#just like ooh yes I WILL be climbing onto your hand now thank you for offering :)
flufflecat · 4 months
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I met a lovely bumblebee a few days ago (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
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misspygmypie · 1 month
Meet & Greet... and more? Pt. 8
Pairing: Lando Norris x reader Words: 2609 Click here for Part 7
Please do not repost, thank you, and leave some feedback :)
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“Are you sure about this?” Y/N asked quietly, her eyes searching Lando’s. “It’s a big deal for Noah to be seen by so many people.”
Lando nodded, offering her a reassuring smile. “I know, baby. It crossed my mind too. But remember, all the viewers are online, they’re not here in person. Noah’s going to be in the safest place he could be: right here with us.”
Y/N took a deep breath, nodding. “That’s true. I just want to make sure he’s comfortable.”
Noah, sensing the slight worry in his mom’s voice, looked up at both of them, his big eyes curious but calm. “Lando, are we gonna play games? I wanna go play games now.”
Lando’s smile softened visibly at the boy’s excitement. “Yeah, buddy, we’re going to. Remember, some people will be watching us online but you’re gonna be amazing.”
Noah’s grin spread wide at that and Lando felt some of his nervousness ease. He was always protective of Noah and Y/N and this was a big step, letting Noah be seen by his fans in a stream instead of through paparazzi photos but he knew it was the right move.
Max suddenly appeared in the doorway, breaking the moment with his usual playful energy. “What’s with the serious faces? You two look like you’re about to send Noah off to his first day of school or something,” he teased.
Lando chuckled. “It kind of feels like it.”
“Look, guys, relax,” Max leaned against the doorframe, giving them both a confident smile. “Noah’s going to have a blast. Plus, the fans are going to love him, they already do.”
Y/N’s shoulders relaxed a bit and she smiled at Max’s reassurance. “You’re right. And he’s with you two, so I know he’ll be okay.”
“Exactly,” Max grinned and clapped his hands together, “now, let’s make this the best Quadrant video yet. Noah’s got some races to win!”
With that, they all headed into Max’s gaming room, ready to share this special moment with the world and stream another video for Quadrant. The room was lit with colorful LED lights and Max, as always, was cracking jokes, trying to get Lando to break his serious face. “Come on, mate, smile for the camera. Your fans are here to see happy Lando, not ‘I just lost a race’ Lando.”
Lando rolled his eyes, but a smirk tugged at the corner of his lips. “Alright, alright. Let’s get this started before you start doing stand-up comedy.”
They did their usual intro, with Max hyping up the video and Lando chiming in with his signature laugh. “So today, we’ve got a special guest. Someone who’s been dying to make his debut on the channel,” Lando said, glancing off-camera with a grin.
Max leaned in with exaggerated curiosity. “Ooh, who could it be? Is it Daniel Ricciardo? Oh, wait, no, he’s probably too busy drinking from a shoe.”
Lando laughed loudly and shook his head. “Nope, even better. Ladies and gentlemen, meet the real star of today’s video, Noah!”
At that moment the boy ran into the frame, beaming with excitement. He was wearing a tiny Quadrant t-shirt that still nearly drowned him but it only added to his cuteness. 
“Hi!” Noah said, waving at the camera with both hands.
Lando leaned down to his level and ruffled his hair. “Noah here is going to show us how it’s done today, right, buddy?”
“Oh no, Lando, I think we’re outmatched,” Max was dramatically pretending to be defeated, “Noah’s going to wipe the floor with us!”
Noah giggled and climbed onto Lando’s lap. “So, Noah, what’s the plan? Are we going to play some racing games?”
Noah nodded enthusiastically. “Yes! I want to drive the fast car like Lando!”
Lando grabbed a controller and handed it to Noah. “Alright, let’s see what you’ve got, little man.”
The trio began playing and it quickly became clear that Noah was more interested in crashing the cars than actually winning the race. Lando and Max were in stitches, watching Noah’s car flip and spin out on the track. 
“That’s one way to take out the competition,” Max said, barely able to contain his laughter.
Lando, still laughing, leaned into the mic. “I think Noah might be a future F1 driver, he’s already got the daring part down!”
The more they played, the more the chat in the livestream exploded with comments from fans. 
“Oh my gosh, Noah is so cute!”  
“Lando’s so good with kids, this is adorable.”  
“Quadrant needs to hire Noah full-time!”  
“Protect Noah at all costs!”
Lando glanced at the chat and smiled. “Looks like the fans love you, Noah. What do you think, should we make you a permanent member of Quadrant?”
Noah, focused on crashing yet another car, looked up and nodded without really understanding the question. “Yeah!”
“Well, Lando, I think we’ve been replaced,” Max shook his head with mock seriousness. “Quadrant is now Noah’s company.”
After the race, Lando hugged Noah tightly and spun the chair around, both of them laughing while going in circles. “You did great, buddy!”
Noah grinned and hugged Lando around the neck. “Thanks, Lando!”
As the video wrapped up, Lando and Max said their goodbyes to the viewers, promising more fun content soon. 
“And don’t forget to like and subscribe if you want to see more of this little guy,” Lando said, gesturing to Noah, who waved at the camera with a big smile.
Once the camera stopped rolling, Y/N, who had been watching from the sidelines, came over and lifted Noah into her arms. “You were amazing, sweetheart,” she said, kissing his cheek.
Lando wrapped an arm around her, looking at her and Noah with a fond smile. “He was a natural. The fans loved him.”
“Well, mate, looks like you’ve got some competition for the fan-favorite spot.”
Lando chuckled at Max’s comment, watching as Noah cuddled up to Y/N. “Yeah and I couldn’t be happier about it.”
As the day began to wind down Max and Noah were still thick as thieves, chatting and playing games like they had all been best friends with each other for years. Max, always one to keep the fun going, leaned over to the 4-year-old at some point and said, “You know, Lando and I like to go golfing sometimes. We’ve got a bit of a rivalry going, though I usually win, of course.”
Lando laughed and rolled his eyes but before he could protest Noah’s eyes widened with interest. “Golfing? That sounds fun! Can I come with you guys next time?”
“Absolutely you can,” Max grinned, clearly loving the idea. “We should make it a thing, the three of us hitting the golf course together. You can even drive the golf cart.”
Noah’s face lit up at the thought of driving the cart but before he could get too excited, Lando chimed in with a teasing grin still giggling. “Whoa, whoa, hold on a second! Noah, you can’t even ride a bike yet. How are you supposed to drive a golf cart? Or swing a golf club?”
Noah puffed out his chest, determined. “I can learn! I bet I can hit the ball really far!”
Max chuckled, giving Lando a playful nudge. “Come on, Lando, he’s got the spirit! Besides, if he’s half as competitive as you he’ll be swinging like a pro in no time.”
“Alright, alright. But don’t come crying to me when he outdrives you.”
Y/N, who had been listening from the kitchen where she prepared dinner for all of them, joined their conversation. “I think it’s a great idea. It’ll be fun for all of you and who knows, maybe Noah will surprise us all.”
“What do you say, Noah? Ready to take on the golf course with us?” Max looked down at Noah with a wink and the boy quickly nodded enthusiastically. “I’ll show you both how good I am!”
Lando shook his head, unable to keep in a quiet laughter. “Alright, but you’re going to need some practice first. Maybe we’ll start with mini-golf and then work our way up to the big leagues.”
“Deal,” Max celebrated, “and when he’s ready, we’ll have the ultimate showdown. Just don’t be too upset when Noah beats you, Lando.”
Lando was looking forward to a rare weekend off and today was special for another reason, it was the first real “Boy’s Day Out” together with Noah and his best friend Max. Ever since the conversation about golfing came up Noah kept asking Lando when they would go - and today would be the day.
The morning started with Y/N getting Noah ready for their big day. She had picked out the perfect outfit for the occasion: a tiny, crisp white polo shirt, beige shorts and a little cap that she carefully placed on his head. She even got him new white shoes and a tiny golfing glove, making Noah look like a mini version of a professional golfer.
As Y/N led Noah into the hallway where Lando and Max were waiting, the two friends were in the middle of a playful debate about who would win the mini-golf game but the moment they saw Noah they both fell silent, their jaws dropping in unison.
Lando was the first to react, breaking into a giggle. “Oh my God, look at you,” he exclaimed, crouching down to get a better look. “You’re like a mini Tiger Woods but way cooler!”
Max, usually the more composed of the two, was completely taken aback. He ran a hand through his hair, shaking his head in disbelief. “Mate, this is too much. How is it even legal to be this cute?” He looked at Y/N, pretending to be stern. “You’re going to give us a heart attack dressing him like this.”
Y/N laughed, clearly pleased with their reactions. “I couldn’t resist. He wanted to look just like Lando and Uncle Max today.”
Noah, basking in the attention, gave them a big, proud smile. “Do I look cool?” he asked, spinning around to show off his outfit.
“Cool? You’re the coolest kid ever,” Lando said, his voice filled with genuine admiration. “I think you’re gonna win just because you look so awesome.”
Max nodded vigorously in agreement. “Seriously, Noah, we don’t stand a chance. You’ve already won in the style department.”
“But don’t think we’re going easy on you just because you look like a superstar,” Lando leaned in, giving Noah a mock-serious look but the boy only giggled, lifting his little golf club as if ready to take on the world. “I’m gonna beat you both!”
Max placed a hand over his heart dramatically. “I think I’ve just been challenged by the world’s cutest golfer. This is going to be tough.”
Heading out the door Lando and Max kept sneaking glances at Noah, still in awe of how adorable he looked. It was clear that the day was off to a fantastic start, with Noah already winning their hearts before even stepping onto the course.
Noah’s eyes lit up when they arrived a short while later and he was bouncing with excitement, gripping his tiny golf club tightly.
"Look, Lando! I’m gonna beat you!" Noah declared, grinning up at him.
"We’ll see about that, buddy. I’ve been practicing,” Lando just chuckled while Max, carrying a bag of snacks Y/N had packed for them, gave Lando a playful nudge. "Practicing, huh? You really want to win this, don’t you?"
"Just trying to make sure Noah has a good time."
Max winked. "Sure, sure. Let’s see if you can handle the pressure."
The first few holes were a blast. Noah was surprisingly good for his age, managing to hit the ball with surprising accuracy. Max and Lando cheered him on and every time Noah made a good shot, he’d turn to both of them for a high-five.
At one point, they reached a tricky hole that had a loop-de-loop. Noah struggled with it, unable to get the ball to go up the loop. After a few failed attempts, he looked up at Lando with big, frustrated eyes.
Lando crouched down next to him. "Hey, it’s okay, Noah. Want me to show you?"
Noah nodded eagerly and Lando quickly positioned himself behind the boy, softly putting his hands over Noah’s to show him how to angle the club just right. With Lando’s help Noah finally got the ball through the loop and he jumped up and down with joy.
"I did it! I did it, Lando!"
Lando’s heart melted. "You sure did, champ! Great job!"
Max watched the interaction with a grin. "Looks like you’ve got some competition, mate. Noah’s a natural."
Noah was having the time of his life, tackling each hole with determination. He was especially fascinated by the windmill obstacle, which he insisted on conquering without any help. Lando and Max stood off to the side, watching Noah as he lined up his shot, his little tongue poking out in concentration.
“He’s really something, isn’t he?” Lando said, chuckling affectionately.
Max nodded, a smile playing on his lips as he watched Noah’s intense focus. “Yeah, he’s a great kid. You’re really good with him, you know.”
Lando glanced at Max, then back at Noah, who was now carefully aiming his putt. “I’ve been thinking a lot about that, actually.”
“Oh?” Max turned to him, eyebrow raised. 
Lando took a deep breath, choosing his words carefully. “I’m serious about Y/N, Max. Like, really serious. I never thought I’d say this so soon, it’s only been almost a year but…I’m thinking about a future with them.”
Max’s eyes widened in surprise but then he smiled, clapping Lando on the back. “Wow, mate, that’s big. I mean, I knew you two were close, but…a future?”
Lando nodded, his gaze still on Noah, who had just managed to get the ball through the windmill. “I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately. They mean everything to me. Y/N, she’s incredible and so supportive of me and my career and Noah…he’s like this little light that brightens up everything. I want to be there for them, I want to be the guy they can count on.”
Max looked at Lando, seeing the sincerity in his eyes. “Have you talked to Y/N about this?”
“Not yet,” Lando admitted. “I want to. I just…I’m trying to figure out the right time, the right way. It’s a big step, you know? But I’m pretty sure about what I want.”
“Well, mate, I’m happy for you,” Max’s grin widened and he gave Lando another hearty slap on the back. “And I know you’ll be a great dad to Noah if that’s where this relationship is heading. Just make sure I get to be the best man at the wedding, yeah?”
Lando laughed, feeling a surge of happiness at the thought. “You’ve got a deal.”
They finished the course with Max and Lando neck and neck in the score but it was clear who the real winner was - Noah. He had the time of his life, running between Max and Lando, chattering excitedly about how much fun he was having.
On their way back to the car Noah reached up and took Lando’s hand.
"Can we do this again sometime?" he asked, looking up at them with wide, hopeful eyes.
Lando and Max exchanged a glance, both smiling.
"Of course, buddy," Lando said. "Anytime you want."
Max nodded in agreement. "We’re always up for some more mini-golf madness, right, Lando?"
"Definitely," Lando agreed, giving Noah’s hand a gentle squeeze.
Click here for Part 9!
Tag: @barcelonaloverf1life @remmysthings @poppyflower-22 @vickykazuya @hadids-world @ririyulife @deafeningunknowntyrant @lexiecampos @littlegrapejuice @eloriis @yawn-zi @landossainz @taliya8346282844eliviahdgdajs @casuallyeating @jaydensluv @destinyg237 @il0vereadingstuff @lnchicagosreads @alana4610 @hc-dutch
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zwhoreo · 1 year
A fic of Luffy and Reader first meeting please 😍🙏 ( I love how you write Luffy)
tysm !!! <33 this turned out so cute i think
meeting him - luffy x gn!reader
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summary: while watching the ocean on your front steps one evening, you meet a boy named monkey d. luffy. he tells you about his life as a pirate, and teaches you how to skip rocks in the sea
words: 1.6k
Evening is just around the corner but the sky is still high enough over those clouds on the horizon that there’s warmth on your skin, golden and marinated. You’re sitting on the stone steps of your front garden and watching the waves crash on the white sand in the distance, because it’s warm enough that it’s still worth it to be here, letting the breeze weave your fingers.
Not many people are around at this time of night, the world is peaceful and still, but that’s why your head turns, in curiosity and focus, at the sound of wooden sandals on the sidewalk ahead, a heavy thwacking of aimless stumbling, the horizon bends with a silhouette of a boy walking down the cobble path and looking ahead, dazed, smiling over nothing.
You lock eyes. Large, brown, thoughtless and friendly eyes. You’re captivated and for some reason your heart folds in on itself in a way you can’t quite explain. His features are delicate, oddly beautiful in an unlikely sort of way, a hazel tan and greasy black hair blowing gently in the wind beneath an old, frayed straw hat. He looks like he’s been out at sea for a very long time, but although weathered he’s incredibly youthful, an older teenager, you think. He’s dressed like a pirate, you know this look well, they come into taverns drunk on cheap rum and leer at the young girls, picking fights, you didn’t think there were many good pirates left these days but something about this boy is so profoundly different. He’s not like anyone you’ve ever seen before, in some way you can’t place.
You watch him, keenly interested now, chin resting on your hands. Maybe this is why he comes up to you, crouching so close in front of you, no shyness present in his face. There’s an old scar under his left eye, tight and pale with age.
“Hiya!” His voice is raspy and loud. “You seen my crew anywhere?”
“Your crew? Mm, I don’t know. I haven’t seen anyone come by here for a while.” You find yourself talking differently than usual, not like you normally do with strangers, it’s something in your voice, your annunciation, that catches you off guard.
“Aw, really? There’s a lady with orange hair and this guy and he’s got green hair and three swords and-” He stops in the middle of a frustrated gesticulation when he sees your blank eyes. “Mm. Ok, I’ll go look in town.”
And just like that he gets up to leave. You’re saddened, but you find your words catching in your throat. Don’t leave.
But he pauses a few paces away, turning back after a brief consideration. “Hey, ya got any food? I’m real hungry.”
You look up, breath hitching. Yes, yes, this is something you can do. “Oh, yeah, I just baked some bread, actually. I’ll go get it if you wanna wait here.”
“Ooh! Sounds good. Hey, thanks!” he calls to you warmly, turning back, trotting to your front steps as you go inside.
The bread basket has been cooling on the windowsill, the crust is golden and steam wafts through the room and wets your hands as you pick it up to bring it to him. But when you come outside again he isn’t on your steps, or in your garden, you look around to find him but he isn’t anywhere, not until you step into the road and look over the rock embankment.
There’s the boy, he’s sitting in the white sand and playing with rocks, stacking them in lopsided towers with great intent. You smile when you see him. He isn’t gone. So you climb onto the beach and come to him, he grins casually, like you had been there all along, and his eyes light up when you set the bread in front of him.
“Ahh! This looks soo good!” Before his words are finished he’s already eating messily, he doesn’t care about the sand on his hands, he’s so focused.
You sit by him. You lean in, admiring his face, finally speaking, “I’m [name], by the way.”
“I’m Monkey D. Luffy!” he proclaims with enthusiasm, still not looking up. “It’s good to meet ya!” And he goes back to eating, as if this simple greeting has made you best friends and now everything is solved, but that name is familiar somehow and you like him so much already and you need to know more.
“Are you a pirate?” you ask with a tilted head.
“Mhm!” Luffy says through a mouthful of bread, “and I’m gonna be king of ‘em!”
“Pirate king, huh?” You raise your eyebrows, you’re charmed by him.
“Mm! Do you like the sea, [name]?” You feel like he’s been shifting closer to you, you hear him all around you now, his chewing remains consistent, loud.
“Yeah, I mean, it’s one of the prettiest things in the world,” you say honestly, the waves glitter in front of you, an infinite land-sky, glitter on pearl on galaxy-blue. Sunspots, stars, they twinkle on its surface.
“It’s real fun to be a pirate,” he chirps, finishing the bread and turning to you, his smile is gleaming and his voice is soft but gleeful.
“Yeah? What kinda stuff do you do out there?” You just want to hear him speak more, you realize.
“Ah man, everything! We go on tons of adventures, and we sing, and we get to make new friends wherever we go… and we look for treasure! We’re tryna find the One Piece!”
He returns your enchanted stare. He makes it all sound so easy, taming the cruel sea. His chest rises and falls, breaths heavy with excitement, his hands palm at the sand and hey, he’s really moving closer now, isn’t he? His eyes are so sparkly, it’s impossible to look away from him.
“Wanna skip rocks with me?” he asks before you have time to reply. He’s distracted so easily, reaching happily for his little tower, weighing the smooth gray stone in his hand.
Aren’t you looking for your crew? you want to ask. But you can’t let go of him yet, this mysterious, perfect boy. So instead you say, “sure, if you can teach me. I’m not great at it.”
“You live by the sea and ya can’t skip rocks?” Luffy laughs at you, tossing his stone into the sea with a snap of his wrist, it bounces once, twice, spinning in the air, a battle to fly from the ocean’s hunger, before it’s pulled beneath, disappearing into the surf.
Your hands touch as he gives you a rock, perfectly round and smooth, warmed from his palm. You throw it but your arm falters, it falls with a splash, gone before it could fly, a ripple of a memory left on the water, nothing more. Luffy laughs at you again.
“Nah, that ain’t it, you gotta flick your arm and keep it straight.” He moves close enough where you can feel his breath on your skin, hot and thick. “Mm,” he murmurs in your ear, voice low and ripe, “like this…”
He’s behind you, leaning against you, taking your arm and positioning you for the right sort of throw. His skin feels strange, like warm rubber, but your mind is so clouded with him, with his musky, overpowering scent and the tickle of his hair, you don’t notice much of anything. By accident, for the briefest moment, his salt-dried lips brush your shoulder, this is like lightning within you. But for Luffy this is nothing, it means nothing to him to be this close, it’s just what seems so natural.
You throw again, a smaller rock this time, aided by his hands on your arm. You’re so dizzied by his touch and you expect it to be even worse this time but to your surprise the rock skips once, a single heartbeat.
“See! Ya did it!” Luffy shouts joyfully, slapping you on the back, a little too hard, before pulling you in for a hug.
This is the best hug you’ve ever had. So tight, so warm, he buries his head in your shoulder, his weight nearly knocks you into the sand. You grab him back, by pure instinct, you want this closeness never to leave you.
But in an instant he’s pulled away again, unfazed by his own affection. He adjusts his hat carefully, looking back at the water, face content. He throws and skips one last stone.
“Mh, my crew’s prolly looking for me, huh?” Luffy stands up, dusting off his jeans, tilting his head at you. And then he offers you a hand, pulling you up with him, you’re face to face again and he places a hand firmly on your shoulder and says, “you can come if you want.”
“On my crew. You can come be a pirate with me!” And again he has that way of saying things so simply. He doesn’t know you, how could he be so sure? But in his eyes you feel so incredibly, impossibly known.
He turns around, ready to walk away down the beach into the dying sunlight, and he turns to you once more and says, “you gonna be here tomorrow?”
“Yeah, I will!” you call to him, and he flashes you a broad smile, a thumbs-up, before running away into the horizon. You know he’ll come back.
Romance isn’t even in your mind. You just have this intense feeling for him, a certain kind of instantaneous love that goes deeper than any of that. You feel bonded, like you’ve never felt before, and you don’t know how it happened. You just stand there in the sand, dazed and misty eyed. You want so desperately to see him again. Deep breaths, calm your body, tonight you’ll have time to dream about what you’ll say.
You could see the world with him. You want to right now, very badly, so why not? Maybe it is that simple.
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storydays · 6 months
The Show Must Go On P1
(3rd POV)
*With Vox*
"Oh! Nifty, nice side swipe. Pentious like to see that effort." Charlie called happily. "Teamwork makes the dreamwork." replied the snake." "Train, train, train." Niffty said excitedly. The camera zoomed out to reveal the TV Overlord watching the hotel members training. 
"No fucking way! They're going to fight? Oh, my God." Vox cackled before mocking the princess on screen. "Oh, looks like your little hotel didn't work out so well. Oh Alastor, I cannot wait to watch you get FUCKED!" 
*Back at the hotel*
"Oh, I wish my mom was here to see this." Charlie sighed to Vaggie. "Well, the cannibals seem ready to fight, are we?" "Fear not damsels! I shall have the staff ready for victorious combat!" Pentious called, dressed as a war captain. 
"What in the hell are you supposed to be?" Vaggie asked. "General Pentious, reporting for duty. I'll turn those rapscallions into soldiers in no time at all." 
"Thank you, Pen." Charlie smiled as Vaggie face palmed. "What can I do to help?" Niffty asked, holding dead bugs in her hands. "I'm glad you asked, soldier. The base needs fortifications. Reinforce the southern wall. Create a moat around the perimeter to stop a ground assult." Pentious ordered loudly.
Niffty blinked at him blankly. 
"Here, Nif." (Y/N) chuckled, kneeling to Niffty's height and handing her an angelic knife. "If you see an angel, stab it." "Ooh.."The little cyclops giggled at the knife before spotting Angel who was talking to Cherri a few feet away. "Stab! Stab! Stab!" 
"Hey,hey,hey,hey!" Angel climbed high onto the pole next to him as Cherri ran off. "Not him!" (Y/N) cried, blocking Niffty, wings widespread to hide Angel from her view. 
Niffty glared slightly before giggling and running off. 
"She's gone, tesoro. You can come down now." (Y/N) watched in amusement as Angel tapped into his stripper past and got off the pole, back flipping into his arms. "Thanks, babe." Angel kissed (Y/N)'s cheek as he got down before they walked over to the rest of the group.
"Listen up, sinners! We got 24 hours before the extermination begins. Let's get to work." Vaggie said in her drill Sargent voice.
*Back with Vox*
"Oh, they suck. They're--they're gonna die." He laughed, watching as Vaggie teach where to strike the angels, Pentious building something, and (Y/N) using his magic to summon his own warriors and weapons. 
*At the hotel*
Charlie borrowed Alastor's staff, tapping it slightly so everyone could hear her. "Hello, I want to thank everyone for coming. Even people who aren't staying here yet...Cherri." Charlie smiled playfully at the pink haired cyclops. 
"Look, I can't resist a fight, okay? Especially when I get to tag team with this fuckhead." Cherri grinned pulling Angel down to share matching grins.
"Tomorrow, the exorcist angels will face a Hell ready to defend itself and win. " Charlie fist pumped the air. 
"Yeah! Yeah, we will! Tell 'em, baby!" Vaggie cheered loudly for her girlfriend. 'Yes. And we are--we are going to win! But in case we don't,  I want you all to know...that getting to know you has been the biggest honor of my life. Whatever redemption really means,  I know you all tried." 
Charlie looked out onto the crowd, looking proudly at her family who sent her proud looks back. "I have seen the good in all of you. And it's, I just...I love you all so much and--and live tonight however you want because--" "We're all going to die! Hahahaha!" Niffy announced loudly. 
Everyone stared at her, feeling very awkward.
"All right! Let's give it up for not dying! Love not dying!" Vaggie cheered, before realizing the mood was killed. "Drinks?" 
*Inside the hotel*
"I mean, personally, I'm excited. It's been a long time since I stabbed anyone and meant it, know what I mean?" Vaggie said to Charlie who looked mildly concerned. 
"Cheers, bitches!" Cherri exclaimed, clinking her glass against Angel, Husk and (Y/N)'s, who all grinned back. "Here's to us!" Angel smiled. "Here's to being alive today and not dying tomorrow." Sir Pentious said loudly, everyone cheering him on. 
On the balcony, Alastor watched them with a fond smile. "Ah, the celebratory night before a courageous last stand. It's been a surprising thrill to witness these wayward souls find connection. Almost makes one sentimental, eh Niffty?" 
Niffty was sitting on the railing next to him. "I really like them, Alastor. They let me put on roach puppet shows without booing!" 
"Ahh, an enjoyable collective to be around. I admit one could get accustomed."
Niffty placed a roach crown on Alastor's head. "I dub thee King Roach." 
"Oh, to understand your twisted little mind."  The two began to laugh manically.
*With Angel, (Y/N) and Husk*
"Last day of afterlife, and you're not off snorting a line off some hunk's abs?" Husk asked the spider. 
"Ehh, you fucked one cannibal pool boy, you fucked 'em all. 'Sides, I got my hunk right here." Angel shrugged before hanging two of his arms around (Y/N) who smiled back. "I guess you have changed." Husk smiled. 
"Hey, Charlie said live tonight however we wanted, so pour me a fresh one, and let's get to living!" Angel exclaimed, holding out his glass. Husk smirked before moving to make the two another drink.
Angel smiled down at (Y/N) who cuddled closer, wrapping his arms around 
*With Sir Pentious*
"Miss Bomb? Cherri?" He asked, taking his hat off. Vaggie pat his shoulder in silent support. 
"I want to tell you....that I...love..I'd love to wish you good luck in the battle ahead." He held his hand out for Cherri to shake, which she did, eyeing him weirdly. 
"You are....Have always been a worthy opponent. With the most brillant explosive contraptions I've ever seen." Pentious blushed. 
"Uh....thanks?" Cherri smiled, sharing a soft moment with him. 
"Please don't die tomorrow. Okay! Bye!" The flustered snake talked loudly before disappearing. 
(Y/N) and Angel appeared on either of Cherri's side. 
(Y/N) with a strawberry Daiquiri in his left right hand, Angel holding two shots in his right hands,  offering one out to Cherri. 
"Ya know, you could totally tap that." Angel smirked, clinking his glass against Cherri's.
"Tss, don't be gross." Cherri rolled her eye. 
"Cuz, you know, I hear he's got two dicks." (Y/N) muttered, tail lazily waving behind him. "Huh!" Cherri hummed, eye narrowed in thought. 
*With Charlie*
Charlie stood in front of her brother and Angel's door, looking at the photos and the LED lights the spider had strung up. There were photos of the Angel and (Y/N) doing a heart with their hands into the camera, a selfie of Charlie and Angel, a selfie of Husk and Angel in tuxedis with the caption, 'Tux Boys', and a picture of Fat Nuggets and Rocco.
Sobs escaped her throat as she started to feel her feelings. "Charlie?" Vaggie called softly. 
"Um, I'm sorry. I'm just so scared." Charlie wiped her tears and hugged herself closer. "What if we lose?" 
*With (Y/N)*
(Y/N) hummed softly as he laid in Angel's lap, three of Angel's hands playing with his hair, as his one free hand scrolled through a bridal website. "How about this one?"
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"Uh-uh. Too poofy, next."
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"Neck ruffles? What is this? The 16th century? Burn it like the witches who wore it!" (Y/N) rolled his eyes, making Angel giggle. (Y/N) stared up at the spider, smiling to himself. Angel noticed him staring and put his phone down, nuzzling the prince. 
"What are you thinking about?" (Y/N) waved his hand, and suddenly they were on the roof, and sitting under a (f/c) light show with a romantic picnic. "I figured we could end the night with a romantic surprise."
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Together the couple laid together in their swinging bed, watching the stars floating on their ceiling, (Y/N)'s wings protectively wrapped around Angel.  
"I love you, Anthony." 
"I love you, (Y/N)."
*The Next Day, in Heaven*
"Extermination Day is here, bitches!" 
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sillygoose067 · 6 months
Charles’s Angel(s)
Ch. 22
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Charles Leclerc x Reader
Author’s Note: Some references taken from the C2 videos.
You make it to the studio in time after sending Charles off to roam around the city and get some of his errands done.
“Ok so, so I have the basics for this track done, but I need your expertise in some of the mixing”
“Yeah, and I have most of the lyrics done, I just need you to check if they sound good with the track”
“Actually Hyunjinnie wrote one of the new songs, and he has some specific concerns, so if you can help with that…”
You head to the recording studio with Chan, Jisung, and Hyunjin to smooth some things out. 
While you record the guide version, you make some necessary improvements and set the guidelines for the vocals. “So cover me nooooowwww”
Hyunjin asks if you could try the line out in a falsetto and a belt. The belting ended up sounding better. “Also, I want to add to ad-libs, but I’m not sure where I should incorporate them”, he tells you. 
You try out some new techniques and conclude the recording session in high spirits. 
Meeting Charles at an internet cafe, where he’d found a simulator to occupy himself, you stood behind him, an Iced Americano in your hand to combat the heat outside. 
“Wow, is this what you see when you’re in the car?”, you ask.
“For the most part, yes. Do you want to give it a try?”
“Sure, but I can tell you right now that I will not be very successful.”
He guides you, giving directions from behind you as you steer. “Yes, that’s good, see? Quite nice and smooth… BRAKE!”
That night, your mother calls. “Hi Ma! I’m on a work trip right now”. She nods in understanding. You see Charles out of your peripheral looking at you confused. “The boy I was telling you about is here with me.”
“Ooh can I FaceTime? I want to meet him!”
“Hold on, let me check.”
You mure the mic and turn to Charles. “My mom called”, you explain. “She wants to meet you”, you whisper excitedly. “But only if you’re alright with it. I can tell her no right now.”
He bites his lip, weighing his options. Then nods. “I just don’t want to disappoint your family. Do you think she’ll like me? I’m not even dressed up right now!”
“That’s fine”, you soothe him. “I think she’s just excited to meet my first boyfriend.”
“Ok”, he agrees finally. Climbing onto the bed to lay next to where you are in your stomach, he mentally prepares himself to not meet your parent’s expectations. 
You unmute the phone and tell your mom to switch to FaceTime. 
The camera turns on, and your sister appears behind your mom. “Hi! Oh my god, so you are real!”, she says. You glare at her. 
“Hello”, Charles awkwardly waves at the phone. “I’m Charles, nice to meet you.”
“Hello Charles”, your mom greets him warmly. “I’m glad to finally meet the man who has managed to break my daughter’s dry spell with men.”
Charles laughs. That cheeky little fucker. 
“It’s truly an honor. I have you and your husband to thank for creating this beautiful young woman for me to pursue.” He grins. 
“Oh, you’re quite the sweet talker. Well, I’ll have you know that you are one of the most gorgeous specimens of men I’ve ever seen. I hope your babies carry on the genes forever.”
“Shhh! Give me this sweet boy’s number so I can have him spy on you for me– I have a feeling we’ll get along fine.”
“Ew, bye.” You cut the call. “Uuuggghh. That was so embarrassing.”
Charles just smirks at you. “I thought it was quite enjoyable actually.”
“That’s it. I’m done. I can’t believe she would say that, oh my gosh…”, you face plant into the covers and wail.
You feel the weight shift from the bed– Charles must have gotten up. He makes for the bathroom and you think you’re finally free to wallow in self-pity when you hear, “Oh, Chéri, don’t forget to share your mother’s number with me”. You grab a pillow and hurl it at him, narrowly missing when he closes the door before the object can make contact.
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tokuvivor · 3 months
Duckverse June Week 3: Hiking
@duckversejune2024 @secret-tester @queer-in-a-cornfield
Can’t go wrong with a good hike to relieve stress, and get your mind off of things. And now, I give you…
On Top of the World
“So, Violet, how do I look?” Webby asked, twirling around excitedly in the Junior Woodchuck uniform that Violet had brought for her.
“Right now, I would likely be apt to say, ‘With your eyes,’” Violet remarked. “But that would not be the most helpful remark in this situation. I understand that you’re looking for my honest opinion. So I will say, Webbigail, that you look fantastic. The uniform is a rather appropriate look for you.”
“Thanks!” Webby chirped. “I’m so excited that we’re going to be hiking together. Lena’s totally missing out.”
“Oh, you know Lena,” Violet shot back. “She is very much not a “hiking” type of person.”
“Even if she’s not there,” reasoned Webby, as she readjusted her bow alongside her Woodchuck hat, “it’ll be nice to spend time together, just the two of us! I mean, when was the last time we did that?”
“I must say,” Violet answered, bringing a finger to her chin, “it has been a while since it was just you and I together. Do you have everything necessary for a hike?”
“I do!” Webby confirmed. “First aid kit.”
“Protein bars.”
“Climbing gear.”
“Yes. And I have mine as insurance. Are we both all packed?”
“Yep!” answered Webby.
“Excellent. Then let us be on our way, then.”
After leaving the mansion, Webby and Violet made their way to the bus stop, where they then took a bus to Sandpiper Peak, buzzing all the while about their excursion.
Once they got to the mountain, they easily found the entrance. However, Webby had one thing she wanted to do first.
“What are you doing?” Violet asked her friend. “The entrance is right here.”
“I know,” Webby replied. “I just wanna-ooh, perfect!”
Violet wasn’t sure what Webby was looking for, but she wasn’t going to question it.
“It’s not a hike without a good solid walking stick,” reasoned Webby.
“While a walking stick is not mandatory for our hike,” Violet noted, “I do applaud your enthusiasm in finding a suitable one, Webbigail.”
Webby pressed it down into the dirt, rotating it a bit in her hand. “I like how strong this one is,” she admired. “Plus, it has a good feel. Okay, we can go now.”
Violet smiled to herself a bit. That was Webby for her. Always throwing herself into whatever activity she was engaged in.
It was going to be a while before the two girls reached the top. Not that they minded the extra exertion. With Violet’s Junior Woodchuck experience and Webby’s adventuring experience, they had it all under control.
“Wanna play a game?” Webby asked.
“I would assume you mean a verbal game,” Violet countered.
“Of course.”
“Then yes.”
“Why don’t we do the Alphabet Game?” Webby suggested. “Basically, we figure out different things in a certain category that start with each letter of the alphabet.”
“Ah, yes,” Violet recalled. “I would love that. I’ll pick the category…animals.”
“Ooh! I’ll start,” Webby exclaimed. “Aardvark.”
“Bear,” suggested Violet.
The girls played on through countries, food, and plants. They were just about to start on weapons when…
“Drat,” Violet spat out. “I can’t get up this particular face. Not a lot of holds I could use.” She looked up at Webby. “Well, clearly, you had no issue with it.”
“Hmmm…” Webby thought out loud. Violet was down too far for her to grab her hand and pull her up. But maybe- “Okay, get out your climbing axes. I have an idea.”
Violet did as instructed.
“I see a small opening over here,” she reported to Webby. “I can latch onto it with one of the axes.”
With all the strength she could muster, Violet leapt up and hooked the axe into the crevice. She pulled herself up a bit with her free hand.
“Great!” Webby shouted. “Now I’ll use the stick to pull you up.”
“Please do it quickly,” pled Violet. “I do not know how long my arms can hold.”
Webby wasted no time, bringing her walking stick down to Violet’s level. “Tell me when to pull you up,” she instructed, bracing herself against a small dead tree.
Violet grabbed onto the stick with her left hand. Then, weighing the possibility that a single grip point wouldn’t be enough, she moved her right hand to the stick. “Now!” And Webby pulled her up, while Violet used one of her feet to grab the axe. Shortly thereafter, Violet found herself at the top of the rock face. She collapsed into Webby’s arms.
“Thank you. That was a close one.”
“Of course,” Webby answered back.
“As good of a climber as I am,” Violet continued, “I am not invincible. I am no Brooke Rabbitou. She’s incredible at finding holds in any face.”
“Agreed,” Webby noted. “But she’s a professional climber. Even though you’re not at her level, you’re still amazing. They didn’t give you that Mountain Climbing badge for nothing.”
“Fair,” Violet agreed. “I appreciate the vote of confidence, Webbigail. Let’s keep going.”
And so, Violet and Webby continued along dirt paths, around boulders, and inched past trees until they made it to the top.
“Woo!” cheered Webby. “We made it.” She looked around. “What a view.”
“Magnificent, isn’t it?” Violet asked rhetorically. “This was rather nice. Thank you for your company today, Webbigail.”
“And thank you for inviting me,” Webby replied. “I’m happy to have gotten the chance to do this.” She pulled her phone out of her pack, looking at Violet expectantly. “Victory photo?”
Violet smiled back. “Victory photo.” And Webby, putting her phone camera in selfie mode, squeezed Violet into her side with her other arm as she snapped a photo, the two girls beaming with pride.
“Send that to me, please,” Violet requested.
Webby nodded. “And Lena.”
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slashingdisneypasta · 7 months
Hey thank you for the links! They are working. Werewolf Sykes is sooo cool. And, I love dark fic so I thought the drabble was awesome. Pulling a gun on his s/o? Yeah. He would. His gentle, quiet, dangerous voice...👌👌
I had a dark thought, too. Warning for dub-con. If your family happened to owe Sykes a debt...imagine him demanding you as part of his payment. Promising them that the amount they owe will be reduced if they hand you over. He'll say you'll be working for him, helping with accounting and bookkeeping, that your services will take some of the weight off his shoulders...they can't see any other option but to accept.
He walks to you to his car, whispering silkily into your ear not to worry, all your needs will be taken care of. One of his big, warm hands on the small of your back as you climb into the back seat. Just a hint of a threat in his voice and his imposing size sending a shiver through you. You soon find out that the services he mentioned aren't exactly what you were expecting ;)
That's it. 😁 You must have some Toon Patrol asks then. 😁 I like the Weasels too, Wheezy being my fav. What else do you have asks for? It's ok if you don't want to share- I am just very curious. I have a feeling I'm going to like it here!
This. This, this, this!!! There's nothing to add, its just- Ughhh, good stuff 👌 XD
Accounting 😏 and Book Keeping 🥰 I see.
And- yes!! I have lots of Toon Patrol asks! ^^ There is some other stuff sprinkled in as well though. Ooh you like Wheezy?? Sameeee XD He is so chill and in control 😏 While also being an unpredictable addict, which is very interesting XD
Here's the list!: (Apart from the OC stuff, the audience for which is basically @marinerainbow and I XD )
Doc and Sheriff from Cars x Reader x Chick Hicks. I AM SO FUCKING EXCITED TO WRITE THIS. I NEED TO SIT MY ASS DOWN AND ENJOY IT, I DUNNO WHY I KEEP PUSHING IT BACK!! @marinerainbow g i f t e d this ask to me, suggesting a reader who's so flirty with Doc and the Sheriff, because she likes them so much <3<3 , but who's getting nowhere with them because she's younger and they're gentlemen who would never 'take advantage' of her- when Chick comes into the picture and starts coming onto reader (He has no problem with the age gap 😅🤣). And she kinda has a moment, like... well, I'm not getting anywhere with the men I w a n t- so I might as well give this guy, who actually w a n t s m e, a chance! Right?? And then suddenly Doc and Sheriff are jealous XD
Another of her gift asks to me as a Professor fucking Callahan one where he treats Student!Menstruating!Reader better then all the other students XDD I c a n n o t believe I haven't written this yet. I guess I just feel guilty writing so much Cal (and Jim and Cruella and Otis- my f/os) 😅😅 The audience is real niche for them 😅😅😅
Horror Villains sorted by Love Language
A few Spotify Wrapped Prompts I still havent done 😅😰 (Maleficent, Psycho Weasel, Greasy Weasel, Inkubus, Clayton, and the Horned King).
Rufus Firefly thoughts! x2
@marinerainbow 's Slasher!Toon Patrol AU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! x2
Lady Tremaine and Madame Medusa thinking about reader while they're... self caring~ 😏 XD
Which Disney Villains would be up for a threesome with reader?? And with w h i c h other Disney Villains would they be happy to do it with? 😏😏😏
Ex!Freddy Krueger x Reader who's with someone else now but cant stop thinking about him. (God fucking damn him, right?? XD ) I actually have written this, but I made it r e a l self indulgent and the other guys is d e f i n e t l y Jim Bickerman (I mean- I didn't use his name- But I alluded to it XD Reader kinda goes 'J- ' and stops just in time XD ). So i have to rewrite it and make it a bit more ambiguous XD
Pervy Villains (Beetlejuice, Chucky, Freddy, Greasy, Hades (or Jafar. I'm thinking of swapping them), and Offenderman) reacting to noticing reader having a wet dream ~~~
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33roda · 3 years
hi idk if this is too much but could I request like titjob but reader puts their strap between itto's tiddies and he gets super embarrassed? thank you😍
doing this out of nowhere, just shoving him onto the bed and unzipping your pants. at first he thinks you're just gonna do "the usual", but when you climb into his stomach instead... huh?!
"heyheyhey y/n - woah what are you doing there b-buddy!" he immediately flusters, cheeks flushed pink, trying to cover his face with his hands as he avoids making eye contact with you; his eyes instead darting to between your legs, where you were pulling out your cock. "where are you gonna put-"
"shut up," you ordered sternly, plopping your dick in between his pecs. "you're always walking around with those pretty tits out, it's hard to resist you know?" he could only stare at the visual of your dick between his chest, watching as you spit down onto it. blushing when you start stroking against him, he couldn't help but look over to the side in embarrassment. "aww, what's wrong, is my pretty oni getting shy now?" you said, pausing your rubs.
breaking out of his daze, he quickly cleared his throat - "w-wait! don't stop, not yet," he stammered, quickly (yet gently) grabbing onto your sides. "please,"
"ooh, begging already? baby wants me to fuck his tits that bad?" he nods eagerly - cheeks still red and lips slightly parted as if he wants to verbally beg you to continue. it may be his first time having you use his chest like this, but something about the way you look doing it has him a mess. "we need to get you nice and wet first," he immediately offers his tongue, lolling it out and letting the drool spill down his chin and neck. giving him your hand, he licks and spits on it as if it were a cock; already excited to have you fuck his chest. "that's so fucking hot, what a good boy."
smearing your wet hand all over his chest and cock. slowly starting to thrust again, admiring his expressions as you push his tits together against you. cutie looks like he's about to cry; his eyes all teary and biting his lips as he felt you push back and forth on his tits. building up enough speed until you can hear the slick noises every thrust, telling him how fucking warm and soft his tits feel, god you'd fuck them forever if you could - and all he can do is just moan at your words and tug on his nipples, only providing a prettier view for you.
"such a needy little thing, aren't you?"
"yes! yes, I am, please please keep fucking my tits- I need it, please!" he blurts out, "I want you to cum all over them, make them look pretty!"
his words alone almost send you over the edge, making you moan as you give him your final thrusts; before pressing down against your cock and cumming all over his boobs and chin. "so. fucking. good for me," you spurt out, accentuating each word with a slap of your dick to his chest. "maybe I should use your tits more often, yeah? since they're all warm and pretty for me now?"
"th-they're not tits," he stutters, suddenly back to his shy behavior.
"oh? then what was I fucking just now, hm?"
"my pecs, obviously!" he says with a pout.
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drakenology · 4 years
Dumb Little Housewife
husband!bakugo x housewife!reader
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warnings: smut, dumbification kink, unprotected sex, degradation, daddy kink, housewifey stuff ya know?
author’s note: hii! so this is for the new year new kink event with @butterscotchbaku . i’m a little early whoops I couldn’t help myself. go follow her page and all that junk her work is pretty amazing and i’m a HUGE fan ugh her blog is so cute 🥺. and make sure to check out some of the work that participated in this event as well. Hope yall enjoy!
6:30 am, you wake up just before Bakugo to make him his breakfast. You yawn and grab your robe off the back of the bedroom door and tip toe to the kitchen, careful not to wake your sleeping husband on the way out. You hum a little tune while you scramble some eggs and fry a little bit of bacon, happy to please the one you love.
You were grateful he could offer you such a carefree lifestyle. You cook and keep the house clean while Bakugo saves the world, brings home the cash and fucks you nice and good every night. What an even trade. Even though you wouldn’t mind working Bakugo insisted that you stay home, eager and willing to support you both. As you brewed some coffee for you and Katsuki, you find him trudging to the kitchen with a loud and abrupt yawn.
His hair was a mess on top of his head, eyes half lidded and droopy. He’s really at his sexiest when he looks half dead. You smile and hand him his mug as he walked towards you, pulling you closer to him by your waist. You giggle and give him a sweet kiss on the lips.
“Good morning, honey!” You say cheerfully. Bakugo takes a sip of his coffee and sits down at the table.
“G’Mornin.” He said groggily, sleep coating his already deep voice. The sound is almost like sex itself, making the spot between your legs lightly quiver. “‘M workin’ from home today so I’ll be a little busy.”
You pout, almost whine when you hear that Bakugo will basically be at home all day just to ignore you. On top of that you suddenly had an itch only he could scratch since you’re too dumb to get yourself off correctly. Or at least that’s what Katsuki would say. You sigh, feeling particularly bratty this morning and lean against the table in front of him just enough for your robe to droop down and give him a full view of your ample cleavage.
“You can be a little bit late can’t you, Suki?” You mewl, handing him his plate to eat. Bakugo shook his head, staring down into your robe. He was almost persuaded by the sight of your breasts alone but work had to come first even if his hot wife wanted to get fucked right there on the dinner table.
“No I can’t. And don’t try anything while I’m working either, Y/N. You’re already on thin fuckin’ ice.” Bakugo said with his mouth full. You roll your eyes, recalling a few nights when you pushed Katsuki to his limit but he couldn’t punish you right then and there because of work or something or other.
You took full advantage since you and Bakugo hadn’t had sex in about a week since he’d been swamped with hero work. Whether it be sending him videos of you fucking yourself with shaky and clumsy fingers or pictures of you bent over with your pretty panties showing under a dress you wore; you were really pushing your luck.
You pout, grabbing his and your dishes and loaded the dishwasher, hiking your robe up a little to show off your ass in the new thong you bought as you bent over to close the door. Bakugo walks out of the kitchen, smacking your ass hard enough to make you cum right there on the spot. You were already a little wet and needy. You gasp, closing your thighs together as you’re almost brought to your knees by just a strike to the ass.
You had an idea. An idea that was sure to make Bakugo ditch work and fuck you into a stupid bumbling mess.
8:30 am, You walk into the bedroom just past the office Bakugo had set up in to start his work and throw off your robe, adjusting your bra to push your boobs up a bit more. You strut into the office in nothing but your underwear, Bakugo not even turning his head to face you. He was too busy typing up some stupid report or whatever. You grab his chin and pull his head to face you, hovering over him to bury his face between your breasts.
“Y/N so help me...” He hissed, blushing profusely as you climb into his lap. You start to grind up against his thigh, moaning softly as you feel friction for the first time all morning.
“Can’t even work in peace. If only you could see how fucking desperate you look right now.” Bakugo said, only slightly giving in by grabbing your ass with one hand, the other still trying to work.
You bit your lip and blocked his vision of the computer screen with your head and continued to grind on his leg, annoying Bakugo to no end as you completely disobeyed him for the last time. He groaned, stopping his typing to wrap his hand around your neck and pull your ear to his lips.
“You just don’t listen, huh? If it’s dick you want, I’ll make sure you get it all, ya dumb slut.” Bakugo growls into your ear, nipping at your earlobe as you feel yourself get wetter at his lewd words and insults. Bakugo stands on his feet, lifting you up with him as he plopped you onto the desk. You rub your thighs together excitedly as he took your wrists and pinned them above your head.
“Since you can’t keep your fuckin’ hands to yourself.” Bakugo said, yanking your panties to the side with fervor. You gasp as the cold air of the room greet your slick pussy, the feeling quickly being replaced with Bakugo’s thick digits findind their way inside. You whimper, trying to rub your clit to help bring your orgasm closer only to be restricted by your strong husband.
“Nuh uh. Don’t you fucking move. This is what you wanted, right? Now sit and take it like a good whore.” You mewl at his words once more, loving when he talks to you like this. God you couldn’t even compare to the fullness he gave you even with his fingers. Your head was in the clouds now at this point, Bakugo taking one hand to pinch and play with one or your nipples to emphasize the pleasure as he sped up his movements.
Sloshing sounds filled the office, your sopping wet pussy now being abused by Katsuki’s fingers as your slick coated his hand and dripped down your ass onto the desk.
“You’re making such a mess, baby. You’re a sloppy little slut, aren’t you?” Bakugo remarks with a smug look on his face, knowing you’re way too dumb to even form a sentence right now. You bumble and nod, not making a lick of sense when you speak as your moans overtake your own rational thinking.
Katsuki laughs at your dumb little face, tongue lolling out as you pant and cry out for more. Your vision becomes hazy as you come so close to cumming, pleading for Katsuki to make you cum on his fingers since you were being so good only for him to laugh at you. He stops his movements as soon as he felt you were even slightly clenching around him, causing your breathe to be uneven. You let out a pathetic sob, your legs shaking uncontrollably as you come down from your almost high.
“Ooh... So close.” Bakugo mocked. “What’s the matter? I thought this is what you wanted. Don’t tell me your punishment’s too much for you.” You shake your head no, the only thing you have the strength to muster as you pant and rub your thighs together to start up your high again.
He lets your hands go and stands you up to bend you over the desk, your wobbly legs barely able to keep you stable as you stumble around. Bakugo chuckled darkly at the state of you, almost ready to ruin you completely over and over again to get you off his back for long enough to get some work done.
“You know what’s coming next, hm?” Bakugo asked lowly, sending convulsions into your pussy at the thought of what he was about to do.
“N-No daddy p-please don’t.” You beg. He was about to spank you, enough times to make up for all the punishments you’ve missed. You whimper as you feel a sharp strike against your ass, the sting fading into delicious pleasure as your slick dripped down your thighs.
“Count.” Bakugo demands, striking you again causing you to yelp and whine for him to stop. “I said count. Not beg. You get two extra for that.”
“Th-Th-Three!” You squeal as he strikes you again. At this point you’re drenched and regretting even pulling this stunt on your husband, forgetting all about all the things you’ve been doing to him to tease and piss him off.
Smack after smack almost sent you into orbit as your eyes rolled to the back of your head with each hit. You huff as you reach the last hit, your pussy clenching around nothing as you hold yourself back from cumming.
“Th-thirteen-fuck! Thirteen.” You whine, your head burried into your arms as you sob. Bakugo was laughing at you the entire beating, loving the way your body jolted with every blow he delivered to your juicy ass. He was hard as a rock at this point and really wanted to fuck you into oblivion.
“Hm.. I think you’ve learned your lesson. Whatddaya think, princess?” Bakugo asked rubbing circles into your sore ass cheeks.
“Yes! God yes please fuck me, Daddy. I need youu. I’ll be good I promise I won’t bother you anymor-“ You ramble, whining and begging until Katsuki shut you up with a nice filling. Your pussy deliciously stretched to accommodate his impressive size, sobbing into your hands as you cover your face.
You’re so happy your husband was filling you to the brim that your eyes start to tear up, the feeling of his dick kissing your cervix enough to make you clench around him bliss. You let out loud high pitched moans along with frantic thank yous and I love yous as Bakugo ruts into you like a bat outta hell.
“Ya like that? Huh, baby? I know you fuckin’ do, ya little whore.” Bakugo hissed into your ear, already knowing the answer as you babble nonsense into the desk. “That’s right baby take me. Hah, you feel so fucking good right now.” Fuck he was killing you, but it felt so good. Bakugo was fucking you so hard you could hardly keep up with his pace, holding onto the edge of the desk for dear life as he pounded your poor pussy. White lights flash behind your eyes as you come close to cumming for the second time, this time harder than the last. You try and as permission instead coming out as a bumbling mess unable to even form a coherent sentence as Bakugo fucked you into euphoria.
“I-I’m g-gonna- Hah! Ughhhn, sh-shittt- ah! D-d-d-daddyyyy!” you whine
“I can tell you’re close. My poor stupid baby can’t even tell me she’s about to cum for me.” Bakugo said, rutting into at a sudden sloppy pace as he comes close to his own release. You loved his last few thrusts before he came, cumming way before he does from the feeling of his cock throbbing profusely inside you.
You’re a screaming spectical now, your spongy walls clamping down on your husband’s big fat cock, Bakugo cooing praises into your ear as he came hot inside you right after you from the feeling of your tightness. You seemed to milk him for everything he had, Bakugo slowly pulling out after fucking his seed into you to watch his seed spill out of your used up pussy with glee. Bakugo smacks your ass one last time and pulled his pants back up, you still unable to move from the desk as he led you to the bathroom to get you to clean up.
“Ya happy now?” Bakugo said starting your bath as you sat on the edge of the tub. You nod, still hazy and drunk off Bakugo’s dick. He kissed your forehead and ran back to the office after hearing his skype going off. You giggle and wait for the bath to fill, deeply madly and truly in love with the man who just demolished you.
“Oi! Don’t let the water overflow, you idiot!”
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It’s 🍪!
You have this ‘My Sunshine’ (?) fic where the reader is an absolute ball of sunshine and I LOVE it! Could you do a part two with Zhongli, Childe and Albedo please?
My Sunshine
( what an incredible choice of characters! Thank you for adding to one of my favorite fics!! ) 
Warning -> SFW, Fluff
Character X GN Reader | Anthology 
Includes: Albedo, Childe, Zhongli 
It was the way you greeted the world around you - with pleasant smiles, patient hands, caring and compassionate eyes. You saw the world for what it could be, the beauty of it and while Albedo searched for the answer in the universe, you already seemed to have found them 
He noticed you on his wanderings through the city. His hands were already moving to draw your expressions in a hope to capture everything that he possibly could - how could he capture the intensity of the sun itself, of a flower basking in the afternoon glow, or a firefly so vibrant that it burned orange and beautiful 
You were bouncing on your toes, smiling kindly at the people who walked by while you patiently waited for anyone to stop by. Not many people purchased flowers every single day, but you found it wasn’t hard to proposition people with your generous smile and pin-point compliments. 
“My! I have never seen something so beautiful in all my life.” You began, bending to rest your hands on your knees while catching the attention of a small young girl who had been glancing at the array of flowers at your side. She looked at you confused, a bit nervous but didn’t back away. 
Reaching for a small white flower, you trimmed the leaves and hummed a little tune before turning back to her. “A lovely flower like you must attract so much goodness. Even this daisy is impressed by your radiance!" She giggled and you continued, "Would you do me a favor?” You smiled at her, eyes showing only the purest of shine. The little girl nodded her head and you began again, “Could you carry this flower and help it grow? If it's you, I'm sure it'll turn just as beautiful?” 
The little girl wrapped her small fingers around the stem, her smile and giggle so powerful that Albedo was sure you cast a magic spell because as he watched her gallop away back to her parents, the flowers near you began to glisten and the sketch on his page came to life. 
He was unsure how to make a connection with you, so more often than not he would find himself purchasing flowers he didn’t really have the necessity for - but perhaps if he gathered enough up, he’d have a bouquet glorious enough to equal your soul 
“Mr. Albedo, pleasure seeing you again.” You brushed off your apron and turned to him. Your eyes closing and head tilting, a standard greeting of yours. “I have some rather rare flowers in stock today if you’d like to take a look.” 
“I am actually here to inquire if you had any Asters; the research institute has just run out.” 
“Hmm, let me check for you.” You bowed slightly before disappearing behind the many stalls and carriers of your wares. He scanned the flowers as he waited for your return. Gloved fingers inspecting the petals of flowers and, in his wandering thoughts, he began to investigate which one reminded him the most of you. “Mr. Albedo, I am sorry, it seems we are fresh out.” 
“I see …” 
“Ah! However, I needed to gather several other plants today. If you come back tomorrow I will set them aside for you.” You waved at the other worker as if to inform them of your intentions and quickly reached for the basket near the stall. 
“Actually, would it be too much of a bother if I were to travel with you?” 
You paused, staring at him with eyes wide and mouth slightly parted. What was this feeling in his chest, it hurt. “I would never pass up an opportunity to share in your company! What a splendid day this is turning out to be.” 
“Thank you, I will keep out of your way.” 
“Not too much I hope. So, Mr. Albedo, are you ready?” You turned to head toward the front gate and he followed after you. 
“Yes, and please, just Albedo is fine.” 
“Alrighty then, Albedo.” Ah, yes, that’s why his heart hurt. 
There you were, the wind wrapping around you as you stood in a field of flowers - the reflection of light difficult to pinpoint for as bright as the sun shined down onto the plane below, you were just as intense and, in fact, you may be the most luminous creature to ever exist -- how could he possibly reach something like you 
His world had never been bright -- from the snowy landscape that threatened every day to freeze the warm hearts that beat on its surface, to the dark void that he fought through as an adolescent, to the harsh and demanding ladder he climbed in service to his cause -- he’d never known the light … his had been seized so long ago 
So when he found a flicking candle, a small flame in his dark corridor, he walked to it - ran for it - and to see the glory reflected on the other side was something he fixated on until he could hold the candle safe in his arms 
He clenched his jaw and sighed. These boring briefings were never something he cared to participate in. He was more for action rather than words, so instead of listening to the updates from the short, purple-haired harbinger, he instead gazed out the open window at the city below. 
Liyue had shifted from a temporary destination into a permanent one as the tasks and duties continued to lengthen his stay. At least he didn’t mind the city, not like some of the other places he’d stay at. Just as he was about to drift back to the boring discussion, he heard a voice drift up to him. A lively, giddy voice that stole all of his attention and focus, but as soon as you entered into view his minimal interest piqued into desperation. 
“Wait up! You can’t tell me that this isn’t a beautiful day, just take it all in!” You spread your arms wide and spun with so much energy that the inertia made you stumble, luckily you caught yourself before running into some poor passerby. Childe smiled and rested his chin on his palm as he looked down at the loveliness that was your everything. 
You laughed, and the way your hands flew to your lips to cover the sound made him jealous of those fingers. You spoke, words falling off of your tongue like sugar and he grew antsy at the thought of not tasting it. You existed, and he needed a piece of it. 
Waving to his subordinate, he spoke in a hushed whisper, and while the meeting continued to drone on, he made his first step at capturing a star. 
The more information he gathered, the more interactions he had with you - the more he fell into your luster, the richer his feelings grew for you 
His actions were that of a child just looking for a comforting glow in their endless darkness, hands cupped to keep it alive, breathing held for fear of accidentally blowing it out - stay, please stay 
He called your name, the sound of his voice dissipating in the open space as he searched for any sign of you. 
“Hey there!” You called out to him, and when he looked up toward your voice, he smiled. Your legs dangled off the tree limb, your hands wrapping around the bark as you balanced there. 
“How is the view?” He asked, crossing his arms and staring at you from below. How did you get up there, he wondered. 
“Beautiful, I can see so much from up here. It’s like a whole different perspective.” You breathed in deeply and lifted your arms to reach for the sky above you. “How about you join me?” 
“I’m not sure I can, I don’t even know how you got up there.” 
“Sheer will and determination!” Giggling, he thought maybe you were actually a mythical creature in the fairytales he used to read as a kid. There was no way you could live in this world and be so positive, it had to be you were something beyond this world. “I’ll come down to you.” Twisting, you wiggled onto your stomach before letting yourself drop onto the ground below. It was further than you thought and as soon as your feet hit the earth, your body became off balance and tumbled backward. 
Childe easily caught you, his sturdy chest supporting you and arms extended so your hands could have something to grab onto. 
“Ooh, that was exhilarating.” Tilting your head, you turned to look at him and for a moment he felt his lips scream for yours. He wanted to let you go, but how could you when you fit so perfectly in his arms. “Childe?” 
“You’re something else.” This was dangerous, you were dangerous, and now that he knew what it was like to feel the brightness of the light, he would never let the dark creep back in. 
He needed you - it was apparent - and he hoped one day you’d realize you needed him too. A light like yours truly needed to shine in the darkness of places, so choose his, please choose his 
There is no one in this world that would understand luster better than he - no one who could see the shine inside a being as clearly as one with eyes who’ve witnessed the birth and eventual death of the universe. The great Morax, the ruthless Rex Lapis, the gentle and patient Zhongli are one and the same, and the visions they’ve witnessed cannot be forgotten 
So, to see a person with purity so refined, that even the dullest observers could clearly recognize, he found it nearly impossible to look away 
He heard tell of a new performer joining the Pearl, someone who had shown great elegance and glorious promise at wowing the crowds. As a man who fancied the arts of all kinds, he was intrigued by the rumors and whispers. So, when the schedule showed the name of this new performer, he made his way to the boat drifting on the sea. 
His lips tasted the sweet flavor of tea but his eyes soaked in the delectable movements of your body. The graceful bow of your spin, the bending and twisting of your limbs as you moved just enough to tell your story on the swaying stage. He felt the history in your dance, the pride in your fluttering fan as you moved it across your face, the snap of truth as you forced it up toward the sky. He was transfixed, as he was sure all were. 
When you finished, you began to greet the many interested patrons eager to hear the sound of your voice. There was no way he could have known how transfixing you would be when he heard it. 
“What a stunning performance.” Zhongli mused, his head bowing, a mirror of your own gesture. 
“That is great praise from someone such as yourself.” You smiled and he was reminded of glaze lilies. 
“Pray tell, what was the inspiration for your dance?” 
“Ah, an insightful question, not unexpected I must say.” You laughed and moved your hands to your chest, elegant fingers resting over your heart as you answered his question. “The light of a soul has so much insight, don’t you think? If the soul is radiant, the vessel's beauty is so easily seen, and if there is beauty shining so brightly that it can communicate out to those who look, it may shift just the tides of the future.” You laughed again, a bit more unreserved than the last, and somehow more telling to your honesty. “I’m sorry, I hope that answered your question.” 
“Splendidly, and then some.” He found himself transfixed, captivated by a spirit shining before him. 
Spending time with you was as refreshing as standing in a mountain stream, as filling as a warm meal, as bright as the basking stars that littered the sky above and reflected in your eyes even in darkness 
“Zhongli, hello again.” He wandered into the garden, the gentle bubbling of the water as it fell along the rocks provided a lovely background to your visage. Carefully, you rested your fingers against the pages of your book as you looked up at him. The shadows of the shifting trees let highlights of the sun dance across your face and he couldn’t help but capture this image in his mind. 
“Good afternoon, you seem to be enjoying the day.” 
“As I always am. Nature has provided such elegant and lovely conditions that it would be a waste to not thank it, don’t you agree?” 
“Wholeheartedly.” He smiled, his hands gripping tighter around each other as they rested against the small of his back. It was incredible how nervous you made him; for a man who was a powerful as the mountains that looked down over the city, you made him feel like a tiny pebble in the stream begging to be touched by you. “May I join you?” 
“Absolutely, anything in this world can be improved by good company, and yours is always my favorite.”
“As yours is mine.” He sat on the stone bench next to you, his hands resting on his lap as he looked out across the scenery. You moved closer to him, your arms touching as you shared in the company of each other and, while his eyes drifted to your face, he watched how your smile and good nature made the flowers bloom. 
You were a compliment to his life. A perfect addition to the drift of time and as he looked at the future that stretched before him, he found your red wrapping perfectly around his amber 
tag list
@star-gods @mercurysmaiden @dourpeep @clemmywrites @pepperoncinipizza @handswritteeen @lucifucker @beelsdessert @odafashioned @coolcats09 @ninqat @musekala @sufzku @mooshymello @heavenlyang @plenilunegazes @glazelilyy @justyoureverydayqueer @idunkar @solowmomo @twokissesforamelia @the-mermaid-of-mondstadt @fuwon @angel-melt @lucacandy @shesleire @marianadi @zentoruu @smol-knife @nightlywallows @aoirohi @nitorious-ghost @mguerra11 @anatthesavage @maiiikoo @actstfbla @youaskedfurret @nonniechan @tempehlust @zenith-impact @plumpkie @jaggedsi @salty-salty @onlyhereforinteractivestories @gultonluvv @shy-specter @liebestraumss @jaemjenjam @softlybeloved @anatthesavage @mkazuyuh @excitedlysuffering @kaidou-pie @yujiia @cytomegalia @natxxu @ilyshelb @fvushiguros @nua-fromliyue @yoshikuno @kaidou-pie @anonymousficreader @cyphermagic @chichikoi
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thesevro · 4 years
So I read desert rose and loved it. It gave me an idea for an imagine where Sukuna and the reader kinda have a relationship like Hades and Persephone. They meet at first, not fond of each other, but they start to understand each other and slowly they fall in love. Not just any love but one that's so deep that it envelops them, a love so deep its embedded into their soul. You can add smut if you want, I don't mind. I just thought that this would be amazing!
thank you for the first request i’ve received here on tumblr!! 
this shit actually turned out longer than i thought it would. i got a little carried away. ahuhuhu~~ hope you enjoy this anon bby!! 
WARNINGS: mentions of rape, sukuna calls you a whore and a slut AWOOGA, explicit smut
“No man has ever survived that curse.”
Her laugh cuts the air. It is dangerous. Snorting and derisive. The absolute opposite of the slack-jawed shock on his tattooed countenance.
“Well, then it’s a good thing I’m not a man.”
Her hands spin in a small, tight circle, focusing the cursed energy in the tiny space of power she traces with her hands. She stares at the man with unblinking eyes. Bears insults down on him with the laughter in her eyes.
“You fucking bitch,” he seethes, hissing at the scorn curling her mouth. He does not need his hands to form his own curse. It only takes another vilifying look at her for one more curse to fly in her direction. He breathes an aggravated breath through his nose as one of her servants takes the shot instead, performing the same technique with their own hands.
“Ooh, that one was a little weaker, don’t you think?” she mocks, then turns to her servant with a pleased smile on her lips. “Good boy.”
The boy simpers at the praise, leaning into the touch the woman pets onto his head. Sukuna loses control at the casualness, the apathy. To have such inferior, lowly beings smile in his presence…  for them to have the fucking nerve to even meet his eyes…
He is the King of Curses. Whoever the fuck it is this woman may be, he knows he has to put her and her proletarian flunkeys in their damn places.
His four hands tremble as a wild rush of cursed energy pulses through his veins. A manic grin cuts his frown into a smile.
I’m going to fucking kill you.
But in the next moment, his hands begin to tremble for a wholly different reason. His blood goes cold.
“You know, you aren’t that bad-looking for someone with two faces and a mouth on their stomach.” The woman traces the frowning tincture of a smile on his stomach, arm raised into the air in order to reach it. She almost stands on her tip-toes. Even with her diminutive stature she seems to be the most powerful in the obliterated room. 
When did she—?
“If you accept defeat, your highness…” A sharp, sardonic quip comes to make him fraught with wrath, “Then I might just let you live and have you become one of my menials instead. You could do plenty with those four arms of yours.”
Her fingers have opened the mouth on his stomach. Now she only tries to prick the pads of her strong fingers on the razor-edged ridges of teeth there, awaiting his answer with easy patience. Her hand grows sticky with his slobber.
“She could kill you in seconds, King,” the boy from earlier speaks up. “Could just grab that tongue in your stomach and wrench it upward ‘till the tip of it comes out one o’ your eye sockets.”
“Oh, don’t spoil my fun Jackie,” she says, still playing with the mouth on his abdomen. “I was planning to keep it a surprise for our man here.”
“I’ll be part of your fucking band of delinquents,” he interrupts, locking eyes with the woman, head lowered. “But you will make me the superior of the rest of your blue-collared pack of idiots.”
“You’re going to have to work for that, Ryomen-chan.” She flashes a smile at him. Her hand slips further into the mouth on his abdomen. He knows what she’s doing. Tempting him into trying to bite her hand off, if only so she could acquire an excuse to kill him.
And no one. No one fucking gave her the authority to call him Ryomen-chan.
“I don’t fucking care,” he snaps back at her, grabbing her hand before quickly relaxing his grip. He falters ever so slightly as something in her eyes goes dark, then with a begrudging gentleness slips her hand out of the mouth. “I’m already part of your ragged band of lackeys, bitch. So fucking tell me what it is you me to do.”
He hates her with his entire being. With each day that passes he thinks of slitting her throat open and raping her as she dies. It is a train of thought that has been of much prominence since he was forced to join her group of brainless monkeys.
And he hates this, too, but he can’t say it’s all that bad. It’s much better than letting the bitch climb onto his shoulders and stand on his head to gain the elevated vantage she constantly insists is necessary to scout the area. When she has the ability to fucking fly. Fucking dumbass. 
So, yes. This isn’t… as demeaning as the rest of the orders she gives him.
“No, Ryomen-chan, you’re supposed to twist that strand over the middle one—oh, you’re hopeless.” 
Scratch that.
“That is the middle strand, bi—Ms. (Y/N),” he disguises the anger shaking in his voice with a call of her title, then shoves the strands of hair between his fingers to the front of her face. “Are you fucking blind?”
“As opposed to your deluded delusion, Ryomen-chan, this is the middle strand.” She holds a lock of her hair, plucking it from between his fingers. Something thumps in his chest as her fingers brush his palm. “Are you blind? Now that would be a horrible addition to your already damaged brain.”
“Let me fucking try again then. Give it here.”
Jeez. No one said styling a woman’s hair would be this… toilsome. 
“No, let me show you how to do it, Ryomen-chan. Sit down.” 
His knees bend as she shoves him down onto the plush pillow she uses when presenting herself as the Queen of Curses (a title he finds himself unable to contradict, fuck). His brows furrow and he turns back to protest but she only grips his chin in her fingers, her eyes meeting his, and snaps his head forward. 
“I said let me show you.” 
Something thuds in his chest again. He wills for it to shut the fuck up.
Her hand falls from his face, though her fingers stroke the bottom of his chin with the fleeting touch of danger before her hand moves to twine into his hair. He sits still, the breathless tightness in his chest soon giving way to ennui as he watches her braid his hair from the mirror. He finds himself observing the way her eyes glaze over with focus as she styles his hair. For the quickest second he wonders how hazy her eyes would go with him inside her.
“Alright, done. Did you take notes, Ryomen-chan? That was an important… lesson…” 
Her voice falters. He looks back at her and finds her eyes on his legs. Particularly on something protruding from between his thighs.
“Sukuna... I just braided your hair��”
“Not. Another. Word.” 
The first time he slides inside her, it’s like fucking himself into heaven.
He makes no sound as he fucks her, as she lets him fuck her, but everything in his head has blurred together to narrow his vision to only the sight of her beneath him.
He’s missed fucking women. Missed being inside them. He hates the fact that she is better than any bitch he has ever shoved his cock into.
He tries to keep his head in the crook of her neck. But then her legs hook together from around his waist, fingers curling into the hands he’s pinned to her wrists, and she’s moaning like the bitch in heat she really is. The curiosity to watch her face as he fucks her overwhelms him completely.
The touch she shares with his hands is more intimate than it should be. It’s as if his hands keep her grounded, keep her here with him as he makes her cum. 
Her back arches, and a third hand of his grips the small of her back to keep it arched, so that her stomach touches the mouth on his own abdomen.
For some fucking reason he wants to give her all the pleasure he can. Make her go cross-eyed. Fuck her 'till she goes stupid with sex.
He lets the mouth on his stomach fall open. The tongue there is long enough to slide between their bodies, wet enough to slither between them with ease. He smirks with the smile of a devil as the Queen of Curses, his only superior, cries out in pleasure as the tip of his tongue curls around the free space between their joined bodies. His tongue flicks her clit. Dips inside her to join the fullness of his cock. His eyes shut in lazy pleasure as she squeezes him tighter.
She has the body of a virgin. He can tell she’s only been touched once or twice in the past, judging from the way her dominance had fluctuated the moment she finished undressing him. Her touches were hesitant. Apprehensive. But for some reason she had also sought his pleasure, had taken his cock in her mouth and sucked not like an inexperienced little village girl but a masterful whore. 
He says it now, “The Queen of Curses, Ms. (Y/N), now the desperate bitch of her King.” A chuckle rumbles in his chest as she trembles in the wash of her fourth orgasm. He knows how many she’s had. He’s been counting; plans to give her ten. “A slut in the sheets, a queen in the streets. How delightful.”
And this, this makes the slut cum. 
And when she does, her authority returns. With a look of glaze-eyed intoxication in her eyes, she pushes his behemothic body off her, and rides him until he finally says her name. 
And at that point, he knows not whether he is her whore, or she is his. All he knows is that it’s fucking good to be inside her, and that she sounds and feels better than any other hole he's fucked.
The next time he fucks her, there are braids in her hair. 
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lord-of-gender · 3 years
A Small Problem - Part 1
My version of @deyageka’s Childinnit au. 3145 words
Dream revived Tommy, but there were unforeseen consequences
"Dweam! I hungy," Tommy complained, he had appeared in the cell after getting revived, with almost no memory of his life. And he looked to be only five or six years old.
"Look kid, all I have are potatoes," Dream snapped. He didn't know which was worse, teen Tommy that actively disregarded him and never listened, or toddler Tommy who was just annoying and never stopped complaining.
"No, no poo-tato," he grabbed the potato Dream had handed him and chucked it in the lava. Tommy had been talking with the same mocking tone all week.
"You have got to be kidding me," Dream glared at Tommy, resisting the urge to kill him again, knowing it would be better if he was alive, even in this state.
"La, la, la, I'm singing, I'm like Wilby," Tommy said, knowing perfectly well he was getting on Dream's nerves.
"Oh thank god," Dream said when he heard footsteps echoing over the lava. "Sam! Get this child out of here!"
"Hi Sam!" Tommy yelled, his high pitched voice hardly recognizable by Sam. "You have a funny name! I am looking for Wilbur!"
"T-Tommy?" Sam said, the disbelief clear in his voice. "Tommy go the the corner in the water!"
"Why?" Tommy asked, clearly not getting the urgency of the situation.
"Just do it you child," Dream demanded, pushing Tommy towards the corner of the cell.
"Okee," Tommy made his way over and stood in the water. Within seconds he was on the other side with Sam. "Hallo! Hehe, Techno always says that. Ooh! I'm big and scawy like Techno!"
"I'm so confused, how are you alive, and why are you, younger," Sam said, not expecting a response.
"I dunno," Tommy shrugged and with a huge smirk began running away from Sam. "Weeeee, freedom!"
"Tommy!" Sam ran after him, eventually cornering him as Tommy came up to the other lava. Noticing the kid's fearful and entranced expression as he started at the lava.
"No, lava bad," he muttered, backing away from it, he didn't know why, he just didn't like it. "Where's Wilbur?"
"I don't know, why don't you come with me and we'll find him," Sam reached his hand out for Tommy to take. Eventually he did. Looking between the lava and Tommy, Sam didn't feel right making him go through all the protocol, not like this. So he lead Tommy through the guards' secret passageways until they got to the main entrance of the prison.
"What is this place," Tommy asked, "why is Dweam in there?"
"This is a place where bad people go, and Dream is a very bad man," Sam said, leading him to the lockers. "Go into the chest and give me the card in there."
"Are you going to put Techno in there," Tommy asked, opening the ender chest and pulling out what Sam had told him.
"Not unless I have to," Sam said, the thought had crossed his mind, but if he did attempt to Phil would defend Techno. The two were powerful, but had stayed isolated in the mountains and didn't currently pose a threat.
"Is this all mine," Tommy looked at the contents in the regular chest in wonder.
"Yes, but we can leave it here or I can hold onto it until we figure this out," Sam said, talking about getting Tommy back to his normal age.
"But it's mine," Tommy said, he pulled out the axe and tried swinging it around, but the weight was made for someone bigger and stronger than him so he ended up falling to the ground. "Uh, you have it. Too heavy."
"I'll give it back as soon as you get back to normal," Sam said, ruffling Tommy's hair as he put the Axe of Peace back. "But first let's get out of here."
"Okay," Tommy said and Sam took him to the secondary exit he made just in case. They landed down in the water the prison had been built on and Sam helped Tommy swim to the shore.
"Tunnel!" Tommy said, pointing at the tunnel leading to Snowchester. "Let's go there!"
"Alright, I'll take you to Snowchester." Sam crafted a boat and got in, with Tommy getting in behind him, humming to himself as they headed towards the snowy biome.
"Who lives here," Tommy asked, taking in every bit of detail and rubbing his hands together to warm up.
"Tubbo does, I think Foolish and Ranboo do as well," Sam said, he knew he would have to go back to the prison to double check all the safety protocol and move Tommy's items.
"Tubbo," Tommy perked up, "let's see Tubbo!"
"I don't think he's here right now," Sam said, he would have to go back to the Dream SMP to see if Puffy or anyone else could watch Tommy, but then he'd have to explain what happened. "Come on Tommy."
"I'm cold," he said, trudging through the snow behind Sam to Tubbo's cabin.
"I know, but you need to stay here while I go do some things," Sam said, grabbing a cloak from a chest and wrapping it around Tommy. "I don't think Tubbo will mind if you look around."
"Who's up there," Tommy asked, hearing noises from the attic. He went over to the ladder and climbed up and opened the trapdoor to see Micheal entertaining himself. "Hallo! I'm Tommy."
"Oh, that's Micheal," Sam said, climbing up behind him. "Be careful. I have to go. Don't go outside, okay?"
"Okee," Tommy said, looking intently at Micheal as he snorted to himself. Tommy then made some piglike noises, making the young zombie piglin perk up and squeal in excitement.
"Wait, you know piglin," Sam asked, pausing as he started back down.
"Techno teached me, he's a pig-in," Tommy said, then made more noises and the two children continued to talk to each other. "Go away now."
"Well have fun, stay safe Tommy," Sam said, climbing down and closing the doors behind him.
Michael started to point at the photos of him, Ranboo, and Tubbo. Tommy looked at them and searched his memory, as far as he could remember Phil didn't have any pictures like that. Michael oinked as he offered Tommy a handful of cake. His stomach rumbled as he looked at the treat.
"Here I can give you a potato," Tommy said, offering one of the raw potatoes he had left over from the prison. "I don't like them." Michael lit up and took the potatoes, happily eating them.
"Hi Michael," Tubbo came up to see them, they hadn't even heard him open the door. "I'm back buddy."
"Michael wishes you and Ranboo were home more, and he's cold," Tommy said, pulling Tubbo's attention to him. "Hallo!"
"I- hello, who are you," Tubbo asked, he didn't think any other children were on the server, let alone human children.
"It's me, Tommy, remember me Tubbo," Tommy grinned, cake frosting covering his mouth. Tubbo froze. There was no way, it was impossible, he was seeing things. He had to be. Slowly Tubbo climbed back down the ladder.
"How is he," Ranboo asked, carrying a armful of red berry branches, he had slowly been working on clearing out all the berry bushes so Michael could safely walk around outside.
"I-I uh, he's cold," Tubbo stammered, still not fully processing what he found out.
"I can make him a coat, we do have the extra fabric," Ranboo said, he climbed up the ladder to see Tommy and Michael.
"You need this more than I do," Tommy pulled off the cloak and wrapped it around Michael. "I'll ask them to put a fireplace up here."
"Well hello there, who are you," Ranboo said, closing the trapdoor behind him. He sat down in front of the boys.
"Tommy," he said gleefully, "I was stuck with a bad man called Dweam, Sam took me here. He's looking for Wilbur."
"I- okay, do you remember anything before that," Ranboo asked, wondering if he knew everything that Tommy did. "Do you remember me?"
"Uh, no, but you're Ranboo right?" Tommy asked, "and why is Dweam in prison? What bad things did he do?"
"Well he killed multiple people, he blew up something that used to be Tubbo's, he stole some things of yours and did alot of bad things to you," Ranboo said, not mentioning how Dream had used him as well.
"Well I don't remember," Tommy said, he looked at Michael who had been jumping in the corner and snorted to him. "He wants to go outside."
"You understand him," Ranboo asked, he had been trying to find a book on piglin but now that he knew Tommy could speak it that would be a big help.
"Yeah, Techno taught me," Tommy said, making Ranboo feel stupid. Of course, he should have asked Techno to teach him, but then again he had no idea when he would wake up, and he might end up having to tell Techno about Michael.
"What do you remember," Ranboo asked, trying to get a better idea of what happened to Tommy, even if he wouldn't remember.
"Uh, Philza and Wilbur are my family, Techno is a friend of Dadza's, he was the ruler of some place," Tommy stifled a yawn, "the Antarctic Empire."
"Do you want to stay here until Sam comes back," Ranboo asked, Tommy nodded, leaning his head against him.
"Mhm," Tommy mumbled, the events of the past week finally catching up with him. Now that he was outside and could see the sun his lack of sleep started to take hold.
"I'll see if we have an extra blanket," Ranboo said as Michael looked at Tommy curiously. He went down the ladder to see Tubbo muttering to himself.
"Ranboo, please tell me I was just seeing things up there," Tubbo said, pacing around. "Cause I thought I saw Tommy, young Tommy."
"Oh he's there alright," Ranboo said, "I didn't believe it at first, but of course I've never seen young Tommy. So he couldn't have been an illusion."
"But how is he alive," Tubbo said, sitting down on one of the chests.
"Maybe Sam will know, cause Tommy doesn't remember why he was in there," Ranboo said, he grabbed their extra blanket. "But he is cute like this."
"Don't let him know that," Tubbo let out a small chuckle. When Ranboo went back up Tommy had fallen asleep in Michael's bed, Michael was lying down by him.
"Tubbo, get up here, you need to see this," Ranboo whisper yelled.
"What is it," Tubbo came up and 'aww'ed when he saw the two boys sleeping next to each other. "I forgot how peaceful he is when asleep."
"He sleeps like a baby," Ranboo said, "we're not letting this go when he gets back to normal, right?"
"Definitely not," Tubbo laughed, imagining the amount of teasing they could do with this.
"Ranboo, Tubbo, are you guys here," Sam called from downstairs.
"Shh, Tommy just fell asleep," Ranboo jumped down with Tubbo following behind. "So why is he like this?"
"Dream said he brought Tommy back," Sam said, "and he isn't happy this happened."
"Back, like back from the dead," Tubbo clarified.
"Yes, I'm going to try to look through my books and see if there's anyway to fix this," Sam said, "I just wanted to make sure Tommy was okay, are you guys good to watch him? If not I'm sure I could find Puffy or someone else."
"Well once he wakes up I could take Tommy with me, he's talked alot about Phil and Techno," Ranboo offered.
"I don't know, Phil hasn't been the best parent to Tommy in the past," Sam said, "I'd much rather have him stay here, where I know he's safe."
"Well we can't keep this a secret forever, the entire server knows he died," Tubbo said.
"But if the Eggpire knows he's alive they'll go after him," Sam said, "Sam Nook warned me that they were trying to kill him."
"I think alot more than just them were after him," Ranboo said, "If I remember correctly Niki said Jack had tried to kill him." He left out the part of Niki trying to as well, but she had changed, and she was part of the Syndicate.
"So we keep this between us right now, once we get Tommy aged back up he can decide what he wants to do," Sam said.
"I'll look through Phil's library for a solution," Ranboo pulled out his book to write down a reminder.
"We still have to tell someone, there's going to be times when we're all busy," Tubbo said, "and Tommy's not going to be as willing as Michael to stay here all day."
"I think we can trust Puffy, and possibly Quackity, that way he can be around different people," Sam said, he would have to check how close Tommy and Quackity were. Foolish was an option as well, and could protect Tommy if it came to it, but with the Eggpire attacking Foolish he wasn't so sure.
Later that day Ranboo had met up with Philza to help him work on his cabin. Phil was in the basement, trading with Techno's villagers.
"So Phil, can I ask you about something?" Ranboo said, coming down to help him.
"Of course mate, what's up," Phil said.
"What's the 'Antarctic Empire'," Ranboo asked, what Tommy said earlier stuck with him. And he knew it was safer to ask Phil before Techno.
"Do not ever bring that up with Techno," Phil said, his tone dark and warning. "Where the fuck did you hear that?"
"I- uh, Ghostbur mentioned something about it so I got curious," Ranboo lied, remembering that Sam had wanted to keep Tommy on the down-low for the time being.
"Alright, just don't tell Techno that I told you," Phil said, "the Antarctic Empire is a land far from here, it's where Techno lived before coming here. It's not quite an empire anymore and is the reason he hates government. He saw the state of everyone who lived there and hated himself for it. So he ended his reign and went into hiding, watching as the Empire tore themselves apart."
"That's crazy," Ranboo said, "but it does explain alot."
The next day Sam had run into Quackity while trying to find Puffy or Ranboo. He needed someone to watch Tommy, but Tuboo said he had other things to do.
"Oh thank god, Quackity can you do something for me," Sam said, stopping him.
"Uh, what is it," Quackity asked as Sam threw a book to him.
"Read that and go into the second floor suite of Tommy's hotel," Sam said, "you are to tell no one, if you have any questions find Tubbo or Ranboo."
"What the fuck, I have things I need to do myself," Quackity called as Sam ran off to finish repairing the prison, but with the mining fatigue he didn't know how long it would take him. Quackity sighed as he looked at the book, it wasn't titled and he decided to just pocket it. He walked to the hotel and when he confirmed Jack wasn't there, went up where Sam told him.
"Hallo!" Tommy waved, making Quackity jump. "Are you Big Q?"
"No, no, no," Quackity shook his head, it had to be some cruel joke.
"No?" Tommy said, "are you sad?"
"No! What's your name?" Quackity said, there was no way this was Tommy. He wasn't a kid, he was dead.
"Tommy, I'm five," he said, then walking back to what he was doing. He took a yellow paper he had cut out and put together, and put it on his head. It was a crown. "I'm like Techno!"
"Okay, but why are you a child," Quackity pulled out the book and began to read it. It explained to him the situation as far as they knew, that he was to keep Tommy hidden, and the added death threat if anything happened to Tommy.
"What's wrong with being a child," Tommy asked, everyone had been talking as if him being like this was wrong. This statement make Quackity burst out laughing, the older Tommy would have never said that.
"I don't know, I mean you're probably less of a handful at this age," Quackity said, ruffling Tommy's hair. He had to make the most of this, and he had the perfect idea of how. "How would you like to help me annoy an old grumpy ghost?"
"Sure," Tommy grabbed the moth toy he had spent all of last night begging Sam and Tubbo to make. "Ready."
"What's your moth's name," Quackity asked as he and Tommy left the hotel. Tommy waved by to Sam Nook as they passed him.
"His name is Clementine," Tommy said, Quackity tried not to laugh again as his British accent fully came out when he said the name. "And you have to say it just like me."
"Okay kid," Quackity spotted Jack in the distance, he was coming in their direction. "Listen to me, we're going to play superheroes right now. My name is Big Q, and yours, what's a name you like?"
"Bird man!" Tommy said, Quackity shook his head, there was no way Jack would buy that. "No, um, Sleepy Boi! It's what Wilbur would call us."
"That works. Now I need you to tell everyone you see that's your name, cause we're under cover and we can't let anyone know our real names," Quackity said, he just had to hope Jack would fall for it.
"Okee Big Q," Tommy said as they passed Jack. He originally walked right by, but did a double take when he saw Tommy.
"Wait is that- no that's impossible," Jack stopped, he said it to no one in particular, but Quackity had heard him.
"Who? This kid," Quackity asked, playing it off. "Why don't you tell Jack your name."
"I'm Sleepy Boi!" Tommy said, putting his fist in the air. There was a moment of confusion on Jack's face, but he seemed to buy it.
"Well if this little guy wants to have a room in my hotel, I might be willing to give it at a discount," Jack said, "well I have work to do, see you around Big Q."
"But that's my hotel," Tommy said as Jack went out of earshot, "Sam told me."
"Well right now you're not old enough to own the hotel," Quackity said, "and because Jack is the only employee he automatically got ownership when you were in the prison."
"I'm going to fire him as soon as I take it back," Tommy said, his head held high.
"Alright, you do that," Quackity chuckled, there was a small chance he would actually do that once they found a way to fix him.
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kuroosweakness · 3 years
more single dad!kuroo | sumi and her stuffed animals + special bath + talks about her lost tooth + school troubles + dinner 
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“what’s tim doing here?” 
the green sea turtle plush lays on his back, having stared at the ceiling for the past hour. 5-year-old sumi comes running through her dad’s room’s door with her hair flopping against her back with every step. 
“tim’s gonna stay with you today,” she informs kuroo and makes grabby hands at the turtle. naturally, kuroo plucks the plush off the mattress and places him in her hands. 
“oh? why with me?” an amused smile creeps onto his face. it’s always her and her stuffed animals. but oh, he can’t deny he doesn’t hearing all of the drama between her stuffed animals. apparently, the imagination of a 5-year-old is endless. 
sumi takes a good long look at tim and his green flippers. she scrunched up her face and makes a pouty face. “tim’s tired of the other mean animals and wants to gonna stay with you today,” she tells him, as if it’s the most obvious thing ever. “you’re not gonna be mean to him?” 
“course not,” kuroo huffs. he sits down on the carpet floor and sumi follows. “tim and i are great friends, right tim?” 
not to his surprise, tim doesn’t reply. sumi nods and places the turtle on her dad’s lap. “okay. tim’s staying with you today.” 
“mmm...” kuroo arches an eyebrow at her as she suddenly pulls out her dolphin plushie ...from under the bed? “daphne’s gonna stay with me too? wow, am i popular,” he teases. 
daphne, the blue dolphin, joins tim on kuroo’s lap. “she’s gonna stay with you too because the other animals are being mean.” 
“i see,” kuroo slowly nods and rests his chin on the palm of his hand. “who’s being mean to them? and why?” 
“the dinos! because they’re-” she points at the plushie on her dad’s lap. “-ocean animals so the others don’t like them.” 
“c’mere,” kuroo waves at her to come closer and she does. she plops herself right on her dad’s lap. her mischievous smile proves that she’s aware of squishing tim and daphne. “we’re gonna haveta wash your hair today,” he tells her while combing her hair with his fingers. 
“ooh, special bubbles?” 
he laughs. “no, not with special bubbles. gotta save water, baby....for sea turtles and dolphins like tim and daphne.” 
after bunching her hair into a small ponytail, kuroo sits back and lets her do a 360. “all done~” 
before she bounces out of his room, he calls out, “sumi, wait-” 
sumi turns around and looks at her dad questioningly. 
“you can’t-” kuroo gets up and brushes his pants, picking up tim and daphne from the floor right after. “-just let the dinos be mean to tim and daphne.” 
“i’m not,” she says. “i’m gonna teach them a good lesson right now.” 
before kuroo can say something, her eyes darken like the way they always do when she’s about to tell her dad something interesting. 
“do you know what they said to daphne once?” 
kuroo places the plushies on his bed and walks over to her. “what did they say?” 
sumi looks down at the floor and follows her dad out the door and to the kitchen. “they made fun of her because her smile” 
kuroo nods along, opens the top fridge door, and bends down to ruffle his daughter’s hair. “what happened afterwards?” 
sumi’s shoulders slump and her chest grows heavy. “she cried and they laughed. it-” she picks at her lips. “ because she lost her tooth and now her smile look funny” 
a small thud distracts her from her train of thought. kuroo says a small “oops” and picks up the jar lid that fell on the floor. he places the lid back on the counter and croutches down at sumi’s eye level. 
his eyebrows draw together; his eyes scans over her face for any signs he may recognize. “now, now” he rubs his palms against her shoulders soothingly. “they have no business making fun of daphne for something as natural as losing a tooth.” 
he knows his words aren’t much help, but he truly doesn’t know what else can make her feel better. kuroo’s glad she can’t tell how much her crying hurts him too. 
“besides, her smile does not look funny. i think she looks beautiful, and my opinion matters, doesn’t it? since has daddy been wrong?” he gives her a small smile in hopes that it’s a contagious one. 
she stifles a laugh and roughly wipes her eyes on her sleeve. “you got milk chocolate and dark chocolate mixed up!” 
he smiles and rolls his eyes. “well excuse me. they look like the same-” 
“nuh uh!...” she giggles. “at least you didn’t get white chocolate mixed up!” 
“it’ll be troubling if i did,” he laughs. his face softens at her. after a few more shoulders rubs, he asks, “is daphne feeling better about her smile now...?” 
she sniffles, inhales, and breaks into a sob. kuroo’s eyes widen as she presses her head against his chest. and suddenly, his grey shirt is her next tissue. 
“but no one else lost tooth” she chokes. it doesn’t take long for her teary eyes to release teardrop after teardrop. she hates this, hates being weak, hates how she looks with big, red, and puffy eyes. but at least she’s crying in front of her dad and not those boys at school...daddy wouldn’t laugh at her, ever. “it’s only me with big hole in smile” 
she pulls back and shows him the gap between her front tooth as if her dad doesn’t already know. “sumi-” 
“it looks dumb.” she frowns and tightens her hug around kuroo’s neck. “so so so dumb” 
kuroo continues rubbing and patting her back like the way he used to when she was younger, and couldn’t sleep at set times. “you know,” kuroo gently begins. “those mean people will lose their teeth later and they’ll have gaps in between their teeth too. plus, the tooth fairy wouldn’t give them money because she never awards mean people.” 
sumi sniffles and presses her eyes against her dad’s shirt to soak up leftover tears. 
“so not only did they lose a tooth, but they also don’t get money and have no right to be making fun of you.” kuroo slowly pulls back and examines his daughter’s tear-stained, red, scrunched up face. “after a quick face wash, you’ll be as good as new” 
sumi doesn’t reply and climbs on her dad’s back for a piggy back ride to the bathroom. 
he lifts her up and tightens his hold on her small thighs. as he starts walking, he sees her feet dangling by his side and wonders, where did her other sock go? he sighs and shakes his head with a tired smile, not another missing sock...
“sumi, i’m sure i’ve already told you this, but another tooth will grow back. an even stronger, better tooth!” 
the bathroom lights flick open and kuroo steps onto the tiled floors, setting his daughter on the counter and holding onto her thighs to prevent her falling off. 
he catches his reflection in the mirror and stifles a laugh. the neck area of his shirt is soaked with tears and snot. 
he looks up at her and her bunched up fists. “hm?” 
“can i take a special bubbles bath?” she points at the bathtub and puts on her best set of puppy eyes. naturally, kuroo’s weak heart makes him nod ‘yes’ before he can process what she asked. 
“really? yay~” she inches closer to the edge of the counter and- 
“woah woah woah,” he sets her down and lets her climb into the tub. sumi sets her clothes aside and sits patiently in the tub, waiting for her dad to turn the water on. 
“the water’s cold at first, remember?” he teasingly pinches her cheek, thankful that she mind is no longer on her fallen tooth. maybe he should have a talk with her kindergarten teacher-
he looks up and wonders where the -dy went. 
“the water’s warm enough now!” she gives the water a few kicks and cups and handful before throwing it up and laughing. sumi treads across the water and grabs the colorful bath bomb she picked out at the store a while ago. 
kuroo turns the water off and she eagerly throws the bath bomb in. “...why’s it not melting? :((” 
with a quick look at the floating ball, kuroo chuckles and picks it right out the water. “there’s plastic wrapping around it, baby.” 
sumi’s mouth forms a small ‘o’ and watches her dad peal the wrapping away. “throw it in!” she tells him. 
he does just as she says and the two watches small bubbles form around the blue-turning water. 
“it’s blue...it’s red...it’s purple!” she cheers and throws her arms above her head. kuroo smiles in acknowledgment at the fact that she knows her colors well. 
there goes the -dy. thank goodness it’s back. “yes, baby?” 
she pokes at his arm that’s drying her off with a towel. “can i get more plushie?” 
“no more dinos though...” 
“course not! i want-” she taps her lips in thought and squeals when her dad’s cold hands comes in contact with her warm skin. “-i want more sea plushie” 
“how about a shark? sharks constantly lose and grow more teeth” 
“but sharks are mean” 
kuroo slips her shirt over her head. “not all of them,” he says. “a lot of sharks can be nice and we could name him or her-”
“what about ‘smark’?” sumi suggests. 
kuroo snorts. “’smark’? not sure if that’s a name or even a word, sumi...but if you’d like, then sure.” 
“yes?” he gives her hair some final ruffles and grabs a nearby comb. 
“you used to call me punkin” 
“...mm, and what about it, punkin?” 
“the kids look at me funny and laughed when you called me punkin” 
“did they?” kuroo sighs. “god, why are the kids in your kindergarten class so mean” 
“i don’t know,” she quietly replies. “they’re just like the dinos!” 
he frowns. “screw the dinos” 
sumi holds her belly as she laughs. “screw the mean boys and girls too” 
after a few final hair brushes, kuroo pats her head and grins. “my beautiful girl~” 
“pumpkin,” she corrects him.  
kuroo pulls back in surprise and slowly sets her back on the floor. “’my beautiful pumpkin’ sounds like i’m talking to the orange vegetable,” he chuckles. “i thought you didn’t like it when i-” 
“i do like it. and pumpkins.” she bounces out of the bathroom and jumps onto couch, like the way she always does after baths. “daddy would you be sad if tim and daphne not sleep with you today?” 
��i would be more than heartbroken,” kuroo jokes from the bathroom. he flicks the light switch off and pads over to the couch she’s sitting on. her mischievous smile grows with every step closer. 
“then i guess you have to be heartbrochon” 
kuroo dramatically gasps as he sits down next to her. “and you’re completely fine with me being heartbroken? just when i thought you loved me-” 
“i do! but i love tim and daphne more so they need to sleep with me today.” 
kuroo tries to hide his face of betrayal at the fact that he’s not first place in her heart, not second, but third–after two stuffed animals. 
“so....” she crawls closer to him to display her irresistible puppy eyes again. “can i have a shark plushie?” 
“just so your shark plushie can take my place in your heart?” kuroo teases and leans forward to grab the tv remote. “i’d be fourth place-” 
“no you won’t! my list goes-” she looks deep in thought as she counts her fingers. “teddy, daphne, buddy, tim, fried rice, you”
kuroo’s mouth gapes open as he slumps against the couch. “i come after fried rice?” he laughs. “even though i’m the one who makes it for you?”
she laughs with him. her laugh matches his well–both loud, genuine, and more like a cackle. “fine, you come before fried rice.” 
but not before your four other stuffed animals? he shakes his head in amusement. “i guess you’ll have to go to teddy, buddy, tim, and daphne to cook you dinner and tuck you in bed today~” 
he shrugs his shoulders in defeat and walks over to the kitchen. “it’s all too bad that i’ll have to enjoy my grilled mackerel all alone~” 
“daddy! you know how much buddy likes fish!” she grabs her polar bear off of the couch and marches after her dad. 
“he has great taste,” kuroo replies back. sumi glares at her dad and clings onto his leg as he washes the rice. 
“i’ll put you in first place if you buy me ‘smark’“ she playfully says. 
“ah...bribing won’t work on me, baby”
sumi huffs, releases her hold, clasps his sweatpants instead. “but you already number one on my list” 
“mm,” he hums back, unconvinced. conversations like these and teasing her are his favorite. he finds great joy in getting her riled up in little topics that might not matter to others, but means the world to him. 
“uh huh! you are!” she follows him to the fridge and widens her eyes at the sight of a popsicle. “can i have that?” 
“save it for dessert,” he replies back. 
“mm” she groans and walks over to pick up her polar bear that she accidentally dropped on the carpet. clink and clanks of pots and pans ring through the air as kuroo searches for the right pan.
“daddy? can i bring smark to school?”
“as long as if you don’t lose him,” he replies.
sumi’s face stretches into a wide grin. “does that mean you’ll get him for me? :)” 
kuroo lets out a long sigh. “yea, i probably will”
sumi bounces over to her dad again and beams. “you’re the best”
“yeah yeah” he laughs. “i was in like sixth place a few minutes ago”
“you always at number one,” she tells him as she goes on her tip toes to try to place her polar bear on the kitchen counter. she fails and buddy falls on her head.
“have i?”
sumi picks buddy up again and runs to her room. kuroo turns around at the lack of her voice and she suddenly runs back with her dinos.
kuroo’s eyes widen. “oh no no no, don’t throw your toys away”
“but they’re bad toys :(“
kuroo thinks about this for a second. “you gotta teach them to not be mean, give them a second chance, maybe they’ll become nice dinos”
sizzling sounds come from the pan and sumi smiles at the smell of fish. but quickly frowns again at her dinos.
“i guess,” she mumbles and runs back to her room. it doesn’t take long for her to run back out with teddy and buddy in her arms, her teddy bear and loose bear.
“i said you always been number one,” she tells her dad while scratching the side of her hair. “ask why”
“so you put me after fried rice to make fun of me?” kuroo teases.
“no? that was my list of ‘stuff i love’ not ‘people i love’ “
kuroo ponders this for a moment and reaches up for the little bottles of spice.
“so i’m on your ‘stuff i love’ and ‘people i love’ list? i’m a stuff and a person?” he chuckles.
“you’re number one on my ‘people i love’ list,” she says. sumi crinkles her nose at the smell of string spices. “and the only one”
“... i’m the only one? what about your friends? teacher? tim? buddy?”
“buddy’s a bear!” she exclaims like it’s the most obvious thing ever. “not person. and teddy’s my best friend, but he’s a bear too”
“mm... so no human friends?”
“nope, maybe you”
“maybe?” he laughs. “are we not friends?”
“you’re daddy! not friend”
“i can be friend and daddy at the same time!”
“but you can’t be daddy and fried rice at the same time”
kuroo stifles a laugh at her unexpected response. “that’s correct. do you ... does no one ....” kuroo bites his lip. how should he approach this topic?
“who do you sit next to during school?”
“amara and thomas” 
her response is quick, so she must know them well, right? sumi picks at the fluff of her polar bear and goes to sit on the carpet right outside the kitchen tiles.
“do they not talk to you?”
“sometimes,” she replies. she’s much more interested in why she suddenly sees a blue mark on her polar bear then the discussion with her dad right now. “buddy’s turning blue :(“
but kuroo doesn’t have the time to look away from the pan so he nods. “mm, we’ll give him a wash”
“who else do you talk to during school?”
“mrs. chen” she frowns at the blue spot on her polar bear and checks to see if teddy has one too.
“anyone else?”
whew, teddy doesn’t have one. “sometimes amara”
with a click, kuroo turns the stove off and slides the mackerel on a white dish. “anyone else...?”
“ah... do you wish you have more people to talk to?”
“no, i talk to you all the time!”
“right, you tell me everything,” he beams. he brings a spoon to his mouth to taste the sauce.
“daddy why can’t guys make babies”
kuroo’s eyes widen as he splutters out the sauce. “...well, it’s just the way mother nature works”
“so you didn’t make me?”
kuroo avoids eye contact and rubs his neck sheepishly. “well..... it’s complicated and not something you should worry about”
“mrs. chen said i look like you, and she called me pretty. does that make you pretty?”
“...” conversations with a five year old can be quite amusing ... “it’s up to you,” he laughs. “do you think i’m pretty?” 
“i guess”
he laughs even harder at her dry response and quickly turns the conversation topic back around. “is school fun for you?”
“i guess”
“...” ah, there goes the painful short responses. “what do you guys do everyday-“
“daddy why do guys have to stand up when they use the bathroom-“
“remember buddy’s blue spot?” kuroo quickly butts in.
sumi’s eyes diverts back to her polar bear. “:(( buddy’s turning colors!”
kuroo lets out a long, heavy, and tired sigh. it’s been a long day for him as a parent and now he learns that his daughter doesn’t have any friends her age?
“buddy will be fine,” he reassures her and carries white dishes to the small dining table. sumi places a long kiss on buddy’s nose.
“daddy if you weren’t so tall i’d kiss you on the nose too”
before kuroo can say something, sumi changes the topic once again. “smark will be friends with tim and daphne.”
“mrs. chen said that you’re really tall”
“she told ms. loren that you’re the most handsome dad”
“ms. loren whispered something about being my future mommy and it was really weird”
kuroo chokes on his spit and walks back into the kitchen quietly. “i-“
“i don’t want ms. loren to be my mommy” 
“oh you won’t have to worry about that,” he nervously chuckles. his daughter sure has a lot to say...he makes a mental note to avoid eye contact with ms. loren the next time he drops her off. 
“daddy do you like tim and daphne or do you pretend to?”
kuroo frowns as he cuts up some cucumbers. “why wouldn’t i like them? i like the way they make you happy”
“i think amara only pretend to like me” 
kuroo makes another mental note to consider transferring her to a new school. after a final slice, he puts the diced up cucumbers onto a small plate and grabs nearby spices. 
“maybe amara isn’t meant to be friends with you. sometimes, peoples’ personalities just don’t match up.” 
sumi sighs and slumps her shoulders. “i wish you can go to school with me instead of work” 
“i wish i can too” he laughs. “punkin, dinner’s ready. wash up” 
“ooh” sumi quickly sits up and dashes over to the kitchen sink step stool. “but you said you wouldn’t cook for me...?” 
“i can’t leave ya hungry,” he tells her. “besides, i’m your friend” 
“and my daddy,” she quips back. she turns on the sink and scrubs her hands with soap. “but not fried rice.” 
“mm, i’m not fried rice,” kuroo restates with a smile. “...do you like going to school?” 
“it’s fun sometimes, so. i guess.” sumi steps off of her step stool and happily bounces over to the dinner table. 
the night concludes with them eating dinner, kuroo asking more questions about school and buddy’s blue spot, sumi happily eating popsicle for dessert
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pascalpanic · 3 years
hi angel 🥺 i’ve had some time to think of what i want to request and i’ve finally come up with something ;-;
do you think you could write something comforting (doesn’t have to be long!) where maxwell is caring for a reader who is a little tipsy or drunk? the reader is the kind of drunk who’s giggly and playful. and he’s super sweet and gentle with her. maybe they already have a pre-established relationship? maybe some slimy guy is hitting on her and he gets all protective and takes her home? and i’d neverrrrr object to smut either. but i’m leaving it up to you to write whatever you think works the best. i just miss reading soft and protective maxwell yanno ;-;
Overdoing It (Maxwell Lord x f!Reader)
W/C: 1.5k
Warnings: alcohol obviously, sexual innuendo, Maxwell lifts reader so I know some ppl aren’t comfy with that
A/N: RACH MY LOVE I’m sorry this took so long but I’m glad I finally did it bc I love how it turned out! ALSO HAPPY WW84 DAY (July fourth) SO WHAT WONDERFUL TIMING!
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You certainly had not intended to imbibe to the level you had tonight. The problem was Maxwell, really, although in the best possible way.
The man has a high tolerance; you, admittedly, have one considerably lower than his. You love seeing Maxwell when he’s tipsy. It’s rare that you get to see it and remember it. The times that he’s tipsy are the times where you’re next to vomiting.
But tonight was a celebration, and Maxwell spared no expense. You’d finally received a position in a job you’d dreamed of, one that caused the two of you to spend hours poring over applications and perfecting cover letters. It was a success for the both of you, you said, but Maxwell insisted that it was all you.
You’d said that takeout was just fine with you, so long as Maxwell was there, but he insisted that a bigger celebration was in order. You didn’t really mind; you love getting dressed up to go out. Max made a reservation at a nice place in downtown D.C. and kept the specific place a surprise from you until now.
As you walked inside, the gorgeous atmosphere made you lose your breath for a moment. Your eyes nearly watered as you looked at Maxwell, and he simply kissed your forehead. “You deserve it, my love. I’m so proud of you.”
The words aren’t exactly rare from Maxwell, but they mean the world to you. Having someone tell you that they love you is one thing, but having someone say they’re proud of you is a completely different one. “I love you,” you grinned and followed him to your table, lacing your fingers through his.
Dinner was wonderful, unsurprisingly. Maxwell had scanned the menu the last time he came here, with business cohorts, and been certain you would like it. The delight on your face as you scanned the menu confirmed it, and Maxwell mentally gave himself a little pat on the back.
You’d ordered appetizers and drinks, then more drinks with the main course (two to accompany the meal, to be exact), and then more with dessert. By then, you were starting to feel a little tipsy, but nothing you couldn’t handle. Slowly, as you left the restaurant, the alcohol sunk in. The drinks were stronger than they’d seemed.
Luckily, Maxwell has a chauffeur. He’d had as many drinks as you, but the man’s tolerance is quite high. He seems barely affected, if not slightly looser and more carefree. The two of you made your way outside, Maxwell holding his arm around your waist to ensure that you didn't stumble; just in case, he reminded you, but you didn’t believe him.
In the car, you snuggle into Maxwell’s side happily, resting your head on his shoulder. “Buckle please, love,” he insists and wraps an arm around you.
“No,” you whine, kissing the soft cologned skin of his neck. “You’re too cozy.”
Maxwell laughs and nestles into you. “I’ll excuse it this once, only because I trust Jeeves,” he teases you. “How are you feeling, love?”
“So happy,” you smile up at him, dazed but content. The alcohol has brought you to a state of bliss now; love for Maxwell, a full stomach from the wonderful dinner, pride in your achievement.
Maxwell nods. “Of course you are,” he murmurs, mostly to himself.
“Ooh, do we have wine at home?” You ask, sitting up and looking at him. “You need a few more.”
“No, no more drinks,” he chuckles and pulls you back into his side. “I think we’re both done for the night, don’t you?” His hands slide over your shoulders, smoothing the bare skin that’s cold to the touch.
You pout at him and Maxwell turns his face away, smiling. “No, I can’t look at that. I won’t be able to say no.”
“Please, baby?” You plead with big eyes.
“We have wine at home,” Maxwell tells you, even though he’s unsure whether or not it’s true. Either way, he won’t be allowing you to drink any of it.
Sighing, you snuggle into his side, shivering. “Car’s cold,” you murmur.
Maxwell removes his suit jacket and drapes it around your shoulders, kissing your head and smiling down at you warmly. “How’s that?”
“Smells like your cologne,” you practically purr like a satisfied cat as you wrap yourself in the expensive fabric. “I love you so much, Maxie-poo.”
“I love you too, darling,” he chuckles. The chauffeur brings you to his house not long after, and Maxwell offers you a hand when you get out of the car.
Sitting in the seat, you frown up at him. “I’m fine, Max.” Standing in your high heels, your wobbly legs thanks to the alcohol send you falling into Maxwell, who catches you.
“Fine, yes,” he chuckles and lifts you back to standing. “Take off your shoes and let me help you inside.”
Sighing and crossing your arms, you step out of your shoes, calves screaming a thank you for removing them from those torture devices. He reaches down and picks them up, ass straining in his suit, and you can’t help but give it a smack, giggling.
“Oh, no, little miss,” Maxwell playfully chides and grabs your arm. “Let’s get you inside, tiger.”
Your legs lead your brain without any thought, drunkenly stumbling your way inside. Maxwell’s arms are your support, really the only thing to keep you from falling. He purposely steers you away from the path leading to the kitchen, knowing you’ll ask for more alcohol should you see it. When you reach the foot of the stairs, you groan and look at Maxwell with puppy eyes. You know his back has been bad lately, his joints ache when the humidity rises, but you can’t do this without him. “Can you carry me? Please?” You ask him.
Maxwell chuckles and kisses your head tenderly. “I suppose. Climb on my back.” He stands with his palms the wall, squatting for you to jump up on him.
The formal dress makes it difficult, but you hop up, both of you groaning as you latch onto him. “I love you so goddamn much,” you babble happily, kissing along the skin behind his ears.
“You’re lucky I love you too,” he grunts as he makes his way up the stairs, his knees aching from the weight of carrying absolutely anything on his back.
When he reaches the top, you get down and sigh, kissing him sloppily. “You’re the best.”
“I’m wonderful,” he sighs and rolls his eyes, leading you to the bedroom and letting you plop down on his plush California king bed.
You strip off his suit jacket and toss it at him, and he catches it without even looking. “Don’t even think about seducing me tonight, darling. You’re too far gone,” he chuckles.
His words make you frown and stop in the middle of unzipping your dress slowly. “I wasn’t gonna,” you grumble and stand, slipping out of the dress and getting under the thick covers of the bed.
“Sure,” Maxwell smiles and retreats into his large closet. He returns in pajama pants and the white tee he wore under his button-up.
He looks so soft like this, and even drunk, you recognize what a privilege it is to see him like this. His large suits hide his frame, but you can see the soft curve of his tummy, his broad shoulders and narrow torso. “We should get married,” you blurt to him, your heart-eyes penetrating through to his center.
“You’re drunk,” he shakes his head as he wanders to the bathroom. He returns with his thick-rimmed glasses on, and it completes the look, his highlighted hair messy and beginning to curl.
He sits on his side of the bed and hands you a glass of water and some painkillers. “You’re going to feel like shit in the morning, and you’re not allowed to blame me.”
“I won’t,” you pout and take the pills, rolling onto your side to face him. His legs are beneath the covers, and one of yours snakes to his and wraps your ankle around his.
Max smiles softly at the gesture. He recognizes it. You need his touch, want to snuggle tonight rather than keep to your own in his spacious bed. He lies down and you quickly scoot over to him, resting your head and a palm on his chest.
“I love you, dear,” he murmurs and kisses your forehead, his hand stroking your back lovingly. “You sleep now. Please.”
“I want to cuddle a little longer,” you frown and look up at him, face barely peeking out from the covers.
Max laughs. “Of course. We’ll stay like this, but at least make an effort to fall asleep. Your headache in the morning will be better if you sleep more.”
“Fine,” you sigh and scoot your body as close to his as possible, kissing his chest through the plain white t-shirt. “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight,” he repeats and sets his glasses to the side, letting himself sink into the squishy bed. He’ll surely have to care for you in the morning too, but he doesn’t mind. It’s worth it.
@remmysbounty @mishasminion360 @blo0dangel @binarydanvvers  @sleep-tight1 @apascalrascal @randomness501 @spideysimpossiblegirl @notabotiswear @pedro-pastel @sanchosammy @lv7867 @greeneyedblondie44 @hunnambabe @astoryisaloveaffair @emesispo @pedritobalmando @magikfanatic @a-court-of-feysand-and-elorcan @princess76179 @deltadebelleza @tacticalsparkles @queridopascal @wintermuteway @maievdenoir @dobbyjen @beskarboobs @sharkbait77 @day-off-inkyoto @darnitdraco @iamskyereads
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chaos-writes · 3 years
Spoiled! A Rikiya Yotsubashi x reader fic
Warnings: so basically the reader gets called "little one" a lot. Call it what you want, but it is not CG/L (at least the kink side of it. It is more or less the therapeutics of it). There is a lot of softness and tenderness, and there is a bath scene. Not s*xual, but a bath nonetheless. Slight angst. Lots of comfort. Reader has a job (anywhere, doesn't matter) and there are descriptions of physical pain. It is so comfortable and fluffy that I have literally fallen asleep writing it. Twice.
Word count: ~2k
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"Hey Rikiya, I'm home!" He was sitting on his squishy armchair, in gym shorts and an undershirt, hair down and sleepily flipping through the newspaper. He turned to look at me and gave a lazy smile. "Hello, Little One." I just got home from a long day at work and could quite literally pass out. "My nerves are shot. I had such a bad day today." His smile faltered a little, concern beginning to nibble at his expression.
He gently laid the newspaper he was holding onto the coffee table in front of him and motioned for me to lay on the couch next to his armchair. He sat a soft pillow down on the end of the couch closest to him. I layed down on the leather couch and took a deep breath. He stroked my hair a few times before planting a kiss to my temple.
"I know how hard you have been working lately, my dear. I want you to understand that it won't go unnoticed by me. You deserve so much, Little One. Now... what can I do to help make you feel better?"
"I would love to just rest. I barely have any energy left and every customer that came by had such an attitude and my boss was so mean today and- and..." tears welled and bit the corners of my eyes hard as my voice began to crack. Rikiya slid off the armchair and kneeled by my side, turning me onto my side and hugging me ever so tightly.
He then pulled me up and sat on the couch, having me straddle his lap and wrap my arms around his neck. I was only able to get a small glimpse of the tears shining in the corners of his eyes before I was enveloped in a pair if strong arms and given a warm soft chest to rest my head and cry into.
He spoke softly into my hair, "It's all right, Sunshine. It's okay to cry. I want nothing more than to take all of that pain away from you." He went on and rocked side to side as I silently sobbed into the crook of his neck and sniffled. "You're allowed to have these big feelings and show that you're having them. You're allowed to take up space and express how you feel. Let it all out, darling. Everything is going to be okay."
He held me until I no longer sniffled, cooing at and comforting me. He continued to encourage me to relieve all my worries from my mind. After what felt like ages, I sat up and he carefully cradled my face in his hands. "Are you okay? Do you feel a little better now?" Rikiya's tears dried and stained his cheeks now. His eyes spoke a million words of sorrow and shined brighter than I have ever seen before. I reached up to wipe his cheeks as gently as I could and rested my hands on his chest as I spoke.
"Yeah. I feel better. I dont know what made me do that, normally I can handle it..."
"It's alright, Little One," He said. He caressed my arms and waist and spoke, "You were probably bottling it up without realizing. You know it's always okay to come to me to talk, alright?"
"Okay. I love you."
"I love you, too, baby. Let's get you something to eat. You must be so hungry after such a long day." My hands traveled from his chest to my stomach. It's true, I thought. I forgot to eat…
I climbed off of his lap as he sat up and unlocked his phone. He pulled up one of those food delivery apps and leaned closer to me. "What looks good? Ooh, I know! How about pho? I think some warm food is what you need."
"That sounds pretty good right now. Can we get seafood rolls too?"
"I was just about to ask if you wanted some. I love those things!" He giggled and smiled his dorky smile at me. I giggled back. He placed the order and typed in the information.
"You know we can split it, right, Rikiya?"
"Nonsense. Tonight is about you, Little One. Don't worry about money or having to pay for food. You've dealt with enough today." He kissed my forehead and closed his phone.
"What do you say we watch a movie while we wait for the food? Your pick." He turned on the TV and flipped through the subscriptions. "How about one of those Tim Burton movies you like?"
"Yeah! What about The Corpse Bride?"
"Of course Dear!" He smiled widely.
About a half hour later, our food arrived. He walked out the living room, answered the door and thanked the delivery person. He returned with two small bags, one for each of us.
I started to slide down the couch to sit at the table, but Rikiya stopped me. He grabbed a cushion from underneath the table and took my hand in his. He gently helped me down onto the cushion and set up my food for me.
We ate silently with the movie playing in the background. I noticed in my peripheral vision that Rikiya was smiling to himself and looking at me every time I paid more attention to the TV rather than my food. 
He started to play with my cheeks and hair and smiled. He gingerly kissed my cheek and. I giggled and quickly dipped my finger in the warm broth. I swiped it onto the tip of his nose and we laughed. 
After a few moments of silence, he grabbed onto my hand and gave a reassuring squeeze. In that moment I knew I was going to be okay.
I ate slowly and savored every bite and slurp of those noodles. They felt so wonderful finally filling up my empty stomach and they warmed me right up. I have never felt so relaxed. 
As the end credits rolled around, I started to pick up all of the trash left on the table and collected it in one of the takeout bags it all came in. I hummed along with the soundtrack of the credits and wasn't aware of my surroundings in the slightest. 
I heard Rikiya get up from the table and felt his warmth as he sat himself behind me so that I sat between his legs. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into a warm and comforting embrace. He nuzzled into the crook of my neck and pressed small, gentle kisses to my jaw and shoulder. I reached over and started rubbing and patting the side of his leg. 
We sat in a comfortable silence as the movie finally finished and embraced each other for a while. I leaned back into Rikiya. "Rikiya?" 
"Yes, Little One?"
"I'm starting to hurt again. The food and everything was able to distract me but now I need to actually relieve the pain..." 
"I have an idea. I'll run a warm bath for you and set up your favorite aromatherapy things. Does lavender sound good, Darling?"
"That sounds wonderful, Rikiya." I gave him a sleepy smile.
He helped me up slowly and sat me down on the couch. He grabbed a blanket off the armchair and draped it over me to keep me warm while he handled everything. He kissed my head ever so gently and got to work, walking to the bathroom and setting everything up. 
Rikiya laid everything out on the counter so it was reachable from the bathtub. Lavender and cedarwood lotion, gentle shampoo, conditioner, lavender bubble bath, and rosehip and lavender candles. He grabbed some fresh extra-soft towels out of the closet and prepared them to be thrown in the dryer about halfway through the bath. He poured the bubble bath, lit the candles, finished running the bath and dimmed the lights. It was sunset, so it was still light enough to be able to navigate the bathroom and the different products.
I was laying on the couch, dozing off, when I felt a pair of hands on my blanket. Then, one was interlocking beneath my knees and the other around my back. I lazily opened my eyes and looked up at my carrier. He cooed at me and smiled. 
"So precious, my Sunshine."
I yawned and reached up to pet his cheeks while we were on our way to the bathroom. Soon enough, he stepped through the doorway of the bathroom and gently and slowly stood me up on my feet. 
Rikiya held onto my arms gently and spoke earnestly, "If you're okay with it, I'd like to stay in here with you to make sure you get to relax fully. The last thing you need is to worry about washing. You're in pain." 
"Okay. No funny business, though," I giggled. He smiled and shook his head. "No. No funny business. I just want you to relax. You had a hard week as it is." 
I undressed and got ready to get into the bathtub. Rikiya grabbed my hand and helped me down into the warm, inviting bath. I slid down and took a deep breath. "Perfect. You're such a wonderful being. So precious, so valuable, you're worth it all Little One... everything."
"You have no idea how good of a boyfriend you are, Rikiya."
He… winced?
He spoke carefully, "Thank you, I really do appreciate that. But something just isn't quite right with the term… boyfriend."
"Oh… did you have something else in mind, then?"
"What about 'partner'?" He smiled and caressed my cheek gently.
"That's fine. As long as we're both comfortable, I guess." I played with the bubbles and swiped some on his hand. He laughed and we both fell into a comfortable, sleepy silence. 
He grabbed the stack of soft towels he put out earlier and ran them to the dryer. He came back as quickly as he left and went back to kneeling next to me.
"Alright," he said, reaching for the different bottles. "Time to start washing."
He grabbed a cup, filled it, and began wetting my hair with the water. He filled the palm of his hand with some shampoo and gently lathered and massaged it through my scalp. He smiled and kissed my forehead. He tilted my head back and poured the warm water over my hair to rinse, continuing to massage in between pours.
He cleaned my hair completely of suds and oil and went to work on conditioning. He gently combed the conditioner through and worked it into my hair before rinsing throroughly. Rikiya then grabbed a wash rag and rubbed some moisturizing body wash into it. He rubbed my arms and legs and back, and continued washing me to his standard of cleanliness.
I continued to play with the bubbles and talk to Rikiya as the water cooled down from how long the bath had been.
"You're spoiling me, Rikiya," I said, petting his hair and caressing his cheek and neck.
"Well, that makes two of us, then. I feel so spoiled just being around you." He smiled and lifted the drain plug. I smiled and yawned. "Let's get you dried off and in some warm pajamas, okay?
After he dried me off with a warm towel and pulled on my pajamas, he guided me along and walked me to bed, which has been made, and complete with a cup of chamomile tea and heating pad waiting for me. He picked me up and gently laid me down. He pulled the fluffy blankets over me, tucked me in, and kissed my forehead.
Rikiya turned on the lamp and turned the bedroom lights off. He tugged off his undershirt and gently climbed into bed by my side. "I love you so much darling. You are my world."
"I love you too, Rikiya."
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Day 44: You're Waddling Like a Cute Duck
(Okay, Nonnie, I do not know what this prompt was meant to call to my mind. All I could think about was how pregnant women waddle like adorable ducks... So warning for mpreg, I guess? I hope you guys enjoy this.)
Harry was obsessed. Obsessed with Draco's pregnant body, with his tummy, his belly button that was pressing out now, his gorgeous glowing skin. He was pretty sure that Draco had never looked as gorgeous as he did now.
He was pretending to read the paper, but really he was just staring at his gorgeous, pregnant husband.
With a little groan, Draco levered himself up out of the chair he was sitting in, one hand supporting his back as he stood.
"Are you alright?" Harry asked, giving up the pretense of reading the paper.
"Fine," Draco said, waving him off as he paced a bit. "Stop looking at me," he grumbled.
"I can't," Harry whined, standing up and moving to wrap his arms around Draco. "You're waddling like a cute little duck and I just want to squish you."
Draco huffed but leaned into Harry. "Ouch," he grunted, rubbing at his stomach. "Ooh, watch yourself little miss," he murmured.
"Can I feel?" Harry whispered.
With a nod, Draco took Harry's hand and positioned it low on his belly where their daughter was kicking and squirming. "Ow," he said again and Harry rubbed his stomach soothingly.
(Read more below the cut)
"Can I get you anything?"
Draco shook his head, "I'm just tired," he said. "Your daughter was very awake last night while I was trying to sleep."
"My daughter, hmm?" he murmured, wrapping his arms around Draco and swaying with him.
The other man nodded, "Yes, when she's being a pain and keeping everyone awake, she is obviously yours."
He chuckled and pressed a kiss to Draco's neck, "Do you want to go lay down and take a rest?" Harry asked.
Shaking his head, Draco said, "No, it's alright. I'm feeling a little restless, she seems to be as well."
"Should we floo the healer-" he started.
"No," Draco said. "Everything is fine, just calm-" he broke off and rested his hand over his stomach. "I just felt a pop."
"A pop?" Harry asked, circling around Draco's body to look at him from the front, placing a hand on either side of his stomach, "What do you mean a pop? Is everything okay?"
Draco took a step back and looked down at the floor, Harry followed his gaze to the tiny puddle of water. "My water broke," Draco said, looking up at Harry with something akin to shock on his face.
"Okay," Harry said. "Okay. Do not panic," he turned and spun in a circle trying to think, "Okay. What do we need?" he asked, obviously panicking
"Overnight bag," Draco said calmly, "The baby carrier. It's all right in the-" he broke off and Harry watched his face contort in pain, "Ow-" he panted holding his belly with one hand as he leaned against the wall with the other. "Fuck. It's in the closet, Potter, get the-" he broke off again, "Ow, fuck. Get the fucking bag."
Harry rushed to the closet and grabbed the bag and the carrier. "Alright," he said, "Okay," he nodded. "To the floo, love."
Hands still clasping his belly, Draco made his way to the floo, Harry a few steps behind. He was reaching into the little pot of floo powder when he let out a low groan, his hand grasping the mantle as he tried to catch his breath. "Ouch," he hissed. "This really fucking hurts, Potter. I can't believe you did this to me."
Harry wanted to protest that it was something they'd done together, quite intentionally, but he kept his mouth shut.
Draco stepped into the floo and was whisked off to St. Mungos, Harry followed directly behind. They were greeted, Draco was put into a wheel chair, and they were taken up to their room in a matter of minutes.
As Harry was helping to get Draco undressed and into the hospital gown, Draco grasped his shoulder so tightly that Harry was fairly certain he was going to have bruises. "Harry?" the other man whispered.
"Yeah, love?" he asked, looking up at the other man from where he was slipping socks onto his feet.
"I'm afraid," Draco murmured.
Harry stood up and pulled Draco into his arms, "Of what, my darling?"
"What if I'm not cut out for this?" he whispered. "I'm not ready. What if I am a terrible dad and she hates me? What if I completely ruin her life and irrevocably mess her up?"
"Hey," Harry said, pressing a kiss to Draco's forehead. "If both of us can turn out fine with the childhoods we had, she is going to be okay." He put his hands on Draco's belly and felt a contraction rippling through as the other man winced. "We both already love this baby more than life itself; let's just start there, yes?"
"Okay," Draco whispered, leaning his head against Harry's.
"Okay," Harry repeated. "Now, let me get on the bed behind you," he said, climbing up and spreading his legs so Draco could situate himself against Harry's body. He let his hands massage Draco's stomach while they waited for the healer.
A cheerful witch came in just a few minutes later, "Oh, good, I see you two are ready!"
"As we'll ever be," Draco grunted.
She smiled and wheeled up a chair, "Alright, lets just take a look," she said as she lifted Draco's hospital gown. "Well, bless my soul," she said, glancing up to smile at them, "The wee love is already crowning. Time for you to push deary."
And so Draco pushed. Harry held his hands and held his body, murmuring encouragement and casting cooling charms.
It didn't seem to take as long as Harry had imagined it would to hear that first cry. "Well done," the healer was saying as she received their baby who immediately started to wail even louder. "Come on over," she said to Harry, "you can cut the cord."
Draco nodded at him and he carefully climbed out from behind him and went around to cut the umbilical cord.
"Here you are, love," she said holding out the baby to Harry.
"Oh, Draco should hold her first," he said, "he did all the hard work," he added turning to look at his husband who looked worn out but deliriously happy.
"That's alright," he said, "I carried her for nine months, it's your turn."
"Are you sure?"
"For Merlin's sake, Harry, hold our baby!" he exclaimed.
The healer had cleaned her and swaddled her by the time he turned to receive her, "Here we are," she said, carefully putting her into Harry's arms.
Harry fell in love with her in an instant; her dark curls and button nose, her silver eyes as she tried to blink them open. "Shh, shh, shh," he murmured as he rocked her, "Welcome to the world little one," he whispered, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Come on, papa's over here," he said, bringing her to Draco and laying her on his chest.
Tears spilled from the corner of Draco's eyes as he held her. "Circe, she's perfect," he murmured. "She's absolutely perfect."
"Well done," he whispered, pressing a kiss to Draco's temple.
"Thank you," Draco whispered and Harry wasn't sure if it was to him or to their beautiful new baby, but either way he felt just the same.
Day 43: Truth or Dare | Day 45: Stabbed
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