#just rambling dont mind me
pkmn-hex-maniac · 2 months
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Sometimes I open my Colress folder and just stare at the panels from this scene because like. Whyd they draw him like that. I cant describe what exactly it is about these panels but theres something about them........ something.......... cunty........... shall i say............
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tacomedli · 1 year
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So we see Chayanne's floatie alone here...
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And in the birdhouse at the end of the same stream?
Did someone (Cucurucho) move it that quickly? Or are there TWO floaties??
If there are two, which one is the real one? Are EITHER of them the real one? I...would assume that the birdhouse doesn't have the real ones, despite tallulah's beanie being there, bc I'm pretty sure the Federation has claimed to have nothing to do with the egg's disappearance. Correct me if I'm wrong. But since Cucurucho was obviously behind Philza getting kidnapped, wouldn't it be kinda weird for him to somehow have the egg's accessories if the Feds supposedly didn't take the kids?
And further assuming the Feds were the ones who first gave the eggs their accessories, maybe they just made another copy of chay and lullah's to lure phil in. idk.
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I just want a girlfriend to cosplay a genderbent wolfstar with, is that really too much to ask?
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cyberneticrick · 3 months
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I don't know how I feel about these new eyes I installed, they're a lot more organic than my last ones but are annoying because I can't quite get the saline mix to coat them correctly and they keep feeling itchy... and the material isn't as conductive as I want.... Back to the drawing board i guess, lame
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troolyart · 1 year
Planting my face in Simon's belly and giving him a big ol raspberry rn. He can't stop me.
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credulouscanidae · 11 months
*me and coworker at doggy daycare talking abt the barrel of an english bulldog we have in*
her: have you seen her on her back? its so funny she looks so stiff and her stocky arms go into the air like--
me: omg like a wombat?
her: haha idk...is that what wombats look like?
me: *proceeds to feel homesick as fuck :"( *
little things like this make me sad that i cant # relate to others about animal stuff as easily anymore. like if u said this to a fellow aussie they would immediately ~get it~. ive had a few times like this when referencing kangaroos or cockatoos. it's so trivial and it sounds so silly, but i genuinely miss the aussie animals and ive never really appreciated how unique and amazing they are until im not surrounded by them (or gum trees) in my day to day life
doesnt help that ive barely seen wildlife here beyond pest grey squirrels and wood pigeons lmao. i love the birds here tho, the magpies and pheasants? the little songbirds? top tier animals.
ive yet to see a fox, a hedgehog, a badger, or any other stereotypical animal really (at least, one that isnt roadkill ^^; i DID see a roadkill badger months ago though and that was really cool to see one actually exist even tho it was tragically dead). ive seen some different looking bugs, even boxes of feeder ones at pet stores which has been really cool to see (like, ive never seen a locust before?!)
this probably sounds a lot more dramatic than what it is but it's just that homesickness really coming out right now lmao. i definitely know im gonna appreciate aus a lot more when i inevitably visit. i went to edinburgh zoo the other month and got a bit Emotional at seeing the kangaroos, wallabies, and koalas
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trustywusty · 1 year
Sometimes I think about how sanitized a lot of Nintendo IPs feel nowadays. And then I look at like... Pikmin, for example, which just got a new game. And that still feels gruesome to play and actively makes me upset when I let my little guys down and get them killed. Or even Splatoon which is not afraid to slide some messed up shit into its extra/side content, or even it's main campaign. And I just wonder *why* they still get to be like that but other series like Animal Crossing, Zelda, or Pokemon (which isn't technically Nintendo but you get my point) have seemingly lost or are losing that part of their identities as time goes on.
I'm not asking for Animal Crossing to have fucked up elements to it. It never did. But if you're gonna look me in the eyes and tell me that series hasn't lost some of its spunk, it's charm. You're lying to me and yourself.
Or Zelda, which I have a LOT of feelings on lately (mainly botw and totk). There's just something... Not right about those games to me? They're great games, I'm not saying they aren't. Fantastic, even. But that Zelda magic just isn't there for me anymore. Even games I don't particularly care for in the series like Skyward Sword or Twilight Princess (they're good games just not my cup of tea) still have that feeling to them, and I appreciate that about them.
Am I going crazy? Is there something happening here or is it really just a simple "they're changing their methods to appeal to a wider audience" thing. And if that is the case do you think they care about the old fans they're losing along the way, because I'm certainly not the only one who feels this way.
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chicorybones · 8 months
Been having more difficulty drafting this manuscript than I've experienced in the past and I'm sure when it's done I'll reflect back on it and figure out why, but there's something here I'm wrestling with clearly! But right now I think it's just Exhaustion cause the reality is that you can only go so long under your own steam with minimal to no external motivators no matter what anyone tells you.
And I guess this gets to something that makes me cranky about writing advice I've seen over and over - 'Don't rely on external motivators!' 'Find in yourself what makes you want to write!'
Okay yeah, sure. I got that. I know why I like to write and take joy in the experience but ALSO I am a social creature and community support is a thing and I reject the individualism inherent in all that garbage advice (which always seems to come from folks who had the hand and step up but seem to think they did it all on their own).
I would be taking a very long extended break and working on this much slower if it wasn't for the routines I built and support from my writing partner. This is NOT an activity you can do without community, especially when you chip away at it daily for years and years and years.
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sxftriina · 2 years
the ballad of jane doe has been stuck in my head for the past week and it will not leave
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storming-raumo · 2 years
Anyone else with ADHD used to hate yourself bcs your interests came and went and you couldn’t keep interest in one thing long enough to bond with other people over it and you were always disappointed with yourself and now that you know what a hyperfixation is you feel much calmer when you feel yourself falling out with whatever fixation you have cuz you know its not weird, its just how your brain is wired and theres nothing wrong with it
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spumonibones · 3 months
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......I guess I'm just going to be writing long chapters for now, huh?
I usually try to keep chapters limited to no more than 3k in words, but I'm not even at where I wanted to be with this particular chapter. And I really don't want to break it up into two parts sooooo...
(I didn't bother cropping out the part of the chapter in the background because it has no story spoilers and without context it'll just sound like generic Genshin. What chapter is this? Who knows~)
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silks-up-my-sleeve · 3 months
Tw Weight (it's positive but still)
After years of trying to gain weight, I'm finally almost at 110 and I feel so good. Like I love how my body has changed in all of this too. I have a tummy :) my thighs are even fuller. I geniunely can't express how happy I am and I know it's probably just hormones, but I'm so comfortable at my job and I do a lot physical effort so maybe it's that.
Either way I'm just really happy with how I look
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amazingbananabread · 3 months
i think i might gonna make a new batch of doodles bc like....i soent too much on the arts themself and yet i feel loke if i post them rn the people who submit their fcs/ocs probably dissapointed
I only draw 25% of their body, aka head, neck, shoulder and maybe even chest---- 😭😭
Sorry yall i gotta be busy for awhile.. I don't want to dissapoint- -~-
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jeetlebeetle · 9 months
Sorry for the lack of little doodles these past few days! Its been busy with holidays and ill be Out of Town soon, so No Tablet Access,, but in the meantime i’ll be working on the overall plot of Sweet Dreams Au :-)
Hope everyone’s having a nice holiday season
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abnormalisotope · 1 year
como assim o aumentativo de lobo eh lobaz
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yanderespamton78 · 4 months
Edit since a lot of people seem confused - your "real" name is the name that you want to be referred to in real life. It doesn't have to be your legal name. So if you're trans and you have a different name to whats on your birth certificate, even if not many people call you by the name, it still counts as your real name.
Edit 2 : Holy shit guys please stop reblogging this post my poor inbox im getting like 20 notifs an hour asjfhkajshdkh /lh /srs
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