#just some fun and whimsy
cursedvibes · 20 days
Gege: I'm about to kill off one of my main villains...but first let me dress them up in cute little outfits...and also here's my police AU and my hospital AU and my game show AU and my cat AU and my manzai AU...oh look they made a friend
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what a way to send off the main instigator of your story's plot lol could you imagine if Sukuna got this treatment?! like the story ending with a poetry slam between him and Yuuji?
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I love the idea that Michael is always gloomy and low-energy with a bit of snark but the mere IDEA of Foxy turns him into the most easily excitable person on the planet
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YES, but I also extent that to every animatronic he really likes!!
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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Game night ruined.
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"there can't be a Bolo cameo in Downfall because it's set a hundred years into the Calamity, she seemed human so she's certainly dead by now" icb you doubt the power of the great Bolo Maximus 🙄
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whimsyprinx · 1 year
I feel like now is a good time to announce that I’m in the process of moving blogs! Im doing so for a few reasons, the main one being paranoia, so for that reason I won’t be saying my new urls publicly so like please dm me if you’d like my new url so you can follow me there! I’ll be reblogging this post a lot so ppl can see it (so sorry if you get annoyed by that)!
I’m also remaking my discord account as well so if we’re friends on there then feel free to message me for my new username!
friends and mutuals please do reblog so shared friends/mutuals have a higher chance seeing it!
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jojo-schmo · 3 months
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is it really considered a self-boop if your Mirror World counterpart boops you…..???
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radioroxx · 4 months
ok hi tumblr. thought. while i understand that technically yes people have all the freedom to assign clover a gender + pronouns based on personal headcanons… i dont really get WHY people do it
dont get me wrong im all for a little fun and for messing around with pronouns, but… isnt it more fun to let them keep the they/them?? whats the point of taking that away?
iiii dunno. i just think its strange lol
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soupmanspeaks · 2 months
you ever wonder if the Glamrocks's face tracking acts up when they look at Glamrock-Freddy, like they'll look at his face, and the recognition will register as Freddy, but their systems for whatever reason or another think that there is a face overlapped on Freddy's do you think they see two small squares next to him, at his side, roughly child sized, but no one is physically there.... right...?
#fnaf#michael afton#five nights at freddy’s#glammike#crying child#elizabeth afton#i wanted to allude something to william but idk#would the glamrocks go into the sinkhole? maybe#maybe next to glamrock freddy alongside the weird overlapping face he has and the two kid height faces#there is a face tracking box next to him...standing#remember that post about the ghost hunters comin to the pizza plex? maybe the weird face tracking happens too...#im watching garret watts and Andrew's constant facial tracking anomalies inspired this post lol#anyways i really like the thought that despite being the most friendly Glamrock; Freddy has this......feeling about him#his AI was made just this year! programmed with cutting edge and top of the line technology!#then....then why does he go off script sometimes? why does he say things that wasn't programmed show dialogue?#how does he know about Mr. Afton? the killer from the 80's who committed heinous deeds?#Why does he speak as if he knew him personally? if his AI is just pulling stuff from online; Why does he speak with resentment about him?#IM SORRY I JUST LOVE THE CONCEPT!!#like just because this franchise has gotten more neon and sugery than ever; remember; lights can be blinding and sugar causes cavities#idk what that means just omg there is more horror potential than you think in the SB era of games if you look hard enough#off topic but back to freddy being a sweetie pie i think that its funny okay#freddy sasses adults okay okay but he isnt mean to kids okay maybe michael just idk; MATURED? maybe he just got some whimsy mkay?#listen if i was forced to be in a perpetual cycle of atoning for my own and my father's sins i would find any and all silver linings mkay#aw yeah this is sick i get to be a freddy mercury inspired glamrock bear WOOO#granted michael was probably tired of animatronic bands and pizza by fnaf 6 but ykkkkkkkk it.....could be worse? he could be his dad lmao#anyways headcannon michael listend to freddy mercury and this is the equivalent of cosplaying him scott told me so (trust)#tag rambles! theyre fun lol
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heich0e · 5 months
i'm not a particularly litigious person but i have seriously been considering legal action against whoever recently mentioned "don't start stories with a character waking up" on my dash bc now every single time i get inspo for a fic that i picture opening that way i get self conscious and don't write it
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spotforme · 3 days
i think they could achieve piece on Red Dwarf, for a day at least, if they had some soap bubbles to blow
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revvethasmythh · 8 months
Share your reunion widobrave thoughts please?? Only if you want to but I would love to hear them!
Apologies for how long this took to reply to! Most of that time has been spent trying to figure out how to phrase this in a way that doesn't sound utterly deranged, though conceptually, I understand it kind of is. So, for formality's sake, I am now donning my shippers cap, and am not to be held liable for making more thoughtful/thought out meta on this topic atm. Currently, we are simply living in the Widobrave Enrichment Zone™️.
Okay, with that disclaimer out of the way, let's continue!
Essentially, my widobrave thoughts re: the reunion are pretty deeply tied to whoever said during m9 reunited two-shot that Caleb and Veth were behaving like a divorced couple sharing custody of Luc, because it was a very funny, on-point comparison considering Veth would literally take Luc all the way to Rexxentrum (with Yeza holding down the fort at home, presumably, while they were both gone) regularly enough that Veth was stated as probably keeping spare clothes at Caleb's place. Like Caleb gets every other weekend with Luc and Veth or something. And that vibe to the Luc-Caleb relationship has persisted even seven years down the line to excellent effect. Like, I have derived an incredible amount of joy from Caleb's extremely concerned, angry, and fairly paternal treatment of Luc during the one-shot that really delivered to me the essence of "Caleb is Luc's father with partial custody and suddenly has to take emergency custody of The Child when he wasn't expecting to."
Like I said, none of this is necessarily meant to be productive, thoughtful meta, but it has brought me a great deal of joy and enrichment in my environment nonetheless. And, really, what else can we ask of our joyful shipper's minds but that?
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angiestown · 9 days
everyone I follow online who's opinions I trust as they have historically lined up fairly well with my own: new (movie/tv show/reboot) is bad
my dad every time without fail: hey wanna watch new (movie/tv show/reboot) with me it looks like something you'd really like
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secondbeatsongs · 1 year
regarding this post (which is now unrebloggable even though I somehow just reblogged it?) I do think that there was something compelling about older AI art
I miss when it was just neuralblender-type stuff - nothing was really recognizable, and it made for some fun images! like:
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"Destroy who you are for who you can become"
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"Consume me, you metal beast of my own making"
(this is a Scooby Doo quote btw)
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"I"ll take care of you."
"It's rotten work."
"Not to me. Not if it's you."
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"After the storm, I see again a weasel"
and, my favorite one:
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"We're not lost; we're on an adventure!"
this sort of thing was really fun to mess around with! there are still copyright issues ofc - AI should only train on art from people who've opted-in, or stuff from the public domain - but the vagueness of these images is somewhat transformative, and they're never going to look exactly like whatever art they trained on.
and hey, half the fun was just seeing what exactly it did with things like, say...the entire 13th chapter of Twilight
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wholesomepostarchive · 8 months
Trick or treat!
hello hello! GREAT costume/icon!! defs a classic go-to haha!!!
though i can’t offer ya a handful of treats from the basket i’ll be giving out candy from, i do have a thing! consider it a mish-mash of both trick AND treat!!!
anyone remember Google Doodle’s 2016 game?? it’s still up-and-running!
hope you’ll accept this bit of nostalgia or, if ya weren’t around on Google while the Halloween Doodle was up, happy getting-to-enjoy-something-for-the-first-time as a virtual “trick-and-treat” :-)
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dent-de-leon · 4 months
Remembering how Taliesin was kinda crushed about losing the whole circus so early on because he was kinda hoping Matt would let them keep it as a kind of traveling home base. Just, the thought of what the Nein joining their little traveling circus would look like.
Mollymauk not having to leave home, having the comfort and safety of that familiarity. Getting to continue to explore all of Exandria while never having to leave the family that raised him. Molly sitting beside Toya, singing old folksongs under the Moonweaver's guiding light. Working on some secret routine for when they roll into the next town, some exciting and extravagant performance he's managed to rope Yasha into. Giving his pitch and passing out flyers at the next tavern, inviting everyone to come see a show they'll never forget.
Yasha feeling a little more comfortable traveling with the Nein at first--because she's already grown so fond of Molly and their little circus family, has come to love the sight of returning home to the big top towering in the distance, the parade of caravans and brilliant lights. Molly always waiting for her, shuffling his deck with deft hands and his charming smile, offering her up a card that foretells a future full of joy and love.
The day when Yasha finally acquires her bone harp, tentatively strums at its strings for the very first time. Plays a soft, mournful song that's wonderfully bittersweet. Desmond gently encouraging her, playing along on his enchanted violin. Molly humming softly beside them, tail swinging happily.
Caleb and Nott eventually working on their own little routine--but only once they leave big cities far behind, in the safety of farmlands and sleepy little towns on the outskirts of the Empire. Places where the wizard can finally stop ducking his head and looking over his shoulder. "Nothing with fire," Caleb insists in a hushed, grave whisper, so they leave the pyrotechnics to Orna.
But Molly truly believes he's a Magician of some sort, which makes him smile wanly. Magicians are for fairytales and easily fooled townsfolk; charismatic conmen with cheap tricks and sleight of hand. Never any real magic. And yet, Mollymauk is still dazzled by a cantrip as simple as Dancing Lights, insists that in itself is fantastical--beautiful.
As terrified as Caleb is of the spotlight, he's happy to perform a parlor trick or two if it means spare coin for his books. And if Nott darts about the audience and pockets a little extra gold here and there while the Magician has their audience utterly captivated, well--that's just a bonus.
Jester performs too, because of course she does--she's Jester. And Molly finds it's hard to really deny her anything. Her magic is colorful, charming, playful. Conjured butterflies and miniature unicorns, exaggerated displays always sparkling and bright. She and her fae friend compliment each other well. She's the kind of person who can make just about anyone smile.
Fjord volunteers as stagehand when they could use the extra help, just wanting to lend a hand and make a good impression. And he can't help trying to wheedle a little bit of information out of the other performers when the chance arrises, all too curious about the mysterious blood hunter he often bunks with. Whenever he does, Beau is inevitably not far behind him, journal in hand as she demands answers. "Those swords--are they really magic? Where the hell did he find them?" "How long has Molly been in the circus? Did he ever visit home?" "Any family? Any chance their blood is like his--"
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swingoftheclock · 5 months
Check out this 2010 fanart which has early interpretations of Quarters and Matchticks. I kinda lost it when I noticed everything below their mugshots, that's kinda awesome. Apparently these designs are from Mayonaka? That's also fun... In the comments a broken link to the mspa forums for the source of the designs which is :(
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