#just pick up a pencil and paper
triaelf9 · 8 months
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So I stumbled across THIS atrocity at the bookstore yesterday when I was looking for actually USEFUL books.
So a couple things. A: the image on the cover, As we might expect, the hand is fucked up, What is going on with the jacket sleeve, who knows, just at a glance.
B: Wasn't the whole point of this garbage to make it so ANYONE could do it? Why are they selling you a book that teaches you how to write prompts? Doesn't that defeat the entire purpose, having to spend money and time to learn how to do it?
C: Again, back to that picture "no really, buy this book, and learn how to draw a hand with 3 and...a half? fingers! Clothing that makes no sense!
And then, of course, you realize what the trick is, it's like all the other snake oil situations "don't go to the doctor, buy my all natural organic $50 shit drink that'll cure you!" "it's a problem that you can't own digital art, here are these NFTs that'll solve this problem I JUST MADE UP and now you can pay to solve that solution!" Just now it's "art is elitist and out of reach, but now there's 'AI" so how you win is to buy this book I made to teach you how to get better at using MY program that I made to solve a problem that DIDN'T EXIST"
Anyway, wtf.
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skullsemi · 8 months
MY turn for an ask, buddy! So with Gladstone and Mortimer you have the makings of another trio— someone who is friends with both of them (begrudgingly or otherwise) so I’m curious! Who would be their Goofy?
That is a great question, and honestly? I can't really see anyone that would fit the bill and I think that is because these two have so many things in common already that it's hard to find someone else just alike
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localapparently · 1 year
/ orv epilogue spoilers
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Kim Dokja's Company
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scrimblyscrorblo · 6 months
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Parenting Advice
Sorry if my handwriting is a lil’ hard to read, I intended to use print and not cursive and immediately forgot the moment my pen touched the paper TT
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alumort · 1 year
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color pencil guinea pigs
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camping-with-monsters · 9 months
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lmfao someone who commissioned AI generated images from Bing and tagged them as “fanart” tried to follow me, an actual digital artist. Blocked.
#Newsflash: pressing buttons on Bing to make it chop up and mash together images from the internet does not make you an artist#I wouldn’t have a problem with it if the process were ethical#and it picked from a specific database of work the artists consented to be uploaded to the mainframe#That would be fine; I’d participate in that and give it art to see what it cranks out#But I still wouldn’t call the end result art#I’d call it… computer fever dream#Only after AI gains sentience can you call its work art#AI right now is awful#same with filters and all convenience-centric low-effort means of so-called “creation”#It’s just a vehicle to let lazy anti-intellectuals with egos too large for their skill sets boast about how creative they are#at the expense of the people who actually put in the blood sweat and tears to create things#It reminds me of those kids in school who called themselves nerds when they weren’t interested in learning at all#and actively picked on the real nerds with unconventional interests#Sorry but no. You’re not smarter than everyone else and you’re not fooling anyone; if you want skills you have to work for it#Don’t say you’re skilled when you’re not even trying to be; it’s genuinely offensive to those who do try at any skill level#Full offense#I don’t have a problem with people who use certain types of AI for humor or describing what something they saw looks like#but I do have a problem with people taking credit they don’t deserve#No you’re not an artist if you only use AI#pick up a pencil and put it to paper
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ozymoron · 2 years
istg they better invent printers that can pick up on my light as pencil right the fuck now
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zekkopunks · 2 years
I wish that every ai art bro is forced to sit down and draw with paper and pencil everyday for the rest of their life
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ghoul-haunted · 2 years
this tweet, only instead of vulnerability I think I've just tipped right over into 'come at me motherfucker' territory because of how soul suckingly devoid of any desire this AI bullshit is
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misteria247 · 2 years
I'd just realized that it's been almost half a decade since I've like actually sat down and drawn something.
Hahahahahaha adulthood-
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toasted-buguette · 29 days
Hi is there like,, learning resources for artists who have been at this for a while and self taught themselves entirely the wrong way and now feel like they have to start over from scratch in order to draw the way a person should but can't stand how infantilizing some of the actual art advice/learning materials meant for beginners is?
Asking for a friend.
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pyr0cue · 8 months
Yeah anyway it just makes me sad that so many people have grown to think ai will grow to be better at art and expression and storytelling than real people just because it is cheaper. Nothing will make me sadder than seeing the “future of art is ai” after I have spent years collecting poems in a google doc that I love and hours practicing art so i can fully express myself how I want to and so much time seeking out art and artists. I can’t quite put into words how ai art makes me feel, how the argument that it makes art ‘accessible’ when it already is accessible makes me feel. To see people have so little passion for their creations that they refuse to spend any time learning it, letting an object bred from the passion of artists make it for them. No insight, no thought, just a prompt and a picture. All because it is cheaper than real human hands.
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raycatzdraws · 9 months
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"Are you hearing this, Smithy?"
A bit from an unfinished abandoned animatic.
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Not going to share all of the draft atm because I do intend, HOPEFULLY, TO FINISH THE FANCIER VERSION ONE DAY!!! any guesses to what the audio is?
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I wasn't expecting such a timely upload, but happy fourth everyone!! Here's the Dungeon Meshi print I RUSHED to finish before attending JAFAX artist alley last month! The whole gang's having a courtyard pool party.
I just put this print on my Bigcartel store! Here's the link if you're interested.
Ramble and uncolored pencil version below:
Because of the time crunch, I had a lot of moments where I felt like something needed tweaking, or i had an idea, but I dismissed it because I didn't have much time. I wish senshis skin was a little darker/warmer. I think it got washed out with the yellow overlay layers, and I didn't really realize until it was too late :/
Also, I thought it might be cute was having a crown somewhere in the scene. Cuz this is supposed to be a post canon thing, and it would be a cute nod to them still getting together and doing fun things after Laois becomes king. And I even thought that the pillow below Chilchuck would be a cute place for it, because it's close enough to be noticeable, and a pillow would make sense, AND Chilchuck would be perfect to guard it with his good ears. But I already shaded it in, and that paper was a huge ass pain. (it was paper made for relief prints. I found it in my old art school stuff. Thought it would be good for drawing on. It was Not.) The paper would've flaked all over the place if I erased it. But at least it makes for a good place to sign the print!
I haven't seen the anime, but I read the manga, and it was really quite enjoyable. The world building is positively sublime, and the characters and their interactions? *chefs kiss* Here's hoping I'll have time to pick up the anime too.
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my-beloved-lakes · 9 months
My little sister just said I have a very distinctive way of drawing shoulder muscles😂
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