farmermaddy · 2 years
New chapter is updated!
"Once Like You"
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farmermaddy · 2 years
New chapter updated!
The Void You Left
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farmermaddy · 2 years
New chapter updated!
"Prolonging the Magic"
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farmermaddy · 2 years
New Preview Art!
It's not perfect but I'm afraid to do anything else to it lol
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farmermaddy · 2 years
Update comin tomorrow? Possibly 👀
Depends how much editing/typo-slashing I can get done during the day. 🙃
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farmermaddy · 2 years
😜 New Chapter of “The Mad World We Live In” is updated!! 😜
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farmermaddy · 2 years
New Chapter is up! 
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farmermaddy · 3 years
Early release of the new chapter of "The Mad World We Live In"!
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farmermaddy · 3 years
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Preview of tonight’s chapter, “Lucky Me”.
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farmermaddy · 3 years
A New Chapter already? Yep!
Fair warning: It's dirty as hell halfway through 🙃
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farmermaddy · 3 years
A new chapter is up!
Memories of a Dream 
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farmermaddy · 3 years
The last couple of weeks have been a complete rollercoaster. In between the dips, loop-de-loops, and curves, I've managed to put something together that I actually kind of love.
Just have some minor tweakage/editing to do. If the Fates are kind, I'm probably looking at an update tomorrow-ish?
In the mean time, here's a preview (of sorts) in the form of the song that matched so well with what I'd already written (depending on your interpretation of the lyrics) that it is now this chapter's theme 😉
❤️ Much Love ❤️
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farmermaddy · 3 years
Chapter 35 updated!
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farmermaddy · 3 years
Apprentice Maddy
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Also, I gave her a haircut? 😍
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farmermaddy · 3 years
Sorry my dudes, but Chapter 33 is going to be late this week. My entire household has been sick, but we're pretty much over it now.
To hold you over until I finish up in the next few days, here's an unrelated pic of my cat being a derp. 😋
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farmermaddy · 3 years
Drew Rasmodius and Krobus!
As always, click for better quality 😁
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farmermaddy · 3 years
Here's a preview I drew up for chapter 33.
Click for better quality 😁 👀
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