#just realised i said regular time instead of regular show but im owning it
parasprite · 11 months
so last night i dreamed i was an actor in a horror movie and the concept was: a country club type of place where everyone worshipped a mysterious entity that communicated with them using label-maker labels. basically giving church of scientology, very rich cult. the entity eats people. everyone hung out in this country club restaurant all day waiting for the entity to order its meal and they were all very nervous because they wanna keep this thing satisfied.
the movie was kinda like don't hug me i'm scared in that it was a mix of cartoony cute puppety characters and uncomfortably detailed gore. every person who was killed for food and turned into a meal became an actual plate of spaghetti or sausages with googly eyes. they become a plate of food but remain a sentient being basically, conscious the entire time. the food is always very happy to be food, always smiling. like willing sacrifices to the entity but also just being a meal is exhilarating to them
so anyways i was playing a very shy minor character who was working as a dishwasher or busboy or something like that at the restaurant. i'm a new guy who doesn't know the deal. and the entity wants something new and it wants to eat me. i'm terrified and protest strongly and beg not to be eaten but the kitchen manager who is kinda giving benson from regular time is so stressed and under pressure that he threatens to kill me sooner if i refuse. i have to eat tons of food without stopping like they set me up in a corner and i have to eat every single kitchen scrap and leftover the restaurant produces so i get fat enough to feed the monster. they're feeding me like stale pretzels and cupcakes and stuff but then i start to realise i'm eating spaghetti and meatballs and sausages that used to be people. it was awesome i was acting my fucking heart out for this movie. the thing was my character was also a big cute fluffy blue troll boy with mitten hands (i was in costume but it didn't feel like it). and as i was cry-eating and they dumped another pile of food in front of me i was just thinking to myself Zamn i hope when this movie comes out my one mutual who loves cannibalism and feederism sees it cause they'd dig this
so how does it end... after days of being stuffed like this lil fluffy blue troll escapes the cult in the night. ends up hiding out in a library with a few troll college friends studying there. and the entity, hungry, starts to Reach Into Our World to find me and it's slowly reducing all my troll friends to miserable piles of organs with googly eyes begging for death and i know it's looking for me. and then in the climax it finds me and gazes into my face and in a lovecraftian way it beams the blinding power of the sun directly into my brain and im like screaming and my eyes go white and stuff. I'm a cute fluffy blue troll the whole time btw. and it was maybe the best horror film ever not made. and i won an oscar for it
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sugarsnappeases · 9 months
hi kara im willing to DIE to hear more about that quillkiller witchhunt one omg???
HIIIII ATLAS <3333 omg there is no need for death i will tell u Everything!!!
okay so its set in the times of the witch hunts (duh lol) and bella is from this kinda wealthy family and her dad is a witch hunter and rita is like a servant sort of thing, i think i decided she's a cook for the malfoy's maybe?? but the two of them meet one day and start this like typically obsessive quillkiller vibe where they both high-key stalk each other and hate each other a bit and literally never stop thinking about each other
THEN bella finds out that rita is a WITCH!!!! SHE'S A WITCH!!!!! and she's like oh....?!?! and its what makes her realise that maybe she Wants rita, like in a more than 'i follow you around and insult you' way
so then she starts to help rita with her witchcraft things, like finding rarer herbs and things for her, and helping her to plot!! to plot and to scheme!! and they do a bunch of witchy things together and may or may not kill a man
BUT!!! BUT THEN!!!!!! cygnus finds out!!!!!! (or he finds something out at least) like he shows up and arrests bella (HIS OWN DAUGHTER!!!) and she's put in prison..... and then she gets let out bc rita finds out and confesses instead..... and then at rita's trial, bella decides fuck this and confesses too...... and then both of them get burnt at the stake!!!!!! yay!!!!!!!!!
here is a little snippet of the quillkiller first meeting for your consideration.... it is very unedited and unfinished etc but still....
It was underwhelming, the way they had met. Looking back, knowing what came of it, feeling the heat of it, Bellatrix thought that their first meeting should’ve happened on some miraculous day, should’ve felt like stars collapsing or volcanoes erupting.  Instead, it was a regular Sunday afternoon, and it felt like someone bumping into her as she investigated the potatoes in the marketplace.  She and her sisters had been sent out to buy their weekly wares, as they were every Sunday after church, whilst their parents DID SOMETHING. Bellatrix turned around to see if she could force whoever had bumped into her to apologise through the raising of an eyebrow alone - she wasn’t supposed to cause scenes in public, she was supposed to be a good girl and obey the teachings of the Lord and her father, good girls didn’t shout at strangers in the street just because they made her drop the potato she had been holding.  “Oh, I’m so sorry, miss!” came the voice of the stranger in question, the one at whom Bellatrix was not going to shout.  She had rosy cheeks and blonde hair and a look on her face that indicated she wasn’t sorry at all.  Bellatrix sneered, she fucking hated people and no, she wasn’t going to shout, but also that didn’t mean she couldn’t let her displeasure be known.  “Hmmm,” she said in reply, giving the woman a disdainful once over (she was dressed in a blue smock with a white apron, carrying a basketful of herbs and was definitely far below Bellatrix’s station).  The woman raised an eyebrow. “Hmmm? What’s that supposed to mean?” Her voice also clearly revealed her lower status, the harshness of it, nothing of the smooth cadence that Bellatrix had had drilled into her since birth, this woman’s words sounded like bullets (THINK OF SOMETHING FITTING THE TIME PERIOD BABY) crude and violent and different. “It’s supposed to mean,” Bellatrix replied, tilting her head the side slightly, “that I don’t think you’re sorry at all”
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leossmoonn · 4 years
Unexpected Love [Kai Parker] || Part Two
masterlist | part one
pairing - kai parker x fem, human!reader
type - fluff, angst
note - read the first part, this cannot be read as a standalone! if you have read the first part then welcome back, thank you for reading the second part. so this part will be more focused on kai and the readers relationship and definitely all fiction lol (aka no actual scenes from the show) :) and part 3 is at the end!
summary - you and kai fall in love over a period of time after spending time with each other in the prison world
warnings / includes - language, alcohol, crying, fighting, mention/thinking of suicide, family trauma, lot of flirting in this one, suggestive, f/f = favorite flavour (of ice cream) lol
*gif isn't mine* (ugh hes so fine im dying)
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I sat up straight and gasped, my eyes flying right open. I looked around frantically, sharp pain shooting right through my chest. 
“Ow,” I whined, pressing my hand gently to my side. 
“Oh, yeah. The first time you die here, it’ll hurt. I bet it’s not any different from what that ring does for you, though,” Kai’s voice ringed next to me. 
My head snapped to him, memories of what he did to me flooding back. 
“Get away from me!” I shouted, getting up out of the bed I was in. 
“I did you a favour, Y/n. You should thank me!” He exclaimed. 
“What favour! You robbed me of my only chance of getting home. Now we have no magic and the ascendent is broken!” 
“Stop shouting. Ugh, you’re giving me a headache,” he whined. 
I gave him a death glare. “You’re the one with the headache. You’re the one- I just… I’m going for a walk.”
I stomped out of the room, running down the stairs. I heard Kai’s footsteps from behind me. I walked as fast as I could without feeling any pain. Kai seemed to be full on sprinting, though, because he grabbed my wrist. 
“Let me go!” I exclaimed. “Please, Y/n. I’m sorry,” Kai pleaded.
I jerked my body away from him. “Shove it, Malachai. If you want me to forgive you, then you better leave me alone right now.”
He looked at me with wide, fearful eyes. I didn’t wait for him to say anything. I turned on my heel and made my way out of the house and back to the woods. I stomped the whole way there, my hands balled in tight fists. My fingernails dug into my skin as tears stained my cheeks. I just could not believe Kai. I knew he was a sociopath and a dick, but I didn’t think he would try to rob me of my chance at happiness. It was stupid how I thought he would even think about someone else and not himself. Sometimes he made it seem like he did care, though. It also seemed as my attraction to him from the first time we met was still there. I needed to get rid of it. I needed to find a way to get out here. Without Kai. 
I stopped walking as I realised I was deep in the woods. The cool breeze flew around me, calming me down. I closed my eyes and breathed out the air that I had been holding in. I opened my eyes to stare at the sky. It was a cloudless afternoon with bright sunshine. It was always like this. For the past few months this was all I had seen. I was more than sick of it. I wanted rain. Snow. Hail. Anything else but the sunshine for once. 
I released my hands from their fists, reaching my right hand up to my side where Bonnie’s jacket still was. I let out a strangled, but happy sound. I unwrapped it from my body, seeing that it had a huge red blood spot that was mine. I ignored it and held it up to my face, hugging it closely to my chest. 
“I’m getting out of here. I’m going home,” I promised to myself. 
I stayed in the woods until the sun started to set. I spent my time walking around some more, making up a plan. I knew how the ascendent looked before it was broken, and I was sure that Bonnie’s grimoire, that was thankfully still here, had a diagram of some sort, too. I could just build it back up. I took a shop class in high school and used to build cars with my dad, so I was quite the mechanic. Getting it to work without magic was the hard part, though. I needed a Bennett witch to access the spell. I knew Kai still had some of Bonnie’s magic in him, but I couldn’t risk telling him the plan and having it work, only for him to leave me here again. Plus, it’s not like having him use Bonnie’s magic would actually work. He wasn't actually a Bennett. He just happened to have her magic in him. 
I opened the door and stepped into the Salvatore house, looking around for Kai. I smiled, relieved that I couldn’t spot him anywhere. I shut the door behind me, kicking off my shoes and going to the liquor cabinet, popping off the top of a bottle of whiskey. I didn’t bother with a cup, I just downed it straight. The liquor burned my throat as I strutted to the kitchen, going over to the CD player and putting on Toni Braxton’s ‘Another Sad Love Song’.  
I danced around and got out the ingredients for a strawberry cake. As Toni’s song came to an end, I heard the front door open. I groaned loudly, my mood dropping immediately. I left the kitchen to see what Kai was up to. I laughed incredulously as I saw him carrying multiple duffle bags and a backpack. 
“Are you seriously moving in?” I asked. 
“Yep,” he nodded. “What part of ‘leave me alone’ do you not understand? Do I need to spell it out for you so it can get through your thick skull?” I snapped, taking ahold of his arm and dragging him back to the front door. 
“I understand!” He exclaimed. “Good. Then you’ll get out,” I sneered, pushing him out the door. I went to shut it, but his arm held the door open.
“I will smash your hand in this door,” I threatened.
“Yeah, I know, but hear me out. I can help you get back,” Kai said. 
I scoffed, “I don’t want nor need your help. Get out.” I pushed the door further in his face. He dropped his bags and used both hands to keep it open. 
“I know you don’t trust me and you have no reason to, but please. I still have Bonnie’s magic in me and I can fix the ascendent with her magic,” he begged. He pouted and put on his puppy dog face.
“No,” I said without any hesitation. “You get out of my life, okay? If I ever see you, hear you, or even smell you, you’re dead, okay?”
His eyes then filled with anger and frustration. “Fine!” He exclaimed. “You know, I only even wanted to help you because I want to get out of here. We both know that I would have only left you here alone.”
“Glad we’re on the same page, then,” I smiled sourly. “See you never.” And with that, I slammed the door in his face. 
I sighed deeply, smiling in satisfaction. I went back to the kitchen and resumed my cake making. 
A few hours later and I was finishing the last pieces of cake, and watching Forrest Gump.
“Life is like a box of chocolates, huh,” I muttered. “First I’m a regular girl with human friends and a family. And now I’m a girl who who has no family, vampires, werewolves, and witches for friends, and who is stuck in a never-ending prison world!”
I rolled my head around the couch ledge, my eyes looking out the window. It was pitch black now. The stars were shining brightly, many of them twinkling. 
“Mom, Dad, Jenny, Andrew. Bonnie and Damon. If you’re out there, please help me. Send someone or something. I-I can’t do this alone, and I definitely don’t want Kai’s help. Please help me,” I cried out. I hugged a couch pillow and Bonnie’s jacket. 
I hope someone could hear me up there. Otherwise I was screwed.
3 months later and I was still stuck in this hell-hole. Well, at least I think it had been 3 months. Ever since Kai kept me here, I had been counting the days. It had been approximately 90 days, give or take. I was beginning to think this was actually my own personal instead of Kai’s. 
Speaking of Kai, he actually had been pretty good of avoiding me. In these 90 days, I have only ran into him twice. Once was while I was going for a morning jog and the other was when I was venturing into town, walking to the Mystic Grill and all the shops. During my stay, I have also been documenting my days with an old video camera I found. I knew that I would get out, but just in case, I would be able to have all those memories saved and if I died somehow and never came back and someone else got trapped here, they could see the glamorous life of Y/n L/n. Or what was left of it at least. 
Today was going to be different, though. For the past few months, I had been sitting in my bedroom for most of the week, crying, talking to myself, screaming at the world. I had even considered killing myself once or twice, but I knew that I would only wake up in more pain and sadness. Every day I prayed and hoped for someone to come and find me. For my friends to find out a way to get to me, even though they didn’t have the ascendent or anything. It seems as more days past, the less and less hopeful I got, though. So, I decided that the only way I was getting out of here was to do it myself, regardless if I wasn’t a magical being. 
And so right now, I was trying to build the ascendent. I was almost there, actually. It was just these little parts that were so frustrating to put back together. 
“Go together, dammit!” I exclaimed out of frustration. 
I put the device down, running my hands over my face, thinking of a solution.  Maybe I should ask Kai for help. 
No. That would only end up with me screaming at him the whole time and potentially killing him. 
But he probably still had some go Bonnie’s magic left. He could help me get out. And plus, I could just push him away last minute when we go through the portal. 
I groaned out of annoyance. I didn’t know what the right answer was. I thought I did. I thought I could do this by myself. But it turns out I can’t. It’s a lot harder than I thought and the fact that I’m a human doesn’t help either. I bit my lip in thought, racking my brain for an answer. 
“You have to ask him to help, Y/n. It’s the only way,” I sighed to myself. 
I got up from my seat and put on my shoes and jacket. I went out of the house and got into Damon’s Chevy, driving it to Kai’s house. I clenched the steering wheel until my knuckles turned white as I parked in his driveway. Just the thought of seeing him made my stomach churn. Thing was, I didn’t quite know if it churned in a good way or bad. 
I stepped out of the car, putting the keys in my jacket pocket. I walked up to the door and gave it a good 3 knocks. A waited a few minutes, but no answer. I knocked a few more times and waited another few minutes. Still no answer. 
“Seriously?!” I whined, raising my hand to pound on the door, but Kai’s voice stopped me. 
“What are you doing here?” 
I turned around and saw him carrying grocery bags. 
“Oh. Good, you’re here,” I said, stepping down from his porch. 
“You never answered my question. What are you doing here?” He asked. 
“I need your help,” I confessed. 
His lips upturned into a smile. He let out a laugh. “Wow. Princess Y/n has gotten over her pride, huh?”
“And sociopathic Parker still harasses me with nicknames, huh?”
Kai frowned and walked up to the porch, passing by me and unlocking his house. 
“Sorry,” I sighed, following him into his house. “Will you please help me?”
“Hm, let me think about it,” he said, setting the grocery bags down. “No.”
I rolled my eyes. “C’mon! You barely thought about it. Why not?”
“Because I hate you,” he shrugged. “Why? What have I done to you?” I scoffed.
“Well, first of all you slammed a door in my face. Second, whenever we run into each other, you act like I murdered your whole family. And third, you denied my help before, but now you want it?  I think not,” he explained. 
“Look, I’m sorry. I really, really am, but I know for a fact that you want to get out. I want to, too! But I’ve learned that we can’t get out without each other. I’m sorry I let my pride take over me. So please help me,” I begged and apologised. 
Kai grinned at me. “I love this.” “Love what?” I asked. 
“I love seeing you beg,” he said, his voice dropping low. He started to walk towards me slowly. Stalking me like I was his prey. 
I backed away from him, my eyes trained on him. I let out a huff as my back hit a wall. My eyes widened and stared into his menacing eyes. 
“I love seeing you beg for me. Begging for my help like the helpless little human you are,” he muttered. 
He arms went around your sides, trapping in-between him and the wall. I breathed out heavily and shakily, averting my eyes. 
“I’m not helpless,” I protested. He smirked down at him, his eyes lighting up. “You sure about that, princess?”
The way he stressed my pet name set my fire to my heart, and set my stomach flipping. He head hung low. So low that I could fell his breath on my lips. I felt his knee nudge my thigh and that’s when I stopped breathing. I could fell myself slowly melting into a puddle right in front of him.  
“You gonna answer me, sweetheart, or are you just gonna stand there gawking at me?” He chuckled. 
I swallowed hard. “N-No.”
“Then answer me,” he teased me. “Y-Yeah… I’m sure about that,” I whispered. 
He hummed in reply. I let my eyes roam his face and set on his lips. 
“Offer is still there,” he said. “What offer?” I asked. 
“The offer to kiss me. Remember when I offered when we first met?” 
“O-Oh, yeah,” I stuttered, beginning to catch my breath
“The offer’s still there if you wanna take it.” My eyes flickered back up to his. I shook my head furiously. “I-I don’t want to take it.”
“Oh, I think you do,” he grinned. 
I then snapped out of my daze, putting my hand on shoulders and pushing back. “I said no.”
“Alright, alright,” he held his hand up in defense, backing further away from me. 
“Now you’ve had your fun, will you help me?” I asked, running my fingers through my hair. 
“I guess so,” he shrugged. My eyes lit up, “Really? Oh, my God! Yes!” 
I jumped up and went to hug him, wrapping my arms around him. I engulfed him tightly, entangling my fingers in his hair. It was surprisingly soft. 
“This feels nice,” Kai sighed. 
I groaned, “Okay. Moment ruined.” I pulled away, stepping back a good few feet. 
“You hugged me first,” he shrugged. “Yeah, yeah, whatever. Alright, so when do you want to get started?” I asked. 
“After dinner,” he answered. “But it’s 2 pm,” I said. 
“I know. But how about you and me have dinner together,” Kai explained. 
“I thought you hated me?” I asked. “Oh, I do. I definitely do. That’s why I want to have dinner with you. I know just how to push your buttons. You’re so cute when mad,” he grinned. 
I growled at him. “And you are so annoying.” “See! So cute,” Kai scrunched his nose. 
“I bet it’ll be cute when I give you a black eye,” I muttered.
“It'd like to see you try. Anyways, if you want my help, then you’ll come to dinner with me,” Kai shrugged. 
I sighed, “Fine. What time? What do I need to cook?” 
“7 PM. And nope, I’ll cook.”
“O-Oh, really? You cook?” 
“Yep,” he grinned proudly. 
“Hm… Well, good to know. Anyways, I’ll be here at 7,” I said, making my way towards the door. 
“Make sure to dress up! This is gonna be fancy!” Kai called out. 
“Noted!” I exclaimed, stepping out of the house. I shut the door behind me, exhaling heavily. “Now you got a date with the town’s psycho, Y/n. Good going.” 
I strutted over to the car, getting in and driving back to my place. I read a few books to pass the time until I had to get ready. I got done with Twilight: Eclipse, as I actually had already started that the other day, and I went ahead and started to read more into Bonnie’s grams’s grimoire.
It was all so fascinating, really. I was so amazed by just the spells themselves, I didn’t even consider the history of all of them. While reading the grimoire, I started to feel a little jealous of the fact that Bonnie’s a witch, and the fact that I’m a human with a ring that keeps me alive whenever I got killed. I almost started to feel jealous of Damon and Tyler, but I knew that I never would want to be a monster. Being a witch would seem nice, though. Not like Kai, though. 
After a little heavy reading, I checked the clock. It was 5:49, which meant that I had to start getting ready. I put a bookmark in place in the grimoire and got up off the couch, heading up the stairs. I turned on the shower and got undressed. 
I took off my sweatpants and socks, followed by my shirt. As I reached for my shirt overhead, the front of it brushed my nose. An unfamiliar, but calming scent  filled my nose. I slipped the rest of the shirt off, turning it back right side out and held it up to my nose. I closed my eyes and breathed the scent in. It smelled like mint, paper of old books, and a little like grape jam. As soon as the grape jam smell came to me, I immediately knew who this scent belonged to. 
“Ew!” I shrieked and threw the shirt across the room. It landed in the laundry basket, luckily enough. I let out a gagging noise, taking off my underwear and getting in the shower quickly. 
I took my time washing up. Taking a shower seemed to be the only place I could really let go and bask in the quiet and loneliness that was in this house. It was strange because it was always quiet and lonely in this house. This was my only time to truly relax since I was doing everything to keep my busy during the day, so I wouldn’t start crying and throwing a fit about still being here. 
I lathered my body with shampoo, giving myself a little massage on my shoulders. I closed my eyes and started to imagine what life would be like if I wasn’t stuck in 1994. 
I would be with my friends, obviously. We would be at Whitmore, trying to live a normal life. Caroline, Elena, Bonnie and I would be having a picnic on campus. Sipping iced teas and eating sometime of desert. Damon would probably be with us, considering that Elena can’t be without Damon for more than 10 minutes without dying - literally. Stefan would most definitely be there. He’s my best friend, so of course he would be there. He would be talking to Caroline, though, her hogging all of his attention because she likes him (though she always denied it). And maybe Jeremy would be there, too, for Bonnie. Holding her hand and cuddling up next to her like the cute couple they are. And me? Well, I didn’t really have anybody special in my life. I actually had a thing with Kol Mikaelson before he died. I liked Tyler briefly in high school, but I’m 100% sure he’s into the girl that works at the coffee shop at Whitmore. Matt wasn’t my type at all. Neither was Enzo. Maybe I had a cute boy a Whitmore on my arm. A classmate that I had invited to the picnic. Someone cute, smart, funny… a little crazy. Maybe… Maybe Kai.  
My eyes snapped open as I became aware that Kai was now in my fantasy. I couldn’t help but shudder, even with the hot water running on my skin. I washed the rest of my body, focusing on anything else but Kai. I turned off the water, wrapping a towel around me. I dried my skin off as I walked to the sink, putting on lotion and re-brushing my teeth. I stepped back into my bedroom and put on a nude-coloured underwear set. It was simple and very, very comfortable. I then went over to my closet, looking for an outfit to wear. I shuffled through all my shirts, not being able to find one that I liked. I sighed in slight frustration, stepping back to try and see if anything stuck out to me. 
A little, annoying voice - that sounded much like my mother’s - sounded in the back of my head. 
Maybe you can’t decide on an outfit because you like him and want to look nice for him.
I scoffed loudly, shaking my head. “No. I definitely do not care. That’s why I’m just gong to wear this.” I reached into my closet and pulled out a simple dark-turquoise dress. It was spaghetti-strapped and plunged a little bit at the neckline. It reached down just above my knees. Perfect for dinner with an… associate. 
I slipped it on and back to the bathroom and did my hair, putting it in one of my favourite hairstyles. I then got out some makeup products. I put on a light coat of foundation and concealer, curling my eyelashes and brushing them up with mascara. I then shaped my eyebrows and filled in the sparce parts, dusting on some blush and putting on chapstick. I looked in the mirror, stepping back to look at my appearance. I cringed as it looked like I was going on a date. I shook those thoughts out of my head. I wasn’t dressing up for him, I was dressing up for myself. There’s no shame in wanting to look nice for yourself. 
I went back into the bedroom and found a pair of black heels. I slipped them on, going over to the dresser and putting on a few gold bracelets and a pair of earrings. I re-adjusted my necklace that I was already wearing. I looked at my reflection and smiled. For once, I felt and looked good. I grabbed a black jacket and walked out of my room, checking the time once again. I had 10 minutes to get his house, which was perfect. 
I went out of the house and to the Chevy, driving to Kai’s house. I parked in the driveway, my heart beginning to race. I let out a few deep breaths and go out of the car. As soon as I was about to knock, the door swung wide open.
The door revealed Kai who was wearing a white button-up shirt and dark-blue slacks. He actually looked… nice, for once. My eyes traveled around his chest. I couldn’t help but notice the way his biceps strained against his shirt. I could literally see his abs through the shirt, too. It did not help butterflies that were starting to flutter in my stomach. 
“Like what you see?” He smirked. 
My eyes flew up to his face, taking a deep breath to calm myself down from all the excitement I was feeling.
“No,” I said flatly, going into the house and brushing past Kai. 
“Well, you look nice,” he said as I walked into his kitchen. 
“Thanks. You do, too,” I complimented genuinely. 
“I’ve never seen you in a dress before. You should wear them more often.”
“I don’t like dresses.”
“But you like me. That’s why you wore one to our date?” 
I balled my hands in fists, turning around to face him. “One, this is not a date. And two, girls can wear dresses for themselves, not for men like you.”
Kai grinned widely at me. I realised I had fallen into his trap. He was trying to push my buttons and so far, he's been successful. I couldn't let him win, though. I had to calm down and get through this night. Otherwise I would probably never be getting out. 
“Your temper is almost as bad as Damon’s,” Kai remarked. 
I sighed, “Well you’re not making it easy to stay calm.”
“I know,” he chuckled, walking past me and to the dinner table. “I hope you like ravioli and mushrooms.”
“Did you make these or buy them?” I asked, walking towards the kitchen table. 
“Made them. The Salvatores have lots of cook books. I might have stole them before you came,” he explained. 
"Well, it smells great,” I admitted, beginning to take off my jacket.
“Glad you think so. Here, let me get this for you,” he slid over to me and took the jacket off my shoulders. He folded it and put it on the ledge of his couch. 
“Thanks,” I said. He then pulled my chair out for me. I sat down, thanking him this time with a smile. 
“Wine?” He asked, bringing a bottle over. “Yeah, sure,” I nodded. 
He poured two glasses and placed one in front of me. He sat down and took a knife and fork. 
“Dig in,” he offered. “This isn’t filled with like, cyanide, right?” I asked half-jokingly. 
“Ha-ha. No. I worked really hard on these,” he said. 
“Hm,” I hummed. I cut one of the raviolis in half and popped on in my mouth. My eyes widened as it tasted a lot better than I expected. 
“Good, right?” Kai smiled. 
“Very,” I nodded once I swallowed. 
We ate in silence for a few moments. I was itching to talk to him about getting home. I took a long sip of wine before beginning to take. 
“So um���. I’ve started to re-build the ascendent. It’s a lot harder than it looks, but I’m really close. I just have-”
“No,” Kai said suddenly. I furrowed my brows, “What?” “No, we aren’t going to talk about that just yet. I want to get to know you,” he explained. 
I rolled my eyes. “Why? All you need to know is my name and that I hate living here.”
He chuckled, “Not true. I have trust issues. So before I get involved with you, I need to know I can trust you. See, I didn’t trust Damon or Bonnie. I knew that they hated me from the second they met me. I knew that no matter what I would do, they would never give in to trusting me. You, however, you are so trusting. Didn’t you find it creepy that I, a strange man whom you met in a parking lot, offered you a ride?”
“Oh. I-I mean, I guess? But I needed a ride, anyways,” I said. 
He shook his head with a smile. “No. Not a good enough reason. Any reasonable woman would have run away from me. You, though… You saw something good in me, didn’t you? You thought I was nice and cute. Maybe a little too forthcoming, but still you put some trust in me. And if you can trust me, maybe I can learn to trust you.”
“Is that why you didn’t let me go with them?” I asked, suddenly connecting the dots. 
“Part of the reason. I knew that I had no chance of getting home with Damon and Bonnie. But with you, I knew that I had a chance. Even though you are just a human.” “I am more than that,” I argued. 
“And I’m sure you are! But you see, I don’t know that for sure because I don’t know anything about you. See what I’m getting at here?” “Yeah, I see,” I grumbled. “Great! So let’s start with the first question. Why do you always wear that necklace?” He pointed to my neck. 
“It was a gift,” I explained shortly, hoping he would notice the edge in my voice. 
“From who?” He asked, the corners of his lips upturning in a smirk. 
Of course he noticed. He just wasn’t going to stop. 
“Family member.” “C’mon, you gotta give me more. I can’t help you if I don't trust you.” I slammed my fork down on the table. “So? There’s a lot of people in the world that you don’t trust fully, but sometimes you just have to help them! Like in school, you may not trust one of your classmates personally, but if they ask you for help on a math problem, you would help them, right? And plus, I don’t trust you. I never did, for the record. I just really want to get out of this place, which now I am believing is my personal hell, not your’s, but I can’t do that without you!” 
Kai took a bite of his ravioli, taking his sweet time to chew and swallow. I clenched my knife, tempted to throw it into his carotid. 
“Watch your temper, princess. If you keep yelling at me, then I definitely won’t help you.” I closed my eyes and breathed in slowly, trying to calm myself down. “Fine. Sorry. I just don’t want to answer the questions about my necklace.”
“Oh, I know. That’s why I’m asking,” he grinned. 
I rolled my eyes, settling back in my seat. “Please, don’t. It’s really personal.”
“You know, I killed my family. It can’t get any worse than that,” he shrugged. 
“Yeah, well, this is worse to me,” I muttered. “What? Did you kill your whole family, too? Man, I didn’t know we were so similar,” he chuckled. 
“No. They got murdered right in front of me,” I whispered out. Tears prickled the corners of my eyes. I lowered my gaze to my almost-empty plate. Thick, uncomfortable silence filled the room. I tried to fight the tears that threatened to fall, but as memories came back, I could no longer hold them off. 
“I-I’m gonna go. Thanks for dinner, Kai.” My voice was hoarse as I spoke. I swallowed hardly, trying to clear my throat, but it felt like shards of glass were rubbing the sides of it. 
I went to grab my jacket and wrapped it around me, reaching out for the doorknob, but Kai pulled me back. He wrapped his fingers around my wrist gently, but firmly. He tugged me back slightly, enough for me to turn around and look him in the eyes. The expression on his face was something that I had never seen on him before. He looked regretful, guilty; full of remorse. For once I didn’t feel annoyed or scared of him. 
“I’m sorry that happened to you,” he spoke softly, his blue eyes boring into my e/c eyes. 
“I-It’s alright. It’s not your fault,” I sniffled. “No… I-I should have known this was too personal for you to want to share,” he admitted. 
“Yeah, well, I know how much you like to push my buttons,” I chuckled. 
“I do. I admit that. But I really do want to get to know you.” I narrowed eyes at him, crossing my arms around my chest and leaning back in my chair. “Why?” 
“Because I… I think you’re interesting. When I was watching you and your friends, I was able to discover things. Things about Bonnie and Damon. But you… I couldn’t figure out a thing about you. You talk a lot to Damon, and I know you’re really close with Bonnie, but you’re still so private. I’m such an open person, so it was weird for me to see you be so closed-off, but outgoing at the same time,” he explained, his cheeks glowing pink as soon as he finished. 
I couldn’t believe what I had heard him say. He was finally saying nice things about me in a sincere tone. I couldn’t help but smile and softened up. “Really?”
“Yeah,” He shrugged sheepishly. “Hm,” I buzzed. 
“So, will you stay and we can get to know each other? I promise I won’t ask you about your family anymore,” he said. 
I stared at him intensely. As much as I wanted to say no, every fiber in my body was screaming yes. 
“Alright, sure. I’ll stay,” I nodded. I knew that if I said no, he probably wouldn't help me get back home, but I was actually looking forward to staying. It seemed as though my feelings for him were developing a lot quicker and stronger than I thought they ever would. 
A bright smile lit up his face immediately. “Great! Do you want to continue eating? I have some ice cream, too, if you want.”
“Ice cream sounds good,” I answered. He nodded and let go of my wrist, walking to his freezer. 
I felt alone and cold all of the sudden. I felt myself start to miss his hand on me, holding my arm. His skin was so warm and surprisingly soft. I wanted him to touch me all over. 
“Take a seat on the couch.” His voice broke me out of my dirty thoughts. 
I shrugged away the thoughts and made my way to the sofa, taking a seat and making myself comfortable. 
“Do you want a blanket of anything?” He asked, setting down two bowls. 
“I’m good for now, thanks,” I said, reaching her to grab a bowl. “F/f?” I asked. 
“Yeah. This one of the few things I found out about you,” he smiled sheepishly, taking his bowl and sitting down next to you. 
“Indeed I do. I assume you do, too?” I guessed. “Yep,” he nodded.  “Hm. So, what do you want to know about me?” I asked. 
“What’s your favourite colour?”
“F/c.” “Do you have any pets back at home?” He asked.
“I had a cat a few years ago. She died, though.” “Oh, I’m sorry,” he frowned. “It's alright. She was 20, so she was bound to die soon,” I shrugged. 
He nodded. “What’s life like back at home?”
I took a bite of ice cream, thinking for a few moments. “Fun. Busy, but really happy and colourful.”
“Are you in college?” He asked. “Yeah. Second year,” I answered.  “What’re you studying?” 
“I’m majoring in human studies and minoring in art and design.” “Sounds fun.” 
“It is. And a little stressful,” I chuckled. He laughed with me, looking away from me for a moment and then looking back. 
“Do you have a boyfriend, or girlfriend, back at home?” He asked. 
“Nope. I’ve been single for a good couple years,” I said. 
“You? Single? I find that hard to believe,” he snorted. “Why?” I asked, my heart fluttering just thinking about his answer. 
Kai smiled softly at me. “Well, for starters, you’re beautiful. You’re strong and confident. You know what you want and have no issue in fighting for it. You’re a little hot-headed, but I find it attractive. You’re very smart; I see you reading almost everyday. You’re determined and dream big. I can tell you really care about your friends and family, despite how much you and Damon bickered. You’re like a girl in a novel or movie that other girls want to be.”
My whole face went warm at his explanation. My lips were upturned into the most cheek-aching smile, too. 
“And you said it was hard to find things out about me,” I giggled, nudging his foot with mine. 
“Well, I couldn’t find out personal things about you. That's all just from observation,” he shrugged, not seeming to be embarrassed. 
I nodded, “Well, now you know a few personal things about me.”
“That I do.” “I…. I thought you liked Bonnie, too,” I spoke my thoughts out loud. 
 “She’s beautiful, too. She’s also incredibly smart and intuitive. She’s very strong and nice. But you’re the one that really caught my eye.”
“Oh,” I smiled impossibly wider. “Well, good to know.” “Yep,” he popped the ‘p’. I couldn't help but notice how his gaze dropped down to my upper chest, where my necklace sat. 
“They died one and a half years ago,” I started. 
His eyes flew up to mine. “You don’t have to-”
“No, no. It’s alright. Um… so it was at night. Everyone else was at the house, but I had snuck out to go to a party hosted by Caroline. At this time, I was involved with a vampire named Kol. He convinced me to go out. I knew it was wrong and I was going to get in trouble. I was what some would call a goody-two shoes. Anyways, I stayed out until like, 2 in the morning. I was getting tipsy and tired. So, Stefan, Damon’s brother, drove me home. When I first arrived at my house, it looked completely normal. It was quiet and peaceful. It wasn’t until I walked into my house when I knew something was wrong. There were lights on upstairs. It felt so tense, too. I could literally feel how tense and thick the air was.” I stared down at my ice cream for multiple minutes, blinking rapidly as tears fell. 
“I went upstairs and that’s when I saw him. He was tall and wearing a ski-mask, like he was trying to rob us. I guess he had other things he wanted to do, too. He didn’t see me at first, though. It wasn’t until he shot my dad when I started to cry and that’s when he noticed me. I ran away though and into my sibling’s room. I saw that they were still were asleep and safe. So I did the first thing I thought was sensible. I called Stefan. I explained to him that someone had murdered my dad. And as I called him, I heard my mom scream,” I shuddered as her scream ringed in my ears. 
“That’s when I heard the door being kicked open downstairs and I knew that Stefan was there. He had brought Caroline and Damon, too, with Bonnie. They were all here to help and I was so appreciative of them. I thought they were going to kill the guy, which was honestly what I wanted. But apparently, the murderer was a vampire. An old one, too, which meant he was stronger than everyone. My friends put up a good fight and I tried to get Andrew and Jenny out of the house, but as soon as we were going down the stairs, the murderer sped up to us and snapped both of their necks. I-It all happened so fast. I….I just couldn't register what was happening. They both just fell limp in my arms. I didn’t know what to do but cry. I was practically screaming while crying, cursing at the murderer. I tried to fight him, but I was so tired and weak, he almost ended up killing me, but luckily Stefan got to him the fastest and ripped his heart out. He fell right on top of me, too. I will never forgetting the weight I was feeling just then. Metaphorical and physical. I pushed him off of me and collapsed into Stefan’s arms. He held me for what seemed like forever until I stopped crying.”
I felt Kai move closer to me, putting a comforting hand on my hand. I smiled softly at him, letting out a deep breath as I was about to finish the story. 
“I didn’t come to school for four months after that. I didn’t even come out of my room during that time. My friends took turns everyday taking care of me. Stefan was on cooking duty, Caroline, Elena, and Bonnie switched roles of helping me bathe, getting me to eat, trying to get me to take a step out of bed. Damon and Jeremy provided the jokes and funny stories to try and get me to feel better. Alaric, who was acting like Elena and Jeremy’s parent, adopted me into their family. He said it was Elena and Jeremy’s idea and he agreed fully. After my grieving period, I moved in with the Gilberts. Elena and Jeremy called me their sister and I fell into that role. It was nice to have a family again. It was nice to have siblings again. To have a parent again. I knew it wasn’t real, though. Jeremy and Elena acted like it was real, though. They were so welcoming of having me as a sister, it was just so good. Once I went to college, though, I tried to get a little more independent. Bonnie was gone, actually, so all I had was Caroline and Elena. But we made it work. I’m so thankful for all of them. They really helped me and never gave up on me. Even when I threw fits about getting out of bed,” I smiled at the memories of them helping me. 
“Anyways,” I shifted on the couch. “The summer before college, I ended up cremating my family and spreading them across the Pacific Ocean, thanks to Damon who gladly took me on a trip.”
“Wow,” Kai breathed out. “I know,” I chuckled.
“You have really great friends. I’m sorry that all happened to you,” he said. “I-I can’t imagine what you went through. And what you’re still going through.” “Yeah, well, I’m the survivor here. You’re an actual murderer,” I smirked. 
He laughed, “True. You know, if you know that I’m a murderer, then why do you agree to spend time with me?”
I sighed and set the empty bowl of ice cream on the table. “Well, you’re right. I am trusting. I see the good in people and I see the good in you. When I was about to walk out the door, I saw the good in you. I see the good in you now. You can be good, Kai. I know it’s hard considering what you have been through, but you are just as much as a survivor as I am.” I intertwined our fingers and put my other hand on his forearm. 
“You were abused as a child. You were punished for being different. And although that doesn’t excuse you killing your siblings, you still deserve love. I don’t know how being in a coven works, but I do know how being in a family works. You’re supposed to love each other and your father didn’t give you that love. Sure, you’re a little… eccentric at times, but you still have feelings like everyone else. I know Damon and Bonnie called you a sociopath, and I know I did, too, but now that I’ve seen this side of you, I know you’re different. You should be able to resent your father for being blamed for being a siphoner. Which, by the way, I think it really cool, honestly. I-I’m sorry for yelling at you and getting really mad all those times,” I apologised, looking at him in the eyes to know I was sincere. 
He shrugged with a smile, “Well I didn’t make it easy on you.”
I laughed, “No, you did not. Anyways… You are a survivor Kai. A survivor of your family and this world. You deserve a lot more than you think.”
“Thank you. I guess that’s true,” he said. 
I smiled and leaned into him, “I know it’s true.”
He smiled at me, his hand tightening around mine. My eyes trailed down to his lips, ogling them for a good few moments. 
“Does the necklace has pictures of them?” Kai asked. 
I leaned away immediately, my hand slipping out of his. “Yeah, do you want to see them?” 
He nodded, moving closer to me so our thighs were touching. I took off the necklace, opening it up and showing him the left side where my parent’s picture sat. 
“That’s my dad, Owen, and that’s my mom, Louisa,” I pointed. 
“You look just like your mom,” Kai muttered. 
I looked to my right, seeing that he was staring right at me. I blushed a little, looking down shyly. “Yeah. We got our genes from our mom.”
“Are they Andrew and Jenny?” He pointed to the right side of the locket. 
“Yep. Andrew is 10 and Jenny is 13,” I said. 
“They look like good kids,” he commented. “They were. I often wish that it was me who died instead of them,” I murmured. 
“Because I was the one who snuck out that night. Plus, my mom and I were having some relationship issues. She was always so irritated with me and criticizing everything I did. The last thing I said to her that night was “I hate you. I wish I had a different mom.”,” My lips were pulled down in a deep frown. 
“Well, you didn’t mean that, right?” Kai guessed. 
“I didn’t,” I shook my head. “Well, that’s all that matters,” he said. 
I nodded and looked up at him. 
“You have a little… Here,” he said and lifted up his hand. He cupped my cheek, his thumb running across my cheekbone, wiping a few tears away. 
My breath hitched as I felt myself leaning towards him. There was like this magnetic pull that I was feeling. I knew I couldn’t fight it if I tried. His eyes met mine, staring intensely at me. My eyes flickered down to his lips. They looked so soft. So pink. So unbelievably kissable. I was about to close the space in-between us when Kai stopped me.
He put his hand on my shoulder, pushing me back. 
“What? Did I read the situation wrong? I’m so sorry,” I rushed out, getting up from the couch. 
Kai’s hand grabbed my forearm roughly, pulling me back down on the couch. 
“No, it’s not that. You read the situation totally right it's just that… I’ve never kissed anyone before,” he admitted, looking down shyly. 
I smiled softly, reaching my hand out for his. “It’s alright. We don’t have to do anything. It’s late, anyways. I should get going.” I looked at the clock, noticing that it was 9:30. 
“Or you can stay and we can watch a movie?” He suggested. “Sure,” I nodded with a smile. “Can I take my shoes off?” “Yeah, of course. Actually um, do you want a change of clothes?” He asked. 
“Yeah, if you don’t mind,” I nodded. 
“Sweatpants and t-shirt work for you?” He asked. 
“It definitely does,” I said. “Great. I’ll be right back, go ahead and make yourself comfortable,” he said, getting up from the couch. 
I smiled and nodded, taking my shoes and jacket off. I leaned back on the couch, sighing. I could not believe I was making nice with someone who tried to kill me. Damon was right. My type is crazy.
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iscribble · 4 years
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pairing | youtuber!renjun x student!reader genre(s) | fluff, slice of life, strangers to potential lovers, college au word count | 1.8k summary | you’re always the type to be punctual, so it takes you by surprise that you’re willing to give up your time for something else - someone else, rather; a stranger.  author’s note | havent written in so long that i just had to put something out there. im really sorry for being so inactive! :( 
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An extended but lonely crack slithers down the bathroom mirror, grazing your reflection on the glass that is opaque with moisture. Through the corner of your eye you perceive one-fourth of the aged, spreading tree outside your apartment whenever the old creaking door swings open with the wind. The quiet—but prominent—plop of the water that leaks through the apertures on the pipe hits your ears, and it is only after a while that you find it fills the little space between your toe and the tip of your shoe. The leak doesn’t bother you though. Neither does the crack, nor the random wind gusts. A yellow lip balm bounces in your palm, cap greasy from applying too much on your finger. You would exchange a mere lip balm for a heat pack, but you put it on anyway. The harsh cracks on your lips are now tucked away underneath a tacky layer of cream, and you find it amusing how easily it wears away. 
You are late, for the first time in months. Nothing really bothers you as much as glancing at the clock and seeing its hands where you least expect them to be.
In your defense, it was an afternoon class. You don’t usually have afternoon classes unless your professor needs to reschedule, which, inevitably, resets your agenda for the rest of the day. You, on the other hand, are not used to rescheduling. So when you can’t feel the warm shaft of sunlight skim across your eyelids, instead, only the feeling of cold air brushing past your skin and the faint sound of your alarm, you jolt awake, guilty of sleeping in. You try not blame yourself though—this doesn’t happen everyday and you are still not used to it. 
The station is disposed with a boring facade and a duller interior. The giant vintage clock shows 15:18. The three seater bench still holds too many people.  There is that man with the navy-coloured down jacket behind the counter, uninterested in the regulars who flock to their respective platforms. These are the same sequences, the same faces, like people are helpless boats going with the current. You scrunch up your nose, admitting you are one of them too. 
You make your way inside the train, opting to sit near no one else. It takes a while for you to settle down, but when you do, you catch someone looking at you. Harbor gray coat, brown hair, black mask. You don’t recognise him anywhere on campus. You think maybe he attends one of the afternoon classes, but you don’t assume further. 
You leave the train with a spring in your step, but not out of enthusiasm. The familiar crisp white frontage of the building comes into view, your heart skipping a beat as you think of the worst that could happen upon stepping inside the lecture hall. One strap of your tote slides down your shoulder, and just as you are about to pick it up, the other strap goes loose and drags your bag down with it. A couple of coloured pens roll out, you grumble to yourself and crouch down to stop them from rolling any farther. You fail at this, when you turn around to pick up a blue pen and realise that someone else beat you to it. The stranger from the train. 
“Got it,” he chuckles, and you feel embarrassed. He returns your pen, but his eyes don’t stop at your hands. His gaze lowers a short distance, you’re almost sure he’s looking at the brick road beneath you, but you’re not really sure why. When you stand back up he vaguely shakes his head, like he’s been thinking about something else, but you don’t miss it.  
“Thank you,” you say, too fast that it almost sounds insolent. 
“Don’t worry about it,” he returns with a smile behind his mask. “I’m Renjun, by the way.” He extends his hand for you to shake. What’s he doing? Why's he acting like he’s about to proceed with an interview or something?
You learn that he really does want to “interview” you. “I’m a youtuber,” he informs. It is only then that you realise someone else is standing behind him, occupied with a camera. 
“Oh,” you eventually reply, but nothing else. He waits for the typical “that’s cool!” but you are too quiet, Renjun can practically hear someone making a fuss about her peppermint hot chocolate being too hot in the distance. “Do you mind if I ask you a few questions? It’s for a youtube video.” He speaks up. You say nothing at first. Your fingers that hide underneath the rib-knit cuff curl into a ball. You feel the crack that litters your lower lip flaunt itself, the thick lip balm that conceals it long gone. You seem even more conscious of your worn out shoes that somehow feel damper than they already are. Putting your weight on one leg, you try your best to decline him in the most mannerly way possible. 
“I’m really sorry but I’m actually late to class.”
You can’t see his smile but you know it falters. His glasses droop a little, you see the red marks on the bridge of his nose. “I see.” Is all he says. He looks back at his friend and shrugs. “Thank you, anyways.” Your stomach churns. You don’t want to be the reason he leaves empty handed, yet he is leaving, empty handed and all. Somehow, your concern for punctuality slowly withers away.
“No, wait,” you catch his fingers just before he turns the other way. He winces. Not because of the sudden swell of your voice, but because your hands are a little too cold. You steal a glance at the watch on your wrist. 15:32. Renjun finds your eyes. He doesn’t say it, that your hands are too cold, but he takes them in his own, warming them up. Strangely enough, your whole body heats up at the gesture. 
“Class can wait, whatever. What’d you want to ask me?”
Renjun’s eyes all but light up. He signals for his friend to start filming. “Alright, a few questions about college, I’m going to try and guess your major.”
“Oh, that’s new,” you raise an eyebrow. “Did you come up with the idea?”
“Nah,” Renjun laughs, he brings up a hand to push his hair back. “Just following a trend.”
15:33. You nod. “Alright, go on.”
You notice a few things about Renjun. The way he speaks, like you’ve known each other for a long time. The way his hair isn’t exactly brown, rather russet, a little red. When you look closer into his eyes, you see they match his hair. You wish you could see his lips, see if they’re as cracked as yours, if he puts lip balm on a little too much, but the black mask he wears that almost reaches his eyes tells you it’s too early for that. Perhaps, if he lowers the article just a few inches, you’ll understand that the circles beneath his eyes mean that he’s equally as tired as you. He asks you questions, not rushed, and though you are definitely late to class, you couldn’t bring yourself to care anymore.
“Might have an idea,” he looks to the camera tentatively, then back to you. “Chemistry?”
“You’re good,” your compliment reaches his ears. “How’d you guess?”
Renjun punches the air in glee as if he won the lottery. “Honestly, couldn’t get a single clue from what you said. But I saw your Analytical Chemistry book peeking out from your tote when it fell.” 
“Whoops, my bad.” You share a laugh. 
“And as a thank you for the—” he scrutinizes his watch, “—five minutes I just took from your time, this is for you.” A heat pack. You didn’t know how much you needed one until your hands reach for the item almost immediately.
15:38. You squeeze the pad as heat begins to radiate from it. Renjun’s friend lowers the camera as soon as you’re done filming, and it is then that Renjun seems like he has something else on his mind.
“Uhm,” he half-whispers. You look at him, confused. “Your shoes.”
You know what he means. Your shoes leave ambiguous trails of dirt, just slightly. Renjun notices it though. Your shoes are rather soggy, like they were deliberately dipped in water. Traces of soil scatter the outsole, centimetres up and you’ll see a small patch of fabric, sewn on to cover the hole that’s exposing your toes. You tremble slightly, bringing your right foot behind your left in an attempt to hide it from him. No one has ever pointed it out.
“Oh. They’re old, but, they work.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” he scoffs lightly. “Let me buy you new ones.”
“No.” You realise that comes out too abruptly. “Please, that’s really unnecessary.”
“You’re late to class,” he reasons with you. “At least let me make it up to you.” The obscure rift on your bottom lip bleeds a little. You like to bite it whenever you feel nervous. Renjun reaches for his phone in the pocket of his ivory trousers and hands it to you. 
“We can go over the details through text,” he subtly looks at his friend, wanting to know if the gesture is okay. “If you don’t mind, of course.”
15:40. You give in. Your fingers are stiff—you realise you’re giving your number to a stranger, so you take some time to secretly ponder over the situation, although you hate to admit Renjun feels more like a new friend. He sends you a message once you give him his phone back just to make sure you get his number. 
“Thank you,” you smile at him. “That’s really kind of you.”
You hesitate before a hand comes up to wave at him and his friend, though the heat pack is still crushed between your fingers. Renjun pulls his mask down for the first time, and it would be weird to say you were waiting for it. For his smile. You can perceive through the white fabric whenever it shifts that he is smiling underneath there, but now it’s irrefutable, the evidence that he actually is smiling, and you’re glad that’s the last thing you see before the customary sight moulds into view, once again. 
If someone had told you this morning that you’d be willing to sacrifice your punctuality for a stranger, you’d knock some sense into them. But as you stand before the doors to the lecture hall, phone in your grip as you stare at the cerulean waters you fancy as your lock screen, no, rather, the notification that overlays it “let me know when you’re in class, i feel responsible lol”, the unusual feeling that blooms inside your chest reminds you that you could live a little less orderly and a little more self-willed.
You’re thirteen minutes late. Though now, nothing really bothers you as much as not being able to concentrate in class because he’s all you can think about. 
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illfoandillfie · 4 years
As I read your post about needing Benny requests, I’m listening to Ed Sheehan. So, naturally I’m gonna ask for some super fluffy stuff. I was thinking maybe they’ve been dating for a little bit but they’re only just realising they’re in love? So I guess, the first I love you or the first “oh god I love this person” moment.
ahhhhh this is so soft im gonna pass out
warnings: two very brief mentions of sex but really this is just all fluff 
Advent Blurbs: Day 9
Ben first suspected he might be in love with you the day he texted you and you didn’t respond for five hours. Up to that point such a long silence from you would have made him worry and panic. Part of that was just cause he liked you and wanted to talk to you even when you weren’t there and so not getting a response made him wonder if he was more invested than you were or if you didn’t care as much. And then of course that train of thought would lead to wondering if maybe you didn’t actually like him or if you found him annoying. And then he’d remember you worked in the same building as your ex and what if he’d won you back somehow and you were off with him right now, having sex in a supply closet or something. But not this time. This time it didn’t even cross his mind to be anxious about your silence. You were at work, probably not able to look at your phone right away but you’d get back to him eventually. So when you responded all those hours later saying that yes you’d be over that night and apologising because you’d left your phone at home, Ben didn’t even bat an eye. He checked his fridge to make sure he had all the ingredients for a quick and easy dinner and then checked the freezer to make sure he had some of your favourite ice cream for dessert. And he thought about you and the late text and confidence he’d had that you would answer. Surely that was a sign he was serious about you, falling for you or maybe already in love with you. Then again, it had only been a few months and he wouldn’t want to scare you off now by even suggesting his feelings might be that deep. And maybe it wasn’t love, maybe it was just that he was maturing or something.
The love theory was confirmed just over a month later, on a cold quiet night. He’d never liked the cold much. He had a habit of closing himself off more during winter, falling into moody patches he found hard to get out of on his own. But it didn’t seem like such a problem with you around. The night he knew he loved you, he’d arrived at your place wrapped up in a scarf and a thick jacket. He’d let himself in with his key and you’d come hurrying over to greet him with a quick peck on the lips.
“I’ve already ordered dinner so I hope Chinese is okay with you. You know how busy they usually are at this time and I’m fucking starving so I wanted to get the order in.”
“Chinese is great,” he said as he hung his jacket up on the hook beside your door and followed you further into the apartment, finding a host of burning candles, some with wood wicks that crackled like a fireplace, some with soft sweet smells.
“I love that sweater,” you said offhandedly as you settled back in your spot on the couch, tucked up under a blanket large enough for Ben to join you.  Of course, he knew you liked the sweater because you’d stolen it more than once. (His favourite time was when he woke up to you making breakfast in just the sweater a few weeks after you’d started going out. He’d nearly burnt himself in his rush to lift you onto the bench and have you again) and he’s almost tempted to take it off too and let you have it for the night, or longer. That way when he got it back it would smell like you. But the thought sparks other thoughts which occupy Ben even as you settle in for a quiet night, content to be doing separate things while you’re together on the couch. The TV was on and you were both half watching it as you scrolled through your phones, sometimes showing each other a meme or video that crossed your path, sometimes just bitching about a particularly hard Candy Crush level. Eventually you end up cuddled up together, Ben’s head on your chest and your fingers absentmindedly stroking his hair. And Ben is still thinking. About this, about you. The candles you lit because your apartment can be kind of drafty and you know he’s more comfortable when he’s warm. The way you ordered his favourite dish even though it’s not one you particularly like. The little things you do for him all the time. And then he thinks about what it would be like living with you, decorating your house with candles in pretty holder and indoor plants in pots you could paint together. Your regular take out menus hung on the fridge with magnets. Coming home to you in his sweater. Maybe a pet, a dog you pick out together. It’s these last ideas, the ones about a potential future with you, that make Ben sure he loves you. He lifts his head with the idea of telling you but stops when he sees how you’re fighting off sleep. Instead he kisses your temple and tells you to go to bed and he’ll be in as soon as he’s blown out the last candles. He’s not sure he would have said it anyway. Knowing it was one thing, saying it was another.
Ben did vocalise his feelings though, a few weeks later. It had been on his mind a lot since that night. Wondering if it was too early to say it, wondering if you could be in love with him too or at least getting there, in the process of falling maybe. But he wasn’t sure and he didn’t want to make you think you had to say it back if you didn’t feel it too, so he kept it to himself. Until he couldn’t anymore. It just came out. You’d popped into a grocery store on your way to his with the intention of buying biscuits to have with a coffee. But you’d got a few other items too, some to take back to your apartment, some for Ben. Chief among them was a pack of toilet paper.
“I noticed you were running low last night and wasn’t sure you’d have had time to go to the shop today so I figured I’d pick it up for you.”
“I love you.”
Ben could have kicked himself. You gave him loo roll and he went and dropped the L word? Who does that? And you looked a little shocked by the revelation. He was on the verge of taking it back, or assuring you he didn’t need to hear it in return when you smiled.
“I love you too.”
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When Darkness Turns to Light - chapter 6
Description: Patton just wants to have one (1) nice dinner, is that too much to ask?
Relationships: platonic moceit mostly, platonic DLAMP, but like, half of them are still arguing ya know. 
Characters: Patton, Janus, Roman, Virgil, Logan. 
Warnings: negative self talk, arguing, lots of angst
let me know if anything needs tagging- or a better way of warning for stuff im still learning!
all characters in this fic are sympathetic, but they are not always paragons of good people! they are complicated and have complicated histories that are reflected in the way they treat each other
first chapter
previous chapter // next chapter
A band aid on a broken heart
 It’s been over a month since the wedding, and gradually things are returning to normal. Or… something like normal anyway.
They’ve fallen into new routines at meal times, and Patton finds comfort in them, even if it isn’t quite the same as it was before. He supposes though, that the same as before maybe shouldn’t be what he’s aiming for.
Virgil and Roman never come to breakfast anymore, and so it’s become a time for Patton, Logan and Janus to plan schedules. Not that Patton has much to contribute, but he enjoys the excuse to hang out with the two of them. he loves they way they light up while they debate, a fire igniting in their eyes that Patton has never really taken to time to appreciate before.
At lunch time Patton puts out a spread of sandwiches, and the other sides filter in and out of the kitchens, rarely stopping to talk. It’s the most familiar part of the day if he’s being honest. One time Logan walked in with his nose stuck in a book, didn’t look up, and Patton pushed a sandwich into his hand as Logan had grasped around the plate looking for one. He walked out again without saying anything, only a nod to even acknowledge that he had even noticed the other side’s presence. Patton’s heart had swelled. It was the most normal scene he had been in in a long time. after all of the awkward stumbling around each other and the stunted polite conversation, it was nice to just be comfortable existing in each other’s space.
Dinnertime has been… hit and miss. Two weeks ago he had gotten the courage to go around and knock on everyone’s doors and tell them he was making dinner and, well it could have gone worse. Roman came down, although he hadn’t spoken to them. Logan had sat with a Hanji book for the entire dinner, and Virgil had almost immediately fled the scene, barely even touching his food. As for the other two, well… Janus had assured Patton that Remus would not eat regular food, and he shouldn’t invite him, but he had still felt bad for not calling him to dinner. As for Janus himself, well he had said it was a “bad idea”. Patton hadn’t liked that answer, but Janus assured him he should be focusing on smaller goals first, rather than trying to repair Janus’ relationships with the other sides.
Since then, Patton had had varying levels of success. Some nights only Logan would show up, very rarely he would manage to get all of them into the kitchen, though it never lasted long.
One time Remus showed up and well… they had silently, and mutually, agreed not to talk about that night. The first time he had managed to coax Janus downstairs with promises of pasta and wine it had devolved into a hissing match between him and Virgil. So, better than Patton had expected.
Patton stirs the pot of pasta, wondering absentmindedly how many people will be coming for dinner. He always makes enough for seven, although he knows they’ll never have a full table. he opens the lid of the second pot, and gives the sauce a quick stir before turning it down to a simmer. Behind him someone makes a noise of deep contentment. Patton smiles. “Wow Jan, I would have never guessed you had such n-oodles of love for pasta. Tell me, is it the ravi-only way to your heart?” he sneaks a glance back at Janus to see he reaction, but the other side catches his eye with a smirk. Patton looks back at the pot too quickly to see the soft smile that crosses Janus’ face as he shrugs.
“I lived exclusively on microwave meals and chicken nuggets for the past thirty years. Can you blame me?” Janus sidles up to Patton, batting his eyes innocently as he sneaks some food out of the pot. Patton fixes him with an aghast look.
“Have you ever tried cooking with Remus?” Patton shudders at the thought. “As I said,” Janus continues. “the less chance for things to go wrong, the better.” Patton isn’t sure if he should smile or grimace at Janus, but before he can decide the door to the kitchen opens.
“Roman!” Patton cries excitedly. It’s been a couple of days since Roman last made it down to dinner. Patton wants to check in on him, see how he’s doing, talk about what he’s working on, but Roman hasn’t exactly been wanting to talk lately. “Food’s almost ready,” He says instead. “I’m making your favourite, tagliatelle!” He fixes Roman with his brightest and best dad smile, but Roman’s returning one is tight and artificial. Patton tries not to let it get to him, keeping up the happy attitude. He can feel Janus frowning at him.
Moments later, Logan comes into the room; latest read tucked under one arm. He tidies the table, but doesn’t set it. Seeing all of the empty setting had started getting to Patton, so now people just get their plates as they turn up.
Patton stars piling bowls, Roman first, then Logan, then Janus. As he’s about to fill his own he hears quiet movement, and a hush falls over the room. He forces himself not to freeze in place, instead smiling brightly at Virgil, careful not to be too loud.
“Virgil!” He beckons the side over. “Good to see you, pasta?”
Virgil hesitates, taking in the room. Janus smirks a him, and Patton spots the beginnings of what will rapidly become another petty and pointless argument. He shoots a look at the other side. Janus rolls his eyes, but takes his seat without another word.
Shoving his hands into his hoody pockets, Virgil quietly makes his way to Patton. “Sure. Sounds great.” Patton tried to keep his excitement on the inside; it’s the most that Virgil has said aloud in days.
Taking his bowl with a nod of thanks, Virgil takes a seat at the table as far away from Janus as possible, finding Logan levels of literalism in the phrase “on the edge of his seat”. Patton attempts to start a casual conversation around the table, asking Logan about the book he’s reading. As Logan lights up and begins mapping out the plot of the book, the mood lightens up a little. At one point Patton could swear he even sees Virgil smile. This all comes crashing down about halfway through dinner, when Logan asks Roman what he’s working on.
Patton sees Roman’s smile falter and slip off of his face, and it feels like a punch to the gut. Virgil tenses up across the table, but Roman just tries to dismiss the question with a wave of a hand.
“Oh you know, this and that,” he murmurs. “You’ll see it when it’s finished.” Logan frowns, but doesn’t push the matter further. Janus seems to have other ideas.
“If you’re having creative block, ignoring it is definitely going to help.” Patton winces, but Janus is making steady eye contact with Roman now, and it’s evident that he sees this as a battle worth fighting.
“What, me? Creative block?” Roman is louder now, pulling in some swagger that Patton has barely seen in weeks. “Foul fiend I- I am the embodiment of Creativity!” He sputters as he speaks. “Or course no such thing could happen to me!”
“Do you forget who I am?” Janus asks quietly. His voice barely a whisper in the wind, as though it were simply an exasperated afterthought. Before Roman can reply, he continues pushing. “Great, you definitely haven’t already had the talk about what a good idea it is to wait for an idea to be perfect before presenting it.”
“Hah! What would you know about creativity, Lie Mis?” Roman stands, waving his arms and shouting, before turning away from Janus, His voice cracks as he speaks, and Patton’s heart flutters nervously, unsure how to defuse the situation.
“Hey Kiddos,” he says. “How about we all just take a breather and stop for a moment-”
“No!” Roman shouts. “I can see that you clearly don’t need me here.” His voice hitches, and Patton feels frantic. “Since apparently he knows everything I’ll just, just-”
“Roman! That’s not true!” Patton stands at the table, and moves to reach for Roman, but the other side flinches away.
“Because everyone here is such an expert in what’s true,” he mutters.
“Roman,” Patton realises with some surprise that it’s Janus speaking, his voice softened as he lets out a gentle sigh. “I’m not-” they don’t get to hear the rest of the sentence, as Roman cuts him off with a harsh laugh.
“I don’t need any more of your lies, Deceit.” Then he sinks out. A silence echoes around the room, palpable enough to be deafening. Patton looks over at Janus, but whatever vulnerability he hard in his voice moments ago is gone, replaced with a cold hard nothing. His expression an unreadable marble.
“Well, I think that went well,” he says airily, continuing to eat. Across the room Virgil hisses at him, teeth bared. Janus simply raises an eyebrow at him. Patton isn’t sure if it’s a question or a challenge.
“Can you for once in your fucking miserable existence just fucking-” Virgil waves a hand in the air, unsure how to finish his sentence, or perhaps hoping to pull the words from the air. “Not be you!” he stands in place, shaking with anger.
“Oh?” Deceit says, smiling lazily. “And who would you like me to be?” He holds up a hand as though to snap his fingers.
“Don’t. You. Dare.” Virgil grinds out, his teeth gritted. Absently, Patton wonders if Virgil has fangs. He’s never notices them before. “You can’t just… lie, all the time, and expect people to trust you!”
Janus huffs out a breath, almost a laugh, almost… something else. “Because the truth has always gone so well for me in the past.” It’s quiet, quiet enough that Patton can hardly be sure Janus meant to say it at all.
In response Virgil simply bares his teeth again. “Like you’ve ever even tried it,” he hisses. Then he’s gone.
Patton stands, his eyes wide. He fights back tears, instead straightening up, trying to pull himself together.
“I’m, I’m going to go- go check on Virgil,” he says, fighting a wobble in his voice.
“You won’t be able to find him,” Janus replies. “Not if he doesn’t want to be found,”
“Well,” Patton clenches his fist, then relaxes. “I have to try anyway. If he does want me, I’ll be there,” just barely perceptible, he could swear he sees Janus flinch.
In the end Janus is right. Virgil is nowhere to be found. At one point he thinks he sees his door at the end of a hallway, but by the time he reaches it it’s gone. He lets out a cry of frustration. Normally he loves the mind palace, with it’s sprawling corridors and nonsensical patterns. If you aren’t paying attention you can walk for hours without running into anyone else.
Normally, this doesn’t work against him. when he’s looking for someone, he finds that his feet naturally take him where he needs to go. But Virgil seems to have mastered the shifting halls, and folded himself away in a corner that Patton isn’t sure how to access.
When he returns to the kitchen, he’s surprised to find Janus and Logan still there, in the middle of cleaning up after dinner.
“Oh, I was just about to get to-” but Janus interrupts him with a wave of his hand.
“It’s no trouble.”
“He thought you might need the break,” Logan adds. Janus glares at him, and Patton suppresses a smile.
“I did not say-”
“You implied, did you not?” Logan asks inquisitively. “I have been studying your dialogue, and you said-”
“There’s no need!” Janus shouts, with panic evident. The laugh that Patton has been squashing down bursts out, and Janus turns away; furiously scrubbing at the dishes in the sink.
“Fascinating,” Logan breathes. “Is only half of your face capable of blushing?” he asks, ducking his own head to get a better look at Janus’ face. “What exactly is your biology like? Are you in fact part snake, or is it appearance only? Thomas did imply…” Logan continues muttering to himself about biology, but Patton doesn’t understand any of it. He’s just happy to see that the other two sides are getting along.
Janus moves away hurriedly as he places the last dish on the drying rack, pulling off his gloves. Patton frowns.
“Janus,” he begins carefully. “Were you wearing those gloves… over your other gloves?”
“No.” Janus moves into the front room, sitting on the sofa with a thump to sulk. Patton suppresses another giggle.
Logan and Patton share a rare smile, before Logan clears his throat and announces his exit, already absorbed in his book once more before he’s even left the room.
Patton takes a seat next to Janus, and the two of them sit together in silence for a while. Janus has produces a crossword from somewhere in his cape, and is dutifully filling it in while Patton hums a tune to himself as he looks through his box of movies. It’s nice, and the quiet is only broken but Patton’s occasional suggestion of film, always swiftly followed by a sharp rejection.
The two sides have yet to actually watch a film together, though this has become something of a regular occurrence between the two of them. regular enough for Patton to know that Janus never actually solves the puzzles he brings. He does however find rather interesting solutions that definitely are not the intended answer. He always says that he simply has “his own interpretation of the rules”.
Patton finds himself knowing all sorts of little details about the other side, he realises. He knows that his favourite food is breakfast, whenever it isn’t supposed to be eaten. Pancakes at 2am, eggs and toast for lunch… and so on. He knows the other side is remarkably well read, and has a fondness for face masks, though he himself doesn’t use them. Patton’s skin has never felt clearer though. Janus is excellent at nail varnish, but terrible at applying makeup. However-
“27 dresses?” Patton tries.
“Ah yes, the love interest in that film isn’t creepy at all.” Janus rolls his eyes.
-He still hasn’t figured out what kind of TV the other side watches. Patton sighs in defeat, pushing the box away from himself for the evening. So far the chick flick category has turned out to be a total bust, and he’s ready to give up on it. he’s beginning to have strong suspicions that maybe Janus likes the types of movies that Patton doesn’t like at all, but he won’t be deterred.
“Hey, Janus,” he starts softly, but he can already see the other side tensing up. “About earlier-”
“I’m not apologising to Roman,” he replies shortly. Yeah, Patton pretty much saw that one coming.
“I wasn’t going to ask you to.” Janus looks over at him now, eyes narrow. “I just…” despite all of the time Patton has spent looking for the right way to go about the conversation, he still finds himself at a loss for words  “Wondered if… maybe you could talk? If you could get to know each other-”
“He doesn’t want to get to know me,” Janus sighs. “I’m not going to just keep on-” he cuts himself off with a sharp intake of breath. Patton wants to know, but he resolves not to push him.
“Maybe if-”
“If what?” Janus looks up, exasperated. “No matter what I do, Roman has already resolved to hate me. Same with Virgil. There is nothing I could possibly do to change their minds.” There’s a bitter sort of anger in his voice, that Patton hasn’t heard before. Not the biting sharpness of when he explodes at roman, not the playful tone he took in the courtroom. There’s a melancholy to it, but resigned. Patton isn’t really sure who it’s directed at.
“I mean, the arguing can’t help though.” Patton pushes.
“It’s better than the alternative.” Janus voice softens, almost sad. Hurt? Patton reaches out a hand to lay on Janus’ shoulder, but he shakes it off. Patton finds he’s thoroughly lost his footing in the conversation, unsure of what Janus is trying to say anymore, but not yet ready to make the final push to ask.
Janus doesn’t leave, but it’s clear that he’s done with the conversation. He picks up his book, turning a new page and beginning again. There are so  many questions bouncing around in Patton’s head. He doesn’t even know where to begin to unravel the mess he’s in. He wonders what happened between Virgil and Janus, he wants to know their history, as it becomes more and more evident that they have one. How did they get here? Whenever Janus talks about Virgil, it’s almost as though he’s talking about someone entirely different. Patton doesn’t know how to reconcile the two thoughts in his head.
He doesn’t ask though. instead, the two of them stay that way for the rest of the evening; silent in each other’s company. They’re both all too familiar with being alone to willingly submit to it again. not that either one of them would ever say it. maybe some things don’t need to be said, Patton thinks. Maybe that isn’t the point. Some days it can be enough just to exist near each other
sorrry, i meant to have this up yesterday, but then i slept in till like 4pm and then did baking sooooo
not really quite happy with this chapter yet? but this is as good as it gets for now, so hope you like it let me know what you thought! 
tags: @booklover223 @god0fspoons @cemmy @selenechris @sweet-hibiscus-tea-art
let me know if you want to be tagged! 
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Flight. Loki x Reader.
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SO HEY! Its been a while. Uni is hard guys like damn so much work! But anyways, lockdown is happening in the Uk So im bored and procrastinating on my last essay so here have this slightly shitty loki x reader. 
“I do not wish to go anymore, I think perhaps I would be better if I stayed here, help Banner with the computers and intel,” Loki protested. “I’m sure I would be more use here than wherever it is you’re going off to in that… that… metal bird.” 
“Oh no no no… I am not leaving you alone in my building,” Tony snapped. “You are coming with us so we always know where you are, I do not trust you one bit not to destroy my building.” 
“Thanks for looking out for me Tony,” Bruce sighed. “Loki your skills are needed in the field, you won't be of much use to me here, I need to focus on the screens and well… you struggle with technology as simple as the fridge, I don’t quite think you’ll be much help when it comes to the computers.”
“But I do not want to go… not on that thing,” Loki pointed to the jet they were loading with gear, not hiding his disgust at the metal bird before him. Now Loki may have been a god, a god who had travelled from planet to planet, through time and space, but he was not a god who was accustomed to the ways of travel here on earth. 
When Loki had first returned to earth after his attempt at taking control of its people, he had managed to avoid using the methods of travel the humans used as much as possible. His first experience was on a bus. He hadn’t much liked this, one because he found there were far too many people around him, and two the driver seemed to aim for the holes in the road rather than avoid it. His second experience had been worse. He’d been travelling with Thor from one side of the city to the other by the subway. The first couple of stops were fine, but as more people joined and the gaps became further apart, Loki began to feel far too overheated, his head spun trying to make sense of all the sounds around him, and before the doors were open at his stop, his stomach began to churn so much he could no longer hold in its contents. Loki had other experiences with travel of the mortals all of which he found rather displeasing, but this was to be his first experience with any form of aircraft, aside from when he had been captured but he had been far too preoccupied at the time to focus on the jet or worry. 
Loki simply did not want to get on the jet before him. He had no faith in the humans, and thought it highly unlikely they would be able to build a craft that would hold all of the team in the air for the duration of their trip. Loki didn’t particularly want to meet his end through crash landing in some godforsaken land. 
“You scared of a little plane?!” Tony mocked, not being able to contain the joy and laughter that escaped him at the thought of the mighty Loki being scared of a little jet. “Ha, not so amazing are you?” 
“Hey cut it out Tony,” a voice called from inside. Y/N came out, carrying with her her own crate needed for the mission. Steve rushed to her side to assist her, taking the crate and loading it alongside the other boxes already inside the jet. 
“Nice to see you’ve finally joined us,” Clint smirked, knowing full well Y/N had overslept again, something that happened on the regular. 
“Shut it,” she smirked back. “Tony don’t be a dick alright? If you’re not used to flying like this it can be scary alright, I doubt anyone here wasn’t scared the first time they got on a plane, you included, so leave Loki alone otherwise you can deal with me.” Tony knew not to test this out. Y/N was nowhere near as scary as Nat, but that didn’t make her as deadly. Y/N had the power of mind control and reading, and anytime anyone annoyed her she didn’t stop herself from sharing their deepest darkest secrets. Last time Clint had wrong her the whole team had not only watched him dance like a chicken for thirty minutes, but had learnt that in order to sleep he had a little blanket he liked to rub against his nose. 
“Thank you,” Loki smiled softly. Y/N had always been so kind to Loki, he was never too sure why, it wasn’t as if he deserved it. She always had his back, helped him understand things and had the patience to keep helping evening when he took a while to understand. She was always the first to volunteer to spar with him, happily taking him on with or without his powers. 
Loki hadn’t ever felt a connection as close as he felt with her, everytime she was near his heart felt a little bigger in his chest, its rate increasing with every breath he took. He hadn’t ever experienced a feeling like this, and certainly not towards a mortal woman, but he knew what it meant. 
“That’s alright sweetie,” she smiled, coming to his side while they waited for the rest of the packing to be done. “How about you sit beside me on the jet, it’s a bit of a long flight but I’ve brought some little travel games. Personally its not the flight itself that bothers me its having to listen to Thor and Clint discuss who has bigger muscles.”
“We do not do that!” Clint barked.
“Although if we were to have that conversation it would certainly be me,” Thor said quietly, earning himself a grin from both Y/N and Loki. 
Y/N and Loki boarded the plane when it was ready, and as agreed Y/N had sat beside him. From her little bag she pulled out a small plastic box. 
“It’s travel checkers. I also have travel connect four if we get that bored… oooh and pen and paper to play hangman and that box game…” 
“Sounds like a wonderful distraction to me,” Loki was not too interested in the games she had brought with her, although he was grateful she had, no he was more interested in the woman that sat beside him. The best disraction was not going to come from moving small magnetic checkers pieces around a board or haning a man if she spelt his word wrong, no the best distraction for him would simply be listening to her talk and knowing she was by his side. 
The pair played most of the games for the duration of the fight, and so far Loki had not once thought about the fear of flying he had once possessed. Y/N made for a wonderful companion to have on a worrying trip so he had felt most at ease for the most part of the journey.
“Hey guys,” Steve called over his shoulder from his position in the pilots seat. “The next bits going to get a bit rough, just hold tight.”
He wasn’t lying. The small craft began to feel as though it was being hurtled through the sky by an unknown force that made it bounce up and down along the clouds. Loki instinctively hung onto the arms of his seat feeling as though his whole body was being shaken around inside a glass bottle. Even the other Avengers, seasoned flyers, felt queasy as the plane hurtled forward. 
Loki tried a breathing technique Y/N had taught him for when he got mad, however the repetitive in and out seemed to not help at all. 
Y/N, who like the rest of the team was struggling with the constant jumping of the plane, remained as calm as possible. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Loki’s hands gripping so tight on the armrest that his already pale hands became as white as snow. His panicked breaths echoed around her. Without thinkin about it, wanting only to help the man beside her, she placed one hand on top of his, tightly enough so he would know she was there, and with the other pulled his face around to face hers. 
“Hey, Loki,” Y/n said sweetly, looking at him as his eyes remained tightly shut. She couldn’t help the little jump in her chest as she looked at him. Y/N had taken a liking to him and hated seeing him like this. She would do everything in her power to help him get through this. “Hey, look at me sweetie.” 
Loki did as instructed, his panic lessening as he looked into her eyes, getting lost in them as if they were their own star system. 
“That’s it,” she smiled softly, trying to assure him it was going to be okay and not show her own worry as the plane continued to be thrown around the sky. “It’s okay I promise, this is normal okay, it’s just because of the bad winds today okay. This plane is the best out there and will get us there safely okay.” 
“Okay, okay…” Loki breathed, trying his very best to focus on her. His eyes traced the lines of her face, studied every freckle, every stray hair from her bun. Loki realised just how beautiful she was right now, seeing her completely for the first time. Just as his breathing began to slow, Steve made another announcement. 
“We’ve got to make an emergency landing, were in a storm, hold tight… it’s going to get worse.” 
Instantly Loki began to panic again, his hand gripped Y/N’s as his breaths began to quicken once more. Y/N watched as he once again shut his eyes tight and the fear began to radiate off him again. She had to try and help him, she hated seeing him like this, she needed to take his mind off it. Without thinking it through, Y/N leant forward and pressed her lips against his firmly to try and bring him back, to take his mind off the panic. As his lips remained still against hers, she suddenly realised how this was perhaps not the best method of distraction. She went to pull away when his lips began to move against hers. 
The panic of the plane hurtling to the ground began to fade, instead his body began to react to the sensation of her lips being pressed against his. His chest remained tight, but this time it was because of her, the way he made her feel in his heart. His facial expressions began to soften and he let go of his tight grip on her hand to allow it to find her cheek. 
As their focus became just each other, both allowing the kiss to become more than just a distraction, the plane began to slow, finally coming into land. Neither noticed as they reached safely until Tony cleared his throat.
“Can I be the first to say ew? Your reaction to our plane potentially going down was to kiss?” He chuckled. 
“Shut it Tony, you peed yourself a little during that so you can hardly talk,” Y/N bite back, reading his thoughts as he mocked them. Tony soon shut up. “Sorry I shouldn’t of just kissed you, that was probably kind of weird for you,” she said quietly so only Loki could hear. 
“No, don't apologise,” Loki smiled, taking her hand in both of his, “I’m not the best with interaction, particularly with mortals, but you make me feel something I haven’t before, that kiss made me feel it even more… I wouldn’t mind you using it to distract me more often.” 
“That can be arranged,” she smiled, leaning in once more so their lips joined. Perhaps that was the best distraction method she could find after all. 
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saibh29 · 5 years
Minor Head Trauma (Part 3)
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Pairing: Will Halstead x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, Drugs (misuse)
AN: I’m not a doctor, please don’t think my medical advice etc is in any way accurate. Also i’m not American and haven’t been to Chicago so I apologise if my geography or depiction isn’t right. 
When an old friend of Ethan Choi show’s up in Chicago ED she’s about to make life very uncomfortable for Will Halstead
Part One  Part Two 
Predictably, you had not been allowed to rest when you’d gotten back to the base. After giving your team a debrief of what had actually happened to you the General had then sent you straight back to regular duty. Sometimes he made you wonder whether he was more inclined to be your General or your father. You only thought about it sometimes, because if you tried too hard and really thought about it you were worried you wouldn’t like the answer.
That had been a week ago, your head was pretty much fully healed, you were still getting the occasional headache but it wasn’t anything that was making you suffer too greatly, you suffered much more simply from having to deal with Nolan 24 hours a day.
Rooting around in the pockets of your jeans you found a handful of change and counted it up desperate that it reached the right amount for a large mug of black coffee.
Luckily it seemed your pockets for once were deep enough to scrounge the right coins.
You pushed your way into the tiny coffee shop near the base, it was always filled to the brim with off duty service men and women. Men and women who had more sense than to risk the base’s cafeteria.
Elbowing your way to the front of the queue and glaring at any squaddies that tried to get in your way you ordered your coffee from the overly stressed barista and then fought with another customer who insisted that the coffee you’d ordered was his instead of yours.
By the time you squeezed back out of the café you were once again in a miserable, pissed off mood. What you saw though in front of you shocked you right out of that mood once again.
“Dr Halstead?”
“Captain Y/L/N” he looked almost embarrassed.
“What are you doing here?”
“I was, uh, I was looking for you”
“for me?”
Rubbing at the back of his neck Will took a few steps towards you. “I thought I’d check up on you, on your head”
“My head is fine. I told you, it’s pretty thick” you moved out of the way of a group of squaddies coming through the doors again which put you a bit closer to Will. “How’d you even find me?”
“Oh, uh, Nolan, he had to give a phone number on your arrival to the ED. I rang him, he told me you’d probably be here”
“Ok” frowning you sipped at the coffee in one hand. “next question, why?”
“Why are you ringing Nolan and turning up outside the coffee shop I go to to try and find me?”
Ok, now he really did look embarrassed. It was sort of cute, but didn’t answer your question. “Are you busy? I mean, do you have to head back to the base straight away?”
“I don’t” you did. Why were you saying you didn’t? You were going to get in so much trouble for this. Will was smiling though and your brain wasn’t functioning. “What did you have in mind Dr Halstead?”
“You really need to call me Will”
“You going to stop calling me Captain?”
He was too charming for his own good, with that little half smile thing he was pulling off, hell the man was just… yummy. “So, what do you want to do Will?”
“Walk with me?” It was getting to be Autumn and even though the chill was starting to settle it was still warm enough to walk without turning into an icicle. “You look good in a uniform Captain”
“You didn’t look bad in your own either Doctor Halstead”
Together you walked down the street, you weren’t in the best area of Chicago and dilapidated social housing marred most of your view. Windows boarded over with chipboard and gang tags sprayed onto them. You didn’t even notice though; you were focused on Will.
Being focused so much on Will was probably what made you miss it, the shadow in the alley coming up in front of you, the hand waving at you and then suddenly the whisper of your name.
Stalling beside Will you peered around him and found the frantic eyes of your informant. What the hell was he doing this side of Chicago.
“Daniel, what the hell?” you moved quickly pushing him back into the alley out of sight of any curious residents who still had glass in their windows. “What are you doing here?”
“I need to talk to you Y/N, real bad like”
The boy was shivering and trembling uncontrollably and the frantic look in his eyes filled you into the problem quite quickly. “Fuck Daniel, you’re strung out”
“Please Y/N…”
“I told you” you snapped “no drugs, I'm not fuelling your addiction”
“Y/N?” Will, crap, he’d followed you into the alley and was looking at Daniel in concern. “He doesn’t look so good”
“He’s fine”
“No drugs Daniel. It was our deal”
“I think they were bad” he chattered out “Y/N, I'm not high like usual”
“What?” you weren’t a doctor, you had no idea how different drugs affected the body. Really looking at him though you realised that maybe Will was right. Daniel didn’t look good and you’d seen him at some pretty fucking low points. “Will?”
Will was already moving to Daniel pushing him down onto a broken packing crate, the young man’s trembling seemed to have turned almost violent now and the shivers were racking his whole body.
“What did you take?”
Daniel’s eyes flicked off Will and back to you, not strung out enough to not be naturally nervous of a stranger he didn’t know. “Speak Daniel, he’s safe”
“Don’t know” you could barely understand him, he was finding it difficult to speak from the chattering of his teeth. “They gave me a syringe”
“You fucking idiot, and you just took it?”
“I had no choice”
“Y/N, we need to get him to the ED” Will was pressing his fingers onto various parts of Daniels body, obviously looking for something.
“How did you get here?”
“Let’s go then”
Will got his shoulder underneath Daniel’s arm and helped get the younger man back up to his feet he then rooted around in his pocket throwing his car keys at you. “I want to keep an eye on him, you drive” Will pointed back down the street. “Car’s that way”
That was quite a decent distance to go in broad daylight. The last thing Daniel, or you for that matter, needed was to be seen together. “Wait”
Pulling off your jacket you removed the top layer of your uniform, the simple khaki fleece, put the jacket back on and then shoved Daniel’s skinny arms through the fleece which also had a hood thank the lord, you pulled that over Daniel’s head.
Will thankfully didn’t question this just held Daniel still enough for you to dress him. When you were as happy as you could be that no one would be able to recognise him you nodded at Will. “Let’s get him to hospital”
Will bundled Daniel into the back seat of his car getting in as well and you started up the engine. Your driving skills had been honed in a military Humvee, driving through the sand dunes of Afghan being shot at by insurgents hence it had been mentioned by your civilian friends that you were a little… crazy.
Your dangerous (you’d debate that label) driving meant you got back to Chicago Med in record time. Daniel was now turning a sickly yellow colour and sweat was beading his face. He really didn’t look good.
Will had to practically carry him into the ED shouting for various other drugs and tox screenings while he laid Daniel down onto a trolley.
“You idiot” you said again, a lot less vehemence behind it though this time. “What was your big plan here? Wait in that alley until I randomly turned up?”
You couldn’t understand a single word that Daniel said this time. Instead you took hold of his hand. “Will’s a good doctor. He’ll get you fixed up. Then me and you, we’re going to have a discussion”
Will was back and breaking the hold you had on Daniel’s hand as he moved you out of the room. “He needs to be registered on the system”
“He can’t be registered Will”
“I thought that may be the answer”
“I'm sorry…” nurses were running in and out of the cubicle that Daniel was laid in, doing the various tests that Will had ordered. “I can register myself again”
“I came back for a check up for my head. Charge me for everything”
“You wouldn’t need those tests for a head wound. It would be questioned why I ordered them”
“Will” grabbing his hand you pulled him away from the bustle of the ED and into a quieter corner. “I'm sorry, I'm so sorry you’re being involved in this but understand me when I say that Daniel can NOT be registered at this ED. For more than his own sake”
Will remained silent staring down at you.
“I’ll bring you the forms. Fill them out for yourself… Y/N if this…”
“It won’t bounce back on you. I promise I won’t let it”
“The general?”
“Among other things. Just don’t let him die Will”
“You’re going to be a problem, aren’t you?”
Before you could really compute what was happening Will had bent down, pressed his lips against yours in a kiss that seared a trail all the way through your body and then he’d disappeared again. Striding back into Daniels room, where you could hear his voice shouting out demands for even more tests.
Fuck, this was going to be all kinds of problems and you weren’t even sure if it was Daniel that you were thinking about.
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
As Long As It Takes
Prompt: #107 for @listlessmaenads – “Come for a drive with me.”
Anonymous said:
Hey Chelle! Can you pretty please, do a drabble request for me? Jaebeom, S2L or F2L, your choice, with this prompt? 107. “Come for a drive with me.” I'm ready to die instantly upon reading. - The Other Kat. (listlessmaenads)
Pairing: Im Jaebum x reader
Genre: strangers to lovers
Warnings: none
Word count: 1472
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“Come for a drive with me.”
You should have said no.
After all, who in their right mind gets into the car with someone they barely knew?
Then again, you hadn’t been in your right mind for days. Still, warning bells were flashing at the back of your head right now as you opened the passenger door to the car, hopping in without stopping to contemplate a single second further of doubt.
It wasn’t as if he was a complete stranger, you reasoned. Jaebum was someone who often frequented the coffee shop you worked at, and much like most regular customers, you had learned little details about him outside of his order you now knew how to make perfectly each and every time.
Except, you wouldn’t be doing that anymore.
Slipping the belt around yourself, you shivered due to the chill now seeping through your sodden clothing and into your bones. Before you could do anything, Jaebum had reached for a blanket from the back seat and wrapped it around you, then turned up the heating.
Had he taken pity on you and your sudden unemployment? You stared at him in small increments, growing bolder the longer you did so. Was he always this handsome or had you simply fallen for his charms of giving you a carriage ride away from your misfortune? It was easy to relish in the comforts of a warm car when outside was lashing with rain. The skies were letting loose much as you had to your boss just before. You wanted to laugh. You had the urge to cry.
Instead, you stared at Jaebum.
“Where do you want to go?” he eventually asked, eyes still on the road. Hands tightening around the steering wheel. You realised Jaebum was anxious in your presence.
He had done his part as a fellow citizen by now. He had removed you from the situation that had left you standing on the side of street staring to the heavens entirely helpless. He really didn’t need to do anything more for you. You smiled weakly. “You can just drop me off at the nearest bus stop.”
“Why?” He shot you a look and then shook his head. “No, it’s fine. I want to take you somewhere.”
“Where?” you implored and he shrugged, which made you giggle. When had you last laughed? The sound surprised you, falling effortlessly from your mouth.
It made Jaebum relax as well. “Anywhere you want to go. I’ll take you there.”
“Even if it’s far away?”
“Even then.”
“Because you’re a fellow human in this world surviving through the daily grind?” you asked and Jaebum shook his head.
“I don’t pity you, Y/N. What you said to that jerk of a man was well-deserved. What he was subjecting his staff to is illegal. You are entitled to breaks and to deny the right of someone who needs to go to the bathroom is inhumane. Sticking up for your fellow staff member wasn’t the wrong thing to do.”
“Got me fired though,” you mused with a sigh. “Which I really didn’t need since my roommate just disappeared overnight without paying this month’s rent the other day. I snapped because I wasn’t diligent enough and too self-involved with my own issues.”
“You’ve done enough,” Jaebum assured and you went back to staring at him, this time, Jaebum picking up on it and darting his eyes between you and the road repetitively. His cheeks coloured. “What? Is there something on my face?”
He frowned and started to wipe at himself all over. You giggled as he grew exasperated. “What is it?!”
“You have kindness in your eyes. Do you go and save all the damsel’s in distress on a regular basis?”
“Actually, this is my first time,” he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck before chuckling. “I’m not a weird guy, I promise.”
“I wouldn’t have gotten in the car if I didn’t trust you.”
Jaebum stilled for a moment and then smirked. “How do you know to trust me?”
“Because,” you started with a roll of your eyes, folding your arms across your chest. “You openly show your emotions.”
“Really?” he glanced at you momentarily. “No one has ever said that to me.”
“Well, I just did.”
“And I just rescued you, right?”
You nodded. “Very much so. For the interim anyway. I still don’t know what to do with everything else.”
Jaebum pulled the car to a stop outside of a convenience store. You eyed him questioningly and he grinned, told you to wait there and then dashed inside. He returned with a bag of assorted foods – both hot and cold – and a couple of drinks. He placed the bag in your lap. “You haven’t eaten today, right?”
“How did you-”
“I work across from the coffee shop, remember? My desk’s view is directly over the street. I didn’t see you leave that counter once. Besides, you were fired for fighting for human rights so I assumed that meant your own weren’t being met either.”
You smiled and reached into the bag for something to eat first. It all smelt delicious and you thanked him before starting to eat. He took a packet of food out for himself before continuing with the drive.
“I have a good friend in the legal sector by the way. His name is Park Jinyoung and he works for a pretty successful law firm. I’m sure if we ran your unlawful dismissal passed him that you’d be able to sue for several claims. We definitely have a case here.”
“I can’t afford a lawyer, Jaebum.” You stared down at the food and then snapped your focus back to his face. He had been generous enough already and you began to wave your hands about wildly. “You can’t pay for that too!”
Jaebum laughed heartily. “Jinyoung can apply for funding so he can work pro bono on your case.”
“Wow, not only are you a great at picking me up out of my misery, but you’re also pretty insightful too.”
“Well shucks, I aim to please.”
Now that your hunger was somewhat satiated, you stared out the window as the darkened world whizzed by. You noticed a specific building and then frowned. “Didn’t we pass that before? Are we driving around in circles?”
“Well, you didn’t exactly give me directions on where you wanted to go,” Jaebum mumbled as a grin spread over your lips. You poked his upper arm and he glanced at you before matching your smile. “It’s not all that bad though. We’re still on a drive.”
“What will be our destination?”
“To be honest, I don’t know.” He gripped the steering wheel again and you hid your smile behind your hand. He was too adorable for you to handle. “I kind of don’t want the drive to end.”
“Really? You want to keep going all night long?”
“Until I know more about you,” he stated and you pulled your legs up so you could rest upon them. Jaebum glanced at you and then back at the road. “Is… is that too creepy?”
“Are you sure? You can tell me if I’m being too much.”
“Too much over what?” you questioned as you noticed the flame of colour to his cheeks. You giggled. “You’re blushing.”
“Forget I said anything.”
You humour dissipated and you continued to stare at him. “Jaebum, I’ve seen you too, you know.”
“Seen me?”
“At work. Watching out your window. When I’m taking a break or out cleaning off tables, I look for you too. Maybe we’re not so different after all. Sure, you have a stable career and I… well, I don’t know what I’ll be doing now. But I guess there’s a reason you offered me this ride, much like I took it. And I don’t think that reason is different for either of us.”
A smile slowly curled up the corners of his lips and Jaebum nodded, finally glancing at you at a set of lights. His smile was overwhelming and you felt yourself mirroring the gesture back again, unable to pull your eyes off of him.
And then someone tooted from behind.
“Oh, uh well,” he muttered, driving off as soon as he checked it was clear to do so and then cleared his throat. “I wasn’t going to just let you stand out in the cold.”
“What’s your favourite colour?”
“Black or white, why?”
You smiled again. “Didn’t you want to get to know me more?”
Jaebum nodded and relaxed. “We have this entire drive to get to know each other more, right?”
“Just this car ride? I was hoping there would be more opportunities,” you admitted and he grinned.
“It’s not like I’m going to sell my car anytime, Y/N. We could take as many drives as it takes.”
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
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artificialqueens · 5 years
the broken hearts club [branjie] - pinkgrapefruit
A/N - im sorry i’ve been gone. <3
I need emotion, Novocaine, I need a numbing of my brain
I need somethin’ to take away the remains of your name
She rolls the ring between her fingers and wonders how it became the end of them when it should have been the beginning. The silver shines bright like it’s never been worn, no signs of wear and tear, no hint of tarnishing. It glows in a way that tells you it’s wearer has no tan line. Her’s is a solid strip of white. When her tears fall onto the diamond, she’s sure it cracks. Her heart does. Vanessa’s heart cracks every time.
And the way her blood rushes through the jagged-cut veins that sparkle rough like a diamond on a full moon sends a pounding to her head. Like a basketball on a concrete floor and the noise it makes could be footfalls or it could be breaking. In her defence, the world moves in slow motion now and she’s not sure if it’s moving at all. She’s numb from the brain down and it takes more time to fasten up her shoes than it does to remember her birthday but that’s how life is and sometimes you’ve got to pick your battles. She decides she doesn’t need groceries and instead purges their group calendar.
She tries to purge the group calendar just like she tries to cancel their wedding planner and she tries to send an email out to the invitees and remove the taster wedding cakes from their fridge and stop calling her flat theirs. She tries.
I need amnesia for a day and an umbrella for the rain
That hasn’t gone away since you said you didn’t need me
The first morning Vanessa feels up for a run, it’s raining and she curses fucking Brooke for this fucking rain because of course, the ice queen loved the rain. It rained the day she left and she’s damn sure it will always be raining when she thinks of her. Instead of a run, she takes the A train from Brooklyn to Central Park, desperate to find one piece of New York that isn’t tainted with memories of Blonde hair and the smell of lavender. Somehow they never ended up here so Vanessa spends her day sitting on a bench with an umbrella and a large coffee. Her sweater is pulled up over her chin and her sleeves, over most of her hands and she feels safer than she has in weeks.
When she gets home, she opens a bottle of wine and eats all the cake in the flat and calls it a success.
Lately been thinkin’ maybe
There’s a place we won’t feel so crazy
She deeps cleans the apartment after three and a half weeks. She is beyond desperate to remove the smell of Peonies and Hairspray that seems to have permeated her entire being, leaving her feeling surrounded and smothered. She vacuums behind the TV and washes the sofa cushions and cleans out all the cabinets. She puts all of her developed films of Brooke into an airtight box and takes it to her storage unit the next day along with two boxes of assorted knick-knacks and a suit that somehow ended up on her side of the closet. She sleeps easy that night, calmed by the frantic day and the scent of vanilla incense. She doesn’t dream. It’s a welcome change.
She converts Brooke’s side of the spare room into a proper darkroom, pinning up blackout curtains and carrying her big bath from college through the subway. She settles it in a corner and spends the next two days developing all the shots she’s been too preoccupied to do until the entire flat is dark and covered in tarp and she has to duck to make it from her bedroom to the kitchen. She drinks her coffee sat up on the counter and hears Brooke telling her to get down but she ignores the voice. The day is a win.
Been in a hazy mid-morning daydream
I found a shady spot that they saved me
She buys too much the first time she grocery shops for one and has to invite the Dreamgirls over to help eat it all. The next day she calls Yvie and she brings Scarlet over and they;re both still friends with Brooke and look uncomfortable the whole time until Vanessa tells them she won’t break if she hears her name or talks about weddings and they can finally tell about hoe Scarlet’s job photographing the Ballet Company is or how their wedding planning is going. She imparts the wisdom that an off-white dress will work better with Yvie’s skin tone and a blush tone will look warmer against Scarlet’s hair and that the lighting looks best cosy and that the flowers should be bought in bulk. She lets them know she’s just a phone call away and it almost feels like therapy except when they leave she feels crushingly alone.
She takes a bath with some muscle relaxer she found under the sink, a gift from one of Brooke’s dancer friends and sends thanks to the gods that New York garners enough money to pay their dancers well, feeling rich from the softness of her skin.
They said, “come be the newest member of the broken hearts club
We hate every little thing about the people that we love
She hates the way almond milk tastes, and how she will never be able to watch the nutcracker again and the way black and white films make your head hurt a little if you watch them for too long. She hates how the sheets are always cold and the bed is never made and how Brooke used to do it all but there’s no Brooke anymore so she’s going to have to learn how to fold a fitted sheet all on her own. She hates how she still find white cat hairs on her black clothes and black cat hairs on her white clothes and blonde hair in her shower drain two months later when it gets blocked.
She hates how her Spotify still recommends her opera and how Netflix remembers Brooke’s love of true crime, even though some of the thumbnails scare the shit out of Vanessa. She hates how she booked the time off work to plan wedding stuff and somehow the entire freelance photography world seems to know because even though Vanessa is well known and well regarded, she cannot seem to get a gig anywhere and can’t even resort to weddings because she’s too scared she’ll end up crying into her camera.
She hates how she feels when she passes the subway stop for the New York Ballet and how she feels when she sees a blonde updo in a crowd and she hates how she feels.
And she hates that she still loves her.
She hates it.
We’re the let-down, we’re the lied-to, where the lost go and it finds you
Where the lonely make the lonely feel less lonely, and we’re dyin’ to
Invite you to stay, and take away the pain
‘Cause misery loves company, so hey, what do you say?”
She manages to feel lost in her own home sometimes and it’s an eerie feeling that only changes over time as she allows her space to open up and become shared again. She buys a cactus in the first step towards healing and talks to it intermittently. Soon she has an apiary on her fire escape, filled with potted plants and fairy lights and it’s a little escape from how claustrophobic the flat can feel.
She joins a running club and rediscovers the routes she and Brooke would run in the days when they were still fresh and young and felt like exploring. She still can’t touch their regular routes but she likes the older ones. She gets a coffee at their spot and the barista is new so they don’t look at her with a familiar face of pity. She starts to get bookings again, people coming to New York wanting a travel photographer to follow their adventures, young influencers wanting to feel like real celebrities and she gets paid more to take photos of some than she used to in entire years.
She knows she could move but she is tied to her place with heartstrings.
And at first, I wasn’t sure if there’s even a cure
For what I’m feelin’, 'cause what I’m feeling’s been feelin’ more and more absurd
Her therapist emails her on a Tuesday, suggests it’s been a while and she should come in for a chat. She blindly agrees and puts on her comfiest Yoga pants, knowing it’s going to be a long day. He suggests she should go see a show, watch her dance and make peace with the way her body moves and the way her mind has moved on and she blindly agrees to that too, too overwhelmed by the suggestion to really think. Her homework is to book it and she is scheduled in for the day after the performance.
She books the performance of Giselle with little thought, picking the best seats in the house like she always did. They are front and centre in an area usually reserved for friends and family but it must be a little thin on the ground that night because she can snag her familiar chair with ease. The amount it takes from her bank account should hurt but she’s realising more and more that maybe this is healing.
She buys a new dress for the occasion and sets it aside, knowing it will be the only thing untouched by Brooke. It’s a powerful feeling.
The repeating in my head of every last word that you said
Feels like ever since you left, you still won’t leave me
It’s a beautiful show and Brooke dances like she’s moving on air. She glides, ever jete a flying move. Her partnering is divine and for the first time, Vanessa isn’t jealous of the man that gets to hold her. It doesn’t feel like a victory when he lets go.
She feels every move Brooke makes, wants to say that the blue eyes are piercing into her but it isn’t true. Because Brooke dances for the back row, eyes cast far back and Vanessa is allowed the moment to fade away. She comes out of it feeling refreshed and free and skips down the steps lightly.
Her therapist tells her he’s proud and she feels it deep in her soul like a new fire. She hopes it will stay lit.
I guess if you can’t beat 'em, join 'em
That’s what they always say
Let’s go inside, let’s coincide
And I’ll commensurate
She lays in bed on a Wednesday morning and lets herself remember that night. She thinks about the way it felt to open the door to an empty foyer, to feel uprooted and upended, life on its back legs rearing blindly as she tried to hold on for dear life. She remembers it like one remembers their parent’s divorce, messily and full os blame and she hopes that Brooke will never do it to another person because at that moment she felt so lost.
She grounds herself, hands twisted in her duvet, head heavy on the pillow.
She gets up, makes a coffee and waters her plants.
She starts afresh.
Singin’, we’re the newest members of the broken hearts club
We still feel pretty lonely and we wish we didn’t, but
She stands on her fire escape at 4 am on a Thursday. Camera in hand she watches the world pass by as the sun rises, a golden glow reflecting off the highrises of the city she loves so dearly. Below her, on the street, she misses the flash of Blonde that jogs as the night fades. The shots she takes that morning sell for thousands. She calls then ‘Brooke Lynn’.
We’re the newest members of the broken hearts club
And we all kinda hate it, but it’s easier than love
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helisol · 5 years
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ye s, well
it basically came to me like a prophet receiving a vision from an angry god. you know. like brian david gilberts video ideas but with more slow burn.
no really i wrote all this down in my phone’s note app because some nearly coherent things popped up in my head every time i was on the train or bus these last few days.
(after-actually-writing-this disclaimer/note: this is 2000 words of slightly edited rambling about Bagginshield in the Afterlife. i had to put it in a read more.)
so the gist of it
the botfa goes just as in the movie with minor details altered. like bilbo kissing thorin just before he dies which inadvertently causes a ripple in time and space that makes the valar curious of them both. you know. minor stuff.
so bilbo goes back to the shire, the war of the ring goes down, and the hobbit/elf gang sails to valinor at the end. classic stuff, not much alternating of universes here.
but here’s where things turn into the “my city now” meme because DUDE DO I HAVE A LOT OF THOUGHTS ABOUT VALINOR AND HOW THE AFTERLIFE WORKS
like, I’m sorry mister jolkien rolkien tolkien, but just putting people into a hall to await being judged like a hospital waiting room? snooze, that’s boring!
so first of all, and you can fight me on this, Yavanna Made The Hobbits And You Can’t Change My Mind.
it just makes sense for her to have been very saddened by the destruction of literally all her work on arda through melkor’s poison, so she made living, growing things that could protect themselves from harm. as opposed to the ents, by the way, which were made by Eru to protect all the other living, growing things. it was a nice gesture of Eru to make those, but not quite what Yavanna wanted or had in mind, i imagine.
as with the dwarves, Eru wasn’t all happy about the existence of another race he didn’t make but you know, whatever, ‘I’ll just let this married couple have their own kids aside from mine, it’s okay’.
so he hands both the dwarves and the hobbits independent thought and free will, but under the condition (and here is where the afterlife stuff comes into play) that Aule and Yavanna be responsible for their mortal creations after their death. meaning that both races have seperate afterlives from the halls of mandos, MEANING THAT ITS COMPLETELY FINE FOR AULE AND YAVANNA TO BE LIKE “oh look honey, these two are so very in love and remind me of us, shan’t we do something about that?”
so. they do something about that. more precisely, they rearrange their afterlife-realms so they’re next to each other and someone with enough willpower could cross through the barrier. because listen, they’re valar, they can do whatever they want just for kicks.
okay so after that tangent lets get back to the meat of the matter: gay dwarves. I know not everyone has read Sansukh, a 500k word mammoth of a fic, and I don’t really intend to copy any of det’s canon, but their version of The Halls of Mahal really inspired me. basically the dwarven afterlife is one big hunk of a mountain/underground city where they’re free to live their days until dagor dagorath doing what they do best in the company of their families and friends; like smithing, crafting, building and other JustDwarrowThings.
meanwhile the hobbit afterlife is Basically The Shire and instead of being given the materials to build things, all the hobbits who go there get to grow plants and do their gardening. they don’t have to- just like none of the dwarves have to craft stuff- since there’s always enough food for everyone, but they are just allowed to do what they do best if they so desire.
now when Bilbo arrived in the undying lands he was still Old As Hell and im sorry to put it this way, he definitely kicked the can after like, a week of living there. not really so undying, them lands, huh. anyway Bilbo bites the dust and LOOK AT THAT he’s suddenly young again, and another LOOK AT THAT he’s standing in a very comfy, but Not Quite Bag End hobbit hole that has a note hung up on the front door. you wouldn’t think gods could have handwriting but hey, again, they’re gods they can do whatever. the note just tells him that yavannah made this place special and just for Bilbo but that there’s another home waiting for him. very cryptic there, lady. he doesn’t leave at first because hey, his family is here. there’s a lot of reunions and celebrating and food because its the fucking hobbit afterlife, what else would you expect
it takes him a few days of Regular Hobbit Life in his new home to realise ‘holy shit, this is so boring’ so what does a Fool of a Took do when things get boring and there’s a note urging him to do something?
so Bilbo runs through the whole not-shire, meeting all sorts of people he outlived on the way (looking at you, Lobelia), as well as some elves. because elves can definitely just waltz through all the afterlives. they can walk on top of snow, you think they wouldn’t walk around wherever they please in valinor? rip to mankind, but they’re different.
he gets to the furthest reaches of it eventually, and lo and behold, what awaits him but the view of a tall mountain, an invisible barrier and a very flustered Thorin who is at his wits end as to how Bilbo even got here.
now for thorin’s part of the story we’ll have to start after the botfa again. he basically woke up in the darkness like an episode of naked and afraid, and started talking to Aule. his maker, who loves him to bits by the way since he made thorin, just tells him he’s free to go wherever his heart takes him. again with the cryptic messages from the gods.
so thorin, still very self-loathing and bitter because of his actions right before his death, sees this as Mahal’s way of saying ‘please don’t step foot in my halls u disgusting litle creacher’, when really he just meant ‘please do some well deserved self reflecting and then come inside to be with your family, they all miss you terribly’.
after his chat with the maker thorin just spawns in right at the front gate of the mountain and he has a choice to make. go inside or stay outside. and we all know Thorin’s proclivity for drama so he basically spends LITERAL YEARS just living in self imposed solitary confinement.
oh also tiny hc here, thorin was said to have taken “any work offered to him in the towns of men”, and they showed him in a smithy, but personally I believe they meant it when they said “any kind of work”. so basically thorin is a jack of all trades, master of some. he definitely has master-level skills in certain areas though, enough to build a vaguely hobbit-hole shaped house. why is it hobbit hole shaped?
oh right, the part where Thorin is absolutely enamoured with Bilbo.
"Go back to your books and your armchair, plant your trees, watch them grow. If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.”- HELLO? GAY POLICE? I’D LIKE TO REPORT A CASE OF ‘DWARF KING REALISING THAT THE HOBBIT WAY OF LIVING IS A REALLY GREAT ONE IN CONCEPT / WISHING HE COULD HAVE HAD THAT KIND OF LIFE WITH BILBO’
anyway it’s a long 80 years until Thorin does get to meet Bilbo again, and in the meantime we have one of my favorite additions to any Hobbit fanfic ever: Frerin
For the uninitiated, Frerin is Thorin’s brother. They also have a sister, Dís, but Tolkien never specified when she died and she was a bit younger than Thorin and Frerin so I reckon she’d still be alive as an old dwarf lady somewhere?
Anyway, Frerin. Oh boy. Sansukh, again, does an excellent job at turning Frerin into a character with a level of authenticity that gets real fucking close to Genuine Tolkien™, so most of my own characterisation of Frerin is based on that in Sansukh. With the important omission of the dwarves not being able to see the present/their still alive loved ones in middle earth through a magic mirror pool.
so Frerin takes it upon himself to leave the mountain in search of his brother because he really does want him back. but also because Mahal has had it with Thorin’s antics and suggests Frerin fetch him so he can finally reunite with his family. Mahal doesn’t talk to the dwarves a lot because he’s like an awkward and distant dad, but he does actually speak to them.
so Thorin is supposed to go see his family, which he does, but not immediately. it takes like, a solid year of just brotherly (and sister-sonly) companionship for him to open up about all his anxieties and regrets and THEN he goes into the mountain to cry in his mother’s lap. as you do.
however Thorin still feels like he doesn’t 100% belong with the other dwarves in there, so he frequently spends long stretches of time outside, building away at his house, thinking about Bilbo. the company goes out to visit him sometimes.
more details on the house tho, cuz it’s Important; it’s built halfway into a hill near the mountain, like a proper hobbit hole would be, but the lower levels are built into stone. look, he’s had 80 years to work on constructing this. it’s near perfect in every way for both hobbit and dwarf standards and could definitely fit the entire company and more inside.
now about the barrier. elves can pass through without a second thought because they’re shiny little bastards who just get to do all the cool stuff, but the other races can’t just hop between realms like that; they really have to muster up the willpower. which usually means they can’t do it because a drawback for both dwarves and hobbits is that they favor isolation from other races even in death, and as such don’t want to mingle with each other.
unless you’re Bilbo Badass Baggins though, who simply runs through the barrier to yell at Thorin for leaving him sad and alone for 80 years. he is that bitch.
there’s gonna be some legolas and gimli shenanigans if i can fit them in (cuz i dont know when exactly they sailed west together), possibly a mention of tauriel because bruh peter jackson did us dirty by not giving her any closure besides ‘lol i guess she’s banished from mirkwood??’ and Mairon. because. I also have some thoughts about him.
also Fili and Kili as pseudo matchmakers because every fic needs that
and did I mention there’s gonna be hozier lyrics for chapter titles
i said this was the gist of it but i somehow ended up at ~1900 words. well, more power to me.
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mistymark · 6 years
the one with no curtains [2] [angst ver.] // m.k.l
mark lee x reader // university!au // 3.8k // 2/2
summary; in which mark lives opposite y/n and apparently does not own curtains
requested; nope I just hate myself someone did ask for angst tho
notes; this isn't really angst this is just sad // also the fluff ending will be posted soon so u can read the soft fluffy version after this and be happy :))
You went through your classes as normal, remembering your promised coffee date with Mark and using it to get through the day. It became an oasis in your mind; the only good thing to happen for you that day. It was your least favourite class, and, if Mark hadn’t already called for a coffee date this evening, you certainly would’ve been texting him at the end of class to call one yourself.
After your last class had ended, it was fairly late, and you had promised to meet one of your friends, so you wouldn’t be returning to your dorm by almost 6pm.
“Y/n!” You met her outside the library to walk back to your dorm together, and hang out for a bit before her date with her boyfriend. She gave you a one-armed hug as she attempted to balance her books in one arm and embrace you with the other. “I haven’t seen you in forever! Ever since you and Mark started dating, what has it been –“
“I’m not dating Mark,” you said shyly, glancing down at your feet and brushing a strand of her from your face before looking back up at her. “We’re friends.”
“You’re not?” Her mouth dropped open in slightly exaggerated shock. “You always say you have a coffee date with Mark; I figured that meant you were actually dating. Sorry.”
“Oh, right. No, just more of a pick-me-up when one of us has had a bad day.”
“Do you like him?” You started walking towards your dorm.
“Um,” you refused to look at her, instead keeping your eyes focused on the path in front of you.
She didn’t let you continue, poking you in the side with her free hand, “Oh my God, you do! Y/n! I knew what I was seeing wasn’t complete crap.”
You laughed at her words, “Yeah, well. How can I not be? He’s perfect; great mind, great sense of humour-“
“Great body,” she deadpanned.
“You have a boyfriend!” You stared at her, bewildered.
“I know! But you, evidently, do not,” she looked at you pointedly. “He totally likes you back, Y/n. You should go for it.”
“Oh, how would you know?” You said, pushing her away from you, dismissing her. In the back of your mind, though, you felt your heartbeat quicken at the thought of him definitely liking you back. You had entertained the idea a few times, catching him staring at you and constantly flirting with you, but each time you’d been too shy to say anything. It didn’t help that he was constantly teasing you, causing you to blush a deep red. At this point, when he was around, you looked more like a tomato and less like a human.
Your friend interrupted your thoughts, “You forget that Johnny is friends with Mark. Well, I think they’re friends. They talk enough, I guess. But – anyway, Johnny mentioned the other day that Mark is hopelessly in love and, at the time, I thought ‘aww cute, he’s in love with his girlfriend’ but now I realise; he’s not dating you, he’s just really really into you.”
You felt a wide grin creep up onto your face as you hoisted your bag strap on your shoulder, giddy, “He said that?”
Your friend took one look at your face and laughed, “Okay, Joker, calm down. You still have to get him to confess. You still have to confess.”
“He’s hopelessly in love with me?” You ignored her, too lost in your own happy thoughts.
When you eventually made it to your building, you followed her to her room and flopped onto the bed, “What time are you meeting Johnny?”
“Six fifteen; he eats at the same time my grandma does,” she mumbled, but you could hear the smile on her face as she spoke. It was obvious she loved him.
“Oh, that’s soon! What are you wearing?” You asked, grabbing your phone to check for any messages. None. You found yourself pouting and quickly dropped it, rolling over on the bed to look at your friend. She stepped out into the room wearing a beautiful black dress, and you immediately widened your eyes, “Wow, special night?”
“Maybe,” she smirked, winking at you as she turned around in search of her shoes.
You walked your friend out of the building to meet Johnny, just as he was climbing out of the car to walk inside and get her. Gentleman, you thought, a smile on your face as he walked up to you. Your friend briefly introduced you to him, before turning and giving you a hug, whispering a ‘good luck’ in your ear and then pulling away. You squeezed her arm in gratitude.
When Johnny had wrapped his arm around her and begun walked her to his car, you turned your back on the happy couple and made your way back to your own apartment.
Mark hadn’t texted you at all during the day, which, you’ll admit, wasn’t abnormal, but you had secretly been hoping for an excuse to text him.
You began getting changed for the coffee date, opting for a pair of simple black jeans and a sweater that Mark had expressed a deep liking for the first time he’d seen it. Too busy with getting changed and quickly tidying your apartment, you hadn’t thought to look out the window at Mark’s dorm, especially since you were meeting in less than half an hour. At 6:45pm, you grabbed your phone and keys, stuffing them in your bag as you stepped out of the apartment.
The coffee shop wasn’t far, a ten minute walk at most, so you stepped in the door just before seven, immediately greeting one of the workers and taking your seat in your regular booth. You nervously drummed your fingers on the table as you waited for Mark, practicing what you might say in your head over and over.
Hey, Mark, I really like you, you thought. You’re a solid bloke, love you! No. What if I just held his hand and stared at him? Hopefully, he’ll get the message. You dismissed that thought quickly.
An old waitress, Denise, walked over to you, “Hello, dear. It’s good to see you – I thought something had happened when your friend came in earlier without you.”
You smiled at her in greeting, “Hi, Denise. What do you mean?”
She chuckled, waving her hand in a noncommittal way, “Oh, you know. I’ve never seen you without the boy, nor the boy without you. I thought something bad had happened to you when he came in earlier and you weren’t there. Tried to replace you with another girl.” She laughed at her own joke.
You wondered why she was telling you this. “Oh, right,” you chuckled awkwardly. “Well, he should be here in a minute.”
“No, honey, he just left,” she stood still, her pen poised over her notepad as she watched you. Denise glanced at the small golden watch wrapped around her dainty wrist, “What time is it now? Five past seven? About fifteen minutes ago.”
You looked at her confusedly, before pointedly looking away from her and at the menu, “That’s okay, he probably just forgot something.” Nosy old hag, you thought, keeping your eyes on your menu so she would leave you alone.
When she finally walked away, you glanced around to make sure she wasn’t watching and ruffled through your bag for your phone, immediately searching through your notifications for a ‘hey, sorry im gonna be late’ text from Mark. He already was late; you were supposed to meet almost ten minutes ago. Normally, he had the decency to text.
[7:08pm] To: Mak-bang ☕ hey denise said u left are u gonna be long or do u want me to order the usual for when u get back
You shut your phone and flipped it over on the desk, bouncing your knee as you stared at it, waiting for the familiar chime to alert you of his response.
[7:10pm] To: Mak-bang ☕ hey
[7:10pm] To: Mak-bang ☕ asshole
[7:11pm] To: Mak-bang ☕ at least respond im hungryyyyyyyyyy
[7:14pm] To: Mak-bang ☕ screw it im ordering without you
You scrolled through your social media as you waited for your usual; a small coffee and a bagel. Denise brought it over silently, gently placing your dinner on the table in front of you and walking away. That’s new, you thought bitterly, having expected her to say something to you about being stood up.
When you had finished your bagel and were just sipping on the now-cold coffee, you huffed, impatient. You snatched your phone from beside you.
[7:34pm] To: Mak-bang ☕ i ate
[7:34pm] To: Mak-bang ☕ im going home
Radio silence. You slammed the required money on the table and walked out in a huff, stomping all the way home. Okay, maybe you were being a bit dramatic, but you had been excited to see him all day, and now? He could at least have had the decency to text you.
At first, you were annoyed that he had forgotten about your coffee date – he never forgot. But now you were concerned that something had happened, because, normally, he would have texted you to apologise for forgetting, or at least respond to your messages.
You watched as two people walked far in front of you, laughing and pushing each other around the sidewalk, not really walking at fast enough pace to get anywhere. Rolling your eyes, you watched them enter your building, and, upon seeing the elevator doors close, you opted for the stairs. The girl, who you didn’t recognise, was dressed in black heels and a red coat and was furiously making out with someone, whom you couldn’t see as he leant back against the wall, her body masking his from view.
You climbed the six flights of stairs to get to your floor, and opened the stairwell door. Vaguely, you could hear the couple on the floor either above or below yours, laughing as they walked to a room. You grimly dialled your friend’s number, hoping she wasn’t still out with Johnny, and entered your room.
While you waited for her to answer, you wrote out a new note for Mark, did you-
“Hello? Y/n?” Your friend’s voice grabbed your attention. “Are you okay?”
You tried to ignore the worry in her voice, “I’m fine. Mark didn’t show for our coffee date tonight.”
“Oh, y/n, I’m so sorry,” she said, her voice tinny.
“Are you in the bathroom?”
“Yeah, Johnny and I are still at the restaurant. What happened?”
“I don’t know,” you answered truthfully. You put your hand to your forehead and scrunched your face in thought. You sighed exasperatedly, “I got to the café, and Denise - you know, the nosy lady who works there - started talking about how Mark had gone in without me and… there was something about me being replaced? And bad things happening to me? I don’t know. He won’t answer my texts, either.”
She was silent for a moment, “Are you home?”
“Yeah, I’m writing a note for the window. If his phone died, at least he’ll be able to see that,” you nodded to yourself, finishing the note; did you forget about our date :(.
You grabbed a bit of tape and stuck it to the sheet, moving to the window. When you pulled back your window, your friend began talking again, “Y/n, I-“.
You couldn’t hear her.
If someone asked you right now what she had said, you wouldn’t be able to tell them. She could’ve hung up on you for all you know – been shot, screamed, had a heart attack.
You wouldn’t know.
Because you were so focused on the door opening in Mark’s room, and the girl from the elevator walking in happily, tugging her red coat from her body and dropping it on the floor as Mark shut the door behind her. Because you were so focused on the way he confidently made his way to where she was standing in the middle of the room and grabbed her, pulling her close in order to kiss her. Because you were so focused on the way they stood there, completely engrossed in one another as the lack of curtains provided an unobstructed view of the way they passionately made out.
You were rooted in your spot, your eyes blown wide in shock and horror as you couldn’t help but watch. It was like a car crash – disastrous and painful, yet you couldn’t look away. It felt like every bone in your body was breaking, the pain in your chest making you feel simultaneously like you’d been shot but also like you were drowning, unable to breathe. Suddenly, your face felt hot and your breath hitched, and the single tear on your cheek forced you to realise you were crying.
You let the note slip from your hand, your phone in the other, held out in front of you as your friend’s voice came in waves, “Y/n? Hello? Y/n?” You couldn’t hear her.
You finally let the curtains fall closed and stepped back when Mark walked the girl backwards to his bed, her knees hitting the edge and her body falling back onto his duvet. The same duvet that you had laid beside him on to watch movies on his laptop, his arm wrapped around your shoulders. The same duvet that he had tackled you on top of, holding both of your hands in his above your head, tickling you mercilessly until you threatened to pee on both him and the bed. The same duvet that you frequently wrapped yourself in when he came over. The same duvet that you wore as a cape one time for a fun dress up day. The same duvet that you always wished you would be the one to fall onto, with his body hovering over yours.
You sat, stunned, on your bed, clutching your phone in both hands. When you realised you were still on the call with your friend, you gingerly held it up to your ear.
“It wasn’t me,” you said quietly.
Your friend paused. “Y/n, I am so so sorry,” she said, the sincerity in her voice making you feel even more emotional.
“It wasn’t me. I’m not the one he’s in love with,” you whispered, your voice cracking at the word ‘love’. You clenched your eyes shut in an attempt to rid of the tears pricking at your eyes.
“I know,” she whispered softly into the phone.
“You know?!” You said incredulously. “Why didn’t you tell me?!”
“Johnny told me today, after he picked me up. I told him that you were the girl Mark was in love with, because, seeing as you’d never met, he wouldn’t know what you looked like. But he shook his head- oh, y/n, please don’t cry.”
You let out another sob, the pain in your chest only becoming more apparent and more painful.
“He told me you weren’t the one Mark had pointed out that one time on the quad, and I -” she paused, her voice becoming louder as she held the phone closer to her mouth. “I felt awful. I was going to text you but then I had to switch it off for the show.”
You didn’t say anything.
“Y/n, I’m so sorry.”
“It’s not your fault,” you responded, sincerely. You didn’t blame her – and nor should you.
“I know, I just – fuck it, I’m coming home,” she said, and you could hear a door opening.
“No, stay with Johnny. I want to be alone right now.”
“Y/n, are you sure? I can come right now; Johnny won’t mind.”
You inhaled deeply, your breath wobbling still, “Yes, I’m sure. Have fun.” She continued to fight you as you hung up. Laying back onto the bed and curling into a ball, clutching your phone to your chest, you felt the tears run down your face in hot streams.
The room eventually turned black.
The next morning, you woke up to the sound of your phone chiming. Knowing it was probably Mark or your friend, neither of which you wanted to talk to right now, you silenced it and stood up, dragging your depressed self to the bathroom for a shower.
When you finished, you walked to the window wrapped in a towel to further close the curtains. Last night, you’d let them fall into place but hadn’t closed them fully, and now, the light coming in was bothering you. The curtain got caught on the left side, so you had to open it all the way to slide it closed again. Out of habit, your eyes fell to the apartment across from you and down one floor.
Mark was standing in the window, his hand pressed against the glass to block the sun as he squinted up at your apartment. The girl was nowhere to be seen, but he was, once again, shirtless. When he saw you, he stepped back and pouted at you, holding up his phone with one hand and pointing at it with the other. Answer your phone.
You remained stoic, and shut the curtains. No.
“Y/n!” You could hear his voice calling you, and quickened your pace, attempting to weave between people in the busy courtyard of your university.
Mark, on the other hand, was quick to push anyone who got in his way to the side in his attempt to reach you.
“Y/n! Hey!”
“She doesn’t want you, man, damn,” you heard a girl to your left comment to her friend. You smirked as her friend laughed and pulled the first girl out of his way.
“Y/n,” he breathed, his hand finding your shoulder in order to get you to stop walking. “I was calling you.”
“Must’ve had my music too loud,” you shrugged, keeping your face straight as you looked up at him.
“You’re not wearing earphones,” he squinted, confused. “What’s up? You haven’t been answering my texts or the window messages.”
“Like you didn’t answer my texts when we were supposed to go out for coffee,” you crossed your arms in front of you, only because it felt like something you were supposed to do when you were confronting someone.
He hissed, “Oh, yeah, about that- I want to introduce you to my girlf-“
“You didn’t even apologise,” you suddenly said. You could feel the tears pricking at your eyes and you willed them to stay there. You hoped he didn’t notice.
He did. “Y/n, I’m-“
“No. You didn’t apologise. I’d had a shit day, you asked me to have coffee with you, and you stood me up. You didn’t answer my messages and now, when it’s convenient for you, now you want to apologise.”
“I’m sorry, I forgot!”
You looked him up and down, your voice dripping venom, “Evidently.”
For the next few weeks, Mark wrote apologies and greetings on his window, trying to get you to forgive him. The few times you looked down to see him standing by the window, safely hidden from view behind your curtain, you watched his girlfriend come up behind him and wrap her arms around him, whispering in his ear. He’d laugh, and he’d draw the new curtains he installed himself one night when he was only half drunk. She came to visit the next day.
After a month, he’d stopped trying. You couldn’t work out if that made you feel better or worse. Occasionally, you’d see him around campus, but you’d look away, eager to avoid him. You wondered if she knew about you; about his former best friend, about the girl in the dorm room on the floor above his, about the girl that was hopelessly in love with her boyfriend.
The last time you saw Mark Lee, he was shirtless.
You were packing boxes to move to your new apartment with your best friend, and removed the curtains from the window, ready to fold and pack them in the last box. He was standing in the courtyard below your apartment, engaged in a water fight with a group of students. He was dripping wet, a watergun tucked under his arm, the white fabric of his shirt clinging to his body. His hair was hanging over his eyes until he shook the strands away, and he squinted in the sunlight, searching for something.
He sprinted for it, and you watched from your window as he tackled a girl much smaller than him, wrapping his body around hers as they fell so that he got the brunt of the impact. They both laughed, way too hard for your liking, and he stood up, holding his hand out to help her up. She took it with a smile, and he pulled her into his chest; they stood merely millimetres apart.
You watched as she stood up on her tiptoes to peck him on the lips, and you watched as his friends started whooping and firing at them with their waterguns, soaking the pair. You saw them all grab their things and head for the doors, and watched as Mark peeled his soaked shirt from his body, jokingly throwing it at his girlfriend as she shrieked in mock horror.
You didn’t have to be able to see into his room to know that they were both inside, you just had to see how happily he hugged her from behind and waddled into the building to know he wouldn’t be letting go of her anytime soon.
You hadn’t spoken in almost a month, and the radio silence was killing you. Seeing him was a  punch to the gut each time, and the heartache never went away. Despite living virtually opposite him, you didn’t see him much; the curtains in his room were almost always closed. His girlfriend was almost always there. The thought made you sick.
Your eyes were immediately attracted to the movement at his window, and Mark peeled a tiny bit of the curtain back to hold up a piece of paper. You’re leaving?
You nodded.
The paper vanished. A moment later, it returned. This is goodbye then.
You nodded again. You felt your chest rising all too quickly as your eyes started to form wells.
He stepped into the light fully, and you could see him push his wet hair back from his forehead to look at you. Still shirtless, still the same Mark you fell in love with months ago.
You waved.
He waved back.
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illfoandillfie · 5 years
Celebration Day
BxRxJ Masterlist
Pairing: Ben Hardy x Joe Mazzello x Reader
Summery: Ben's birthday gift is as much a surprise for you as it is for him.
Warnings: SMUT (18+), oral sex (m receiving), nothing especially kinky,just some good ol’ fashioned birthday/reunion sex
Words: 2164
A/N: This wasn’t really planned. I knew I wanted to do more brj but I didn’t have any solid plans for it. And then the other day, while I was writing something else entirely, I had the sudden urge to do this piece. Technically this is for Ben’s bday but like well late lmao
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Taglist:  @laedymoon​​  @dtfrogertaylor​​   @ezmina98​​  @vee-ndetta​​ @atomic-watermelon​​ @kellypenac​​ @labessieisallama​​ @deakyclicks​​ @jennyggggrrr​​ @drowseoftaylor​​  @hannafuckingsucks​​  @i-cant-hangout-im-drumming​​ @queenmylovely​​ @supersonicfreddie​
It was two in the morning on the second of January when the text came through.
Ben reached for it automatically, making you groan when you were forced to pull away from his chest before you’d finished the hickey you’d started. “Y’know if you’re not interested I can always go to sleep,” “Thought you said you were too tired to sleep,” Ben said distractedly as he typed a reply. “Well maybe I’ll just go watch Netflix then,” you pushed yourself up, swinging your leg back over Ben’s hips and making to slip out of the bed. Ben’s arms wrapped around your waist, hoisting you back onto his lap as you squealed, “No need for that, I promise I’m very interested. You were saying something about a present?” “Finished flirting with your boyfriend then?” “I can flirt with him and make out with you at the same time, see, I’ll prove it,” with one hand he opened the camera on his phone as his other cupped your face and pulled you towards him. You giggled at the snap of the camera, letting Ben break the kiss to examine the photo. That’s how the last month and a half had gone, texts and emails and Skype sessions. It wasn’t easy but you made it work, kept up the habit of checking in with each other so you knew how everyone felt. Regular date nights happened over websites that let you sync up movies and telephone calls on speaker. One time Joe went to the MoMA and kept you and Ben on video chat the whole time, showing you everything he saw. It made the distance easier to bare though it couldn’t hold a candle to the real thing. “Joe’s gonna love it,” he said softly as he sent it off, “or at the very least he’s going to be insanely jealous and come back sooner.” From outside the bedroom you heard a text alert. “Did I send it to you accidentally?” Ben asked, looking back down at the screen. “My phone’s right here,” “Well, shit. I wanted it to be a surprise.” Both you and Ben whipped your heads around at the sound of Joe’s voice, finding him standing in the doorway, his phone clutched in one hand, Ben’s spare key dangling from his finger. “What are you doing here?” “Who cares Ben, as long as he’s here.” Joe dropped his bag where he stood, letting the key and phone fall on top before rushing to the side of the bed. You wriggled out of Ben’s grasp, almost throwing yourself at Joe and kissing him hard. He sighed against your lips, hands falling to your waist and then sliding lower still. Ben cleared his throat behind you, “excuse you but I believe it’s my birthday,” “Sorry, honey,” Joe mumbled as he let you go. There was a half second pause as you stepped back and then suddenly Joe rushed forward and threw himself onto the bed, making Ben yell as all of Joe’s weight landed on his lap. “Still as clingy as ever,” Joe laughed before wrapping his arms around Ben’s neck and leaning in to kiss him too. You couldn’t stop smiling as you walked around to the other side of the bed and climbed in beside them.
“Seriously though,” Ben said, looking more than a little dazed, “What are you doing here? When did you get back? Why didn’t you tell us?” “I’m here because I missed you both too much to stay away any longer. I got back about, um, maybe an hour ago, bit longer I guess. And I didn’t tell you because I didn’t get you a birthday present and I figured this could be it. I expected you’d be asleep when I sent the text, so I was going to crash in the other room and surprise you in the morning but then you replied. What are you both doing up so late?” “We might have spent most of the day sleeping off a couple of hangovers,” You said slyly, leaning your head against Ben’s shoulder. “I did wonder how you’d go today, both of you looked pretty plastered in some of those photos. Didn’t realise Lucy and Rami would throw such a rager.” “Yeah, it was fun,” Ben laughed, “but god today, yesterday rather, was awful.” “Not so awful now though?” “Definitely not.” “Good, especially since I seem to have interrupted something,” Joe pressed his finger against one of the marks you’d left there moments before. “Y’know, Joe, if you’d given me some warning you were coming home I could have prepared something special for both of you.” “Oh?” Joe looked at you questioningly, “You mean like a cake or something?” “Uhh, not quite,” Ben cocked an eyebrow and looked toward you, “Are you talking about what I think you’re talking about?” “What? What’s she talking about?” “Well you have to admit this seems like the sort of occasion that would warrant…that kind of thing.” “You’d do that with us? I didn’t think you’d be into it,” “If you’d asked me a few months ago I would have thought the same thing but, I don’t know, guess I’ve been thinking about it a bit lately,” you shrugged, “but only if I had time to like get ready first.” “If one of you doesn’t explain soon I might just fuck off back to the US,” You laughed and shook your head, “double penetration, Joe, that’s what I was talking about.” Ben let out a bark of laughter at the sight of Joe’s stunned face, “So you were talking about what I thought you were talking about, good.” “Two things. Firstly,” Joe held up one finger, “Is this whole understanding each other with half a sentence to go off of thing something you’re going to be doing a lot? And two,” he put up a second finger, “Y/N, I love you.” “Well, like I said, it’s not happening right now,” “Doesn’t stop me from thinking you’re incredible for even suggesting it.” “There is something else I can do for you now though,” You pushed yourself up on your knees and shuffled to the end of the bed, holding out your hand to Joe in invitation to take the spot you’d just vacated. He obliged, glancing at Ben as he settled against the pillow, both of them smiling as you settled back on your knees. It was nice seeing them both again, back in the same place, the same room, the same bed. You took a breath to steady yourself, the pure joy of the moment threatening to overwhelm you. When you felt you’d calmed down enough you moved closer to them, between their legs, reaching forward to undo the fly of Joe’s pants. He was quick to kick them off, eager after so long away. For a moment both boys watched you, eyes glued to your lips when you let a string of saliva drip down, to your hand as you began pumping it over his shaft, spreading the spit from base to tip. Their breaths were shallow and audible. “Christ,” Joe groaned, head falling back against the pillow when you finally took him in your mouth, going slowly. Ben chuckled and propped himself up, “On any other birthday I’d complain about you getting more attention than me. But I think I can let it slide today.” Joe’s own laugh was muffled as Ben kissed him. You pulled up, one hand stroking Joe’s thigh softly, “Don’t worry Benny, haven’t forgotten you.” Ben groaned and broke the kiss as you pulled the waistband of his joggers down, much quicker to wrap your lips around his head. Joe took the opportunity to lift his shirt off over his head, grabbing the hem of Ben’s as soon as he was done. You brought one hand back to Joe’s cock as you took Ben a little deeper, listening for their groans and sighs of pleasure as their lips met once more. Alternating between the two of them, you bobbed your head over one and your hand over the other, taking them deeper each time, until the room was full of their moans, muffled by each other’s tongues, and your gags. Each time you came up for air and to switch, you would steal a glance at them, smiling to yourself at the way the looked when wrapped up in each other, their hair mussed, eyes closed, fingers grasping. If you took too long though one of them was sure to blindly reach for your head, pushing you back down. You squeezed your thighs together, trying to ignore how wet you were to focus on them instead.
And then Joe moved, slipped out of Ben’s reach, behind you. You pulled off of Ben, taking note of the fucked out, slightly stunned expression on his face as you turned to find Joe. “What’re you doing?” you half laughed, his fingers tickling your thighs as he pulled your pants down your legs slowly, “you didn’t finish yet.” He pulled you back against his chest, breath against your ear sending a shiver down your spine with every word, “As much as I love what you’re doing, and believe me I love it, I’ve been thinking about your pussy for weeks now. So, if you don’t mind…” he plucked the hem of your underwear. “S’pose I can accept that,” you turned your head so he could see your smile, which only got wider as he pressed a kiss to the side of your mouth and then a few more along your jaw. Shaking your head to bring yourself back to earth, you made to lean forward once more, intending on finishing what you’d started with Ben. Except that Ben moved too, pushing himself to his knees in front of you. His hands found your tits, squeezing them as Joe’s fingers slipped into you. Before you had time to register the changes, you were caught between them, three of Joe’s fingers pumping into you as Ben’s hands wandered over your body. “Ready?” Joe asked, receiving only a whine in response. He chuckled, “I’ll take that as a yes,” and then you were holding onto Ben’s shoulders as Joe pushed into you, slowly working himself deeper. You’d known you missed Joe but feeling him like that, his breath coming in pants against the back of your neck, his hands holding you tightly, his hard length buried as deep in you as he could possibly get, you were hit by the sudden realisation of you how much you’d missed having him in this specific way. He held you differently than Ben did, fucked you differently. It wasn’t better or worse but it was different and you’d missed it so much. “You okay?” Ben asked softly, catching sight of your face. “I’m fucking wonderful,”
As soon as you told him to move Joe brought his hips back and then snapped them forward once more, building up a quick pace. You leaned your head back against his shoulder, back arching towards Ben as he plucked at your nipples. It was a far cry from the slow steady way you’d blown them. Distance had made Joe desperate and needy, fucking you fast, making you moan as he did everything to prove that time and space apart hadn’t made him forget what you liked. His fingers danced over your clit as he rammed into you. Not the slow, romantic night of passion you’d perhaps envisioned when you thought about Joe’s return, but still perfect in its own way. You came with a cry, Joe still rubbing your clit, though somewhat less consistently, as he finished too. You could feel his seed dripping out of you as he pulled out, tilting your head to the side so he could kiss you deeply. You almost bit his tongue as you felt Ben push his cock between your legs, both of them working to adjust your position slightly to make it easier. You ended up with one leg draped over Joe’s arm, their steady support the only thing keeping you from collapsing on your slightly shaky leg. Joe moved his mouth to your neck, leaving marks down to your shoulders, occasionally pausing in his path to whisper dirty words into your ear. Ben’s thumb took over rubbing your clit until you fell over the edge again, swearing as you became too sensitive under the circles his thumb was making. He shifted his hand to your waist, holding you as he thrust into you, his own orgasm approaching. You clenched around him, unintentional, caused by Joe biting down on that particular spot, but it was enough to have Ben grunting through his release.
They let you go gently, making sure you were okay as you crawled up the bed and collapsed against the pillow, Ben stealing another kiss from Joe before they both joined you, Joe in the middle where both of you could reach him.
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taexyoongs · 6 years
Comfort Food
ASK by @givemehoroscopes​:  hey hello hi could I request a tae scenario where it's yoongi's birthday the boys throw a big party and as being close friends with them Y/N is invited. And theeen, she gets very drunk because she has realised that she has feelings for tae and can't cope with it normally;) and then tae is being very soft like his usual self and takes care of her, and Y/N confesses to him and then can't remember anything in the morning THANK YOU I HOPE YOU HAVE A GOOD DAY <3
Pairing: Taehyung x Reader (ft. bff Jungkook)
Genre: fratboy!bts
Length: 6.3K
Authors Note (Admin Taenox): READ ON COMPUTER, LOOKS WEIRD ON PHONES !! I’m sorry it took so long and I hope you like it <3 ALSO: This might look weird on my phone since I’m formatting on my laptop. And my writing style can be confusing so in case you don’t know: italics mean internal thoughts of whoever’s POV the scene is in. Quotations is normal speaking.
“What did you just say to me?”
“Cancel all of your plans and be at the frat house by 8.”
“I swear to god, Kim Taehyung, if you think I’m going to spend my birthday throwing up in a toilet, you’re wrong.”
“Come on, hyung. You know you enjoy every second of it. You’re always a grouch about it before, but when you show up, you’re the life of the party.”
“No. I hate those parties.”
“Tell that to all the girls you grind on when you’re drunk.”
“Fuck you, Kim Taehyung.”
“I’m good, but I’m sure the girls would take the offer.”
Hoseok stepped in.
“Hobi, save me from this madman.”
“Yeah, dumbass, he clearly isn’t being convinced,” chimed in Jimin.
Jin whacked Jimin with his sleeve. “Don’t call Tae a dumbass, dumbass.”
“Okay, I have to step in as the leader here and clear things up,” said Namjoon. “Tae is, in fact, sometimes, occasionally, a dumbass.”
Jin whacked Namjoon with his sleeve. “Then you’re a dumbass too. Leader, pshh. I’m the oldest one here, You all better listen to me or else…”
“You’ll beat us up?” added in Jungkook, while flexing.
“Don’t get cocky on me. I can still beat you in a fight.”
“Hey Yoongi hyung,” said Jimin softly. “I think you’re really cool and smart and amazing and-”
“You damn well KNOW you enjoy those parties too,” repeated Taehyung.
“We even invite the girls.”
“OKAY. EVERYONE SHUT UP. I’ll go! You better bring me a trillion gifts and a lot of alcohol.”
Yoongi looked up at the other six. A small surprised moment of silence ensued.
Then madness.
And that’s how the night began.
There are a great number of distinctions between a frat party and every other party. Frat parties have way too many people for way too little space, while regular parties have an average amount of people for an average amount of space. Frat parties have copious, even outrageous amounts of alcohol, while every other party has just enough. Everyone knows that whoever chugs the most from the keg is obviously far superior to the mere lightweights. And most importantly, unlike every other party, frat parties were where mistakes are made.
And this frat party was no different. Booze was in every hand and music was blasting in every corner of the medium sized frat house. When you entered through the front doors, you could feel the temperature go up by several degrees. You scanned the room. On your right was the crazy dance pit full of writhing bodies. As expected, Min Yoongi, along with Jin, Jimin, Joon and Hoseok, was right in the middle, having the time of his life. On your left was a large table of food and beer. And straight ahead was the kitchen. Your eyes drifted over the pit again. Gosh why did it have to be so dark in there? “Hey. Hobi…. Hobi!”
He can’t hear me. Guess I’ll have to go in there myself. Ugh.
You started to make you way through the crowd of sweaty drunk people.
Why do people enjoy this? I mean, there has to be a reason why people get drunk right? Alcohol tastes like crap, so it can’t be that they enjoy the taste. To get away from some emotion then. To get so drunk that they become emotionless and let their bodies go to the sway of the music? It’s better to feel the emotions and get over them slowly but surely right? Right?
You were next to Hobi now.
Your arm reached out and poked his shoulder.
“Where’s Jungkook?”
You started to push your way out of the crowd. “Watch out!” “Sorry!” “Excuse me.”
After picking up some punch off of the 2% of the table that was not alcohol, you turned your feet towards the kitchen.
Wait. What if Taehyung’s in there? He’s always with Kook.
I should go touch up my makeup.
You started to make your way to the bathroom when you collided with someone.
“I’m sorry,” you both said at the same time.
“Oh. Yah! It’s you! Hobi said you were in the kitchen?”
“Yeah I was but I came out to find you. You were supposed to be here an hour ago! You didn’t respond to any of your texts. I was worried about you.”
“Ah, shit. Sorry Kook, I was finishing up that stupid group project. That dumb bitch Amy didn’t do her part. Did I make you worry about noooonnnnaaaa?”
“Blech, you disgust me y/n. Anyways, we have to talk about the thing.”
“What thing?”
“Are you dumb?”
“Goddamn it, y/n.”
Jungkook brought his voice down to a whisper.
“The Tae Thing.”
“Oh. That. Hahah we can just pretend I never texted you that it’s fine I know you and him are best friends and that would be weird and I totally get it and”
“You’re doing it again.”
“Talking too much because you’re nervous.”
“I’m that obvious am I?”
“WOW. What a supportive friend. I’m so thankful to have someone like you by my side.”
“Pshh, you don’t have to thank me y/n.”
“It was sarcasm, idiot.”
“But for real. This is probably weird for you. He’s also one of your best friends.”
“Dude, are you kidding me? That would be fucking amazing. My two best friends start dating. They always force me to third wheel with them. Then they feel bad for me since I’m always third wheeling for them, so they set me up with a smoking hot babe for a double date. You see? I’ve thought this through.”
“You’re a crackhead. Anyways I’m going to the bathroom, I’ll be right back.”
“Oh okay, I’ll get Tae. Don’t worry, I’ll act natural. I know nothing about this.”
“Hahaha okay, you better. Bye, I’ll be back soon.”
You turned away from Jungkook and headed to the bathrooms.
You made sure to lock the door behind you.
So no frisky couples can kick me out of here.
Looking at yourself in the mirror could go one of three ways. Sometimes you thought you looked like a sultry, hot goddess. Other times, you thought you looked like Gollum. And for the most part, like today, you usually just thought you were average.
Your fingers skirted down to the hem of your black bodycon dress,  tugged up, then folded.
Heck. If I don’t feel hot yet, might as well be a little more revealing.
Now your knee length dress was a party dress. Giving your hair a little ruffle, you checked yourself out.
You reached into your wallet and took out a tube of your favorite lipstick shade.
Haha, I knew this would come in handy. Self confidence here I come.
No one would have expected your favorite color was a classic bright red. It didn’t suit your personality at all. You weren’t a party girl. Frankly, no matter how much you wanted to pretend you were that hot girl at the party that all the girls were jealous of and all the guys drooled over, you knew that wasn’t you. You were the girl that worked too hard. The girl that studied a lot and wore hoodies all the time and took care of other party girls. You were the nice one, not the desirable one. But bright red made you feel like you were on top of the world, like you were a badass career woman who could take names and kick ass.
Stepping back, you gave yourself one last look through. Ruffled hair, smudged eyeliner, red lips, your little black dress, and strappy shoes.
It’s showtime.
You unlocked the door and strutted out of that bathroom with all of your confidence that immediately melted away the second you saw Kim Taehyung.
Your heart couldn’t help but skip a beat when you saw him. He was, quite frankly, ethereal. But unlike those other attractive guys, he wasn’t cocky. He didn’t expect anything from anyone. In fact, he was almost exactly the opposite, never talking about himself at all. Instead, he took care of everyone around him in his own special little way, joking around, flashing boxy smiles, and being serious when he needed to.
“Wahh, y/n you look great today, doesn’t she hyung,” quipped Jungkook excitedly, slapping Taehyung’s back.
Oh my god, Jeon Jungkook why would you ever say that?
“Oh hey Taehyung! How’s it going?”
Shit, I should’ve just said hi. Or what’s up? Or-
“I’m amazing y/n. And Jungkook’s right. You look pretty.”
There your heart went skipping beats again. You felt a slight blush come up onto your face.
“Ah haha thank you. It's hot here, let’s go get some cold punch or something. I’m out”
“Yeah let’s go get some drinks and get on the dance floor. We aren’t at a party to be wallflowers. Look at Yoongi over there.”
You and Tae both turned your heads to where he was pointing.
“Sure looks like he’s enjoying himself,” you said.
“Yeah, seriously,” agreed Taehyung. “You have no idea how much we had to bribe him to come to his own birthday party.”
Jungkook put his arm around your shoulders. “Well are you two done being jealous of Yoongi’s abilities yet? Cuz I’m thirsty.”
You looked over. “You’re always thirsty, Jungkook.”
“Ha ha very funny y/n. Lets just go.”
Jungkook grabbed you with one hand and Taehyung with the other and dragged both of you behind him.
You gave Tae a helpless look and shrugged. He smiled back.
Agh that cute boxy smile. Why am I like this?
“Hey, I’ll be back guys one second. I want to go put this clutch away so we can all go dance! Go hang with the other guys.  I’ll be back in a minute or two.”
“Okay y/n! Come back fast!”
You hurried of the door and sat down on the sidewalk. A crescent moon hovered above your head.
You look so pretty glowing like that. I wish I could look like you. Why do I even like him? I wish these feelings would go away already. I’m too tired of debating on if I should confess or not. This is too hard.
The door creaked behind you.
“Aha, I knew you weren’t putting away your purse.”
“Jungkook. It’s too overwhelming.”
“Well, you see, that’s how you know it’s real y/n. I promise today will be a good night for you okay? I think you should just be more confident and love yourself more.
“But I’m like not nearly as attractive or cool as Tae is and like not on his level at all.”
I’m saying this objectively, not as your friend: you are freaking beautiful. Not like those girls all over Yoongi, Joon, and Hope right now. You’re beautiful in the most real way. Outside and inside. Just remember that and get back in there, my gawd, you’re wasting precious time sitting out here being existential.”
“Well, I was just going to say thank you for the pep talk but huh, you had to ruin it at the end didn’t you?”
“See. I made you laugh. I win.”
“Goddamnit. OKAY.”
You stood up.
You started to open the door. “Wait y/n. Go put away your purse clutch thingy. That’s what you said you were going to do. It’d be weird if you went in there with it.”
“Oh shit, you’re right. Thanks Kook.”
“Where’d Jungkook go, Taehyung?”
“He said he went to the bathroom, but I think he went to chase after y/n.”
“Y/n? I told her to come join us! Where’d she go?”
“I would but for some reason I feel like she’s avoiding me and Kook knows what’s up. I’ll go ask him later. I hope she’s okay.”
“I’m sure she’s okay. Now look I don’t have time for petty girl drama. The hyungs are about to perform live. I need you to dance like a crazy hypeman with me.”
“If it’s Ddaeng, then you know I’m in Jimin.
“Ayy let’s go.”
Entering back into the now hot and heavy atmosphere in the living room, you couldn’t help but nod your head along to the beat of the music. “Damn, they’re killing it. You sure this is just a hobby?” “I know right,” yelled back Jungkook over the music. “They’re insanely good. I keep telling them to find a company.”
“Wait Jungkook. I need a drink.”
“A real drink to make me brave. I’m going to tell him. Like an alcoholic drink.”
“I mean I’ve liked him for like a year now. Might as well get rejected and let go.”
“What do you mean? You don’t drink alcohol. Is this real? You’re finally going to get laid tonight. YES!”
“EW. Jungkook, hell no. The point is, I’m too emotionally exhausted for this chasing game anymore. I’m just going to say it. And whatever happens will happen.”
“Shut up he’s going to say yes and I’m so excited! Let’s go get drunk!”
“Yes please. My nerves are going to jump out of my skin and run away at this point.”
Jungkook led you to the drinks. “Okay, there’s vodka, whiskey, or tequila. All three will do the job and get you some liquid courage, aka get you very drunk. Whiskey tastes the best in my opinion. Or you could go for the beer which is abit more light and you’ll still be sane the whole night.”
“What’s going to get me so drunk I won’t remember anything tomorrow? In case he rejects me, I’d rather never know it happened.”
“Here you are.”
Jungkook slid a shot glass towards you.
“What’s this one?”
“The vodka. Here I’ll take a few shots with you so you don’t feel alone. Ready?”
You picked up the tiny glass cup. It was slightly strange that something this small had the power to do so much good and bad. Mostly bad. You had never really heard a story that started with “So I got really drunk” that ended with “and we all lived happily ever after”.
Well, here goes nothing.
“3...2...1… GO!”
It burned more than you thought it would. You coughed.
“Why would people drink this stuff? It tastes like poison.”
“The same reason you’re drinking it right now. To get drunk.”
I guess that makes sense.  
After a few shots, Jungkook stopped drinking.
“Hey, y/n. I feel woozy let’s s-stop. I think this is enough to feel brave.”
“What? Are you a lightweight or something? No! I need more.”
After a “few” more shots, Jungkook stopped you.
“Yah, are you crazy? You’re going to get alcohol poisoning and die if you keep going at this rate. Look at your face.”
You looked at your reflection in the glass.
Your face was turning bright red, just like your lipstick.
“That’s okay, I like red. And I don’t feel drunk. I’m pretty sure I’m sober. Whoa, I’m so cool. A heavyweight. A HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION. Aren’t I cool Jungkook, Jungkookie, Kookie-pie?”
“Yep, you’re drunk.”
“No, I’m nooooottt. I’m soberrrr.”
“Who do you like y/n?”
“Kim Taehyung,” you replied without hesitating.
“And you’re going to confess to him today, before the night ends okay?”
“And you’re not going to throw up on him, or embarrass yourself.”
“Okay. You can do this.”
“I can doooo th-this!”
Your hand started to grab another shot glass.
“Oh my god, y/n. Stop drinking. You’re going to end up being blackout drunk and forget to confess.”
“But I’m still scared.”
“Y/n. Stop. Listen to me. I’ve gotten drunk plenty of times. Getting drunk will make you braver sure. But after a certain point, you’re going to lose yourself. So no more drinking! After all, alcohol isn’t comfort food!”
You deliberated that for a moment.
“I mean, I can’t really think right now, so I’m just going to listen to you. What next, Drinking Master Kook?”
“Next, we go get your man.”
Looking for Taehyung and the others, Jungkook easily weaved through the crowd that had seemingly doubled since 10 minutes ago. Following behind him, you tried to not bump into the tipsy girls with glasses that were sure to spill. Eventually, after a few minutes of blindly stumbling through the dark, you and Kook found them.
“Look who finally decided to show up,” yelled Hoseok.
“Y/n, it took you that long to put away your purse? Jungkook, jesus! That was one long bathroom break.”
Shit, he knows something’s up. Well, duh, to be honest. What did I expect? We’ve been gone for nearly an hour now.
“Sorry Tae, me and y/n just got some drinks to be more loose and carefree. She’s had a long day with project mates fucking her over”
“It’s fine, just help me with these hyungs. They’re drunk out of their minds.”
“I’m th-the leader. Don’t tell me what to do”
Namjoon hiccupped and pouted.
“I can do whatever I want.”
“See what I’m dealing with here?”
“Shit, sorry Tae. Look! I’ll make it up to you. I’ll call an Uber and take them home. You and y/n stay. I’ll take care of it.”
Oh my gosh he’s leaving us alone on purpose, isn’t he?
He’s totally leaving us alone on purpose.
Jungkook was the only one that knew that Taehyung liked y/n. No one else. Not even the hyungs. It’s not like Jungkook was the best secret keeper. But he was Taehyung's best friend.
“Yeah, okay. Make sure the hyungs get home safely. Sorry, Jungkookie. And thank you!
I should use this opportunity and tell her today. What if she says no though? Oh my gosh, why didn’t I think this through before I told Jungkook to invite her. Shit. Fuck. What am I gonna do?
He shook his head.
No, let’s just do it. Be brave and just go for it. Yes. I’m going to ask her today.
I’m going to ask y/n to be my girlfriend.
It had been a few minutes since Jungkook had left with the rest of the group. This was the time where things usually started to get awkward for you. But not tonight. Tonight, you were on top of the world. Or maybe you were just too drunk to feel mundane emotions such as awkwardness. Either way, tonight would be a turning point. You would either be insanely happy from now on or be insanely sad for a little while. You would get over it in the end of the day. Heck, anything could happen to you right now. But you would be okay. Because right now you were happy. You were almost euphoric moving your body to the rhythm with Taehyung. And that, in itself, was enough for you.
As the night went on, you and Taehyung started to get touchy. A playful pat on the shoulders. A flirty smile here and there. When the perfect sentimental songs came on, Taehyung could really handle it anymore.
“Will you dance with me y/n?”
You couldn’t believe it when you heard it. THE Kim Taehyung that all the preppy college girls lusted over, THE Kim Taehyung that all the guys wanted to be friends with purely to get girls to hang out with them, THE Kim Taehyung had just asked you to dance with him.
Have I died? Am I a ghost getting whatever I want in heaven?
“Oh. Okay.”
And together you danced the night away until he kissed you and you dated and lived happily ever after.
Atleast that’s what you dreamed of while your hand was in his. It’s what you were thinking about when his hand slowly drifted down from your shoulders and slipped around your waist, pulling you closer, until you were flush against his body. A blush crept up your neck as you looked into his eyes.
They were looking right back at you. “You’re turning red.”
You quickly looked away and put your head into his chest.  
“I’m drunk.”
“Yes, y/n. I know.”
“If I didn’t know better I’d think you were being affected by me. Am I affecting you y/n?”
You stayed quiet.
His right hand drifted back up your body to lift our chin up, forcing you to make eye contact with him again.
“Am I affecting you yet?”
“No,” you whispered.
“You’re a but stubborn, aren’t you y/n? That’s okay.”
He leaned his head in until it was a few centimeters away from you. “I like stubborn. How about now?”
It took everything you had to shake your head back and forth.
“That’s okay y/n. Both you and I know that I am.”
And then he was kissing you.
A hundred thoughts went through your mind in that instant.
Wow. His lips are soft. So soft. And they taste like alcohol. If I drank a mango smoothie, would my lips taste like mango? I should drink honey lemon tea next time. Will there be a next time? Does this mean he likes me? Oh my god, was I so drunk that I kissed him? Am I throwing myself on him? WAIT. HOLY SHIT. KIM TAEHYUNG IS KISSING ME.
It hit you.
The man you sneaked looks at for the past year was kissing you.
Your breath hitched in your throat.
Wait. N-no!
You coughed into the kiss while trying and failing to recoil back as quickly as possible.
“Oh my god, s-sorry,” you sputtered. “I just… wasn’t expecting that.”
You turned around. “Oh. Uhhh..”
Taehyung’s eyes were wide open. The little corner of his lips was slightly turned up.
Shit. He’s laughing at me. This has gotta be the most embarrassing moment of my entire 24 years of living. I have to go rant about this to Jungkook later.
“Um, I need to leave. Sorry!” You turned back around and you ran out of that room as fast as you could. One foot in front of the other, you bounded all the way to your car.
You took out your phone and called Jungkook.
“JUNGKOOK! OH MY GOD. Please pick me up I’ll explain later.”
“Y/n, what happened? Are you okay?”
“Yes, I’m fine. But holy crap, Taehyung kissed me.”
“Well, did you tell him?”
“That you like him? I mean clearly he likes you!”
“Well… no there’s more to the story. Can you just come pick me up? I’m drunk.”
“I would. But I can’t right now. These hyungs are still drunk off their ass and acting like monkeys in the dorm.”
“They’re crazy right now y/n. Take a cab! Come over, we can talk about it.”
“But Tae lives in your dorm.”
“Yeah. But I have my own room. You can stay over.”
“I don’t know.”
“Y/n, come on,” he whined. “I’ve missed you. You’re always studying. Come over.”
“Fine. I’ll get a cab. Ughhh kill me. As if this could get any worse.”
“I’m sure it’s all going to be okay. We should celebrate! He kissed you! YAY! BE HAPPY Y/N.”
“OKAY! I’m leaving. Bye!” “Bye!”
Silence took over. The streetlight cast a dim glow on the vacant road. A sigh escaped you.
I guess he’s right. I mean. This is what I was hoping for right?
Your mind flashed back to the incident.
But I really fucked it up this time. Didn’t you, y/n? I wonder if he knew that I was an amateur.
You shook your head in frustration.
Hey, I gotta look at the positives though. Frankly, this day couldn’t get any more embarrassing. Wait...
Footsteps broke the silence.
“Y/n, oh my gosh. Here you are. I’ve been looking for you everywhere!”
Drops of sweat rolled down Taehyung’s forehead. His sleeve wiped his face as he bend down with his arm on his knee. After panting for a few seconds while you stared at him in shock, he rose up. “You’re drunk. I’m not. And cabs don’t run at this time.”
“Ah, Jungkook will pick me up! Don’t worry!”
“I already called him. He said you were going to come over to our frat.”
He smiled.
“It’s okay. We don’t have to talk about it. I promise, I’m not a horrible person who’ll hate you now. If you’re thinking something along those lines, you should forget it. I… I still have a lot to say to you. But for now, I’ll give you a ride. I didn’t drunk any alcohol.”
“Ah, that’s okay! I’ll just walk to my dorm room! I’ll talk to Jungkook tomorrow.”
You started to turn around when you felt his hand clasp around yours.
His eyes were a drug.
They were warm and beckoning.
They were safe and comfortable.
They were…
You turned around to face him.
“So where’s your car?”
“Goddamnit Jin. Is this payback for that one time I gave you acrylic stands of myself?”
“I know how to spell stand. S T A N D. Stand. P I Z Z A. Pizza. P A S T A. Pasta. I’m smart!”
“You’re a dumbass, Jin.”
“Shut up, Jungkook. I’m not the one who got a 3 on my english exam. Did you like your gift Yoongs? Yoongi? Y to the G?”
“Of course not! Here I am expecting Gucci thermal underwear and you get me your acrylic stands. I can get those for free. I’m in the same band as you idiot.”
“You could have at least pretended to like it. I would have done that. Why are you so mean to meeee?”
“Oh, stop pouting Jin. I’ll save it as a good memory of our collective dumbassery. Anyways, Jimin, it’s your turn. What did you get your beloved hyung?”
“Um… I don’t know if you’ll like it or not. But I’m giving you my heart.”
“Huh? I think you mean thermal Gucci underwear.”
“Sorry, I’m poor.”
“Hmmmmm… well. Your heart shall have to do. I accept. Thank you Park Jimin.”
“wHat THe FucK, YoONgs?”
“Why does HE get a free pass? Atleast I actually gave you something!”
“On. Namjoon, it’s yo- Oh hi Taehyung!”
“Oh hi Taehyung! Y/n, you’re here too! Come. Join us! Have a seat.”
You could feel Jungkook staring at you. You felt a blush starting to climb up your neck.
“Hey, you must be drunk,” shouted Namjoon. “You’re beet red like the rest of us. What are you y/n? A lightweight? I’m a heavyweight! Let’s fight. SHOTS!”
“Y/n need’s rest right now,” butted in Jungkook. “As your best friend, I declare you to go up to my room and sleep. I’ll take the couch don’t worry! Tae go in there first and make sure it isn’t like dirty or anything.”
He looked over at you and winked.
Wow, I’m going to beat this kid up later.
“Oh. Uh, yeah. One sec y/n. Let me give Yoongi his birthday present. Then I’ll get Jungkook’s. You can go up to my room for a few minutes. It’s two down from Jungkook's to the right. I’ll call you down!”
“Okay. Thanks Tae.”
“My pleasure.”
You walked past the red plastic cups, up the stairs, and around very passed out Hobi to Jungkook’s room.
Two to the right. Ah.
After a few seconds of blindly staring, you opened the door.
The lamp cloaked the room in a muted purple. Polaroids littered the wall directly in front of you: pictures of the boys, landscapes, old stores, parties, anything and everything one could think of. Some had words written on the blank space at the bottom. Other’s were empty. Cute thumbtacks pinned galaxy themed letter paper in the empty space. A few movie posters were placed on the other walls, along with beautiful paintings that you couldn’t quite decipher. A bookshelf, a bed, a desk space and a rug made the the room feel whole.
So this is Kim Taehyung's room.  
It was a visual representation of his mind. And it was absolutely beautiful.
Your fingers trailed across the pictures as you looked around his room until you got to the window. The sill had something etched on it with what probably was a knife. Upon closer inspection, you could see what it said:                                     
                               Dreams grow here. 
What a pretty thought.
Outside the window, a part of the roof jutted out, substituting as a makeshift terrace. You could see a green beanbag out there among a few other belongings.
I wonder what else is out there in Taehyung’s dream world.
Without thinking, your fingers grasped the bottom of the window pane and pulled. A gust of wind billowed the curtains. The breeze felt nice on your face.
He isn’t here yet, and it’s probably going to take him a while to clean Jungkook’s room. That kid is messy as fuck. I’m burning up in here and I’ll get back in a minute or two. So it’s fine. Yup. It’s fine.
You had hoisted one foot out and then ducked your head under the window to the other side when you heard the dorm door creak open.
Making his way out of Jungkook’s room, Taehyung headed down the hallway two doors down, making sure to stop and check his hair on the mirror hanging off of Jin’s door.
“I can’t believe I’m actually using this stupid thing,” Tae muttered to himself. His mind went back to when Jin bought this. “What? I need to be able to see my beauty everytime I walk into my room, so I can fall in love with myself more!” Taehyung giggled softly.
That hyung..
Now Taehyung stood in front of his own door.
Should I knock or something? Is that what I’m supposed to do? But what if she’s sleeping and I wake her up. I did take a while..
Deciding to just go in, he pushed open the door.
There, directly ahead of him, was y/n. She was halfway out of the window, with her back arched and her already short dress hiked up, exposing her upper thighs .
Taehyung bit his lip, feeling his face go on fire.
“Oh shit! Hi Taehyung! Hold on.”
Y/n turned her back, maneuvering herself so she could see Tae.
From his angle, Taehyung could see all of y/n’s curves on her petite frame. He had been pretty exhausted after the party and dealing with the boys, but he definitely wasn’t tired anymore.
“Can we go out here for a second? It’s kind of hot inside.”
Taehyung cleared his throat.
“S-sure. Yeah.”
Taehyung slipped out after y/n.
“I don’t really bring people up here much. It’s like my place to think. Clear my mind, ya know?”
“Yeah, I get that. I wish I had a place like this. It’s gorgeous out here.”
“Sit here”
Taehyung sat on the beanbag next to y/n and let the sound of wind take over as you both stared up at the stars.
“I have drinks in the mini fridge, if you want.”
“Yeah! What do you want? I have beer, tea, and soda.”
“I’ll take some beer, please.”
I’m going to need the bravery.
“Are you sure? You were pretty drunk before.”
You smiled and rolled your eyes. “That car ride was so awkward that I became sober.”
“It’s not my fault my radio doesn’t work okay?”
You both laughed.
“So about before-”
“Can you let me get drunk before we talk about it? I have a lot I want to say too.”
“Yeah, I’ll drink with you. Cheers.”
The wind took over again as you downed the bottle.
“Joon was right. You’re a lightweight.”
“Hey! I was already half drunk before before okay? So this doesn’t count. Actually nothing I say from here on out counts if  you don’t want it to.”
A rush of anxiousness flipped your stomach. You took a deep breath.
“I like you! I know you have girls that look like models who like you and I know you probably don’t like me back, and I know my world’s going to end when you reject me but I couldn’t hold i-”
“I like you too.”
“-t back any more and what?”
“I like you too.”
“Y/n. Come on! I kissed you for a reason. What did you think that was?”
“A drunk accidental makeout session that you would regret tomorrow.”
“Y/n. I’ve liked you ever since we started hanging out with Kook together. I thought he already told you since you guys are best friends.”
Euphoria was the closest thing to what you felt. Euphoria, along with a constant feeling of wanting to throw up, of course.
“Wait. He didn’t tell me. Wait did he tell you that I liked you?”
“That little shit,” both of you exclaimed together.
“Damn. Who knew he was such a good secret keeper?”
“He could have told us before though,” grumbled Taehyung, pouting. “I could have done this sooner.”
“Done wha-”
Suddenly, you were interrupted my his lips crashing onto yours. Your eyes opened wide for a second, but fluttered shut as his hands cupped the nape of your neck. “You….” You relaxed your body as his lips became more gentle. Leaning forward, Taehyung pressed his body against yours, deepening the kiss. “...are so….” His hands went down to your wrists. Before you knew it, he had you pinned down under him. His eyes roamed all over you hungrily. “...fucking gorgeous….”
For a quick moment, his face softened. “You’re art. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”
“Just kiss me, you idiot.”
You lifted your lips up to his.
He broke it.
“Climb back through that window.”
“Huh?” “Go to the damn bed y/n.”
“Has anyone told you that you that you’re really hot when you’re horny?”
“Hahah look who’s getting confident.”
“Listen about that first kiss, I was really unprepared and like-”
“Do I look like I care about the first kiss right now y/n?”
You put one of your legs through the window. You heard a moan behind you.
You turned around. “What?”
“Oh my fucking god, I need you right now.”
“Well then, I’m going to take my time.”
Taehyung groaned. “Why are you doing this to me?”
You felt a knot start to form in your stomach.
Hurrying through the window, you took off your heels and fell backwards onto the bed.
Taehyung scrambled through the window, never taking his gaze off of you.
“You’re finally mine.”
Sunlight filtered through the curtains, covering you in a white haze. Feeling groggy, you carefully opened your eyes. Your head was pounding.
God, I must have a lot to drink yesterday night.
Lifting your head up, you rapidly blinked.
This isn’t my room. Oh wait. Bunny poster. It’s Kooks. Phew.
“Wakey wakey, sunshine!”
“Jungkook! Oh god bless. For a second, I got scared I hooked up with someone or something.”
Jungkook smiled. “Nothing of the sort. You just stayed over in my room.”
“Is she awake yet?”
Taehyung peeked into the room as you lifted the covers above your head. “What the heck is he doing here? Pretend I’m asleep,” you whispered to Jungkook.
“I can hear you y/n. And what do you mean what am I doing here? Don’t you remember?”
“Fuck. I knew I shouldn’t have drunk alcohol. What did I do now? Wait, let me think for a second. The last thing I remember is….”
“Joon was right. You’re a lightweight.” 
“I like you too.” 
“That little shit!”
You looked over to Jungkook, with your mouth agape. “You lied to me.”
Jungkook laughed. “I told you you’d end up sleeping with him.”
“Oh my god, Tae get out of here.”
“Not a chance, y/n.”
“Jungkook, my god. You were playing both of us, I swear to god.”
“Hey hey hey. I’m the one that got you guys together okay? If I hadn’t left you two alone, you’d have never done it. Gosh, both of you were always whining so much about how much you liked each other.”
You blushed. Taehyung scratched the back of his neck. “Yah, maknae. Don’t forget. I’m older than you.”
“Anyways, now it’s your turn. Set me up on a blind date with one of your hot friends. Thank you! Oh, also, breakfast is ready. Everyone in this frat is a drunk mess other than me and hyung. I’m going to leave you two alone now. Have a heart to heart or do whatever you want, but please, for god’s sakes, don’t fuck on my bed.”
“JUNGKOOK,” you and Taehyung both shouted at the same time.
“Get out of here, you punk,” said Tae, jokingly swatting at him.
The door clicked shut behind him.
“How are you, y/n? You feel okay?”
“What do you think?”
“I bought you some aspirin and water.”
You laughed. “Thank you.”
You looked at each other for a few seconds. “You don’t-”
“Will you-”
“Hahah, you can go first,” Taehyung said.
“You don’t regret last night? Everything that happened?”
A bright smile lit up your face. “Your turn.”
“Y/n. Do you want to be my girlfriend?”
“Say yes,” came a muffled response from out of the door.
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standardlovers · 6 years
59 & 94 & 117 bc why not
hello my friend, what are you doing around these parts? 💘💘
59: When was the last time you took a long drive?
Far too long ago, I can't even remember the actual time it happened like I have not details but I get to go on another one later this month to visit the uni I may go to so,, fun!
94: Name four things that you wish you had!
all hours access to museums
a better birthday present for our dear pumpkin king cause i wanna get something good and idk if what I've got already is enough,,
happiness, contentment and clarity for my loved ones and myself
can I get uhhhhh, the love of my life?
117: Your own question that you want me to answer. Just write it.
i have been informed the question was supposed to be 'how are you?' but given that's not a question I want to answer, I'm gonna pretend they asked
"What are your thoughts on emotion in the music of the Disney movie Tangled?"
well, my darling take a seat BECAUSE when I said that I have a few moments in mind! And it's gonna be messy cause the songs are split into sections according to how I think of them and are not in an understandable order at all!
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Tangled's Soundtrack was created by Alan Menken and Glenn Slater, both of whom have written on various other works I love, you may known Slater from School Of Rock The Musical or Menken from other Disney works such as Beauty and The Beast or The Little Mermaid!
The song When Will My Life Begin has 2 reprises used to show so much emotion in Rapunzel in our short time of knowing her at the start of the movie.
The first time we hear this tune, Rapunzel is singing about her regular life pattern and things she does to occupy herself in captivity, even though she is not yet aware she is held captive. The tone of the song is very upbeat and happy but her need for change shows! When the line "stuck in the same place I've always been" comes, her tone changes to what I perceive as a slight desperation, before going back to a slightly happy tune but still ending with the "When Will My Life Begin", she is very aware that her life is not really Started and that she has a lot left she wants to do and it's made clear in the soft, sad line 'now that im older, mother might just let me go' that she Knows her mother is the cause of this
I have no serious analysis of this until later but know this is relevant!
The second reprise comes after her mother has told her she is Not to leave the tower, not even for her birthday. It's a lot sadder than the first, with a soft hopeless tone as she accepts what her mother had said, but it touches a bit more on the relationship between the pair that what's originally heard, and may others have read into this too! The entire lyrics are about Rapunzel agreeing with what her mother has said because she has been conditioned to believe it, never asking for more than 'mothers love' - not even asking for freedom , not even asking for Privacy ( "yes I have everything, except I guess a door..") and even subtly highlights the guilt Rapunzel is feeling at the moment in the lyric "I've got so many things I Should be thankful for" and then even ultimately her giving up her wants for these things to agree with her mother "perhaps it's better that I... Stay in. But when will my life begin?"
There's a pause between Reprise 2 and Reprise 3 for Mother Knows Best (also known as lies, guilt tripping and degradation feat. catchy tunes which is a whole other level of emotion used that I'll talk about in the Mother Knows Best section after this part is over) but Reprise 3 is started with hesitance but mainly covers the relief and joy Rapunzel feels at the sense of freedom she gets from going Outside for the first time, she mirrors the first reprise by listing things she can do but it's no longer about her captivity or distracting herself because now she talks about all the possible things she gets to do now that she is outside of the tower and Mandy Moore conveys that joy so so well, you can hear every moment of it in her voice as she excitedly talks about "running and racing and dancing and chasing and leaping and bounding, hair flying, heart pounding and splashing and reeling and finally feeling that's when my life be-gins!"
Now let's circle back to Mother Knows Best & then skip forward to Mother Knows Best Reprise because The Feeling Of These Songs Are So Fucking Strong It Physically Hurts To Listen To Sometimes
The Mother Knows Best songs cover the manipulative and controlling relationship between Mother Gothel and Rapunzel! The first song, Mother Gothel is informing that not only is Rapunzel not allowed to go outside but... She doesn't really want to anyway, she lies and deceives Rapunzel into thinking of life outside of the tower as a horrible threatening world rather than talking about any of the positives about the world outside for her own selfish reasons, and she also spends a decent amount of this song degrading Rapunzel and destroying her faith and confidence in herself to nurture a toxic codependency for Rapunzel, which also involves further guilt tripping by mentioning all Gothel has done to raise Rapunzel, making Rapunzel feel like she owes her something. Mother Gothel is very careful with her words and tone to ensure Rapunzel believes this is for Her, to keep her Safe and it works terribly well! Because Rapunzel accepts that she shouldn't go until she meets Flynn, which was a turning point Mother Gothel never could have predicted, Flynn, or any outside stranger, was not accounted for in Gothel's carefully planned manipulation and so Rapunzel was able to leave due to the fact she realised that she Could now.
And now we skip forward to Mother Knows Best (Reprise) which is probably Worse! This is what I see as the truly soul destroying moment as well as the scene around it, Gothel confronts Rapunzel on her leaving and Rapunzel is strong in the relationship she's developed with Flynn, and Gothel forces her to doubt that, twists their relationship for her own gain and tries to destroy Rapunzel's self confidence as well as her trust in Flynn to make her return to being codependent on her. Despite the overall disgusting vibes of the song, Rapunzel powers through and refuses to let her tear her down, which doesn't end well but it does show a serious development in Rapunzel's character and confidence, Rapunzel is has a very clear sense of self that would be harder to waver than most other things, so Gothel adapts her tactics to change how she hurts Rapunzel.
And now this is so long so instead of babbling so much more I will say: Kingdom Dance is the song I want played at my wedding!
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xxmudcakexx · 7 years
A Strange Surprise
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Originally posted by: wonhontology Plot: Imagine having a horrible day and getting a surprise from your favourite boyband. 
Genre: FLUFF
Words: 2582
Pairing: Wonho | Reader
Authors Note: A late night story. I hope you like it even though it was totally weird.. But I got this urge to write it due to my headache with the story that kept going on in repeat. Goodnight! ^^ 
It was a regular afternoon when you sat down near the window in the coffee shop. You were a regular guest who spent her afternoon studying in the cafe. The morning started quite bad with an angry mother who yelled at her son and then at her daughter without a reason. And then you realized when you came to class that you forgot to do the assignment.
The day had been awful and you were just about to relax in the cafe when an old friend came up to you, a friend you wanted to forget and move on from. But the day couldn’t get worse could it.
”Hello Y/N! How have you been? Mika asked as she sat down by your side. You looked at her with disgust and slightly panicked over how to get her away from you as soon as possible, before your rage started to get heaver.
”Hi…Hello! Uh I’m sorry, but I’m really busy right now. Can’t talk” You said as you looked at your computer.
”Is that how you treat an old friend of yours? I guess you’re the same girl I knew some years ago” She said before leaving. You looked after her and got even more irritated after thinking about her doings. She looked down at her computer once again before taking a sip of her coffee.
Time passed and the assignment was done nicely, and she was just about to relax and start a youtube video, when a text message arrived. She looked at her phone with confusion as she read it for herself.
Hello A surprise will arrive at the Coffee Shop soon. Don’t freak out. ILY / Your bae Kylie
You looked at your phone wondering what she meant by that. Apparently a guy would show up and give you flowers, if you thought right. But minutes went and nothing happened, so you started to watch your daily music videos. Music videos of MONSTA X. The best boyband in the world.
”Excuse me, could I sit here?” A voice asked in fluent Korean. You looked at your left and saw a guy who strangely looked exactly like Minhyuk. You smiled at him.
”Ofc, sit down!” You answered in Korean without thinking about it. You looked down at your computer not feeling strange about what just happened, maybe because you don’t you were crazy again.
In the last weeks with studying so hard, you had been seeing the boys everywhere standing in corners of the street, or eating junk food. But every time you asked your friend if they saw them, they said no. And the boys were clearly in Korea promoting, until two days ago.
”Oh MONSTA X! Do you like them?” He asked. You looked at him and then down at the ’SHINE FOREVER’ video.
”Yes, I love them! Favourite band” You answered with a smile on your lips.
”I’m sorry to disturb your talking, but is this seat free?” A voice asked in Korean once again. You turned to your right and saw a strangely look alike of Kihyun looking at you. You nodded your head slowly.
”It’s free” You answered and looked at your computer with the thoughts of calling for help. You were out of breath and didn’t know what to do. Had you gone crazy? Like so crazy that your imaginary world would haunt you in real life? You tried to push the thoughts away and played a Wonho fancam.
Wonho was your ultimate bias, and also bias in the band. He was the guy you dreamed of every night, and the person who you wanted to meet the most. You smiled as you looked at the video when voices were heard.
”Minhyuk, we got the table! it’s free for all of…” A voice started. You looked back and met a Wonhos look alike gaze. You gulped and looked back at the computer in shock as you stared at the screen. The video was still playing with Wonho trying to eat a plushie. You grabbed your phone and called Kylie in panic.
”Kylie, I need your help. Like now! Come here now!! I think I’m going insane. There’s guys here who looks exactly like MONSTA X!” You said in the phone. A laugh was heard on the other end and you looked down confused why she was laughing.
”Oh Y/N.. It’s the real boys! You’re not dreaming or anything. It’s MONSTA X! I texted you and told you that I had a surprise. Happy birthday bestie” She said. You laughed and looked down.
”Yeah right.. It’s not even my birthday”
A phone was showed infront of your face with todays date and you stared at it before ending the call. You looked out and then at the boys, who all now were gathered around you. You bowed at them and blushed of embarrassment.
”Happy birthday sweetheart! You were so lost in your studies that you forgot your own birthday” Minhyuk said with a big smile on his lips. You nodded slowly and looked at all of them, except for Wonho. You turned your gaze towards him a little but looked away as fast as you could when you noticed that he had his eyes on you.
”Let’s go and eat” Shownu said.
You were all gathered at your favourite restaurant in town. The boys were starving and whining about food while you were trying to wake up from this amazing dream. You studied the chopsticks with force, incase you had this supernatural power to make them move with thoughts.
”So who’s your bias?” Kihyun asked concerned. You looked up at him and blushed once again thinking about it. You didn’t know if you were going to answer his questions or not. But with the looks on everyones faces, you ended up speaking.
”It’s Wonho” You said. Everyone talked about how jealous they were of him and suddenly they knew that he was your ultimate bias too. You on the other hand tried to not look at him. You were scared of his beauty, but also on how close he was. He was the guy who ended up kissing you in your dreams, and there you were in reality with him close.
”FOOD” Minhyuk screamed. Everyone looked towards the waitress who arrived with the food. Everyone started to eat and you ate your food with pleasure as you looked at the boys sometimes. Minutes went by and two hours later you were outside of the restaurant, ready to go home.
”Thank you for an amazing day guys.. I guess it’s time for me to go home” You said.
”Not yet” Hyungwon said as he walked towards you. You looked at him rather surprised of his actions since he was the quiet one, except for Shownu.
”What do you mean?”
”Your best friend Kylie booked a room at our hotel. We didn’t go to your country for nothing you know. So we’re going together to the hotel and make sure that you check in safely. Everything is already done with the room” Jooheon said. You looked at him and smiled.
”Really? I must be dreaming. This is not real!” You said over and over again as you started to walk towards the subway. You looked behind and saw them looking at you already. You walked again and repeated it a few times before you gave up.
”So you guys came to my country in order to celebrate my birthday?” You asked when you got the key to your room. They looked at you and nodded their heads at the same time.
”Yes we did” They said.
”Cool.. But I guess it ends here”
”Ey, we’re going to see each other tomorrow, saying goodbye at the airport” IM said. You smiled at them and nodded as you walked into the elevator. You looked at them talking about stuff when you realised how good looking they were in real life. You all lived at the same floor beside each other.
You searched for you room and found it when you saw the boys standing outside of their rooms. You smiled at them one last time. You bowed.
”I’m really thankful for today. It was the best birthday gift I could get on this horrible day. You made my birthday worth remembering.” They all looked at you with a smile and you opened the door. You walked into the room and closed it and breathed out.
You sat down on the bed and looked around in the room before admiring the view. A view that looked unnatural and just painted. You laughed for yourself and looked at your phone when a knock was heard on the door. You walked over and opened the door seeing a tall young man. A man you recognized, a man you dreamed about during nights, your bias Wonho.
”W..Wonho, what are you doing here?” You asked. He has a serious look on his face and walked into the room while dragging you with him. He stopped as he walked to the window and looked out. You studied his back and smiled for yourself. He was indeed the most beautiful guy you could ever dream of.
”Y/N” He said. You looked at him concerned about his serious expression.
”Yes Wonho?”
He turned around and looked into your eyes before walking towards you. You gulped as he came closer and closer. You took a step back and slowly ended up with the wall behind you. He kept coming closer and you looked at him with eyes bigger than the room itself.
”W..what are you doing?”
”You’re so beautiful” He said out of the blew. You stared at him and saw him leaning forward. You closed your eyes and waited for his lips to meet yours. But instead a laughter came out of his mouth.
”You were totally sure I was going to kiss you” He said. You looked at him and then away as you walked away from him with disappointment. It was too good to be true.
”Y/N I’m the prince in your dreams. You’re expecting me to kiss you, but I didn’t. You know why?” He asked. You sighed and walked towards the door to open it up for him.
”It’s because I’m doing it when you least expect it” He said as he walked up to you and turned you around. Suddenly you were pushed against the door and his lips were on yours. You stared at him before feeling your eyes getting heavier. His lips were soft and had a taste of mint and strawberry. He pulled you closer and you put your arms around his neck.
He pulled you away slowly after a while and gave a peck on your nose before embracing your fingers together. He walked you to the bed and you laid down as he laid down beside you, holding you close.
”It’s time to sleep” He whispered against your ear. You smiled and closed your eyes as you heard his breath in your neck. In that moment you fell asleep.
”Waaaake up” Your mother yelled irritated. You opened your eyes slowly and looked around seeing your room. You sat up and realised that the whole birthday gift was a dream. He once again haunted your dreams with a kiss.
You walked out in the kitchen after dressing yourself noticing how your mother yelled at your brother. You remembered it from the dream and waited for her to yell at you too.
”You two are copies! You two can live with each other. I’m tired of your shit” She yelled at you. You looked at her confused and sat down beside your brother who shrugged not knowing about her mood.
”Mother, There’s a cookie right infront of you” You said making her quiet. She looked at it and then at you before she took a bite. You smiled proudly before starting your day once again. You went to school and realised that you forgot the assignment just like in the dream. You noticed how everything you dreamed about was about to happen. You sighed and apologized to your teacher.
”The usual one?” The lady in the cashier asked. You nodded before sitting down infront of your computer. You got your coffee and started to study when someone made a sound behind you.
”Uhm excuse me, but is this seat free?” He asked. You looked back at him seeing a Minhyuk copy just like in the dream. Just that he spoke in English this time and not in Korean. You gave him the seat before the other guy showed up asking in English. You sighed as you knew that the dream was just a dream.
”The table over there is free for all of us so…” A voice said, a voice you knew very well. You looked at your computer which was a document instead of a Wonho video. So this time he didn’t react on the video. You turned your head and met his eyes. He looked at you rather shocked and suddenly bowed.
”Hi.. Uhm I’m Wonho, or Shin Hoseok” He said. You looked at him surprised and bowed.
”I’m Y/N..”
”Wonho, she’s the Monbebe we were about to surprise. You ruined it” Jooheon said whining. You laughed a little and looked at the others before looking back at Minhyuk.
”You guys didn’t ruin anything.. I dreamt about this.. So I kind of knew that it was suppose to happen” You said making Minhyuk stare.
”You had the dream too?” He asked confused.
”Huh? You dreamt about us?”
”I had a dream where we surprised you and lived in the same hotel, neighbours… and” He said before becoming quiet about the last part. You blushed and nodded your head slowly.
”I had the exact same dream.. Just in my point of view” You said. Everyone looked at you confused and concerned about what happened and you both laughed looking at their faces.
After spending the whole afternoon with your favourite band, it was time to say goodnight. You looked at everyone and bowed once again.
”Dream about Wonho” Jooheon said with a smirk. You laughed and rolled your eyes.
”Yeah.. it happens when you least expect it” You said looking at Wonho who smiled at you. You walked into your hotel room and smiled for yourself as you sat down on your bed. The knock was heard and your smile grew as you opened the door for Wonho. He laughed and walked into the room.
”Surprise” He said.
”Woooow I’m so surprised” You said faking it. He laughed and sat down beside you. You looked out of the window and then back at him.
”Don’t ever leave, okay?”
”How do you mean?” He asked concerned.
”I mean like in personality. Don’t become someone you’re not. Always stay true to yourself and to others..” You said looking at him. He smiled at you and nodded as you leaned forward and kissed him. He stared at you before kissing you back. You smiled against his lips and pulled away.
”The taste of mint and strawberry is gone. You taste like vanilla..” You whispered.
”Is that a bad thing?” He asked.
”No, it’s even better” You said before laying down beside him. You both fell asleep beside each other and the next morning you woke up, you were home once again. It had all been a dream. A lucid dream in another lucid dream.
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