#just like mildly irritated
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telumendils · 2 years ago
kinda sucks that as an ace lesbian who headcanons aloy as an ace lesbian i can’t post any gifsets of her interacting with male characters w/out having to see other ppl’s shippy tags all over them but that’s fandom i guess and i must endure.
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shaykai · 1 year ago
Do y’all think it ever bothered Durge that they couldn’t intimidate Gortash when they first met? Like Durge is - even in more cinnamonroll-esc iterations- pretty goddamn scary when they want to be
And then Gortash just casually strolls up in his anti anxiety jacket asking if they wanna hang out and maybe commit crimes together and is barely even phased by their knife at his neck
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c0rpseductor · 4 months ago
you know im about ready to write an educational post for dragon age fans explaining the difference between keyword search and tagging and also how rude it is to get snotty with strangers who are just idly talking about their own personal opinions bc it is consistently This Fandom where total strangers see posts of mine that are clearly just me talking to myself and decide to get on my case
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iratusmus · 2 years ago
this is fiona/scourge. to me. they get married and divorced all the time, both for funsies and also whenever they get into a fight/make up. (important note: they swap last names since in mobius the woman takes the man's last name and in moebius i choose to believe that the man takes the woman's last name). and also whenever theyre mad at each other theyll call each other their exwife/husband.
like. theyve been fighting over something stupid for the past few days and are on divorce round 3 and they run into sonic and tails and everybody starts beating the snot out of each other as is usual. something happens idk sonic takes like a potshot at scourge and fionas like “get away from my ex!!” and sonics like “.....ex-boyfriend????” and shes like “what? no. ex-husband.” and tails is like “YOU GUYS GOT MARRIED??????” and sonics like “YOU GUYS GOT DIVORCED??????” and fiona & scourge respond “yeah? and?”
so sonic pauses for a half second to digest this new information, and then says “wait. ok. so if you guys are divorced. why the heck are you still working together.” and fiona responds “um. because we're dating??? ??? youre so stupid omg” without missing a beat while scourge is obnoxiously scoffing/rolling his eyes in the background like this is incredibly obvious information and sonic just. stares for a good few moments. and then says “actually nevermind i dont care anymore i dont want to know anything more about your weirdass relationship”
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pardonmystardust · 2 months ago
Starting to become. Honestly a bit miffed at UPS.
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kitcatttt · 2 months ago
damnnnnn looking back its insane that y'all wanted everyone to listen to what you wanted and bend to your will damn thats crazy
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tundrakatiebean · 25 days ago
Iiii think I need to isolate myself for everyone’s safety today lmao I’m cranky as fuck for the third day in a row (thanks period pain) and I am tempted to start some fights tbh. I think the correct answer is to do my little tasks by myself today until my boyfriend gets home from work.
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goodnightsasuke · 29 days ago
Hi I’m Charlie and I think Sasuke should’ve burned that village to the fucking ground. Welcome in if you like Sasuke and sns. Please see yourself out and block me/dni if you’re a zionist, anti-communist, or think Sasuke doesn’t like men.
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hana-the-ghostieee · 1 year ago
haii!! so um not sure what to post but like all i can think of right now is um the correlations between Dakara Boku wa Ongaku wo Yameta and Elma so um here! have a list of the different ways Elma (the album) references the diary, letters and the album it responds to
(if i miss some let me know please)
and dearest mobile users i will spare you so have a cut
edit: so @just-nonsense-bungaku said some stuff in the replies (thank you so much!) and all the songs after 8/27 (or the Nautilus MV) were written by Elma when her anger lost steam and she started to process her grief. explaining why Ame to, Yuu, Kokoro and Amy sound so different from the style she used (or copied off of Amy) from pre-8/27
and another edit: @teamsavingmyles said some stuff in the rbs, thank you thank you thank you!!! i've been thinking about Yuunagi's references recently cuz i've been working on translating both albums but i never really got around to it so yeah thanks!
edit: i just changed the order of stuff because i forgot well. each song would be written on different days, so for example Koe wouldn't refer to Kokoro, more like Kokoro was inspired by Koe and Yuunagi's metaphor for a hole in the heart
1. 8/31 & 車窓 (Shasou/Train Window)
...they're instrumentals :P (seriously i find no connection)
2. 藍二乗 (Ai Nijou/Deep Indigo) & 憂一乗 (Yuu Ichijou/Only Sorrow)
the concept of i to the power of 2 (and however that relates to Amy's feelings about Elma)
also the first kanji of both titles sound like "i" and "you"
edit: so Ai's chorus' motif is about how blurred the world is, because of Amy's tears, while Yuu's chorus motif is how transparent the world feels to Elma, now that Amy's gone
edit: Yuu takes the phrase "I don't need anything" from Hachigatsu, but for a completely different reason. i think in Hachigatsu, Amy says he doesn't need anything to show his life will ends soon, so like what's the point of anything. in Yuu, Elma says she doesn't need anything besides Amy. she just wants to hear him sing, just one more time (or something)
i mean other than that there isn't much, they sound so different
3. 八月、某、月明かり (Hachigatsu, Bou, Tsukiakari/August, A Certain Place, Moonlight) & 夕凪、某、花惑い (Yuunagi, Bou, Hana Madoi/Evening Calm, A Certain Place, Fireworks)
so first of all both seem to stem from one memory of watching fireworks in the summer (according to a summary of Letters and Diary i read some time ago)
edit: re-reading Diary and it was Memory 17
Yuunagi was the first song Elma wrote, which is why it sounds so similar to Hachigatsu (INTENSE electric guitar, softer at the verses, picks up at the chorus, drops again)
also unrelated note but Hachigatsu is by far the angriest song i can think of. at least by Yorushika
edit: one of the last lines of Yuunagi may be what inspired Kokoro, "In my heart, a hole opens"
Yuunagi also references Ai, in the line "this song has about ___ characters" and the phrase "drowning in flowers" is seen again in Ame to
4. 詩書とコーヒー (Shikaki to Koohii/Songwriting and Coffee) & 雨とカプチーノ (Ame to Kapuchiino/Rain and Cappucino)
okay seriously though, both also sound somewhat similar to each other (but from here on out, Elma's developing her own style :DDD)
in both songs they do struggle to keep up with memories of each other, in Shikaki Amy states he forgets things like dreams, things like Elma's mouth and eyes and in Ame to Elma tries not to let anything, literally all of her memories of Amy fade away. (reminds me of the reason why Elma kept a diary for her trip to Sweden)
5. 7/13 & 湖の街 (Mizumi no Machi/Lakeside Town)
...they're also instrumentals
6. 躍ろうぜ (Odorouze/Let's Dance) & 神様のダンス (Kamisama no Dansu/Dance of the Gods)
um the titles have "dance" in them???
not sure really. in Odorouze, Amy pretends everything's fine when he's still struggling with his memories of Elma and depression and whatever and in Kamisama no Dansu Elma is PISSED OFF about the fact that she decided to follow Amy's footsteps considering his values. i mean i don't blame her i don't feel like being told i'd have about a year left to live and just LIVE AND GO DO STUFF and go to Sweden before realizing "dang. i screwed up. can't talk it back now--" *oofs self on some random dock*
oh also a discussion i had w/ nonsense-bungaku on Kamisama has changed my beliefs slightly; Elma is still mad at Amy (and herself) for following his path and beliefs but she's also kind of done trying to create music with "value" and "purpose", just creating music because it's fun, because the process of creating music is something one can derive joy from
edit: Kamisama does take a line, "名もない花が綺麗とか" ("Nameless flowers are beautiful") and a slightly altered version of the line "そんなのどうでもいいから" ("I couldn't care any less about that", being "どうでもいいことばっかだ" meaning the same thing) from Yoru Magai
Kamisama also references Yoru Magai in the lines "I keep my head down, like I'm scared" because in the verses of Yoru, in the fifth lines, Amy talks about keeping his head down, so he can't see how blue the sky is or so he doesn't understand everyone's feelings.
another unrelated note, Kamisama no Dansu is still freaking good. not that it wasn't good before but like there's something about it that i really like and would talk about until i fainted from loss of oxygen.
7. 六月和雨上がりの街を書く (Rokugatsu wa Ameagari no Machi wo Kaku/In June, I'll Write About the Town After the Rain) & 雨晴るる (Ame Haruru/After The Rain)
first of all, both of them are about rain (astute observation. round of applause.)
i do think it's really cool how Amy says he'd write about the rain in the town he stayed at but never stayed long enough to write about it, so Elma does it for him. also Elma's style has changed from where she was before, like say, Yuunagi or Koe
also Rokugatsu references Ai Nijou and may be what inspired the creation of Parade
edit: both Ame and Rokugatsu talk about this "ultramarine" which, at least to me, in Rokugatsu refers to the whole memories and the window and in Ame Ha it refers to tears
Ame Ha also references Gogatsu with the swaying curtains, and *potentially* references Hachigatsu in the line "my heartbeat rung out". potentially. if i'm looking too deep and they aren't related don't yell at me
8. 五月は花緑青の窓辺から (Gogatsu wa Hana Rokushou no Madobe Kara/In May, from the Emerald Green Window) & 歩く (Aruku/Walk)
again, not sure how these correlate. though i like how Aruku's chorus is a slowed down version of Gogatsu's chorus.
edit: ...how i didn't notice this i will never know. the frikking Emerald Green/tears metaphor.
Aruku also talks about feeling "asleep", where Elma (as she said in Ame Ha) plays dumb and pretends not to know Amy would die early cuz chronic illness and moveth to foreign country (though Amy did grow up there) and unhealthy mental state. this song and Koe also talk about Elma hating herself for doing so, but Elma and Nautilus think that her playing dumb was pretty endearing
both songs also have this feeling of being "trapped", where Amy feels trapped in this life, and the only way out is Emerald Green, while Elma got left behind and is now stuck looking for at least scraps of the person she loves through these streets
Aruku also potentially references Yoru Magai in the way Elma imitates Amy by keeping her head down, the same way as Kamisama
9. 夜紛い (Yoru Magai/False Night) & 心に穴が空いた (Kokoro ni Ana ga Aita/A Hole Opened Up in My Heart)
i think it's cool how Yoru's main and last line is "I want to open up a hole in you" and then Kokoro's is like "That's why a hole has opened up in my heart" like HOWWWWW HOW MUST YOU HURT ME LIKE THAT
also Kokoro's third line references the song it responds to, as well as Letters 6/26, "a false night, like twilight, painted the town"
edit: how none of you said this gets me. um the line "君だけが僕の音楽なんだよ"、 エイミー ("You alone were my music", Amy) is literally from Ai Nijou (i mean i guess it was too obvious but whatever i'll put that in)
10. 5/6 & 森の教会 (Mori no Kyoukai/Church in the Forest)
more. instrumental.
11. パレード (Parade) & 声 (Koe/Voice)
both incorporate the concept of the God of Art which i think is cool
both are lyrically short
Koe references Yoru in the line "this heavy life is like a machine gun" and may have alluded to the metaphor from Yuunagi - in the line "what I want to draw/picture is the time that hollowed my heart" (and maybe a part of a line got re-used in Ame to Kapuchiino?? does the line "when I cry, it overflows” count???)
Koe also sounds like Parade, just in the key C#, not D
edit: in Letters 7/13, Amy said Parade was Koe
another edit: Parade is the song about the God of Art, right??? well i read @saikisser 's post on how FREAKING SAD PARADE IS AND LISTENING TO IT WITH CONTEXT MAKES IS EVEN SADDER and well Amy also thinks Elma is divine to him (because she's the one that sings the lyrics the God of Art managed to find in his fingers)
also another unrelated note but listen to Parade it's such a beautiful song i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee ittttttttttttttttt
12. エルマ (Elma) & エイミー (Amy)
awwwwww the non-depressing songs!!! i love them sm
um they're messages directly to each other
both were the last songs each other wrote in the story
they both sound sweet and Kumo to Yuurei-esque, but slightly more upbeat (basically just similar to each other)
yeah i love those songs they're the only happy ones by Yorushika i can think of besides Haru Dorobou (which is just SPRING :DDD oooo flowers!!! they're pretty!!!)
13. 4/10 & 海底、月明かり (Kaitei, Tsukiakari/Seabed, Moonlight)
another. instrumental. (dw this is the last instrumental)
aaaaaaaand the last one. the one we've been waiting for.
14. だから僕は音楽をやめた (Dakara Boku wa Ongaku wo Yameta/That's Why I Gave Up On Music) & ノーチラス (Nautilus)
so they were both featured at the end of their journeys. (Amy oofs himself on the dock, Elma finds his stuff a year later and cries before going home on a ship like a month later but in that month there's like no lore whatsoever so it's kind of an epilogue???)
Dakara Boku mainly is just. looking at whatever happened back then and how much Amy regrets whatever he did in Letters. he wishes he stayed with Elma cuz then he'd have a bit longer to live but well i guess he really isn't going to make it past the summer. also screaming. aaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA--
i will say Nautilus was also written by Amy, because at the literal end (just before he wrote Elma, i think. he doesn't write when he says goodbye in Letters and Diary obviously doesn't state when it was written because well Elma doesn't know) he was going about his day before realizing the day he runs out of ink draws nearer and nearer. and he hasn't even considered how Elma felt/would feel after he's gone so he wrote Nautilus as a way to say "it will be hard, but turn away from me and lift your head to the future" and that makes me cry even harder like NOOOO I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE YOU HERE BUT ALSO I CAN'T TAKE YOU WITH ME CUZ YOU TOOK THE BUS TO THE OTHER WORLD CYA
and that's it for the albums! =w=
*pathetic bowing*
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deconstructivesurgery · 6 months ago
realizing i may or may not be a pathological narcissist has been less of a 'discovery of all the ways in which i am supposedly evil' and more of a slow realization that it is not in fact normal to be filled with constant spiteful fear that no one is taking you seriously/giving you basic respect and that in the absence of people constantly affirming to you that you're intelligent/at least basically competent/ someone they can, in fact take seriously you WILL start obsessively worrying that even those closest to you see you as inferior to them or easily passed off as irrelevant to them/their lives. apparently this is not an emotion everyone on the planet feels
like dude i can't even say something about performing well in a class i took when i was a literal baby without immediately getting my hackles up because i feel like even the people i love are going to challenge me on whether or not i was actually a skilled kid or is secretly scoffing over me pretending that i'm more talented than i am and i'm about to have to fight for my dignity. i can't even give my analysis of something i love to a friend without immediately getting nervous that they think i'm stupid and misunderstanding the whole thing- or worse, that i'm childish for even being so invested in a narrative like that- and then getting Angry over that nervousness because like. how dare you be so derogatory to me in your own mind, person who has genuinely never thought about me in this way ever that i am making shit up about out of fear.
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sillyabtmusic · 6 months ago
lowkey a little dejected abt gifmaking recently but i can't not gif make it's like bloodletting to me if i don't do it it gets pent up (worse). have to gif make to get my feelings out or elseeeee
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reitheist · 6 months ago
hot take everyone saying deadpool and wolverine is the gayest thing ever needs to watch more gay porn
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elftwink · 7 months ago
my contact got a hole in it this morning so I had to take it out and I've been doing my whole workday with a single contact in and oh my god this sucks so badddddd I wanna go homeeeeee. worst part is this morning I took backup glasses out of my work bag bc I was like what will I need these for? -_-
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foineswoine · 8 months ago
pigeon stop thinking abt this friend who does NOT care for me as mucjh as I for him challenge (impossible)
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astranauticus · 9 months ago
i honestly dont really have a lot of complaints about using capcut (besides the. rampant ai integration but thats not really a feature flaw) bc the only other editing software ive used in my life is iMovie of all things but one thing i do kind of wish they had is like. an intensity slider for effects because why does everything have to be the most intense flashiest version of itself forever. fuck???
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bunnyboy-juice · 10 months ago
wow y'all really have no concept of fatness that isn't sexy round butt and tiny waist huh
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