#just literally casually lift his arm up to grab something behind him or some shit
fellhellion · 1 year
Xina/Miguel + casual touch has ME screaming crying throwing up actually.
#like. augh. miguel who’s not. used to being overly physically affectionate holding xina#<- also side note the infamous holding her shoulders from behind pose is soooooooo early 20s miguel in his first love not being sure if it#will be accepted TO ME#xina’s bold and unashamed w her affection but also like shdjfj I bet she used to teasingly poke and prod him in the side#she’ll move him if he’s in the way in the kitchen or some shit#just literally casually lift his arm up to grab something behind him or some shit#I bet she’s a casual affectionate kisser considering she’s also a cuddler in canon#like give him a quick kiss on the shoulder as she leaves cause she’s not going to crane her neck all the way up at the crack of dawn#ALSO. I hc that he used to freeze up awkwardly if she did stuff like. casually tuck his hair behind his ears at first#Miguel doesn’t know how to react w affection he deems as like. fussing. imo. it’s not that he doesn’t like it esp from Xina it’s just.#unfamiliar and it’s one of the times he just kind of instinctively freezes#also lmao to kid Miguel clearly shooting his shot and Xina being endeared by those cringe antics (affectionate)#he’ll hand around her waist thing in public at times sure at home they’ll just cuddle up to one another while marathoning Xina’s fave#twencen flicks#I don’t hmmmmmm haven’t come to a consensus on hand holding for them. they do yeah but more so in private and quiet absentminded moments#not a Lot. but just to be near to one another sometimes#tunes talks 2099#ANYWAYS. I want to write silly romantic drabbles abt them 🥰
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clevereverest · 5 months
Body Swap AU • 2,076 words
[ Race and Albert switch bodies! I wrote these two parts back in December and haven’t gotten around to adding any more to it, so I thought I’d share it here on Tumblr. I hope you enjoy it! ]
Mornings were always slow for Race, but this morning felt particularly off.
Just something about it didn’t feel quite right. Being barely conscious for all of ten seconds, Race couldn’t place his finger on what exactly was different. If he could just crack his eyes open…
Shit, the effort of it all. Despite his struggles, Race managed to look around, honestly rather bleary-eyed, but he couldn’t deny the fact that this was not his bedroom.
The fuck? Whose room was this? Race leaned up more to see his surroundings better, only to disturb the other person in the bed beside him. He froze immediately — he thought he was alone in here, but again, he was half-awake not even a whole minute ago.
Race debated lifting back the sheet or waiting until the other person did it themself, but didn’t have to decide as the latter became true.
To Race’s complete and utter surprise, the other person turned out to be… Finch? Not Spot, not Race’s boyfriend, no — but instead it was Finch, Albert’s boyfriend.
Why the fuck are we in bed together?
“Finch?” Race managed to say around his confusion. The man in question only hummed. “Why am I at your house?”
Getting no response, Race shook his friend’s shoulder a bit frantically. Finch swatted at him, his eyes blinking open. Somehow he only appeared slightly annoyed at being woken up, not remotely concerned about Race being in bed with him.
What the hell?
“Finch.” Race repeated, earning the wanted eye contact. “Why am I in your bedroom?”
“You live here,” Finch replied casually, moving to grab one of Race’s hands, who pulled it away hastily. Unsurprisingly, Finch looked taken aback at the reaction, but Race was still freaking out too much to apologize.
“No, I don’t live here. I live next door,” Race corrected. “So why did I wake up here? Why are we in your bed together? Actually, why did Albert let this — no, why did you let this happen?”
Now it was Finch’s turn to look utterly lost. He leaned up all the way to match Race, almost making a move to touch him again but decided against it.
“You’re saying nonsense, sweetheart. Are you sick?”
Sweetheart? Finch called Albert sweetheart, not Race. Was this some weird cheating situation? But then why wouldn’t Race be aware of it? Seems like something you’d want to know about. Unless they got drunk and did it on a whim, except that Race didn’t feel hungover. And even drunk, he doesn’t think that all four of them (well, Spot doesn’t drink) would agree to literally cheating on each other.
“Al, are you okay?”
Woah, no, something was very wrong today.
“Did you just call me Al?” Race questioned, finally turning back to Finch beside him.
“...Yeah?” Finch’s voice lilted up at the end as if he wasn’t sure he said the right thing.
“Okay, fuck, yeah that’s cool,” Race mumbled to himself, standing and walking briskly to where he knew a bathroom mirror was. He left Finch scrambling to follow, his tone concerned in every call from behind.
In the bathroom, Race flicked on the light and looked at his reflection.
Albert was staring right back at him.
What the actual fuck?
Race dropped his head into his hands, taking deep breaths. After a few moments, he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“What’s wrong?” Finch asked quietly, like he was afraid of hearing the answer.
“I’m going to sound insane.” Race couldn’t quite say it yet, but maybe he could put it off.
“Just tell me. Please?” Carefully, Finch wrapped an arm over his shoulders. Race had the distant thought about how bizarre it was to be shorter than his friend; he was usually one inch taller, not three inches shorter. “I can’t help you unless you tell me what’s wrong.”
Of course he was right. That didn’t mean Race really wanted to say what the issue was. Hell, how do you say something like this? ‘I’m actually Race even though I still look like Albert and I don’t know what the fuck happened or how to fix it’? Yeah, real convincing.
Screw it.
“I’m not Albert,” Race admitted into his hands before lifting his head to see Finch in the mirror. “I’m Race, actually. I don’t know…” He gestured at himself helplessly.
“Right, and I’m Spot.” Finch chuckled, as if it was a joke.
“No, Finch —” Race stepped out of his friend’s hold to look him dead in the eye. “I swear I’m not kidding. Please tell me that you can tell the difference. Right?”
“That doesn’t make —”
“I know, I know it doesn’t make sense, just,” Race took another breath. “Tell me you believe me.”
Finch noted the clear desperation, but still shook his head. “I can’t, I’m sorry.”
Race all but slumped in place. “How can I prove it? How can I…” he paused, an idea hitting him. “Let’s go to my place and we can see Spot and Albert, okay? If I’m right, our boyfriends should be over there probably having the same weird ass morning like we are.”
“But you’re my… and you’re…” Finch struggled to comprehend the situation, and Race couldn’t blame him.
“I’m not, though,” Race said kindly. “For some insane reason, I am Race currently stuck in Albert’s body. Why? I don’t know. At the very least, can you humor me so we can head next door? I want to check on them.”
Several tense seconds later, Finch nodded, and the pair went about getting dressed to go to Race and Spot’s house. Race mentally prepared for the image of himself (his body) already over there and attempted to craft some kind of explanation. Unfortunately, nothing was really making sense, so Race needed Finch to start functioning properly again — he might know what to do, but he was in no state to think about it right now. To be fair, Race could probably figure this out on his own, but the help would be appreciated.
Albert woke up first, stretching in bed before reaching over for his phone. Tapping it awake, he was blinded temporarily, blinking away the black dots in his eyes. There was a groan from beside him, and Albert apologized as he lazily entered his passcode.
It wasn’t working. He definitely didn’t change it recently, but whatever. Wasn’t there some fact that waking up and immediately looking at your phone was bad for you or something? Maybe he could learn from that today. Just before Albert put it back on the bedside table, the lock screen photo caught him by surprise.
That wasn’t Albert’s lock screen. Again, he did not change it recently, and he wouldn’t have a picture of Race and Spot on it, either. Experimentally, he twisted the phone around — wrong phone case — in fact, it was Race’s phone case, which meant this was his phone.
Why was Race’s phone here?
Albert didn’t get a chance to ponder it. An arm draped itself over his torso, locking him in place, and four sleep-heavy words reached his ears: “Go back to sleep…”
That wasn’t Finch.
Albert knew Finch never spoke right away in the mornings, so the fact that this other person said anything at all was jarring. He couldn’t decipher who it was yet — they were practically buried under a blanket — so Albert took the chance to survey the dark room.
Not long after, he realized he actually recognized this bedroom, just from a different view, usually. It was Spot and Race’s room.
If Albert was in their room, and there’s only one person in bed with him, where’s the other half of the couple? Why did he take one of their positions? Surely not willingly. No, he loves Finch and Race and Spot love each other — and yet.
…What happened last night?
Albert could only blink over at the voice, who now that they’d spoken again was definitely Spot. He cleared his throat before asking earnestly, “Do you even know who you’re with right now?”
“My love,” Spot replied with a softness of tone never before heard by Albert’s ears. It was eerily off putting, especially since it was directed at him, and not Race.
“No,” Albert told him, hoping that Spot would recognize his voice and maybe just kick him out of bed or something. It would be better than whatever was happening right now.
“Yes.” Spot said with the slightest hint of possessiveness, trying to shift closer to Albert.
It was at that moment Albert knew he needed to get out of there five minutes ago. Why did he entertain it for so long? This whole situation was super weird and being the awake one, Albert should’ve just left already. He scrambled to his feet, feeling very unsteady, and used the mattress to keep himself upright.
He let his eyes fall shut briefly, feeling vaguely nauseous from standing so quickly. Maybe it was a hangover, too? But no, they didn’t drink last night, and truthfully, Albert did not recall coming over to this house last night, either.
“Race, are you —” Spot tried to say, reaching a hand out to Albert.
He took a couple steps away from the bed. “Do you even know who you’re talking to? Who you are looking at?”
As intended, Albert’s words got Spot’s attention. His friend rubbed at his eyes and sat up against the pillows, appearing far too relaxed for Albert’s liking.
Spot spoke deliberately. “I’m talking to Race, and I’m looking at Race. Should I be saying something else?”
Albert shook his head, huffing a humorless laugh. “Is this some kind of joke?”
“No, I’m being serious.” Spot’s brows furrowed, and he moved closer to Albert but didn’t try to touch him again. “Are you joking? Because you sound like you were expecting a different answer, love.”
“Don’t call me that.” Albert shut him down because what the hell. “I’m Albert, and I don’t know what kind of… cheating thing is going on but I don’t want any part of it, okay? Whatever is going on between you and Race can stay between you guys — don’t get me wrapped up in it.”
Then Spot gave Albert the most confused look he’d ever seen. It took a while for his voice to work again, and even then all he said was, “What?”
“I’m Albert,” he repeated, motioning at himself. “Can’t you see that?”
Spot slowly shook his head and Albert groaned. It shouldn’t be this hard to tell the difference between your blonde boyfriend and your redhead friend, but here they were. Albert was two seconds away from turning on a light when Spot stood up.
“Come with me,” he said, heading for the bedroom door. Albert followed wordlessly; if it helped Spot then so be it, despite how convoluted this was starting to become. Ridiculous… if he was more awake, he’d be making fun of his friend’s apparent blindness because how difficult can it be to tell the difference between —
“Holy shit.”
Spot turned on the bathroom light and they faced the mirror.
Race was reflected back where Albert currently stood.
“So you get why I literally can’t see otherwise?” Spot prompted eventually. “I genuinely don’t know if this was a planned joke with Albert today or if you’re being serious, even though it doesn’t make any sense.”
“I am being so real right now, man…” Albert muttered, lifting a hand to see Race in the mirror copying him.
“Okay, that sounds like something you would say to sound more like Al,” Spot explained, leaning against the door frame. “Do you see where I’m coming from at least?”
Albert nodded, somewhat sympathetic. “I guess.” Spot threw a hand up in exasperation. “Can we go see them? Race and Finch, I mean. Race should be able to…”
“Corroborate the little story you’re twisting? Yeah, I’m sure he could.”
“No, it’s —” Albert brushed past Spot, going to find a pair of shoes. Any pair would work, so if he could just find some that’d be great. “He woke up with my boyfriend so I swear if he did anything to Fi —”
Suddenly there was a loud knocking on the front door downstairs, cutting off whatever threats Albert was about to spout off. With the knocking came a shout:
“Albert, open the goddamn door!”
“Thank fuck, he knows.” Albert sighed in relief, heading down the steps quickly to greet Race and hopefully Finch, too.
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miekasa · 3 years
connie is def such a good hugger, like the hand placement is phenomenal
Hand placement.... Constance.... something he’s extremely good at, hugs or not. The combination of him being confident in himself + being completely in love with you = master of affection and casual intimacy even if he’s not trying. Insane.
Hands on your neck/jaw when he kisses you, always. The only time they’re not there is when he lets them wander; travels down to your back and waist, down to your ass, your thighs, and the next thing you know you’re in his arms and against a wall. Hands on your waist when he’s standing behind you, occasionally squeezing just to see you jump and scold him; he likes when you try and push him off of you, and play fight, because he knows he’s gonna win, and he knows that no amount of “Connie, we’re in public!” is gonna be enough to keep him away from you. Back hugs are huge too, kind of loose; not tight enough to squeeze you, but just enough for his palms to rest flat against your tummy and have him hunch over you a bit. 
Has this thing about lifting you up just because he’s strong and he knows he’s got good arms and he can. He’ll just come out of nowhere and carry you bridal style; put you over his shoulder to carry you back to the car because why not (one hand on your thigh a little too close to your ass because he’s not gonna let you fall... no other reason); carries you like a sack of potatoes in front of your full body mirror just to show off because, “You seeing these gains baby? I could bench you no issue, wanna bet on it?” (Has no regard for your face warming up, not even out of embarrassment, but because of increased blood flow from literally being manhandled). 
His hands are on you the second he greets you, and are the last things to leave you when you two have to be separated. Started kissing your hand in an overdramatic manner, but it’s evolved into him grabbing both of your hands between his and kissing them both too many times before he says hello to you. Sometimes he greets you with an affectionate headlock, but it’s only so he can ruffle your hair and squish your face to his chest with that hand, and keep his arm around you after. Put his palms over your ears with too much force to bring your head forward for a forehead kiss thats way to wet and drawn out and makes the “mwah,” noise just for him to pull back and say some shit like, “Good night, my little McGriddle.”
He just reaches out to touch you all the time because obviously he likes it, but he’s also really good at knowing what you like, where you like to be touched, and when you need some extra comfort. His emotional perception might seem shallow, but Connie knows exactly what he’s doing. 
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xiaoingly · 3 years
license and registration | modern au.
Tumblr media
art credit: asagizuisen on twitter.
pairing: reader x childe x zhongli
summary: it was just to your luck to come across two police officers after a night of drinking. however, when your drunk state allowed you to be brutally honest about your lust, you get a once-in-a-lifetime uppertunity to spend the night in their vehicle.
warnings: threesome, dom!zhongli, very slight switch!childe, sub!reader, oral(receiving), a bit of zhongchi, choking, praise kink(and a bit degration), penetration, edging, overstimulation, zhongli and childe are literally fucking your brains out.
word count: 3715
A/N: this is my first work! i do hope everyone enjoys this tho <3 i did proof read, but there could be some mistakes so bare with me lol
You laughed as you drove yourself home, still thinking of the events that took place tonight. Of course that led to consequences like driving home in a very drunk state, but you weren't about to keep two horny couples company, so fastest route out of there it is. You were aware of your current state, and tried your utter best to focus on the road, but you had to admit how hard it was getting. With tired eyes, you drove past the dark road. But your eyes widened almost immediately as you spotted something a few miles away.
A police car.
Dozens of curses left your lips as you drove closer and closer, blaming your friend for bringing you in this state. If it wasn't for them, you wouldn't even be at their house, or drinking. You knew you needed the break more than anything, but blaming someone seemed easier to you. You bit your lip, trying to think of ways to escape, but there weren't any side roads, and if you took a turn now, they would definitely notice. Maybe I could flirt my way out, you thought, but you shook your head. You knew better than to flirt with police officers.
Your drunk self seemed to disagree.
You gulped as you saw a hand lift up, motioning for you to stop. You did what was asked, trying not to sink in your seat as your eyes met one of the officers. His sharp glare made your stomach twist, wondering in how much trouble you must be in.
You rolled down your window, watching in the rear view mirror as another officer leaned against the car casually. He seemed different from the one you just saw, just as beautiful but with a touch of color. You thought it was his ginger hair that seemed to look almost too perfect on him. He wasn't glaring, but seemed to be hiding a smirk. You wondered why. But your thoughts were cut off when the dark haired officer made his way towards your car, his piercing eyes catching your attention almost immediately.
"Miss, are you aware of fast you were driving just now?"
Fuck. That's all your mind said. His voice was unlike anything you've ever heard, so deep to the point where you questioned your sanity around him. You knew that this was your drunk state talking, but something about his voice really made you feel a certain way.
"Miss?" The officer called out, and you broke out of your dirty thoughts, blinking twice as his eyes glared at you. "Not really." You managed to breathe out, your honesty almost causing you pain. You watched as the officer's eyes narrowed, leaning down to your window. You let out a shaky breath as he stared at you, your stomach twisting when his golden eyes took you in. "Miss, are you drunk?" You let out a chuckle at the officer's question, watching as he raised his eyebrow at you. "Is it that obvious? Thought my attraction for you might've covered it up." You slurred, almost cringing at the words that left your lips just now, but the other officer seemed to enjoy it, his joyful laugh catching your ears from all the way to their car. The black haired officer sighed, standing up straight. He glanced at the other officer leaning against their car, who seemed to take the hint.
He walked towards your car, biting the inside of your cheek as the elegance of his walk made your stomach twist. Something was wrong with you, and it was beginning to show. You tried to compose yourself when the ginger haired officer reached your car, leaning down with a smirk plastered on his face. "Trying to tame a beast, aren't we?" You blushed at his words, nodding your head. "He's hot." You exclaimed, the ginger haired officer chuckling at your words. The dark haired officer rolled his eyes, snapping at the ginger haired to focus. You heard his name, something like Childe? You found it strange, yet pretty in a way.
"I'm gonna need your license and registration, darling." His smooth voice rang through your ears, and you immediately grabbed your bag. You gave him what he needed, watching as the dark haired officer looked over Childe's shoulder to check your information as well. He gave you your essentials back after a few moments, and you wondered what they were gonna do with you. You were drunk, apparently racing, so you definitely had to expect something. "What are you guys gonna do to me?" You slurred again, realizing how flirty you sounded. Your eyes widened, watching as Childe's eyebrow raised. He smirked, leaning closer to you. "We were gonna let you off with a warning, but is there anything more that you need from us?" Childe returned the flirty tone, watching as you squirmed in your seat. You knew you couldn't deny it the wetness in between your legs, craving for two guys you just met. You were convinced you reached insanity at this point. You couldn't want this, and yet, you did.
"Yes.." Your voice sounded small as you spoke, looking up to the two incredibly hot police officers. Childe glanced at the dark haired officer, whose jaw was evidently clenched. "I'm not fucking a drunk." He spat, his arms crossed as he gave Childe a stern look. You groaned as his words sunk in, squeezing your thighs together to stop the sensation you felt between them. "I'm not drunk!" You exclaimed, growing desperate for a bit of friction. You knew you were starting to grow sober as the situation you were in caught up with you, but still, you found a voice in the back of your head almost dying to be fucked. "Please." You heard yourself beg, looking up to the two officers with pleading eyes. You knew what you were begging for, and that there was probably no turning back. But that didn't matter to you.
"Please what?" The dark haired officer pushed, his head raising a bit to take you in. You felt intimidated by his gaze, but you didn't let that stop you. "Please take me, both of you." You breathed out, staring at both of them to look for any sort of reaction. Childe seemed to be pleased, while the dark haired only clenched his jaw. You wondered whether that was a good or a bad thing.
But you soon got your answer as he hurriedly opened the door of your car, pulling you out of the car before slamming you against it, his lips on yours in a heartbeat. You gasped at the sudden movement, trying to recover but the dark haired man really wasn't letting you. His hands slid around your waist, his tongue clashing with yours in a delicious frenzy. You tried your best to keep up, but your body felt so electric under his touch to the point where you couldn't focus. You finally felt your hands move, going around his neck to pull him closer, running out of air but you honestly couldn't care. His lips were heavenly and that's all that mattered to you. Your eyes opened, locking them with the ginger haired man who stared at you in awe. It was then when you realized that you guys were literally on the side of a street. Panic settled in you, finally pulling away from your new found addiction.
You were out of air, your breathing ragged as you spoke; "W-We're in public."
Childe smirked. "No shit, darling. But I bet that excited you." You blushed, unable to deny that fact. You looked up to the man who's lips were on yours just a second ago. "What's your name?" You asked out of curiosity. "Zhongli." He answered curtly, leaning into your ear. "Remember it well." Your eyes widened, knowing exactly what he was referring to. He grabbed your wrist, pulling you away from your car to theirs. It was understandable since theirs was way bigger.
Zhongli opened the door to the backseat, practically pushing you inside. He walked away, Childe climbing in after you. He had a smirk plastered on his lips, closing the door behind him before making his way towards you. His eyes seemed to be on your lips, causing a burst of confidence to surge through you, pushing yourself up to capture his lips. The taste was intoxicating, your mind going blank when his tongue collided with yours. The other door opened behind you, Zhongli's body catching yours almost immediately. A slam was heard, Zhongli pulling your body up to lean into his. His warmth caused a moan to escape your lips, Childe's lips trailing down your neck, his open mouthed kisses leaving you breathless.
Zhongli's hands trailed down your waist, pulling at your shirt. Childe pulled away to let Zhongli take it off, not wasting a second before clashing his lips with yours again. You felt light headed, the feeling of Childe's lips and Zhongli's hands feeling so damn heavenly. Zhongli pulled your bra off with ease, his hands immediately feeling your breasts in his hands. You moaned into Childe's mouth, pushing yourself into Zhongli's hands. He eagerly accepted your offer, his fingers teasingly trailing around your nipples, causing you to feel desperate. Childe's hands trailed down your stomach, smoothly undoing the buttons of your pants. He pushed them down impatiently along with your underwear, putting you on full display for him. "Wet already?" He exclaimed, his grin almost making you lose control. Your eyes closed when Childe's lips met one of your nipples, a small whine leaving your lips at the sensation. Zhongli massaged the other breast, your back slightly aching against his body when Childe's teeth bit down on your nipple. You let out a quiet moan, your mind blank, Childe and Zhongli being your only remedy at that moment.
You reached for Childe's uniform, eager to take it off. Childe seemed to be feeling the same way, letting you take his clothes off with a grin on his face. "So eager, aren't you?" He whispered, capturing your lips as you continued to take off his remaining clothes from head to waist. You had to keep yourself from gauging as you saw Childe's body, he wasn't too muscled but he definitely worked out, that you could tell. It was then when you felt Zhongli shift behind you, hearing fabric being thrown on the ground with a thud. You couldn't understand how they wore those uniforms all day, they looked so uncomfortable. You were glad they took those off.
You felt Childe's hand travel down your navel, your breathing growing ragged as Zhongli made soft love bites on your skin. Childe teased you, his fingers trailing up and down you thighs, making another whine leave your lips. "Please.." You heard yourself whisper, practically fucking the air at this point. You needed something, anything. The feeling was too much, they were too much. "Patience, darling. You'll get what you need." Childe's voice rang through your ears, placing soft kisses on your skin as Zhongli's love bites turned harsh, causing you to yelp. Childe's fingers itched closer to your clit, playing with the skin on your thighs. You found yourself begging again, your hands moving to grab Childe's hands. But Zhongli didn't seem to like this, instantly grabbing your hands roughly to hold them behind you. "Childe told you to have patience, you are going to listen, aren't you?"
You instantly nodded. "I will." You answered, Zhongli's hands turning your head to capture your lips. You eagerly kissed him back, your tongues meeting each other once again. The feeling felt addictive to you, your mind growing hazy as he sucked on your tongue, small moans leaving your lips at the feeling. "Such a good girl." Childe exclaimed, cooing at your obedience.
A gasp left your lips when Childe's fingers finally touched your clit, your juices making it easier for him to create a pattern. You moaned, relishing in the feeling of finally getting what you needed. Childe teased your entrance, slightly pushing his thumb in. You whined, Childe seeming pleased with your reactions. He pushed one finger in, another gasp leaving your lips. You looked at him, his mischievous smirk almost taking your breath away. He pushed another one in, his fingers beginning a pattern inside of you. You felt relieved, satisfied moans escaping your lips as Zhongli kissed down your neck, his hands finding your breasts once again. A familiar feeling started forming in your stomach, your moans getting louder when Childe's fingers started a faster pace. Your breathing was ragged, your hands finding their way around Zhongli's neck as Childe continued pleasuring you. "F-Fuck, I'm gonna come." You breathed out, a yelp escaping your lips when Childe added a third finger.
The feeling was overwhelming, your legs shaking, your head spinning from both of these men having their hands on you. You were thrown over the edge, aching your back against Zhongli's front as Childe's name left your lips in a loud moan. Your head was thrown back on Zhongli's shoulder, your breathing uneven as you came down from your high. You had to admit how amazing it felt. It seemed you were liking this a bit too much.
You were a mess, but Childe was enjoying it, a sickening smile on his face as he brought his finger over to your mouth. You eagerly sucked on his fingers, making sure to keep both Childe and Zhongli satisfied.
"Turn around." You heard Zhongli speak from behind you, immediately doing as he asked. Once again, you were met by another incredible body. You had ask yourself how you landed here, between two of the sexiest men you've seen in your life. You had to thank your drunk self when you woke up later.
Zhongli grabbed your chin, his lustful lips meeting yours. You felt high as Childe kissed the side of your neck, moaning into Zhongli's mouth when he pinched one of your nipples. You heard shifting behind you, more fabric being thrown to the ground. You didn't expect to feel anything yet, until Childe suddenly pressed himself against you. Your eyes widened unexpectedly .You didn't expect Childe to be this big, starting to wonder how big Zhongli must be then.
Your curiosity got the best of you, leaning down to take off Zhongli's remaining clothes. He let you, watching as you licked your lips. Zhongli's bulge was evident, and it made you excited.
You felt Childe's hands roam your body, slightly pushing you into his chest. You let him, sighing as he placed soft kisses on your neck. You felt high, feeling yourself drowning once again. Zhongli leaned down, capturing your lips with his. Your tongues clashed, gasping slightly when you felt Zhongli press himself against you. "Might be a little rough."
That was all you heard when Zhongli entered you, a little harsher than you expected. Your eyes widened, hands pressing against his shoulders as his length stretched your walls delicously. You whimpered, feeling yourself clench around his cock. Zhongli barely gave you time to get used to his size, immediately pushing his cock further in. You gasped, his sudden pace making you see stars. He seemed to be going in a faster pace than what you had in mind, but for some reason, it only made you more excited.
"Zhongli!" You gasped, your eyes squeezing shut when he fastened his pace. When you felt Childe's hands on your body, you reached behind you, grabbing another unfamiliar cock. Your hands moved up and down his shaft, your pace faltering the more Zhongli plunged into you.
Childe's hands traveled down your navel, your body flinching slightly when he pressed a finger against your clit. "That's right, darling. Take him, take him like the dirty girl you are." He whispered, his bites on your skin making you gasp. Your breathing was a mess as Zhongli continued his torture on your pussy, his hands gripping your waist as he started ramming inside you. Your legs were jelly at this point, thankful that Childe's body was keeping you from falling.
"Yes, yes, yes.." You heard yourself whine as Childe's fingers joined Zhongli's rough pace. You felt a familiar feeling building in your stomach, starting to get desperate for a release. You found yourself meeting Zhongli's thrusts, matching his aggresive pace as your moans grew louder. "I think I'm gonna-"
You heard a grunt. "Don't you fucking dare." Zhongli spat, his eyes trained on his cock entering you. His jaw was clenched, making him look even more ravishing than he already was. You heard Childe chuckle behind you, one of his hands harshly grabbing onto your hair. "So, so pretty." He breathed in your ear, your eyes widening when you felt something poke your behind. "W-wait-" Your sentence was cut off, a yelp escaping your lips when you felt Childe enter you from behind you.
You shook your head a bit violently, Childe's grasp on your hair tightening when you did so. "You asked for this, remember? Take it." He grunted, your breathing ragged as the two men just abused your pussy. In, out. In, out. Your mind chanted, almost missing Childe's hands sneaking around your neck. His grip tightened slightly, barely giving you tme to process what was happening. You found yourself almost chocking on air, your hand flying to Childe's with surprise. He only chuckled, his hands tightening around you. You couldn't breathe, but why was that just turning you on even more?
"She's gonna come." Zhongli stated, and he was right. Childe was barely inside you, and yet you already felt yourself slowly breaking. Zhongli's pace fastened even more, breaking the rhythm he and Childe had created. His thrusts were messy, but powerful. Childe met his thrusts quite quickly, making a sobbing mess out of you. Zhongli suddenly leaned in, your eyes widening when you saw him grab Childe's face, their lips clashing in the most sinful way possible. You lips were parted, watching the scene unfold in front of you. Their tongues clashed, Childe's soft whine reaching your ears when Zhongli harshly sucked on his tongue. Just when you thought this whole thing couldn't get any sexier.
Whatever you just saw, you wanted to see more.
The lewd noises of skin slapping against each other made you whine, the car filled with the sounds of your loud moans and choked cries, as well as grunts from both the guys. The sounds that left your lips felt embarrassing, but you barely had time to focus on that when Childe pushed himself deeper, hitting a certain spot inside you. "Ah, Childe! Slow down!"
You heard him chuckle, pushing your head back to meet his lips. "I could, but I bet you'd cry if I did."
You whimpered, knowing that those words were very true.
Your cries continued, zhongli leaning down to kiss your neck while he whispered sweet nothings in your ear.
You're so wet, is it all for us?
Do you like this? Want me to go faster?
Louder, I want to let everyone passing by hear your sweet moans.
You were sweaty, sandwiched between two guys that were making you get a taste of heaven. That thought alone would be able to send you over the edge. "Please!" You managed to choke out, tears running down your eyes as you begged. Childe only chuckled. "You wanna come? Go ahead, darling. Come for us."
You didn't even think twice as you came on both of their cocks, screaming as you came down from your high. Childe released the hold he had on your neck, your body practically falling on Zhongli's chest as you tried to process what just happened. You were completely out of breath, gasping quite loudly, your pussy growing sensitive when both cocks continued thrusting inside you. You whimpered, shaking your head weakly. "N-No more." You cried, but they completely ignored you, Childe's hands wrapping around your waist. He chuckled at your pathetic cries. "Look at you, what a mess, hmm?" He cooed, catching Zhongli's small smirk. You whimpered, hands clutching whatever they could find as both guys overstimulated you.
You couldn't even pull away, completely stuck between them with no escape. You could smell their scents with sweat, hear their heavy breathing and aggressive grunts as their skin slapped against yours. It only seemed to build your second orgasm faster, tears running down your cheeks as you felt their cocks completely destroying your insides. "F-Fuck!" You managed to breathe, your hands finding their way on Zhongli's shoulders again as his thrusts began to fasten even more than before. You could tell he was close, desperate for a release. Childe seemed to be as well, his groans becoming louder with every thrust. "A-Ah, I'm gonna come!"
Childe chuckled in your ear. "Right with you, darling."
You found yourself bouncing on their cocks, ignoring the throbbing pain of being overstimulated as you continued chasing your second orgasm. Both cocks met your thrusts, you just couldn't stop moaning and whining at the roughness of their cocks.
Childe came first, the sounds escaping his mouth almost sounding like a growl as he released his semen on your back. You were second, whimpering as the pain increased. And then Zhongli, the sexiest groan had left his lips when he came on your stomach, completely painting you with their juices. You fell straight onto Zhongli, your legs barely working as he laid down with you on top of him. You tried to turn around and face Childe, calling him over to lay on your stomach. He happily obliged, his head laying a bit too comfortable on your chest.
Your harsh breathing had filled the car's silence, Zhongli playing with the strands of your hair while you wondered how on earth you were going to get home.
"We should do this again." Childe breathed out, looking up from your chest with a mischievous glint in his eyes. For some reason, your cheeks flushed.
They wanna do this again? With me?
Zhongli chuckled from behind me. "I would love having her sprawled across the sheets of my bed."
A/N: tbh.. i only started writing bc of this
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mandos-sluts · 3 years
The Prisoner's Dilemma
The Mandalorian x Fem!Reader
Rating: Explicit
Word count: 2.7k
Summary: There’s a bounty on your head and the Mandalorian Din Djarin picks you up. Boba Fett informs Din of what he does with bounties like you.
Warnings: Smut, rough sex, explicitly non con!! (but reader is into it), fingering, daddy kink, bondage, lots of dirty talk, degradation, exhibitionism kink
A/N: Please don't hesitate to message us or comment if you want to be on our tag list, or add yourself via Taglist sign up!!! Feedback is always very much appreciated <3
PLEASE please heed the warnings!!
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Din has been hunting with Boba Fett ever since the Razor Crest was destroyed; they travel from planet to planet together collecting bounties. While he would prefer to work alone, Din doesn’t mind Boba’s company— the two are very similar people. Both are cold, stoic bounty hunters who don't take shit from anyone.
You struggle and resist when Din picks you up. Sending endless punches and kicks at the Mandalorian trying to cuff you. You attempt to flee but to no avail, your strength is nothing compared to his.
He cuffs your hands behind your back and roughly walks you to the ship, maintaining a firm grip on your upper arm as he drags you alongside him.
The first thing you see upon entering the rusty ship is another man in Mandalorian armor. “Ahh what the fuck? She’s your bounty??” Boba says to Din as he tugs you up the ramp of Slave I.
Both men are fully covered from head to toe in beskar. The one handling you is taller than the other, and has a deeper voice.
“Yeah. Where’s yours?” Din responds casually.
“In carbonate.” Boba says nodding to the chamber. ”Damn. You’re lucky, Djarin.”
“Lucky? The price on her head is the same as your bounty’s.” Din replies.
“I'm not talking about the payout. Look at her, man! She’s yours to take.” Boba says locking his stare on your increasingly confused expression.
“What do you mean?” Din says flatly, looking down at you.
Boba takes a deep breath. “Ohhhhh Din, so innocent.” He laughs. “….You get to fuck her!”
Did…. did he just say what you think he said?
Din scoffs. “You fuck your bounties?”
“Well if they look like her! Shit, how could you not?!” Boba takes a step closer to you. “Damn. I've never seen a bounty as pretty as this one.” He says grabbing your chin and lifting your face up.
You’re standing there silently, still in Din’s grasp with your hands clasped behind your back. Din looks down at you and you turn your wide puppy dog eyes up to meet his gaze, anxious to see what he will do with you.
Boba takes a step away from the two of you. “If you don’t fuck her, I will. I’m not letting a pretty thing like that go to waste on my ship.” He pats Din on the back. “C’mon Djarin, you deserve it pal.” Boba says as he exits the room.
You stand there, almost in shock, waiting for the Mandalorian to do or say something. Part of you suspects all of this talk is just some nonsense to intimidate you.
But then after a moment, he finally speaks. His voice is low and rough, tone firm with a hint of condescension. “Well…..you heard him darling. You want me or Boba? I’ll give you the choice.” Din lightly chuckles.
Your heart drops. He can’t be serious. There’s no way bounty hunters are allowed to fuck the bounties they collect. Then again, why would he not, whose gonna stop him? You’re the criminal.
You’re scared, but not as much as you would expect yourself to be. And that’s because your fear is clouded with arousal. Why aren’t you scared shitless? Perhaps because this is lowkey one of your fantasies? And maybe because you’re also incredibly attracted to this big strong Mandalorian manhandling you. Shit.
“Yo— wait, no please don’t.” You say the last part mechanically.
“You want Fett to fuck you?”
“Alright.Then I’ll be fucking you, princess. Consider yourself lucky. Fett would make it all about himself, but I'll see to it that your needs are met as well.” Din says softly as he runs one hand through your hair and grabs your waist with the other.
“What? Wait…. I….I….wait– please.” You say, your body trembling underneath his hold.
Din takes a deep breath. “You’re getting fucked baby, you may as well enjoy it.” He says as he grabs your ass with both hands and practically lifts you up, pressing your body flat against him.
“Ah! No. Just– just let me go…. please!” You plead trying to shake free of his clench, your glassy, scared doe eyes staring right into his visor.
“Ha. Keep struggling, sweetheart.” Din pushes his helmet right against your ear as he tightens his grip on your ass. “Just turns me on more.” He whispers in your ear.
“Mmph!” You squeal out, shaking your shoulders as he spins you around and pushes your torso down, bending you over a table.
One of his hands is on the back of your neck, forcing you down on the metal surface. The other is on your waist, right near your cuffed hands. Your ass is waggling in the air as you try to resist his advances and rid yourself of his grabby hands.
You can barely move, however, under his sedulous grip. He shoves your pants down, leaving you bent over the table with your ass in the air in nothing but the unfortunately racy thong you’re wearing.
Your whole body shudders as you feel two of his thick fingers trace your clothed folds.
“Hahahahahahaha…..” Din maniacally laughs as he feels your gooey wetness through the fabric. “Nowwwww I see. Now I get it. You fuckin like this, you little slut.” He growls in your ear. “Pfft. I was gonna say, the fight you’re putting up is pathetic, but now I see why.”
Din isn’t wrong. He has seen you actually struggle and resist when he was capturing you, and the weak shaking of your shoulders and your little pouting is clearly not everything you have.
“Damn, I’ll give it to ya princess, you had me fooled for a while.” Din coos as he grinds his unbelievably large bulge against your ass.
“N-no! I don’t want this!” You contend. Your jolting only serves to make him shove you against the table harder, essentially inhibiting all your movements.
“Baby girl, your pussy is fucking sopping wet, drop the act.” Din scoffs. “You are literally leaking through these panties.” He says as he slips his long thick finger underneath your soaked underwear, running it along your slick. Your whole body shutters under his touch as pressure darts in your core.
“Tell me, pretty girl.” Din interrupts. “Have you ever had a cock as big as mine?”
He loosens his grip on your neck, allowing you to crane your neck and look back at the monster cock he is rubbing up and down your glazed valley.
“Fuck.” You whisper to yourself, unsure how he is going to fit in you.
Din slaps your ass. “Answer me.” He commands in a deep tone.
“Ah!” You cry. “No. N-never.”
“Yeah?” Din purrs right before he shoves his entire length into you.
You scream out. “Ah!!” Never have you been opened so much before. He lets his cock sit in you a moment once it’s fully engulfed, leaving you stuffed to the brim with his member.
“Holy shit.” Din breathes out. “Oh fuck yes, this is some good pussy.”
With that he starts rocking his hips back and forth, driving his massive girth into you each time. Your mouth falls open as disgusting moans fall out of your throat. His grip still harsh around your neck as he holds you down hard, pushing his hips against yours and delivering you the best pleasure you’ve ever felt.
“Ha. Knew it.” You hear Din chortle behind you.
You open your eyes and realize that you are pushing your hips back into his, trying to pound him even harder into your G-spot. You curse at yourself for being this brazen with your actions and not hiding your pleasure and yearning better. At this point, you know you’re not fooling him, but you’re not ready to completely give in.
“Now— now that my cock’s in you, you gonna finally behave? Be a— a good girl for me, huh? You little whore.” Din pants as he plows into your hole.
Your cheek is pressed hard against the table and you bite your bottom lip, trying to muffle your lewd moans as you squeeze your eyes shut.
Din chuckles at your pathetic attempt to remain silent. “Don’t respond and I won’t let you cum. Which— well…. you don’t even want to cum, right? Cuz— cuz you don’t want this, right?”
Your eyes shoot open. “Wait….N-no! Ple– please!!!” You cry, turning your head to look back at him.
“Mmmf, please what?” Din growls.
“Please….ah— please let me cum!” You finally relent.
“Ahhhhhh there it is. Keep beggin’, baby. You’re gonna have to earn it after being such a naughty little bitch.” He remarks as he moves both hands to your hips and pulls you into him each time he drives into you.
“Please! Please let me c-cum daddy!” You cry. “I wanna cum so badly, I wanna— wanna cum all over your cock. Please, please daddy!”
“That’s it. Look at you being so obedient now. Ha. Looks like I've fucked the good girl right into ya.” He says, slowing down his thrusts. Din bends over so that his helmet is right against the side of your head and whispers in your ear. “You like playing an innocent little brat don’t you? Pretending tha— that you don’t want to get fucked. But you’re such a dirty fuckin slut, you just couldn’t resist my big dick could ya? You— you’re just too fuckin desperate to get your tight little hole stuffed full of cock. Isn’t that right?”
“Y-yes! Fuck! Your cock hits me— hits me so deep! S-stretches me out so good!” You whine out as he thrusts into you.
Din spanks your ass again, sending a fresh wave of arousal to your core and making your cunt clench around him.
“Oof. I felt that. Ya like being spanked too? Fuck. You are a whore.” Din chuckles.
Your moans have turned into downright vulgar screams that you have no control over. He’s pounding into you so hard that your vision has gone blurry from the tears falling out of your eyes.
“Gah. You look so f-fuckin pretty when you cry baby.” Din mutters.
You hear a bang at the door and panic momentarily.
“Goodness, Djarin! It sounds like you're torturing her in there.” You hear Boba yell on the other side of the wall.
“Nahhh, I’m taking good care of her, isn’t that right sweetheart?” Din calls out, leaning over to your face.
“Y-yes!” You scream in response.
Din then grabs your shirt and for a moment tries to pull it over your head. Upon realizing that your cuffed hands pose an obstacle, he rips it right off your body, causing you to jump a bit.
“Come see for yourself, pal.” Din offers to Boba after discarding the ripped fabric on the floor.
The door slides open and Boba is met with the crude scene of you bent over a table, completely naked with your hands cuffed behind your back, mouth open wide with tears rolling down your face, and Din standing behind you, holding your hips tightly while plowing into you.
Boba stands in amazement. “…Holy fuck.”
“Say hi to Boba, pretty girl.” Din orders.
“H-hi sir.” You manage to spit out, lifting your head slightly.
“Shit. You hit the jackpot, Djarin. How’d you get this little one to submit?”
“Ohh, she wasn’t hard to tame. Ah— Needy whores like her never are.” Din responds while continuing to drive into you.
“Well, bye princess.” Boba says looking straight into your watering eyes. “Be good now. Din can get mean if he doesn’t get his way.” He remarks before existing.
When the door closes, Din yanks you up by your hair, spins you around, and lifts you onto the table. You’re sitting straight up on the table with your hands still clasped behind your back, a fully clothed Din standing between your legs, holding your trembling thighs wide open as he sinks his length back into you. You instinctively wrap your legs around him.
He grabs a rough hold of your face, hooking his thumb in your agape mouth while the rest of his long hand wraps around your head, forcing your watering eyes to look right at him as he pounds up into you. Strands of your hair stick to your sweaty face as you’re unable to brush them away.
His other hand trails down your sweating skin to your clit and starts drawing tiny circles on it. You wish you could wrap your arms around his neck and hold on tight to him as he drives you over the edge.
“Alright, pretty girl, cum for me. Show me what you’ve got, baby, come on.” Din encourages, swiping his thumb over your swollen clit.
Your cuffed hands are in tight white fists with your nails digging into your palms. Your whole body tenses up and your back arches as you squeal out. Din’s grasp on your face stops your head from falling back as your orgasm shatters through your body.
Din is hardly pulling his length out of you while thrusting fast and deep inside of you, feeling your cunt flutter on his cock makes him moan and you can tell he’s going to cum soon.
Just then he lifts you off the table and shoves your head down. “On your knees and open wide, I’m gonna cum in that pathetic pretty mouth.” Din breathes out as he rapidly strokes his cock over your face.
You sit up tall on your knees and open your mouth, sticking your tongue out while looking up at him with wide watery eyes. Din grunts as he grabs a hold of your hair and tilts your head up, positioning his cock right over your quivering mouth. Warm streams on white cum shoot from his length and fall on your lips and tongue. He keeps pumping it as he sprays the rest of your face with his seed.
“Damn baby, I thought you were hot before, but you look even better on your knees with your face covered in cum, sweat, and tears.” Din remarks while putting his softening member in his pants.
You slowly rise from the ground, your legs shake and almost give out as you bring your self to your feet. You’re panting and strands of your hair are stuck to your gooey face, as your cuffed hands prevent you from wiping your face.
You stand there awkwardly and silent, naked and disgusting as Din buckles his belt.
“Your pussy is so fucking good. I think I'm gonna have to keep you.”
“W-wait, what?”
“Yeah. I can't turn you in. Can't let a cunt like yours go to waste.”
“Bu— but then you won’t get paid.”
“Oh, having you around to fuck at my leisure is worth way more than the bounty on your head sweetheart.”
You gulp. “I thought—”
“Come on princess.” Din interrupts. “You can either stay with me, or go rot in jail. What’ll it be?
“But I— I….” You have completely forgotten about the foul fate that awaited you. You haven’t had time to think about what would happen once you were turned over. You have no idea of what life is like in a New Republic prison, nor did you have any knowledge how long you would be incarcerated.
“....I wanna stay with you.” You say softly looking down at your feet.
“That's what I thought.” Din says walking up to you. “Get yourself cleaned up baby girl.” He spins your nude body around and unlocks your hand cuffs, nodding in the direction of the fresher. “I’m going on a supply run and then it’s my turn on the flight deck. And my cock could use some warming while I pilot the ship.”
@pinkninja200 @raspberrymama @stevie75 @tacticalsparkles @kenoobiwan @shark-s @theamuz @blackrose8425 @beskarboobs @smutslutz @princess-djarinn @spideysimpossiblegirl @riot-rotten @javierpinme @hypnoash @anaaaispunk
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sodasback · 3 years
Let Go
Reposting Let Go from my deleted accounts. Minor edits made.
JJ Maybank x Reader
Just SMUT. Real filthy smut.
Warnings: Very explicit sexual content. Cursing. All consensual. 18+
JJ got a gig cleaning pools on Figure 8 for the summer. And your family had a pool. Ergo, JJ was at your house every couple weeks cleaning your pool.
Of course, you knew JJ Maybank. He was the gorgeous bad boy Pogue every girl swooned over. And JJ Maybank knew you too. You were the Kook man-eater, currently on the arm of none other than Rafe Cameron. And sure you and Rafe had a good time together and you loved how possessive he was over you, but you both knew deep down your relationship was all about status. You were the ultimate young power couple of Figure 8.  
You and JJ, on the other hand, despised each other. …but like many have said, there’s a thin line between love and hate. And the truth was: you and JJ hated each other because you wanted what the other seemed to have.
You wanted to be free. Free of the obligation and the standards and the suffocating expectations. And JJ wanted to feel secure and cared for. Fuck, he just wanted to know where his next meal was coming from and what roof he was gonna sleep under without getting yelled at.
Right now, JJ was standing shirtless and sweaty with perfectly messy wet hair as he used the net to get crap out of the pool at your house while you were coming home from a day of waxing, tanning, manicures and pedicures.
You saw JJ and decided your day just hadn’t had enough excitement in it yet.
“Hey pool boy” You called to him with the perfect amount of flirtation and snobbery. JJ looked up at you. 
“You missed a spot.” You said, pointing to the leaves that were in the pool near you. He walked over to you with his usual cocky, Kook-hating attitude.
“Yeah, so did whoever sprayed that fake tan on you.” He retorted back, gesturing to a blotchy spot on your hip exposed by your cropped tank top.
You looked down at it, “Fuck!” you cursed, causing JJ to laugh as he scooped the leaves out of the pool.
“Shit, money can buy you everything, can’t it Y/L/N?” JJ asked casually, “Fake hair, fake tan, fake nails. Is anything about you real?” He asked looking down at your bare cleavage pushing up through your top.
“There’s only one way for you to find out.” Your was voice dripping in sex and JJ looked at you in shock, not expecting your answer as his lips parted slightly, exactly the reaction you wanted.
“...too bad I don’t date stoner surf bums though.” You shrugged.
And JJ regained the composure he lost for a second as he leaned the net against the wall and turned back to face you.
“Yeah, you prefer psychotic, spoiled coke addicts, right?” He narrowed his eyes down at you and you glared at him.
“He doesn’t do that shit anymore.” You stated definitively, referring to Rafe’s drug habit.
JJ snorted and nodded at you, “Yeah, whatever helps you sleep at night princess. …But I did literally just see him doing lines and drinking cocktails when I was cleaning the Cameron’s pool today.”
You felt disappointed, hurt and angry at this news. Because 1. Rafe canceled plans with you today to do “something important” for his dad and 2. You also knew Rafe wouldn’t usually drink and get high by himself, so you were pretty sure JJ was leaving part of the story out. 3. Rafe promised he wasn’t using coke anymore.
“You know he’s an asshole, right?” JJ asked, wanting you to admit you were a better person than your reputation made you out to be.
You were quiet as you internally acknowledged that JJ was right.
Without an answer from you, he sighed, “But I guess… superficial Kook princess like you will tolerate just about anything to make mommy and daddy happy with that Cameron last name.” He shrugged.
You smirked at this, “You almost sound a little jealous, Maybank.”
JJ scoffed, but you continued taking a step towards him as he held his ground. “I mean, I may not be some desperate tourist or some grungy surfer chick, but I know you think I’m hot.”
JJ broke eye contact with you and shook his head, opening his mouth to object but you took another step towards him and you could hear his breathing falter slightly as he looked back at you. So now you were ready to lie and say the thing you needed to say to get what you and JJ both desperately desired.
“And I know you wanna fuck me.” You said dangerously, taking another step so you and JJ’s bodies were almost touching, running a finger down JJ’s bare abs, making him shiver before you looked up at him, “But you’re scared. You’re scared that you wouldn’t live up to Rafe Cameron because you’re just a dirty, little Pogue from The Cut and-”
“Shut the fuck up.” JJ commanded through gritted teeth as he grabbed your hips and pushed you roughly against the wall of the pool house. You gasped and your eyes widened.
You and JJ both knew you said what you said to get to this point: You looking up at JJ with a little fear in your eyes as your heart raced and your core clenched. And JJ looking down at you like a wolf trapping his prey as he pressed your body firmly into the wall behind you with a harsh grip on your hips. He stepped in closer to you, pressing his body into your’s to keep you in place as he lifted one hand to grip your chin and smush your cheeks a little bit.
“You run that little mouth of your’s so much and no one ever puts you in your fucking place.”
You let the shock of JJ actually making this move leave as quickly as it came and you pushed back against JJ’s chest with your hands and tried to push his arm away from your face, not wanting to give in so easily. But JJ wrestled with your squirming body and grabbed both your wrists and pinned them on either side of your head. You huffed in frustration.
This caused you both to smile at each other, knowing this is what you wanted. But just in case, JJ loosened his grip on your wrists ever so slightly and looked in your eyes seriously for a second, “Hey, you want this right? Say ‘red’ if you actually wanna stop, yeah?” He asked. You looked in his eyes and nodded.
“Like how far do you want me to take this?” He checked one more time.
“Anything JJ” You told him. And he still looked unsure. “I’ll say ‘red’ if I want you to stop, promise.” And he searched your face for a second, then nodded at you sweetly before he smirked going right back “into character.”
His grip on your wrists tightened as he moved them further above your head so he could hold both of them with one hand and move his other hand to squeeze your chin and cheeks again.
“I know you’ve wanted this for a long time. I see the way you look at me. You think I don’t, but I know you open your window whenever I’m here cleaning the pool, so you can catch a glimpse of me. Or even when you’re with your douche boyfriend and see me on the street. You think I don’t see the double take you do?” He said and you tried to turn your head away from him, but he firmly turned your chin so you’d look at him again. JJ moved his grip to your jaw so you could talk.
“If you noticed all that, that means you were looking at me too. At the beach, you stare at me in my bikini. And I saw you at Boneyard parties watching me dance with my friends.” You told him.
JJ just narrowed his eyes at you, knowing he had gotten caught too. You slipped one of your wrists free and grabbed JJ’s wrist to move his hand from your jaw. But he overpowered you and pinned your arm to your side.
“So if you’ve wanted this for such a long time, why are you still fighting it? Are you this much of a fucking brat for Cameron?” JJ asked, still looking in your eyes before he moved next to your head to whisper in your ear.
You closed your eyes feeling his hot breath hit your ear as he continued, “I think it’s because, unlike me, we both know, he doesn’t give a fuck if he makes you feel good.”
JJ pressed a small kiss just below your ear and then nibbling and sucking on your earlobe causing you to let out the smallest whimper you couldn’t hold back.
“You know I’m gonna make you feel better than he ever has, but you can’t admit that, even to yourself, so you’re gonna resist me as much as you can so you can feel like you aren’t betraying him and being a shitty girlfriend for letting a pogue, none the less, be the one to make you so wet.”
JJ continued, sucking on your neck just a little and speaking again, “And you get to run the show wherever you go and even if you won’t say it, you crave for someone to take control from you and put you in your place. For once, in your god-damned spoiled princess life, you want someone to not let you be in charge.” He finished as he pressed his body against your’s before checking your expression.
You chest was heaving up and down as you breathed heavily being way more turned on having JJ Maybank pin you against a wall than you cared to admit. You glared at him with a furrow in your brow. Then you surged forward. JJ released your wrists and you grabbed a fistful of his hair with one hand and gripped his shoulder with the other as your lips crashed on his. JJ’s hand immediately went to the back of your upper thigh as he hitched one of your legs onto his hip. His other hand was squeezing your torso; his thumb sneaking underneath your bra and skimming the underside of your boob in the most aggravatingly teasing way possible.
Your mouths were already open, tongues wrestling each other, teeth hitting in the process. You jumped up and wrapped your other leg around JJ’s waist as he squeezed your legging-covered thighs.
After the initial surge of adrenaline, you both slowed down a little. You tugged at the roots of JJ’s hair and he groaned a little before biting your bottom lip and pulling away from you slightly, giving your thighs a hard squeeze at the same time.
When JJ released your lower lip, you pulled away from him, “Pool house.” Was all you said before your lips started moving against each other again and JJ walked through the door of the pool house, into the guest bedroom.
He kicked the door shut behind him as he nudged your head to the side to start leaving hot, wet open-mouth kisses along your jaw and down your neck causing you to moan as he let your legs slide down his waist so you were standing again.
His hands gripped your hips as he kept working on your neck while he walked you backwards towards the bed. He gave you no space as you fell back onto the bed and he continued to crawl over you, now taking his time to suck your neck as he propped himself up with arm near your shoulder. The other hand massaging your hip.
“Maybank, no hickeys. …Rafe.” You said. And really you said it for both your sakes, knowing if Rafe found out who you cheated on him with, it wouldn’t be good for either of you, but worse for JJ for sure.
“I really don’t give a fuck.” JJ said as he continued leaving more hickeys along your neck just to spite Rafe even more.
“Take your top off.” JJ commanded.
You rolled your eyes and took your tank top off before JJ’s hand flew to your throat holding it with only slight pressure. “Don’t roll your eyes at me.”  He said calmly and almost teasingly, which only made it that much more intimidating. He knew he was really pushing your limits of being told what to do.
So after the breath hitched in your throat, you just stared at him defiantly in a stand off. JJ raised his eyebrows expecting an answer from you, but you stayed silent, rubbing your lips together firmly, contemplating your next move so JJ snaked his fingers in your hair and slowly but firmly pulled, cranking your neck to the side and eliciting a sigh full of pleasure and pain to escape your now open mouth. “Fine.” You spat out.
JJ let out a dark chuckle. “You’re such a fucking brat. But you love this don’t you?” He asked before dipping a finger in your bra cup and pulling it down so your breasts were exposed to him.
He took a moment to admire them as he squeezed one before going down and swirling his tongue around your other nipple and biting at it lightly. He looked up at you, “You like to push back because you want me to show you how much stronger I am than you. You love being dominated, huh?”
You took a deep breath as JJ put his mouth on your boob and sucked a harsh hickey there, while his hand started playing with the waist line of your leggings teasing you. “You love feeling helpless underneath me?”
He snuck his fingers underneath your leggings and your lace thong but didn’t move further yet, “Answer me.”
And with the anticipation of JJ finally touching you where you need him, the answer easily fell from your lips “Yes” you breathed out.
“Good girl” JJ praised as he ran his fingers through your folds. You let out a pained breath at finally being touched but JJ also saw the way your mouth twitched like you were going to object and then stopped.
JJ chuckled. “You don’t usually like being called a good girl. But you wanna be my good girl, don’t you?” He asked gently stroking your clit, causing you to close your eyes and open your mouth.
Then, JJ abruptly plunged a finger into you, “Don’t you?” He asked more sternly this time.
“Fuck! Yes.” You answered.
“That’s what I thought. Let’s see how much of a good girl you can be. Take off your leggings and your bra and get on your knees.” JJ said as he quickly pulled his fingers from you. And stood up from the bed.
You sat up on the bed and gaped at him as he smiled at you evilly. He knew he was really pushing your limits, but he also knew it was only turning both of you on even more.
“Seriously JJ?!” You asked getting mad about all the teasing.
When you didn’t immediately get up and follow JJ’s orders, he came over and put his hand under your chin as he pulled your lower lip down with his thumb, “Don’t make me tell you twice, sweetheart.” You narrowed your eyes at him, but grabbed his wrist as his thumb released your lip, to pull yourself up from the bed.
JJ took a step back as you stripped down to just your thong. You smiled, catching him indulging himself drinking in your naked body.
“Knees” he reminded you. And before you could even do it, JJ said, “Don’t even think about rolling your eyes.” You gathered all your strength to not be bratty back with a deep breath as you got on your knees in front of JJ.
As much as you had a love-hate relationship with the way JJ was teasing you, being in this position, on your knees in front of him, only made your panties that much more drenched. Your hands wasted no time going to his swim trunks and pulling them down releasing his cock as it slapped up against his stomach. Your mouth was practically watering.
JJ ran a hand through your hair, “Is my good girl desperate to have me in her mouth?”
“Are you gonna keep making me answer questions this whole time or are you gonna let me suck your dick?” You asked bluntly.
JJ smiled, but harshly pulled your hair eliciting a whiny “ow” from you.
“For once, you need to work for everything you get and you need to be the one not in charge Y/N. And then I’ll make you feel better than any guy ever has. But you have to be good.”
“What if I’m not?” you asked innocently, tilting your head to the side.
JJ smiled, “Then there’s just gonna be more pain with your pleasure.” He said simply and then added, “But I’m learning you’d probably like that too. You’re dirtier than I thought. You like being a little slut, huh?”
You contemplated. Wondering if you should give in to JJ or keep resisting.
You looked up at him and nodded, “Mhmm”
He smiled down at you knowing he had won a little. He pumped his cock a few times. “You want my cock in your mouth?”
“Yes, JJ” you breathed out.
“Tell me how much you want it. Work for it.”
You gathered more strength and finally decided to fully submit to JJ’s whole power dynamic.
“JJ please, I want your cock down my throat.” You said, placing your hand below his, around his cock.
“Put your mouth on it baby.” He encouraged. And you licked your lips before running your tongue along the underside of it. JJ took a sharp inhale and gathered your hair in a ponytail as you wrapped your lips around him and swirled your tongue around the head. You took more of him in your mouth sucking as your hand pumped the rest.
“Fuck Y/N.” JJ groaned and threw his head back. Your head bobbed up and down on his length as saliva started to drip down your chin just a little. Each time you went down, you took a tiny bit more of him into your mouth. One hand now running your nails along his thigh.
Finally, you took all of JJ in your mouth and his cock hit the back of your throat causing you to gag. “Fuck” JJ cursed again. He let you be in control for a few moments longer before he couldn’t help but thrust into your mouth.
“Ahh you’re such a good little slut for me Y/N. You take my cock so well.” He told you as he hit the back of throat repeatedly. “Touch yourself baby. Is choking on my cock making you wet?”
You slid your fingers through your painfully throbbing cunt and opened your eyes to look up at JJ and nodded. JJ pulled out of your mouth completely letting you breathe. “You want more baby?” He asked and you nodded your head eagerly.
“I want you to cum down my throat, J” you said. JJ bit his lip and looked at you painfully, having so many places in mind where he wanted to cum. “Fuck” He cursed again as you took him back in your mouth.
“Put your hands behind your back, pretty girl.” He said and you immediately obeyed as he fucked your face. A few more thrusts and JJ was cumming down your throat and you continued bobbing your head up and down on his cock working him through it while you swallowed. JJ pulled his cock from your mouth with a string of saliva connecting the two as you caught your breath. JJ’s body was flooded with a rush of oxytocin motivating him to lift you from the ground and onto the bed.
“Fuck, so good for me baby.” He said, wiping the saliva and cum from the corner of your mouth his thumb and then peppering kisses along your jaw and neck.
You ran your hand through his hair and pulled him away from you for a second so you could kiss his mouth. JJ and you kissed sensually as he held some of his body weight off you and then he started kissing his way down to your stomach.
He left one more gentle kiss just above the waistline of your thong before he put his arms under each of your thighs and pulled you to the edge of the bed while he got on his knees on the ground. He sucked red marks that would surely be turning purple on your inner thighs as he ran his finger underneath the side of your thong multiple times.
“JJ stop teasing and do something already.” You whined.
JJ chuckled, “Someone’s desperate” he teased as he pulled your panties down your legs. 
“Spread your legs for me” He commanded as he wrapped an arm around each of your thighs again and took a long look at your dripping cunt like he was looking at a piece of cake. “Ahh your pretty little pussy is so wet, Y/N. Who are you this wet for?”
“You, JJ.” You sighed out feeling his warm breath hit your core and dying for some physical contact.
“That’s right baby” He praised smugly before giving your clit a gentle kiss and then kitten licks that quickly turned to sucking on your clit.
You immediately threw your head back and closed your eyes at the pleasure. JJ was truly an expert at eating pussy. After giving your clit attention he moved down and fucked your cunt with his tongue causing your legs to clench around him and your hips to move. JJ untangled his arm from under your thigh, and grabbed one of your hands as he laid his forearm across your lower stomach to keep you still. You moved your other hand into his hair, tugging at it and making him moan into you. He then sunk 2 fingers into you and pumped in and out; curling them in just the right way while sucking on your clit again.
You moaned loudly as your legs began to quiver. “Fuck JJ!”
“You’re close pretty girl. Let go. Cum for me.” He told you and you let the rubber band snap and the waves of your orgasm rush over you. You tried to close your legs but JJ kept them open working you through it and lapping up every drop of your cum he could before you pushed his head away gently. JJ stood up and pulled you up to a sitting position on the side of the bed after you caught your breath.
JJ held his fingers dripping in your cum in front of your mouth. You obediently opened your mouth and sucked on his fingers, tongue swirling around them. “Such a good little whore for me.” You leaned forward, loving the way JJ talked to you and he noticed.
He pulled his fingers from you mouth and held your chin tilted up at him. “God, you’re so much kinkier than I thought. You like being called names, huh?”
You nodded and then looked away and blushed. “I like when you call me names. I don’t know why- I-”
“No. Don’t be embarrassed. It’s fucking hot. I love that you wanna be called my little cockslut. That for once you don’t need to be this perfect Kook. You can be a dirty little slut for me.” He said pecking your cheek and rubbing his thumb across your chin. 
Then, he paused for a second like he was hesitant about something but then he said, “Open your mouth for me and stick out your tongue.” He commanded as he pulled down your chin with his thumb.
You did as you were told and stuck out your tongue. JJ bent down a little and spit in your mouth. “Fucking swallow.” He ordered lowly. And you swallowed it greedily, feeling your pussy throbbing again. JJ noticed your legs rubbing together and he grew hard again at the sight of you being turned on from him spitting in your mouth.
“Fuck” JJ cursed to himself for the umpteenth time. Then, he was caught off guard as you pulled him onto the bed and crawled on top of him.
“JJ, I need you inside me.” You told him as you straddled him and pinned his wrists to the bed.
JJ looked at you amused, “Oh you think you’re gonna be on top for this?” JJ asked incredulously. 
You smiled at him. “Yup” you said, as you released one of his wrists so you could line him up with your entrance. But before you could, JJ easily flipped the two of you over and pinned your arms down.
“JJ!” You protested in frustration and tried to sit up or flip over again, but JJ just kissed you hard into the mattress. Then he sunk into you, pulling away from the kiss at the same time to hear your moan as you felt him fill you up.
“Shit y/n/n.” JJ hissed, “You’re so tight, baby.” He laced his fingers through your’s, “Ready?” He asked. You nodded your head. And JJ started to rock his hips slowly into you.
“Faster, J” You told him and he just smirked at you causing you to furrow your brow in confusion.
“Beg for it.” He stated.
“JJ” You warned sternly and you wrapped your legs around his waist to try and get leverage to flip you both over so you could control the pace but it was no use.
“Nice try. ..Tell me I’m better than Rafe and I’ll give you what you want.” He said smugly. You immediately rolled your eyes and JJ stopped completely.
“Wrong move princess. Get on your elbows and knees, ass up.” he commanded darkly as he pulled out of you. You whined at the empty feeling. “I’m not telling you again.” JJ said.
“Relax” You grumbled as you got on your elbows and knees and JJ immediately landed a hard slap to your ass.
“Ow! Fuck J!” You yelled at him. JJ spotted a scarf hanging off the headboard and grabbed it.
“Sit up on your knees. Give me your hands” He said tying your hands together with the scarf.
“Really JJ?” You asked.
“You know, I wonder how hard I need to go to fuck that attitude out of you” JJ wondered out loud as he turned to grab something else.
“Maybe if you actually fucked me hard, you could find ou-” You couldn’t finish what you were saying because JJ had stuffed your drenched lace thong in your mouth making you even more turned on and frustrated at the same time. 
JJ pushed you down onto you elbows and then propped your ass up further in the air. “There” he said satisfied landing another slap to your other ass cheek causing a muffled squeak to come from you.
“You’ve been such a bratty little slut for me. I don’t think you deserve to get fucked. But I can’t resist your tight little cunt.” JJ said sinking into you from behind. “Fuck Y/N” he groaned stretching you out again and then slamming into you hard. He continued thrusting into you and then felt your walls clench a little. “Don’t you dare cum, pretty girl.”
“Please JJ” You whined around your thong. JJ reached around and pulled your panties from you mouth. “What was that sweetheart?”
“Please JJ.”
“Please what?”
“Please let me cum. I’ll do anything.” You begged as he continued thrusting into you.
“Tell me I’m better than Rafe.” He spat out.
“Yes, JJ you’re better than Rafe. Fuck!”
“Are you mine or his?” He asked.
“I’m your’s JJ. I’m a filthy little slut for you. Please!” You whimpered.
“Cum all over my cock, baby.” He told you. Your orgasm hit you hard and JJ fucked you through it and then he kept going and reached a hand around to play with your clit. You whimpered from the overstimulation.
“Fuck J, stop, too much.” You whined. And tried to move his hand away. He used his other hand to pull you up by your hair so your back was flush against his chest. “Fucking take it.” He said through gritted teeth as a second orgasm built. “Cum with me one more time. Be my filthy little cockslut baby.”
You moaned loudly as JJ bit into your shoulder and you both reached your climax again. JJ thrusted slowly as you came down from your highs. He slowly pulled out of you and gently laid you both down. He pulled the comforter over you both as you turned to face him and nuzzled into his neck. He wrapped his arms around you as you both laid together naked and completely blissed out.
“You okay? Was that okay? Did we go too far?” JJ asked with his chin on the top of your head. You leaned back a little so he could see your face.
“That was fucking hot Maybank.”  You said and pecked his lips before snuggling back into him. He let out a relieved chuckle and pecked the top of your head.
As you laid there in JJ’s arms, you felt …free. You reached a hand around to comb through JJ’s hair at the back of his head as you rubbed your thumb back and forth his skin where your hand was on his back. And JJ felt …secure and taken care of.
It turned out that you could give each other what the other one so desperately needed.
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kuroos-moon · 4 years
Touch Starved Pretty Setters
Part Two: Touch Starved Aces
Pairings: Kenma x reader, Kageyama x reader, Akaashi x reader, Sugawara x reader, Atsumu x reader, Semi x reader, Oikawa x reader
Genre: fluff
Wc: 1.3k words 
will never admit that he’s touch starved 
not that he had to because he’s being really obvious 
follows you around the house, clinging to you, his face snuggled to your back even while you’re cooking a meal 
puts his head on your shoulder when you’re reading a book, and slowly sinks his head down to cover your view because you’re not paying him enough attention 
he’s literally just there wherever you go
“Ken you’re clingy today,” you’d tease 
doesn’t respond but cups your cheek in his hand before giving you a soft kiss so that you wouldn’t notice him blush 
when you transfer from one place to another, he’s beside you holding  your hand because no don’t you dare leave him alone
you’d be sitting on your bed when he casually slips behind you, his legs on either side of yours as he rests his chin on your shoulder and continues playing with his switch
he’d be too cute to resist when he’s being clingy so you’d drop whatever you’re doing and cuddle with him 
definitely loves curling up to you and have you cradle him 
like Kenma, he’d never admit it and is very shy to show affection so he won’t cling to you at all 
you’d be preoccupied with something and you’ll feel him staring at you 
but when you meet his gaze he’ll look away with a frown like damn y/n why can’t you read his mind and cuddle him like he wants
this will go on for the entire day, and you’d notice how he was acting strange and frustrated 
“You want something Tobio?” and he’d a huff a ‘no’ but his frown deepens as if you did something wrong 
you’d chuckle as you make your way over to him, having an idea why he was being a petty sour boy 
you’ll sit on his lap and wrap your arms around him, giving him a kiss on the cheek because he’s just too adorable 
would offer you a slight smile and would genuinely feel so happy when you snuggle against him
exhales a breath in content as you both stay in that position, his cheek resting on your forehead as he wraps his arms around you even tighter 
he feels so relaxed holding you and definitely falls asleep so now you can’t move 
won’t hesitate to tell you what he wants
when you get up to go somewhere he’d go all “baby where are you going?” with his lips subtly in a frown 
when you’re busy doing something, he’ll simply rest his head on your shoulder with his eyes closed 
when you’re not that busy however he’ll straight up ask you for cuddles 
you’d both be on the bed as he lays on top of you, his head on your chest most likely asleep
when you’re on your phone, he won’t say anything as he gently grabs your hand and places it on top of his head 
play with his hair please, he just loves it
when it’s been too long since you weren’t by his side, he’d lazily get up and look for you 
he’s baby, he needs you, even when you’re in the shower
goes in without warning and takes a bath with you, enjoying the water as he hugs you from behind
will litter kisses all over the back of your neck and shoulders 
is the big spoon and will pull you closer every time he feels like you’re not close enough 
yES, even when he’s asleep. Akaashi could sense it. 
very vocal loud and noisy when he’s desperate for any form of physical contact 
“y/n-chaaan hug pleaasee,” he’d say enthusiastically with a smile as he extends his arms in front of you 
is the small spoon, would literally grab your arm, turn around and wrap it around him 
becomes happier when you actually snuggle close to him like yes let him feel your breath against his neck he loves that shit
leaves you alone when you’re busy but he’ll totally play with your hair or lay his head on your lap if it wouldn’t distract you 
bc yeah he clingy but study first okay? we love task-focused sugamama
when you’re walking together, he’ll offer to hold whatever you’re holding in one hand so that he could hold yours 
loves being a koala, if you’re sitting down while watching a movie, he’ll hug you from behind with all his four limbs wrapped around you 
would randomly shove his face near yours, “kiss pleasee” 
you will submit to his pleas because he doesn’t care about anything else, just love him woman
will literally not let you go an inch away from him 
tugs you back to bed when you’re about to get up 
“baby come to me please,” he’ll say with a pout because why are you so busy with your laptop 
would frown when you refuse and he’ll be the one to approach you instead
will carry you to the couch or the bed “do that later” he’ll say and by later he means after hours of cuddling 
cuddle sessions are the only times he’d allow you to be on top of him lmao 
he’d also tightly wrap his arms around you or absentmindedly run his hand up and down your back
he’ll always crave for intimacy and will only talk about his day if you’re in that exact position because he loves how he could feel your chest against his as you laugh 
loves the feeling of your face buried at the crook of his neck, it makes him feel so contented and loved 
small physical contact will never be enough, wrap your limbs around him and maybe then he’ll shut up  
not very vocal but let’s you know what he wants through other means
you’ll both be sitting beside each other doing homework and he’d randomly hold out his hand for you to hold
who cares if he’s writing, he has two hands anyway 
would also not say anything as he pats his lap, knowing you’d understand what he wanted
will kiss your forehead when you do sit on his lap and he’ll securely wrap his arms around you or will gently stroke your hair
always asks for permission before he does anything
“y/n can I have a hug?” or “y/n I want to take a nap, cuddle with me?” 
will hold you tightly in his arms, pulling you closely to his chest 
fond of hugging you from behind, and if he really misses you, he’ll do it without a word even if you’re talking to someone 
if he’s tired though he wants to be babied and taken care of so you’ll catch him fully leaning on you until you get a clue and hold him in your arms 
is a loud and needy baby and he WILL get what he wants
constantly whiney until he finally has you in his arms 
would moan in relaxation when you hug him back, but when you let go too quickly- “Y/n-chaaan love me some more” 
is basically a lost puppy who follows you around, both his arms wrapped around your shoulders the whole time making it hard for you to walk 
if you push him off because you have work to do, he’d exaggerate his loud sighs every five seconds “if only y/n loved me” he’d guilt trip 
wants to be babied 24/7 so your cuddles are basically him laying on top of you and constantly bringing his face near yours because he wants another kiss 
“y/n-chan, hug me,” he’d demand when your arms go anywhere else that’s not around him 
would bug you until you give him the amount of attention he needs
after a game, he will lift you up and have you wrap your legs around his waist with your arms wrapped around each other because he’s so extra and he deserves that kind of hug 
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Fingertips on me
5SOS Calum Hood fan fic
This was mainly inspired by the pretty nail polish Calum was wearing lately, so I ended up writing a random fic about it <3 not much else to say really, enjoy reading!!
Background: painting Cal's nails for him can be fun, but he's always a little impatient
Warnings: mild swearing, fluff
Word Count: 1.9k
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Calum’s voice echoed through the apartment, reaching all the way to where you sat on your shared bed, busily typing away on your laptop. You looked up as he came into the room, a box in his hand and a frown on his face.
“Hey, y/n, can you help me out here?”
“Sure, love, what is it?” You shut your laptop and pushed it onto the bed beside you as he came over, fingers dancing through the bottles of nail polish that were neatly arranged in the box.
“I need to pick a colour, and I don’t know what will suit best…” he hummed as he sat beside you, picking out a bottle of bright pink to see the colour, then dropping it back and checking another one.
“You’re painting your nails?”
“Yeah,” he looked up at you, a shy smile dancing over his face. “Me and the boys wanted to do a photoshoot tomorrow and we all decided that we’d do our nails, and maybe a little makeup or something for it.”
You grinned back at him. “That sounds awesome, Cal.” You leaned into his side, resting your head on his shoulder and watching his fingers sort through the bottles, making soft clinking noises with every movement.
“You know I love when your nails are painted,” you murmured, pressing a light kiss onto his arm. He stopped sorting through the bottles for a second, picking up on what you were doing before you had even started.
“Yeah?” He turned his head to look at you, his hand abandoning the polishes in favour of dragging a finger across your jaw, turning your gaze to him. He was sitting so close already, he just had to look down at your lips and you were done. How did he do this so effortlessly? His voice was low as he continued, “Well how about you help me paint them first, then you can look at them all you want.”
“Just look?” you said with a sly grin.
He smirked at that. “We’ll see. But we have to paint ‘em first, okay?” You just sighed as he turned back to the box, lifting out a bright orange one with a frown. “The fuck is this?” He spun the bottle around to read the label. “Sunburst Grapefruit. You couldn’t just call it orange could you? Pretentious bastards.” You chuckled at that, earning a smile from him.
“Do you know what colour you wanted? Did you guys have a theme in mind or something?”
“Nope.” He shook his head. “Ash said he’d do red, and Luke’s are already silver I think. And Michael wasn’t sure yet but I’m assuming he’d do black or something, you know him.” Calum raised his eyebrow a little as he picked out a dark purple-ish colour, holding it between his thumb and finger like it was an object of disgust.
“I’ve literally never seen you wear half of these colours, y/n, why do we have so many?”
“Well you never know when you might need some-” you checked the label of the one he was holding- “Aubergine Maroon.” You laughed at his evident confusion.
“It doesn’t even look like an aubergine, damn it,” he said as he put the bottle back with a little laugh of disbelief. “These names are so fucked up.”
You just laughed at his mocking. “Ok, ok, give it here. If you’re just going to insult all the ridiculous name choices then we’ll be here forever.” You took the box and placed it in your lap, fingers running through the colours until you found a dark blue one, almost navy coloured, and pulled it out for him to inspect. He put his arm out behind you so he could lean back a little, his other hand reaching across to hold the polish for a second. He shook his head.
“Too dark. They said it would be a low light shoot,” he said.
You nodded and placed the bottle back in its place. “How about this one?” The cornflower yellow was certainly lighter. He screwed up his nose though.
“Maybe the cooler colours would be better,” he leaned forward to watch your fingers dance over the blues and purples, his head resting on your shoulder.
“Not green?”
“Oh, how about this one?” You pulled out a baby blue colour, a lighter shade of sky blue. He hummed in thought for a second.
“Actually…yeah, that might work.” He reached out his hand to hold it.
“See,” you nodded at the pale bottle in his tanned hand. “It contrasts your skin nicely.” You smiled sweetly at him, making him laugh.
“Ok Miss Sunshine, now you can help me paint them,” he said with a smile as he took the box from your hand and stood. “Cause lord knows I’d fuck it up in two seconds flat if I did it by myself.” He walked out the door without checking to see if you were following.
“Come on, y/n, let’s go.”
“Shit, that’s cold!”
“What did you expect, tough guy? Quit whining will you,” you told Calum with a smile as you began painting his nails with the baby blue colour polish. You were sitting at the kitchen table now, his hands spread out in front of you as you applied the polish as neatly as you could, a frown creasing your brow as you concentrated.
“It tickles.”
A moment of silence passed. A few more nails finished. Then his free hand started tapping on the table a little, the sound of his rings echoing on the wood as he started a beat. You looked up at him, eyebrows raised. He just smirked.
“Do you want me to paint your nails or not?”
It was hard to fight off the grin when he was staring at you so sweetly, mock innocence all over his face. “Yes, please.” He wiggled his fingers to bring your attention back to them. You huffed out what might have been a laugh as you went back to painting, quickly finishing off that hand and holding out your hand for the next one. He switched them over, placing the other hand in front of you as he blew on the freshly painted nails.
“You look like such a diva,” you giggled.
“That’s cause I am one.” He grinned, giving you an imaginary hair flick before blowing more on his nails. You laughed at him. What a dork.
You quickly finished up his second hand and screwed the lid back onto the bottle of nail polish. “There you go, Cal. Now just don’t touch anything for ten minutes and I’ll do the second coat for you then, okay?” You stood from the table, stopping in front of him when you noticed his pout.
You just raised your eyebrows at him. “Yes, diva?”
“But what am I meant to do for ten minutes?” his whiny voice was saying something completely different to his wide eyes as they watched you lean down in front of him, matching his sitting height.
“I’m sure you can find some way to amuse yourself,” you said quietly, eyes dropping to his lips, then dragging up his face back to meet his dark eyes. “Unless you can’t even do that by yourself.” You reached out and flicked his nose with a cheeky smile, tutting when he went to grab your wrist. “Uh uh, no touching, remember?”
“Not fair,” he mumbled, another pout turning his lips downwards.
“God, you’re pathetic,” you muttered as you straightened up. “Come on then. The sofa’s more comfortable.”
You flicked the TV on to play quietly as Calum went and sat on the sofa, careful not to brush the wet nail polish on anything as he went. He sat and looked up at you with a little grin, hands spread out on his thighs so he wouldn't bump them into anything. You just smiled and shook your head at him. He really was like a little kid sometimes.
You sat down next to him, remote in hand, surfing through the channels until you landed on a sports one. You knew he liked watching soccer matches, so you let that play.
Finally quiet and content, Cal just watched you as you tucked up your legs and leant into his side. He carefully lifted his arm and settled his hand on the back of the sofa, leaving room for you to properly snuggle into his chest, which you did. He was deliciously warm and cuddly in his big hoodie.
“You happy now, diva?”
He pressed a kiss to your head. “Mm hmm. Be happier if I could touch you though,” he whispered into your hair. You could hear his cheeky smile.
“Well just wait a few minutes,” you checked the clock on the wall, “then you can touch me all you want, princess.”
You casually lay a hand on his thigh as you pretended to watch the TV, slowly picking at the loose threads of his distressed jeans, and smoothing out wrinkles in the denim. Completely unnecessary touches, you both knew that.
You smirked as you turned your head and leant back to look at him properly. “Don’t what?” you asked innocently, a hand still resting on his leg.
“Don’t be such a tease,” he almost growled, even as he fought off a little smile. “You could let me kiss you at least.”
“Okay, princess,” you said quietly, a smile quirking up the corner of your mouth.
That was all he needed to hear before he leant towards you, connecting his lips to yours ferociously. You could feel the strain in his arms as he willed himself not to touch you, to only taste with his lips. You indulged him for a long while, letting him bite at your lips and swipe his tongue along yours before you gently pushed him back with a hand on his chest.
“What’re you doing?”
You just looked at the clock, then back into his dark eyes. “It’s been ten minutes. They should be dry now.”
The smirk he gave you was pure evil as his hands were finally free of their invisible restraints, one coming to rest on your jaw and draw you in for another hungry kiss, then both hands slipping down to your waist as he quickly pulled you onto his lap. You gasped a little in surprise at the sudden movement, and you felt him smile into the kiss.
Your legs straddled him as his wandering hands came to rest on your thighs for a moment, before drifted back to your waist, then up and over your back. He couldn’t stop touching you now as his mouth explored your, drinking you in as much as he could.
You eventually parted for breath, a smile on your red and swollen lips as he looked up at you with wide eyes.
“Only ten minutes, and you were that desperate.” You said quietly, making him blush a little through a smile.
“Only for you, princess.”
“Hey, don’t steal my nickname,” you laughed as you swatted at Calum’s chest, before crawling off his lap.
“What, it’s cute,” he said as he offered you a hand to help you stand, chuckling at your clumsiness.
You just smiled in response as you went and retrieved the bottle of nail polish from the kitchen table. You came back and sat beside him again, holding his hand still against his thigh as you balanced the bottle on the coffee table in front of you, dipping in the brush and spreading the polish over his nails once more, easily falling back into the rhythm.
A moment of silence passed as he watched you, then, “How long will this one take to dry?”
You grinned at him, pure, evil delight on your face.
“Twenty minutes.”
Thanks for reading!! Check out my [masterlist] for more fics <3
(and thanks to @theduckgoesquack for helping me with this one, ily jocelyn 😌)
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ryoskuna · 4 years
⭑ shaken, not stirred. | bartender!sukuna au.
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notes: this thought of bartender!sukuna has been in my head for weeks, but it’s when my mom was giving me a lecture while i was thinking of sketching him as bartender that solidified the fact.  this may become a series thing, and you’re also welcomed to ask questions about this au (please do, it is one of my new favorite things). also i have no idea what reader will be in this au-verse, but i’m thinking a law student (am i self-projecting... perhaps), but i’m open to y’all’s suggestions and can do headcanons for whatever kind of reader y’all want to see. additionally, did i screenshot that picture for the banner from episode 14 bc i thought he looked extra good?? yeah... i did.
warnings: like... mild nsfw via music suggestions, mentions of drink tampering but not from sukuna 
bonus: there’s a playlist that goes with this, here.
taglist: @lethargicyashi, @night-rook, @izuniias, @skys-luce-stellare​, @skys-luce-stellare​
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there’s something about 6′4 sukuna shaking a cocktail shaker to toxic by britney spears that just.... chef’s kiss.  no i will not elaborate, just think about it.
sometimes, you think he’s taller than 6′4, but that’s just his platform doc martens.
god, the man chewing on a thin stirring/cocktail straw or just holding it in his jaw, in between his teeth and watch his lips purse around it. he’ll take it out to talk, of course.
the waist apron he wears only emphasizes his shoulder-to-hip ratio
the best seat in the house is literally anywhere you can see him??? like behind him, you can see his back muscles flex, but in the front, you can see his tattoos on his chest peeking out from the fact that he is not going to ever button the top two buttons on his shirt. also, he leaves his sleeves pushed up to his elbows on most nights
tongue piercing, check. both of his ears are pierced, but he tends to change up whether he has just one in or both. 
you find out about the tongue piercing when he does his taste-testing of the drinks he mixes, via the straw drop (take a black plastic straw, dips the straw into the glass, covers the unsubmerged straw end with his index finger to create suction, lifts the straw to his lips, releases his index finger, and "tastes" the cocktail). usually he’ll put the straw in his mouth, but if he notices you’re watching, well, there goes the tongue piercing.
he wears rings, constantly. at least two, one on each hand.
he is a megan the stallion fan (and nicki minaj too, but i digress) and knows most of the words to her songs. his personal favorite is crybaby, and you being his s/o, well, he’ll sing it word for word to you while making drinks at home. he leans in and whispers the real intense/filthy parts like (”uh-uh, don’t fuck me like that fuck me like this”) yeah. he looks like he’s talking normal, but the way his voice drops more and he whispers??? goodbye world. 
sometimes he likes to tease too much while he’s singing and will lean in to lick the shell of your ear or maybe nip your earlobe, who knows
and then he’ll pass your drink like nothing ever happened
also has doja cat on his playlist, but yuji is to blame for that
cherry knot tying king
casual friday for the staff at said bar/establishment, and he’s coming in jeans and a loose tank top, you know, the ones with the drops on the sleeves on the sides??
sukuna is extremely aware of what’s happening in the room at all times. some creep hitting on someone? intervene.  someone trying to spike a drink?? he catches them in the act.  someone spiked a drink???? he just looks at the recipient, tells them to switch with him, and before they can say anything, they have a new, safe drink while he has the tampered one. 
does he grab offenders whether they’re being following creeps, coming on too strong, or trying to tamper with drinks by the scruff of their necks and carry them out personally? yes, yes he does. if you’re there, he’ll wink at you before he gives him a kick on the ass for good measure as he pushes them out the door.
he makes custom drinks for people, like he’ll ask what’s your preference in taste like sweet, strong or whatever, plus two other questions that seem unrelated but he’s managed to make the perfect drink for you 
again, he’s highly aware of his surroundings, so if you’re looking at his back, he knows, and will look over his shoulder to smirk at you, looking you right in the eyes.  (SHEESH)
thinking of him coming in on one of his days off with a ballcap and a tight, dry fit t-shirt on, so by the time he’s working, his hair is a lil messy, and you better thank heaven for that dry fit t-shirt because MUSCLES BABE
is working on his own lil drink recipe book, which means you either get to be his taste tester, or taste it when he kisses you 
this man knows he’s hot, he’s a smug shit about it, and works it to his favor. does he tie cherry knots at work because the women at the bar go crazy and give him extra tips?? yes
but if you’re there, oh sweetheart, he’s actually going to give you the cherry before putting the knot in his mouth to tie, BYE 
also.... hehe, had to mention this but uh... you could bounce a quarter off that ass of his 
he comes home from a late/graveyard shift, and just crawls into bed, smelling like syrup and cologne, just... run your fingers through his hair and he’ll be out in a few minutes
occasionally, he will sleep on the couch as not to disturb you, but the man really is too big to be sleeping on a couch.
if his shift starts at 6, he comes in at 5, hair a little damp from the shower he just took, and in a clean dry fit shirt and tight slacks or dark colored jeans. he’ll either work in the dry fit shirt, or he has a button up he can change into in the back
also??? really decent and will help you get stains out of your clothes if it’s something he can swing to clean in the sink like a shirt
otherwise, he’ll write what you need on a napkin and pass it to you
fucking hates white claws with a passion, ngl
during particularly slow moments at work, you might be able to catch him plucking a few cords on the guitar that sits on stage or poking around with the piano (look, i think he’s very capable of playing instruments and his fingers are good for it)
painted nails!! they’re usually a dark purple or black, occasionally a dark red. sometimes they’re clear, but he’s gotten the idea from when he supposedly was in his emo phase (and learned to keep something on them from breaking from his younger brother’s friend nobara)
likes to dance with you to the songs on his playlist in his minimalistic kitchen in between cooking or making drinks 
at least once a month, you can catch him in a necklace
during the winter months, tight turtlenecks or ribbed long sleeved shirts are his best friends
he also drives a very nice and sleek black car (i’d imagine it’s like a black audi TT or an audi R8) that sits in the back of the parking lot and has a habit of turning his keys on his index finger as he walks towards the building/into work.
bartending might have started as a part time job when he was in college, but it’s something he’s just kept up over the years 
man fills up a lot of space and knows it, even when he’s leaning on his back countertop during breaks or on the bar to take orders with his arms folded over his chest
ANYWAYS. be nice to your local bartender because he can bite. take that as you will.
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bnha-mha-imagines · 4 years
Omg hi I just found your blog! Could I maybe request Todoroki, Shinso, Bakugo, Denki, Dabi, and Iida’s (separately pls!) reaction to their gf walking around the dorm/league of villains lair in r e a l l y super short shorts and she low key has some cake? Like what the boys would do and how they feel? Haha sorry if this is weird tysm!🥺
Warning: all of these are a little spicy, but Dabi and Iida’s have spice on a whole other level so they’re under the tab. like… there’s that lol. 
Also, in recent news, the more I write Shinsou the more I’m in love with him holy SHIT he might have jumped to #2 on my favorite list dang
He’s just chilling in the common room couch writing an essay when you walk by to pick up your mail from your po box
He turns his head as you walk by when he looks up his eye level is right in line with your ass.  It definitely surprises him, and it's all he can do to stare as you walk to your mailbox
He’s practically drooling when you bend down to insert your key, the shorts riding up a little too high. He averts his gaze right away, his eyes burning holes into his laptop.
His head is buzzing with the image of you in his mind, and his ice quirk is working overtime to cool down his temperature. Tips of his ears are definitely a little pink, but other than that he holds his composure. 
He’s listening to your keys jingle as you get your mail and re-lock the po box. 
You’re hardly paying attention to him, browsing the mail in your hands as you walk by again. You gasp, dropping your keys when you feel a sudden pinch on your behind.
But when you turn around, he’s typing away at his essay. He looks up at you, blinking. “Yes?” But the smirk on his face tells you everything you need to know.
You were on your floor, tiptoeing around the kitchen to make some late night snacks. You were already in your pajamas, a baggy shirt and some high rising booty shorts. You weren’t worried about someone seeing you, they were all in their rooms by now anyways. 
Shinsou only happened to stumble on you by chance. He was walking upstairs to your room to return a towel he’d borrowed from you earlier that week (he finally washed and folded it). 
He was just about to knock on your door when he heard your voice down the hall. Holding the towel under his arm, he casually walks to the common room. 
Turning the corner, he opens his mouth to call your name but chokes on his words before he could even make a sound. There you were on your tiptoes, reaching for a high shelf so that your shorts rode up just right.
You jumped, squeaking when you suddenly felt two hands running up your ass as a chest pushes into your back. You’d already guessed who it was by the time their lips were on your neck, gasping. “S-Shinsou, what are you--”
“Shh,” he hushed you, the words tickling your ear. “You can’t tease me like that and expect me to do nothing…” 
He loves your ass. It looks good no matter what. Jeans? Perfect. Yoga pants? Holy hell. Bikini? Only he gets to see that.
So when he’s chilling on the couch playing video games with Kirishima, he practically chokes on his drink when you enter the room in the shortest shorts he’s ever seen in his life.
A few sparks definitely go off, the game remote dropping from his hands to the floor.
“What the hell!?” he’s practically yelling. His face is bright pink, but you’re not sure if it's because he’s angry or flustered. He startles Kirishima, who turns to see what Bakugo is looking at.
But of course Bakugo acts quickly, grabbing the nearest pillow and shoving it so aggressively onto Kirishima’s head that you were certain he was smothering him. “Don’t look at her dumbass!” 
Bakugo’s up in a matter of seconds, lifting you up and over his shoulder and hauling you back to your room. “Bakugo, what are you--!?” He shuts you up with a quick, punishing smack to the ass.
“Are you trying to piss me off?” he growls, throwing you onto your bed. “Or are you just that dense?”
He’s kinda pervy sometimes so it’s really no surprise when he gets a little handsy with you. Literally no shame either, he’ll 100% pinch your ass in public.
If you’re cuddling on the couch laying across him he’ll drum on your behind. He just really likes your butt.
So when he walks into the dorm room to see you laying on the couch, ass OUT, he takes that as an open invitation. 
He walks behind the back of the couch, pausing to make sure you were distracted with your phone, and then gets a handful of bare ass contact. It’s a loud smack and it definitely stings.
You gasp in shock, rolling over to see Denki laughing. “That one was hard!” you pout, an irritated expression already forming. He only has a second to move before you’re climbing over the couch to chase him.
“Denki, get back here, I get to do one back!” But your words are hardly audible over his laughter as he runs.  
You’re at the villain’s bar late one night, looking in the cupboards to find some sort of liquor. You couldn’t really sleep, so might as well treat yourself to a drink or two.
Dabi happens to walk in on you right when you’re bent over, looking down in the cabinets for some rum. Your shorts were practically nonexistent, riding up so that your asscheeks were exposed.
He can’t help himself. Not when you’re on full display for him so pretty.
You nearly bump your head on the counter when you feel two hands grip around your hips, pulling you flush against him. 
Exhaling sharply, you crane your head back to see Dabi, a sultry expression on his face. His hands were rubbing along the front of your thighs firmly, clearly loving how you felt up on him.
“Dabi, it’s late,” you mumble, standing up only for him to push your top half onto the counter. 
“Then we have plenty of privacy,” he reasoned in a low voice, craning his head down to nip at your earlobe with his teeth. 
He didn’t care. Did you really expect anything less from him?
He gets so conflicted because he’s attracted to you and will have dirty thoughts but he’s adamant about not objectifying you! Iida, dirty thoughts are fine, you’re only human, dude.
Needless to say, you’ve been trying a little harder than usual to get a reaction out of him. You loved that he respected you and thought it was so cute when he was flustered…but sometimes you just wanted him to lose control and kiss you! 
He was slippery tho. Anytime you’d do something provocative he’d excuse himself or refuse to look at you. You knew you had to bring out the big guns.
You’d both agreed to study in the dorms together. Iida was early as usual, so he was organizing his notes on the coffee table. When you finally arrive, he looks up to see you in the shortest shorts he’s ever seen. Immediately stiffens up, glasses fogging.
“Oh hey Iida!” you smile ~cheekily~. “Oh how sweet! You saved me a seat.” Promptly dropping your bag on the couch, you make a show of bending down to sit yourself down on his lap.
“(Y-Y/n)!” he cleared his throat, unable to focus on anything else than the way you felt on him. He knew what you were doing and you knew he knew. 
He loosens his collar a little, face composing into a serious look. “This is unacceptable behavior.” Your grin falters, eyebrows furrowing. It seems you took the teasing too far. You’re in the middle of an apology when he cuts you off.  “No, you need to learn. Bend over my knee.” 
That’s more like it!
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lonely-lost-soul · 3 years
Since I've Been Gone
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Request: what if...Platonic fluff things with reader and bench trio?... Like they're all in a flower field chilling then Tommy is like, "You guys wanna make flower crowns?" And reader, ranboo, and tubbo just look at him like 👁👁 what, Turns out Tommy picked up flower crown making from his big brothers techno and Wilbur so now he does it when he's either bored or stressed. Anyways hope this inspires you <3 -🐱 Anon
(Platonic!Bench Trio x Gn!Reader)
The server had been through a lot, Tommy was just recently revived and was coming off of finding out his two best friends were married. The young boy had a white streak in his blonde hair and was still trying to adjust to the life he missed. Especially when it came to his longtime friend and roommate (y/n). Tommy had recently found out they were off living with Karl and Sapnap in the Kinoko Kingdom...the bitch. After Tommy had disappeared after he...died Karl had found them hiding out in his old library. You had scared the time-traveler half to death when he found you camping out in a corner of the room. However, after seeing as you had nothing, no weapons or armor he concluded you weren’t much of a threat, especially after you told him your sob story. You told him you lived with Tommy and you couldn’t go back there now that he was dead, Ranboo and Tubbo were off doing married things and you had felt so alone. Karl decided at that moment he would take you in, no matter what the cost. Sapnap had a bit more trouble adjusting to your presence, but as soon as he saw you had some fire within your belly he began to warm up to you. It only took a few days for Karl to practically adopt you and since he was engaged to Sapnap the fire demon was stuck with you for a child.
Not that he minded, you weren’t a loud kid, very pleasant to be around hell even his dad took a liking to you. Sapnap was baffled when Karl told him you had previously lived with Tommy, the most obnoxious child on the server. The two of you couldn’t be more different, and when Tommy was revived, he and Karl weren’t enthused. Karl was worried he’d lose you to the trouble maker and it was well known Tommy and Sapnap didn’t have the greatest history. Their worries were quelled the moment you introduced them as your dads to Tommy, Karl burst into tears and Sapnap put you in a headlock much to your protest. Tommy stood by awkwardly, he had missed a lot, he hated the fact that he felt like his friends were happier without him in their lives.
He was brought back to the present by the idle chatter of Tubbo and Ranboo by his side Tubbo was on Ranboo’s back declaring walking was way too much work for him. You snickered nudging Ranboo in the ribs, he let out a yelp and glared down at you halfheartedly. Tommy watched you turn towards him a smile on his features,
“What do you think Tommy?” He blinked a few times at you, not wanting to admit he wasn’t listening to the conversation next to him.
“I don’t fucking know,” He scoffed “This conversation is bullshit anyway who cares.” You had a smirk on your lips that he was all too familiar with, he narrowed his eyes at you.
“You weren’t listening were you?”
“Of course I was listening bitch!”
“Oh really? What did she ask then big man?” Tubbo mused resting his chin on his husband’s shoulder. Hair covering his vibrant, green eyes, horns peeking from beneath his shaggy hair. Tommy glared at his long time friend flipping him off eloquently,
“Probably something stupid and useless.”
“She asked if you knew where we were going,” Ranboo piped up with a casual hum, bouncing in his step. “Cause we’ve been walking for a while, I know Tubbo’s tired.”
“Yeah Tommy, I’m tired.”
“You’re not even walking!” You argued as Tubbo stuck his tongue out at you, lifting his hair from his eyes to wink at you. His one eye glowing with a yellow nuclear symbol, “Put that symbol away! You’re not cool.”
“Says the person who doesn’t own nukes,” He mused letting his hair fall back into place while grabbing onto Ranboo’s horns. “Or who doesn’t have any cool powers,”
“Ow! Low blow! Just cause Tommy and I are the only two humans in the group doesn’t mean you can pick on us! Right, Tommy!”
“Yeah! Exactly! Fuck you guys!” Tommy agreed linking your arms together, “Plus, I know exactly where we’re going. We’re almost there, Wilbur used to take me here all the time when I was little.” Tommy said almost in an afterthought, the kids around him grew quiet, each one knew Wilbur was a touchy subject for Tommy especially after his time in the afterlife. Yet, people seemed to forget that Wilbur wasn’t always crazy, wasn’t always a manipulator, once he was an older brother. Once he cared for Tommy and wanted to protect him from some of Phil’s neglect, protect him from Technoblade’s voices. Tommy wanted to remember that Wilbur, not the one stuck in purgatory who blew up the country they all fought so hard to retain. He felt your hand squeeze his arm,
“I’m excited to see where Wilbur decided to take you, hopefully, it’s not a fish pond.”
“Oh gross.” Ranboo groaned pinching the bridge of his nose as Tubbo laughed loudly from above him. Tommy made a disgusted face,
“Stop talking about all the fish who fucked my brother!”
“I didn’t you did.” You hummed skipping ahead of the group feet crunching on the leaves on the ground.
“YOU BASTARD!” Tommy shrieked running after you,
“Onward steed!” Tubbo pointed at his two friends who ran off, Ranboo grumbled but trotted after the duo.
It only took a few more arguments and a few more minutes of walking before the quartet came to the destination Tommy was eager to show them. You stopped on your heels jaw-dropping in awe,
“Holy shit…” You murmured, in front of all of you was a gorgeous field of flowers a giant dark oak tree sat in the middle. It was giant spanning up far into the sky but it created a nice shade to keep all of you cooled off. Tommy had a rare peaceful smile on his lips as he let the sun touch his face, he slid off his boots and ran into the field of flowers.
“Take your shoes off so you don’t crush them or I’ll crush you!” Tommy snickered falling back, letting the flowers tickle his cheeks. He opened his eyes just a crack to see you sliding off your boots and joining him in the field, you didn’t lay beside him instead he watched your form head to the tree. Meanwhile, Tubbo kicked off his boots, Ranboo wasn’t far behind his husband. Tubbo laughed running over and flopping next to Tommy, holding his arm close much to the blonde’s displeasure.
“Ranboo! Help me reach the taller branches!” You called to the tallest member of your friend group. He nodded walking over to you, grabbing your waist gently he lifted you into the air. You grabbed onto the nearest branch and hoisted yourself into the air, Ranboo was always shocked at your upper body strength, but then again you trained on your own for years. Ranboo hovered at the base of the tree nervously, both of his tails flicking side to side.
“Don’t climb too high!” He called watching you slip and cling onto the trunk to steady yourself. “(Y/n) CAREFUL!”
“I’m fine, mom!” You stuck your tongue out at him from above, “I’ve fallen out of taller trees!”
“If you get hurt Sapnap would literally burn me alive! So PLEASE try not to fall!”
“Boo calm down a little!” Tubbo snickered, “if they fall I’ll film it.”
“Tubbo has the right idea,” you agreed as Tommy laughed from beside Tubbo. Ranboo frowned ears twitching in distress, you only continued to climb higher to his dismay. Eventually, you came down falling elegantly into the arms of Ranboo who caught you easily. He was breathing heavily, recovering from the shock of your sudden drop. His long nails dug into your skin as he clutched onto you like a lifeline, “Ranboo let go!” You huffed trying to wiggle out of his tight grip.
“Absolutely not! Are you a lunatic!” His voice broke, “I could’ve missed! You could’ve broken an ankle!”
“But I didn’t,” You poked his nose with a teasing hum. Ranboo groaned louder placing his head in the crook of your neck, you snickered as he finally let you onto the ground. You walked over to Tommy and Tubbo and sat down next to them, you leaned against Tommy’s back who grunted in distaste. “Deal with it gremlin, be my backrest,”
“Fuck you bitch!” He snarled but didn’t move or push them off, you smiled teasingly winking in the direction of Tubbo. He snickered into his palm as Ranboo pulled Tubbo into his lap, and the young goat hybrid got comfortable. The four of you sat in peaceful silence, letting the sun beat down around you all. A nice breeze blew through the area causing the leaves of the nearby trees to shake, a few animals rustled around in the bushes.
“We should make flower crowns,” Tommy spoke up suddenly his nails digging into the dirt. You titled your head in confusion and Raboo looked equally as baffled, the only person who didn’t seem surprised was Tubbo.
“Sure man but you gotta collect the flowers,” Tubbo said tiredly Tommy clicked his tongue stubbornly.
“We’re surrounded by flowers you’re just lazy.”
“Yeah obviously.”
You gave Tubbo a look and sat up on your knees, “What do you need to get started?”
“Can you grab me some of those daisy’s, tulips, and some bluebells?” You nodded standing up and popping your knees before heading off in that direction. Meanwhile, Tommy grabbed some lilacs and began stringing those together, his tongue poked out from his bottom lip as he gave his full concentration to the task in front of him. Ranboo watched curiously ears flicking every time Tommy let out a mumble, you came back and dumped the flowers beside him. He grunted out thanks making the final knot in the crown, “Done!” He declared looking over at Ranboo, he flushed a little under Tommy’s gaze.
“Didn’t mean to stare.” Tommy huffed holding out the crown to the halfling, he pointed at himself and Tommy rolled his eyes.
“Take it. If you don’t want it I’ll just give it to (Y/n)-”
“I want it!” Ranboo reached out to snatch the crown from Tommy, he placed it gently on his head mindful of the horns. Tommy’s eyes widened and he flushed red, he quickly turned back to the pile of flowers. “Teach us how to make them,” Ranboo offered to try to ease the awkward tension. Tommy huffed but nodded, a smile spread across your lips,
“Teach us your ways oh wise one.” You teased picking up the daisy’s spinning the stem between your fingers.
“Yeah! I am wise! Call me master innit!”
“I’d rather choke,”
“Fuck you!”
You snicked as Tommy punched you hard in the shoulder, you doubled over falling into the flowers. Tommy growled pulling you up by the shirt, “Pay attention bitch! I’m only telling you this once!” Sitting back up you nodded and followed his instructions carefully, he ended up taking the daisies and you the tulips. Ranboo grabbed the bluebells reaching over Tubbo to follow Tommy’s instructions as well, by the end Tommy’s was pristine. The one you made was decent but Ranboo’s looked worse for wear considering he was trying to put it together with claws. He put the crown on top of a snoozing Tubbo, he was proud of his work nonetheless, his husband smiled tiredly nuzzling against his chest. You on the other hand placed the tulip crown you made atop of Tommy’s blonde hair, he flushed and rolled his eyes. He brushed his fingers over the daisies and placed them on top of your head, you looked up at the crown and smiled warmly.
“Thank’s Big T,” you hummed falling back into the flowers and Tommy joined you in laying down. Both your fingers interlocked and Ranboo shuffled to the ground as well, although he didn’t reach out to take Tommy’s hand, Tommy reached out to take Tubbo’s. The four of you stayed in that field until your walkie-talkie screeched cutting through the quiet atmosphere, it was the gruff voice of Sapnap’s. One of your fathers
“Earth to (Y/n), come in (y/n). Your dad wants you here for dinner, George is joining us tonight. I grilled!”
“Ugh. Buzzkill,” Tommy sneered kicking the dirt with his barefoot. You shushed him and pressed the button in to speak,
“Yeah papa, I’ll make my way back soon. Give papa a big kiss for me and if you see Quackirty tell him hello!”
“Don’t have to tell me twice. Karl come here honey~” You snickered as Tommy gagged, you heard your dad meow before your walkie cut off then and you sat up. You stretched your arms above your head and popped your arms into place, you kissed your teeth hopping to your feet.
“I gotta head back unless I want dad to beat my ass. Thank you for today boys and Tommy thank you for sharing your place with us. I’m glad we were trusted with this special secret.” You winked wiggling your toes in the long grass, “we should do this again yeah?”
“Yeah!” Ranboo agreed as Tubbo gave a sleepy thumbs up, your smile only widened. Tommy nodded giving a thumbs-up as well, he watched you head off to collect your boots and head back home. Head to a family, a family who cares about your wellbeing, or if you’re staying out too late. Hell, even who cared about who you were hanging out with, Tommy couldn’t help but wonder what that was like, he didn’t think he’d be very good at listening to any parental figures. He didn’t have that, he would never have that, he looked at your retreating figure, then back over at Tubbo and Ranboo. They both were half asleep and he couldn’t help but glance at the golden rings on each one of their fingers.
He missed so much since he’s been gone.
But maybe all wasn’t bad, he touched the tulips on his head, thinking for a moment.
Maybe he didn’t need a normal family with a mom and a dad, or two dads or moms, he had a family right here. He brought his hand to the scarf on his neck and squeezed it in his fist, who needed that shit when he had everyone he loved in this field with him today.
For once in his life, Tommy was happy.
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deannaroxannewrites · 3 years
Tropetember Day 5 - Accidental Confession / In Vino Veritas (Drunk Confession/Drunk Dial)
Unrequited love? Bite me
Pairing: Elijah Mikaelson x GN!Reader
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Rating: Teen and up
TW: Drinking/alcohol, language, vampirism/blood mentions, FWB mention
AN: Day 5 of @tropetember. Not my best work but hope you enjoy. Might rework this slightly at a later point.
A visit to the Salvatores in Mystic Falls should be pretty fun, until Damon decides to drag you to a party the Originals are throwing.
Find this story on Ao3 here.
Word Count: 1.5k
“Damon, you cannot be serious.”
Your best friend just gives you puppy dog eyes. Bright blue and sad as can be. It’s kinda pathetic.
“Pretty please.”
You huff, knowing you won’t win this argument. You’ve known him since you were both children, through him being turned by Katherine and later Stefan turning you (long story), and then on and off in the intervening century and a half. You even had a casual friends with benefits arrangement when you were both lonely/bored. Knowing him so well, you decide to save everyone the time and give in.
“You’re paying for my outfit Damon! I can not believe you’re making me go…”
He scoops you up and spins you, making you squeal as he thanks you. Stefan, who has been observing from the couch being absolutely no help, just laughs.
“You won’t regret it. It’ll be fun and we can learn some things at the same time. We’ll be the most attractive spy duo in history.”
You just roll your eyes and go to grab your keys before stealing Damon’s wallet. If you’re going to have to face the Mikaelsons again, you weren’t doing it in something you’d worn before. And you were going to buy something expensive out of spite.
The entrance to the Mikaelson’s house was the same as any other house in Mystic Falls: opulent, excessive and with far too much marble. You’d take a cosy cabin over this nonsense any day.
Clinging to Damon's arm, you enter the space and, thankfully, Klaus is the only one of the family greeting guests.
“Darling, it’s been a while.” You can’t help the reactionary smile as you embrace him. He could be bat shit crazy at times, but he’d always been kind to you.
“Klaus! I’ve missed you.” Out of your eye corner, you can see Damon giving you both evil eyes. Had you accidentally on purpose forgotten to mention you knew the original family? Oops, your bad.
Klaus doesn’t let you go far, holding you at arms length to admire your new outfit. You do look stunning in it, if you do say yourself.
“Beautiful.” He leans in to whisper in your ear “My brother really doesn’t realise what he’s missing.”
You laugh him off, ignoring the implication. You knew better.
“Now boys,” you say, glancing between them, “I’ll have no part in whatever this little competition or measuring contest is, and I expect you all to leave me out of it.” They both look a little guilty as they nod. “Marvellous. If you need me, I’ll be somewhere out of the way with a glass of champagne.”
And with that you head further into the party, leaving them to bicker.
"Urgh, I've missed you so much! I can't believe you left us."
You and Rebekah are both waaaay too many glasses of champagne deep at this point. You’d been there a couple of hours by now and it had only taken Rebekah 30mins to realise you were there and take you hostage. You're currently sequestered on a sofa in a corner and are both a bit sloppy.
"What do you want me to say Bekah? It's your arsehole brother's fault."
"Wait, what? What did Klaus do?"
You laugh, just a tad hysterically and fortify yourself with another sip out of your glass.
"Wrong one. Go older"
A look of understanding comes across her face and she wraps an arm around you. You, sadly, don't have enough of your wits about you to realise that this isn't the best place for a drunken heart to heart.
Everything starts to spill out of you. How you and Elijah had spent so much time together. How you thought he liked you back, only for him to turn up with what's her name wrapped around him. How he'd laughed when you'd expressed your surprise that he was dating, and how it made you feel like nothing. It was too much for your heart to handle. So you’d left, had a fun rebound weekend with Damon and tried to move on.
Rebekah pulls back slightly, wiping a tear that had escaped without your permission.
"You're too good for him anyway," she says and you laugh.
"I wish that were true.” You pull yourself together a little and put on your best fake smile. “For now, I'm just going to don an air of indifference and pretend I'm not in love with your oldest brother."
Your mirth leaves you instantly as you hear a refined voice behind you ask, "now why on Earth would you do that?"
It’s amazing how panic can sober you up.
You turn slowly and meet the eyes of the oldest Original. He’s in a suit, as always, and has a confident smirk plastered across his face. That pisses you off.
“Cos he’s an asshole” you coolly reply before turning to Rebekah, pressing a kiss to her cheek and walking swiftly out of the room to find Damon to take you home. You’d embarrassed yourself quite enough for one night.
You’d never admit that you were disappointed that Elijah didn’t try to stop you.
One of the advantages to being a vampire was that you very rarely got a hangover. Instead, you just slept in a little, made a cup of coffee and did some yoga before heading out to treat yourself to lunch. You didn’t need to eat but you enjoyed the taste, there was much more variety in food than blood.
You'd only arrived in Mystic Falls a couple of days ago for your visit to see the Salvatore brothers and as such hadn't had a chance to try out the Mystic Grill. This seemed like a perfect fit opportunity. Something greasy would be perfect right about now.
The grill was a bit dingy but it worked for the place and you were happy to learn that they have a pretty good menu selection. Your excitement was soured though when Elijah decided to join you for lunch.
Dressed in yet another suit, no tie and the top buttons of his shirt undone, he oozes charm and money. Add in the handsome features and knockout smile and you were lost. You're sure back in the day the ladies with delicate constitutions had to keep their smelling salts close. You could easily have fainted over him.
But he wasn't interested in you, as he had made very clear, so you were just annoyed that he was existing in your space.
Elijah watched you eat for a few moments, clearly taking note of your reluctance to acknowledge him.
"For someone who's in love with me, you don't seem particularly happy to see me darling."
You groan quietly and lower your utensils. Wishing him away wasn't working.
"What do you want Elijah?" You sound bitter, even to your own ears. So much for attempting to sound neutral.
"One of my favourite people, who I haven't seen for a long time, has reappeared and I want to spend time with them. Is that too much to ask?"
You start eating again, using it to buy time. You had honestly missed his company. You just weren’t sure if you could bear him breaking your heart again, even accidentally and unintentionally. Luckily, he had more to say.
“Klaus told me off after you left, you know?”
You look at him in surprise.
“Told me that I’d wasted my best opportunity at happiness. Which is especially concerning considering who it was coming from.”
You nod your agreement. Klaus wasn’t exactly known for his sentimentality.
He continues, “would you believe that I really thought you were too good for me? That I really thought you weren’t interested?”
“Elijah, you can not be serious.” You pull a face at him. “I literally spent all of my time with you, hanging on your every word. I would have followed you to the ends of the Earth. How could you not have known?”
“I just thought you were being your usual effervescent self. I started dating again to try and let you go.”
Miscommunication. You shake your head. 30 years of heartbreak all because of miscommunication. God, you could bang the pair of your heads together. It’s basically a crappy romance novel. Ok, this is ok. You can fix this. You have pretty much forever left, after all.
Taking the initiative, you lean forward and grasp Elijah’s hand. His eyes fall to where you wrap your fingers around his. A hopeful look takes over his face as he returns to your eyes.
“Elijah?” You smile. “Would you like to go on a date with me?”
He laughs. It’s a beautiful sound. You’re going to make it your personal mission to make him do it more often.
Lifting your knuckles to his lips, he places a gentle kiss on them.
“I can think of nothing else I’d rather do.”
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Hey hey! here’s a little something I wrote for Eli a few months ago. They convinced me i should post it, so here i am lol
Tw: Descriptions of a Cold, sickness (non graphic), feelings unwanted, coughing, headaches, misunderstandings, hurt/comfort. Let me know if I need to add more!
Words: 5.2k
Pairing: Prinxiety (Written as Romantic but could be read as platonic i guess)
“Virgil is miserable. Its the middle of the night, and Virgil is stuck in bed, unable to sleep, with a horrible cold. The actual cold isn’t why he’s miserable, though.
Is it selfish to want to be cared for?”
Through Sickness and Health
Virgil could hear the clock on the opposite wall ticking just a tad too fast, and didn’t need to even look over at it to know it was way too late to be awake. Sure, he didn’t have the best sleep schedule, but at least he was usually enjoying himself when he stayed up, and it was rarely this late. It wasn’t even his fault this time.
But here Virgil was, laying in bed curled under all the blankets he owned, wishing he was dead. On paper, that sounds a lot worse than it really was, but who could blame him? The sweet release of death sounded like heaven compared to suffering here any longer. His throat was sandpaper dry, nose clogged with snot, and what felt like a small bomb went off in his skull with every movement.
That, though, wasn’t the main reason he was suffering.
He’d been sick before, he knew it would be over soon, but no physical pain could compare to the hurt he felt, knowing that the others knew of his illness, and didn’t give a single damn.
There was no way they didn’t know what was happening - even if he’d tried to hide it, which he hadn’t, it’s not like acting was ever his specialty - but not a single one of them had batted an eye since he came down with this stress induced cold.
Well, that wasn’t completely true. Patton had asked if he was feeling alright on day two, when Virgil had shuffled downstairs around three in the afternoon to grab a snack, hoodie flipped up as he dug around, his hands clearly shaky from fever yet he’d been too tired to try and hide it. He’d told Patton, in the least shaky voice he could muster, that he just wasn’t feeling very well.
In hindsight, it had probably been incredibly selfish of him to expect Patton to come to his aid and comfort him, maybe offer to tuck him in on the couch and make him something healthy to eat. He’d seen Patton do just that plus more when Logan or Roman were feeling under the weather after all. But despite knowing it was selfish, he couldn’t help the disappointment and sinking feeling he’d felt when Patton had simply responded with a gentle, almost pitying, “I’m sorry kiddo, thank you for telling me.” before walking away rather hurriedly, leaving it there.
The conversation rolled around in his head, as it had been for the past 5 days. Nobody had come to check on him, not even the resident fatherly side to see if he was feeling any better. He’d been downstairs one other time since that little exchange with Patton, but when he’d walked in on Roman and Logan talking casually in the living room, they’d both given him short, obviously forced smiles, and sunk out. That’d been on day three, and Virgil hadn’t gone back down there since. He wasn’t that hungry anyway.
Maybe they didn’t want to get sick? Or maybe they thought he was gross, and didn’t want to be near him. Did they think he would be rude to them?
All this thinking was making Virgil’s head hurt more. And it really didn’t matter the reason. They didn’t care, they clearly wanted to avoid him.
It hurt, worse than his actual sickness, having to stay away from everyone for days on end. It reminded him of the old days before he was accepted, when he wasn’t welcome anywhere else but the confinement of his room. He missed Patton’s warm greeting each time he walked into a room, or the rants Logan would get lost in that were strangely so calming. Most notably, though, he missed Roman.
He missed their stupid banter that always left him feeling more confident, and the never ending singing that Virgil pretended not to adore. Hell, he missed just talking to the creative side. He’d give anything just to have a conversation with him, just to lift his spirits a little. He longed for one of the warm, solid hugs that only Roman could give.
He would probably even give up his Disney posters, his entire MCR song library, or get banned from every Hot Topic in the country, just to be held and cuddled right at this moment. To be held in warm, secure arms, wrapped in the scent of cinnamon and roses, and drift to sleep knowing he wouldn’t be alone in the morning.
That last one had about a zero percent chance of happening, even if he wasn’t sick and contagious, but Virgil’s sleep deprived, fever ridden brain had decided to be sentimental, and Virgil couldn’t even stop it. At least he wasn’t gone enough to consider asking for any of that comfort he craved. it’d be easier for everyone to just wait in his room until he was better. Then maybe things would be normal again.
And that was his plan, until someone knocked on his door.
The anxious side’s gaze shot over to the clock, grimacing when the quick movement made his eyeballs throb. Who the Hell was knocking on his door at nearly 3:45 in the morning?
“Who-“ Virgil cringed at how his gravely voice broke, cleared his throat, then tried again. “Who is it?”
“I knew you were awake!” Romans voice, surprisingly enough, came from the other side of the door. He was clearly trying to stay quiet, but for some reason, he sounded really… relieved, and chipper. A second later, the Prince added a bit more bashfully, “Uh, unless i just woke you up by knocking, and if that’s the case I sincerely apologize, I didn’t mea-“
“No, I w’s already awake…” Virgil interrupted with a slight slur, groggy brain trying to keep up with what was happening. Being the embodiment of Anxiety, though, meant he didn’t get to stop being anxious just because he was sick. Why was he here? Was he angry? Virgil couldn’t recall doing anything that could offend anyone since he’d been self-quarantined, but then again, he couldn’t really remember his last name at the moment either. He mumbled to himself as he untangled his legs from the covers, cursing the universe under his breath because his head felt two times it’s normal size. Then he took a deep breath and sat up. He didn’t want to make Roman uncomfortable or grossed out seeing him all sick in bed, cause holy shit would that be embarrassing. He still didn’t look great, but it was a small step. “Come in Pr’ncey.”
The door swung open, revealing a timid, bed headed Roman, who seemed to relax a little when noticing Virgil sitting up in bed. “Hey there.. sorry to barge in, I hope i’m not bothering you.” he said, voice still lowered and really quite gentle as he shut the door behind him.
Virgil went to shake his head, but stopped himself before he could cause himself fucking brain damage and just shrugged instead. “ y’re not both’ring me. ‘sup?” yikes, all this sitting up and trying to look presentable business was making him realize how exhausted he was. His eyelids felt heavy already.
Roman took a few steps forward, keeping his eyes steadily on Virgil like he was waiting for him to keel over and die, or cough on him. It seemed pretty damn dramatic, even for Roman. “I… just wanted to check on you. I’ve uh, been a little worried about you, and i couldn’t sleep.” The Prince said, hesitant as he lowered himself on the foot of the bed.
Virgil blinked a few times, curling his legs up so his knees were to his chest to make sure Roman wouldn’t touch his feet under the 5 layers of blankets he had over him. Or maybe it was the sudden, treacherous hope that was rising in him, a hope he was trying to stifle. Roman was… worried about him? Roman of all sides? I mean, he wasn’t surprised that he cared, he and Roman were friends now after all. Virgil was just surprised he cared about this. He thought they were all in agreement to avoid him or something.
Virgil was about to open his mouth and say… something - he didn’t really know what he was going to say. It felt like his train of thought was chugging along through molasses - but he was interrupted before he could get any words out.
“Dude… no offense, but you look like actual death. And why in the name of Hades are you buried under so many blankets?” The Prince asked with what sounded like genuine confusion, at least for the second part.
Virgil huffed and pulled the blankets tighter around him, the movement causing him to shiver. He couldn’t decide what to focus on; The cold air on his back, the rising sensation of relief knowing Roman cared, or how weird that question had been. Quite honestly, Virgil wasn’t offended because he knew he looked like shit. he was just a little confused. He thought Roman would have known he’d look like shit. “What do you mean why do I have so many blankets. I literally feel like ’m freezing to death. ’s part of the package, shouldn’t you know this?” He practically deadpanned, not even for the snarkiness like usual. His speech was just dull.
But that only left Roman looking more confused, and probably a good deal more concerned if his expression was anything to go by. “I-... I didn’t know that, no.. I’m sorry. Do you want another blanket or something…?” he asked carefully, still awfully and almost painfully cautious.
And Virgil… was at a loss for how this could possibly be new information to Roman. it was pretty common knowledge even if you’ve never had a fever before. But instead of dwelling, Virgil once again stopped himself from shaking his head, sighing instead. “No, it won’ help.” he said shortly. The effort would be futile, but it was endearing that Roman at least asked. “Thanks though. That’s.. really nice of you t’ offer.” The anxious side offered a bit more quietly.
There was an awkward silence that followed, Roman shuffling his feet against the carpet slightly as he looked around the room. Virgil saw the other’s eyes catch on the pile of used tissues in the floor, another bout of confusion flashing in his bright green eyes, but he didn’t mention it this time. Maybe it was a lack of sleep making the Prince act so clueless at the moment. “I… I guess i’ve just.. i don’t know, everything is more boring without you around. Nobody to insult without actually offending them.” Roman spoke again after a moment, sending a half smile in Virgil’s direction.
A little smirk matched with a snort is what the Prince was rewarded with, Virgil's spirits lifted regardless of his misery. It felt nice knowing he was missed, and it made his chest warm knowing it was coming from Roman. For some reason, knowing he could make things more bearable for his counterpart was.. rewarding, in a way. And Roman looked proud of himself, before he continued a bit more solemnly. “You’ve been cooped up in here for so long, like what, 5 says now?”
That got Virgil to sigh, and maybe there was some defensiveness laying beneath the surface, made worse thanks to being miserable, but all he managed was a mildly annoyed side eye to Roman as he responded in a mumble, still doing his best not to run Roman off. “‘t’s not my fault.”
Roman was quick to shake his head, slight guilt in his expression. “I know! I-I’m not trying to make you feel bad, i guess i just- i don’t know, i’m just talking out loud… sorry.” Roman’s voice had quieted, eyes trained on the floor somewhat shamefully as he seemed to search for his words. “I just.. I just wish…” but once again, he trailed off, shaking his head and seeming to give up. “I’m sorry.”
“‘s fine, Princey.” Virgil mumbled back, eyes dropping to his lap where he picked at a loose string on his bedspread. Another silence followed, Virgil trying to sniffle as silently as he could. Despite how weird this interaction had been so far, and how slightly awkward it’s gotten, Virgil was honestly just trying to soak in the mere presence of another side while it lasted. He’d never liked being alone for so long. His stomach was starting to hurt for a reason aside from sickness. This sure was a good way to get Roman to leave early, the others were probably right for leaving him alone so far.
Suddenly, Virgil squeezed the blankets in his fist to try and stop a sudden tickle in his throat, the sensation coming out of nowhere. Unfortunately though, his instincts won out just seconds later as he was forced to cough, the sound gargled and gross even when he covered the whole bottom half of his face with his covers. Dammit, dammit, stupid fucking cough. And Roman just got there too. He wasn’t ready for the creative side to leave again yet.
“S- Sorry, sorry ‘bout that. Shit.” He mumbled rather quickly, hoping to by just a few minutes longer of the creative side’s company before it was taken away again for who knows how long. His head felt like it was being split open, no thanks to the effort it took to cough. Who the Hell’s idea was sickness? They should be fired.
Much to his surprise though, when Virgil hesitantly looked up to gauge how put off Roman was by his display, he only saw an overwhelming about of worry, but even more importantly, alarm.
“Apologies, but is this like- normal??” Roman asked with eyes noticeably wider, studying Virgil's pained expression, hunched over posture, the mess of dirty tissues around, and the way the bright numbers of his digital clock on his nightstand was covered carefully, with a washcloth no doubt.
Virgil drew in a deep, slow breath through his nose as he rubbed on his temples to try and alleviate some pain, eyes closed and head tilted down. Roman’s ridiculous questions were just making his headache worse, and honestly he didn’t even understand how the Hell he was so confused. Was this his plan? To come in here and confuse Virgil and his already incapacitated brain? ‘Cause if so, he was doing a brilliant job. “Roman, what the hell are you talking about.”
It came out less like a question, more like a very tired statement, but he was answered with confused stammering, Roman gesturing almost desperately to Virgil and his state. “What do you mean what am I talking about?? Dude, you’re clearly not doing well. I mean, I wasn’t gonna bring it up, but you’re sweating like a sinner in church, you’re covered in a thousand blankets, you were just hacking up a lung and you’re barely able to speak right from, what i’m assuming, is a nose full of mucus!”
“Yeah, okay, I get it. I look like shit, Pr’ncey, enough said.” Virgil snapped, glaring up at Roman and accidentally moving his head up to look at him too fast, sending a flare of agony through his skull. He cursed under his breath and winced, but powered through it even as Roman lifted a hand to- to what, help? It didn’t matter, Virgil moved away from the effort. “No, don’t touch me, alright? I don’t wan’ your pity.”
Virgil knew all of this was coming out more aggressive than he ever would allow if he was feeling himself. Hell, even now he was begging himself to just shut up and stay calm. But after almost 2 full days with no sleep, and 5 days of nonstop pain, coughing, being unable to breath properly, the feeling of fire in his throat every time he tried to eat, and then on top of that, being shunned by the 3 people he wanted- needed, more than anything. Well, he really couldn’t stop his composure from cracking and shattering.
Roman looked ready to respond, seemingly struck with more pity than before, but Virgil’s hand shot up to stop him. “I don’t want to hear it, Princey. Why the Hell are you even here anyway? If you’ve missed me so much, why did you wait 5 f’cking days to come see me? T’ come ‘check on me’? And, by th’ way, so far you’ve really only been fucking with me and making me feel worse, so in reality it probably would ‘ve been better had you just kept up your streak of avoiding me like ev’ryone else!”
Virgil was breathing heavily, head pounding and lungs burning after raising his voice just a bit too much at the end of his rant. He replayed the words back in his mind, heart sinking when he realized how aggressive he’d gotten. He couldn’t slow down his breathing, why couldn’t he slow his breathing?? Jesus christ, he wasn’t about to break down on top of all that other shit he just unleashed. Perfect, he was just proving the other side’s point for them.
With his body now starting to shake, jaw clenched to hold back tears because this week has been bullshit, and he felt like curling up and disappearing, if not to escape his aching body then to at least escape the anger he knew would result from that whole verbal meltdown he just had. Obviously Roman would be leaving, but would he yell first? Tell him how annoying and selfish he was, and how he didn’t get to be a huge asshole just because he was feeling a little under the weather? Or would he leave in silence, just exit the room with that silent, cold anger that Roman only showed when he was really upset.
Maybe he’d tell everyone else what happened, how he’d tried to extend an olive branch, test it out just to see if maybe his illness hadn’t made him into a pathetic prick, but Virgil lashed out as expected and ran him off. Would Logan and Patton get mad at him too? Come in and tell him off for being so horrible to his own family, that he couldn’t even be a decent person for 5 minutes.
Maybe things wouldn’t go back to normal even after he’s recovered, all because he couldn’t just control himself.
“Virgil, what are you talking about?” Roman asked exasperated, and Virgil dragged his hands down his face. He meant to make more of a growl in frustration, but it came out closer to a pained whine. His eyes stung for a new reason now. He just wanted this to stop. Why wouldn’t Roman just stop?
“What. What am I talking about what. I can’t do this- this whole vague shit righ’now, jus’ spit it out.” He hated how short tempered he was sounding, but Roman didn’t seem to be fazed. Virgil could see the Prince waving his hands around in his peripheral, looking tongue tied.
“The- The part where you think i’m fucking with you?? Why you think we’re avoiding you?? Why you’re so-... so….” Roman trailed off, a look of realization crossing his face, which quickly turned to horror and guilt. “Wait a… w-wait a second, Virgil, are you- are you sick??”
To say Roman sounded appalled would be an understatement, his eyes wide in shock, brows drawn, mouth slightly agape. Virgil’s head spun, suddenly dizzy as his brain tried to figure out why Roman sounded so horrified- why he sounded so surprised. He couldn’t stand it, he couldn’t understand what was going on. He felt nauseous and he just wanted to sleep. Before he knew it, tears were trekking down his face, thick tears springing from his eyes making the pressure behind them even more unbearable. A sob tore painfully from his throat, instantly catching the Prince’s full attention.
“Oh my… Virgil-“
Virgil shrunk away from the Prince’s voice, curling up once more into a ball, trying to hide from everything. His lip wobbled, he could feel it, but he was too tired to be embarrassed or feel pathetic. He pulled the covers closer around him. “R-Roman, please jus’-“ He hiccuped on a sob, hissed through his teeth as the action sent a sharp pain through his lungs. “I don’ know i-if you’re tryin’ to joke ‘r somethin’, but— but ’s n- not funny, o-okay?”
Instead of speaking clearly at a normal volume, Virgil was nearly mumbling the entire time he was speaking, slurring through words even worse than when the conversation started. Was it just him, or was the room spinning? “Please, i… i need you t’...” Virgil huffed for breath, exhaustion wearing on him like a switch was just suddenly flipped. It nearly took all his energy to try and get a deep breath.
Virgil was met with a warm, broad chest, and strong arms wrapping around him before he even knew he was slumping forward. His ears were ringing, drowning out what sounded like a familiar voice speaking to him. They sounded distressed, he hoped they were okay. What was combing through his hair? He couldn’t quite remember what was going on before then, but all he knew was, he was safe now.
Then, the world went dark.
Virgil came into consciousness a little while later, his brain the kind of blissfully empty that only comes after passing out, apparently. He couldn’t grasp where he was before, existing in a reality where there is no past for a few moments. His head was vaguely aching, like a dull throb faded into the background, and his lungs stung only a little when he breathed in deeply. In his sleepy state though, Virgil didn’t concern himself with those feelings.
Virgil couldn’t see anything, he noticed not long after, but he could hear murmuring and the distant sound of water running.
Next, he realized he knew he wasn’t in his own room anymore, both because this wasn’t his mattress, and the room didn’t smell like his own.
He could smell.. cinnamon… and peaches… and ink. Somewhere in his groggy brain, Virgil recognized the smell, but at the moment it was just out of his reach. It didn’t bother him, though, not when he was so relaxed and calm. He felt like he was one with the bed, and the soft, fluffy sheets encasing him.
A few more seconds of coming to, and Virgil realized his eyes were covered with something damp, and cool… soft too. It felt amazing against his warm skin. oh right, i’m sick, a thought entered his mind gently.
Then, a lot less gently, the events from before he passed out rushed to the forefront of his mind, practically smacking him in the face. Because yes, he’d passed out, right in front of Roman like an idiot, oh shit, why isn’t he in his room, where is he-
“Virgil? Hey woah, calm down buddy- here,” Virgil heard someone quickly cross the room, and tended his body for all of two seconds before the washcloth over his eyes was being lifted.
Virgil blinked blearily, squinting his eyes even though the room was almost completely shrouded in darkness, save for a thin line of light coming from the cracked bathroom door. Someone was sat beside him on the side of the bed, but he was too blurry for Virgil to make out details.
“There you are. Hey Hot Topic, how are you feeling?” the person asked, speaking more gently than anyone had spoken to Virgil in a long time. Strangely though, Virgil wasn’t upset by it. It was.. nice…
Wait a minute, he knew that voice.
“R- Roman..? I.. Where…?” Distantly, Virgil knew he sounded like shit, which meant he probably looked like shit, and directly after asking that half assed question, he realized he had to be in the Princes room. “Oh.. fuckin’- I passed out on you..” he groaned, moving his hands up to scrub the blurriness from his eyes.
It worked, surprisingly, and now that Virgil could see, he realized that yes, Roman was the one sitting next to him, and yes he was in Roman’s room, in Roman’s bed. He also noticed how tossed Roman’s hair was, and the bright red with little snowmen pajamas the Prince wore. They were really adorable.
“Yes, I’m afraid you did.. and I’m also afraid that I am partly to blame for it.” Roman sighed, casting his eyes down as he pressed his lips in a line.
Virgil’s brows drew together, and, because he was so delirious, he reached out to grab gently at Romans sleeve. “How is it your fault that I passed out?” he asked incredulously. At least he could speak properly now. Now? Now since when? Oh geez, “Wait how long have I been out? A few hours? Days? Years?! Did I fall into a coma?!”
The corner of Roman’s lip lifted in amusement, and he gently lay a hand over Virgil’s, on his sleeve. “No, no nothing like that, Dark Knight. It’s only been an hour or so. I.. hope you don’t mind, but I had to bring you in here. Your fever was… really high.” The Prince of Creativity said, solemn by the end.
“I think i’ve managed to get it down, so it’s not so dangerous anymore, but Logan will definitely have to keep an eye on it today.”
That got Virgil's attention. “Wait- Logan? Uh.. yeah, not to burst your bubble Princey, but I doubt that’ll be happening.” There was a slight bitterness to his tone as he wrapped his free arm around his midsection, and though there wasn’t as much bitterness as there usually would be, Roman still picked up on it loud and clear.
He inclined his head, as if in agreement, and Virgil stomach only sunk a little bit before Roman was speaking again.
“That’s where you’re wrong, Virgil. You see, there seems to have been a grave misunderstanding. This is how I’m partially responsible for your passing out, same as Logan and Patton are also partly to blame.”
Virgil’s eyes widened, breath hitching at the sheer ridiculousness of that suggestion. No!! How could it be their fault? He’s the one that got so sick and couldn’t keep himself healthy enough not to fucking pass out. He opened his mouth to say as much, but Roman held up a finger before he could get out a single word, silencing him.
“A few days ago, 5 to be exact, it came to Patton’s attention that you weren’t feeling yourself. He told me and Logan that you told him you weren’t feeling very well, and that we should all give you some space the next few days.” Roman said carefully. Ah yes, that conversation. The one that’s haunted Virgil for nearly a week. Virgil remembered it well.
With a hesitant, still very lost nod from Virgil, Roman continued. “It seems that Patton, and in turn, Logan and I, assumed that your strange behavior was linked to.. well, anxiety.” He gave Virgil’s hand a light squeeze, any sign of a smile gone and replaced with pained regret. The Prince swallowed, just as Virgil pieced it together.
“Because of these more stressful times Thomas is experiencing, we wrongly thought that you were having a rough week, leading to worse anxiety. So… we’ve been leaving you on your own, thinking we were helping you..”
Virgil.. didn’t know what to say. He looked up and found Roman’s red, sorrowful eyes. When he focused, he could see they were just a little bit bloodshot, even in the dark. Proof that he had previously cried, no doubt about this. When Virgil didn’t speak, still too shocked as his slowed brain processes this, Roman continued, quietly choking back a sob just after he averted his gaze to the floor.
“V-Virgil-“ he voice cracked. Virgil’s heart was sinking in his chest. Roman had never looked so heartbroken. “Virgil I’m so sorry, I had no idea you were sick, none of us did! I-I swear I didn’t know, I would have never left you alone if I had, Virgil, Star, i’m so so s-sorry,”
Roman was practically full on crying by that point, though he clearly tried to keep it to himself and stay quiet. Virgil was grateful for the effort, but there were much more important things to focus on at the moment. He may not be completely himself, but he still couldn’t let Roman be so sad.
It was because he wasn’t completely himself that Virgil automatically sat up (taking his time to do so, trying not to upset his head), and leaned himself right against Roman, chest to chest, looping his arms around to loosely hold Princey in a hug.
It all made sense now, why he’d been ignored all week, and why nobody came to check on him or try to help. He felt a little (read: a lot) stupid for thinking that anyone in his famILY would do anything but show him the upmost care and attention when he needed it. They thought they were helping, and honestly, had he in fact been having a bad week of heightened anxiety, giving him space would have been the right thing for them to do.
Roman was quick to return Virgil’s hug, though to his credit, his hug was a lot stronger and more secure than Virgil’s. He buried his face in Virgil’s hair, a steady stream of teary apologies spilling from him. A steady stream that Virgil hastily tried to end.
“Roman, it’s okay… i’m not upset, I promise it’s okay. I know you were doing what you thought would help me. Please don’t cry, Princey.” He said softly.
It might have been a few more minutes, or a few hours, that the two sides sat together in each other’s arms. Roman’s cries and apologies slowly quieted to a stop, though the gentle combing of fingers through Virgil’s hair only continued as they sat.
“Hey… Roman?” Virgil whispered after a few more moments, the whole mindscape quiet, save for the quiet sniffles from both Virgil and Roman every once in a while.
“Yes, sweet Midnight?” came an equally gentle response. Neither side moved, Virgil too content with his face snuggly buried against his counterpart’s shoulder, and Roman too content with having Anxiety safe in his arms.
“Would… well, you can say no, but would you mind.. if I stay in here..? I don’t… really want to be alone…” a hint of Virgil’s usual anxious tendencies showed itself despite the tiredness that was starting to cover the darker side. Instead of head-swimming exhaustion though, this time Virgil felt pleasantly heavy and relaxed.
Without uttering another word, Roman pulled them both down to lay their heads on the pillows, lifting one hand to gently flick his wrist and manipulate the covers around them. The light in the bathroom turned off with a soft click of Roman’s fingers, one that Virgil hardly registered as he shuffled somehow closer to the Prince, still tucked safely in his arms.
As he fell softly and smoothly into the first restful sleep he’s had in days, Virgil noticed that he wasn’t freezing cold anymore. The dull throb in his head had gone away almost entirely, and it felt that much easier to breathe. But most importantly, Virgil felt less alone than he had in a long, long time.
Needless to say, Virgil was feeling better already.
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migilini · 4 years
Give Me Attention - Charlie Gillespie
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summary: Zoomcalls Classes with a bored Charlie
a/n: a/n: Don't quite know what this is but it was stuck in my head so here ya go.
words: 1.5k
warnings: some arguing, cursewords and pure fluff
Requests are open :)
Most of the time if someone asked how living with Charlie went you answered with ‘great, literally so amazing, he brings a smile to my face every day. And you meant it, at least most of the time. You loved the way he was awake long before you even dare to open your eyes and the fact that because of that there was always a freshly made coffee just waiting for you on the counter. You loved the way that he danced in the kitchen with you while he cooked dinner and the way the bedsheets always smelled like him. Yet, you weren’t gonna lie, especially the first couple of corona moths have taken a little toll on your relationship.
“Charlie, do you have to rehearse your lines in the living room?” you asked irritated, crossing your legs under the kitchen table you currently sat at.
“But here I have the most space to move around. I gotta move around. You also said that we can go over our lines together.” he whined from the living room. At this moment you cursed the fact that you had moved into an apartment with a connected kitchen and living room. It seemed like a good idea at the time, and it was, especially when you had friends over, but right now it was only trouble.
“I know babe, but I have this essay due tomorrow and I haven't had the chance to start because we’ve been on set and in so many meetings.”
“Then you work somewhere else?”
“This is the only room with a table!” you protested, gesturing to the table your school books, notes and laptop were scattered on.
“You chose to pursue acting and finish your degree!” he shot back, getting worked up over this simple thing. The hurt flashed in your eyes making him instantly regret his words.
“I’m sorry that my education is important to me Charlie and that I wanted to finish my last one and a half years at College.” You stood up and grabbed your things “Have fun running your lines.” Charlie only heard the bedroom door slam shut and winced at the sound.
He knew better than to immediately run after you, so he waited about ten minutes before approaching. He knocked on the door and leaned on the doorframe. “Baby come back out. I’m sorry. It's just...I had a bad day, couldn't remember any of my lines, and even though we live together I feel like we rarely see each other... both so busy with the show and I… I don't know, I let my frustration out on you.”
The door opened and you hugged him tightly “I’m sorry as well. I could've just worn headphones. I’m stressed and let it out on you as well. I’m so sorry.” you muttered into his chest.
Charlie kissed your head and asked, “Can I help you with College stuff?”
Arguments like these happened a lot during the starting months of the pandemic. Both of you stressed and tired, basically working your asses off and still trying to be caring for one another. It wasn't all sunshine and rainbows but after a storm of an argument, the clouds faded away and the sun came back out.
During the timespan from April to August, your boyfriend was bored, very bored. There sadly weren't many acting opportunities, there was not much to do in general and the press tour for JATP was scheduled after its release in September. You on the other hand had lots to do with school, participating in online classes, catching up on the material you missed last semester, writing essays and studying.
“Babeee…” he whined and propped his head up behind your laptop screen so just his eyes looked over it. “Watcha doiinn?”
“Pack it up Isabella…” you grinned at him “Currently working on a project due next week and I have a class in five minutes”
“What class?” he popped his head up a bit more, his whole face hovering just slightly in front of you. “Economics.”
“Boooriiing” he dragged out and rolled his eyes “Don’t you wanna do something more fun? Like Wii bowling, cooking, me.” he wiggled his eyebrows at you.
“As tempting as that sounds, I can't, this class is really important...sorry bubbs.” you looked up at him apologetically and pushed your computer glasses up your nose.
“Fine” he sulked, “give me a kiss and I'll leave you alone.”
You smiled and went to lean closer to his face, with one hand he grabbed the back of your head and pulled you closer. One kiss, two kisses, three kisses later, you tried to pull back. “One more,” he muttered against your lips and you caved.
And he really did leave you alone until you were done with all your classes. But another day meant another day full of classes and work. You quickly build your own little routine. Charlie still woke up earlier than you and greeted you in the kitchen with a smile, a coffee and a kiss. Then he would go on a run and you would start your first couple classes. He would come back, shower, prepper your face with ‘motivation kisses and then try to get your attention for the rest of the day.
“Braid my hair.” he wailed like a little kid and put his head on your lap. You looked down at him for a split second, your hand immediately tangled in his hair.
“That can’t be comfortable for you.” You chuckled and scanned his figure, the side of his right hip on the chair next to you, both arms and legs hanging loosely to the ground, his head on your lap.
“It totally is,” he muttered, barely audible because his face was nuzzled between your crossed legs.
“If you say so bubbs,” you said and tried not to laugh, your fingers playing with some strands of hair.
“Miss Y/LN what is the answer to question 4?” the professor asked you and totally ripped you out of your thoughts. “Oh shit...class.” you cursed and looked over your notes before unmuting yourself “the national bank sir?” you tried but it sounded more like a question than a confident answer.
“I know you're sitting at home and this is a difficult situation for all of us but don’t get distracted. We don't want your grades slipping…” you nodded and shot charlie a quick look. He half layed on your lap for the rest of the day, drawing little patterns on your legs, occasionally he got up to get a glass of water or some notebooks for you.
You liked to say that he annoyed you and sometimes he really did but you mostly found it endearing. But he did know how to distract you.
“I’m gonna work out here alright?” he questioned and put down his weights he took out of a closet in the hall. To focused on your note writing, your professor's voice ringing through the room you only nodded your head and barely looked up.
As your professor started to ramble on and on about a topic that you already had last semester, your eyes started to wander through the room and got stuck on a particular thing. The thing was working out and still looked absolutely delicious, he was currently lifting weights and his cake was on full display for you.
A tone shift of your professor brought you back to the zoom class but it didn't take long for you to be distracted again. After his workout, Charlie showered and was now just casually chilling shirtless on the couch a couple of feet away from you. His new tattoo shining brightly in your direction.
“What is more important than my class Miss Y/LN?” the same teacher that always catches you slacking piped up. Charlie's head shot up and he winked at you. “J-just a bird,” you said shyly, your cheeks heating up.
Not even ten minutes later, there was a movement in the corner of your camera. You tried to ignore it and listen to one of your classmates' presentations.
“You also want a coffee?” Charlie asked you over the counter.
“Yes please.” you shot him a thumbs up.
Whilst the coffee machine was rattling in the background, your classmate finished the presentation and that meant that it was your turn. Time Management was never you and Charlie's strength and so just as you were in the spotlight option of the call, Charlie walked up behind you.
“Char..I-” you tried to stop him.
“Here is your coffee ma love,” he said lovingly, still shirtless by the way, bending down to give you a kiss on your shoulder before placing the cup on your table. You awkwardly froze and stared at the screen in front of you.
“That’s a funny bird.” was all that your professor said while another classmate piped up with a “He’s kinda hot.”
“So uhm…” you chuckled, your cheeks and ears bright red. “I choose this topic because…”
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I've got you - Derek Morgan x fem!reader part 2
A/N: Part 2 is here!! This is a lot more domestic and fluffy so I hope you guys enjoy:)
Warnings: Swearing
Word Count: 2191
The ride to Derek’s was a quiet one, but I didn’t mind. Even though everything happened so quick, I felt entirely drained. I’d been to his place a million times before but for some reason today felt different, wrong. Derek took my bags and placed them down as we entered, closing the door behind us. I looked tentatively around his hallway, not wanting to move.
“Hey” He placed his hand on my shoulder. “You’re safe here. No one’s gonna hurt you.” His voice was soft, providing me a small amount of comfort. I just nodded at his words. “Come on, let’s get you set up. You need sleep.” With his hand on the small of my back, he guided me gently towards his room.
“Wait Derek no I can’t take your room. This is your place; I’ll just stay on the sofa” I said trying to turn and leave the room, but he pulled me back.
“No y/n don’t be dumb.”
“Just be quiet and let me do this for you” He said light-heartedly. Sighing, I reluctantly sat down on his bed. He started rummaging around in his drawers before pulling out a pair of basketball shorts and a big grey sweatshirt. “Here” He chucked them at me, hitting me in the face.
“You know I brought my own stuff” I chuckled.
“Yeah but mine looks so much better on you” He smirked, winking at me.
“Seriously? I’ve just been through a traumatic event and you’re flirting with me” I replied sarcastically, a small smile tugging at my lips.
“No better time beautiful.”
“Oh, shut up.”
He laughed before leaving me to change. I quickly pulled the clothes on, being enveloped by his scent. As expected, they were too big for me, but they hung off me in a casual yet stylish way, so I wasn’t complaining. I made my way out of his room to find him settled on the sofa flicking through Netflix.
“Hey.” I said catching his attention. His eyes scanned over my body as his mouth hung open slightly. “Don’t trip over your jaw there” I joked, sitting next to him.
“When you walk in looking like that what do you expect me to do?”
“Come off it.”
“I’m not lying y/n. your gorgeous.” He stared at me, an emotion flooding his eyes that I hadn’t noticed before. We held each other’s gaze longer than I think either of us intended to. The tension in the air was impossible to escape from. I don’t know what it was, maybe the fact he’d saved me, but something was drawing me to him. Like literally. I felt myself slowly moving closer to him, as he copied my actions. My eyes flickered across his face, trying not to pay any attention to his lips. This was my best friend. I shouldn’t even be entertaining the thought of him being anything more. But in that moment, every smile, every laugh, every time he’d made me feel like life was worth living flashed through my head. Had we been this oblivious to something that was starring us in the face this whole time? I could feel his warm breath fanning over my face. Neither of us moved for a second, unsure of what this would mean. But eventually, Derek leaned forward once again. His lips brushed softly against mine.
Just as I closed my eyes, ready to give in to this – give in to him – there was a sharp knock at the door causing us both to jump apart. I pulled the jumper closer to my body, now feeling incredibly stupid and awkward. Derek just starred ahead of him, as if he was trying to process what the fuck just happened. Before either of us could say anything, there was another hard knock at the door. Derek’s head snapped to face it, any tension between us immediately slipped away as he moved in front of me protectively before making his way to the door.
“Stay there” he instructed. As he made his way out of the room, I slumped back into the sofa burying my head in my hands. Why did I just let that happen? Where do we go from here? Have I just fucked everything up? Before I could stress out anymore, Emily’s voice flooded my ears.
“Well neither of you were answering the phone, what did you expect me to think?” Shit. She came round the corner, relief washing over her when she saw me. “hey, are you okay? I called you”
“Yeah I left my phone in Derek’s room, sorry for worrying you” A smirk settled on her lips as she looked between me and Derek.
“Derek’s room huh?” I felt my face flush red as I chuckled awkwardly.
“Get your mind out of the gutter Prentiss.” He joked.
“Well why else was she in there then? And may I ask why she’s in your clothes?” She stated smugly. I rolled my eyes standing up.
“I’ll show you. Come on” I grabbed her hand and tugged her to his room, leaving Derek stood in the front room. I pushed her inside and quickly closed the door behind us.
Emily laughed. “Whoa, you’re in a rush. That excited to show me where the magic happened then?”
“Me and Derek almost kissed” I blurted out in a hushed tone. Her jaw dropped.
“I’m sorry – what” I just nodded. “Explain. Now” She said, sitting down on the bed.
“We were just sitting on the sofa, and he said I look good in his clothes-“
“He’s not wrong you know they really suit you”
“-and then we both just sort of ended up leaning in and then well you came in”
Her face fell once again. “What? Are you joking? Oh, for gods sake I wish I hadn’t come over now.” I chuckled slightly at how distraught she was. “How do you feel?” She asked noticing how I was fidgeting with my hands.
“I don’t know.” I breathed. We were silent for a moment. “I think…I liked it?” I whispered. Emily let out a small cheer, making me jump. “Shush, I don’t want him to hear us”
“Sorry, sorry I’m just happy for you.” I ran my fingers through my hair.
“But what if it doesn’t mean the same to him? I mean you know what he’s like, he flirts with anything with a pulse.”
Emily nodded. “I mean you’re not wrong.”
“Oh great.”
“But he’s different with you.”
I looked at her, confused.
“Oh, come on, don’t act like you don’t see it too” She stated.
“See what?”
“Just him, his behaviour around you”
“You forget that I’m not a profiler Em” I replied rolling my eyes.
“Trust me, it does not take a profiler to work out how he feels about you.” I let her sentence hang in the air. I didn’t really know how to respond to that. “Whenever he’s with you, he just seems so relaxed. He never has to put a front with you, it’s almost like he completely unwinds with you. Not to mention how his eyes never leave you. Every chance that man gets, he’ll be admiring you.” My mouth hung open slightly at her words. “How have you not noticed this?? Not even how affectionate he is with you?? He will take any excuse he can to be near you or touch you.” She explained.
Thinking back on it, what she was saying made sense. Whenever we saw each other – whether in a group setting or alone – he would stay close to me. I can’t count the times he would rest his arms against mine or place his hands on my hips when moving past me, just little things like that that I’d always overlooked. Until now.
“Holy shit” I whispered.
“You see my point?” I nodded at her words. “So, here’s what you’re gonna do. I’m gonna leave, and you my friend, are going to ride that man into the floor.”
“Emily” I slapped her on the arm before bursting out laughing. After we calmed down, she stood up.
“Seriously, make your move.” I sighed.
“I’ll try” We made our way back to the front room where Derek was sat, watching a film.
“Well, I’m off. Have fun” Emily said, waving at Derek. She shot me a supportive thumbs up before leaving. I took a deep breathe, trying to supress any nerves that were threatening to explode before tuning and entering the front room.
“You two took your time.” Derek said, his eyes not leaving the screen.
“Uhm yeah she was just telling me about a date she’d been on.”
“If it wasn’t with JJ I don’t want to know.” I smiled at his words. I glanced over at him, taking my time to appreciate his features. Even though he’d always been attractive, everything about him seemed to be a little more beautiful. The sudden urge to touch him washed over me. I wanted nothing more than to curl up against him and just feel him pressed against me. I wanted to be utterly consumed by him and nothing else.
“You know your starring right?” His voice broke me from my trance.
“Right sorry, just appreciating the view” I mumbled.
“No need to apologise baby girl.” His tone was soft, not something I heard often. It made my heart melt. I looked at my hands, fidgeting with the sleeves of his jumper as I tried to pluck up the courage to talk to him. “Hey.” He called gently. He’d stopped the film by now, his focus solely on me. “Come here.” Slowly, I shuffled my way towards him until I was sat facing him. I tried my best to appear calm, but I think the vigorous tugging of my sleeves gave me away. Derek placed his hands softly over mine, entwinning his fingers with mine. This small display of affection caused my breathing to halter.
“What’s got you all worked up then?” He asked caringly.
“You” I whispered, finally meeting his gaze. His brow furrowed slightly, and he pulled away from me. “No no wait, it’s not a bad thing.” I said reaching for his hands once again. I took a deep breathe. “I don’t know what this is. Or what it could be. All I know is this morning, I saw you as a friend. But now, I want more than that. I want you Derek.” I confessed.
A smile crept its way across his lips, even though he tried to hide it. He placed his hands on my hips before promptly lifting me up and placing me on his lap.
“Well, that was a bit forward” I laughed, my arms snaking their way around his neck.
“Don’t act like you didn’t want this” He said chuckling.
“You got me there.”
We just sat there, relishing this feeling. The feeling of being just us. No BAU buddies, no unsubs, or dickheads from work. Nothing existed outside of each other. We consumed the other’s world for that brief time. Derek lifted his hand, cupping my face. I closed my eyes and leant into his touch, smiling to myself. Yet again, the urge to kiss him swum through me. Clearly he felt the same as he began to lean forward. Just as I was about to press my lips to his, he stopped and pulled back slightly.
“What about Sean?”
“He’s not my type.”
“But surely you’ll want to-“
“Oh just shut up.”
I cut him off by crashing my lips to his. He responded quickly, wrapping his arm tightly around my waist. I melted into his as he overwhelmed my senses. His lips were soft yet rough in the most perfect way. His hand moved from my cheek to tangle in my hair, pulling me impossibly closer. Finally, we were able to let out of the pent-up tension between us in one heated moment. Everything just felt right. Eventually, we both pulled away slightly breathless from the passion of it all. I kept my eyes closed as he rested his forehead against mine, allowing myself to bask in the joy of it all for a moment longer.
“It’s about damn time.” Derek whispered.
“You could’ve said something sooner.” I replied, pulling back to look at him.
“That’s not how I work gorgeous.” He said smiling.
”Mhm I’m aware.” I tried my best to stifle a yawn that had decided now was the perfect time to creep up on me but failed miserably.
“Wow am I that bad of a kisser?” Derek said, mock offence laced in his tone.
“Shut up, you know you’re not.” I said smiling.
“Very true. Come on, you need to sleep.”
I nodded in agreement. I went to get of his lap, but instead was greeted with him wrapping his arms under my legs and lifting me up. As he stood up, he decided to cover my face in a bunch of small kisses making me laugh the whole way to his room. I think that was the moment I knew I loved him. No matter what happened from this point onwards, I would always love Derek Morgan.
Part 3? I'm not actually sure where to take it from here so if anyone has any suggestions let me know!
Tag list: @1234-angelika @hotch-stufff @wanniiieeee
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bratkook · 4 years
one chance. (m) knj. teaser.
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pairing. flash!namjoon x reader genre. fluff, angst, smut, superhero!au word count. approx 20k warnings. light hearted, some fighting (not graphic), mentions of character death (also not graphic...or permanent), mutual pining, namjoon is an adorably sweet dork !! smut: tbd as i write! but ofc filthy summary. namjoon knows he only has one chance to go back and make things right, but is he prepared to live with the potential consequences that his actions could cause? note. this was going to be part of a bts super hero collab that fell through (& i hope the author’s involved still post their fics) i’m about halfway through writing it and hope this will give me the motivation to finish it lmao. i might do a tag list if anyone is interested?? lmk muah.
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The searing pain is felt before Namjoon even hits the floor, shooting down his fingertips when he attempts to move them, making his shoulder ache with each breath he takes. The plastic drums he had just collided into—an impact at a speed they weren’t designed to withhold—lay tattered in bits and chunks all around him, cold water that would typically be held inside them now spilled out and soaking into his suit. 
A hiss escapes his lips as he remains on the wet floor, already hearing the rushing footsteps approaching him. “It’s broken!” he shouts out, wincing when he once again attempts to move his arm. “Why isn’t it healing if it’s broken?”
When you and Hoseok finally reach him, you breathe a sigh of relief. From the absolute chaos his crash had caused, you were expecting to see him a lot more battered and bruised. Instead he lay on his side, hand gently cradling his aching shoulder with a grimace on his face. 
“Holy shit, that was awesome.” Hoseok barely spares a glance at Namjoon, overstepping him to assess the damage caused, tapping away at the screen of his tablet as he does so, checking the speed data he had captured. 
“You told me these would hold,” Namjoon grumbles, foot kicking a nearby scrap of plastic, another groan leaving him when his shoulder throbs. 
“That was just a guess.” Hoseok brushes him off, continuing to type away as he circles the crash scene. He only approaches Namjoon to pluck the Go-pro off his head, pocketing it with a sheepish smile on his face. 
With a subtle eye roll, you’re crouching down to meet Namjoon’s body, hands gently reaching out to see what the problem was. He lets his hand fall from it’s protective position, eyes squeezing shut as he waits for the burst of pain to come, jaw clenching when your fingers press along his shoulder, clearly feeling the way it had popped out of place. 
“It’s not healing because it’s not broken.” Namjoon finally opens his eyes now, peering up at you and gulping when he realizes just how close you are. He can clearly see the worry in your eyes as you try to see just how bad it is, a crease between your brows that he wants to rub out with the pad of his thumb, small frown on your lips that only makes him feel worse for going against your warning of this being a bad idea. 
A small huff spills from your lips once you realize you won’t be able to help him until you’re back at the lab without this suit—a suit that Hoseok calls his pride and joy—covering him up. “It’s dislocated. You probably tore some ligaments and tendons, but those will heal up just fine once we pop it back into place.”
“Wait, is that gonna hurt?” he whines out, huffing out the strands of his brown hair that had fallen over his face and gasping in pain when you purposely prod at the swollen joint with a small glare. 
“I’ll make sure it does so you remember to never go against my warnings.”
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“Oh god, you’re doing this on purpose!” Namjoon yells, sat on the cold chair, knees pulled up as he braces for the pain. 
“I told you I was,” you smirk, extending his arm out, hands placed against his palm with the other on his trap muscle to get a good grip. The loose threads of his suit tickle his skin, a product of you cutting the fabric to double check that the only thing wrong was in fact his dislocated shoulder. 
Did you actually have to cut it? No. This was just your childish way of getting back at Hoseok for convincing Namjoon to do this. 
The grimace never leaves his face as you stretch the limb out, twisting it slowly to the right angle before pulling back with a slight pop once it settles back into its rightful spot. 
He feels the relief instantly, tense muscles relaxing as he sags back into the chair, face no longer contorted in pain when you gently lower his arm. Namjoon swears he’s never felt better, already able to lift his arms as if nothing ever happened, the torn tendons quickly repaired and back to normal thanks to his regenerative ability.  
“Good to go. If you pop it out of place again you’re gonna have to do it yourself.”
“Yeah right. I’ll just have Hoseok do it for me.”
Right on cue, a crash sounds out behind you, followed by a shout and an apology as Hoseok picks up whatever gadget he was currently working on. 
“You sure about that?” you question with a smug smile, crossing your arms under your chest as you step back. As smart and helpful as Hoseok was, his mind was far too focused on the technology surrounding him. If Namjoon seriously injured himself, the only person who would know what to do, was you. 
He knew this, and sometimes he liked that fact, not opposed to the way you’d constantly worry about him—totally choosing to ignore the reason why you did so was because it was your job. That tiny factor in the equation was tucked into the back of his mind. His small crush was innocent, and if looking forward to seeing what color lipstick you’d wear that day helped him deal with getting poked, questioned, and forced to run on a treadmill to document his speed, then that's fine by him. 
“I won’t dislocate my shoulder again. I promise.” 
Something about the smile on his face does nothing to ease your worry, and as Hoseok emerges from his room with a giddy laugh, you feel the need to pry. 
“What the hell were you trying to do anyway?”
“I think we’re close!” Hoseok announces, your question being brushed aside as he thrusts his tablet into Namjoon’s now fully mobile arms. The only thing lighting up the screen is a skew of numbers along with a diagram and some fancy looking animated figure that slightly resembled himself. It meant nothing to Namjoon so he doesn’t bother trying to decipher it, looking back up at Hoseok with a confused expression. 
“I don’t think me making those plastic drums explode got us any closer.” A small shiver courses through him as he recalls the pain from his shoulder once more. 
“Oh yeah, that was pointless. But I think I figured out another way.” Hoseok grabs the tablet once more, tapping a few more times before another animation fills the screen. Peering over his shoulder you spot what it is, a golden animation of what looks to be a treadmill, swirls flowing on either side of them that you believe to represent wind. 
“Another way for what?” You question again, not liking the sly look on Hoseok’s face. 
“Time travel.” He says it so casually, not even sparing you a glance as he flips the tablet over to show Namjoon. 
That wasn’t what you were expecting. When you had walked in on Hoseok pitching the idea to Namjoon, wanting to document his full speed, push it further to see what more he was capable of, you thought it was just to gather information to help when it came to figuring out a plan of action the next time a meta-human decided to torment the city. 
“Time travel?” you repeat, a displeased look on your face that Namjoon spots instantly. The small wrinkle between your brows is back and he can’t even allow himself to find it adorable because the small glare you were giving Hoseok changes course and stares directly at him. 
“Yeah,” he quietly admits, pressing his lips together gently. His saving grace comes in the form of his phone ringing loudly, cutting through the tense silence and making him jolt in his seat, hands fumbling for the device.
He has never been more thankful to get a call from work, your scolding being directed at Hoseok now, but Namjoon can hear it through his current conversation. The worried tone in your voice is clear as you question Hoseok’s sanity, stating how dangerous time travel could be in the grand scheme of things. Hoseok can only stumble over his words, flustered at being on the receiving end of your lecture. 
Namjoon ends the phone call right on time to hear you shout, “Are you trying to start World War three?!”
“I gotta go…” he whispers, slowly sliding off the chair trying to be as quiet as possible, hoping he wouldn’t be detected. But before he can flash out of there, you’re looking at him again. 
“Not so fast.” He freezes instantly, hands lifted up in front of him. “We’re not done talking about this—“
“I know, but I gotta go. I do have an actual job after all.”
Hoseok glares at Namjoon, “So you’re gonna leave me here to get yelled at...alone?”
Namjoon gives him a guilty smile, shrugging and mumbling out a quick apology before bolting out of there—literally. Your hair flows up at the speed, Hoseok’s shirt flapping wildly, and nearby documents scatter around from the gust of air he had caused. The only thing left behind is the red suit draped across the chair he had been sitting on, flashing out of it and into his regular clothes before leaving to work. 
“What was the Gopro for?” you question. As much as you didn’t like the idea of time travel, you were slightly curious about the entire situation. 
“Just thought it’d be sick to film it. Like imagine if it actually works and we have solid proof?” Hoseok’s eyes glimmer at the prospect of it all, tapping at the screen to replay the footage captured earlier. The two of you have front row seats of Namjoon’s earlier crash, and seeing the chaos along with hearing Namjoon’s grunts of pain a second time makes you glare at Hoseok once again. 
You reach forward and grab the discarded red suit from the chair, balling it up and tossing it at Hoseok’s face. “Patch it up. I had to rip the sleeve to properly see his shoulder.”
He whines loudly as he peels the material off of his face, fingers clutching the precious suit and gasping when he spots the torn area. “You monster!”
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