#just shoot me I forgot the account details
tojisun · 9 months
https://www.tumblr.com/tojisun/739286806700376064/as-a-strange-little-dude-who-collects-bones-im or hear me out…Soap with a little true crime/ conspiracy theory gf! He’d totally get behind the deep dives trying to find the truth!
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shes a goth girl into true crimes/conspiracies!! (esp after how he and bimbo!reader have this conspiracy talk sesh happening?? he’s definitely falling for a true crime/conspiracy theory gf!!)
giggling imagining johnny and his gf (you) hiding from each other their… interest (borderline obsession tbh) because they’re both afraid of being judged. so you know, they’d watch these movies that kinda deal with conspiracies or the main character is being targeted by a serial killer and they’re vibrating on their seats, both holding back from exploding in jittered excitement because they wanna be the chill partner, ykyk?
well, one day, johnny forgot to wheel away his whiteboard of conspiracies (currently, he’s trying to prove that pigeons are govt spies) and you come home to see this board with detailed analyses and accounts; dates are underlined with a red marker, while a blue marker was used to write the names of people who have been “silenced” after “exposing” the “truth” about pigeons. it’s lacking a red string that connects one case to another, but that’s only because johnny was using washytape — the designs are, ironically, birds.
johnny’s in the kitchen, preparing dinner, when he remembers what he forgot; he skids to the living room, hoping to salvage a piece of his dignity, only to see you standing in front of the board, your mouth agape.
“i can explain,” he starts, cringing to himself at hearing just how more suspicious that sounded. “i-”
“oh my god, jock,” you say, breathless in your own excitement. “oh. my. god. jock!”
“what?” johnny asks, confusion now triumphing over his mortification because if you’re still using his nickname, then that must mean things are okay, right?
“wait here!” you scream before turning to run to your room. you flung your bag to the carpet where it sags like a sad potato sack. johnny picks it up and hides it in the closet.
he waits like promised, fiddling with his thumbs while shooting looks between where you’ve ran off to and the board. he rereads some anecdotes, his mind running on overdrive, before snapping his head up at hearing the sound of your feet padding back towards him.
you have about three leather-bound notebooks clutched in your embrace, two of which look worn, while the other it still quite crisp. his nose wrinkles in confusion but johnny decides to wait it out, trusting you to take over.
you fall to the carpet, crowding the coffee table, before urging him to sit beside you. johnny does, his legs knocking against each other as he crouches down and shuffles to move closer to you. he watches as you lay out your notebooks, hands gentle as you begin to flip through the pages.
johnny still feels so lost as to what’s going on.
“mo luaidh?” he asks.
you hum in question, still focused on finding a specific page, he guesses.
“what’re you lookin’ for?”
“oh, just- ah! here!” then you’re thrusting your notebook to him.
johnny takes it with care, his eyes flitting through the pages — “to what end is it satirical? what if, amidst the jokes, the government began to use it in actuality? what if they began to capitalize on it? what if we had given them an excuse to hide behind? had we served them a cover on a silver platter? how do we trust that they’re not conniving enough to truly take advantage of this? ‘birds aren’t real’ but to what extent?”
“what-” johnny’s voice peters. “holy shit?”
he whirls to look up at you. “is this-”
“yes!” you say, giggling. “i thought it was just me!”
johnny drops your notebook back on the table to pluck you from where you sat and plop you on his lap. you laugh when he begins to pepper kisses across your face, exaggerated smooching-noises ringing between you two.
(his office gains another whiteboard.)
i went fuckin bonkers again aeojdajef forgive me!!!
ikik the pigeon conspiracy is mostly a parody atp but its just. funny hehaeejr
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ramenrains · 2 months
TW: Death
Kris' mother and I just got off the phone a few hours ago, and I am heartbroken to announce this, but @blackfairypresident passed away today.
Kris was one of my dearest friends for many years and had endured his fair share of struggles, but I admired his resilience and his willingness to get back up each and every time he was knocked down. Whether he came to visit me in Greenville or we were going to concerts in Atlanta, we always had fun and felt at ease around one another. He had an openness in his heart that was unmatched, a sense of humor that could have you screaming with laughter even in your worst moments, and a passion to help those who had endured the same struggles he himself had faced.
That's why I'm writing this post.
Kris met many of his closest friends online. We provided a safe space for him to be his truest self. As such, he didn't have many ties to his real life on these accounts and kept them separate from the places he added work associates and family.
I didn't want you to be left in the dark. More importantly, Kris wouldn't want you to be either.
More details, including funeral arrangements if Kris' family feels comfortable sharing them, will be forthcoming in the replies or edits to this post. If you need a friend or a shoulder in order to help process this news, feel free to reply here or you can shoot me a dm whenever. I know this is sudden and completely unexpected. I'm still going in and out of shock myself.
Let this serve as an online memorial space in the meantime. Share things you loved about him or fond memories.
Here are a few of mine in pictures:
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-When Kris visited me in December of 2022. He scuttled around downtown Greenville taking pictures of whatever he could, and it was adorable.
-The BAP Forever 2018 tour. It was notoriously a shitshow and they were giving free tickets away hand over fist. Kris posed with the extras we had to let people know they could come find us and nab them.
-VAV in Atlanta in early 2020. We were vvip and got to take this photo with the group together.
There were many more times we spent together that I didn't commemorate with photographs, but now I wish I had. The last time he and I were together for Bang Yongguk in 2023, I mentioned he, Jun and I should take group pictures and we collectively forgot. I'm sure I have some on Snapchat on an old phone somewhere, and I'll go digging probably later today.
I love you, Kris, and I'm so sorry this happened the way it did. I know how hard you were fighting for the life you deserved. I love you I love you I love you. I love you. I love you. I'm grateful that this was one of the last things I said to you, so there was never any doubt that's how I felt.
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nobodysdaydreams · 2 months
My thoughts on the SI-5
For as much as a lot of fandom romanticizes the SI-5 as a friend group, Kepler really did Jacobi and Maxwell so dirty. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad he got it in the end, and the character himself is hilarious. But I need to talk about this. This man is insane and needs to be held accountable.
First of all, he meets them at the very lowest points of their life. Maxwell is isolated from her family and support systems, and it’s implied her career is heading for the toilet due to her fight with the ethics board. Jacobi’s career is totally over after he was blacklisted from his work, and it’s implied he doesn’t have strong support systems either. Kepler knows that and uses it to manipulate both of them into working for him. They both, especially Jacobi, have such a strong loyalty to him because they saw him as their only way out of their situations, and Kepler does not match that loyalty at all.
How do I know this? Because he was totally cool with Maxwell dying. Didn’t shed a tear. And when Jacobi called him out for that and threatened HIS life? Kepler was like “well okay. Guess we have to shoot Jacobi then.” I was reviewing my episode reactions, and I totally forgot he told Minkowski that. Like he didn’t hesitate or even try apologizing to Jacobi or admitting he was wrong first, he jumped right to “kill Jacobi instead.” He also had the audacity to say “how could he (Jacobi) do this? After all we’ve been through? 🥺” and then what they’ve “been through” is Kepler buying Jacobi fireworks (1) time, admitting to stalking Jacobi and Maxwell for years before he hired them (creepy), harassing and threatening them if they fail to comply with his orders, telling Jacobi and Maxwell they’re worth about as much as a glass of whisky and he wouldn’t miss them (which is verified by his reaction to Maxwell’s death and brief willingness to kill Jacobi to save his own skin when Jacobi tries to get revenge), lying to Jacobi and Maxwell and keeping secrets from both of them, and being an arrogant jerk of a boss who treats them more like his patronized pets than his friends. It’s actually funny how Kepler is shocked that wouldn’t be enough to keep Jacobi’s loyalty after gambling with the life of his best friend. He’s so blinded by his own ego it’s hilarious. Like buddy, it’s a miracle of desperate circumstance that either of them were loyal to you in the first place, you pompous whisky-worshipping buffoon.
You even see it in the little details. Kepler talking to Cutter about Jacobi and Maxwell behind their backs on that one call, the way Jacobi calls Maxwell “Alana” but Jacobi and Kepler use their formal names for each other until the very end when Kepler calls Jacobi “Daniel” and acts legitimately terrified to discover what Cutter and Pryce’s true plans are. Which again, love the way the redemption arc was done and those little details show you proof that Kepler rethought his views and isn’t doing this on a whim and that Jacobi and Maxwell’s friendship, as compared to their relationships with Kepler, was a stronger and more real and genuine friendship. I mean, headcanon what you want, write the SI-5 how you want. But a lot of people seem to either love or hate the whole SI-5 group (I admit this was me for a long while, though I do love post-redemption duck and whisky boys) so it’s easy to gloss over these internal dynamics within the SI-5, but if Kepler survived, I would personally need him to acknowledge just how much of a jerk he really was because yikes.
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jackalproject · 5 months
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Good afternoon everyone! It is time once again for another update post. Are you excited? I hope so. Sorry for dropping it so late, I forgot to download my files and. Yeah. So there’s not much here, other than the once’s I needed. Oopsie.
I’d like to open this post by introducing my new collaborator, @bat-luun He has been helping me a TON with the backgrounds, and is a complete life saver, as well as an extremely talented artist. I’m so happy to have him, both as a friend and as an artist. He has done the Bonus Content banner for the post, when it goes up tomorrow. Go show him some love!!
On a somewhat related note, we now have a twitter account for the project! I personally have not used twitter in heaven knows how long, so I’m realering the ropes haha. The @ is jcklproject, in case you want to give it a follow there.
Before I get into the juicy details, I’d like to thank you all for your patience with me, and request that you hang on just a liiiitle longer. I am participating in the Sonic Big Bang, which I have just entered crunch time in. The project is SIGNIFICANTLY longer than I anticipated, and I have until the 25th to get it done. I am working hard on it, and if it comes to it, I may have to put this project on a little bit of a hold to finish it. Only until the 25th, though, and I will still be working on it! Keep an eye open on my main account for the project in June, when all of the works go up. I’m very excited, and while its not jackal related, I think it will be a ton of fun ;)
Anyway, lets get on to the good stuff.
TEST COMICS: Scripts complete, Issues in progress
PART ONE: Script complete, final concept art in progress
PART TWO: Scripts begun
PART THREE: Storyboard in progress
SCHEDULED RELEASES: Test Comic Issue Two, late May.
This coming test comic is a little beefier than the previous one, rounding out at about 7 pages total, and with a whole two pages worth of scripting! I once again remind you all that progress will go much quicker in the summer, as I will have my own computer at that point, more free time, and my portion of the Big Bang will be over with! Thanks for your patience <3
(Also, this issue ain’t SHIT compared to what’s coming down the line. Weeps.)
Here, have a frame! And a link to a silly post I made that you may have missed!
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Sorry for the brief update, again, so heres a bit of a cut concept! In part two, Finn was supposed to break into Gadget’s house later in the story to request assistance with… something :). And this is how that was supposed to play out.
Your honor they’re really funny. But it was cut in favor of something arguably even funnier, and you’ll all know it when you see it, as it takes place right after the introductory issues lol
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Niko out <3
If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me an ask.
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hungryriverbeast · 6 months
Saw your post from a while back about Tharizdun being Predathos, and ive been making posts of my own similar theories on my sideblog too. Here's something to add to the evidence pile;
The recent episodes and the convo with Teven Klask hint at the demons of the abyss feeling bolstered by Predathos, wheras by Teven's account, Asmodeus is nervous. But why would the demons be feeling strong enough to do these incursions in the material plane if Tharizdun (who resides in the Abyss) is itself a betrayer god and thus presumably just as vulnerable as Asmodeus and the other betrayers? Theres something extremely fishy there that stands out like a sore thumb to me. And if Tharizdun isnt himself Predathos, id bet money that he's at least related in some way.
(Sorry I forgot to reply! Ty for this ask and the juicy evidence!) I agree and even caught up to the current episode (88) I still think Predathos is actually Tharizdun or at least an off shoot, like how Ukatoa is an offspring of the betrayer god Zehir.
Tharizdun has always been described more like an "It" and very alien, and being the "chained god" I can absolutely see it being Predathos chained at the center of Ruidis (with the dispel magic device the party found in e88 being a key tool in breaking those chains.)
We saw with the Angel of Irons in c2 how Tharizdun will mask itself to appear as whatever best influences others, so I can see how this would affect not only the folks living on Ruidis, but appeal to someone like Ludinus and his goals especially.
These commandments I found on the wiki seem to line up even more towards what we know of Predathos so far:
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Personally? I think the lore about how Tharizdun is purely evil might be a narrative/opinion pushed by all the gods, because of course if it is actually Predathos and it eats divinity (and notably not the Elementals) they would absolutely see it as evil. But I don't think a hungry predator that has to eat to survive is inherently evil, but it is obviously dangerous with a lot of consequences for Exandria if let loose. The documents they found said it came from beyond the stars, so honestly the vibe I'm getting right now is a hungry beast sent ahead to clear out old divinity to make way for something new, like this "Epoch of Ends?" Is that just poetic language or a detailed plan/prophecy someone might know more about?
So on the one hand, I hope the party is able to stop what Ludinus is doing so a lot of people don't die...but on the other hand I love big d&d drama and would love to see a calamity 2.0 where some gods get chomped and Matt can shake up the system so we can see some new gods form, some mortals ascend or have old gods take new roles.
I hope we get some more ancient lore drops soon & I'm excited for tonight's episode :]
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irladagio · 6 months
Hello all, I thought I would share my au because I have wanted to for a while. It’s been in development for 5-6 years now. This took me an 1hr 30minutes and it shows so bare with me please 🫶🏽
 This is just a brain dump it’s insanely unorganized and possibly confusing.
Alright it focuses around the JR because I love them and I probably love them more bc of this au that I’ve grown attached to.
So I kinda tried to stay canon but also definitely strayed away from it a lot
Everyone got a power boost bc it’s more fun when they’re all powerful and have to go through character arcs, I have a lot of OCs in this which are super dear to me 🫶🏽
Alright I’m going to start with the basis. 
Basically the JR is the most powerful organization in their set multiverse. We knew this ofc. Dream runs it and sometimes leans on his close employees for advice, help, etc but he obviously has a problem so he usually does it all himself by this I mean paper work and his daily duties which is usually just paper work.
There are a lot of divisions including justice division, cooking/chefs, security division, orphanage staff, hired mercenaries, medical divisions, office workers, receptionists, maids/janitors, and I’m sure a lot more. 
The JR runs a lot of things and it’s hard to keep track of everything even for dream.
The plot is based on them chasing criminals specifically meme squad, then outcome B happens, but a shadow organization rises with growing power, dream and the jr wondering how they stayed off their radar and these guys are total bad news. Every bad thing, every big criminal has had an association with these guys ( I don’t have a name for them yet, I’ve just been referring to them as AJR, anti-justice reigns, weak name I know) they have a deep hatred for the jr and do everything in their power to take them down. Majority of the story is the JR against AJR the rest is meme squad and inner demon battles 😃
I guess I’ll move on to respective characters unless I forgot something 
Dream- CEO of JR, runs it like a business is basically a politician, businessman, warrior(??),  paperwork man, father (??🧐🧐)
Same backstory as OG, ate 50000 apples, grew light wings, villainized nightmare.
His powers- as I mentioned I gave people power boosts, so he has all his og powers and more. His sword lights up yellow when he uses his powers and a lot of magic comes out of it when used (think raiden shogun) honestly in powers he can shoot light, and if he needed to he probably could incinerate someone/thing. He can shoot a lot of it but if overused he’d need probably couple hours of rest. I wanted to paint him in a way to be a like god but not there completely (again think raiden but a bit more inferior) 
Personality- same old same old
Polite, respectful, serious with his job and with life in general
Has morals even though they are a bit twisted in a way
He honestly is supposed to be the MC but he’s not really there it’s funny to me he’s just so busy he becomes overshadowed by the other side MCs I didn’t account for that at first but then it felt purposeful.
Ink- Dreams right hand, but moreover assassin/mercenary, here for the money (but that’s where character development come in) 
His backstory is kinda the same but I added some stuff to fix plot holes or just Wtv didn’t make sense, I don’t feel like expanding right now
(I’ll do separate posts with more details on characters maybe lmao probably not)
Powers- alrighty this is gonna be hard to explain. So he has his og powers ink blah blah, but he can use it to morph it into stuff like idk if he wanted to prank someone he could make his ink into food and they would eat it and they just ate his powers not actually food (idk another example😭), I created this as a joke but then added it because I liked it. He can use the ink on/in his body to morph himself, so like change his body this shouldn’t be confused with changing his complete appearance like skin tone eye color etc but he can change like the shape of his body or gender kinda like if he wanted to appear as a girl he could. But he would still look  like same eye color, same skin tone, same hair color etc. but he could shape of his nose, mouth, he usually uses it for fun/to scare people and not on missions unless he has to. 
Personality- rude ahole, absolutely gives no fks, nice is a one in a lifetime occurrence 
his rudeness is from trauma and his lack of knowing how to interact with others 
Sassy 100%
When the character development pops in he becomes better still a ahole tho. 
He cares I promise he just needs a shove in the right direction
(GENDERFLUID INK GENDERFLUID INK, using “he” here bc it’s easier and I have a headache)
Finch- (my favorite and you can tell by all the trauma and pain I gave him 💝🫶🏽🥰)
JD Captain, Inks respective rival, way too loyal to dream until he’s not
This is where I’m scared to post about my AU. Because this guy is the one who probably got the biggest boost. 
His backstory- it’s still based on the 1930-40s in WW2 in America specifically Odessa, Texas.
this was how his downhill of a life started (until he met dream)
Lives with mother and father and 6 siblings because in that time people had way too many kids. And I like the idea of youngest sibling finch. Father gets drafted for war, dies. (This was fav parent btw) mother sad and traumatized, takes it out on kids ⁉️ finch got the worst of it bc MC plot , she wanted him to be perfect which messed with self esteem and just imagine her lovely reaction when he came out to her. Runs away bc it’s too much mental and emotional abuse. This is the shaky part. Comes into contact with a spirit , specifically spirit of anger,revenge , and all things karma. This come into the story later. Okay so I quite haven’t figured this part out but upon coming in contact with this spirit bro gets possessed 😱 and his au shows a rift which he gets sucked into and spit out into dreamswaps au where ever I haven’t done that world building yet. The part where he gets his freaking eye stabbed out is still in the works but I have a basis that I’m not sharing yet but after that dream finds him with a couple guards , and he’s sent to the JR hospital gets new eye and and soon after 3-4 years of insane hard work becomes promoted to captain this is important because it establishes just how hardworking he is. Most wouldn’t get such a promotion until at least 6-7 years? For him to get it so young, so early, is envying and insane. For others they’re jealous and believe he’s undeserving until he really proves himself worthy of such a position and gains the respect (I so graciously believe he deserves)
As you can there is a lot for him and that’s because originally there’s so little so I had a lot of room to implement what would usually be hcs into his character.
Alrighty powers- 
This is hard to explain the spirit gives him these established powers but it makes him lose control if used excessively leaving the spirit to take over and a pain for whoever's around
These powers run on emotions and if he is careless with his expression then the above may happen.
He can like use the magic to float stuff sometimes himself but that takes a lot. 
He can make daggers (similar to an idea that I believe @fresh-trans-fish had)
Still has that scrappy spear of his. 
He has very scared to use these powers but after time bonding with said spirit he became more comfortable in it.
THE CRYSTALS- part of keeping the spirit in control. 
They need each other , spirit (doesn’t have a name yet I’m working on it) and finch need each other to live cause spirit needs a host and will fade out without one and finch is stabilized by said spirit 
Personality- silent man probably the equivalent of the quiet kid maybe a little more mental unstable 
A leader at heart 
Cares about doing the right thing 
Crazy in the way where he talks to himself constantly 
internally hyper, externally calm
Anxiety definitely 
I gave him borderline bc that’s my own hc in og (makes dealing with his powers harder)
Kind but people don’t see it
Tough willpower 
Claims to never cry, probably has a mental breakdown after very shift
He has learned over the years to be less wound up off the job. 
Also he has a bsf (she will be introduced later but she is important to his character development she’s an OC ofc )
Okay, that’s not everything obviously there’s still the OCS but I’m so lazy and I hate writing on my phone. So here’s a quick basis of the MC OCs 
Ash- lead doctor in the medical department, close with dream been in the JR for a LONG time, like a mother to certain people (cough cough finch and katja) 
Katja- co captain to finch and bsf to him also, hates ink in a weird sibling way, 24
Eliza- weird relationship to dream, people don’t know why she’s always in the JR also oddly close with ink and finch, late 20s
Amayah- lead detective, cool uncle vibes, early 30s
Brianna- dreams adopted daughter (that’s all I’ll say about that 😃)
Tbh there’s probably so much I’m forgetting but it’ll come to me and I’ll write it down.
Autocorrect made this 10x more painful. 
Okay that’s definitely not everything (I’ve said for the fifth time) but if any questions then please comment 
I hope this has a good reach but lmk your thoughts! 
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matymatsu · 2 years
It Won’t Take You (Commission)
I completely forgot to post this, so here it is LMAO
This is an Omen x OC fic for @aglacialblaze  Check them out, along with their self ship account. They’re super sweet, patient as hell, and talented.  Anyways, enjoy and if you’re interested in commissioning me at all, rules and such are on this post.
Swift relief went through Alexis’ body as the helicopter landed. They stretched their arms, a broad smile across their face as fresh air gently breezed against them. Other agents of Valorant were walking past them and inside headquarters. The last thing Alexis wanted was to be part of another lame mission debriefing. While everyone else either went to their rooms or met up with Brimstone, Alexis snuck past them and headed toward the adjacent hallway. Even though Alexis was happy to be home, they still felt a bit on edge. Maybe a trip to the training room would change that. Either way, time alone could do some good, especially after that mission.
They shook their head. No, no– no more of that sad shit. Time to destroy more of Killjoy’s robots! As the training room doors opened, they were greeted by a familiar face. 
“Oh! Hey Omen!” Alexis greeted with a bright smile. The other agent simply raised his hand in a half-attempted wave– his attention seemed to be more focused on the book he was reading. A training room seemed like a strange place to read, but whatever– who were they to judge? With a swing of a locker, they pulled out their Vandal. “Had fun on your last mission?” They asked in an attempt to get him to talk. He nodded, which brought a pout to Alexis’ face. “You’re not gonna tell me anything about it, are you?” They assumed with a raised eyebrow. Both he and Cypher went on a mission alone, together! How could they not be curious? 
“No.” Was Omen’s answer. He was always a tough egg to crack. “Fiiiine.” Alexis sighed.  As long as he wasn’t hurt, they guessed that’s all that mattered. Besides, they could just ask Cypher for the potential juicy details. 
They stepped inside the empty room and the door closed behind them. Walls came from the floors as the environment built around them. Along with the walls, Killjoy’s robot; Max 2.0, elevated from below the floor. Its eye turned red, signaling to Alexis that it was ready to fight. Time for some fun!
With a running head start, Alexis slid onto their knees and started shooting at the bot. It brought its arms up in an ‘X’ formation to cover its chest and face from the bullets. It made them want to laugh, guess Killjoy downgraded the poor guy. Good, Alexis needed an easy target.
Once they paused to reload, the Max’s arms transformed into guns and shot directly at them. Thankfully, they were light on their feet and rolled out of the way— the bullet barely grazed their cheek. Close one, but that wasn’t going to stop them. With a smirk, they charged at Max—
‘Alex, stop screwing around!’
They paused in an instant. Why could they hear Fade? The hesitation was enough time for the Max to start spraying again. “Shit!” They squeaked and immediately dodged and ran out of the way of the bullets. Their back now against the wall– they’ve been here before. Visions flashed before their eyes of earlier today– real soldiers gunning them down while all they could do was stay back, Fade covering but also berating the hell out of them for getting in the line of fire. They could still remember the pain in their shoulder, the blood rolling down their chest. “Come on, focus!” Their thoughts screamed. “Damn it…!”
The voices blared in their ears again. It was suddenly difficult to breathe. Their heart started to pound so loud it hurt their ears. The pain was so intense, it started traveling down their body, more specifically their forearms. Their arms began to glow and the floor shook violently. How could they pay attention to what was happening when death was staring them in the face!?
Suddenly there was a tight grip around their hand. Reality came at them like a semi-truck– their head was pounding in pain and their vision was so blurry— it felt like dunking your head underwater with your eyes open. Omen was in front of them, but they wouldn’t have been able to tell if they didn’t hear him speak– All he was now was black and purple shapes. The sharp pain in their arms was the worst part, a stabbing sensation so deep it felt like it was puncturing the bone. All they could do was try and catch their breath as he led them out of the training area and into the lounge. They sat down and stared at the gray table below them as their mind continued reeling. 
Training never got this bad– it was just some dumb bot that Killjoy made, and it could never kill anyone. It wasn’t designed that way! However, Alexis couldn’t shake the fear away– It felt like they were still there… on the mission. That was until Omen brought them a glass of water. The sound of the glass when it met the metal table broke their inner panic attack. 
Alexis let out a sigh as the cold water went down their throat. 
“Hehe… Sorry about that.” They said as they rubbed their neck awkwardly. “Training bots, am I right–?”
“That one?” Omen pointed behind them. When Alexis turned, the training bot was just standing there, its gun arms still out but not shooting— guess it malfunctioned. Wonder when that happened…?
Alexis let out a heavy sigh, their cheek pressed against the cold metal. Looked like they couldn’t lie around this one. What could they say after that? Sorry for freaking out, I thought one of Killjoy’s toys was gonna kill me? Omen stated “You don’t usually crack like that,” which made Alexis sink in their chair. “What happened during your mission, Alex?”
God, where could they even start? “Weeeeeell, I may have gotten too cocky and… almost got Fade killed.” They explained. Their voice became quieter as they spoke– shame started to wash over them, but lord knows talking to Omen about it will go way better than having to break the news to Brimstone first. The thought of going into detail about the mission filled them with a sense of dread. All they wanted to do was help the team… and look where they got ‘em. “Casualties aren’t uncommon. Though I’m having a hard time believing it was just your fault.”
They began to fidget in their chair as the flashes of Fade pushing Alexis to safety while getting shot from behind started to make them feel overwhelmed again. Omen noticed this, and said, “Don’t worry, Brimstone won’t replace you over an accident like this.”
“How can you be so sure, huh!? Not the first time I messed up.” They snapped– the words slipped out and the moment they exited Alexis’ mouth, guilt began to blend with their anxiety. The other agent wasn’t fazed, it seems. “Because there are worse agents in Valorant that ruin missions more often than you do, and Brimstone doesn’t want to lose a valuable asset–”
“Valuable!? How the heck am I valuable, Omen? I mean… geez, you know me, I’m the one without a serious bone in their body. I don’t like taking stuff seriously, but everyone else in Valorant is so put together and professional. Like you! When have you ever let your emotions get the better of you during a mission?”
Alexis paused their rant. The anxiety they felt before faded away to genuine concern. They meant that rhetorically, now they just felt like an ass. “You… you can’t be serious Omen.” They said as an awkward laugh erupted from their stomach. However, the silence proved that he was serious. They picked up their chair and moved closer to Omen. “What happened?”
Omen sighed deeply– as if the memory resurfacing caused him physical pain. 
“I mean, you don’t have to if you don’t want to. I just thought we were bonding here.” They remarked– hoping the joking tone in their voice could lighten up the mood at least a little bit. 
“I… can’t remember how long ago it was.” He began. The moment he spoke, Alexis stopped talking, their attention now totally fixated on him. 
“During a mission, we came across a bystander; a man who claimed to know who I was. The rest went… as you would expect.” His voice grew soft as a feeling of shame crept up his spine. It wasn’t the fact that he reacted violently to the stranger, it was the fact that he was sharing an emotional moment with another person– as embarrassing as that is to realize.
“What happened after that?” They asked.
“Sage restrained me before I could finish him, or so I was told.” He replied. 
“Did you black out or something?”
“Yes… I’m sure it was the same for you just now, right?”
Alexis froze for a moment and then nodded. It was so weird, they didn’t think anyone else could relate, especially Omen of all people. “Do you remember… what it felt like?” They inquired– they cleared their throat in the middle of the sentence, it felt as if the words were stuck or were too nervous to be spoken. “I felt like a wild animal, cornered and afraid, but enraged as well. All I could think about was revenge. I’m not sure why, I’d never seen that man before.”
“Did you feel out of control of yourself?”
Omen looked over at Alexis, their expression had become somber as they stared at the floor. “Yes, did you?”
Alexis nodded again as they let out a deep exhale. They laid back in their chair and stared at the ceiling while Omen kept his gaze on the table. Neither agent was unsure how to continue the conversation after that– it was both reassuring to know the other felt the same, but they couldn’t shake the pit in their stomachs as the memories resurfaced in their minds. Omen knew this really bothered Alex– they were usually so happy-go-luck. This side of them was definitely a first for Omen. 
“Well!” Alexis shot up from their chair. “I should go see Brimstone, he’s probably tearing ass just looking for me.” They spoke with a giggle. They smiled down at Omen– who now felt like an idiot. He was trying to push them away, and he knew if Alexis left now, they’d still feel terrible, but try to hide it from him. What’s something they’d want to hear? Something that would really put them at ease. Something… he needed to hear too.
“It won’t take you. As long as you are with us, that fear won’t take you away. I’ll make sure of it myself.”
Suddenly, he felt a pair of arms from behind pull him into a spine-breaking hug. Alexis’ head was buried into his shoulder. “Thanks, Omen. That means a lot…” They said as their head nuzzled into their neck. A chill went down Omen’s spine. If he could blush, he would be bright red right now. He stood up and cleared his throat. “Don’t mention it. I’ll come with you to see Brimstone.”
Their excitement was really obvious as they bounced on the heel of their feet. “Hell yeah! Come on, buddy! I need my bodyguard!”
Alexis ran off while Omen followed close behind. He knew those words weren’t enough to fully cheer his friend up, but when he saw that cheery smile on their face again, it brought way more relief than he expected. His focus now was to make sure what happened to Alexis wouldn’t happen again.
Not while he still drew breath.
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I'm obsessing over this scene rn, I swear it's so funny and not just because Blaine manages to alchemise the most obnoxious enunciation of the word "bruh" feasible to the human vocal range (🏆Achievement Unlocked!) but because the technicalities at work here are just. grand.
you have Blaine, Dougie and Hutch in the car -
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and for some context, we know for a fact that despite it being kind of a backalley situation and close enough to a pretty busy street that Liv could see Blaine handing something to Dougie
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plus it is right next to Blaine's favourite 'dog friendly internet café' (so much going on with that) where anyone might come and go who was still using an internet café in 2014/2015. I don't know, maybe that's a thing in Seattle.
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So it is hardly the most secretest of locations. Anyone can walk by at any moment. It's not a cul-de-sac, so it goes both ways -
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and then Blaine kills them, right? Scream, splat, windows red.
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And this is where I'm at right now. Because what really sent me down this rabbit hole is...
Blaine must have
gotten Hutch out of the driver's seat and into the boot/another seat without anyone seeing him handle a pretty large, pretty bleeding, pretty obliterated dead body bigger than himself and dragging him around
Driven off with the windows caked with blood and viscera from the inside
De-brained the bodies somewhere for Jackie (and put the brains into a nice box)
Disposed of the bodies
Disposed of the car (sad, I like the car. But then, you're probably not gonna get that sold without some really convincing story about an en route tomato soup mishap)
Gotten cleaned up and went to see Jackie. All in a few little hours, bc he was going to meet Liv after work and it's still light out when he goes to see Jackie
I think if you have some wet wipes or a sponge to wipe an opening into the windscreen splatter and drive really careful at intersections, that might still work and at least the FUCKING BLOOD on your windows will hide the FUCKING CORPSES IN YOUR CAR. So I'm handwaving that, probably less effort/higher risk than his "kidnap Angus in a tub full of concrete and drive him to family estate" but then I started thinking about the details of this even more.
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how did he fucking do this
He didn't use his gun - this is way too much splatter, even if we're ready to attribute the lack of audible gunshots to the silencer he often uses. Plus, for blood to hit the rear window in the first place, he'd have to shoot Dougie in the head - which would ruin the brain and penetrate the glass. And (mind you), this is the car from behind. Which means the side-window we're seeing is the window Blaine is sitting at, so a gunshot wouldn't get it that covered in blood either.
He could have used his knife which might account for more blood and some to hit the window he's sitting at - but there is no way that he could have covered the rear window that much.
Which kind of leaves me with. He mauled them. I mean, yeah, that's kind of the obvious thing they're indicating there, he fucking mauled them and then some. And it's only Episode 2. He just went for the jugular which means either he forgot his gun and was like 'oh, city boys make do-' and ripped their throat out or he just felt like doing it (the reasoning maybe being that a gun is too loud? But I still think it's more obvious than driving through the city with your car windows covered in blood- maybe it's just bc they were being rude. Babygirl snapped.)
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londonandrewsandme · 2 months
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Monday 22 January 2024
Item By Item 5
Item By Item 5
“My life just continues to be told in his words. The level of documentation and obsession is immense.”
Now this is were things start to get really interesting as I pull them apart. The obsession, yes, is provided by me and my obsessive and driven personality. The documentation, the details, were provided by London Andrews herself. Not just via her internet posts and blogs, but in our personal online conversations.
Understand that post, that ‘Time Line’ that London complains about, the, “My life just continues to be told in his words.”. Was quite literally approved by her in 2019 ! (see screen shoots of email)
Well, some many say that it was 2019, it’s a long time ago. Perhaps she forgot ?
But, there’s more. This email was for her to approve that actual ‘Time Line’. The Time Line was posted , as planned, in January 2020. Here’s the thing, Every December she approved any changes and the new addition for the year that was ending. Following the events of 2022, I did not update or post the Time Line in 2023….until I decided I needed to, (in August ‘23) to counter London’s attacks and lies.
Now, here’s the thing and perhaps something to motivate the : “ My life just continues to be told in his words.” complaint from London ? In August of 2023 when I reposted the Time Line, one year each day, from the 2015 post onwards there was an additional item. I added a personal, ‘London Andrews and me’ post. This outlined the events between London and myself for each year.
I think this is really what she is on about ? And this is really the story she wants to stop !
And remember, the London Andrews Project, were fan sites set up with London’s help, approval and advice. To fill a gap to keep her fans informed and promoting her and her work on social media platforms that she was vacating because she no longer had time to update all these accounts etc. She had retreated to using Instagram as her sole platform to push her modelling work and the animal sanctuary she had founded. I was to do the same for her on the sites that she had left, to duplicate things she posted to promote her and keep her fans up to date and satisfied. And I will be dealing with this duplication of her IG posts in more detail soon.
So, “My life just continues to be told in his words.”. Was told in words she approved !
Question ? Do you see a theme developing here ?
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This may be oddly specific but what the heck, how about a scenario with a g/n reader where they’re a fashion designer, and they’re talking with the Adeuce duo in Mostro lounge about modelling their latest designs for a magicam photoshoot, but Adeuce are too busy and can’t help, so they’re trying to figure out who can substitute on short notice, all while a certain pair of twins can’t help but overhear their conversation (delete if this is too much)
I fastforwarded past the “reader talking to Adeuce about their designs” part so I could get to the more interesting bits~
I wanted to actually write the part where the twins modelled, but I hit my 1k word limit just doing the build up to it. If you’re interested in seeing the twins model, please consider submitting a follow-up request when I’m taking new ones!
Model Jade though--
[Image used is credited to KawaiiR.]
Imagine this...
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Not enough. The hit of sugar from the fruit juice you downed wasn’t enough to settle your stress. As soon as your glass was drained of liquid, you slammed it down upon the counter, head snapping to the bartender.
“Another round,” you grunted, motioning for him to make it quick as you slid your empty container over.
Jade received your cup with a sigh and passed it off to his twin, who had taken advantage of slow business to invade the counter space. Floyd was collecting glasses and stacking them into a neat pyramid. His heterochromatic eyes peered out at odd bends through the curved cups, shining with glee as he used his newly acquired cup to crown off the formation.
Jade’s gaze returned to you, paired with a fake sympathetic smile. “I’m afraid I will have to ‘cut you off’. Drowning your sorrows with drink is not a healthy means of coping.”
If they keep this pace up, we won’t have anything left for the lunch rush. And how bothersome it would be if he had to take precious time out of his break to restock on their beverages.
“Who cares, as long as I pay for it,” you muttered, slamming a hand on the counter. “Another round, Jade.”
“You are already incurring a hefty tab.” He shook his head--a polite refusal.
“Good,” you grumbled sarcastically. “That means Octavinelle gets another indentured servant when I can’t cough up the cash.”
Jade chuckled, bringing a hand to his chest and not making any effort to deny your grim prediction. “Rather than drag yourself further into the depths of debt... May I ask what it is that troubles you, dear customer? Perhaps we may be able to hear you out and assist with your woes.”
“I’m not sure if you can,” you retorted, fingers rubbing at your temples. “I’ve just lost my two models, and I don’t know where I’m going to find replacements on such short notice.”
“You mean Kani-chan and Saba-chan?” Floyd asked, propping his face up with curled fingers. His cheeks squished against his touch, granting him a more innocent look than usual. “They were with you earlier and left all in a hurry.”
“Yeah. Deuce had a Track and Field Club meet he forgot about, and Ace got detention with Crewel for failing the last quiz,” you groaned, “which leaves me without models for my new collection.”
“Collection?” Floyd’s face suddenly lit up with interest. “Like a fashion collection?”
“Yup, that’s right.” You fished your phone out of your pocket and unlocked it, pulling up your Magicam account. The students of NRC may have boasted magical pens, but you wove your own magic with needle and cloth. “I share the outfits I design and make.”
You tilted your mobile device to show your page. Each image cropped nicely, expertly shot and edited to perfection--very aesthetic. Floyd “ooh”ed and “aah”ed at the designs parading across the screen, but Jade’s eyes immediately honed in on your follower count.
It wasn’t celebrity status like Vil’s cool 5 million count. It wasn’t even decent-sized influencer status like Cater’six digits. But it was at least a few thousand, and numbers like that had reasonable sway.
“I could take pictures of mannequins with my clothes, but it just doesn’t feel the same as when real, breathing people are wearing them,” you explained. “It’s hard to find the right types for this sort of thing...”
The twins hovered over your phone, nearly cheek to cheek and shoulder to shoulder, as they absorbed your Magicam gallery. Spitting images, reflections with slight differences--the shape and colors of their eyes, the black tufts of hair that swung like pendulums, framing their handsome faces. Features delicate, yet sharp.
Your voice trailed off as realizations lowly set in. The longer you stared at the twins, the more pieces seemed to fall in place of the puzzle. “Tall, broad shouldered, and the facial symmetry...” You brought a hand to your chin, brows creasing in concentration.
That’s it.
“You’re exactly what I’m looking for!!” you blurted out, abruptly standing and seizing each of their hands. “Please, be my models!”
“Mmm? Sounds fun!” Floyd threw his head back and laughed, eager to be amused by something new. He turned to his brother. “Ne, ne, Jade~ Can we?”
“Hmm.” Jade cast a cursory glance around the Mostro Lounge. Not a soul in sight. Then he returned to your Magicam page, and its tempting follower count. “Well, the Mostro Lounge has been looking to increase its social media presence. What better way to achieve that than by cross promoting with a fellow content creator? And what’s more...”
He snickered into his hand. “I could not possibly allow Floyd, nor myself, to continue to wallow in boredom.”
“Then...!!” You clutched their hands tighter, hope filling your heart.
“We will lend you our aid for this endeavor.”
“Yes...!! Thank you, thank you so much!!” You clapped in excitement, your legs caught up in a little jig. “Oh, I’ll need to take your measurements, then tailor Ace and Deuce’s original outfits to your sizes. We also need to find a suitable spot for the photo shoot--a place with natural lighting would be best--and, and, and...”
“There will be plenty of time to sort those details out,” Jade calmly reassured you. “Ah, but first... there remains the matter of your drink tab.”
“... Oh.”
“Furthermore, since you are contracting us... You will need to draw up a formal agreement with Azul, and agree to his terms and conditions by signing off on the dotted line,” Jade continued, his tone even and pleasant.
You swallowed hard. A deal with Octavinelle? It may as well have been signing your soul away.
“You got it, riiight?” Floyd inquired in a lazy drawl. “Cuz you’re a fashion designer and all. You must’ve worked with contracts before.”
“You understand, yes?” Jade pressed, chiming in with his twin.
“E-Er, now wait a sec...”
“It’s just business,” the twins recited in unison--their smiles dangerously devilish.
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ambiguouspuzuma · 2 years
Code Red
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You had to have a code. You know, even if only because it sounds good when you say it out loud. People are suckers for that sort of thing. I kill people. Oh no! But I have a code. Oh, that's all right then. It doesn't really matter what it is: some vague banalities, a handful of platitudes that everybody follows anyway. It gives the impression that your work is underpinned by some veneer of morality, or at least the rules of civilisation. That's good. Nobody wants to hire a savage.
With a code under your belt, you aren't just a soulless murderer who would do anything for the right price. Of course, the irony is that talking about the code is great for business, like a USP to differentiate yourself from the common or garden hitmen out there, to make your clients think they're getting a more prestigious service. A killer with discretion. Somebody they could trust, even though the whole thing is basically a scam.
No children or animals. That's always a good one. As if anyone would hire you to off the neighbour's chihuahua, even if it was being particularly yappy. Few people have any desire to hurt someone's kids or pets - and even if they did, they're pretty easy prey without professional help. Nobody hires a high-level assassin for that kind of job, and so the rule is never actually tested. That's the beauty of making a big deal about your code. You can get rewarded for the stuff that you were doing anyway.
The rules can be as arbitrary as you like. I don't hurt innocents is another one of mine, like anyone's itching to shell out five figures to bump someone who hasn't done anything wrong. I'm not looking to kill any saints, or martyr any new ones, but I've never actually been asked to. There's always a reason behind the hit, always some real or imagined guilt, even if the client's verdict wouldn't exactly stand up in a court of law. I never said I had the same burden of proof.
Only quick, clean deaths is another one that makes me sound like a world-class empath, when really I just like to get the job done as efficiently as possible. I'm not about to make a mess when I can shoot the target in the head. Why would I? That's just piling more risk onto my own back. I'm not doing the dead guy any favours in making it quick, removing any chance for him to defend himself, to raise the alarm for the police, or get my DNA under his fingernails. I'm only being merciful to myself.
Nothing less than $10k is just me looking after my bank account, but it does help to present yourself as exclusive. People want a premium service. They might have been happy to pay that anyway, but not as keen to commission a clean, professional hit from somebody who's also a back-alley butcher for those clients on a budget. I know, it's messed up, but I don't make the rules. Or I only make my own ones. You know what people are like. If it exists, customers will be snobs about it.
Then there are the weird ones, just to pad out the list. No jobs on Sundays. I'm not even religious, but it really adds that extra façade of dignity, doesn't it? Nobody over retirement age. That just brings some symmetry to the kid thing. There's definitely a market of people wanting old-timers dead, but it's not a massive chunk of the business, and I'm happy enough to let nature take its course. No veterans. It's good to seem like a patriot. Besides, I'm always less keen to go after a guy with combat experience.
But then I got the offer. It came in a letter, unsigned, promising $100k on completion of the job - ten times my minimum rate, and enough to keep me in ammunition for the foreseeable future. In fact, I would barely need to use any more for a while. But the job itself was weird. Some old major from the Navy, with specific instructions to hit him on his way to church on Easter Sunday, two weeks from now.
That's a handful of my rules in tatters all at once. One or two might be an accident, clients who forgot a detail or didn't bother to read my terms, but the three least important ones, the ones I'd simply made up, and none of the rest? I don't see many jobs like this, with that level of specificity, coming around by coincidence. Somebody has asked me this on purpose - with that price calculated to tempt me just enough to bend the code I claim to keep. Like they're seeing what I'll say. Like it's some sort of test.
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thr-333 · 4 years
Just Another Class Trip :)  Part 2
Marinette sacrifices Adrien and then steals his alter ego.
With the help of the staff Marinette is directed to the room she will be sharing with Chloe and Kagami. It was meant to be two to a room, but yada yada Lila yada yada medical condition yada yada tears= Lila gets her own room.
“Marinette,” Kagami spots her first, rising from the couch.
“Mari!” Chloe vaults over the couch and hug tackles her, Marinette barely moves an inch, “You should have heard all the shit Lila was saying on the way here, you’d think it be enough she got the class to leave you behind!”
“Perhaps it’s best if you do not,” Kagami pulls Chloe off her, “You didn’t answer your phone,”
“Well lucky for you housekeeping dropped this by earlier,” Chloe hands her a box, inside filled with essential items, tooth brush, hair brush, even a pair of pyjamas, along with a note
‘Courtesy of the Waynes, for Miss Marinette Dupain-Cheng’
“Must be a generic package,” She had shrugged off the bellhops earlier saying her bags were lost.
“Well since you don’t have to unpack, help me with this,” Chloe leads her over to their kitchen that might actually be bigger than her houses.
On the counter beauty products are lined up along with random ingredients.
“We’re making face masks!”
“Correction, Chloe is making face masks,” Kagami scolds, “I argued that sleep would be more effective,”
“And yet you didn’t go to sleep,” Chloe teases, mashing up avocado.
“Well not without you,” Kagami smirks, making Chloe blush, but it’s not like her to back down.
“Awe, you’d wait for me~” Chloe relishes in the blush dusting Kagami's cheeks.
Marinette dry heaves, wondering how long they were going to keep pretending to flirt like this, each too stubborn to back down. They have been doing this more and more recently, great that they were more comfortable around each other but…
“How about we go to bed,” Marinette disturbs their challenging stares.
“Not without Kagami,”
“I already used that one,”
“I never said we’d use the bed for sleeping~”
“Hey!” Her exclamation doesn't get them to drop their staring contest, “Do either of you know what room Adrien is in?”
“End of the hall,” They both answer, not looking at her.
“Great,” Marinette hastily grabs her bag and the box, she could get ready in Adrien's room, away from the weirdness.
She practically runs down the hall, ignoring her Kwami’s snickering.
“Mari!” Adrien throws the door open for her, “Did everything go ok, you didn’t answer your phone, you look upset,”
“Sorted everything out with security no problems, Phones dead, Bag stolen,” She plops down on the couch next to Nino, “Chlo and Kags are driving me crazy,”
“How long have you been back?” She looks down at her watch.
“Three minutes,”
“Are they doing that thing again?” Adrien, Kwami bless him hands her a mug of coffee.
“Yep,” She takes a sip from the mug, she retracts that blessing “Betrayal! This isn’t coffee!”
“It’s hot chocolate,” Adrien is in the kitchen fixing another mug, “You need to go to bed, and coffee will keep you up,”
No she needed to go on patrol, and a coffee is vital to her surviving it.
“What’s up with Chloe and Kagami?” Nino takes off his headphones.
“They started teasing each other by jokingly flirting but their both too stubborn to back down," Marinette sighs, downing half the mug of hot chocolate so she can get herself a damn coffee, "So they get uncomfortable then we get uncomfortable and its overall very uncomfortable,”
“I think it’s kind of funny,” Adrien sits down next to her, mug in hand.
“It would be if they both weren’t horrible at flirting,” She steals the mug away from him taking a sip.
That is not coffee, that is sugar disguised as a liquid
“That’s the funny part,” Adrien smiles as she hands back the mug,
“Touche Agreste, Touche,”
“If you wanted you could sleep in my room,” Nino offers, oh so innocently.
“Thank’s Nino, but I would rather Alya not kill me,”
“Nah dude, I was going to stay with Alya anyway Madame Bustier wont mind,” Yeah their teacher really should learn not to trust teenagers, "So you can have my room,”
“Nino you are a godsent,”
Nino cleans up his few thrown about items and bids them adieu. Marinette was glad they could still talk, maybe they were even still friends. When you have the devil in one ear and her loyal sidekick in the other it is actually kind of impressive they still have a friendly relationship.
“So how’s your day been?” Marinette gathers up the strength to start a conversation after making her own coffee, and her mouth was only very burnt from chugging a hot drink.
“Good, Chloe took us to a supermarket, I brought a bunch of american snacks!”
Indeed he had, Marinette watches in mild horror as he plops bags full of junk food in front of her.
“I didn’t realise we were feeding an army,” Adrien starts rooting through the bags, “If a super villain comes after you because you brought all their favourite snacks in Gotham I’m not protecting you,”
“I’d just share with them,” Adrien hums, chomping down on a chocolate bar.
“... Yeah that could work,” Dear Kwami I have to protect this sunshine child,  “Maybe,”
“Oi, don’t eat too much, I don't want to have to re tailor your outfit for the runway,” She teases, regretting it immediately as Adrien's shoulders sag.
“Adri I’m kidding,”  She places a hand on his shoulder smiling gently, “I already made the measurements a bit bigger so you’re good.
“Have I ever told you you’re the best?”
“Not enough you haven't,” Marinette huffs in mock offence, “Now eat,”
She shoves the chocolate bag in his face, getting it all over his cheek. They both start laughing as Adrien tries to get his revenge. They end up falling off the couch, Marinette on top of him. Adrien is blushing a bright red, Marinette just grins and shoves the chocolate in his face before getting up.
She could almost laugh at how her younger self would react to that. It wasn't as if she didn’t like Adrien, well maybe not in that way anymore, she honestly hadn't put that much thought into it lately. Things just got busy she supposed, Akumas got harder, then she became the guardian, she started her fashion career. Actually her fashion career might be at fault.
Gabriel had started lending Adrien to model for her more and more. The man stepping further and further back from the fashion world, or the world in general, over the years for whatever the reason. At first she had been a blushing mess around Adrien, not directing him properly and making her work suffer for it. Overtime she had learnt how to handle it, getting less flustered every time they worked together. Now that she thought about it, when she had revealed her identity as MDC Adrien didn’t seem surprised; maybe her work attitude had bled into her regular life well before then.
Marinette is washing the chocolate off when a knock sounds at the door. Neither feel like walking to it so shout out ‘come in’. That turned out to be a mistake as Lila bursts into the room. How were they supposed to know Lila would actually knock?!
“Marinette you slut!” Lila all but screeches.
“Lila, you don’t have an audience and neither of us believe you,” Marinette comes out of the bathroom, already bored of the conversation she really needed to go, Lila and Marinette both.
“Well just wait, tomorrow the whole class is going to know what you did,” Lila gets up in her face, so close she can smell her perfume.
No not Lila's perfume her perfume.
“Right, sorry to say but there’s worse rumours than sleeping with a supermodel,” Marinette tries to edge her way around Lila, good excuse as any to dip out for patrol.
“Not if I say you forced him,” Lila looks way to self satisfied for what she is implying
I think the fuck not
“Nah,” Adrien shrugs, getting Lila’s ire turned on him, a noble sacrifice indeed.
“Nah?” Lila looks livid, “What do you mean Nah !”
“I’d just say I wanted to,” Adrien stays calm with Lila's face inches from him, Marinette gives him the thumbs up as she edges closer to the door, Adrien nods back.
She loved this version of the high road
“After all Marinette's super pretty and talented,” Adrien gushes, Marinette grins at the face Lila must be making, “Honestly your lie is so unbelievable, why would she ever go for someone like me?”
Marinette closes the door on Lila’s cursing response, saying a quick word of praise for Adrien's bravery and sacrifice.
At least he gets to see Lila’s reaction when she realises I’m gone
Marinette uses a back door of the hotel to get to the street, not wanting the staff to stop her and warn about the dangers. She skips along looking for a good place to change. The city was actually kind of beautiful at night, she feels drawn to it in a strange way.
“Marinette!” Tikki looks out from her scarf, “You forgot the Miracle box,”
“Shoot!” She looks back to the hotel, a few blocks away from it by now, “It’ll be fine Tikki I leave it at home all the time,”
“You’re not at home right now,” Tikki looks worried, those are her friends after all, “It’s a guardians duty-”
Marinette tries not to groan, she really does.
“I know Tikki, I know,” She looks over the buildings surrounding her, feeling a deep itch to see Gotham from the rooftops “But can’t I just be myself for once, not the guardian?”
“You are the guardian,” Tikki insists, before sighing, “Which means you can make your own decisions regarding the miracle box,”
“Thank you Tikki,” She hugs the little Kwami, “I promise to be back super quick, I just have to stop one bad guy, an eye witness account of Starling so I don’t just appear randomly, I won’t even need to go on patrol again after this,”
“Alright Marinette, I trust you,” Tikki nuzzles her cheek, easing Marinette's conscience.
With that she ducks out of sight to get changed. Her costume is pretty simple really. All she had to do was pull her infinity scarf up, discrete holes allowing her to see. She turns her skirt inside out to a black side, with white, purple, and blue detailing to stick to her Starling namesake. The skirt pulls over her shoulders, a zip down the middle allowing her more movement, and a zip to form a secret hood.
Ready to go she climbs up to the roof, super strength and speed making roof hopping easier. She supposed if someone looked too hard they would be able to piece together pieces of her costume but her ‘cape’ hides the detailing of her shirt. Besides if she has her way she won’t have to use this identity ever again, but she rarely has her way.
About ten minutes into her search through Gotham she spots a broken window. Not notable except that the lights are on. She lowers herself onto the fire escape and sure enough someone is being held at gunpoint.
“Excuse me,” Both people jump, spinning to look at Starling casual sitting on the broken glass on the window sill, “You seem to have a very rude house guest on your hands,”
“Who the hell are you!?” The burglar turns their gun on her.
“Just a stray passing through,” She gives a bright smile, and a very Chat like bow, “Starling at your service… milady,”
If I’m going Chat I might as go full Chat Noir, hope he doesn't file a lawsuit against me
“Ummm,” The woman looks very confused, but not as confused as the burglar.
“Would you like me to remove him from your home?”
“Ah… yes?”
With another smile Starling makes her move. In the split second it takes the burglar to register her offer she's standing in front of him. The gun moves a second too late as she ceases his arm, her strength being as good as handcuffs. She hits a pressure point her Aunt taught her to make him drop the gun, kicking it away. Pinning the man's arm behind his back she spins him around, zip tying his hands.
“What the fuck!!”
“That’s no kind of language,” Starling reprimands, pushing him towards the window, “Now apologise,”
“What?! No way fuck you!” Starling grins, hooking a bungee cord to his shirt.
“Alright then, bye!” She pushes him out the window.
His screaming doesn't stop even when she watches as he bounces back up, dangling out the window. She grins.
Ladybug would never get away with that
Tying the other end of the cord to a post, she double checks to make sure everything is secure before turning back to the victim.
“So sorry about the rude intrusion milady,” She bows again, in jest, “Have you contacted the police?”
“Yeah… what are you?”
“A Starling bird,” Starling spins, showing off her cape, the patterning placed to resemble wings, “I though the name would be a dead give away,”
“Yeah, but what are you? A Bat? Vigilante?”
“Vigilante yes, Bat not so much,” Starling can see as she looks more cautious after that, “Just happened to be passing through Gotham when I saw you in need of assistance,”
“Right... ok then...” She sits down, letting herself slump over the couch, “Ugh, this has been a terrible day,”
“How so?” Starling eyes up the kitchen, “Besides from mister bungee jump out there,”
“I was almost out of work this afternoon when a new rumour about the Wayne's blew up,” Starling nods along, turning the oven on and picking out ingredients.
“I work in the PR department at Wayne tower, do you have any idea how hard that is?!” Starling shakes her head finding a bowl but no measuring cups, she could just estimate.
“They have new bruises everyday,” Starling does look up to that, very concerned, “Don’t worry it’s not abuse or anything, they really are just dumbasses,”
Starling snickers a little bit at that, pouring in ingredients like second nature.
“I once asked mister Drake why he had a giant bruise on his forehead, he told me he passed out at his desk and just slammed into it!” Starling does laugh at that one, “Like?! How am I supposed to tell people that without sullying the Wayne name?”
“I think its funny,” She did clearly not agree, Starling changes the subject as she starts mixing “What was the problem today?”
“Nothin much really someone took pictures of mister Drake talking and giving a ride to some girl with black hair and blue eyes, and now everyone thinks she’s a Wayne,”
“That’s all it takes?” She starts placing the cookie dough on the baking tray, “Maybe I should apply?”
“Nah, you’d sooner be Batman's kid than Bruce Wayne's,” She cracks the first smile Starling has seen so far, “He’s got the same amount of kids, if not more,”
“Maybe they should share custody?” Starling puts the cookies in the oven, “Double the number each,”
“Yeah, how about no?” She smiles more, which is good, “I can’t imagine having to explain away the bruises the Bat kids get,”
Starling smiles, the sound of sirens now drawing close.
“I guess that's my cue to leave Milady,” Starling jumps up onto the window sill, the burglar still shouting below, “Take the cookies out in fifteen minutes,”
“Hey,” Starling looks back, “Thank you,”
“No problem,” Starling sends a dazzling smile, “Good night, Milady,”
Taglist (guess I’m doing these now, please let me know if theres any issues):
@smolplantmum @flufflepuffle296 @dawnwave16  @caffeinetheory   @g-arya   @Maribat-2k20   @ladybug-182    @Actual-disaster-human    @fusser90   @messrs-weasley   @soap-lady  @paintedhope7   @zeneralla    @mochegato     @random-nerd-3 @clumsy-owl-4178  @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen   @too0bsessedformyowngood @certifiedbidisaster  @Purplegeekypanda
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maan-is-done · 3 years
I found this twitter account who shared the details about banana fish stage play.
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It covers the first thirteen episodes of the anime, ie until the end of the Arthur fight. There's no intermission so don't ask me about halfway points or whatever. It opens the same way as both the manga and anime (though Vietnam because manga years)
Don't quote me on this, but certain Questionable lines were changed or cut completely. (Ex. No skip needing to specify hE's GaY to Eiji, and it was quick but I believeee shorter's line was altered)
The first change I can think of is that Marvin straight up says he's a fan of his CP the first meeting, instead of the coy indirectness. So it's not like a twist, it's something you know all along. (Though idk anyone going to see it who wouldn't know)
Eiji kawaii. He played up the innocence and cheerfulness pretty well. He got his pole jumping but lol it was low-key more parkour because stunts lol
It was actually kinda sweet framing it that way. Ash and Eiji heart to heart and then Ash kisses him. The kiss is included!
The interrogation scene with Ash was cut. (Like I said, they told us outright he was in CP). The hospital meeting with Ash and Eiji was also cut (but Eiji was still told his backstory by Charlie) HOWEVER much of the conversation was into their prison conversation
Max gives a line about how a young pretty boy will have trouble in prison, but the assault scene is cut. Instead Ash pretends to be sick to go to the doctor
The first BIG change that I imagine was due to both time and set limitations, When Ash is released from prison... He's just released lol. No car hijacking and running away with Eiji, they just let him off at his place and that's that lmaoo
A lot more stuff that was pretty much the same. Shorter was bald the entire time, but those scenes with him in disguise and helping Eiji are accurate (and Griff getting shot)
Likewise, the whole first attempt at killing Dino and the whole ""fish restaurant"" is cut. Max gets released from prison not long later and they kinda just meet up
We don't get Jessica or Michael. "We have to help Max's son" is still the motive to get Ash out, but we never see them and the rescue is all off stage. Same with Shorter's sister, she's used as blackmail but never seen. (There's no women in the cast)
Cape Cod is cut completely. We don't get Ash's dad or any of that plot. WE DO get the scene of Ash teaching Eiji to shoot and is ultimately the same, except it takes place in New York by the Hudson River. They just go straight from NYC to LA.
The plot is basically the same but condensed. The way Shorter held Eiji was ShorEiji propaganda I'm here for. HOWEVER after the initial scene in LA we don't get their perspective at all. We find out Shorter was injected with BF the same time Ash does.
No Ash in about suit :( tragic
They get a sit-down (not a full dinner)?with a lot of the lines, but it's heavily condensed and goes pretty quickly to the dungeon scene
The escape is very accurately depicted. Sing meeting Ash's gang to help. Ash going full Ranbo.
ASH PROTECTING EIJI!!! It's so 😭😭😭 You get the hug and all the gay ass lines I know you all know and Ash grabs his hand to help him up and it's yesss
Shorter's body scene is...very accurate :( Ash going ham with the machine gun, freaking out, sing showing up, Ash burning it all down (they use lights no pyrotechnics lol)
And then you get all da scenes with Eiji waking up Ash, freaking out the gang members, them eating together and Ash asking about his family, the pumpkin story etc. Dude like also Eiji's actor was pretty handsy and he's (IMO!) really blatantly flirty as hell in his potrayal.
The ~forever~ scene. Because no Cape Cod, it's the first time you hear the story about eight year old Ash. Yes you get the "forever" line from Eiji cut from the anime. I heard a lot of people crying
They really weren't concerned with looking Not Gay in that scene lol. Like Eiji hanging on Ash and rubbing on him all comfortingly. Ash laying on his lap and Eiji stroking his hair. Them falling asleep hanging onto each other. Ash waking up first and covering him with the blanket
You also get Ash and the fighting with Arthur's people. You get the Ash and Eiji fight with him running off. You get the library scene and them going to the harbor and the leopard story
Halloween party with Eiji chasing him with the pumpkin head. There's the scene where Ash asks about Eiji having a gif (Eiji really freaks the fuck out) and I WANT TO SAY there might have been a slight change to Ash's story but I might have misheard so I will be safe and keep 🤐🤐
The fight with Arthur is as accurate as can be wEXCEPT there's no Cain :( But you still get Sing and his and his gangs involvement is the same as well as Arthur playing dirty. Eiji shows up and distracts Ash but Ash still kills Arthur and screams at Eiji to go back to Japan
It ends with Ash passing out and being carried out on a stretcher with everyone being arrested and Eiji screaming for Ash. The very end is a news announcement that Ash died
Then there's curtain call
But interestingly AFTER THAT there's "after credits" scenes.
1. Max the reporter going to Dino (I forgot, Ash stealing and meeting him at the airport was kept)
2. Sing, Yut Lung, and Eiji with Eiji asking Yut Lung about where Ash was
Then you get a big TBD (there's a second part coming out later) with a spotlight on Ash shooting towards the audience and it all going dark.
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charming-mage · 4 years
Exposed by the Media Prompts Part 2
I didn’t expect that much Exposed by the Media prompts. I thought the well was dry. I was wrong. Should’ve known not to underestimate the internet and reality TV shows.
Exposed by the Media Prompts Part 1
Lies in the Media is a Different Beast: Adrien grew up in the media spotlight. He knows it’s usually not a good idea to confront the rumors in the tabloids. It gives the rumors some credibility. When he sees Lila confront a rumor that bothers her a bit too much, he doesn’t stop her. Confronting a lie in the media needs a different method than someone lying in your personal life. Just because he’s doing the high road doesn’t mean he’s going to stop her from committing a crucial mistake.
Civilian Friends Are Okay Now: It’s well known Ladybug won’t make friends in her hero persona. She’ll be friendly and kind, but with a polite distance. People accepted it after a while. This changes after Lila’s interview on the Ladyblog. People assume Ladybug changed her mind about it since there’s no retraction article.  Civilians become more pushy and want to have more personal relations. From regular people to higher ranking citizens. (ex. No more formality, more personal rapport, friendship, or even the start of an epic romance.) A few uncomfortable situations and angry citizens forces Ladybug to address this.
Total Drama Island: The Miraculous users find out one of the prizes in a new season of the Total Drama Island reality TV show is an important Miraculous artifact. It could be anything from a Miraculous to a secret Guardian book. The heroes and villains are forced to participate as none of them found the item in time. Marinette and Adrien go in their civilian selves while Hawkmoth sends in Lila. Lila tries hard to hide her true self, but the contestants do find out.
Forgot to Log Out: Lila forgets to log out of her social media accounts in the school library. She gets distracted by something and clicks on minimize instead of the close tab on her browser. Since Lila didn’t log out of her session and the next person who gets the computer didn’t bother to do so either, her tabs are still there. The person is a noisy gossip and scrolls through them. They are intrigued by what they find. They decide to take screenshots and uploads them to the school website forum page. For the drama of course. (This is based on my experience when I was in high school and the library in my city. It was common to just close the browser and not bother to log out. The next person only logged out if they needed something from their own account. It’s not worth it to log in and out just for some internet searching.)
Dear Abby: Marinette, needing advice from a third party about Lila’s lying, sends an email to the Dear Abby column. (Or France’s equivalent.) She figures since Abby has no connection to either her or Lila, the writer can give her unbiased advice. She does her best to make the details as vague as possible so everyone in her life (including Lila) can have privacy. Her message is replied to and included in an article weeks later. Her request and Abby’s reply becomes popular amongst readers. Marinette did make a mistake, though. One of the examples she gives about “Lemon” is unique enough that someone eventually finds an interview on the Ladybug suspiciously similar to the lie. Marinette stopped watching new Lila interviews because it enraged her too much. She doesn’t want to deal with Lila after school hours as well. So she’s not aware Lila also mentioned it in an interview. Dear Abby readers dig through the interviews and discover nothing but lies. The Dear Abby column and the Ladybug drama gets big enough to be covered by the media.
Real Life Works Differently Than Fiction : A few classmates end up in a situation like Lila tells in her stories. Believing in Lila, they do what Lila claimed she did thinking it would work out the same. It doesn’t turn out so well. They get scolded by involved parties not to do that again. A reporter on the scene interviews them. It comes out why they did it. Lila’s lies are exposed as the fiction they are.
Tsurugi Influence: Kagami’s status as Adrien’s girlfriend makes Lila switch targets. Marinette is in the back burner until Lila deals with her new love rival. Her plans to deal with Kagami backfires and brings media attention. Lila was too used to love rivals not doing any major action towards her. The wrath of the Tsurugi family is brought upon her. She realizes afterwards how influential and powerful the family is.
Adrien’s Phone is Stolen Again: And this time the phone thief is caught. Lila steals Adrien’s phone to post social media posts an hour later gushing about Lila/or talking about in her a positive light. By the time Adrien finds out, he can’t take back what “he” said without controversy. Which Mr. Agreste would not like. That’s Lila’s plan anyway. The problem is that Lila makes these posts while Adrien is on a surprise live interview. (Which she is unaware of.) The interviewer asks Adrien about the new posts while Adrien is clearly not on his phone/laptop. On a hunch, a quick search by Adrien leads to the discovery that his phone was stolen. The model confirms it’s his personal account and not a media team behind it. The content of the posts make Lila the main suspect.
You Can’t Delete Me Now : Lila gets in a controversy. She starts deleting comments and defending herself. Gabriel is busy in a meeting and doesn’t find out in time to stop her. Commenters get so mad at her, one of them gets the bright idea to hold up signs resembling post/comment/ or tweet. Somewhere in their message includes a line saying, “You can’t delete me now.” The idea catches on and it becomes a trend to walk around in public or near photo shoots holding signs with their comments. Everyone includes the now famous phrase in their sign.
Lila’s Wild Ride: Lila manages to steal the monkey miraculous. However, she learns the hard way why the Guardian needs to think carefully when matching someone with a miraculous. (Lila is not good at using the monkey miraculous’ power. At all.) Xuppu easily figures out what happened and makes sure to give Lila a very memorable time. The wilder it is the better. A live news crew captures footage of Ladybug furious “that lying Lila Rossi” stole a miraculous. Chat Noir is worried they’ll see a new Hawkmoth ally soon. There’s more chaos as the criminal underworld, opportunistic people, and die hard Ladybug fans enter the scene. Meanwhile, the French government is not pleased with the Italian government. An Italian diplomat’s daughter stealing a Miraculous from Ladybug herself looks very bad for relations. Looks like a secret operation that got exposed to the more paranoid members.
Hell’s Kitchen: Gordon Ramsey hosts an amateur cooking competition. An older Lila Rossi is one of the competitors. Ramsey doesn’t like her food. (or the drama she starts. And sabotaging the other competitor’s food.) Sadly for him, her cooking is barely better than the worst ones so she is able to scrap on to the next round. The execs love her for the drama. When the season airs, the contestants notice the footage was edited to make Lila look innocent. They get hate from Hell’s Kitchen fans about their meanness and most of them do what they can to defend themselves. People become interested in what Lila is like in real life. The only requirement for the prompt is for Lila to be an adult. Ramsey would not let lose on a minor.
Collaboration Gone Wrong: The Gabriel brand does a collaboration with a brand outside the fashion industry. It could be anything as long as it gets the other brand to be on the same set as Gabriel staff. Gabriel decides to give Lila bigger roles starting with this. Lila is beyond happy. A bump in the road appears when an intern around her age pulls her aside and asks her to stop lying. Lila doesn’t of course and secretly does her best to ruin the credibility of the intern before they get the idea to tell someone else. Unbeknownst to the Gabriel model, the intern is a close relative of the collaboration company’s CEO. The intern just doesn’t advertise that fact. Doesn’t want special treatment. Heads start rolling when the CEO finds out what Gabriel’s muse has done to their beloved family member. Permanently damaging a profitable business relationship is the least of Gabriel’s worries when the media gets wind of the scandal.
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queeen-goldfish · 3 years
5 Stages of A Heartbreak 1/5
A/N- I did something like this a couple of years ago but I got a little insecure about it and deleted my whole account... over one story. However I found some of the plot and decided to rewrite it. My lovely friend read it and gave me the confidence I need to repost it. I hope you enjoy it!
Category~ ANGST (my fav lol) 
WARNING (Triggers) - A tiny description of a Panic Attack 
Peter Parker Masterlist
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   “Please. I- I don’t have anything, just please don’t hurt me.” you pleaded with the robber who was currently holding you at knife point. How did you get in this situation? Lord knows, but no matter where you were, trouble was always around the corner. 
The man pushed his head back with a laugh, allowing the smell of alcohol to escape his mouth  invading your senses. “Come one now darling don’t give me that crap” the robber spat as he began to get close to you. "You were just asking to be hurt. I mean what sane person goes through an alley all by themselves in the middle of the night , huh?” he asked you, sliding the knife down your cheek causing a chill to run down your spine. He opened his mouth once again only to be cut off by a familiar voice,
“Hey now why wasn’t I invited to the hang out”  
’Oh thank God, it's Peter’ you thought to yourself. To afraid to move you stared at the multicolored brick wall accompanied by the rusted fire escape that looked too old to do any real good in any real emergency, 
“Spider-man?” The robber questioned looking around trying to place a location on the young hero. Spider-man gasped dramatically, “You know who I am? Who would have known I had fans around this part of town?” He asked sarcastically as he swung from the roof onto the alley floor. Seeing Spider-man getting closer, the robber placed the knife against your neck as a warning. “Woah now let’s not get too excited” he added as he put his hands up for the robber to see
“Yeah, well we were just having a little chit chat, weren’t we darling?” the robber asked you, adding pressure to his hold on you making you whimper against the pressure.
“Tsk tsk tsk” Spider-man responded walking closer to the robber “Now thats no way to talk to the lady now is it '' he asked shooting a web onto the robbers hand pulling him away from you. 
Seeing that he was in a losing battle,the robber dropped his weapon holding his hands up, “Wa-wait we can work something-” but before the man was able to say anything else he was swept off his feet and on the ground groaning in pain. Within minutes the robber was tied up and left for the clean-up department, a.k.a the police officers.
“Spider-man?” you called out. Your voice was raspy and you couldn’t control the tears that started to flow down your face with such ease. His full attention was on you, walking over slowly, he placed one hand behind his back and the other reaching out for you to grab, “Milady?”  As you placed your hands upon his, he swept you off your feet and into the air. At first your eyes were closed due to the spontaneous change in altitude, but once your body calmed down you opened your eyes. Face to face with the dazzling stars that illuminated the night sky. Looking down at the city lights you could tell Peter was taking you but it didn’t stop the question from leaving your lips, “Are we going home?” you asked your voice no higher than a whisper. Peter answered your question with a gentle squeeze but not a word was spoken until you two landed on top of your building's roof.
“Peter- I mean-” you cleared your throat a bit nervous,“Spiderman. Uuh- Thanks” you said, feeling the blush creep up your neck. You were used to speaking to Peter, but never when he was in his suit, it almost felt too- unreal.
Peter snatched off his mask from his face, searching your body with his eyes for anything out of place. Only then did you notice the way his breath was almost shaky, like the reality of it all just hit him. Any other day you would have looked away too afraid to be caught staring, but the way he stood there watching over you like it was his only reason to live had you memorized. The only thing that took you out of his trance was the crack in his voice as he grabbed your shoulders,  “I thought, I thought I lost you. I heard your voice but I didn’t think it was you- or- I, I don’t know but I just knew I had to come and then I did and he had a knife against your throat and- oh God '' he cried taking in a sharp breath. Placing a hand on his cheek you rubbed the tears away with your thumb. He put his hand over yours, caressing it ever so gently staring into your eyes. You tried to think of something to say, something that may ease the shock he had on his face but before you could even form the words he pulled you into a kiss, only coming up for air to look into your eyes and kiss you all over again. 
After a moment Peter stopped and looked at you for what seemed like forever, “I know this is sudden but-” Peter pulled a candy ring-pop from dropping down on one knee. You chuckled looking between the boy you’ve loved for so long and the sugary treat he held in his hand. “This ring pop is- well a little smashed up-” you both laughed at the statement, you couldn’t figure out if it was the adrenaline or pure happiness but you felt like you could run a mile. “- But I was hoping that you would still at least let me do my romantically cringy speech” you nodded and he chuckled nervously, “ Okay here it goes, y/n?”
“Emhmm” you tried to contain your smile with your hands but you were sure it could be seen from miles away. 
“Uh-huh” you said, egging him to go on. Suddenly his facial features changed like there was something wrong. “Peter you're scaring me what's wron-”
“You’re gonna be late?” he said drooping the candy ring pop looking around
“Peter what? What are you talking about'' Peter grabbed your hand pulling you closer to the edge, “Peter you’re scaring me what's going on”
“You have to wake up”
“What-” He shoved you off the building and as soon as you hit the ground-
“Peter!” You popped up huffing as you looked around only to meet face to face with your mother.  
“No it’s not Peter, it’s your mother. It’s about time you woke up” your mother yelled as she picked up the dirty clothes that were on your floor and placed them into a hamper. 
“Mom, you scared me! I think you just ended my life…. in my dreams!”
“Yeah, well if picking up your dirty clothes at this age is going to be a normal activity of mine, I guess my life ended ages ago. So you can call us even.” she said without hesitation while  taking the hamper exiting the room, “You need to be out of the house in twenty minutes!”
“Yes ma’am” You said sighing as you swung you leg off the bed 
I mean of course it was just a dream. Perfect Peter would never do anything that heroically romantic...Not to you at least. You guys had been friends for over 10 years- no, not just friends, best friends.So close that he feels the need to tell you every single detail about his crush, Ms. Liz freakin Allen. As if your love for him wasn’t already impossible, he goes and crushes on the rich ‘cheerleader’ with brains. Not to mention he talks about her all the time, even at this very moment! I guess you don’t mind his little rambles, or at least you pretend you don’t. It gives you an excuse to admire his features a little more. Like his mesmerizing lips that moved so elegantly as he talked. Making the most boring of subjects an entertaining sport. The way he casually bit his lip as he smiled or when his tongue would tease you with a quick game of peek a boo as they swept across his bottom lip. Or the way he just said your name so sweet like the morning dew on a summers day.You loved the way your named rolled off his tongue with… wait-
“Y/n!” Peter called, you looked up at him confused, why on earth was he shouting your name like that? “Y/n are you even listening?” Peter Parker asked, making your stomach drop a bit. Of course you weren’t listening; he was ranting about Ms.Perfect, but you didn’t expect to be quizzed on the subject.  
Giving a chuckle you pulled on your sleeve out of habit, “um of course, I just.. Zoned out for a second.. Or two” you explained looking down at your half eaten pizza. The school pizza didn’t look all that appetizing, but anything was better than looking into Peter’s eyes. That boy could read you like a book with no cover. You heard him give a small chuckle, that made the ends of your lips curve up. His soft laugh gave you the ability to look up at him. At the moment he was combing his fingers through his hair as he bit the side of his lip, something he did quite often to stop from smiling but his smile was almost memorizing. The way his smile could melt you from the inside out was almost scary. 
He looked back at you shaking his head jokingly, “Well I guess I’ll just have to tell you again won’t I? I was telling you guys that I finally asked Liz out” he said simply. It took you a moment to process his words. You were waiting for the punchline, the “Ha you should have seen your face”. Yet the only thing you got was the gut punching feeling in your stomach that made you want to throw up your half eaten pizza, and the breakfast you thought would have been devoured by now. It’s not that bad, keep it together just nod just do something just don’t- “Y/n?” All eyes were on you. Peter. Ned. Mj...Peter. You could feel the lump in your throat building and your breath begin to shorten so you smiled and nodded, taking a deep breath, and then another but it was as if your lungs had stopped listening to orders. 
You heard Mj grab her bag and grab yours too, “I just forgot me and Y/n have a project we need to work on-” she said handing you your stuff and pushing you towards the cafeteria exit
“What right now?!” Peter asked, you were still walking, afraid a tear would slip if you turned back now.You could hear MJ talking to him in a rushed voice. Something about a deadline and in a hurry.When she finally caught up to you she led you to the nearest bathroom and locked the main door.You leaned onto the bathroom counter trying to focus your breathing as she looked under each stall until she was satisfied no one was in there.
“I can't- I can’t” your chest tightened and the lack of air made your face feel like a thousand needles were poking at it. Panic attacks weren’t very foreign to you but they didn’t happen very often, however when they did Mj was the first to help you. To be completely honest she was the only one you were comfortable helping you in this state.
“I know I know, sit down okay just sit and look at me, just like last time remember”  You nodded as she took a deep breath and you tried to mimic her.She continued to do this until you remembered how to breathe. In between she would ask you silly questions to get your mind off the obvious. 
Once you were calm you sat there looking at the wall, “I knew he would never love me but it still hurts” You explained your voice cracking as the tears built back up. You and Peter had known each other for ten years and you guys were immediately besties. You caught feelings after two year.. And after all this time you finally get your heartbroken by Perfect Parker. “I was never going to be good enough...was I?” You sobbed into Mj’s shoulder. 
“It’s okay, let it out” Mj said, holding your sobbing body. One second you were fine, having a normal day with your friends, and in a blink of an eye your world came crumbling down. The only piece of dignity you had left, went out the window the moment you sat in the corner of this dirty bathroom crying your eyes out about a boy who would never think of you as more than just a friend. 
I heard a story about a girl who loved her best friend. She spent days watching him as if her feelings were nothing more than a friendship. Her heart tugged as she heard him talk about his new profound love. It made her stomach twist with the way his eyes sparkled when he talked about a girl she knew wasn’t her. The butterflies she once had, had grown into jealous moths ready to attack any sort of light left within her.Every insecurity she had was labeled as another reason her best friend didn't view her like he did other girls.I heard that she continued to smile as if nothing was wrong. She even laughed when the timing was right. I haven’t gotten to the end of the story yet..The girl does seem kind of stupid though huh…
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Chapter 2
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Thoughts on the ongoing Cates Hulk run
Since an issue came out this week (I totally forgot until someone reminded me) let's make this the weekly review post. Huge week for me:
Batman: One Bad Day - Riddler - Disappointing. Riddler is on god mode for most of the story and I couldn't suspend my disbelief. The big moment that took me completely out of the book was when an Arkham guard tries to shoot Riddler, misses at point blank range and hits another guard, and then all the other guards decide to shoot each other instead of Riddler. Way too stupid for me to take seriously, especially in a story that is demanding you take it seriously. I guess King using the Morrison interpretation of TKJ's ending here for how Batman deals with Riddler was cool at least. King hadn't found a Riddler origin he loved and he tried to write one to his taste here. I agree with him that most Riddler origins are lame, but this one is hardly better. His dad spanked him because he was an abusive asshole and that drove him to the point of brutally murdering his teacher (who put riddles in his tests) and becoming the Riddler because he couldn't handle his teacher reporting his cheating on a test to his father. Not a sympathetic enough story for me to feel bad for Eddie, nor petty enough to make me despise him, it's trying to be tragic and ends up being meh.
Nightwing #95 - Hey the pacing has finally improved and progression finally happens! Blockbuster learning Dick's identity is the first time this run has even gestured in the direction of actual stakes. Given how heavily this book guest stars the Titans, why not just give the next Titans relaunch to Taylor? His focus on fanservice and character moments would serve that team well.
Batman/Superman #6 - Enjoyable little epilogue that puts the focus on Dick as a detective.
Flash #785 - I fell off of this run after a while, had to cut back and while this was good it didn't feel essential so I dropped it. Picked it back up for Dark Crisis - good thing too because this is definitely essential to the overall plot - and I really enjoy how Adams juggles the Flash Family. Think I might keep reading if finances allow.
Batman: The Knight #8 - Bruce and Anton driving off into the sunset huh?
Black Adam #3 - Great book, after the first issue's weird dialogue for Malik, he's been fine since. I like him and I really hope he doesn't die, but all the signs make me believe he's a dead man walking. Of course Priest's version of a journey through hell is never what it seems. Hallucinations or fact? Not clear and given it's Priest they might not ever be.
DC vs. Vampires: All Out War #2 - Didn't Lex die? Guess we'll find out if that's a fakeout with regard to him being teased as Baron Cinder.
Aquaman & The Flash: Voidsong #3 - Give the next Aquaman relaunch to Kelly and Lanzig because this was by far the most enjoyable Aquaman story I've read since KSD's run ended. Really this book had a more interesting "event" type foe than boring old Pariah, I thought the concept of a Lovecraftian entity that eats motion/the Speed Force was inspired. Loved Vasco's art too, very Jorge Jimenez reminiscent. Wouldn't have thought a movie cash-in book starring two characters that barely interact usually could be this enjoyable, but even though the differences were played up to make the two better contrasts with each other this was an entertaining read all the same.
Dark Crisis: Young Justice #3 - Continues to suck. I'm only buying this trash because I feel like I'm obligated too on account of it might be affecting Conner's status quo. Minute I learn that's not the case this is getting dropped. If you're going to deconstruct an era at least have the decency to know the details of what it is you're deconstructing. Fitzmartin just gets basic continuity wrong, Cassie was the last leader of PAD YJ not Conner, Conner already knew and made peace with the Cassie/Tim kiss, etc. This is CW tier drama in line with her background as a CW writer and I don't enjoy it. Porter's Superboy mini and PKJ's Superfamily team up can't come soon enough.
X-Men #13 - It's an ok superhero book but that's it. If the Children of the Vault coming out doesn't spice things up I may drop it and stick to Immortal and Red.
A.X.E: Death to the Mutants #1 - I am very interested in where this is going. Could this end with the Celestial modifying how Eternal resurrections works?
Hulk #8 - Guess Hulk won the fight? Pretty underwhelming victory however. Cates run has been basic as expected, but I found myself warming up to it more over time. Knew we weren't getting a run with Ewing's brains but long as I got something entertaining enough I could keep reading Hulk. Thus far, while uninspired, I have been entertained. Let's see if that continues once we get Cates Planet Hulk rehash.
Strange #5 - God Clea rules. I love her, I think I love her more than Strange, which is a testament to MacKay's skill because I didn't know squat about Clea until this run. We all saw that reveal coming but it's a good one and changes the direction of the series. If at the end of this there's a proper Dr. Strange relaunch coming they better keep MacKay on it and have him write the Strange/Clea relationship because he's got me invested in it.
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