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Should I?
Does anyone want an au of bad boys/f*ck bois Jungkook, Taehyung, and Yoongi?? Cause I'm bored and procrastinating on life right now.
-Lovely (aka Beannie)
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Angels and Demons
Hi this is my first au series on here. Hooe you'll read it, there might be some spelling mistakes. I'll update every Saturday. The chapters will be short. ~Admin Dessy
Feet dangling from the cloud watching the other angels flying around him. "Taehyung join us, oh wait you don't have your wings yet". Taehyung felt his back, hoping to one day feel a wing growing. He knew why he didn't have wings, God was testing him. Taehyung put a hand across the cloud that he stays on day and night. "Hey Taehyung, Jin is looking for you. Hop on I'll give you a ride". Taehyung nodded as he moved an arm to where Namjoon could get him. Namjoon was a dear friend, he was also like him. Years in heaven and didn't receive his wings until 30 years ago. For humans that would seem like a long time but time didn't exist for Angels. "Hey don't be scared, I got you Taehyung". Taehyung nodded and moved to the edge of the cloud, leaving imprints of where he was. Taehyung grabbed onto Namjoons strong arms and felt himself being lifted into the sky. Taehyung closed his eyes, hearing the chorus of angels singing and the wind in his hair. Some nights when it was all silent Taheyung will call Namjoon to come and to fly him, imagining for a minute that he had wings. Namjoon felt bad for Taehyung and took a slow time flying, he knew how Taehyung felt. Taehyung's brown hair hitting his face, a smile broke out although he was sad at least he can pretend for a moment he was normal. "There's Jin. I'll fly you over to him". Jin the lead angel was waiting for Taehyung by the edge of a cloud, so he could grab him. Jin's wings were about 6 feet. Glistening with gold and blue, swirling together to make a beautiful set of wings. Jin felt bad for the boy, but never questioned god on why he did this. He smiled to Taehyung as Namjoon flew as close as he could to Jin and gently threw Taehyung. Jin grabbed Taehyung's hand "I need to talk to you". Taehyung nodded and started walking into the building.
Jungkook is one of the most powerful demon, excluding his father who is the devil. His duties were to stay until his room until he gained control of hell. "Jungkook" a knock was heard on his door. Jungkook knew it was either two people, his only friend Jimin who was his father's assistant or Yoongi who was basically his babysitter. From the voice he knew it was Jimin. "Jungkook your father isn't happy about what you did yesterday" Jimin walked into the room, his black wings and black outfit contrasted the all red room. Jungkook turned on the tv and watched a dumb human show. It was talking about heaven and hell, all the wrong depictions they had of hell made him laugh. "Jungkook what you did is unacceptable. Making humans ill and falling on the street is not something you should be doing. Remember you don't bother the humans unless your father says you can". Jungkook rolled his eyes, hearing this speech almost everyday about being the perfect demon. Jimin left as soon as he saw Jungkook glowing red, bracing for the affects of what Jungkook will be doing. Jungkook felt himself heating up, horns started to protrude from his head, his eyes turning black, his wings growing to their full amount. Jungkook started burning stuff, his bed, the walls. It was like this everyday, his powers would become more powerful and he couldn't stop himself. He tried calming himself he heard a distant "Yoongi get him". Jungkook felt something grab him by his back, arms around his waist. Jungkook breathed in and out, calming himself. "Jimin the mirror move it". It was too late, Jungkook saw himself as the true beast he was. Jungkook felt the room get colder, the wings were slowly coming back to his back. Jungkook with small tears of blood told the 2 demons to leave him.
Taehyung walked behind Jin, bowing to everyone who passed them. Being in this building and also with Jin made him feel smaller and unworthy. Jin moved Taehyung into a hallway, decorated with depictions of what heaven would look like were on the walls. A famous one by Akiane Kramari was a favorite one as it was bigger then the other ones. "Am I in trouble" Taehyung said with a voice filled with concern. Jin could feel the tension coming from the boy and walked to him "everything will be fine Taehyung. There's nothing to be worried about. You will be in charge of helping a new angel because of that you have to move to a bigger house". Taehyung hearing the news breathed out, not even noticing he was holding his breath in. Jin opened a door with a sign that said newcomers. Taehyung stepped into the room, noticing the contrast of red to the usual white and gold that he usually sees. The second thing Taehyung noticed was eyes that shined like a child during Christmas. Then Taehyung saw the boys smile, it lit up the already lit room, like a Christmas tree being turned on. Taehyung was amazed by this creature even thought he hasn't spoke he could tell he was a pure soul. "Hoseok meet your new roommate Taehyung". The man walked to Taehyung and hugged him "hiiii my name is Hoseok and I'm so happy to be here and-". Jin saw the discomfort in Taehyung's face and called for Hoseok. "Now sit down we have some rules to talk about". Hoseok nodded with enthusiasm and grabbed Taehyung's hand and went to sit down on the chairs.
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Hii I'm going to be doing a series. It's a Taekook au here is an intro of what the au is about. I'll post it every Saturday. There might be some spelling mistakes hope you like the au and you will enjoy it
Legend talk about 2 mystical creatures, a demon and an angel. Now these two creatures are hated by each other, but these two people fell in love. The demon ran away from hell while the angel fell down to earth to live together forever. This is their story.
~Admin Dessy
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I forgot to write my admin nickname sorry the Christmas reaction is from Admin Dessy
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Hi this is my first post on here. I hoped everyone enjoyed the holidays.
Bts during Christmas with their someone
-will be waking them with cuddles in bed, nuzzling their neck until they wake up.
- will have a hot chocolate on the table ready for you
- giving you a matching onesie that you share.
-wants to open presents immediately
-will probably give you books.
-is a sucker for picture so will probably give you a photo book filled with photos of each other.
-wakes you up with him singing, will probably be joking singing or actual singing.
- a cookie and some coffee will be awaiting you once you wake up
- will give you a small box wrapped, trying to hide his laughter he gives it to you. Spoiler alert it's just box after box.
-expect prank presents from him, small dollar gifts or inside jokes you have with him.
-he will probably give you spa day appointments, a day that the both of you guys can relax.
-honestly you are probably waking him up.
-you will wake him up with his favorite coffee drink.
-when you do wake him up you cuddle him waiting for that gummy smile
-you will probably give him something he can put on the Genius Lab, it could be a photo of the two of you or a cute figurine to put in it.
-he will probably dedicate a song to you, hearing the passion from his rap and singing voice is the best gift.
-His laugh will probably wake you up tbh
- blasting Christmas songs and singing loudly if that doesn't wake you up.
- can't contain his excitement from the gifts so he's smiling so much
- dragging you to the Christmas tree, wearing an ugly sweater he give gifts.
-the last one is a small box, in it was a necklace and your birthstone on it with your initials.
- the cutest boy
-he wakes you up by singing Serendipity
- a custom made onesie was giving to you with the ship name that the fans gave to you.
-will be nervous giving you your gift
- a song that was writing just for you, sharing all the memories of the relationship to first dates to fights you had.
- another member that his laugh woke you up
- will probably be wrapping presents that day, trying to distract you from seeing the gifts.
- will give you a charm bracelet with a lot of charms, your initials, favorite animal and his.
-the last gift he will give you will probably make you cry, a painting that he said reminded him of you.
- will not even sleep that night
-attempting to make your favorite dishes
-woke you up by body slamming into you
-will probably give you an album of Bts filled with just his photos and photocard as a joke.
-his real gift will be in a box, excitement present on his face, as you open it to reveal a small puppy.
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New Admin
Hii I'm a new admin on this tumblr. My name would be Admin Dessy. Some facts about me
~18 years old
~ my main groups are bts, nct, stray kids, seventeen and others.
~my birthday is April 20th
~I will be writing drabbles and au's
~my bias is Suga
~I ship Yoonkook
Its nice knowing all of you and love you all ❤❤
~admin Dessy
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Hi I sent in an application and wanted to know if you received it. The wifi was being sucky
Hi! I saw this and was going to review it yesterday but forgot, I'm sorry! I'm reviewing it now!
~Admin D, I know I said I left but I'm just not gonna be active on the blog rn.
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Admin D Here!
I’m sorry but I can’t stay on this blog anymore. It feels like too much pressure to keep up this blog and I have lost interest in writing anymore for this blog and in kpop. If I ever feel ready to come back, I might. I just feel overwhelmed right now and with the pressure of writing for this blog gnawing at the back of my mind, it’s just a bit much. I hope you all can understand. My main blog is @alltimefuck if you want to follow me. I’ll miss this blog, and writing for this blog, and our followers, but I think it’ll be best for me and my mental health. Thank you for reading my works and supporting me.
~Admin D
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A Reader x Hoseok AU drabble-type-thing.
First post on here so, I hope you guys enjoy.
-You and Hobi were childhood best friends
-Your moms were both best friends so of course it’s obvious that you two became best friends as well.
-And immediately Hobi fell in love with you right on the spot
-But since you had eyes on someone else, he decided to keep it a secret.
-That is, until you two reached your final year in middle school.
-And that was when you found out that your crush likes another girl- someone much more prettier and smarter than you.
-And he asked her to be his date to the middle school dance, not you.
-It’s not like you guys talk or anything, but being seatmates must count as something.
-That was when you got your heart broken for the first time.
-And when Hobi saw you crying on the staircase at the middle school dance,
-That was when he decided to promise himself that he will never see you cry ever again.
-Flash forward to high school, you were dating this jerk who you thought was the whole world in your eyes.
-You and Hobi slowly separated as you two were in completely different social groups.
-You were on the cheerleading team while he was in a dance club.
-They were similar, but different- according to both groups.
-As Hobi reluctantly watched you two from afar, he promised himself once again that it would be him standing beside you soon.
-And when the homecoming dance came around, you found out the truth about your ‘whole world’.
-He was cheating on you with your ex-best friend while he was dating you.
-They both won homecoming king and queen that night
-And Hobi once again saw you cry your heart out on the middle of the stairs leading into the building. High heels sitting next to you.
-Deciding that this would be his moment to shine, Hoseok gathered up all the courage and placed a single handkerchief filled hand in front of your crying face.
-You looked up through tear-filled eyes your childhood best friend looking down at you with a soft smile and a handkerchief in his outstretched hand.
-"Don’t waste your tears over him, he was a douche anyways.”
-He sat beside you as you took the handkerchief and you two started talking about what had made you two drifted apart.
-A half hour passed by and a slow song soon began to play from inside the building.
-Hobi stood up and outstretched his arm towards you.
-"May I have this dance?”
-You stared at the hand and looked up to his face and did it once more.
-You then smiled and nodded as you took his hand and stood up as he placed your hands around his neck and his hands around your waist, the song changed again.
-But this time it was you guys’ favorite song.
-Hobi began humming to the tune under his breath, making you smile a little at how he still remembered your childhood together.
-And there the two of you were, dancing underneath the starry sky, barefoot (well only you) on the grass.
-Both of you humming along to your favorite song until the chorus where you two started to burst out singing the entire song.
-You two continued this for a couple more songs as you started to calm down from your little breakdown a while ago.
-It was then when you two got tired and sat back down on the stairs, his jacket wrapped around your figure as you rested your head on his shoulder.
-”I’m so sorry, I must look like a mess.” You apologized as you wiped your ruined makeup from when you were crying earlier.
-And when Hobi thought you were asleep (tbh it was late in the night/early in the morning and you weren’t moving for a while)
-He started talking to your ‘sleeping’ figure
-But honestly, you were just so comfortable in that position that you didn’t want to move an inch.
-”You��re not a mess, darling. You could never look like a mess in my eyes. You look so perfect my dear. I just hope you would realize that.”
-You were beginning to get sleepy, but you heard him as you began to doze off, not before muttering a ”Thank you, Hobi… for everything.”
-"Anytime my darling, anytime.”
-You then felt a kiss on your head, and an “I love you,” but you thought you were just imagining things.
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I got 1 request left (sorry anon it’s been so long). So feel free to request anything. Also tell me who y’all want the To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before au for. Remember, I write for BTS, Day6, and GOT7.
~Admin D
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Sorry it's been a while!
Would any of you guys be interested in an au inspired by To All The Boys I've Loved Before since I just watched if last night and love it so much
~Admin D
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Newbie alert!
Hi everyone! Greetings. I'm a new admin of this group, and you can call me admin Bean.
The groups I do are BTS, Seventeen, GOT7, DAY6, and Stray Kids.
I can do fake texts, fake tweets, mood boards, one-shots (kinda), and fanfiction.
So yeah, please message me anything you want to know about me or request anything so I have something to do on my day off of work.
-Admin Bean is signing off, and it's a pleasure to meet you all!
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Yoongi Light Purple Aesthetic Moodboard for @jeannie-beannie
Hope you like it
-Admin X🖤
#bts min yoongi#bts yoongi#min yoongi#yoongi#min suga#BTS suga#suga#bts#bts min suga#bts moodboard#kpop moodboard#purple aesthetic#kpop#bangtan
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We Are Accepting Admins!
If you would like to become an admin on this blog, just copy and paste the questions and your answers in our submission or send it to Admin D at @alltimefuck! If you have any work you would like to show us, you can submit it in our submissions or to Admin D. None of your submissions will be posted. Only the admins will see it. One of us will contact you after reviewing your responses. Thank you!
1. What’s your name/nickname you would like to go by?
2. What are your pronouns?
3. How old are you?
4. Would you be willing to make NSFW content?
5. What kind of content would you make? (ex. fanfiction, fake texts/snapchats)
6. What groups would you make content for?
7. What time zone are you in? When would you be available to post/talk to?
8. What other hobbies and interests do you have? Not required, but this will help us get to know you.
9. Is there anything else you’d like for us to know?
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We Are Accepting Admins!
If you would like to become an admin on this blog, just copy and paste the questions and your answers in our submission or send it to Admin D at @alltimefuck! If you have any work you would like to show us, you can submit it in our submissions or to Admin D. None of your submissions will be posted. Only the admins will see it. One of us will contact you after reviewing your responses. Thank you!
1. What’s your name/nickname you would like to go by?
2. What are your pronouns?
3. How old are you?
4. Would you be willing to make NSFW content?
5. What kind of content would you make? (ex. fanfiction, fake texts/snapchats)
6. What groups would you make content for?
7. What time zone are you in? When would you be available to post/talk to?
8. What other hobbies and interests do you have? Not required, but this will help us get to know you.
9. Is there anything else you’d like for us to know?
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Oh and can you combine 54 with 63 please? I accidentally sent in the other ask too early. Thanks boo -♡
~Admin D
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Characters: Yoongi x Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 499
Genre: Fluff
Requested by anon
#54 “We’re still us. We’ve always been us.”
#63 “It’s not coincidence that we met again.”
~Admin D
Red strings. That’s mostly what you saw, what you noticed. Most people had red string tied to their finger and their soulmate’s finger. No one else saw the string, though. Not that you knew, at least. You always saw people together that didn’t have connected string, they lead away from each other.
You had found who your string attached to. It was a boy in high school you dated. You never told him about the red string. And one day, he moved. He told you that his family was moving a few hours away and that he really did love you, but couldn’t commit to the commute at his age. You understood. You both promised that if you saw each other again, that you would date again, like you too had never broken up. You were heartbroken to see him leave and hoped that one day you would see each other again.
You were sitting in a coffee shop just down the road from where you live. It was raining out, so you were waiting out the rain before heading home since it looked like it would let up soon.
The sound of the bell above the door interrupted the soft padding of the rain hitting the window. You glanced over at the door to see who had walked in. The person had a jacket on with their hoodie up so you couldn’t get a good look at their face. You went back to the book you were reading. You quickly got engrossed, forgetting your surroundings for a brief moment before hearing the chair in front of being pulled out and the person sitting down.
“Sorry, I-” You finally got a good look at the person and saw that it was your soulmate. The boy you dated in high school. “Yoongi?” You closed your book and placed it to the side.
“Hey, I’m just as shocked as you are. I didn’t expect to see you here.” He smiled.
“How long has it been?” You smiled back.
“Too long.”
“Well you look great for it being ‘too long.’”
“Hey, I was gonna say that first.”
You both chuckled.
You stayed at the coffee shop until closing, catching up with each other.
“Can I walk you home.” He offered.
“It was fun seeing you again.” He said as you started walking.
“It’s not coincidence that we met again.” You said, not really thinking.
“What do you mean?” He asked.
“I just think that it wasn’t a coincidence that we met again. Like we were supposed to meet again.”
“I wasn’t going to say it, but I felt like that, too.”
“It felt like we were us again. Like we when we were dating.” You said quietly.
“We’re still us. We’ve always been us.” He said, smiling at you.
“So you mean…”
“I keep my promises.”
You stopped walking, making him stop and turn to you.
“So we’re dating now?”
“Only if you want to.”
“I do want to.” You smiled.
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