#just playing by himself in a room full of people
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squshymarsh · 19 hours ago
DCxDP Prompt #5
For the bit(we’ll be cultists)
When Danny won the title of Ghost King, he wasn’t expecting some of his more ghostly attributes to seep over into his human form.
Or to be unable to control his powers like at all for a month or two after gaining his new title.
He’s still 14-15 though and has to be in Highschool to make sure his grades don’t fall any further. Even if he did just save the town with only his piers in his grade know about him.
It’s no surprise when he accidentally walks through a door after trying to open it only to find himself intangible or to start floating away with no way to control it and need one of his classmates to save him from floating into the stratosphere.
It’s all fine for a while, people help him. Those who used to bully him now lend a hand when he needs it. They aren’t kind about it but they aren’t shoving him into lockers anymore.
But that doesn’t last.
People start to notice the strange things that keep happening as his powers grow and become harder and harder to hide even with help. He had made an entire class take place on the ceiling one day. Another he made half the town float.
The Fenton parents and the GIW start working together to figure it out. It’s only a matter of time if no one does anything
So what is Danny, his friends and his class going to do to hide the real reason of what’s going on?
They pretend to be a cult. Full on cartoonishly cult like. The chanting, the robes, the sneaking out to an old building on the edge of town to have a ritual kind of cult. Playing off Danny’s fluctuating powers as the results of their work.
This gets the opposition to back off a bit. Not their circus not their monkeys. And the rituals release some of Danny’s pent up power.
Danny just had to lay in a circle, surrounded by the faces of friends and classmates while they chant and his powers gets released a little at a time.
It’s a great deal.
Until Danny is found out one day unable to use the cult as an excuse and has to bounce out of town. And the rest of his Casper High Class, ever committed to the bit, follow him since the GIW and the Fentons are laying waste to the town and it’s just not safe.
Where do they go?
To the Crime Capital of the world of course!
Gotham is the perfect place to continue the bit. Their ‘cult’ runs all the way to Gotham, looking out for one another and the such. Not because they care about each other, of course.
They all tell themselves that but there’s only so much chanting in ghost speak and Latin a frenemy relationship can take.
They are tight knit by time they settle in a collection of old buildings on the edge of Gotham. Danny’s powers are starting to settle, but he still has bad days. Those days the cult gathers and ‘performs a ritual’ but really they just have a little get together, sitting in a big room set up with a circle with Danny laying and meditating in the middle and chat in Latin or Ghost speak.
For the bit, they preform a fake ritual. Headed by Sam since she has all the knowledge on what cults do. For the bit, the give offerings to Danny in exchange for him protecting them both back in Amity and in Gotham. For the bit, they make it a monthly thing or as needed.
Sure Danny doesn’t realize he’s given each of his friends and classmates blessing from a literal King of Gods and Beings Beyond Human Comprehension.
It was for the bit.
What wasn’t for the bit was getting caught by the local furries.
Danny hadn’t had a ritual in a month, his powers were building up but he was stressed with work and school.
His cult of friends decided he needed a ritual and pseudo-kidnap him to sacrifice his own power to himself.
Don’t ask them, it just works.
Mid ‘ritual’ Danny is trapped in the circle while they keep his powers contained as it’s released. He could destroy the building if he so much as blinks. They are nearly through with it. Can return to the party after they’re done and he’s ‘normal’ again.
So when the Bat and Co. crash the ritual, right before the end. Danny can’t do anything while his classmates both defend him, each other, and those trying to finish the ritual.
It’s looking bad but the ritual finishes. Danny is freed from the circle and starts helping his friends defend themselves and escape. Of course, he knows what this looks like. And he knows that the Bats and Birds are just trying to keep their own city safe from a perceived threat.
So he apologizes to them while he takes down the Bats and Birds then absconds with his Cult&Co. hoping they would understand. No one was hurt and there was no loss on either side. Alls well ends well?
To the Bats and Birds.
They find a group of robed cultists that established themselves quickly and then they see the cult gather, having a party until another group come in dragging Adoption Bait behind them. They start the ritual. Bats and Co. think kid is getting sacrificed and step in. Only to be nearly fought off and the ritual to complete.
They then have to watch as some entity controls the kids body to fight them off. The kid looks terrified, apologizing while he is forced to fight for the cult.
Then they all get away.
(I have the flu, have this lil idea/drabble while I try not to die)
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lara-cairncross · 16 hours ago
my personal sonadow headcanons in no particular order bc im procrastinating on writing a research paper right now and its either do this or throw myself off the roof:
Shadow is a few inches shorter than Sonic, but ONLY if he takes his shoes off. cue many years' worth of shenanigans with Shadow doing everything in his power to avoid going barefoot in Sonic's presence because he knows if Sonic finds out he'll never hear the end of it (hes right)
Sonic was able to get top surgery, but Shadow's body healed itself too quickly for it to work on him. flash forward to when he gets his Black Doom abilities and one of his first orders of business is to fuck around with them until he's able to give HIMSELF top surgery
Sonic hates coffee beans (too bitter) and Shadow hates chili dogs (too heavy/savory). they've broken up over this enough times for Rouge to lose count
Shadow grew up on a space station, with no biological reason to eat, and no access to fresh food or a kitchen. Sonic literally raised both himself AND TAILS. Shadow is NOT the cook between the two of them please everyone keeps saying otherwise and i dont understand it you cant convince me shadow knows how to boil a pot of water PLEASE SOMEBODY AGREE WITH ME
Sonic ages. Shadow doesn't. 50 years down the line somebody asks Sonic if Shadow is his son. Shadow immediately gets payback for 50 years of short jokes.
they are both so smart and so capable and so dangerous by themselves but if you put them in the same room in any context outside of a life-or-death situation they become the two dumbest motherfuckers you've ever had the displeasure of engaging in polite conversation with
shadow bottoms what who said that
okay this one might be silly but I feel like they would both be good at chess??? like Sonic is surprisingly well-read and more observant than people give him credit for, and Shadow probably had a lot of strategy training from GUN + played games with Maria on the ARK. idk i just feel like it would be a fun way for them to challenge each other outside of just racing/combat yknow
they both wear jewelry with each others' colors :] i usually make it earrings but i think Sonic having bracelets to mirror Shadow's rings would be really cute too
autistic Shadow and ADHD Sonic yes please yes yes yes
Sonic is the most verbally affectionate and Shadow is the most physically affectionate IM RIGHT YOU CANT ARGUE WITH ME ON THIS ONE IM PUTTING MY FOOT DOWN GOODBYE
they like to beat each other up a little toooooo much and its kinda toxic maybe but also theyre both having fun so like. maybe its just a love language 🫶🫶
Tails is so, SO disappointed with Sonic for his choice in men. like he actively considers holding an intervention when he finds out that Shadow and Sonic started dating
theyre both somewhere on the aromantic and asexual spectrums because uhhhhhh so am i and i can project if i want to
Sonic is a chronic yapper and Shadow is a listener BUT. HEAR ME OUT. IT STARTS TO SWAP AS THEY GET MORE COMFORTABLE WITH EACH OTHER. shadow comes out of his shell and feels more at ease talking, and sonic appreciates having someone who doesnt expect him to be at full energy/optimism 24/7 and lets him be silent when he needs to be
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tabiito · 2 days ago
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You're not one to get nervous before classes, but this presentation of your paper has you pacing up and down the cramped hall of your apartment. Your way of dealing with particularly scrutinising conferences was running through your slides, reciting them to someone you know to ward off the nervousness, but tonight you're a wreck all by yourself. Shuffling through papers desperately trying to gather your thoughts, you spend a minute wallowing in pity, cursing the hundreds of expectant faces who'll be staring up at you tomorrow.
It's been two years since Geneva, and as you've aged and your career has expanded, your apartment has not. You bump into the corner of the low-lying table and hiss softly in pain.
Breaking you out of your haze, your phone rings, Oliver's number flashing. Ideally, he'd be your guinea pig (who'd fall asleep after you make it past your introductory remarks), but he did say he'd be out tonight.
"You better be on your way here. I'm freaking the fuck out."
The voice that greets you isn't his. It's, instead, a soft murmur that can just barely be heard after an initial few seconds of silence.
"So you're the side piece, huh?"
You pause, contemplating your next course of action. You can't even fathom who, what or how you've been dialled, though you have an inkling of an idea.
"You have the wrong number," you sigh, hanging up. You didn't have the mental capacity to engage with whoever was on the other side of the phone tonight, being more than swamped by your own shit. Still, the phone rings again, and this time you toss it on your couch with more force than necessary, grateful it doesn't crash onto the floor as you sigh.
To make full use of your available force, though, you throw the marker in your pocket against the whiteboard for good measure. It squeaks miserably, making a curve and falls to the ground.
You're in that animated state of flow of talking when Oliver enters the large room. He's about 15 minutes late, and he blames the cab driver that stopped him for a selfie. Your hands are moving rapidly as you explain (what he assumes are hieroglyphs) behind you, making a joke about something called the Kuiper Belt that has everyone laughing. He supposes that it must be a very expensive belt. As he settles into an empty chair at the back of the hall, he tips the cap he's wearing a little lower, and pushes his facemask a bit higher. Selfishly, and subconsciously, he hopes that his motion distracts you for even a mere nanosecond, to recognise his presence, but he's imperceptible in the crowd of people furiously taking notes or nodding in agreement.
"...And though I don't claim to be prescient like those on Arrakis, but the similarity I have found with Dune is fact that the temperatures in Kolhar, just like...."
Oliver's doing the thing again. He catches himself before his train of thought leaves the room entirely.
He's never claimed to understand your work. He stopped trying after you tried to explain calculus to him in high school, but inadvertently overcomplicated the whole endeavour by quoting some axioms you were learning about in your dual enrolment course. Needless to say, though your teaching had become much better, Oliver would still find himself zoning out when you slipped into the jargon-y, super-science-nerd-y side of yourself. His mind would latch onto the words he would understand from the litany of complicated terms you'd use and play around with them instead.
He always thought that time travelling and the ability to look into the future led to an overcomplicated, never-ending loop of things. (He's watched enough in Avengers: Infinity War to realise that only a fool would want to look into the future). What good would warning your future self be when you had to come back and warn your younger self and so on and so forth. It hurt his head to think about this, and considering Avengers was one of the milder watches on your LSD-trip-esque watchlist of scientific nonsense, he's had to think about this quite a lot.
As you drone on about planets whose names, frankly, seem made up, Oliver takes a peek into his own future, dabbling in a bit of prescience himself. He's approaching his peak, his golden age, according to the pundits. A season more and he could be the most valuable defender in the world according to his agent. He'd be captaining the Japanese team for the fifth year straight, hopefully to Worlds once again. Finances were no issue for him. His agent was going to get a sneaker line customised after him from Nike, maybe a sports water he didn't necessarily believe in (he'd find a fine whiskey or vodka collaboration more tasteful), probably buy his mother her second summer home in the Swedish countryside for 55th birthday.
Though he knows about the call you'd got yesterday, a stupid slip-up by him, leaving his phone unattended and unlocked as he'd gone to fetch Yoko (one of his longer indulgences), he can still see you in his future.
You'd be there at Worlds, cheering for him from the friends and family box seats. You'd be the first person to make fun of his fraudulent brand deals. You'd advise him on the location of the summer house. Whether he was in Spain or Italy, you'd take the time out to make your stops on your increasingly frequent research-driven travels, and he would collect trinkets from the cities each away game was hosted in that would remind him of you.
He, never, of course imagines a future where you're not there. His mother might protest about the unnecessary luxury that is a second house, Nike might drop the deal given his sordid PR record, Sae Itoshi could finally ascend to captaincy — and Oliver would let him do so gracefully, because there was nothing more satisfying than a story coming full circle, and a new blossom of talent in a bleak landscape. He was just that kind of guy — but you were there, through it all, in your graphic printed longsleeves, low rise jeans and scuffed trainers.
Though he questioned the legitimacy of prescience, it was clear: all paths led to you. You'd forced him to sit through Dune 2, which ended up being less torturous than he'd expected, enough for him to ask you what happens next as he reversed out of the cinema's parking lot, and you'd propped a leg under your thigh, and turned to him with a moony sort of expression you reserved for very few things in your life.
You'd mentioned the Golden Path that Paul saw, a prescient interpretation for the universe that could lead it to salvation, even if it came at the cost of great difficulty, and Oliver now smirks into his mask as you wrap up your presentation with a polite "thank you."
Your energy has now simmered, leaving in its place a more nervous, hesitant force. He knew just how bad he fucked up yesterday by letting Yoko call you, because he knew how anxious you'd get before big events. In ordinary circumstances, it'd be him who'd be the guinea pig for your public speaking ministrations. You were not as charming as him, not as easy and comfortable under pressure in front of a large group, and he remembers you initially struggled to take your everyday classes, a burden that's eased with time. The words that you'd painstakingly chosen, the equations you'd solved with intentionality would turn to cardboard in your mouth when presented with the option of actually articulating your findings in a lucid manner.
Still, you manage tight-lipped, but genuine smiles at the students who file out and thank you for your insights, as well as your peers who'd occupied the front rows.
You've got your back to him when the midsized lecture hall has emptied itself out, and are busying yourself with packing up your laptop when he pads down towards you.
"That joke about the Kewpie Belt was hilarious," he drawls, and he expects to see you fall into familiar ways; your half-smile, a light punch to his shoulder, and a hopeless shake of your head. Then, you'd let him carry your bag and take you out to lunch.
You do no such thing. You stiffen, and turn around with a grimace. He knows your ashen face when he sees the circles under your eyes, a rare sight despite your friendship of nearly a decade.
You were hungover and pissed. Clearly, in no mood to entertain him.
All the more reason for him to press on, then. You beat him to it.
"Fuck off," you groan, and you sling your bag before he can protest. Apologies and grovelling are a part of his Circadian rhythmn at this point: he excels when he's on his knees.
"At least hear me out, I'm sorry," he says pointedly, taking an easy, loping stride to keep up with you where you have to make the effort of walking faster. You can't help the physical feeling of disgust that crawls up your spine, that makes you want to burrow inwards at the way the word rolls off his tongue so smoothly, as if it were completely weightless.
"It was a mistake! I broke up with her as soon as I figured it out. And your presentation was great, right? No harm, no foul," he blabbers, throwing his hands in the air sheepishly when you dignify him with a withering look. Oliver is a mediocre liar and a decent gambler at best, but what keeps him on the tables despite his losses is not just the cash he has to blow, but the excitement he attracts. Excitement is short-lived, however, and if anyone bothered staying past the party that was Oliver's lifestyle ended, they'd figure out his trade secrets.
Oliver's tells were as clear as day. You just had to want to look.
The exaggerated lilt in his voice, the cloying sweetness in his words as if he were explaining himself to his mother rather than a friend, the way his eyes flashed when he exclaims. This is a practiced routine, and you congratulate him on adding another feather to his cap: footballer, womaniser and actor.
"No harm, no foul?", you mimic, scoffing. Now he was just being obtuse. He knows you like the back of his hand, he knows you'd been up drinking to stave off the humiliation that had burnt through you from the call, coupled with your nerves about the presentation. (What he doesn't know is that you'd slept through three alarms and woke up drooling on the floor by your RA, who'd swung by to pick you up. Hot with embarrassment, you did not acknowledge the empty bottle of Merlot that had gotten you through the night. You'd barely made it in time for your lecture, and were a wreck for the first five minutes. You refuse to, however, divulge this information to him, lest he gains verbal confirmation to what he already knew in his gut: he had you hopelessly besotted.)
"All's well that ends well?", he counters mildly, breaking out his Sunday best smile. You treat him contemptuously, but he can hear the exhaustion in your tone.
"I'm tired, Oliver. Leave me alone," you said quietly, stepping out of the room.
You're staring at your miso soup petulantly, like a child peering into a mirror displeased by their reflection. Oliver prods it towards you gently. The soup is a metaphor for your heart's betrayal towards your head, a heady concoction that weaves together your weaknesses for this man in a salty, broth-y mixture. How you were persuaded to lunch was beyond you (You lie, you gave into his pathetic demands too easily), and as he fans himself with a laminated menu at this sidewalk cafe, you finally find it in you to glare at him rather than the poor hangover cure.
"How'd she figure out who I was?", you ask, glacially calm, though your expression betrays you.
"You and ma are the only two women on my call log. Most frequented, too," he says. It's simple. It's the truth.
"Did she go through our texts?"
"Nah. Face ID lock on the app."
You place your palms on the plastic tablecloth, a gaudy red with flowers. Your hands are sweaty. They stick. You're considering his words carefully, and he savours the way you look when the cogs in your brain are at work, doing what they do best.
"Dumped her, in case I didn't make it clear," he adds. He thinks he's being helpful.
You inhale sharply, and take a drink of the ice-cold water in front of you.
"Oliver," you begin, your voice controlled. "You do realise that Yoko wasn't in the wrong here? Objectively," you speak.
You love that word. Objectively. Factually. Logically. Empirically. Any part of the English language that gave you the illusion of control in this moment over the whirling shitstorm that Oliver is, the maelstrom of your life.
"If I were her, I'd also be pissed that my boyfriend was spending more time talking to some lab rat than me," you intone, and you hate the way your brain fires all synapses when you say the word boyfriend.
"I'm not her boyfriend. And you know I'm not good at this shit," he shrugs, and you feel the visceral, primal urge to reach over and strangle him.
Circles. That was how each one of these interactions went. You knew your place in Oliver's life, but many of his passing attractions did not. Some revered you, others envied you, while others still viewed you as a threat to eliminate. All perceptions were thoroughly embarrassing, since how could a lowly, unsexy, unfunny late-teen equivalent of a childhood best friend live up to the perfection of each woman that came tottering her way into Oliver's life?
Of all perceptions, though, you hated the last one because you felt that it was true. The word "side piece" is reductive, but the truth is at its finest when it is bare. You're no better than the any other person who's got their eyes set on Oliver, debauched and eligible bachelor Oliver, with his scruff and baritone and deep pockets and even deeper, more generous heart.
For someone who'd have a body count in the double digits, you find it baffling how all these years later, he hasn't developed some tact, some response other than "I'm not good at this shit."
"That's a fucked up response and you know it."
He shrugs.
"Would you rather have me lie and say that I'll cut you off every time I start a new fling? 'Cause you know you'll be getting whiplash every two business days."
You sigh, clenching the tablecloth again.
"That's not what I meant, Oliver," you seethe. For all his looks, his expensive taste and rationality, he behaved like the seventeen year old at the club more often than one would expect.
"You're an adult now. I'm an adult. Do you seriously still think you're going to be going into your thirties with this shithousery?", you say exasperatedly. "The calls, the lies, the embarrassment for everyone but you, your inability to be accountable and slide everything off with this stupid 'no harm no foul' attitude," you say, and before you can realise it your voice is gaining in pitch, in frustration.
"You can't fix me," is the only response Oliver deigns you worthy of, and you half expect him to leave.
"Get your head out of your ass. You don't need fixing, least of all from me. You need to," and you once again, grab at thin air for the words from every language that you knew, "treat yourself better," you sigh at the end, and the corner of his lips quiver up into a tentative smile.
"Look at you, telling me to treat myself better," he says, tilting back his chair smugly. You burn at his words, painfully reminded of your college days, punctuated with him forcing you out of your stuffy dorms to take a walk, grab takeout, do something other than kill yourself over differential equations.
"Ugh. This would be so much easier if I were a sentient superior species with mind control that could take over your brain and just force you to do what I tell you."
"Are we talking Ratatouille or Attack of the Brainsucker here?", he asks, and you roll your eyes in response.
Circles, squares, everything eventually came back to its beginnings with you. But in a distant yet near future he was inching closer to, Oliver could see the golden threads of fate winding in funny ways, taking him on his prescient path. He was sure of it.
"Brainsuckers. Duh."
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songsofadelaide · 1 day ago
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"And now I'm running with my dress unbuttoned, screaming 'But Daddy I love him!'. I'm having his baby— No, I'm not, but you should see your faces. I'm telling him to floor it through the fences... No, I'm not coming to my senses. I know he's crazy but he's the one I want."
Continuation of this piece.
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Growing up with a supermodel mother meant it was only a matter of time before he was thrust into the spotlight as well. Satoru knew that much from the moment he was able to think for himself. He wasn't the daughter his mother pined for, but she loved him so, so much because he was just as pretty as she always hoped for. She only stopped working a short while after giving birth before launching herself head-on to more and more modelling gigs until her previous natural rhythm returned.
And when his mother started bringing him along to her stints like a little pet puppy to be fawned over, he learned to weaponize his pretty blue eyes so similar to hers and won the hearts of the photography crew— all just by playfully batting his feathery lashes at them.
Sometimes he regrets playing into his mother's hands like that, but like any other kid who loved seeing their mother happy, he easily agreed to every simple gig she booked for him. It started small at first— posing with her for magazine photoshoots until they became full-blown endorsements for kids' milk, toys, children's clothes... and eventually, the runway, too. Articles have been written about him even before he had a better grasp at reading, hailing him as the son of modelling royalty.
Sometimes he dreamed of a more normal life for himself. A life where his mother retired from modelling early and married into a quiet family. Her best friend did just that exactly and was completely happy with her life at present...
But no, his mother married into a wealthy family of old money and thought it was only fitting since she was a well-sought-after treasure. How narcissistic, Satoru can't help but think to himself at times. For someone whose only redeeming factor was her physical appearance— which declined in age— his mother was incredibly self-absorbed. Sometimes he wonders if he will grow up to be just like her.
He hopes not.
Because there were nights he and his mother were simply normal people, not supermodels on top of the world. She was just his mother, not supermodel Arisu Gojo. On those nights, his mother was allowed a bit more sweet wine than what was usually allowed. On those nights, he was just a kid playing house with the child of his mother's best friend in the entire world. On those nights, there was you, his only friend outside the modelling world and entertainment industry, and you were his favorite, too, just like how his mother adored yours.
Oh, Satoru adored you, all right. He realized as he grew older that he was incredibly similar to his mother in terms of being spoiled rotten. He grew into his image as the nation's sweetheart, an affable public figure who charmed everyone he encountered, but reared a whole other person whenever his family had its regular wine and dines with yours. He would march into your room like it was the most natural thing and demand you drop whatever it was you were doing because Satoru the star was in the house(!).
And surprisingly, you agreed with everything he said because you liked him just as much. Just as you were his favorite friend, he was yours.
You somewhat felt sorry for him since he didn't have the conventional childhood like you did, but seeing him having the time of his life on print ads and TV commercials, you thought he had fun on his own terms, too. At school, you would hear your female classmates gush at how perfect the nation's sweetheart was, and it instilled in you a sick sense of twisted pride at knowing him personally— who he was behind the glamorous scenes— and how terribly spoiled he was by your family.
When your classmates at school once asked what you thought about him, you played it cool by saying, "He's okay, I guess..." Only for that "okay" guy to be in your bedroom that very night asking for head pats because "the photoshoots are turning into a real drag!".
Your classmates didn't have to know the whole thing.
As you two grew older, the time you spent together grew less and less. Words even fewer. Until it all came to a head when you turned sixteen and Satoru pushed you away so hard that you held back tears. He didn't know what came over him back then, but he stopped coming over to your room afterwards. You figured he had already outgrown the setup. You two were teenagers now, for pity's sake. You would've accepted that as fact if he spoke about it, but his vanishing act left you perplexed.
Only he didn't vanish. He was everywhere— on the cover of popular teen magazines, that soda commercial on TV, fronting promotional material for high-end clothing and expensive mobile phones on social media... He's the son of modelling royalty, after all. For the last three years, he accepted project after project after project and still went on those shared family dinners like nothing happened between you two.
But there was something. He knew his old man meant well when he spoke about propriety between the two of you, but he didn't just like you as a friend at this point. Those dinners weren't complete for him without seeing your face, regardless of whether or not you hated him for leaving you so puzzled. So when you stopped showing up or heading down later than usual, he knew he had to do something.
"...ask Toru to call her downstairs! I haven't seen that girl for quite some time now! Has she been..."
"...with university lately. There's this boy, too. Her classmate, I think..."
The older women's conversation faded in his head the moment your mother mentioned a boy— a classmate— and just how close the two of you have grown while you were in university. Good grief. He couldn't handle it. He couldn't.
You were supposed to be his.
He made his way to your room upstairs, ready to speak about how the last three years were torment— About how his father's bullshit called him out because it was clear to the old man that his son looked at his friend differently now—
Then he heard them. The faintest of whimpers from your bedroom. And if he was right in his head, his name left your lips, too.
He wasn't going to let go of this.
You opened your bedroom door with your face still flushed and your clothes all rumpled, and you nearly shut him out in panic if he didn't wedge his foot in your door. "Wait a moment. I've been meaning to talk to you about something."
He stepped in, only because you allowed him to, and the sound of your door locking behind you was muted as you busily smoothed out your clothes.
"What do you want to talk about, Satoru?"
Ouch. You used to call him Toru with the sweetest voice. The way you said his name now made his heart clench uncomfortably, almost like it physically hurt him.
"I missed you."
"The hell are you saying? After... after that... Are you serious right now? You ignored me for the last three years and come back with that?" You raised your voice at him, but only enough for the two of you to hear. "You can't come back here and tell me you missed me because the last time you were here, you made it clear you wanted nothing to do with me. Friends don't leave friends wondering... what the hell did I ever do to you?"
"For the record, I don't see you as a friend," he stated point-blank, holding your gaze with the intensity of a lightning bolt that struck a pole of electricity, setting everything around it on fire. "I mean... You always were, but I think I've made it clear lots of times that I see you as more."
More than a friend? Were you hearing him right? Satoru— Ridiculously handsome, gorgeous, stunning— the nation's sweetheart and every girl's object of affection— saw you as more than a friend?
Here he was standing before you, six feet of good-looking, silvery hair and feather-like lashes, fumbling for words and grasping for an apology to give that's far too late, but maybe it arrived just on time for you. You never hated him, anyway. How could you?
When you yearned for him just as much.
"I'm sorry. I was so scared that it would be the last, so I just... I don't know. My reasons are shit. But that was my mistake, especially when you started pulling away from me. I—"
"If you're really sorry..." You said as you took a bold step toward him, obviously catching him off guard as you closed the distance between you. "Then prove it."
You're going to take what's yours. Without so much of an effort, too, by the way he willingly opened his arms to receive you the moment you walked right in.
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Needless to say, Satoru breaks the internet by posting a sweet photo with his non-showbiz girlfriend.
His fans lose their shit the moment it was posted, everyone trying to verify its veracity and authenticity. His agency and PR team wrestled to regain control of his favorite social media account, where he's posted photo after photo with you, one of which was captioned, "Since '06.". The internet sleuths attempt to trough through the mystery of your identity and where the hell you came from after all these years. Articles were written about your relationship, the speculations about your identity ranging from realistic to outright stupid.
Analysis videos were discussing his behavior around his fellow models, which started circulating on the internet, detailed how he always kept an acceptable and respectful distance from them. They all concluded that it was because of his unknown girlfriend.
Your university classmates were equally baffled that your unassuming person had that kind of relationship with the nation's sweetheart, but that was all. You were immune to the occasional murmured assumption about who you were and didn't really care what they thought. Many of them just wanted to get their degree and get things done and you agreed with that, too.
For Satoru, the cherry on top was his mother posting on her social media account, doubling down on his decision to publicize his relationship, which she excitedly and readily accepted because she loved you as her own, too. She posted an old photograph featuring her holding her then three-year-old son peering into the crib of a baby girl— and in that photograph was a face familiar to many of his mother's fans.
Your mother had a pretty good following in her youth, too, but when she chose the quiet life, she left all of it behind— and when you asked her about it, she said she did what she wanted and she wouldn't change a thing— imploring you to do the same thing, too.
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"Oh, so you think the world is a much better place with me in it?" Satoru asked you teasingly, head on your lap as he absentmindedly scrolled through his social media.
"I think you should shut up," you retorted, tugging at his hair ever so slightly. "Your fans still haven't forgiven you, you know."
"The real ones will know that you make me happy. Let the fake ones can keep on barking," he shrugged at your statement. "And the real ones know by now that you were always meant to be in my world."
"Because Aunt Arisu begged my mother to give you a playmate," you chuckled at his statement. "So much for playmates."
"What? Isn't this better?"
You smiled to yourself, humming as you ran your fingers through his hair, like time was never lost to you two.
Yes. Yes, it is.
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starlostlix · 18 hours ago
So I want to talk about the new chapter because what the actual fuck.
So first of all.... THIS
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Atsushi doing this callback with that gaze is insane, and akutagawa's reaction shows he's losing the idgaf war. They're finally realising how much they mean to one another and it's so important, but MORE IMPORTANTLY...
It's not just a bit of light. ITS FULLY LIGHT!!!
This is so important for Akutagawa ong. I don't want to take up too much time with this though because there's a LOT to talk about.
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First, the design of ameno-gozen's realm, the fourth dimension. I LOVE IT! It's so mysterious and looks kind of glitchy which is perfect for this vibe. Dazai explains that most people can't see anything here so Atsushi's limited visibility with this art style works well.
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So basically this dimension is where the past present and future intersect 'orthogonally' (I had to search this up, it means 'at right angles') and all of time is 'folded upon itself'. Atsushi now, as the only one who can see anything in this dimension, is now able to technically access parts of the past and future at once (my theory is that Byakko has some relation to the fourth dimension, perhaps being created within or being something similar to Gozen). Also note that in the 3rd image 'Dazai' is able to hear Atsushi's thoughts (strengthening the idea id seen of this being Byakko speaking through a visual hallucination of Dazai, especially when this dazai insinuates that it is not him that knows these things but Atsushi himself). Interesting what 'dazai' says about the speed of sound in this dimension basically means it's a lot slower here. Also apparently the mission is to find the 'core' of the divine being here and (i assume) destroy it? No clue how that SSKK fight from the end of the anime is supposed to play out like that but I will see how this goes.
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So interestingly everyone else who has been struck by the Amenogozen sword has become stuck in this dimension unaware of what/where they are, and don't have the awareness that Atsushi has (main character moment). Essentially the infinite past and future versions of themselves are 'folding' onto one another (I don't quite know what this specifically means, but I imagine it like Jayce, Ekko and Heimerdinger in the hexcore room in Arcane s2 ep3). But now, since Atsushi is conscious, Atsushi has access to the past and future in this space (leading to the possibility of a lore dump to end all lore dumps next chapter, hopefully about Fyodor's backstory/plan) and he has to choose which way to go to find the information he needs. 'Dazai' tells him to 'feel strongly' as 'that's what you do when you want to experience the past' - and I feel that is such an interesting way of thinking about it in this series. Atsushi himself has suffered from PTSD (as have many characters) and often strong feelings can link to the traumas they possess, but it's not just negative feelings. A lot of characters also have positive memories from strong feelings, including their strong feelings about protecting others as Yokohama's defenders of sorts, and forming bonds with others in that process created the ADA as we know it. I don't really know how else to talk about it but I think it's a really interesting thematic line. Asagiri has some really cool writing.
Honestly this chapter is so cool and I can't wait to see where the series goes with this! My personal theory for next chapter is Atsushi finding the way to the past and we get essentially a lore dump. I think it will be Fyodor's backstory wherein Atsushi's view is spliced with comatose Sigma going through the information he got from his ability and stumbling upon the same information/memories as Atsushi is (also perhaps to cement the parallels between the two like Dazai talked about!).
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iheartinkonpaper · 2 days ago
i'll be like one of your girls (or your homies)
Everybody loves you, baby
“Hey, blondie.” 
Somehow, in the span of four months, Art had managed to forget just how big Patrick Zweig was. 
Sure, he was tall, but Art was, too.  Sure, his body was incredibly toned and bulky from years upon years of intense conditioning and tennis playing but Art’s, though more lean, was toned, too. Sure, he had big hands, a big, gorgeous, face, and, based on what glimpses of skin he’d accidentally caught in the locker room and what he’d barely felt during that feverish night in the hotel room back in June, a big– no. Why was his mind going there?
You should trademark your face
But the biggest thing about him was his presence. How the energy shifted, became heavier, hotter, more, when he was in a room. How he held court without even really trying, permanently at ease and entrancing crowds of people in his little Patrick spell by flashing his sweet little Patrick smile and saying even sweeter little Patrick words.
Linin’ down the block to be around you
“Hello? Earth to Art!”
Art blinked. Patrick had been standing in his dorm doorway for god knows how long at this point, laden down with heavy bags full of clothes and tennis gear. It had been four months– by far the longest it had ever been– since the pair had last seen each other. Art hadn’t been able to sleep last night, tossing and turning at the thought of seeing his best friend after so long. 
All day, he had been thinking about how he would greet him. How he’d run into his arms like they were an old married couple and Patrick would ruffle his hair like they were best friends and everything would be okay again because they were something in between. And now that the moment was here, he had frozen.
“Well?” Patrick had an eyebrow raised, clearly confused and a little glimmer of something in his eyes. Could it be apprehension? Anger? Hurt?
But, baby, I’m in first place
Art turned off his brain and finally stepped forward and pulled his best friend in for a hug. Now Patrick was everywhere. His arms were wrapped around Art’s back, one hand smoothing it up and down his spine in a way that made his brain short circuit. His smell, a smell that Art could only describe as The Patrick Smell, overwhelmed his senses. His curls brushed up against the side of his jaw. His nose pressed gently up against his shoulder as he tucked his head there. 
“Finally,” Patrick murmured into Art’s neck, causing his face to go hot in a blush that he prayed he wouldn’t see. “There’s my Art.”
“Missed you so much,” Art managed to choke out despite his pounding heartbeat and increasingly muddled brain. 
What was going on? He was hugging his best friend. They were the touchiest pair of best friends either of them knew; there was always an arm slung around a shoulder, a hand on a thigh, a leg tossed over another leg. That was just the way they were. 
Patrick, much to Art's embarrassment, was the first to pull away, striding into Art's tiny little shoebox dorm and surveying it, picking up and putting down trinkets, looking at the posters on the walls and the papers on the desk. 
"Man, I can't believe we're no longer roommates," Patrick muttered, sitting down on Art’s tiny twin bed, looking him in the eye and leaving him with no choice but to nod along. Art walked over and joined him, careful to leave a few feet of space in between them. Patrick’s brow furrowed slightly at this, but he quickly wiped the expression away. Art was mollified. He knows something is wrong with me. 
Face card, no cash, no credit
"Yeah me neither," He said, because it was true. It was crazy. "It's weird that your face isn't the first thing I see every morning."
Patrick laughed and grinned, raising his eyebrows. 
“Oh yeah? Whose face are you seeing instead?”
Art felt himself turn pink again under Patrick’s gaze.
“Um, no, I, I haven’t really, um, slept with, or I guess I should say, um, hooked up, since–”
“Dude, that’s not what I meant,” Patrick interrupted, laughing in that easy, lighthearted, Patrick way–much to Art’s horror. “I meant if you have a roommate or anything, but I’m all for hearing about my little Artie’s romantic conquests.”
“I don’t have one,” Art whispered, studying his hands under the heat of Patrick’s scrutinizing gaze.
“Don’t have what? A roommate or a romantic conquest?”
“Both. They never gave me a roommate at the beginning of the year and I haven’t… had sex at all,” Art replied in a tone that he fought to keep cool and casual, daring to look up and meet Patrick’s gaze. Clearly, he was slightly shocked, but there was something relaxed and assured about that shock. Something relieved. 
“Dude, no way you haven’t gotten laid at least once this year. Girls aren’t throwing themselves at you from every direction?”
Art felt his face turn warm again and Patrick grinned. 
“Aw, don’t go all shy on me, Donaldson. You know girls love a pretty face like yours. And you’re tall and you’ve got muscles and you’re smart and actually, like, sweet. What’s not for them to like?”
Yes God, don’t speak, you said it
Art flushed again, and this time, he could tell by the quirk in his eyebrow that Patrick noticed.
“No, Patrick. I’ve had plenty of offers, trust me.” Calm, cool, collected. Calm, cool, collected.
“Oh yeah? Why don’t you take them?” 
Look at you
“Not interested.” Calm, cool, collected. Definitive. 
Patrick’s lip curled a tiny bit and narrowed his eyes in a way that made Art feel like a petri dish under a microscope. 
“Sure you aren’t.”
Art was hot, hot, hot, all over. His mind was a jumbled mess of half-baked excuses and wild stories that he could use to distract Patrick and, god, Patrick, Patrick and his face and his eyes and his hair and his hands and–
“That’s it, Donaldson. You’re thinking too loudly. Relax. It’s just me.”
Art smiled weakly.  That was the problem. It was just him.
Patrick’s eyes lit up. 
“Hey, let me tell you about this insane hookup I had a couple weeks back,” Patrick grinned, flopping back on Art’s bed.
Art flopped back with him, staring at the ceiling and praying to God that he would make it through this alive. Sure, he’d listened to Patrick’s sex stories in extensive detail countless times, but that was before. 
Skip the application, interview 
“So we were on a date at this new restaurant in New York. Shit, I can’t remember the name, but it was so fucking good, Artie. Had these sweet potato fries–I know you love those– that almost made me orgasm before we even got back to my hotel room, I swear. Anyway, we get back to the hotel and get in the elevator, and he–”
Art felt his heart freeze in his chest. 
“He?” He squeaked out, pushing himself upright. 
Patrick looked at him like a deer in headlights. Helpless, Art watched, for the first and what he hoped was the last time in his life, Patrick’s walls go up before his very eyes. He sat up so that he was sitting face to face with Art, so close that they could feel each other breathing. 
“No, Patrick, Patrick, I’m-I’m not homophobic or anything I swear, I just…didn’t know.”
Art could barely breathe. Could barely think. Could barely anything. 
Patrick’s face relaxed a little, but Art could tell he was still nervous.
“Well, that’s me. I’m bisexual. Bring out the rainbow flags” Patrick cracked a small smile. 
“What made you realize it?” Art whispered, daring to look at him. 
He looked shaken, a little relieved, and, suddenly, a little… embarrassed? 
Sweet like Maribou 
Patrick was silent, and bowed his head down to his lap. This caught Art off guard. Patrick was never like this. 
“You don’t need to tell me if you don’t want to,” Art quickly reassured him. His heart felt like it was going to beat right out of his chest and run away. He knew it was now or never. Knew now that Patrick wouldn’t judge him for what he was about to say because he was the exact same way. 
Still, he felt like he was going to throw up when he said, “It’s just… I think I might like guys too.”
It was so silent you could hear a pin drop. Patrick looked up, meeting Art’s eyes with an overwhelming cocktail of emotions in his own. 
He took a deep breath, then mirrored Art’s question from a minute ago. 
“What made you realize it?” 
Art felt the same way that he did when he was strapped into the drop tower at the amusement park near his childhood home, waiting for his seat to plummet down, down, taking his stomach and his breath along with it. 
“You.” He whispered. 
“Art,” Patrick breathed raggedly, eyes now wild and alive and searching Art’s for any sign of deception. “Art, I swear to fucking God, if this is some sick, fucking, joke because now you know I’m bisexual-”
“Patrick. I mean it.”
Maybe it was his tone, quiet and firm. Maybe it was the crack in his voice. But there was a shift in Patrick’s gaze that told Art that he knew he was telling the truth. 
“Patrick, I can’t be around you normally anymore, I-”
A slow, cocky, smile, spread on Patrick’s face. 
“Oh yeah?”
Art squirmed under his gaze. 
“Yeah,” He continued, voice breathy and quiet. “I don’t really know when this started, or why it started, but you’re just so pretty, you know, your face and everything. and it just makes me so mad because I can’t look away, and when you talk, I feel like you’re hypnotizing me or something because it’s all I can focus on, no matter how stupid whatever you’re saying is, and when you touch me, fuck, Patrick, when you touch me, I feel like I’m on fire. “
Look at you 
Art was breathing heavily. Patrick was grinning like he’d just won a billion dollars and slowly, hesitantly, reached out and cupped Art’s jaw. His eyes went wide and he let out the tiniest, most pathetic, little whimper at the contact that Patrick would be playing on repeat in his head every night for the rest of his life. 
“Seems like you have some pretty big feelings, honey.”
Art turned tomato red at the pet name and Patrick’s cheshire cat grin only grew wider. 
“What are you gonna do about them?”
Art’s body went on autopilot and he leaned in and pressed his lips to Patrick’s.
Give me a call if you ever get lonely 
They were kissing. What Art had imagined every day for the past few weeks (months, honestly) was finally happening. 
And god was it better than any half-formed horny fantasy he could conjure up in the middle of Econ 101.  Now Patrick was really everywhere, his hands moving from his jaw to smooth up and down his torso, his curls brushing Art’s forehead, his strong thighs pressing against Art’s, and, best of all, his lips on Art’s. Art wanted, no, needed, more. 
To Art’s dismay, Patrick pulled back after a few seconds with a concerned look on your face.
“You didn't move a muscle. What’s wrong?”
Now it was Art’s turn to be the deer in headlights. He felt so good that he could barely even process what Patrick just said. Patrick seemed to realize this and laughed, shaking his head like he couldn’t believe how fucking lucky he was.
“Aww, I’ve barely kissed you and you’ve already gone dumb, huh?”
In any other circumstance, Art would be embarrassed. Instead, he nodded.
“Fuck, Patrick, need you so bad, please,” Art whined, too far gone to care about how ridiculous he knew he looked and sounded. 
Who was Patrick to deny such a pretty beggar?
Torturously slowly and languidly, Patrick pressed his lips back to Art’s. It was probably the most delicate Patrick’s ever been, Art vaguely thought as Patrick’s hands smoothed up and down his waist and they gasped into each other’s mouths. Now Patrick’s fingers were knotted in his hair, and he slipped his tongue into Art’s mouth and tugged on his curls gently at the same time. Art moaned, his brain short-circuiting. 
“I know. It feels good, doesn’t it, Artie?” Patrick pulled away to breathlessly whisper against Art’s lips, laughing quietly when Art only whined in response.
I’ll be like one of your girls or your homies
Patrick pushed Art backwards, not breaking the kiss, so that they were both laying down, slotting his hips between Art’s.
They both groaned at the contact, a breathless ‘fucking shit’ slipping out of Patrick as their clothed crotches pressed together. 
“Please, Patrick,” Art gasped, closing his eyes and pressing his hips into Patrick’s desperately, hands clawing at his back. He barely even knew what he was asking for.
“You feel so good, Art,” Patrick moaned as he pulled away from Art’s mouth to kiss along his jaw. “So good for me.”
Art let out a sound like he was a girl in a bad porn video.
“You liked that, didn’t you?” Patrick laughed weakly, his voice shot. “Always knew you’d be into that shit.”
His smugness was short lived as Art, trance seemingly broken, pushed up against him and flipped them over so that now he was on top.
“Shut up, Patrick,” Art whispered, grinding his hips into Patrick’s with increasing fervor, soft pants and whines escaping his lips.
“Fuck, Art, you’re so–” he broke off in a groan as Art bit his lip gently–” needy. Me kissing you wasn’t enough, huh? Just had to get on top and take what you need from me, didn’t you? You’re such a slut, Art.”
Say what you want, and I’ll keep it a secret
Art gasped at the word, moaning as his neck dropped into the crevice between Patrick’s neck and shoulder. 
“I’m–I’m not a slut.”
“Oh yeah? Then why are you grinding on your best friend, fuck, like you’re one?”
Art broke off in a moan so loud Patrick was sure people in England could hear it, sticky whiteness shooting out and making a mess of his boxers. 
“There we go, Artie. That’s it. Let it all out.” Patrick murmured as he rubbed his back up and down as he shuddered and whined, cheeks pink and lips parted in pleasure. 
Art looked straight out of a renaissance painting, all messy curls, pouty, swollen lips, big, glassy eyes, and flushed cheeks. It was that very thought that sent Patrick over the edge, a quiet groan leaving him as he too made a mess of his boxers.
“Well.” Patrick was first to speak after a few minutes of silence aside from their labored breathing. “I learned a lot today.”
Art turned pink again and Patrick laughed, ruffling his hair.
“I wanna shower. I always shower after…sex,” Art muttered. “I’m all–”
“Can I come with?”
You get the key to my heart, and I need it
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starryeyedwolves · 2 days ago
The Colors of You
The gallery was quiet, save for the soft hum of classical music playing in the background. Regulus stood in the corner, his arms crossed, his sharp features illuminated by the soft glow of the overhead lights. His dark curls framed his face perfectly, and his piercing gray eyes scanned the room, observing the patrons as they moved from one painting to the next.
He hated these events. The pretentious small talk, the fake smiles, the way people tried to interpret his art as if they could ever understand what he was trying to say. But his friend and manager, Barty, had insisted. "You need to sell, Reg. Art doesn’t pay for itself," he’d said. Regulus had rolled his eyes but agreed, if only to shut him up.
His paintings were scattered across the walls, each one a burst of color and emotion. They were abstract, chaotic, and deeply personal. Regulus poured his soul into every brushstroke, every layer of paint. His art was his escape, his way of expressing the things he could never say out loud.
And then he walked in.
Regulus noticed him immediately. It was hard not to. The man was a walking ray of sunshine, his messy dark hair sticking up in every direction, his glasses slightly askew. He wore a jacket over a band t-shirt and jeans, looking entirely out of place in the sea of suits and cocktail dresses. But what caught Regulus’s attention most were his eyes—bright, Hazel, and full of life.
The man—James, as Regulus would later learn—wandered through the exhibit, stopping at each painting. He didn’t just glance at them; he studied them. His brow furrowed in concentration, and Regulus found himself oddly captivated by the way James’s fingers twitched, as if he wanted to reach out and touch the canvases.
Regulus watched as James stopped in front of his favorite piece, a large canvas titled "Eclipse." It was a swirl of blacks, grays, and golds, with a single streak of red cutting through the center. It was raw, emotional, and deeply personal. Most people didn’t get it. They called it "dark" or "depressing." But James… James stood there for what felt like an eternity, his eyes tracing every line, every brushstroke.
And then he turned to Regulus.
Their eyes met, and Regulus felt something shift in the air. James smiled, a warm, genuine smile that made Regulus’s chest tighten. He walked over, his hands shoved into his pockets, and Regulus braced himself for the usual barrage of questions or compliments.
But James surprised him.
"That one," James said, nodding toward "Eclipse." "It’s… it’s like you took everything I’ve ever felt and put it on a canvas. I don’t know how you did it, but… it’s incredible."
Regulus blinked, caught off guard. No one had ever described his art like that before. "You… you get it?" he asked, his voice softer than he intended.
James nodded. "Yeah. I mean, I don’t know if I get it get it, but… it feels like you’re telling a story. Like there’s this battle going on, between light and dark, and you’re not sure which one’s winning. But there’s hope, too. That little bit of gold in the corner… it’s like you’re saying it’s not over yet."
Regulus stared at him, his heart pounding in his chest. No one had ever seen that in his painting before. No one had ever understood.
"You’re the artist, right?" James asked, tilting his head. "Regulus Black?"
Regulus nodded, still too stunned to speak.
James grinned. "I’m James. James Potter. And I need to buy that painting."
Over the next few weeks, James became a regular at the gallery. He’d show up unannounced, always with a coffee in hand, and they’d talk for hours. At first, it was about art. James asked endless questions about Regulus’s process, his inspiration, his favorite artists. But soon, the conversations shifted. They talked about music, books, their favorite places in the city. James told him about his job as a photographer, his love for capturing fleeting moments. Regulus found himself opening up in ways he never had before.
But it wasn’t just the conversations. It was the way James looked at him, like he saw something no one else did. It was the way he made Regulus laugh, really laugh, for the first time in years. It was the way he’d casually touch his arm or shoulder, sending shivers down Regulus’s spine.
And then there were the late nights. James would show up at the gallery after hours, and they’d sit on the floor, surrounded by Regulus’s paintings, talking until the sun came up. One night, James brought his camera and took photos of Regulus as he painted. Regulus had never felt so exposed, so vulnerable. But with James, it didn’t feel scary. It felt… safe.
But of course, it couldn’t be that simple.
Regulus had always been guarded, always kept people at arm’s length. He’d been hurt too many times to let anyone in. And James… James was everything he wasn’t. Bright, open, fearless. Regulus didn’t know how to handle that. He didn’t know how to handle him.
One night, after a particularly intense conversation, Regulus snapped. "Why do you even care?" he demanded, his voice shaking. "Why do you keep coming back?"
James looked at him, his expression unreadable. "Because I see you, Regulus," he said quietly. "And I think you’re incredible."
Regulus’s breath caught in his throat. He wanted to believe him, wanted to let himself fall into the warmth of James’s words. But the fear was too strong. "You don’t know me," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "You don’t know what I’ve done, what I’ve been through."
James stepped closer, his eyes never leaving Regulus’s. "Then tell me," he said. "Let me in."
Regulus shook his head, tears prickling at the corners of his eyes. "I can’t."
James reached out, his hand hovering just above Regulus’s cheek. "You can," he said softly. "You’re not alone anymore."
And then, before Regulus could protest, James kissed him.
It was soft, tentative, like he was afraid Regulus would break. But Regulus didn’t break. Instead, he melted into it, his hands gripping James’s jacket like it was the only thing keeping him grounded. For the first time in his life, he felt seen. He felt wanted.
The next morning, Regulus woke up in James’s arms, his head resting on James’s chest. The sunlight streamed through the windows, casting a golden glow over the room. Regulus looked up at James, his heart swelling with something he couldn’t quite name.
"Hey," James said, his voice rough with sleep. "You okay?"
Regulus nodded, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Yeah," he said. "I’m okay."
For the first time in a long time, he meant it.
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the0-tdh · 2 days ago
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The carnival buzzed with lights and laughter, but M/N barely noticed—his focus was on the haunted house looming ahead.
“Scared?” Ni-ki teased, squeezing his hand.
M/N scoffed. “Not a chance.”
A ghostly wail echoed from inside.
Ni-ki smirked. “We’ll see about that.”
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The neon lights of the carnival flickered against the dark sky, painting the bustling crowd in shades of pink, blue, and gold. The scent of buttered popcorn and cotton candy filled the air as laughter and excited screams echoed through the fairgrounds. Amidst it all, Ni-ki clutched M/N’s hand tightly, swinging their intertwined fingers between them as they strolled through the lively scene.
“Are you sure you’re not scared?” Ni-ki teased, nudging M/N’s side with a grin. His dark eyes glimmered with mischief under the dim carnival lights.
M/N scoffed, feigning confidence. “Me? Scared? Please, I’ve seen scarier things in my sleep.”
Ni-ki chuckled, tugging him toward their destination—the carnival’s infamous haunted house. The rickety wooden sign above the entrance swayed slightly, its painted letters reading House of Horrors. Fake cobwebs clung to the corners, and eerie moans played from hidden speakers. A few people exited with nervous laughs, some shaking their heads as if to say, never again.
“I dunno,” M/N muttered, suddenly feeling the weight of the ominous atmosphere. “What if I—”
Before he could finish, Ni-ki had already pulled him inside.
The first room was dark, save for dim, flickering lanterns lining the path. The walls were old, cracked wood, and a musty scent filled the air. A sudden wail echoed, followed by a crash. M/N jumped, instinctively gripping Ni-ki’s arm.
Ni-ki laughed. “Oh? And here I thought you weren’t scared.”
M/N scowled. “I wasn’t! That was just... unexpected.”
“Sure, babe.” Ni-ki’s teasing smirk only grew wider.
They walked deeper into the haunted house, past animatronic ghouls and actors dressed as spirits, jumping out from hidden panels. One particularly aggressive jump scare had M/N yelping and practically throwing himself into Ni-ki’s arms.
Ni-ki let out a breathless laugh, wrapping an arm around his waist. “Wow, you really do scare easily.”
“Shut up,” M/N mumbled, burying his face against Ni-ki’s shoulder as another eerie groan filled the air.
With every step, M/N found himself clinging to Ni-ki more—his hands gripping his jacket, his body pressing closer for warmth and security. Ni-ki, ever the troublemaker, took full advantage of this, occasionally whispering “Boo” into his ear just to hear him yelp.
“Ni-ki, I swear to—”
Before M/N could finish his threat, a ghostly figure in tattered robes lunged from the shadows. A shriek tore from his throat, and in the heat of the moment, M/N instinctively grabbed Ni-ki’s hand and ran.
They burst through the final curtain and into the cool night air, M/N panting as Ni-ki doubled over in laughter. “Oh my god,” Ni-ki wheezed, wiping a tear from his eye. “That was the best thing I’ve ever seen.”
M/N shot him a glare, cheeks burning. “I hate you.”
“No, you don’t.” Ni-ki grinned, tugging M/N close. His laughter softened into something more affectionate as he leaned in, brushing his lips lightly against M/N’s forehead.
M/N huffed, but he couldn’t hide the small smile tugging at his lips. “You’re lucky you’re cute.”
“I know,” Ni-ki teased, linking their fingers again. “Now, how about I buy you some churros as a peace offering?”
M/N pretended to think about it. “Hmm… make it two, and I might forgive you.”
Ni-ki laughed, pulling him along toward the food stalls. “Deal.”
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spirk-trek · 18 days ago
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S1E3: Charlie X .˚ ✧· ⋆
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jlf23tumble · 23 days ago
Jen, v random but I think you follow the whatiwillsay pod? I was wondering if you had thoughts about their larry ep from a couple of years ago? 
I do follow her on spotify, but I don't always listen (depends what I have in queue, the topic, etc). I *did* listen to that ep, though, and I disagreed with pretty much all of it MAINLY because you can't have it both ways, i.e., you can't say here's all this gryles proof, here's all this swiftgron proof, then dismiss larry or kaylor when it's the exact same amount of evidenceTM. Like, I'm all for reaching, reach away! But when you're matching, then match it! If it's fandom bullshit, call it as such, but where there's that much smoke, there's at least a wee bit of fire!
#it felt very much like well THIS one is real#but this exact same one isn't lol#all because of some insanity in the fanbase--and i get that#i saw it just recently in fact--like if you're gonna say shit like my ship is real! this 1/2 was pictured by himself in one city!#this 1/2 was pictured with fans in this other city half a world away!#THEY'RE MARRIED!!#it sounds insane because it is#and it means a lot of people will write off EVERYTHING ELSE accordingly#you can show randos outside of fandom early larry proof posts and the will 1000000% get it#but if you try to act like it carries over to today it not only does NOT carry over#it sounds literally insane and negates most of anything else#hence the big anti gap#if more larries left room for jesus (breakups etc) it would be a lot less crazy sounding#and yet!#ditto kaylors!!!!!#so I respect Cam as an outsider thinking hey yeah no#because she CAN accept that her ship (swiftgron) is done and over#but that said i still feel like if you're saying all this proof of gryles being so valid means you can't ipso facto larry NEVER existed#esp when you talk about louis's very clear jealousy...it's not purely just guys being bros who are pals...that just doesn't check out#and once again the fact that larries can't be YES they were a thing but they broke up later and/or it's messy#it has to be gold-star virgins who have only fucked each other#or else you're a full-on anti#well congrats you played yourself and excluded all room for nuance so OF COURSE you'll get podcasts saying larry is bullshit#it ain't that deep#it's also why a lot of this fandom is 'broken' etc#can someone like me be considered a larrie if i think they WERE a thing but they aren't any longer? i'm not saying they can't in the future#but i'd imagine i'm an ex-larrie in the eyes of the lord (redacted shitty blog names) and fine by me!#and yet that's not the full larrie definition you know?#so again OF COURSE podcasts not fully in this gatekeep mindfuck aren't gonna get it or even care#and more power to 'em i say
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satoruan · 1 year ago
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✧・゚ The Incubus King finally claims his intended.  
( TW ) f!reader, incubus king!Sukuna, major size difference (Sukuna’s 8ft tall!), harem, group sex, fingering, cunnilingus, biting, rough sex, bleeding, forked tongues, cervix fucking, mating bonds, reader goes in some type of ‘heat’, explicit content. 
word count - > 1.5k
author's note: PLS don’t take this seriously Idek what this is!! unedited + I'm trying a new writing style
Can’t stop thinking about Incubus king!Sukuna who finally finds his intended after centuries of looking. Who finds her in a place he never thought to check, the human realm. Who he kidnaps and brings down to his realm, telling you how you are to be his queen and rule his subjects alongside him. You have a mental breakdown your first week. The change of scenery, coming to terms that this is real, the differences between you and Sukuna’s species he calls Incubus. You’ve heard of them before, but you didn't think they were real—who did? They’re eight feet tall, winged creatures who liked to fuck 24/7. Half of them roam around naked and you can’t turn a hallway without catching two or more in sexual activities. So, hearing that you're some type of ‘mate’ to the king of the creatures? You think you’re dreaming. Sukuna brings you food every day and talks about how the mating bond has been activated now. How the several next week's you’re going to be restless until he ruts and claims you. 
You scream and cry how this is his fault. He leans over the buffet of food and smacks your thigh with a grumble. You refuse to speak to him for the rest of the night even when he undresses and washes you. Making crude comments like how he can’t wait to breed your human body full of his offsprings. Sukana who doesn’t have the time for your refusal to talk to him for he has a kingdom to run, so he drops you off to a group of naked, pierced women who he calls his harem. He gently pushes you into one of the tall women before telling her to take care of you or else.  
You can’t find it in your to be jealous of the women for being his ‘harem.’ You don’t even like Sukuna right now and the women, they’re so kind and mature that you would much rather spend your days lazing around with them than sitting on Sukuna’s lap while he laughs at his people who come to him with misfortunes.  His harem teaches you all about their lands, how sex isn’t taboo instead something they need just like oxygen is to humans. How when they fuck, they release some type of energy that’s built up in their body that causes their kind to go insane and terrorize the human realm.  
Sukuna’s harem who are utterly obsessed with how small you are compared to them. They used to spend their days lying around on rich cushions and blankets waiting for Sukuna but even they got bored of him—if it were up to them, they’d lock him in their room and never let him out. His harem who was supposed to be teaching you more about their king but instead chose to spend their days lazily eating you out with their long-forked tongues and fucking you dumb with their big fingers. They make you suckle their breasts and grind on their faces. They’re so gentle after, hissing at each other when one speaks too loudly after you had fallen asleep, washing your body clean, wrapping you in the softest blankets to carry you back over to your room with Sukuna. Some days they happen to catch Sukuna in his room, and they smirk and giggle when they see his jealous face. They take it as the highest compliment their queen has decided to lie with them before the king.  
Incubus king!Sukuna who feels the mating bond grow stronger with every second you're in his castle. He feels himself shifting. He unable to stay away for long periods of time. He forces you to bathe with him before making you sit on his throne with him while he talks to irrelevant people, his hard cock jumping every time you move. You want to get away, moaning and grumbling how his you want to go play with his harem, it’s uncomfortable sitting on muscular thighs for hours while listening to him talk in several languages you don’t understand to people you don’t know. Sukuna who hisses and grumbles at you before going back to his subjects who kneel at the bottom of his obsidian throne.  
 Throughout the week you can’t help but get hornier and hornier until your unable to walk without liquids dripping down your thighs and wetting your skirts. Despite Sukuna's harem playing with you can’t help but plead and cry for him. You barely know the man but your body aches for him, for his cock, his bond. Sukuna who finally comes to see you one day. Who picks you up to set you up top of the cushions so you can watch him fuck his harem. He does everything he could think to the women, he wants to see what makes you twitch and ache and cry. By the time he’s done—hours later—you’re in a puddle of slick panting and crying how you want him. He doesn’t take you though, he can smell that you aren’t ready for him just yet, and he can’t risk injuring his mate who he’s searched for centuries. He won’t allow himself to bring you any harm, so he just holds you in his lap and makes his harem play with you until you pass out. 
Sukuna whose balls deep in one of his women when he sniffs that air and smells the scent change in you. The women he’s fucking laughs when he yanks himself out of her and goes to you. He picks you up from the drenched cushion you're sitting on. You wrap your arms around his neck and sob and the feeling of his body. You try to wrap your legs around his huge frame but you’re too tired, so they just hang as he walks you back to your room, your thighs rubbing against his cock. Sukuna lays you down on the huge bed before ripping your silky dress and ding his head in between your legs. He brings you to several orgasm, but his mouth and forked tongue isn't what you want. You want his cock. You want him to fuck you pregnant while he bites you and claims you as his. You scream and kick and pull and at the pair of horns on top his head, but he just shushes you before going back to eating you out.  
Sukuna finally deems you ready to take his cock but before he kisses and drags his teeth all over your body. He suckles at your breast, commenting on how you’ll be feeding him with said breasts soon. You cry out when he finally turns you ass up. You don’t even think about how much bigger he is than you, how his cock might not fit inside. Sukuna pushes your head into the blankets, grabbing the base of his cock and rubbing it over your pussy. You scream at him, but he ignores you enjoying the sight of your pussy against his too big cock. When he finally pushes into you scream into the pillow. You scream for more, for him to slow down, for him to breed you, for him to fuck you harder, for him to stop and let you catch a break. He’s too out of it to listen. He never knew what it would feel like to claim a mate but this? If he had any doubt the little human underneath his wasn’t his, he didn’t now. He finally felt whole. He felt your essence flowing into him, making him stronger, more aware, if he concentrated hard enough, he could feel your emotions and hear your thoughts. He fucked your impossibly harder. 
Sukuna leans down and whispers for you to open, and let him in. You don’t understand what he's talking about until his cock shoots some warm liquids and you feel your cervix open. It hurts so good when he pushes deeper into you. You orgasm again before he releases his seed into you. The tension leaves your body at the feeling of his seed rushing to your womb. You’re about to succumb to the sleepiness before Sukuna jolts you awake saying this is just the beginning.  
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charmedimsure · 2 months ago
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pairing: Kang Dae-ho x reader
summary: Dae-ho helps you learn to play Gong-gi
word count: 1.5k
warnings: squid game stuff, but other than than just fluff
A/N: I got the rules of the game from watching the show, so they could be wrong. I think it's gender neutral but lmk if it's not so I can fix it
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It looks like you're going to spend at least another day here. You're going to have to play at least one more game. Despite voting to leave, the majority of people disagreed with you, and now you're stuck here. You may be drowning in student loan debt, but at least your alive, and, if you've learned anything positive from this experience, it is that life is full of opportunities.
You take your food from the masked men and find a small space in between the beds where you can be alone. You don't think you can eat right now, so you put those to the side and sit on your knees, pulling five small stones out of your pocket. When you need is a distraction, and this game could do it.
Across the room, Dae-ho winces as Jung-bae hits him in the shoulder, almost making him drop his milk.
"What?" Dae-ho says, annoyed.
"You're staring," Jung-bae says. Dae-ho gives him a confused look, to which he nods his head in your direction.
Dae-ho looks down at his feet as he feels heat rise in his face. "I don't know what you're talking about."
Jung-bae scoffs a laugh, looking at the former Marine. "Please. You cheered so loud when her team crossed the finish line I thought you're life was on the line, too." Jung-bae laughs at his own joke, Young-il laughing along.
Dae-ho rolls his eyes, finishing his milk and putting the carton down next to him. Sure he thinks you're cute, but this is no place for any of this stuff.
"You should talk to them," a quiet voice says. Dae-ho looks up to see Jun-hee looking at him.
Young-il nods. "She's right. We don't know how much longer we will be alive, you should speak now before you lose the chance."
Dae-ho looks back over at you. You're hunched over on the floor between beds, your back facing him. With a small surge of confidence, Dae-ho nods, standing up. He takes a few steps in your direction before second guessing himself, stopping in place. He nearly falls over as Jung-bae shoves him towards you.
As he gets closer to you, he can hear the sounds of something repeatedly hitting the hard floor, as well as soft curses coming from you.
"Are you alright?" he asks, standing by the entrance to the small alley between beds.
You gasp and look up at him, being too invested in what you were doing to notice someone coming up to you. Acting on instinct, you back yourself closer to the wall away from him.
Dae-ho puts his hands up. "I don't want to hurt you, just wanted to see what you were doing."
You take a look at his face and number. You remember seeing him yelling yesterday with his friend, as if he was a soldier. It had actually made you laugh, which was much needed in a place like this. You also thought he was kinda cute. Getting out of your defensive position, you shyly show him the small stones in your hand.
He furrows his brows and gets closer so he can have a better look, kneeling on the floor in front of you. He recognizes the rocks from the ground of the last game, but has no idea why you have them.
You see his confused look and sigh. "I was trying to play Gong-gi. I've never played before and it looked interesting." You let out a little laugh. "I'm not very good at it, though. I don't even know if I'm doing it right."
Dae-ho gives you a small smile. "I can show you, if you want."
You look up at him with wide eyes. "You know how to play?"
He grows a bit embarrassed and looks everywhere except for your face. "I have older sisters, we used to play when I was little."
Expecting you to laugh at him, he is surprised when you hold out the stones. He smiles and holds out his palm for you to place the rocks in, then moves back to make room between the two of you.
"You have to throw one of the pieces in the air as you grab the others, and you need to grab more as you go. You start with one each, then two, then three and one, then all four. After that, flip them onto the backside of your hand and catch them without flipping your hand over." He takes a deep breath as he rolls of the stones onto the floor. As nervous as he feels with you watching him, he knows he can do it. After all, he did just do it perfectly with guns pointed at him.
He quickly goes through the game, not dropping a single stone. When he makes the final catch and opens his palm for you to see, he finds your mouth open as you stare at his hand in awe.
"That was amazing," you say to him with a smile.
Dae-ho smiles and feels the heat rising to his face again. "You should see my sisters do it, they move so fast you can't even see what's happening," he chuckles, making you laugh. "Besides, I saw you do spinning top before. You wrapped it in seconds and got it to spin on the first try! I was always so bad at spinning top as a kid."
You smile shyly, feeling heat in your face. "It was my favorite game as a kid. I didn't have many toys, so I would play it for hours. I'd try to teach you, but I don't have a top."
Dae-ho smiles. "That's okay." He holds out his hand for you to take the stones. "You're turn to try."
You take the stones from him, scattering them onto the ground between you. You smile as you manage to get each singular one, but when you try to get two at once, you don't catch the stone in time. You let out a frustrated sigh, sitting back on your knees.
"You're doing good," Dae-ho reassures. "Try going for the ones that are closer together, and throw the stone a little higher to give you more time."
You nod at the advice and pick up the stones again. You get the first two, but lose it again as you try to get the second two. Though you get frustrated with yourself, Dae-ho never does, patiently watching you and giving you tips.
It takes more tries than you would like to admit, but you are finally able to make the final catch. You yell out in victory with a big smile on your face, and the man across from you does the same. You get a little shy as you see that your yells have got attention from the people around you, particularly that one judgmental old man who really has no right to judge anyone considering he has more debt than most people here combined.
When everyone looks away, you smile up at the man again as he hold him hand up for you to high-five.
"I feel so accomplished," you laugh, making him chuckle. "Thank you for helping me. It was nice to play a game and not have to worry for my life."
He smiles sadly. "I'm happy I could help. My name is Dae-ho."
You smile back at him and give him your name. "If we both get out of here, Dae-ho, I'll teach you how to get the top to spin every time."
"When," he says. You give him a confused look. "You said if we get out of here, but when we get out of here, I would like that very much."
You smile at him. "I'm looking forward to it."
Dae-ho spots your food sitting on the bed next to you and frowns. "You didn't eat?"
You look at it. "I wasn't hungry so I was saving it. I got so wrapped up in this game I forgot about it."
The man moves to get up. "I'll leave you to eat, then."
"You don't have to leave," you say quickly, making him stop and look at you. "I mean, I don't mind if you want to stay."
Dae-ho smiles and nods, sitting down again, this time next to you. As you eat, you both talk about yourselves, how you ended up here, your lives back home, anything that comes to mind.
"What are you going to do when you get out of here?" Dae-ho asks you when your food is long gone.
You sigh and shrug. "I'll pay off whatever debt that I can, but besides that, I really don't know." You look at him. "What about you?"
"I'll pay off my debts, too," he says. He takes a deep breath before looking at you, feeling his nerves rising. "I also think that I'd like to take you to dinner."
His nerves calm as he watches a smile slowly take over your face. "I'd like that."
Dae-ho smiles. "Then it's a date."
When it is time to go to sleep, Dae-ho can only think about how he is going to do everything he can to make sure the two of you get out of here alive.
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imamotherfuckingstar-lord · 7 months ago
imagine logan seeing you again
logan x reader
warning: some deadpool x wolverine spoilers. this takes place after the movie. under 1k words.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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The apartment was packed jammed with friends and some foes of Wade Wilson. There might have been music playing in the background, but Logan couldn’t tell when his eyes locked with the figure walking through the front door. His heart dropped, he felt sick to his stomach as his eyes fluttered. It had to be a dream but then he quickly came to his senses.
This wasn’t his universe, his world. He was somewhere entirely new. He caught his breath as Wade shouted out an exclamation of joy. Logan watched as he drew up from his seat to greet you with an overzealous hug, pulling you toward the group at the table.  Wade held you rough by the shoulders and grinned. “Look who decided to come out of retirement, conveniently after we,” he pointed to Logan then himself. “Saved the fucking world. Avengers, who? Bunch of assholes, if you ask me.”
“You sound like a man scorn, Wade,” you teased, offering a wave of a hand to your friends. The idiot next to you was right, the whole superhero thing had been a thing of the past. You have been a regular civilian for a few years now and have been loving a more relaxed existence – not being threatened daily was like, nice. “Don’t worry, you’ll see all the details in the movie. Have you meant my little angry beaver, the Wolverine?”
Your head jerked to where the older gentlemen was sitting, and you grinned. “I haven’t had the pleasure. I never met this world’s Logan – we ran in different circles. It’s nice to meet you.”
His heart relaxed and he confidently held out a hand, ignoring the interested glance from Laura. “Nice to meet you.”
“Take a seat next to Logan,” Wade urged, winking over to his new hesitant partner. “I’m sure he can fill you in on all the fun we’ve had together. Tell her about the sex ramp we had in the car that one time.”
“Do you ever shut the fuck up?” Logan cursed, telling you to ignore him.
“I usually do,” you laughed, thanking Vanessa for the beer she slid over from her side of the table. Popping it open, you relaxed and asked Logan how this place was treating him. “Must be weird, coming here. It’s like your world, right? Just slightly different?”
“Something like that.”
“Did we know each other back there?”
Your question seemed so invasive and frank – it almost made Logan smile because some people never changed, no matter what universe. Back where he came from, you were such a firecracker little shit. He had his hands full dealing with your bullshit. You were always running towards danger with little regard for your own safety because you had him. He had always been at your side, or at least, trying to catch up but he had always been there for you.
Logan had loved you and you had loved him.
Two reckless mutants.
Then you died and that sent him straight down a barrel of alcohol and indifference, to everyone and everything in his world. Which led to his greatest shame of all, allowing his family to be murdered because he was too busy drinking his sorrows away. He had long forgotten what it felt like to see you smile or hear you laugh, to feel your fingertips on his skin. The weight of your head on his chest as you slept, he never could replicate that feeling and yet, here you were.
A different version of you but God, the same.
“We were friends, really good friends.”
The hint of sadness in his voice was enough for you to understand and maybe not truly, but something had happened. That much was evident and while it might have been silly, you wanted nothing more than to comfort this man next to you. The room seemed to fall quiet, but no one was paying attention, except the girl next to Logan. Your eyes met hers, but she just smiled and looked away. Logan’s eyes were focused on the beer in his hands, but his eyes jerked up when a gentle hand touched the top of his. Your skin ablaze his and it felt wrong to feel like he had once when he didn’t even know you. Not this version of you, a woman he knew nothing about. It didn’t feel right but he wanted nothing more to allow this to go on. To see who you were in this world.
Did he deserve that? After everything that happened.
“Were? I won’t pry but it seems like life has given you a second chance, Logan.” You smiled softly and removed your hand from his, lifting your beer can to him. “You guys saved this world; a second chance is the least the universe can give you. Why not take it?”
Logan chuckled lowly. “The version of you I knew also had a deficiency in reasoning.”
A hard smack landed on his chest, and he laughed, which made you laugh. “Yeah, well, at least I don’t look like that idiot.”
Looking over to where you pointed to Wade, who had decided to show off his hair piece, Logan smirked. “Yeah, that’s fucking terrible.”
The two of you smiled at each other and something clicked in that moment, leaving the both of you quiet until you broke the tension. “To not looking like Wade Wilson.”
Logan clicked his beer against yours and felt a settling in his heart. Maybe he did deserve a second chance, at least, he could start toward earning that second chance. “Amen to that.”
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deathofacupid · 2 months ago
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⤷ in which jock!satoru is your highschool boyfriend .ᐟ
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jock!satoru who's favorite drink at starbuck's is the pink drink, but he'd rather not let anyone know, so he tells (begs) you to order it for him and take the first sip.
jock!satoru who always lends you his spare jersey before a game, just so you can wear it while he crushes whatever school he's playing against.
jock!satoru who's so incredibly nervous when his coach announces that the upcoming game is what really counts, because the college scouts are gonna be watching.
jock!satoru who's full-blown panicking just before this super-important-college-scout game in the locker room while the rest of his team is already warming up out there.
you, who finds jock!satoru in there, after not seeing him on the field for warm-ups. (you're always there for pre-game warm-ups, too.) you know jock!satoru really well, you know what's going through his mind.
jock!satoru who finally gets ahold of himself as you give him a pep-talk. (or something of one, really. okay, fine, it's a horrible pep-talk, but the sound of your voice is so sweet, he's feeling a lot better. after all, it's the effort that counts, right?)
jock!satoru and you have a very cheesy pre-game ritual, consisting of a very specific high-five/handshake combo, topped of with a kiss.
jock!satoru who ends up doing amazing, all because you were right by his side.
jock!satoru who always finds you in the crowd first, greeting you with a big, sweaty hug (much to your playful disapproval).
jock!satoru who you often have study dates with, just to make sure he's not falling behind. after all, he needs to keep his grades up if he wants to keep playing.
jock!satoru who constantly has girls swooning after him, much to your dismay. he always assures you that he only has eyes for you, but you'd still appreciate it if people had better senses of personal space.
jock!satoru who's a whole new person when he's the one getting jealous. you really don't think he has anything to worry about. either way, it's still funny (and hot) to watch.
jock!satoru who you can lay awake with late at night, talking to him about things you couldn't voice with anyone else. a lot of people think he's dense because he's a jock, but if they could see him then, they'd be proven so wrong. jock!satoru always knows what to say, he has a way with words.
jock!satoru who's your person, and you've never felt more loved.
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all banner credits to @anitalenia .ᐟ
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geneviveleocardius · 2 months ago
you ask them to wait for you out the fitting room
and you came out in lingerie, their favorite color
you tell him to wait outside the fitting room, and he does so without complaint, standing with his arms crossed and his hat low over his eyes. when you step out in a navy blue lingerie, his brows raise slightly, but he quickly schools his expression.
“bloody hell…” he mutters, looking you up and down with that steely gaze of his. he clears his throat and takes off his hat, suddenly feeling the weight of the moment. “looks… good on you, love.”
he’s trying to play it cool, but the tips of his ears go red, and he can’t seem to look anywhere else but you.
“aye, you’re takin’ forever in there,” soap calls out impatiently, pacing outside the fitting room like he’s guarding a high-value target. when you step out in a red lingerie set, he freezes mid-step, his mouth hanging open.
“bloody hell, lass,” he exclaims, grinning like a kid who just got his favorite candy. “you’re tryin’ to kill me, aren’t you?”
he makes no effort to hide the fact he’s staring, his blue eyes practically sparkling. “c’mere, let me get a proper look,” he teases, winking.
ghost is leaning against the wall outside the fitting room, his arms crossed, and his mask firmly in place. he doesn’t say much when you tell him to wait, just nods slightly. but when you step out in a black lingerie, his head tilts just a fraction, and his gaze lingers on you.
“…not bad,” he says, his voice low and steady. but the way his eyes trace your figure says much more than his words.
he doesn’t move, just watches you with that intense, unreadable expression. after a moment, he finally adds, “you’re lucky there’s people around.”
“you better not keep me waiting all day,” gaz jokes, leaning against a rack of clothes and checking his phone. when you step out in a white lingerie, he nearly drops it.
“oh, damn,” he says, blinking a few times as if to make sure he’s seeing this right. “you look… incredible.”
his easygoing demeanor shifts slightly as he steps closer, his brown eyes full of admiration. “you sure you’re not trying to give me a heart attack? because it’s working.”
alejandro leans casually against the fitting room door, a smirk playing on his lips. “you need me to come in there and help?” he teases. when you step out in a deep red lingerie, that confident smirk falters for a split second.
“mi amor… you’re stunning,” he says, his voice softening. he moves closer, his hand brushing your arm as his eyes roam over you appreciatively.
“you wear it better than i ever imagined,” he adds with a grin, his tone full of charm.
rudy is patiently waiting outside, his hands in his pockets, ever the gentleman. when you step out in a white lingerie, his jaw drops slightly, but he quickly catches himself.
“wow…” he breathes, his voice barely above a whisper. “you look… beautiful.”
his cheeks flush as he averts his gaze for a moment, trying to give you some semblance of privacy, but his eyes can’t help but wander back to you. “you… uh… definitely picked the right color.”
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cutehoons02 · 2 months ago
Forced roomates or forced to be lovers?
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University series: Jungwon Jake Jay
*pairing: popular pervy gamer Heeseung x popular cheerleader
*trope: forced roomates/opposites attract
*synopsis: Heeseung, a slightly introverted nerd but popular in the world of video games and in his computer course, with a passion for video games, and Y/n, the most popular cheerleader on campus, they find themselves sharing the apartment due to a mistake in the allocation of rooms. They could not be more different: he loves to spend sleepless nights in front of the monitor with always in hand a bowl of ramen, immersed in role-playing games, while she lives between exhausting training cheerleaders, evenings at the various parties of the football team and stories on Instagram. Initially the two barely bear each other, but a series of funny and intimate events will lead them to discover that, perhaps, they complement each other.
*tags: A lot of humor, tension, fluff, spicy, pervy Heeseung, a little pervy reader, Unprotected sex (don’t horny ppl) pet names (Barbie, Baby, Good girl), pet names (Nerd, Loser), jealousy, teasing, possession, references to video games, cowgirl, +16,sweet moments at the end.
8.4k words
It’s the first time i write explicit scenes so i hope you like (🎮)
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Heeseung’s room at that precise moment was full of mathematical forms and calculation sheets and various drawings of characters he invented, you could hear only the noise of the joystick and the various clilc he made in the mouse, with his excellent score in all subjects in the computer course and being one of the best video game players in the state, Hee had the chance to register for an online tournament for only nerds and professional gamers lasting a few months and the first 3 who had unlocked the level "Queen" they would have received a reward from one of the largest video game production companies and only 3 people would have had the chance with funding from the university and this video game production company to create their own virtual game, but he would not have imagined that his life at that exact moment could change with the entry into play of a noisy Cheerleader, who spent hours in their shared bathroom to make masks or to prepare to go out and tease him from morning to night.
He heard loud punches at the door of his apartment and when he took off his headphones he thought that those punches meant only one thing, His friends Jake and Jay had finished football practice and had come to disturb him or eat a cup of ramen together but when he opened the door he choked on his own because he found himself in front of a girl in a mini denim skirt and tight t-shirt with I ♡ HOT BOYS, Blonde as a ray of sunshine with a bright smile and a scent that left a sweet trail every time she shook her long tail of hair and with a bag of lacquered leather that had to cost more than her computer and a pink suitcase. It didn’t take a genius to figure out who he was. Y/n, one of the strongest cheerleaders on campus and perhaps all other universities, a marketing student and undisputed queen of the campus. She organized the best parties and seemed to always have the answer ready for any situation.
"Hey, i know you’re a nerd and you don’t deal with girls but are you listening to me instead of looking at me like i’m an alien?" Heeseung fixed Y/n’s shirt and felt the cheeks slightly redden when he read the entire I ♡ HOT BOYS writing and looked at how well it wrapped the shirt slightly tight in the breast of the girl in front of him.
"You’re kidding me, right? What if you are one of those perverts who come to the instant only at the sight of a girl in a slightly tapered T-shirt and a skirt? Did you hear what I just said a few seconds ago?"
Finally Y/n heard the voice of Heeseung «I don’t even know what you’re talking about Barbie, i think you’ve got the wrong apartment» replied Hee with an indifferent tone, returning to his room to continue his game of League of Legends. His online teammates were already complaining about his afk.
“Barbie? Are you serious?" Y/n entered his apartment and like a puppy followed the nerd and went into his room and stared at him with a mixture of contempt and disbelief.
"The lease says this is also my apartment and you will be my roommate for next year, Lee Heeseung."
Heeseung froze when he heard that sentence. He paused the game, ignoring the barrage of insults he was receiving in the game’s chat, and turned to her. «Wait. What would your apartment be like? This is my room for...now a year and in the option, i always put that i did not want roommates and then the other room sometimes I need!»
"Well, now that room will be mine. My parents bought the whole student building and the only apartment where there was only one person was yours. Congratulations, nerd. You’ve got the roommate of your nightmares or maybe your most perverse dreams" You whispered these last words near his ear and then you went to get your pink suitcase and to disturb your roommate I played one of the songs that you were supposed to dance on the football field for the beginning of the new season and sang until your room was slightly "Decent" and clean to your standards.
It was two weeks since the beginning of the partnership and you couldn’t stand Heeseung, he was a serious pain in your neck, You didn’t understand how he had so many followers in his profile and so many girls who commented on his life or who added edit about him while playing. Some girls stopped you to ask if he was engaged or if you had taken part in watching him in one of the many tournaments he did. You really hated that nerd especially when you found empty bowls of ramen around the apartment, colored electric cables scattered around the sofa, and Joysticks of shapes and sizes of verse scattered as well in the laundry but the thing you hated most was that he played until late at night and started laughing with his virtual friends at those stupid games or tournaments you always heard about.
The hatred was mutual also on the part of Heeseung, the cheerleader with whom he shared the apartment had monopolized the bathroom they had in common hair dryers, plates with strange shapes, tricks that cost more than the food she ate, glitter, and also bought a kind of mini refrigerator to put his masks or creams for skin care. Heeseung didn’t understand how everyone was following him or how he had so many friends or guys to go out with but the thing that he couldn’t stand about you was being perfect with everyone from the professors, To your friends, family and how you thought you were always the center of attention.
That late afternoon you and Heeseung were both in the apartment, trying to study business but as always when there was Heeseung at home there was never silence. You snorted and went into Heeseung’s room and watched him sitting in the gamer’s station with his hair slightly ruffled around the professional headphones, he had a slight grin but the thing that struck you most were his hands.
God since when did that boy have such attractive hands? They were large, slightly veiny, and wore a silver and black ring that sometimes tortured them for anxiety or maybe to wait for the next level, you recovered from that state and went near the desk.
Heeseung had noticed you but he didn’t want to give you the satisfaction of being in the center of attention and kept on wielding his joystick even though he was about to start a game. “Can you turn that down? I’m studying." Heeseung watched you speak, a slight puff came out of his lips as he took off his headphones and wore them around his neck. «What do you want, Barbie?»
"I said if you can please turn down that volume, I’m trying to study."
«And you can stop occupying the bathroom for three hours or sprinkling blue and gold glitter in the bathroom? The other day while I was training, i found a flurry of glitter in my gym shirt, and some thought i joined your flying spinner team!» He answered, not taking his eyes off the monitor while dodging a zombie.
Heeseung looked at you with those little deer eyes put his headphones back on and kept talking to his friends as if you’d never even entered his room until he saw you go under his table for a second and sit between his muscular legs, when you sat down you sunned yourself to look at him and observed the small ones that filled his face. Hee stood still for a moment, caught unawares, but he recovered immediately.
«What are you doing? Do you want to sabotage me? You can’t go to one of the many little friends» he asked with a somewhat grumpy tone. You wanted to take him by surprise and see how long it lasted not to give your attention
"I’m just checking your level of concentration. Don’t tell me I’m the first girl to sit over your legs or do this. You know, as an experienced cheerleader, I enjoy distracting nerds like you." Y/n moved slightly above Heeseung’s legs and watched him straighten his hair perhaps out of frustration or embarrassment.
Heeseung laughed slowly, trying not to show her that she was slightly in awe of the blonde sitting almost above her length.
«You know, I knew that I was a temptress and that I had no fear of anything Y/n but spoiler does not scare me either because I’m used to going into video games of wars, zombies, demons, etc» Y/n started laughing and looked at Heeseung
"How do you know those animated things are scary? Let me see I’m curious, nerd."
Heeseung pressed a button and an unsettling scene appeared on the screen: a dark corridor, distant moans, and a shadow creeping slowly into the bloodshot view with eyes out of its sockets. Y/n barely jerked, unintentionally clinging to Hee’s shirt.
"What the hell was that monster?" she exclaimed, opening her eyes wide as a zombie made a chilling sound and hurled itself toward the screen. Hee burst out laughing, holding the controller with ease. Oh, I thought cheerleaders were not afraid of anything. What happened to your courage?» Heeseung looked at you carefully and thought you were not as bad as his mind had painted you but he would never tell you
Y/n turned around, pretending to be upset. "I’m not afraid! It’s just... I didn’t expect it."
«Yes, Barbie. You were shaking like a cat in the rain.»
"I don’t tremble! and I’m not a coward, if I was afraid I would not be thrown by human beings for air as work," said Y/n, straining his shoulders in a theatrical move. " If you want, I’ll take the controller and I’ll kill that thing."
«Oh, yes? please, come in. Let’s see the cheerleader against the zombie. And it has nothing to do with people blowing you up Barbie, if you’re not used to a little horror you’ll always be afraid» You felt Heeseung whispering these things to you and where was the nerd from before who was in awe with you sitting between his legs?
Y/n took the controller with determined action and started playing. Hee looked at her with a restrained smile as she moved nervously through the virtual corridor. «Why are you moving like that? No need, your character does not follow you! If you’re doing it to get my attention all on yourself Barbie did it, so stop moving between my legs and rub against my length because you will never win the level» You hated how that nerd made you feel. The tension increased with each step and suddenly a zombie broke down a side door with a scream. Y/n shouted and almost threw the controller.
Heeseung laughed so hard he couldn’t breathe. «You’re incredible! You screamed louder than the zombie! Oh my god, it would have been iconic if it had been live streaming» Y/n stood up how angry but at the same time scared, and ran into his room until he heard Heeseung yell «I have all the cards in hand too win this game between me and you, not play with fire that sooner or later you will burn. Sweet dreams, Barbie» hit your face with your hairy pillow and Lee Heeseung in all the languages of the world.
It was almost a week after that little clash with Heeseung and for two whole nights, you had not slept properly for your standard because you always had in mind those horrible images of zombies with eyes out of the orbites.
«You are a little tired and less energetic Y/n, is everything all right?» Chan asked one of your group’s dancers and one of the few athletes you trusted to get you thrown in the air
"Yes, it’s all right I’m just a little tired of the exams and the selections we would have in the middle of the year. I would like to try to run as captain for the new year and that’s why I’m creating a choreography to run" Chan arranged the sheet you had on your head and smiled at you
«Please do not ask too much of yourself Y/n, The genta thinks this sport is nonsense but I would not want to see you again bandaged and in the hospital while crying because you could not move your leg or because your mind had made you think that you were not perfect for this sport and skipped meals or hours of sleep»
"It won’t happen again Chan, now I go home and make a good hot ramen and a nice hot shower to get all this sweat away and sleep until tomorrow morning at 10" Chan smiled at you and brought the bag until you were under your apartment
«Take care of yourself Y/n, and if you do not ask your roommate to prepare a nice basin of hot water for your feet and make ramen, Every time I get videos of Heeseung on Twitch or Tik Tok always has a bowl of ramen" the smiles and when you came in you raised your eyes, God because everyone saw Heeseung as the perfect boy and not as a loser who spent hours and hours playing those stupid games.
When you entered the apartment scientists immediately it was cold enough for your taste and on the sofa there was Heeseung who was watching a TV series to your great surprise he wasn’t playing any of those games and this thing made you alarmed because he always spent the evening At least 3 hours to laugh with his friends. Perhaps he had understood that you needed a good evening without hearing him giggle or hear from his headphones moans of zombies just killed or guns.
"Why aren’t you playing? Don’t tell me that all your friends have you pulled little and you have no one here to shoot or play" Heeseung raised his eyes and continued to eat and pay attention to the TV series he had put on the TV.
"Hey nerd, you listening? why is it so cold in here I’m going to ask you again why you’re not in your room?" Heeseung suddenly stood up and stood in front of you, you hadn’t looked at how he was dressed and had two sweatshirts and some sweatpants that he never wore inside the apartment because it usually made more than 20 degrees but now it must have been just over 10 degrees.
«The heating system of the whole building is out of use for a couple of hours and before the day after tomorrow will not be adjusted Barbie, for that you see me dressed so stuffed. You’ll have to take a cold shower today or you could call some of your friends and get them to host you» You jumped onto the sofa and made yourself slightly tiny in Heeseung’s eyes
"today is a day to forget in the sense of the word, I did not pass an exam and at Cheerliding I made mistakes I do not know how many steps I would just like to take a nice hot shower, eat some good ramen and put myself to bed warm" Heeseung looked at you and you made him a little pity where the girl had gone always exuberant, cheerful and that played music to the ball and that danced for everything?
«Relax for the ramen I can think of it, I am a master in doing so and if you want I can heat water and put it in baccinelle. I know it won’t be as relaxing as taking a shower with a full hot water shower but at least you can wash yourself and get rid of the sweat from your training»
Heeseung a little amazed and speechless, I did so with my head and you watched Heeseung prepare the ramen for you and even put an egg to you to be seasoned more.
«Here is the ramen, I hope you like it you would have made it with more ingredients but it’s been 2 days that I did not go to the grocery. Now.. Yes, I’ll make you some hot water and bring it to the bathroom. Come and see me when you’re done and leave the dish that I washed» You were seriously surprised by this version of Heeseung, is it not that maybe he suffered from some kind of bipolar disorder? Or was this the real Heeseung that everyone loved?
When you finished eating you went to the bathroom and prepared 4 basins of boiling water in the sink you had also put on a plush over-stuffed sweatshirt and a small smile formed, what is happening to Heeseung because he was so good today with you?
The shower with the basins had not you relaxed at all but at least you were washed and no longer had that smell of sweat, when you left Heeseung was no longer on the sofa, you wanted to thank him for both food and hot water and then knocked on his door.
"Heeseung" From the inside, you heard the familiar sound of the keyboard and a few nervous clicks of the mouse. And you heard his answer distractedly because he was concentrating on some computer calculations
«Yes? What is it?»
You entered without waiting for an invitation and crossed your arms for the cold. God, why is it so cold in this house? You wanted to ask Heeseung to share the bed so you could at least stay close and get a little warm but we are always talking about Heeseung the guy who loved to tease you and make you go crazy. Heeseung looked up, noticing his oversized t-shirt and his sweatshirt on the girl in front of him, he would never admit it but you with his clothes made him feel things that he should not think about you, He always wanted to see you with his things and a side of possessiveness intruded into his body. The sight of you made him swallow noisily, but he strove to keep a neutral expression.
"I wanted to thank you for the food and the hot water... I thought maybe we could share the bed. Just to keep warm. Just for this evening, I called my parents and they told me that tomorrow morning the technician will come. In my room it freezes so I thought to ask you" You had a fake smile shy, you wanted to absolutely embarrass him as he did while playing together with those stupid horror games
Heeseung opened his eyes wide and his mouse slipped out of his hand. God wanted to put him in awe
«what?! I don’t trust you at all Y/n, I know that after making you scared with that game you want to crash me» You raised your eyes to the sky, as if it were the most normal thing in the world, man this guy had understood you immediately but you kept insisting
"Oh, relax. It’s not an indecent proposal. Except that I would never do anything with you, you’re not my type Heeseung. It’s pure survival. We’ll freeze both or keep company and sleep together and warm up a little"
Hee rubbed his neck, embarrassed. He has no idea how to respond. Share the bed with Y/n, the most popular girl she knows. He’s never even been this close to a cheerleader... and now he has to share a bed but the thing that pissed him off was that phrase that said he wasn’t his type at all. Who wanted Y/n in his life? a stupid boy who made him feel nothing or he who always teased her and had seen how she reacted when she sat between her legs that was a little embarrassed also.
Heeseung moved nervously to make room on the bed, trying not to think too much about it as she tucked herself under the duvet with disarmingly natural ease. Y/n sat down next to him and made his feet touch his legs against his
"You’re made of wood, you know? Don’t tell me it’s the first time you've slept or that you’re in bed with a girl, nerd" you joked with Hee to embarrass him a little
«Sorry, I don’t share my bed every day with some girl»
"Really? You wouldn’t know it, you can even admit that you’ve never slept with someone you know" he slowly grinds, moving closer.
Heeseung was definitely tired from the constant grip of the cheerleader so he took off his sweatshirt because he was definitely dying from the heat in that situation and he lay down in bed and spread his legs a little because he did not want to feel Y/n’s legs intertwined with his. Y/n had leaned with an arm and was absorbing it and without thinking embraced the piece of wood next to her and a scent of citrus and spices invaded his nose, Heeseung seriously had a slender body but at the same time toned and felt from the shirt that he had strong abs, not bad for a nerd!
«Y/n, what did you take me for? for your giant teddy bear that you have in your room?» You laughed because even if you could not stand it sometimes it was nice to be in his company.
"Mmm, no my teddy is definitely sweeter and nicer than you, nerd. I’m hugging you because I’m cold and your temperature is too hot to not have the heat on" Heeseung ran his hands through his hair and turned off the lights, for a couple of minutes he no longer heard Y/n speak, and thought she had fallen asleep but before talking about the devil they sprang horns, felt the cold fingers of Y/n go under the shirt and roll them up their bare abs, He felt little shivers all over his body and cursed the heating not working.
«Y/n, stop it I know what game you are playing with me, I will not fall into your trap» you started to laugh even if he had turned off the light could imagine that he had slightly red cheeks and definitely had that super cute grumpy. You also put your other hand on its narrow waist and tried to go a little lower but a strong hand stopped you and now you had your arm over your head and Heeseung slightly above you holding himself with one arm.
«I repeat it again Y/n, I have all the cards in hand to pottery beat, if you are in need of attention go to your friend's football players, or swimmers with whom you do evening but not with me because otherwise, I could ruin you in an instant» You snorted and shoved Heeseung into the other side of the bed and you sunned yourself with your shoulders turned to him. "Sooner or later you will lose Heeseung, and I know for certain that it will be me who will make you lose your head" A small smile formed on your lips before you fell asleep.
Heeseung woke up a little later that morning, you were out of bed, you had gone to study somewhere or to work out. When he went into the bathroom and looked back he started to ride but I swore in all the languages of the world because you had left him a red lipstick stain with your lips engraved on his cheek and the more he tried to send away that joke, the harder it was to remove.
That Saturday went all wrong, the university football team had lost badly and even the show you had prepared to make the majors identify you as suitable to take the place of captain was a mess. Some freshmen had it all wrong and you were seriously pissed off and wanted to just smash yourself in ice cream and finally spend hours under the jet of boiling water they had repaired.
When you came in, you slammed the door of the apartment, with a face tense from anger. You dropped your bag on the floor with a thud. It had been a nightmare day. During the show before the match, a couple of girls continued to make you miss all the shots, and the coach took it with you in front of everyone because if you wanted to become the captain you had to be perfect and able to support also freshman line.
You were about to head for your room when you heard laughter coming from the living room. Heeseung’s familiar voice is clearly distinguished, and also that of Sunghoon one of his closest friends who was skating, and there was also another athlete Jungwon but along with them, there was also a girl. Y/n stood on the threshold, crossing his arms.
On the two chairs, there were Hoon and Jungwon, instead Heeseung was sitting with legs apart, bent forward to look at the screen and see how he smiled or squinted at Heeseung. She was way too close. She had Sunghoon in the same room who was one of the most beautiful guys I’d ever seen, but no she was attached to Hee.
"Well, look at that, our gamer has found someone who gives him a go," you commented in a deliberately sharp tone.
All turned to her. Heeseung seemed surprised, but he recovered immediately and saw that it was past 10 in the evening so the game had ended a long time ago. «Hey, Barbie. Difficult day? don’t tell me that the football team lost» he asked, with a smirk, and raised your eyes to the sky.
"Oh, don’t worry about me. It seems like you’re having enough fun already."
The girl next to Hee laughed, and for some reason, that sound irritated you more than it should have. <<If you want I can leave my place Y/n>> says Jungwon with a genuine smile, man how much gold would have paid to have as a roommate a person like Jungwon always nice and sociable with everyone that loser from Heeseung?
"No, no, quiet Jungwon I’m going to take a nice hot shower and some healthy skincare for my skin. I already greeted you all because I don’t know when I’ll get out of that bathroom" You went to the bathroom and felt the look of Heeseung in your body covered only by a shabby skirt and a light sweatshirt but you scrolled away all the slacks with a nice warm bath.
After almost two hours you left the bathroom in your pajamas and at the door, Heeseung’s friends were getting ready to go home, you were preparing a calming herbal tea but you watched the first girl named Luna greet Heeseung with a hug and then with a shy kiss on the cheek. That scene made you even more angry against the world, from what point did you get annoyed by girls around that nerd?
"Really, Heeseung? Bring people here without telling me? And then that girl... who the hell was she? We agreed that when I had a show when I came home I wanted to be at peace"
Heeseung stood in the middle of the living room, an eyebrow raised but with a funny look
«Does it bother you that I had friends here? What should I say when you take your best friends to make your beautiful pajamas that scream or speak of everyone or is it only Luna who has bothered you because you have always made enough friends with all my friends?» You looked at the nerd in front of you and crossed your arms.
"Don’t be smart. I hate that you don’t even have the decency to tell me when you bring people. Aren’t we roommates?"
Hee barely smiled, a smile that seemed to know long.
«You and I are roommates, so why do you seem so... jealous and upset by the presence of Luna?» You looked at him furiously, approaching a few steps.
"Me? Jealous? Of you? Don’t make me laugh, you know you’re not my type."
«Then why are you so agitated?» he replied, standing up to approach you. Heeseung not only looked beautiful but also his height was perfect, you always liked tall guys and he with his 1.83 compared to your 1.65 was overtaking you. You felt the tension grow between you two. you approached again and pushed it slightly with a hand on your chest.
"Maybe because I can’t stand when you’re bragging about your "friends," I saw how comfortable you were and how you flirted with her. You pretend to be the "good guy" of the situation but we all know that underneath you love seeing girls lost for you"
Heeseung looked at you for a few seconds, then shook his head with an incredulous grin.
«You know what? You’re unbearable when you do that, what is it you want to always be the center of attention barbie? the world does not only revolve around you»
"Oh, stop it, you’re so annoying from the first day that I set foot in here with your little smirk cheeky" you answered with your face now a few inches from his.
Heeseung was definitely tired of your spoiled behavior and even as a child he did the last thing he expected to do but he wanted so much to silence you and put you in your place. You felt yourself by the wrists and Heeseung gently slammed you against the island of the small kitchen.
«Stop» he said in a rock and still voice. You looked at him wide-eyed, ready to reply, but the words stuck in your throat when he leaned over and kissed you. The kiss is initially decided, almost to silence you, but then it becomes sweeter as if he was also surprised by his own boldness. You were slightly still for a moment then you relaxed and carried your arms around his neck and brought him closer to you. You felt his big hands under your ass and in a few moments he made you lean on the kitchen island and began to kiss you again or not devour you «Fuck, the only way to make you shut up is this Barbie? , if I knew it before I would have made you quiet in other ways, Y/n» You absolutely wanted to reply but when it detached from your lips he plunged to give light kisses around the clavicle until reaching your neck, a little moan came out of your lips when it began to torture you a small section of your neck under the ear, you felt that it was licking and then biting. Your coach would kill you if she saw some suckers but at that moment you were too much at the mercy of Heeseung and what he made you try; "Hee, stop torturing me I can’t be seen with a" You did not stop talking that you sucked strongly another area of your neck and pulled as much as possible his hair.
What you were doing was absolutely nothing normal but you felt too excited to stand between him, you felt Hee come even closer to you and you perceived its hard length in the pants of the suit she wore, You tried to approach him and touch him but he took your arm and brought it back to the shed.
«I don’t give a fuck if your coach tomorrow sees you with some pacifiers and don’t try to touch me, I don’t let the bad girls put their hands on me, and this evening you were a bad girl rather you behaved like a child and spoiled» You felt the big hand of Heeseung to slightly bloom your pants and felt your panties slightly wet and Heeseung had an expression that you had never seen perhaps victory? His hands made little circles over your pajamas but never took them off because in his eyes you were definitely a bad girl that night without thinking touched your pussy and stimulated you until you felt that from there you would come like a loser with both pants and panties around, You leaned on him and when you felt that you were coming to the climax but he detached and looked at you with all red cheeks.
"It can’t be, you’re really an asshole Heeseung" Heeseung looked at you with a grin and whispered to you «We are already 2-0 for me Barbie, when will you start to understand that with me you’ll burn yourself?» You watched him drink a glass of water and then go to his room as if he had not almost made you come in your underwear and as if you did not exist.
It was a week after those kisses, either Y/n tried in any way to avoid Heeseung and the thing was mutual with him as well. His best friends Jay and Jake had invited him to the last half-season game and with him were Hoon, and Jungwon, But he did not realize that before the game there was the show of the Cheerleaders and in front of his eyes there was Y/ n who was warming with other dancers both male and female. He watched her carefully trying to do a handless somersault and after a few seconds Chan one of the best and most famous dancers on the entire campus took her by the hips and made her lightly jump off the ground and put it over his shoulder, He knew that Y/n was good because she spent hours and hours training but did not think that she had so much charisma and ease to make such a lot of acrobatic. Heeseung looked away from the beautiful cheerleader for a moment and saw Sunoo take it back and give him a hint with his thumb.
"Why are you filming Y/n?" Sunoo looked at the oldest boy in the group with a smile and continued recording
<<I’m making some content for her team’s tik tok and Instagram profile, she asked me the day before yesterday when I saw her in the library>> Heeseung looked at Y/n smiled at Chan, and hugged him slightly, Why did you ask Sunoo to be your little filmmaker and not him who lived on technology? And then why did he embrace Chan so often, relationships between athletes were forbidden but a sense of jealousy took hold in Heeseung, and watched from the edge Y/n field that he was fixing his makeup.
Y/n for her knew that Heeseung was watching her since she had left the locker room but she would not give him his attention for anything in the world because he was seriously an asshole.
<<Your favorite nerd can not take his eyes off you for 20 minutes and is throwing me some hateful looks as if he tried to kill me with an axe or a virtual gun>> You wake up to the joke of Chan and you squatted to pretend to lace your shoes and sunflowers Heeseung’s head and eyes were watching you and you saw him turn all red when you caught him looking at your ass even though it was barely covered by a short skirt the smiles and I made the mark of 2 with my hands because he was still ahead between you two but in added a 1 because even if he did not want to admit it would also sacrifice a game of those stupid tournaments to have you and to make you his, He winked and was petrified to watch you enter the locker room to give the charge to everyone and to start the show before the half-year game.
The game ended in a beautiful victory and you came home to take a quick shower, put on makeup, and dress up for the winter party. When you entered the house there was nobody and it seemed so boring and at the same calm, there were no screams of Heeseung, the laughter of his friends, There were no sounds of gunshots or moans of evil characters and this thing made you a little bit sorry you didn’t want to admit it but by now you were used to all that mess and see the apartment empty and without the blue lights of the computer or smart tv, you put a little sadness. When you left the bathroom you felt a delicious smell coming from the kitchen and at that moment you did not think that Heeseung could return so soon, You went to the kitchen, and Heeseung when he saw you dressed as you were, looked at you with a furious look but at the same time, he saw that it was hard to take your eyes off of how he wrapped your short skirt, a light crop top sweater and on your feet you had black loafers with ankle warmers.
«Where do you think you are going dressed like that? you studied all this morning and this afternoon you trained and not even two hours ago you blew up I don’t know how many times, It’s not better to ask for a break from your body and stay at home» watch Heeseung from the mirror you had at the entrance of the apartment with a grin and sprayed a little perfume and set up your cheerleader bow in your straight hair
"Wow, someone’s in a bad mood didn’t you like the show or the game? I’m going to a party. You know, those social things that normal people do for fun, to drink, to chat, or maybe to be in the company of a nice guy or girl!" You squinted at Heeseung and he had his arms crossed to his chest and wouldn’t stop staring at you «I know what Barbie parties are, just don’t understand why you have to dress like..» you approached him and looked at him with a smile, maybe for the first time in your life you had the knife’s handle on your side the nerd in front of you was seriously jealous.
"How what? A girl who knows she’s irresistible and wants to go out and have fun with her friends? How should I dress to go to a party, certainly not with a pair of sweatpants or a sweatshirt" Heeseung looked at you attentively and saw him blush as you pressed your breasts to her strong chest and flushed from that little touch with your body.
"Relax, nerd. I can handle the compliments myself. You don’t need to worry." You took your Chanel bag and went to the door and looked at Heeseung leaning against the wall with that adorable little grumpy and his deer eyes that didn’t leave a moment. " Don’t expect me awake. I might be late or not even come home."
Heeseung when he saw you leaving the house and leaving a sweet scent whispered «Oh, I will wait for you Barbie.»
When you came back to the apartment it was around one and a half at night, I took off my boots and sighing for fatigue went to your room but before entering I saw Heeseung sitting on the bed wiping his hair wet with a cloth, He had just come out of the shower because there was that citrus scent coming out of the bathroom and you raised a eyebrow curious to see him still awake, if you had made it clear to him that he could go to sleep.
"Why are you still awake? Didn’t I tell you not to wait for me? Don’t tell me you were worried about me and that you wanted to see me safely back home without anyone."
«I admit it I was just worried and wanted to see how you yourself said that you would come home with your legs»
"How sweet. I didn’t know you were so protective." You put your bag on the desk and sat down on the edge of the bed watching Heeseung while he rubbed his hair and stared at you with sneaky eyes Your legs were almost completely uncovered and how he showed you the curves especially your breasts that sweater shrunk
«It’s not protectiveness. It’s frustration. I can’t understand why you enjoy teasing everyone... including me. What do you want Y/n?» a small smile came out of your lips and to Heeseung’s surprise you put on horseshoes in his toned legs and carefully dried the hair half gone for how many times he had passed the cloth to dry them while waiting for you
"Am I the one who provokes? One week ago you almost made me come in my pants and then you left like a loser without completing the work." Heeseung tried to put his hands on your hips but you took his big hands and placed them over his chest, "Don’t dare touch me until I tell you, the last time I was acting jealous or maybe like a child but this night you were the loser of the situation that in order not to admit that you wanted me you left me to go to a mega boring party"
You helped Heeseung to take off her shirt and a little whistle came out of your lips "How can you have such a physique and not show it off?" You began to slowly rock over its width felt it under you become harder and harder and you started kissing its neck until you reached below the navel. Heeseung had dreamed of this moment from the first time he saw you enter his apartment, he would never admit it but masturbated even thinking of you and was seriously afraid to come if you would continue to swing with that miniskirt that now let you all the thighs uncovered and saw your black panties in lace.
«I need to hear you somehow or show you that I’m not a loser as you think Y/n, please let me make you feel good and let me finish what I had started; I hate to pause the gaming games the same thing goes for you Barbie» Heeseung with reddish cheeks and eyes half-shiny desire and gently laid you down in his place and bent down to make you feel good, you made the sign to take off your skirt but he did no head and a grin formed in his face «I want to make you come with this skirt of a bad girl and then you will take my dick» you were seriously shocked by Heeseung’s words that you wanted to tease him again but your voice stopped when you felt the fingers slipping into your still-dressed slot and Heeseung’s slightly wet hair buried under your skirt, You jumped at him as you felt his middle finger and ring slide down your pussy while with the other hand, he suddenly took off your panties in a provocative way. He looked at your panties for a moment and then dived back under your skirt and you felt her finger on your palm clit with her thumb. You crave the feeling, of holding tight to his arms, the longer he pleased your clitoris, the sooner you would lose control of yourself and that was what Heeseung wanted, to see you lost to him. And in the end, you were just giving in to what your body wanted: rubbing against that annoying nerd’s hand, you felt his fingers get inside of you for good, and little moans came out of your mouth.
«Fuck love to hear your moans, and groans for me Y/n, make everyone feel who is fucking you and who is ruining only with two fingers inside of you, I can not wait to see you ride my dick and be able to have you finally mine»
You pulled Hee’s hair and small moans came out of your mouth as fast as her fingers went inside you at that moment.
"Hee, I need" fuck was nice to be filled by his long fingers. You felt his fingers curl inside, and you closed your mouth with your hand, afraid to wake up anyone who was sleeping. Annoyed, Heeseung pulled his hand away from you and admired you as you had your mouth open, hair in his bed, and were standing up for him and not one of those stupid athletes who came after you.
«Come for me baby, don’t be shy» felt that you taunted your clitoris again and came moaning again the name of Heeseung, The nerd under your skirt slowly tasted the mess that had caused you and tasted your shiny white cum that polished your pussy. When he got up he looked at you and leaned to give you a little kiss on the forehead «Good girl», after a while you got your arms around Heeseung’s neck and kissed him with a hunger for him and pushed him back into bed and rode over him to his cock.
"I need you Heeseung" The guy in front of you interrupted the kisses you were giving and looked at you with a shy and sincere smile, «Fuck tell me that I’m not dreaming Y/n, it’s months that I want you close around me, for me this is not a game Y/n» You smiled at Heeseung and took off the light sweater you had and the boy in front of you cheeks turned red and took off your breast-holder with nonchalance and immediately took a bud from your breast and with the other hand held you and tickled the other breast.
"Not for me either Hee this is a game, I want it" A little moan came out of you when he sucked slightly your nipple and a little spit went down your left breast repeated this thing also with the other. You really needed him so you lowered his pants and at the same time boxer shorts and saw his cock semi-erect, caressed him slowly but after a while you started to pump him slightly, It was beautiful to see him swearing under the sensation of your warm hand, slowly pumping it and observing the way his tip leaked copiously liquid.
«I thought of you I don’t know how many times in these months in this exact position...» mumbles, slightly shivering, «please Y/n, I need you» A little laugh came out from your lips, you had never seen Heeseung in this state and it was only thanks to you.
"You know we’re tied right now Heeseung, you seem so desperate for me right now. If you want fuck me”. he sent you a charming smile before pulling down your hips with that slutty skirt still on you; he wheezes sweetly at the feeling of your pussy flying around her tip, already able to feel your exhaling excitement before you finally slowly sink over him.
"Fuck, oh shit Hee" You were seriously ecstatic by the length of Heeseung inside you, and slowly you moved to let it in and out so that your bodies lined up and went at a rhythm.
«God you are so tight» You felt his big hands under your ass and brought you even closer to him and you put your hands over his back to ride it harder. «Who is fucking you so well, Barbie?» You felt again his thumb rub your wet pussy as you took his cock up on the ground and hit exactly your G-spot to make you moan his name. " You, Hee, only you Heeseung"
Heeseung began to leave open-mouthed kisses along the column of your throat, climbing up, climbing up until finally reaching your ear, leaving a kiss behind it before whispering: «You are mine and from this moment I will not share you with anyone»
By the time he pushed back in you could already feel the tears ticking your eyes: you’re loud and cheeky in your sounds as he starts hammering you again because he knows it’s coming soon and he wanted to feel your body again, you felt your back curl from the way Hee’s hand started to rub your clitoris again, you could only groan softly for feeling, Allowing him to play with you as if you were his own game or even worse his favorite toy.
"Hee, I’m close."
«Come for me Barbie, I want to feel and see you with my sperm in all your beautiful pussy that right now is taking my cock»
Finally allows herself to come inside you, you can hear Hee sibilate softly for the sensation, triggering her orgasm while you whimper for all the sensations you had experienced thanks to that loser of your roommate. You’re hot and full to the point that it’s already started to leak out, and Heeseung swears he’s never seen a better show, and you’re burying your head in the hollow of your neck.
You felt Hee give you a little kiss on the head and then on the forehead and put you lying in her bed and after a few seconds of silence she went to get you some warm clothes and cleaned you from her cum and put you her clean boxers and her crumpled nerd t-shirt and brought you to my bride in your bed, Your cheeks were seriously all red and maybe you were also agitated because now things would go with him?
When he put you under the covers you saw him lay an arm around your waist and look at you smiling softly move a rebellious tuft from your face around your ear give you a light kiss on the cheek and lay down with his head leaning close to your neck and crossed your legs. You were seriously surprised by his attitude but maybe underneath he also felt emotions like a classic twenty-year-old boy and you embraced him a little timidly because you had never seen this act of Heeseung.
«We are 3-2» You started again with your joke but in your head, you were 2-2.
"What did I do this time to get you back in the game? It seems we are still 2-2" You felt his nose close to your neck and started laughing, he did not want to admit but for him that three were you. He would be able to skip a session of video game tournaments to make you happy and maybe he was falling in love with you but he would never admit it if you didn’t do it first, because the weak point of the situation was him not you.
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