#Newsflash: pressing buttons on Bing to make it chop up and mash together images from the internet does not make you an artist
lmfao someone who commissioned AI generated images from Bing and tagged them as “fanart” tried to follow me, an actual digital artist. Blocked.
#Newsflash: pressing buttons on Bing to make it chop up and mash together images from the internet does not make you an artist#I wouldn’t have a problem with it if the process were ethical#and it picked from a specific database of work the artists consented to be uploaded to the mainframe#That would be fine; I’d participate in that and give it art to see what it cranks out#But I still wouldn’t call the end result art#I’d call it… computer fever dream#Only after AI gains sentience can you call its work art#AI right now is awful#same with filters and all convenience-centric low-effort means of so-called “creation”#It’s just a vehicle to let lazy anti-intellectuals with egos too large for their skill sets boast about how creative they are#at the expense of the people who actually put in the blood sweat and tears to create things#It reminds me of those kids in school who called themselves nerds when they weren’t interested in learning at all#and actively picked on the real nerds with unconventional interests#Sorry but no. You’re not smarter than everyone else and you’re not fooling anyone; if you want skills you have to work for it#Don’t say you’re skilled when you’re not even trying to be; it’s genuinely offensive to those who do try at any skill level#Full offense#I don’t have a problem with people who use certain types of AI for humor or describing what something they saw looks like#but I do have a problem with people taking credit they don’t deserve#No you’re not an artist if you only use AI#pick up a pencil and put it to paper
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