#just the feelings in the moment make you think it’s all good when it’s really just bleh.
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keferon · 1 day ago
Two Peas in a Pod: part 2/?
*slips another piece into your mailbox*
Jazz was still feeling a little woozy from his donation in the dark hours of the morning. Blaster had breakfast changed from the usual to something that felt more like a treat, probably a reward for his good behaviour, and to help his body recover. Fish heavy in proteins, fat, all that healthy stuff. Something that normally he would have tried to savour, but he wolfed it down from excitement. Too many questions ran through his head, and most he couldn't bring himself to voice.
The mer, the mer would pull through. Blaster told him about how he had saved their life with his blood. Praised him high and low. Because Blaster knew how Jazz felt about seeing blood, about how hard blood tests were for him, and that was only a tiny vial. Not three big bags of it. Jazz hadn't seen how much they had taken – because he had kept his eye closed until they left in a hurry –, and hearing about it made him dizzy for other reasons, but he honestly felt real proud of himself.
It was a new feeling, different from other moments of pride – like when he figured out the lock codes. Yeah, this gave him butterflies and the drive to help more.
Blaster laughed when Jazz offered that the vets could take more if the other mer needed it. His handler didn't think it would be, but he would pass it on to the vet team.
Jazz's morning checks were a little off, expected with having a little less fluids and feeling off-balance, but it was kept short and quick. Blaster told him that if he learned anything more, he'd tell him next time he came by and then hurried back down to the staff area. Blaster was needed elsewhere, understandably as there weren't many mer experts here, though he did leave Jazz his waterproof stereo if he wanted to play some of his favourites.
But, the orca mer was far too busy causing a whirlpool from the laps he was swimming. He was too excited to sit still, and embarrassment be damned he started practising old vocals. He didn't remember much of his mother tongue, and he was pretty sure that his pronunciation was off, that or had one hell of an accent. Echo-speech was even more rusty. And once he had gone over and over what he could recall, Jazz began to really worry. A few sentences and handful or so of words was all he had? Gods, I hope I can at least make a decent first impression. Blaster said they were just like me, so hopefully, that will give me some starting points.
More than he cared to count, Jazz would swim into the shallow waters of the medical bay and hope to see something through that window. But no one ever came close enough for him to hear any news of the mer. He couldn't even see anything on his radar, wherever they had done treatment, it wasn't in the hospital ward. It almost felt like he was being purposely kept in the dark.
And just when Jazz was starting to worry that things had taken a bad turn, a group of staff turned up around four pm. He wasn't able to ask any questions, or rather they refused to answer. Shooing him away as they got to work. Starting with closing the gate to the bay to 'keep him out'. Jazz could easily climb those walls, but that wasn't the point. Even if the gate window was closed, he could pick up that they were setting up the water hammock. But it wasn't until he heard the cautionary beeping of the hoist lift approaching that it dawned on him – the mer was coming. Now.
"Jazz," Blaster called, "… Jazz," he blew the training whistle and finally got his mer's attention. "Stop pacing and get over here."
"But–" Jazz looked back longingly up the wall.
"Jazz," his tone dropped to a firm one, and Jazz begrudgingly swam over to the pier. The human crouched and made sure that they held eye contact before he spoke. "I need you to promise me that you will stay in your enclosure."
He sunk a little, trying to play into his cuteness, but being far too anxious to really pull it off. "What do you mean?"
"Jazz," now warning him. Blaster knew full well that he was more than capable of getting into or out of places he shouldn't, bloody Houdini mermaid, "this is serious. Things are going well, we want to keep it that way. Which means keeping things calm and feeling safe. You're excited, I get it, we all are. But in about an hour, they'll be waking up and – from past experience seen with wild Mers – they will likely freak out. And the last thing we need is you hauling your tail over that wall and making things worse. Understand?"
The beeping was louder how and the hiss of hydraulics caused Jazz to look up. The arm of the lift was visible over the wall. They're here!
"Jazz," Blaster hopelessly called for his attention once more.
Within moments, a massive bundle was carefully raised, the staff calling out and coordinating. Jazz's gaze was fixed on the black and white fluke poking out, it was the only part of them he could see, and his heart began to race. Once they became hidden by the wall again, Jazz moved back to pacing by the gate without even thinking. Listening to people hopping into the water to unstrap the mer and call back n' forth. "Careful, careful! – Watch the head! – Someone give me a hand over here! – We're clear on this side! – Keep the head up!"
Really starting to sound like a broken record, Blaster chirped the whistle and called out to him again. The expression he wore must have been pretty pitiful because the look on Blaster's face dropped. "If I open the view port… will you promise me that you will wait, that you will stay in your enclosure?"
"I promise," he answered hastily, placing his hands on the gate, over the panel that would slide open.
"And that you will wait until everything is in the clear, till the staff come to oversee the integration. There will be no rushing things and no asking staff when we will open the gate."
"I promise," he repeated, trying not to beg.
Satisfied, Blaster pulled out his radio, "Blaster to Control; when the team is out of the Mer enclosure's medical bay, open the view port. Jazz's stress is mounting without a visual."
"Can do," came a quick reply.
Though, opening the panel was not. Several minutes went by, the hoist had cleared out, and much of the staff had returned to their other duties. Only two remained double-checking the mer's breathing and pulse. The moment that the last of them left, Jazz heard the lock disengage, and he retracted his hands as the panel shifted and began to slide open. The window was too small to get more than his hand – maybe up to his elbow if he wanted to push it – through, and sat just at water level– any movement sending water hopping to either side. But it gave him a clear view of the surface area inside.
Oh. Jazz stopped breathing. While the mer's body was mostly supported by the fabric of the hammock, cradling them on their side, effectively hiding most of them from Jazz's angle. Propped up on a soft floating platform was the mer's head, face towards the gate. Sharp features and elegantly shaped finials, with flattering lines of their markings complimenting the peaceful expression as they slept. The butterflies from earlier came back stronger than ever, his heart thundering as words fumbled from Jazz's lips, "he's beautiful…"
Orca Prowl really is just-- too fucking pretty, omg, I'm living through Jazz in this moment like when I first saw your designs of him.
I'm more than happy to continue writing for you, you bring me so much joy. I screamed when I saw how much you liked it. If you have any requests you would like me to add to the story, leave it in the tags or comments ♡ I now plan to continue until the tsunami and a bit afterwards, maybe more, we'll see~
Upd: There is a next part!
The way it all starts at night and then you (as a reader) have all this additional time to boil in your anticipation?? So fucking great. Like you can really feel how little power Jazz has over the wholse situation. The plot is moving but he doesn't have any saying in it. Well. Yet heheh
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Anyway haha. Im normal and I made some art>:D
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#apocalyptic ponyo#jazzprowl#jazz#prowl#blaster#ponyo jp writing#GLC#merformers#maccadam#transformers#damn imagine living your whole life with stupid dolphins and pretty much equally stupid captive merfolks#and then meeting a guy with an Engineering degree#must be wild~~~~#Wait I just realized. Those workers never had any experience with sapient merfolks besides Jazz#they all are like “he will freak out” but their understanding is based mostly on animals and captive mers#and those tend to become VERY stressed if they suddenly wake up in some new strange environment and discover they have a company#while with Prowl it would be the exact opposite I imagine??? omg. After all the time he was kept in those tiny ass temporary pools???#having no company besides humans who are constantly poking him and staring at him and making him take their weird medication an-#-d sometimes drugs if he acts aggressively?#like after all this shit???#I have a feeling he would see/hear other orca nearby and his first initial reaction would be OH THANK FUCK there's a company#orcas are very VERY social after all~#I got carried away haha. I LOVE THE FIC SO MUCH#MUAH#this is freaking amazing#.....damn okAY one more thought I just had#there's only a small window for them to look at each other#Prowl wouldn't properly see Jazz ehehehjfkfnfmfj. He would sorta kinda see him right. But then he would ACTUALLY look at him. like.#for the first time see his entire body? and Jazz looks SO wrong#Okay I'm done spamming haha
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dyingswanpavlova · 2 days ago
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"Your girl" - Part 21 | The Salesman x Reader
Summary: During a weak moment, you think back to happier times.
Warnings: dead dove do not eat, kidnapping, mentions of sexual abuse and other traumatic events in the past, numbness, helplessness, violence, threatening (knife), mentions of blood, mentions of murder and rape, body issues, trauma talk, stockholm syndrome, forced relationship, unhealthy relationship, depression, manipulation, mentions of sexual activities and desires, mentions of pregnancy/pregnancy issues like nausea and puking, kidney failure, cockwarming, rough sex, penetration, oral sex, blood play, degradation kink, not beta-read and not proofread yet! if I've missed any please tell me! mdni 18+!
"Your girl" - The Salesman x Reader Masterlist
Having a knife pressed against your throat wasn’t half as exciting, if it wasn’t the one person you trusted not to kill you with it – and even if he did…you’d forgive him.
But what if it was someone else? What if it wasn’t the man who made everything possible, the man you had come to trust and love?
It wasn’t enough to kill you. But it, sure as Hell, was enough to break your soul.
You couldn’t help but think back to your last birthday. It had been quite the celebration, hadn’t it?
You had never really celebrated your birthday before and why would you? There were not enough people to invite, at least none who wouldn’t secretly make fun of you behind your back. A few people pitied you for being shy and quiet, they would have come for sure. Others were not so gracious – they said they’d show up and then they didn’t. It wasn’t uncommon, right? Nothing but a pathetic pity party. And yet it was enough to keep you from ever celebrating your birthday again.
Back home you had most often spent the day watching tv shows, probably comfort shows to keep your mind occupied, but at the same time not all that much. Carrie and Douglas shopping groceries for Thanksgiving. Samantha and Charlotte splitting up over Charlotte’s hot brother. A few of your favorite episodes and yet nothing to trigger any emotions in you. Because you knew, if you did, you’d spend all day and all night feeling miserable because your life was so goddamn empty. It went like that every messed up birthday of yours. No one to congratulate you, except for the people who felt obligated to. Your mother’s untrustworthy good wishes. Nothing of meaning.
That was until you met him.
Your last birthday…It had been…
God, if you had died and went to Heaven, it couldn’t have been like that.
Your gaze involuntarily wandered back to the typewriter. A part of you almost wanted to smile at the memory, but it was hard under these circumstances.
And yet you knew, you knew, you had to dissociate somehow. Because if you didn’t, your soul would be gone for good. And what good was it to spend the last few minutes of your life broken and miserable? No, that was so silly. So silly. Why would you do that to yourself, when instead you could remember one of the most beautiful days of your life?
You remembered it like it had been yesterday, though it was a few months in the past by now. You hadn’t been pregnant yet or if you had been, at least you hadn’t known.
Now, lying on your bed under the sharp threat of the blade, you felt your first trimester nausea had passed. Almost on the dot, three months into the pregnancy and the vomiting had stopped. Pasta was still an unbearable thing to you, but at least Tteokbokki worked – though not half as spicy as he liked to eat them. You just weren’t sought out for that kind of tongue pain.
The first morning you woke up and didn’t immediately feel like throwing up the emptiness of your stomach, your desire for something else than food immediately returned – and tenfold.
You didn’t consider yourself an especially wicked or wanton person. But now, that the nausea had passed…
Fuck, you wanted him all the time.
And you got him all the time.
Having him inside you was as natural as breathing. It didn’t matter if you woke up with him stretching you out lazily against the sleepy morning blur or if you found yourself on your knees, keeping his hardness warm for him like a good girl.
“Good girl. Fuck. My good girl. Daddy’s good girl. Mh-mh. Don’t you dare move, you know the rules. I know that you want it. Fuck, I bet you’re dripping by now. Ah…Fuck. No, darling, no. Keep that pretty mouth in place for me, will you? Stay in place and I might just reward you.”
The thought sent a thrill up your spine. Even in that situation.
A part of you still felt incredibly ashamed for being what you were. Every time you came to the thought of something degrading, something cruel, something shameful, your first impulse was to feel bad afterwards. But it got less. And less. And less.
Sex got easier. And so did pleasure.
He made sure to keep your mind occupied. And he made sure to cuddle and caress you to oblivion, each time he had just finished fucking you like a rabid animal, while throwing the worst insults your way and doing the most heinous things to your body.
Of course he took a few measures now that you were pregnant.
When you knelt before him for half an hour while he read the newspaper, he made sure you had a pillow under your knees.
When he pounded into you so hard that you were sure you felt him rip you apart, he made sure to kiss every part of your body afterwards.
Every time.
But your birthday, your birthday…That was different. That was a day you couldn’t ever forget. If you were forced to find your end at only twenty-five, pinned to your bed and pregnant, at least you wanted to think of something beautiful. And that was what your birthday was.
Everything started when he woke you up with a soft breath of a Happy Birthday in your ear. You had been so sure that he either had no idea about it, or if he did, he wouldn’t mention it. But he did. He wished you a Happy Birthday, only a few seconds after he felt you stir in the morning. The thought of that alone was enough to make your heart race in your chest. But that was nothing compared to what else was to come, right?
You didn’t expect much. No, in fact you didn’t expect anything.
So it was all the more surprising and unnerving when he left the room and came back with a giant present. It was packed in dark green wrapping paper, with a big, white ribbon on top. He hadn’t even gotten dressed yet, which was rather uncommon. Sure, he wasn’t the most organized, not with you. He had his ways of dealing with things, but he allowed himself to let loose every now and then. Morning sex and messy kisses before he even got out of bed. But when he did, he normally headed towards the bathroom and came back dressed. Not in anything special, but enough to remind him – and you – that another day had started.
But that day he vanished in nothing but his boxers and he came back exactly like that. You sat on the bed and watched with wide eyes as he came back, wearing no more than that little clothing. His body drew your attention almost involuntarily. Whenever he was near and whenever he looked like that, just a little messy, but still so fucking perfect, you couldn’t help but stare at him.
He was yours. He belonged to you. Only you.
That thought was enough to nearly make your heart stop beating.
You hardly even focused on the present, until he placed it right before you and made you snap out of your thoughts.
“Open it."
Your gaze dropped down, before you met his again.
“You…you got me a present?”
He immediately frowned. “What kind of silly question is that? Why wouldn’t I? It’s your birthday.”
Your cheeks burned, but not in embarrassment or anything similar. You simply felt the hurt of your last nineteen birthdays well up in you.
His expression softened and he gently cupped your cheek in his hand, his calloused palm rough against your skin and yet you felt yourself lean into his touch. Every touch was a gift.
“Just open it.” He said in a softer tone.
For some reason he seemed far more excited than you were. It wasn’t that you were not – but he seemed all but nervous about your reaction.
With a soft sigh, you began to tug at the paper, your thoughts a whirlwind of emotions.
When was his birthday? Would you ever get to know it? Would you ever be able to go out and buy him a present?
What a funny thought. You didn’t care to flee his fangs any longer, no, all you wanted was to buy him a gift.
By the time the floor was covered in paper snippets and the packaging of the present revealed itself, all other thoughts left your system.
Your head shot up and you stared at him with the most incredulous and confused look you could come up with. He wasn’t smiling, nor was he smug, he seemed to be assessing you. Reading you.
“Is this…”
You looked back down at it and ran your fingertips over the flat surface.
Olympia Carrera de Luxe…Typewriter.
Your fingers stilled against the box and you felt your heart skip a few beats.
You told him about it, of course you did. Just like many other things, like almost every ghost of every thought you ever had. So how would he have missed this? He wouldn’t. He was too observant.
Your dream was to become an author one day, but that wasn’t a secret. But you never mentioned the typewriter, not as in wanting to own one. All that you told him was how your father had owned one, back in the day. You had faint memories of sitting in his study and running your fingertips over the keyboard. It was so different from a computer or a laptop. You couldn’t tell what it was. The feeling of seeing whatever you had written right there, as a physical thing you could touch, fold, take wherever you wanted? Or maybe the way it fit into your physical representation of life. Mobile phones were fine, because everyone had one. It was impossible to survive without them nowadays, if you weren’t living in the forest, in a small cottage, with your own farm and freshly made sourdough bread every night.
But you liked real things. Mostly because you never had them.
You had relied on imagining your life rather than living it for as long as you could remember. But what you really wanted was a man to build a fence for you. Someone to wear dresses for. Fresh food. Real laughter. Dancing. Moonlight. Forehead kisses. Vintage phones. Photo albums. Ink. Paint. Sizzling food. And love.
Love like you could only find it in old love stories.
The feeling of the typewriter keyboard under your fingertips always made you feel like these things were possible, like life was endless and love was real. But then your father died and your mother got rid of everything, including the typewriter.
You had spent three weeks crying over it, until you finally realized that tears indeed dry out at some point. And if only, because she didn’t allow you to drink any water, until you finally stopped that pathetic whining of yours.
You had told him that. And he had heard you.
So when you looked up at him again, your eyes wide and filled with a veil of tears, the corner of his mouth twitched in uncertainty.
“I can bring it back, if you don’t like it.” He said in a soft voice. “I just thought you might.”
You swallowed back the lump in your throat as you looked back down at it.
“I can’t believe you did that.” You whispered.
When you looked back up again, you were smiling.
His eyes were still narrowed in uncertainty, as though he believed you were only saying this, because you felt obligated to. Your smile widened at that and you let out a quiet laugh. Without hesitation, you set the package down on the floor and straddled his lap, causing him to fall back against the mattress. His eyes widened for a brief moment, but he let you. His hands fell to your hips and he held you gently in place.
“You really like it?” He asked quietly.
“No one ever did something like that for me.” You whispered and rested your forehead against his. The way his breath seemed to catch in his throat, how your initiative still seemed to catch him off-guard, it was just a lovely bonus.
“Thank you.” You breathed out before you brushed your lips over his. “Thank you. I love it. And I love you.”
His eyes fell shut and he brushed his fingertips under your shirt, gently running his palms along your bare back. It made you shiver and he only ever pulled you closer.
“Happy Birthday.” He murmured against your lips.
Your smile widened impossibly, despite the tears that still stung your eyes.
“Just because of you.” You murmured right back.
Later that day, you found yourself sitting opposite him at the kitchen table. Things were…incredible.
They had often been these days, but that day was different in any sense. Not for a single second had you seen his hand twitch or his jaw clench. No, he was simply perfect.
Of course he had cooked the most heart-wrenching meal. You had no idea what it was or how you were supposed to spell it out, but it was delicious. More so than anything you had ever tasted before. Sitting in the kitchen and watching him cook had been the most relaxing thing you had done in a while, but it also made your mind wander all the same.
You loved cooking with him. It was always sweet, because he never lost his patience over spilled condiments or little mistakes you might have made. No, he stood behind you, his hands on your hips, his head resting on your shoulder. Or sometimes you stood curled into his side, simply observing. He liked cooking, you could tell and you tasted it with every spoonful. What you loved most though was simply co-existing with him, performing a basic, human task. Sometimes he’d hug you from behind and other times he’d shoot you that cocky smirk you loved so much. Whatever it was, it made you love him all the more.
But that night was different from any other time you had done it. You simply sat there, your knees pulled to your chest and your chin resting on your knees and you watched him cook. The precision in his movements, the focus in his expression, that little lip bite. It was all enough to make you swoon.
He was an attractive man, that much was clear. Aside from that, you weren’t sure if he really was your type – in case you ever had one. A part of you believed you didn’t have the right to have a type, since you never loved anyone and no one ever loved you before. It was all in your head, a wild mixture of all kinds of people in fiction and real life you had come to think attractive during some point in your life. Most of them actors, some your age, a few a little older, others quite a few decades above you. It wasn’t that you had daddy issues per say. You just found solace in the thought of a life that was already figured out.
Whatever it was, all of them normally had a little flaw. A little something, a little difference. You never fell for the quarterback, no, it was always some outcast who caught your attention.
Most people fell for Jon Snow for the time being, but your focus was always on Dolorous Edd. With his whole rough-around-the-edges-appearance and his dry sense of humor, he was your man. Jon was too perfect.
It had always been like that and you had never really thought about it. But that night, you suddenly realized, there was more to him that attracted you than his looks. If he was him, but with a kind, uncomplicated soul, with a smile that never left his lips, if all he ever did was assure and love and lull you…Would you still have fallen in love with him?
Probably not.
You realized that you weren’t exactly normal. But as you sat there, watching his quiet confidence and yet the ever-present sort of tension that always lingered somewhere inside of him, you realized you loved him.
For him.
You didn’t need him to change – not for you. The only reason you wanted it, was for him to be happy and carefree. Nothing more.
You didn’t mind his darkness, not even his cruelty, because he was yours and after every storm there followed the calm.
“You’re sure you’re alright?”
You snapped out of your thoughts. “What?”
He took a sip of his drink and watched you over the rim of his glass. “You’ve been staring at me. Again.”
That made you smile. “Are you getting shy?”
The sound of his laughter filled the room, real and unbridled. Your heart swelled with happiness and peace as you watched him, a warm smile on your lips.
“Just admit that you don’t like it.”
At your confused frown, he nodded towards your plate. You blinked in confusion and glanced down, only to realize he was almost done and you had hardly even eaten anything.
“Oh!” Your face flushed at the sentiment. “How long did I stare at you?”
He flashed you a grin that bared his teeth. “Are you getting shy?”
Your smile widened and so did the flush on your skin. “Oh, shush.”
A low chuckle rumbled in his chest as he observed you pick up your cutlery and take a generous bite, just to prove him wrong.
A part of you had always assumed men preferred women who didn’t eat. Who never used the bathroom and God forbid, there was ever a hair on your body where it didn’t belong.
But he had quickly proven your thoughts wrong. In reality, except for the times he had starved you in order to…break your will? Whatever it was. Except for those times, he seemed very content watching you eat and rather concerned whenever you didn’t. You didn’t feel the need to be something you were not with him. It should have probably been the bare minimum, but to you it was more. To you, it was something to be grateful for.
You did prove him wrong and showed him that you indeed loved whatever he cooked, by finishing the plate. You raised a brow and shot him a challenging look, as you set the cutlery aside.
He grinned like a predator stalking its prey. “Aren’t we proud over some pasta and steak.”
Your lips curved up into a slow smile. “Just trying to prove a point.”
He hummed softly and leaned back in his chair. “You want your cake now or later?”
Your eyes widened. “Cake?”
He shrugged. “It’s your birthday, isn’t it?”
“But I’m full.”
“So, later.” He smirked. “Or do you give up already? Weakling.”
You laughed. “You’re in for a real tragedy. There’s always space for cake.”
His smile softened. “That’s my girl.”
His words sent a pleasant tingle down your spine and you had no way of hiding that from him. He watched you with a mixture of amusement and fondness.
“Come. Let’s dance.”
Your brows shot up. “But I don’t know how.”
He hummed thoughtfully. “I’ll show you. Just trust me.”
And you did. When he held out his hand to you, you took it and followed him to the living room. Except for the gramophone (how old was this man, truly? There it was again. Your dream life…The cottage.) in the corner of the room, he wasn’t entirely frozen in time and so he had a music box playing, connected to a phone. Before you knew it, you heard a familiar tune hum quietly in the background.
He placed on hand on your waist, while he used the other one to intertwine your fingers. Your free hand rested on his shoulder and you looked up at him with wide, unsure eyes.
“Don’t be nervous.” He murmured. “It’s just us. I’m leading you. Just relax.”
It was no more than gentle swaying through the air, but to your surprise it felt far easier than expected. You couldn’t tell if it was the wine in your system, cutting your usual inhibitions short, or if truly was him. Whatever it was, when he spun and twirled you around, you let him – and you found you enjoyed it more than you ever thought possible. You were wearing the green dress, one of the first ones he had ever gotten for you. Mostly because you knew what it did to him. He kept glancing down at you, assessing you, licking his lips. And it drove you wild.
Not only with desire. But also the desire to be looked at like that by him.
You continued dancing, your rhythm slow, your thoughts caught in-between right there and somewhere else entirely. After a little while you felt his fingers tangle in your hair, gently pulling you into his chest.
“You know I tried my best to turn your black eyes hazel…And kiss away your cruelty…I gladly got undressed, put all my cards on the table...And by cards, I mean me…Apple in mouth, then you left town…Ran after you until my legs gave out...”
You hummed and your brows furrowed. “Interesting…choice of song.”
You heard his smirk before you saw it. “I found it on your phone, so I assumed you might like it.”
That made you look up at him. “Before you drowned it in tea, you mean.”
He exhaled softly through his nose. “Do you miss it? Your phone?”
A thoughtful hum later, you shook your head. “Not really.”
“I could always get you a new one.”
That caused your brows to shoot up in surprise. “Oh? Aren’t you afraid that I might end up calling the police?”
He shrugged. “To tell them what?”
There it was. The crack in the fourth wall, the cut in the curtain. What was it that you were doing here with him? You were hardly his victim, right?
“I came crawlin' in on all fours…Knockin' at your door…Knockin' at your door…”
Instead of making things more complicated, you somehow made a smile happen. “That a crazy man drowned my phone.”
He smiled as well, but it didn’t seem as genuine as he might have hoped for. He pulled you back into his chest and you continued to swing and sway to the soft melody. It was a song you had heard quite some times before, but you hadn’t ever thought back to it since you were there. Music was the least of your concerns. But now that you thought about it, maybe it did apply to him in a way.
“I don't wanna bleed anymore…I just wanted love…But you wanted gore…You're my matador.”
“Are you afraid of me?”
You didn’t need to look up to see the genuine concern in his eyes. His tone of voice was gentle, almost nonchalant. But there was a depth behind his words, a quiet uncertainty.
When you pulled your head back, he was already staring at you.
“Do you want me to be afraid of you?” You asked in the same, gentle tone.
He regarded you with a soft look and quietly admitted: “I don’t know.”
You took a slow breath, but didn’t say anything more. There was not much to say anyway. His words weren’t hurtful or at least they weren’t meant to be. You could tell.
“I want you to feel safe with me. Because you are.” He breathed against your temple. “Sometimes I just…I don’t understand what I want.”
“I do.” You whispered back, before you could stop yourself.
He froze in his tracks and looked down at you.
You decided to continue on with your courageous mission, even it might cost you your head in the end. “You want to control me.”
“Why are you so calm about this?” He asked quietly and he seemed genuinely confused.
“Because…Well, I don’t know.”
The only sound in the room were the soft tunes of the music and the quiet rustling of your clothes when you went back to your slow dancing. He didn’t press any further and so didn’t you. It was a quiet understanding of some sort. You belonged to him and you didn’t fight it. You weren’t perfect and he didn’t fight it either.
Because he fucking loved you. What else could matter there?
After a long while, after you already thought he had slipped into the abyss of his dark thoughts, he suddenly made you snap out of your own thoughts.
“Do you miss home?”
The question hit you harder than expected.
“Home?” You croaked out.
He nodded. “Yorkshire.”
You had to think it through for a moment. Then, with certainty you could say: “No. Not the way you think.”
He cocked a brow and waited for you to explain.
You hummed and gently tightened your grip on his shoulder. “I don’t miss her godforsaken house or anything else there. I don’t miss the Yorkshire I left behind. If anything, I miss the Yorkshire that Emily Bronte created. And I don’t miss her. I miss what it could be.” Your brows furrowed. “With you.”
His lips twitched in half-amusement. “Oh, yeah? You want me chase you through the moors like Heathcliff?”
You smiled. “Isn’t that what you are to me?”
His expression softened somewhat, but you saw the quiet concern flashing behind his dark eyes. “You’re not just some possession to me.”
“I know.” You whispered.
He exhaled a slow breath and gently cupped your face in his palms. They felt warm against your skin and everything else faded away, leaving your soul stripped bare beside his. He saw no flaws in it. Your brokenness didn’t send him running. Instead he was here, wrapping his clipped wings around you to protect your own.
“I want a future with you.”
There was not a thing in the world he could have said that would have made you feel a similar way. Your palms felt sweaty and your breath stuttered in your throat. There it was. The wall. The curtain. It was crumbling – and it didn’t hurt at all. But hope was a dangerous thing to have.
When he saw the way you struggled to come up with a reply, he continued, while his thumbs drew gentle patterns on your cheeks.
“I may not be the right man for picket fences and barbecues, but for you, I’d like to try. I never saw myself in that. Marriage. Children. Life. I never thought I’d make it this far anyway. I was always sure I’d be dead and gone and long forgotten, before I even reached thirty. It was never meaningful to me, none of it. I might as well have died.” He sighed softly. “Maybe it’s still that way. But you make it much more bearable for me.”
You didn’t mean to feel as touched as you did. But you were a natural crybaby it seemed and also, you were sure you were about to get your period, so you found your eyes grow damp.
Marriage. Children. Life.
“I don’t want picket fences and barbecues.” You heard yourself whisper. “We…we could just be us.”
His lips curved into a soft smile and you were sure, you saw the way his black eyes turned hazel again.
“I’d love that.”
Later that same night, after you had learned that dancing wasn’t as bad as you thought and your life wasn’t equally as hopeless, you found yourself underneath him. It wasn’t new, it wasn’t special either. But to you, it felt like it was.
His lips moved against yours with the same urgency as always, but there was something softer behind his touch, something that was almost careful. Like he didn’t intend to break your already fragile soul any further.
The tip of his tongue brushed against your own and that alone was enough to draw a moan from your lips.
“My naughty girl.” He murmured and slowly ran his fingertips up your thigh, pushing the material of the dress up your body. A few seconds later, he froze.
“Where’s your underwear?”
You couldn’t help but grin and shrug.
He sucked in a sharp breath and you saw his eyes darken. “You had no underwear on this whole time?”
“Mhm.” You purred.
“Hey, it’s not my fault that you didn’t realize-“
His lips crashed against yours again and he wasted no more time. His warm hands wandered up your body and he quickly discarded your dress on the floor, followed by your bra. You felt exposed when the cold air hit your skin, especially since he was still fully dressed. Your hands instinctively reached up to undo his shirt, but he quickly pinned your wrists against the mattress above your head and he kissed you with the fervor of a dying man. He used one hand to undo the buttons, while at the same time one of his knees settled between your own, pushing your legs apart. You felt so vulnerable, but at the same time, you couldn’t help but part them even further for him, desperate to finally feel him. When he felt the way you parted your legs for him, a low growl rumbled in his throat.
“Fuck, my dirty girl.” He breathed out and tossed his shirt aside, soon followed by his slacks. You felt his hardness before you saw it. He took your hand and guided it down his body and before you knew it, you felt your fingers wrap around him, your thumb brushing the little, damp spot on the material of his underwear. He groaned against your lips and bucked his hips against your touch.
“Fuck, yes. Come on, baby, touch me.”
Your hand slid inside and wrapped around his skin, all the while your eyes stayed focused on his face. The look in his eyes, the darkness, it was enough to drive you mad.
You bit your lip as you began to gently stroke him, rubbing your thumb over his tip in the most gentle touch. He groaned again and his head dipped forward, his forehead pressed against your collarbone.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck…” He kept bucking his hips, moving in rhythm with you. The way he bit his own lip to stifle any sounds and yet it didn’t help. The fact that you could do this to him…
A shuddering breath and...
“I want to have your baby.”
The words slipped past your lips way faster than you could stop them and you weren’t sure if you were ready to regret them. It was true. And at the same, you were scared shitless. It was stupid before it was anything else. But you wanted what he said. A future. A future with him.
He froze and his body went rigid above you. For a short moment, you were sure you had fucked up. But then he pulled his head back and you saw his eyes. Nearly black.
“Say that again.” He growled.
“Say it.” He breathed out and tugged your head back by your hair. You moaned and arched your back, involuntarily pressing against him. He pulled your hand away and held your jaw firmly in place.
“Say it again.” He nearly hissed.
“I want to have you baby. I want you to…I want you…to…”
His lips found your neck and he left a trail of flaming-hot kisses against your skin. His kisses turned to bites, his bites to groans. His boxers shared the same fate your clothing did and before you knew it, he pushed your legs apart, as wide as possible.
“I don’t want you to say this, if you don’t really mean it.” His voice was a mixture of furious and pleading. He was taking control so effortlessly and at the same time, he was incredibly gentle.
You might have been confused, had you not been so desperate to finally feel him.
“I do mean it.” You whispered breathlessly. “I don’t need a fucking picket fence. Haunt me all you want. Kill me if you will. But let me be yours. Don’t look at anyone else. Love only me.”
You had no idea what you were talking. It was probably the wine speaking…or just the depths of your soul.
His expression shifted from quiet despair to something dark, something dangerous.
He leaned down and bit down on your earlobe, the sting of it enough to make you jerk, but not quite enough to really hurt you.
“Are you sure about this? Because, if you are, there is no way back. Because I want this. I fucking want this.”
You bit your lip and slowly wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him against you. His hardness pressed up against your slick core and you were sure you heard him let out a muffled moan against your neck.
“Fill me up. I don’t want a way out. I just want you.”
He didn’t ask again.
He pushed himself inside you, but he was gentle about it. It was as though he was trying to savor the feeling, to feel every little bit of you wrapped around him. You inhaled sharply and exhaled just as hard. Every time his breath hit your neck and he pushed a little further in, you couldn’t stop yourself from trying to meet him in the middle.
“Fuck.” He breathed out. “Fuck. I love you. I love this. Fuck, I want to die this way.”
His words sent a shudder through you. “Shut up.” You breathed out. “If something happened to you…”
You didn’t want to think about it, but you did every day. If something ever happened to him…
You couldn’t finish the thought.
He intertwined your fingers with his and pressed your hands against the mattress, his lips just a breath away from yours.
“You’d just go on living.” He whispered.
He gave a slow, deliberate roll of his hips and so you couldn’t answer immediately. But when you did, it was no less desperate. You shook your head, almost frantically.
“What am I going to do if you die, huh? Just live in a world with no you in it? Pass. Fuck. You’d have to kill me first.”
His movements stuttered for a moment, his eyes fixed on you. There was a slowness between you, a feeling like the rest of the world wasn’t really there. Eventually, he continued moving and he wasn’t slow about that. Every thrust he gave was determined, determined to either prove a point or maybe get you pregnant.
He leaned down and his lips barely grazed your ear as he whispered: “You can’t say shit like that to me.”
You didn’t argue. You couldn’t. You were too busy clawing at his back and trying to focus solely on the pressure he put on you. Before you knew what had hit you, you were already gasping and whining out your release.
When he felt your walls clench around him, he let out a low moan against your neck. “What do you want?” He breathed out, his movements never slowing.
“Fill me up.” You breathed out desperately. “Fuck, I want you. Forever.”
These words were enough. His movements stilled, but you felt the way he throbbed inside you, filling you with his seed and his love. His hope. Whatever this was, you wanted more of it. You wanted it all.
He was still gasping for air and so were you. His hands were gentle in your hair and his lips moved softly against your temple.
“I love you. Fuck, I love you. My birthday girl.”
You bit down on your lip and closed your eyes. “I love you more.”
He let out a low chuckle and was probably about to protest, when he felt you tense underneath him.
His eyes shot open and he regarded with a concerned look. “What is it? Did I hurt you?”
You shook your head, your expression tense. “I just…I think I got…I may have gotten my…” You swallowed, still feeling him pressed against you, but you suddenly felt way more uneasy.
His brows furrowed in confusion, until it suddenly hit him.
He pulled back just enough to look down at you and, indeed. A bloody mess.
“I’m sorry…” You murmured, your face flushed in embarrassment and shame. “I’ll clean it up, I’ll-“
He gently tipped your chin up, but your eyes stayed firmly shut.
“What?” He murmured. “You thought I’d be repulsed by this?”
You swallowed and nodded. For some reason, this felt far more humiliating than you ever imagined before.
He sighed softly and gently stroked your hair.
“I’m cleaning it up.” He murmured. “But I’m not repulsed, my silly girl.”
“You’re only saying this so I feel better.”
“No.” He murmured. “I’m saying it, because it’s fucking turning me on.”
Your eyes shot open the same instant.
He nodded without hesitation. And truly. You felt him, just then. Hard again.
Your eyes widened impossibly, but the flush on your face only deepened. Your mother had somehow made you believe that your monthly blood was something terribly shameful. A curse, a punishment, because women were without shame and that was the only way to stop them.
You never knew what exactly she meant, but it was enough to make you hate yourself over it.
“That- I-“
“Why don’t you come to the shower with me…and I’ll show you exactly what I mean?”
You had no strength to protest. You had come quick to learn, his word meant more than your mother’s ever did. And you didn’t mind.
Even when he hated you, he still loved you. Unlike her.
So you found yourself in the shower only a minute later, pressed against the cold wall behind you. He turned on the water for the cold to fade, but he quickly had you pinned against the wall, while the hot water burned its way through your skin.
“What are you-“
He groaned against your lips and pressed himself against you. All normal. It was all fine. The blood would just wash away, right? Like all bad and shameful things did at some point.
But before you knew it, he was on his knees.
On his knees.
You nearly fainted.
“What are you-“
He hooked one of your legs around his shoulder and attached his lips to your core, before you could protest. Your eyes widened and your blush was near painful. But the thrill…the thrill it sent through your body…
You nearly came, right then and there.
What the hell was he doing? Did this really turn him on?
And why did it turn you on, the way it did him?
He lapped and sucked at you in the most intimate way, a low groan on his lips every now and then. His lips and tongue moved in a cruel speed and you quickly realized you couldn’t just pretend this wasn’t happening.
Because it was happening. And you were about to feel it unravel.
Your fingers tangled in his hair, holding him in place, your hips moving on their own accord and a breathless moan was on your lips.
There it was. The feeling.
May the water never wash that feeling away.
Your body trembled and shuddered violently as you came and it never seemed to stop. A few seconds later it eventually did. The reality of the situation came crushing back on you, but before you could dwell on it, he was on his feet, towering above you.
“Are you still ashamed?” He whispered breathlessly, brushing his lips against your earlobe.
“Yes.” You whispered back.
He groaned and spun you around, so his chest was pressed against your back.
“Don’t be.” His tone was a quiet command, and yet you recognized the hint of pleading behind his words.
Don’t be ashamed of your pleasure. Don't be afraid of mine.
He didn’t give you time to be ashamed though. He was inside you before you could even think about being. And this time there was nothing gentle about it. Just your vampire lover, pounding away at you and taking what he wanted.
“Are you still ashamed?” He grunted while he mercilessly fucked you into the wall.
You opened your mouth, but all you could do was moan.
His smirk. His smirk was the most cruel sound in the world. But at the same time you were thankful. He didn’t let you be ashamed for something you both wanted.
“Thought so.”
A beat later, his smirk softened into something else and he slowed his movements just slightly to whisper against your earlobe.
"You'll get to know in time. Everything...Me. I promise you."
That was exactly what you thought about.
A day filled with as much sorrow as there was hope. And now there it was. A life growing inside of you, strong and resilient against everything that had hurt you in the past and would continue to hurt you. Until it was too late.
Fucking hell.
Was this your last day on earth?
Tag list 1: @mitsuki-dreamfree@kpopsmutty69@heroine-chique@vkeyy@mizuwki@blu-brrys@z0mbi345@yourpointbreak@ayieayee@freddyzeppsworld@lola11111111@indifitel6661@salesmanlover08@laurenbenoit70@lalalaa2210@lila-marshal@auspicious-lilana@0-aubrie0@lovelyaegyo@theredvelvetbitch@violentbluess@muriels-lover@dorayakissu@eviebuggg@muchwita@ririgy@strxlemon@obsessedwthdilfs@kiwilov3@misty-q
Author's note: Hey, guys! This chapter cost me years of my life yet again......I started writing this last night and finished it just now, with a sleeping break of course, but I'm just about to head out and I'm still sick, so I'm in no real condition to proofread. I'll do that later, I think...I just hope I didn't talk gibberish here. If I did at some point, please forgive me!
However, thank you guys for your patience and your constant love and motivation! A few things in this chapter were inspired by (anonymous) requests and I'll answer the asks in time!
What I remember definitely is: the period issue, the slow dancing, her wanting for him to finish in her in order to get pregnant, teasing him with no underwear and "What am I going to do if you die, huh? Just live in a world with no you in it? Pass." - "You can't say shit like that to me."
I love you, guys!
Yours eternally,
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ssentimentals · 2 days ago
hellloooo can u please do idol!coups x reader for sleep deprivation on cheol’s part with reader taking care of him xx
helloooo anonie, sure i can, thank you for requesting! 💜
prompt: sleep deprivation
you try not to hover. you try not to act like mother hen in fear of being annoying. you try but it's so god damn hard when seungcheol looks like a dead man standing. your boyfriend has always been a hard worker, that's one of the qualities you admire about him, but his work ethic is also your biggest worry. seungcheol is present but just barely - you are sure that he didn't hear majority of the things you said with his mind being very, very far from here, buried in new dance routines or lyrics that had to be finished. it's amazing to see how work energizes seungcheol and gives him purpose, but it's horrible to watch him crumble under pressure. slowly you reach out for his hand, giving it a light squeeze: 'cheollie, baby. you're with me?'
seungcheol blinks at your touch and it takes him few moments to sit up straighter on the seat and send you a fake smile. 'yeah, baby, sorry, i'm here. what did you say?'
god, you can't believe this man wanted to pick you up after your work. seungcheol can't be trusted with a car now, not when he can barely focus. 'i asked if yuo're sure that we should go out tonight. you look really tired, cheol.'
he stubbornly shakes his head. 'no-no, i'm good. i'm so caught up at work that we haven't seen each other much lately.'
you kind of want to strangle and kiss him at the same time. he is so good for trying to make time for you amidst his hectic workload but he is so bad for not taking care of himself properly - you sigh loudly. 'when did you sleep last time?' you ask straight to the point. thank god for traffic at this hour, so you can fully turn to your boyfriend without paying attention to the road. 'you look like a zombie, baby.' seungcheol purses his lips and you instantly understand what's the problem. 'cheollie... you can't fall asleep?'
seungcheol sags in the passenger seat, looking embarrassed and done with himself. 'yeah,' he admits quietly. 'i- it's so fucking stupid. i don't know, i'm trying everything but it's just not working.' he sighs and rubs his eyes tiredly. 'i don't think i actually slept properly in the last 4-5 days.'
this admission breaks your heart. seungcheol is running on fumes and yet despite it all, he still is here, with you, because he doesn't want you to feel neglected. without thinking you enter new address to the gps, knowing full well what can help him this time. 'instead of the restaurant, let's have a picnic,' you announce in an overly enthusiastic tone.
'at eight pm?' seungcheol asks, confused. 'i mean if that's what you want then i don't mind but-'
'that's exactly what i want.' you squeeze his hand, sending him a small smile. 'no worries, baby. we are very close.'
it doesn't happen often, but it did happen before. sleep deprivation is, unfortunately, a part of seungcheol's life as an idol and you learned hard way how to deal with it. familiar scenes of home or studio don't calm him mind down, but fresh air and water always help. you park the close as close you can to the river and roll down all windows, letting cool evening breeze in. 'alrighty,' you turn to him with a gentle smile and snatch small blanket from the backseat. 'you take this and get comfortable. i'll order us some food.'
seungcheol grabs the blanket, frowning. 'what is happening?'
'we are having a picnic in the car,' you explain, opening food delivery app. 'and you are sleeping until the food arrives, getting much needed rest.' seungcheol opens his mouth to protest and you cut him off: 'this is a date. this is our date that i want to have.'
the thing is, you don't really care about specifics of date as long as seungcheol is close. he doesn't look convinced at first, but when you start talking about your date with a quiet music on the background, he relaxes. it doesn't take him long to fall asleep - adjusted seat, warm blanket, fresh air and your hand in his do their magic. you watch quietly as his breathing slows; in sleep seungcheol doesn't look as tired. still holding his hand you adjust your own seat and lower the radio volume. seungcheol going out of his way to be with you makes you want to do the same; and if date is about you letting him finally sleep and guarding his sleep then you're not complaining, not at all.
a/n: writing this made me so soft :') pls give cheollie all the hugs and sleep he deserves!! - nini
request your own here
my other seventeen work is here
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sheepispink · 2 days ago
THE TRUTH. (super soldier au part 2)
cw: mentions of telling someone to commit suicide, threats, bullying
guys idk how i feel about this one but here u go 🙏
Happy Birthday
A present stopped you from walking out at your usual time. It was a week until your birthday, and usually no one remembered other than those who had your file. Although that mostly consisted of blacked out paragraphs now.
It’s wrapped a little messily, not the worst, and you slowly pick it up, noticing a weight inside. You had never got a present before, much less more than a small timeframe to have some sort of celebration— not that you ever took that opportunity anyway. Most years you were too busy hung up with wires and drowning in your mind from drugs. Your thumb brushes over the paper curiously, looking for a name tag but finding nothing to mark the sender. Neatly, you rip a line through the paper which reveals a cardboard box. It’s blank, no branding or anything to attach itself to. When you open it though, you’re quickly greeted by a strange sight; a gun.
A handgun to be more specific, a Browning L941 if you wanted details. It sits neatly in the box, looking clean but you can tell by the small nicks in metal it’s not new. There’s a note beside it, typed— never handwritten.
“If your aim is as good as they say, surely you can prove it by putting it to your head.”
You’re not too surprised, at least more than the initial eye widening. After all, you did deal with the piece of paper on your designated breakfast table every morning. Your eyes flicker down, to the sentence beneath.
“If you’re too scared, we’ll just have to deliver the gift in person.”
That makes you blink, the implications of the clear threat not lost on you. It wasn't the first time you’ve heard them; enemies swore that they’d tear you apart limb by limb, Ghost promised he’d douse you in cold water the next time you caused a bloodbath and even the scientists taunted you with those syringes. The difference was, those were.. well threats you couldn't exactly avoid. Ghost would always get mad at you for making a mess, and you used to be far more rebellious against the scientists— or was that fear? Enemies threatening you was just a farce anyway, you’d have their bodies by your feet soon enough that it wasn't even worth thinking over twice. But this? Comrades, or well they’re supposed to be, who want to kill you? Teammates who would live happier knowing they put you to the grave. It’s no longer the opposing team, no longer the one Ghost points his finger at, no longer the ones that destroy humanity.
No, they only want to destroy you.
For the first few days, you tried to shake it, but you were feeling the weight of the words even more than usual. The stab of pain in your back when they threw the bread roll at you; that could be a bullet next time. Your shoes in the toilet could be your body next time. The fox who whines and whimpers would be you when you were deemed useless.
The truth was, you didnt care about the damn movie, or the cake you were promised, nor even the words “happy birthday” being said to you. It was an excuse, a white lie even, to get the Captain, or Ghost, hoping one of them would actually come into your room. Never have they stepped foot in since your first arrival, never feeling the need to either. The Captain only had time to care when you emailed him, but even that seemed too risky, what if he laughed it off and the surrounding soldiers heard? Ghost barely ever gave you time to talk anyway, and when you did get a moment, there were too many around.
So you invited them over, tried your best act as if you really wanted a birthday to celebrate with them. They’d come, you’d show them the note, the gun. If they laughed, it’d be fine, hidden in your room— you could find a solution before they told the others and it spread around the base. If they didn't laugh, you’d be safe, guaranteed that no one would really try what would happen on that piece of paper.
But you hadn't anticipated that neither of them would come at all. Your eyes brim with tears, unsure how that is even possible as you step into your room, a tenseness sinking into your bones and spreading across your body. With them completely out of the picture, you’re left by yourself until your end surely comes. Maybe you should’ve known, especially when you remember what soldiers call you— a monster.
But it wasn’t in your coding, in your genes or even near your thought process to harm those that threaten you— at least not first anyways, and especially when they’re not explicitly enemies. This was a moral dilemma your tampered mind wasn't capable of handling. Despite the sick growing in your stomach, you had a plan. There were outdoor training rooms, more specifically small cabins that were sometimes used to punish soldiers if they acted up too much.
The gift remains untouched on the dresser, a silent promise watching you at all times. It’s almost four o clock now, and the day isn't getting any brighter in the middle of winter. Opening your closet, your hands pass over the many uniforms there. That’s all they give you, uniforms, it’s why yours are always clean— your only purpose is to fight. So you grab the jacket in the furthest corner, the one usually saved for extreme weather conditions and slip that on. It disguises your figure enough and the hiking boots are exactly what you need to be a new person.
Your hand grazes the knives in your old belt, and you take a few, sliding them into the new holster behind the jacket. Just in case. There’s nothing else to take now, apart from your small radio that you sometimes keep on your person— you dont really use a phone either since it was seen to be a distraction. You’ll likely have to starve for the rest of the day, though with your knowledge you could probably find some sort of food out there. Just in case, you grab an MRE, a spare that stays around in the off chance you get dizzy from eating nothing all day.
Slowly you step out in the hallway, looking around for anyone before closing your door shut again. You didnt dare make it suspicious with a backpack, so your bottle is stuffed into your jacket pocket instead. Same for the untampered gift on the table, they’d assume you’d be back later to open it.
This was your best bet.
You head down the corridors, keeping a confident pace so people wouldn’t even try suspect you— that’s the key to everything, after all. Ironically, that wasn’t the situation at all, in fact they were.. friendly? A few soldiers gave you a nod as you walked past, which wasn’t the craziest thing but, considering no one’s ever done that before, it was exhilarating. You nod in turn, a mask hiked up to your nose but it just looks like you’re keeping your face warm for when you go outside— not that anyone here is phased by a mere mask anyway. Infact, a few soldiers who look particularly boisterous even go as far to fist bump you, likely thinking you’re someone they know. You don't care in the slightest; you’re just happy that for once you get to experience what your life should’ve been like.
The giddiness is temporary though, as you turn the corner to see Ghost stepping out of a room with two crates of drinks in his hands. You falter, stopping in your tracks as he closes the door behind him.
Is this really the right idea? Running away like this?
It’s only for the day, at least that was the idea, but what after that? What if they didn't stop at your birthday— what if it continued? You could tell him right now, pull the mask down that covers your face and confess every little detail running through your head. What would you do if he got in trouble for your foolish decisions? He had shown his stance when he chose not to show up at your birthday party; he clearly didn't care at all.. right?
“Do you need something?” He says lowly, clearly having realised that you’ve frozen in your tracks before him, and giving you a narrowed stare for that reason. Surprisingly, it’s less demeaning and more questioning, considering how harsh his eyes usually go when looking at you. It gives you a bit of hope.
”D-do you need any help with that, sir?” You’re not sure why your voice stuttered, not particularly wanting to think much about the matter either. Instead, you stare right back at him, your eyes widened as you stare in his pupils moving around like it’s searching you.
Did he recognise you?
“No, that’s alright.” It’s gruff, and harsh and yet far more nicer than he’s ever spoken to you before. You manage to force yourself to nod in response, giving a small salute before hurrying off down the corridor.
Trekking through the forest is a little bit of an effort but you eventually meet the small cabin that’s there. It’s almost never used in winter, but in the summer they might do their training in these areas and keep the lunch here. Slowly you step inside, recognising from the get go that there’s not particularly much. There’s a few bedrolls for wilderness training, albeit a bit torn and some dry firewood left discarded on the little fireplace. That’s good, at least you won't freeze anymore than you already have. It’s not like you can use it though— it’s too risky. If anyone sees smoke out here you’re bound to get caught in seconds, and possibly even by your predators.
You lock the cabin door, placing a chair beneath the handle as you let out a sigh and slump against the wall. This would be a long, painstaking night and you cant help but wonder if it’d been better to just defend yourself when they came. But what if you lost control? What if you seriously hurt someone? Even if they were trying to harm you?
The thought makes you shudder, even more than the thoughts you’ve been desperately pushing back. But when there is nothing else to do in this cold place, it’s hard to keep your mind focused. The only way you survived these past three months with Ghost is by not thinking about your situation— at all. It’s probably why he hates you. From how he reacts anyway, you’re more like a robot than you’ve ever been a human. You’ve been monitored all your life, since before you were born you were made for the cause. No clue of who your mother was, you were genetically modified as an embryo for all the traits they wished for you to have. Other children in the program had the same, of course, and for the first years of your life you were blissfully unaware. You didn’t understand that the kids you ran around and giggled with would end up being your own enemies, despising that you turned out to be the successful experiment and not them. It wasn't as glamorous as it sounded, but they complained, saying you didnt have to be sent away like they did, to be fostered and deal with the pain of the experiments for the rest of their lives.
That’s exactly what you had though. You were split from them altogether, coddled by scientists and doctors, personal trainers who felt more like drill sergeants than anyone that wanted to help you. Of course, you were tampered with too, drugged up on strange substances as they tampered with your nerves, always changing you to be better because you were never enough for them. They were supposed to enforce rationality within you by erasing anything that could get you worked up, and so your emotions became suppressed, pushed down and piled with the weight of responsibilities to keep them down. But it clearly wasn't successful, at least when you’re not on the battlefield. When you entered that place, it was like a switch had turned on in your brain, all morality slipping out as you only followed the orders of whoever the handler was. Your mind always enters a haze after you snap out of it and come back from hours of combat, leaving you feeling sick to the core.
But now, things are changing— too fast. You had cried, because they didn't come to your birthday party. For once, your stomach felt sickly with misery and your breath had caught in your throat when you’ve never stopped breathing before, ever. Your hand reaches into your pocket, pulling out a small fox toy. It was a gift from a younger scientist who had just been a mere intern. He had been put forward for the menial task of looking after your post-experimentation state, making sure your vitals were fine. You didnt get to talk to him that much, considering you mostly were deep in sleep, recovering from the new strain on your body. But he stayed beside you, making sure you were okay. When you left to get tested on the field with Ghost, he gave you a small plush, just the size of your hand.
“A little gift.” He chuckled, smiling gently as he rubbed your bandaged arm. “Don't give me that look. I know you’re not actually that unbothered, they just made you that way. You can say you like it, you know, that it makes you happy.”
You could only nod in return, it was the truth, you were very happy.
The sky was already growing dark and without the determination that kept your body distracted from your needs, you were actually feeling your hunger full force for once. The little fox is clenched deep in your hands, a natural predator and yet it’s more common to see them die out in the wild than thriving. Just like you. Your stomach growls, and so you reach for your MRE, eyeing the food within. You were probably supposed to warm it up first, but you’d just have to eat it like this for now. You rip the first packet open, and just try to scarf it down without thinking about the taste too much. It wasn’t the best to say the least. But you’re used to it now; you barely got proper meals apart from missions, and often had to eat one of these after an unsuccessful trip to the mess hall.
You’re about to inspect the other packet when a low scratching noise is heard against the door. Instantly, you pause, mind shifting into something akin to a battle mode already. Slowly, you approach the door, pressing your ear as your hand reaches in your belt for the knife. The windows were frosted up, so it’s unlikely they could see in when it was already pretty dark in here. A low whine echoes out and you realise who's actually stalking you, quickly removing the chair and opening the door. The little fox stands there, looking up at you as it slowly steps inside the cabin.
For once, you let your guard down and just sigh, closing the door and securing it again. “C’mere.” You rarely fear anything, and so you scoop the little fox up without a second thought, even as it squirms initially and its claws are sharp on you. You settle in the warmest area of the room again, next to your mre pack and grab the fork, scooping out some of the food. You didn't need the rest, but he could use it. The fox reluctantly eats the food, and you giggle when you realise it probably doesn't taste much better to him either despite being starving. You took it off by letting him drink half the bottle of your water, which he greedily takes along with a few fruits you packed.
“Your fur is matted, and you’re all banged up but you’re still adorable.” The thought makes you sniffle, a bittersweet smile rising on your lips. The fox rests its head on your lap as you run your hand over its fur, gently scratching every now and then. Why couldn’t people see the truth in you as you did right now? You’ve trained for so long, fought to keep all of them safe on their missions and all you got in return was a scared look, disgust and sometimes even anger. It hurt, more than you allowed yourself to feel.
But this is the first time you’ve been alone without the battlefield before you, or a supervisor staring you down. You could have a gun to your head tonight, and no one will find out until the morning, so for now you just begged that the soldiers were joking, for the sake of everyone involved.
You just wish Ghost and Price would’ve listened, so you could be safe and warm back there, at least getting an early sleep on your birthday. The scientist promised, he said it’d get better, he said there would be others who would care like he did. He said only the higherups were this bad; he lied to you. The tears drip again, unable to stop this time and you bury your face in your hands, mourning everything you’ve lost, and everything you’ve yet to lose. Dead or alive, you may lose it all.
@mellohimmku94 @rafaelacallinybbay
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pythonmoth · 2 days ago
cw: anxiety. post-traumatic stress disorder (torture). reader is traumatized. reader is a bit unreliable. military inaccuracies. hurt/comfort (I guess?).
simon riley x f!reader. implied simon riley x soap. implied simon riley x f!reader x soap.
First | Last | Next
Being home is incredibly boring, especially if you can't move much.
Your brother's been taking care of you, making sure you're eating, that you let your injuries breathe, and soon enough, the cuts on your feet allow you to move around on your own. It takes a whole month for your brother to leave you alone for longer than a few hours. It's a good thing, really, because if you want to spend hours just laying in your bed and crying in silence as you stare at the ceiling, you can. He would only come whenever you needed a ride, anyway.
Despite being able to move around and now even managing to use your sensitive fingers, you dread the idea of going outside. You have to wear sandals and loose pants, because your toes cannot, by any means, be touched by any kind of fabric yet, or else you're grimacing in pain. Feeling defenseless hasn't been a thing ever since you became part of the team. Not even your skills could take down Simon, but you could put up a fight with them all, easily; never won, but you were confident with anyone else on the street.
No doubt you could still beat them up, your skills are still there, but the idea of someone somehow restricting your movements felt like torture all over again. The idea of anyone getting a hold of you makes you want to throw up. Your mind and body betray you, making you remember those awful moments, and you don't realize you're pulling a face.
"You're spacing out".
You look up at the therapist, giving her a little nod as an apology, getting comfortable on the seat. Restless, you can't help but look around for a moment again. The office is incredibly white, clean, filled with mirrors for whatever fucked up reason, and the only thing that isn't grey or white is one of the cushions on the couch on the other side of the room. It's deep purple. It looks awful.
Seemingly realizing you won't be of much help with the question she just asked you, she gives you a smile. "How are your nails? I can see you're using your hands a lot more".
"They're healing" you reply, looking down at your fingers instead of focusing on the cushion. "I can use my hands pretty normally now, but I can't use the stove for long".
"Because of the heat". An affirmation. You've already mention it before, and you're not surprised she remembers that. Probably read it on her notes.
"It hurts, yeah".
"And how are your feet?" she asks, looking down at the way you absentmindedly drag your hands on your pants from your thighs to your calves in slow movements. You only realize what you're doing because you can hear the way her pen drags across the paper, distracting you.
"Well... I can only wear sandals. Doctor said I should be okay to move around with real shoes in three months".
"And what do you think?"
"He's the doctor. I want to believe he knows what he's doing, so I can't really question it. I do hope it heals sooner, though".
The therapist writes down on her notebook. With an uncomfortable feeling, you desperately want to know what she's writing, your eyes drifting to the movement of the pen, but you can't make out a single letter.
"So you trust the doctor, right?" she questions, moving one of her erasers to the other side of her desk. Your eyes are fixed entirely on it, on the little thud the eraser makes when she sets it down.
"He knows best, that's for sure. If he's there, must be a reason" you answer, tilting your head as she keeps moving her things around, making them fit somewhere else on her desk. The pencil goes to the left, then to the right, the eraser from top to bottom of the notebook, as if she's as antsy as you are.
"Do you apply that thought somewhere else? Like... at work? Or if you need help at a store and find an employee, maybe?"
The therapist's eyes are on you all the time, your hands, your anxious feet; your little habits coming to light with a single look. The way you bite the inside of your lower lip, the little double blink you make when she moves something in her desk yet again, even if you don't say anything.
"Of course. If they know their way around, it's only right that I ask for help, and trust that" you answer, frowning. You don't think that question is relevant at all, but she keeps writing, and writing.
"I see. Thank you. Now, you mentioned you've been texting G- Simon. Can you tell me how it makes you feel?"
You go silent for a moment, your fingertips dragging across your arm, so softly you can barely feel it. "It's better now".
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During the first three months of being home, Simon would text you nearly every single day. He didn't expect a text back and you knew that, because you told him you wouldn't promise to be responsive. Simon would send you pictures of their plain meals, of Gaz sleeping on your bed, Johnny posing next to Price with their thumbs up, or terrible selfies of himself. Always without a mask.
"Price scolded Johnny because he had crumbs on his uniform. It was hilarious"
"Just got back. Everyone ok"
Even Johnny would text you from time to time. It was mostly memes, awful stickers or ridiculous, random photos of Gaz mid talking, his face weird, or Price smacking Simon's head, or the entire team posing for a picture, Gaz' arm hovering to the side as if to hug your shoulders. You didn't even need to wonder why Gaz hadn't texted you; that man hated technology with a passion.
Still, you never texted back.
You didn't really pay attention to the texts, or the little voice notes, or the selfies. You didn't feel like reading them properly, always leaving them on seen or just grunting to yourself whenever you heard their distinctive tone. Why you didn't change it in the past few months, you don't know. Maybe that's a question for your therapist.
But then, the texts stop.
"Tough job"
"We leave at midnight"
"Text you when we're back"
Only, Simon doesn't text back. For days. For weeks.
You can't pretend you're not worried. It's impossible, really. You're half-tempted to call him, but you can't, you don't know how it will feel to hear his voice again. He said he'd text you and he hasn't, so he isn't back yet, and you don't want to feel vulnerable by opening up. Yet.
You go through Simon's chat, actually paying attention to whatever he sent you. You realize he sometimes sent you long texts, apologizing, accepting what he did, and even a few voice notes that you didn't notice before. They made your heart race as you listened.
"I hurt you, and I'm sorry. I love you, and you don't have to forgive me"
"Garrick told me to tell you that if you aren't eating he'll go and— shut the hell up, Johnny, I'm talking!"
"Tell her we'll go visit her by the end of the month".
That's Price's voice, you realize.
Feeling incredibly choked up, you check Johnny's chat next. You're expecting to find nothing but memes, as you've seen in passing, but when you see he sent you long, long texts, you finally let yourself cry properly.
He's been apologizing since the day you left, too afraid to face you but his texts are so poorly written you know he was in a rush, or crying, or both. His voice notes, however... they just make you break.
"I'm so sorry. I can't undo what we did. You don't owe me anything, I just... really hope you can at least tolerate me. If not, please know I'll always care for you. I love you. Goodnight".
Something inside of your chest eases, maybe moved to the point of forgiveness, even if just a moment. Your therapist has been helping you unveil whatever you missed during that day— during the torture. It's been a tough process, and she insisted you visited twice a week instead of once, but it helped. You could now understand.
Still, understanding the situation only makes your worry grow.
"Text you when we're back"
For two long weeks, there's nothing, from nobody. Only silence and fear. For the first time since you left, you're scared for them. Scared you'll have to open the door one day and it'll be Price, or maybe not even him, telling you the team is dead.
On the second week, your therapist says you can give them a call, or text them if it's more comfortable. When you say you can't, she advices you to write them letters.
"Tell them whatever you wish to say. If you're angry, write it. If you're worried, write it. There's no good or bad feelings, and it's only right to feel them. Write them for yourself, and then you can choose to give them to your team, or not".
And you did.
A whole notebook of messy writing, some tears staining the paper, and your hate slowly turned to understanding. Real understanding. Not forgiveness, not yet, but it's progress.
By the third week with no news, you just can't handle it anymore. You press call without a second thought and your heart squeezes painfully in your chest when it rings, and rings, and rings.
Hopeless, you lay in your bed, your mind working overtime as you stare at the ceiling.
A muffled dinging sound startles you awake, shifting on the bed to find your phone because that's Simon's tone. Adjusting your vision, you realize it fell from your hands to the ground when you fell asleep. You dive for it, grimacing when your sensitive fingertips brush against the carpet, but to see his name there is enough for you to endure it.
"Safe. Couldn't text you earlier"
"You called me. Are you hurt?"
"Safe. Call me"
His name pops up not even a moment later, his ringtone filling your ears. When you pick up, he's barely breathing, and you wonder if you're about to be told bad news.
Simon explains they were on a very tough mission, and that that was why he couldn't text you, or communicate with you at all. You could hear him shift, move around. Restless.
They got caught in enemy territory, surviving the best they could for two weeks, Simon tells you. Johnny was shot in the leg and Gaz was the one who helped him out, since Simon was too busy dragging Price, who was bleeding out because someone decided it would be fun to put a bullet through his left shoulder.
"I wasn't any better. Dr. Wilson called me a dick, and then made me lay down because I was shaking. Ridiculous" he grunts, his voice hushed on the other side of the line. "Got shot on my side, I just didn't feel it, but I was better than the other two".
He doesn't seem to expect you to speak, huffing and shuffling. You can tell he's in the clinic room, the echo incredibly familiar by now.
Of course, he doesn't tell you that the reason why he didn't text you the whole past week, is because he's been asleep, drugged out of his mind because of the pain.
"Everyone's okay. No risk. Garrick's the only one who didn't get hurt. I think—"
"I was worried, Simon. I'm glad everyone is okay".
There's silence for a long moment. Simon takes a deep breath from the other side of the phone, sighing deeply. You could hear the smile in his tone. "I wouldn't let myself get killed, luv. I'm sorry I couldn't text you before. We're safe now".
You two spend the rest of the night on the call, with you mostly staying in silence and listening. You can't believe how scared you've been for all of them, for Simon. You know it's gonna be hard to fully forgive them, if at all, but you can't help the way your body relaxes as you hear him breathing against your ear. You can't help the way your arms curl around the pillow, seeking his warmth. As before.
The call goes on for long hours. When your soft hums as he speaks stop coming to his end, Simon goes quiet, realizing you've fallen asleep. He sighs and shifts to look at the ceiling, holding the phone against his ear. Focusing on your soft breathing, he let's himself fall asleep, the gunshot wound completely unimportant if he gets to listen to you sleeping again.
He just wishes you were there.
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im so sick y'all, my head hurts, but I obviously couldn't resist! also, you guys like Marina? her new song is so good! mowgli's road's vibes.
the therapist's room I'm describing in the story is actually my therapist's old room. I hated it so BAD. the mirrors were a terrible decision. also, if you can't relate to this type of therapy, that's fine. it's just my experience.
again, styling is fully intentional. can y'all tell how our reader is feeling?~
taglist: @euphoricn @lilg101010 @enfppuff @carolchaotic @silas-fanfic-favs @nina-from-317 @an-ever-angry-bi @kittygonap @dorothy-rainbird-deactivated202 @adventurerabby @defronix @sheepispink @iambuttwodaysold @blackhawkfanatic @malevolentghoul @thriving-n-jiving @literallegendicon @echo9821 @angel-bugz @ssc7514 @clickbait-official @hades--baby @blackhawkfanatic @sirbonesly @saki---chan @skeletonsucker @nnsissys @kukavittu @tessakate @honestlymassivetrash @s-a-v-a-n-a-34
(we're so many now, wow! thank you all ♡)
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noosayog · 2 days ago
Sitting at the bar, alone, is far from Atsumu’s ideal Friday night. 
But Bokuto’s busy, Shoyo has a date, and Omi, well… he didn’t even bother to make an excuse. Some friends they are, especially when he’s going through a breakup. 
It does get better, minorly, when you, a pretty stranger, decide to sit in the stool directly to his left. Never mind that the bar is full and the seat next to his is the only free spot.
You’re pretty, dressed in something casual, yet memorable. He’s content to simply sit beside you, fantasizing scenarios in which he charmingly and successfully gets you to join him for a drink and dinner soon, when he hears you. 
“So how’s your night going?” 
You giggle lightly. He feels his face flush a shade deeper. 
“Articulate, aren’t you?” 
Atsumu chokes out an awkward chuckle. “I’m usually better than this.” 
“Yeah?” You lean further in, propping your chin on your hand. 
A moment of silence. Your smile drops. Oh, you’re definitely about to turn to your left and try your luck with the other guy sitting on that side. 
“Ok, whatever,” you say. “I’m just gonna come out and ask. Do you have a girlfriend?”
“Uh, no. I’m actually going through a-”
You hold a hand up. “I don’t really wanna hear details. So you’re single? Not seeing someone? Not trying to see someone?” 
“Cool. Wanna make out with me? No strings attached, of course.” 
“You’re not really doing too hot convincing me that your normal is better than this. Make out.” You gesture, lips puckered. “With me. Just looking for a little fun tonight, you know?” 
Yes, he does want to make out with the pretty girl sitting next to him, so charming, he thinks he might’ve fallen in love. But instead, what he says is- 
“I don’t think that’s a good idea. I mean it’s not really my things to hook up with someone right when I meet them and I’m going through a fresh breakup…” 
You sit back up, swiveling your stool so you’re facing the bar now. “No worries. I don’t wanna pressure someone who’s not down. Have a good night then.” 
You turn back to your book, which he didn’t even notice was there. A sip of your drink, knife to the conversation. 
Atsumu probably spends a good while racking his head for a way to restart the connection when he hears you order another drink. He keeps his head down, discreetly eavesdropping as you flirt with the bartender. 
The bartender rests both arms on the bar to lean closer to you, clearly bewitched. Not that Atsumu doesn’t understand but doesn’t this guy have a job to do? He makes a mental note to write a bad google review later. 
“So…” the bartender croons, “I heard your proposition for Blondie over there.” 
Excuse him? He’s sitting right here still! 
“If he’s not interested-”
“Who said I’m not!” 
Both sets of eyes whip toward him. 
“Bro, we both heard you say-” 
“Okay, so can’t a guy make a mistake?” He turns to you, voice accusatory. “Guys say things when we’re nervous. I’m nervous, okay? I’ve never been asked to make out with some like you,” he gestures up and down. “I am so interested in making out with you.” 
You blink once, twice, before turning to the bartender. “I think I’m done drinking for the night.” 
You turn toward him. 
“Put my drinks on blondie’s tab. He’s closing out now.” 
Atsumu hardly remembers throwing a couple of bills on the table before you grab his hand, trailing after your tinkling laughter. 
“- and that’s how I met your mother.” 
“No way she asked you, of all people, at that bar to make out with you.” 
”Seems kinda farfetched, Atsumu…” 
The MSBY team is gathered in your living room, your one year old son babbling on Atsumu’s lap. 
“Hey! No swear words around my son.” 
His teammates roll their eyes. 
“You’re so full of it. No way that story-”
“What are you guys talking about?” You enter the room with a handful of beers. 
“How you and Atsumu met.” 
“Oh, you mean how I asked him to make out with me?” 
“No fucking shot!” 
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reminiscingtonight · 1 day ago
Lia Wälti x Russo!Reader
Word Count: 1.2k
A/N: Tis the season for sequels. Featuring a lot of Kyra and Alessia and not so much of Lia
[The Thing About Families Masterlist]
You should have known better than to trust her. 
There’s a reason Steph’s always more than happy to drop Kyra off on your doorstep whenever camp’s over.
There’s a reason Mini looks like she’s gained five years every time the younger girl has been granted privileges to “babysit” her two kids. 
You have a million reasons to not trust her yet you did. 
Why did you trust Kyra with the ring?
Your knuckles are nearly white as you drag the young girl into a nearby unoccupied conference room. Kyra’s looking apologetically guilty, but a delirious haze is starting to take over you. It’s a mixture of horror and disbelief, but at the bottom of it all, you feel beyond stupid.
“What do you mean you lost it?!”
Kyra looks like she’s moments away from crying, but you can’t find it in yourself to be compassionate. You can console her later. Right now you need to get to the bottom of this and try to salvage your relationship with your girlfriend first. 
“I swear it was stashed at the bottom of my drawer but it just wasn’t there when I looked this morning.”
“Well where did you put it?”
“I never moved it! Someone must have taken it.”
You pinch your eyes shut, praying to whatever soccer gods that are above that this was just a cruel joke. This wasn’t really happening and you weren’t about to postpone all the plans you’ve spent months working on. “Kyra, I am begging you not to do this. What am I supposed to do? The dinner’s been booked! The restaurant knows I’m proposing!”
“We can get you a new one! I’ll front it, I swear.”
Forget Kyra crying, you’re going to cry. 
“Unless you’re willing to shell out five grand in the next few hours, I don’t think ‘buying me a new’ one will work.”
The young Australian’s eyes bulge out at the sound of how much you spent on Lia’s ring. 
It’s not a well kept secret that you were going to propose. You and Lia have been together for years now, married in every way except for the official one. Wedding plans have already been discussed, from venues to food to the invitation list. The last thing you actually had to do was the actual proposing and getting married parts.
Though with the ways things are going, you’re not sure you’re going to get married anytime soon. 
There’s a knock on the door but you ignore it, pacing back and forth as your mind races. There’s not really much you can do at this point. The place you got Lia’s ring custom made at is already closed at this time of day, and your girlfriend deserves something better than a last minute generic engagement ring. 
A flash of blonde enters your peripheral just as you make your decision.
“Okay. I think I’ve got a plan.”
“Oh I’ve been looking for you guys--”
“Now’s not a good time, Less,” you wave your sister off, not even bothering to pay her any attention. “Okay Kyra, listen closely because I won’t repeat myself.”
The younger girl nods, determination painted all over her features. 
“I’ll cancel the reservations. That’ll buy me a couple days.”
“Less. Not a good time,” You repeat, shuffling to turn your back to her to ensure Alessia can’t interrupt again. “The jeweler still has the plans I sent him. I can probably get Gio and Luca to lend me some money, but you have to find where you stashed that ring, Kyra. It wasn’t cheap.”
“About the ring--”
“Not now Alessia!” This time your and Kyra’s voices blend together, neither of you willing to give Alessia a minute of your days. 
She lets out an offended huff and you have half a mind to just strangle her right here and now, your mother’s feelings be damned. 
Gritting your teeth you turn around, not really happy to have to find out what your sister wants. She has free reign to bother you at any minute of any day but why was she so insistent on doing so right now? “What could possibly be so important, you impatient piece of--”
You cut off suddenly, eyes doubling in size when you look down at her hands. 
There’s a velvet box clutched between her perfectly manicured nails, the tiny thing sitting there like it’s mocking you for losing your temper earlier. 
“That’s my--”
“The ring! But-- but--”
“Where’d you find it?”
“Oh god, Lessi I could kiss you, you just saved my ass--” Kyra breaks off, something clicking in her brain. “Wait, where did you find it?”
There’s a slight pause as you wait for Alessia’s answer. 
“Err… so funny story.” She blows out a breath of air, trying her best to look nonchalant. “I might have been-- actually Kyra hid…” Alessia fidgets, not liking the crease that was growing deeper and deeper between your brows. “IwantedtoprankKyraaftersheprankedmesoItooktheringthelasttimeIvisited.”
She slams her mouth shut the second the words are uttered, but no one says a word. 
An uncomfortable tension settles into the room and Alessia does her best not to wilt to the ground. 
You stare at her.
Kyra stares at her.
Alessia stares at a spot past your faces, nervously shuffling under the weight of your gazes.
There’s no mistaking icy stare or the clenched jaw that proved you caught every word of her fastball confession. 
“You… What?” There’s an edge to your voice, a tone Alessia rarely was at the end of growing up, but one that she recognizes all the same. The order there is clear, but Alessia’s not so sure she wants to repeat herself out of self preservation.
She shrinks, suddenly wishing she wasn’t so tall. “Um. Well. So Kyra hid my earrings the other day, and I, uh, I thought hiding this would be a funny way to prank her back?” Alessia cringes, not liking the way this all sounds now that she’s saying it out loud. “But judging by the looks on your faces, I’m going to say otherwise.”
Your nose flares but that’s the only response she’s given. 
Kyra looks grumpy, probably the result of taking your misplaced anger from earlier. 
You hold out your hand.
No words are exchanged but Alessia is quick to drop the box into your hand. 
Just as quick as she darts forward to do so, she jumps back, shoving her now empty hands into her pockets. 
“See, no hurt no foul, right?”
That’s all Alessia hears as she nervously chuckles. 
Neither you nor Kyra have moved, faces giving nothing away. 
At least not until you call the Australian’s name calmly, eyes never leaving your sister’s.
Alessia watches as the two of you slowly peel away from each other. Her eyes keep darting between the two of you, feeling more and more like prey that’s being stalked as the seconds tick by. “Guys, c’mon–”
“Remember how I told you to play nice with my only sister?”
Kyra’s frowning. It’s probably supposed to come off frightening but she looks too much like a kicked dog for it to really do too much.
But the look on your face… yeah, that was intimidating enough for the two of you.
“Forget everything I’ve ever said. I don’t have a sister.”
Alessia gulps.
“Get her.”
She bolts.
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tender-rosiey · 7 hours ago
lock jaw — gojo satoru x f!reader
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a/n: when I said silence, I meant it literally btw <3
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it starts the way it always does—with him talking.
satoru loves to talk. he thrives on it, really.
his voice fills every space he enters, a mix of cocky and teasing remarks, words tumbling out of him like they were just waiting for an audience.
he has no problem being that audience himself, either, monologuing even when no one’s listening.
and right now? right now, he’s very much talking at you.
“—so obviously, I had to step in, because nanamin was totally going about it the wrong way, y’know? I mean, the guy’s got skill, sure, but zero flare. no pizzazz. no—hey, are you even listening?”
you are. technically. but you don’t give him the satisfaction of confirming it.
instead, you tilt your head up at him, one brow raised in that way that always makes his grin twitch wider.
satoru doesn’t like being ignored. that’s why you do it.
and, sure enough, he scoffs. “oh, I see how it is. you think you’re cute, huh?”
you hum, noncommittal.
his fingers drum against the table, restless energy leaking into movement. “it’s a good thing you’re married to me, ‘cause—”
you lift a hand.
it’s not much. just a simple flick of your wrist.
the moment your fingers move, his words catch, cut off like someone pressed pause on a song mid-verse. his mouth is still open, brows furrowed like he can’t quite believe it.
oh, but he believes it.
your technique has always been a thorn in his side. you don’t know what makes it work, just that it does.
no one else can silence him like this—literally silence him, rendering every word, every noise, completely null the second you decide you’ve had enough.
it drives him insane.
you let a few beats of silence pass before you drop your hand. his voice snaps back into existence, mid-word.
“—ain’t no way you just did that again,” he grumbles, like this is somehow the first time.
his mouth pulls into a pout, the corners twitching with the threat of a smirk. “y’know, most wives enjoy hearing their husband talk.”
“I do,” you say, because it’s true.
satoru leans in, one hand propped beneath his chin. “so? why do you keep shutting me up, then?”
you lift your fingers again, just slightly, and watch the way his whole body stiffens in response. he goes silent before you even activate it, eyes narrowing.
“I swear—”
your fingers twitch.
his mouth slams shut anyway, like muscle memory has kicked in. his whole face scrunches up, torn between irritation and reluctant amusement.
it takes him a second to realize you never actually used your technique, and when he does, his eye twitches.
“oh, you suck.”
you smile. “I know.”
satoru groans, dragging a hand down his face. “how’d I get stuck with you?”
you just hum, pretending to think. “bad luck?”
he snorts.
and just like that, whatever annoyance he was pretending to have dissolves into something else—something warmer. his head tilts, his voice dropping into that low, teasing hum. “or maybe good luck.”
you don’t let yourself react, but a wave of warmth rushes through you anyway. his eyes gleam behind his glasses, sharp and knowing. he feels it, too.
it’s always been like this with satoru—this push and pull, this game of who can get under whose skin first. he hates being shut up. but he loves being shut up by you.
that’s probably why he keeps trying.
the next time he catches you alone, it’s in the kitchen.
you’re getting water, half-distracted, when arms loop around your waist from behind, a chin dropping onto your shoulder.
“whatcha doin’?”
“getting water,” you deadpan.
“oooh. riveting.” his arms tighten just slightly, like he’s trying to keep you there. “y’know, I was thinking.”
“that’s new.”
satoru gasps, scandalized. “rude!”
he nuzzles closer, all dramatic offense and fake hurt. “as I was saying—I was thinking about how unfair it is that you get to shut me up whenever you want, but I can’t do the same to you.”
you sip your water, unimpressed. “sounds like a you problem.”
“exactly! and since we’re married, your problems are my problems—so really, we should fix this together.”
you know where this is going. you don’t like where it’s going.
“but I didn’t even—”
his arms squeeze tighter, his voice dropping into that saccharine lilt. “c’mooon. just one little pact—no more silencing me, and in return…”
“in return what?” you ask, humoring him.
“in return, I’ll—uh—” he pauses. “I’ll try not to annoy you as much?”
you turn your head just enough to squint at him. “you could just not annoy me in the first place.”
“pfft. impossible.”
you roll your eyes, setting your glass down. “then no deal.”
satoru pouts. “you’re no fun.”
“I’m plenty fun.”
“not to me.”
you lift a hand.
his mouth clamps shut instantly.
“…I hate you.”
you drop your hand. “no, you don’t.”
his pout deepens. “no, I don’t.”
and because he’s satoru—because he’s infuriating—he suddenly dips forward and presses a kiss to your cheek.
it’s quick, but deliberate, with his lips lingering just enough to tease you. by the time you turn to scold him, he’s already slipping away, whistling like nothing happened.
the sneaking doesn’t stop.
if anything, it gets worse.
he tests you in public now, dropping snarky comments just to see if you’ll silence him mid-sentence.
he tries to get the upper hand, too—kissing you without warning, murmuring things low enough that only you can hear, things designed to throw you off balance.
and it works. sometimes.
but the thing about satoru? he talks a lot.
he always has.
and that’s exactly why you win.
it happens in front of his students.
which, really, is something he should’ve seen coming.
you’re standing off to the side, arms crossed, watching as megumi practices his stance. nobara is stretching. yuji is bouncing on his feet like he’s ready to fight someone on the spot.
it’s peaceful. quiet.
and, naturally, satoru can’t have that.
he claps his hands together. “alright, kiddos! who’s ready for an essential, life-changing lesson?”
yuji perks up immediately. “ooh, what kinda lesson?”
“the most important kind,” satoru declares, straightening his posture like he’s about to reveal the secrets of the universe. “a lesson in style.”
megumi exhales sharply. nobara groans. you don’t even have to look to know they’re both already tuning him out.
but he’s not done.
“you may think you know fashion, but you don’t. not like me. there are levels to this—depths of drip, if you will—like an expertly curated wardrobe of absolute perfection.”
he gestures grandly to himself. “and lucky for you, I am both your teacher and your fashion icon.”
nobara shoots you a look. “this is every day for you, isn’t it?”
satoru hears it. of course, he hears it.
he places a hand over his chest like you’ve wounded him. “unfortunately?” he echoes, all faux devastation. “sweetheart, you wound me.”
yuji chokes on a laugh. “wow, sensei. that was fast.”
“you don’t get it, yuji.” satoru points at you, sunglasses slipping down his nose.
“this woman right here? my beloved, my precious, my better half? she is cruel.” he sighs, tilting his head dramatically.
“every day, she shuts me up without a second thought. do you know how unfair that is? the strongest sorcerer in the world, silenced—just like that.”
megumi, who has absolutely witnessed this before, doesn’t even look up. “sounds like you deserve it.”
satoru gasps. “et tu, megumi?”
“yeah,” megumi deadpans. “et me.”
satoru clicks his tongue, shaking his head. “see? this is what I deal with. betrayal. disrespect. my own wife using her technique against me at every turn.”
yuji raises a hand. “wait, wait—so she actually can shut you up?”
“oh, she can,” satoru grumbles. “and she does.”
nobara perks up, eyes gleaming. “no way. prove it.”
satoru freezes.
you see the exact moment realization dawns on him—what he’s just done, the challenge he’s issued on your behalf.
you see it in the way his jaw shifts, the way his weight shifts ever so slightly on his heels.
you raise a brow. “you want me to prove it?”
satoru narrows his eyes. “don’t you dare.”
you lift your hand.
“don’t you—”
satoru’s mouth is still open, but no sound comes out. nothing. not even the beginnings of a protest. his lips move, forming words you can’t hear, before he snaps his mouth shut entirely.
the silence stretches.
“oh my god,” nobara breathes.
yuji loses his mind.
megumi simply nods. “good.”
satoru’s eye twitches. he points at you, accusing, but there’s nothing he can do. you smile sweetly.
after a long beat, you drop your hand.
“—believe you just did that in front of my students,” he huffs, voice returning in the middle of a sentence.
his sunglasses slide down his nose, revealing wide, scandalized eyes. “my own wife, betraying me in front of my kids.”
“they asked me to.”
“yeah,” nobara pipes up. “that was amazing. do it again.”
satoru splutters. “hey! whose side are you on?”
yuji is grinning. “I mean, sensei, that was kinda cool.”
“it was humiliating!”
“you deserved it.”
“I did not!”
you hum, faux thoughtful. “you kinda did.”
satoru stares at you, horrified. “et tu, my love?”
“yeah.” you smirk. “et me.”
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taglist: @magenta-cat-drawingss@pompompurin1028@scul-pted@requiem626k@nameless-shrimp@sonder-paradise@jessbeinme15s-notebook @todorokichills @ginneko @missrown @shrynkk @simplyxsinned @beautiful-is-boring @starlostlaiba @izukus-gf @irethepotato @thekaylahub @dazaisbloodybandages @aeanya @sweetcloudsimp @moon-catto @the-midnightskies@pianopuppygirl @gojosblackqueen @kryscent @kunikida-simp @whoami-72 @mx-0-child @fiona782 @kisakitwister @imjustasimpxd @psychopotatomeme @dreamcastgirl99 @watyousayin @doobiebochana @laylasbunbunny @hojicha-expresso @4sat0ruu @nineooooo @chuuyasboots @alekssashka7 @rieejjyubi02 @satoryaa @nothisispatrick300 @fallencrescentmoon @etheviese @ho34gojo @the-mom-friend-dot-com @the-weeping-author
@libbyistired @anon1412@maehemthemisfit @satorustar @b4nka1@sad-darksoul@ko-fi-heart@pumpkindudeishere@suyaaachin@babyqueen17@chaosguy352@murakami-kotone@sukun4ryomen@yumieis@hearts4itoshi@sleepyxxhead@dunixxd@sleepycrybbylaiah @imjustaduckwholikesbread @emilyyyy-08@spacebaby1@arabellatreaty@viscade @washeduphasbeen @janbannan @sugurubabe @enidths @mwtsxri @peppersapro @uranosbaaee @lifeisadumpie @guacam011y @kurooandkenmasslut @callmemirro @your-sleeparalysisdem0n @dindjarins1ut @candy-s72 @lulumi1u @yoko7658 @c4xcocoa @ohio-gyatt-mega-sigma-rizzler @llawlietluv @bluebell33 @enouche
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copyright © tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or i throw cat hair on your black clothes
check out my buy me a coffee!
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cvnt4him · 3 days ago
I think tobios the kind of guy to really REALLY be in love with his first love. I mean this guy would be obsessed with whoever took his virginity, I solely believe that.
He literally would be so in love with you without even noticing. He would love being close to you, he'd get all smiley with you and y'know his smile isn't all that but when he's genuine with it, it's the prettiest thing to see on him.
Holding his face and peppering kisses on him in front of the team, Hinata and tsukishima teasing him for it. He groans but ultimately loves it. He loves you.
When you met his sister she was kind of scary. She had this unapproachable look about her, there was so much stress and pressure to be good and great for his family. But she was actually really sweet, really interesting and a genuinely great sister for the most part.
His grandfather was absolutely hilarious and tobio wouldn't admit it to you or anyone else, but it meant a lot to him that his grandfather actually took a liking toward you. The way you unintentionally made his grandfather crack up at your occasional mishaps on your words and the weird little sounds you made when you realized you fucked up your sentence, or when you sounded so robotic to remember the interesting things you told yourself you were interested in for the sake of his grandfather.
I like to think kageyama is REALLY emotionally constipated to the point he knows NOTHING....about love or even being interested/attracted to someone. He gains such a genuine attraction towards you, it physically hurts him. He can't help but to groan in some sort of annoyance when he sees you because he knows his body betrays him. It always makes it clear that he's happy to have you around.
Whether he becomes a flushed mess, his stupid cheeks filling with blood and getting all warm and red. His ear become impossibly warm as well, he swears he can't even hear you speaking to him. Or whether it be his eyes wandering down to your lips, his thoughts thinking about how he loves it when you kiss him. He prefers those quick kisses you give, to him those are more than enough. His eyes began to trail all over your body, his mind thinking about every part of your body they stop on
His eyes move to your hands, goodness does he love holding them. He really does. When he holds your hand I think he would often squeeze them for a little, like you could just be hiding hands and a for the most part gentle squeeze comes out of nowhere. He holds it in a tight grasp like that for a while before the tightness retreats.
It's so sweet really. You call his name and his blue eyes shoot right back up to yours, kageyama doesn't shy away from anyone but damn why did you have to look at him like that with those stupid fucking eyes of yours..
You offered him a genuine warm smile, your eyes creasing a bit as your smile met them a small chuckle leaving you as you watch him fail to keep eye contact with you. He had a silly little pout on his face as his brows furrowed and his cheeks warmed.
You sigh at your silly boy and pull him into a hug, it was mostly you hugging him. Wrapping your arms around his body as he stiffly stood in your grasp, you give him a long squeeze and groan slightly. You pull away and grab his face pulling his down, with his face in your hands he takes a moment to really feel your hands the softness of them on his cheeks and how he could smell perfume on your wrists.
You give him a couple of kisses on his face causing him to squeeze his eyes shut and groan lightly. He slowly fluttered his eyes open to leer down at you. He's so tall even when you pull him down to level with you.
“ I love you, tobio..”
You whisper to him, clearly not quiet enough because you can hear people snickering behind you. You kiss his nose one final time, you can see the way he's mentally cursing you with his mind. He hates that you had to do this in front of them. He loves you, he swears he does. He may have a funny way of showing it but he genuinely loves you.
“ ...mmn... love...you too..”
Tobio made damn sure he said it quiet enough. He refused to let them hear him say that.
Trust after being with you for a long time he gets out of that. He doesn't care who hears him say he loves you. He's so happy that he's had you for this long.
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mashtatosworld · 1 day ago
the pursuit
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summary: you met him on the set of 'lets not fall in love' - yet you did everything but that
*the start of the 'back to you' series
You’d barely stepped onto set when you felt it - the way his gaze found you immediately, lingering long enough to make your stomach tighten.
Gdragon didn’t introduce himself at first.
He didn’t need to.
He just leaned against the edge of a prop wall, cigarette tucked between his fingers, assessing you.
You weren’t an actress - you’d made that abundantly clear when your agency first floated the idea of you being GDragon’s partner for the Let’s Not Fall In Love video.
But they assured you it would be natural, just soft glances and playful moments, no choreography, no lines - just chemistry.
The kind that could make viewers believe something was there even if nothing was.
And he made that easy.
You tried not to look at him too much between takes. Tried not to focus on the way his gaze felt heavy on your skin, even when you weren’t the one in front of the camera.
GDragon was effortless - a natural magnet, pulling attention with every charming grin. You were… not.
You were new to the industry.
Shiny and unsure, trying to fit yourself into the shape of someone who belonged here.
The rain scene was the worst of it.
Cold water cascading down as you held each other, his hand firm on your waist, the other trailing along your wrist until your fingers intertwined. His touch was light, barely there - but somehow you felt it everywhere.
It was like your body was naturally drawn to his heat.
You were shivering, trying to hide it, smile frozen and cheeks aching. You could feel his nose skim the side of your face, his damp shirt clinging to his chest.
The camera rolled, but all you could think about was how his thumb felt on your hip, firm, and anchoring.
“Cut! Take a break everyone.”
You exhaled sharply, stepping back so fast you almost tripped over the cables. Jiyong stayed still, watching you, tongue running over his lower lip - like he was about to say something, then thought better of it.
It was only when you were wrapped in a towel, sat to the side, waiting for them to release you as they reviewed the footage that he finally approached.
You didn’t expect him to notice your notebook.
You’d been scribbling between takes, half to distract yourself from how intensely aware you were of him, and half because songwriting was your real passion - even if your label didn’t believe you were ready yet.
Jiyong slid onto the bench beside you, casually resting his arms on his legs as he glanced at your lap. “What are you always writing in there?”
You froze. “Just... ideas.”
“For songs?” His brow lifted, curiosity flickering through the playful smile.
You nodded, heart hammering. “I want to focus more on music than modelling. But it's not any good - ”
“Let me see.” He held out his hand, palm up, fingers adorned with silver rings.
You hesitated.
He’d written some of the most iconic songs of the decade - his praise could make or break you. But something about the way he was watching you, genuinely interested, made you slowly pass him the notebook.
He read in silence, brow furrowed, thumb tracing the corner of the page. When he looked up, his smile had softened. “These are good.”
You blinked. “Really?”
“Really,” he said, closing the notebook and tapping it against his knee. “Come to my studio sometime. I’ll help.”
“Why would you do that?” You meant it as a genuine question. He was at the peak of his career, churning out songs for his solo album and band. And you were... a ripple in his ocean.
His smile turned lazy, teasing. “Because I want to.”
And somehow, that was enough.
𓆩♡𓆪 𓆩♡𓆪 𓆩♡𓆪
You told yourself he’d forget - that it was just a line, something to pass the time between takes. But a day later, your phone lit up with a notification.
[unknown number] Still want help? - Jiyong
You debated ignoring it.
Every article you’d ever read about him flashed through your mind - the scandals, on-again-off-again exes, the late-night clubs. But you rationalised your thoughts.
It wasn't like you were going to get personal with him. This would be strictly business...
So you messaged back.
And you were glad you had ignored the influence of media headlines because the first session was when you truly met Jiyong, not GDragon.
You hovered near the door of his studio, notebook clutched to your chest like a shield. He was different here - hair messy, hoodie low over his face, cigarette dangling from his fingers and a casual smile that only grew when he saw you.
“You’re late.”
“I wasn’t sure I should come.”
His smile didn’t falter. “I'm glad you did.”
You sat beside him, the scent of leather and smoke and something distinctly him wrapping around you. He didn’t rush. Didn’t push. Just played a beat, soft and stripped down, and said, “Sing something.”
Your throat was dry, hands shaking - but you did.
𓆩♡𓆪 𓆩♡𓆪 𓆩♡𓆪
It was always late when he called.
You’d be lying in bed, makeup off, notebook balanced on your knees, when your phone would light up.
[jiyong] Studio tonight x
No please. No explanation. Just an offer you somehow always accepted.
He’d be sprawled on the couch, cigarette smouldering in the ashtray, laptop open with half-finished beats echoing softly.
“I've got a new idea,” he’d say, voice rough from hours of talking to no one.
You’d sit next to him - never too close, yet as time would pass his knee would somehow be pressed against yours. It felt deliberate. Everything with him felt deliberate.
You were writing one night - half asleep, pen dragging across the page - when you felt it.
His fingers.
Just the tips, playing with the ends of your hair. Light, curious, like he wasn’t even thinking about it.
You didn’t pull away.
Neither did he.
𓆩♡𓆪 𓆩♡𓆪 𓆩♡𓆪
He didn’t hide his interest. Not even a little.
There was no slow-build - no confusing signals.
Jiyong wanted you, in a way that made it impossible to pretend you were imagining things.
“You’re scared of me.” He said it casually, during your third session after he had pulled your chair closer to his - dragging it by the legs.
“No, I’m not.”
You glared at him, but he just grinned, all bad-boy charm and impossible warmth. “You’ll get used to me.”
He wasn’t wrong.
𓆩♡𓆪 𓆩♡𓆪 𓆩♡𓆪
The song - your song - dropped a week after Let’s Not Fall In Love hit the charts.
He had gifted it to you, passing over the rights entirely despite his effort and inputs. It was yours to do as you pleased.
You decided against a music video or promotional press, just a quiet link posted on Jiyong’s Instagram at 3:14am with no caption.
By noon, it was trending.
The comments were split - some fans insisting you were the new girl he was seeing, others trying to figure out who the hell you were. No one could agree on what you were to him. A muse? A collaborator? A random model who got lucky?
You knew the truth - you were his project.
His distraction.
The shiny new thing he couldn’t stop poking at.
You kept a measured distance, even as your inbox filled with interview requests and producers asking to meet. You hadn’t expected this to happen - not so fast, not this loud.
Your agency was thrilled.
They called you "lucky."
You weren’t sure luck was the word.
This was a pursuit.
𓆩♡𓆪 𓆩♡𓆪 𓆩♡𓆪
The rumours started when someone caught you leaving his building at 5am, his jacket hanging off your shoulders.
Your agency had freaked out.
“It’s nothing,” you said in a meeting the next day, heart pounding as you forced yourself to sound casual. “We’re just writing.”
They didn’t believe you.
You didn’t believe you.
Because “just writing” didn’t explain the way he leaned into you when you sat at the mic, adjusting your headphones himself, fingers lingering against your jaw.
“Just writing” didn’t explain how he always walked you to the elevator, even when there were a dozen staff around who could’ve done it.
“Just writing” didn’t explain why your heart pounded every time you saw his name light up your phone.
𓆩♡𓆪 𓆩♡𓆪 𓆩♡𓆪
The first time you performed your duet you were shaking so badly you nearly dropped the mic.
It was meant to be a one-off stage appearence.
A fan treat.
A casual collaboration.
But he added it as a staple part of his setlist.
The moment Jiyong walked out, hand in pocket, signature smirk pulling at his lips, the crowd screamed like they already knew what was to come.
He stood too close.
His eyes followed your every move.
And when the bridge hit, his hand found your lower back, pulling you into him like the cameras didn’t exist.
When the performance ended, he leaned down and whispered, “See? Told you we’re perfect together.”
𓆩♡𓆪 𓆩♡𓆪 𓆩♡𓆪
The internet spiralled.
Edits of you and Jiyong flooded every corner of social media - the rain scene from the music video, the too-close moments on stage, the way his hand never quite left your body. Every time he looked at you, fans slowed it down, captioning it:
He’s obsessed.
He’s soft.
He’s in love.
You tried to brush it off.
At first, you were worried he’d hate the rumours - the idea of being tied to a rookie, someone unproven, someone with no legacy.
But instead, he leaned into it.
He started requesting you at festivals.
He refused to perform the song with anyone else.
And during interviews, when asked about his ideal type, he’d just laugh - low and knowing - and say, “Who do you think?”
He was pursuing you in public, no apologies, no caution.
And it worked.
𓆩♡𓆪 𓆩♡𓆪 𓆩♡𓆪
Within months, the rumours stopped being rumours.
You were inseparable - a constant presence at each other’s sides, onstage and off. The industry might’ve called you reckless, but neither of you cared.
It was fast.
It was intense.
It was everything.
And by the time he slipped that ring on your finger, eight months after your first songs release - in a quiet moment between tour stops, both of you tangled up in the same hotel bed you hadn’t left all day - you knew.
You’d never stood a chance.
𓆩♡𓆪 𓆩♡𓆪 𓆩♡𓆪
no wonder she's so loved, diva was ten years in the making!
taglist: @petersasteria, @mirahyun , @allthoughtsmindfull , @gdinthehouseee , @infinetlyforgotten , @redhoodedtoad , @kathaelipwse , @lxvemaze , @loveesiren , @sherrayyyyy , @getyoassoutthetrunk , @shieraseastarrs , @ctrldivinev , @xxxicddbr88 , @onyxmango , @tryingtolivelifeblog , @tulentiy , @bettelaboure
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writingwisterias · 2 days ago
How would the different eras of Leon react to "you may now kiss the bride"? Which ones are getting steamy up there? Which ones are a bit tame? Who's saving it for later... 🤭
THIS IS SO CUTE OMG I love it 👀😘
Warnings: Suggestive, Fluff
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He's young and didn't really think he would have gotten this chance so fast in life
The whole wedding feels magical to him
He definitely cries down the isle
So in the first kiss he's nervous, and has the biggest smile you have ever seen
But of teeth clashing at first and he doesn't hold it for long
You don't care you can see how happy he is
It's a softer approach
Slightly more passionate and timid
Almost like it doesn't feel real for him
He's still sort of haunted by everything and is slightly overcoming it
So it's very gentle
Infinite Darkness:
He's cocky
He can't just do something normal so he's dipping you or something
Making sure the photographer gets a good photo opportunity for you
He can't be casual no way
At the time you'll be shocked and giggling but when the photos arrive you forgive him
Smiling like mad when he leans in
Cupping your face as he forced you to hold it
Almost like those last few seconds make him realize that it's not a dream and you are actually doing this with him
Almost can't believe it
The kiss is messy, dramatic and filled with all his unspoken love for you
He's making you lean over or cupping your ass
Despite the fact you have just taken his last name, it's almost like a display of dominance/ possession
It still doesn't feel real, he's made sure to stay sober for this part
The kiss is very slow and messy
You can feel him crying into it at pure disbelief that you have even decided to go through with this
That alone tells you how he felt, even more than the mess of the vows he tried to spew out or the sappy speech he was saving until the meal
Death Island:
He's been waiting for this moment
Giddy about it all week
Only when it comes to its a grinning mess
Doesn't bode well for the actual kiss but the photo afterwards soon becomes one of your favourites
It's probably the only photo you have where he finally looks free from everything.
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visenyaism · 2 days ago
top ten clinically depressed asoiafers
I don’t think anyone ever wrote out the Westerosi DSM but I’ll take a crack at it.
Honorable Mention- Mance Raider and Qhorin Halfhand. We don’t get enough to make a full conclusion because it’s not important to Jon’s story so this is just a vibe but I feel it strongly.
10. Rhaena the Lesbian- like one of two actually great fire and blood characters. Convalescing in Harrenhal for like a decade after her wife left her and her third husband killed all her girlfriends plus she was one dead kid and one dead mother down. Kind of epic. Should have survived long enough to be weird and bitter to Jaehaerys’ insane children.
9. Daemon Targaryen- hey speaking of killing yourself in Harrenhal. Him never being happy with what he had or knowing what he wanted beyond getting his big brother to be proud of him so he just had to constantly chase dopamine in the form of insane levels of violence grooming teenagers and getting his cop frat brother employees to like him for money. Chemical imbalance with a body count in the thousands for his last midlife crisis wife leaving teenager grooming riverlands murder suicide bender alone.
8. Rhaegar Targaryen- Hey speaking of making your clinical depression everyone else’s problem at Harrenhal leading to the death of thousands. Why do people keep letting them do this is the question. Could estrogen have saved her is the second realer question
7. Lysa Arryn. Free her.
6. Daeron the Drunken- what if you were HAUNTED by PROPHETIC DREAMS that were only BAD and spelled the death and doom of your ENTIRE FAMILY and you COULDNT ESCAPE THEM except through SUBSTANCES and you were also the HEIR and your DAD was so DISAPPOINTED IN YOU and you had to take your RUDE and disrespectful plucky BABY KING ARTHUR brother to the CIRCUS and he was TEN and BALD and picked up by the hedge knight you DREAMED OF because he is going to INSTIGATE TO THE ETERNAL MISERY OF YOUR FAMILY a little bit on accident because you are DRUNK. NO HOPE. also honorable mention to post-fratricide Maekar who just locks himself in summerhall for years and post-treason court hostage Daemon II Blackfyre. I hope he and Daeron got brunch.
5. Ned Stark- classic flavor original variant Father Depression. Things went wrong for him young that he will never explain to anyone ever and they form a veil that serves as a barrier between him and the world and everyone he loves. Poor Ned.
4. Stannis Baratheon. Never let himself enjoy anything ever. Melancholy from birth. Rude and extremely blunt with everyone. Smiles twice both at Davos. Anorexic. Bald. Who among us has not been there.
3. Alannys Harlaw Greyjoy- finding out that Theon and Asha have an alive mom who is a gothic horror attic wife who never recovered from the loss of her family to the point that she’s still asking when all her dead and missing sons are going to come home to her and then Theon comes home and does not visit her. Actually agonizing for me the reader
2. Jon Connington- I’m about to get real sincere with these last two because Dance was a really good book that hit at a pivotal time for me. Everything he is in the world to do is motivated by this deep and profound grief and repression that simultaneously makes him a worse person (hungry to commit war crimes) and his best self (dives into the river to save Tyrion contracting greyscale in the process, being as loving and supportive of a father to Young Griff as anyone really could possibly be in this series.) The fact that he is such a late-game addition but feels like a missing piece as a character because of the emotional weight he carries is really cool. I love all his chapters. Tried to grasp a star overreached and fell is so powerful.
1. Tyrion Lannister- I adore his dance with dragons chapters where after his big moment of patriarchal catharsis he is suicidal and misanthropic and an alcoholic and hurting himself and others. It is really compelling because sometimes people get worse. And yet this is interspersed with moments where he is confronted with real genuine danger or real genuine joy and he consistently chooses to be kind to others for no material gain. Like comforting Penny during the storm or tackling a Stone Man into the Rhoyne to to save Young Griff’s life. Arguably these moments do not outweigh all of the harm he is actively inflicting, but they do show that he is incorrect about his self concept that he’s a monster and is actually just a deeply hurt person who has been traumatized so profoundly and is struggling as a result of it.
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nicholasluvbot · 2 days ago
FLYING KISSㅤ𓈒ㅤ𝖻𝖾𝗌𝗍 𝖿𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖽 𝗐𝗈𝗈𝗇𝗁𝖺𝗄 𝗐𝗁𝗈 𝗂𝗌 𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗒 𝗈𝖻𝗏𝗂𝗈𝗎𝗌𝗅𝗒 𝗂𝗇 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝗒𝗈𝗎, 𝖾𝗑𝖼𝖾𝗉𝗍 𝗁𝖾'𝗌 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾 𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗒 𝗈𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋 18-𝗒𝖾𝖺𝗋-𝗈𝗅𝖽 𝖻𝗈𝗒.
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ㅤㅤ── 𝖻𝗅𝗈𝗈𝗆𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗉𝖾𝗍𝖺𝗅𝗌 𝖼𝗂𝗋𝖼𝗅𝖾 𝖺𝗋𝗈𝗎𝗇𝖽 𝗒𝗈𝗎, 𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗇 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗅𝗂𝗉𝗌 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝗋𝖾𝗌𝖾𝗆𝖻𝗅𝖾 𝖼𝗁𝖾𝗋𝗋𝗒 𝖻𝗅𝗈𝗌𝗌𝗈𝗆𝗌 𝖺𝗋𝖾 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾.
𝒇 ! readerㅤ𖥔ㅤ500ㅤㅤ><ㅤ`ㅤ𝖿𝗅𝗎𝖿𝖿 𝗁𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖼𝖺𝗇𝗈𝗇𝗌ㅤ𓈒ㅤ──── cautions 𝗌𝗄𝗂𝗇𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗉 𝗃𝖾𝖺𝗅𝗈𝗎𝗌𝗒 ㅤㅤ🍀ㅤㅤ𝖠𝖱𝖢𝖧𝗂𝖵𝖤
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woonhak always stretches an arm out on the back of your chair, absentmindedly playing with your hair or tracing circles on your shoulder while pretending not to care. if someone else tries to squeeze in between you, he automatically shifts his chair closer to yours—anything to be near you.
he swears he never gets jealous, but the moment another guy gets a little too close to you, his whole demeanor shifts. "oh, that guy?" he says, unimpressed. "he's like 5'7 on a good day." he tries to act indifferent, but he's noticeably more clingy for the rest of the day, standing closer than usual, his shoulder brushing against yours, making sure you laugh at all of his jokes instead.
if someone talks about asking you out in front of him, he lets out a short, sharp laugh before mumbling, "yeah, good luck with that." and when someone actually flirts with you in front of him, he plays it off with fake nonchalance—jaw tightening, but his voice light and teasing. "oh, so you're cheating on me now?" he tilts his head, wearing an exaggerated look of betrayal.
you shove at his arm playfully. "you are so unserious."
"dead serious," he quips, resting his chin on his hand as he watches you. "but hey, do what you want. just don't come crying to me when you realize no one treats you as well as i do."
he teases you relentlessly but goes completely still when you lean your head on his shoulder. he pretends not to care, staring ahead like it’s no big deal, but you can feel how stiff he gets at first. then, slowly, his body relaxes, and after a while, he even tilts his head to rest against yours.
in class, he flicks your forehead when he catches you zoning out or dozing off, playfully scolding you to pay attention—then immediately following it with a quiet, "you okay?" in a softer voice.
he "accidentally" wins a carnival game and tosses you the stuffed animal casually. "i don’t need it," he says, even though you both know he was trying hard to win. but later, when you’re not looking, he grins to himself, satisfied when he sees you still hugging it hours later.
he always finds an excuse to be at your house, lounging on your couch like it’s his second home. he acts like he's there for the snacks, but really, he just loves being around you, in your space.
he grumbles about how you always make him do things, like helping you carry your stuff or waiting for you after class, but the one time you don’t ask for his help, he frowns. "what, you didn’t need me?" and when you say you didn’t want to bother him, he scoffs, shoving his hands in his pockets. "idiot. it’s not a bother."
it’s so obvious—everyone sees it. he thinks he hides it well, but every so often, when you're laughing, focused, or just doing anything at all, he gets this soft look in his eyes. it only lasts a second before he snaps out of it, clearing his throat and teasing you about something random. but when jaehyun asks, "dude, do you like them or something?" woonhak just scoffs, looking anywhere but at you.
"who wouldn’t?"
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‎ ‎     • 𝖿𝖾𝖾𝖽𝖻𝖺𝖼𝗄 🗯 𝗋𝖾𝖻𝗅𝗈𝗀𝗌 ───── 𝗁𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗅𝗒 𝖺𝗉𝗉𝗋𝖾𝖼𝗂𝖺𝗍𝖾𝖽 ˆᗜˆ
tags ( boynextdoor ) @coquettejunnie , @hanninova , @chaeneu , @aloe-7 , @en-dream , @rizzkisworld , @cosmicwintr , @mydearyeseo , @ladyaida , @fae-renjun , @slytherinshua , @jjennuine , @kstrucknet , @k-films , @sgz-net
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thebubblesareevil · 1 day ago
After a few years of being established, the Justice league decides to make the young Justice team.
While deciding chaperones Diana mentions that Danny actually began his hero career as a teenager.
Everyone agrees that he would make a great mentor, but they still have to ask.
It takes a bit of persuasion and negotiating but Danny eventually agrees on the condition that they aren’t told about his origins. Last thing he wants is for them to use his underaged heroing as an excuse to do something stupid.
The league agrees and Batman puts together the identity of a retired hero from a small town that started heroing in his 20s
Some of the team finds it a bit insulting that their mentors put them with some small time hero while others, namely kaldur and m’gann are very respectful.
Danny just shrugs it off though and announces that he’s here to make sure they don’t do anything stupid
Inevitably they do something stupid though and the team is ready to be pissed off when they get scolded by Danny of all people
But instead of scolding them he has them all sit down and explain their thought process and pointing out where they could have done things a bit differently. While he does get rid of the gaming systems in the mountain for a month, he doesn’t scold or yell or give the disappointed scowls.
None of them are really sure what to do with that.
Eventually though, one by one the teens start going to Danny about their problems both hero and civilian. Even telling him about the issues they’re keeping from the team.
He keeps their secrets and helps them work through their problems.
He decided at the beginning he would treat them the same as the Justice league and only intervene if he truly believed they couldn’t handle it.
There was only 2 times he considered intervening but the team pulled through.
Klarion and vandal.
Of course after that little stunt at the watch tower, no one was surprised that the two laid low.
None of them ever questioned why not a single one of them never encounter either of the villains again until they reached adulthood. After all they just pulled off a huge move against the league.
When Vandal and Klarion returned to their base after the watch tower they did so feeling victorious. They had out witted the league and moved their plan forward.
The moment was ruined when vandal realized Klarion was silent as he stared at a figure sitting in his chair.
Klarion was never silent, but Vandal understood.
It was never wise to underestimate the Ghost King after all.
Danny sat tall in Vandals chair, looking a bit tired but otherwise average in his human form.
He rarely needed to change in the living realms anymore.
“Why don’t you two take a seat? I think we need to have a good long talk about the definition of child abuse and overkill.”
Retired hero Danny
Danny has saved the world more time than he could count and they would never know. He didn’t care
Ancients! He preferred it.
He retired from being a hero when the Justice league came into the picture. Ever since he was crowned the ghosts don’t really threaten humanity anymore so he’s more than happy to leave the non ghost threats to earth get handled by the Justice league
He runs a repair shop in amity park, he’ll fix anything and everything at affordable pricing
The only member of the Justice league that knows about Danny is Diana. She didn’t know about him until some enemy trying to summon chronos succeeds and she gets frozen in time
Luckily clockwork has mellowed out over the years and takes this time to tell her how proud he is of his favorite granddaughter following in her uncle’s footsteps.
He did tell her he was retired but would help if it was truly needed.
As far as everyone else is concerned the ritual was a dud
One day a major threat approaches and the team has beaten down time and again. Batman is getting desperate.
Wonder Woman asks to borrow a phone
She makes a call in the meeting room
Danny’s dead device depot: you kill it I fix it, how can I help you today.
“My name is Diana of themascyra. I was told you could help….we have run out of options.”
“What seems to be the problem?”
“A new god by the name of Darkseid intend to bring our world to ruin. His army is without end and we cannot hold them back much longer”
“Hmmmm sounds like a tough job” tinkering is heard in the background “ tell you what, get me some of those cookies like yer mom makes. The nutty ones and we’ve got a deal”
“Kourabiedes? That’s it? But-“
“No buts, you just get those started while I take care of this creep. I should be done by the time they cool down.”
The line goes dead.
The team looks at her defeated. Certain that was a dead end, but Diana gets up and heads to the kitchen. If half of what her grandfather had told her was true then she would need to start baking
Meanwhile on Apokalypse….
The doors to the throne room fall to the ground before Darkseid
A large humanoid man stands in the doorway holding a large club like weapon with glowing text on the body
“So you’re the creep that’s been messing with my niece, huh? Don’t worry I have just the thing for creeps like you.”
Later that same day
Danny sits down at the table across from his niece as she tells him all about her friends and their adventures while he enjoys his slightly crispy cookies.
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shinhyunjin · 6 hours ago
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── .✦ little white lies.
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⟢ pairing: hwang hyunjin x female!reader
⟢ genre: fluff, non-idol au, established relationship
⟢ word count: 1.9k
⟢ summary: the one where a street interviewer asks the story of how you met.
⟢ author’s note: hello, everyone! i don’t really know what this is, but i clearly got the idea from @/meetcutesnyc on tiktok. i feel like i could maybe turn this into a short series and write one for the rest of the members if you like this one enough. anyway, this is my first fic on this blog, so if you enjoy it please do show it some love<3
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“Excuse me, are you two a couple?”
You stop in your tracks at the question, staring at the stranger that was now blocking your way, as he stood in front of you and your boyfriend—a small mic in his hand and cameraman behind him recording the scene before him.
Your first instinct is to look up to Hyunjin, who is already tightening the hold of his hand on yours and pulling you closer to him.
“We are” he doesn’t hesitate to answer.
You find the confused yet protective crease between his eyebrows particularly cute right then, so you smile.
“Would you mind telling us the story of how you met?”
“Oh, you’re that guy?!” You jump in excitement.
Hyunjin’s frown only deepens for a moment, feeling like he is missing a chapter—or a whole book—when the guy in front eagerly nods his head and laughs at your sudden enthusiasm.
One look at you, however, and a glimpse of the smile lighting up your face, is enough for him to go with whatever it is happening right then.
“Baby, they make videos on TikTok asking couples how they met” you explain to him nonetheless, caressing the back of his hand with your thumb to ease the small tension he felt after seeing you interact so comfortably with another guy—a stranger one at that.
“Oh,” Hyunjin lets out, suddenly feeling embarrassed over how defensive he was until then. “We met at an art gallery” he tries to redeem himself by kindly answering the question.
“It was actually kinda funny” you add with a small giggle that has all three guys smiling at you.
“If that’s your way of saying we were one second away from committing a crime, then—”
“Oh, hush” you playfully shut him up, enjoying all too much the dramatic roll of eyes he gives you in response. “It wouldn’t have been a crime. I think”.
Your last addition earns a quiet chuckle from the cameraman, and you wonder if that’s making it into the final video.
“Long story short,” you begin. “I was admiring one of the sculptures, minding my own business, when out of nowhere someone bumped into me. I was caught off guard, of course, so I inevitably lost my balance and bumped into the base that was holding the sculpture” you can’t help but give your boyfriend an accusatory look. “I saw my life flash before my eyes when it started swaying in front of me”.
“I was fast enough to hold it in its place before it fell, though” Hyunjin chimes in before the blame is fully thrown at him. “And thankfully there were only, like, two other people in the room with us and they were too busy checking out the paintings on the walls, so after exchanging panicked looks with this cutie right here, we rushed out of there before we got scolded”.
“We laughed it off as soon as we were in the next room and we couldn’t care less about the stares we got” you explain amidst a small laugh. “It was kind of odd, in a good way, because it felt like we knew each other already”.
“Yeah, it was weird in the best of ways” Hyunjin agrees with an adoring smile. “I obviously wanted to get to know her after that, and I just happened to have an extra ticket to a paid exposition within the main one that day, so I offered it to her in order to apologise for bumping into her and she luckily said yes”.
“And then after that I invited him for coffee to thank him for the ticket”.
Hyunjin chuckles. “And then I asked her out for dinner that same night”.
“So it’s fair to say it was love at first sight?” The guy asks with a grin.
“Definitely” the two of you answer in unison, locking eyes at the realisation and smiling in a way that was hard to tell whether you were aware there were other people in the world.
“We pretty much got together that same day” you admit with a shy smile.
“How long have you guys been together?”
“Four years,” Hyunjin replies.
“Four years and two months” you specify, just for the sake of teasing him.
He smiles and bites his tongue not to add ‘and eleven days’, because that would only lead to you doing the math and figuring out the amount of hours as well, and then him having to figure out the amount of minutes if he wanted to win.
It is a battle you had gone through more than once already, and he refuses to go down that road again—not when there is a camera pointing at you and your whole interaction would be posted on the internet.
“Wow, that’s a long time” the man in front interrupts Hyunjin’s train of thought, bringing the mic closer to you. “What’s your favourite thing about him?”
“Oh, I don’t think I can choose just one” you timidly let him know, looking up to Hyunjin and feeling your cheeks burn as his chocolate eyes are already focused on you, awaiting for an answer. “I really love how sweet and attentive he is. He is always there for me and helps me get through my hardships, even before I even have to ask for his help”.
“And what is your favourite thing about her?” He now asks your boyfriend, who finds himself smiling brightly over your wholesome words and struggling to take his eyes away from you.
“Everything” Hyunjin replies truthfully once he manages to divert his eyes from you—just like you, finding it hard to choose just one thing he loves the most about you. “She’s the most caring and selfless person I’ve ever met. She’s always checking up on me and my family, making sure we’re all okay. And I also need to mention her smile, because whenever she smiles my day is immediately made”.
You give his hand a gentle squeeze and lean your head on his shoulder for a brief moment, unable to hide the emotional pout forming on your lips, as his answer managed to warm your heart.
“So what is the next step in your relationship?”
“Moving in together” Hyunjin answers in a heartbeat, and you are grateful that it doesn’t come off as a surprise, for you had talked about it before—otherwise your heart wouldn’t have been able to take the news of his upcoming plans with you. “We needed to figure a few things out before doing so, but…” he looks down at you, smiling sweetly when your eyes lock and you nod your head, encouraging him to go on. “It’s about time we finally start properly making our life together”.
“And your names are?”
“Y/N” you’re the first to answer.
“I’m Hyunjin” he says.
“Well, thank you so much for your time, Hyunjin and Y/N” the interviewer wraps it up with a smile. “I’m glad you guys are going strong and didn’t end up in jail that day”.
The two of you laugh, and you lean into your boyfriend when he lets go of your hand and gently places his arm over your shoulders instead.
Exchanging goodbyes after being informed that the video would be up the next day, you resume your walk to the all too familiar café around the corner—the one you were heading to before the impromptu street interview took place.
“So those are the kind of videos you’re watching all day…”
“Some of them,” you nod. “I’ve sent you a few here and there. Good to know you don’t actually watch them”.
“I do” he fights back, almost offended you believe he would ever disregard something you showed him. “I thought they were all staged, though. Didn’t know people actually got interviewed on the streets out of nowhere”.
“Is that why you were so defensive when they first approached us?” You laugh.
He huffs, making his bottom lip slightly stick out and having you internally fighting not to kiss him right then. “I thought he was asking if we were a couple in hopes of us not being one, so he could ask you out”.
“Asking me out out of nowhere when I’m walking hand in hand with a guy that is clearly my boyfriend, all while there is a whole cameraman recording us?” You tease with a tilt of your head.
“Hey, who knows?” he defends himself. “Can’t control what kind of weirdos are out there chasing after online views”.
“You’re so cute” you laugh breathily, pressing a soft kiss on his jawline. “We look too much like a couple, if you ask me. They would look stupid to even try”.
“Yeah… I think the hand holding and matching outfits give it away too well” he nods with a teasing smile, motioning to the colour palette you chose together that day.
“Thank God they caught us on a good outfit day” your relieved remark earns a laugh from him. “I can’t wait for the video to be up now, I love the way we met”.
“I know you do,” he softly rubs your hand with his thumb. “Which is why I was surprised you didn’t tell them the whole story”.
“What do you mean?” You frown.
Hyunjin amusedly shakes his head, remaining silent as you reach the café and he holds the door open for you to go in first.
When you’re invaded by the strong yet pleasing scent of coffee and reach the—thankfully—short line to order, he adds, “You left out the part where later on I admitted I intentionally bumped into you just so I could talk to you”.
You laugh at the memory.
It wasn’t like he wanted you to lose your balance and make you almost drop a sculpture that you would be paying until the end of your days, had it actually fallen down and smashed on the ground.
He was just going for a little shove on your shoulder with his own, just enough to make you turn around and allow him to apologise right after. But you were too pretty, and he was too nervous—that alone making him miscalculate the distance between your bodies and slam into your shoulder harder than he had intended to.
He came clean one month into your relationship—the guilt of almost getting you in trouble just because he wasn’t able to earn up the courage to go up and talk to you like any other normal person would, was becoming too much for him to keep a secret for any longer.
You were already in too deep by then to even care, though. If anything, you were flattered that he wanted to get to know you so bad that he ended up coming up with the most stupid—and risky—of ideas in order to do so.
“I thought you weren’t holding back when it came to embarrassing me” he confesses.
You chuckle, shaking your head in both amusement and embarrassment, before pulling him forward in line with you as the people in front do so as well.
“Well, if I did mention that, you would’ve told them about how I already had a ticket to the private exposition and lied about not having one just so I had a reason to stick with you, so…”
Hyunjin’s lips part into a beaming smile, pulling you to him and pressing a kiss to your temple.
Little white lies could sometimes be beneficial; especially when they led you to the best relationship you ever had—the one you were sure would last for the rest of your lives.
“You’re right” he agrees with a smirk. “The internet doesn’t need to know how desperate we both were to get to know each other”.
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soiwj · 1 day ago
okay what about trying to do makeup for caleb and so hes seated on the corner of his bed with eyes shut and you are doing his makeup,
then when you shift to other parts he opens his eyes and he looks st you with yk
THOSE EYES... intense and idk needy bcs its an intimate moment
Sunset Strokes
Pairing: Caleb x MC/reader Cw: Fluff that will rot your tooth. also a smidge of possessive!caleb A/n: This game has an evil heart wrenching hold in me I am in PAIN (good pain unfortunately)
Not proof read sorry guys ;-;
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"Can't believe I actually got you to agree to this." You giggle softly as you stradle him. Holding a small eyeshadow brush you dab the sunset colored orange powder against his eyelids. A light chuckle leaves his lips as he smiles.
"Do you really think I can say no to you pipsqueak?" He places his warm hand against your waist softly as he sighs dramatically. "I can't let you experiment artistically on some other guy can I?" Laughing his dramatics off, you continue your ministrations on his eyes.
For a moment you stop dabbing as you look at him. Really look at him. A soft smile graces his face as his expression stays peaceful. Like an angel in soft sunlight he slowly opens his eyes. "Pips'?" You quickly look away as you try to come up with an excuse as you feel his eyes burning into yours.
"I was just- picking another color." Concern grows in your abdomen as he doesn't respond. Quickly looking back up, fearful of any kind of negative emotion on his face- instead- he's smiling. A soft kind smile, his eyes following.
Caleb had a way of making you feel like the only person in the world. As if everything else just fades away and you and him are floating in an endless space of affection. His eyes on you make you feel like you're in a trance. Observing his eyes you notice the small dashes of orange in his purple eyes. Chuckling, you realise it matches the makeup you just put on him.
"I could give Rafayel a run for his money..." Muttering quietly to yourself. You put the brush down and grab some lipstick instead, focussing on his soft lips. You work with full focus, gliding the soft wax along his lips expertly. In the corner of your eye you see him looking right at you. As if he can't be bothered with what you're doing to his face. Because in truth, we all know all he can think about is you.
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Quite short but theres more to come!!
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