#just like 4x as long lol
t4tails · 11 months
finished batman mystery of the batwoman UHH idk im kind of disappointed? i was really hoping for a more comic accurate batwoman aka kate kane 😔 and the twist that there were 3 of them was REALLY obvious. AND THEY WERE ALL STRAIGHT!! BOOOOO. i will say however that robin was very cute in this movie
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megkuna · 9 months
8-5 job is just genuinely like .... such a ridiculous way to expect people to live
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lilcowzia · 10 days
Where do you shop for clothes? I have a similar aesthetic and struggle to find stuff in my size 🙃
i also struggle to find my size in cute clothes! but i do have some favorite shops, i hope is helpful
1. Hottopic: despite the vibes, hottopic does have a reasonable plus size range, which goes up to a 5x (i belive they use torrid's sizing system, but i dont buy torrid a lot bc its stupid expensive, if you keep an eye out for sales/clearance sometimes hottopic is well priced) you have to look a bit to find the cutesy pastel type stuff, but when its good its good
2. Old Navy: very underrated, good quality, only goes up to a 4x i think but as long as youre getting something stretchy the fit is usually pretty generous. only some items are my vibe but its worth the time looking through. and the sales here are sooooooo good
3. Lil Kink Boutique: even if youre not into cgl/ddlg and just like adorable stuff, i have loved every clothing item ive gotten from here. most of the fabrics have incredible stretch and some (not all) items go up to a 5x. i recommend the dresses and nightgowns especially
annnnd thats pretty much it lol all online ofc! i havent tried on clothes in person in years but i have the best luck with these three
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devourable · 1 year
pls i need to know what the perfect date night would look like for abraham and the delinquents. could be separate for them or a group date~ if you tell me i promise not to bite them anymore 😫
- mazzy 💕
you can bite the delinquents so long as yoou don't mind 4x the bites back 👀 abe,, not so much. i'll do them separately AND together for you 😌
implied nsfw for some of these! the delinquents' and the church boy : date night edition ✨
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the delinquent's ideal date 🩶
tbh all of them would try to take you out to commit a crime together,, but like. romantically lol. but if trespassing abandoned properties to eat a candlelit dinner comprised of stolen goods isn't your thing, here's the alternatives!
aaron would watch have a movie marathon with you in his car. he'd set up his laptop and put on whatever you'd wanna see — he's an expert at pirating just about anything lol. he'd either seat you in his lap or you'd lay down together in his backseat, have various snacks scattered throughout the car, and as many blankets and pillows you could want to make yourself comfortable.
don't be surprised when he starts getting antsy halfway through, though — you can expect him to start slithering his hands under your clothes a few hours in, idly nipping at your skin and pulling you a bit closer as he asks if you're alright with giving the movies a break. god bless you if you say yes, because you won't be getting out of that car anytime soon 💕
judas would try harder to impress you. he'd probably take you to a decent restaurant (not quite fancy, but definitely a cut above most), urge you to order whatever you want, and probably have a grand time just watching you enjoy yourself, occasionally asking you questions, taking the time to learn more about you and the things you like — both to strengthen his relationship with you and to have more to work with in the future. his dates are simple, but would change slightly with every one (you mention liking animals? off to the zoo you went! needed a few things? you'd spend the rest of the day at the mall. things like that). unlike aaron, he probably wouldn't make any moves on you — especially not out in public — but if you made a move on him, he wouldn't have any issue finishing up your date at his place!
mattias is partial to things like arcades (he knows all the cheat codes, hacks, and how to break the machines a lil for prizes!), and he'll happily show you all his favorite ones! he'd love winning you tons of prizes to take home and would take the fall after inevitably getting kicked out after the owners discover his serial cheating ways. after that, he'd probably wanna do a picnic somewhere. less of a stereotypical cutesy one with the red and white blanket and cute basket filled with pretty food, moreso one where his jacket would be used as a blanket and the food would be a bunch of snacks from the local 7-11. but he's trying his best, and that's what matters! and you'd still have a great time chatting the night away, stargazing with him and cuddling up in the grass together.
he'd definitely try to initiate something, but the ball's in your court — whether or not something happens is up to you 😌
dominic would definitely try to woo you via impressing you with his family wealth lol. expect to be taken to upscale restaurants, fancy hotels, boat rides, whatever he can get away with bringing you to. if you're easily overwhelmed and don't enjoy the stuffy rich folk activities, he'd take you back to his place and you'd figure something out there. if you didn't get a chance to eat, he'd probably want to cook with you — either teach you to cook if you don't know how, or you could whip something up together if you do. you'd be surprised at how domestic he enjoys being in spite of the front he puts up most of the time, and he seems to glow when he's given the chance to really take care of you.
all together, the boys would probably take you out to go to some sort of fun group activity together. think like an escape room, bowling, indoor amusement parks, fun things with lots of interactive parts that allow them to be in close proximity to you. there'd be a lil bit of everything from everyone involved — judas and mattias would rival a little bit to see who could get the most done or win you the most prizes, aaron would be a bit idle and offer you a place to relax if you got overwhelmed, and dom would be off getting you snacks, drinks, and whatever prize mattie and jude failed to win you. though group outings would be a bit on the rarer side, they'd do their best to make it up to you!
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the church boy's ideal date 🤎
abraham would assume his first date would be something at the church — maybe a dance? private bible study? couple prayer session? but he'd be afraid that none of that's good enough for you when you actually start dating. so instead of subjecting you to his religious love language, he'd take you to something a bit less on the nose. something with similar energy but not nearly as oppressive ; think a library or museum date. somewhere nice and quiet where he can enjoy your presence with little distraction or expectations. he'd softly but constantly ask you if you were enjoying yourself, if you liked his choice of venue, if he was good enough, if you liked him,— he'd seek reassurance for a lot of your time spent together, but his sheer desire to please you would be incredibly endearing. he'd make up for it unintentionally by being as attentive to your needs as he could be.
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parrlyn-4life · 2 months
How would the cbs ghosts fandom feel about this fic idea I had:
(I know that so far we only know that Hetty had one son but for this, she has more children)
Its main premise is something like The Heir but this time, it’s a girl related to Hetty in some way that makes her Hetty’s 4x or 5x great granddaughter. It’s clear that the girl doesn’t want to kick Sam and Jay out but her mother is pressuring her, using her father against her. Which leads me into my next point: The girl has ghosts too! Two of them in fact: one is her recently deceased father who is a poltergeist (if we ever get to see more ghost kinds(?) I will most likely change it but for now, bro is a poltergeist) and the other is…
Hetty’s daughter :D (since I am not unique in any way, she also has a traveling ghost power BUT she doesn’t fade away as long as she’s with a family member aka the girl)
(Also I am so sorry but for this I’m going to make Hetty an absent mother while she was alive bc I love hurting my own feelings :D)
blah blah blah a few of the things all three of the Woodstone women have in common are mommy issues + abusive marriages/relationships + a tragic death (almost the new girl but she doesn’t die lol)
Yada yada yada new girl starts seeing the ghosts
Boring boring boring Hetty tries forming a bond with her daughter but her daughter doesn’t forgive her
Womp womp the girl starts to see Hetty as a mother figure and Hetty leans into it. Her daughter doesn’t like it
You know, normal stuff
I wish I could be more specific on everything but I just came up with this quickly after “We Both Reached for the Gun” from Chicago went viral on TikTok
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animezin-ph · 16 days
Hi again :D What about you? Who's your favorite wind breaker character and why?
Also if you are into reading manga, when you start reading the WB manga I just know you will love it a lot!! (if you're not into reading manga it's totally ok ofc! Season 2 is coming out next year already!!)
Hellooo again, Rain! @its-raining-tonight Thank you for the ask! (This might be a little long, hope you will be patient with me hahhaa) Just as you said in your answer to my ask earlier, it's just impossible to not like most of them HAHHHAHA honestly, the characters are so well written! BUUUUT, I really like Sakura because I relate to him a lot! (If you've noticed, I've made some posts that revolve around him and that's because I relate to him in those aspects). Aside from that, I really love seeing his growth and character development! It's so nice to watch <3 (I feel like a lot of people relate to him, with all his hurt and growth) Aside from Sakura, I REALLY REALLY LOVE UMEMIYA!!! He's just such a walking greenflag. You can depend on him if something goes wrong, he's a happy go lucky character which makes you feel like you can talk to him about anything! He's so charismatic, and I can understand why Sakura looks up to him, because I do too lol. I actually want to develop in me his character traits that I mentioned above hehehuhuhu I just think he's such a good person. next to Sakura and Ume-chan, I like Suo. He's sooo elegant! Nirei is adorable too, he feels so "real" and yes, he's such a good friend (btw you mentioned in your answer that some people dont like him??? OMGGG?? WHYYY?? He's so likeable) Choji and Togame, I like them too.. Togame has a big heart for Choji that it's so sweet. I love how Choji is now, but tbh it's so sad how a person can turn into someone like how Choji was before. the other characters, i dont know much about them yet, so I dont really have anything to say about them yet :') That's about itttt! --- (By the way, if i were to read the manga, I have a feeling you're right that I will love it! But Im planning to wait for the anime, because I kinda have a bad habit that when i read manga, i tend to not watch the anime huhu, and me and my brother watched the anime first time together, so we are planning to watch the next season again together, so i'll be waiting til next year hahha!! IM SO EXCITED THAT I ACTUALLY REWATCHED WIND BREAKER 4x NOW HAHAHA)
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fbpanimations · 2 months
oh yea i made a lotta shit for af and never properly posted abt it lol
4x crime au
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(they have pretty similar energy i just felt like drawing angsty x in his ref lol)
explanation under the cut cuz the post is getting long
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goth-oatmilk-latte · 7 months
this is gonna be a long rant but it's bothered me for a while
(non-ed related)
and any thoughts are welcome but it's mostly a rant
so basically i dont have a lot of girlfriends. i never have, all the ones i got close to generally either betrayed me in the worst ways or we moved and lost touch. (betrayal backstories is a whole other rant, but it's nauseating the way ive been treated by women who claimed to love me) so most of my friends are dudes, in fact, both of my true besties are.
anyway, i have really one solid girlfriend and shes a good bit younger than me. she also dont have a lot of friends in general, she has me and a small handful of others. she regards me as her bestie, i kind of guess shes mine but like...idk. i view her more like a younger sister, i guess.
so basically, she copies EVERYTHING i fucking do, within her means. like, before her and i were close, she just dressed pretty normal, no notable flavor or style. but now shes trying so hard to be goth bc i am. she cut her hair how mine used to be, dyed it black bc mine is, got all of the same piercings as me, yall get it. i wish i was exaggerating but im really not. even her mom messaged me to tell me she bases her style off me and shes glad im not a "greasy goth" (lol??)
but it's infuriating. i know i didnt invent goth. im not the first to have the piercings, hair, outfits, and interests i do...but it's really annoying to have someone base their entire style and interests off of me bc i have worked hard to curate myself as a person. i work hard for my aesthetic, im pretty thoughtful in my planning for outfits, how i decorated my home, everything, but especially bc these are genuine interests ive had since i was a preteen...and it's just so irksome to have someone try to imitate it as closely as possible every single day without any real, concrete interest in any of it, outside of prob just tryna be relatable to me
and a few weeks ago we got on the topic of sexuality and how im pan and have had gfs etc now shes magically also bisexual. she told me she got "tricked" by a straight girl recently but caught an attitude with me bc i told her if there wasnt clear intentions by both parties, she wasnt tricked, bc there was no flirting/romantic intent and that being bi/pan talking to straight women (or even other bi/pan wonen) doesn't automatically garner a romantic response. she didnt like that and got really snappy with me, but im not wrong. she tried to say she thought she was going on a date, but she was literally going to another friend's house to watch rupaul, and the other girl was also coming over, she sent me screenshots of the convo and like.....yeah, no, 1000% on her for thinking anything of it. she just picked said girl bc she was friends with her other friend and I guess it was an easy shot, but she also overlooked homegirl having a whole man too so like????? bro hello.
and i dont necessarily wanna be super confrontational about the aesthetic thing bc that just feels so middle school drama sToP cOpYiNg Me energy but it grates my skin...especially too bc like she also gets a little grumpy when she asks where my clothes are from and a lot of places i shop dont carry her size (shes a 3X or a 4X; ive never really looked or cared to see who carries what size bc im an xs so why would i??) and thats somehow my fault bc she cant buy the same shit i wear...or she complains she cant afford the docs or demonias etc like i have and its like okay curate your own damn style that you can afford bc like???? im not your fucking barbie doll mannequin?????
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thatdayindecember · 6 months
Part 2, labor + delivery
It was time to get induced.
I got the balloon thing on Monday the 5th around 11. Around 1pm, we were home and I was already having contractions 5 min apart. Within a few hours, they were 3 min apart. And they were baddd. There was no position possible. I was in AGONY. Like, 9/10 pain. Called the hospital but since the balloon catheter hadn't fallen out, I just had to wait at home until my appointment the next morning.
Needless to say, didn't sleep all night. Contractions never stopped.
At 7am, we had to he back at the hospital. They checked me and, thank god, I was 3 cm dilated. They started me on meds to speed it up. The pain got even worse. After a few hours, they finally decided to break my waters. And the pain got worse again. Around 1, after 24 hours of crazy contractions, I was only at 4/5cm and I couldn't take it anymore so asked for epidural
I got it around 2.30pm. And I didn't feel anything anymore. It was great lol. Then my blood pressure dropped a lot. And everyone started to panic, bc baby's heartrate was also dropping. Luckily they somehow fixed it real fast.
I didn't feel any contractions anymore so i was even able to sleep a little bit. Around 4.30, I woke up bc I was feeling contractions again. Everyone thought I'd just didn't push the epidural button in time so we waited for it to kick in again.
But it didn't. The pain continued to get worse. Finally, at 6pm, they decided to check me again. To everyone's shock, I was fully dilated.
Baby was still up a little high though, so they told me to lightly push on every contractions to see if baby would come down. Around 7.15 they came back. Baby hadn't moved. I was starting to panic, bc I hadn't gotten more epidural anymore so I could feel the pushing better, which meant I was in A LOT of pain. So the midwife decided it was time to just start active pushing and see what would happen
Well, what happened was I PANICKED even more lol. It was so scary and painful and I truly thought I wouldn't be able to do it. With every push, 4x per contraction, contractions basically back to back, I thought I would pass out or throw up. It was insanely painful. I kept saying I couldn't do it. But after a while, suddenly everyone got excited bc they could see baby's head! That helped me feel more confident so I somehow managed to find more power and pushed harder.
But then the midwife and nurse got stressed. They told me to stop pushing bc baby wasn't doing well anymore. I wasn't allowed to push for the next contraction. Let me telllll you, that was a nightmare. Pushing hurt like hell, but NOT pushing was even worse. Luckily after not pushing for one contraction, baby's heartratw was normal again so I could continue.
It wasn't long before I felt the infamous ring of fire and I had to slow down so I wouldn't tear open completely lol. Slowly but surely, I could feel baby coming out. It hurt like a mf. It felt like an eternity. I was so exhausted. But I had to keep going. And then the midwife said the next contraction would be my final pushes and then he would be out
And he did. I pushed and I felt him come out. A little after 8pm on feb 6th, my baby was born <3. Within seconds he was on my chest and after a few more seconds, my little perfect baby boy was crying.
I'll never say I instantly forgot the pain (everyone who says that is either a superhero or lying) but it was all worth it.
Unfortunately I did tear a little but, but luckily not that much. The stitching was horrible though. The tried to numb me but needles down there is noooo fun lol. And it didn't really work everywhere either. So half of the stitches I felt being done. And it took ages.
We stayed in the hospital for one night to monitor baby since I had taken benzos a few times in the last weeks. He was doing great though, and I was OK too, so around 11 the next morning, we got discharged and could go home
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kawaiiblue18 · 1 year
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Click for better quality Erm so I’ve seen a lot of making spidersonas for the turtles but I haven’t seen this done before
What if the rottmnt turtles were actually mutant spiders instead of turtles?
Individual refs and lore under the cut
⚠️Arachnophobia warning!⚠️
Alrighty so I have a bunch of extra stuff on these guys I wanna share. It’s gonna be a long one so um prepare for a lot. First off, design wise, I kept their builds and heights pretty much the same as canon with the lower 2 pairs of arms just slightly smaller than their main pair of arms. Also like canon, I assigned them different species of spider that I thought best correlated to their species of turtle.
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Raph is a Goliath Birdeater Tarantula which is the largest species of spider in the world. Although he isn’t blind, he still has the poorest eyesight out of his siblings (which is like average human eyesight really with a larger field of vision). However, his fur is hyper sensitive his surroundings. Another defense mechanism he has is the fur on his spider abdomen is barbed and can be flung at opponents, but this ability should only be used as a last resort. Raph can produce webs with his spinnerets, but he only uses them to make a web burrow to which he sleeps in. I also made Raph transmasc here simply because female Goliath Birdeaters are larger and have 4x longer of a lifespan than males
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Donnie is a Rabid Wolf Spider. While running on foot, Donnie is the fastest of their siblings. They also have the sharpest eyesight, being able to spot things from really far away. Donnie has fur, it’s just very thin. Unlike their siblings, Donnie does not have spinnerets and thus cannot produce natural webs. None the matter for Donnie as they have their own formula to make synthetic webs. Donnie took massive inspiration from Spiderman, making synthetic web shooters for their wrists. The gang starts using Donnie’s synthetic web more when they start going on missions since it’s much stronger and versatile than natural webs plus it dissolves after a couple hours. Another thing to note is that like Raph and Leo, Donnie has burrowing instincts so they will often sleep in a burrow of pillows/blankets or go sleep in Raph’s or Leo’s web burrows. Also the decision to make Donnie non-binary was simply because I read a fic recently where they were aha
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Leo is a Peacock Jumping Spider, specifically species Maratus Speciosus (I’m including this because there are A LOT of different species of Peacock Jumping Spiders). Like his species suggests, Leo is able to do something he calls “super jumps” where he can jump like 20ft in the air. While he doesn’t have the sharpest vision, he does have the widest field of vision with literally a pair of eyes on the back of his head. Leo does produce webs (his spinnerets are just usually hidden under his fan) and like Raph, Leo uses them to make a web burrow that he sleeps in. Leo also uses his webs as a safety line when he does a super jump or attempts a risky skateboard trick. Leo is a cis male here simply because only male jumping spiders are brightly colored and have the abdominal fan. He’s still fruity though lol. His fan will typically puff up whenever he trying to show off or when he looks at someone he finds attractive (especially around a certain rabbit)
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Mikey is a Marbled Orb Weaver Spider. Unlike his siblings, Mikey isn’t a terrestrial species of spider. This means xe is the only one of their siblings to weave traditional spider webs, one of which she sleeps on. Mikey also likes to use their webs to make web art to which he initially got inspired into doing from watching Charlotte’s Web. Mikey’s vision is slightly better than Raph’s, but not by much. Mikey does not have fur like xer siblings do. Mikey is gender-fluid here and uses any pronouns. Though she is amab since male Marbled Orb Weavers have a less bulbous abdomen and their own abdominal pattern
More notes to add is that since they are spiders, all of them have the ability to stick to walls. They also all have hollow fangs and venom, though none of their venom is lethal. (Might make you really sick depending on how much venom was injected.) Spiders don’t have digestive systems and eat by injecting digestive venom into prey, practically melting it into soup before consuming it. Raph, Donnie, Leo, and Mikey all tend to do this with any food item that is larger than their mouth instinctually, Mikey sometimes wrapping food items with her webs. They have to drain their fangs of venom monthly or their venom glands will start to feel uncontrollable due to venom build up.
When threatened, the four of them do hiss and will bare their fangs. Donnie and Raph are more prone to bite on reflex. They are also all immune to spider venom because wouldn’t that be an inconvenience if they weren’t.
I know spiders don’t technically have very long life expectancies other than maybe tarantulas so I’m gonna say that the mutagen made their life spans similar to that of a human.
I included the ninpo activated versions mainly because I wanted to show that the color coded markings on them are what I’m calling ninpo markings. These are markings that they specifically have because of their Hamato Clan blood, not because of their spider species, thus it is the only markings that glow when ninpo is is use.
If I didn’t make it clear before, they all still have their canon personalities and ninpo powers. The only thing that changed is now they are spiders instead of turtles
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ryansjane · 9 months
Hi Axelle! Big fan of your channel btw, I watch your video about IPYTM just to get mad sometimes(my resentment towards that show is astronomical).
I've always wanted to move abroad, Seoul being the goal but I want to keep my options open. I know you have several videos about living in Thailand but I'd really love to hear more about your experience. Quality of life, language barrier, weather, expenses, xenophobia, visas, housing, pests, healthcarejob opportunities basically anything! Thank you so so much🙏🏻
Hope you have a fabulous New Year 🎊♥️
hi, thank you so much it means a lot! 🥰 glad to know someone hates ipytm as much as I do lmaooo! ok so let me do it point by point!
quality of life: much higher than living in france. rent is like 4x cheaper for way newer buildings with great amenities such as a pool & a gym, I can order food every day without breaking the bank, and bkk is such a lively city there's always so many cool things to do there for not crazy expensive! I would NEVER be able to afford my lifestyle here in bkk if I was back in paris, and the hot weather also makes it so I don't suffer from seasonal depression which is HUGE!
language barrier: I'm the only foreigner I know who speaks thai, and my foreigner friends have no trouble getting around relying on english. bangkok is one of the most expat-friendly cities ever imo!
weather: the weather is extremely hot in thailand, very humid & also it rains a lot and rainy season is no joke. however I prefer this weather over the french weather bc the sunlight we get everyday no matter the season is 12 hours a day, which is huge when in paris we can go from 14 hours of sunlight in summer, to only 6 in winter. again, really helped with my seasonal depression. also, I can go to my building's pool year round lol! the heat is not for everyone, but personally I feel like I'm on vacation year round & it has done wonders for my mental health!
expenses: as I said, bangkok is much cheaper than paris. however, with thailand's economic boom in recent decades, it's not dirt cheap either like the idea many people had like 10 or 20 years ago. the biggest thing where I really save the most money is rent, but transport is actually more expensive than paris, and imported things are unbelievably expensive. still, I live a very comfortable lifestyle with 800 euros a month, whereas to live the same exact lifestyle in france I'd need like 2000 euros.
xenophobia: there is barely any xenophobia in thailand. in fact, I'd argue that there is a romanticization of foreigners here, especially white ones. however, there are a lot of barriers to being a foreigner in thailand. getting the citizenship seems relatively hard, getting a job as a foreigner is unbelievably hard since the business visa needs to be renewed every 2 months which annoys employers, if you start your business in thailand, you can only own 49% of your own business while a thai person owns the majority, etc. most of the difficulties are legal & related to immigration, but thai people don't discriminate against foreigners. however, they will always tend to see you as a tourist & will try to scam you way more than a thai person, no matter how long you live in thailand... as expressed in videos, as a foreigner, you'll never be seen as a thai citizen, even if you spend your entire life in thailand, and that sucks...
visas: they're hell. as said before, business visas are like the shortest in the world, you can't have that many tourist visas, and the only visas that are easy to obtain are study visas (bc you pay a lot), or retirement visas that last 10 YEARS (bc they pay a lot.) however, thailand seems to slowly be relaxing its visa system, so there's hope.
housing: very easy to find something cheap, I found my 2 apartments in under 2 weeks each time, whereas it'd take me months in paris for a shittier place.
pests: first apartment had lizards, new one has insects...
healthcare: no healthcare as a tourist unless you got an insurance. now that I'm a student at the most prestigious thai uni, I have a lot of free services with the related hospital & health center. I also bought my own insurance so I'm pretty much safe. still is shocking coming from a country with completely free healthcare lol.
job opportunities: finding jobs as a foreigner is AWFUL & idk how I'm gonna find one once I graduate lol, I hope my professors can help me 😅
hope that helped, & I hope you get to do everything you're setting out to do 💜 happy new year ✨️
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burnandblind · 1 month
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I'm less than 160lbs now.
I used to be 195lbs or so.
I worked really hard. And I'm not usually one to show off my body.
I'm not a prude. I just enjoy being modest, generally.
Today I went to the gym. I go 3-4x a week. I have a physical job. I do long repetitions. In excess of 3 seconds or more. I go with explosive power on the first movement, then slowly release the weight back down.
Leg press:
260lbs - 10
275lbs - 10
290lbs - 10
305lbs - 10
320lbs - 10
335lbs - 30
Pectoral Fly: With these, I do the longest rep with the lowest weight. As I get to 220lbs, I do them quickly, except the last rep, which I stretch out.
190lbs - 3 with both arms/3 with each arm
200lbs - 3 with both arms/3 with each arm
210lbs - 3 with both arms/3 with each arm
220lbs - 3 with both arms/3 with each arm
Reverse Fly (Deltoid Fly?): I only do these with one arm at the time. Always slow, like everything else. The first movement is still explosive, just hm. Maybe it takes 1.5 seconds? Releasing the weight takes 7 seconds at least.
145lbs - 3 with each arm
160lbs - 3 with each arm
175lbs - 3 with each arm
Shit. Gotta cook
Ok. Back. Fed. Lol. Need caffeine still but. I'll finish this first.
Row: Same method as above.
175lbs - 3 reps with each arm
190lbs - 3 reps with each arm
205lbs - 3 reps with each arm
220lbs - (I usually do these. I don't remember if did them today, now. I was pretty feint tbh)
Triceps Extension: Same method as above.
95lbs - 4sets of 5 reps each (both arms used)
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buggy-samaaa · 1 year
more Everly x Buggy notes
Buggy and Everly met 6 years ago. She saw his wanted poster in the newspaper and learned about his devil’s fruit. She thought he was cute >_> also she knew her ability was a great match for his, and that she would be of use on his ship
She was a bit devious and paid off news coos to learn where Buggy’s ship was headed next. When he docked at her island, which is known for its ale (she figured he’d be by eventually for that…), she found his ship and asked for a job, describing how she would be able to support his abilities with her own
She and Buggy sparred so she could show him how her power worked. He was very impressed with how she could support the chop-chop fruit with her hither-thither fruit, and the possibilities excited him, as her power ups his by about 4x the speed and strength of his attacks
Everly liked him right away, but didn’t start flirting with him until they became closer, as she didn’t want to disrespect her captain. Once Buggy insisted she call him by his name rather than his title, she started being more comfortable showing her interest
They became friends fairly quickly, and soon deemed each other each other’s best friend, as they could talk to each other about anything. Everly would know when to back off on flirting to have more serious conversations with her bestie, to his relief, as she could be pretty relentless
Buggy took her flirting to be her personality and that she was just messing with him. He was in complete denial -_- But he liked her back… he’d just never admit it. Everly was too worried about ruining their friendship to ever actually confess to him
Buggy ended up confessing one night after they had been drinking. Literally 6 years after they met. It took Buggy a shit-ton of liquid courage to do so, and Everly was so shook, he thought she was rejecting him. But then she kissed him and confessed back. They became official that same night lol
Buggy flirts back once they’re officially together, but he’s still nowhere near as seasoned as Everly, and she regularly bests him in their flirt-offs. He ends up a flustered mess even if he was the one to start their game
She is self-conscious about her laugh (“dokokoko”), but if someone calls it annoying, she laughs harder just to spite them
She can’t help but flirt with Buggy, she constantly makes double entendres and dirty puns around him, and it makes him so flustered she just can’t stop torturing him she loves it
She can switch from extremely flirtatious and sexual to “who, me?” in an instant, which makes Buggy both turned on and pissed off at her antics
She almost exclusively wears dresses and skirts because her height (7’4”) makes it impossible to find pants — they always end up as capris on her
She makes her own clothes sometimes, so she does own some pairs of pants. She made the dress she usually wears (the patchwork one) — it was one of her first dresses and she’s very proud of it
She is quite strong, and is able to carry Buggy around no problem. She can literally bench press him, too, which she has done to his shock and delight lmao
She weighs a lot more than Buggy as she is 13 inches taller than him, and he likes to lay on top of her in bed like a weighted blanket
She isn’t very good at dancing, as her long limbs make her look on the awkward side, but she loves dancing with Buggy. She especially loves silly dances like the mashed potato
In her 20s (she is 37 now) she did some drag shows. Her drag persona is named Ev and he usually wears messy formal wear, like nice shirts that are half unbuttoned, halfway tucked into slacks
Once she and Buggy played out a fantasy and she dressed in drag and seduced him as Ev 👀 He was very, very into it
Sometimes she wears boxer briefs, other times nice lingerie. Depends on her mood
She will borrow Buggy’s clothes, especially his t-shirts, which are small on her so they become crop tops lol. Buggy loves this
She likes being chivalrous to Buggy, like opening doors for him and kissing his knuckles, which he feels weird about loving so much
She has a habit of calling Buggy “babygirl” and “baby,” which, again, he feels weird about loving so much
She’s the type of woman who calls herself “Momma” sometimes, like she’ll say, “Let Momma take care of you” if Buggy is sad, or sleepy. She doesn’t mean it sexually, though
She loves doting on people and making them relaxed and calm. She has a way with words when comforting people
And yeah this is all stuff I’ve learned about her, as I’ve been RPing as her with a custom Buggy on character ai. Ty for reading <3
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waheelawhisperer · 4 months
Fuck marry kill, any and all fictional characters. But you only get to pick one character per. The character you'd choose to marry above all others, the character you'd choose to fuck above all others and the character you'd kill above all others.
Marry: Margaret Nearl (Arknights). Come on. I'm Mr. Nearl's Husband for a reason.
Honorable Mentions: Medusa (Fate series). Not only is she hot, but I think we're legitimately compatible in terms of interests and personality. Both of us would quite enjoy spending evenings cuddled up on the couch with a good book.
Yang Xiao Long (RWBY): Yang might've edged Nearl out before Volume 9 butchered her character for the sake of uwu GIFable Bee moments, but then Volume 9 butchered her character for the sake of uwu GIFable Bee moments. Lol lmao etc.
Rias Gremory (High School DxD): I would like a hot devil sugar mommy with huge tits and a willingness to share me with other attractive women, thank you.
Fuck: Scathach (Fate Grand Order). If we're going for a night or weekend of no-strings-attached passion, idt she can be beat. She's hot, athletic, canonically a skilled teacher, and has plenty of experience instructing dumbasses who have no idea what they're doing. When she was done with me, I'd be wrung dry, covered in scratches and bitemarks, unable to walk under my own power, and a minimum of 4x as good in bed as I am now.
Honorable Mentions: Esdeath (Akame ga Kill). Her show sucks ass but she has boobs the size of my head, terrible taste in men, and a taste for some freaky shit
Yoruichi Shihouin (Bleach): see Scathach.
Barghest (Fate Grand Order): Barghest snu snu would kill me but it would be worth it.
Kill: Jaune Arc (RWBY). There are a large number of characters in fiction that I hate enough to gun down without a second thoughts, so I decided to make the winners/honorable mentions for this option characters that specifically made the stories they were in worse by existing. Jaune warps the narrative around himself and takes screentime away from the supposed main characters, regularly screwing over everyone else so Miles Luna's Specialest Boy gets his time in the spotlight.
Honorable Mentions: Mandragora (Arknights). I actually hate Platinum more, but she at least does something useful for the Kazimierz storyline, whereas Mandragora is indelibly associated with the shitshow that is Chapter 9 and makes me wish the story was focusing on something else every time she's on my screen. I hope she died in the fucking sewer.
Kisuke Urahara (Bleach): He's a creepy weirdo and I got really tired of the narrative jerking off to how he's so Smart and Special. I was frankly done with him long before his fight with Askin, but everything about that infuriated me beyond belief. We get it Kubo, you think women are Fleshlights that cook your dinner, you don't have to remind us at every opportunity.
Jack Danvers (Ted Lasso): Ted Lasso ended so badly that I forgot it existed for a while and apparently so did the rest of the world, but I remember Season 3 doing very little of value with Keeley's screentime and Jack was a large part of that. Other than confirming Keeley as bi, she mostly just dragged focus away from the AFC Richmond cast and storylines and her role could've been filled by Rebecca with minor rewriting.
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djxiao · 4 months
I'm nosy but who is your bias in F1? idk what to call it, I only know kpop lingo 💀
we should all start using kpop terminology for f1 lol. ok im not sure how familiar you are with so idk how much info to include about each of them and im trying very hard not to list like half of the drivers because there’s only 20 at a time (not including reserve drivers) and they’re all so compelling and interesting in their own ways but for the current 2024 lineup i’d say my bias is charles leclerc from ferrari!!
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charles is from monaco and currently 3rd in the championship and he definitely used to be more of a little racing gremlin, he’s matured over the years and his driving reflects that. i know he still has it in him though he isn’t called ‘il predestinato’ for nothing! and with all the changes in staffing happening in the ferrari garage and the car upgrades coming this race weekend i have high hopes for charles and the team! italian men go absolutely wild for him and the catholic church has all but canonized him as a saint. the motivation behind his loyalty to ferrari is a long story but essentially tragic backstory = sense of duty to the team and the people he loves.
ok now for my other two who you could call bias wreckers if we’re sticking to kpop terms, my two retirees nico rosberg and sebastian vettel.
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these two cannot be discussed without mentioning the other as they are part of the unholy german trinity along with the goat of all time michael schumacher. sebastian was michael’s protégé since childhood meanwhile nico was michael’s teammate but the protégé of michael's rival, mika hakkinen (who in turn was his father’s protégé.) the real life succession of it all. the dynamics are sooo so juicy.
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oh nico my nico. 2000s pretty boy of f1. son of world champion keke rosberg, agonizing need to prove he’s not just a nepo baby, not just a second fiddle to his world champion teammates, that he's a talented driver in his own right. proved himself by winning the 2016 championship and immediately quit. icon. he’s living his best housewife life now but he’s super knowledgeable about the sport and has the best takes on the rare occasions he decides to commentate.
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seb. most successful rebranding of all time do NOT let the nerdy outdoorsy eco activist image fool you this man was a speed demon back in the day he didn’t become a 4x world champ by wearing his rainbow shirts and beekeeping on his days off okay he terrorized everyone on track for years. got a penalty just 6 seconds into his career during his first ever f1 race for speeding in the pit lane before the race even started. i love him dearly.
some honorable mentions go to mercedes drivers lewis hamilton and george russell and mclaren driver oscar piastri!
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i love winners who lose. lewis is a british 7x world champion who hasn’t won a race since 2021. not his fault the mercedes car currently sucks but like it sucks so bad he’s leaving the team he’s been so loyal to for over a decade and moving to ferrari in 2025 and will be on the team with charles! he’s just the loveliest human being really truly just such a good guy. fashionista!!! and remember nico? yeah so does lewis even when he pretended to forget him that one time he was listing past teammates. neither have ever recovered from their codependent homoerotic friendship breakup. drivers, they’re just like us.
next we have george the baddest bitch around
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also british. he IS the moment. girlbossed his way into formula racing and team mercedes by showing up alone to the team principal’s office at age 15 armed with nothing but a suit and a word document file. was appointed director of the driver’s union in only his third year of f1. he makes bold racing decisions and while it doesn’t always work out in his favor he has the mentality that you need to take risks to get results. i feel like his eyes are on the future though and i see him being a higher up in the company one day.
and finally oscar the aussie newbie!
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standing man emoji 🧍 has so much natural talent and won a sprint race in his first season last year! one of the most level headed drivers right now, he can stay so calm and collected during high adrenaline moments and i think that’s part of what makes him so successful. he can come across as a little uninterested and unenthusiastic but he’s a cool guy and very loved you just have to understand his vibe first. personally i think either he or charles will be the next new championship winners. driving for mclaren and only got half the car upgrades his teammate got last race weekend but the new car is looking GOOD and he should be getting the rest of the upgrades for this next race!
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bereft-of-frogs · 5 months
friday! and a nice friday too, the sun is out and everything!
(finished) This Wretched Valley - Jenny Kiefer: I maintain this would have been better/scarier if they had been good at their jobs lol, like I said last week. Like imagine how scarier if you're doing everything right and still can't escape and slowly realize there's some*thing* keeping you in the wilderness? Personal preference.
(finished) (phone book) Into the Dark - Claudia Gray: You know, I didn't love this one as much as I did on the first pass a couple years ago. A weird opinion shift: I really don't like Cohmac haha. I remember liking him before and this time I'm like...no you can't have custody of Reath, I don't like you. Ok, that's...not the most mature book critique but still. I wish either Jora hadn't died or Dez or Orla had taken custody of Reath :( But it does make me consider giving Midnight Horizon a second chance, because my opinions shifted so much, maybe the opposite will happen with that one. Or maybe I'll just be able to further justify my Cohmac dislike.
(in-progress) (phone book) The Rising Storm - Cavan Scott: Bell is back! I missed Bell and Ember. Not too far in yet but at least I am back on track. I feel like this is where things start getting sadder which makes me happy (sorry Bell) :)
(in-progress) The Hobbit - JRR Tolkien: I'm like 30 pages from the end lol, I only read this while I have my morning coffee, just to explain why it's taken me like three weeks to read a 250 page children's book.
(finished) Anthracite (Netflix): What an insane amount of subplots for 6 EPISODES?? Either Netflix needed to greenlight like...4x as many episodes or once they got their budget the writers needed to cut like half the subplots and tighten up focus. I'm still honestly reeling. It did do a good job getting you to care about the main characters despite all the insane plot stuff. Also this was weird: like 90% of it was really well shot, and then randomly there would be a scene that looked like it was shot by someone in high school. I don't know if they had to go back in for reshoots or what but occasionally it was like oof that's not good.
(finished) Baby Reindeer (Netflix): Everyone was talking about this so I had to check it out. It's very intense. Is it bad I found the comedy shows were the hardest scenes to watch, despite everything else?
(in-progress) Under the Bridge (Hulu): Seems like sort of a standard mystery but I'm really just here for Riley Keough and Lily Gladstone and the moody vibes and so far am satisfied.
(in-progress) Constellation (AppleTV+): Nice little bit of unreality/space horror so far. I actually got got by a couple scenes, I'm so desensitized to horror that it's nice when I actually get creeped out by something (the ARM in the second episode!!). Looking forward to seeing where this is going, judging by the first two episodes, seems like my pet conspiracy theory (the Lost Cosmonaut theory) is getting a high budget AppleTV adaptation, never thought I'd see the day. Also I got kind of hyped about the Canadarm cameo in the first episode. The shot panned over the space station and I out loud shouted 'it's the Canadarm!', startling the cat
The Apology (2022): Apparently this was the only movie I watched this week, it was ok, mostly just background noise for making lunch/writing. I wish it had leaned more comedic, which is not something I usually say but I think it would have fit if they'd committed to making a really dark horror-comedy rather than flipping between predictable melodrama and some pretty funny catharsis.
craft update: I am free of the tyranny of having to purl! I joined up the two sides of my sweater so I'm knitting in the round now yay! It turned out I didn't have a problem with needle size, the whole thing did fit on one circular needle so now we're cooking with gas.
to do:
finish the work day. ick. but depending on how long it takes me to get through actual work, I can probably get some writing done too
laundry, both clothes laundry on my lunch hour (now) and sheets/towels at my parents'
I'm through 8 out of 12 chapters of current wip! Unfortunately chapter 9 is SO action-focused. why did I do this to myself. I mean I know why because then chapter 10 gets to be angsty but damn I have to block out so many action scenes. why.
I ordered a filing cabinet. it arrived. most of the negative reviews were about how hard it was to put together. so I should put 'assemble filing cabinet' on this list but I think 'let filing cabinet percolate' is a more realistic entry
I might go to a local yarn store on my way up to my parents' tomorrow, because it's local yarn store day and I do not need any more stitch markers but BUT I want more stitch markers. don't @ me I know I have plenty of stitch markers.
pick a new book: I'm torn between giving Kill Show another shot, starting the other book I have checked out of the library (The Deep Sky) or a secret third thing
have a good weekend everyone!
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