geekeryandsentiment · 3 years
This is reminder to check up on your own mental health.
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geekeryandsentiment · 3 years
girls dont want boyfriends, girls want their ships to be endgame and happy (and preferably for one of them to not die)
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geekeryandsentiment · 3 years
This is 2020. Omg.
Saved in my drafts from May 2020...it’s 2022 and it’s STILL applicable. 
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geekeryandsentiment · 3 years
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As the daisies danced along the wind, she looked at me and smiled with her eyes.
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geekeryandsentiment · 3 years
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i feel this on a spiritual level 
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geekeryandsentiment · 3 years
I’ve been having a really bad time and I just stumbled upon SO MANY new chapters of yours! I had no idea you had been updating but I’m glad I discovered them and read them, and they made me really happy, so thank you! I’m gonna keep an eye for new chapters now🥰 Excited for more!
I'm so sorry you've been having a rough time! I hope that things get better for you. I am working through editing chapter 17 as I write this, so it should be relatively soon :) Thanks so much! This message made my night!
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geekeryandsentiment · 3 years
Still here! And also in love with that <3. And this is a good moment to say that I love your story and am so excited that you're sharing more of it with us again!
Thanks!! I'm so glad you're enjoying it! and yeah, I'm obsessed with my Little Prince display in my room. Thanks!!
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geekeryandsentiment · 3 years
Loved this chapter so muchhh! It’s great to have Sofia back, she’s pretty cool, I like her. The Sofia/ Liam situation is 💔 and the entire time Alex was talking about it, I was like, buddy what about you?😂 but I guess that’s the story lol. Loved Alex’s protectiveness for Liam tho, I dig that kind of stuff. Love having all the kiddos plotting together, it’s pretty cute. Liam and Lizzie are my absolute favs and I’m hoping for more of them as well. Let’s hope they come up with a good plan soon. I like that the story is moving pretty fast now and I feel like it’s leading up to some great stuff and I’m getting really hyped up for the same. Changing laws, deleting footages, all the media bits, the adventures of all our current heirs, I’m excited for it all. Thank you so much for all your updates, they’ve made me so happy these last couple days! Cheers🍷
Yay! I'm glad that you enjoyed it! Liam and Liz will be around a lot more once Alex and El are finally back across the Atlantic ocean. Thanks for reading! I'm so glad you liked the chapter. I've just gotta edit 17 a bit and then it'll be up :)
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geekeryandsentiment · 3 years
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just in case my Little Prince loving Anon is still around… got this cute little set up in my room for the summer. I typically change it out with different favorite books/subjects… but I’m kind of in love with this set up so it’s been around for a while.
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geekeryandsentiment · 3 years
That was such a quick update, woww! Adalyn is officially in the running to be my favourite of the four parents. I was not expecting to love her as much as I do now. I just find her really practical and lovely and I’d love to see more of her soon. Loved the scenes with her and El. Alex being so nervous was really really cute. “The walls aren’t soundproof”😂 love all the baby name talk. Alex with the traditional names was really funny. (I LOVE Isabella for a girl). Love the Alexa scene (yep, I’m calling them that now) I hope this whole marriage thing doesn’t cause too much of a problem, but I definitely agree with Adalyn’s POV. Loved the chapter as well as how quickly you updated it 🥺❤️ can’t wait to see what happens next. Thank you so much! Have a great week ahead😄
If your offer still stands, I’d love to see the other parents in the same situation as you mentioned earlier, but if you have time for just one, I’d like it to be Arthur.
Thanks lovely! I’m so glad you enjoyed it! I am also a big fan of Isabella for a girl - there are so many possible nicknames. 
Sure! I don’t really have a scene played out or anything, but sometime soon I’ll repost that original question with some elaboration on how Arthur/Waverly/Adalyn would probably handle the same situation or a similar one with someone going out with one of their kiddos. Thanks again! 
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geekeryandsentiment · 3 years
I was curious if you’ve actually decided if it’s gonna be a boy or a girl and if you’ve finalised a name for them. Like obviously don’t share it, but I was wondering if you knew it yet.
Yes! I know the gender and the name and most of the child’s life is planned out in my head and that’s has been the case for a long…long…LONG time🤣🤷🏻‍♀️
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geekeryandsentiment · 3 years
“Try not to scare this one too much” I’m dying😂😂😂 This is so funny and adorable. Alex all scared thinking he’s gonna get murdered lol. It would be really funny is Louis actually tried to scare him a bit more before telling him that it’s all cool. Thank you for the sneak peek, I’m really excited for this chapter!
:) The whole scene will be in the next chapter, and if you want me to elaborate/talk about how the other three would have handled a similar situation, I will after you've read the scene with Louis. Just send a message!
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geekeryandsentiment · 3 years
Just got to reading the new chapter, thanks for updating 😍 I loved the little scene with Alby, he’s so adorableeee! I’m curious to see what happens with the whole sneaking out of the palace thing. Arthur told Lewis to investigate! He is NOT gonna be happy if/when he finds out👀 Loved this chapter! Cant wait to read the next one! Thanks 🥰
Thanks! Glad you liked it!! That is one of my favorite Alby scenes I've literally ever written. I just think he's so cute and lovable. And yeah...Arthur did tell Lewis to investigate, but you have to keep in mind that Lewis is sooooo very busy, so I can't imagine the man expects Lewis to be able to get through much. If anything, it was maybe a way to get Lewis to ask Alex about it to see if Alex would tell him anything...we'll see though. Lewis would have to be pretty lucky to stumble upon anything that definitely proved that it happened...and the English kiddos are pretty smart. I'm sure they'll find some way to cover their tracks.
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geekeryandsentiment · 3 years
““Love the life you live and live the life you love.” - Bob Marley”
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geekeryandsentiment · 3 years
Any chance we get some facts, hints or a small sneak peek for the next chapter before it’s updated? Pretty please?
I guesssssssss... :)
“Sir?” He greeted, hating that his voice caught in his throat.
“Alexander,” Louis lifted his head, turning his focus away from the work on his desk. “Come on in, I didn’t know you had even landed. I swear I told someone to inform me but it’s been a busy day.”
“It’s okay,” Alexander assured him stiffly, taking a few steps into the office. His hands clasped behind his back as he forced himself to keep his eyes on the man. “I just wanted to check in with you and let you know I’m here. El wasn’t in her office, is she in her room?”
“Elaina is asleep,” a voice from behind Alexander nearly caused him to jump out of his skin.
He spun around, his eyes wide as he watched Adalyn step around him and over to Louis’s desk. His heart thudded loudly in his chest, loud enough for him to hear and his hands clasped together just a little tighter.
She handed him a folder, instructing him to look over the first two pages before dinner in French before turning back to Alexander. “She’s been asleep for almost two hours so if she isn’t awake in another few minutes I’ll wake her, but for the time being, please have a seat, Louis and I would like to speak to you for a few minutes.”
A sharp intake of breath gave Alexander’s nervousness away, but when Adalyn pointed at a chair, he quickly lowered himself into it. His eyes darted between his girlfriend’s parents, unable to keep the concern from his expression.
“Well don’t look like we’re going to murder you or anything,” Adalyn rested a hand on her husband’s desk, leaning against it as she spoke the words in a thick French accent, “if we wanted to do that I assure you we could have years ago when this little romance started.”
Alexander swallowed hard. She was right. He wasn’t sure if she really meant murder him or simply shut down their relationship, probably the latter. He couldn’t imagine that she meant actually murder him, but he wasn’t familiar enough with her sense of humor yet to know for sure. “I’m sorry,” he stumbled, forcing out the words, “I don’t mean to be disrespectful it’s just a rather…” he trailed off, cringing as he gently scratched at the back of his neck, “unorthodox situation.”
“That it is,” Adalyn offered him a small smile before turning to look to her husband speaking in French to Louis as she made her way toward the door to his office, “I’m going to go check on the little one. Try not to scare this one too much.”
She was gone before Alexander could translate what she had said in his head, his cheeks warming when he finally did, having to repeat the words to himself a few times before he could manage it. He shifted in his chair, “Sir,” Alexander began, his voice weak. “I-I…” The door clicked closed behind him and he turned to look at Louis once more. “Are you upset with me?” He blurted out without giving his words much thought. “I-I understand if you are. El and I were…we were stupid and we didn’t think and even before that we didn’t tell you about anything and we should have but she just didn’t want to and I--”
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geekeryandsentiment · 3 years
Yayyy! New chapter! I’ve always been a little partial to Alex’s family centered chapters and I loved this one too. Alby is so cute, all insecure about still being Baby but still trying to be mature about it. The entire chat with Lewis makes me really nervous for Alex because it seems as though the truth’s gonna come out pretty soon. That is one of the plots I was really anxious and excited for, and I’m looking forward to it. I love how supportive Arthur and Waverly are. I can’t wait for all these questions to be answered as the story progresses. It’s certainly a lot to have to think about for Alex and Laina. I’m so excited, knowing that you have a few chapters ready to go, and I hope you feel like updating them soon because I cannot wait! I’m really really looking forward to the next few chapters. Thank you for updating❤️ I’m keeping my fingers crossed for an update next week (or, earlier works too😉) Have a nice day!
Thanks Lovely! This was so sweet and made me so happy to read! I'm glad you liked the chapter! I'm gonna tell you a secret...I find myself loving the chapters surrounding Alex and his family too :) I'm actually working on one of those right now and it's really fun! Thanks again! I'm wrapping up editing chapter 15, so keep your eyes open! It'll be up soon for sure.
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geekeryandsentiment · 3 years
Oh my God, where do I start? First of all, thank you so so so much for updating. You just made my whole week and possibly my whole month. I’m glad that you’re feeling better now and I hope you continue feeling comfort sharing your work with us, because it’s seriously amazing! Coming to the chapter, LOVED it. I was waiting for more Adalyn and I think I’m in love with her. I think I was dreading her reaction just like Elaina, but she’s soo understanding. I thought I loved Arthur and Waverly the most, but Louis and Adalyn are giving them some tough competition. I loved all her reasons for being upset and I think she’s def right in being angry at her husband. I liked her thinking about Brielle’s experience and not wanting it to be the same with El. Those were some good conversations. I also loved Alex and El’s small conversation. He’s such a cutie🥰 my favourite part about that scene was the little giggle of excitement from Elaina after she hung up. They’re adorable. I’m waiting for the baby names scene, that’s gonna be too cute. Really excited for the next chapter, whenever that might be. I’m just really happy you’re back🥺 Thank you so much! *runs to read the whole story again*
I seriously don't even know how to respond to this. It's just the sweetest message and it has put the biggest smile on my face for literal WEEKS. Thanks darling. I'm glad you're excited to be back in this world, because I am too!
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