#just my two cents on the topic
lizzzybooo · 3 months
Ugh here's my hot take for today since I saw too many blitz defense squad posts lately (don't get me wrong I love him dearly) completely villainizing Stolas and making a complex, nuanced relationship very creepy and one sided.
The discussion about how Stolas abused his power towards Blitz, while is very serious and important, makes no sense to me when you make Blitz a complete victim of the situation, with no power whatsoever.
Blitz is doing the exact same thing (and honestly, arguably worse, because he knows exactly what he's doing) to Moxxie (and sometimes also Millie). First episodes we literally see him threaten Moxxie with SA, saying he would fuck him and his wife if he messes up again. And stuff like that keeps happening- he's their boss, he's invasive, abusive, demeaning, harassing them and so on.
Now, I have no problem with people claiming that's the humor of the show, because that's true (love it or hate it) but it loses it's point for me when Stolas is held accountable to every wrong word and action (even those for the sake of humor) and Blitz is somehow ok to act the way he does towards other people. because true, he can't act like that towards Stolas because there really is a power imbalance between them, but he doesn't hesitate to use the same power the minute he has it on people under him.
And to say Stolas always made it overly sexual and was always abusing his power in that way is also so strange to me- we literally see how at their first meeting as adults Blitz broke into Stolas's palace to steal, which you won't convince me is an ok thing even if Stolas is rich! He didn't try to steal money to live he tried to steal a powerful magical book, that is illegal for Stolas to give him, that Stolas actually needs to do his job too, (or something like that that truthfully is not explored enough.) You can't claim he couldn't have thought of a different business plan. He figured he could steal from Stolas and he used that to his advantage, I'm sorry but that's not a Robin hood situation of stealing from the rich to feed the poor.
and when he saw Stolas show interest in him he automatically used it and came on to him very strongly, even though Stolas very clearly told him to stop (even if later on he wanted very much to continue). How is that not SA as well?
And I'm not claiming Blitz is the villain in any way! All those things have humor in them as well as some seriously problematic things that needs addressing, the same way as Stolas's behavior- which the show does very well and in a very nuanced way for the both of them! but I just can't understand how people completely ignore all that and just say that Stolas is wrong in everything and is to blame.
In the words of the great Fizzarolli- sounds like you just hate him for being a prince
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infriga · 10 months
To add to the discussion about plagiarization and misinformation, one thing I know that can contribute to complacency is how much time and effort it can take to fact check everything you watch. That's daunting for most people, let alone people who don't have as much experience with it or who deal with disabilities and executive dysfunction.
But there are some things you can do to minimize damages that are easier to manage on a more individual basis.
You don't have to necessarily fact check every single thing every creator says in every video in order to make sure they're 100% legit every time. I know not everyone has the mental bandwidth to do that sort of thing constantly. Generally it's okay to just practice some mindfulness and not blindly trust someone if you haven't vetted their claims personally.
What you can do is fact check yourself. Don't repeat stuff you hear from a video as if it is a fact unless you have looked into it yourself first to confirm that what the video said about it is true and that their sources are good. And if you source someone make sure you've vetted them specifically and checked their own sources on that particular topic or bit of information (and check that they even HAVE sources to begin with and aren't just copying their sources verbatim). You can't source every video essay you ever watch or check every single one for plagiarism, but you can source yourself and what you say, and make sure you're not spreading bullshit or citing the wrong person. If you find that you don't have the energy to do even that much in a given moment, then just keep the information in question to yourself for the time being until you do have the energy to verify it.
And some stuff that's generally just good practice: if it's a topic that you're particularly interested in, it's a good idea to seek out more than one video about it from more than one creator. The more diverse your sources of info on the topic the better, especially if you seek out more than just the popular stuff. Get a broader picture of it from a wide variety of people from a wide variety of demographics. It's a lot easier to spot stuff like plagiarism if you're looking at more than just one or two channels, and even if you don't spot it, because they're often good at hiding it, you at least can make sure that you're giving more obscure creators the same attention as well instead of only defaulting to the most popular wide-spread creators and content.
Seeking out more than one type of medium is usually a good idea as well. I know reading stuff like written papers or essays or books on a topic can be difficult for some people, but if you can manage it even just occasionally then branching out every once in a while is still worth doing because it gets you out of one particular information sphere and into another, reducing the chances of an echo chamber effect. If you can't bring yourself to do that much homework on a topic, then again remember to keep in mind that your knowledge about it is limited and could be wrong, and don't spread that info without doing your own research first. Videos are not inherently a bad way to learn about stuff, papers or books can be wrong, and plagiarized, and badly sourced, and can spread misinformation too, my main point is that it's good to avoid having your information come to you through a single choke point if you can help it.
It can be exhausting trying to hold every online creator accountable on an individual basis, I get that, so I don't expect everyone to extensively peer review every channel they ever watch, but at the end of the day you can at least make sure to try and hold yourself accountable first and foremost.
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morphestic · 5 months
Pardon the controversial thought with the Mafia-ADA exchange
but what if I want to see Dazai go back to the port mafia? Contrary to what other people say, I think it'd be really interesting because 1) no it wouldn't be throwing his character development in the trash. My guy has healed, he's going back to the same dark place but as a different person, being in the mafia wouldn't make Dazai break the promise he's made Odasaku and 2) Mori still has the thought that Dazai can come back, that he's fit to take his seat. I want him to prove Mori wrong, he can't be the Mafia boss and his blood isn't just mafia black and no, he's never belonged in the mafia to begin with. And maybe I also want to see the amount of headaches he can cause everyone, just for fun.
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phoenixfangs · 5 months
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theres no need for debate. she said this herself
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the-kipsabian · 11 months
a quick hot guide for people that struggle commenting on fics aka things authors love to hear and youre just over thinking it and its actually really simple to leave comments on stuff!!
key smash/emoji spam/reaction image/etc (it conveys emotions way more than you might think)
drop a line you really liked
say how much you love a ship/character and how happy you are that theres content about them
"i liked/loved/enjoyed/whatever it!" its better to say the most basic thing than saying nothing tbh; writers appreciate hearing anything over nothing 💜
"thank you for writing this" its short, sweet, and very powerful
think what kind of feedback you'd personally like to receive on a piece of art you made. try to translate that want into comments you leave for other people too
you dont have to be critical or constructive or anything, even if the author asks for that stuff in their notes. they'll get it from someone else, you just do you
i feel like people make leaving comments too hard on themselves, so really just make it simple. if you really dont come up with anything, just say thank you. youre there reading for some reason, tell the author what it is. fic comments dont need to be book analysis essays (tho those are. incredibly appreciated as well if you want to write one!!), writers publishing their works for free online appreciate any kind of feedback regardless if you consider it good or well written. a comment is a comment
bottom line is, leave comments on fics and other written works. its whats keeping this game alive
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lolathepeacocklord · 3 months
i need references for angry archer for my future art projects! He's so stupid i love him so much, i couldn't stop thinking abt him!!
PLS give me any screenshot that u have for refrence i am going insane!!
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GOUUUWWWHHH THE ARCHHHHHHH lucky for yewwwwww I am also incredibly freaked up about this guy specifically, and I have quite a few images of him I cannot lie😼😼‼️🔥🔥🔥let me rally all these freeks upppppppppppppp
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theflyindutchwoman · 1 year
The UC storyline is something that has been looming over Tim & Lucy for a while now. So it's passed time that we deal with this conflict. And with Tim being confronted by both his past (with Isabel) and his present/future (with Lucy confiding about her fears for him), we are finally getting to the elephant in the room. Because Tim can no longer stay in denial about this. And because Lucy is getting at a crossroad where she has to make a decision regarding her future in UC. And this is what I want to discuss about… to try to see things from her perspective.
Because that's the thing : she loves going undercover. We might not understand why, but she does. And this - finding a career that she loves - is something she has been struggling for years. She said so herself, she has tried many things before. She loves being a cop, particularly going undercover and now that she knows that, it's understandable that she is going to want to hold on to it. And not only does she love it… She's also really good at it! To the point that she is getting noticed. UC is the first (and only) division that went to actively seek her out and try to recruit her. Add to that layer her relationship with her parents, who have been trying to discourage her in the past, and it's not that hard to understand how good it must feel for her to finally find something she loves and to be encouraged to pursue. And that's where she keeps receiving mixed messages.
Because yes, she saw how UC could go wrong and destroy lives. Isabel, Nyla, Mack… She saw and heard the tales. And yet, her mentor is Nyla. Who always kept it real but has never tried to deter her either, whose very first advice was to simply be better than her. And Angela. We may not have seen it directly, but it is implied that she is encouraging her choice by helping her become a detective, despite seeing what happened with Isabel. And let's not forget Tim here. Who's probably her biggest supporter right now despite his own baggage. Who pushed her to go to UC school when she had reservations. Who told her they were worth the risk, knowing she was very well on her way of becoming an undercover agent. Even Tamara looked thrilled for her when she came back from Sacramento. So if all of these people, with all their bad experiences, keep believing in her and pushing her towards UC, why should she drop it?
But most importantly : she never dismissed these cautionary tales. At no point did she ever tried to imply she was better than them. She is simply trying to learn from them. Which incidentally, was the topic of Nyla's class, the one that Lucy was trying to listen discreetly. Let's take a look at her recent behaviour : according to Noah, she could have done more UC ops. Yet she hasn't. The second she had the chance to talk to Isabel alone, she immediately asked her about her own experience. These are the actions of someone who is being cautious and taking it all in before making a decision. She even acknowledged that she never experienced long missions which shows she has at least some self-awareness. She understands that she still doesn't fully know what this life would entail. It's one thing to hear it, it's another to live it. She's still at the beginning of her career, where everything is a bit rosy. She just needs to find her own way. I'm not really comfortable with the idea that she needs to be punished for her choice by getting hurt or getting someone seriously hurt. It's too close to the idea that women need to be punished or humbled for being ambitious and that's a big no from me. Besides, she has been hurt in the job before and she's still doing it. She simply needs to experience a longer mission, with its ups and downs, to see if she really likes it, if that can be compatible with what she wants in life. And not just experiencing the part of playing a different character this time. But also the separation, the anxiety, the lies and deception, leaving the people you love behind (from her real life… but also the ones she will get attached to from her UC life). This is after all how she found out her previous jobs/studies were not for her : by trying. The catch is she can only experience this by being a full-time undercover agent.
Which is why she opened the door for a conversation with Tim, by letting herself be vulnerable and sharing her fear with him : that her going undercover on long missions might be too much for him. There was no judgement on her part. She was merely trying to be honest and broaching the topic they've been avoiding so far. Because she knows that her actions will impact him. Unfortunately, he wasn't ready to open up just yet and shut that line of thought immediately. But she looked torn on that last scene... she knows he wasn't being honest with her.
And maybe Lucy is lying to herself... Maybe she only thinks she loves undercover because her missions so far have been "easy", with no consequences when her cover got burned. Maybe she feels obligated to follow through because the department believed in her and she doesn't want to let them down. Maybe she hasn't fully consider how it would impact her as well. Maybe. But if that's the case, it's even more imperative that she can talk about it with Tim. Lucy needs to talk things out to process things. And right now that line of communication is not open. Not completely at least. And while Nyla could be a good option, this is still something that she needs to solve with Tim. Especially if they want to build a life together. She needs to hear his feelings, just like he needs to hear hers. I understand that he is in a difficult position : the last thing he wants is to hold her back. But she still deserves to have all the facts. The onus on this does not rest solely on her shoulders.
And this is why I think it was important that they first solidified their relationship before facing their first hurdle. So that they can confront it together.
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exurgedomine · 3 months
Hey Nagato-san! Have you ever considered the thought of becoming a father? Maybe like... finding an orphaned child and raising them for example?
" Hello- "
He pauses thoughtfully, unsure to lay barren and true, " I've considered the possibility of becoming a father, but I believe that is a thought that crosses a man's mind the older he becomes. Regardless if it is his destiny or not. "
" I wouldn't raise a child alone without a partner. If I had one, then perhaps. "
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Is Stone gonna use Sonic's quills to create the Metal boi?!
This is a really fun idea hon, but I feel like it would be Dr. Robotnik that would make Metal Sonic. I’m not saying that Agent Stone isn’t capable of tinkering with machinery, not at all! I know that Agent Stone could make something chaotic if given the chance.
I feel that it would be much more impactful to show the level of insanity that Sonic’s existence has on Dr. Robotnik if he makes him. If Robotnik can’t have Sonic, why not make one with a quill that looks awfully similar to a chaos drive?
Here’s to hoping that Metal Sonic comes!🤩
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bethrnoora · 1 month
realistically I don't think silverlance would have been all that good if they made it when they were planning to because idk. it just feels like such a specific concept and hard to execute on in film format. but I still would have eaten that shit up. I still would at present honestly
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pulchral · 10 months
quick reminder: i am aware of the sheer size of my roster, and trust me, i understand that it might be daunting to even look at, but! it should in no way deter you from approaching. you don't have to know all of the characters listed, or any of them at all. you could just enjoy my ocs, a certain section of the list, or maybe it's just one character! it doesn't matter, and it sure as hell doesn't bother me in the slightest. just let me know!
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xsoulxsilencex · 1 year
So uh... I’ve seen some tension between people who criticize Go Rush rn and those who are fine with how Go Rush is.
I’ll be honest: I haven’t seen GR criticism so far that was just straight up hate. People explain why they aren’t satisfied with how some characters are treated or how the plot is handled so far. And tbh, isn’t it fair to dislike something and criticize if you can give reasons why?
Some say all they see in the go rush tag now is other people “shitting” on the show which I can’t really agree with? When I check the tag, I mostly see people making (positive) reaction posts about the latest episode, have some theories, some fanarts here and there or spoilers. I dare to say the amount of negative GR posts is really small compared to the ones where people say nice things about it.
In the end, “yugioh go rush” and “ygo go rush” are general tags for the anime, everyone can use to say what they liked or not liked. As long as posts with criticism aren’t breaking any rules, let those people vent. Let them say what they disliked. Just because you like how characters and/or plot are done doesn’t mean it has to be the same for someone else. Isn’t it actually a good thing that Go Rush can evoke different emotions in people instead of just one of the extremes? Discussions are also more interesting when different opinions are thrown into.
And if you really can’t stand any kind of criticism and you know certain people do that often then simply block them.
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#hi I’m going to complain for a quick second#so my parents have not contributed a fucking cent to my higher edumacation besides maybe three train tickets#I have paid two semesters so far by my self and with my grandmother giving me some money to help for transportation but that’s legit it#like my parents haven’t financially helped me at all okay#so my dad was going to do taxes today and he told me to print out the college tax thing and I got angry at him#because fuck you use me as a discount when you start to actually help me out at all#so we’re yelling at each other and he’s like oh isn’t there a parent account I can log into and I explain that no it’s fucking college#you do not have a day at all#he does not like this because he really likes being in control of shit#but it’s funny because for the first 16 years of my life he couldn’t give a shit less about my education last two years of HS he tries#to give unhelpful advice that just led to more stress (as in I got a 90 on a test and he’d ask why it wasn’t 100)#so we’re yelling at each other and my sister says to just ignore it because someone might aswell clame it for taxes instead of the state#and yeah sure fine but at least provide some support for me. or fucking tell me you’re proud of me that’s it that’s all I want#the only thing he has given me for school was a fucking BC tee shirt off of Amazon… that’s it#so now we are just fucking avoiding each other and it’s fucking awkward but my mom is treating it like I’m the bad guy here because#I’m angry they told me I had to go to college and now they won’t help me#like I understand that a lot of people don’t have their parents support to pay for college and they do drive me to the train station but#it’s just rude. and I can’t even talk to him about it because oh no big man feelings get hurt when $ is a topic but like grow the fuck up
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So this is why vagueposting is discouraged
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twiensat · 2 years
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crazy-pages · 10 months
I'm going to throw my two cents in to the conversation about why James Somerton didn't get caught earlier. Part of the answer is of course that he did get caught, he just bullied and lied to get away with it for a while, but I know a lot of people still express confusion. And of course he went out of his way to make sure his audience didn't know about other queer history sources other than himself. But still. How could he have so many viewers of his videos and none of them had seen X source material?
Well. To be blunt, most of his videos were pretty basic. He tended to copy the highlights of what he was plagiarizing, not the really advanced stuff. And insofar as he copied the advanced stuff, he had a tendency to chop it up and serve it out of context alongside other plagiarized work. The material he was presenting was revolutionary to an audience unfamiliar with queer history, but like. I'm guessing 'Disney villains are queer coded' is not exactly a new concept to the kind of people who read multiple books about queer coding in film.
Now I'm not a film studies person, I'm a physicist. But you know what I do when I get a video in my YouTube recommendations about some fairly basic physics concept?
I skip it. No shade to the creator, but like. I hit that topic a decade ago and I've added literally thousands of hours of studying and research to my brain since. I'm just going to give it a pass, all right?
These kinds of videos self-select for an audience which isn't going to be familiar with the source material. The people who know it are unlikely to keep listening after the first minute or so.
And you've got to remember how much of this content the experts have consumed! With very few exceptions for weird little things that stuck in my head after all these years, I would probably not notice a physics explanation plagiarized from one of my textbooks! Not because I wasn't intimately acquainted with the textbook, but because I was intimately acquainted with many such textbooks. Spend enough time learning this stuff and it all blurs together a little bit. Does this explanation sound familiar because you've heard it before, or because you've just read books which cover this specific topic seven different times? And does that wording or that example ring a bell because it's plagiarized, or because it's common to the field?
Catching this kind of plagiarism requires having the kind of people who are already familiar with these sources, and therefore uninterested in video summaries on the topic, to watch the video. And among those people who do, it requires them to match Somerton's words to one specific source on the topic out of many, that they probably read quite some time ago. And then you have the filter of how many of those subject matter experts have the source on hand to check, to turn a vague "...hmm" into something solid.
If you know enough about queer history to say that some of his plagiarism was obvious, now that you've watched the video, then you should remember that there is a reason you probably weren't one of the people watching his videos! And because YouTube promotes videos through algorithmic engagement, none of this stuff has to pass the sniff test for any other expert in the field before it gets released. No experts have to like it for it to get published or for it to get good reviews or for it to get a recommendation in, I don't know, the New York Times.
The only people who have to like the videos for them to get traction are people who are just trying to learn introductory queer history and film theory. The exact people who aren't going to notice this. And for those of you who to whom it is obvious, ask yourself. When was the last time you watched a basic level queer history introduction on YouTube?
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