Amor Vincit Omnia
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'An Angel who did not so much Fall as Saunter Vaguely Downwards' - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett (Good Omens)
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A Place to Stay - Part 9. Final Chapter.  Geralt x Reader.
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Final chapter guys... love you all for your continued support of both me and my writings!
“Jaskier, she might be asleep,” Geralt whispered, looking at is friend that was now impatiently standing at the door of the small home. 
“Then I shall have to knock aga-” 
“Hello?” Y/N’s soft voice called from behind the door, instantly making Geralt's heart skip a little. 
“Oh hello! Golly, you are even more stunning than the witcher described, I’m Jaskier! You know my friend Geralt and I was wondering if you would mind opening the door.” 
The door creaked open, her face peering out from behind it. Y/N looked Jaskier up and down, taking in every detail him, giggling before saying, 
“You are exactly as Geralt described,” opening the door wider, this was when her eyes found the figure she had been hoping to see behind her door. Geralt stood just to the side, looking somewhat shy, a small smile on his lips. 
Y/N’s heart sung, filling her with the energy and joy that had seemingly been missing since he had left. Before she could even understand what her body was doing, she found herself running to him, practically jumping at him before pulling him in for a slow heated kiss. She hadn’t expected him to respond much, perhaps just let her get the energy out of her system before pulling away and telling her why they were at her door at such a time, but instead his arms pulled her close, and his lips moved in time with hers. Their hearts beat louder together as their lips danced against each other, both feeling as though this was nothing new, as if it was perfectly normal for them both to be so close. 
Pulling away, Geralt smiled and brought his hand up to her face, gently caressing her cheeks. 
“I should have done that before I left.”
“Me too,” she smiled. 
“Y/N something about you makes me feel whole, makes me feel complete, as though I am normal. I have to ask you, and I can understand why you would say no, I am asking far more of you than I deserve to have,” Geralt sighed, the worry that had been filling his chest as he and the bard made their way to her home returned, “I can’t give you the things normal men can, I can’t always be here with you, but I can’t seem to leave you either-” 
“Then don’t.”
“Y/N I am always on the move, its part of me.” 
“I know,” Y/N said softly. “But what if I said I can’t leave you either, I feel the same. You were only gone a matter of days and I felt as if my heart had been pulled out of my chest. I know we barely know each other, but… well i’ll put it simply… I want to come with you, I can’t be without you, not now I know you feel the same, I know its dangerous, but I promise I will do everything you need of me.” 
Geralt was silent for a moment, searching her face, seeing only genuine emotion as he studied her. Was he really considering letting a woman who had somehow stolen his heart in a matter of days travel with him? Its dangerous and would be stupid… but oh how his heart jumps when he looks into her eyes. 
“I promise to keep you safe, it’s selfish of me to allow you to put yourself in harms way for me, but… I can’t ever leave you now, you robbed me of my heart the moment we met, and I don’t want it back.” 
Wrapping his arms around her, he felt for the first time ever as though he was whole, as if this was where he was meant to be.
“Sorry to break up the moment,” Jaskiers head popped around the corner of her door, clearly during all this emotion thing he had gone wandering, “but you appear to have some food on the side and I was wondering if perhaps I could have some.”
“Oh of course!” Y/N smiled brightly, grinning up at Geralt before taking his hand. “Here both of you, sit, I’ll get you a plate and some wine.” Geralt sat in the same chair he had sat in the first night, watching as once again she busied herself in her kitchen, the only difference was this time, this time he got to call her his own.
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A Place to Stay, Part 8. Geralt x Reader
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So I’ve finally finished. I just wanna say thank you for being patient. To anyone who has been affected by covid-19, or lost loved ones like myself, just know you are not alone, and if you need someone to talk to, I am here for you.
The Storm was still raging on violently as they made their way to the stable. A particularly strong gust of wind had nearly knocked Y/N onto her arse, but Geralt caught her, holding her close to him as they pushed towards the door. 
The door, which had seemed so heavy when Y/N had tried to open it flew open with ease when Gerlat pulled on its handle. Both Roach and Y/N’s horse seemed pleased to see the people before them, but more pleased at the food in the buckets they carried. 
“That storm is showing no signs of getting any easier,” Y/N said quietly, taking one of the buckets to her horse. 
“No,” Geralt hummed, tending to roach. He couldn’t say he was particularly disappointed in the storm's continuation. He had no desire to leave Y/N just yet. 
He watched as she cared for her horse, soothing its worried groans as the storm continued to scream ahead. She was so gentle, so sweet as she spoke to it, brushing his head as she went. Geralt's heart felt as though it was swelling, and he didn’t know why. Everything about this woman made him feel whole, as though he had found where it was he was meant to be. He would give anything to have her at his side, whether that was in her small cottage, or even on his travels with him. As selfish as it sounded, Geralt wished that the storm would never end, so that she could remain near him for as long as possible.  
“Are you okay?” She smiled, walking up to him. “You seemed a little bit away with the fairies just then,” she giggled, her hand reaching out and touching his arm, sending his heartbeat higher than was normal for even a witcher. 
“Hmm, sorry I was just thinking,” he looked down at her, seeing the care in her eyes as she looked back at him. Not one single soul had looked at him in such a way before. “You truly are a beautiful woman Y/N, you know that?” 
“That’s very kind of you Geralt,” she smiled, a blush dusting her cheeks making Geralt's heart sing. “Not so bad yourself,” she said softly. She wished she could say more, but was scared that if she did Geralt would discover that she was feeling some sort of way towards him. Changing the subject he smiled, ”We should be going back inside. You should rest, if the storm lifts tomorrow I’m sure you’ll be wanting to hit the road again.” 
Geralt only nodded, a hint of disappointment rushing through him at the thought of leaving her, but she was right, he needed the coin, as much as he wanted to stay, he had to leave eventually. 
With a sigh he held out his arm for her, allowing her to hold on as they made their way into her cosy house once more, to spend another evening reading and talking. 
Geralt had stayed for another two nights before he left, the storm still lingering in the air as he made his leave. Each night had been much the same as the night before, they sat, oh so close together, her reading to him, eventually falling asleep beside him. He didn’t fight when she clung to him, taking her straight to her bed and allowing her to curl up beside him. Nothing more became of it, it was as innocent as could be, and yet, both longed for it to be more. 
When the day came he made his leave both were unhappy, but both knew that it had to be done. She had waved him off with a bag full of food and a peck on the cheek, promising him a place to stay if ever he needed it, and he had promised he would return, saying only so he could continue the story they had been reading. 
Y/N watched as he disappeared into the forest, her heart feeling as though it had been pulled through her chest and stamped upon. She shouldn’t have got attached, she had no reason to be, after all, he was a witcher, there was no chance he felt the same. 
A few days had passed since Geralt had left Y/N, and each day he was away from her he felt as though the brightness of the world faded just a little. He had opted to stay in the town south of Y/N’s home, looking out to find any jobs. When his luck came up dry he went to the tavern, too concerned with the ache in his chest to care about the looks or insults thrown at him from the people inside. 
Finding a snug table hidden away at the back of the tavern, he ordered an ale, and sat, staring into it, her image on his mind as he watched the dark liquid in the glass. Why was he feeling such a way for her? She was only a stranger, and yet she seemed to have ahold of his heart. He sat for hours, simply staring into the drink before him, just thinking, the images of her running wild in his mind. 
“Oh ho! Look who it is!” Geralt would usually have grunted at the joyful tone that was approaching him, but he felt too lost to even bother. “Geralt! My old mate! Best friend there ever was! How are you?” 
Geralt looked up to see Jaskier sliding into the chair across from his. 
“Where on earth have you been? I haven’t seen you in far too long. Was starting to worry about you,”  Jaskier kept chatting away, accounting all the tales he had to tell Geralt, of new songs he had created, of women he had bed and of the husbands he had had to run from. Jaskier began to quiet as he realised Geralt had not looked up from his ale once, nor had he taken a sip since he had sat down. What really make Jaskier curious was how Geralt had yet to tell him to fuck off or shut up. “Somethings wrong, what happened?” 
“I’m fine,” Geralt said in a voice that could perhaps even be considered soft. 
“Clearly not,” Jaskier said, trying to not let the worry seep into his voice. Geralt looked down, he looked broken, he looked how Jaskier looked when another muse had left him… wait. “Is this about a woman?”
Geralt’s deafening silence followed but a quite hum was all the answer Jaskier needed. 
“Geralt! Who is she? And what has she done that is making you look so blue,” Jaskier was careful to pry, knowing Geralt, if he wished, could throw him through the wall of the tavern. 
“It’s not important Jaskier.” 
“Well clearly it is. I’ve known you for a while and I’ve never seen you look so glum, and never seen you even care about a woman. She must of done something pretty horrific if she’s had this much affect on you.” 
“She did not. She was the kindest woman I had ever had the pleasure of meeting.” 
“Oh,” Jaskier was taken aback but Geralt, but could see the genuine pain in his chest as he spoke of her. “What was her name?” 
“Did she pass?”
“No, she is very much still alive.”
“Oh, well then did she use your body and then leave you?” 
“No, she was far to kind to do such a thing.”
“Then I’m all out of reasons why you could be sad about a woman. Death and her leaving me are the only reasons I’m usually sad about a woman,” Jaskier chuckled, flagging down the tavern owner to get him a drink. “What has got you so down for then?”
“I’m not too sure,” he wasn’t lying. Geralt couldn’t think why it was that his chest felt as though another moment without her it may explode, or why just the thought of the stranger in the woods brought the largest smile to his face. “Nothing happened between us, but… Jaskier, she was like nobody I have ever laid eyes upon. She took me in during the storm, there was just something about her, something that made me feel as though I was complete…” Geralt spoke of her for around half an hour, something which was unusual for a man of very little word such as himself. 
Jaskier was hanging off every word until Geralt stopped speaking. Immediately Jaskier was practically face to face with Geralt, suddenly full of all the energy in the world. 
“Jaskier, sh,” Geralt hushed, feeling the looks of the tavern patrons towards him and the bard. 
“There is a perfect woman out there in the woods, and you’re here sitting feeling sorry for yourself when you never even tried to kiss her?! You are not allowed to feel sorry for yourself until you at least make an effort to win her!”
“She is to pure to want someone like me.”
“And how would you know,” Jaskier scoffed. “I didn’t realise witchers also had the ability to read minds now, when did you learn that trick?” 
“Shut up,” Geralt growled. “As much as I want for her to be in my arms it would be selfish of me to ask that of her, I can’t ask her to wait for me to return all the time if she allowed me to have her as mine, and what would I do when she doesn’t want me? All that would do is make me feel worse.”
“If she rejects your advance I give you full permission to punch me ten times, as a way to ease your pain,” Jaskier smiled a little smug, “but you can’t do that without at least going and giving it a shot.” 
Geralt, as much as he did not wish to, had to agree with the bard. 
Y/N sat in her small house, noticing for perhaps the first time in since she had moved in how empty it was. Yes, she had trinkets upon trinkets, books from ceiling to floor, but in the absence of the traveler who had much to her disappointment come and gone, her humble home suddenly felt far larger, and far emptier than it actually was. 
What ever was wrong with her? He was a random man who had simply needed a place to stay, hy was his absence causing her such heartache. Nothing had come of their meeting, as much as she had wanted it to, she had no right to pine away for a man that was not hers.
In the days since his absence she tried her best to busy herself. She read her books, cooked and baked, and even took a trip on her horse to go and see her family in the town, anything to get his image out of her head. 
Tonight was no different. As the night crossed the sky, bringing with it the summer of the moon and a blankets of stars, Y/N set to work making a more complicated meal than needed, something just to keep herself busy. She sung a little to herself, a song of the witcher she had heard while visiting her family, as she made quick work of the task at hand. She bathed as it cooked, and once in her soft night gown she served up just one plate of the meal, realising that she had made far more than needed.
“Maybe the horse will want some,” she sighed, sitting down at her table to enjoy the meal. Sipping on her wine she was once again reminded of the first meeting she had had with Geralt, how he sat on her chair, looking large enough to break it. A soft huff left her lips as she began to eat. The meal wasn’t all that nice, but it was food, so she ate, taking sips of her wine from time to time. For the first time she understood what was meant when people said “silence is deafening”. 
Finishing off her meal, she cleaned her plate, and settled herself down in the her chair, wine still in hand. The silence continued, that was until a hard, rather enthusiastic knock, rattled on her door.
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I’m really loving A Place to Stay!!
Aww thank you so much x
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A Place to Stay, Part 7. Geralt x Reader.
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I’m sorry this is going to be a kinda long series, I know where it is I wanna take it, I just... I don’t wanna miss bits out. Anyways... enjoy guys!
When she woke, Y/N was surprised to find herself tucked into the side of a sleeping Geralt. She didn’t remember coming into her bedroom, nor did she remember falling asleep at all. Had he carried her into her room? Had she asked him to stay? Why was she in bed with a man she barely knew? 
Y/N’s eyes wandered over the sleeping man beside her. He had removed his shirt during the night, so laid beside her in all his glory. Her eyes wandered over his body, taking in every muscle, every scar as they went. Gently, she ran her finger across a particularly long scar running from the top of his shoulder down to his chest. How could a man who seemed so gentle ever get a scar like this? Sure he was a witcher, but in the short time she had known him, she found it hard to believe that his life was a dangerous one. 
Slowly she traced every scar she could see, imagining how it was he had got it, picturing him fighting off monsters, making her breath become a little heavier. 
Looking outside her window she could see how the storm was still raging on, making her smile a little more than it should have. Geralt was only going to stay as long as it was needed, and as long as the storm continued he was going to stay with her. 
‘How pathetic,’ she thought to herself. Somehow the idea of Geralt leaving made her heart hurt a little. Why was she feeling this way towards a man she barely knew, it was ridiculous to for her to want him to stay, and yet the thought of never seeing this man again made her feel something she had never quite felt before. 
Quietly she pulled herself away from him, climbing from the bed to get dressed, not knowing that her movement had awoken Geralt. With her back to him, she slipped of her nightwear, revealing her behind to the man she believed was asleep. 
Geralt had been woken in a number of ways but watching as possibly the most beautiful woman he had ever seen dress in front of him, seeing every curve of her body was most certainly the best way he had been awakened. 
Seeing her turning back to him, he closed his eyes, the images of her making a small smile grace his lips. He waited to hear her leave the room before opening his eyes again. Laying on his back, unable to control the feeling in his body. Every inch of him felt as though it was being pulled to her, as if somehow his body was destined to be beside hers, holding her beautiful form against his.
“What the fuck is wrong with me? I sound like Jaskier when he falls for some married woman,” Geralt whispered to himself, pulling himself from her bed, following the smell of cooking meats towards the kitchen, trying his best to put the strange feelings he had out of his mind. 
“Morning,” she practically sang. “I’m sorry about how ever it was I ended up in bed with you, I promise if you have to stay another night you can sleep alone.” She laughed, serving up two dishes of eggs, bacon and some bread and butter. “Here, a hot breakfast to make up for the cold dinner you had to have yesterday.” 
“The cold dinner was more than I could ever ask, as is this,” Geralt said softly, taking the seat across from her again, happily accepting the food she had made for him. “And about last night, it was quite alright, you had fallen asleep as I read, I had tried to make you stay on the chair as you had said you wanted to but you seemed determined to hold on to me.” Geralt laughed.
“Well thank you for not waking me,” she smiled, “but you could of waked me up so you could have slept comfortably on your own.” 
“I actually rather liked having you by my side as I slept. It’s not often I get to sleep beside someone as beautiful as yourself,” Geralt said, not stopping to think about what he said before it had slipped from his lips. A blush crept over her cheeks as she ate her bread. Did he mean that? She wasn’t sure what to say, so simply thanked him before continuing the conversation onto a subject she could handle. 
The rest of the day the storm raged on outside. The pair spent the majority of the day talking together, sitting in her book covered living space, discussing everything they could possibly think of. They spoke of her family, of all the books she loved. Geralt spoke of Roach and his somewhat annoying bard friend Jaskier. Y/N felt as though she knew him well enough now to ask a question that had seemed too personal to ask before this moment. 
“Do you mind if I ask what it's like doing what you do?” 
“It’s hard, physically speaking but it’s essentially what the likes of me were meant to do. The hardest bit is the people. Everyone expects me to clear them of whatever monsters it is that bothers them, but still once the monsters and beasts are gone they happily view me as the monster.  I don’t care much, but it would be nice to sleep easy in an inn once, without the dear of being attacked when I try to leave.”
“That sounds shitty,” she said sadly. “I think they should be nicer to you, after all you do them a service, why should they be rude to you when you help them.” 
“Sadly not everyone sees it like that.”
“Well they should, personally I think you are worth being nice to.” 
“Thank you,” Geralt smiled. 
“This storm doesn’t seem to be letting up, I should probably go take the horses something to eat.”
“Y/N let me. It’s far too awful outside, let me take it out to them, I don’t want you getting ill in the cold.” 
“Don’t be silly, I can handle it.” 
“No,” Geralt said, standing, “You have been too kind to me, let me take it so you can stay warm and dry, please, its the least I can do.” 
“Fine,” she sighed, again realising that Geralt was a stubborn fuck. “You can take it out but I’m at the very least going to come with you, I want to check on my poor horse, he doesn’t do too well in storms.” 
Geralt looked over at her. Her arms were crossed, eyeing him up, doing her best to intimidate to be as intimidating as possible. It was actually quite a sweet sight, the pout on her lips an adorable thing to see before him. Realising he was going to lose this argument he laughed and said,
“Ha, fine, I see you’re just as stubborn as me. Come on then, do you have a jacket?”
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A Place to Stay, Part 6. Geralt x Reader
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So this bit is kinda short, but I didn’t want to just go straight into the next bit because I kinda know where it’s going, sort of! So enjoy! (ALSO just imagine this strong man in the gif above being stuck with a little clingy person on them? how cute right... i wanna be little clingy person)
Geralt stayed as still as he could, allowing the sleeping woman to remain comfortable. He sat just happily watching her steady breathing and the peaceful expression on her face for around an hour until he too began to feel sleepy. Knowing even he couldn’t sleep comfortably in this position, Geralt lifted the woman gently from his side, surprised by how quickly Y/N clung onto him in his arms. Even in her sleep Y/N was far too trusting of the man she had only met that evening. 
Standing he tried to place her back on the chair they had been sat on, she was right about him not being able to sleep on the chair, so had planned to sleep in the bedroom as she had suggested, however, Y/N in her sleepy state clearly was not willing to let him go. Much as toddlers would cling to their mothers, Y/N clung onto him as she slept. 
“What the fuck do I do?” Geralt whispered to himself, not wanting to risk waking the kind stranger by prying her off of him. He did his very best to try, but as he freed himself from one arm before moving to unlock her other arm, the first would cling back onto his body. 
Sighing, Geralt gave up, deciding if he was going to get any sleep while he stayed here it would have to be with her clung to him. Carefully navigating his way to her room, avoiding knocking her head on any door frames. Letting himself into the room she had kindly offered him for the night, he laid himself down, laying her (still clinging to him) just by his side. 
Geralt was not shy about sharing a bed with a woman, but this felt strange to him. He had not bed her prior to her falling asleep, he barely knew her, and yet here he was, laying in bed with her, her arms wrapped around him as if her life depended on it. 
Again he found himself admiring her. While it felt strange to lay in bed with her, he had to admit to himself this somehow felt like one of the most natural things, her being by his as they slept. Falling asleep, her image was on his mind, his dreams filled with her.
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A Place to Stay, Part 5. Geralt x Reader.
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Oh look, I’m still procrastinating... here have part 5. Again I don’t know where this is going, atm I think I’ll probably been on maybe 8-10 chapters once I finish writing but who knows... certainly not me! 
Geralt sat in her tub, filling it almost completely, clearly it had not been made for a man of such size. The water was on the right side of boiling hot, the kind of hot that made your skin red but filled every inch of your body and soul with warmth. 
The small soaps and washes she had provided all seemed as though she had made them herself, each smelling of herbs and fruits and other lovely things. He may have been somewhat to large for the tub, but this had to be one of the best baths he had ever had, simply down to the scents surrounding him. 
As he washed his hair in a wash that smelt of pine and berries, Geralt could hear Y/N walking around her house, listening to her sing softly to herself. A smile graced his lips as the thought of her crossed his mind. Geralt had not met someone like her before, she was kind allowing him, a complete stranger to stay with her. She had a quick wit to her, and clearly was quite intelligent, unlike most people he came into contact with these days. It was quite easy to say that she was the first person in a very long time he had actually enjoyed the company of.
It wasn’t just her company that made the thought of her dance across his mind, it was also her beauty. Geralt had seen many a woman in his days, sleeping with most of them, but Y/N there was just something about her that made her stand out above the rest. Perhaps it was the fact she had been soaked from head to toe and still looked perfect, maybe it was the light in her eyes, or the warmth of her smile. Maybe, Geralt thought, maybe it was just everything about her that would make her stand out, from her body and its curves, to her laugh and her humour, she seemed perfect. Although he had not known her long, Geralt could not find a single flaw about her. 
Shaking the thought of her from his head, reminding himself that it was likely he was only to stay the night, before departing and never seeing her again, Geralt finished washing before climbing out the tub. Drying himself off on the soft towel she had given him, he put back on the clothes she had lent him, the soft linen clinging to his damp body. 
Walking out of the bathroom he found her sitting in the small chair, a book in hand, she didn’t look up straight away, allowing Geralt just a few seconds to watch her. Her hair was now down, soft and fluffy as it dried. She looked so innocent, so peaceful, curled up in a soft jumper and one of her blankets. Geralt's chest felt warm and tight, as if his breath had been taken away. 
Y/N looked up from her book, smiling at the man who looked a little out of place in the room. She couldn’t help her eyes from wandering down his body as his clothes clung to him a little. Mmm how wonderfully sinful he looked. Trying her best to hide her blush she decided to break the silence in the room,
“There you go. See you look considerably less intimidating when you’re not so dirty,” she chuckled. “Are you tired? I’ve made my bed for you, and don’t protest and say you’ll sleep out here because you will physically not fit laying down on that chair, I barely do.” 
“I can’t take your bed from you, I’m happy on the floor…” 
“Shut up!” She laughed loud, a kind of laugh Geralt couldn’t help but grin at. “You are a man not a dog, you are not sleeping on the floor.” 
“You are just as stubborn as me, I see,” Geralt chuckled, walking further into the room. “I’m not quite ready to sleep, may I join you by the fire until I am?” Geralt was actually quite tired, but he didn’t want to go to sleep just yet, knowing that the night would only bring him closer to tomorrow when the storm would likely have passed, meaning he would be on his way. He wasn’t quite ready to leave this strange, wonderful woman behind just yet. One part of him found it pathetic he was asking to essentially spend time with her, for this was not something he had ever done before, but the other half of him was winning, telling him he had to know just a little more about her. 
“Of course,” she said, gustering for him to take a seat on the larger plush seat. “I’m not planning on sleeping for a while anyway, I already slept a little at the beginning of the storm, I won’t be able to sleep until it calms a little anyway.”
“Scared of storms?” He asked, making himself comfy in front of the fire on the soft cushions of the larger chair. 
“Oh no, much the opposite actually,” she smiled softly towards the witcher, the fire roaring beside her casting beautiful shadows onto her face. “I enjoy listening to them, the rain has always been a fascination of mine, I can’t usually sleep when it rains or storms, not because I dislike it, I just find myself getting lost in the sounds.” 
“You are a strange woman, if you don’t mind me saying.”
“Ah, yes, I know. Better to be strange than boring,” she grinned, sending him a little wink before returning her eyes to the book in her lap. 
“You have a lot of books, I don’t think I have ever seen so many in such little space.” Geralt's eyes danced from shelf to shelf, picking out the odd title he had heard of, noticing the vast variety of genres on her shelves. 
“I do, I have roughly four hundred now, hence why there is very little space anymore.” 
“What are you reading now, if you don't mind me asking?” Geralt would usually feel silly, making small talk like this, but with her it seemed as natural as breathing. He had known her for less than a few hours and yet he felt as though the woman sitting before him was someone he had known for many years. 
“It’s a book of fairytales,” she giggled, feeling a little silly. “I know, I know, childish, but there's something comforting about the simplicity behind it. Like this story for example, the woman falls in love with a beast, everyone else thinks he's this monster but she doesn’t see that. With her love he becomes a handsome prince, sappy I know but sweet when you think about it.” 
“Hmm,” Geralt hadn’t ever really been one for fairy tales so didn’t quite know what to say. “I’ve never really found myself being an avid reader, most books tend to bore me, I’ve seen too many monsters and people for any story to be new to me.”
“Well you just haven’t found the right book then!” Y/N practically squealed. Putting her book down, she hopped out of her chair, her handmade blanket slipping to the floor. Geralt's eyes found themselves wandering to her body, her soft nightgown revealing just enough of her body and its curves to make Geralt’s mind wander. He watched as she happily looked over her books, skimming her finger over their spines as she went. Little whispers escaped her lips as she looked over the books until she found whatever book it was she was looking for. “This, I must say with my expert opinion, will be a perfect book for you, here I’ll read you a little to see if you like it.” 
As if it were the perfectly normal thing to do Y/N grabbed her blanket from the floor, rushing over to his side before sitting in the little space that was left beside him. Her presence would have usually caused Geralt to feel uneasy, close contact and physical contact wasn’t something he enjoyed, but somehow, as she huddled closer to him, their sides as close as they could be, it felt natural. She was nothing more than a stranger to him, and yet this felt as natural to him as the grass when it was beneath his feet or the breeze in the trees. 
Getting herself comfortable, not really thinking about the fact Geralt was not a close friend of hers and that her actions would probably be considered somewhat strange to the man she had met only a few hours ago, she began to read. Geralt listened to her soft voice as she spoke of lost lands, creatures so magical even he had not heard of them, and a love story so sweet even he fell in love with the couple. 
She finished reading, handing him the book and telling him to continue. He continued on, reading to her until he felt her body become heavier on his. Even as she slept the woman by his side looked angelic. Watching her as she slept, the slow even rise and fall of her chest a comfort to him. About ten minutes passed when it dawned on him… he was now stuck.
“Fuck.” He whispered, trying to work out what to do.
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A Place to Stay, Part 4. Geralt x Reader.
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Dont ask me where this story is going... I dont know. Dont ask me how many chapters... I dont know. All I know is Geralt is fit af, i mean if you dont believe me just look at that gif above, and I desperatly want him to LOVEEEEE MEEEE. so anyways... enjoy! 
Y/N made herself busy getting some food together while her new house guest, Geralt, changed. She hadn’t been prepared to find such a large man hiding in her stable so the food she had on hand to offer him was limited.
It wasn’t much, she’d make him a proper strew or something before he left, but as Geralt returned changed into the dryer clothes (which fit surprisingly well) holding his wet ones in his hands, there was a plate ready on the table for him. A few slices of home made bread, some left over meat Y/N had from the week, cheeses and some fruit sat on the plate beside which she had also poured him a glass of her homemade wine. 
“You’re lucky,” she grinned walking over to him, removing the damp clothes from his hands, motioning towards the plate on the table. “My brother is a large man, not large like you, he just eats too much, I fear if he wasn’t as fat there would be no chance of you fitting into his clothes.” 
“I’m very grateful,” Geralt said, seating himself at the plate before him. Looking at the food before him he was surprised by not only how much she had given him, but the care that had clearly gone into it. “You must let me pay you for all of this, you’ve clothed and fed me, and given me a place to stay, I do not expect such kindness from a stranger for free.” 
“Don’t be silly,” she smiled from the other room, doing her best to lay out his clothing on the rug in front of the fire to help it dry. “I can’t take your money, that would be wrong. You were in need of help, I won’t charge you for that.”  
She slipped away only for a moment, coming back changed into warm dry clothes, laying her damp dress and shawl beside him on the floor. Making her way back to the kitchen, she joined Geralt at the table, sipping on a glass of wine as he ate. 
“I’ll make you something hot and hearty before you leave, I would have made some now but by the time it's ready your bath would be ready.”
“This is more than I could ask for, thank you.” She smiled as he ate. Neither spoke for a while, oddly comfortable in the silence. It wasn’t until Geralt decided that now would be a good time to ask the kind stranger about herself. “If you don’t mind me asking, why is it you live alone? You have family and yet you choose to live out here, in practically the middle of nowhere.” 
“Simple really,” she laughed a little, sipping on her wine. “I don’t like people.” Geralt couldn’t help the deep chuckle that erupted from his chest. “As much as I love my family, I much prefer the company of myself to that of others, I only go into the nearest town when I absolutely have too, for things like meat or fabrics, everything else I get from either my own garden or what I find in the woods. As little contact I can have with people the better I feel.”
“Ah a woman with a similar thinking to me I see.”
“Not a fan of people that much either then?” 
“Well, it's more that people don’t particularly like me,” Geralt chuckled, feeling at ease to discuss the matter with her. “I’m not usually welcomed anywhere, my kind is seen as the lowest of the low.”
“What… a traveller? I didn’t realise that was considered that bad,” she said, the confusion evident in her voice. It hit Geralt at this moment that she genuinely did not know either who he was or what he was. “Personally I quite like travellers, they come with the best stories unlike those who remain in one place from birth till death.” 
“You really don’t know do you?” Geralt had heard from her own lips that she rarely spoke to other people but clearly she was as incredibly serious about how little she interacted with others. She shook her head at his question, waiting for him to continue. “I am a traveller yes, but I travel because of who I am and the job in which it forces me to do. I’m a witcher.” 
“Oh,” she wasn’t much sure what to say. Of course she had heard about witchers but all she had been told when she was younger either by her older brothers or other children was they were scary, born of magic, and incredibly dangerous. Geralt however didn’t seem like that in the slightest. Looking at him from across the table, sitting watching as he ate, she wouldn’t have said there was much scary about him aside from his sheer size, and the only fear she had about that was he might break her chair or knock himself out on a doorway. “I’ll be honest, I haven’t heard much of your kind, but you don’t appear to be the big scary monster everyone made your kind out to be when I was a child.” 
“We can be,” Geralt’s voice was so deep it rattled her chest, “But we are not as different from everyone else as we are made out to be.” 
“You certainly appear rather normal to me,” she smiled letting out a small chuckle, “Aside from the fact you were willing to sleep in what's basically a large shed rather than come inside.” 
“Ah yes,” he laughed too. “Needs must and all that.” 
The pair continued to talk, both being happily surprised by how easily the conversation flowed. Geralt, as much as he hated people, was rather enjoying himself as he sat and ate, and drank, and talked to her. She was nothing like anyone he had met, she didn’t care about who he was, didn’t ask about his life as a witcher like the others, she asked about him. It was only little things, like his favourite season, the best place he had ever been, even silly things like his most favoured colour. To someone like her this was nothing but a normal conversation, but to Geralt, it was a conversation that made him feel human. Nobody was ever interested in the things he liked, no they wanted stories of monsters and demons, and if it was Jaskier he wanted stories of women he had bedded, but Y/N seems only interested in him, nothing more. 
The conversation only stopped when the bubbling of the bath in her tub could be heard. Grabbing him a towel from her basket she showed him where the bathroom was and all the soaps she had that he was welcome to use, blowing out the fire beneath so it wouldn’t continue to boil before dismissing herself from the room, allowing him to bath in peace.
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A Place to Stay, Part 3. Geralt x Reader.
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Here you go, part three guys and gals and non-binary pals! x
Her home was a humble one. It was not particularly large, nor were any of the furnishings particularly grand, but Geralt could see the care she took of her home. The room they walked into from the cold outside was a little kitchen with a small table and chairs. The walls had been delicately painted with small flowers and vines, shelves with sweet little jars full of spices and herbs dotted in amongst the foliage. The counters were all painted similar to the walls, each having little knick-knacks atop them.
Geralt stood awkwardly in the doorway, feeling as though he was taking up way to much space in the delicate little room. Following her lead, he toed off his boots and left them on a small mat beside the door, and unsure of what to do next he simply watched as she hurried around her kitchen, tidying away cookery books and jars containing strange-looking plants.
This was the first time Geralt had actually taken a moment to look at the woman who had kindly offered him shelter. She wasn’t particularly tall, but then again who was in comparison to him. She, just like he was, was drenched from head to toe, her braided hair beginning to droop under the weight of the water it held. Her dress and shawl clung at her body, the dark fabric dripping as she hurried around. If it wasn’t for the fact he had also been in the storm with her, he could have easily assumed she had decided to go for a bath or perhaps a swim fully clothed.
And even though she was soaked from head to toe, she still looked beautiful. Yes her hair was a mess, but the little flowers crowing her head made her look so sweet and pure. Her eyes shone brighter than anything he had seen before, her smile making him feel at ease. Even her body was magnificent from what he could see beneath her dampened clothes.
“Come, sit, I’ll start you a bath, it takes a little time for the water to heat,” pointing at the chair for him to sit in she hurried off out of a door, and through into another, he could just about see. Carefully, so as not to break one of her two chairs with her sheer size, he looked through the door she had left from. Behind it was a small sitting area. The walls were not as colourful as those in the kitchen, well they may have been, he simply could not see them if they were. Every wall within his view was covered top to bottom with books, only the windows could be seen peeking through the books. Plants were dotted around the room, most sitting on top of a small fireplace that's hearth was ablaze. Comfy hand made blankets and cushions sat on a long soft chair, just big enough for two to sit on and a smaller armchair in the corner. Of all the houses he had been in this was without a doubt the homeliest.
“Right, baths heating, I’m sorry it's going to be a little while the fire beneath it was a little damp so it's only a small flame at the moment, but I can get you something to eat while you wait… oh, actually you know what, I should get you something dryer to wear, don't want you catching a cold. I’m sure I can find something that will fit just until you bath and I can try and dry those clothes by the fire for you.” Geralt didn’t even get a chance to respond before she was dashing off into another unseen room. He could hear her rummaging around for a little before she came back, soft linen shirt and trousers in hand. “Here we go, they’re my older brothers, I don’t know how well they'll fit you but they’ll do for now, just until your clothes dry. You can get changed in either the bedroom of the bathroom, just mind your head on the doors, they're okay for me, but you’re considerably taller and I don’t want you to knock yourself out.”
Her smile was so warm, so genuine, something Geralt was by no means used to. He was taken aback by the kindness she had shown him. Nobody had ever been as kind to him as she was right now in this moment, it was peculiar, and left him feeling a little uneasy, but not in a bad way, it was the nice kind of uneasy, the feeling that makes your chest feel warm, makes your heart beat a little louder.
“Thank you, this is too kind of you,” Geralt said, standing and gently taking the clothes from her hands. “I promise as soon as this storm has passed I’ll be out your way.”
“You are not in my way… sorry I never got your name?”
“Geralt of Rivia.” Geralt expected her to stop, to ask him to leave, that's what usually happened when he told people who he was. Not many people wished to associate themselves with a witcher unless it was to rid themselves of a monster. She didn't even flinch, just smiling and continuing.
“Geralt, you are not in my way, I wouldn’t wish for any traveller to be stuck outside in such dreadful weather. Both you and your horse are welcome to stay as long as needed,” she smiled up at him, a smile that made his chest feel tighter in a way he had not felt before.
He went to make his way to the room she had pointed out for him to change in, stopping to ask her,
“You never told me your name either?”
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A Place to Stay, Part 2. Geralt x Reader.
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oh hey, me again, I was going to post this as a second bit of part 1 but decided fuck it, it can be its own part so heyyyy have this as well! Enjoy sweeties! Also just wanted to say a massive thank you to all my new followers, I’m nearly on 400 which I know isnt much for a fanfic writer but I seriously appreciate it!
Y/N tried as hard as she could to open the door with her free hand, the wind doing everything possible to make the task as hard as it could. She couldn’t put the horse feed down, for even though it was a heavy bucket filled to the brim with food, she didn’t trust the storm not to carry it away from her.
Letting out a loud groan as she pulled open the door, she slipped between the small opening she had managed to make, pulling the door shut and locking it back into place as she came in. Safely inside she rest her forehead against the wooden door, trying to even out her breathing after her physical fight against the wind and the door. 
Having composed herself a little, she turned to do what she had come to do. She had been asleep when the storm had first started, but as the wind howled against her windows and doors she had awoken. Knowing her horse was outside on its own, she had decided to take it some food and go and see how it was doing. She hated thinking about her horse being scared or alone in such a horrendous storm. 
Turning with the bucket in hand she was rather surprised to find that not only was her horse now accompanied by another horse, but also by a large man holding a sword, looking ready to attack at any moment. 
“Shit!” She all but screamed, dropping the bucket on its side out of shock. She wasn’t used to finding strange men hidden in her horse’s pen, so didn’t know what to do with herself. Scared that the sword in the man’s hand would be used against her she flew up her hand, proclaiming, “please don’t hurt me.”
“I’m sorry,” his voice was deep, so deep she was grateful he hadn’t spoken to her before she had noticed him because she was sure if he did she may have died of shock. “I don’t mean to cause any alarm or hurt. I saw this building as my horse and I were travelling and the storm was becoming too hard to walk in. We didn’t want to alarm anyone, just needed somewhere to shelter. I’ll give you coin if you let us stay just until the worst of the storm has gone.” 
Now he had put his sword away, Y/N felt more at ease and was surprisingly not all that scared of the man. Sure he was huge, and could probably break her neck with just one hand, but without the sword, he was not threatening to her in the slightest. 
Gaining her composure a little, picking up the bucket trying to keep as much of the feed inside it as possible she replied as she made her way to fill up her horses’ tray. 
“You will do no such thing…” 
“I understand, I’ll go find another shelter…” Geralt began to collect his few belongings, stopping only when she continued. 
“No, you will stay here, well your horse can stay in here, you, on the other hand, will come inside in the warmth with me, and you will certainly not pay me for your stay,” she smiled, walking across to where Roach was, placing the remainder of the bucket of food in front of the horse so Roach too had something to eat. 
“I don’t expect that, I’m used to sleeping on the floor, I’m happy to stay out here, I’m sure I would just be in you and your families way, I do not expect such a kindness,” Geralt said. He wasn’t too sure what to do, usually, people told him to sod off and that was if they were being polite to him. 
“Nonsense, I live alone, you would be in nobody’s way but mine and I do not mind in the slightest,” she said firmly, eyeing him up as she stood in front of him, arms crossed. 
In theory, he should have been incredibly intimidating to her, he was larger than any man she had yet to come across. His eyes were a honey sort of yellow, a slight glow to them, and his hair practically white if it were not for the mud and the darkness added due to the dampening from the rain. Every part of her told her that she should be scared, she in comparison to him was like a newborn, no strength or skill if he suddenly turned nasty, but her mother had raised her properly and told her to be kind even to the most peculiar of strangers. Plus who wouldn’t want such a handsome fellow to stay the night during such a storm?
“Now, either you can come inside with me, where you can bath because I mean this in the nicest way you are disgusting, sleep on a relatively comfortable bed, and eat something hearty to keep you going on your travels,” she tried to think of an alternative that would force him to come inside. He may have said very few words but already she could tell he was a stubborn bastard. “Or I shall have to ask you and your horse to leave. I will not allow someone to sleep outside in this weather. If you don’t come inside for your own sake, come inside for your horses so it has somewhere to stay for the duration of this storm.” 
Eying up roach beside him who was happily eating away at the bucket of food she had given him, Geralt huffed throwing his single bag over his shoulder before making his way to the door of the outhouse. 
“Fine,” he said, “But only because you insist.”
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A Place to Stay, Part 1. Geralt x Reader
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Guess who is still bored out of her mind? That’s right, ME! I’m meant to be doing uni work but alas all I can think about is Geralt because I mean damn... look at him so... here is the first piece to a small (Possibly long depending on how long I can be bothered to make it) Geralt x Reader series. No warnings here... can’t promise there wont be, I’m trying to keep it smut free and fluffy but holy shit I really wanna fuck Geralt to no promises you lot!
Geralt hated relying on others. Preferably he’d go about his life never having to interact with anyone other than those who gave him his coin. Jaskier was about as much as he could handle when it came to contact with people, and even that was at a push. However, sometimes he had little choice but to accept the help others, now was one of those times. 
Usually, if Geralt was between towns he’d happily sleep on the floor beside his horse, the stars above his head. Today this was not possible. Even the big bad Geralt couldn’t possibly stomach the storm that was overhead. In just a matter of minutes of the heavens opening, he was drenched through, his hair dripping wet as he walked along with poor Roach. 
He kept his eye out for even the smallest bit of shelter, whether it was a fallen tree or a dark cave, at this point he would have taken anything just to keep himself warm and dry. The wind got stronger, making it hard for both the witcher and his horse to continue. Just as he was about to settle for the smallest bit of shelter under some low hanging branches on a tree he caught a glimpse of a small house, its dim light shining through the small windows. A small outbuilding to the side of the small house looked as though there would be enough room for both he and Roach to hide in, just until the worst of the storm had passed. 
Doing his best to keep quiet, not knowing who it was that lived in the house and not wishing to find out if they were going to be friendly towards the likes of him, Geralt pushed through the wind, Roach following behind until he made it to the small outbuilding. Opening the doors he found it was already occupied by another horse(a horse who did not look too pleased with the new company), but there was still enough space for both Roach and his rider to fit in. 
The rain hammered against the roof, the wind rattling the doors. The storm made no signs of letting up any time soon. Geralt was not one to complain about the weather but even he was taken aback by how loud and hard the storm had hit, how quickly it had gone from a few dark clouds in the sky to this monstrous storm. 
What felt like hours passed, Geralt no dryer than when he entered, it being far too cold for anyone to dry. Roach had settled down, the storm no longer scaring the witchers horse. Geralt decided it was probably best he tried to get some sleep, not knowing how long he would be safe to stay in a strangers outhouse without permission. Doing his best to get comfortable on a small bail of hay, Geralt was about to fall asleep when a noise from just outside the door startled him. 
Shooting up, sword in hand Geralt tried to stay quiet listening for what it was. He could hear what sounded like wet, uneven footsteps coming towards the door. A loud groan hit his ears as the door was slowly pulled open. 
“Fuck.” Geralt whispered, not sure what was to meet him behind the door.
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Maybe it is Love? Geralt x Reader
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So... lockdown going well... here have some smut for Geralt because while I cant literally fuck the witcher... I can at least write shitty fanfic about fucking him in these dark times. Also this is kinda long so........ sorry. 
“To be honest, I’m choosing not to listen to you.” Geralt grunted, keeping his eyes focused on Jaskier in front of him, drinking the ale from his cup.
“Why won’t you just let me help! For fuck sake Geralt, you’ll happily have me follow you around but god forbid you would ever let me actually be part of the action,” she all but screamed at him. “Your bard has been involved in more fights than me and unlike him, I don’t scream when monsters come running at me.”
“I do not scream,” Jaskier tried to protest only to be cut off by the pair saying in unison,
“Yes, you do.” Jaskier having been put in his place once again by the pair settled back into his seat, listening to an argument that he had heard a thousand times before at this point. It always happened after Geralt had a run-in with a monster. Geralt would make sure Y/N was out of harm's way, claiming she was far too delicate to be involved in such matters, he would then kill the beast on his own and spend the rest of his days following his fight with whatever monster it may be arguing with Y/N. No matter how much she protested Geralt would never give in and let her learn how to help him.
“Y/N,” Geralt sighed, putting his ale down before focusing his attention on her. “I do not say it to be harsh, but the simple fact is you do not have the skills to even begin learning how to defend yourself against any of the beasts that roam the earth. You have no experience, you were just a silly little girl I let come with us because you refused to go back to your boring life in that sodding village we found you in, not because I wanted you here. You shouldn’t even be here. Stop pestering me about it or you can go back to that fucking village, you know what, maybe that would be best anyway, you are of no help to either of us here.”
Y/N’s chest hurt a little at the words that fell from his lips. She knew he was right, but she thought that after the time they had spent together he would perhaps have grown to see her at least as a friend and want her to stay by his side even just for the company. Every time they had this argument it had usually just ended up with him making an empty promise about helping her learn to defend herself, but this time it got more personal. She hated thinking that she was nothing more than an annoyance to Geralt, she only wanted to learn to defend herself so he wouldn’t have to if she learnt to fight she could try her best and keep him safe just as he did for her.
Rising from her seat she brushed herself down, downed the last of her ale before making her way up to her room in the inn in which they were staying that night. She didn’t wish to continue this conversation, nor did she wish to be around either of them anymore.
Geralt ignored her departure from their table in the tavern, finishing off his ale and ordering another. Jaskier, on the other hand, watched as she walked through the crowded tavern, her usually cheerful spirit seemingly destroyed.
“You’re a dick you know that?” Jaskier spat at Geralt.
“I only spoke the truth, not my fault if she couldn’t handle it,” Geralt replied, his tone remaining as even as it always did.
“Oh, so you’re a liar and a dick?”
“A liar?”
“Yes! You know full fucking well that you don’t want her to go anywhere! You like having her around as much as you like having me around!”
“I don’t much like that either,” Geralt hummed.
“Oh shut up. You should go say sorry,” Jaskier said, sipping at his drink. “You like travelling with her. I’ve seen the way you look at her when she dances drunkenly in the bars, or the smile on your face when she stands up for you, or the bigger smile on your face when she stands up for herself. For pity's sake, you even let her sit on Roach when she’s tired of walking, I’m not even allowed to touch the bloody horse let alone ride it.”
“Fine, I like her company, but she cannot be put in harm's way,” Geralt said more quietly than usual. If it was possible for his voice to ever be considered soft, now would be one of those times. “I won’t allow her to train if it means it will put her in danger's path, I want to keep her safe not help send her to an early grave.”
“Oh oh oh…” Jaskier grinned, leaning back in his chair. “If it wasn’t for the fact you’re a witcher and supposedly not able to love… I’d say you’ve fallen for our feminine companion.”
“Be quiet,” Geralt barked.
“No,” Jaskier grinned back smugly. “You like her, that’s why you don’t want her hurt. You know shes capable but you’re scared of losing her aren’t you. My my, the mighty witcher has fallen for a normal village girl.”
Geralt kept silent, staring into the dark ale in the cup in his hands. Jaskier was sadly correct. Geralt knew she was able to learn to at least wield a sword, but Geralt wouldn’t let her do it because he was scared, he didn’t know what he felt for her, but he knew it was more than he an emotionless witcher was ever meant to feel.
He had only originally kept her around because much like the bard, she seemed adamant to stay regardless of whether he wanted her there or not. As she travelled more with him, Geralt found her presence a comfort to return to after he had wrestled with the beasts and monsters. Whether they were in some crappy inn, or under the stars in the night sky, every night they spent together, just enjoying each others company, listening to the bard strum at his lute, Geralt found himself getting lost in the joy that radiated off of her or the beauty that covered every inch of her.
Jaskier’s voice brought Geralt back to the tavern they were in.
“You need to apologise, she seemed really hurt by what you said.” Jaskier was, sadly, correct. As much as Geralt hated admitting to being in the wrong, he knew it was best he went and say sorry for his harsh and false words.
“Fine,” getting up Geralt made followed the path she had taken out of the tavern, stopping only once when he heard the bard shout,
“YOU SHOULD ALSO TELL HER HOW YOU FEEL!” To which Geralt found the nearest empty glass and hurled it at the bards head, narrowly missing, before continuing out towards the inn just a few doors down.
When he found her room he was hesitant to knock on the door, knowing the woman behind it would be hurting. With a gentle knock, he waited patiently for her to open it.
“Jaskier if that’s you I’m really not in the mood to talk right now ok…” opening the door Y/N was surprised to see Geralt at her door. Geralt wasn’t exactly the check on her when she was down kind of man. Still hurting from his comments, she snapped at him, “What the fuck do you want witcher?”
“Please let me in so I can apologise,” he pleaded, something he was not used to doing. “I did not mean to hurt your feelings, nor did I mean those words that I said.”
She studied him for a moment, taking great interest in his face, checking to see if he was lying to her. When she didn’t detect any hint of sarcasm or the trace of a lie she stepped back, allowing him into her room.  
Geralt was a little taken back by the sight before him. Y/N had started to pack the small number of belongings she had into her bag, leaving only the clothes on her back out of the bag.
“Where are you going?”
“Back to the village you found me in,” she said, shutting the door behind the man. “You were right, I’m no use to you, I only came along because I wanted more from life, but I guess I was wrong for looking for it at your side. I’m going to head out in the morning, a man a few doors down has a horse he’s willing to sell me so I can make my way back on my own, that way I won’t be bothering you or Jaskier anymore.” Geralt could feel the sadness in her voice as she spoke, he could see just how his words had hurt her as she finished packing up the last of her things.
“You will do no such thing,” he said in his gruff tone. “What I said was not true, you are helpful, and well…” Geralt wasn’t quite sure how to get the next words out. Taking in a deep breath, he continued, “well I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy your company as we travel.”
“That’s sweet of you to say, don’t worry you are forgiven, but you were right,” she said softly. “I’m just in the way, and I certainly don’t have it in me to ever be able to defend myself against the beasts like you. I’m better off just going back to my family, I’m sure they’ll be delighted, they can finally marry me off for the price of a cow… or maybe a sheep, I’m not quite sure how much I’d be worth in farm animals.”
“You are worth more than any farm animal, Y/N. Look, I will let you learn to fight, but only the basics for now. I… I didn’t want to teach you in case you got hurt. I don’t know what Jaskier… or I would do without your company.”
“You didn’t want me to get hurt? That’s why you wouldn’t let me learn? Why didn’t you just tell me that?”
“Because it sounds so fucking pathetic… sounds like something Jaskier would sing about.”
Y/N didn’t quite know what to say. The idea of Geralt, a man known for his inability to care, suddenly telling her that he did actually want her around and didn’t want her hurt left her a little bit speechless.
Geralt was also not sure quite what to say. He wanted to leave it there, walk away and pretend that this hadn’t ever happened, that he hadn’t shown her his weakness, but he also knew he couldn’t. The slightly smug bard downstairs would simply not allow him to continue on his life as though he didn’t have feelings for the woman standing before him.
“Fuck it…” Geralt whispered, quickly thinking on his next words before he opened his mouth. “Witchers aren’t meant to have weaknesses, it’s a reason we are not supposed to feel. Feeling leads to weakness which can lead to downfall.”
“I know, you’ve said this a thousand ways before,” Y/N said softly. Before she could continue Geralt reached out his hand for her, pulling her closer to him, not too close that their bodies were touching but enough that each could feel the heat radiating off of each other's bodies. “Geralt…”
“If I could keep this to myself I would, but Jaskier knows so if I don’t say it the singing bastard will instead,” Y/N wasn’t quite sure where this was going, it wasn’t like Geralt to beat around the bush, he was usually so blunt and direct with everything, this was unlike him. She, of course, knew where she wanted this to go, she wanted him to pull her in closer, for him to make her feel wanted, but deemed that unlikely. “I have feelings towards you that are more than what I have ever felt for a person in my life, I won’t name it as simply because I do not know what those feelings are, but I do know that even the idea of you being taken from me makes me feel a pain I have never felt before.” Geralt silenced, not quite used to speaking of a subject like this he became unsure of how to proceed from there. Looking down at Y/N, he tried his best to read her, to find out what was going on in her mind, but she looked nothing but stunned and confused.
Y/N was very much stunned and confused. Geralt, the big bad witcher, was to put it simply, telling her he felt for her, cared for her, perhaps even loved her. Sure she had wanted to hear him say that for quite some time but never imagined it to be true. As the cogs worked in her head, trying to understand what it was that she had just been told, Geralt went to pull away feeling embarrassed, something he did not find himself feeling often.
Her hand held his tight, pulling him back to her, a smile now gracing her lips as she reached up on her tippy toes, pulling him gently in for a kiss. He was hesitant at first, still unsure of himself, but as her hand came up to rest on his cheek, allowing herself to deepen the kiss, Geralt eased kissing her back gently. Their hands found each other's hair, the kiss getting deeper and more desperate as they pulled each other closer.  
As the kiss became more intense, the heat began to prickle on her skin, a burning desire for his hands to touch every inch of her rolled over her. Geralt, while not someone who understood his feelings, was certainly a man who understood a woman's body. Feeling the desperation in her kiss, he pulled away, turning her in his arms before gently releasing her of the corset she had been wearing atop her dress. As each ribbon became looser, the garment began to fall away, allowing Geralt to pull her closer to him once more, his lips kissing softly at her neck while his hand came up to massage her breast. Keeping one arm locked around her torso, keeping her still, Geralt couldn’t help the arousal evident in his trousers as he heard the breathy moans escaping her lips.
Carefully, so as not to hurt the woman he cared for, Geralt picked Y/N up, turning her in his arms allowing her lips to once again find his. Her legs wrapped around his waist, as her core met with the erection in his, she pressed herself down against his clothed cock, earning herself a deep groan from the man.
“If you do that again, I will have no choice but to fuck you,” he growled, biting at her lower lip, before his lips once again found her neck, his kisses rougher than before, leaving little marks in their wake.
A sly grin was on her face as she pushed herself down again. Before she could even have time to respond, Geralt had her on the bed, particularly tearing away her soft dress and undergarments, leaving her bare to him. The heat that pricked her skin was not because of embarrassment, no, it was out of lust. Seeing him as he ripped off his own clothing before climbing back on top of her, his cock nudging at her clit as he kissed her, one hand holding his body weight above her while the other found her entrance, slowly pushing two fingers inside her, it was all too much for her. As his fingers worked themselves in and out quicker and harder, she couldn't stop the moan that escaped her lips,
“Oh god, please just fuck me,” she whined. “If I’m going to come I want it to be on your cock, not your fingers, ah, pleaseee.”
“Mhmm, listening to you beg for my is perhaps one of the most wonderful sounds I have ever heard,” Geralt was, of course, happy to fulfil her request, slowly replacing his fingers with his cock, careful not to hurt her. He gave her time to adjust before he could no longer contain himself, his pace going from slow and careful to animalistic. His lips found her breasts, biting, sucking, marking her as he went. The string of curses falling from her lips encouragement to keep going until her body began to weaken, the orgasm racking over her body. Try as he might, he couldn't stop himself from following her.
They lay there, still just for a moment, only their breaths and pounding hearts making any sound. Reluctantly Geralt pulled away, slipping off to the small washroom attached to her room to get a cloth to clean the mess he had made. Coming back to her he couldn’t help the small smirk on his lips as he looked at how wonderfully pretty she looked, completely undone, his cum dripping from her.
The pair cleaned themselves up and climbed back onto the bed together, Geralt instantly pulling her into him. They didn’t need to speak, the beating of each other's hearts was all they needed to hear. Slowly they drifted off to sleep, Y/N feeling the safest she ever had while in his arms, and Geralt feeling a warmth in his chest he didn’t know he was capable of.
“Oh ho! You fucked didn’t you!” Jaskier mocked the following morning, seeing the bruises Geralt had left on Y/N’s neck. Neither responded as Geralt helped Y/N onto Roach’s back, kissing her before going to pay the innkeeper for their nights stay.
Jaskier couldn’t contain his excitement at the development between the pair, spending the next few hours of their travels asking all the questions he could, thinking up quick little ditties to strum as they made their way to the next town.
Usually, Geralt would have snapped at Jaskier, but today he didn’t, for Geralt could not care less at that moment, for as he looked at Y/N riding Roach, she was all he could focus on. Maybe love would be the right thing to name his feelings for her.
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Shadows. Steve Rogers x Reader (and their child)
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I dont know if ive done Steve before but eh here have this. Its short, its probably quite shit, but lockdown got be going insane for something to do sooooo... enjoy this short little fluffy thing. 
He tried his best to shut the door behind him as quietly as possible. It was rather late by the time he had returned home from his mission, and usually Steve would find his two favourite people asleep at this hour. 
Slowly he crept around the house, fixing himself something to eat before he would climb into bed beside the love of his life Y/N. The thought of his beautiful wife being tucked in his arms again was enough to get him through even the toughest of missions. 
As he was making his dinner, opting for a quick sandwich to avoid making any noise as much as possible, Steve heard a soft pair of giggles come from one of the rooms down the hall, a noise so sweet his heart began to swell in his chest. Leaving his half finished sandwich on the counter top he followed the soft laughter until he reached the door in which it was coming from. 
The door itself had some new additions to it from when he left. When he left it had simply been a boring white door, just like the other doors in their little apartment, but now the bottom was painted with little flowers and a cat, while higher up the door was a spaceship and some stars. Steve smiled at the artwork that had been painted on the door, imaging the sweet scene it would have been to watch.
Slowly and quietly he pushed open the door, somewhat surprised by the sight behind it. Blankets were behind suspended by chairs creating a makeshift tent. All the cushions and other soft items within the room were nowhere in sight, so he assumed they were hidden inside the blanket tent along with the pair who were quite happily giggling. 
Not wanting to scare them, he gently coughed, bringing their attention to him. As if part of a sketch show first Y/N’s head popped out, smiling brightly at her husband, soon followed by a smaller head, belonging to a grinning little boy, whose smile only widened when he saw his father. 
“DADDY!” The little boy screamed, nearly tearing down the tent to go and embrace his dad, jumping into his arms happily. 
“Hey there little guy,” Steve smiled, happily picking up him up to give him the biggest hug he could without crushing him. “I missed you!”
“And we missed you,” Y/N grinned, making her way from the tent on the floor to join the cuddle. Steve smiled as he brought her into his arms, now holding his entire world in his arms. “This little monster couldn’t sleep so we decided to have some fun and sleep in our own homemade tent tonight.”
“Mummy was showing me a doggy shadow she made with her hand! Daddy did you see the door! I painted the flowers all by myself!” The little boy in Steve's arms giggled. 
“I did James. It’s wonderful, you did a good job!” Gently putting his son down, he pulled Y/N in closer, gently kissing her and holding her close to his chest, quietly he whispered, “I missed you both so much, I love you.”
“I love you too,” she smiled up to him, her hand tracing the new cuts along his jawline. “How was it? How’s Buck?”
“It was a tough one, physically speaking, but we made it. Bucky’s good, needs Stark to take a look at his arm but other than that he’s good.” 
Before Y/N could respond a small hand began to tug on the leg of Steve. Looking down the pair saw their little boy grinning up at them, impatiently trying to get their attention. 
“Come on Daddy, Mummy and me made it all soft and cuddly inside! You have to sleep in there with us tonight,” the boy smiled.
“Oh baby, Daddy’s had a long few days, he probably wants to sleep in his bed tonight.” Y/N said softly. 
“Aww…” Steve didn’t want to disappoint the little boy at all, so agreed to sleep in the tent beside the pair, earning a shout of joy from the boy. 
Carefully, so not to ruin the beautiful little tent the pair had made, Steve crawled into the tent, his son following behind and sitting on his lap. Y/N crawled in after, snuggling up beside them. James reached out his little hands for a torch beside him, pointing it at the blanket wall in front of them. 
“Mummy show daddy the shadow animals you did, I think daddy would like the birdy!” 
“Okay baby,” Y/N moved her hands just in front of the light of the torch so her hands cast a shadow on the blanket in front of them. Twisting her hands together the shadow soon changed from hands to a bird, looking as though its wings were flapping as she moved her hands. Steve joined, copying her hands and forming another bird to fly before them. 
Steve and Y/N made as many animals in the shadows as possible, from rabbits to dog, to plenty of birds because James seemed to like them the most. Their son giggled at each new animal that they made.
When his eyes began to flutter shut, Steve laid his son gently on a pile of cushions on the floor, wrapping him up in a blanket that hadn’t been used for the structure of the tent. Smiling at each other, Y/N and Steve snuggled down on either side of James, each holding their son in their arms, joining hands just over him. The little family laid like this for hours, until the sun peaked its head just above the surface of the earth, when little James awoke hungry for pancakes promised the day before by his mum. 
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Flight. Loki x Reader.
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SO HEY! Its been a while. Uni is hard guys like damn so much work! But anyways, lockdown is happening in the Uk So im bored and procrastinating on my last essay so here have this slightly shitty loki x reader. 
“I do not wish to go anymore, I think perhaps I would be better if I stayed here, help Banner with the computers and intel,” Loki protested. “I’m sure I would be more use here than wherever it is you’re going off to in that… that… metal bird.” 
“Oh no no no… I am not leaving you alone in my building,” Tony snapped. “You are coming with us so we always know where you are, I do not trust you one bit not to destroy my building.” 
“Thanks for looking out for me Tony,” Bruce sighed. “Loki your skills are needed in the field, you won't be of much use to me here, I need to focus on the screens and well… you struggle with technology as simple as the fridge, I don’t quite think you’ll be much help when it comes to the computers.”
“But I do not want to go… not on that thing,” Loki pointed to the jet they were loading with gear, not hiding his disgust at the metal bird before him. Now Loki may have been a god, a god who had travelled from planet to planet, through time and space, but he was not a god who was accustomed to the ways of travel here on earth. 
When Loki had first returned to earth after his attempt at taking control of its people, he had managed to avoid using the methods of travel the humans used as much as possible. His first experience was on a bus. He hadn’t much liked this, one because he found there were far too many people around him, and two the driver seemed to aim for the holes in the road rather than avoid it. His second experience had been worse. He’d been travelling with Thor from one side of the city to the other by the subway. The first couple of stops were fine, but as more people joined and the gaps became further apart, Loki began to feel far too overheated, his head spun trying to make sense of all the sounds around him, and before the doors were open at his stop, his stomach began to churn so much he could no longer hold in its contents. Loki had other experiences with travel of the mortals all of which he found rather displeasing, but this was to be his first experience with any form of aircraft, aside from when he had been captured but he had been far too preoccupied at the time to focus on the jet or worry. 
Loki simply did not want to get on the jet before him. He had no faith in the humans, and thought it highly unlikely they would be able to build a craft that would hold all of the team in the air for the duration of their trip. Loki didn’t particularly want to meet his end through crash landing in some godforsaken land. 
“You scared of a little plane?!” Tony mocked, not being able to contain the joy and laughter that escaped him at the thought of the mighty Loki being scared of a little jet. “Ha, not so amazing are you?” 
“Hey cut it out Tony,” a voice called from inside. Y/N came out, carrying with her her own crate needed for the mission. Steve rushed to her side to assist her, taking the crate and loading it alongside the other boxes already inside the jet. 
“Nice to see you’ve finally joined us,” Clint smirked, knowing full well Y/N had overslept again, something that happened on the regular. 
“Shut it,” she smirked back. “Tony don’t be a dick alright? If you’re not used to flying like this it can be scary alright, I doubt anyone here wasn’t scared the first time they got on a plane, you included, so leave Loki alone otherwise you can deal with me.” Tony knew not to test this out. Y/N was nowhere near as scary as Nat, but that didn’t make her as deadly. Y/N had the power of mind control and reading, and anytime anyone annoyed her she didn’t stop herself from sharing their deepest darkest secrets. Last time Clint had wrong her the whole team had not only watched him dance like a chicken for thirty minutes, but had learnt that in order to sleep he had a little blanket he liked to rub against his nose. 
“Thank you,” Loki smiled softly. Y/N had always been so kind to Loki, he was never too sure why, it wasn’t as if he deserved it. She always had his back, helped him understand things and had the patience to keep helping evening when he took a while to understand. She was always the first to volunteer to spar with him, happily taking him on with or without his powers. 
Loki hadn’t ever felt a connection as close as he felt with her, everytime she was near his heart felt a little bigger in his chest, its rate increasing with every breath he took. He hadn’t ever experienced a feeling like this, and certainly not towards a mortal woman, but he knew what it meant. 
“That’s alright sweetie,” she smiled, coming to his side while they waited for the rest of the packing to be done. “How about you sit beside me on the jet, it’s a bit of a long flight but I’ve brought some little travel games. Personally its not the flight itself that bothers me its having to listen to Thor and Clint discuss who has bigger muscles.”
“We do not do that!” Clint barked.
“Although if we were to have that conversation it would certainly be me,” Thor said quietly, earning himself a grin from both Y/N and Loki. 
Y/N and Loki boarded the plane when it was ready, and as agreed Y/N had sat beside him. From her little bag she pulled out a small plastic box. 
“It’s travel checkers. I also have travel connect four if we get that bored… oooh and pen and paper to play hangman and that box game…” 
“Sounds like a wonderful distraction to me,” Loki was not too interested in the games she had brought with her, although he was grateful she had, no he was more interested in the woman that sat beside him. The best disraction was not going to come from moving small magnetic checkers pieces around a board or haning a man if she spelt his word wrong, no the best distraction for him would simply be listening to her talk and knowing she was by his side. 
The pair played most of the games for the duration of the fight, and so far Loki had not once thought about the fear of flying he had once possessed. Y/N made for a wonderful companion to have on a worrying trip so he had felt most at ease for the most part of the journey.
“Hey guys,” Steve called over his shoulder from his position in the pilots seat. “The next bits going to get a bit rough, just hold tight.”
He wasn’t lying. The small craft began to feel as though it was being hurtled through the sky by an unknown force that made it bounce up and down along the clouds. Loki instinctively hung onto the arms of his seat feeling as though his whole body was being shaken around inside a glass bottle. Even the other Avengers, seasoned flyers, felt queasy as the plane hurtled forward. 
Loki tried a breathing technique Y/N had taught him for when he got mad, however the repetitive in and out seemed to not help at all. 
Y/N, who like the rest of the team was struggling with the constant jumping of the plane, remained as calm as possible. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Loki’s hands gripping so tight on the armrest that his already pale hands became as white as snow. His panicked breaths echoed around her. Without thinkin about it, wanting only to help the man beside her, she placed one hand on top of his, tightly enough so he would know she was there, and with the other pulled his face around to face hers. 
“Hey, Loki,” Y/n said sweetly, looking at him as his eyes remained tightly shut. She couldn’t help the little jump in her chest as she looked at him. Y/N had taken a liking to him and hated seeing him like this. She would do everything in her power to help him get through this. “Hey, look at me sweetie.” 
Loki did as instructed, his panic lessening as he looked into her eyes, getting lost in them as if they were their own star system. 
“That’s it,” she smiled softly, trying to assure him it was going to be okay and not show her own worry as the plane continued to be thrown around the sky. “It’s okay I promise, this is normal okay, it’s just because of the bad winds today okay. This plane is the best out there and will get us there safely okay.” 
“Okay, okay…” Loki breathed, trying his very best to focus on her. His eyes traced the lines of her face, studied every freckle, every stray hair from her bun. Loki realised just how beautiful she was right now, seeing her completely for the first time. Just as his breathing began to slow, Steve made another announcement. 
“We’ve got to make an emergency landing, were in a storm, hold tight… it’s going to get worse.” 
Instantly Loki began to panic again, his hand gripped Y/N’s as his breaths began to quicken once more. Y/N watched as he once again shut his eyes tight and the fear began to radiate off him again. She had to try and help him, she hated seeing him like this, she needed to take his mind off it. Without thinking it through, Y/N leant forward and pressed her lips against his firmly to try and bring him back, to take his mind off the panic. As his lips remained still against hers, she suddenly realised how this was perhaps not the best method of distraction. She went to pull away when his lips began to move against hers. 
The panic of the plane hurtling to the ground began to fade, instead his body began to react to the sensation of her lips being pressed against his. His chest remained tight, but this time it was because of her, the way he made her feel in his heart. His facial expressions began to soften and he let go of his tight grip on her hand to allow it to find her cheek. 
As their focus became just each other, both allowing the kiss to become more than just a distraction, the plane began to slow, finally coming into land. Neither noticed as they reached safely until Tony cleared his throat.
“Can I be the first to say ew? Your reaction to our plane potentially going down was to kiss?” He chuckled. 
“Shut it Tony, you peed yourself a little during that so you can hardly talk,” Y/N bite back, reading his thoughts as he mocked them. Tony soon shut up. “Sorry I shouldn’t of just kissed you, that was probably kind of weird for you,” she said quietly so only Loki could hear. 
“No, don't apologise,” Loki smiled, taking her hand in both of his, “I’m not the best with interaction, particularly with mortals, but you make me feel something I haven’t before, that kiss made me feel it even more… I wouldn’t mind you using it to distract me more often.” 
“That can be arranged,” she smiled, leaning in once more so their lips joined. Perhaps that was the best distraction method she could find after all. 
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Freeze. Bruce Banner x Reader
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Y/N watched as the snow fell heavily down just outside of the window. The storm had begun around an hour ago and in that time the rain had changed from a soft flurry to full snowstorm. The storm was coming down fast and incredibly hard. As she looked out the window she struggled to make out the buildings across the street as the blizzard continued on. 
“Doesn’t look like anyone’s going anywhere today,” Bruce smiled as he came out of the bathroom, his hair still damp from the shower. Gently he pulled her into him, his arms slipping around her waist as he rests his head softly atop of hers. 
“I checked the forecast, it’s only meant to get heavier. Good thing we did the shopping yesterday otherwise we’d be screwed,” she giggled, leaning into his touch. “Seeing as it is quite clear we aren’t going anywhere today, what do you want to do?” 
“I’ve got some research papers I need to filter through, but once I’m done how about we make dinner and watch some films or something?” 
“I love that idea,” spinning herself in his arms, she leant up to give him a kiss before pulling him into another hug. “I’ve got a book I want to finish today so I’ll get cosy and do that while you do work.” 
Come 4 pm, the storm was so heavy that it simply looked as though the windows were painted white. Her now finished the book in hand, she stood at the window, trying to make out shapes of other buildings or cars below, failing as the thick snow continued on relentlessly. 
“It’s cold in here,” Bruce muttered, going to the kitchen to grab himself a cup of coffee. “Do you want a hot drink?” 
“I’m alright thank you, babe,” turning she smiled at the sight before her. Bruce was never too fond of the cold (or the heat either for that matter), so whenever it got cold he tended to swaddle himself up as if he were a child. He had a pair of big fluffy green slippers on (a joke gift he had received from secret Santa by Barton last year), and an even fluffier navy robe on to match. Peaking out from beneath the robe was one of his favourite jumpers, and she could only imagine below that was probably the t-shirt he had on when he got out the shower. To top off the look he had changed his softer pyjama trousers for a heavier pair of faded red sweatpants. “How are you cold under all of that babe? Add a hat and gloves and you're ready to go to the North-Pole.” 
“I don’t know,” he smiled, pouring his warm coffee before cradling it in his hands with a contented look on his face. “You know how much I hate this kind of weather, babe.” 
“Darling I think you hate all kinds of weather really,” she laughed, coming to stand beside him to pull him into a hug, careful to not spill his precious coffee. “You’re my own indoor cat really. I have turned the heating up but it doesn’t seem to be having too much effect honestly babe, how about you sit on the sofa and choose a film, I’ll grab some blankets and cushions, and we can get cosy.” 
“I like your thinking,” with that Bruce made his way to the sofa, still cradling his cup as he turned on the TV and began to flick through Netflix in an attempt to find something to watch. Y/N meanwhile rushed into her bedroom to find all the blankets and cushions to make sure her little scientist would not be cold. 
Dragging behind her about seven blankets, Y/N came back to the living room to begin making the sofa comfy for the pair to sit on. Once Bruce had moved she set to work, making the sofa as cosy as a sofa could be. 
Stepping back to admire her own work she smiled before turning to Bruce and smiling,
“After you.” 
“Why thank you,” he chuckled, getting himself comfy before Y/N covered him in a blanket.”This is a very nice babe, it might just stop me from freezing to death.” 
“You will not freeze to death,” she laughed, coming to snuggle beside him before throwing another blanket over herself. “What we watching then?” 
“Set it up, its that rom-com you wanted to watch,” Bruce smiled, pressing play as they snuggled in together, making the most of the closeness caused by the cold weather. 
As film after film was played, and dinner had long since been eaten, the pair realised it was soon time for them to get some sleep. 
“Come on we should go to bed soon,” Y/N yawned. “It's late.” Bruce pouted, making her giggle. 
“How about we grab the duvet and just sleep here, you made the sofa all snuggly and warm, I’d hate for it to go to waste,” Bruce smirked, pulling her in for a kiss. 
“Fine go grab it then,” Bruce quickly rushed to the bedroom returning with the duvet. Getting comfy he went to throw the duvet over them before Y/N stopped him. 
“Lay down a bit, I wanna snuggle with you,” she smiled. Happily doing as instructed, the pair got comfy together before dragging the duvet, and then a couple of blankets, over themselves. “Night babe, I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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Bait. Jake Peralta x Reader
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“Babe pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee…” the never-ending cry of her boyfriend followed her though her apartment, causing a smile to grace her lips. 
“Fine, but if it goes wrong its all your fault and I will not take any of the blame,” she said, grinning. 
“Er Raymond could I bother you for a moment,” she said as she knocked on the open door to his office. 
“I am busy at the moment. Is there a chance you could come back once I have finished work today?” Holt said distracted, keeping his eye firmly on Jake through the window of 
“Not really… actually, don’t worry, I’ll call Uncle Kevin instead,” she said sadly, trying her best to get a rise from her uncle. “I’m sure he’ll help me feel better.” As she went to turn around she heard a sigh from her uncle a smile crept on her lips, knowing her plan was in motion. 
“Take a seat, I can help you even while I am … working” taking the seat in front of him she began to reel off the script she had practised before entering his office. 
“I just don’t know what to do Uncle Raymond. I just feel like I’m not getting anywhere in life and-” with that, she let the waterworks flow. Stage two of her plan was in motion. With the tears slowly trickling down her face Holt made his way to sit beside her in an attempt to comfort her, his back turned to the window. 
Outside in the relatively empty bullpen (the other detectives were all taken out due to an open case for Amy and Terry and a B&E for Rosa and Charles), Jake watched as Holt moved to comfort his niece, taking that as his cue began setting to work to release the trophy hidden in the briefcase in the centre of the bullpen, making sure to keep an eye on the conversation in the office not far from where he was. With the real trophy secured, he replaced it with the replica, quickly moving the trophy into position before rushing back to his desk as he saw the pair in the office beginning to part ways.  
Throwing Jake a wink as she made her way to the elevator, ready to meet them all later at shaws.
“Who has the trophy then?” Rosa asked, sipping on her beer as they gathered in Shaws. 
“It’s certainly not me,” Amy said, a little disgruntled. 
“Nor I,” Holt added. 
“Of course none of you have it,” Jake smirked. 
“Because we have it,” Y/N said as she made her way towards the group in the bar. Holding up the trophy in her hand she came to stand by Jake, his arm instantly sliding around her waist. “Jake and I had the trophy the whole night, you guys have been playing with a replica.” 
“How?” Her uncle looked genuinely confused as did everyone else. 
“Let us explain,” she smirked. 
“It was a simple plan really, one we knew was so easy none of you would even think of it as one of my possible plans,” Jake continued before looking to the woman in his arm as if to tell her to continue. 
“When Jake knew that this year's heist was simply going to be between him and Holt until everyone else returned to the precinct, he came up with a wonderful plan”
“Y/N came up with the idea really, knowing her darling Uncle could never turn away his niece when she was in a time of crisis, she decided to use that as a distraction.”
“When Jake text me the bullpen was empty, I came to you, Uncle Raymond, ready to take your attention away from the task at hand. When the waterworks came I knew you wouldn’t put the heist above comforting me. You, of course, took the bait,” Y/N grinned, before continuing. “With your back turned, Jake used the opportunity to open the case, remove the trophy and replace it with a replica for the rest of you to play with for the evening, before positioning the actual trophy in the elevator for me to collect on my way down after our lovely little heart to heart Uncle Raymond. And that is how this year we are the winners.”
Silence settled around Holt for a moment as he processed the loss. 
“That truly is a wonderful plan but I have to ask, how do you two actually know each other?” 
“Ah well you see that's the other thing we wanted to share along with our win this evening,” Jake smiled, pulling Y/N just a little closer. “You remember that night about 7 months ago when I dropped by your house to discuss a case when you were having a small gathering that you pointed out many times I had interrupted? Well, that night I met Y/N and after we exchanged phone numbers we went on a couple of dates, and then about a month later we became an official couple.” 
“You are dating my niece. My niece is dating Detective Peralta, Detective Jake Peralta, Jake and Y/N, Y/N my niece-” 
“Oh no, the robot is malfunctioning,” Jake laughed, watching as Holt tried to process the information. 
“We wanted to tell you when we were certain what we are, and at a special time and what better time than the Halloween heist.” 
Once Holt had finally come to terms with the new information he had been presented with (both that he lost and that his niece was dating detective man child), he seemed quite pleased, seeing how happy the couple were together. He even brought everyone around to celebrate the new, happy news. 
“To Y/N and Jake,” Holt said raising his glass, which everyone else soon copied and cheered too. The rest of the evening the couple spent sat talking with Jakes family (the 99) in each other's arms, sharing the details of their until now hidden relationship, all the while the pair keeping a tight grip on their trophy.
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Mindless. Tony Stark x Reader
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“Do you think Tony has finally lost his mind?” Barton asked, fiddling with the arrow in his hand. “He’s been acting all goofy and strange all week.” 
“It’s because of that new agent that he’s been working with,” Natasha chuckled. “He’d become like a mindless lunatic, following her around, becoming a babbling mess when she’s in the room. He’s smitten and she only said four words to him.” 
“It’s so odd seeing him like that though, he’s always so confident with the ladies.” 
They weren't wrong. This was not like Tony. Tony was known for being cool, calm and collected, always suave. Tony prided himself on his confidence, his charisma, which is why the way he was feeling and acting was a surprise to not only him but those around him. 
The second he had laid eyes on this woman his mind turned to mush. He’d been asked to design her a suit that would be suited to the harsh weather conditions she was soon to face on a mission, and from the moment she stepped foot into his lab his world became filled with a desire to talk to her, get to know her, just generally be near her. 
He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but something about her drew him to her. Maybe it was the way she spoke confidently, or how she knew a great deal about the sciences behind his designs. Maybe it was the way that when she laughed she could easily light up the entire room, her laugh being an infectious melody to his ears. Everything she did he found completely captivating. 
He was finding today particularly difficult to act semi-normal. She had come for her fitting of the new hard-wearing, mission suit meaning Tony had to assist her in slipping in and out of her new suit. 
“Good morning Mr Stark,” she beamed as she came through the door, holding two cups of coffee. “I thought I’d buy you a coffee as a little thank you for making this suit for me.” 
“Oh, er thank you, that’s really kind… really kind… so yeah, right,” that was it. Tony had become completely mindless the second she appeared. Moments ago he had been fiddling with parts of the suits, making them more effective, acting like the true genius he knew he was, and now he was reduced to nothing but a bumbling mess. “Do you em… do you want to get started, on the suit, well trying the suit on, not making it or anything, I already did tha-” 
“Mr Stark, if you don’t mind may I ask you something before we start?” 
“Of course, certainly - shoot…” Tony had to try ever so hard to stop the rambling. 
“You act strange around me. Did I do something wrong?” She looked a little worried. Tony had thought that perhaps she hadn’t noticed how he behaved around her, but clearly, it was quite obvious. “It’s just you seem nervous around me, and I’ve seen you on TV and with the other avengers and you seem so confident and cool, but when I’m here poof it all disappears?” 
Tony wasn’t quite sure what to say. He could try and lie and just say it was the stress of building her suit making him a bit loopy, but chances are his intoxicated brain would not work quick enough to lie efficiently. However, it’s not really like he could just blurt out that for some reason he felt a very strong attraction to her that was making him a tad crazy. 
As the cogs worked inside Tony’s brain, Y/N could only stand and wait for what he was going to say. Truth be told Y/N rather liked Tony. She loved watching his interviews and seeing him interact with people. He was such a brilliant person, so strong, intelligent, brave, he was truly wonderful. When she had been given the chance to meet him, to work with him, even if only briefly,  she had been over the moon. However, while he was perfectly wonderful to her, incredibly sweet, he always appeared to be a little strange around her, as though she put him on edge. 
She continued to watch him as his mind worked back and forth, trying to come up with an explanation. God why was he struggling so much, he didn’t usually struggle this much. 
“Right, well… you see the thing is, I guess,” Tony struggled to get the words out. As he looked at the woman before him, her eyes looking expectedly at him, he sighed, deciding now was a time for honestly. “I don’t know much about you, so this will sound weird. When I first met you, my brain went a little crazy and now, well now I really like you. You’re smart and funny, and absolutely stunning. Basically, I have a crush and my usually cool and collected brain has decided to go into overdrive whenever you're around.” Tony tried to rush it out as quickly as possible, to avoid the embarrassment. 
Y/N took a moment to process the information that had just been thrown at her. Once it had sunk in, a small smirk grew on her lips. 
“Well Tony, do you mind if I call you Tony?” 
“Not at all…” 
“Good, so I think that seeing as you so rightly said, you don’t know me very well, that you need to get to know me first, that might help a little with this crush you have going on at the moment,” she grinned, placing her coffee down before walking over to him. Reaching out, she pulled his hand into hers, making his heartbeat the fastest it ever had. “So I suggest that you and I, Tony, go out, for lunch, my treat. That way you can get to know me better, and if you don’t like me much then the crush will go away, and if you do well… it gives you reasons for liking me rather.” 
With that, she pulled Tony out of the building taking him to one of her favourite little sandwich delis in the area. They spent the best part of the afternoon talking, Tony found out everything he possibly could about her, from family to hobbies, to hopes and dreams, he knew everything there was to know about her by the time they headed back to the lab.
“Well, what do you think about me now Tony, know that you know me a little better?” She smiled up at him, holding his hand while she waited for an answer. Tony felt a great deal calmer around her now, but his heart now wanted nothing more than to keep her around, to call her his. With one of his trademark smirks, he leant down, gently placing his hands around her waist and pulling her in before their lips met. Y/N smiled into the kiss, her hand coming up to rest on his jaw. 
When they pulled back, both smiled. 
“I think that now as I know you, I’d quite like to do that more often.”
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Ring Pt2. George Weasley x Reader
A continuation of my last piece requested by @ssaaraw. Enjoy darling! 
George had thought he had been nervous about actually asking Y/N to marry him, he thought that was going to be the most nerve-racking moment of this whole experience, but he was wrong. 
The idea of having both their families under one roof for an extended period of time was enough to put him on edge. Y/N had thought it best to gather both of their families at the same times to share the great new. She thought it would be nice not only to get them all together to celebrate but also to ensure that everyone knew at the same time. 
Of course, George had met Y/N’s family, and Y/N had met his, but the two families had yet to meet each other. 
“Are you sure your mum’s okay with hosting? I feel bad lumbering her with my family overnight, we could always bring them back here… but I don’t think there’s a lot of space to have my parents and my two brothers here,” Y/N rambled on as she got herself ready to leave. Truth be told Y/N was nervous too. She loved her family, and she loved the Weasley’s but their families were very different types of people. 
The Weasleys were fun and outgoing, each of them interesting and full of joy. Her family on the other hand were… not boring, boring wasn’t the right word, but in comparison to the Weasley bunch, considerably less fun. 
“Of course my mum doesn’t mind, you know she loves hosting babe,” George smiled, pulling her into a hug. He could sense she was nervous and knew a hug would help calm her nerves just a little. “Now come on, you look stunning, and your family will be arriving at mums and dads soon.” With that, they held onto each other before apparating out of the apartment to go and share the news with those they loved most dearly in life. 
“Mum! It’s so good to see you!” Y/N beamed as she opened the door of the Burrow to her family. Her mother embraced her in a long and warm hug, her father quickly pulling her into a hug once her mother had let go. “And you Dad! I’ve missed you two! And you two!” She peered over her Dads shoulder to look at her two brothers. Her elder brother (Jacob) was around the same age as Charlie, both being in the same year at Hogwarts. Her younger brother (Alfie) was the year below Ginny, and while he was younger, much like her elder brother, now towered over both her and her parents. 
“You alright Y/N,” her eldest brother smiled, pulling her into a hug which Alfie quickly joined. “So good to see you.” 
“Hello!” Came the booming voice of Arthur Weasley as he and Molly hustled towards the door. “You must be Y/N’s family, do come in! Oh, it’s so good to finally meet you all, we’ve heard such wonderful things!” 
The rest of the day was surprisingly wonderful. Y/N’s family seemed to get on perfectly well with the Weasleys. Her parents were quite happy talking to Molly and Arthur, while her brothers enjoyed meeting George’s many siblings. 
As it came to dinner time, Y/N and George decided that it would be best to wait until after everyone had enjoyed the meal she and Mrs Weasley had prepared. Once the plates had been collected, the soon to be Mr and Mrs shared a look before standing up at the table, glasses of wine in hands. 
“Everyone, could I please have your attention?” George beamed, tapping his spoon against the glass. 
“Careful with my glasses George,” Mrs Weasley chimed in. 
“Right yes, mum,” George chuckled. “Anyway… me and Y/N have some news we wanted to share with you all, it’s actually the reason we organised this wonderful get together. Two weeks ago, I asked this smart, funny, wonderful, beautiful, amazin-”
“You’re going to run out of adjectives there mate,” Fred heckled. Fred was the only one sitting at the table beside the couple that knew of the news that was about to come. 
“Shut up! Anyway, as I was saying, two weeks ago I asked this perfect woman if she would be the newest Mrs Weasley and…” 
“I said yes!!” Y/N smiled, throwing up her ringed hand to the table. 
A chorus of gasps and cheers echoed around the table, both Mrs Weasley and Mrs Y/L/N bursting into happy tears as they hurried forward to hug the happy couple. All of Georges siblings were incredibly pleased, congratulating them both knowing how happy they made each other. Both of their fathers were over the moon, happy that their children had evidently found their soulmates. 
As the two families sat in the living room of the sofa, it was the most joyful atmosphere any of them had ever felt. The evening when on, and it was safe to say everyone in the process of celebrating got rather merry but none of them would have had it any other way.
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