#its such a misconception that you cant draw
zekkopunks · 2 years
I wish that every ai art bro is forced to sit down and draw with paper and pencil everyday for the rest of their life
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candy8448 · 29 days
This post by @bokettochild basically sums up all my thoughts perfectly, so go read that for the more in depth stuff i was thinking but not bithered to type out (:/) but also some extra:
Enterance pt3
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Legend rubbing the back of his head, usually links do that when nervous, embarrased or they grazed a sensitive topic. Not ne looking too deep into a hand movement but... kohilint owl?
Also i adore that owlan reference XD sky looks so silly!
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Aww i love them all, turning around instantly to protect (you can also see who draws their swords first) (I love the dot eyes so so much) (also the art looks so cute!)
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Oooooh the perspective on this pannel (i wanna use it as drawing ref)
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(Legend looks so happy !! When he saved the fairy and its so cute)
Also can i say how GORGEOUS the fairy looks in this update? That pink colour on the blue is STUNNING!
Also them using more interesting parts of their arsenal now (like discussed in dawn part 8) with the magic powder, fairy food (and legend mentioning the magic boomerang) is so exciting! :D!
(Also callback to dawn part 8, secrets like wolfie get in the way. The divine dark reflections situation is having an effect like hyrule (and wars?) thinking the owl statues are forest spirits when they are just twi controlling them. Also made wars think that the dungeon isnt hostile because of this and that is dangerous, (like in hw when he got the master sword). Time did say to keep their guard up still, but that misconception could be costly.
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Wind trying to catch the fairy in a bottle (i didnt notice the bottle until my third read if this update) and wars being like "no, food time :D" and wind being to short compared to wars to reach XD
(Wars' goober lil face. He is adorable)
Important!: the chain have a fairy now!
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Hyrule cackling at Four's absolute missery
Other pannel appreciation: (i dunno, i just like them)
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I love how cartoony the jojo's style has been going recently, i gobble that stuff right up >:)
(Blue is deffo popping up)
(I so cant wait to see who is going to split off with who)(still really want leg and wars to be paired together, though i feel jojo would make legend pair up with sky :/)
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stellawolfearts · 1 year
Proshippers are not welcome on my blog. End of story.
My Nezha oc
Boundries for my Nezha OC included--
just dont be fuckin' wierd.
No shipping. None at all. no
He's a child, forever. Mah boi aint growing- so respect that or its instant block.
I have my personal Nezha media interpretation/OC. I made him and he is eternally 12. That does not mean I believe Nezha the mythological god is twelve because he's not, that is a misconception
Nezha is a mythological god, and thier interpretations across different pieces of ancient lituriture, thier statues, their representations vary depending on where you are...
The adult side of Nezha is just as important as his child side and to ignore one is disrespectful to him as a whole. it is okay and valid to have Nezha as an adult in Media just like they've had him as a child.
But you cant just look at one and say that is his entire representation. That one interpretation is the only form Nezha can have within his worship.
My Nezha oc is just that, a media interpretation, so DO NOT refer to him for any completely accurate info on his mythologies. I have taken creative liberties.
so with that said because my Nezha oc is a child, please do not ship him with anyone. (he's also Aroace)
the child headcanon is cute but please remember it is a headcanon and anyone who thinks differently regarding Nezhas age is completely valid in doing so.
I would suggest referring to this user for some very good and useful Nezha info.
What programs do you use?
Clip studio-full illustrations/detailed comics/animations
procreate-doodles/low detailed comics
obs-streaming and recording
DaVinci-video editing
Whens the next part of _____ coming out?
No idea dude, life is insane so whenever i get to it
can i request___?
Nope i dont take requests if i end up writing or drawing something for an ask someone gave me its soley bc i wanted to and felt like it.
what tablet do you use?
ipad and stylus, gaomon 1311
what do you ship/ what ships are you comfy with?
No No ships that make me puke-
Mk/Mei/Redson x any of the monkeys/parental figures. just...just no.EUGH.
fave ships- i will go down with the ship for these pairings, i make content of them and enjoy content made for them
Cool ships- i dont dislike these at all, i think some of them are quite cute and plausible. i enjoy content of them but dont actively ship them/make my own content of them. Mostly bc my own hc's for the characters often negate these ships
Chimerashipping- very cute but i personally cant see red and mei in a romantic relationship. i see them as chaotic siblings
inkypages- its cute but i ship macaque with wukong and tang with pigsy
shadowvenom (is that the name for sq x macaque???)- its nice but doesnt really interest me
dragonfruit- cute, but i see them as chaotic siblings.
I also have no issue whatsoever with Oc X Canon with any of the characters as long as your not being wierd or illegal about it y'now XP.
Oc X Canon is fun. and i fully support it.
The same goes for selfshipping.
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benibevan · 1 year
(this is the second part of a tumblr post version of a video i made click here to see the first post)
and with that lets move on
sans has many ties to science
i dont have much to say about this he just kind of does
here are some examples
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another great example is his fight but that would be way too long
now to papyrus once again
despite what he may seem like papyrus has many ties to science too which most people dont notice
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now lets continue to one of many reasons why this is important
its a suprisingly common misconception that sans remembers timelines but that is false
he seems to guess many things from "your expression" which the human's sprite doesnt show
he also seems to get some info from "reports"
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papyrus also probably knows atleast something about timelines
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if they do or do not know what is going on is up for depate
some may say that papyrus doesnt realize the implications of what he says sometimes and to those people i say go away please
lets move on to a very intresting topic
its more than well known that sans can use something called "shortcuts" which seems to be some form of teleportation
its very noticable to the players and many characters acknowledge it aswell
and yet some people think that papyrus doesnt know about it
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papyrus very clearly knows about it and probably might be able to do it too
here was supposed to be something but i couldnt find it in my folder when i made the video and i still cant find it so nevermind
anyway sans is often depicted as extremly powerfull and papyrus as very weak which is not true
let me tell you a fun fact
papyrus is the only enemy who no matter how hard you try will not kill you
toriel can kill you by accident but papyrus refuses to for some reason
he is so good that he can even do 0 damage when you get hit at 1 hp (or atleast it is coded that way)
most of you probably already knew this but i just wanted to put this in the video and posts just in case someone somehow did not
now lets move on
in many fan works sans is drawn with a constant blue "eye" that makes a fire for some reason
however in the game his "eye" is not constant and only appears sometimes like when he controls gravity to smash you against the walls
also its not only blue instead its blue and yellow and flickers between those two colors
it also doesnt make a fire lol
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this seems way more cool than a fire in my opinion but whatever
it is not known if papyrus has an "eye" like that
but many people draw him with an orange one becus of a popular theory
the theory being that the traits described in the ball game are not only connected to the souls but other things too
such as sans' "eye" which would make it blue for patience and yellow for justice
this theory makes sense and is mostly good
however orange is for bravery and while papyrus is brave there is a trait that fits him better
that trait is integrity
becus he is a good friend stands by his morals and many other reasons
but most significantly integrity is dark blue which is the color he turns your soul to
another thing is that sans has two colors which means papyrus could have both blue and orange and yet people do only orange
and he is also commonly depicted with orange bones which he never used and probably cant use
thats enough of this topic
there is more that i wanted to talk about but editing the video was taking too much time and i needed to go do some other things
i want to make more videos (and posts) on this but right now i think this is enough considering its one of my first right now
so this is where i ended the video and right now am also ending the post
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lode5tars · 2 years
19/11/22 - Saturday Nov 19rd.
went for ice cream with a friend yesterday. it was really tasty, mine was peanut flavored and it really tasted like peanuts bcs the ice cream is like artisanal. it was great. haha while i didnt work, i had a hearty chat with my younger sister. im grateful we can have chats about feelings and worry that we cant have with out parents out of fear of judgement.
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For today:
WORK (start blog skeleton)
clean bathroom
digital workout 31
Day 17: What misconceptions do people have about your area of study? that its simple and that anyone with a pinterest and some photoshop knowledge can do it. you clearly see lackluster and poorly done projects that are tecnically very bad or that have been so long in the market and its just pretty that people just roll with it. i remember someone in a store telling a couple of arquitecture students that design shouldnt really be a major since it was so easy. 'just take an online course isntead' as if the banner of her store wasnt the most hideous logo ive seen for an art supplies shop.
lunluns autumn study challenge
Day 17: What is your favorite thing about having a studyblr blog?
its seriously practical! bcs its online and motivating!! adds a small sense of responsibility to starting my day.
yesterday report:
WORK (star blog design)
pay cellphone bills
going out with a friend
digital drawing challenge day 30
now playing
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its called "Kimini Muchuu" (im crazy about you)
i love this song it gives me the love-hate relationship for a place rooted in a feeling of belonging that grew there from the time you have living in it.
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mindbleeds · 1 year
Notebooks found after flood 12/27/22
Focused on good steps
See how easily your mind can shift
Going from negative and questioning
To authentic sturdy positivity
It seems trivial at times, when really its just a misconception of the value in being/keeping simplicity
A bit past three and there is nobody around. A little fucked up, here silence is the loudest sound. Becoming better and making changes. A bit distraught I am just filling up these lines on these pages. Repeating how im not good enough for him. A sea of thoughts that I am drowingng in. If I told you that things get better then Id be lying. Dont know how to make this all right again, but im trying. When the breeze picks up, I hope to drift away. And when the pain sets in, I hope you choose to stay
Tonight I wont sleep. Keep me awake in your dreams. Tomorrow might give reason as to what this all means. For now, this porch is a santuary. And one more sleepless night reinstills my obscure sanity
Here I stand, commencing a peaceful celebration at the edge of this continent. It happens every single morning and night. 
Mother Nature provides us with moments to remain in
Filled with music, lights, and entertain ment
All we have to do is be present
Give back to her the gift of whole hearted embracement
See the natural beauty of all of earths creations
Surrounding you
And find
Youre one of them as well
We stood at the edge of what we had imagined forever might feel like
We found shelther in a cave where darkness and the cold became our home. We came to love it and came to know what the other on of us was
I couldnt hold these words for you any longer
They all held remnants of so many honeysuckle sunsets
That led to nights of staying up far too late
I thought you werent meant to say things like “sleep well babe” to people that didnt matter
But you do
You did
And so I did
And now all thats left are all of these heavy baskets I was forced to bring in off from the front porch
Sheilding them from getting wet and potentially smearing
In case you might need something from them again
But I need to give them back today
Got to let them go and weave a new basket
All these baskets that are filled with left over remnants of honeysuckle sunsets and pine needle nights
On a foggy beach, misty afternoon. The empty shore goes further than my eyes can see. Footprints from the early risers on their morning beach-jogs. Riddled with craters from heavy raindrops hitting. The ocean is a deeper navy than im used to seeing and its extra foamy. As it washes up it leaves little trinkets along the coast for beach goers to collect and give to loved ones. I come across a shell thats perfectly unweathered. I hold it in my palm for a minute and admire its natural beauty then I toss it back into the ocean and I make a wish
Barefooted where the water washes up and over my unpainted toenails of my tatted foot. Its picturesque the way that I sink in deeper with each rise and drift of the tide. For such a chillu early spring day the water is warm. On the horizon cargo ships move along. I always wonder what they are carrying and where its going to. I wonder if people think the same things as I do. A few people pass by, they simple and I smile too. 
I move a little ways from the water and up onto a lifeguard tower. From here I can see the city through the fog. I stay here for a while until I remember my peace. Long enough for the mist to go away and for teh gaurds to tell me Ive got to go. I breathe in the salty air. And draw a picture in the sand. Wash mu feet before I get to the parking lot, and into my car. A quiet drive back to shleter and my bed. Tonight I will rest easy. Thanks to the ocean once again
Greedy eyes better look away. See how they long to step inside my mind without an invitation and I cant break from the state of flux im in where I am drowning out all distractions and building up this creative vision
Grateful just to be livin unlimited and elevated. Forming word clusters resonating with my soul of an indigo hue vibrating higher feel what I can do
Laying it down. Countless times. Consider this a refresher
Let the beauty come pouring out. Long enough it has been running through my veins. Undneath all this pain a sparkle remained in both of my eyes on the most unexpected of days, it became known again. It was that little bit of magic that kept me and still keeps me going. 
To know that in the midst of everything, magic can happen, wounds heal, grace saves, and it is possible for something liek you to search so deep within yourself- not to find any sort of answer but to discover further and more in depth who you are and what you are here to bring to the world. So that in everything you do it is eveyrhitng you are. And you do it so humbly even angels admire it. You are waking up into something more
Connected surpassing all the times I felt neglected
You’re here, right?
Say you rage so hard, right?
Time to put that mentality to the test
Im the neutral party here
Youre the one who’s working the show
Im living and listening
Gotta vent? Get it out
Trying to just shove it all on me? Cut that shit now
Look twice
But dont question even once
Actually really living without regrets
Giving zero fucks, actually
Few are capable of handling me
My ppl know when to leave it alone
And I give it back ten fold their direction
See I show up
Not only for you regularly
But also for me
But look how I radiate
Sit back and question
How could I do it any other way
Than this one
This right here counts
Real is what matters
Theyll turn to view the artist
Find goodness and beauty along the way
Seeking it out 
On display 
In a gloomy distraught place
New creators will find their voices
Visionaries will be forced to adjust in the shift
Into alignment with natures message
Theyll be the ones who interpret it
This is what we need
To feel lonely, overwhelmed
Totally clueless about what will happen
For somewhere in that. Fear and desparation
We are bound to discover a newfound hope
So feel what youre feeling
Stay plugged in
Take breaks and remember to
I know we will get to a better tomorrow eventually
Rest now
Take it one day at a time 
Sure, youre inside
But are you going to look outside of yourself or go and lock the front door
Look out your window and feel lucky enough to have shelter?
Will it all go back to normal like ti was or is this our chance to redefine normal”? Will you let the anxieties of being completely not in control define and dictace your days or can you pause to know every person is feeling thatanxiety to varying degrees? Wake up to the goodness buried in there
(About 2020)
Sit down take a secodn feel the ground take a breath in and hold it still 1 2 3 4 now let it out
Its a mystery whats left to come thats why I love it
I let myself fall deeply into some of the most unassuming moments
Wouldnt call it something beautiful but theres something great about it
It doesnt happen on purpose
Its only real to me when it unintentionally happens
Force makes it feel fake
This is the push of the universe. Im reciebing gifts I dont deserve
Writing about what im feeling is probably good
Putting it into words- I tend to jump and overanalyze/. Theres a pandemic happening and somehow I dont feel all that panicked- its odd but this isnt about me
Speak only when its time to say checkmate
Write in silence
Gotta let me
E s c a p e 
Into that void
This empty space
No time
Total lack of linear structure
Where I find
Whats incomprehendable to a simple mind
All I know is that this one thing right here
She does the work and does whats right. Reads up on Jesus to celebrate easter with her family respectfully though to the norm (nam?) she respectfully declines. heartwarmth she is the buddha in the studio. 
Run it. Make me ratchet. Make it crave it till I ask please can I have it
He settles for what he can take
All that he makes
Gets swept away
Hes always running towards heartbreak
Cause its his own
Hes out to shake
She wants so badly to let him in
Hes wearing thing
Her chest caves in
And so does his
One final leap
Today begins
Golden beams hit my body 
Shadows on my ribs
Craters and waves
The ocean, my soft skin
When its broken down be motivated by the sounds - like how when it stops in the surroundings- still we create- loud
Containment makes it worse
Theyre like “do this”
Meanwhile im trying to explain how hard it is to write relevantly but how easy it is to write about a bathroom door
Now that Ive found him there is no sense In making myself be grounded
Know that when its forever
It just keeps getting better
I tried to wrap my head around coincidenece
Couldnt make sense of it
Then I met him
The calm of letting things go
Breathing, feeling, living and feeling whole on my own
Its all because he found me
So many weights disappeared and were lifted
I sort of always knew that Im gifted
Searching for that gifts purpose
Could I return it? 
Give it back to the betterment of whatever is left thats still good?
When I come back
I reiterate
It isnt over yet
Matter of face
This is only jsut the start
Soo ill take on my role
Quite literally play my part
Selfish as it seems from your perspective
This is always for you
Not me
Fade away into Neverland
Wild dreams that speak
Are filtered
Outrageous thoughts
Deemed too controversial
Well im craving an uproar
Desiring the upside down 
Pray that we lose all sense of normal
To be forced into a new right side up
Maybe then 
People change
Maybe then
Weve still got a fighting chance
To make this a better place
When its my turn to speak
Listen from a “all the past is erased” point of view
Im here to say
We can make it happen
Youve got to be with me the whole way
Is the ceiling caving in or is it exploding?
Feeling weightless yet grounded in the moment
I lost track of all the days last week
I think
That Ive got no clue what im even really thinking
But when im just feeling like this
It feels so right to just go with it
I move
Are you with me
Pray you dont ever forget
Its me who is in charge 
Of the pace of this
The ebbs and flows
The waves youve been riding
Thats all me
Always will be
Always has been
There is no next step
There is only here
There is only now
Just this moment
To take up residency in
At a table
Surrounded by a bunch of tall grass
And weeds
The light is shining down, you can see it really clearly
The river thats ahead is canopied by trees and the birds on all the wispy branches are out there singing the songs that they sing
I am intricately interwoven 
Into this tapestry of life
Some days I know exactly what I am doing and where I am going
Other days I have absolutely no ideas
This does not slow me down becasue I trust the process of it all
I carry a sack full of goals and ambitions with me. I dream alot. Visions are what I feel I can hold onto. They get clearer the more time I devote to developing them. The more I alloow myself to jsut be, the more abundant they/it becomes. The more that I surrender to the wild excitement that comes along with living, the happier and calmer I become. I am opening myself up to more movement with no real expectation fo what that might lead me to. I am worthy of this journey. I am here
I am willing
And I am always ready to take on whatever life hands me
The smell of the river mixed with bug spray
The red cardinal waiting for me patiently at the front door
Calm and at ease
My head rests on my knee
A fresh start
Still it sort of seems the same
Im learning the value in that
How to not just shy away
How to allow
Take in
Hold on
Let go
Reverberate within the atmosphere
Its sort of smelly here
Then again, so am I 
My god its been a while since Ive been able to just sit back and relax 
Like we used to do back when we still felt like kids
Feels like ages since back then, hard to believe how much weve grown
But im so glad that we grew the way we have
I know that nothing can erase the past
No substnace is gonna change what is fact
Im okay with all of that
I wont ever deny whats true or withold any of the details of my story and struggle
I stand by saying all I did had to be done 
I feel like I might be capable of getting this message through and across
You cannot blame yourself for being guarded. 
Closing off
For protecting your once-soft heart that over time was hardened
I know its hard, that people can be mean
They can backstab and betray you. I  know its easier to just get up and walk away than it is to wait around for someone when youve become so accustomed to how they all leave. I cant promise you that everyday will be sprinkled with magic and glitter but I can tell you that one day, the right ones will come along, and youll know theyre the right ones to come because they are the ones who will stay.
Proud of how you have fought to not push them away
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sovpologist · 3 years
hi, genuine question! I want to like Mara, but d2 lore shows her, in my eyes, as selfish and cruel, set on her own goal with no consideration for others. At least that's what I got from marasenna lorebook.
Why is she liked by so many in community? I feel like I'm overlooking something over things I mentioned above, but I would appreciate a perspective from someone who likes her character! If it's okay to ask!
its totally okay to ask!! this is going to be a long post so im going to put it under a readmore :)
i just want to stress first that mara is like.... widely disliked by many in the community. it used to be very unpopular to like her and if you even said anything remotely positive about her, people would reply to your posts and send you anons about how you were a terrible person for liking such a manipulative and toxic character. it was only recently that community opinion kind of started to shift, and people started to actually appreciate her character as nuanced and interesting. i definitely dont think this is because of me or anything crazy like that, but ive tried to correct misconceptions about her and cultivate a space on my blog at least where people can just openly like mara and not feel like they have to qualify it by constantly assuring people that they know mara's done bad things too (because literally every character in d2 has done bad things, and somehow people understand that liking the uldren doesnt mean you support him killing cayde but cant apply that same concept to mara for some reason). ok, im getting off my soapbox now and im going to just talk about why i like her.
mara is genuinely just such a fascinating character to me. reading the marasenna im really struck by how alone she is, even as a 19 year old human. her mom has essentially abandoned her and says that she's mara's friend but not her mother, and mara's father is never mentioned, so mara literally has no parental guidance or supervision or love. this puts a lot more of her pre-awoken actions into context, such as her not knowing how to interact with people and preferring to keep herself away from the rest of the crew. everyone mara loves leaves her. her mom stays in the distributary, uldren is distant in his efforts to impress and surprise her and then dies, and sjur dies too.
i also love mara's character arc, although it kind of makes me sad. mara is so painfully human in the earlier parts of the marasenna. she's awkward, she's lonely, she thinks her and uldren's secret language is "cool," she gets embarassed at her mom's embarrassing petnames, she hero-worships alis li and listens to her advice. watching her lose all of this and crystalize into a queen is so interesting. remember, mara didn't go out into the fight between the darkness and the traveler bc she knew she would gain power and create the awoken, its stated that she went out there to die. so a 19 year old just trying to die peacefully ends up witnessing firsthand the power of the dark and light and being tasked with essentially creating a new species, knowing that one day she wants to go back and fight the darkness. she becomes such a politician and has to scheme and plot and really loses her humanity while following ALIS' advice- alis was the one who told her that people need a mascot, not a friend. this also makes for a really interesting scene where alis grants mara one favor, and instead of asking for political power, even though mara is such an intensely political and scheming person, she tells alis the truth about the awoken and asks for forgiveness. alis, who mara looked up to, doesnt forgive her, and mara really internalizes this and starts to permantantly close herself off. mara made herself into a queen and lost her humanity in the process. there's a couple people who see the real her, like sjur, but even sjur doesnt really understand her. but her relationship with sjur is also so well written and interesting, sjur being the one person she lets herself drop her mask around and just act human. i made a post about this once, but even mara's speech patterns change around sjur, becoming much more casual and "normal." however, at the same time, mara's mask/persona is a part of her character, and one that i love. people hate her for being "mean," but i like characters like that. mara doesnt take any shit, even from the protagonist, and has her own plans and goals that she doesn't feel obligated to share or change for other people. she's ambitious, sticks to her guns, and doesn't allow other people to influence her.
you say she's selfish, and i think it is easy to brush her off as selfish and doing everything for her own gain, but there's a lot of subtext and outright text in the marasenna and other lore that shows mara genuinely believes that the only way to fight the darkness is to become a being on the same level as the darkness and the traveler. she doesn't let the awoken become immortal gods, which some people regard as a bad thing, but she did that for a reason. mara understands that a people who are eternal and ageless will never grow as people, and she knew that the darkness wanted them to just be complacently sitting aside in their little realm while it does whatever it wants. mara wasn't going to let that happen, and knew she had to find a way to encourage people to leave paradise. you can dislike the way she went about this, essentially encouraging conflict and war among her people, but she did not just do it for her own gain or amusement. mara has also been hated on for starting the reef war/firing a missile at the house of wolves, people act like she did that just for fun too, but the eliksni fleet was heading to conquer earth. instead of just hiding and building up her own resources, which wouldve been the logical thing to do in this situation, mara put her own fleet and power on the line to draw the eliksni's attention away and help earth. she doesn't do things solely bc they benefit her, but because she genuinely loves and wants to help earth. her uncaring persona is a mask, the thing that she feels she needs to be for people to have faith in her.
i have more to say but this is already so long and ive said a lot, so i'll end it here :) at the end of the day, some people are just not going to like mara and thats totally fine. she's not everyone's type, bc she IS ambitious and manipulative and sometimes cruel. i just wish she didnt get a disproportionate amount of hate for being like that when i know for a fact that if she was a male character she would not get this much hate, and i wish that people could just dislike her normally without lying about her or misinterpreting her character and motivations. but if you dont like her, you dont like her! sometimes we just dislike characters, sometimes for well thought out reasons snad sometimes just for no reason! thats completely fine, as long as you're respectful!!
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olivedoesmagic · 4 years
Glitchcraft notes!
Click read more! for full notes~ this lecture covers, tech magick, pop culture magick, reality shifting, working with fictional characters, misconceptions, deities, spells, and general stuff!
Source: Steller.Chaos’s discord lecture
It’s an umbrella term, for a bunch of things that fit a bunch of categories, mainly it’s more modern uses of things, such as pop culture magick, shifting, working with fictional magick, tech magick, elemental magick, electricity magick, that’s what it is. We’re gona go over things it contains and the basics of how to do a lot of it. Because it’s alot of it. It’s alot “easier” then alot of forms of other magick.
Tech magick is doing magick with tech, electronics, devices. #shufflemancyerasure. Kind of like using your devices. Like you can do spells with using you phone and only your phone. You know how some people write sigils in their phone, draw them in their phone- you know how some people do youtube playlist to their deities~ that can be tech magick. Using tarot apps, as divination.
Side note: you can manifest stuff on minecraft and “loe”-steller does this all the time. You can also do minecraft divination. Cue- Loe’s tangent on minecraft and his gods, it really was riveting but kinda hard to take notes on. ^^;
You can make a playlist of intent, as a spell. Another form of pop culture magick that you can do that is harder to do is, plain work (which is beyond the physical) egregores, those are spirits that are manifested from collected ideas, and you can go to certain places on the astral that are very similar to fictional worlds YOU DON'T HAVE TO SHIFT FOR THIS their very easy to find, if it is popular you can find it, in the Astral.
Egregores are just like their fictional counterparts. Your not going to be “fuking special” if you find “Bakugo” in the astral, he’s “probably going to be an angry dickhead” these spirits exist, but your not going to be special,be careful what you see is what you get. You can work with these things, yes you can work with the marvel version of loki and thor, yes you can work with the percy jackson -sigh- versions of greek gods. Yes they have -sigh- probably had versions of greek gods. Loe doesn’t know how that went down. Just a word of warning: do not try to work with the fictional and the actual at the same time! Not a good idea! Loe advises against working with two Lokis at the same time! He doesn’t think someone can handle that!
Don’t let this scare you away from it or anything. Just know that it can go wrong, like anything else.
It’s excellent and very fulfilling! Just keep in mind when working with fictional characters, you’re getting Egergores and theirs lots of different versions of them! Be very VERY careful working with questionable fictional characters like creepypastas or sangwoo. Just don’t. Not gona help you if you do. If you have to work with your “comfort character” Loe recommends the “reality shifting thing” which we will get to in a moment.
If you want a deity that will help with pop culture related magicks, CHAOS is recommended.
Reality shifting isn’t technically pop culture magick. But it’s often used as such. So many people use it to get to “fictional” realities. Like hogwarts, or boku no hero academia. That’s why it’s under the branches of pop culture magick. Of course people aren’t going to believe you about reality shifting. It’s an “insane” concept. You are literally telling somebody, you can separate yourself from your body to explore the multiverse, of course people aren’t going to believe that! You can’t really be mad about that sort of thing.
Quantum psychics is literally magick. It literally is everything “we’re doing” it literally says witchcraft is real. The law of attraction- witchcraft, it measures vibrational frequencies, it’s how witches are able to obtain energy, and put it back out there in the world, because of science, because of all of that. Quantum physics literally came out with the multiverse theory, theirs multiple versions of it! But it’s how reality shifting is real and it itself, is very very magickal.
You can literally do a spell to shift. 
Love spells are inherently immoral. Spells to manipulate other people’s emotions are inherently immoral. Spells to make people fall in love with you are “still bad”. Theirs no such thing as “a consensual love spell” and even if they were “that’s still bad!”.
You can make spells with anything. You can use harry potter spell books. Don’t use “gavada cadavrah” “I swear to god!” -Loe. Also by the way, you can evoke energies from fictional characters, in your magick. Basically in your magick it’s like evoking intent. Basically you can even evoke the energy of video games! It’s really hard to explain what exactly evocation is! You're really trying to feel what whiteness is. Their not exactly feeling through you. 
People who say that they’ve committed mass murder in the multiverse are liars! You literally CANT do that. You will go to jail. The multiverse has rules and regulations. You can’t go to the multiverse and go bossing around people, you can become a professional shifter, what you guys are doing is not a professional standpoint and we’re not talking about it here, Loe personally uses Standford Pines for reality shfitings (SPOILERS FOR GRAVITY FALLS) he literally is perfect for gravity falls, because he kept storing his time in the fuking multiverse, he had a journal that he let Loe read, because they became friends, and Loe still does alot of work with him sometimes, but they haven’t done alot of work together lately. There is a certain point where you can get to, where shit will happen.
The amount of time someone should stay in a reality realistically is about 6 months. That’s after you’ve been doing this for YEARS. After you’ve been doing this for years, after you’ve been doing this for a long time. That’s the longest you should go. You can have pop culture mentals, and it’s almost different then work with a deity, it’s different. He doesn’t know how to explain the difference but its *different*.
Clones don’t make sense with the concept that they are supposed to be. The new term, Loe aka Steller found. It’s a new term that explains being in two places at once. It’s called “bi-location”. Basically what people describe when they are reality shifting. It’s bi-location, not clones. People would say you can customize your clone, like a fuking sim, but it’s not a clone, it’s your alternate self, this is just you.
Also we’re gona wrap up the lesson here!
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spearxwind · 4 years
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KHLFDKH God i mean. Thats genuinely how I hope my HR shitposts read as 
if i wasnt going for a horrible dark comedy/tragedy combo the story would be a rly edgy slice of life 
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I honestly dont know what to say to this bc Im very bad at comparing what I do with others, but if you havent checked them out my friends and I are mostly into the same kinda nonsense! 
@/limesquares @/silvaerial @/theashpit @/excaive and @/sharpibees 
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oh well for dragons take my advice with a grain of salt because i have been drawing those bitches for 13 years straight so a lot of the process has been automated for me >:’) 
advice i can give though is definitely think abt what kind of environment it lives in! and then choose real animals that live in those biomes, so you can take the attributes that would Make Sense for them to have (things like claw/spine shapes or lack thereof, feather shapes, wing shapes, coloration... etc) 
There’s a lot of misconception around making cool creatures and having them look cool by just grabbing a bunch of attributes that LOOK cool, but when you look at them all put together its very hard for them to look cohesive as you said.
A lot of it falls into creature design in general and just... asking questions abt ur creature like? How does it fly? How does it hunt? Obviously you dont need to do a whole scientific research or be anatomically accurate but thinking a but about that animal knowledge applied to what youre making. If youre going to make a night hunter, give it owl wings! Soft skin/hide/fur so it doesnt whistle through the air and alert prey. If it lives on snow give it wide paws with fur/feathers on them (like winter ptarmigans or winter hares!) so it can walk on the snow softly without falling in. A lot of irl animals are incredible and its sad that a lot of people just fall back on ah yes i will make Big Beefy Beast With Huge Claw and call it a day
(not that... im not guilty of that myself of course. huge claws are horribly cool) 
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sdkfjdsfkjl Hed just Eat It on the spot 
also man I really dont have that much on him but I can say that he has a huge scar on his back from :) happenings :) 
and volites cant ever scar unless theyre literally on the verge of death, so thats fun! 
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ah well, admittedly a lot of my ocs are cis, but not a single one is straight and you can count on that! Here’s a bunch!! If their orientation isnt listed here its just bc i havent figured it out 100% yet so just default it to bisexual aight 
Adri - he/him agender aroace  Rip - he/him cis pan Alex - he/him cis bi  C - she/her cis bi (ace) Orion - he/him trans bi Ethan - he/him cis gay (ace) Dianne - she/her cis lesbian (ace) Nirven - he/they nb aroace  Reina - she/they trans nb Gala - she/her cis(??) lesbian Sol - they/them nb  Caval - they/them nb  Amara - she/her cis lesbian
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-thick russian accent- he Crush It in his big hand like mere grape
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omg idk what I could say?? He’s a CEO !! of what? well, guess we’ll find out someday  he also has.... many suits. and thinks cars are cool. imagine the most basic Rich Businessman ... yeah. hes a cool guy though! 
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this is going to sound so fucking wack but my favorite icecream is literally donut icecream (and if not then... white chocolate. im one of those white choc apologist bitches) 
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bloodydamnit · 5 years
I'm sorry if someone already asked tgis but what are renders? Is it like tracing?
Hey there! Renders are images made with 3D software in a 3D space. So you have the ability to create whatever youd like, control lighting, build something from scratch through programs like Marvelous Designer and Zbrush (and others), and include them in the image you are trying to create. It’s an amazing resource for artists that don’t have a live model or artists that have a hard time visualizing in their head what they are trying to create, such as myself and many other artists. It eliminates the need for photo references (which is completely valid. you are allowed to use them. literally nearly all artists, especially fine artists, do), since you are creating everything for yourself. 
As for tracing, no. 3D renders are an art form all on their own. They can stand alone. For myself, I just use them as assets for the paintings I create even though many times I make a render and I could stop, but I paint them all and add onto them (because there is only so much you can do in a render) during the painting process.
Now! I’m going to diverge completely away from this anon and just use a point that they brought up. So this has nothing to do with you anon, but on the general question of tracing because I think there’s a huge misconception about me that’s been spread around. 
Every artist has their own way of working. I went to the Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA for short. I was also accepted to Pratt and SAIC) and have a BFA in Painting. I spent all 4 years in at least 2 drawing/painting classes every semester, which came to around 22 hours a week drawing from life (each class being 6 hours, 1 hour break for lunch, and around 6 hours spent on homework). I want to stress that I know how to draw lol. I was the TA in my anatomy for artists class (that I took twice, simply because I loved it so much), which was a class specifically based around drawing the body, using musculature and bone structure underneath as a guide.  
Back then, I was an oil painter and worked solely from life. Which means you look at something, like a live model or a plaster cast, and draw it directly in front of you. 
During the summers, I dedicated each break to teach myself something new. Whether that be digital art, using certain programs, sewing, etc. 
My senior year I spent the entirety of it painting victims who were murdered by the police onto 12in embroidery hoops and even though I highly identify with that since it is part of my community, I needed to take a step back. Which is why I’ve thrown myself into fanart. Because fanart and digital art make me happy when everything else was so unbelievably dark. 
Now, with all that being said, some of you want to consider me less of an artist because I now trace my 3D renders that I’ve spent anywhere on average from 10 - 30+ hours on. I know how to draw, thank you. I don’t bring up the school I went to because oh, look, I went here and got accepted here - but because when I was going to school, your traditional ability meant something (not digging at MICA or any other schools and their processes now. Just that a lot of schools are more accepting of art outside of the fine art sphere. which is awesome). I trace because it makes my life easier. You know that saying? Time = money? Well, my time = my money. And I’m not spending another 6 hours on top of the 10-30 hours I just spent on making my renders, redrawing them. It’s not going to happen. 
I’m not an illustrator and I’m not like many illustrators out there. A lot of you may think I have a style, but everything I do is fairly realistic to a point. I say that because when I draw, I need it to be exact. It’s the virgo in me, I guess. I need the proportions to be realistic and so on and so forth and no matter how hard I’ve tried, I simply can’t be the illustrator that most of yall know and see. I just cant. I’ve tried. I’ve agonized over their styles. I cant do it. All I can be is me. And what is that? When it comes to the figure I’m a realistic artist. It is what it is. I cant help that. And me being a realistic artist, means I agonize over what I am doing. I need it to be exact and if I don’t like something, I’ll start completely over. I trace my renders because it’s a faster way to get where I’m going. It’s literally just a time saver - especially when freehanding it would turn out to be the exact same result. Because I’m anal and I need everything to be exact (I hate that about myself and my art but it is what it is). 
I am who I am. I am what I am. But me tracing my work (like many fine artists, including the old masters - yes. the old masters - do) doesn’t make me any less of an artist. I’m putting in my 10,000. I create everything I make. I’m literally tracing my own art that I could’ve let be, but want to expand upon.  
Now me, personally? I hate my art. I despise almost everything I make and I know that my art isn’t for everyone. Hell, its barely even for myself considering I constantly berate my own work. But I put my everything into my pieces and I’m constantly trying to do better, be better, learn something new, work on something I hate, try a different technique, push myself out of my comfort zone knowing it will fail, and more. I’m nowhere near where I want to be - not even close. 
But me choosing to trace something I already fucking made myself to save over 6 hours of drawing time on top of the however many fucking hours it took to render it and how long it’ll take to paint the god damn thing, doesn’t make me any less an artist. I would post examples of my drawings, but Ive already done that before. they’re somewhere on my page and I’m really tired of feeling like I have something to prove - considering this issue really doesnt matter to the majority of you. 
It matters to me though and I hope that it’s now cleared. 
tl;dr, i know how to draw. i went to school for it and have a bloody degree in it. I trace my renders because they’re already my art, i created them, and I’m not spending another 6 hours over the 10-30 I’ve spent on the render, redrawing them. 
Sorry for this long rant. It really shouldn’t bother me, but it does. It devalues so many amazing fucking artists and their craft that they’ve spent their lives creating. 
Thank you for the question Anon and sorry for using it as a post to rant on lol. 
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krystalizedocean · 4 years
falling in love with your bestfriend.
im falling in love with her, and i don’t know if i can stop. its eating me up from the inside out, each and every second i spend with her. i can’t stop staring into the gates of her soul, she consumes me with her gaze. she smiles, chuckles, laughs and suddenly i turn into a soft child who exchanges her happiness in returning grins of admiration. i fall in love, and it hurts. not because i fear rejection or heartbreak. either way, this love is nothing but a secret. but it hurts because its overwhelming. i’ve inhaled the escence of her. her prescence, her vibrations and her words that so softly graze parts of my soul. the desire i feel towards her, too many words, cant even describe this feeling. it’s crazy. it crashes like the toughest waves in the vast ocean, this love i have for her is like nothing i have ever felt before. it’s quite scary really, scary how intense this love feels. i wonder if she feels it, when i look into her eyes, not wanting to turn away my gaze but yet being cautious; you see i’m not ready to tell her. i’m not sure when i will, in years time or in another lifetime. i know we shall meet again because the universe seems to have our souls connected. i wonder if she knows i’m in love, i know she feels the vibrations i send out everytime i talk to her. it becomes more and more intense every day. i wonder why. is this what it feels like? what is ‘it’? i’ve always been unsure of everything i feel, uncertainty, confusion, the struggles of expression. but these days, i’m sure of everything i feel, knowing that this is too much for me, my heart beats rapidly, as if it wants to jump out of my chest and make a home in her gentle hands. i shake, it takes nearly every cell in my body to make myself shut up. i want to tell her everything but i live in the silence of it. i can’t get myself to look at her. i talk to her and my eyes fixate on the flowers i’ve been drawing. ive been drawing them for about 4 hours, hearing her sing, and smiling whilst i stare at my notebook. and then i look at her, hoping its just for a mere second. but no, the corners of my lips curve upwards immediatly when i see you smile. i try to turn my eyes away from you but everything around me stops, i can’t seem to care. all i see is you. all i want is you, in these moments i try to form responses to your questions. your eyes study mine and i feel compelled to blurt out the lyrics i’ve made, blurt out the dreams i’ve been engrossed into, blurt out these feelings of affection, motives in my misconceptions, certainty in this tender love. i could write about you for all the days of this lifetime and every other one i’ll find myself in. i can’t stop falling for you, fallin in love with you. and i’ve loved you for years. now, i feel intoxicated by you. i’ll play the songs of my playlist, set it on shuffle but every song will contain enough words to describe how you make me feel.
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agent-lapin · 5 years
Hey, I'm doing a fan art of your character but I'm not sure if it fits her personality. Can you help me??
Hi, thanks for drawing my oc! this is a bit hard to answer tho since I dont really know what direction youre going so I cant tell you if it fits or not!
She’s a cranky, irritable person who often has an expression of mild irritation or disinterest.. she minds her own business and is wary of strangers!! shes a very teasing person with her loved ones, has a lot of humor but its quite dead pan / dry… idk what type of information youre looking for HAHA
based on common misconceptions, anything that is like overemphasizing sexual behavior or that is “queen bee” vibes is probably wrong
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foursideharmony · 6 years
Changeling AU: The Good Doctor
Word Count: 1,799
Warnings: Therapy visit, sad family story, vomit mention
Pairing: None
Summary: How did Roman survive his time in the special needs school without being Undone? He had help...
A/N: I actually went to a psychiatrist as a child. This was roughly 30 years ago at this point, I remember very little about it, and anyway it didn't actually help me. So apologizing in advance if this doesn't accurately reflect contemporary therapy visits.
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The couch was soft, at least—upholstered with brown faux-leather that had worn a little in spots but was still perfectly serviceable. It reminded Roman of some of the antique furnishings at Caer Flamingo…which would have been more comforting if he had more confidence that he would ever see Caer Flamingo again once St. Dymphna’s was done with him.
“Just wait right here, Roman,” the receptionist said in a sickly-sweet, chirpy tone, “and the counselor will be with you in few minutes. Feel free to play with any of the soft toys or action figures in here, but please don’t touch the figurines on the shelves. Do you want a cup of water before I leave you alone?”
“No thanks,” said Roman, flinching at the slight tremor that came unbidden to his voice.
“All right.”
She left the room and swung the door until it was just ajar, leaving Roman alone with his thoughts and about twenty different stuffed animals and superheroes. He didn’t pick any of them up right away, instead investigating the contents of the room.
The figurines the receptionist had mentioned were clustered along the numerous bookshelves, and like the toys, consisted entirely of cartoon characters. The groupings were more-or-less sensible—three Looney Tunes characters, a couple Disney Princesses, a few others that Roman didn't recognize but that shared an art style. If he wasn't supposed to touch them, did that mean they were there for the counselor's own enjoyment? If so, that was...unexpected.
Directly across from the couch was an armchair upholstered in the same faux-leather. Presumably that was where the counselor would sit while interrogating him, although at the moment it was occupied by an absurdly large plush of Winnie the Pooh. Someone had put a fake lab coat and a pair of spectacles on it. Roman wrinkled his nose at the crude attempt at humor, and decided he'd seen enough. He turned sideways on the couch and drew his knees up to his chest. It wouldn't be long now...the counselor would arrive, barrage him with questions, and pick apart his soul. They would declare that Roman was abnormal and needed to be fixed, and maybe put him on some sort of medication, and just like that, his life as one of the Shining Host would be over when it had barely begun. Lady Valerie had said so.
Roman balled up his fists and pressed them to his forehead, forcing himself not to sink into despair. Lady Valerie had said...but Thomas had said something quite different, something much more hopeful...he had to hold onto that.
He nearly jumped out of his skin when someone abruptly started singing baritone right outside the room. There were no words—just “dum da dum” syllables, but the tune was...a fanfare? Roman was painfully reminded again of Caer Flamingo, with its trumpeters and troubadours...but then the song continued. A hand came through the narrow gap in the doorway, fingers wiggling in time to the music, which sounded more and more awkward the longer it continued. Finally, the singer reached a crescendo and flung the door wide, springing into the room like a jazz dancer closing out Act 1.
The counselor—as Roman assumed this was—wore a tan suit, a grass-green necktie, dark-rimmed eyeglasses, and a goofy grin. “Good afternoon! My name is Dr. Picani, I use he/him pronouns, and I will be your counselor for today and the foreseeable future! You must be Roman...unless you prefer a different name?”
Roman could only blink in confusion. He had never met a regular mortal grown-up who behaved like this. Was it a trick of some kind?
“Um...Roman's fine,” he said.
“Ah!” Dr. Picani continued, shutting the door firmly and crossing to the armchair. “Dr. Pooh Bear! Thank you for keeping my seat warm!” He moved the plush to the floor and settled into the chair, pulling a small notepad and pen out of his jacket pocket. “So then. I'll start with the same question I ask all my new patients: Do you how do, Roman?”
Had he heard that right? “Do I...what?”
“Listen again,” said Dr. Picani, in a tone of hushed excitement. “Do you...how do? Did you hear it that time?”
“'How do you do'...backwards?” Roman guessed.
“Not backwards, exactly. More...turned inside out. Like the Simpsons, in that one Halloween episode! You've seen it, right? No?” He cleared his throat and shifted in the chair, changing the mood of the interview. “Roman, do you know why you're here?”
Roman looked away. “Because my parents think I'm crazy,” he said bitterly. “And my teachers, too. At my real school, I mean.”
“Let me stop you there,” said Dr. Picani. “I don't want you to think St. Dymphna's isn't your real school. It can seem like a different world here, and maybe you've heard it's only for people who are full of delusions, and it's only going to be temporary...but it's still real. As real as the Ghostbusters.”
Roman's gaze snapped back into position. Despite that out-of-the-clear-blue reference to some old movie, that description was almost suspiciously relatable. That first week, after the theme park...
“Let me explain the situation as I understand it,” the counselor continued. “Roman, you're here because you're having trouble living in the world outside your head. My job is to help you figure out how to do that...without necessarily changing who you are as a person. The unique person that you are is a worthwhile one, and you shouldn't have to turn into someone else in order to get by. I want you to know that.”
Roman felt tears pricking the corners of his eyes. This was reminding him so much of what Thomas had said in the junk pile that it was painful. He blinked the moisture down and put on the haughtiest expression in his repertoire. “You're reciting,” he said. “Like a speech. You don't really mean it.”
“It's true, I do practice saying things like that. Using the right words is an important skill in my job here. But I also mean it. My goal is to help you, Roman. But I can't do that unless you cooperate with me.” He turned a page in his notebook. “Why don't I let you do some of the talking for a while? Do you remember how your troubles started?”
Troubles... Roman decided to humor the misconception for the time being, and suddenly the words were spilling out. “Yeah, it was when we went on vacation to Disney over Christmas. Everything there was just so...wonderful. It's like every kind of story come to life, all in the same place. They make it so you can really believe in magic. And so...so...so I did. And I found out that it was real, all of it, even after our vacation was over and we left.” The tears came again, too thick and fast to be stopped. “There really is magic. Why won't anyone believe in it?”
He fully expected Dr. Picani to shoot him down, but to his amazement, the counselor was nodding thoughtfully. “That makes a lot of sense. You're probably not the first.”
“The first...what?”
“The first to enter Chrysalis in a theme park.” Roman's eyes bulged with shock, but Dr. Picani was forging ahead. “After all, don't they call it The Most Magical Place on Earth? Where Dreams Come True? I always found those commercials to be pretty corny, but the place is focused on imagination and art. Why shouldn't it be capable of connecting susceptible individuals to the Dreaming?”
Roman leapt to his feet, hand scrabbling at his hip to draw the sword that he was not presently wearing. “How do you know these things?” he demanded. “You're not Kithain! I'd be able to see it if you were!”
The counselor slowly stood up, walked over to the desk in the corner, and took a framed photograph from it. He handed it to Roman, who examined it. It was an older photo, in color but with that slight smudginess that indicated it was taken using film rather than a digital camera, and depicted a girl in her early teens, and a boy several years younger, posing on monkey bars in a playground. The boy was just recognizable as a young Picani, while the girl...
Roman's eyes widened again. The girl shared a family resemblance with the boy, but...while the camera could only capture the mortal seeming, there were the little tells in her appearance, in the cant of her eyes and the shape of her nose. She was a changeling.
“No, Roman, I am not one of you. But my sister is. Or was, I guess. She's still alive, but we've barely spoken in years. She was...she lost her fae self, you see.”
“She was Undone,” Roman stated, running his fingers over the glass in the photo frame.
“Thank you, that's the word I was looking for. Our parents thought she was crazy. And so did her teachers. They wouldn't believe in magic.” Roman looked up. Dr. Picani was still smiling, but now it was a sad smile. “So Laura was put into psychotherapy in order to 'cure' her of her 'delusions.' The therapists wouldn't believe in magic either, and by the time they were done, Laura was a normal—completely human—girl.”
Roman felt the blood leaving his face and he began to grow dizzy. Autumn People... He let himself fall back onto the couch, setting the photo aside lest he drop it from his trembling hands. The dizziness got worse and he leaned over, letting his head droop between his knees.
“Easy there,” said Dr. Picani's voice, sounding oddly far away. He sat beside Roman—he felt the movement of the cushions—and rubbed his back. “Do you need the nurse? Or something to throw up into?” Roman shook his head as the dizziness subsided. “Roman, I'm not going to let that happen to you. That's the main reason I became a therapist—so that if I met any other young changelings, I could help them come to terms with their place in the world without making them turn out like Laura. And now I've met you. When they gave us your file, I found your story so familiar...I requested to have you as my patient. You can talk to me about your world, and I'll know that it's real. You're going to be all right. You're going to be you. Are you willing to work with me on that?”
Roman carefully sat up, noting with satisfaction that his head no longer spun. He allowed himself a careful smile. “I think so.”
“Then permit me to ask once more—third time's the charm, right?—do you how do?”
“Do...I...pretty good?” Roman guessed.
Dr. Picani beamed.
A/N: As of this writing, there have been two “Cartoon Therapy” episodes, and Dr. Picani's tie is color-coded for each. I chose to continue that theme here. Green is a color often associated with faeries in folklore because of their ties to nature.
Taglist: @k9cat
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osmw1 · 6 years
Poison-Wielding Fugitive   Chapter 57
“Urgh… that was intense…”
Celes fell unconscious from having Arleaf’s cooking in her mouth for a mere 20 seconds. Fortunately, we were able to pull it out before she swallowed. Thank goodness that Muu’s hands are so surprisingly stretchy.
Well, after we got the food out, I crushed the remaining Hamburg steak in my hand. Then, we got Celes to take an antidote and we also healed her, so all in all, she took practically no damage. It might’ve been bad if we were any slower. If not actually dying, she would’ve been laid up for at least two weeks.
“Like I told you, you’d be risking your life tasting my food…” “I apologize… but Cohgray, how in the world do are you able to eat all of it…?” “It’s a quirk of mine. Some people call me the Poison-Eater.” “… I have heard of that name before, but to think that person is you, Sir Cohgray. You truly are astonishing. By the way, what exactly was that?” “It’s my cooking. I was born with a unique skill which causes all of my cooking to become some sort of poison.” “I—I see… so, that was why you weren’t cooking.” “Right…” “Forgive me for being so tactless…”
Celes apologizes before standing up. It’s not like I eat Arleaf’s food because I like her for her cooking or anything. I mean, she is cute, and I do like her. But there’s a whole slew of different reason why I get her to cook for me. It’s a little embarrassing though.
‘Leave the misconception be.’
I’m super worried about that, but it’s not like I can explain the truth to her either.
“Feel free to take your time, okay?” “No, I would like to avoid staying any longer. We mustn’t dally. Let us go.”
Celes then gallantly strides forwards and into the mineshaft. Along the way, she equipped her gas mask. Honestly, I’m kinda uneasy about whether she’s really fine or not, but I guess we can’t help but follow her… With that, we headed deeper into the gallery.
I wondered if it’d be tight inside, but the tunnel stretches five meters across. There’s more than enough room to move around. We walked in only a little bit… but it kinda feels like we’ve entered a dungeon.
“We shall be going deep inside. Brace yourselves. The shape of this dungeon shifts every so often, thus maps are not all that useful. Be careful.” “Understood.”
It’s a space warping–type dungeon, eh? Like the swamp dungeon, it’s rather well-lit in here, but not blindingly so. The path ahead is long… the shaft seems to stretch on forever.
“There may be toxic gas in the air, so be aware.” “Alright. I’ve got some Ranger-like skills, so I’ll take the lead.” “It would be better for me to… but if you wish to, Cohgray, go ahead. Do your best to be careful.” “Gotcha.”
I’m up front, following behind me are Celes, Muu, and Arleaf. Veno senses the monsters for me and I point them out. Celes and Arleaf quickly attacks them with Muu and I assisting. The monsters we encounter are much like the ones on the mountain, but in different colors. We encountered all sorts of monsters; from Wistaria Rocks and Bordeaux Rock Golems to little golems like Cyclamen Pink Iron, Plum Bronze Golem, and Ash Grey Silvermen. And since I’ve got both Celes and Arleaf killing them for me, it’s hard to get a feel for how strong these monsters are.
‘It would not be too difficult for thee. We are still at the beginning, aye?’
When there are pockets of toxic gas, Veno shows me how to detour around them or how to vent it out before advancing forward. The gas smells rather floral, hey?
‘It is a little questionable to relate poison with flowers, but so far, things are going well. Thou seemst to have become used to this already.’
I guess so. Not to mention, I’m getting a whole lot of experience from this. Every time a monster is defeated, I see my levels tick up. Freakin’ sweet. Praise be to power leveling.
It’s going swimmingly, almost as if it’s easier than the swamp dungeon. Veno’s Mapping really helps too. The dungeon doesn’t change its shape too often, so it’s actually quite useful. Suddenly, we encountered a bunch of rock-type monsters a lot more frequently.
We’ve got Silver White Lance Mithrilmen and Shadow Blue Hammer Magic Silvermen.
… talk about a long name.
‘Thou needn’t worry about their colors; simply regard them as Mithrilmen and Magic Silvermen.’
Oh, you’ve got a point. Anyway, their equipment seems to be a part of their bodies. Not only is the experience is good, but the ores in their bodies are what we’re here for.
“Hmpf! Is that all you’ve got?!”
As Celes sweeps wide with her sword, the monsters swing their weapons. The clash makes a shrill noise.
“Aqua Shot!”
Arleaf said it’s dangerous to use fire in a mineshaft, so she switched to attacking with water magic. It’s pretty dang strong, so even if she doesn’t kill them outright, her magic still helps obstruct the enemies’ movement.
Muu puts up a good fight with its axe, but nowhere near the level of the two ladies.
“Swing your hip out more!” “Muu!”
Muu’s attacks get stronger with pointers from Celes. And me? Well, I’ve got a crossbow lent to me by Wayne and it does a good job too. But it’s kinda plain and it doesn’t really kill. I could let out a poisonous mist, but I’ll likely hit Celes and Arleaf with it too. The only other poison that would be good would be my new Mollifying Poison, I guess. They’re rocks, so they’re bound to be hard. I get the feeling that Paralysis Poison wouldn’t do a heck of a lot on them.
‘It is not the case that it is ineffective, but unfortunately, thy poison is more akin to living creatures. Thou must increase your poison vocabulary.’
Then what’s a good poison on these rock-types?
‘There are silencing-type poisons which lowers defense. Silencing refers to the obstruction of their magical abilities, reducing the amount of mana in their system. It would be fairly effective against these monsters. Of course, anything to lower their hardness would be another option. Other than that, perhaps something to induce confusion would be good. However, it would not work unless the poison gets circulated in their systems.’
That’s hard to picture in my head. I mean, for an ex-software engineer from modern Japan like me, I’m basically told to imagine a whole new concept.
‘Nay, they are but stones and ores after all. That means they have a body. If you inject poison into their bodies, then it would circulate in their system.’
What about monsters without a physical body then? Like spirits or something?
‘Then mists would be effective against them, much like the same reason why holy water is effective.’
Hmm… there’s a myriad of different ways to use poison, huh?
Celes squats down low in preparation of something. What the heck is happening? Then suddenly… the walls deep inside get wider and wider. What? Is the shaft shapeshifting right before my eyes? As the thought crosses my mind, something draws closer with a loud ka-thunk, ka-thunk. They sound like the footsteps of something heavy.
“Seems like we’re lucky today.”
Celes flashes a fearless grin and readies her sword. For some reason though, I don’t think there’s anybody that would agree with her statement…
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vulpiximisa · 3 years
okay its at least five minutes since i finished boku dake inai machi or for some reason why is it called erased 
me: oh i cant watch more than 5 episodes of anime anymore. it gets too much to absorb
me also, finished this in two days
i thought it was REALLY GOOD but i went to change my status of it on my anime list and i found out that it was 1) based off a manga 2) the ending was bad? (???) 3) it was rushed
but uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i thought it was really good
my only complaints were 
1) Satoru’s acting. It’s a little more evident in older Satoru that he’s either a newbie or definitely not an actor, that kinda ruins it because, he is the main character and we unfortunately have to hear him monologue a lot
2) the reversal or whatever butterfly time slip ghost trick was never explained. perhaps it had in the manga but ill never know because im not gonna read it
3) kenya was waaaay too intelligent for an elementary school kid. i mean i still like him but half way through i suspected he also was a time leaper
 what i did like is
1) the op is a banger, thank you asian kung fu generation. the sequence is also fantastic and it took me like up to 6 episodes in to realize that Satorus were sitting at a theatre watching his life. love that the removed him in the second to last episode
2) THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP. i didnt think thats what the moral of the story was gonna be but i love it none the less
3) whatever the hell was going on with yashiro sensei
other thoughts
i thought the revival was going to be happening more often. i guess like in re: zero? i thought he’d be seeing revival butterfly in his childhood too but i swear we dont see the butterfly again until like the last episode and thats just to be poetic
speaking poetic, i didnt think yashiro was ACTUALLY talking about a spider thread of people’s lives BUT THEN I REALIZED he actually WAS. AND the butterfly/spider metaphors was just too good. 
me: i could excuse murdering kids, but murdering hamsters is where i draw the line. 
so yeah i knew who the killer was from the beginning and its so funny to me seeing them drop the hints but at the same time i also was fooled by his cool guy charm and satoru’s trust in him
when he pulled out the lollipop i was just
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i also had misconceptions going in because i found out about this series through the SPOILER so
i thought yashiro ACTUALLY adopted Satoru or at least went out with his mom at some point. i think the wiki called him his surrogate father but thats barely it. he was a person that satoru looked up to and yeah he said he could have seen him as a father but he never actually did any fatherly things. eh
so pertaining to the MAL reviews, since i went in blind, i didnt think it was rushed. my prediction was that satoru would at least go back in time before he drowns in the car when he gets attempted murdered on the hospital roof. so that way, we’d get the (i wouldnt say cliched) ending that we all thought was going to happen, he catches the criminal in the past, he grows up and ends up with kayo, etc
apparently people hated the ending because they wanted satoru/kayo to end up together. i thought it was a nice refreshing change. reminds me of Orange when the two best friends got together in that timeline but who knows what happens in the saved Takeru timeline. (im also thinking Henry and Angela in Miracle Mask) 
I love Airi but i never thought their relationship was romantic, so I liked that it ended that way. i wanted them to HUG but it would have been very awkward in the current timeline
i didnt realized Sachiko was actually a really good and cool mom because in the beginning episodes before she gets murdered, she seemed like she didn’t want anything to do with Satoru. maybe thats just how they interacted in that timeline, she would joke and he wouldnt humor her.
also, were we never going to address taht satoru was ready to kill kayo’s mom until kenya stopped him. i mean yeah she deserved it, pushing her down the stairs and hoping she breaks a leg is the least she could get. 
uhhhhhhh i dont have any ending statements. i was very good. a rollercoaster. kept me in suspense. would recommend. i gave it a 10/10
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Research: Piss Christ, Andres Serrano
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During my research into craft/art that comments on Christianity, I have come across the famous Piss Christ. A work that dived people upon its reveal and still doing so today. It has applauded as “a symbol of artistic freedom” by Aaron Rosen in “Art + Religion in the 21st century”, while also being vandalised and deemed a health warning. No matter you’re position on the piece it has certainly been very successful.
A misconception surrounding this Piece is that Serrano is attacking the church from the angle of an atheist of which he is not, Serrano himself has stated “They are barking up the wrong tree when they are saying I am not a Christian”. The piece however is certainly a powerful statement on Christianity with many possible readings. One of the published readings is that it refers to how Serrano has watched the abasement of Christ in Brooklyn where he grew up, I read it as referring to Christs sacrifice in a world bathed in sin, the sin being urine and the  fact he is drowning in it refers to how Serrano might see the modern world. I also read the work as stating the importance of not praising material objects as though they are God. In this reading Serrano might mean the 3rd commandment “ No graven images or likenesses” which suggests not becoming so attached to idols or images that they become God. What I like most about this reading is that by being angry at the work you are further emphasising your attachment to the physical and enforcing Serrano’s point.
What draws me to the piece primarily is not its potential messages, it is, however, the confidence and daring required to create such a piece, when making this Serrano knew it would be controversial and might of even cause him to question his own motivations when desecrating such a profoundly sacred object. This experimental and ambitious act when paired with a powerful concept/image creates a polarising but exciting piece. It possesses a similar essence to “the ninth hour” but where that used subtlety and satire this goes all in on controversy and sacrilege.
upon reflection and referring back to “the ninth hour” which occupies the same subject matter as “Piss Christ” I prefer its approach to dealing with such a sensitive subject, this might be temporal or a result of my own hesitation but I cant see my work being this risky and possibly offensive currently. Instead I sympathise more with the satire and skill of teetering the line between criticism and offence. It will be a constant question as I progress whether I am being not daring enough or perhaps too much, I want this body of work to say something I think is important and this comes with risk I will have to navagate.
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