: How did this place go out of buisness???
Kelly's World: Man, they’re really setting these non-Starco ships up to fail, huh?
Curse of the Blood Moon: Pfft, yeah, sure, Starco won’t be canon at all!
Princess Quasar Caterpillar and the Magic Bell: I think Ludo has the most consistent character arc out of the entire show’s history.
Ghost of Butterfly Castle: Moon, Star is your daughter and Star supports Eclipsa, why would you not tell her?
Cornball: This episode has a heartwarming lesson that I hope more people come to realize
Meteora's Lesson: I’ll take any Toffee scenes I can get
The Knight Shift: I honestly don’t remember what happened n this episode
Queen-Napped: Seriously, can someone please dropkick Ponyhead into an abyss?
Junkin' Janna: The JanTom interaction I’ve been waiting for
A Spell with No Name: These types of episodes stopped being charming awhile ago
A Boy and His DC-700XE: I think Tomco has more ground to stand-on then Starco at this point
The Monster and The Queen: Don Panchito voices Globgor! There’s hope for this show yet!
Cornonation: They’re the best couple/parents/anything around!
Doop-Doop: I honestly think Rick just put Morty through some flux-capacitor or something
Britta's Tacos: Hey, remember these people that we suddenly brought back? No? Me neither!
Beach Day: This feels like a Season 1 episode and it’s nice
Gone Baby Gone: I want a TV show aout them now! Disney, please!
Sad Teen Hotline: Mr. Diaz is way to invested in Star’s love life.
Jannanigans: Hello last minute Janna character development!
Mama Star: So that’s how Mewni came to be--and I don’t care anymore
Ready, Aim, Fire!: Let’s get that finale ball rolling people!
The Right Way: Ok, that spell is actually pretty badass.
Here to Help: There, Starco’s finally canon will you guys just shut up now!
Pizza Party: Moon you idiot you ruined everything!
The Tavern at the End of the Multiverse: Toffee was right all along... I think we all knew that in some way
Cleaved: I expect nothing substanial and that’s what I got
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rosemallowss · 6 years
CREEPS Sweater Tutorial
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[I recently found this in my drafts and realized that it’s too late, as there’s already a CREEPS long sleeve shirt you can buy on the merch site! But I’ll just post this to remember my failure]
Materials needed:
- Black long sleeved sweater or shirt
- Determination
- Money
- Patience
- Exacto knife
- Scissors
- Lint roller
- Iron
- Printer (NOT a laser printer)
- Flat surface
- Transfer paper (probably 2 packs depending on the amount in one)
- Pillow case
- Computer
- Word document (probably Microsoft word)
- This tutorial! :)
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Step 1: Get transfer paper. Most packs come in 5 pieces of paper, so you may want to get two packs since CREEPS is 6 letters plus if you mess up. Make sure the transfer paper specifically says for dark clothing and that your material is 100% cotton/polyester.
Step 2: Get a plain long sleeved black shirt that fits you right! Or a black sweater. I used a black sweater since I love wearing those and find it a bit uncomfortable wearing shirts that stick to me. Make sure it is either 100% cotton or polyester.
Step 3: Download the font. One of the reasons most people don’t make the sweater is because they can’t find the correct font! However, I found it exactly (or almost exactly except for a minor detail)! Download the font “LEGEND M54” { https://www.dafont.com/legend-m54.font } and it should (I can’t remember) pop up in your word document.
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Step 4: Now that you have your font, pick the right color. If you want, you could choose a lighter mint green color for the letters which is what I chose. But in certain lightings it looks white. However, you can use a darker mint green as most people who have made a CREEPS shirt have done. Either one! It’s honestly hard to tell what is the exact color of the original shirt.
Step 4: Getting the right size letters on the shirt. I stressed over this a lot. It depends on the size of YOU! I am a 5’0 fourteen year old girl, (and the shirt is still a bit big on me) but still used pretty big letters. I made the font size 600. You may want to print out a letter with an estimated font size on REGULAR PRINTER PAPER first; cut out the letter and place it on your sweater. If you like the size, keep it or adjust and practice accordingly. I printed out all the letters to make sure they all could fit on my sweater. Also take this time to practice cutting the letters perfectly as if they were your real letters going on your shirt and to save a bit of paper.
Step 5: Once you are satisfied with your letter size and color, print out the letters on your transfer paper. The instructions of your transfer paper should tell you the options to get the best quality transfer. Don’t start working on your shirt right away. My transfer told me to wait at least 30 minutes for the ink to dry on the paper but I waited 45 minutes cause I’m extra. ALSO DO NOT PRINT ON THE SIDE WITH LINES. Make sure the letters go on the blank side.
Step 6: Cutting it out. Now, when downloading the font, you’ll notice the little nubs on the letters. Just cut those off. It’s easier anyway. When you cut them off, you’ve got the exact font used on the sweater. When cutting, remember that there is a little back to the paper that you MUST peel off. (Believe me, I fucked up once) To make it easy for yourself, when cutting out a letter, make sure not to cut out a space of white paper. Then, using your exacto knife, slowly slice the surface of the white paper, but not deep enough to slice it in half. Peel that, not all the way, but just enough for your fingers to grab and peel it all off later. Then, cut off the white part. Be careful here because it gets a bit slippery when cutting this part.
Repeat with all the letters. On the letters “R” and “P” DO NOT FORGET to cut out the white space aka the holes of the letters. Otherwise, it’ll end up on your final product and ruin it.
Step 7: Get your sweater. My transfer paper specifically said not to use an ironing board, so I used my kitchen counter (cleaning it first of course). Put your pillow case on the counter, and IRON IT OUT TO PREVENT WRINKLES. Then lay your sweater on the pillowcase, smoothing it out so that there are no wrinkles. Have a lint roller and roll it all over your shirt. To be safe, do it 3 times. Do this to get rid of any crumbs or animal hair that’s on your shirt. DEFINITELY do this if you have a dog or other animal like me. Then, iron out your shirt to guarantee no wrinkles and get rid of any moisture in your shirt.
Step 8: Adjust your iron’s settings according to your paper transfer instructions. I adjusted mine to the highest heat setting, no steam, polyester/cotton.
Step 9: Place your letters on the shirt and line them up. I didn’t measure this part. I just used a reference of a picture of the sweater and kind of followed that. IRON THE "C" AND "S" LAST. If you do measure it, it will most likely depend on your height. Or, use this picture like I have done to get a reference.
Step 10: Peel the paper off of the letter. The letter should be flimsy in your hands. DO NOT FORGET TO PEEL IT OFF. Put the parchment paper on top of your yet to be ironed letter. Smooth it out with your hands to prevent any weird wrinkles or air bubbles. Then, iron it in an up-and-down and left-to-right motion, covering the whole letter for 13-20 seconds ONLY! I made the mistake at the beginning for doing it for a minute. It was too late when I realized that the next instruction told me to stop ironing when the letter started browning (if you go back on my account you can see the results) otherwise you’ll have some ugly white/yellow letters on your sweater.
Step 11: Wait for letter to cool down, then repeat for the rest of the letters on the chest (waiting for the letters to cool down between each iron), carefully eyeballing the reference to make sure your letters are spaced like the picture. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but I’m a bit of a perfectionist.
Step 12: If you DO happen to mess up and burn your letters. Do not fret! You could go buy another shirt and more transfer paper, but that may not help your wallet. Because you have two transfer packets, there are bound to be extra papers! Do step 4–6 again, and again repeating step 10, iron the letter on top of your burned, failed one. There may be a little outline of the failed letter around your new and perfect one, but from a normal distance it is not noticeable. You may have to do this the first time you do it. I have. :/
Step 13: The sleeves are a bit tricky. Since my sweater had been slightly big on me, the letters sagged on the sleeves, not lining up with REEP. If they don’t line up perfectly, it’s alright because when George Salazar performs, you can see that the letters are also not perfectly lined up.
Spread your sleeves out. Turn the letter sideways and put it on your sleeve so that it points in the direction your sleeve is pointing. You may want to put the sleeve back down next to the shirt with the letter still on it to see if they would line up with REEP. When you are satisfied, repeat step 10. Also, try to align the “C" with "S" so it doesn’t look off to other people. You may want to use a ruler to measure.
Step 14: Wait 24 hours to wear or wash. Don’t use a washing machine. Hand wash instead. Now you have a CREEPS sweater and you’re just in time for the off-broadway edition of Be More Chill in New York City! Or impressing your favorite actor/actress of Be More Chill! Or your favorite theatre nerds.
Step 15: Wear it. Take pictures. Make your friends scream and ask “HOW DID YOU FIND IT?” and whisper, “I found it online.”
Extra tips:
Don’t stress.
Don’t rely entirely on this tutorial. Use your transfer paper’s instructions as well.
If you’re kinda young, get your parent or guardian to help you out.
Thank me.
This took me roughly 6 hours to do because I was trying to figure out what the hell I was doing.
If you have any more questions. PLEASE SEND AN ASK so other BMC fans could scroll through and see them.
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this-is-allison · 6 years
Hawkins Affairs
I’m sorry I haven’t posted any writing in a while. My grandma suddenly fell ill and passed away so June was a big struggle for me and I’ve been having a hard time finding inspiration to write. 
I’ve been working on this for about a month now and think I finally have it ready to share. This is set about 8ish years before Will disappears, right after Hopper comes back from the Vietnam War. Yes, there is smut. Please let me know what you think!  Hawkins, Indiana: May 1975 -
Hopper rolls away from the woman who’s name he never bothered to ask for. Sitting up he grabs his jeans off the floor and slides them on. He fishes in the right pocket, retrieving a few pills from its depths. Not bothering to blow off the lint, he pops the red and blue tablets in his mouth, swallowing them dry. Hopper finishes dressing, takes one look back at the sleeping form before quietly leaving the dingy motel room.
He’s been back in Hawkins for a few months now. It’s still just as shitty as he remembered. The war had just ended. He’d been discharged early with the news that his mother had fallen ill. She’d declined the past few weeks and is now taking up permanent residence at Hawkins Memorial. Thoughts of the war and the things he’d seen kept him up at night. When he wasn’t tending to his mother, he typically spent his time sleeping with nameless women and drinking himself into a stupor. His dream was to get out of Hawkins after high school and never look back, yet here he is. Right back where he started.
His first run in with Joyce takes about a week and a half, but he knew it would happen sooner rather than later in such a small town. The last time he’d seen her she’d told him about her impending marriage to Lonnie Byers after high school. He was less than supportive, but why in the hell would she think he’d be anything but? All the memories come flooding back as he walks through the doors of Melvald’s General and sees her standing behind the counter. Their eyes meet for a brief second, a look of shock crossing her features, before she turns her attention back to the customer in front of her.
He grabs a 12 pack of beers out of the cooler on the far end of the store and heads back up to the front. It’s hard to miss the shiny gold band on her left ring finger. His thoughts instantly turn bitter at the sight of it.
“How’s Lonnie?” his tone is anything but friendly. The first time he sees her in years and he asks about her piece of shit husband. Joyce wasn’t sure what to expect when he walked in, but that wasn’t it.
“He’s…” she clears her throat, “er...um...fine,” she fakes a smile. She doesn’t want to talk about Lonnie. Not with anyone, especially not with him. “How’s your mom?” Joan Hopper is a well liked woman among the townspeople so news of her illness had gotten around quickly.
“Fine,” he mimics her response offering nothing more than a tight jaw and dark eyes.
“Can we maybe...talk some time?” she offers. They were good friends at one point. She misses that.
“I don’t think your husband would like that,” he bites before he lays his money on the counter, grabs the case of beers, and walks out of the store. He’ll have to go to the larger store from now on for his beer runs.
It’s 6am when the landline at his mother’s house starts ringing throughout the house. She always keeps the ringer louder than normal due to her lousy hearing. He wakes with a start having just dozed off after an extra dose of Tuinal. He makes his way to the phone quickly, grabbing it off the hook on the fourth ring, “s’wrong?” no one ever calls except his mother and the nurses on occasion. Never at this hour before. Something must be wrong.
“Mr. Hopper? It’s Doctor Smith. I’m really sorry to have to tell you this over the phone, but your mother went into cardiac arrest early this morning. We tried everything we could, but the attack was massive. I’m sorry for your loss,” the doctor explains.
“Thanks,” Hopper grunts out before hanging up the phone abruptly. He knew this day would come, but somehow it doesn’t feel real.
The next week goes by in a blur; making funeral arrangements, meeting with a lawyer, cleaning up the house for the wake, and packing up some of his mother’s things. His drinking has gotten worse. He takes more pills than medically recommended. There’s nothing left to care about so why in the hell should he care about himself?
He hosts the wake at his mother’s house the Friday after her death. He knows his mother was loved having lived in this town her entire life, but the number of people crowding in the small house overwhelms him. He retreats to his bedroom; thankful for the peace and quiet. He takes the flask out of his suit jacket and enjoys a drink. That is, until there’s a soft knock at the door. He looks up as it opens before he can respond. His eyes travel from black heels, up bare pale legs, to a simple back dress, and finally meet wide brown eyes.
“S’wat’re you doin’ here?” the alcohol ignites his anger among other things. Fully taking her in for the first time in ten years, he sees she’s only gotten more beautiful. She looks beat down and tired, but somehow more beautiful than ever. It pisses him off.
“I couldn’t find you...I figured you’d be hiding in here,” she walks towards him slowly, stopping abruptly as his fiery gaze meets hers.
“Found me. Ya should leave,” he burps taking another drink from his flask.
“I don’t think you should be left alone right now,” she explains, making sure to keep her distance.
“House’s full,” another drink down. How much can that small flask hold?
“You could use a friend,” she knew it was the wrong term to use to describe their relationship as soon as it left her mouth. If his anger wasn’t evident before, it is now.
“You think...we’re friends?!” he’s on his feet towering over her in seconds, but she refuses to let him intimidate her.
“Of course. We practically grew up together,” she reminds him. They’d met in elementary school and even though Joyce was two grades below Jim, they were practically inseparable. Until Lonnie Byers came along. He’d transferred into Jim’s grade senior year from another school and was obsessed with Joyce from the moment he laid eyes on her. He didn’t care that she was taken. He’d somehow managed to wedge himself between them, something he thought was impossible.
He isn’t sure if it’s their close proximity or the mixture of grief, alcohol, pills, and anger, but he suddenly wants to take what’s Lonnie’s. He looks down at her, their bodies mere inches apart, “10 years we haven’t talked,” he reminds her. Friends don’t not talk for a decade.
She can smell the alcohol emitting from his body due to their close proximity, “I’m sorry,” is all she can choke out. Her breath hitches when she looks up and catches his eye.
Words evaporate between them when suddenly he kisses her harshly. He swiftly picks her up and she takes the cue to wrap her legs around his waist, hooking her arms around his neck. Slamming her up against the nearest wall their kissing only grows more intense. Their tongues battle for dominance as their hands work on finding skin, desperate for contact. His suit jacket is quickly discarded. Hopper doesn’t waste any time as he pushes her dress up her thighs to bunch at her hips then yanks her underwear down enough so he can rip them off. Joyce unbuttons his dress pants, pushing them down with the toes of her heels as far as she can while he sucks on her neck. She brings his mouth back to hers as her hand wanders down his fully shirted chest, into his boxers. Hopper groans into her mouth when she wraps her small hand around his hard, thick member. Luckily alcohol had never affected his ability to perform.
Deciding he doesn’t want to wait anymore he pushes his boxers down letting them pool around his ankles. He lines himself up with her hot entrance and pushes in, not bothering to check if she’s ready. Joyce screams out surprised, wrapping her arm around his neck, using his body to muffle her cries. Hopper’s surprised how tight she is - Lonnie must not being fucking her right. Or at all. Smirking into her mouth at the fact, he grabs her hips fucking into her harder and harder with each thrust not giving her anytime to adjust to the size of him.
He isn’t going to last long in the state he’s in with her as tight as she is. Seems like Joyce won’t either.
Joyce screams out at the simultaneous feeling of being stretched and fucked so deep. Hopper uses his mouth to muffle her cries. He keeps up the pace, moving his thumb to massage her clit,  and after a few minutes she spasms violently around him. Her orgasm lasts longer than he’s ever experienced before. It really must have been a while for her - it came quick and hard. The feeling of her walls constricting around him causes him to burst before he can pull all the way out. He didn’t mean to as he wasn’t expecting to cum so fast, but the thought of her going home to Lonnie with his seed inside her fills him with a sense of pride. He’d fucked Lonnie’s wife. His ex. The woman who he still has very contradicting feelings for. Is it possible to love and hate someone at the same time? He does.  They try to regain control of their breathing still not saying a word. Hopper places Joyce back on her feet after a minute. She pulls her dress down from around her waist, takes one look at her torn underwear on the floor, and leaves. Not minding to say anything or even look at him. Without her underwear, his cum drips down her thighs leaving an uncomfortable sticky residue between her legs. Hopper adjusts his clothes figuring he’d better get back to his guests. He needs another drink.
Joyce’s days off usually consist of running errands. Lonnie works nights while she works days so there’s always someone home with the kids. When she isn’t working he refuses to watch the them so she’s left to drag the boys around town. Something they hate. There’s only a few more weeks until school lets out so she just has Will for now. Although, sometimes having one four-year-old is more exhausting than having both of them. Jonathan is more of an introvert than his brother. An observer.
Will loves comic books so Joyce brings him to the library so they can check out a pile for the week. At four years old he isn’t able to read yet so he usually looks at the pictures, having Joyce read to him before bed. They’re gonna have to start working on that. She’d planned her day out keeping her mind busy to avoid guilty thoughts of events that had transpired a few days ago. She needs to focus on her boys, her family. That’s it.
Walking into the library she’s met with the exact person she’s trying to avoid. Jim Hopper is leaning over the counter, on a stack of books, whispering to the librarian. Of course. She can’t hear what he’s saying, but his body language and the way Marissa is giggling makes it quite clear he’s flirting. She rolls her eyes, holding Will’s hand tighter, “C’mon, baby,” she smiles down at him as they walk to the kids section.
When she comes back up a while later, after Will’s made his selections, she’s disappointed to see him still in the same spot. She sighs, looking around for another librarian, but there’s only ever one at the desk. The other usually floats around the building organizing and whatever else. Keeping hold of Will’s hand she steps behind Hopper and clears her throat. Hopper turns around, startled to see Joyce. His eyes move down to the child and back to her.
“Surprised to see you in a library,” she remarks stepping up next to him, putting Will’s selections on the counter. Will keeps his arm hooked around his mother’s leg. Marissa begins to scan the books out, looking between Hopper and Joyce.
“Jus’ donatin’ some of mom’s old books. Marissa needs to look them over,” why does he suddenly feel like he owes her an explanation? He can flirt all he wants, she’s the married one.
“Funny she just had me drop them and go when I donated,” Joyce smirks knowingly at Marissa as she scans out the books.
“We’ve since changed policies,” Marissa smirks at her, “you’re all set, Mrs. Byers.” Joyce doesn’t miss the way she places extra emphasis on her title. She grabs the books off the counter, glancing at Hopper as she turns to leave, “C’mon, baby,” she takes Will’s hand leading him out of the Library. Hopper watches her go, remembering the last time he watched her walk away, until a voice breaks through his thoughts, “So, I’ll meet you at Benny’s when I get off around 7?” Marissa flirts, batting her lashes behind thick rimmed glasses.
“Yeah,” he clears his throat, “sounds good,”
Joyce drives to the edge of town to pick up the food Lonnie had insisted on ordering for dinner. They hadn’t eaten out in a while so she thought it would be a nice treat for the boys. Not that they need to be spending the extra money.
Hopper is leaning against his truck finishing a cigarette in the parking lot of Benny’s when a familiar car pulls up next to him to him - and not the one he’s waiting for. Are they going to run into each other everywhere they go? When she steps out of her car she’s clearly agitated to see him once again.
“Are you following me or something?” she bites at him, crossing her arms.
“How would that be possible? When I was here first?” he doesn’t want to deal with this right now. He just wants to eat, have a few drinks, and then hopefully get laid.
“Twice in one day?”
“It’s a small town, Joyce.” Hopper points out. There’s only so many places to go. Trapped between their cars he looks her over, slowly moving closer, “if I were a betting man I’d say you’re the one followin’ me,”
“And why in the hell would I do that, we’re not friends, remember?” she throws his comment from earlier back in his face.
“I don’t know,” he keeps walking forward as she backs up until she runs into the side of her car with him towering over her, “maybe you want me to make you scream again,” he whispers in her ear, his hot breath making her shiver. There’s just enough space between them that they aren’t touching, but damn near it.
She places her hands on his chest to keep him at a distance, “I’m married...that can’t happen again,” her resolve is weakening. Luckily the dinner crowd has died down by now so Benny’s is practically empty and they’re hidden in the small space between their cars. Hopper has completely forgotten about his date at this point. 
“But you want it to?” he ghosts his lips over hers. They’re playing with fire.
Her resolve crumbles as she pulls him closer, crushing her lips against his with a fierce passion. He presses her back against the car as their kissing intensifies. Slipping one of his hands underneath her shirt, he pushes the cups of her bra up, grabbing one of her breasts he begins to massage it and tweak the nipple. Joyce moans into his mouth working on the belt of his pants with one hand as she slides the other inside his jeans. He hisses when she comes in contact with his cock, pushing his jeans and boxers down to his thighs to give her better access.
He unbuttons her jeans, sliding them down her legs to bunch at her feet, shocked by her lack of underwear, “you naughty girl,”. He picks her up. She takes the cue to wrap her legs around his waist, and they are once again in the same position as a few days prior. He rubs himself against her wetness before he slips inside her a bit gentler than the last time.
She moans out at the feeling of him stretching her, “fuck me, Hop,” she pleads looking into his eyes for the first time. He slowly starts to move, developing a rhythm when they suddenly hear a car coming down the road.
“Fuck,” they break apart, both scrambling to redress and fix clothes as quick as they can. The car parks and out steps Marisa, “Hey, Jimmy. Sorry I’m a little late,” she smiles widely at him before noticing Joyce, “Oh hello, Mrs. Byers,” there she goes again using her married name, “what’s going on?” she looks between the pair of them suspiciously. 
“Just picking up dinner for my family. Jimmy here was smoking a cigarette while he waited for you I’m guessing. I should get going,” she cuts between them as she makes her way into Benny’s. She can’t believe she’d let that happen again. At least last time she’d gotten to come. Now she’d cheated for nothing. She’s had her suspicions about Lonnie, but nothing has ever been confirmed. He’s the father of her children and cheating is not something she does. She feels horrible about it. 
The waiter places her food on the counter, picking up her money, as Hopper and Marisa enter the diner. Marisa blabbers on about something, but he’s focused on Joyce who’s intent on keeping her gaze away from them; him specifically. She picks up her food, throwing him a quick glance, and bowing her head as she walks out the door and disappears.
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Cradle Broken Glass - Chapter Twenty Seven
Layla pushed open the doors to the small café and walked inside, locating a small table in the back that was closed off and more private. Eddie followed closely behind her, sitting opposite her in the booth as she sat in the padded seat. As soon as they were seated, a waiter came over and took their orders of coffee, leaving them be.
Layla had managed to convince Eddie to leave the house, although he wasn’t happy about it, wanting to spend the rest of the day in bed. But she knew that Jeff would be coming back soon from wherever he had got off to the night before, and she didn’t want him to walk in when they were in a compromising position. Hell, Jeff didn’t even know she had left Phil yet, she didn’t want to be around when he found out that her and Eddie’s association had become more than kisses. She looked at him, sitting across from her, his skin glowing from the soft candlelight in the café, still bronzed even though the Seattle weather was constantly below freezing. The waiter came back with their drinks and, when he left, Eddie reached his hand over the table and gently held Layla’s, his thumb stroking the skin on her palm back and forth as he sipped his coffee. She was overwhelmed by the gesture. Although she knew she shouldn’t compare, Phil had never shown her affection in public, unless it was to show dominance. The fact that Eddie was nonchalantly playing with her fingers, now with both hands, and in a public place, made her heart swell and she didn’t quite know what to make of the situation.
They sat there in a comfortable silence. What had happened in the last couple of days was whirling through Layla’s head. How could so much change had happened in such a short space of time? She was trying not to overthink it when a voice broke through her internal monologue.
“Where are you going to go?” Eddie asked her in a quiet voice, almost like a shy school boy. He was staring down at her left hand as he played around with her fingers, the two lines between his eyebrows furrowing, in either concentration or frustration, she didn’t know.
“What do you mean?” Layla asked, although she was perfectly aware of what he was talking about.
“Well, are you gonna move in with Cindy again. Or, you know… Well… Where are you going to go?” He finally finished again, his words coming out sporadically. Layla contemplated what she was going to say next.
“Well, I don’t know. I guess I can ask Cindy if I can stay at hers again, even though it’s a lot of trouble.” She thought over moving again. She hadn’t given that part of her situation a thought, and she knew she needed to. I mean, Phil wasn’t even aware that she had left him yet. He had probably woken up this morning, pissed that she hadn’t come home, but was probably still waiting for her to show up and apologise. What the fuck was she going to do?
“Well, um…. I was thinking, you know, since you don’t have a place to stay and all… Well… I thought that maybe you could, uh, you know… stay with me?” His words came out like a question, and Eddie didn’t meet her eyes as he finished, only continued to stare intensely at her hand between his, almost like he had already accepted that her answer would be no. After a while of Layla not responding, he looked up timidly.
“Well, me and Jeff cause it’s his place too.” He looked down once more after adding that quietly. Layla thought over everything, and the only thing that came into her head was one word.
“Yes.” She said, and Eddie’s head popped up, meeting her eyes with a look of shock and confusion.
“Yes?” He asked.
“Yes. I mean, only if it’s alright with you.” Layla added.
“What do you mean ‘if it’s alright with you’ Layla, of course it’s fucking alright. It’s more than alright.” He exclaimed at her, and she gave him a wide grin at his excitement, admiring the way his perfect cheekbones raised as he smiled.
“Obviously you will have to ask Jeff since I don’t want to invade in his space. And we’ll have to tell him and the others everything.” Layla conceded, and Eddie gave her a sharp nod. While she knew Jeff wouldn’t have a problem with it, she was scared to tell the rest of the guys about her and Eddie, and what had been going on for months now. And she would finally have to admit that her feelings for Eddie were more than what she tried to make herself believe.
Eddie moved his body along the booth, getting closer to her. When their thighs were touching, he raised his hand and gently cupped her cheek, guiding her to his lips. They kissed each other slowly and languidly, not wanting the moment to end. Layla pushed herself as close as she could into Eddie’s body as he tangled his fingers into her hair and pushed back against her. His tongue moved in and out of her mouth and she bit his bottom lip as the kiss became more sensual and their lips moved against each other in a perfect rhythm. Everything was perfect until she heard a chair being pulled out from under the table next to her, and felt the booth move as someone sat down next to them. Eddie pulled away from Layla’s lips, still embracing each other hungrily, and she looked around at the people who had joined their table. Her eyes connected with Jeff’s first, a playful grin playing on his lips, and she slowly moved her eyesight around the table, capturing Chris, Stone and Mike’s stunned expressions. Eddie quickly pulled himself away from her and looked down in his lap, acting like if he didn’t acknowledge them, they would forget what they had just seen.
“Soooo…” Chris started as everyone sat around the table awkwardly.
“Vedder, since when have you been pulling?” He finished, and Stone and Jeff burst out laughing, with Mike trying to hold it in. Eddie glared at Chris with hate, but the latter only matched his look with amusement. Then he turned to Layla.
“And Layla, since when have you become such a seductress, trying to taint our innocent little Edward?” Chris questioned, and Layla could feel her cheeks light up red in embarrassment. She wished the ground would swallow her whole, as the guys made fun of what they had walked into. A part of her found it odd, though, that none of them seemed to be concerned about her infidelity. Granted, they never liked Phil anyway, but while they all looked completely shocked at what they had seen, they seemed to find it funny rather than concerning.
Everything went quiet again, and Layla had no idea what to say. Eddie was sitting there and not looking up, playing with a non-existent lint on his shirt.
“Well Ed, can’t say I’m not proud of you for finally growing some balls.” Stone chipped in and Chris and Mike nodded in acknowledgement. Layla was perplexed and so was Eddie, since his head shot up in confusion. But when his eyes met Jeff’s guilty glare, Layla realised that Jeff must have said something to them all after he found out about her and Eddie’s little liaison. The group sat there for another half an hour, half awkward and half filled with poking fun out of her and Eddie. Once they all got up to leave, Layla felt extremely uncomfortable, but in a way, was glad that she didn’t have to deal with telling everyone herself, knowing that it had probably already spread around Seattle due to Cornell’s big mouth. But for once, Layla was content with people talking about her. Everything seemed right in the world for once.
Isn’t Chris just a delight? Let me know what you think and how the next chapter is going to go and have an amazing day x
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