#just some silly blog!! feel free to interact :}
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doctordelicate-touch · 7 months ago
🌟Okay hi hello good morning/evening everyone :}
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🧡🧡You can call me Mikey or Angelo or whatever you want!! >< I’m pangender!! So my pronouns get kinda shifty, but most of the time she/petal/confetti/any!! Uhhh here's this if you wanna be friends on Spacehey, this is my pronouns page and my discord is doctor.feelings!! 🌈 This isn’t my main acc so I might like or follow you on a different one!! Don’t mind that. I'm 15-17 so please don't be weird or wtv that's all oki bye!! 🍕
oh also I have a BANGER!! ACC now where I make moodboards/stimboards if u wanna drop a lil req @mikey-boards 🎉🎉
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Tags :3
#orange txt. — posts by me
#the orange’s rebagels — me reblogs
#SPEAK TO ME — asks
#the purple one — reblogs/interactions with @purpleshellhaver
#the blue one [star child] — reblogs/interactions with @blueboyinthestars
#the blue one [jellyfish] — reblogs/interactions with @jellynardo
#the pink one — reblogs/interactions with @w1ll0zfak3
#the purple one [truth] — reblogs/interactions with @the-one-true-tello
#the red one [angies] — reblogs/interactions with @straighteal
#the cappuccino one — reblogs/interactions with @blackk-c0ffee
Srry for tags every1 🧡🧡
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T-Cesters/Proship/Anything like that DNI please!! Other fictives/introjects feel free to come hang out you're cool :}
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"Sorry for not being around much, I was very busy this year. Busy with what you might ask?'' The ghost pulled out his will. "I realized I should leave things behind for my family-but I'm struggling to remember which family members I got left so.. You know what if anyone wants a free car and some weed. Call me''
0 notes
creativitysloyalservant · 5 months ago
i have decided to break my lack of original posting on this blog to bring you my Thoughts on Rot in Paradise. because i played it as soon as i got up this morning and i have scoured for some opinions after finishing it, and now i have my own!!
(and also i posted this on twitter but twitter has such a Shit wordcount that i'm also posting my things here with More Detail)
so! spoilers under the cut, please go and play the game if you haven't. it takes literally an hour (it only took nearly 2 hours for me because i like voice acting by myself and exploring every nook and cranny) and it's also free. so maybe come back into the tag once you're done.
okay, so i noticed quite a number of people being confused and disappointed on the lack of an explanation for the monster. it's brought up in the story as the central thing driving the plot, but it's never explained on what "she" is, why she's compelling people to eat a ton of fish-related food or hell, metal, and why this doesn't impact June at all.
but you know what I think?
i think that that's the point. the focus of rot in paradise isn't supposed to be on the monster.
yeah, it's the thing that pushes the plot along besides June and the gang going on vacation in this island. it's what's causing that uneasiness from the moment that guy grabs June's arm at the drinks, to the sheer unnerving feeling of witnessing people going to the ocean to get Raptured basically. i know i personally felt a chill when i saw that one dude literally eating chains and the other hauling an anchor, as if they're trying to make themselves heavier so they get taken by whatever She is.
but that's not the main point! the main conflict is about June and her friends.
as people have pointed out, this game is about toxic friendships and relationships! it's foreshadowed in the conversation that June has with the gang about her cousin (which i will also get into), and it carries it through the way her friends are horribly warped by this ocean Creature. June goes on a silly little vacation trip with her friends only for them to become so so different from themselves that they lash out at her and even hit her in McCoy's case.
but she still sticks it out with them. through the whole game, even despite their verbal abuse, despite being slapped, despite them being people that she can hardly recognise. she stays with them for the whole game, up until the point where you are given the two options at the very end. and she could still stay with them.
because they're still her friends. she cares about them even if they still hurt her. from the way June still tells Carmen to tell June if she needs anything after Carmen literally tells her to shut up and leave, the way June worries about Vonnie eating seafood even though she continues to stuff herself despite being implied to either hate or make an active choice to not eat seafood, to the way June still trudges out to sea screaming for McCoy to come back to the shore as he wades further in even after he slapped her until her nose bled.
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it mirrors the conversation about her cousin, the reason for why June was looking forward to the vacation. that while she did comfort her cousin through all of it, June clearly says that "they were dickheads, and she should have ditched them a long time ago".
but it's funny, isn't it? that June, an outsider to her cousin's friend group, easily sees the pain that her cousin's friends are causing her, and immediately calls it as it is. that her cousin should have left the second they hurt her.
and yet now, when her friends hurt her, even though this was a quick and sudden change that happened in a span of three days, June still sticks around. her friends are dickheads right now, and we can see that in the way they interact with June, but she still stays.
because they're her friends. and how could she just leave them like this if it's something that's causing them to be this way?
so no, i don't think the monster is supposed to be the main picture. we don't need to know what it looks like, or why it needs to do this to the islanders, or how it's even doing it in the first place. it adds to the scariness of the game, as per the Spooktober Game Jam, sure, but that's not the point. might be a bit disappointing to some, but that's not the point.
the point is about June, and the choice that she needs to make at the end of the game.
it's a choice on whether she chooses to be pulled deeper into the tides and be with the friends who hurt her and will continue to hurt her in this way,
or to leave them to their fates, whether deserved or not, and resurface to a world where she's alone without her friends.
and even though the first choice hurts much more in the long run, doesn't the second hurt even more in the moment? knowing that you're alone at the end of all of this?
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even if it is the right choice, i'm sure the pain must be unbearable in the moment.
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fabbyf1 · 1 month ago
Hi Besties! 
I know I sort of just... disappeared, and I’m very sorry for worrying you.
To everyone who sent me an ask or dm checking on me: I really appreciate you. I'm not going to publish them, because I don’t think you sent them to me so that I would publish them, but thank you so much for caring about me and taking the time to send me a note of love and support. 
It means a lot to me to know that so many of you think about me and notice when I'm not around. I think we can all agree that that’s a really nice feeling. It says a lot about who you are as people and confirms the fact that we have built such a lovely little corner of the internet together. I'm a firm believer in the fact tumblr, and any other fan space or social media website, should always bring joy and positivity to your life. And if it's not, you should do something else. 
Nobody is getting paid to be here. We all choose to spend our free time here to relax, and unwind, and share a laugh with other people who share our weird little interests. I'm so grateful that my blog, and everyone who follows and interacts with me, has always kept it a light-hearted, supportive place. I know a lot of other big blogs can’t say the same thing, and they are constantly receiving hate and rude people in their inboxes. So thank you for helping me keep this a safe space where we can giggle and gossip and support each other.
Let’s address the elephant in the room. 
I disappeared from the internet for a lot of reasons, but mostly because... I am feeling very guilty and overwhelmed about my lack of writing. It's easier for me to disappear and avoid it altogether than to feel like I’m disappointing anyone. 
But let me be clear: these feelings are totally and 100% my own. Nobody is making me feel this way. Nobody is sending me anon hate, or demanding updates, or telling me that I've let them down. This is an expectation and standard I have put on myself, and I feel like I am failing myself when it comes to writing.
And that’s just something I have to deal with. 
Writing fanfiction has been a major part of my life since I was 12 years old (albeit, very bad fanfiction at 12 years old.) It’s a hobby that I will never move on from. And honestly, the older I get, the more I fall in love with it. I think fanfiction gets a lot of hate from people who don’t understand it or have never read it, but fanfiction is an important part of fan culture and brings so many people together. 
Some of the most powerful, impacting, and lasting words I’ve ever read were all from fanfiction. The words that haunt me, or that I think about over and over again are all from fanfiction. And I think that’s why I put so much pressure on myself when it comes to writing. 
I don’t want to publish something that is not my best work. I don’t want to update something just to update it; I want it to be exactly the way I envisioned it, if not better. I want it to mean something to you. I want you to love it, or laugh at it, or cry to it, or whatever that fic or that chapter is supposed to bring out of you. 
I haven’t opened my google docs for more than 5 minutes in... months. 
Just thinking about it overwhelms me because I feel like I’ve backed myself into a corner that I don’t want to be in. It’s silly and not as dramatic as I’m making it seem, but I wish I could go back and delete a few paragraphs at the end of the last chapter of the mastermind fic, so that the next chapter could be something... different. 
And I know that I technically could do that, but that doesn’t seem right either, because it would be confusing to everyone who is current with the fic and especially those who have read it multiple times and are expecting the next chapter to be something. 
Silly, right? 
But I feel very trapped by my wip right now.
When I wrote my other long fics like Long Live or Vapor, I didn’t post them as wips and I could go back and completely change the course of the story if I wanted to. But you can’t really do that with a wip. (Again, I know I technically could, but it would be very confusing.) I had this entire story mapped out in a timeline of how I wanted things to go, and so far have followed that, but I’m feeling very... trapped by it now. That’s the only word I can think of to describe it. 
I’m going to find a way out of this writing slump I’m in. I promise you will. I have to. The fic, the characters, you, and I deserve this fic to continue and to grow into what I know they should be. I’m just struggling a lot with the idea of writing this next chapter because I wish it could be something different. 
I’m not sure any of that makes sense, but maybe you get it. 
I’m sorry I disappeared. 
When my fight or flight kicks in, I always choose flight.
I’m going to try and be better. 
Thank you all for loving me. 
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javiscigarette · 2 years ago
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hello and welcome!
my blog is 18+ only minors do not interact. Please read all warning and tags for each fic before reading.
check out my fic recs tag to see some other fics I enjoy! and feel free to tag me in your own fics too!
thanks for stopping by and reading 🤎
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Teacher's Pet, Part 2 25 years old, anxiety-ridden, and still a virgin, you ask your friend Joel for advice on your upcoming date. But you're more of a...hands-on learner. And he's more than happy to help. 
Silent Night You’re home for the holidays and Joel isn't gonna let a drinking contest or a house full of people stop him.
For You, I Would Joel catches you doing something you definitely shouldn't be doing and teaches you you lesson (or a prequel to Push and Pull)
In the Middle of the Night In the middle of the night, Joel is wide awake and you're moaning in your sleep
Peaches n' Cream You like peaches and Joel like watching you eat them.
Bad Fun Jealous Joel takes you in the bar bathroom.
Good Luck Charm Joel loves the Texas Longhorns and you're just needy
Fixed on Your Hand of Gold Joel breaks his promise.
Push and Pull Joel just realllyyy likes your dress (and fucking you into subspace)
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Sweet Dreams You find Javi awake in the middle of the night and help him fall asleep :)
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Just Focus on My Love Frankie just thinks there are better things to do than play a silly video game called Stardew Valley
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servamparchive · 29 days ago
ARCHIVE UPDATE: Volume 24 Drama CD, Mahiru and Kuro at the Dinner Table
Access it here.
Hi there! This is my first post on this account. Servamp is a favorite series of mine and since it ended, I've noticed a lot of content that I once was able to enjoy has either disappeared or went private.
I wanted to change that! And thus this blog was born. Please check out my rules before interacting with the things I post. Thank you in advance!
That being said, this drama CD... omg I'm emotionally compromised. Notes below.
Terashii and Kaji-san... they're so amazing... I hope one day I can see these scenes animated with their voice acting too ;v;
The second track starts out with Lawless waking Kuro up and the two of them talking like their Eves are dead... until Mahiru comes home and tells them both to cut it out lol. Turns out he was just on a trip with Misono and Sakuya, the former having come home with him. Lawless and Kuro are spoiled with manjuu while Mahiru asks why they were talking like that cause it's not like Licht is dead either, lol
"No matter where neko-san is, I'll be there. That's because I'm an angel" Thanks Licht for the introduction lol. He also helps himself to some manjuu and it's safe to say from his chuuni ramblings he likes it
Lawless wants to go to the onsen with Niccolo and Ildio ;v; cute
They kinda yap about the cast's regular lives for a bit. It's nice. Feels domestic. Feels like it really is over and they all can live happily ;v;
I don't wanna yap too long but there's lots of silly shenanigans in here. That being said, one of my favorite things!! Y'ALL KURO IS LEARNING HOW TO COOK AND HE'S APPARENTLY GETTING PRETTY GOOD AT IT!!!!!
He makes everyone pancakes. Lawless and Misono freak out at the sight of Kuro putting on an apron and cooking, Lawless even mentions he's becoming a "proper ikemen" LOL. Mahiru is very supportive of him.
The LawLicht after they eat is very good... Licht even tells Lawless, "As an angel -- that isn't enough, huh. Then as your friend." My heart might've melted there alone. You also get voice acting from the chapter 127 scene where Licht thanks Lawless and says he'll stick with him... these two AAAAAAA
The CD ends on Mahiru and Kuro trying to decide on dinner, and Kuro says "From here on out, dinner isn't just Mahiru's duty -- thinking simply, it's ours!" These two (PART 2) AGHHHH I love them...
That's about all I have to yap about here personally, but feel free to make proper translations if you're better at Japanese than me LOL. Thanks for reading the yap session~
(Note... it's only now I found out its already been translated... ssg me)
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thebetterreigen · 2 months ago
// Hey gang! Akane mun here 💖 :3
The moblrs have decided it's best to keep a comprehensive list of all the characters that are taken, as well as those that are free to grab! This post is mostly for convenience and may or may not be updated from time to time should the need arise.
Also! To those who have been around to watch us goof about, feel free—in fact, we encourage you—to start your own rp blog and join in on the fun! The "NOT TAKEN" list is filled with loads of lovely characters you can choose from, some even requested directly by the moblrs—we would love for you to hop in the bandwagon should you feel like it! Yes, you!
A word from me: this is a lovely community. Everyone is kind and supportive and endlessly loving in their own ways. Do not feel pressured or intimidated in the slightest, we are all a herd of silly geese here looking to wreak some havoc in tumblr dot com. ;) Interaction is never forced, only encouraged and met with love and appreciation.
Anyway, behold. The List.
IMPORTANT EDIT: I'd like to clarify that we as a community do not "reject" duplicates. We only ever encourage interactions, it's never in our intentions to discourage people from creating their own blogs if they wish so. It's just that the ask blogs tagged in this post are those that we interact with during planned-out arcs (eg the yokai bounty hunters trip, the emi posession arc, and so on) so that a) we don't have a confusing doppelganger situation and b) the agreed upon plan won't have any altercations. There's a lot of communication going on behind the scenes with these arcs, and though we're not opposed to improv-ing or throwing in a fun element, we also don't want to get confused or let our planning go to waste.
Last updated 24/02/25
Mob @mobonmoblr
Reigen @greatestpsychic21
Serizawa @seritsuya
Dimple @talking-snot
Ritsu @psychicflavouredritzcracker
Teru @hairazawateruki
Shou @shoumeyourmoves
Tome @al13n-upr1s1ng
Emi @wordsofemi
Takenaka @tak3naka
Tsubomi @tsubomi-underwater
Onigawara @onigfightson
Sakurai @sakuraitana
Shimazaki @thesecondndbestesper
Matsuo @yourfavoritespiritcollector
Mogami @m0g4m1l4nd
Toichirou @claw-org
Minori @m1nori-asagiri
Joseph From The Government @joseph-gov
Mezato @psychohelmetenthusiast
Yoshioka @mrjustdoinmyjob
Tsuchiya @tsu-qigong
[OC] Masumi Kaoru @lucky-kaorumi
[OC] Hikaru Kageyama @hikarurururu
Minegishi @pur-poppie-wrose
Shou's mother @suzwu
Inukawa @inuinukawa
Reigen's sister @thebetterreigen
Roshuuto @solarsystems-greatestpsychic
Body improvement guys
Serizawa's mother
All the awakening lab kids
Telepathy club kids
Reigen parents
Kageyama parents
Hanazawa parents
Any headcanon characters/family members
Any OCs
Delinquent gang sans Onigawara
Other scars/claw members
Other sun psychic fed members
We may have missed some characters, but there's the list so far for those who need one to browse and pick from.
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toddlrboy · 2 months ago
Hey you ! Come here — Just wanted to give a huge shout out to some pretty cool blogs that I know !!
🛝 : check their blogs if requests are open + read rules (and DNI) before interacting !! They are willing to fulfil them (at their own time). When requesting please be polite :) /nr /gen /info
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@boypaci — eye pleasing moodboards, unique writing that I love, mood boards and flags galore !! Cool things that Bo reblogs, and whatever else of Bo’s works. I always enjoy seeing! Love it all :D !!! Always excited for more ^_^ /pos
@muttreg — cool icons, flags, outfit boards and more ! Beau’s work is always appreciated by yours truly— it’s such a special “Buck”- style of editing, I antipicate every work >_<! /pos
@kidcanines — amazing writing, moodboards and whatever else I can get grubby hands (or eyes?) on!! Personal posting of photos, cool reblogs that I enjoy to see — He never fail to make good media and reblog good fandoms *nod nod* /pos /silly
@bunnelbaby — do I need to say anything here? /pos /j Flag maker with icons too, also holds an archive for age regressor resources and lots of flags. Make sure to tag her if you make a flag / term for regressors, dreamers, sliders, carers, pets and whatever else you come up with !
@irlbingo — headcanons and moodboards, fandom reblogs and more !! Always happy to see what He has on his blog, a nice sight on my timeline ! ^U^ /pos
@space-station-nursery — love their works ! Helpful info posts, daily facts, resources and more ! I love seeing them on my timeline, it definitely is useful and pleasing to see ^O^
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if I didn’t tag you here, don’t feel personal by it ! Feel free to leave a comment under so others can check out your blog if you want (^O^)/) this is just all I could think of for now .. >w< /nf /nr
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welcome-tothe-harehotel · 11 months ago
A silly old timey HAUNTED HOTEL AU!
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This is a HORROR AU!
Ghosts, a fictional serial killer character, murder, torture, blood, gore, and other dark/mature themes ahead!
I will be tagging everything appropriately, however if you are sensitive to dark content, this AU might not be the one for you! <:] - I’m pretty good at catching everything, but please go ahead and ask me to tag a certain thing, if it makes you uncomfortable!
My favourite character is Jax, so I’ll most likely draw him the most- but all au characters are askable, unless stated otherwise!! I can only get better and better, at drawing the rest, by doing so! :]
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Is shipping characters allowed? - I’m a selfshipper to my core, but 100%Totally! Go for it!
(I personally probably won’t draw much ship requests/content, with some exceptions. It just really doesn’t interest me ^^” but please feel free to draw it yourself!! 💚)
Are ocs and sonas allowed? - YESSSSS yes. If you do any art I would love to see it! and I’m sorry if I can’t reblog it all QvQ but I will drop a like on it/comment- I would be so, so, honoured!!
I am an adult, 22 to be exact, and some of the content on this blog will include mature themes! Whether that be suggestive, or just really dark and or graphic. So that being said, for my comfort, and internet safety as a whole, across fandoms- l would really appreciate it if you had your age somewhere present in your bio!
If for whatever reason you don't want to display it, then I simply ask that you do not interact with any of my stuff labeled "suggestive" even if it's joke content. This includes liking, reblogging, commenting, etc. :]
I have the right to ask you to add an age, or not interact with select content, if I see you breaking this rule! I DO check blogs!
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husbandograveyard · 5 months ago
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Part of my 2024 Kinktober - Masterlist here
Prompt: Blindfold Word count: 2500 Reader: No pronouns used, reader has a vagina and breasts, reader gets called babe and dear Cw: Blindfold, fingering, sensory play, some temperature play, some impact play, some biting (nothing too much), ruined orgasm to eventual satisfaction, Gojo is a whore for praise (nothing new), some nipple play, reader has trouble focusing on sex/cumming, spit mentioned once.
[A/n]: this one is LONG (compared to the others in this series) and very self-indulgent. My neurodivergent ass has trouble focusing during the horizontal tango, so I dedicate this fic to myself. For that reason I am also HC'ing the reader as neurodivergent, but you are free to see them however you like <3 I hope you enjoy reading the fic either way, because I had a blast writing it! minors / ageless blogs interacting will be blocked
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It was gone. 
You groaned out in frustration as you felt the perfect buildup towards your orgasm subside, until there was nothing left but sensations that felt neither good or bad, just a feeling. Letting go of the sheets balled up in your fists, you gently placed one hand on top of Gojo’s larger one, making him still his movements completely, pulling out his fingers. 
“Did it happen again?” 
When you nodded in response, he clicked his tongue in annoyance and wiped his hand on the sheets. The annoyance was not directed towards you, it was moreso a shared displeasure, frustration in your stead. He wanted you to feel pleasure, wanted you to cum. Yet somehow your brain wouldn’t allow you to focus unless the stars were aligned perfectly. 
You actually didn’t mind as much. You enjoyed sex, still. You found comfort in the proximity, the intimacy, the love you shared. There was also very little that made you feel as confident and attractive as the great Satoru Gojo practically worshiping you, or having him completely at your mercy every now and then. 
But he didn’t see it that way. Especially because Satoru was so used to being good, no, the best at everything. It was not so much a matter of pride as it was of ego. The fact that he was struggling to make you come felt like an insult to his skills, no matter how many times you had assured him that there was nothing he was doing wrong. It was just your brain providing too many thoughts and distractions, taking you away from the matter at hand. 
Satoru got up from the bed, started to rummage in his closet drawers. You propped yourself up on your elbows, watching him curiously. Usually that was not how these situations ended; You’d take some time kissing and cuddling, getting back in the mood before eventually having sex and having another round of cuddles after. It was what you were prepared for, and what you were looking forward to. 
You frowned in confusion, observing Gojo as he finally found what he was looking for, pulling a piece of black fabric out of the drawer with a triumphant grin. You cocked your head to the side, opening your mouth to ask him what this was about, but he interrupted you before you could even start speaking. 
“One of my blindfolds!” 
He looked at you with a huge smile on his face, as if he had just revealed a full-on brilliant plan, and expected you to jump on the hype train with him immediately.
“Are you gonna tie me up?” 
“Of course not, silly”, he chuckled, “I’m gonna blindfold you. One sense less, means one less distraction. I’ll force that brain of yours to focus on just the sensations, on just me. If you can’t see what’s coming, you can’t anticipate it, so you’ll be taken by surprise, and that will hopefully increase your focus.” 
You thought it over, finding that there was very little to argue with his logic. In the best case he was right, and in the worst case, he’d still be taking care of you with pleasant sensations. There was no outcome where you’d lose in this scenario, so you smiled and nodded: 
“Sure. Let’s try it.” 
Satoru climbed onto the bed again, sitting cross-legged next to your naked frame, motioning for you to sit up a little. You did just that, feeling a little bit of excitement bubbling up at the feeling of the soft fabric across your eyes. He leaned in close to tie the blindfold behind your head, an expert at the motions on himself, but fiddling a little now it was on someone else. 
“How’s that?” 
You wiggled your eyebrows, tried to blink and scrunched up your nose, trying to move the blindfold with just your facial expressions. It shifted slightly, but your vision stayed a vague black. 
“Perfect”, you smiled. 
“Lay back down then, I’ll guide you,” Satoru replied, one hand already on your back, guiding you to lay back down onto the bed. You shifted until you were comfortable, fully closing your eyes under the blindfold in anticipation. It was no use trying to peer from underneath it, and it only added to your excitement. 
You felt the weight on the bed shift as Satoru got up, moving away from the bed. You strained your ears, trying to hear where he was going and what he was up to. You couldn’t help but notice that your senses felt just a little different now, now that one of them was blocked off. He hadn’t said what exactly he would do either, which only added to your focus and would undoubtedly add to the surprises that would follow. 
“You remember our safe word, right?” 
Satoru’s voice was across the room, near the doorframe. You frowned. He wasn’t going to play some stupid joke and leave, right? You nodded in response to his question. 
“Use your words, dear.” 
“Yes, I remember”, you sighed, just the slightest hint of annoyance in your voice. What was he up to? Now was not the moment for teasing. The plan was to get you in the mood and focus, but all he was doing now was pushing your curiosity just a little bit too far. 
It was quiet for a second, and you suddenly felt a little exposed just laying there naked, still not a single touch from Satoru. 
“You’re not going to leave me here, are you?” 
He laughed, a genuine and playful laugh, the sound giving you some tingles. 
“Of course not. But I do want to go get some stuff…” the way he emphasized the last word made you even more suspicious. What the hell was that supposed to mean? You voiced that question out loud. 
“You know, to really make this a true sensory experience?” 
You raised your eyebrows at his tone, not that he could see that. 
“I will be right back. I promise.” 
He did sound more sincere with those final words, in an effort to reassure you that this was definitely not a stupid prank, and you heard his footsteps move down the hallway.  You took a few deep breaths, trying to not let your thoughts wander too much, and instead trying to direct your focus onto yourself, your body and the way you were feeling. 
The room wasn’t too warm nor too cold. You had been sweating a little earlier when you were getting into it, but the sweat had long dried on your skin, making it a little colder to the touch where it had properly cooled down your body temperature. You didn’t feel chilly though, but you knew it wouldn’t be long. You hoped Satoru would hurry up- 
Right as you thought so, you felt the mattress dip again. You gasped, you hadn’t even heard him come back into the room. Had you been so deep in thought? 
Satoru lets out a low whistle, and you can hear him smirking as he speaks: “Damn, babe. I should’ve done this before. You look breathtaking laying there, all helplessly anticipating me” 
You wish you could roll your eyes at him, but at the same time, you’re much too curious about what is to come to truly express any annoyance; in the heart of it all there was praise for you, and you know that’s just what he is seeking too: your praise when he does a good job. You whimpering his name when he makes you feel good. You coming undone for him, by his touches and kisses. No matter how you looked at it, no matter how much it was something he did for you, it was also still a win for him. 
Your train of thought was interrupted again, this time by Satoru lightly grazing the skin of your stomach. Just his fingertips, dancing across the skin, almost tickling, but not even enough for that. The sensation made you shiver, and you felt your brain focus just a little, waiting for more. 
He pressed his fingers down a little, trailing down to your navel, and then up in between your breasts. You noticed his fingers were cold. Not like his usual chilly touch, but almost as if he had put his hands in the freezer-?
You gasped loudly when you felt an ice cube being pressed against your collarbone. The location was wildly different to where Satoru’s fingertips were still tracing your skin, the ice cold sensation sudden and unexpected, nearly shocking your brain into focus. 
Satoru chuckled, removing the ice cube to not make the cold hurt you, rubbing the water that had melted onto your skin, letting it evaporate and leave nothing but goosebumps behind. 
Before you could even say anything, he repeated the motion, ice cube a little lower, right above your breasts, while his other hand was trailing down as well, fingertips now dancing below your navel. You swallowed away a whimper. You weren’t exactly sure how this was feeling, but it wasn’t bad. You were on edge, but ready for pleasure. You were seeking it out. You were- 
-taken off guard when he now shifted fast, retracting the hand on your belly and dipping his head down to lick off the water on your skin now. You couldn’t help but gasp again, and you felt a slight vibration of him chuckling onto your skin. 
Your heartbeat was picking up now, anticipation flooding your veins. There was very little he had done so far, yet these few little movements and sensations had already been successful in getting you on edge in a pleasant way. You wanted to bite your lip, but were stopped in doing so when Satoru pressed his lips to yours, capturing them in a quick, but sloppy kiss. You felt a little saliva drip on your chin when he pulled away again, and before you could whine at the loss of contact, the ice cube -now nearly melted- was pressed to one of your nipples. 
You moaned, the chill hardening your nipple, the feeling only getting better when the last of the ice cube melted and it was just Satoru’s skilled fingers playing with the sensitive bud. You arched your back into his touches, and whined when he stopped them just as suddenly as they started. 
Before you could voice your complaint, he had latched his lips onto the other nipple, sucking hard, before letting go with a wet pop. He then pressed a soft kiss to your breast, and you just felt the way his lips were curled as he did so: he was smirking, enjoying the way you were reacting. He just knew that whatever he did was working. And he was right about it too. 
The whiplash from sensation to sensation, made it unable for your brain to drift off. You couldn’t help but focus as he continued to barrage your body with a mix of soft and less soft touches. A kiss here, a light nibble there. A kiss to your lips while his fingers pinched one of your nipples, a kiss to your stomach before his hand came down on your thigh harshly, following that motion with some soothing rubs, to just move onto another sensation, another spot to lick, to kiss, to slap, to suck, to nibble. 
“Fuck- ‘Toru” 
You were a writhing mess now, very much aware of the slick that has been gathering between your thighs all this time. The sensory experience, almost overload, had your sex throbbing and you wanted to rub your thighs together, desperate for some friction. Satoru had to have noticed it too, but so far he hadn’t really acknowledged it, too busy giving you pleasure literally everywhere but the spot where you needed him the most. 
When he did touch you there, for the first time since you started this ordeal, you almost yelped, a soft brush with one slender finger over your folds was already enough to send electric jolts through your body. You had been so worked up by now that your brain was fully focused, and when Satoru finally slid two fingers into your sopping heat, you locked in even more. You felt every movement, every curl of his fingers, every drag of his fingertips against your sensitive walls. You heard the lewd sounds, wet on wet, mixed into with your own moans and whimpers. You bucked your hips up into his touches, but Satoru kept your hips down with his free hand, leaving you completely at his mercy. 
He changed the angle of his hand just a little so he could rub at your clit as well as keep up the previous motions, and you felt your legs tense up, then twitch. 
“How’s that feel, babe? You gettin’ there?” 
You know he’s gauging the effect he’s having on you, checking in to see if his plan is actually working as well as he’s fishing for praise, as if your satisfied moans and whimpers aren’t enough of a sign that he’s doing a good job. You don’t want to risk losing the momentum now though, now that you’re so very close to getting some sweet release, so you make sure to interject your wordless sounds with praises for how good he’s making you feel and pleas for him to not stop whatever he is doing. And he doesn’t, he keeps on curling his fingers just right, circling your clit with the exact amount of pressure you need. Your praises might be a way of appeasing him and his incorrigible ego, but there was a truth in them too. Whatever he was doing, you were feeling it in every single cell of your body, and you desperately didn’t want him to stop. 
You know he is about to talk again, undoubtedly some smartass remark, but he interrupts himself at the first syllable as your walls clench around his fingers almost rhythmically, and you are almost taken off guard yourself as the pleasure reaches its peak. Your orgasm makes you close your eyes tightly, even under the blindfold, and for once your head seems void of any thoughts except for the ones that you cannot put into words: just a blank mind filled with feelings of pleasure. 
Satoru continues the movement of his fingers just a little longer, slowing down after a while when he notices you’re no longer twitching as hard. He eventually pulls them out of you, and you don’t need to lift the blindfold to know that he is practically beaming with pride. 
“There you go. Told you I’d get you there.” 
You are too busy focusing on breathing normally again, that you can’t even retort, just lifting the blindfold from your eyes instead so you can look at him again. 
“Next time I’ll make you cum twice.” 
He was going to be the death of you. 
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badlydrawnronpa · 11 months ago
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main art blog @chibigaia-art // badlydrawnronpa on ig // stickers if you have any question that is more directed at me and not specific abt DR, you can send it to my other blog!
FAQs under the cut
what program do you use?
Clip Studio Paint for drawing, this is the brush I made to achieve 🌟mspaint aesthetic🌟:
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can I ask shipping stuff?
yeah but if it's not a ship I like I'll most likely ignore it! I'm not a big fan of s/aioma, n/aegami, o/umota so those are some of the ships I'll def ignore (I will make silly platonic content of them interacting if an idea is fun tho)
who are your favorite characters?
THH: Ishimaru, Mondo, Aoi, Sakura SDR2: the main trio, Gundham, Sonia, Ibuki, Impostor V3: K1-b0, Tenko, Himiko, Ryoma
what are you fave ships?
THH: ishimondo, sakuraoi, leosaya dynamic outside of the killing game would be p interesting imo SDR2: komahinanami, komahina, sondam, soudanidai, fuyupeko V3: kiibouruma, saiibo, saimatsu, saimota (tho I like them more as bros), tenmiko, harukaito
what's your favourite DR game?
sdr2 for a variety of reasons (I like the insane cast and the island setting is my fave)! but objectively speaking, v3 is the one who takes the cake for best cast/gameplay
why no content about DR0/characters from the anime?
I don't like the writing in the novels so I never finished them, I never finished the future arc and the despair arc actively ruined some of the stuff I thought was cool about SDR2 (the whole brainwashing thing was just boring). mitarai is allowed tho because I think he's fun and cool :]
can i repost your stuff?
no, but feel free to share links and stuff
can i make a badly drawn/doodle blog like yours?
no need to ask me! I was inspired by other doodle blogs! go forth and keep the tradition alive!!!
can you draw my oc/ can I have a 'badlydrawn' commission?
I take commissions in this style occasionally, if I have them open I'll make a post on this blog! beside that, I take commissions in my usual artstyle all year round (comm info)
have you heard of [insert fanganronpa here]/ can you draw [fanganronpa character]?
very likely that I'll ignore these, sorry fanganronpa crowd
and I thought this was kind of obvious but don't ask fetish stuff lol
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hatsunemiku-official · 2 years ago
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hi! im miku and welcome to Internet! you can do lots of fun things here. like look at my blog! ok im gonna hand the mic over to the omnipotent being that watches my every move
thanks miku. here are some things to remember before you send an ask:
- I am not associated with crypton, sega, or the official miku twitter! im just a guy making funny post
- miku lives in a computer. i probably won’t answer anything referring to her doing things in the real world, since saying “I am in a computer what are you talking about” is only funny the first five times
- I use my askbox as a jumping off point for jokes! if I don’t answer your ask it’s not because I didn’t like it, I just probably couldn’t think of anything funny to respond with
- I love receiving art!!!!!!! please send me your miku art!!!!!!! you can even send me a link to your art posted on your own blog and I’ll reblog it so you still get the notes!!!! I LOVE ART!!!!!! (also the ai training toggle has been turned off for this blog so. you’re safe here.)
- there are some things you should speak to a mental health professional about ( ie “i just can’t go on” “my life is terrible” ect) and you should not send these things to hatsune miku. i understand and empathize with you but I cannot help you and it’s very upsetting to receive things like this !
- anything written in parentheses for the most part is an ooc comment from the person running this blog (that’s me!). I don’t like doing this very often though, so if you have a question that can only really be answered ooc then please ask it off anon so I can respond privately!
- please remember I am just one person and sometimes I make mistakes! im a pretty busy person and also disabled so sometimes things slip through the cracks when im low energy. I do my best though so please let me know if you think i’ve made a mistake and i’ll do my best to fix it :]
- sometimes I like to reblog miku art from other people! please be respectful in these artists notes. I know this is a silly jokes blog but these people have not necessarily signed up to be goofed at on their posts. please be kind and keep the clowning to a minimum on posts that aren’t made by me!
- no TERFS allowed. hatsune miku loves trans women
Q: can I make a vocaloid-official blog too???
A: yes!!!! anybody can!! please let me know if you do so I can add you to the masterpost and interact with you! I would check the masterpost first though to make sure there hasn’t already been a blog made for that character :]
Q: do you also run [insert other vocaloid-official blog]?
A: no! I can barely think of funny things to say here do you really think I could manage being funny on two blogs at once. I am friends with the people who run the teto, luka and una blogs so if our posts seem coordinated it’s because I asked them really nicely
Q: who runs this account?
A: secret
Q: miku what’s your opinion on [insert queer identity]
A: I don’t like answering these because I don’t want to open myself up to shitty comments and I can’t think of anything funny to say that wouldn’t just sound like “ally twitch streamer smiling at the camera and saying trans rights”. this blog is run by a queer person and miku is whatever you want her to be, if that helps.
Q: i made a vocaloid-official blog! how do I get added to the masterpost?
A: adding people to the masterpost has gotten really overwhelming for me so I won’t be doing it anymore. sorry! feel free to still make a vocaloid-official blog and interact with me if you want, I just won’t be updating the masterpost anymore. the current list will stay up as it is as sort of like. a memento or something.
Q: you posted about something that I don’t understand!!! why!!!!!
A: sometimes i like to post about my personal interests that don’t really have anything to do with hatsune miku because i cannot contain the mental illness. you will see the occasional post about bands or video games you do not and will not ever give a shit about. sorry. I can’t stop it. it has to happen.
Q: do you know anything about PJSK???
A: no <3
these are my Official Friends! go say hi to them!!
🥖 @kasaneteto-official
🐟 @megurineluka-official
🐙 @otomachi-una-official
🍷 @hanakomeiko-official
💛 @neruakita-official
🍌 @kagaminelen-official
🍊 @kagaminerin-official
🐢 @ryuto-official (RESURRECTED)
💜 @vflower-official
🥕 @gumi-official
🖤 @zatsunemiku-official
🍡 @tohokuzunko-official
🩹 @fukase-official
🔌 @utatanepiko-official
🐰 @yukari-official
🩵 @ringsuzune-official
⚓️ @oliverv3-official
🌷 @nekomurairoha-official
🥢 @vocaloidcul-official
☕️ @rukoyokune-official
🥂 @meiko-offical
👑 @galaco-official
🐱 @seeu-official
🌸 @meikahime-official
🪻 @meikamikoto-official
🍆 @gakupo-official
🎀 @utanekoe-official
🌹 @sakinemeiko-official
🔪 @mayuofficial
🛰️ @moonbase-alpha-tts-official
🍺 @yowane-haku-official
🪐 @ia-official
🎹 @namineritsu-official
☁️ @tone-rion-official
🎤 @maika-official
🌈 @kawaiine-official
🍏 @macnenana-official
🌻 @dex-official
💗 @garnetvocaloid-official
💿 @yohioloid-official
🌺 @zhizidongfang-official
🤍 @kokone-official
🐸 @vocaloidrana-official
🌟 @xingchen-official
🍎 @yuki-official
🌿 @fionetheutau-official
💫 @sfa2miki-official
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quackity1999 · 4 months ago
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# — THE MAILBOX is open for business.
i take care of those who take care of me. why do you think i have no one around?
jesus, put two and two together.
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this is a c!quackity ask blog :]
SEND ASKS! feel free to pester c!quackity thru asks— general questions, LN reports, dsmp lore refs, tomfoolery and such are encouraged.
i HEAVILY support spamming the inbox.
happy to answer both anons + characters (dsmp, ocs, multiverse: film, musicals, videogames, etc). if ur a reoccurring anon then grab an emoji !
#quackitychirps indicates quackity replies. #charlieposting indicates slime replies.
[ TAG SYSTEM: HERE ! pls check it out. ]
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[ hiii. i'm prophet! he/it/rez prns. biggest cquackity kin known to mankind. yes i am australian 😎😎 ]
rules: literally fucking none. go ham!!!!!!! just please no godmodding. i'll delete anything that goes too far. 18+ mentions are fine — i'll tag accordingly, but it won't be the main focus. sooo have fun go crazy ( admin is 21. keep that in mind thanks )
this blog functions on dialogue instead of written out paragraphs of literature.
IMPORTANT: i don't write any literate rp ( eg; *character sits down and does a thingy* etc etc ) unless it's preplanned in dms for an event. if i am sent starters or asks with literate rp they'll most likely be deleted.
sometimes i throw in a bit of action in brackets, but this is an ask blog first and foremost so i focus on dialogue to communicate action / location / etc.
and in order to keep my blog tidy i don't respond to reblog replies. threads tend to get real lengthy + clutter up things. so— please send another ask instead of reblogging with a reply :) thank you for understanding!
there will be occasional nsfw topics. anything indirect or at the very least suggestive goes into #vaguely 18+. anything explicit will be tagged with 18+ mention. proceed with discretion.
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details about quackity :
+ las nevadas era, mainly. if there's specific asks that require a response from vice pres quackity or manburg era q, i can adjust to that: #viceqchirps !
+ he's an avian hybrid! he nests often (usually within an amethyst geode). quackity has a history of being mocked for his instincts and avian attributes, much thanks to a certain ex-husband :/
+ this bitch loves a good debate. motherfucker is a lawyer (sorta) so hit him up with a challenge every now and then. give him fun facts. Threaten him. ask whats going on in his life! throw in curveballs.
[ his chat / asks often show up as pop-up ads. ]
+ my portrayal is canon aligned! las nevadas is important as hell to him, so here's a post that explains in-character how quackity runs LN: HERE. so. yeah, we do business around here. and also torture dream for the revival book but that's not important /silly
+ on that note, i would prefer to avoid interaction with positive/good depictions of c!schlatt for this blog. no disrespect to those who do prefer that, i just personally want to uphold the importance of how schlatt's abuse informed a Lot of character development for quackity. same goes for dream— he's a villain, not a kicked puppy. thank you!
+ i violently swerve between serious interactions and utter hysteria in my replies to asks. its like a fucking lucky dip here 😎 also soz for all the links but it Does make it easier
+ shipping isn't a goal here, so attempts to woo quackity will not end in a romance plot. ofc there'll be some flirting, especially w / canon characters he's had past relations with (schlatt, wilbur, eret, karl, sapnap). i hc he's had a fling with technoblade at least once LMAO. note: apologies to dapduo shippers but they're strictly friends in my portrayal for a reason. :]
+ during las nevadas he has fortnightly gatherings with foolish. he wouldn't fuck a citizen, but he'd fuck a coworker! morals, what're those again?
overall i'm not looking to write romance plots due to c!quackity's view of love during the LN era. (he despises it.)
all anons welcome!!! ADMIN IS 21.
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for art references:
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my dude's got big big wings such as the first two. no other wings anywhere else though! white / blind in the eye that’s scarred. he got gold fangs to replace his upper canines; to replace the actual missing tooth from techno’s axe but also for congruence. it's also a mockery: piglins love gold.
PLENTY of gold jewelry. quackity focuses so much on his appearance, so— earrings! a brass knuckle made from the rings of schlatt, karl & sapnap. he will never use his own feathers for decoration, though. he's got some necklaces, ofc, no piercings. maaybe an eyebrow piercing but idk . debatable
usually wears a white silk shirt, regular suspenders, black pinstriped pants / slacks, deep red tie with gold intricate detailing & a gold clasp to keep it together in the middle. a fancy pocketwatch with the las nevadas star engraved on the front. his blue or puma beanie obvs! shoes are either dark red (near black) snakeskin or italian leather. steel toed for dropkicking drea—
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persephoneprice · 2 months ago
gratitude for the new year
(inspired by @the-sun-and-the-sea)
over this past year, i have had so much fun on here with all of you. i appreciate everyone on here- the mutuals, the lurkers, the og trilogy fans that for some reason put up with the nonsense! all of you have made this year so much easier for someone who was struggling elsewhere in life <3
i hope we can all continue to be silly, fun, creative, and a little a lot unhinged into the next year. this fandom is such a lovely and supportive little corner. i’ve been inspired to do things i never thought i’d do- writing fanfiction, doing a fic exchange, unhinged cannibalism thoughts- the usual.
(under the cut for the gratitude things!)
- i want to start out by saying how much i appreciate anyone who sent me and ask over this past year! especially you my lovely anon friends! it’s been so much fun and in my…far too many years on tumblr i’ve never been able to interact with so many people! i cannot overstate how nice it is so have so many people will to engage about our silly little guys.
- i also want to say how much i appreciate the corso creatures discord as a whole! when we made it, i’m not going to lie, i really thought that would fizzle out quickly. so i’m so happy to see it thriving and everyone having fun on there together. thank you again, @coryo for helping make a place where can all truly be together and be ourselves!
now onto some people who have made this year so wonderful for me:
@the-sun-and-the-sea - i remember messaging you for the first time and honestly being so intimidated! you seemed like such a cool and popular blog + so many amazing fics and seemed wayyyy too cool to be talking to the weird tbosas girl. i couldn’t have been more wrong! you’re the sweetest, most genuine, and supportive person i’ve had the privilege of being friends with this year.
@felixravinstills - you have inspired me so much over the past year! before i started this blog i was so embarrassed by my interests and i felt so silly and stupid. then i met you, who was so talented and creative and insane about you little guy! and it made me feel more okay with being open about my little guys and to be a little weird about it! please forever stay the person you are <3
@fairyhagmother - my appalachian friend (in my head. you are one of us.) i was so, so excited when someone on here was so educated on appalachia and wanted to talk about it! i never would have thought at the time that in just a few months we could be talking about…coriolanus snow’s grandma’am and toxic yuri. i still think about that festus/pippa/liv ballet post you did btw. love u my friend.
@ylvisruinedmylife - hannah i couldn’t possibly fit how much i appreciate you into a post! i love bouncing off insane ideas with you and torturing hils together. i’m always amazed by how intelligent and creative and talented you are…and you’re still so friendly and supportive! your support, especially with my jessup nonsense, means the world. thank you for not killing you know who in you know what. i hope treemina never frees you.
@moreespressoformydepresso - fun fact: i also was lowkey intimidated by you for a while! imagine my surprise when you wanted to befriend me and dm and tell me about all of your fun aus! now, i couldn’t imagine my fandom experience without you. thank you for being so friendly and supportive and down to yap with me <3 you’ll never escape me 😤
@spiralling-thoughts - i love how you keep the tribute fandom alive and give so much life to all the minor tributes! you’re one of the first friends i had on here, and i really appreciate you sticking with my over this year! please always feel free to tell me all of your ideas, i love hearing them!
@majorsoapfan - AH you’re so sweet and talented! i love yapping with you in the dms and coming up with silly ideas! not to mention the absolute masterpieces of works you create!
@sparklebear11 - you fr are the maude ivory to my barb azure! you’re so silly and fun, please never change that about you. i hope the covey haunts you forever so you’ll stick around with us!
@keeperofsecretsunderthehill - i wish i had the creativity that you do! you’re always coming with such different, yet equally interesting, ideas! cranedove ceo always <3
@xtabithanala - not only did you create one of my favorite fics and help me love liv even more- you’re also so kind and supportive to me?? an angel! i hope we can talk more over this next year and get to know each other better!
i’m so looking forward to getting to know all of you guys better over this next year! @thatthingilovewith (can’t wait for more bobbin), @tumblingghosts (i miss yapping with you!, @meekmedea (always such a lovely presence but i’d love to talk to you more!), @little-de-vil (please keep yapping about the d2 lore in my dms forever), @ilovepersephoneprice (pippa friend!!!! we have so much more yapping to do!), @vampirehizzies (my mizzen sized mutual that i am so proud of!), @solar-halos (love u girlie let’s yap more), @mr-nauseam (you’re a great friend and your kindness and patience is amazing!), @ritalinrae (let’s yap more!), @threestargirls (i’m so looking forward to yapping with you in the new year!), @mollywog (we don’t often interact but i love when we do- i still think about that playground thing you said!), @jinglebellpeppre (how have we not yapped together about miz?), @julietasgf (talented artist queen) <3
if i forgot some please feel free to yell at me and i’ll tell you how much i appreciate you and why
(honorary mention to bel who i miss dearly)
have a lovely new year everyone <3
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ask-the-rag-dolly · 9 months ago
ok the askbox is open. im taking this opportunity to say ohhhhh im going crazy over the narrative constructed here. specifically with how audience (anon) interaction is intertwined with the main conflict.
because its like.. we are inherently a BAD THING. yes, some of us are actually malicious, but even if we do have kind intentions, and only want the best for ragatha.. just being there is a negative impact that outweighs any positives. we are a parasite, after all. and technically, the only positive action we could do is to simply.. stop engaging. leave the askblog alone. leave ragatha alone. except we could never do that, because we're too curious now, too attached- we want to see how the story continues, how it ends. we cant leave well enough alone, we just have to know. we need to know. so the cycle will continue nonetheless due to our nature. and we have to watch as our main character, the person we're rooting for, gets worse and worse. knowing that its our fault, because we're choosing to engage. we're choosing this path of pain. because we're curious, and that curiosity would kill us if we didn't feed it.
and of course its on a tadc tumblr ask blog of all things lol. no hate btw. im here enjoying it after all! though honestly i say that like this had any opportunity of existing outside of the askblog genre... or even the tumblr landscape itself- i feel like the anon feature itself is also a big part of this sort of narrative, as it allows those actively malicious anons to be even nastier. because it distances us from our actions. like.. we're given a mask, something that obscures our true identities (both to the other askers.. and to ragatha to an extent, as most all look the same to her. who knows, maybe that one supportive anon trying to cheer her up is the same one also encouraging her downfall! she cant tell!)- a thing that wipes our hands free of any consequences. a chance to become faceless and untraceable- so of course some people will indulge. be as horrible as possible. because, hey, its not like you'll be getting any consequences for it! no way to trace it back to you! no way to be held accountable! you can just sit back and watch the fire you made grow higher. more bright. thats the main goal, after all- to make a spectacle! to move the story along and make it exciting! thats the only thing that matters to you. that its entertaining. not the people you'll be harming in the process.
anyways sorry for the fucking. essay. in your askbox. i like talking and also i fucking love dissecting meta-aligned narratives like this. gggrrggrgrgrrrr chewing on this blog like a chewtoy. i hope everyone gets worse and this whole blog blows up!!!!!!!
i can't stop giggling at ' its on a tadc tumblr ask blog of all things ' . this was really originally supposed to just be a silly blog with little story but here we are . you really won't get this anywhere else
i get pretty happy when someone dissects this silly thing so no need to apologize !! i'm my own harshest critic when it comes to this blog so it's often difficult for me to grasp what meaning people get out of this lol truly thank you guys for wanting to see my insane , Unhinged ideas come through
and i love the dissection on the mean anons - a lot of this thing hinges on actions having consequences after all ! every little thing will have an impact on ragatha's mental state . i'll say i think the anons have potential to not be as harmful - as there was a point in the blog's time where they acted more like inner therapists to ragatha than reality-bending beings of chaos ( good times ) . it just really depends on being patient with an actually mentally ill person like ragatha - it does fascinate me how people's frustration with her echoes real life mental health situations .
but yeah thanks !!! i'll be kissing this essay and pinning it on the refrigerator that i call my brain (:
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krislgfox · 6 months ago
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Commissions: Closed
Requests: Closed(sprunki fankids requests-the list)
Ask: Open
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Note: My content varies from 13+ to 16+
I have tiktok now! It's krislgfox_
-No proshiping in my inbox (If u're a proshipper u still can interact with my blog, just don't send me any proship content, I feel uncomfortable with it)
-No creeps
-Don't spam in my askbox
-No racism and/or homophobia
-Don't include me in some kind of dramas pls
Spam blog: @kl-silly-fox
Rp/Ask blog: @ask-dumbcrittersshop-au
klf/krislgfox yapping - just me talking
klf/krislgfox talking - answering asks from my inbox
klf/krislgfox reblog - me reblog smth with the response
klf draws - my art posts
klf write - some writing practice or smth
gift for fox - gift arts from mutuals(not only mutuals tho) • v •
wiplf - me posting wips
foxstuff - sketch/shit posts
speedfox - me posting speed paints
fox concepts - me posting a concept designs
(Might add/change some from time to time)
Fandoms I'm in:
-Sprunki Incredibox
-Mincraft(Monster School)
-Roblox Pressure
-Roblox Dandy's World
-Smiling Critters
-Poppy Play Time
-And much much more :]
(My hyperfixation changes every day so I don't have a current one)
The thingy:
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(I made the dyslexia and anxiety awareness ones, u free to use it, no need to credit me :])
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I guess that's all, thx for reading! :D
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