londonandrewsandme · 3 months
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Quick Apology Sorry for not posting like normal, I’m very, very ,very busy, due to the election in Britain. Back to normal soon.
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andyacolyte3 · 4 months
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Where Is London : A Follow Up
It seems from what has been reported to me, that Jessica has not finished with London Andrews just yet. Less than 36 hours after I made the ‘Where is London : Update’ post , she has logged onto her OnlyFans account and added an item to fulfil the contractual obligation and keep the account from being closed by OnlyFans. Funny that, I publicly post information, she acts on that on it. So, I think you are safe to subscribe in the short term to her account.
But two points. First, this begs the question, again, on just who is stalking who ?
Next, I am again being attacked and falsely accused of causing the end of London’s modelling career. If she was ending or has ended her career as a model and creator of erotica, that is here call.
But for someone who has repeatedly claimed to be open and honest about things – to not make that call – to not be open and honest about falling out of love with her career and ending the creation of content, again, is not being open and honest. And then to lie and blame someone else for her choice ; is the exact reverse of being open and honest !
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londonandrewsandme · 4 days
London Andrews : The Future
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London Andrews : The Future
I am repeatedly asked about London Andrews, has she retired or what is happening with London in the future etc? So, here’s my reading of the situation.
It is over.
London Andrews has been retired.
Jessica has finished working as London Andrews.
There could be many reasons for this : But I am not one of them !
Over the past few years the quantity of the new content created by London and the actual number of times she has posted have reduced. On Patreon for example, prior to 2022, she would post monthly updates. Posting several albums with a dozens of photos in each, from her modelling photo shoots. As 2022 progressed, first the number of photos in each reduced – but the quality remained. But, by the end of that year, she had only produced 9 Patreon updates, instead of her usual 12. Then in 2023 she only did updates in February and April, with just a handful of new photos in each. That’s it, nothing since April 2023.
I repeat for emphasis : nothing since April 2023. She only began her war of insults and lies with me in July 2023. And then began to use me as an excuse in August of that year !
Likewise her OnlyFans content started to fade away in 2022. It went from an average of 5 or more updates per-week, most of which were new content, to 2 to 4 updates. And, half of these would be older content being recycled. Some of you may recall her posts in 2023, about warnings from OnlyFans. This was because by the spring of 2023, she was failing to update OnlyFans the required one update every 30 days. That is how little she was posting ! And basically since then all she has done is a minium, contractual obligations, one post per 30 days to keep the account open. Despite promising several times to post new content every day for 30 days. This could be viewed as just a cynical ploy to gain subscribers ?
Truth is Jessica has lost interest in modelling, creating erotica and in being London Andrews.
I recall an Instagram story, one of those posts that disappear after a day, from a date night she and her husband had. It was at a visually interesting venue, and she remarked on this. But her comment went something like, ‘In an another life I would book this for a Patreon shoot, but that was then.’
Given all this, I think we can say that London Andrews has retired.
What next ? Well for us, all we can do is reflect and recall the 17 years of beautiful sexiness she has given us.
As for Jessica herself now she no longer is London, she is happy with her husband and caring for the animals at her sanctuary and advocating for animal welfare. I think she has found something more fulfilling than being London.
#londonandrews #londonandrewsmodel #beautiful #sexy #curvymodel #adultmodel #londonandrewsproject #londonandrewsandme
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londonandrewsandme · 11 days
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London Andrews 2006 – 2023
'Cause baby, it ain't over 'til it's over 💘 🤩
...so, is it over ?????
#londonandrews #londonandrewsmodel #beauty #sexy #beautiful #bbw #curvy #busty #voluptuous #glamour #kinky #curvymodel #photography #art #lingerie #erotica #model #onlyfans #patreon
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londonandrewsandme · 29 days
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A quick note to say I wont be posting for 2 weeks. Swapping the cool, damp and clouds of Britain, for the Mediterranean. I have alot, alot of writing to get done. Basically that complete rewrite of the novel I posted about. Sunshine, writing and typing, here I come...Wish me luck.
#LondonAndrews #londonandrews #londonandrewsmodel #sexy #beautiful #nude #bbw #curvy #busty #glamour #kinky #curvymodel #photography #art #lingerie #erotica #Model #onlyfans #patreon
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londonandrewsandme · 2 months
The Novel
Some of you may recall that I am writing a novel, a fictional of version of the events between ourselves (my wife and I) and Jessica, better know as London Andrews. Just so you know, it is taking a lot longer then anticipated. I expected to have re-draft and rewrite, but….
Basically, this story is a friendship and romance between three people and then a forth intrudes and destabilises everything.
My original plan had been to write the story from the point of view of the husband and wife, with their personal inner worlds of thoughts and feeling. The character of model and later that of the model’s ‘friend’, the ‘catfishing’ online account also run by the model, are blanks to the couple. Just their online messages leaving the couple to try and work things out, read between the lines. What does she mean ? Projecting their own thoughts etc into the gaps and thus revealing more about themselves.
It did not work. The story needed the models ‘interiority’, her inner world as well. So, I went back through the work and added more about the model, her story and what she was thinking and feeling etc. This did not go as well as I had expected, it was ‘clunky’ , you could see the join, as it were…..
So, I had to rewriting the novel again.
I had almost finished this when I had an idea that changes the dynamic in the story and adds an interesting twist.
It was so good an idea that I have to use it even though it means completely rewriting the whole novel from scratch, yet again. And this is where I am now.
As I cannot compose on a keyboard I’m back to square one again, writing the story the old fashioned pen and paper way. And then type it up. This is where I am now, scribbling away. I think I will have finished manually writing the story out by the end of August or early September. I’m away on holiday then, so plenty free time for this. Then all I have to do is type it up. Given the experience I now have with writing and typing this from the past year, I’m going to allow myself until the new year to complete this.
Wish me luck.
#LondonAndrews #londonandrews #londonandrewsmodel #londonandrewsproject
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londonandrewsandme · 2 months
Saturday 3 February 2024
London and OF
London Andrews 2021
When she was a top OF contributor and shared her knowledge of modelling on OF and other social media.
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londonandrewsandme · 2 months
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Sunday 28 January 2024 Item By Item 9 : The Fun Part 3
Item By Item 9 : The Fun Part 3 “Sharing photos of my Ex-boyfriend is probably the worst thing someone could ever do – Especially this one. My life is not your life.” London Andrews Now the fun starts...Because of course London would never have shared or used photos or videos of her Ex and especially not this Ex ? London wouldn’t be attack me for these photos when she has used photos of this Ex ? She wouldn’t be that silly to use videos of this Ex ? She wouldn’t be so stupid to have done that and then attack me ? She wouldn't have posted on it on onlyFans ? She wouldn’t be so idiotic to do that ? She wouldn’t be so hypocritical ? She would not have done something so counter-productive…….. ...Ohh Look ! #LondonAndrews #londonandrews #londonandrewsmodel #londonandrewsproject
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londonandrewsandme · 7 days
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We are approaching the anniversary of when I gave in to be blackmailed by London Andrews.
And this is something I now regret. She had demanded that I either hand over the London Andrews Project group and page, on FaceBook, to her. Or close them down.
The blackmail was Carrot and stick, she threatened that she would stop creating and sharing new London Andrews content. But, if I did what she said, she would not only create and post new content, as the carrot. But, also reduce the price of her OnlyFan’s subscription.
I regret that I gave in, because she never kept any of her promises – because she repeated these promises several times between September and December of last year (2023). I regret this because I gave in because I was being blamed for her not posting or creating new modelling or erotic work.
So, I did what she wanted, I made her an admin of the page and the group. I removed myself from my admin and owners role. This meant that London became the sole admin and thus owner.
Now, I was attacked and abused repeatedly during this time. One of the reasons was a technical one. I could not use or follow the instructions on the FB help and support, because these were for the old style set-up. This caused some friction because of course this is what London and her supporting trolls had looked at. Despite the fact that I posted several of the instructional videos that I had used.
London did not delete the group and page when she had the chance. Nor, did she take them over and use them post her modelling work and restart blogging on FB, which was another reason she had given for wanting control of the FB sites.
She failed to do any of the things that she said she would do. Either at this time or later. She gave me back control of the FB accounts, which I had to delete myself or, as she and others repeatedly pointed out, I would be blamed for London finishing her modelling career.
So, I gave into blackmail….
More Shortly
#londonandrews #londonandrewsmodel #beautiful #sexy #curvymodel #adultmodel #londonandrewsproject #londonandrewsandme
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londonandrewsandme · 12 days
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TROLLS : Some Fun Part 3
These events are in the summer of 2022. Last year (2023) London repeatedly stated that she didn’t know me and didn’t understand what was going on and had not been on MeWe for years etc. When evidence was presented she had to backtrack, big time. Ending up having to admit a lot of what I had said and what she had deigned.
Again, I have been consistent throughout, she has been inconsistent – throughout !
So, following my questioning of this troll – importantly – via my old personal account, not the Andy Acolyte one. The original MeWe account I had set up when London had created her MeWe page.
I got blocked from the London Andrews MeWe page. I repeat, this is 2022, when she claims not to be using MeWe.
And here is some evidence. In 2019, London ceased to use her MeWe account, along with many others, this is where I offered to start the London Andrews fan pages for her. This came about because prior to creating my Andy Acolyte account, I would update London’s followers about offers and promo’s London was doing on her OnlyFans etc.
Quick recap, the trolls I contacted and who showed that there was an organised trolling campaign from London. Then contacted London, who went onto her dormant MeWe account and blocked me. Remember, this is 2022 and all I was saying then was that the Naturist Lady account was being run by London herself. I gave no details. Plus, London had admitted back in March of 2022
that she was behind the Naturist Lady account !
More on this soon.
#londonandrews #londonandrewsmodel #beautiful #sexy #curvymodel #adultmodel #londonandrewsproject #londonandrewsandme
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londonandrewsandme · 13 days
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TROLLS : Some Fun Part 2
To continue. I contacted this troll by my original, personal account. First this troll had claimed that London had never been on MeWe. I disproved that very quickly and he’d run off and blocked me. So, this troll has an OnlyFans account and is actually in the industry with London. Then, when you read the screenshots, actually says that the trolls are in my head. Which is funny coming from one of the trolls themselves. And note, at that exact time, I was dealing with 3 other trolls. One of whom was almost certainly London’s best friend, Matthew. I say that because the language was verbose, like Matthew, but also, lets say that unlike the others, his heart was not in it, shall we say.
So, this shows that there was a concreted and organised trolling campaign. And this troll admits to speaking to London about events between myself and her. So, this was at London’s behest !
Confirming that London was up to things behind the scenes.
And what happened straight after this gets really interesting. See if you can explain this – because all this is private DM’s remember.
#londonandrews #londonandrewsmodel #beautiful #sexy #curvymodel #adultmodel #londonandrewsproject #londonandrewsandme
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londonandrewsandme · 14 days
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TROLLS : Some Fun Part 1
As 2021 was coming to an end and I was trying to ignore London’s Naturist Lady account, the trolling started. An orchestrated campaign of weird or abusive comments, group messages or DM’s on MeWe. And this continued on into the summer of 2022. Thing is, I didn’t see most of these. Because the trolls routine went something like this. They would create a new account to troll me. Post the trolling comments etc. Then, delete the account so I can’t do anything. Except….
When they deleted the MeWe trolling accounts, they deleted all the comments, messages etc !
What was the point ? I just got the alerts telling me that comments etc had been made, but not what was said. That was deleted when they deleted the account. Occasionally, I was was around, online and saw them, but not often.
It was like last year when London was attacking and arguing with me on my FaceBook page, but FB auto-deleted what she had said, because she swore so much at me. I got the alert that she had said something, but couldn’t see what she had said. (Come on, raise your game, you trained as an English teacher. Surely you could come with some good insulting euphemisms, instead of basic Anglo-Saxon)
Funny thing was, somebody made a mistake one time in 2022, a friend of London’s trolled me from their real account ! I could trace this troll….and I did.
Note, this person had originally said that London had not and did not use MeWe, on the group chat of my fan page. I shot that down by posting screen shoots of her MeWE accounts.
They had blocked me, so what they had posted on my page was gone and being blocked meant I couldn’t find them as Andy Acolyte. So, I took a risk and used my original, personal account, you know the one I’d set up long before to follow and support London when she had set up her MeWe accounts, to contact this particular troll.
Sorry, I don’t have time to type up the text of the screen shoots. But, have a read. Have a good read.
More later and there is a punchline to this, that is even more evidential.
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londonandrewsandme · 1 month
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So, this ends in the summer of 2021 and I leave it there. I’m suspicious, but I can’t prove anything. I don’t say anything directly to London in case I’m wrong or I upset her and she blocks me...that was to come and is very ,very revealing as evidence. I left it there, disappointed and upset, which lead to me not talking online to London as much as before. I just kept kept running the London Andrews Project because it was fun and got to talk to interesting people from around the world.
Then the Naturist Lady account reactivated in September and got back in touch. Wants to start again, as if nothing had happened before. My wife was having none of that and said so – directly to Naturist Lady, yes the NL account and my wife had been talking on MeWe earlier in the year when NL had been trying to tempt her to join with the open relationship that NL was having with London etc.
Now, because we simply treated Naturist Lady as London (or should I say Jessica the real name of the girl behind London). Naturist Lady or London, whichever acted against us. We argued on MeWe, she blocked my wife on Instagram. We argued on MeWe, she then blocked me on Instagram. We continued to accuse the MeWe account, Naturist Lady of being London and she blocked us on FaceBook. You kind of see a pattern, there is a string of evidence pointing to London operating that MeWe Account ? When I pointed this out to her things became weird. First the trolling started – more on this in another post shortly..and this is a funny story. Then a new MeWe account contacted me, claiming to to know Sarah, the girl behind Naturist Lady, that I was wrong and she was real. But, this new account could not explain how she knew about the events between myself and the NL account. Which means it was almost certainly London trying to distract me. That was weird, because, as I’ve pointed out, if this was just some random ‘catfisher’ , why do this? Why not just go, ‘Yeah I’m London’ back in the summer and carry on catfishing ? Rather than try and convince me Sarah from the Naturist Lady account, is real ? ( sorry, I did not screen this encounter)
Then the weird stuff from Naturist Lady, gets weirder. In December she tries the same tactic, again, but with a little more subtly. This MeWe account, calling herself, ‘Anne Louis’ gets in touch, also claimed she had met the woman behind Naturist Lady. But, only after days of private chat about London, about the project, about ourselves. But, for several reasons, flaws and inconsistencies, and by now my general cynicism, I doubted ‘Anne Louis’. I set her a technical test where she could show that I was wrong. She failed it. I will go into this technical test later, because it also applies to the NL account.
So, someone went to a lot of effort to try and prove that Naturist Lady was real. More importantly, that Naturist Lady was not London Andrews. Why ?
And none of this was in public, think about that as well ?
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londonandrewsandme · 1 month
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To continue, remember the rationale of catfishing and the 3 options for the event in this story.
First, that the Naturist Lady account, who called herself Sarah, was telling the truth and she was having an affair with London and her husband. Second, that this was straight forward catfishing by a stranger. A third party playing nasty, emotional games with me and my wife. Lastly, that this whole thing was run by London Andrews
I will now point out some reasons why the second option is not correct.
As I stated earlier, I challenged Naturist Lady in the summer of 2021 and said I suspected that she was really London. Her reaction was to become abusive. A strange message appeared on London’s Tumblr account and then to disappear.
And if this is where it ended, all three options could be open as possible explanations for this catfishing event...but it didn’t end there. She couldn’t leave it there…...
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londonandrewsandme · 1 month
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So, let’s look at catfishing logically and the reasons that my catfisher was London Andrews in a logically way. Catfishing is the creation of a false online personality to deliberately make friends with, influence and manipulate someone, to achieve whatever ends the catfisher wants.
The Naturist Lady account appears on MeWe (it is important that it is the MeWe platform) in 2021. She does not claim to be London, but a friend of London. That she is the wife of a couple who are in an open shared sexual relationship with London Andrews and London’s husband. She says that some of the OnlyFans video’s are of her husband having sex with London, because they of a similar build. But, he wears a tee-shirt because he doesn’t have a tattoo. And suddenly I start to think that a lot of videos lately, the guy you thought of London’s husband, was wearing a tee-shirt.
Plus, she provided evidence. Photos I had never seen before. Now this has an impact, I start believing. But this is why it had to be on MeWe. Because MeWe has the facility to send a photo on its chat/messenger section, that is only visible for a matter of seconds, then they self-delete !
Naturist Lady was sending me these self-deleting photos. This was how she provided private evidence. Photos I had never seen before, photos of London having sex, or at home. Photos that were not on OnlyFans or Patreon or Instagram or Tumblr or FaceBook !
And Naturist Lady was telling me the story of what was going on. Wonderful, enticing, seducing tales of her love life with her husband, with London’s husband, with her and both husbands. And between her and London or what London and her had done with one of the husbands or even all four of them together. And the trivial of her life and what was happening between when she visited the sanctuary and helped with the animals and then had more amazing sex. Incredible. And I really wanted to believe this. Wouldn’t you ? (I may share some of them later. With screenshots as proof that I am not making this up.)
But this first couple of months was just setting scene, as it were. Then Naturist Lady turned her attention to me. And given what had happened before and the conversations we had had, she knew what to do and that the door was wide open. I fell for the catfishing hook line and sinker. I now believe the term for what she did is ‘love bombing’. Naturist Lady was saying she wanted to include me and my wife in their group. Note that before Covid, my wife and I were due to retire very soon and had always planned a retirement tour of the USA. This pre-dates our friendship with London and then when London and her husband had moved into the farm sanctuary, London had said that we must come and visit and she would put us up at the farm, when we were visiting Seattle during this tour. Covid messed up our plans, like it messed up so much for so many.
Anyway, for various reasons that I will cover later, I began to suspect things with the Naturist Lady account. When I challenged her on MeWe in the summer of 2021, I got blocked from the London Andrews MeWe account. Think about this. This is 2021 and I argue with Naturist Lady, who says she isn’t London, but I get blocked from the London Andrews MeWe account that had been dormant since 2019 (one of the reason I started the London Andrews Project). Just work that one out for me please ?
So, this now confirms my suspicions the Naturist Lady account is run by London Andrews !
Just a quick recap on catfishing logic. It is the creation of a fake online persona to influence and manipulate, to play games emotionally and mentally with the victim. Someone had created the Naturist Lady account, Who? Some third party ? Naturist Lady had claimed to be a friend of London’s to gain my trust. I would never have believed anyone who contacted me claiming to be London on a new account...and believe me, back then this was a regular occurrence. So, I have challenged this catfisher, not by calling them out as some third party, lying and playing a nasty game with me. That everything was totally false and the whole thing was made up. No, I have just told this catfisher that they are London Andrews !
In catfishing terms, I have just given them the keys to the kingdom – my kingdom.
Because if Naturist Lady had been another person, a third party, all they had to do was say that they were London, then they could have taken their catfishing to a whole new level. That is the logic of catfishing.
Logically, if the catfisher was not London and was some malicious person, a third party, playing nasty games with me and they had spent the last six months pretending to be a friend of London, providing me with evidence to convince me this is the case. Working hard to suck me in and get me to believe the stories I have been told. And think about what I am saying ? I am not rejecting the events, I am not saying that all this is lies. I’m not saying that I am being catfished by someone else. I’m not challenge them that they are a third party, some unknown person.
I am saying that *YOU* (the catfisher) are London Andrews herself. A woman I have followed for years and care about immensely : and the catfisher knows all about this because they got me to open up about what London means to me. Imagine the scenario, the one posted by London and her trolls last year, that the catfishing MeWe account, Naturist Lady was just, “Some sad guy in a backroom, just like you.” Imagine giving this, “ some sad guy”, this golden opportunity ?
All they would have to say is, ‘Yes, I’m London.’ They would have to make up some sort of apology, some sort of excuse. But , given what they had done, the effort and work that they had put in already, why miss this chance to to take the catfishing to a whole new level.
‘Yes, I’m London, sorry, but let’s talk now, just you and me.’
What an opportunity for them to sucker me more and win the gold medal for catfishing.
This is the logic of catfishing.
But this is exactly what she did not do !
More soon
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londonandrewsandme · 2 months
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6 Aug 2024
If It Wasn’t London ?
The MeWe account, ‘Naturist Lady’ is central to all this. After all, this was the account that was catfishing me. It is important to know that all almost all of this happened solely , exclusivity on MeWe. The introductions, the catfishing, the promises, the love bombing, the seduction and the disbelief and the arguments. This was in 2021 and 2022, almost a year before London decided to go to war with me. If it wasn’t London Andrews, who was behind the Naturist Lady account, how did….?
If it wasn’t London, how did we get blocked on London’s other social media accounts ?
If it wasn’t London : How can telling Naturist Lady on MeWe that she is really London, get me blocked from London’s Instagram ?
If it wasn’t London : How can ignoring Naturist Lady for months and annoying her with a Christmas massage, get me blocked from London’s Discord group?
If it wasn’t London : And here's a funny story for later. How can arguing with trolls on MeWe, get my original MeWe account, you know the old , real me, personal account, blocked on her long dormant MeWe group ?
If it wasn’t London : How did Naturist Lady know a nick-name London had given me and I’m sure that she never used publicly ?
If it wasn’t London : How could Naturist Lady tell me about people visiting the sanctuary, before London posted anything on her London social media accounts ?
If it wasn’t London : How did Naturist Lady know where London had booked for her Patreon shoots, long before London said anything or updated her Patreon ?
If it wasn’t London : How can arguing with Naturist Lady get me blocked from London’s other social media accounts ?
If it wasn’t London : When, in January 2022 I ended my subscription to her OnlyFans and we ended our subscriptions to her Patreon accounts. Both the modelling and the sanctuary. She never asked why?
If it wasn’t London : How did Naturist Lady know which photos or videos I had not seen on London’s OnlyFans ? So, she could use them as evidence, proof, that she and her husband had gone to Miami with London and her husband.
If it wasn’t London : How could London drop hints about things Naturist Lady was telling me, on London’s Tumblr account ?
This is list of accusation – there is no evidence to back up what I say here. This is what London, accuse, abuse, lie. Never providing evidence to back-up her accusations. Some of the above I cannot back with evidence. More on that later. But, most of the above I will return to later, in detail and with evidence.
And lastly for now. If it wasn’t London : How did I get blocked from London’s sanctuary Face Book group for asking at being blocked on Discord ?
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