husbandograveyard · 2 days
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Part of my 2024 Kinktober - Masterlist here
Prompt: Thigh riding Word count: 1200 Reader: No pronouns used, reader has a vagina and breasts, no nicknames used Cw: power imbalance, a bit of powerplay, Sukuna talks down on reader, but no explicit degradation, dom!Sukuna and sub!reader, thigh riding, slight begging, nipple pulling, Sukuna has 4 arms, size difference
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That was all he said while staring at you intently, making you shiver as you shed your layers, putting them to the side. Usually, you would neatly fold them, but you had heard the impatience in his voice. You knew the consequences would be yours to feel if you made him any more impatient. Any other day you could have tried to take it as a challenge, but not today. The way he looked at you and the way he spoke made it more than clear: you shouldn’t even think about being a brat now. 
Now you stood before him, completely naked. Even sitting down he was almost as tall as you were standing up. You felt vulnerable, his eyes scanning your figure, one of his hands motioning to come closer, and closer, until one of your knees nearly bumped into one of his. He had all his clothes on still, and you couldn’t fully read his expression. It made the situation even more daunting, even though generally good things came out of these situations. 
You felt the tension rise while he made you wait for a few more seconds. You studied his expression, which still wasn’t clear, and he didn’t break eye contact unless you did it first. The feeling was intense, and you were startled slightly when one of his lower hands hooked behind your knee, effectively pulling you into him. 
It took you a second to register what he wanted you to do, before you spread your legs slightly, enough to take a seat on his thigh. Your breath hitched in your throat at the sensation of the fabric on your bare sex, and you felt your body reacting instinctively: pressing yourself down just a little bit more, looking for more of that contact. 
His two lower hands settled on your hips, holding you in place firmly. You looked up at him, eyes pleading for more instructions, your hips moving a bit: a search for more friction badly disguised as settling.
“Desperate already?” The amusement was clear in his voice as he almost sneered at you. 
You weren’t sure what to reply. Agree with him, and risk him denying you pleasure? Or try to deny it? You weren't that desperate yet, though the anticipation made you more aroused than you cared to admit. You stayed silent in your indecisiveness. Generally Sukuna already had planned out what he wanted to do with you, and you were just there to follow along, occasionally resisting the inevitable. 
He didn’t really wait for an answer, the hands on your hips suddenly pulling you forward while still holding you down. You let out a sound that was something in between a yelp and a moan, placing your hands on his chest in an attempt to steady yourself. The sudden movement had sent a wave of pleasure through your entire body, but the speed at which it happened had taken you too off guard to properly savor it. 
You didn’t have to wait too long to be able to feel it again though, as Sukuna swiftly repeated the motions, handling your body with ease. He did it again and again, yet you couldn’t get a grasp of the rhythm he was setting- leaving you to buck your hips in desperation as you searched for the right rhythm, the right angle, anything to get the buildup you were craving. 
As if he read your mind, Sukuna flexed his thigh muscles and shifted his leg slightly, so most of the pressure was now directly on your clit. The movement was small, and you couldn’t do anything but moan loudly as he kept up his relentless, rhythmless handling of your body. 
“Sukuna- I- you- please..” 
You were starting to struggle to form coherent thoughts, let alone form sentences to say. You weren’t exactly sure what you were asking for either. 
One of his free hands came up to tilt your chin, keeping your eyes fixed on his, while his final free hand trailed up from your sides to your chest, just another sensation that was completely out of control. You cried out when he pulled at a nipple, right at the same time the stimulation between your legs was at another height. It was all too much, and at the same time, not enough. Everything was out of your control, and if he could just give you that little bit more, you knew you could- 
“Look at me.” 
You weren’t even aware you had closed your eyes by now, too lost in all the sensations to register that you had shut out one of them. You opened your eyes, feeling your already erratic heartbeat missing a few beats just by seeing the way he was looking at you. 
“What are you asking for?” 
You whined in response, he knew damn well what the answer to that question was. Just as well as he knew that it would take all of your power to be able to formulate it. Meanwhile his sensory assaults on your body didn’t rest, and you felt a constant buildup that just as constantly slipped away, it was nothing but frustration filled with pleasure. 
You were about to answer when he pulled at your other nipple harshly, and you let out a cry. He chuckled in response, thoroughly amused at your reactions, rock hard at the sight of you completely at his mercy. He’d have his turn after. For now, he’d just enjoy your reactions, your desperate helplessness. 
“Say it. Beg for it if you need.” 
You groaned, your thigh muscles and abs tensing from the effort of seeking out the exact rhythm you needed. You didn’t want to- truly, but you couldn’t not ask for it. You needed relief and release and you needed it now.
“Please- Sukuna,” you started, voice strained from the effort, unable to breathe as deeply as you would like. 
Sukuna didn’t let up on his movements, dragging your cunt over the now soaked fabric of his yukata, keeping your gaze fixed on him.   
“Please”, you groan, “let me cum”, adding another ‘please’ for good measure, knowing fully well about the effect your pleas have on him. 
It seemed to satisfy him just enough for him to slow down a little, movements becoming more precise and matching the rhythm of your hips. You grasped onto his upper arms with a gasp, your fingertips digging into his skin as the buildup was there faster than you anticipated- as if your body had been preparing ever since this started. 
“Go on then”, Sukuna said, looking you straight in the eyes, “cum.” 
You nodded desperately, focusing on the almost electric jolts of pleasure you were feeling now. You only needed to roll your hips a few more times before you felt the buildup reach a climax, your muscles tensing up as you clenched around nothing when you came, crying out Sukuna’s name, messing up his clothes even more. 
You felt yourself slump forward just a little as you came, your hands steadying you on his chest. Even though you had stilled your hips by now, Sukuna hadn’t let up on his movements and you were whining out, pleasure mixing with something you could only describe as ‘too much’. You heard Sukuna snicker. 
“Let’s see if we can do that again.”
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husbandograveyard · 9 hours
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Part of my 2024 Kinktober - Masterlist here
Prompt: Blindfold Word count: 2500 Reader: No pronouns used, reader has a vagina and breasts, reader gets called babe and dear Cw: Blindfold, fingering, sensory play, some temperature play, some impact play, some biting (nothing too much), ruined orgasm to eventual satisfaction, Gojo is a whore for praise (nothing new), some nipple play, reader has trouble focusing on sex/cumming, spit mentioned once.
[A/n]: this one is LONG (compared to the others in this series) and very self-indulgent. My neurodivergent ass has trouble focusing during the horizontal tango, so I dedicate this fic to myself. For that reason I am also HC'ing the reader as neurodivergent, but you are free to see them however you like <3 I hope you enjoy reading the fic either way, because I had a blast writing it!
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It was gone. 
You groaned out in frustration as you felt the perfect buildup towards your orgasm subside, until there was nothing left but sensations that felt neither good or bad, just a feeling. Letting go of the sheets balled up in your fists, you gently placed one hand on top of Gojo’s larger one, making him still his movements completely, pulling out his fingers. 
“Did it happen again?” 
When you nodded in response, he clicked his tongue in annoyance and wiped his hand on the sheets. The annoyance was not directed towards you, it was moreso a shared displeasure, frustration in your stead. He wanted you to feel pleasure, wanted you to cum. Yet somehow your brain wouldn’t allow you to focus unless the stars were aligned perfectly. 
You actually didn’t mind as much. You enjoyed sex, still. You found comfort in the proximity, the intimacy, the love you shared. There was also very little that made you feel as confident and attractive as the great Satoru Gojo practically worshiping you, or having him completely at your mercy every now and then. 
But he didn’t see it that way. Especially because Satoru was so used to being good, no, the best at everything. It was not so much a matter of pride as it was of ego. The fact that he was struggling to make you come felt like an insult to his skills, no matter how many times you had assured him that there was nothing he was doing wrong. It was just your brain providing too many thoughts and distractions, taking you away from the matter at hand. 
Satoru got up from the bed, started to rummage in his closet drawers. You propped yourself up on your elbows, watching him curiously. Usually that was not how these situations ended; You’d take some time kissing and cuddling, getting back in the mood before eventually having sex and having another round of cuddles after. It was what you were prepared for, and what you were looking forward to. 
You frowned in confusion, observing Gojo as he finally found what he was looking for, pulling a piece of black fabric out of the drawer with a triumphant grin. You cocked your head to the side, opening your mouth to ask him what this was about, but he interrupted you before you could even start speaking. 
“One of my blindfolds!” 
He looked at you with a huge smile on his face, as if he had just revealed a full-on brilliant plan, and expected you to jump on the hype train with him immediately.
“Are you gonna tie me up?” 
“Of course not, silly”, he chuckled, “I’m gonna blindfold you. One sense less, means one less distraction. I’ll force that brain of yours to focus on just the sensations, on just me. If you can’t see what’s coming, you can’t anticipate it, so you’ll be taken by surprise, and that will hopefully increase your focus.” 
You thought it over, finding that there was very little to argue with his logic. In the best case he was right, and in the worst case, he’d still be taking care of you with pleasant sensations. There was no outcome where you’d lose in this scenario, so you smiled and nodded: 
“Sure. Let’s try it.” 
Satoru climbed onto the bed again, sitting cross-legged next to your naked frame, motioning for you to sit up a little. You did just that, feeling a little bit of excitement bubbling up at the feeling of the soft fabric across your eyes. He leaned in close to tie the blindfold behind your head, an expert at the motions on himself, but fiddling a little now it was on someone else. 
“How’s that?” 
You wiggled your eyebrows, tried to blink and scrunched up your nose, trying to move the blindfold with just your facial expressions. It shifted slightly, but your vision stayed a vague black. 
“Perfect”, you smiled. 
“Lay back down then, I’ll guide you,” Satoru replied, one hand already on your back, guiding you to lay back down onto the bed. You shifted until you were comfortable, fully closing your eyes under the blindfold in anticipation. It was no use trying to peer from underneath it, and it only added to your excitement. 
You felt the weight on the bed shift as Satoru got up, moving away from the bed. You strained your ears, trying to hear where he was going and what he was up to. You couldn’t help but notice that your senses felt just a little different now, now that one of them was blocked off. He hadn’t said what exactly he would do either, which only added to your focus and would undoubtedly add to the surprises that would follow. 
“You remember our safe word, right?” 
Satoru’s voice was across the room, near the doorframe. You frowned. He wasn’t going to play some stupid joke and leave, right? You nodded in response to his question. 
“Use your words, dear.” 
“Yes, I remember”, you sighed, just the slightest hint of annoyance in your voice. What was he up to? Now was not the moment for teasing. The plan was to get you in the mood and focus, but all he was doing now was pushing your curiosity just a little bit too far. 
It was quiet for a second, and you suddenly felt a little exposed just laying there naked, still not a single touch from Satoru. 
“You’re not going to leave me here, are you?” 
He laughed, a genuine and playful laugh, the sound giving you some tingles. 
“Of course not. But I do want to go get some stuff…” the way he emphasized the last word made you even more suspicious. What the hell was that supposed to mean? You voiced that question out loud. 
“You know, to really make this a true sensory experience?” 
You raised your eyebrows at his tone, not that he could see that. 
“I will be right back. I promise.” 
He did sound more sincere with those final words, in an effort to reassure you that this was definitely not a stupid prank, and you heard his footsteps move down the hallway.  You took a few deep breaths, trying to not let your thoughts wander too much, and instead trying to direct your focus onto yourself, your body and the way you were feeling. 
The room wasn’t too warm nor too cold. You had been sweating a little earlier when you were getting into it, but the sweat had long dried on your skin, making it a little colder to the touch where it had properly cooled down your body temperature. You didn’t feel chilly though, but you knew it wouldn’t be long. You hoped Satoru would hurry up- 
Right as you thought so, you felt the mattress dip again. You gasped, you hadn’t even heard him come back into the room. Had you been so deep in thought? 
Satoru lets out a low whistle, and you can hear him smirking as he speaks: “Damn, babe. I should’ve done this before. You look breathtaking laying there, all helplessly anticipating me” 
You wish you could roll your eyes at him, but at the same time, you’re much too curious about what is to come to truly express any annoyance; in the heart of it all there was praise for you, and you know that’s just what he is seeking too: your praise when he does a good job. You whimpering his name when he makes you feel good. You coming undone for him, by his touches and kisses. No matter how you looked at it, no matter how much it was something he did for you, it was also still a win for him. 
Your train of thought was interrupted again, this time by Satoru lightly grazing the skin of your stomach. Just his fingertips, dancing across the skin, almost tickling, but not even enough for that. The sensation made you shiver, and you felt your brain focus just a little, waiting for more. 
He pressed his fingers down a little, trailing down to your navel, and then up in between your breasts. You noticed his fingers were cold. Not like his usual chilly touch, but almost as if he had put his hands in the freezer-?
You gasped loudly when you felt an ice cube being pressed against your collarbone. The location was wildly different to where Satoru’s fingertips were still tracing your skin, the ice cold sensation sudden and unexpected, nearly shocking your brain into focus. 
Satoru chuckled, removing the ice cube to not make the cold hurt you, rubbing the water that had melted onto your skin, letting it evaporate and leave nothing but goosebumps behind. 
Before you could even say anything, he repeated the motion, ice cube a little lower, right above your breasts, while his other hand was trailing down as well, fingertips now dancing below your navel. You swallowed away a whimper. You weren’t exactly sure how this was feeling, but it wasn’t bad. You were on edge, but ready for pleasure. You were seeking it out. You were- 
-taken off guard when he now shifted fast, retracting the hand on your belly and dipping his head down to lick off the water on your skin now. You couldn’t help but gasp again, and you felt a slight vibration of him chuckling onto your skin. 
Your heartbeat was picking up now, anticipation flooding your veins. There was very little he had done so far, yet these few little movements and sensations had already been successful in getting you on edge in a pleasant way. You wanted to bite your lip, but were stopped in doing so when Satoru pressed his lips to yours, capturing them in a quick, but sloppy kiss. You felt a little saliva drip on your chin when he pulled away again, and before you could whine at the loss of contact, the ice cube -now nearly melted- was pressed to one of your nipples. 
You moaned, the chill hardening your nipple, the feeling only getting better when the last of the ice cube melted and it was just Satoru’s skilled fingers playing with the sensitive bud. You arched your back into his touches, and whined when he stopped them just as suddenly as they started. 
Before you could voice your complaint, he had latched his lips onto the other nipple, sucking hard, before letting go with a wet pop. He then pressed a soft kiss to your breast, and you just felt the way his lips were curled as he did so: he was smirking, enjoying the way you were reacting. He just knew that whatever he did was working. And he was right about it too. 
The whiplash from sensation to sensation, made it unable for your brain to drift off. You couldn’t help but focus as he continued to barrage your body with a mix of soft and less soft touches. A kiss here, a light nibble there. A kiss to your lips while his fingers pinched one of your nipples, a kiss to your stomach before his hand came down on your thigh harshly, following that motion with some soothing rubs, to just move onto another sensation, another spot to lick, to kiss, to slap, to suck, to nibble. 
“Fuck- ‘Toru” 
You were a writhing mess now, very much aware of the slick that has been gathering between your thighs all this time. The sensory experience, almost overload, had your sex throbbing and you wanted to rub your thighs together, desperate for some friction. Satoru had to have noticed it too, but so far he hadn’t really acknowledged it, too busy giving you pleasure literally everywhere but the spot where you needed him the most. 
When he did touch you there, for the first time since you started this ordeal, you almost yelped, a soft brush with one slender finger over your folds was already enough to send electric jolts through your body. You had been so worked up by now that your brain was fully focused, and when Satoru finally slid two fingers into your sopping heat, you locked in even more. You felt every movement, every curl of his fingers, every drag of his fingertips against your sensitive walls. You heard the lewd sounds, wet on wet, mixed into with your own moans and whimpers. You bucked your hips up into his touches, but Satoru kept your hips down with his free hand, leaving you completely at his mercy. 
He changed the angle of his hand just a little so he could rub at your clit as well as keep up the previous motions, and you felt your legs tense up, then twitch. 
“How’s that feel, babe? You gettin’ there?” 
You know he’s gauging the effect he’s having on you, checking in to see if his plan is actually working as well as he’s fishing for praise, as if your satisfied moans and whimpers aren’t enough of a sign that he’s doing a good job. You don’t want to risk losing the momentum now though, now that you’re so very close to getting some sweet release, so you make sure to interject your wordless sounds with praises for how good he’s making you feel and pleas for him to not stop whatever he is doing. And he doesn’t, he keeps on curling his fingers just right, circling your clit with the exact amount of pressure you need. Your praises might be a way of appeasing him and his incorrigible ego, but there was a truth in them too. Whatever he was doing, you were feeling it in every single cell of your body, and you desperately didn’t want him to stop. 
You know he is about to talk again, undoubtedly some smartass remark, but he interrupts himself at the first syllable as your walls clench around his fingers almost rhythmically, and you are almost taken off guard yourself as the pleasure reaches its peak. Your orgasm makes you close your eyes tightly, even under the blindfold, and for once your head seems void of any thoughts except for the ones that you cannot put into words: just a blank mind filled with feelings of pleasure. 
Satoru continues the movement of his fingers just a little longer, slowing down after a while when he notices you’re no longer twitching as hard. He eventually pulls them out of you, and you don’t need to lift the blindfold to know that he is practically beaming with pride. 
“There you go. Told you I’d get you there.” 
You are too busy focusing on breathing normally again, that you can’t even retort, just lifting the blindfold from your eyes instead so you can look at him again. 
“Next time I’ll make you cum twice.” 
He was going to be the death of you. 
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husbandograveyard · 4 days
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Part of my 2024 Kinktober - Masterlist here
Prompt: Overstimulation Word count: 350 Reader: No pronouns, no bodily descriptions, GN Cw: dom!reader, sub!Choso, edging to overstimulation
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There was something so very beautiful about the way Choso whimpered your name. A strain, almost. He was holding back, and you knew it. There was a beautiful duality in that man, the muscles in his arms and legs tensing up in effort. Muscles that you knew could easily overpower you if he really wanted, yet you were holding the reins here, his leaking cock in your hand, already covered in his release twice over. Your grip firm, yet not firm enough to send him over the edge again.
He whimpered your name again, and you smiled up at him, sweetly.
“Yes, Choso? Use your words. I can’t figure out what you want if you don’t ask for it.”
He groaned, the muscles in his thighs twitching. He wasn’t sure what he wanted at this point. You had edged him so long before finally allowing him to cum. He had been so afraid of you staving off his orgasm again that when he was reaching peak he had muttered ‘don’t stop’ over and over again. You took those pleas very seriously, and you hadn’t stopped, even after he came another time, tears filling up his eyes from the sensations, it was all too much. He was sensitive, and you hadn’t given him much of a break before you had started all over again, relishing his reactions.
Now he was on the verge of a third orgasm, and he wasn’t sure if he needed you to stop right now or coax one more out of him. He wasn’t sure if his fried neurons were even capable of making such a decision anymore. He’d much rather just let you take over all the decision making, but he realized that was not how this worked.
You smirked, your grip tight enough to keep him on the edge but just not enough to send him over.
He got cut off by a moan when you swiped your thumb over his tip, red and swollen from all previous stimulation. You raised an eyebrow, filling in the rest of his sentence for him.
“Sure, I will give you another one-”
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husbandograveyard · 5 days
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My very first kinktober, and my very first *actual* smut pieces. Please be gentle with me! Because of hyperfixation reasons, this one is 100% JJK
Tags, content warnings and reader specifics, on top of the fics, please check them out! details regarding reader get added once its fully written and beta-read, to make sure I don't miss anything
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MINORS DNI - if you do, I WILL block on sight
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۵ October 1st | Overstimulation | Choso ۵ ➳ GN reader, No pronouns, No bodily descriptions ۵ October 3th | Thigh Riding | Sukuna ۵ ➳ Afab reader (reader has a vagina + breasts), no pronouns used ۵ October 5th | Blindfold | Gojo ۵ ➳ Afab reader (reader has a vagina + breasts), no pronouns used ۵ October 7th | Somnophilia | Nanami ۵ ➳ Afab reader (reader has a vagina), no pronouns used ۵ October 9th | Threesome | Geto + Gojo ۵ ➳ Afab reader (reader has a vagina), no pronouns used ۵ October 12th | Drunk Sex | Shoko ۵ ۵ October 14th | Cockwarming | Toji ۵ ➳ Afab reader (reader has a vagina + breasts), no pronouns used ۵ October 16th | Breath play | Geto ۵ ۵ October 18th | Praise kink | Gojo ۵ ۵ October 20th | Period Kink | Choso ۵ ۵ October 22nd | Edging | Utahime ۵ ۵ October 25th | Mirror | Ino ۵ ➳ GN reader, No pronouns, No bodily descriptions ۵ October 27th | Shibari | Higuruma ۵ ➳ GN reader, No pronouns, No bodily descriptions ۵ October 29th | Public sex | Geto ۵ ۵ October 31st | Teacher / student Roleplay | Gojo ۵
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husbandograveyard · 9 days
I have officially decided on a 15-piece kinktober, fully JJK cause that's what my brain wants atm. The planning is done with the exception of 2 prompts... I now need to actually get to writing some more, cause so far we have finished a whoppin 2 out of 15 fics. They will be varying lengths, just wherever the vibes take me.
I am INCREDIBLY nervous to post my first smutty works, but also very excited? It's a strange duality. After that? I'll probably dip my toes into writing some wholesome shit for Haikyuu!! those little volleyball boys have stolen my heart and I need to create for them if you know what i mean.
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husbandograveyard · 4 years
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Hazel - 27 - she/her - Panromantic Asexual  - CET Timezone
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⚝ Hi! My name is Hazel. I write fanfics, almost exclusively reader insert. I try to be as inclusive as possible in them, and spread some blorbo love to as many people as possible. 
⚝ I am NOT a native speaker of English. I am terrible at proofreading. Please excuse small errors in my writing. I do my best, I promise. 
⚝ I do not tolerate any kind of hate or judgement on my page. I will block homophobes, transphobes, racists, TERFS, etc. on sight. 
⚝ Like many other writers, I thrive on feedback. Likes are okay, but there is nothing I love more than comments and reblogs. The latter get my work out to other readers as well. Please consider sharing and leaving a few words! 
⚝ I am a teacher, not a licensed therapist. While you’re more than welcome to discuss real life stuff and slide into my inbox about anything, please try to avoid super sensitive subjects, traumadumping and possibly triggering subjects. I cannot help with that, I am sorry. 
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On Selfshipping
I am a selfshipper, and I will occasionally share about my selfships.
⚝ my main selfships are Geto/Gojo (throuple), Choso, Mereoleona, Tengen, Hawks and Izo. Others I may talk about but aren't as set in stone.
⚝ I don't mind questions / asks about my selfships.
⚝ I don't mind interactions with other selfshippers. If you selfship with the same blorbo as I do, I would like to avoid too much talk about selfship though, to avoid clashing headcanons.
⚝ You are more than welcome to talk about those characters outside of a selfshippy context though! regular thirsts / headcanons etc in a more broad / reader insert context are always okay!
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Tags to follow / Block
⚝ Nsfw / Suggestive = Hazel_Sin ⚝ Selfship = Hazel_selfship ⚝ OC content = Hazel_OC ⚝ general talks = Hazel speaks
fandoms will be tagged with a fandom name and spoilers if necessary.
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husbandograveyard · 2 years
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Welcome to my Blog! My name is Hazel (she/her), currently 27 years old, and I write (anime/game) multifandom reader insert fiction! Mostly SFW, I sometimes write or reblog NSFW. block #Hazel_sin If you're a minor.
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❣ about me ❣ masterlists ❣ rules ❣ ko-fi ❣
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Please leave a comment / reblog when you like something! It's the greatest thanks a writer can get.
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➺ Currently ➺ Kinktober 2024 ➺ Coming Soon ➺ Haikyuu!! & Genshin writings ➺ Highlight ➺ Loving touches - sfw KnY drabbles -
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