#just now getting back on desktop and there are. things in my inbox lol
petoskeystones · 2 months
Yay, I’m glad you didn’t mind my addition on the Franklin post! I can literally talk about the FE for at least an hour.
A book that isn’t on that google drive but that covers the searches for Franklin is Finding Franklin: The Untold Story of a 165-Year Search by Russell A. Potter.
I also completely forgot about Sir John Franklin’s Erebus and Terror Expedition by Gillian Hutchinson, which should be on the linked post. It’s almost like a picture book, so it’s easy to read and quite accessible for beginners.
oh my gosh i didnt mind at all! i very much enjoyed it, since i'm still kind of a rookie historian and don't have as wide-ranging knowledge as some other people on here do (and now i have some more books to read!). i also really appreciated that you added the bit about "ice ghosts" because i hadn't heard that criticism of the book and paul watson before. tysm again!
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witchmd13 · 3 months
listen there’s only so many times things can go wrong in the lab before you start being superstitious. for example, during my undergrad there was one guy who always had the worst luck. from faulty cables to always having the worst supervisors, after two years all of us (including him) would say he was cursed. then when he was my lab partner things went well…too well. we got cocky. we joked that this would be the time he broke the curse. the next week the lab was shut down due to covid and we never finished the project and had to do supplementary work for our grade. also when he was working on his thesis and was finally ready to use his samples (that took months to make), the building lost power and because his samples needed to be stored at -80C he had to re-do the whole thing.
I'm so sorry I just saw this in my inbox when I opened desktop tumblr and the timestamp says it was sent 4 days ago. I must've missed it on the app 😭
Oh gosh I agree 100%! I get so superstitious when it comes to scheduling/doing my experiments even though I'm not in my personal life. For me, it started with using the confocal microscope. literally one day it would be working fine and the next I can't image a single slide. So now when I can't get anything from the first slide, I just switch the microscope off and call it a day cause I just know it'll work the next day just fine. I might be superstitious but it worked so far.
My master's thesis supervisor used to say "if you pray, you better start doing it now" whenever we used a calcium measuring device at the lab lol (he was only half joking) because it literally had a mind of its own.
During my training to use the ultramicrotome, the first thing the technician told me was to stop the whole thing if the first specimen doesn't work and just come back the next day.
My experiences might not be as extreme as you anon, but I'm not changing this habit until I'm done with this degree lol.
(I hope you still see this, anon)
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kithtaehyung · 1 year
Damn! I thought you were going to be on writing lockdown so I didn’t check tumblr as much. I come back and all these posts🧍🏼‍♀️(always in a good way)
Side note: I can’t find gift 2/3 anywhere. I even searched through #3Tan10 feed and nothing. Am I overlooking it? 🙇‍♀️
Still sending you all the great 🍊 vibes to help you complete 3Tan10! And just in case no one has told you today, you are thoughtful, sincere, determined, .. and simply amazing. 😘
ahhh see, this is why i am a bit wary about posting here now. you'll have to Enable Mature Content in your blog settings, which can be done on a desktop. go to Account then scroll to Community Labels. by default, they are all set to Hide.
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3tan gift 2/3 got slapped with a community label (you'll see it on the top of the post), so it's labeled as Mature and will not show for anyone that doesn't have their settings fixed.
what i'm anticipating is that.. every chapter of 3tan i'll put out is going to have the same thing happen, so some of you may not even see it on your dash. it may not, but even an ask that i didn't even answer got a community label while still in my inbox lol. they're cracking down hard it seems. (and it looks like my blog got labeled as Mature, too, so that's also a thing.)
if you wanna see all these posts - not just mine, but any fanfics, fanart, etc. that gets labeled as Mature - get these settings fixed how you want!
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co-reborn · 2 years
2023 Update
Most normal people would do this in January, but here I am being a weirdo and doing it in February. Why is that so? Well, it’s because my life has taken a major change exactly a year ago so I’m doing it now instead.
Life isn’t too bad, I’m not very busy but I can’t get to writing as easily as I used to. I still want to write, I still spend some time every other day opening up a draft but the words aren’t coming as easily as before. 
This update will mainly be talking about my drafts and asks along with other random bullshit:
Throw everything you expect from me out of the window. I don’t even know what I want to commit to anymore. My two original series are pretty much dead and I lack the drive to complete them. A part of me really wants to even delete the rewrites but I would not for the memory of them. Just don’t expect a continuation of them at all, let alone the completion of them. 
I think the only few drafts I’m really interested in are some college AU smuts (like Bust or Bust) along with trying to get Conquered Odds to a satisfying conclusion. However as usual, ideas come in the most random places so I might stray away from these again in the future. 
Basically, don’t expect any specific piece from me. If something even comes out, hope you guys appreciate it and continue supporting me. 
I have been ignoring many many asks for the past year and I’m not really in any mood to get to them whenever I do have free time. So I intend to delete all of them and empty my inbox for a fresh start. Going forward, I will try to answer them but I also can’t guarantee answering them. If I don’t feel like it, I’ll likely just delete it. Hope there are no hard feelings. If I don’t want to, I don’t want to. As easy as that.
Community Labels
So ever since this bullshit has been a thing, I mainly upload my posts with them immediately but I don’t think all my readers see them because they are hidden due to the mature tag. Look at this post by peach on how to turn off the filter. 
To avoid missing out on my posts, I do hope you guys also check out my pinned post or my (desktop) masterlist on my latest works. I will not be posting my stories with the tag immediately but will delay it for maybe a week or two, or good ol’ Tumblr decides to put it for me. 
My confidence is fluctuating a lot these days. Sometimes I come in wanting to write, then I sit in front of my computer/phone and no words come out. From my POV, there’s no better way to get a gauge of how the general readers view my works other than notes so I tend to over fixate on them at times. The other writers are always amazing at conveying their feelings about them but it’s really hard to get any form of feedback from readers. 
I say this, but I don’t really want to reach out to you guys to send asks for some feedback but just to let you guys know how I feel about this and a little more about myself.
I’ll try to continue growing as a writer, but I feel like I’m stagnating a lot. Sometimes I want to try something different but I don’t know how to get started. So I go in a circle and go back to the default. Ok I think I’m ranting at this point and I don’t know where I’m going with this lol.
That’s it for the 2023 update, see you guys again if/when a new fic is out (probably)
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inwintersolitude · 11 months
- October 25th 2023 -
Do you take a walk every day? Not quite every day, but I do go on walks often.
Who was your favourite musical artist when you were 15? Do you still listen to them? I don't remember exactly, but I'm guessing it was either Metallica, AC/DC, Coldplay, or Queen. I still listen to Metallica, Coldplay, and Queen but I'm not really into AC/DC anymore.
What's your preferred way of getting the news? Online, from various sources that don't have any political leanings. I also like Apple News and Google News.
If you go to flightradar24 dot com to see the radar, are there any planes or helicopters in your area right now? Yep there's a Cessna 172 nearby, the same type of plane I did a lot of my flight training in. I actually use the FlightRadar24 app a lot to track my husband's flights, and also just to browse around and see if I can find any interesting/rare aircraft types.
When was the last time you ate at a food court and what did you get? A few weeks ago. My husband and I got breakfast from a food court area in the Dublin airport, before our flight back to the U.S. I got a breakfast burrito.
Would you consider yourself traditional/old-fashioned? Only in a few specific ways. Mainly when it comes to etiquette/manners stuff.
How do you like your eggs cooked? Over easy or poached.
Have you ever taken a ride in a yellow car that wasn't a taxi? I don't think I have.
What was the last thing you had to return to a store and why? I think it was the curved gaming monitor we bought for the desktop. The screen was faulty, it flickered in the upper left corner.
Do you need to get groceries right now? No, I just went grocery shopping yesterday.
What's your favourite place to go on vacation? My favorite regular vacation spot is Hilton Head Island, but some other favorite vacations I've been on were to London, Bermuda, and Vermont.
What state/territory did you grow up in? Do you still live there? Mostly Ohio. My parents and I moved here when I was 3. Then my husband and I moved away from Ohio, to Virginia, when I was 23. And then when I was 31 we moved back here.
What colour were the last socks you wore? White.
Do you mark your emails as read even if you didn't open them, or do you let them just sit there? I just let them sit there. My inbox is a crowded mess but oh well LOL.
Do you have a LinkedIn profile? Nope.
Have you ever done your own compost? No.
Do you have any plans for tomorrow? If no, what about the day or two after that? I think my husband and I are just going to have a chill day at home tomorrow. Not yet sure about Friday. And then on Saturday we're going to go hiking along the coast, and I'm going to take my camera and drone for some photography.
Would you ever get a tattoo on your hand or foot? Nope.
Do you open your doors and windows on warm days? Yep.
Are the blinds/curtains in the room open or closed right now? Closed.
Who was the last person you said "I love you" to? My husband.
Does your town have a bar or pub? It has a few.
Were you mean to anyone in high school? No.
What's one of your favourite features of your phone? I recently switched back to an Android phone (Google Pixel) after having iPhones for over 5 years, and I had forgotten just how highly customizable Android phones are. I've been having a ton of fun tinkering with it and customizing it just how I want it. But I think what I like even more than the customizability is the amazing camera. It also uses AI to edit photos, like if you take a picture of a landscape and there's a person in the photo, you can select them and the software will use AI to automatically edit out that person.
Have you ever accidentally started a fire? Nope.
Do you ever wonder where everyone's going when you're driving around? Haha yes, sometimes.
Do you forget things as quickly as you think of them? That mostly only happens when I'm really tired.
What is the last note you edited in your phone's notes app? My note where I write down Christmas gift ideas.
Who is your favourite coworker? You can tell me about one from your past if you don't have one right now. The little bit of work I do now is on my own, but at my last job, my favorite coworker was either Stephanie or the older semi-retired guy who worked there just for fun, I can't remember his name anymore.
Can you hear birds chirping right now? Nope, it's nighttime. I put my birds to bed about an hour and a half ago. And all the wild birds outside are asleep, too.
Have you ever learned a language on your own, as in, not attending classes or lessons? I've attempted to learn German on Duolingo, but I had a really hard time, I kept reverting back to French because that was the first foreign language I learned.
Do you know anyone who's adopted a child? No, I don't think so.
Are you good at parallel parking? Yep.
What scent is your body wash? Sort of a nutty vanilla smell.
Do you tend to wear your clothes more than one day before washing them? I oftentimes do. It extends the life of the clothes. But it really depends on the clothing item, like I obviously won't wear workout/hiking clothes more than once.
What was the last video game or board game you purchased? I can't remember.
Pulp or no pulp in your orange juice? No pulp.
Is your middle name common? Not at all, it's my maiden surname which is very uncommon.
What's your favourite Robin Williams movie? I don't really have a favorite. I don't think I've seen very many of his movies. I thought he was a great voice actor in Aladdin, though. Can't think of a better actor to voice the Genie haha.
Do you decorate your house for Halloween? I usually decorate the front porch with a few pumpkins, but that's more like general autumn decor. I don't do any decorations that are super specific to Halloween.
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notroosterbradshaw · 2 years
whoops hahaha, I think I accidentally sent you a private message? but at the same time I can't find it? lol
but I will just send this again �� because I have no shame 🤠
baaabe, I can't wait for the 🌹🌹🌹🌹
you know that I love your writing and I can't wait for the snippets you give you when you have time 😍😍 so excited!
I remember the last time you gave us the good stuff (and also the shower one, that wasn't even a snippet 😚)
so I guess you are my trusted Dr*g dealer now 🤭🤭
Hehe oh the shower. It was a goodie, that one! I haven’t written at all this week but I’ll be back into it this weekend. Almost finished a few things (a song fic for a challenge that is at least a month behind 😖 and a part to TRE because once I put it in hiatus I couldn’t get it out of my head, blame the holidays). But I really need to give some time to It’s Only My Heart and make Rooster miserable some more. I miss angsty Rooster.
I still have a few more 🌹 in my inbox but haven’t been on desktop so will jump on today and publish some more stuff. I just don’t want to give away any spoilers.
Love this message, best thing ever to wake up to on a Friday morning! Happy to be your dealer always! xx
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holidaywishes · 3 years
a bit of stress relief
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  Requested: 👍
  Summary/Request: Can you PLEASE write about Freddie coming to your work and having a quickie in your office
  Warning: smut, fluff, whiny Freddie
  Author’s Note: REQUESTS ARE CLOSED for a bit. I do have one more in my inbox right now so I’ll add it to my drafts but after I write that I won’t be taking requests for... a while. Maybe a month? I have a few series I want to finish up before I start having requests piling up. I always love seeing my inbox full of requests for different types of fics, so this isn’t forever, just until I’m able to finish my Gally series for sure and possibly my 9-1-1 series. This request was fun and I just couldn’t say no lol. Thanks in advance for your understanding and I hope I’ll be able to get back to requests sooner than later but I’ll keep y’all updated! Stay Golden, loves! <3 
  the other masterlist
  Your boss asked you to go into the office on a Saturday to finish an assignment that she had forgotten to mention earlier in the week. You would’ve argued that you had plans but your boss said it was for a presentation the next morning that they needed the information for
  “I’m sorry, Freddie,” you whined to your boyfriend as he tried to convince you to stay at his apartment, “believe me, I’d much rather be here but I’m not about to get fired...”
  “It’s not your assignment, it’s hers,” he argued, “she made the mistake. Why do you have to do it for her?”
  “It’s my job” you admitted
  “Except when it’s not...” he groaned
  “Freddie,” you sighed, “I won’t be long I promise. I just need to go in and print up some stuff and make a couple calls. Nothing major...”
  “So why can’t your boss do it?” he challenged, “it’s her mistake, so.. she should be responsible for fixing it”
  “I know,” you repeated, wrapping your arms around his neck before kissing his cheek, “but I can’t lose this job. I have loans to pay off”
  “You know I can help with that”
  “No,” you scoffed, “no you absolutely cannot. I don’t want to feel like I owe you anything. That’s not the relationship we have... I’m not your sugar baby”
  “But you could be”
  “But I don’t wanna be”
  “Alright...” he laughed, kissing your nose playfully
  “I’ll call you when I’m finished okay. I give it one, two hours tops”
  “If you’re not finished in two hours, I’m coming down there and taking you home” he teased
  “Okay,” you scoffed, “I’ll see you later.” You got to the office and rushed into your boss’s office to find the information you needed to work on. The office was empty, as it should’ve been, but when you heard the door open and close, you popped your out of the door to see who was there, “Hello?” you called
  “(Y/N)?” your co-worker asked
  “Mason? What are you doing here?” you returned, noticing now that a bunch of your co-workers were walking in
  “We could ask you the same thing” he chuckled
  “Laura forgot to do stuff for the presentation tomorrow, so she asked me to come in and do it”
  “For the conference?”
  “Yeah,” he replied, “our team is having the same issue. Except they’re saying they ‘lost it’ or that it ‘must have gotten deleted somehow’ so now we have to be here all day trying to fix this”
  “Why are any of this people in charge again?” you asked
  “Maybe they slept their way to the top” he joked before waving you goodbye and heading to his station. You started at this company as an intern, mostly handing out mail and grabbing coffee for everyone, but they kept you around because you had a good eye for graphic design which was important in a marketing firm. However, your boss, Laura, had replaced Debra, the former Head of Marketing, a month before you were hired to be her assistant and she really wasn’t all that fond of you. She claimed that your degree should be in Business or Marketing not Graphic Design and that you’d only ever be an assistant in this industry so ‘don’t hope for more than that.’ You didn’t think too much of her comments though, at the end of the day, you had a job to you and you were going to do it well; even if it meant coming in on the weekend to do her forgotten assignments. When you finally found Laura’s papers, you groaned audibly, realizing this wasn’t going to be quick work
  “Hey!” Freddie greeted you from the other end of the line when you called him to let him know what was happening
  “Hey...” you sighed
  “What?” he groaned, “what’s going on?”
  “It looks like I’m gonna be here for a while. Laura underplayed how much work there was for me to do...”
  “You can’t really be doing this?” he whined
  “Babe, I have to. I told you, it’s my job. But,” you added, hoping it would make him feel better, “it’s not just me! Apparently, all the senior staff forgot to do these super important assignments for the conference. So, a bunch of us are here working until we finish them”
  “You need to quit this job,” he grumbled, “clearly no one is good at what they were hired to do”
  “I can’t quit unless I have something lined up,” you argued, “babe, I’m sorry. I know I promised that we’d lay in bed all weekend because this was the first time that you had free time but I have to do this. I promise, I’ll work as fast as I can but the longer I’m on the phone, the longer I’m at the office. So, I gotta go. I love you and I’ll see you as soon as I’m done okay?”
  “Call me and I’ll pick you up,” he replied, “you shouldn’t have to take an Uber back here...”
  “Okay,” you smiled, “that would be nice. Talk soon. Love you”
  “Love you, too” he said before you ended the call. You took a deep breath and started getting to work. Organizing timelines and trying to understand doctors-note-handwriting from past meetings
  “How can she possibly expect me to be able to understand this?” you thought to yourself. You signed onto her computer and were immediately left in shock at the jumbled mess of her desktop, “holy fuck!” you exclaimed silently, it’s no wonder she gets nothing done, “she’s the most unorganized person I’ve ever seen!” You spent the next 20 minutes opening files to find what you were looking for, closing what was not it immediately so you could legally say you didn’t see anything, and then you had to spend the next half an hour printing documents and running back and forth between Laura’s office and the copy room
  “How’s it goin’?” Rob, one of the other team members who was forced to come in and work on a Saturday, asked when he noticed you rushing throughout the room
  “Oh, you know, I’m sure I’ll have a panic attack in the next, oh, twenty or so minutes” you replied, sighing as you walked back to the printer one last time. You had managed to get most of the paper work done but you still had to make a few phone calls to get estimates on some of the ad spaces needed and whether or not there could be a discount involved for the company
  “Hey!” Freddie said gleefully, walking into your boss’ office like he owned the place
  “Freddie,” you gasped, a slight sneer on your tone, “what are you doing here?”
  “I came to see you...” he replied, furrowing his brow at your response, “when you said you were gonna be longer than you thought, I thought I’d come down and surprise you. Maybe take the stress off a little?”
  “That’s sweet, babe,” you smiled, noticing the look in his eyes and realizing what he was really there for, “but I have to make some calls so I can’t... do that”
  “We can make it work” he teased, biting his bottom lip quickly before pulling you close to him
  “Fred...” you whined, kissing him once before pushing him away from you and walking back to Laura’s desk, “I really do have to work. You can sit if you want but that’s it...” he slumped onto the plush couch against the window and frowned before scrolling through his phone as you started to call the businesses on your list. After about 10 minutes, you noticed Freddie peering up from his phone to look over at you, as if he was trying to get you to hang up the phone just from a look, choosing to walk over to you when you didn’t. “Yes, that’s right. I know you’ve been with us for quite some time and our relationship has helped both our businesses grow,” you spoke as Freddie swiveled you and your chair out from the desk, “we want that relationship to keep growing” you continued before noticing the smirk on Freddie’s face as he hovered over you, kissing your neck as you tried to pay attention to the call. “Mhmm,” you said to the person on the other end of the phone, distracted by Freddie’s lips pressing against the sensitive skin on your neck, his hot breath cascading down your neck, “mhm, sure. I understand” you said again, trying not to let on what was happening. “Laura is so sorry she couldn’t make this call to you herself,” you lied, Freddie kissing his way down to your core, pulling off your leggings quickly and kissing your inner thighs as you spoke, “however, she is excited to showcase your work to those at our conference tomorrow. We all just wanted to make sure the numbers were 100% accurate...” you had to bite your lip and move the receiver end of the phone from your mouth in case any sound escaped when you felt Freddie’s tongue finally press against your clit. “Oh that’s great!” you exclaimed when the partner on the phone added a discount to the quote you’d already been given, claiming that, had he known other businesses would be hearing of his services earlier, he would’ve offered it sooner. “Thank you so much,” you smiled, Freddie’s hands pulling your body closer to his him as his mouth brought you closer and closer to your orgasm, “I or Laura will let you know how everything goes. Thank you again” you said quickly before hanging up the phone. “Fuck,” you cursed breathlessly, “oh my god, Freddie!” your back was forced to arch, as you were pretty much falling out of your seat as Freddie continued to stimulate your clit, only now moving his finger to caress your folds before slowly inserted it inside of you and pumping until you whimpered, tugging at his hair. “Freddie,” you squeaked, trying not to be heard from outside the office, “fuck” you repeated quietly, your grip loosening from his hair as his ministrations slowed and your breathing steadied.
  “How’s your stress now?” he smirked, wiping his mouth casually before standing up in front of you once more
  “You can’t do that” you said, small pants escaping your lips, making Freddie believe you less than you intended
  “I think I can” he teased
  “I was on a business call, Fred!” you exclaimed, pulling your leggings back up, “what if they heard something?”
  “They would only hear something if you let them” he countered and, ultimately, you knew he was right but you still shook your head
  “You can’t do that” you repeated and he scoffed, hovering over you once more to taunt you with a kiss but stopped right in front of your lips
  “We’ll see about that...” he smirked, taking his hands away from the chair and walking back to sit on the couch
  “What’s goin’ on with you?” you asked
  “I just want to be with you,” he whined, giving you puppy dog eyes and earning a scoff from you, “that’s what we were supposed to be doing anyway...”
  “I told you we would when I got home...” you said
  “Come here,” he said, patting his thigh, “come sit on my lap” you chuckled but obliged. You wrapped your arms around his neck after sitting on his thigh, playing with his hair and kissing his nose before he spoke again, “see, isn’t this better than making a few phone calls?” he asked, his hand beginning to rub your back lightly
  “You know I would rather be doing this, or more than this, with you,” you admitted, leaning in and kissing him softly, letting your lips linger a moment before you pulled back, “but I have to do this stuff...”
  “Just a quickie...” he whispered, “and then I’ll go. Then we can pick up at home”
  “This is my boss’s office” you whined
  “All the more reason to do it. We’re in a private spot, secluded from everyone else, it’s perfect” he replied, kissing your jaw before moving down to your neck and you let your head fall back to give him more room
  “Mmmm,” you hummed, melting into his kiss, “I can’t”
  “(Y/N)...“ he groaned
  “Just a few more calls,” you argued, “I don’t have a lot left. Just like, five, maybe six”
  “That’s a lot. How long are each of those calls? 10 minutes? 20?” he asked, “we could do a lot with that time...”
  “Stop,” you smiled, standing up from his lap and walking back to the desk chair, “just a few more calls...” you repeated. He slunk into the couch and angrily unlocked his phone while you picked up Laura’s phone and began dialing. You were able to make three calls before Freddie began sighing loudly across the room and you had to glare at him, which is when the texts started
  “I want you” he sent as you spoke to another advertising partner on the phone
  “Like now” another came through
  “I’m gonna come over there”
  “And make you cum again” you glared up at him and he smiled
  “And again” you shook your head, turning off your sound so the partner didn’t hear the constant dinging
  “And again”
  “And again”
  “Until you can’t cum anymore” you noticed him smile as he thought up more responses and you threw a pencil at him, still paying attention to the conversation on the phone before mouthing ‘stop’ to Freddie but he just shook his head with a teasing smile
  “You won’t be able to walk”
  “Your legs will be numb”
  “Your chest will be heaving because you can’t catch your breath”
  “You’re gonna crave my dick”
  “Every time you move”
  “You’ll have to physically stop yourself from jumping me in public”
  “Because you’re still feeling me inside you” your eyes went wide as you read his messages, heat flooding your face as you ended the call, forcing yourself to dial another number before Freddie could get the upper hand. He slowly made his way to the desk once more and you gulped as you swallowed the saliva that had filled your mouth, Freddie hung up the phone before it ever even really began to ring
  “Seriously, don’t...” you whispered, knowing that you were about to break from whatever move he made next
  “But I want to” he growled, grazing your nose with his and you started to give in when he walked toward the door, “crap” you thought to yourself when you thought he was about to leave but he was only locking the door
  “What the fuck?!” you exclaimed, “that was unlocked this whole time?!”
  “Yeah?” he chuckled
  “Freddie! What would have happened if someone walked in earlier?”
  “They would’ve gotten a great show” he replied, walking over to you, leaning over you but not doing anything. You took a deep breath before running your hands up his arms, tangling your fingers in his hair before bringing him down to kiss you
  “We have to be quick...” you whispered, earning a grin from Freddie before he pulled your leggings off and directed your thighs around his waist so he could pick you up to carry you to the couch. You laughed when he sat down and you fell into him clumsily, “quiet” you shushed him before kissing him slowly and trailing your hands down to his waistband, pushing his pants down just enough to free his erection while his hands lifted your shirt up, stopping to massage your breasts. You heard a laugh outside of the office and stopped what you were doing, “wait,” you whispered, “I think someone’s there” he didn’t listen, kissing your neck and lining himself up with your entrance before bucking his hips to yours; your nails digging into his shoulders to stop yourself from making any sound. His hands gripped your hips as he thrust into you, bringing your attention back to him while your lips found each other in a clumsy rush to muffle the sounds of each other’s moans
  “Fuck,” Freddie moaned first, “fuck” you were about to reciprocate his sentiment when the phone rang and your head jerked back in panic
  “Shit” you sighed, worry mixing with pleasure as Freddie continued to grip your hips tightly
  “Ignore it” he said, kissing your peaked nipple over your shirt before moving a hand to your core, but your head still stayed looking at the ringing phone
  “What if it’s her?” you whined, referring to your boss
  “Ignore it” he repeated
  “What if it’s one of the partners or the vendors? What if it’s one of the really important clients?” you asked, knowing he wouldn’t give any helpful advice other than
  “Ignore it” he said once more, pulling your face back to his before kissing you harshly. The phone stopped ringing and you felt a faint sense of peace course through you as you softened the kiss that Freddie had started, your tongue begging for his lips to part, a muffled moan intertwining with his warm breath as it brushed over your exposed neck. Your tongue danced with his for a while as his fingers circled your clit, pressing down on the sensitive flesh every so often
  “Fuck” you breathed finally, now beginning to ride him faster, feeling his thighs flex underneath you as he welcomed the sensation of you crashing onto him. “Fuck,” you repeated, “shit, oh my god. Fuck Freddie” you felt your climax build as his lips met your neck, his finger still working on your clit while you rode him harder; the loud ringing of the phone the only thing that brought you back to where you were. “Ugh” you groaned
  “Leave it” he groaned back
  “Fuck” you sighed, reluctantly ignoring the phone to continue fucking your incredibly broad shoulder boyfriend
  “That’s my girl” he smirked, watching you bounce up and down his length
  “Fuck, Freddie, I’m gonna cum” you panted, your hands clutching his shirt as your hips began to shake. “Sh-i-it, god fuck! Freddie” you moaned, still trying to be as quiet as possible but knowing that everyone in the office was probably putting on noise cancelling headphones just to try to escape the sounds they were undoubtedly hearing.
  “Almost there, baby” Freddie breathed, clutching onto your waist to assist your movements. Fuck, his hands fit so perfectly on your body, you really hated that this had to end so quickly, but that’s what he came here for. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum in you”
  “Fuck” you breathed, dropping your head onto his shoulder, your body taking over until you and Freddie met your release. Like clockwork, the annoying ringing of the phone appeared and you had to scoff at Freddie while you quickly got dressed
  “That was fun,” he smiled, “you sure you don’t wanna go round two?”
  “Hello” you greeted, picking up the phone to continue the work you had come to do, “I am so sorry about that. I’m not sure what was happening with the line…”
  “So we’ll continue this at my place then?” Freddie teased before and you nodded with wink before shooing him away but not before he kissed you goodbye. You were dreading the walk out of the office if Mason and his team hadn’t left yet but you knew it had to happen sooner or later
  “So, should we hire a clean up crew before your boss gets back?” one of the guys teased
  “Shut up” you said, hoping your embarrassment didn’t show too clearly
  “You do know we put on our headphones as soon as we saw him,” Mason admitted, “we knew there’s no way that he was gonna just show up to say hi”
  “He could’ve,” you tried, exhaling when you realized you were never going to fool any of them, “fine. Just, please, don’t rat me out. I just pulled together a miracle in that office and I don’t need Laura finding out about my office sex-capades — I don’t want that to be the reason she fires me. I’m not that girl…”
  “We know” another co-worker smirked
  “Don’t worry, your secret is safe with us,” Mason assured, “it’s a don’t-ask-don’t-tell policy as far as we’re concerned” you gave him an appreciative smile before heading out to meet Freddie in the parking garage
  “Hey” he smiled as you sat in the front seat
  “Hi” you replied, leaning over to peck his lips
  “Did you get your work done?” he teased
  “Yeah,” you chuckled, “it was a miracle but I got it done” he took your hand and brought it to his lips to press a kiss to it
  “No more quickies,” he whined, holding your hand for the remainder of the ride, until he needed it for one reason or another, “I need more than that”
  “I agree,” you smirked, “now, let’s go home so you can fuck me until I can’t walk
  “Yes ma’am.”
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@a-reader-and-a-writer requested: 1. "Are you eating cookies right now? It's 3 AM! "If Santa can do it so can I."
Romanticgumchewer's Christmas Spectacular - DAY SIX - Milk and Cookies (AU!Rick Flag x AU!OC)
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Summary: Deadknight and Colonel Holman have to stay late in the office on Christmas Eve going over new prisoner profiles - and as the night goes on, neither of them really want it to end.
Pairing: Criminal!Rick Flag x Colonel!OC (Delphia Holman)
Word Count: 1519
Warnings: language, enemies to lovers (strictly reluctant coworkers in this lol), sad vibes, missing home
if i go masterlist
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A large stack of paper fell onto Delphia’s desk with an unceremonious thump. She looked up from wasting time in her empty email inbox, to see Waller smirking down at her with a very Grinch-like twinkle in her eye.
“New inmate profiles,” she explained, “I want all of these assessed and on my desk before you leave today. Merry Christmas.”
Waller spun on her heel and walked out of Delphia’s office with a saunter, letting the door shut gently behind her. Of course she would do this on Christmas Eve while she went home to her empty penthouse apartment, or her torture dungeon — wherever it was that she lived. There was no way this many new inmates had been processed just this week. Waller had been saving them up just for this precise moment of torture.
“Jesus, what’d you do to deserve that?” Deadknight asked from the little desk in the corner she had exiled him to.
“I have no idea,” she sighed, picking up the first few papers from the foot-thick stack and beginning to read.
It realistically could have been a mirade of things. That time Delphia went against direct orders in order to save a teammate. That time Delphia pointed out a stain on Waller’s blouse in front of a few people in the hallway. That time Delphia had made a not so discreet joke about her while on mission, knowing that everyone in the control room could hear. Maybe this was payback for all of those things. Waller abided her time long enough and concocted the perfect revenge. Keep Delphia for as long as possible on Christmas Eve knowing that she had plans to fly out and be with her parents for Christmas Day.
What a bitch.
Delphia heard Deadknights chair screech as he pushed away from his desk. And she did her best to just keep her head down and not acknowledge him at all. Abner Krill, calls himself Polka-Dot Man, literally shoots polka-dots at people. But then his large frame, bedecked in prisoner’s orange, was in her direct peripheral. He picked up about half of the stack of profiles and then walked back to his desk. She took in a deep breath when he was finally out of her presence. Intoxicating and infuriating all at once. Shameful and hopeless.
Her phone vibrated wildly on her desktop, the sound echoing in the quiet space. Her mom was calling. Shit.
She answered the phone with a sigh. “Hey, Mom.”
“Hi, Ducky, just calling to make sure you’re okay. You usually call when you get to the airport — “
“I’m not at the airport.”
She looked over her shoulder to see Deadknight already staring at her, red pen between his fingertips and an unreadable expression on his face. She really wished he wasn’t here right now.
“Amanda?” Fanny asked with a knowing tone.
“Yeah, Waller.” A childish sort of frustration tugged at her heart, squeezed at her chest. “I’m gonna catch the next flight as soon as I get off.”
“Alright, Ducky. Just don’t rush and stress yourself out. I know how you get.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Delphia rolled her eyes with a little smile. “I’ll call you as soon as I get to baggage claim.”
“Well, send us the details and we can track your flight — pick you up from the airport,” Fanny suggested, pots and pans clattering in the background.
“No, you guys aren’t picking me up. It’ll be late — or early. Whatever. I’ll just grab a taxi or something.”
“Alright, alright. Your dad doesn’t like it but we’ll stay home,” she said, “Just be safe, okay?”
“Okay, okay,” Delphia sighed, swiveling her chair and catching a glimpse of Deadknight again.
His head was bent over his desk, but the pen in his hand definitely wasn’t moving. He was listening in.
“I love you, Ducky,” her mom said.
“Love you too!” her dad called in the background.
It all hit her at once. A kind of longing that ripped and tore at her insides. A desperate need that she hadn’t felt since her first deployment. Tears pricked the backs of her eyes as she sat up in her seat. No, she wouldn’t cry. She couldn’t cry. Not when Deadknight was sitting right there.
“Love you guys, too,” she replied, voice wavering despite all her attempts at control.
“Merry Christmas, Ducky.”
“Yeah, Merry Christmas.” She sniffed, fist thumping harshly into her thigh to keep her tears from falling. “Bye.”
She wanted to be home. She wanted a hug from her mom and her dad to smack her harshly on the shoulder with a smile. She wanted her mom’s homemade mulled wine. She wanted to curl up on the carpet in front of their old wood burning fireplace with their cat and just forget about everything for one goddamn second. She wanted to feel like it was Christmas. She didn’t want to be in this stupid office, with this stupid paperwork, with stupid Deadknight sitting in the corner.
Her vision blurred with tears as she shot up from her desk.
“I’m gonna go take a lap — you, stay there.” She pointed vaguely at Deadknight.
“Yes, ma’am,” he grumbled.
Out in the hallway, it seemed cooler and more open than in her office. No eyes watching her. Only the blank linoleum floors and bright fluorescent lights keeping her company. And as she went down the hallway at a brisk march, those frustrated, childlike tears finally fell.
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It was over an hour before she finally came back. Every time she even came near her office door a fire ignited in her chest that wouldn’t allow her to go inside. At this point, she was just pissed off. What she wanted to do was march down to Waller’s office, even though she knew she wouldn’t be there, and tell her that she wasn’t doing the evaluations. She was going home for Christmas. But Waller was her superior and the Army had ingrained in her that she was supposed to respect those in charge, no matter how shitty they are.
And when she did manage to go back inside her office, she found Deadknight sitting there with his feet thrown up on his desk and a sugar cookie between his fingers.
“Are you eating cookies right now?” Delphia looked down at her watch. “It’s three AM!”
“Hey, if Santa can do it, so can I,” he replied with a slight smirk before shoving the entire cookie in his mouth.
She shook her head as she continued towards her desk. Then she noticed that familiar tin sitting by Deadknight’s feet, the lid off and sugar cookies she should have recognized sitting inside. A tin her mother had given her ages ago with Santa’s jolly face painted on the lid, trying to encourage sharing amongst her battalion members.
“Those are my cookies,” she pointed out as she sat back down in her chair, swiveled to face him.
“Yeah, and what exactly were you saving them for?”
“Nothing, I guess.”
She had been saving them for something though. It was meant to be a type of peace offering between the two of them. They had been arguing and fighting a lot recently, more so than usual, and because of the season of forgiveness and generosity, she had decided to make some cookies. The idea was to share them and make up for how shitty they had been to one another. But then she stored them away in her desk and hadn’t brought them back out again. The sentiment and plan were forgotten as soon as he said something else snarky.
“Just give me a damn cookie,” she said, with her hand outstretched.
She caught the one he tossed easily, taking a bite of the easily two week old cookie.
“These things’re dry as fuck,” Deadknight commented, “How long you had these in there for?”
“Like two weeks.”
“Eh — still taste alright, though.”
Delphia shook her head as she opened one of her desk drawers. “Since you were pilfering around in my desk — “
“Oh, pilfering. Way to crack open a thesaurus, Colonel.”
“Shut up.” She glared at his smirking face as she pulled out a brown paper package and tossed it at him. “Thought you would’ve noticed this.”
He stared down at the box with brows furrowed as he pulled his feet from his desk and sat up straight. Delphia had to look away once he started tearing off the paper. A sudden embarrassment, like wildfire, creeping up her neck. Once the tearing and rustling stopped, she looked up to see him holding up a brand new scarf — nearly identical to the one he had used to save her life — dangling from his hand.
“You got me a Christmas present?” he questioned skeptically.
“No — no — “ She pointed a finger at the scarf. “This is just me replacing something that I ruined with a lot of my blood.”
Deadknight leveled her with a look as he wrapped the scarf around his neck. “You got me a Christmas present.”
“Fine, whatever,” Delphia huffed as she turned back to the inmate assessments.
“Merry Christmas, Colonel.”
“Yeah, Merry Christmas, Flag.”
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Taglist (if you would like to be tagged in future installments just let me know!): @bbygrgu @a-reader-and-a-writer @slayerx147 @xoxabs88xox @kasey-puff @witchygagirl @the-pink-petite-princess @blooo0ooop @woodlandmouth @csigeoblue @rexorangecouny @h-hxgirl @thisisthewayrose @blondiekook @darkestbeforethedawn16 @runic-belova @weallhaveadestiny @oopsiedoopsie23 @nerdgrrlramblings @ocfairygodmother @reysorigins @hawsx3
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sweetestlamb · 3 years
Let's Play A Love Game
Author's note: this one is rated 😈 so yeah. There was originally more angst in my mind but once I got to that part I was over it lol I'm the worst at angst I much rather make it naughty. It's more rushed than I wanted but I don't really have time to write 10k fics right now. But hopefully soon.
Summary: it's just pretend, right?
She hadn't meant to push the event in the corner of her mind until she forgot about it completely, so much so that when the e-vite showed up in her inbox she stared at it in wide eyed shock not even noticing Mi-Seon creeping up behind her.
"It's already time for that? I usually know it's coming because you start buying expensive dresses you can't afford and crying at your credit card bill. Maybe country life has really changed you hm?"
False. Inaccurate. Utterly wrong to the every core.
She lets out a shrill scream letting her head fall painfully on her desktop.
"I'm an idiot! Just kill me now, I deserve it." She has nothing to wear, okay the mountain of boxes in her living room, bedroom and some hidden in the linen closet beg to defer but none of that is worthy of this event. The annual dentist convention in Seoul, it's a week long getaway. It's meant to be an opportunity to build connections and attend professional learning classes, but that has long been abandoned. Now it is a fashion show and chance to show off your success and this year more than ever she has to impress everyone. They all look down on her and her cute little practice. Those judgemental snarky bitches.
"Do we have anymore patients?" She absently asks her best friend, only friend already getting up and walking away.
"No that was the last one. Do you want to call it a day?" She doesn't give a verbal reply lost in her phone and the disease that is online shopping, in the span of three minutes she has already added seven dresses to her cart.
"Chief Hong is going to have a long day."
It's just as Mi-seon says the next day the nosy know it all shows up glaring at her over the handful of packages in his arms.
"Don't tell me you're doing this again. What more could you possibly have to order? How much things does one woman need?" His voice is an air warmer than the last time they were in this very same position, but she tries not to think too hard about it. Their relationship is too confusing these days, as temperamental as the sea.
"Are delivery men allowed to complain this much when they're doing a job they are getting paid for?" She snarks back, snatching her packages from his arms with a huff. Ignoring the grin on his face as she disappears into her house.
"That better be all you order. I'm not coming back."
He comes back. At least six more trips, more boxes each time on the last day he doesn't simply leave after making his delivery.
"I'm coming in for tea because of you I've been working too hard." She squeaks indignantly as he pushes past her, their shoulders brushing in the tight space of the doorway.
She should wait until she doesn't have an audience but she's too impatient so while he's making the tea in her kitchen (so rude and intrusive), she starts to open a few boxes pulling out the contents. Dresses, blouses, shirts, hair accessories, lipsticks in all shades and hues, and of course shoes; heels, flats and everything in between.
"Your house looks like a department store." She jumps at his voice glancing up at him, almost laughing at the hedgehog mug that he's drinking out of that Mi-seon gave her as a joke. Leave it to him to pick the most ridiculous mug.
"Hurry up and go so I can try everything on." She starts to take the objects out and organize them, putting together possible outfits lazily.
"Why not have a fashion show?" He slurps loudly at the tea, sighing and smiling down at the warm beverage. Acting like he's never had tea before, such a plebian.
"A fashion show?"
"Yeah, model all that", he motions to the new boxes littering her bedroom floor, "and I'll let you know what looks good."
She scoffs, loudly looking at his lackluster outfit; a simple white tee tucked into dark cargo pants with suspenders.
"What do you know about fashion?" She replies meanly, despite the little voice in her mind that reminds her that while his outfits are more practical than fashionable there is something distracting about the way his shoulders fill out his shirts and the way his long legs sit in his pants.
He shrugs looking down at himself, "I'm the town handy man I have no need to look good. But I'm still a man I can tell you what I think looks good on a woman."
Oh. It's a nonchalant statement said with no real heat but the implications make her skin warm up, she's never once thought that he saw her as a woman; nor considered looking at him like a man. (Lies.)
"I--why woul--why?" She stutters through an answer, tongue heavy in her mouth. He looks back nonplussed, sitting down pointedly on her couch.
"Never took you for the shy kind. You growing bashful now Ms. Dentist?" His eyes twinkle with mischief and she knows that she's being played but she wants nothing more than to wipe that smug look off his face. Slamming her room door, she pulls off her casual house clothes and grabs the first thing that catches her attention- a buttery yellow dress that grazes her knee, pairing them with white heels and a high messy bun. A swipe of lip tint completes the look and she confidently opens her room door.
Du-sik is staring aimlessly at his phone and doesn't notice her reappearance at first, so she coughs loudly folding her arms and when his eyes land on her, a chill runs down her spine at the look that lands on her body. It's been a long time since a man looked at her in this way, his eyes are undressing her even though he was the one who implored her to dress up in the first place. She hates it. At least she should hate it. But she can't ignore the satisfaction that washes over her at his dumbfounded look, that smug look obliterated by her very first look.
"Well?" She pushes harder, twirling to give him the full look. His gasp is loud behind her, she knows exactly why. The deep revealing plunge that travels all the way to the small of her back. There's no way she would wear this to the convention much too suggestive but that's her business.
"Wher-" his voice cracks and this time she can't contain her smile, dimples flashing now at her clear affect on him, clearing his throat he tries again, "Where exactly are you going again?"
She hums turning back around, gleeful at the vibrant blush on his cheeks. So he is just a man after all.
"A dentist convention." She answers cheekily and he guffaws loudly, eyes narrowing at her like he knows exactly what she's trying to do. They stare at each other for a long moment and she ultimately breaks the stand still, realizing what's happening. It feels a lot like flirting.
Collecting herself, she barrels back into the room.
"What the hell are you doing?" She whispers to her reflection, face too flushed for her liking.
A hard knock at the door pulls her from her self chastisement, "You didn't even wait for my rating."
She sighs loudly covering her face in embarrassment at her own action. She doesn't even have alcohol to blame this time.
"I don't care. This was stupid, let's stop."
Of course he ignores her.
"I liked it. But it's too...sexy for convention. You should wear that for someone special. I doubt anyone with a beating heart would be able to resist you."
What the fuck.
This isn't who they are, when did they become comfortable enough for conversations like this? They despised each other, right? Confused and annoyingly flattered, she peels the dress off her body trying her hardest not to think about the fact that only a door separates him and her naked body.
"I would love to see the others. But I have to go, but if you want my opinion. Red is definitely your color."
"What?" She replies, but she can hear the too loud click of the front opening and then closing and just as capriciously as he arrived, he leaves. 
Burying something that feels a lot like disappointment she flops onto her bed, head fuzzy like its been wrapped in cotton.
"What is going on?"
They don't see much of each other the next day and it's unusual given how much they see each other on a regular basis but she refuses to think about it or even consider that he's avoiding her. He's just busy and she doesn't care anyway, they have nothing to do with each other.
The convention is in two days now, she has her overnight bag packed with all her new purchases and the messages have been pouring in their group chat. She's mostly chosen to ignore them but on a whim she decides to check what they're so excited about, only to feel her stomach drop.
Why isn't Hye Jin answering?
Maybe she's busy with her mystery man 😉
Oh! She has to bring him, we need to interrogate him!
Yoon Hye Jin don't pretend you don't see these messages!!
That she had forgotten about.
"Why did you tell them that he's interested in you? Has living here altered your brain, you idiot." She berates herself.
"Who's interested in you? Why are you an idiot?" Mi-seon looks curious from the doorway, without waiting for an invitation she hops onto the bed with two cans of beer. She grabs one, drinking it in a flash.
"Oh it's that kind of night." Mi-seon says excitedly running to grab more beers.
"So let me get this straight, you told them that Chief Hong is interested in you and that he's been chasing you but you're not interested?"
She nods meekly, wishing the floor would swallow her up.
"Why did you lie?"
That's the brunt of the issue, she's a liar. She should have sent her initial message and told them that there was nothing between them but how could she when they were all calling him handsome and acting like she finally did something right? She'd spent that entire dinner feeling like her teenage self on the outside looking in, wanting nothing more than to be someone worthy of being included.
"I know I should have told the truth."
"Yes, you should have told them that you're interested in him too."
Time stops as she processes the words that her best friend just uttered. There is static in her head as she tries to make sense of it.
"What are you talking about?"
Mi-seon looks at her unimpressed.
"You can both keep lying to yourself but the rest of us aren't as stupid. You're both interested in each other. It's mutual."
She wants to ardently deny the accusation but the words are caught in her throat and all she can manage are refusing sounds.
"You've been wearing red all week." Mi-seon says accusingly and she jumps up in huff, "So what? I'm allowed to wear colors!"
"You hate wearing red. You said it makes your skin look too pale. You hardly ever wear it. So color me surprised when I learned that red is the favorite color of a certain part timer."
That damn town chat. There has to be a way to get Mi-seon out of it. Maybe it was a mistake letting her live here. She was learning too much.
"Don't even bother to deny it. I won't believe anything you say. But I think you should ask him to go with you, you'll get some time alone to figure this out."
There's nothing to figure out. They are..... acquaintances who can admit that the other is vaguely attractive at times. His face isn't all that bad and she's pretty, so it's natural that there is tension at times, like he said they were still humans.
So she doesn't tell him about her fib, pretending everything is fine until it's the day of the convention and her anxiety has all but smothered her and her hands have a slight tremble in them as she starts to drive.
"It's going to be fine. Everything will be okay." She doesn't believe a word she's saying to herself, her heart is thumping in her heaving chest. She doesn't want to go alone. Convincing Mi-seon to leave was a failed endeavour, her and that police officer becoming inseparable. She knew what that smile meant when her best friend had realized that she would have the house to herself. She could barely get a word in as Mi-seon started frantically shaving her legs then pushed her out of the bathroom to "shave her wild cat".
With a sigh she starts driving, the car too quiet despite what she'd told Du-Sik and the Gongjin grannies. Uncharacteristically she turns on the radio, kpop blaring from the speakers. She recognizes the tune, never before has something as mundane as butter seemed so interesting but the kitchen essential was given new life by the song. She bops her head to the catchy beat, trying to ignore the fact that she's driving to the lion's den.
Some time later, she pulls into the hotel a valet already coming over to get her car. Grabbing her overnight bag, she exits the car handing her keys to the waiting hands of the valet.
Everyone is here and none of them had come alone, she was the only one without a plus one. They haven't noticed her yet so she watches as they all laugh at a joke she can't hear, unnecessarily stroking at their husband's chests as if to show off their exorbitantly priced wedding rings. Everything was always a competition here.
She shouldn't have come. Their was nothing about her life that they would be envious of. She was going to make a fool of herself. Impulsively she starts stepping back but it's too late, Hong In-A spots her and points her out and immediately all eyes are on her, they all start walking over to her and she wants nothing more than to run far, far away. Get on a bus and go to the beach and never see any of them ever again. But she's no longer a child, no longer that scared little girl; worked too hard to shed that skin.
Fortifying herself she puts on a fake smile. Ready for war.
"Hye-Jin ah, there you are. We were beginning to think you wouldn't come. You never responded in the group chat." Ye-Ri states with an attitude, looking around her as if searching for someone and eyes brightening when she sees no one. "Did you come alone?" This makes all of them perk up, looking around like chickens with their heads clucking. She swallows the shame the question elicits, "Who would I be with? I told you in already, it's not like that."
They all look at her with pity, it makes her want to slap them all across the face. Who were they to make her feel like shit, she didn't need anyone that didn't make her pathetic.
Finally one of the husbands cracks the awkward tension by introducing himself, she tries her best to ignore the pervasive way his eyes run down her body. Instinctively she crosses her arms, feeling naked under his stare. Nobody else notices her discomfort and after all the introductions, they all walk away as if she's no longer worth their time.
Lump in her throat she walks into the hotel, determined not to show them that they've gotten under her skin.
There's a scheduled lunch and she tries to find a new table but Sung-Mi waves her over and she doesn't see anyone else she recognizes or wants to sit with.
He hadn't been wrong, she has no friends besides Mi-seon.
"You were looking around, were you looking for someone? Are we not good enough to sit with?" The question is asked with a bite and sneer as if the idea is laughable that she would ever be better than any of them.
She swallows her pride, "No nothing like that. I was merely looking around."
Sung-Mi looks satisfied as if putting her in her place has righted her world.
They begin a conversation that completely excludes her, regaling drama that she knows nothing about and doing nothing to bring her up to date or invite her to join. It's the polar opposite of her experience in the countryside and with shocking clarity she realizes that she wishes she were there, it's only been a few hours but she misses it. Nobody looks down on her there, no usually she's the only doing that she notes with shame.
"I'll find the restroom." She says to no one because none of them are paying her any mind except the husband with the wandering eyes and she would much rather not have that attention.
Thankfully the bathroom is empty and she has to stop herself from splashing water on her face, her make-up was done perfectly it would be a waste to ruin it. Pushing her hair behind her ears she takes a deep breath and then another until her head is clearer, the noise lessening.
"It's only a day and a night. You've suffered far worst."
With that lacking pep talk she exits the bathroom, almost colliding into a wall. Wait, no it's just a person- a chest to be specific. She looks up ready to apologize when a familiar face stops her in her tracks.
"What are you doing here?" She stares flabbergasted at him, more dressed up than she's ever seen him. In a white suit with a white vest, the tee-shirt peeking under the only thing that feels like him to her. And his white sneakers. She can't hide her surprise at his sudden appearance and without thinking she starts to pull him to the side, to avoid being seen but she's not fast enough and soon they are swarmed by her colleagues, before she even has a chance to talk to him.
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"Aren't you the man from the picture?" Yoo-Jin asks blushing way too much for a married woman if her husband's cold stare means anything.
"The picture?" Du-sik replies, clearly confused.
"You're the guy that's chasing after her. She told us that you liked her and you were courting her." Sung-Mi answers for her, she wants to vanish. It would be better if she had never existed. Even non-existence would be better than this embarrassing moment. "I got a picture of you two last time, when you followed her."
His eyes ping-pong between the group and her and she realizes this is his chance to ruin her. After everything she's done, all her rude comments and snobby remarks about the town and people he cares for so much, this is his chance for revenge. He can laugh and deny any feelings for her, tell them all that she's a liar and he's never been interested in her, not even once. This is what is going to happen. She prepares herself for the fall out, surely after this she won't be able to show her face in Seoul again.
He starts to laugh and her stomach tightens, her palms are so sweaty.
Here it goes.
"Oh I guess she wanted to keep me a secret."
Wait. What. That doesn't sound like denial.
"We're together now. I finally bulldozed those walls and made her mine. Nice to meet you all I'm Hong Du-sik, Hye-Jin ah's boyfriend."
Her eyes widen as he bows and starts to shake hands with the husbands, the one that stared at her looking disappointed. Their handshake goes on for a second too long, eventually with the latter pulling away with a pained look. She's too confused to consider what that means.
"And you were so cold earlier saying you had no one. Did you want to make a fool of us?"
He answers for her, "It's nothing like that, my honey is still getting used to us. I'm sorry I'm so late I had something to take care of."
Her head is spinning too fast to keep up with everything happening and she's grateful when he excuses them and guides her outside with a large hand on her hip.
Fresh air is much appreciated and she takes in huge heaps of it as soon as they're free.
Then reality crashes down on her.
He knows about her lying.
He had called her bluff.
But he didn't out her.
"Why didn't you tell them the truth?" She finally manages to say, head still reeling.
But instead of answering he's staring at her legs, then slowly his eyes swivel upward cross her thighs curving around her hips, past her breasts (a bit too slow there) before moving to her collar and settling on her face.
"You look great."
She feels the heat rushing to her face. What was he doing to her?
It hadn't been in purpose but she finds herself in red again, an a line dress with criss crossing straps over her shoulder and a middle slit. It was conservative without being too formal or professional. She'd felt comfortable in it but now seeing that look on his face, comfort is the last thing she feels.
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He was distracting her and she couldn't afford that with those harpies inside waiting for her downfall. They needed to get back on track.
"What are you doing here?" She tries again, but he responds with his own question, "Why did you tell them that I was chasing you?"
"It was a mistake. They thought we were together and I just....said that for no reason." It's half the truth.
"They don't seem like your friends. You looked like you needed someone on your side, so I just found myself saying we were together for no reason."
She looks at him blankly, heart pounding now. In her moment of weakness instead of kicking her, he'd lended a helping hand. What kind of person did it make her for expecting the former?
"So what now?" She asks still in disbelief that he's here and that he'd told people that there were dating, she would be angry and offended later that they had readily believed it. Perhaps it didn't seem too farfetched now with him looking like that right now.
"Well, don't look but they're watching us through the glass."
This time she finds herself turning to look and he's the one that has to stop her, he does so by suddenly grabbing her hand and tugging her into his body. She squeaks at the collision. Leaning down so his lips are level with her ear, he speaks, "We can give them a show. I'm happy to be your pretend boyfriend."
She yearns to ask him why he's willing to go this far for her? Why was he even here when she had never told him where the convention was taking place? But his words were hot on her ear and she's tired of being their source of entertainment so she nods looking up at him, "Just this once. I'm going to lean on you. Let me borrow your eraser and copy your homework."
He stares before a blinding smile graces his handsome face.
"Let's go then." His hand is heavy on her waist as he walks back towards the hotel, taking his role very seriously it seems.
He fits in perfectly. Able to talk about a plethora of topics to anyone he's introduced to and even she's impressed by him. Be it travel, philosophy or poetry he seems well versed in everything things that even she is ignorant to and it makes her regret the way she looked down on him before, he was anything but a country bumpkin.
She leaves him to his conversation to get a drink, a whiskey on the rocks. Needing something hard tonight.
Not that. Down brain.
"Yoon Hye Jin? I would recognize that face anywhere."
Twisting to face the voice, she sees a familiar face- old classmate. Rung Do-Bae, they weren't anything more than classmates despite his many, many attempts.
His eyes sweep over her hungrily. She swallows her drink, painting on a shallow smile.
"Sunbae, how nice to see you here."
Invading her space he grabs her hand, "There is no need for such formalities. You can just call me by my name, Hye Jin ah."
As if she ever would.
Gently she tries to extract her hand but he won't let go and she doesn't want to make a scene.
Suddenly she's warmed by a body pressing into her, she knows who it is without even looking, her body relaxes immediately.
"Sorry I got lost in conversation honey. Who might this be? Another friend of yours?" He thrusts his right hand out and Do-Bae has no choice but to release her hand to return his handshake. Scarily enough she's starting to become used to his nickname, barely reacting to him using it again.
"Yes, this is my sunbae from school. Sunbae this is Hong Du Sik my....."
She knows that this is all an act, they were doing this to help her but she can't bring her tongue to form around the word, boyfriend.
"Her boyfriend." He finishes for her, pulling her tighter to his body.
But Do-Bae looks suspicious now.
"Boyfriend? I thought you were still single. You never changed your status on SNS. I've checked."
"Why are you so curious about that?" Du-sik challenges in return, doing a great job of sounding like a jealous boyfriend. She's almost even convinced.
"Hye Jin ah and I have always had a very special relationship. Beyond that of a hoobae and sunbae. Isn't that right?" He directs the last bit to her and she feels Du-sik stiffen next to her, seemingly believing these lies. So she clears that up.
"I have no idea what you're referring to honestly. We have never had anything that would constitute as a "special" relationship. I would appreciate if you didn't spread such lies, especially to my boyfriend. Enjoy the rest of your night."
She tugs Du-sik away, not waiting for a reply from the other man. The conversation was over anyway.
When they get far enough he speaks, "You have a lot of admirers."
She raises an eyebrow at the non-sequitur.
"Are you surprised?"
He brushes a hand across her cheek, making her freeze.
"No. It makes sense."
She blinks slowly before laughing, it sounds fake even to her ears.
"You should have been an actor. Your acting skills are incredible." He doesn't laugh, doesn't move before they're pulled into another conversation and she tries not to think about how tightly his body is pressed against her own.
"How is he in bed? He hasn't left you alone all day, I bet it's passionate." As soon as lunch had ended they had invited her to a spa, she'd considered saying no but she knew they would talk about her even if she wasn't there so it was best to at least know what they were saying.
Du-sik looked sad to see her go, but she told herself that she wasn't good at reading his faces. They hardly knew each other.
"I can't remember the last time I had a passionate night of sex. Kids and a full time job, leave no time for that. I'm pretty sure he's cheating on me and I'm too tired to even care." Sung-Mi confesses and she's shocked when the others nod in agreement instead of threatening to castrate him, as she'd done when Mi-seon told her about her ex boyfriend cheating.
"I have no complaints. He's... attentive. He's always touching me and pushing his way into my space. He's gentle but passionate, and I like...that he's so much bigger than me." She knows she should stop, this is definitely taking the lies too far. But that night bleeds into her thoughts, making everything she's saying feel true. He'd been so gentle with her, those huge hands cupping her face. She wondered how they would feel on other parts of her body.
"Damn. Look at you getting horny just from remembering. I'm so jealous."
Jealous. There were envious of her, it was all she'd been hoping for but the happiness she expected to erupt never comes. Instead she feels cheap, like she'd used Du-sik for her own benefit. She had tainted that night. This wasn't what she wanted.
As the day had gone on she found herself looking at him too much, he'd come all the way just for her and regardless of her brain trying to minimize that, it was huge. He hated snobby people like them who based a person's worth in their monetary success and yet he put on a smile and chatted with everyone, letting them mock his way of life and call people like him useless dreamers. All while she did nothing to defend him and drank wine, happy that they were being accepted.
He was the perfect gentleman all day and he was getting nothing in return for this. It was all just to help her.
Would a friend truly go this far to help? Was she being naive or was it like Mi-seon said, was she lying to herself?
"I'm such an idiot."
Without another word, she flees the sauna rushing to the locker room and changing back into her clothes. Nobody follows her because they aren't her friends. Why had she wasted so much time trying to impress these people who aren't even truly happy in their own lives?
The drive back is long, and she doesn't know what she's going to say but she knows that she's tired of being scared.
Leaving the key in the car she rushes past the valet, into the hotel elevator pressing their floor and waiting impatiently.
It takes three tries to get into their hotel room but once the door opens, he's right there. Sitting in the seat by the window reading a book.
"You're back early. I thought you would be gone until three?" He looks up, dog earring his book and giving her his full attention. Her heart skips a beat.
"Why did you agree to do this for me? Why go through all this trouble for me?"
It's the same question he's been asking himself since he first met her. Why was he was interested in her and why did he keep wanting to save her?
It was the desire that led to him being here.
He had accidentally overhead Mi-seon talking to Eun Chol about being worried about her, the convention was overnight and everyone would be bringing someone and she'd be all alone. The thought of her alone and isolated, made him race to her without a plan. Only stopping at a store to buy his outfit so he would fit in with her crowd, he'd spent more in that shop then he usually did in a week. But it was worth it for her.
It was a miracle that she hadn't questioned his presence more, he knew it was shameless and deceiving but none of this felt like pretending to him. His jealousy had been real, he'd had to strangle the urge to kick the pervert husband with the wandering eyes and then the insistent sunbae who wouldn't take a hint. She was a vision in the red dress and it wasn't a surprise that men found her enchanting, he just didn't like them looking at her. But she wasn't his, never would be because he couldn't confess.
They weren't right for each other.
"Do you like me?"
That question again. Last time he had laughed it off, called it absurd. But it wasn't. Not liking her would have been absurd.
"I don't know why you're asking me that."
"Because I'm tired of us lying to ourselves. Don't laugh and don't you dare say it's absurd again."
He can't respond, he's stuck on the word "us". It wasn't just him, they were an us?
Hearing that gives him courage he had long thought had been most forever.
"I wasn't pretending today. Nothing was fake to me, I meant it all." It's terrifying, unchartered land for them and he waits to see which one of them will chicken out first. It's sure to happen.
"I'm going to kiss you." She says instead of running like he expected and secretly wished for.
And then she's crossing the room and leaning down to grab his face, she watches him giving him a chance to pull away but he does the opposite, this time he meeting her half way. As soon as their lips meet the kiss is already too much, she's sliding into his lap and he wraps his arms around her tugging her closer until their chests are squished together.
He hasn't kissed anyone like this in a long time.
Hasn't been this close to losing control in a longer time.
"You're dangerous." He whispers into her mouth and she giggles at the statement, wiggling in his arms and rolling into him forcing a punched out groan from his lips.
Carefully he lifts her shirt watching her face closely for any signs that she wants to stop but finding nothing but her palpable lust.
Her skin is unbelievably smooth and soft and he can't stop himself from stroking her, rubbing at her back his hands resting right above her butt.
"How long have you felt this way?" She asks softly seductively nipping at his neck and running a hand over his shirt to caress his stomach, he physically aches for her.
"I wanted you the moment I saw you. But I didn't feel this until you convinced grandma to get her implants. That was when it became more for me."
She looks surprised and he is too, that they're speaking so candidly about feelings they've always denied.
"What about you?"
She stops licking at his neck to look him in the eyes. He's nervous to hear her reply.
"I.... don't know."
He tries to hide his disappointment. Maybe she was starting to retreat back into her shell. Maybe he shouldn't have been so honest.
He's about to untangle them when she continues, "It wasn't at first sight but one day I found myself looking for you. Seeing you become the best part of my day, I started to count on you to be there for me. To expect it. Just like this, I've been scared to lean on anyone until I met you."
Now that's a confession.
Impulsively he stands with her still on his lap, forcing her to to latch onto him so she doesn't tumble to the floor. Not that this would ever happen because he would never let her fall.
"I could have fell!" She cries, clinging to his shoulders and wrapping her legs around his waist. Her half naked bra clad body so close to him is causing another biological crisis in his pants.
Walking to the large bed in the middle of the room he falls backwards, enjoying the view of her on top of him a little too much.
It's all probably too soon and they should probably slow down, but his body is strumming and he wants nothing more than to break her apart.
"I'm all sweaty. I should take a shower."
Instantly an image of her wet and naked under the downpour of a shower flashes in his mind and he has to twist away from her.
"Pervert." She accuses but he can hear how satisfied she is with his reaction. Damn tease.
"Do you want to join me?" She teases some more, having fun now that she knows her power over him.
He looks at her helplessly.
"Are you having fun? Remember what I told you before? I'm still a guy. You're sitting here in your bra taunting me, do you think I'm that much of a good guy? Do you think I don't want to throw you down, rip your clothes off and eat you alive? I'm so hard right now just seeing you naked would be enough to push me over the edge. So don't make propositions you can't follow through on."
She looks dizzy from his words, eyes hooded and glossy. He watches her gulp and then stagger off to the bathroom, without a word to him. It's probably for the best, everything is too charged right now.
A shower for her and many glasses of water for him later, she's back and it's almost time for dinner.
"I think they said dinner starts at 6. Should we head down?"
She glances at him, while opening her bag and pulling out skin creams and some fuzzy socks.
"Would you be opposed to ordering room service and staying here?"
It's the best offer he's heard all day, only second to her asking if he wanted to join her in the shower.
"What about your colleagues?" He asks to make certain that she's really okay with this.
"What about them?" She replies with a shrug and he grins picking up the room service menu.
They order too much food and not enough alcohol but neither of them want to forget this night. She tells him stories about her time in dental school and he's happy to get to know her better, chuckling at the funny stories and commiserating at the sad ones.
Before he knows it night has fallen.
And he realizes that they'll be sharing a bed. Unless she wants him to sleep on the couch.
She's wearing a big shirt and loose shorts and he still can't believe he gets to see her like this.
"Are you coming to bed?" She's already getting under the sheet and that answers his question, this is really happening. He starts to follow her lead, getting under the sheets but keeping a respectable distance between them.
"I'm cold." She announces suddenly and he starts to look for a thermostat in the room or an extra blanket, before realizing that she's looking at him over her shoulder, he stares back confused before she lifts an eyebrow and oh, he gets it. Carefully moving closer he feels her warmth surround him as they meet, forth to back.
"Took you long enough." She grumbles, pulling his arm over here body and settling back into him moving until she's comfortable.
She's so close and warm and her smell is all around him and he feels his restraint dissolving and when she presses back into him, her hip rubbing against his crotch he bites down on his bottom lip.
It's too much for him to resist and without warning or preamble, he's turning her to face him and swallowing her moan of surprise eagerly. He grabs her head firmly holding her in place and slips his tongue into her open mouth, her unique taste exploding on his taste buds. He's hungry for more. So he starts to tug down her shorts, heart beat thundering in his groin. She kicks the shorts away, and he groans at the sight of her panties she was trying to kill him, he was certain.
"You're the devil." He chokes out staring at red lace, he'll never be able to see the color again without getting a raging hard on.
"You haven't seen anything yet. Honey." The word drips from her tongue just like the real thing.
Forgetting all reason and logics he lunges at her, devouring her mouth and sticking his hand in her panties. She's so warm and fuck, wet drenching his fingers.
Simultaneously he thrusts his tongue into her mouth and his fingers in her wet folds, groaning as she melts like butter under his touch. There's no resistance, as he plunges two fingers inside her experimentally before picking up his place when she clutches onto him and grinds back on his fingers, begging the whole time.
"More, more, please!"
As if he could ever deny her anything, with one hand he grabs her ass and the other he thrusts into her opening over and over until her voice gets breathy and she starts to stutter, squirming wildly in his arms and he knows exactly what's coming: the beautiful end. So without warning he pulls back the sheet and slithers down her body, throwing her legs around his head and pushing his tongue in to the brim, hungrily drinking at her until she shakes and combusts in his arms. Sweet on his tongue, he swallows it all greedily.
He strokes her as she recovers from her high, climbing back up her body. So much for taking things slow, but he can't even think about regretting it when he sees the blissed out look on her face. He wants to imprint it in his mind. Nobody else will ever get to see this face but him.
"It's your turn." She says sounding loopy like she's drunk and he laughs as she reaches for the tent in his pants but misses his bulge and instead falls into him.
"You're tired. Go to sleep. That was enough for me, seeing you like that fulfilled every fantasy I've had. "
He truly means it. He's a giver. And it's not like he can't tug one out later in the bathroom with her face and moans playing on repeat in his brain.
She starts to argue, but her phone vibrating on the nightstand distracts her. Reaching over she picks it up before chuckling and flopping back into the bed.
"What?" He asks curious, jealous of whoever is making her smile like that.
Ignorant to his inner thoughts, she thrusts her phone into his face. The room is so dark it takes a moment for his eyes to adjust to the bright lighting of the phone, but once he can see he reads the message on her phone and starts to laugh too.
"Dusik is missing! Nobody has seen him all day!! We started a search party."
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writtenwhalien · 3 years
Do you have advice for new fan fic writers wanting to start posting?
hello love! 🥰 absolutely! tbh I still feel like a new writer myself considering I only started writing when I made this tumblr which is a year ago, and especially because my blog hasn’t grown as much as others, I feel like I’m still learning all this stuff myself too! 😊
this might be a little bit long bc I’ll be relating to my own experiences and what I’ve learned :) any writers please add on if you feel I’ve missed something! 😋
firstly, write what you want to write! don’t force ideas/requests.
your best work will come when you’re writing something that you’re excited to write. if someone sends a request, it’s okay to say that nothing is coming to mind, or think on it and come back at a later time (I still have requests in my inbox from like 7 months ago and they’re developing into full length fics (think 20k+) because I liked the idea and wanted to give time to it and now I’m really excited to write them too! that said, sometimes forcing ideas has worked for me (talk slow for example), but it’s how you feel in the moment. (now see how I linked my work just there, that is shameless self promo bc u might decide to check it out — remember this for my last point ;)
take your time! if you’re stuck, come back to it a few hours/days/weeks/more later.
following on from the first point, taking your time can be one of the most valuable things to do. sometimes all you need is a little break to figure out the missing piece from your work. if you’ve got writers block, work on a different wip/take requests, whatever works for you.
if you’re struggling to stay motivated, try: making a playlist/moodboard/banner for your fic or read something instead of writing!
pretty self explanatory, but sometimes we need visual creativity to come into play and help us craft our world so we can write it in words. and reading other fics can help you when you see the way another writer writes — their style/format, and I’ve noticed that almost every writer on this app has something unique in their writing that I can’t always put a finger on, but when I read it, it literally makes me go “yeah, I wanna go and work on my fic now.” — that I can’t explain 😂
make your blog pretty!
this is more to attract followers but it’s also very pleasing for you to see yourself! :) have links in your bio, a header, a theme for desktop tumblr, and most importantly, a masterlist!!!! I wish I’d done this earlier lol, my tumblr was trash for a while 😔
make friends! join networks!
this is a social app — use it to “network”. I can guarantee you’ll meet some amazing people and they can be a great motivation/support when it comes to your writing, whether that’s boosting your fics by reblogging, or encouraging you while you write, or even beta-reading for you. also, discord is always filled with wild conversations lmao.
space out your content!
say you get two fics written in two weeks and you don’t know when your next one will be/it’ll be at least a few weeks until the next one, whatever it is, I’d recommend spacing it out. post one fic first, and when the exposure on that starts going down, then post the second one. and queue your rb’s — remember we’re all on different time/schedules so at 2pm on wednesday you might be asleep while I’m awake, or one week you might be busy on a saturday but another saturday you’re scrolling through tumblr, so, my last point….
reblog your own work without shame! it’s yours, be proud of it! I’m still learning to do this myself but rb’s are important so do it :) + self promo!!! if someone is asking for recs, send your own fic! I have and I’ve been embarrassed to do it but they asked! but don’t do it if they’re not asking bc some authors don’t like it, it can feel forceful/ uncomfortable for them to say no.
I hope this helps somewhat!!!! have a lovely day anon and good luck with your writing! ❤️
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themoonsbeloved · 3 years
People’s arguments against Leona being black lowkey reminds me of back when people would heavily debate and argue with their life that they’re was no way that Yoruichi from Bleach could be considered black. Or that Michiko from Michiko to Hatchin was not Afro-Brazilian. In fact now that I think about it people only seem to want to argue against someone not being a race due to not being human and etc when it comes to characters people see as black. And I noticed that almost entirely it’s when the black character is constantly considered attractive by the fandom that people debate if they have black ancestry which always got me rubbed the wrong way.
I found out your blog a couple of days ago and I’m honestly happy to see you also call out/see the mistreatment/bias against the POC-coded characters in TWST from the fandom compared to how some of the white-coded characters are stanned and excused for a lot of their actions.
I noticed when I got into TWST last idk November or December (I forgot when I got into it lol but I know it wasn’t long ago and that the 5th chapter with Vil was the current one) or whatever that a lot of people on Tumblr were inconsiderate of Jamil’s circumstances especially but would be overdramatic and overforgiving about the actions from the European/white-coded characters who basically had 1st world problems which tbh made me quickly distance myself from the fandom and really only engage on the level of reblogging fanworks and fanart on tumblr because it reminded me of how the Star Wars fandom would have people vilifying Finn/John Boyega but then woobifying and forgiving Kylo Ren for everything.
And as someone who is black it gets so uncomfortable to be in some fandoms because POC characters especially black characters tend to be demonized in fandoms but people will simp for non-POC characters who do things 10x worse. I don’t dislike Vil (though I haven’t caught up to ch 5 lol) but I know of some of the main things he did and I found it bizarre how some people on tumblr that criticized Leona’s actions in Ch 2 (while I don’t agree with some of his tactics the hypocrisy some people in the fandom give to him is really uncomfortable) were justifying Vil’s attempt to poison Neige like what 😐.
Anyways I am sorry for how long this is but I just wanna say I’m happy I found your blog because I used to think I was overreacting or possibly alone in noticing how hypocritical Leona was treated by people who stan Vil and how a lot of people in the fandom seem to not see anything wrong about that.
I still have no idea if this ask was ever sent to me, since I can only see this ask on desktop and not on the app (along with other random asks from deactivated accounts, which all appeared at the same time in my inbox just a week ago without any notification), but it seems relevant enough to be sent to me so I'll answer it.
Honestly have nothing else to add because you're pretty much spot on, though no one ever wants to have these conversations, and whenever I have brought it up there's a history in the fandom of getting attacked and told off for making people uncomfortable or getting angry at the 'inaccurate' understanding of their fave white character when the issues I've talked about precede anything to do with the characters and more on the environment of racial microaggressions (as well as overt forms) in fandom itself, not just in the twst fandom but all fandoms like you've mentioned. Or i've had anons insist its solely my duty to be the calm and collected educator and reserve all my emotional labour on issues of race for everyone else, or I'm too aggressive lol. I've always been vocal about the discomfort fans of colour experience in the fandom and the racism and bias in the fandom in general, but yeah.
No need to apologise for the long post! Whenever I get fans of colour telling me they've also felt really uncomfortable I never know what to say except I'm sorry, and you're not overreacting or overthinking it, you have a right to feel upset but we also have a right to a good fandom experience without constantly being uncomfortable. We all feel weird and upset having to scroll through the main tags seeing racially insensitive posts, and having to block 90% of the fandom until we're forced to be outcasted because there's nothing left. Or just the fact that Yana couldn't do anything differently but rely on the same racist and Islamophobic stereotypes around the Black African and Arab-coded characters.
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knchins · 4 years
2021 Resolution + Goals
I’ve been meaning to make this post for a while now but have just kind of been dropping the ball while trying to recover from massive burnout. I made a very important decision a few weeks ago that i feel should be announced for transparency reasons. It’s nothing bad, just something that’s been on my mind since the new year began.
This year I plan to deviate from writing  x reader fanfiction and focus more on x OC. Character building has always been a huge passion of mine as a writer and part of my burnout was because I wasn’t working on things that I truly cared about, but rather things that were either requested or things that I felt people would like to read (myself included).
It became a routine where I would write a fic using reader when in actuality what I truly wanted to write was the same fic with my own OC. This happened with Fox Fire while I was writing it and I got so frustrated that I actually changed it to OC instead of reader. The people who requested actually wanted OC to begin with so it worked out.
That’s not to say I won’t be writing self-inserts anymore. I do plan to take oneshot requests later down the line (limiting it to a couple at a time), which of course I’ll allow people to request those types of fics.
I am currently working on a few chapter longfics (30k+). I hope to begin to publish chapters shortly. I wanted to try something new where I had a few written before I began to publish to kind of help me form a reliable release schedule. These can all be found on my WIP list and if you’re interested to know more then feel free to send me a message or an ask!
There is nothing wrong with loving to read and write self-insert/reader fics! They certainly have their merit and are enjoyable for many people. It doesn’t make one any less of a writer to not have OCs, and I do not want to it to seem that way. I do enjoy reading them (especially NSFW/dark) however writing them as never been as enjoyable as writing OCs has. I often times have a difficult time connecting with and related to nameless readers. I’m not sure if this is due to my neurodivergence or because of my own (very bad habit of) hyper-empathy.
That being said! If you wish to unfollow, I totally understand. I’m not done with reader fics and oneshots but they won’t be as prevalent in my masterlist has they have been! I plan to do more matchup events (this time with modified rules/time limits to ensure I don’t burn out again...RIP) and hopefully drabble/hcs events too! My inbox is always open and am always welcome to chat! I’m pretty shitty at initiating conversation and sometimes I’m very awkward at small talk but I do really enjoy messages.
If you want to check out my OCs then check out my directory! It’s unfortunately desktop/browser only though I may make a much simpler mobile friendly one in the future. It need to add a few and update some profiles as well, but those can take a lot of time so uh...yeah procrastinating lol.
I’m going to schedule a few reblogs of this just to get the word around! I actually started writing again this week and I’m so excited to be getting back into it! I can’t wait to see what this year brings in terms of content from my favorite fanfic writers!
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geekeryandsentiment · 4 years
I remember you telling us, you know quite a bit about all the kiddo’s rooms. Can you describe them for us? And why did Liz wanna rearrange her room? (as mentioned in the silent treatment) Also, You had mentioned chalkboard paint once, and I found that idea so cool😍
Hey there! You send this in about four years ago and I just didn’t have the time to answer when you sent it in and then idk, I just got lazy and let it sit in my inbox for a while...however, here’s your answer, sorry about that. This one is below the cut and I’m warning you it’s loooooong. Sorry lol, I got a lot carried away. I hope it was worth the wait lol. Sorry again.
Before I forget...Lizzie just wanted to rearrange things. Sometimes moving the direction the furniture is facing can help spice things up a bit. If i remember correctly she was 11/12ish during the silent treatment and around that age Arthur pulled out his old desk from storage and put it in her room, so possibly she thought of a better way to rearrange her furniture to put that desk in the place she wanted it? 
Liam’s room is like his happy space. There is no theme or reason to anything. It’s all completely random. He’s still got posters and trinkets from his first year attending school and even before that. Alby’s art is plastered on his walls and he has old birthday cards and little notes that he and Alex used to pass back and forth in lessons tacked up on his walls as well. He has repainted it 4ish times since he was eleven and his parents repainted one of the other rooms (the one that would eventually become Alby’s room) and he decided it looked fun and wanted to try it. One time, when he was sixteen, he endured his room being pink for almost three months over the summer because Elizabeth dared him to do it when he was discussing possible color changes and he didn’t have anything else to do that next day (and has absolutely nothing against the color pink) so decided to take everything off his walls and paint them pink just to show her that he would. His room is currently green and the wall that had chalkboard paint on it is accented a darker brown (the green did NOT properly cover up the chalkboard with only two coats and he didn’t have any more green so he had to improvise). For several years he had a whole wall of chalkboard paint (the around his door) and he and Alex were entertained by that for many many hours in their preteen years. He is the only one of the kiddos to have a TV in his room. He didn’t get it until he was thirteen and he had to practically trade away his soul to convince Waverly to allow it, but he and Alex also had a lot of fun playing video games on that throughout the years. He has Theo’s old room, and Theo is very crafty with his hands. When he was younger he installed bookcases into the same wall his two windows are on, so William has bookcases surrounding his two windows that go from his ceiling to his floor. They are covered in books, some of which he will never read but owns anyway simply because he likes the cover and think they look cool. The other furniture in his room doesn’t match all all. Like at all. For the most part that is because he has broken a lot of the pieces that used to match and instead of doing what Waverly wanted to do and reordering the pieces or even picking something that matches the remaining stuff, Liam just picked out things he liked as replacements, even if they clashed with the other things in his room already.
Alex’s room is a bit more themed and put together, but it’s also always messy. It’s not dirty. It’s regularly cleaned and he makes his bed every morning (and if he dared leave food wrappers or any food in his room Waverly would have his head) but it’s cluttered most of the time. He doesn’t really mind if things are on the floor or if his desk is stacked three feet high with different files and textbooks and Lord knows what else. He knows where everything is. He manages to stay ahead with his schoolwork and keep everything straight, so Arthur and Waverly don’t hound him too often to make sure his room is as neat as they would like. His room is pretty typical. It’s painted a dark, navy blue and he has a whole lot of red (his curtains and bed sheets) and grey (his comforter and bean bag) accents. He does have a giant beanbag in the back corner behind his bed that Alby loves to fall asleep in sometimes, though. His bedroom used to belong to Beatrice when she lived in the palace when Arthur was younger, but her pink walls were painted over when he was about one years old and Arthur and Waverly decided to stick him in the room beside William’s. It’s nothing too fancy. William’s room is definitely far more interesting with the built in bookshelves (and wait until you hear about Lizzie’s room...🤭) but it’s his home. That’s his safe space. When he feels like the whole world is against him, the only place he wants to be besides maybe on his piano bench, is his own bedroom. 
Elizabeth’s room has changed colors a few times throughout the years too, but it’s stayed purple, just different shades. Her room is across the hall from Liam and Alex’s and on the same side of the quarters as the sitting room, meaning her windows overlook the palace gardens. She has a large, three window set up with a small cushioned seating area that extends out from the wall a little bit. When she was younger she had a few cushions and a mattress pad there and her and Alex would have sleepovers in her room all the time. They would look up at the stars and she would try to point out constellations. Now, that mattress pad is used every once in a while for Alby if he wants to spend the night in her room, but more often it’s tucked away and she just uses the area to sit on her laptop or read. In the corner she has a large corner desk with a desktop computer with two monitors. She doesn’t have a TV, and she doesn’t really need one because she has a pretty sweet set up there. Her desk belonged to Arthur when he was younger (no, none of the children are in his old bedroom. Too many unhappy memories. That’s used as a guest bedroom now, and only if there are too many guest to fill up the other two rooms) and still has his initials carved into the corner from when he got bored and engraved them one day when he was about twelve with an old key he found. Her room is more themed than Liam’s, her furniture matches, even Arthur’s desk fits in really well with the other black pieces, but there isn’t really a color scheme or anything. Lizzie doesn’t really care about that. She just fills it with things she likes. Oh, she also has a blacklight in her room and an epic solar system hanging from her ceiling as well as markers that she can draw all over that massive window with. When she was home full time it used to be schedules and count downs until special dates and to do lists. Now it’s not quite as busy as it used to be and more often than not the windows can actually be seen out of because they aren’t covered in marker...but every once in a while she’ll feel a sudden urge to draw on them again and fill them with chemistry or math or biology...or even music. 
Alby’s room is stand alone and surprisingly the farthest away from Arthur and Waverly’s because he was born last. He is on the same side of the hall as Lizzie, but he does not have the room connected to hers. He’s actually one more down. ((Oh, this is actually relevant so let me talk about it for a moment...The room that is connected to Lizzie’s is currently used as a lab or sorts for her. She has all kinds of old technology in it that she tinkers with a lot, it’s pretty empty and none of the others are jealous that she has the extra room or anything. They do call it Lizzie’s “lab” though sometimes, and there is a proper key to it that she has and she regularly locks it when she doesn’t want Alby to go in and touch anything she’s working on.)) His room is still really kid-ish. He has toys and a little chair that hangs from his ceiling that he can sit in when he reads. His room doesn’t have the same bay window that Lizzie’s does. He doesn’t spend a lot of time in his room. He’s almost always in one of his siblings’ rooms or he’s lugged a handful of toys down to the sitting room/Arthur’s study/wherever someone else is to sit and quietly play near them. He doesn’t really like to be alone, and his room reflects that. There isn’t a lot of personalized things in his room, instead he likes to leave an impression on the other rooms of the house (leaving drawings on the walls in Liam’s room, pictures on Lizzie’s windows when she lets him use her markers, and leaving stuffed animals and small toys on the shelf where Alex’s stuffed crocodile spends his lonely days now that he’s a teenager and he doesn’t play with him anymore). No one seems to mind, in fact, William regularly tells him when he’s away at school that he wants a whole new set of pictures hanging in his room for him when he gets home to help keep the baby busy. Alby has his own shelf full of books that has slowly started to overflow as his siblings slowly hand the boy more and more books to read. His favorite toy when he was younger, and to this day, is trains. He looooooves trains. So if his room has any theme in the chaos it’s definitely trains. He has those stickers on his walls of little cartoon trains and he almost always has some giant town built with the little wooden train sets across the back half of his room on the floor. His parents gave up trying to make him clean those up every night a long time ago. Some battles just aren’t worth fighting, especially when one little town of his creation could keep him occupied for days. 
I don’t know if you meant Elaina too but you’re going to get her because I’m on a roll at this point, lol. Elaina’s room is...well kind of boring. And she hasn’t had too much freedom to change anything either which kind of stinks. She has Brielle’s old room and it is exactly how you would expect a princess’s room to look. Light baby pink walls. Her furniture is white. It’s adorable. She HATES it. I mean, I shouldn’t say it like that, it’s her room and she likes it because it’s her space. But she doesn’t like how it looks. She doesn’t really like how it looks like a nursery (because it kind of does) but her parents aren’t really feeling the whole re-painting thing and her furniture belonged to her grandmother and so it’s staying in the family and she can’t get rid of that either. She really loves all three of the English kids’ rooms. They all are a little darker and the paint and the colors are cooler and not as bright and blinding as her pink and white. She is just a touch jealous that despite Arthur and Waverly’s dictaror-ish tendencies, they let their kids decorate their rooms how they want. She’s an artist, as you all know and she loves to sketch and paint and draw. At one point when she was about 11 or 12, I forget exactly but it’s written so perhaps I could share it one day, she used a sketching pencil to draw this really pretty floral design down the side of her nightstand and her parents saw it and lost their shit (old family antiques are not for drawing on, Elaina. You know better!). She hasn’t dared try to do that again, but she’s also always wanted to get all new white furniture and paint over it and cover it in her own drawings. One day she promises herself that she will. In the meantime, she has one single poorly shaded drawing on her nightstand that she managed to convince her parents to let her keep and not erase. 
That was a LOT. However...sprinkled in there is a few really relevant pieces of information. The story arch I am currently working on directly involves some of this information and you know how my brain is...I can’t think of anything without figuring it out for everyone...so you’ll see some of this brought up in the actual story again too, eventually. 
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by starsareonly2nd
How many text messages are currently in your inbox? I don’t know if my phone can provide that particular feature. Suffice it to say there’s a ton because I don’t really do spring cleaning with my texts and I’ve kept messages since getting this phone in 2018.
Is your profile picture in color or black & white? All my profile photos have been in color, and I think I’ve only had to have a black and white photo once.
What's your favorite Christmas movie? Love Actually.
Did you dress up for Halloween this year? If so, what were you? We’re gonna be having a virtual Halloween party at work on Wednesday and I’m thinking of just going as Dora the Explorer again since I wasn’t able to maximize my costume last year anyway (the Halloween party I had gone to didn’t allow shorts - wtf? so I ended up wearing orange pants and looking nothing like Dora) and this time around I also actually have bangs to complete the look. But idk, the party announcement says we also have 30 seconds each to impersonate the character, and I'm just not extroverted enough for individual presentations like that. I’m heavily leaning towards skipping the entire thing because of that one instruction, but we’ll see.
Are there any posters in your room? Of what? Yuh, Nam Joo Hyuk.
Do you read Rolling Stone? I don’t think I ever have.
Which Harry Potter book (if you read them) was your favorite? I read up until the blue book, but I don’t remember which one I had enjoyed reading the most. I do remember breezing through one of them and finishing in just a couple of hours, so I’d say that was my favorite.
Do you have any stuffed animals you still sleep with? No.
What kind of cell phone do you own? iPhone.
Do you have any pets? Yes :)
Are there currently any accessories in your hair? Sure, a hair tie.
Are you involved with any clubs at your school? I was in two organizations in college andddd in high school it was mandatory to be in a club, so I was in one for each year.
Do you have an MP3 player? What kind? I used to own an iPod Nano.
What's your favorite sport to watch on TV? Wrestling!!! My first love, forever and always.
How many people live with you? Four. Parents and two siblings.
Are you good at any styles of dance? Haha, I wish. I’m a terrible dancer.
Do you think that your hair looks better curly or straight? Neither. It’s best when it’s wavy.
Where was your default taken? It’s not a photo of me, first of all. It’s from an episode of Bojack but I can’t remember which episode it’s form.
Have you ever been to another country? Yeah, several times.
Do you prefer cats or dogs? Dogs.
What was the last thing you ate? Kwek-kwek. My grandma made so many pieces for us when she came over yesterday <3
What's your desktop background? It’s of a mountain range and is one of the provided backgrounds in my laptop.
What was the last movie you saw at a theater? For the billionth time, Knives Out.
Did you think it was a good movie? No, but I’m biased because I hate that genre. I’m fairly sure it was well-received and that it’s objectively a good movie.
Are you afraid of spiders? The ones we have here are super tiny and look pretty harmless, so no. But I’ve seen how freaky spiders can look like in other countries and I understand why so many people are terrified of them.
Did you carve a pumpkin this year? If so, what did you carve into it? No, we don’t practice that here.
Which Disney movie is your favorite? Toy Story makes me the happiest.
Are you the youngest, oldest, middle, or only child? Eldest.
If your power were to suddenly go out right now, how would you react? Annoyed at the inconvenience, but glad that my laptop is at 88% and that I have a bunch of tabs with surveys so I can at least do something; unbothered because the weather is cold; and pleased that I have enough mobile data to keep myself from getting bored. Overall I wouldn’t mind it, hahaha
Do you enjoy photography? I don’t enjoy doing it, but I like looking at photos, sure.
What's your favorite thing to do at the beach? Swim and allowing myself to relax and let go in the water.
Are you afraid of heights? Not for most situations, but if I had to do an extreme stunt or dare that involved heights then yeah it would.
If someone were to cut you in line at a store, would you speak up? No, but I’d take a photo of their back and share it on social media and call them an asshole to release my annoyance. I’d probably try to sneakily elbow them as well, just so I can sleep soundly at night.
Are there any foods you enjoy baking/cooking? No.
What website would you say you visit the most? Definitely YouTube.
What book are you currently reading? [continued from yesterday] I don’t think it’s still fair to say I’m reading Midnight Sun anymore. I haven’t opened it in about a month now, even though it’s constantly on my desk just right beside the laptop I work on.
Is it for school or just because you want to read? It’s because I do want to read it and because I like Twilight hehe. I’m not in school.
Are you going to any concerts in the future that you know of? I’m just waiting for my third Paramore show, whenever that is; but otherwise no and I have no clue who or when the first post-Covid concert is going to be.
Do you play any instruments? No. I can play some tunes on the piano but it’s cheating and I don’t count it, because I’ve only memorized which keys to press and I don’t actually know how to read notes or use the proper fingering.
Are you looking forward to the new Alice in Wonderland movie? This question is so cute considering it’s been a literal decade since that movie came out...anyway, no, I didn’t look forward to it as I’m not a fan of the genre.
Do you get seasick? I do but I can handle my stomach for the most part. The only time it got really bad was during my cruise, and the only reason I didn’t throw up was my dad has a cabin at the bottom floor of the ship, where the shaking was a lot weaker.
When was the last time you hung out with your friends? This is so painful to read lol...last week of February.
Do you drink soda on a regular basis? Nopes.
Are you currently wearing a hoodie? No but I can do with one right now to feel cozy. I just don’t feel like getting out of my chair.
What's the weirdest food you've ever eaten? Gulab jamun was personally a unique experience, but weird has a negative connotation so I’m avoiding that word.
What was the last sporting event you attended? I think it was like a UP/Ateneo volleyball game, which was the only type of UAAP event I attended anyway.
Do you understand Shakespeare? Nope, that’s why I got books that had the modern-day translations right beside the original text lol. I mean I would probably be able to understand it if I exerted time and effort into reading Shakespeare, but I don’t have either, so.
Is there a bookshelf in your room? Nah but the top of my closet acts like one.
Do you need to wear glasses at all? Yes, all the time.
What's your favorite genre of books? Anything non-fiction, so books on history, memoirs, etc.
Do you think it's too early for Christmas music? Not in the Philippines. Christmas for us starts in September :) Anyone’s free to put up Christmas trees and lights or listen to Christmas music as soon as the clock strikes 12 midnight on September 1st.
What's the longest you've ever gone without speaking? Maybe during my dark days in 6th grade? I was super depressed, had no friends, had a strained relationship with my entire famly, and was holed up in my room all day long. It’s very possible I went several days without talking then.
Does your house have a garden? I wouldn’t call it a garden but we do have several trees and plants around the house, yes.
What color is the shirt you are wearing? It’s multi-colored stripes.
Do you know what brand of toothpaste you use? Colgate.
When was the last time you were on an airplane? Early 2019.
Do you have a permit or license? A driver’s license, yes.
Did you walk any long distances today? Nope. So far I’ve only gone down to the kitchen to fix myself a cup of coffee.
Are you currently wearing any make-up? I’m not.
How do you feel about bands covering old pop music? I personally don’t like most covers but I don’t take it against the bands. I just won’t listen to those versions.
Are your nails painted? Never are.
Do you use correct grammar online? Sure, unless I want to use bad grammar on purpose.
Do you agree with the statement that Miley Cyrus is a bad role model? I don’t think she even ever claimed to be one, so that’s an unfair accusation. I personally never had a problem with her and I admire her confidence and boldness in her performances and other things she does. Slide Away in particular is a very beautiful song.
Do you give out cards on Valentine's Day? No.
What are you listening to right now? I can hear the wind lightly blowing outside, but thankfully it’s no longer as violent as yesterday.
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babbushka · 5 years
Babbushka’s FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions
Hello everyone!
I thought it might be helpful for you all to see my answers to some frequently asked questions that I receive.
1.The Basics
Hello! I’m Babbushka, I’m a fanfic writer for the ADEU (Adam Driver Extended Universe). You can find my fics in my Masterlist, or on my AO3. I have a personal AU/self ship with Flip Zimmerman, which you can hear about or avoid, using the tag ‘personal au’. I am very anti-reylo.  
2. What do you write?
I write reader insert fanfiction for the Adam Driver Character Extended Universe. The characters I write for are:
Kylo Ren in a variety of AUs
Supreme Leader Kylo Ren (Any ‘canon’ Kylo Ren content is from a Canon Divergent!AU that I have, where Kylo has crushed the Resistance and reigns as Supreme Leader with his Empress (You))
Edwardian AU aka BB!Kylo 
Biker Gang!AU
Ancient Emperor!AU 
Bond Villain!AU
Criminal Prosecutor!AU 
Flip Zimmerman 
Pale (from Burn This on Broadway), 
Clyde Logan 
Charlie Barber 
Paterson &, and/or Paul Sevier 
Sevier Twins AU
Various Saturday Night Live characters (like Cameron Bissel lol)
If a character isn’t listed, like Adam Sackler, Matt the Radar Tech, Jude, etc., that means I don’t write for them. Please do not ask me to write a character that is not listed here. 
3. What will you not write?
I will not write reylo, nor do i want any of my writing to be associated with reylo. Please don’t tag my fics as reylo if you reblog them, and please please please don’t insert Rey into the reader, it just makes me so incredibly uncomfortable and the ship fully disgusts me. I also will not write “””bendemption”””, any fics about “””Ben Solo”””, or any fics set in the D/LF canon of TROS. 
I will not write heavy angst (such as breakups or divorce between reader and the character, infidelity/cheating where the character is cheating on reader or vice versa, torture or violence against the reader, MCD/reader death, hurt-no-comfort, dub-con, non-con). I also won’t write ddlg/daddy kink, breeding kink, monster aus, or a/b/o.
Whenever it’s ready to be updated. Please stop asking me this question you guys lol I do this in my free time for fun, I have a lot of factors that affect the timeliness of fic/chapter updates. I am so grateful that people like my writing but I am just one girl who is doing her best. I really appreciate everyone’s patience!
5. Can we send in prompt requests/submissions for Sinday?
YES – please check my description for when I am accepting prompts. Please don’t ask me if I’m accepting prompts if the description says I’m not. I keep it updated, I promise.
While I am always accepting prompt requests or submissions, I reserve the right to deny or delete any prompts I don’t want to write. I will usually always respond to the ask saying that I won’t write it, so you don’t have to wait around for something that never comes, because I do believe in being courteous.
Any prompts that request themes, tropes, kinks, or characters/ships that I have listed above will be deleted and you will be blocked. Please give me the respect of reading through my guidelines, if you wish for me to make content for you.
6. I’m confused about some of the terms you use and events you have on the blog. What’s sinday? Is it different than After Hours or Sleepover? What’s the difference between requests, headcanons, and thots?
Sinday = On the first Sunday of every month I open up prompt submissions. I always make an announcement post when sinday has arrived, and now with the new pin feature i’ll be keeping those announcement posts pinned to the top of the blog when it’s the appropriate day.  If you’re ever unsure, the description at the top of my blod says either “prompts are open!” or “prompts are closed”. When in doubt, just check there and you’ll know if I’m accepting submissions! 
Zannah After Hours = This is usually a part of Sinday, where later in the evening I post the nsfw/smutty content. This means prompts that people have sent in, oneshots that i’ve written of my own accord, and any art i’ve made that I want to share. But Zannah After Hours can happen any day of the week lol, especially during sleepovers. 
Sleepover = A chance for us all to hang out! I reblog a bunch of ask lists and ask games, people send in questions, or they send in asking for advice, or telling us about their day, or anything else they’d like to share. We talk about all sorts of things, it’s a great way for us as a community to just hang out and spend an evening together. I often will like put on a face mask and get snacks or something, or have a movie on in the background to help make it feel like we’re all sleeping over at my house and giggling together! 
Prompt Submissions (also called Imagines) = These are scenarios that you guys send in to me, that you want me to write. It’s usually only a sentence, an idea you guys have, and then I get inspired by that and write out anywhere from like 500-1k words based around the idea. These can be sweet, silly, angsty, or smutty! For example: “what would happen if Flip heard someone catcalling you?”
Headcanon requests = These are topics you guys send in that you’d like for me to go into some detail on in a casual way. It’s not fully fleshed out prose writing, but is instead a series of bullet points listing how I think the characters would respond to a scenario, or how they feel about a topic. For example: In what ways does Pale show he loves you?
Thots/General Shenanigans = These are just opinions that you guys have that you want to share with the world! It’s not expecting writing from me, it’s just you guys shouting out into the void and us all shouting back! For example: Clyde Logan is so thicc and I want to climb him like a tree.
7. Do you have a taglist for when you upload new writing?
Yes! Please see the link in my description, which will take you to a google form. You can select which characters you’d like to be notified for, as well as what type of writing (chapter fics/oneshots/prompt fills). 
8. Can you help me develop ideas for my fic?
While I am very flattered that you would consider me, I’m going to have to respectfully decline. I spend so much time developing ideas for my own professional writing and my hobby fanfic, that my brain tends to be fried and I’m of no help to anyone lol
9. Will you be my beta author?
Again, while I am very flattered, I will have to decline. Editing takes up most of my own free time, and I’m afraid I’m fried by the time I would be able to edit your stories.
10. Do you do RP threads?
Generally speaking, no.
11. Can I send you writing that I’ve done through the inbox/submissions box?
No. While I am flattered that you’d like to share writing with me, I really prefer to be tagged in a post you’ve made yourself, rather than posting your writing for you. You can tag my directly via the @ function, or you can use any of the following in the # section of the post:
for babbushka
I track these tags so if you include any of them, it’ll show up on my feed :)
Please understand that just because you tag me in something, doesn’t mean I’ll automatically share it. I only reblog writing I really enjoy, because I’m not really willing to compromise my personal standards lol. That’s not to say that if I don’t share your writing that it’s bad!! It’s just not for me, and that’s okay :)  
12. Do you have a masterlist?
Yes! I have compiled an ultimate masterlist that has links to my individual character masterlist posts. You can find those here, or via the link in my description if you’re on mobile, or via the link on my blog if you’re on desktop! 
13. I’m not sure if you’ve written this before but -- 
Please, please, please check the masterlists before sending in something if you’re unsure. Chances are, I’ve written it and you can read it right away, rather than wait for me to tell you it’s already been posted 6 months ago lol <333
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selkiesbittybonanza · 5 years
Tumblr Tags, Empty Inboxes & State of the Blog
Forgive me but I need to vent about tags for a moment, maybe someone more knowledgeable than I can help me out. Maybe it’s a “feature” but I’m going to put it out there!
I almost exclusively use the mobile app, I’m maybe 5% desktop and I can’t find things as easily there.
I think I tried 3 or 4 times to add a tag to my original Lamia Bitty bios post but even though I save the tag the post doesn’t show up when I do a blog search. So I tried creating a whole new tag and adding it to my 3 bio posts to try and make them easily searchable - no go either.
I’m not good at remembering my tags at posting so I often go back later to add or edit them, I didn’t think it was a problem but now I wonder. I’ve been slowly getting better at this blog-thing but I still have a lot to learn!
Yes, that’s right! My inbox is empty, barren, vacant!
After my Grandfather’s illness I could’ve rationed my asks to last longer but if this blog has taught me anything is that you don’t know what tomorrow brings or when inspiration may desert you so just give ‘er!
I DO try to limit myself to two asks a day, plus a reblog if I have one - just so I feel I’m not spamming people’s feeds and that each post can get it’s deserved attention, LOL.
I have certainly broken my own rules - but one rule I never break is that adoptions are handled in the order I receive them. I never pick and choose.
I’m working on a few things for the blog that will pop up soon:
1. The introduction of my newest Caretaker, Piquante! A Fell Grillbix (UF!Grillby Phoenix bitty) from @mythical-adoptions he’s going to be the Caretaker in charge of the Aviary and the Harpys!
2. A floor plan/description of the shop and the surrounding property.
3. I will be introducing 4 new adoptable Lamias and their bios! I don’t have a specific release date but I’ll keep you updated!
Thanks for making it this far!
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