#just like. take a step back and look at the big picture. thats it
spitblaze · 12 days
Listen. Listen to me. Having privilege in one form or another, even situational and conditional privilege, doesn't de facto make you a bad person. A transmasc that applies to a job with their chosen name, whether or not that transmasc passes otherwise, will have privilege over a transfem applying to that same job, because of societal sexism. That doesn't suddenly mean that transmasc is a violent asshole putting transfems at risk, it just means that as a transmasc you gotta be more cognizant of how you navigate the world. It doesn't mean you don't experience oppression. It doesn't even mean you don't experience oppression unique to being transmasc! What it DOES mean is that whether you like it or not, your relationship to women and non-men are inherently different than they would be if you were a woman. And you're gonna have to reckon with that. You can't stop women you don't know from viewing you as a potential threat, but you can use what privilege you may have if you're stealth or pass to advocate for women, and trans women, and other trans men, and to. Y'know. Check yourself once in a while and make sure you're not falling into the toxic masculinity and patriarchal mindset so many of us have already suffered at the hands of.
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norizz-nation · 8 months
Hi can you please do Daniel Riccardo x innocent Horner reader and he’s likes protective over you and like daddy x baby girl relationship please 🤍
Of course girl! This daniel bitch is always top tier 😩🤌🏼
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Someone older ❤️
Summary: dating someone who was in your father, christian horner's team is something you never thought of. but things had to change when you both felt this tension and heat between the two of you
Warnings: nsfw, 18+, age gap (reader is 20), daddy kink, innocence kink, a bit possessive behavior, virgin reader, dacryphilia, praise kink, violence, size kink
You always saw daniel on the tv. You were probably 12 or 13 when he was in your dad's team. You even went to the paddock sometimes with your dad. daniel always treated you nicely. he's always so soft for you. he would always give you a tight hug whenever he met you.
but now, youre not 12 anymore. youve grown. just celebrated your 20th birthday. youre finally in your adulthood while daniel is a man now. he is so hot. so breathtaking. is it wrong? should you not feel the heat you feel everytime he comes a bit closer to you or when he catches you from falling, wrapping his arms around your waist? does he feel the same way? does he feel the love you have for him when you smile at his words or when he catches you staring at him? does he know that youre in love him? what if he doesn't love you? the age gap was so hurtful.
your mind started to wander in those thoughts as you were getting ready for the race. it was the australian grand prix. daniel's home race. you wore a long white sundress, exposing your collarbone perfectly. you knew that he loves the way you look in sundresses. how much angelic you look, how pure you look. to match the sundress you wore a floral choker with it. the choker was white with a glimpse of baby pink. you then finished doing your makeup and left with your dad.
the paparazzi's clicking thousands of picture every second as you smiled at most of the camera, trying your best not to be rude to them. "hey y/n! youre here after a really long time. how are you?" sergio said smiling at you. "i know, just wanted to be a nice daughter, right dad?" you said giggling as you looked at your dad. "i'll see you later love, take care. checo?" you dad called out as there was just 3 more hours left for the race. you then sighed a bit and went to max's garage for a little talk with him. after having a good talk you then sat there being on your phone as you felt someone tower in front of you. you looked up and saw daniel smiling at you. "hey daniel! how's it going?' you asked as you jumped up and hugged him. your hands around his neck. you had to stand on your tippy toe to do that. you let out a relieved sigh as your grip got tighter. so did his. "oh i missed you y/n" he said softly. his words made your heart beat faster.
you missed him too. do you tell him that? do you just tell him how much you missed him and kiss him? "y/n?" he called out as you snap back to reality. "oh thats so sweet of you daniel" you said as you pulled away from his touch. you brushed your hair out of your face as you tried to avoid eye contact. you were so confused on what to do as you took few steps back. "Whats wrong y/n?" daniel asked, being concerned as you shook your head, smiling awkwardly. "N-nothing daniel. I gotta go" you said as you left the garage. He was still standing there with a confused look on his face.
Your smile grew so big when you saw daniel on the podium. He was p1. Although your dad was having a hard time since max crashed his car with his teammate sergio. Both of them getting dnf. You were sad for them but seeing daniel on the podium was something so magical. You didn’t even blink, scared to miss a moment. You looked with an awe as you stood in the crowd. You couldn’t help but giggle when you saw him do the shoey and forcing charles and lewis too. It was crazy how daniel noticed you in the crowd and smiled at you as you smiled back at him. You knew daniel was gonna throw a party. He had to. It was his home race after all and he won.
You wore a black satin dress with black lace around your chest area. Your tits looking perky. You looked all over the place to find daniel, to congratulate him but you couldn’t find him. You sighed and went to the bar counter getting a drink as you saw a guy staring at you. You started to get uncomfortable as you tried to ignore him. That guy was about to say something but you quickly got up and went to the balcony. Leaning on the railing as you looked outside. You flinched as you heard the balcony door open as you turned around to look at who was there. Fuck. Again that guy. You rolled your eyes as you turned around again ignoring him.
"You didn’t let me talk that time. Im-" he said as you interrupted him. "I dont wanna talk! Please!" you said, sounding a bit frustrated. "Wha-what why?" he said as he got closer. You then took a few steps back. His hand grabbed your wrist tightly as you looked at him with furrowed brows. "What the fuck! Get your hands off me!" you shouted as you saw the balcony door open again. It was Daniel. Thank god.
"Whats going on? Y/n are you okay?" he asked as you felt the grip on your wrist to loosen. "Wow look the winner is here. How cute" that guy said as you tried to pull your hand away from his grip. Daniel's eyes got darker as he clenched his jaw eyeing that guy up and down. "Get. Your. Hands. Off" daniel said, his voice so cold. "What? No way, look at her. She's so fuckable isn’t she?" he said as you got more uncomfortable. Daniel then grabbed his collar as he looked furious, stopping himself from killing that guy now. "I said get your fucking hands off her or else you’ll fucking regret it i swear" he said as that guy smirked at him and the grip from your wrist pulled away but you flinched when you felt his hand on your arm, brushing it.
It didnt take much for daniel to punch him in the face. "Oh my god, daniel stop!" you shouted as you tried to pull him away but he was just too strong. That guys face was all bloody as you started to get scared. Your hands were shaking as you tried to pull him away. Daniel just didn’t stop. That guy was almost dying and that was scaring you a lot. "D-daniel please, stop. Please!" you pleaded. That guy's eyes were red by all the blood. You didn’t know what to do to stop him. So you just hugged him tightly as his aggression started to ease up. "fucking cunt" he said as his chest heaved up and down. You hugged him tightly as you looked at the guy who was almost dead, hoping he's not gonna die.
You were currently cleaning all the blood from his fingers and knuckles as you stayed quite. You didnt say a single word.
Do you mean that much to him? Do you mean something to him? Do you ask him all these? Do you just forget about the age gap and just confess your feelings?
Your mind went blank as you questioned yourself all these. Daniel looked up at you "im sorry y/n" he said. You didnt even look at him as you cleaned his bruised hand. “Im sorry i scared you” he said, his words were hurting you and you dont know why. “It’s okay” you said, sounding like a whisper. You sniffled as tears formed in your eyes. Daniel then stood up in front of you, looking down at you. “Y/n, look at me” he said as he cupped your face with his hand. You looked up at him, his eyes were so soft. His eyes were so concerned.
What if you kiss him now? Will it be too dramatic? Is it wrong? Will daniel kiss you back?
Your mind rushed through the thoughts. It felt like all your pain was gone as you felt daniel’s lip against yours. His kiss was soft yet hungry. It felt like you were gonna melt in his touch. His kiss felt so good. Daniel then pulled away, looking down at you as you furrowed your brows because of this reaction. You looked at him, waiting for him to say something. But he didn’t. His eyes said the words his mouth couldn’t. His eyes said that he wants you. “Is it wrong my love?” He said, hoping you’d say that it’s not wrong. You then smiled softly as you said, “No its not daniel. I’ve wanted you forever” comforting him with your words as you brushed your thumb on his beard. He’s so beautiful. “Do you want me?” You said daniel as your eyes never left his. Daniel then wrapped his arms around you as he smiled down at you, “always” he said as he kissed you again. This time it was more hungry. you moaned soflty in between the kiss. daniel then pulled away, letting a string of spit connect the lips of the two of you. "youre so beautiful baby girl" he said as you eyed you up and down. his thumb brushing your cheek bones and your bottom lip. "so pure and innocent for this cruel world, such a cute little baby girl" he said as you looked up at him, breathlessly.
daniel's hand roamed all over your body as he placed wet kisses every where. making sure you smell like him. "youre so perfect babygirl. fuck" he whispered as you squirmed at his touch. his hands brushed against your thigh as you bucked your hips up, just wanting his touch in that specific place. that was aching for him. "please, i want you, daddy" you whined out as daniel scoffed and let out a laugh. "aww baby girl youre that needy? youre that needy that youre calling me daddy?" he said as you shamelessly nodded your head. "well then my baby girl gotta beg properly" he said tauntingly. you whined as your head fell back. it was so intense that you were naked while daniel was fully clothed. "daddy please" you pleaded and daniel shook his head. "not that good, do it again baby girl"
you let out a frustrated sigh as you pleaded again, properly this time. "daddy please, i want you to fuck me, please" daniel smiled at you, being impressed as he kissed your forehead. "since you asked so cutely, then why not" he said.
you moaned out as daniel rubbed his tip on your clit. you were soaking wet. but just when he was about to push his dick inside your pussy, you stopped him. "daddy, i-im..." you didnt finish. daniel then cupped your face. "what is it baby girl hm? tell me" your cheeks grew red. "im a v-virgin d-daddy" you said softly, avoiding eye contact. daniel couldnt help but smile. "aww youre such an innocent little baby, arent you? so young and so innocent" he said as you bit on your lower lip. "dont worry baby girl, you'll like it. i'll make sure you love every single moment of it" he said kissing you softly. your pussy clenched as his dick went deeper inside of you. your head fell back as tears formed in your eyes. "fuck baby girl, you feel so good" he said groaning. his groans made your pussy clench more. "oh you like it when i talk to you like that huh?" he said smirking as you just nodded, since getting words out of your mouth was too much work. "f-fuck daddy its b-big, s-so big nghh" you moaned as you grabbed the bedsheets.
his thrusts were sloppier as your pussy got more wet. "fuck baby girl, what did i do to deserve this pretty little pussy of yours? youre doing so good for me. good girl" he said breathlessly. you shut your eyes as tears rolled down your cheeks. it was all too much for you. the guy you always fantasized about finally fucked your brains out. "i've been wanting your pussy ever since your 19th birthday baby girl, you looked so beautiful in that dress that showed every curve of yours, fuck" he groaned. "d-daddy im gonna c-cum, s-so bad!" you screamed out as daniel's pace didnt stop. "me too babygirl, me too" he said as his breath got heavier. you mind went blank as you felt your orgasm rush to you. you could think straight as you closed you eyes, trying to get down from your high. you then felt daniel kiss your stomach breathlessly. "youre so perfect baby girl, i love you" he said as you pulled on his arm signaling him to lay down beside you. you hugged him as you rested your head on his chest. "i should've said this earlier that i missed you too, i missed you so much. i love you" you said softly. his fingers brushed your hair as he kissed your head.
falling in love with someone older wasn't a bad decision. it didnt matter since you two loved each other a lot. and about your dad, christian? well you can just convince him later. but what if he doesnt like the fact that you're in love with the ex-redbull driver, daniel ricciardo? does that mean that you have to stop seeing him? will he hate daniel for being with you?
A/N: requests are open! feel free to ask what you want me to write! luv you ❤️
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hyun-xxe · 3 months
From A distant (Yandere! Jungkook x F!Reader)
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Summary: Working for Jungkook had its ups, but mostly it's downs. He's always harsh when it comes to you and always makes you feel like you're dumb. But to Jungkook, this gets him riled up.
warnings: Yandere, stalking, drinking, cursing, MDNI, 18+, non-con touching, more to be added
Your body flinches as your boss throws a big stack of papers on the desk, cursing you during the process.
As his assistant, you were in charge of setting up meetings, making sure he had everything prepared for the meetings, get him his food and coffee and much more.
However right now you were slacking, according to Jungkook.
"You can't do shit right, can you Y/N." he shakes his hand, standing up from his chair and walking toward you.
He stops when hes inches away and with every word he says, he pokes your shoulder, "This. Happens. Every. Fucking time. Want to explain why?"
You take a deep breath in as to not cry in front of him and give him the satifcation of breaking you. "Sir, this was not my fault. You asked me to cancel the meeting between you and Mr. Mingyu, which would've been tomorrow. However, you didn't say about canceling your meeting today and I did make sure to remi-"
"Are you fucking kidding me?" he interrupts you, "Are you really trying to argue against me, your boss?" he asks.
You decide against saying anything, so you just nod your head and bow, "I apologize, sir. It won't happen again."
A part of you thought he would fire you since he always seems to love yelling at you for things that were out of your control and were clearly other people's jobs.
Jungkook, upon hearing your apology, smirked. Oh how he loved when you wouldn't argue back after he threatened you like this. Seeing you bend down just to apologize to him sent pleasure down his spine.
Just the scene of you bent has him hard already!
He tilts your chin up for you to look him in the eyes. Seeing your E/C eyes bore into his made him want to fuck you then and there in his office, having you moan his name for the whole building to hear.
"Such a good girl," he whispers, tilting his head to the side, "Always apologizing when told."
You were frozen in place and didn't know what to do. Having your boss call you a good girl while touching you made you heavily uncomfortable, but you were afraid that any wrong move would set him off.
He makes you stand tall, but doesn't remove his hand from your chin. His eyes are still boring heavily into your eyes, as if hes trying to read you.
This has never happened before and it was concerning you. Is this how he acted before firing people? He's usually always yelling, why is he so calm, especially after what happened?
You felt his arms move to your lips and lean down, so you decide to intervene. "I should get back, I think my husband wanted to have lunch with me."
Hearing the word husband made him freeze. Since when did you have a husband and why are you just now mentioning this to him? He takes his hand off your chin and leans back, giving you a questioning look.
"You have a husband?" he asks.
Nodding your head, you take a step back and give an awkward smile, "Yes, I've mentioned this before many times."
Jungkook never recalled you mentioning that ugly bastard to him or to anyone. Are you lying about it perhaps?
He shakes his head and goes back to his seat behind his desk, "I don't recall nor do I care. You can leave."
Taking that cue, you scurry out of there as fast as you can. In all the years you worked here, Jungkook has never made you this uncomfortable before.
Ever since that occurrence, he's been around your desk a lot, often just to stare at you and make small talk. You wanted to tell him to stop bothering you and go back to his desk, but of course who in their right mind would say that to the person handling their paycheck.
As Jungkook started to be around your desk more often, thats when he noticed the pictures of your husband. One picture was of your wedding, you guys at the beach, you and him with some old couple (maybe your parents or his) and another with you both kissing each side of a dogs face.
He didn't like it. In fact, why are you with him? He seems so lazy and such a loser, meanwhile Jungkook owns his own business. What frustrates him more is the fact that you seem to be getting immune to him yelling at you and it just doesn't make any sense.
Before you would clearly be angry and had to count to whatever number just to calm yourself down which would thrill Jungkook to no end. You looks incredibly hot and it made him hard just looking at you. Now though? You just nod your head or apologize.
Where's the fun in that? Is your husband the reason behind this shift? If so, he's gonna pay for it.
Now, he has to resort to watching porn to release himself when before seeing your face and seeing how frustrated were easily made him burst.
"You." he walks up to your desk one day, "Get your lunch, your having it with me in my office."
he didn't even give you time to question his decision as he already walked away into his room.
You sighed and started walking toward the lunch room. Why did he ask to have lunch? You didn't want to eat with him and would rather be stung by 30 bees than sit in the same room as him for an hour.
After getting your food and entering his office, you sat down across from him and started to prepare your lunch to eat.
"What are you doing?" he asks, giving you a questionable look.
"What do you mean? I'm getting ready to eat." you answer, not understanding what he means.
He sighs and pulls a chair next to him, "Sit next to me, now."
You didn't want to deal with his words, so you got up with your stuff and sat down next to him. Why was he acting this way? What was so wrong with you sitting across?
Jungkook pulls out some paper work and sets them in front of you, "I need your help with this." he shows you the work on the paper.
scanning the paper and listening to what he was saying, your eyes immediately found out what was wrong. You pointed it out and started to explain to him what was wrong with it which didn't make you notice how close he was getting to you.
In fact, his breath was fanning your neck as his hand rested on your knee. Not wanting to fuel any awkwardness, you removed his hand while talking. Big mistake.
You saw a glare in his eyes as he placed his hand back in the same spot, this time even tighter.
After you finished speaking, you looked directly at his hand, hoping he would see your discomfort and remove it. He didn't.
You tried stretching your legs and yawning, removing his hand quickly, but he just placed it back on there.
As you were about to open your mouth to say something, he beats you to it. "When i place my hand somewhere, that gives you no right to touch it or move it, am I clear?"
"Sir, I am married. This is not appropriate whatsoever." You calmly say, praying that it doesn't set him over the edge.
You feel his hand tighten even more, causing you to flinch just a little. "Oh, so now you're thinking that I want you?" he throws his head back and laughs, "Please, don't flatter me. Why would I want you? Me placing my hand here shouldn't mean any of that."
Knowing how he is, you knew he tried hurting you with his words, but you didn't care. He said he didn't want you and you were okay with hearing that.
However, Jungkook wanted more of a reaction from you, he wanted his words to hurt you and make you rethink rejecting his advances. But, you just nodded your head and went back to eating.
What the actual fuck?
You were now starting to piss him off even more and it wasn't funny. Everything thought of Jungkook's was now plagued by you and how you talked, moved, smile and much more.
He hated how he would do anything to hear your voice and to see you look at him. It wasn't fair that your stupid, low-life husband got to see you naked, make love to you, and make you moan his name.
Shouldn't you know better than to flaunt the fact that you're married? especially to a lowlife like that man? Where is your dignity at?
No matter the advances Jungkook did, you didn't glance at him. It was like this husband of yours has you under this type of spell.
His thoughts of you turned into obsession as he started taking secret pictures of you at your desk, doing your work, getting coffee, getting your lunch, talking to others, and going to the bathroom. Then it reached to the point where he needed to see more, so outside of work pictures started to flow in.
You going to a restuarant, you walking with your dog, you laughing with some people. His favorite ones were of you in the shower, unwinding after a long day from working with him.
The thing he hated the most, though, was your stupid husband in the back and it pissed him off. Just why? Why couldn't he just die?
Jungkook couldn't take it and he had enough. He needed to do something to have you in his arms once and for all.
"Y/N," Jungkook walked up to you, 30 minutes before you should be heading home, "I need you to stop with what you're doing and come and help me in my office."
You sighed but nodded your head, already up on your feet and walking toward his office.
Once you walked in, he closed the door behind you both, but you didn't pay much mind to it.
"So, what is it that you needed help with?" you ask, looking around his office.
He pointed to a thick stack of papers on his desk, "I need you to sort those out for me. Those are important meeting dates for the future."
You nodded your head and sat in the chair to get started. As you kept working, you noticed how it was past 6 O'clock which was your time to go home.
"Oh, well I'll continue this tomorrow. I should be getting home." you say and started to stand up, only to be held down by Jungkook.
"The fuck? You think that just because it's 6 you can up and leave any work I give you without asking?" he growls lowly, glaring at you.
You didn't know what to say to him since he's never done anything like this before.
"You'll go home when I tell you to, you understand me?" he says, placing both hands on your wrist to keep you down.
Not wanting to argue and have space from him, you nod your head and apologize, "I didn't mean to sound arrog-"
He cuts you off, "You've been talking back a lot these days I noticed." he cups your face, "I wonder where you get this bravery from."
When Jungkook releases his hold on you, he steps back but accidentally brushing against a folder that fell down. Your eyes saw the pieces that scattered out of it.
You froze. It was as if time stopped and your blood went cold. Your heart felt like it stopped beating as you saw the different pictures of you doing literally everything. Different angles of you working, eating, sleeping, and even showering.
How the hell did he get these?
Slowly looking up at him, you expected Jungkook to be embarrassed and start making excuses, but he didn't.
Instead, he gives you a smirk and bends down to pick up on specific picture of you in the bathroom, drying yourself off after showering.
"This is my favorite one. You look sexy here."
Hearing those words sent chills down your spine. That picture was taken two nights ago after you and your husband had sex. Was he waiting outside your house for these?
"W-what the hell?" you muttered, eyes wide as you pick up more pictures. "You sick bastard!" you yell, "What i-is this!?"
He sighs as if you were the one bothering him, as if this was no big deal. "Obviously these are pictures of you. What else would it be?"
That was enough to make you stand up and run towards the door to leave. It was locked.
You tried unlocking it, but it needed to be unlocked with a key, which made you surprised as this was never there before.
"Changed out the handles two weeks ago. You'll need a key to unlock it from here." he smirks, walking toward you.
You back up into the corner, holding your hands out to prevent him coming any further, "P-please stop!" you stutter out, tears pouring down your face, "I'll do anything! I promise I won't speak of this to anyone!" you pleaded.
Jungkook laughed and shook his head, "Don't you understand, Y/N? You've been plaguing my mind for months now. Why? I don't know, but you just can't leave my mind and it bothers me." he places a had on your shoulder and rubs it lovingly, "I just had to take action and get you for myself. Needed to see why I wanted you."
Tears after tears kept rolling down your face as you pleaded with him. "Please, I'm married Jungkook. I am 100% sure there are prettier girls than me who you kill to be with you."
He shakes his head, "You don't seem to understand, Y/N. You think you having a husband will stop me? When I want something, I get it no matter what. Ever since you've been in my mind, other women have been nothing but a burden to me. You are the one I want, the one i need."
He brings you closer to him and places his forehead on your own, rubbing his hands everywhere on your body. You smelt amazing and he needed to taste you.
Bringing up your chin and having you look at him, he smiles before capturing your lips in a long, hungry kiss. Everything felt perfect and he knew you were the one.
After pulling away, he keeps staring at you.
"Please! Just a kiss and let me go! I won't tell a soul, you have my work Jungkook!"
He chuckles before taking your hand and placing it on his clothed member. "I can't. You did this to me and it needs to be fixed. Maybe after I'll let you go."
Jungkook pushes you to your knees and unbuckles his belt and taking out his member. "Go ahead, be a good girl and fix it."
Feeling your hand grab onto it sent him to heaven and back. That was enough to make him bust but he needed to stay strong. You were perfect and seeing you on your knees was enough to make him weak.
Yeah, you're not going anywhere after this.
(should I make a part 2 to this? idk)
you can request any stories with any kpop groups!
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cupoftaae · 1 year
Still Perfect (JK Drabble)
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Summary- Your mind is playing evil tricks on you again, and the only one who can bring you back down to earth is your husband, the one you are ashamed to admit everything to.
Warnings- swearing, minor angst, they are in luv its cute, mentions of depression (reader), mentions of medications. 18+
Enjoy <3
"Baby...I'm gonna take Gia outside to test the new swing I put up, do you wanna come?" Jungkook whispered, his hand on your back as you laid in the dark bedroom at 2 in the afternoon.
You sighed, looking up at your husbands face, "I want to but I just...Im so tired"
He nodded sadly, "okay...thats okay you dont have to, I'll take pictures?"
"yes please" you smile weakly
"mama!! mama! lets go outside!" Your 3 year old, Gia, runs into the room and stands beside your bed.
Jungkook was quick to pick her up into his arms, squeezing her, "mama isnt feeling too good right now, shes gotta rest." he whispered
"again?" your daughter pouted, her big eyes looking down at you- and with single glance, your heart was broken into 5 million pieces.
Jungkook frowned, "hey, sometimes adults get tired, its okay, we will go have fun in the backyard and you can see mama later? wave bye bye" he held her small hand up and waved for her as he began to leave the room, mouthing a soft "love you" in your direction before the door shut.
with that, the tears began to flow.
Your depression struggles have always found a way into your family, when you were dating jungkook you spent so much time explaining that sometimes you just cant function, and he was the first boyfriend you had that understood and didnt make you feel like a piece of shit for struggling with something out of your control.
It was nice, but then the fears that he would leave set in.
He always tries his best to make sure you feel loved and appreciated, when he proposed, he took you to Italy for 3 weeks just to be alone with you.
And your wedding was no different either.
He made sure you felt beautiful the way you were, showing you off at any chance he could, and even stepping away from the after party with you for a bit when things got overwhelming.
Many emotions were experienced when you became pregnant after 3 months of marriage. The guilt in believing you werent a good mother, the guilt for not having enough energy to eat most days even though you knew it wasnt just about/for yourself.
The self neglect was the worst part, and if jungkook had not been there to help you through all of the ugly, you dont know what you would have done.
You love him so much and the thought that maybe he doesnt feel that from you is terrifying, the thought that your daughter is only 3 and is already catching onto her mothers odd behavior is alarming.
Gia sees her friends moms play with them, she goes over to her cousins house and plays with their mom, why doesnt her own mom have that energy?
The tears seeped into the silk pillows as you squeezed your eyes shut.
This was how it often was for you: no emotion at all, or sadness. thats it, since you were 13.
No amount of doctor visits or therapy could fix you, and now you were letting it ruin your family.
A bit after Jungkook brought Gia inside, she fell asleep on the couch in the living room.
He smiled and took a photo of her small bundled up body laying on the cushion before making his way upstairs to show you.
"honey, you awake?" he mumbled, sliding open the door and walking in.
You were facing the opposite wall, feeling absolutely numb.
"baby" he smiled, kissing your forehead, "you okay? you wanna see the videos of gia?"
You tried to open your mouth to talk but nothing came out, instead your eyes teared up again and you turned your face further into the pillow to hide.
He frowned, putting his phone away as he climbed under the covers with you, his larger body spooning against yours. "sweetheart, whats going on?" his hand brought you closer
"I dont know" you whispered quietly
"just not doing good again?" he questioned, hand rubbing your side softly to soothe you.
You nod, unable to talk.
"im here for you, did you take your medication?"
"okay well lets do that now so we dont forget, okay?" he sat up and pulled open your nightstand drawer, taking the pill you take daily and handing it to you alongside a water bottle.
You gently sat up and leaned against the headboard, taking the pill.
"where is she?" you asked quietly, teary eyes catching to kooks in the dimly lit bedroom.
"she passed out on the couch downstairs, bam is laying with her" he smiled, finding a cozy spot beside you again.
"am I a bad mom?" you question, watching his face contort
"what? why would you ask me that? of course you arent"
"jungkook I havent been able to leave the room for 2 days, this isnt normal....she misses me, she needs her mommy and im failing her" your voice cracked slightly as jungkook immediately brought you into his arms, caging you against him.
"dont talk like that, you are such an amazing woman, y/n. I would have never married you otherwise. You are so fucking strong and you cant let yourself fall into this dark space, you are struggling, yes, but we take it step by step, just like we've always done." he rubs your back as he speaks, "and Gia doesnt feel left out, she would not stop talking about you the entire time we were outside. Dont tell her I told you but she picked a bunch of 'flowers' for you" he giggled, "I didnt have the heart to tell her they were just weeds"
You allow yourself to laugh softly, leaning into your husbands embrace.
"you are doing so well....so incredibly well baby. I know life isnt always fair but we cant blame ourselves, we have to pick up what we have learned and move on as stronger people."
You nod, looking at him as he wipes the tear on your cheek.
"my beautiful girl, I love you so much, you know that?"
You smile sadly, "I love you too"
"can I take you downstairs and we can cuddle on the couch? I'll cook for you, you havent eaten in hours"
"okay" you sniff, allowing jungkook to help you up and keep a blanket wrapped around your body.
Gia's toothless smile greeted you as you came downstairs, Bam laying on her protectively.
"Hi baby" you waved and walked over, sitting onto the couch and letting her crawl into your lap. "I missed you sweetheart, oh- your overalls are backwards" you giggled softly
Jungkook blushed as he sat on the other side of you, sharing a funny glance with his daughter.
"daddy dress me" she whispered
"I can tell" you smile, squeezing her tightly and rocking back and forth gently.
"my pretty girls" jungkook whispered, more so to himself than directed at you both.
"and bammy" gia added on, hiding her face against your chest.
"and bammy" you insisted, rubbing her back
Jungkook leaned over to wrap you two into his arms, kissing both of your heads.
"did you have fun outside" you asked
Gia giggled, "yeah...but daddy pushed the swing too much, I fell" she babbled
"what?" You look at your husband
"shes okay, shes breathing, shes here" he began, smothering his hands over his little girls face as she laughed loudly.
"mama feeling okay?" she asked once you all calmed down,
"mama is doing okay, my dear. Dont worry about me, I love you so much" you squished her face softly and kissed her nose
"love you more!!" she added, clapping her hands
"Love you most!!" You couldnt help but smile as jungkook leaned his head against the back of the couch, eyes drawn on his wife and daughter only.
"i'll make some lunch" he spoke, standing
"yay!! I help?" Gia hopefully asked
"no no, you girls sit there and look cute" he winked at you before walking off to the kitchen, bam following him in hopes of getting a treat.
You loved your little family, and you wouldnt trade them for anything the world had more to offer.
They were the ones who got your through the toughest part of life, and you were grateful that in this moment you didnt have to fake a smile.
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jake-kiszkas-smirk · 1 year
Kiss Me
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Danny Wagner X Fem reader
18+ only, minors DNI
Warnings: unprotected sex, choking, dirty talk, teasing, oral (f rec), fingering, squirting, cockwarming, dacryphilia mentioned, I think thats it! As always please let me know if I missed anything!
You stood looking at the beautiful view in front of you. The window nearly reached the high ceilings. Outside there was a big deck with a hot tub, but beyond that was mountains. The sun was setting and the colors in the sky were mesmerizing.
"Dont move," You heard softly from behind you,
"Why?" You turned your head towards him, smiling when you realized he was taking a picture of you,
"You look so perfect with the sunset behind you," He said, looking down at his phone and grinning before turning it off and putting it on the small coffee table. He walked over to you, he was wearing some short swim trunks and had his hair in a bun on top of his head.
"Well thank you baby," You said as he walked up and placed his hands on your hips. You looked up to him, "Going for a dip in the hot tub?"
"Mhmm" He hummed as you put your hands on his chest. His nose nudged against yours as he mumbled against your lips, "Join me?"
"Sure, I'll be out in a second" You replied quietly, turning your head when he tried to kiss you.
The smallest of frustrated sighs came out of his nose as he pulled away and walked out towards the deck. You had been denying him kisses all day. You weren't upset with him, in fact it was the opposite. He was amazing, he had brought you out to this secluded cabin as an early valentines day gift. He knew he'd be gone playing some show on the actual day, so he had planned this little weekend trip. You wanted to really spoil him, so you'd been holding out all day.
You had noticed it before you two had even gotten together. The nail biting, the chewing on his cheek when he was deep in thought, the way he moved his lips and jaw when he played in a show, that sinful tongue of his. Your Daniel had an oral fixation like no other.
When the two of you had finally gotten together you had realized JUST how right you were. You had quickly picked up on how much more intense it got when he was feeling especially needy. That was why you'd been holding out, because now, he'd be in that state when you finally gave him what he wanted. You knew if you didn't give in soon, you'd miss your window with this version of him. Wait too long and he'd be throwing you over his shoulder and taking what he wanted.
You made your way into the giant bathroom and stripped out of your clothes. You didn't bother putting on a swimsuit, knowing it wouldn't be on for more than 5 minutes anyways....plus you were dying to see Danny's reaction. You put your hair up, not wanting it in the way when things heated up. You grabbed a towel, wrapped it around you, and then made your way back through the cabin. On your way through you grabbed 2 beers from the kitchen and then walked past the burning fireplace on your way outside.
Stepping onto the deck you realized that it was even more breathtaking at night. With the minimal lights you could see so many stars in the sky. Your eyes drifted to Daniel who was sitting in the hot tub with his head laid back against the side. When he heard you shut the door he slowly lifted his head and looked to you,
"I brought you a beer babe" You said as you made your way over, handing it to him and placing yours on the side.
"Thanks angel," He said as he brought the bottle to his lips and took a sip.
You took this opportunity to drop your towel, the cold winter air sending chills over your skin, pebbling your nipples immediately. As Danny lowered his beer he looked to you, his mouth falling open and his brows rising. He watched your every move as you climbed into the water, shifting in his spot and reaching down to adjust himself in his trunks.
"Like what you see Wagner?" you asked with a smirk as you moved towards him.
He nodded, licking over his bottom lip as he reached his hand out for yours, leading you over to him. Once you were positioned between his legs he ran his hands up and down your sides, eyes raking over you.
"I think you're a little over dressed." You hinted to him, slipping a finger under the waistband of his swim trunks. The corner of his mouth twitched up and his eyes got dark as he looked up to you,
"Yeah?" He asked softly as he started to shimmy his trunks down his legs, "These keeping you from something you want?" he teased, holding up the soaked clothing before tossing them to the deck.
"I think they're keeping you from something you want." You jested back as you brought his hand down to your core, standing just far enough away that he couldn't get his mouth on you. He groaned as his fingers moved through your slit. "But if I'm mistaken I can go-"
You were cut off by him pulling you towards him,
"No, you're right" He admitted quickly, kissing at your abdomen as his fingers circled your clit. "I want it-want you, so bad"
You could see through the movement of the water that he was hard, and the more he worked his fingers against you the more your core started aching to have him inside you.
You moved to straddle him, his kisses ceasing only long enough to let you sink down on his length. Relieved groans passed both of your lips, his fingertips digging into your hips, his bottom lip tucked between his teeth as you bottomed out.
"god baby, you-fuck you always feel so good" He stuttered, attempting to lean forward and capture your lips in a kiss. You parted your lips as if ready to accept the kiss, but right as his lips barely brushed yours you raised off of him, just out of his kisses reach.
A small gasp sounded out of him. You weren't sure if it was in protest to your teasing, or if it was from the sensation of you almost raising completely off of his cock. You had stopped with a little more than his tip still nestled inside you.
"Kiss me" He whined, looking up at you with his best puppy dog eyes, his hands still on your hips as he relaxed back against the side of the hot tub. You placed your hands on his shoulders, sinking down again. He moaned as you sunk to the hilt, but as soon as he moved to kiss you, so close his breath was hot on your lips, you raised up again.
A pained noise came out of him and his forehead fell to your abdomen. He decided then, that he'd have to settle for what he could get. His hands moved up your back as he pulled you closer to him, attaching his mouth to you in any way he could.
His hands slid up your back to your shoulders, pulling you back down on his length. You allowed it knowing that he was now aware of this unvoiced boundary you had set: no kiss on the lips until you said.
As he pulled you down he licked a strip up your sternum and then up your neck. Your head fell back as he put his hand on the back of your neck, holding it to his mouth as he sucked at the sensitive skin.
Daniel had a thing for marking you up, and you knew thats what he was doing. He'd nibble at your skin, just enough to make you squirm and clench around him, then he'd suck it into his mouth, usually accompanied by a moan rumbling against you. Once he was pleased with the mark he'd left, he licked over it with his tongue, soothing it before moving on to the next spot.
He continued this, leaving purple marks all over your neck and chest with is cock still buried inside you. Every time you'd moan or shiver under his lips you felt him twitch inside you. It had you desperate for more, considering giving in.
"Please," He murmured between kisses, "Please,"
You grabbed his face, squeezing it so that he puckered his lips and let his eyes focus on you,
"Please what?" You asked,
"I- I don't know" He mumbled, brows upturned in the middle, eyes pleading with you, "Fuck me, let me kiss you, anything-more I just need more"
He bucked his hips so subtly you doubted he even realized he did it. You loosened your grip on his face, and he kissed your palm, his eyes staying on yours as he then moved to suck two of your fingers in his mouth.
His hands on your hips started to rock them back and forth, grinding you down on him. You couldn't hold back the moan that escaped your throat, the feeling of him inside you and the way he was looking at you as he sucked your fingers, tongue moving between them...just like if he....
"You have been very good," You conceded, "And this needy mouth of yours has been very sweet to me, hasn't it?"
"Mhmm" He hummed around your fingers. He reached up, wrapping his hand around your wrist and pulling your hand from his mouth. He leaned forward and kissed your jaw, "Come on, let me take you inside and show you how sweet my mouth can be to your swollen little clit."
You groaned and once again clenched around him,
"Yeah, doesn't that sound nice?" his lips brushed against your jaw, his hand traveling up and wrapping lightly around your neck, "Cumming with my lips wrapped around that little bundle of nerves and my fingers tucked in your tight little cunt?"
"Uh huh-" You breathed out. You were fully aware of the shift, that now he had you wrapped around his finger.
"All you have to do is kiss me" he pulled back far enough to look at you, but his eyes were on your lips. "Kiss me and I'll carry you inside right now and make you cum on my face angel,"
You wasted no time, grabbing the hair at the nape of his neck and pulling him to you, crashing your lips into his.
His grip on your neck tightened a little as he moaned into your mouth, his tongue pressing into it and dancing with yours as you continued to rock your hips. He kissed you like it was the first and last time he'd ever get to, with such hunger and passion it made your head spin. Your lungs burned, telling you it was time to come up for air, but you didn't want to.
He released his grip on your neck, moving his arms to secure you to his body. You felt his legs and abdomen tense as he stood up, his lips never leaving yours. If it had been anyone else you'd have been a little uneasy, worried they'd drop you, but never with Danny. He was a wall of solid muscle, the way his body moved as he held you was intoxicating. You could feel his muscles shifting effortlessly, his cock still in its favorite place deep inside you as he carefully made his way into the cabin.
With your legs wrapped around his waist and your arms around his neck he walked into the living room. There was already a pile of blankets and pillows on the floor next to the fireplace from where you had been reading a book earlier.
He sunk to his knees, cradling your head with his hand as he laid you back onto the plush faux fur rug, rocking his hips into yours so that he pressed in so deep you saw stars,
You moaned loudly, hands roaming his back and nails raking over his skin. He broke the kiss, growling against your neck as he repeated the movement before pulling out slowly,
"Danny," you whimpered at the loss of him inside you,
"Shhh y/n" He hushed you soothingly, reaching over and grabbing a pillow. "You'll get it back in a minute, right now I want to taste you" He placed the pillow under your hips, kissing up the top of your thighs as he got closer to your core, "And with the way you were squeezing me just now.... I don't think it will take very long to have you cumming for me"
He positioned himself on his stomach between your legs, looking up at you with the smug half smile that made you melt. He hooked your legs over his shoulders and dove in,
You arched your back off the rug, Dannys strong hands grabbing the outside of your thighs and holding you in place as he sucked and lapped at your sensitive clit,
"Oh god, oh-" You groaned, fingers gripping the material under you as his tongue moved lower, slipping into your entrance with his nose nudging your clit. "Fuck, fuck, fuck"
The curses flew past your lips when his tongue pulled away at the same moment his fingers slid into you,
"Such filthy words coming from my angel's mouth" He pressed a kiss to your clit as he pumped and curled his fingers, "It just feels too good doesn't it? You can't help yourself"
"Uh huh" You whined as you moved your hips, trying and failing to get his mouth on you
"Look at you, trying to get my mouth on you while I fuck you with my fingers," his tongue flattening against you as he shook his head, "Who's needy now?" He teased,
"Me, I am-" you pouted, reaching down and attempting to tug his head towards your heat,
His soft laugh vibrated against you, and then he decided to show you some mercy. His mouth and fingers working you together had you quickly approaching your orgasm, that coil deep in your stomach tightening so quickly you knew that you were going to cum hard.
"I-Danny, I-" You rushed out, the feeling intensifying. He nodded, moaning into you as he rutted his hips into the floor,
It crashed over you, lewd noises filling the room as you felt the warmth running down your thighs, your legs shaking on either side of Danny's head as he worked you through it.
Your chest was heaving as you tried to catch your breath,
"Mmm" He hummed, pulling his mouth away, "I fucking love when you do that for me," his eyes moved down to his hand, and your eyes caught what he was looking at. Their was a small pool of your release cupped in his palm. He licked over his lips, and then turned his gaze to your body,
Holding his hand out in front of him and over your body, he slowly tilted his hand, letting the liquid drip from his palm and onto your torso. His pupils were blown wide as he watched it land on your skin.
You were silent, entranced by his antics as he licked his palm and then started to slowly make his way up your body, kissing and licking where each drop had landed.
You caressed his face as his tongue traveled over you, savored you.
"You taste like-" He paused as he took your nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue over it before pulling off with a pop, "I don't know what it is, I just know it's my favorite thing"
"Really?" You asked as he moved to the other side of your chest, giving that nipple attention as well,
"Really." he replied as his lips peppered kisses along your neck now, his cock brushing against your core, "Love the taste of you on my tongue baby, think about it all the time"
You felt him lining up with you,
"If you didn't want my cock so bad I'd have you sitting on my face right now, riding my tongue until you were cumming down my throat"
"Jesus-" You sighed breathily as he pushed into you,
"I'd drink you down and then do it again, y/n" He took both your hands, interlacing your fingers and pinning them above your head, "Over and over until you couldn't take it anymore...."
His hips started to move and a moan shuddered out of you at his obscene words flowing into your ear,
"And then, I'd do it again," He sucked the spot behind your ear, panting against your skin, "Because I love when you cry for me just like your pretty cunt does,"
Your hands squeezed his tighter, head tilted back as far as you could manage so he had the expanse of your neck at his mercy,
His hips moved faster, the pillow under you giving him a heavenly angle inside you.
"You want that?" he mumbled against the crook of your neck, lightly dragging his teeth over a mark he'd left earlier,
"Want you to cum" you whispered, cheeks blushing at the thought of him catching onto what you really wanted,
"Sweet girl wants me to fill her up- ah- and then-" His hips started to falter as he spoke, "And then- fuck- I'm gonna cum"
His voice cracked and then he was biting into your shoulder as he spilled inside you, hips shuddering against you.
He slowly lifted his head, licking over the teeth marks in your reddened skin. He let go of your hands and started kissing over all the small bruises that adorned your skin.
"Danny," You breathed through a laugh,
"Hmm?" He asked, not willing to stop what he was doing,
"Kiss me" You said, pulling his lips from your skin and up to your mouth. He happily obliged, kissing you deeply before flipping so that now you were on top of him.
He slid his hands down to your ass, lifting you off of his length with a hiss through his teeth. You thought he was going to stop there, but he started moving you up his body,
You put your hands on his chest
"What are you doing," You asked, giggling at the look of annoyance he gave when you stopped his movements
"Told you, I'm not through with you yet," the glimmer in his eye told you that his was going to be a long night.
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luna0713hunter · 1 year
"What did you do?"
Dabi growls at you, crossing his arms over his chest.
And when you smile at him like that,he knows you're up to know good.
"What do you mean,honey?"
And that's,where he's sure you did something that he'll not like.
Because thats how you are. You always wear that dark blue dress he likes,or use the darkest shade of red lipstick that you know has his stomach clench with desire.
Or, you'll call him "honey".
Dabi sighs,and drags his hand down his face.
"Y/n,what did you do?"
You blink innocently at him and shrug.
"nothing,honey. I just cleaned the house a bit,and made your favorite food. And that dessert you like so much and-"
"yeah,stop. Right there."
When you pout,he sighs again.
"just tell me already. You know these things dont work on me anymore."
"you sure?" You twirl around a bit, letting him see how the his favorite dress hugs every curve and dip of your body perfectly. "I wore you're favorite too."
Dabi opens his mouth,ready to tell you to knock it off already,when he hears it.
The sound of light pitter patters, coming impossibly close to him.
And he doesnt even have time to turn around;to look at the source of that sound,when a light weight clashes right to his leg;sharp claws digging in his pants.
When Dabi looks down, he's met by a pair of big,blue eyes.
He blinks,once,twice,before looking back at you.
You, who's still smiling innocently at him,your hands behind your back as you step closer. He watches with an expressionless face as you bend down,and with gentle coaxing, pry the little claws out of the fabric .
You raise the small kitten up to his face and grin.
Dabi looks at you with the same expressionless face. When the silent grows on,your smile drops and you lower the kitten;ignoring the way it's clawing and biting gently at your hands.
At your worried tone,he sighs and moves toward the kitchen.
"whats for dinner?im starving to death."
And when he hears the sound of your giggles filling the room,he cracks a tiny smile himself.
(and later that week,when you come back home late from work to see him laying on the couch with the tiny kitten sleeping on top of him,you definitely dont take a picture and set it as your lock screen wallpaper.)
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simp4strongwomen · 2 years
It’s Not That Funny
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Based on this post :https://at.tumblr.com/dialouge-prompts/thats-not-funny-i-think-its-hilarious/0e0jguqo6c07
Rhea Ripley x Reader.         Becky Lynch x Platonic!Reader
Rhea sat behind you, to where you could only see her through the mirror placed in front of you. You were sitting in hair and makeup getting ready for your match against Bianca tonight. You had just finished telling Rhea and your hairstylist a story that you thought was pretty traumatic from when you were younger. All the Aussie could do was laugh hysterically, falling sideways onto the couch with tears rolling down her face. At least Laney your hairstylist could keep somewhat of a straight face.
“That’s not funny Rhea. I’m pretty sure it caused me so brain issues. Like you’re laughing at your girlfriend who could have brain issues and not even know it.”
Once Rhea calmed down slightly she was able to get out a sentence before she started dying of laughter once again. “You’re right that’s not funny, I think it’s hilarious.” Even this time Laney couldn’t keep her composure. Soon 3 of your other friends walk into the room to get their hair and makeup down. Asuka taking a seat next to a hysteric Ripley, Bianca on the couch on the opposite wall, and your best friend since the day you started your professional career in wrestling, Becky Lynch sat right next to you.
Becky spun her chair around to face the still laughing so called “nightmare”. “Aye, what happend to the big scary one back there?”
Rolling your eyes at the fact that you’re going to probably end up retelling the story you just told your girlfriend. You sighed in defeat. “I told her a story of something that happened to me when I was a child. And yes before you ask me to tell it I already knew you were gonna do that so I’m just gonna get it over with.”
You looked around and everyone was attentive towards you, rhea even managed to stop laughing for a short period of time, just enough to hear you retell this story that caused her tears in the first place.
“So, when I was about 5 or 6, my mom and I had lived with my grandma and 2 younger aunts in this really big house. We had this amazing black fluffy Newfoundland named Charlie, and he was like my favorite pet in the world. So one day I was walking out of my room to go downstairs to find my grandma, well I had just seen Charlie walk down the stairs, and well you know how they walk down stairs. So me being the curious little child I was decided to try and walk down this flight of stairs like a dog.” You could hear snorts coming from all the women in the room as they could only picture what would happen next. “So this flight of stairs had at least 30 stairs, and I had only made it down like 7 of the 30 stairs safely. I ended up tripping on the rug we had on the stairs and proceeded to tumble down the rest of them.”
Rhea was once again in tears along with Asuka and Bianca, Becky just laughing at you, expecting nothing less from a younger you. “So by the time I stopped I landed on my head on this really hard ground at the bottom of the steps, and you want to know what the dog does? Mind you he literally sat and watched me fall down these stairs, he came over to me sniffed around me then proceeded to sit one me. This 100 pound dog came and sat on me and I weighed at most 45 pounds. Some being me I started yelling for my grandma who at the time couldn’t hear me because she was outside mowing the lawn. So moral of the story her girls,I could have major brain damage, and here you all are laughing at me.” Pouting and crossing your arms as everyone in the room are in hysterics with Bianca somehow managing to end up on the floor and rhea thrashing around wildly. Becky leans over and rubs your arm.
“Oh don’t pout sweetie, we would still love you the same. And I know for a fact that Rhea over there loves the one with mental issues.”
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0anonnymouslyours0 · 2 years
you are perfect - joseph quinn
warnings / description: this was requested by @kellysimagines!! joseph!quinn x female!reader. req: joe and the reader have been together since s4 shooting, and they're in brazil with jamie at a meet and greet. reader gets insecure because there are so many pretty girls, she feels insecure of her chest size. warnings: fighting, insecure/jealous reader, kissing, titty sucking ..
"y/n! joe! look over here at the camera!"
"can we get your autograph!"
"what was it like acting in stranger things with each other?"
"how long have you guys been dating?"
you blink twice, feeling the pressure of hundreds of eyes watching you. you knew the press tours were going to be busy, but you weren't excepting them to be quite this stressful. you stood next to joe and jamie on the podium, answering questions, signing various items and taking pictures with fans.
you glanced at the queue of girls that had formed next to joe, all wanting to take a picture with him. they were all so beautiful. there hair was all perfectly done, make up flawless, beautiful figures. one girl stepped up, next in line to take a photo with joe. she had a small black crop top on, cleavage on full display. you glanced down at your own chest, cheeks heating. you had always been a little self-conscious about your chest size. now dating joe, you were even more aware, because of the thousands of beautiful girls who threw themselves at him daily.
"y/n? can i get your autograph? i'm a big fan of your work." a girl said, smiling at you.
you exhaled quickly, before smiling at her brightly. you needed to focus your attention on your own fans, and the meet and greet, not your insecurities.
"of course!" you replied.
the meet and greet had finished a couple hours ago. you had gone back to your hotel, exhausted. joe had gone out with jamie, seeming to have much more energy then you. you scrolled through instagram. there were a few posts about todays meet and greet, along with photos of girls smiling next to joe, or looking up at him with large doe eyes. you frowned, when you came across a picture of the same girl you saw earlier. the feeling of self consciousness came over you again. you clicked away from the picture, shaking your head. then you got an idea. you googled the best plastic surgeons in brazil, taking a screenshot of the results. this way you could be just as beautiful as those girls, beautiful for joe.
"hey love! im home!"
"joe!" you said hugging him as he walked into your room.
"how was your time with jamie?"
"yeah fun- got bombarded by paparazzi though." he said placing a kiss on your cheek.
"thats a shame." you said, frowning.
"yeah- oh that reminds me, do you have that photo of us at the event today?"
"yeah its on my phone, just send it to yourself." you said handing him the phone, before laying back down on your bed.
he nodded, walking of to find his phone in the other room.
"y/n? that the hell is this?" joe called angrily.
you sat up quickly, racking your brain for what he could of seen. there was nothing weird- was there?
the screen shot of the plastic surgeons. joe came in, brandishing the phone in front of your face.
"why are you looking at plastic surgeons?" he asked, dropping the phone on the bed.
"i- i'm not sure.."
"don't lie."
"i was thinking about getting.. um a surgery."
"why would you do that?"
you felt tears brimming. you hated fighting with him. you hated that you were so insecure about this. it was just pathetic.
"i wanted to.. to be pretty for you."
he face immediately relaxed, a frown forming on his brow.
"oh honey, you're so pretty."
he sat down next to you, pulling you into a hug. he pulled away kissing you while cupping your cheeks.
"you are so pretty baby. you don't need anything changed."
he kissed down your jawline, his hands coming up to fiddle with the strings of your top. he pulled your top down, and it pooled at your waist. he moved back to your face, kissing your mouth. you moaned, as his hands unexpectedly came up to grab your breasts roughly.
"you are so pretty. so so pretty." he whispered into your ear.
he unclasped your bra, throwing it across the room. he kissed down along your collarbone. you chest heaved as his lips closed around your nipple. he ran his tongue around it. a groan escaped his mouth, vibrating along your skin. you arched your back, giving him more access. you moaned as you delivered a quick bite to the skin. he moved to your other breast, repeating the seem motions. he kissed back up to your chin, hands cupping your breasts. he kissed you, leaning back and grinning stupidly.
"don't ever change anything about you. you are perfect."
this took forever. also tysm for 160 followers !! i feel so lucky :) i also had a crisis halfway through writing this and kept spelling his name joeseph?
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totheseok · 9 days
uh oh?
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synopsis: what happens when the daughter of the CEO of a major film company and the son of the president of a successful food company move in next door?
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episode 2: cats holding banners
last episode ▪︎ next episode
word count: 924
(italic writing is yn's thoughts)
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Taboba had been y/n's absolute favourite boba shop in Seoul, she first discovered it while she was studying abroad. Upon returning home she found out there was ONE outlet in Seoul, which was conveniently just a 10 minute drive from her parents house. But, they were closing down and she was moving to a different part of Seoul, half an hour away from the shop.
Growing up as the daughter of a big-shot movie producer, she was privileged enough to live in one of the expensive neighbourhoods of Seoul, in a big house over-looking the Han river. And though it was true that she was to eventually take over the company her parents wanted her to pave her own way and make her own name in the industry. Granted her heritage would certainly give her a boost in popularity.
She decided one of the first steps to make her own way would be to move into her own space and live by herself. So with the help of friends and family she chose a penthouse apartment for herself in Gangam and bought it (cus wth is rent when ur rich). But thats all irrelevant right now because she's not moving there for another week. Right now what's important is that she just parked her car outside the new boba shop that opened near her new apartment.
It's a cute name even she cant deny that. She hopes with every atom of her body that the boba is good too. It was also owned by SeoulFoods, a company that sponsored most of SilverWoods' shows and movies, and also catered for their events.
The issue isn't bad boba, the issue is being as good as or topping taboba boba.
Stepping inside, the cafe looked like any other, it was simple, with mood lighting, wooden floors and comfy looking leather seats. Buy there was one recurring theme. Cats. It wasn't a cat cafe, yet, cute pictures of cats doing stupid things were hung up on the walls, the bookshelf was shaped like a cat, the little plant pots on the table were cats that looked like they had leaves growing out of their heads. Overall, a-lot of cats.
Y/N made her way to the counter and luckily didn't have to wait too long considering it was 11 AM and everyone was either at work or at school, no long lines. She greeted the barista and placed her order, payed for her drink and then chose a table by the window. Good for working and people watching.
Y/n's first mistake today was forgetting her laptop charger at home, but she was already on the highway when she realised and couldn't turn back even if she wanted. Now the question was if her laptop was already charged or if she would open it and it would die in the middle of her editing a scene.
79%. Not bad, good enough to edit at least one scene. She started opening the softwares she needed to work and got started.
Soon enough her drink arrived, paired with a slice of cheesecake. Wait... Cheesecake? YN hadn't ordered any. Her original plan had been to have her drink and order a sandwich if she got hungry a while into working.
Maybe I should ask the server. Luckily for her he was walking by after serving another order.
"Um, excuse me?" She called out.
"Yes, ma'am"
"Uh, I only ordered a drink, i was served cheesecake as well are you sure it isn't someone else's?"
"Ah, yes, it's on the house, our manager said there's a newcomer gift for today, and since it's your first time visiting Bobobble, you qualify for it!"
"Ohh, I see, well um thank you so much!"
"No, problem ma'am, enjoy your meal!"
Newcomer gifts huh? Lets hope this boba is also good because so far I'm liking this place.
YN reached for her cup of bubble tea and immediately noticed logo. A cat holding a banner that said bobobble. Omg cute pls be good i want to come back here.
Bringing the straw to her lips, she took and sip and...
"Holy shit" She whispered to herself.
Looks like bobobble just gained a new and very loyal customer.
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In the break room, a barista sat with their phone in front of them, voice recording app open.
"Dear diary, today the owners son Taesan came to overlook the store. He's a chill guy around my age but he's generally pretty quiet. Anyways, around 11 AM a girl walked in with her laptop bag and stuff, she ordered her drink and sat down then started working on whatever it was that she was working on, she was pretty nice but thats not the point
"the issue here is that when i was going to serve her drink, Taesan told me to take some cheesecake for her and tell her it was on the house as a welcome gift for her first time here. I didnt know we were doing one of those so it was news to me but i didn't question it.
"HOWEVER, later another girl came in and i had never seen her before so as i was taking a slice of free cheesecake out for her Taesan stopped me and said he changed his mind? so no more free cheesecake for new people? idk man. my guess is that he thought the other girl was cute. ig we'll just have to wait and see, anyways my break is ending so ill finish this at night when im home"
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a/n: pls tell me yall got the chenle reference w the "whats rent when ur rich"
and special thank you to @taesancore for reading it for me before i posted to help me figure stuff out.
taglist (open): @seungzzzz @thvvcut @ywnzn @livelaughlovetaesan @lovelyannoyingcher @blurryriki @xyxlyn @lovandr @lcvehee @sobun1est @roxasrana @loyalsunwoo @luv-y0urself @rosesfortaro @nujeskz @ryunjin0 @milkmilkmalk
bold couldn't be tagged 😔
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everywishway · 5 months
Kalina Playlist Deep-dive
Kinda wanted to do a playlist deep-dive about all my Fantasy High playlists. If you want any more, I have playlists for all the Bad Kids, both Voxes, and I'm working on a Cassandra Playlist. Starting off with my baby girl, Kalina
I picture this as Kalina describing the fall of the Unnamed Goddess into the Nightmare King. A goddess of dreaming and doubt till she lost her mind, and her persona. Turned her forest into this idealization of what the Nightmare King represents.
Kalina's persona is this person manipulating everything in the background and several steps ahead of everyone. Also how the Bad Kids originally assumed she stole the crown to control the Nightmare King and be in power.
Kalina's ideology is about taking control to bring back the Nightmare King by any means necessary. Not wanting people to look too closely into her.
It's like how Kalina always gives options when speaking to the Bad Kids, especially Riz. Also how each option and the tone get more threatening overtime. Also "They took a lesson from their fathers" connects to Riz and how she killed Pok.
The Mind Electric
I honestly don't remember why I added this? Vibes? Maybe it's another example of her trying to control Riz and the Bad Kids, taunting them and making them face their fears? Yeah, that's it, why not?
Achilles Come Down
Goes against my Kristen Playlist which has this same song. This is Kalina and Kristen deciding what Cassandra is going to be in FHSY. Kalina is the deeper voice and Kristen is the kinder one.
Kalina's loyalty to Cassandra and more religious imagery for her connection to Cassandra. Plus the line "Time capsule for the future, trust me that is what I'll be" is how she lives on for the Unnamed Goddess as the plague for her to live. Also "Oh the things that you do in the name of what you love, you were doomed but just enough" is her talking about how her goddess was doomed by her followers, the people who loved her. Also, the second section of the song says "Got a few more fake friends" showing her connections over the years she keeps at arm's distance like Pok Gukgak.
Child of Ashes
I picture this as Kalina singing to the Bad Kids, willing to show them mercy as long as they back off this case.
Hawk in the Night
I see this as her talking to Riz because she is still close to him. She's his godmother, she wants to see him grow strong but it's not the best advice.
You Stabbed Me in My Sleep
My Love is Sick
Kalina is literally a plague, what can I say? Just kidding, it's that and all the religious imagery. The loyalty to the person is like Kalina's loyalty to Cassandra in all her forms. Plus I love Madds Buckley so much. <3
Kalina's abilities appear and disappear, along with taunting the Bad Kids and messing with them on their journey. Her confidence, knowing they hate her and why right before the bridge. Plus during the Bridge where the artist says "Why don't you just leave me alone" I see Riz and other Bad Kids begging her to stop with this, stop messing with them.
It Took Me By Suprise
Her being is surprised that the BKs didn't back off, especially Riz after taunting him and seeing the anger in their eyes... thats it...
That Unwanted Animal
How I picture Kalina sees herself. She cares for Cassandra in every form and tries her best to take care of her. When the "Unnamed Goddess" sacrifices herself to be the Nightmare King, Kalina becomes the "Unwanted Animal".
Little Big Boy
Specifically for Fabian, when she makes him stab the Hangman and jump into the ocean.
Take Me To Church
Another song with religious notes to show her dedication to Cassandra and illness notes for her being a literal plague Sophomore Year.
the fruits
Another song with religious notes that I added for the vibes. Also, her being used to keep alive a goddess.
Allies or Enemies
Picked to show her relationship with the Bad Kids now in the present time. Also her new relationship with Cassandra as this new form.
Until It Doesn't Hurt
The pain of her being a plague and vibes.
If I Kill Someone For You
Another song is about Kalina sacrificing herself, and her identity to keep her Goddess alive, to bring her back. Sacrificing her livelihood, and her well-being to bring back the Nightmare King.
Everybody Wants To Rule The World
Final boss music and the end describes the battlefield of "Spring Break I Believe in You" where there is no light coming through the forest, the stairs and ruins where the battle is old and decrepit. "When they do I'll be right beside you, so glad we almost made it" is her speaking to herself/the Nightmare King as she brings them back to life.
Panic Room
Another song about the Nightmare King's Forest and how Kalina and the Nightmare King shaped the forest to have the deepest fears of the Bad Kids.
That's it! I hope yall had fun listening to me explain my thought process <3
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fisshindasea · 1 month
So with the 'Dad of the Year' headcanons with Barou and Rin. Can I request it but you get to pick the characters depending on this. Who'd be...
Overprotective: they're highkey intimidating the shit out of reader's crush and reader themselves. They look pissed off. The interrogation Reader is finna go through is crazy. Reader's siblings are scared for Reader.
Prince "Charming": who is immediately asking questions and even invites reader's crush inside for dinner. They look charming but damnit they're scary. Lowkey intimidating asf.
Sweetheart: this one is basically the "charming" one but they're not intimidating at all, in fact they're super nice and welcoming.
Teaser: the tease is never gonna let reader live this down. In fact, they invite reader's crush in just to fuck with reader. They're not gonna shut up about this and neither are Reader's siblings. Lowkey thought Reader would never find a significant other.
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— dads of the century —
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- this is a part two of some sorts to the first one.
- this is one of the longest ones ive written. in terms of months because this took so long bc of school.
- also im sorry that kunigami's part is the longest. he was my favorite thats my bad
- has the same premise as the last one basically.
- dad!multiple characters x gn!reader
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Overprotective: Kunigami Rensuke
- the kind of dad who isn't exactly strict but he tends to go.. a little overboard?
- like he's completely alright with you going out, shopping, going somewhere with friends. but the catch is you have to update him whenever you guys go somewhere different, your location should always be on, you have to send him pictures or videos as updates if typing might take too long, etc.
- he's only overprotective when he's not there. (obviously) but it really also just depends on what you're doing. if it's a situation you've been in a lot, let's day shopping for books, going to the mall with or without your siblings, if he's able to trust you in these scenarios then he'll hold back a little bit.
- but on times where you're just really far away with friends, or you're hanging out with a group of people he's not completely familiar with, you'll definitely have to comply with his rules and stuff.
- he's only like this because he cares a lot about you and your siblings.
- having significant others is a different story. he's a lot stricter with the rules, especially if its like a new person who's been dating you for like half a year.
- his rules tend to be from a scale of "you have to be taken home by 6 pm" to "you can't hold hands because I'm not convinced they wash their hands". it's lowkey ridiculous sometimes but he does try to be less overbearing.
- the scolding when he finds out about your s/o tho is... scarier?
- i don't think he usually notices how scary he can be, but the moment you stepped inside the house he turned on the intimidation factor off the roof.
- he had his arms crossed, the brows were furrowed, he was looking at you like you just committed the most offensive crime possible in human history.
- you got grounded uhm... he wasn't happy. not because you have a s/o, but purely because you kept it from him.
- he acts like he hates your s/o too but genuinely though, he's happy that you've found someone that makes you feel special.
- you're still grounded for a month though, couldn't go on dates until then.
- amidst the strictness, he does genuinely try to get along with your significant other and is content knowing that you have someone to look after you, especially at times where he's too far away to physically look out for you.
Prince Charming: Chigiri Hyoma
- chigiri... isn't exactly like sweet looking per se? but his demeanor is definitely comforting in a way, because of how charming he is.
- so a lot of the time your friends are comfortable in your family especially because of how chigiri's demeanor is. but they do know not to get on his bad side yk.
- the s/o situation is... a big contrast in a sense.
- bc chigiri is still charming, invites them inside to eat yk. asks questions about how they're treating you, and if they promise to take care of you. yk normal stuff.
- unfortunately he's the type to intimidate your partner the moment you turn your back.
- he glares and starts threatening your s/o that if they ever hurt you, he'd be less than impressed and happy after all the promises they've given chigiri about treating you right.
- your s/o is lowkey traumatized bc how does a man, so charming and pretty, also be one of the scariest people they've ever encountered.
- honestly you're not surprised. you've seen your father use his charm for things less than... righteous. (he's used his charm and his pretty face to bargain for prices in the market too many times. it is a must, people)
- all in all though, i see chigiri as the type to take a very long time to adjust to your s/o, and over time, he tries to let loose a little more and slowly understand that someone else is bound to find you worth taking care of just like he does.
Sweetheart: Isagi Yoichi
- man does no wrong. he's on board with your s/o, and is loving the fact that you have someone to take care of you whenever he's away.
- is a genuine sweetheart. i would say that he's the opposite of chigiri where hes the sweet but is actually intimidating type, whereas isagi is the intimidating at first type but is actually just a super sweet dad.
- he's used to a lot of people liking you, and he's upset the moment he finds out that they've hurt you, so he has some trust issues about this s/o.
- this definitely showed the moment he found out you had an s/o you hadn't told him about yet.
- the moment he finds out about your s/o, he's the type to shed a tear. and you don't know how to feel because your dad is... crying??
- he'd tell you that he's happy, and that he wants to meet your s/o as quick as possible.
- he tries to make your s/o feel as welcome as possible, and he makes sure that they know that they're always welcome in the house.
- acts like a second father to your s/o. sometimes you feel like you're the s/o coming to meet the father of the person you love so dearly bc why does this man already call your s/o (son/daughter) the second time they come to the house.
- isagi just adores you both as well, like he takes you both on trips and stuff but sometimes he wishes he wasn't there bc why does he feel like a third wheel everytime.
- does not hesitate to help either of you out for dates. you have a suprise? he's on it, he's hands on, making sure that whatever you're doing doesn't get out to the other person.
Teaser: Meguru Bachira
- dare i say he's the most annoying one out of the four?
- this man finds one detail about your relationship and he acts like over reacting classmates when someone has a crush.
- he does not shut up im so sorry, but he as much as possible vowed that he'll tease you in exchange for the fact that you kept your s/o a secret for a year.
- he also lowkey got your siblings to work with him. ever since your first crush, they've all banded together to find the person you liked and somehow always manages to invite them for dinner?
- but back to the present, when he found out about the s/o he asked very calmly "so how long?"
-"a year.."
- whips his head to look at you, eyes wide, mouth frowning open.
- the definition of D:
- to be fair he had an idea, but he trusted you'd tell him at the right time.
- he did not expect the right time to be one year into the relationship.
- and so, he promises to himself that he'll tease and embarrass you both as often, and as much as he can on a daily basis. mostly you though.
- everyday without fail he teases you about your pet names for each other.
- you could say your s/o's name and he'd pop in from the other room going "don't you mean (insert pet name here)"
- you'd tell him to stfu if he wasn't your father
- so instead, you just respectfully stare at him while he laughs until he stops
- expect it to happen again the same day
- sometimes he even talks about it with his team, and when you met some of his friends they're like "so how's your s/o? do they still call you (pet name here)?"
- because your dad somehow bribed them into joining the teasing.
- but honestly he's happy for you, he just shows his affection for you both that way and he has no qualms about you dating.
- except maybe if he finds you crying about your s/o. let's hope it does not come to that.
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hanasnx · 9 months
Hi Bittyyyyyy :D !!!! Your Han stuff has been killing me I love the way you write him, I think you get his energy down pat, a big ol' meanie who lovesss his pretty little girl EEEE. When I picture Han, it's always sitting in his lap, like he's just so large, takes up so much space, chronic man-spreadder, I've gotta be in his fucking lap kissing him all over or talking his ear off, or listening to him tell stories about his past adventures, literally anything. The thought of being in his lap drives me fucking crazy. You know me and my love of dirty talk, what kind of dirty talk do you think gets him going? What does he like to hear? -donnie
thank you for your compliments :) the reassurance is appreciated bcos like i said, i am an anakin blog. so han's voice is something i have to switch into and take time to embody before i can sit down and focus on writing for him. he rly is a big ol meanie who loves his pretty little girl <3
calling him a "chronic man-spreader" is so real. thats the only way he sits. sometimes he rests his ankle on his knee, but that's still spread. it's only cos he wants to rest his hand somewhere on his calf and his elbow on the back of his chair. a real open stance, for a real confident man.
the idea of you sitting in his lap, this large ass man (who "takes up so much space" as you said 😵‍💫) while you listen oh-so-intently. big eyes looking up at him while he tells you his stories, absentmindedly stroking your head and down your hair, sending you those tingles right up your neck. his fingers catch on the last bits of your hair, closing in on them as his fingertips brush your back. then he starts all over again, big hand palming the top of your head only to slide down.
he'd tell his exciting stories so nonchalantly. as if they're uninteresting now that he's lived them through, but they still have that punch to them to you.
the kind of dirty talk that he likes is actually pretty basic. if you're able to admit to him that you "want" him or "need" him, putting him in that position of power over you, he really likes that. sometimes it works, and he's wants to get going, all because you gave him a green light. but other times, he needs a little more. sacrifice yourself on the altar of humiliation. beg a bit. tell him you can't take another step without his help, his cock, be dramatic with it. be so exaggerated and hyperbolic all so he can say, "okay, okay," roll his eyes, "i get it, sweets. where do you want me?" making a big show of finally being worn down so he can suit your needs. he, himself, doesn't like to feel too desperate, so it's satisfying to see someone else do it. makes him feel desired, necessary. pride's important to him, so show him you don't care about your own.
if you talk a big game about exhibitionism he digs that. tell him you want him to fuck you in front of all these guys at the cantina. right on the bar. he'll say no, but he likes the idea. the fact you're willing to show your most sacred parts to strangers, all for him. all to prove you're willing for him. "c'mon, han. you know you want to. i want to. i know how much you like to show off. brag about me. boast about this pretty cunt by fucking it in front of everyone. that'll show 'em."
that'll most definitely earn you a: "get your little ass back on the falcon."
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naraanges · 9 months
Royalty Nights (Chapter one)
Warnings: She/her pronouns, Language, Violence, Fluff. Will add more warnings as needed.
Summary: You were now taken in by the knights of the kingdom, having no clue what for but what you did know is that you needed to go home. You had a family to take care of. Thinking it would be something maybe simple until you are thrown into a room with the prince, hearing his new rules for your forced future.
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The sound of the tall doors slamming shut made you flinch, though the grip on the guards did not change. Darkness taking over fully as the doors closed before a bright light flashed on, one of the knights hitting the switch to it. A big and expensive looking chandelier lighting up the room, a red circle rug covering the middle of the floor. A mix of gold and tan within the room, pictures of the royal family covering the walls. The room itself looked like it was the size of your home, it sent a chill down your spine thinking about how lucky they had it. Steps were leading up to a big throne with red cushions, focusing your attention on someone sitting on the throne, one leg crossed over the other. The prince.
It was your first time seeing him in person, especially this close, well seeing any of the royal family so closely. Why did he need to speak with you of all people? A nod of the prince's head made the knights movement continue once more, bringing you to the start of the steps that led to the throne. They dropped you onto the floor, your knees hitting the marble tile under the red rug making you wince slightly to the pain. They couldn't have dropped you a few inches back so you could have landed on the carpet at least?
Bringing your attention up to the prince in front of you, his look made more chills run down your spine. A cold and stern look spread across his face, dirty blonde but almost a brown tint in his hair that was close to covering his left eye. His eyes showed both tired yet annoyance, his hand was resting under his chin without a single word still coming from his mouth. Just his crystal blue eyes staring down at you. Though you would not be saying anything first, its the prince whos in front of you of all people. Your hands rested in your lap as you stayed sitting on your knees after being dropped, the pain still slightly there from before, the cold marble tile soothing it the stinging.
"Well? Aren't you going to say anything?" His tone of voice deep, catching you off guard as he suddenly spoke, but afraid to defy the prince you went to speak before being cut off by him. "Of course not, you are one of those people.." What was that supposed to mean? Does he expect a peasant to willingly speak to royalty as if they were on the same level? Or was he picking at the fact she is a peasant.
The prince's attention turned towards the knights who stood at the tall doors once more, giving them one more nod. Turning your head from the prince to the knights, you turned in time to see the big doors opening then slamming shut after they had exited. The bang echoing through the room before bringing your attention back to the prince. Now he was standing up from this throne, crystal blue eyes still looking down on you and hands crossed over his chest. The look still not changing from before.
"Im going to assume you have no clue for why you are here?"
You shook your head slowly, not breaking eye contact with the prince.
His words made your eyes widen. Wife? Was he meaning you would be his wife? A peasant? Why would a prince marry a peasant, especially you of anyone. Going to speak and question his words before he once more cut you off.
"Thats a shock, my parents make things very obvious when there's an argument here. Your town people seemed very on edge by the arguing." His brow raised with a raise of the corner of his mouth, a small smirk onto his face. "Unless you do know and which you would be lying to me." One more shake of your head before he had scoffed, also shaking his head but in disappointment. You knew the royals were fighting, but why would that cause them to bring you here? What did you have to do with this?
"It seems like I will be having a quiet wife."
"Since you somehow haven't heard, I am supposed to be married by now. Thats what my parents want from me at least, though they wanted me to marry a princess from another kingdom. I cant stand them." His tone seemed annoyed, not at you though but at this situation. "I wanted a wife yes, but not some petty, spoiled ass princess-" Cutting himself off before saying anything else, he shook his head while a hand brushed some strands of hair from his face. Looking back at you once more. "Anyways, you will be my next bride. I wanted a bit of a change"
The smirk growing bigger on his face as he took in your apperance, stepping down from where the throne sat. Your eyes still widened at the words he spoke, watching him step down the few remaining steps until hes at your floor level.
"W-what do you mean, sir?" You questioned out finally, a soft and quiet tone since you were speaking to the prince of all people. He stood a few feet in front of you, eyes having the same look as before with the smirk plastered onto his face. "I-i dont think i understand.."
"What do you mean you dont understand? Do you have an issue that makes it to where you cant process simple situations?" The prince's tone now sounding annoyed as he rolled his eyes. "I got myself a dumb bride, just my luck." His words hurt more than you expected, though you couldnt understand why he had wanted you to be his bride, now he has called you stupid to your face. "You will marry me as my bride, we will have a wedding to announce that to other kingdoms which will make me a king, then you'll be my wife until death." When he spoke his tone sounded as if this has happened more than once in his life. You were forced in this situation, by the sound of it you had no choice to disagree. Though if you did you were afraid of how he would act, the prince is known for having anger issues. "So? Say something will you?"
"I-im sorry sir.. i just dont understand why me? You are roy-"
"God, i know what you are obviously. You are a peasant and im a prince. You wont have that title for much longer so its not an issue anymore." He cut you off again with a snappy tone as he bent down to your level. Being so close to him made your body tremble after a third chill ran down your spine. Afraid that you had upset the prince with questions, you didnt speak again especially now that hes a foot away from your face. His eyes were staring into your soul as he looked at your features, from your eyes to your knees. A small chuckle slipping from his lips due to the fact you were on your knees for the prince. Obviously not in that way, but he found it amusing. Without any words he stood up and walked past you, heading to the large doors. As if the knights could read minds, they opened the doors once more and stepped in. The prince in front of them and his back faced towards you.
Did you upset the prince? Was he already tired of you? He had to have changed his mind now right? All these thoughts were going through your head as no words were exchanged after he cut you off, hands trembling as any and every thought ran through your mind. Overthinking being cut off hearing his voice again.
"Take her."
The grip on your arm from the knights hands were back to being painful, pulled up from the cold marbled floor and into the air. Squirming once more though nothing changed from before, they were not budging. As if you were going through the same longest minutes of your life from earlier, two guards had their tight grip on you as the third one led the way. Walking out of the large throne room and down the hallway, thoughts coming back and running through your head.
"W-where are you taking me?!" Obviously no reply, they didnt speak nor pay any attention to your words. As if you didnt exist and that was nothing new.
A few minutes pasted that felt like hours of your head panicking, they led you to another large door but it wasnt as large as the one before. Bigger than any in your town. The knight leading the way had opened the door, also not as loud as the one before as the two knights plus you walked in. Their grips not loosening once in the room until they stepped towards the large, king sized bed in the room. You had no chance of looking around before they threw you onto the bed.
A yelp slipped from your lips at the contact from being thrown, as if you were a sack of potatos. Hitting the bed was soft, a lot softer then when your knees hit the marble floor of the throne room. At least you were in a bedroom rather than a dungeon like your overthinking made you believe youd be heading. You looked up at the knights to find them still standing there, without a minute to process one of them reached over to grab your wrists tightly. Struggling against the grip but again, it didnt do much as they put your arms behind your back, the second knight grabbing a thing of rope from his pocket and tying a tight knot around your wrists. Unable to move them at all as your breath picked up, starting to panic.
Why were they doing this? Did they think you would run? You wouldnt, you were too afraid. Its the prince, you wouldnt run and risk your life due to his anger. Panicking more as the knight once more grabbed your ankles pulling them close to him. You started kicking at them but they still had their grip, spite you attempting to kick. The second knight who tied your wrists behind your back grabbed a second thing of rope and tied your ankles together, tightly. Kicking didnt do much as they forcefully dropped your ankles once they were tied. No words or not even a second more they walked off from the bed and walked out of the room, the third knight who opened the door following behind them.
Another loud bang as the door closed though not as loudly as the echo of it in the throne room. Two loud locks were heard from outside the room. You were now tied up and locked inside a random, dimly lit room.
What did they want from you now?
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ivanzplaid · 2 years
Can i request Vance Hopper x male reader, where shortly after Vance got taken the reader just won't stop looking for Vance, like he desperately tries to find him. And like the Grabber bumps into the reader and notices how desperately he's looking for Vance, so he helps the reader find him, (if you know what I mean). But like they escape.
Soo angst to fluff I think?
Please and thank you
this is so detailed and well thought out i had to do it, im currently having a bucket full of requests i have yet to do so im deciding to sit down and do them since i hate seeing them collect dust, and yours was just so intricate i had to 🫶 wrote this late in the night so im sorry if its awk💔💔
reblogs & comments are much preferred and welcomed!! thanks
also, happy 500 followers!! :)
requests are open, masterlist is up!
Summary: Your boyfriend has gone missing, and you found yourself hanging flyers to spread awareness. A peculiar man catches sight of it and decides to help you find just where Vance is.
Vance Hopper x Male Reader
Warnings: Slight Angst-Lots of Fluff, The Grabber, Abducted Vance & Reader, Wound Mentioning, Not proofread, Happy Boyfriends!
The rain around you lashed at your exposed skin, your cheeks becoming redder the more they were beat, but your raincoat had covered most everything else. The papers you held tightly in your hands suffered the most, becoming damper as you stapled one to a phone pole, taking a step back to see if it was still good.
Your love stared back at you, an angry look positioned on his face that made you smile lightly, they used Vance's damn jail shots for his Missing posters, it was bittersweet looking back on it, a few nights in the county jail would still have a chance of being salvaged, rather than what most thought of his current fate. It had only been a week and a half since Vance's abduction, and the town was speaking in crude whispers, out of earshot of you. They assured you that he was a fighter, and you couldn't decipher if they were mocking you or aiding you, but to you, their assumptions didn't matter, you knew your boyfriend was still alive, he was tough, but he wasn't a complete idiot.
Staring at the poster, zoning out at the little details you longed to have in your hands again, his golden hair and his aged skin, his rugged eyes and the stupid jackets he would wear, no matter how hot or cold it may be. He was everything you loved. He was Vance Hopper was durable from all his fights & arguments, running from the police and thats the name they knew to shout out to catch him, yet when he held you in an exhausted embrace on his bed, ready to pass out seeing your head positioned comfortably on his stomach, he was just Vance. Of course, that Vance was no longer present in your life, taken away in an instant, and even after a traumatic event, still being cursed by his old name, his determined personality, like the fate they murmured about was the fate they wished to see.
"He must be special to you, huh? Only someone who has a connection can examine a grainy picture and have big emotions behind such eyes."
Pulling you back from your thoughts was a mans voice, it was light and airy, but it wasn't natural, something about its tone was to obscure to list.
Your head tilted slightly, and your eyes met with a tall man, whos head was already staring at you. He gave you a little finger wave before letting out a sigh, examining you as you did to him. Your eyes first were attracted to his abnormally white face, and you knew it was painted that way, but given the rainy day situation it was odd, odd even for you. It sent slight red flags your way, the way he hid his face, but you chalked it up to a concerned neighbor who saw you just staring blankly at a phone pole, concern was nothing to be hostile about, so you offered him a slight smile and some information you thought was harmless.
"Yeah, he meant a lot to me. Thought it would be of service to hang these up in his name, I'd do anything to see him again."
The mans face was lifted until your last sentence, which caused it to falter at the ends, the smile becoming hardened instead of natural, like the man was in his mind, thinking of whatever it may be. As the rain began to lighten, forming a drizzle now, your mind wanders to how it could be even more efficient to hanging the posters now that they had less of a chance if being mauled by the droplets, but as you went to excuse yourself, he cut in.
"Such-a young man like you shouldn't be out in this grueling weather, dont you think? Why don't I have you over so you can dry off, my brother is home and he has his little theories of his own, maybe it'll help!"
You caught on to the way he spoke, belittling his brother and not giving you a chance to answer, but he was right, the warm house gives the posters time to dry and you a break. This man was a stranger, but a thoughtful one in your eyes, so small 'sure' accompanied you as you followed him to wherever he was taking you, alarm bells not yet ringing, or maybe you were too deaf to hear them.
As your feet reached the doormat of your older friend's house, you politely wiped them off before stepping in, serving courtesy as a house guest. You were set up at a small table in the kitchen, and as you imagined it was warm, just to your taste. It got your mind off Vance for the moment, before the man brought out tea, pushing a cup in your direction and sitting across from you with his own cup.
He must've caught your eyes lingering in the drink, he spoke up soon after,
"Oh, it's just basic tea, something to warm you after the harsh outside. You mentioned being close to the boy on the poster, but I never got your name?"
Taking a rather large sip from the cup, you diverged into the conversation. A kind houseguest is a cared-for house guest.
"I'm sorry about that, my mind has just been weird. I'm Y/N, pleasure to meet you sir."
A smile was shot in your direction, pleased at your answer. The more you talked, about Vance, about you, the more you drank, until the moment your lips met the cup, finding nothing. An unusually heavy sigh came from you as you tried to look up, finding the sink to out your dishes away, but moving your eyes caused you vision to blur drastically, the room becoming undefined shapes and colors. Every moment you blinked, your eyelids became harder to open once more, and your breathing was slowed like you were in a hard sleep. A hand held your forehead as you tried to speak to the man, to ask for help, to call the police, but your words were slurred entirely, making strings of words that didn't exist.
Before your vision blacked out entirely, the man held your head up, bringing himself to you just so you could hear him, see his smiling face, satisfied with his work.
"Nighty Night, you'll be right where you asked to be soon enough."
Becoming conscious didn't mean you had your vision or feeling in your body back, and you discovered this when you heard an all too familiar voice repeating your name, and gruff hands shaking your body in an attempt to wake you.
Minutes may have passed by before you opened your eyes and displayed you were awake, the world greeting you with blurred shapes and colors once again, but it soon dissipated as you were grasped into a tight hug, a boys nose placed quickly on your neck, with the feel of tears hitting your shoulder. Even before your hearing fully came back, you knew just who it was. The hug was a memory you'd been longing for, and the sensation of small kisses being made on your neck was something you'd been treated to, only with Vance.
You could tell he was calling your name, muttering his own blessings that you were granted here. Looking at him was unreal, the small gentle breaths that hit your face as he held you all so close, being afraid to let go like he'd be taken away again.
Vance was all too grateful to have you here, to have you with him, but after you regained your senses and examined the room, reality hit you hastily, and Vance's arms were the only place you felt safe in.
"I missed you, so, so much. I never stopped looking for you, y'know."
His smile flashed at you, and you were lost in recognizing the way his face contorts to your voice, how he let you see his natural feeling without the protective barrier he always puts out.
"Bet the whole town's fuckin' crying that I'm not there, huh?"
He thought of humor as a remedy, it eased your nerves as you thought about what happened, the recollection of memories you had were scarce, it hurt to even think about it. As your body relaxed into his, you noticed the musky mattress you two were propped up on, and taking in a closer look, the surroundings themself were dull, the bare necessities being given, as well as a black phone to the side, most likely unusable.
"Have you been down here, for your whole time?"
It came out trembly, you didn't want to offend him somehow, but your boyfriend sighed into your hair and spoke, the tone of defeat recognizable.
"Yeah, don't have a lot goin on for me, but I do have a little discovery I can finally show someone. He sometimes comes down here, gives me these shitty eggs and a still soda, you should've seen the first time he got me em', it's like he can't fucking cook dude, it was awful!"
You two laughed together, basking in each others presence that you were restricted of. But your mind traced back to what he said earlier.
"Is there something useful you found? You said that he does checkups, so could we use your finding as a distraction?"
Tilting your head backwards, you caught his eyebrows raised, thinking through the situation and your idea. You saw his eyes lighten as they met yours, a stupid grin on his face.
"Why not? Nothing left to lose, right?"
That night crossed into day, with you and Vance getting the lightest amount of sleep from the plan you two had made. Vance confirmed with you the walls were soundproof, his first day was dedicated to noise & pissing the man off, which never worked. Something Vance had also found out in his next days vacationing here was a weakspot in the wall, a place he's been slowly chipping at, making a hole overtime.
A routine had been in place, with the man coming in for the mornings to deliver food, then staying for a few minutes before leaving, he would repeat this at lunch, but it was uncertain he would stay out until dinner, sometimes as Vance described, he would come in to talk, or give you taunting newspaper updates. With this schedule in mind, you two devised that the scheme would take place at lunch, giving him the false tense that you two would behave in the beginning, for the mornings would be where he's most tense.
The more you two talked nervously in hushed tones, the faster time passed, and soon came in breakfast, a shared tray, showcased with eggs & the infamous soda.
The man came in and dropped them infront of you, and paused, looking down at the two of you huddled together, a protective arm slung over your shoulder.
"You two truly are peas in a pod, eat up!"
His voice mocked you, the way he looked down at you made it clear that he was suspicious, but the despicable smiling devil mask gave you no insight to how he was really looking. He nodded to you, a silent goodbye before turning on his heels and exiting through the metal door.
After he left, you both subconsciously knew you had hours before he would come back, so you ate what he served, and began to set the game up.
The sun rested in the middle of the sky, or atleast thats as far as you could tell through the metal lined window, if you could call it that. From what Vance had told you, the man should walk through the door within minutes. Vance was set up in his holding place, the wall that was previously chipped at, now fully broken, and you sat on the bed with the toilet cover behind you, out of sight from anyone who didn't know it was missing. The only sounds being made were the heavy breathing of you and him, anticipating the only chance you'd have of actually living, walking outside, escaping the grimy basement of your kidnapper who was all too happy at the idea of killing.
A creak from the door locks undoing themselves alerted you, and a hitch in Vances breath could be heard.
As far as the man knew, this was the usual encounter, so as he stepped through the door and saw only you welcoming him, he straightened his posture, gazing around the room slightly. Turning his head to the left, a low growl came from him when he saw the destruction, with Vance in the middle of it.
The agreement that Vance would be the one to be the main target was his decision, claiming that he was stronger than you, so he should be in charge if that. With minor resistance he prepped himself, claiming he was the toughest kid there was. That was just it, he was a kid, going against a much older man who when provoked, could easily become murderous, and thats just what you saw.
"Oh you're really not as smart as I thought you were."
With that, he took haste strides over to Vance, and before giving him a chance to strike, his veiny hands gripped Vance's neck & began choking him harshly. You could hear the strained breathing, choked mutters of your name along with whines of pain. Vance had never been so outmuscled before, any chance he'd participated in had given him the slightest of fairness, but this wasn't a fight, it was about to turn to a murder. You hear flailing arms and pathetic kicks against the concrete, like a dying animal who was being put down.
Snapping out of your trance, you were brought back to reality. You saw the back of the older mans head, he was too focused on Vance, assured that you were too weak by yourself to do any real damage that he didn't bother with you. Easing yourself up, your hands were wrapped around the weighted lid, feeling almost too heavy, if it weren't for you hearing your boyfriends possible dying breaths. Treading over the cement, you waged the lid and slammed it down with your weight, no cracks appearing on the lid, but a sickening crunch, along with liquid squelching came to your ears. The man infront of you turned around slowly, his eyes trained on you as he went to reach out, but due to his most likely shifting vision, he tripped on his feet, falling towards you in an attempt to grab you, inflict pain upon you, to release the rage that he felt, but all he did was fall to the ground, blood oozing from the wound, and body still.
Your chest lifted up and down swiftly, your breathing reflecting how panicked you felt, and you were immediately reminded as to why when you hear wheezing a few feet away from you. Pulling your gaze away from the ground, you witnessed Vance, hands on his knees with scratch marks reddening his neck, littered everywhere displaying his struggle for life.
You hopped over the unconscious body to Vance and propped him up in your arms, leading him across the tiled floor to the upstairs, ready to retrieve help, where his gaze caught your work.
"Damn, gave him hell?"
"All in your name, sweets."
this is a little long, so reblogs & comments are much welcomed rather to likes, but thank you for this request and any interaction!!
requests are open, masterlist is up!
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eddiesbigolepp · 2 years
let me help you
synopsis: cheerleading practice was taking a toll on you, and when eddie picks you up he notices how spent you are.
pairing: eddie munson x cheerleader!reader
warnings: 18+, smut, crude language, swearing, touchy eddie, perv!eddie, unprotected sex
word count: 3484
a/n: this reminds me of like bring it on where the boy cheerleaders help the girl cheerleaders stretch and they’re madddd close
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the groan you let out when you finally make it to eddie’s van is loud. and the slam of the door rattled the car, pulling him out of his jam session. he looks over at you, turning the music down with a sympathetic smile. he places his hand on your thigh, “everything alright, sweetheart?” he questions rubbing circles into your knee.
“just tired, and my legs are killing me,” you mumble turning in your seat to face him better. you get comfortable, almost as if your laying on the seat. “can we just… go to your place?” you ask looking over at him.
“yeah, yeah for sure.” he answers, squeezing your thigh once more before pulling his hand away to put the van into drive. he drives cautiously, scared that every bump will make your legs hurt that much more. the music is kept quiet and he can see you from the corner of your eye looking at him.
“what is it? you like my face or something, honey?” he laughs, his eyes flashing over at you quickly as he takes his turn.
“i’ve just never seen you drive like this. you’re so concentrated.” you giggle, “i won’t break if you go over twenty-five miles per hour.” you joke and smile up at him.
“you will,” he frowns looking over at you and squeezing your thigh one more time, “now sit tight were almost there,” he smiles turning the corner onto the long street that leads to the trailer park.
the moment he puts the van in park in front if his trailer you open the door and step out to stretch. he watches you from his seat and sighs. “is there anything i can do to help?” he asks as he pulls the keys out of the ignition.
“let me borrow some clothes so i can shower?” you ask turning your torso to face him with a big smile. “pleaseeee,” you add batting your lashes as he hops out and walks around to your door.
“come on, lets go get you a towel,” he smiles grabbing your bags and leading the way. your face is all smiles until you start walking and he notices quickly. “i’ll go turn the water on, you pick whatever shirt you want, and i think i might have some of your underwear somewhere,” he says muttering the last part and scratching his neck.
you slap his arm and laugh, waiting for him to unlock the door so you can finally try and relax. he walks inside, holding the door open for you. you beeline straight to his room to look for a shirt. you rummage through his drawers looking for a specific one before standing up and looking around the room.
your eyes freeze on the wall behind his bed. the ‘normal’ stuff is on there, posters, pictures, the handcuffs. but something black is hanging next to the cuffs.
you walk over, and eventually crawl your way over. you pull the piece of fabric off the nail in the wall and hold it up. your face goes bright red as he walks through the door to check up on you.
he had your panties hanging on the wall, like a damn trophy. “heheh.. i thought they were cute,” he chuckles grabbing them to try and hide them.
“i lost those like three weeks ago! you can’t just take them because you think they’re cute,” you frown and he comes over to press his hand to your face.
“but theyre so cute and they’re your only black ones its only right that they stay here.” he jokes holding them up with his finger.
“but i think theyre cute, thats why i bought them,” you answer trying to snatch them back. he pulls his hand away and heads to his drawer. he grabs the metallica shirt you were looking for and another pair of your underwear, pink ones and smiles.
“theres a towel in the bathroom and the water is hot so go shower and stop running up my water bill,” he laughs turning your body around and pushing you out the door. “i’ll be in here when you’re done.” he smiles flopping onto the bed, not before hanging up his trophy again.
you shower quickly, it was mainly you standing under the hot stream of water trying to warm up your muscles hut it was no use. once you stepped out you felt worse than before.
he noticed once you walked through the door. usually you’d bring your uniform neatly folded and would place it in your gym bag. but it was all crumpled in your hand and you tossed it on your bag and went straight to the bed.
“didnt help, huh?” he says opening his arm for you to lay on his chest.
“not at all, coach is driving me crazy with all these drills, we need to focus in technique not stamina, he’s too worried about what his wife is making for dinner to realize that.” you complain and nestle into his neck.
“let me help you doll,” he says and you shake your head. “come on don’t t be like that, this isn’t something your can sleep off.” he says again and you sigh.
“i don’t know how you could help though,” you frown up at him.
“i mean, doesn’t stretching help with soreness. heard that in health class once.” he says, looking down at you. when you look up at him he swears he can feel your pain through your eyes.
“thats not a bad idea..” you mumble and you sit up. “come here,” you say pointing in front of you.
“okay what do i do?” he questions crawling to that spot and sitting on his knees.
“im gonna do a spilt on the bed, just push my back down, okay?” you explain and he nods with a smile. when you spread your legs and push your body flush with the bed his shirt rides up and he can see your pretty pink panties. he sighs, knowing he shouldn’t be thinking like that when you’re in so much pain but its such a great view.
“push harder i cant even feel it eddie,” you say, muffled voice pulling him out of his daze and he pushes down a little more.
“sorry, princess. this better?” he says, consistently pushing down on your shoulder blades.
“mhmmm,” you mumble, followed by groan as you feel the strain in your thighs. “okok, lets do a different stretch.” you say sitting up and moving him over to the side. you lay down in your back and stretch a little, pushing your hands up toward the wall and he watched you, curiously and patiently. he also watches how your shirt rides up a little showing your panties again.
“okay, im going to lift my leg and your going to put it on your shoulder and push it down toward my chest, got it?” you explain again, and he nods, swallowing slowly as you lift your leg in the air. he slots himself between your legs and leans over, using his body weight to help you stretch out.
“well hello there,” he chuckles at your proximity and you turn your face away, blush dusting your cheeks. “what? you act like we’ve never been in this position anymore.” he chuckles grabbing your face and turning it back. “is it helping?” he questions.
“yes a little, i think we’d have to do this for a while for it to help,” you sigh.
“i can help you stretch everyday babe, my new pastime, forget hellfire club,” he jokes and you roll your eyes at him.
“switch legs, baby” you mumble. as he pushes off of you, you let your leg fall down his chest slowly to his thigh and you can see his face heat up quickly before he lifts your left leg over his shoulder and leans down again.
“you’re gonna be the death of me, doll face.” he grumbles into your ear and nips at it after.
“eddie stop it,” you whine as he starts kissing your neck.
“what? im just taking my payment in advance,” he chuckles kissing your neck again. hes pushing your leg deeper and you can feel the contours of his crotch against yours. you can feel yourself flutter against him as he presses open mouthed kisses again your throat.
“okay, okay, eddie,” you start, but you’re cut off by your own groan. “eddie lets switch stretches, im gonna cramp up,” you make up some lame excuse and pull his face away by his hair. his hips jut forward quickly when he feels the sting and he pulls back slightly.
“alright alright were switching,” he says before smirking darkly and licking a stripe up your throat and pushing himself off of your body with a wink.
you’re frozen for a second, eyes closed but you know he’s looking you up and down, with your leg still rested on his shoulder you sigh and shove him back with your foot playfully.
“i’ve told you before violence is never the answer.” he says, faking a pained voice. “now whats the next stretch, babe?”
“don’t make this one weird, munson. were gonna do the same thing but with both legs…” you mumble, knowing that this might lead to something else. but who’s to say it won’t be a good time?
“i can’t make any promises, sweetheart,” he smirks pulling both your legs up onto his shoulders and looking down quickly. “definitely not with this view.”
“you dog!” you laugh grabbing a pillow from his bed a throwing it at him.
“hey! what am i meant to do when you tell me to get in this position, with your pretty little panties and in my shirt?” he says, trying to dodge the pillow to no avail.
“i don’t know help me feel better instead of thinking so dirty!” you giggle and pull him down by his face. “come here already,” you mumble pushing your hand through his hair and kissing his lips quickly. he leans in and reciprocates, already enamored by the situation.
“i love how bendy you are,” he mumbles, leaning back into kiss you.
“is that my one redeeming quality?” you quip holding his face back with your hands.
“among other things, yes. now let me kiss you,” he whines and pushes his face through your hands and presses your lips together.
“take off. your shirt, babe.” you mumble kisses interrupting your sentence.
“i thought you told me not to make it weird?” he smirks.
“i changed my mind,” you say bluntly. “what do you need help or something?” you say pushing him back and taking you legs off of his shoulders.
“i mean, if you’d be so kind.” he chuckles sitting back on his heels. you roll your eyes and and readjust yourself onto your knees and push his shirt up his torso and off his chest.
“have to do everything myself,” you mumble jokingly and roll your eyes. “im broken don’t you know?”
“im sorry, princess. let me help you then,” he grins darkly pulling you flush against his chest and kissing you sweetly. he lays you back down before unbuckling his belt and slipping it out of the loops.
you stare up at him, legs pressing up against each other as you watch him toss the belt behind him haphazardly and crawl over you. “here lets get this off of you,” he says tugging on shirt. he manages to wiggle you out of it and the smile that grows on his face its blinding.
“my girls!” he exclaims, leaning down to kiss your breasts and lays himself on them. “i think were done here,” he mumbles into your chest, ending his sentence with a peck.
“you were supposed to be helping me with my sore legs,” you frown bringing your hands up to comb through his hair.
“have to do everything myself,” he mumbles, mocking you with a laugh.
“you jerk!” you laugh back pushing him off of your body and starting to get up to look for your shirt.
he sits himself at the edge of the bed and turns you around to face him. your stood between his legs and he’s looking up at you sweetly. “don’t leave, i’ve still got to stretch you out,” he chuckles watching your face go bright pink at his analogy. he snaps the band of your panties against your hip. you squeal slightly and roll your eyes.
“whatever eddie,” you mumble and straddle his lap. “are you gonna stretch me out or what?”
“wow, sweet little cheerleader just wants her word rocked…” he trails off leaning back onto his hands, “its a good thing you’ve got someone who can help you out.” he smiles, laying back onto his elbows and admiring you. you watch his eyes trail down from your face, to your chest for a while, then your panty covered core. his eyes on you makes you squirm in his lap, and he feels you through his jeans.
you lean forward to kiss him and he lays back completely, one hand on your back, the other slowly creeping down to your ass. you giggle into the kiss and put your hands in his hair. “you know this is just like a butterfly stretch,” you mumble pulling back for a sec.
“is that what your thinking about at a time like this?” he questions and watches you laugh up a storm.
“maybe if you took your pants off,” you say pulling at the waistband of his pants with a cheeky smile.
“you’re such a sweet talker, you know that?” he says bring his hand up to stroke your face quickly. “help me out?” he questions, and you lift your body up to hover above his as he unbuttons his jeans and shives them down quickly.
“i want my world rocked? you’re the one walking around town with no boxers on.” you giggle looking down between your bodies. hes hard, super hard, already leaking and his tip is redder than your face.
“its laundry day!” he defends himself.
“yeah you’re such a good job doing your laundry right now,” you mumble, sitting straight into his member and smiling at him mischievously.
“the death of me, you’re gonna be the death of me,” he groans, kissing you harder than before and using his hands to press you against his chest firmly. you grind down on him, trying to get a rise out of him but he knows what he’s going to do to you.
“sit up,” he says and you follow directions quickly. he admires you for a moment, even if you wriggle in his lap to get a reaction out of him. he just holds your hips in his hands and rubs circles into them. “you’re gorgeous, truly.” he mumbles pushing himself up so he’s sitting with his chest flush against yours.
“too bad i’m gonna wreck you tonight.” he smirks lifting you off his lap and standing up in one fell swoop. he turns and lays you on the bed and spreads your legs wide. “you’re gonna be sore everywhere after this.” he chuckles darkly before peeling your panties off with his teeth.
the moan you let out is whiny and so high pitched and it makes his cock jump in excitement. he presses the soaked panties into his nose and watches you turn dark red, almost purple at the sight. “no need to be embarrassed sweetheart, just enjoying your sweet, sweet, smell.” he teases throwing the panties into his top drawer before focusing back on your cunt.
“missed this little thing,” he mumbles kissing around your core before diving in. he’s quick with his work, already lapping at the bundle of nerves that has your leg already shaking. and you cant handle it. him helping you stretch was like the ultimate tease.
you thought about having him help you stretch at practice, and having to wait a whole two hours until you could touch each other again. you groan when he starts using his fingers and reach for his hair. you were practically ready to explode over his face but he pulled away, already reading your tell take signs.
“you suck! why’d you do that?” you whine sitting up onto your elbows with a pout on your face.
“because,” he starts, pausing to lick his fingers and waive his face, “im supposed to be helping you stretch, remember?” he jokes pushing your body off the edge of the bed and lifting your right leg up and over his shoulder again.
he leans in to kiss you and you can feel his member prod at your entrance and he shudders. “gotta get in there,” he mumbles to himself and looks at you for confirmation. even when he was desperate he’d ask permission, sweet boy.
“come on, eddie, please hurry up im gonna die if you don’t stretch me out!” you exclaim, using your left leg to push his hips in closer.
“fuck-” he grunts feeling his cock rub between the folds of your core before using his hand to quickly stuff himself inside of you. “so warm, so goddamn tight-” he grumbles starting to pump him manhood inside.
the slow pace he started with started to escalate quickly and before you know it, he was jackhammering into you, desperate to get some relief after being egged on for so long.
“god eddie, you’re so-” you start to speak but you’re cut off by your own moan, the spongy part inside of you being abused. he smirks into your jaw, proud he found your sweet spot on such short notice. he starts to kiss and suck on your neck again, focused on leaving you a reminder for the morning.
“tell me what you want, princess.” he mumbles kissing the soot behind your ear. “come on, doll. moan into my ear and tell me what you need.” he says, pounding into you harder at the end of his sentence.
“ahh, i want you to- oh my god!” you cry out reaching above your head to grab at the sheets.
“no god, just me honey,” he chuckles.
“rub my clit, please eddie, rub my clit, you do it so good. pleasepleaseplease!” you beg, using your free hand to tug at his hair.
“as you wish,” he smiles, pulling his head back to kiss your lips and he reaches his hand down to rub against your bud. you moan right into his face and it makes him grunt and thrust harder. “come on, baby, cum on my cock, i know you want to.” he says grinding into you like it was his job.
“im gonn- im gonna cum for you,” you mutter grinding back onto his hand and his member for dear life.
“someones cockdrunk, i’ve corrupted you. my sweet little cheerleader girlfriend is crying on my cock.” he chuckles, thrusts getting wilder and more random as he starts to feel his climax come close. the moment you squeeze him in a vice grip, he’s coming undone.
“eddie- im cummi- so hard! im cummin-” you whine out in a broken sentence as he ruts into you.
“god i fucking love you,” he says with a final thrust that explodes out of him. he pulls out quickly letting his cum paint your stomach in long streaks.
you’re laid out on his bed, covered in his cum, eyes closed, mouth open panting, leg still hanging onto his shoulder, and hands still gripping the sheets for dear life. he looks down at your core, fluttering around nothing. and theres only one thing running through his head.
“i love you,” he smiles and watched your eyes open and face flush immediately. his smile widened and he leaved down to press a sweet kiss to your lips.
“i love you too, eddie. always.” you giggle holding his face in your hands. “maybe i’d love you a little kore if you cleaned me off so we can sleep.” you joke rubbing your thumb on his cheek.
“right!” he says shooting up and walking out the door, “be right back!” he calls out to you. you can hear him grab a couple things on his way back. “towels, water, and a snack!” he smiles walking back over to wipe you off.
“there, lets get you some clothes yeah?” he asks quietly.
“no, just come here.” you mumble pulling him onto the bed and rolling him onto hid back so you can lay on him. you pull the flat sheet over your bodies and sigh.
“still sore, huh?” he laughs quietly, rubbing your back slowly.
“yeah,” you frown and look up at him, “i guess you kept your word.” you joke and roll your eyes.
“id never lie to you, doll face,” he says pressing a kiss to your lips, “now sleep, i don’t know how you’re still functioning tight now,”
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junoswrlld · 10 months
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plus one
CHAP 8 — party time
summary: Kai, one of your closest friends, invites you as a plus one to one of his best friend's birthday party. but the bday boy is kinda cute…can you steal his heart?
warnings: alcohol and jealous yn i think thats it
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March 18th, 2023 aka party time
having never been to a party before it's only natural for you to stress out a little. if "a little" meant a lot that is. your especially nervous since you aren't exactly allowed to be going and It seems impossible to be going to your first real high school party in your senior year but here you are, contemplating what to wear. casual? formal? shit why didn't you ask if there is a dress code. too late now, casual it is! Sure, it's a safe choice, but you're only looking for one person's attention, so it shouldn't matter, right?
looking at yourself in the mirror, you wonder whether or not beomgyu will like your outfit. who am I kidding Of course he'll like it, he complimented your outfit the first time you hung out, and that was just your school uniform, so this should be okay.
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turning your phone off and throwing it in your bag so you can be out of the door as fast as you can, you run down the stairs to the front door, trying to be as quite as possible so your mom doesn't know your going out. seeing Kai waiting impatiently at his car.
you run up to the car, quickly opening the passenger door, and jumping in the car. you wince at the sight of the car, empty water bottles everywhere, and fast food bags scattered around.
"Jeez Kai, do you ever clean this thing?" you question, throwing handfuls of empty water bottles into the back seat to make room for your legs.
"Don't disrespect the mojo dojo casa car y/n" he said "Also Soobin and I share this car, so this isn't my mess," he added while starting the car up and pulling out of the driveway.
"Is Soobin already at the party then?" you questioned, getting your phone out of your purse to tell beomgyu that you were on your way there.
"Yeah, he stayed the night at Yeonjun's place the day before to help set up the party," he tells you.
"Well How long will it take to get there?" you asked, looking at the time on your phone, wanting to see your friends already there as soon as possible.
"around forty minutes, but yknow we would have been there sooner if you hadn't taken so long to get ready."
"Wooooooww the disrespect is crazy, I just wanna look cute for pictures okay?"
"More like you want to look cute for Gyu."
"Maybe you're right" You pull out your phone and connect it to the Bluetooth in the car, playing a favorite song of Gyus that he told you about on your study date.
"Isn't this Gyu's favorite song? jeez y/n you're really down bad"
"Whatever you say Kai"
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gyu❤️ ur on ur way right? i cant wait for u to be here
you yea im omw but apparently yeonjun's big ass mansion is forty minutes away so it'll be awhile </3
gyu❤️ i feel the struggle man but i just want all my friends to be here asap (by stayc omg) cuz of all the model people Yeonjun invited
you i will go faster gyu ill make kai go 100mph lightning McQueen style
just dont get arrested at my bday party yn ill see u soon yn bdshmvbsbsdvgsjeusdk
omg acgnasmefvafjwvwk okay gyu ttyl
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after a surprisingly pleasant and calm car ride of listening to chill music Gyu has reopened to you and let the air breeze through your hair, Kai, and you are finally just around the corner from the party. even if you're at the end of the street you can already hear the faint sound of music and the smell of alcohol coming from yeonjun's house.
"I can already hear the music, Kai." You close the window on your side of the car and text beomgyu telling him you're right around the corner. "Yeah well Yeonjun is kinda known for throwing parties," Kai says pulling into the driveway.
you slowly step out of the car, closing the door behind you. the sound hits you in the face immediately, Putting your hands over your ears you try to look for beomgyu, You thought it would be easy but there is just enough people in the front yard for you too not be able to see the front door from where your standing. thankfully Kai grabs onto your arm guiding you to the front door, maneuvering through the sea of people. the second you reach the front porch you see beomgyu standing there waiting for you.
"Hi gyu!! Happy birthday!!" You run up to him embracing him in a hug, then slowly pulling away not wanting to make him uncomfortable at the sudden affection. "Hey y/n!!" from Beomgyu's pov though it felt as though a million butterflies flew through his stomach, heartbeat going up to one hundred, making him a little nervous.
"I'm gonna play pinball with taehyun in the basement, Text me when you wanna leave y/n," Kai says, leaving the two of you alone at the front door.
"wanna get a drink? nothing with alcohol of course." he chuckles, gesturing for you to follow him to the kitchen, and of course you do. "Is Jiung here with haerin yet? I think they left to get here before me," you say checking the time on your phone, really just wanting to be around your mutual friends to start having 10x more fun.
"Yeah they're here, I'm pretty sure that there in the kitchen so we're going in the right direction if you wanna see them."
"cool, cool cool cool."
"You seem a bit nervous y/n, are you okay?"
"Well im not exactly allowed to be here."
"oh my god just don't get in trouble cause of me."
"I'll try not too"
After a little bit of back and forth talking and walking through a maze of hallways you finally make it to the kitchen, You see your friends talking among themselves and with someone you don't quite recognize.
"Hey y/n!!!" haerin yells out to you. "This party I really fun, I already made a friend, and she's like totally awesome," she says gesturing to the girl standing opposite to her, damn she's really pretty, is beomgyu friends with her?
"Hello! Y/n right? My name is Rami, so nice to meet you!" Maybe it's just you being a lil jealous of her beauty but you're getting major bad vibes from this girl.
"Hey, Rami...do you know the bday boy?" you ask, intertwining your arm with beomgyu's as if your dating. he doesn't seem to be at all surprised with your behaviour though, even leaning into you.
"No actually, Yeonjun invited me" she giggles. "I only came to make friends honestly. I did get you a present though beomgyu!" She reaches into her bag pulling out a $100 dollar gift card and hands it to beomgyu.
"Oh my god Rami this is too much, You really didn't have to." beomgyu muttered, moving away from you slowly taking the gift into his hands. feeling a bit like you've been showed up, you reach into your bag hoping that he would prefer a gift that had a lot more thought put into it. but you feel nothing. the book you bought for him is nowhere to be seen. you forgot it.
"What did you get for beomgyu, Y/n?" she says, clearly seeing the distraught on your face from not having the gift with you. and beomgyu looks at you the a look of excitement as if he's been waiting for this.
"Oh...umm" you don't know what to say, opting to lie about where your present is. "It hasn't come in the mail yet" You hope and pray that beomgyu couldn't tell you were lying. it doesn't seem like he did but everyone else definitely did.
"Oh well that's a pity," Rami says, jeez What was her problem. you might have been a little jealous of her beauty but what did she have against you?
"That's okay y/n, I'm sure it'll be worth the wait." beomgyu tells you, giving you a reassuring look, and patting you on the back.
"Well I dunno about you guys but I could really use a drink right now!" Rami says, only looking at beomgyu, then dragging him away by his sleeve towards the drinks station, looking you in the eyes the whole time.
"what the fuck" you say, crossing your arms while giving haerin the nastiest death stare.
"Don't look at me Y/n! I didn't know she would practically steal your man okay?" Hearin announced as if pleading her case. "Also..."
"I may have already given her your number"
"I thought you two would get along okay? so like sorry in advance if she texts you later"
"You better be sorry, if she gets to beomgyu before me I swear to god man"
"Yeahhh, it does look like she wants him too. I guess this is just the universe telling you to ask him out already"
"I'm working as fast as I can okay?" you say, defending yourself as you try to peek over to where beomgyu is. haerin does the same, looking in the same direction as you.
"You have got to be kidding me" You see what might be your biggest fear right now. Rami has her hand rubbing up beomgyu's arm, looking at him with half-lidded eyes, as she pours him a drink. thankfully he declined it.
"Jesus fucking Christ dude, why would she offer him alcohol?"
you basically spend the rest of the party trying to watch the two of them without them noticing, a little thankful when your mom calls you asking where you are. in the end, Kai takes you home having to apologize for sneaking you out.
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