#just let my little shipper heart be happy with this idea okay?! thank you! :D
god-damn-demetria · 8 years
Okay, I gotta make this post, otherwise I won’t be satisfied. :D
About two or three days ago, I found these lyrics on Twitter that are supposed to be the lyrics to one of Demi’s new songs on her upcoming album:
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It’s the one song that was featured in Nick Jonas’ documentary “Last Year Was Complicated”. They were on the tour bus that included a studio and worked on songs together (just like they usually do because they slay and they seem to know it :D) and you could hear the snippets and see them discussing it a little, being cute af (friendship goals and stuff). So yesterday, I read the lyrics and was hit with MASSIVE Nemi feels. Some people on Facebook were already like “Oh, it’s probably about Bomba.” because of the like “You kick and punch others but don’t you dare do that to my heart.”, but I don’t think it is. This might just be me being a massive Nemi shipper, but bare with me on this one and let me explain why I think it’s actually about Nick (I mean, many thought there could’ve been some friends with benefits kind of shit going on between them on tour, let’s be real) so I can sleep peacefully tonight :D some points might be crap but I need to get this off my chest and share my Nemi feels overload with you guys :D
Let’s start from the top:
Before I try to analyse the lyrics, I wanna start of by saying that the chance of this song being about Bomba is pretty low. Think back: Demi and Wilmer broke up in June (?). Demi and Nick started going on tour in late July. Back then, Demi wasn’t even seen with Luke Rockhold (who we all know has been her man for a few weeks way before Bomba became her boyfriend). The song “Emotions”, like I said, was on Nick’s documentary. Back then, Demi wasn’t even linked to Luke, let alone Bomba, in any romantic way. So why would it be about Bomba? ;) You know what I’m trying to say? I think you do, you’re all smart little motherfuckers ;D Okay, so lets begin, shall we?:
“I’ve been watching you watching me.” Have you guys ever seen the way Nick looked at Demi on stage during their Future Now Tour? No? Then go back and look at pictures of them performing together. Look at him. The pride, the smile...you can see he’s her biggest fan in these moments. When he was playing the piano during Stone Cold, he had the dreamiest look on his face I’ve ever seen on a guy. And there’s no way Demi couldn’t have noticed that ;)
“You walk in here and own the spotlight The stage is yours every time you arrive.” One of the reasons I don’t think this song is about Bomba is this line. Bomba is not a singer. He’s not a performer. He’s a MMA Fighter. He has nothing to do with a stage. His territory is the cage. Wouldn’t it say something like that? Something that would hint on a MMA fighter or boxer or something like that? But it doesn’t. It’s referring to someone who’s in the spotlight and performs on stage.
“Gambling our feelings, just a kiss goodnight.” Gambling our feelings...isn’t that exactly what everyone has been doing for years? Speculating whether or not Demi and Nick could possible be a couple or have feelings for each other? And the kiss goodnight...just a kiss goodnight...It’s not surprising that good friends, especially best friends, give each other a little peek on the cheek or forehead or sometimes (especially girls) on the lips. Nick and Demi have been on tour for a few months. They’ve spend every day together, they’ve seen each other in the morning and at night, so couldn’t it be possible for them to give each other a little kiss goodnight? Even if it’s just on the cheek?
“Some call it satisfaction But we don’t dare call it love It’s more than a physical reaction But I’ve been denying that” We don’t dare call it love...of course they wouldn’t. If they would, they might as well be open and public and slay as Hollywoods new it-couple. But I’ve been denying that...of course Demi would deny any physical reaction her body has towards Nick, of course she wouldn’t call it love other than the love they have for each other as friends. 
“You kick and you punch others But don’t you dare do that to my heart We both know ain’t no chance at forever But we refuse to break apart” Alright, ladies and gentlemen, let me get creative on this one :D You kick and you punch others...a possible reference on Nick’s role as a MMA fighter in “Kingdom”? Who knows...but let’s look at the second half of this verse: We both know ain’t no chance at forever but we refuse to break apart...Demi and Nick are both aware that whatever they might’ve had or have is not something that would last forever because it might just be strictly physical (any germans get the reference? Huh? Strictly Physical? Monrose? No?...okay, let’s move on then :P). Friends with benefits and no strings attachted is dangerous for every friendship. Either they fall in love or fight and the friendship breaks apart...and that’s exactly what demi and Nick refuse to let happen. They don’t wanna break what they have apart (whether it’s the sex or friendship or whatever)
“It’s under the sheets, it’s undercover And I’m tempted to call you my lover.” Of course it’s undercover. Why would they want anyone to find out about their little affair? It’s just natural that they’re hiding it. I’m tempted to call you my lover...when you’re in this friends with benefits type of thing, you get attached sooner or later, maybe you even fall in love or maybe you don’t, but there’s most definitely some sort of attachment happening. And Nick was there all the time. He was with her almost 24/7. They are both young and they were both single at the time. The chance of hormones flying over board is high and it might be comfortable with someone who knows you better than anyone else that’s on tour with you. And that kind of comfort can get you attached to someone...so much, that you’re debating whether or not that person is slowly becoming your lover.
“The look behind your eyes is saying “Don’t let go.”” Imagine being with your best friend in an intimate way, more intimate than any of you could’ve ever imagined...Imagine holding that person and its comfortable. You wouldn’t wanna let go, you wouldn’t want them to let go, but you’re too afraid to say it out loud, but the other person can see it in your eyes and you can see it in theirs. 
So...think about it: Do you really thing this song is about Bomba? Or does it make more sense that it’s about Nick? ;)
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Kdrama recs Part 2
Hello @camsthisky and anyone else who cares! I do apologize for the delay on this post--it has only been 84 years since Part I of my kdrama recs, I know, and I thought about going for a full century but this is me finding a way to de-stress after watching the first episode of I-Land alkdjfadlksj I’m gonna die of heartbreak but whatever
Speaking of heartbreak, there is a lot to be found in Korea’s wonderful historical dramas, so like, be warned—or, if you are an angst-loving monster like me, settle down for hot guys and good cries
Let us begin! (or, if you want romantic modern dramas see Part 1)
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1. Scarlet Heart Ryeo/Moonlovers: 
aha ahahahahahaha *weeps* You may have heard people talk about this show. You may have heard ME talk about this show. This thing was my first kdrama ever and it RUINED ME 
Disclaimer: I have seen this show once and rewatched it twice and on the rewatches I can never quite make myself watch the last 4 or 5 episodes because things get tragic and messy and I get mad. HOWEVER there is a lot of good in the first part of the show and because this thing was all the rage in everywhere but Korea itself, there’s like over 300 fanfic for it and several good fix-its, including one by my good friend @thelonelybrilliance
Ok so anyway this show which could also be called An Abundance of Princes starts with a young woman from modern times getting thrown back into ancient Goryeo during an eclipse and finds herself in the body of Hae Soo, the cousin of the wife of one of the princes, and thus she gets embroiled in royal affairs which are, quite frankly, a mess. See, the evil eyeliner prince (whom I love even when he’s the worst) is plotting with his mom to get the Crown Prince out of the way aka dead BUT who should return to the Palace but the 4th Prince, Wang So, who has spent at least half his life living as hostage to a powerful family. 
So has a scar that cuts across his eye and which in this society makes him a horror to look at or smthing idk he just looks extra hot to me but anyway he wears a mask and is known as the wolf dog (or as the MURDER ANGST CUPCAKE thanks @abadpoetwithdreams). He might seem a little rough around the edges at first because his life has been hell but he really just wants to love and be loved okay people need to be nice to him wtf
Other princes include: 
    1.  the Crown Prince, Wang Mu, a good egg, not particularly charismatic but he tried to protect his lil bro when no one else would
    2.  the 8th prince, Wang Wook, who reminds me of a fellow named Shane and I don’t mean the cowboy
    3.  the 10th prince, Wang Eun, a dumb adorable spoiled bby (played by Baekhyun from EXO)
    4.  the 13th prince, Baek Ah, a tol soft boi, an artist, a BAE, a BRO, a SHIPPER ON DECK
    5.  the 14th prince, Wang Jung this son will fight everyone he’ll fight himself he just loves to fight! Not always wise but he’s a good boy and I like him a lot 
    6.  just realized I skipped the 9th prince but nobody cares 
One quick note is that IU plays Hae Soo, and I enjoy her a lot in the first half of the show where she is still spunky and rebellious...sadly her character kind of falls apart/gets too weak for my liking as the episodes progress
The MAIN reason why I feel it my duty to recommend this show to everyone despite the fact I have never met anyone who wasn’t traumatized by it is LEE JOON GI
Yes, this man:
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2. Hwarang: Ok so right off the bat I am going to smack down a disclaimer that I can’t stand the female lead. TRULY CANNOT. Thus, I don’t like the romance, and only care about the love triangle as far as it just shows how sad and lonely one of the guys is. (Also there are scenes of dumb old men plotting and I don’t like them either). At the end of the show, I am happy that the one guy is NOT stuck with the female lead as his wife. Good for you sir
Sounds like a show to steer clear of then, right? WRONG. This is a show that you skip through because the scenes that are good? Are GREAT
Picture this: It is the Silla era of Korea, and the queen is ruling as regent in place of her son, who has been hiding all his life because everyone wants to kill him. Well, son is now grown and must soon come into the light and take the throne. Queen who both wants her son as king but also really likes being queen decides to do everyone a favor and form an elite fighting squad out of all the prettiest and most talented sons of nobles in the land, with the idea that they will be loyal only to the throne, and thereby keep their dads from plotting to destroy everything. 
Let me tell you something, these ARE the prettiest boys in the land. Good hair, good jawlines, beautiful smiles—the cast lineup includes Park Hyung Sik and his cute lil elf ear, Park Seo Joon, Taehyung (yes from BTS!), and Choi Minho from Shinee, plus two other actors who are lesser known but who are drop-dead gorgeous. Anyway. Sorry, but they really are all beautiful. 
The fun thing is they don’t all get along right away, a few of them are VERY much opposed to the other for various reasons, but they all have to bond and become brothers in arms. And what they don’t know is that the real king snuck in and is one of them. 10/10 I would die for the boys! (also Tae has an older half-brother who is a lower rank than him but whom he looks up to and that makes for cuteness and pain) Once you skip the boring or annoying parts of the show, the rest has so much delight, laughter, and oops pain, lots of pain. I want to go re-watch. 
Two other things I should mention about the show: a super soft side romance between secondary characters and a game of, as they call it in the show, HOT SOCCER 
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^pretty boy 1 (with the cute elf ear sadly on the other side of his head)
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^pretty boy 2 (sad cheekbone bby) and pretty boy 3 (happy cheekbone bby)
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^pretty boy 4 (the prettiest of them all, and he knows it!)
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^pretty boy 5 (aka Taehyung danced around the set of a historical drama and made everyone adopt him as their bby) 
3. Faith/The Great Doctor: This is a longer kdrama at 24 episodes and they didn’t have much of a budget so special effects aren’t the best or anything but I just got really attached to all the characters? This is another modern girl goes back in time but UNLIKE SHR it actually has a happy ending, so if you need a historical drama cleanse after that tearjerker/enrager, this could be it for you
Eun Soo has to navigate the ancient kingdom, keep people believing she is a heavenly doctor with special powers, and keep Choi Young alive so he can fulfill his promise of returning her to her own time. The problem with that is Choi Young does have kind of a death wish because of reasons—
Eun Soo is a plastic surgeon who would really like a rich handsome husband one day but them’s the breaks for you, aka she has had no luck in that department. Back in ancient Korea, Choi Young (played by Lee Minho in sadly the only role I really love him in) is a high-ranking beloved captain who can fall asleep anywhere. Oh he can also make electricity with his hands! :D
The story begins when the sleepy sad captain tries to escort the new king and queen to their palace. This was during the time period when ancient Korea was basically a puppet kingdom/tributary of ancient China (Yuan). The king (who is very smol and lacks confidence, but still has a good heart for his country) lived as a hostage in Yuan for many years, and his wise tol queen is a princess of that land, and someone needs to sit them down and make them talk because they actually love each other a lot. Anyway, when the queen gets injured by assassins, Choi Young goes searching for a legendary doctor, winds up in modern Korea, and steals both Eun Soo and a SWAT shield, because hey, it looked cool I guess
Lots of fun things in the show: Choi Young has a crew of soldiers who are BEYOND loyal to him, and while he doesn’t think much of the king at first because he’s been burned by kings before, they slowly become bros and shippers on deck for each other. Eun Soo does not lose her spunk or loyalty unlike other people I could mention *cough*HaeSoofromScarletHeartRyeo*, and it cracks me up when she curses people out. There are also a bunch of people (mostly bad guys) running around with special powers or gifts, including a flame lady and a flute boy, and the latter wears delightful anime wigs, keeps his sword in his flute, and plays his flute to kill—literally! I love flute boy very much 
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sorry it’s black and white but DO YOU SEE THE SWAT SHIELD
4. My Country: A New Age:
Picture this: two young men, who both hail from childhoods of trauma, who grew up together and are best friends, and who are tragically forced apart and end up on opposite sides of a conflict that threatens to upend the current rule of the kingdom. This IS the star-crossed brotp you’ve been waiting for!
Seo Hwi is the son of a general who died a criminal, and all he wants is to live simply and earn enough rice take care of his younger sister, who has seizures and a sweet crush on Hwi’s bestie. Hwi is the best softest most loyal boy with a good and true heart, a great deal of courage, and a talent for wielding a sword, and just wait till you see the best one-shot fight scene ever of him in battle, it is INCREDIBLE! (He is played by Yang Se Jong, who I now want to see more of) Hwi has an abundance of charisma points in that he picks up a small band of loyal soldier friends and they become the best little found family, lots of brotp-ness in this crew—do not mess with any of them because they will all FIGHT you
Seon Ho meanwhile is the illegitimate despised son of a powerful nobleman, only tolerated because the legitimate son died. Seon Ho loves his friend and is very protective of his friend’s little sister who crushes on him but his dad is a high class grade A power-hungry jerk and that causes complications of course. Seon Ho also has a good heart, he’s a gentle soul really, but he always gets stuck in bad positions and unfortunately makes a couple of difficult/bad choices so he hardens himself as much as he can but the consequences always kill him and he just wants to save his friends and destroy his dad and the stupid hierarchy that treats bastards as lesser. WHY IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK? 
Seon Ho he is played by Woo Do Hwan who has so much talent I die so many times over in this show just because of the way he portrays Seon Ho like that sad sad boy is one of my favorite characters evER! Is he problematic? At times maybe but I am HERE for him he just needs LOVE AND AFFECTION AND AN ABUNDANCE OF GOOD FRIENDS BUT INSTEAD (SOMETIMES THRU HIS OWN FAULT BUT HE ADMITS THAT) HE JUST SUFFERS AND SO I SUFFERRRR
*grabs a towel and dries up my tears*
Hwi also falls in love with a woman named Hui Jae (or was it Hee Jae i can’t remember) and they are very cute together, she’s pretty cool but the show’s one failing is arguably that they kind of underuse her in the plot as the story goes on? But I still like her and she still has a good role, and she is both brave and kind and not afraid to step in or tell people off, also keep a weather eye open for patching up scenes! 
Oh yeah, eVERYONE in this gets hurt/stabbed/shot/bloody, such a shame they have to take their shirts off to clean and bandage the wounds ;)
Last character I must mention is Bang Won, played by Jang Hyuk in his second interpretation of the historical figure. Bang Won is the fifth? son of the guy who becomes emperor/king, and he has his own plans for the country, so when Hwi catches his eye, he recruits him to his cause.  What you need to know about him is that he has issues with his dad, is slightly unhinged, and cannot and should not be parted from the fan that he constantly carries around with him. Gotta say, Jang Hyuk is FANTASTIC (heheheheheheh) in the role, able to convey all kinds of emotion in the rise and fall of his voice, in the tilt of his head, the tears of his eyes, the flick of his fan. Give this actor all the awards! 
To sum up: if you like to cry for days after watching a drama, if you like excellent heart-wrenching brotps, if you like conflicted characters, if you like amazing music and setting and plot, if you like guys with good hair and arm muscles (and 
abs, thank you shirtless scenes what) this show is a Must Watch 
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Ok I was going to leave the historical drama post at this for now but...I’m going to cheat a little and include the one historical C!drama I just finished.Yes folks I am talking about:
5. Nirvana in Fire:
Ok so maybe the switch from kdrama to cdrama makes you uncertain. Maybe the fact that this show has FIFTY-FOUR EPISODES makes you go hell no I don’t have enough time for that. Well if you overlook this show for those reasons, you are making, and I do not exaggerate, the greatest mistake of your show-watching life!
Look, first, this drama has one of the best, most intricate, most satisfying plots in history, with like 20 characters you would die for, and second, the episodes are only about 42 minutes each, which is shorter than most kdrama episodes, so you can deal.
Once upon a time there was a general/family who were just too good to exist in corrupt old China, so naturally they were framed for treason and there was a giant massacre and everybody died, including the eldest prince who was like um dad maybe this is all a horrible mistake and the king was like no u are the mistake. Sad times.
One of the many younger princes named Jing (A NOBLE HEART, if not always the cleverest) returns home from wherever he was, finds out that not only did his prince brother die, but so did his best friend/brother in the whole wide world, Lin Shu, son of the general. Because he insists on the innocence of said bros/family, Jing becomes an outcast prince and is shuffled off to fight in wars where he can’t cause any trouble. Meanwhile, Princess Nihuang, Lin Shu’s brave, awesome, amazing, wise, incredible girlfriend, refuses to marry anyone else, and because she is too cool to be messed with, nobody tries to banish her
Cut to I think eleven years later, when the two most powerful princes are vying to be the crown prince and heir to the throne. They both try to recruit the aid of a renowned clever and sassy strategist named Mei Changsu, to help them with plotting and PR and such.
Well little do they know that Mei Changsu is actually the not-dead Lin Shu, with a completely new face (for reasons), and that Mei Changsu is a chess master setting up a long con for the dual purpose of obtaining revenge/justice for the dead and of raising Prince Jing to the throne, since Prince Jing is the only man with a good enough heart and strong enough will to make China a better place for all the people. But just to make it hard on everybody, Mei Changsu is dead set on not telling anyone who he really is—again, for reasons. He is not always successful in keeping his secret.
I literally don’t know what else to say because there is so MUCH to say, so many characters to love, and I mean LOVE. How do you get a cast this good? How is everyone so different yet so important? How do you feel bad for the emperor even when he’s slimy? How do you have to stop yourself from rooting for the prince who would destroy some of your faves? I can’t praise the charisma and acting talent in this show enough! And the music! IS GORGEOUS!
1 strategist too sassy for his own good and too clever for everyone else’s good + 1 prince who loves his mom and his dead best friend and his dead older brother more than anything else in the world + 1 gentle wise mom + 1 eternally loyal princess who would defend her loved ones with the sword if necessary + 1 sassy Elrond healer man + 1 grumpy sulky baby who loves being a better fighter than almost everyone + 1 loyal to the death, brave badass general who is going to have a stress breakdown if the strategist doesn’t take better care of himself + not 1 but 2 good boys who deserve to be protected but who are willing to throw themselves into battle if necessary + 1 antagonist tiger prince who I love and am not ashamed to say it = THE BEST OF TIMES
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^he hardly ever wears his hair down but when he does <33333333
*checks calendar* how soon is too soon rewatch something, asking for a friend
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First Reactions To Logan’s Playlist
K first song let’s do this
White and Nerdy-Weird Al Yankovic
Wtf this song was definitely Joan’s idea I mean who else would think of ‘White and Nerdy’ for Logan
Is this like canon he listens to this stuff or like songs about him???
Not Perfect-Tim Minchin
Bo Burnham better be on Logan's playlist
Is this about the mindpalace/inside of Thomas’ head??? Cause like???? Ouch???? I think????
Lol nvm it’s not sad lmao
I take back my take back it is sad
So this could be literally “in his mind” or it could be figurative and it’s really messing with my funky flow
Cool instrumental
Love the voice sounds a little like MARINA and Regina Spektor
Oh no I’m two lines in and I can tell it’s gonna be sad
Wow Logan is just out here being relatable isn’t he smh 😔👊
"Cause you're a smart kid, but you're still a kid" LOGAN REALLY BE OUT HERE BEING RELATABLE ON MAIN
The Elements-Tom Lehrer
Sounds like what piano class would sound like if I took piano class
Something you would listen to in science class
A Fever You Can't Sweat Out vibes
Lmao nvm
Gonna go look up the lyrics rn brb
A sad bop
Philosophy cool
Human-Tank And The Bangas
Logan playing this to comfort himself because this singer is the only person who has ever told him this
Last???? Relationship???
Okay I'm not a shipper BUT my theorist analysis obsessed brain is just SCREAMING about Roman and Patton
Observation: Logan is probably atheistic and this song covers God a lot. I don't have a conclusion or anything just pointing that out
This woman do be calming tho like yes I'm beautiful yes I'm special thank you
Okay so I already knew Logan wasn't okay but he 100% isn't okay
Fittet Happier-Radiohead
K two words in and I can tell this is gonna be sad here we go
Employees? Or maybe…other sides?
Minor key ok
So I heard of a good therapist just downtown-
The Watchtower-The Dø
I paused it cause I need a second after the last one
Guys as someone who dissosiates a lot I think Logan might be dissosiating
Dissosiating to protect himself from his emotions
Y'all just trust me in this one
Coming for the TØP brand I see
K ready to start again here we go
Fire beat I'm vibing with it
Is he trying to distance himself from his emotions to try and perform his tasks better like watching from a Watchtower???
This is the first character I've seen that might dissosiate which only means one thing
I'm gonna be projecting an unholy amount in my fanfiction
"No one in particular" hon who hurt you
City Lights=Emotions (which he considers distractions)??? Maybe??
I'm a William Finn fan come on this isn't my first rodeo
Art Is Dead-Bo Burnham
We all love some good Imposter Syndrome (tm)! :D
This gives Learning New Things About Ourselves' a whole new meaning
Ngl this is the first time I heard the degrading of the piano at the end and I'm here for it
In My Mind-Amanda Palmer
Oop we LOVE setting up impossible expectations for yourself to the point you have a cripplingly horrid self esteem! :D
Logan I've done this before and trust me it isn't worth it the mental breakdowns are too taxing
I'll do it when I'm older=I'm never gonna get around to it
I don't wanna be the person I wanna be either
Why do I perfectly understand every lyric am I ok
Live!!! While you!!!! Can!!!!
At least there's a happy ending
Okay so I've decided that once I'm done I'm gonna make a list of songs I think would fit in the playlist
Algorythym-Childish Gambino
K its spelled incorrectly get ready for some metaphors my dudes
Intro is cool definitely very very Logan WOAH OKAY CHAIN SMOKER
Gonna go look up lyrics I don't understand shit
The chorus sounds like Thanksgiving at my Aunt's house where like 100+ African American relatives blast house music and dance until their feet falls off
Nvm no it doesn't
Adlibs are everything
Letter C-Zach Sherwin
This gives off the same vibes as that one pickle video by Charlie Puth
Roman vs Logan rap battle but it's this
I don't really see why this is related but sure
Time Adventure-The Marcus Hedgehog
Okay Logan has too many songs talking about one (1) person who is it
I have a gut feeling that it's about Thomas and how Logan used to be enough "back then" but now he thinks he's not cause like let's be honest when was the last time someone gave Logan a strong sincere thank you for all that he does????Excluding DWIT (which doesn't really count in my opinion cause they said he was cool, not like an integral and arguably the most important and powerful side) nobody really appreciates Logan???? Hugs???
Anyway plz ignore this is just how my brain works
K next song
The Breach-clipping.
Is this Daveed Diggs???? I haven't listened to Hamilton in like forever is this Daveed Diggs???
Sound effects
Really just gonna fry my eardrums like that huh
What I Do For U-Ra Ra Riot
Okay scrap anything and everything I said about it being the sides Logan is 100% talking about Character!Thomas
Erase Me-Ben Folds Five
Ooh this intro reminds me of this one particular musical songs but I don't remember which one
Wait have I listened to this before????
I've listened to this before!
Okay I need to stop being distracted
NOOOOOO don't Erase Yourself!!!!
Logan really just do be having no Self Esteem don't he
Okay so theory: Logan didn't pop up in person in the last video because his eyes were too red from crying
I have 0 evidence so it's not a very good theory but…
Just throwing it out there
One More Time with Feeling-Regina Spektor
Oh no it's Regina Spektor
Oh no I'm gonna cry
Okay so Logan doesnt wanna block of all emotion, only permit some to show???? But most of the time block everything????
Did I get that???
Nobody!!!! Thanks!!!! Logan!!!!
Awww he just wants love and recognition
Tbh this sounds a lot like Roman they have so much in common despite their constant arguing
Galaxy Song-Monty Python
Ooh Monty Python
I haven't listened to Monty Python so I sadly don't know the context
Really just dissing all of the other sides aren't we
Can't really blame him tho
Very scientific
Sweet with dark undertones. Love it.
Equation-Hans Zimmer
Later I'm gonna check the equations if they're correct XD
Sunrise-In The Heights
K to this is one of my favorite love songs ever it's just so sweet and as someone who's bilingual the concept is just amazingly wonderful so yeah I may be freaking out
Also because WHO??!!
Okay I said I wasn't a shipper but let's be honest this is probably about Roman not romantically but like
But Logan is definitely Nina in this situation it just fits so well with her character for the same reasons I really wanna play her (but never will cause I'm exactly 0% Latin American smh) yeah the pressures to be the smartest and then it backfiring horribly and oh God what if Inùtil is also in the playlist ahhhh
Okay moving on
Bohemian Groove-Will Connolly
Okay I'm still not recovered from the last song but I need to continue or else I'm never gonna finish this playlist
Your friends haven't surpassed you Logan you belong with them okay????
Emptiness despite success??? Millennial who???
Vibing with it but also are you okay
Nvm I know the answer already
Hug All Ur Friends-Cavetown
Okay so Logan is a Cavetown gay noted
Self validation??? Who's she???
Lies. You care so much about what other people *sides* think about you
Maybe Logan listens to this song to remind himself to not care too much
But it doesn't work and it's getting to him more and more
That took a turn
Breathin'-Thomas Sanders
Good move
Don't really have much to say on this
The Bidding
New idea for us fan writers
The pronunciation of beurgoise
Okay I'm like pretty certain at this point that all of the songs that mention a someone else is about Character!Thomas
A Better Version
But also since I know the song in terrified cause the feels are gonna come in I just know it
Wait so is Jayce supposed to be Thomas???
I am suddenly feeling much more uncertain about my certainty
Okay let me unpause and just listen to it (even though I already know all of the lyrics)
Okay so I'm a dumbass and apparently this song isn't even part of the playlist
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Okay so I'm an idiot and the last few songs have all been "related to playlist" and not in the actual playlist I'm big dumb.
Anyway here's my list of songs I think would fit. (BTW, I only went off of lyrics for these ones. I realize that there’s a general sound and vibe for the playlist, but I decided not to follow it.)
Hug All Ur Friends ~ Cavetown
Bohemian Groove ~ Will Connolly
Guiltless ~ Dodie Clark
Lifeboat ~ Laurens O’Keefe
The Bidding ~ *idk who*
I Am Not A Robot ~ MARINA
Inútil - Lin Manuel Miranda
Through The Eyes Of A Child ~ AURORA
Community Gardens ~ The Scary Jokes
Let me know if I should do this with the other playlists as well! :)
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The German song that mentions Mclennon
Okay so as I've already said, there is a song in German that names John, Paul and also Yoko Ono. They are only mentioned in the chorus but concerning the topic of the song I think it is worth talking about.
The song is called "Kogong" by Mark Forster. (Sollten das hier deutschsprachige Leute lesen, bitte tötet mich nicht :D)
Here is the official music video:
1. About the singer
Mark Forster is a 35-year-old German Singer-Songwriter. He had his first major hit in 2014 and ever since has been able to become one of Germanys most famous pop singers. He is known for his catchy and easy-going tunes. Most of the songs talk about love, self-confidence or just having a good time.
Just like many people, I know a bunch of his songs without really being a fan. They just play his hits on the radio ALL THE TIME. Despite his fame, some people say that his songs literally sound more or less the same. (If you want to get a better idea of his usual sound, some of my favourites are: "Flash mich", "Au revoir", EFF- "Stimme")
Why am I telling you all of this? Well, "Kogong" is quite the opposite of that. Maybe you could hear that this song sounds rather melancholic and slow. And guess what? That piano that you can hear in the background? Yep, that's Pauls piano. Mark Forster literally flew to London just to record this song at Abbey Road Studios. He says:
"We recorded 'Kogong' at Abbey Road Studios, in Studio 2, where the Beatles made all their records. And the piano that you can hear in 'Kogong' is the same piano that Paul Mccartney played 'Let It Be' on. That was quite special for me and my band and I think you can hear that the old Beatles spirit somewhat comes through in it."
Kogong came out in 2017. It was released on the only album by Forster that has an overall more serious sound. So what exactly is "Kogong" about?
2. The lyrics
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Here are two pictures, one with the German lyrics and one with a translation by me.
When you read the lyrics, you will probably see that it is kinda hard to understand, especially after only one listen. Quite a few phrases don't seem to make a lot of sense. Well German audiences were not so happy either with this piece. Some said that the melody is good even though nobody was used to this kind of song by Forster. But the comments online seem to share the same opinion on the text: Forster probably only wanted to show that he is also able to write more intellectual sounding songs. Many just view it as avantgardist crap. Then again the video has 20 Mio views on YouTube and is currently his 6th most listened to song on Spotify so 🤔
But now about the interesting stuff. How could ANYONE who knows at least the slightest bit about Mclennon not stumble across this line:
"I am fucking Yoko Ono. My heart is Paul and John."
My heart is Paul and John? Yes Mark, I couldn't have said it any better myself. So ever since this song came out, I was curious what all these confusing lyrics could mean. Where is the connection between this one line and the rest of the song? What did Mark Forster say about it?
3. Interpretation
Here is a statement by Forster:
"Kogong is the sound of the heart when it's listening. The song is about small and big things that my heart told me but that I kind of couldn't really hear. I really hope that I'll be able to pay more attention to it in the future, so maybe this song is my new start."
So the subject of the song is not really able to listen to its heart. Furthermore, the lyrics hint on multiple topics and problems that the person has to face:
Being not happy at all, maybe even depressed ("you're not fine, you're only half-way fine"), this could also suggest that the subject has to keep up a facade while suffering inside
Problems in a relationship, marriage or even having an affair ("what you still want from her", "you hug eachother for far too long")
Self-image, Self-acceptance ("Wherever you are, you will always be yourself", "you need your peace")
The above mentioned quote says that this is a personal song. Another time he said that he realised that he wanted to become a singer while walking on the Road to Santiago (hence the line about hiking).
In another interview he stated that he tries to write in the same way as he thinks minus the rhymes. Overall short phrases which came to his mind.
So in concern of listening to ones heart: The lyrics suggest that the subject is not only unable to listen to its heart but rather actively ignores it due to outer circumstances. ("I don't want to hear a thing and am beating my chest like King Kong.").
Seems like there is a constant dispute between the heart and the subject. Which finally leads us to the line:
"I am fucking Yoko Ono, my heart is Paul and John."
How could a seemingly average pop singer connect a song about inner conflicts, love and self-image to John, Paul and Yoko Ono??
Well Forster said that he literally grew up with the Beatles and that they influenced him deeply. But to connect specific names to this topic, he couldn't only have been enjoying their songs. He has to know about their history and especially about their break-up. I've read a few opinions that "John" is only in there because it rhymes with "Kogong". So if he came up with that name and him being a Beatles fan, maybe the association to John Lennon isn't that far off. But why "fucking Yoko Ono"? Mark says:
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"Yoko Ono is often accused of breaking up* the Beatles. And sometimes that's how I feel about my heart: Yoko Ono brings me and my heart apart." (*literally bringing apart)
Tbh that's hella confusing. I think he was kinda joking tho since he also states that the "fucking" is in there because of that British town. Which obviously makes no sense. Since Forster is serious about the rest of the song, its almost like he doesn't really want to talk about the true meaning of that line.
I mean the "John" could have suited only as a filler word at first. But I just don't think that other songwriters would automatically then connect that to Yoko Ono and especially Paul. Furthermore John and Paul form an unity here in the symbol of the heart. Despite the songs topic that's just such an romantic association.
Of course the average listener could easily say that this is all random nonsense. But for me who is genuinely interested in the Beatles/ Mclennon, this line doesn't seem out of context.
So if we take the lyrics of Kogong seriously, Mark Forster connects difficult romantic relationships and listening to your heart with John and Paul. Btw I know that Yoko didn't break up the Beatles, but Mark Forster is only talking about the infamous accusation of such. And even if he's only referring to the rumored breakup, wouldn't it be Beatles VS Yoko or Beatles VS John and Yoko? No, Mark Forster has to put John and Paul on one side and due to the metaphor with the heart, they together are portrayed as something pure, something romantic.
4. Conclusion
Well I can't really break the song down to every little phrase and its possible meaning. I think this post is already long enough 😅
Nevertheless "Kogong" by Mark Forster talks about conflicts with the inner-self concering love or becoming the person that you really are. All of this is quite explicitely connected to John and Paul (and Yoko) in the peak line of the chorus. (Just the way Forster sings this part is so...honest and amazing..). In my opinion, Mark Forster implies a really close (possible even romantic) connection between Paul and John while being put up against Yoko.
Shipping Mclennon or viewing their relationship as very close/romantic is often connected with horny teenagers on social media who make up crazy theories to satisfy their own desires. But here we have a man in his 30s who seemingly hints on similar ideas concerning their relationship in one of his most famous songs. And I know that this is not the first time that pop culture mentions their connection in that way but its actually the first very serious approach that I know of.
And maybe I am really reading too much into all of this. ( I mean I'm a Mclennon shipper after all lol) But in the end we still have a man who flew all the way to London just to sing-scream "I am fucking Yoko Ono, my heart is Paul and John" at Abbey Road Studios and I think that's pretty cool.
If you finished this mess till the end, thank you so much and let me know your opinion on it! ☺️🙌
(Sorry for any writing mistakes and I also have the sources of the quotes at hand, but obviously they are in German)
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twdmusicboxmystery · 6 years
AK’s Script Notes and Why I Love Them!
Okay, I’ve gotten some questions about this the past week and people asking me to post about it. This actually came out before last Sunday’s episode, so I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to address it. (Life is crazy and all that jive.)
So some of Angela Kang’s notes came out from episode 1. Unfortunately, they’ve lit a fire under a certain dark ship who are now on a mission, and I know people are a little disturbed by it.
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So, for anyone who hasn’t seen it, what surfaced were AK’s notes on the scene they released as a sneak peek for episode 1. The one where Daryl and Carol are talking and he says Ezekiel is corny, but he’s happy for her, etc.
I want to start by saying that my FB group actually talked about this scene and reached several conclusions long before AK’s notes came out. Because it was a sneak peek for the premiere, we had this scene broken down, analyzed to death and had practically written dissertations on it before it even aired. (Hehe.)
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And I remember us specifically talking about whether there was a jealous factor involved. We decided that there was, but not in the way most people would think. We thought Daryl WAS jealous of Carol and Ezekiel, but not because he’s in love with Carol and wants her to be with him. Obviously. It’s because he’s jealous of what they have. He’s lonely and has never found happiness with a romantic partner.
I think some of his bitterness about Ezekiel’s “corniness” comes from the fact that Daryl never got to have this with Beth. I can see his thought process being a little bit spiteful like, “How come THIS guy who’s so corny gets this happiness and I don’t?”
So again, my group figured all this out before episode 1 aired. In it’s purest form, his jealousy is really more about Beth than Carol. And, perhaps even more to the point, about himself and his own loneliness. At this point, he’s seen SO many couples around him in the people he cares about: Glaggie, Richonne, Rosita/Abraham, Sashraham, Tara/Denise, Aaron/Eric, and now Carzekiel. I’m sure it’s on his mind a lot.
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So these notes of AK’s surfaced and one word that people are zeroing in on is “Jealousy.” Naturally, it has a certain shipping fandom screaming from the rooftops that “C@ryl is endgame.” You just have to understand that they’re misinterpreting her notes
While it doesn’t define what she means by jealousy, that didn’t bother any of us because we already knew that and what it meant. If you break down the scene in conjunction with both Daryl’s and Carol’s long-term arcs, its very apparent what the jealousy refers to.
But if you want more proof, check out the word next to jealous that those shippers are completely ignoring and just pretending isn’t there:
Saudade is a word that exists in Portuguese and Galicican, but doesn’t have a direct translation into English. As you can see from Angela’s notes, it means “a feeling of nostalgia or melancholy; longing for someone or something you love that’s gone.
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THIS is what Daryl is feeling in this scene. And he’s never lost Carol. She’s never been gone (although she has tried to abandon him a few times). I know the shippers are trying to say it means he’s lost his chance to be with her or some such nonsense, but think about what’s been said in the show.
Then @bluesandbeth sent me THIS LINK, which describes what saudade means. Look at what is written here, guys. Everything about it screams Beth and nothing in here sounds remotely like Carol’s arc or character:
“…a deep emotional state of nostalgic or profound melancholic longing for an absent something or someone that one loves…the object of longing might never return…”
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“Stronger forms of saudade might be felt toward people and things whose whereabouts are unknown, such as a lost lover, or a family member who has gone missing, moved away, separated, or died.”
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Beth anyone? Missing girl theme, anyone? Carol has never fit ANY of these descriptions. But it goes on:
“Saudade was once described as ‘the love that remains’ after someone is gone.” 
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“…the recollection of feelings, experiences, places or events that once brought excitement, pleasure, well-being, which now triggers the senses and makes one live again. (emphasis mine). It can be described as emptiness, like someone…that should be there in a particular moment is missing, and the individual feels this absence.”
See what I mean? For me, this is absolute confirmation from AK that Daryl is still thinking about Beth and it’s her loss still making him sad. (Thank you, Angela!)
Furthermore, in terms of basic logic, they would not send something like this out to fans (apparently it was part of the TWD drop box) that would have spoilers in it. So that ship saying this came out to hint that Caryl is about to go canon is kinda ridiculous. They wouldn’t be that obvious or put spoilers in the drop box.
I believe they included this to give us insight into Daryl’s loneliness. They wanted us to understand how Daryl is feeling during this scene. (Naturally some people are twisting it around to fit their own theories.) With that in mind, let’s look at some of these other notes because they really are fascinating.
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Starting at the top, Angela’s notes say, (next to the line where Carol puts out his cigarette and says, “These things’ll kill you.”
“Want the sense of shared history between them, honest in a way they can’t be with anyone else; it’s 2 a.m. after the bar closed down, sitting on the hood of a car.”
So establishing their history and the fact that they’re BFFs. We already know all that, but AK was noting that she really wanted it to come through in the scene, which I think it did.
Below that from “snore fancy” through “corny” it says:
“Daryl – buried jealousy of Zeke but knows he’s not a bad guy. – King persona so counter to Daryl’s personality.”
It’s that last part that’s super-interesting to me. I already addressed the jealousy, but it specifically says that Daryl has the opposite of a king’s persona. Yeah, I could go off on volumes of tangents about this. I won’t, but here’s a few things to consider:
1. Daryl doesn’t consider himself a king. He considers himself something between humble subject and not-deserving-of-anything.
2. Maybe some of his jealousy/bitterness stems from the fact that he IS so opposite of Zeke. Like he thinks he’s undeserving BECAUSE he’s not at all like that.
3. It also goes to show that he and Carol both need someone as a romantic partner that is utterly unlike them. We’ve said it a million times: these two are ridiculously similar. That’s why they’r besties. But also why they wouldn’t make good romantic partners. They both have way too much of a predilection toward falling into darkness. Beth may not have a “king persona” (though we all know she’s the Queen of Diamonds) but her personality is VERY similar to Zeke’s, which is why she’s good for Daryl and Ezekiel is good for Carol.
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Okay, you get the idea. Let’s move on.
Next, Carol’s line about how after what she went through with Ed, corny is really nice, is circled. Angela’s note says, “the heart of the deal for Carol – she’s probably never said this to anyone else.”
So once again, she can talk to Daryl about things she doesn’t talk to anyone else about. But I like that AK calls this the “heart” of the scene for Carol. This tells us a lot about the relationship from Carol’s side. She’s telling us why she’s with Zeke, why she wants to be with him, why she values his love so much. And Daryl understands not only because he knows her first husband abused her, but because he’s been the object of abuse himself. So he gets it. (Which is what it says one line down in the script: Daryl nods. He gets it.)
Finally, the part where Daryl says he’s glad and happy for her and she deserves it, AK’s note says:
“Vulnerable; heart of Daryl’s problem…wants things to be…they were but they’re not and he’s struggling with that.”
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This is something Daryl’s says later to Rick in episode 1: he wants things to go back to how they were in the beginning with just their small group. He’s nostalgic for the prison and the fulfillment he felt there, but obviously, “you can’t go back.”
So yeah. That’s about all I have to say about this. Don’t let other shippers freak you out. They’re gonna say what they’re gonna say, and believe what they’re gonna believe and that’s their right. Keep in mind, they said the same thing about 5x06, because it was about Daryl and Carol running around Atlanta together. Nothing. They said it about their cabin scenes in 7x10. Nope. It won’t be any more true now than at any other time they’ve said it. The show, the show runners, and the actors have told us again and again that Carol and Daryl’s relationship is platonic.
In fact…okay this is a different ship and I’m sorry to mix them, but I was glancing back through Asks that I answered prior to 9x01 airing, and I received and answered a LOT of worried Anons about the Darsita ship. The Darsita shippers were really laying it on thick at that time about how that ship would go canon this season. 
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Again, I’m a ship and let ship sort of person, but all their theories have already been pretty much disproved. We don’t know what will happen the rest of the season, of course, but we already know Rosita is with FG and spoilers tell us she’ll cheat on him…but not with Daryl. So please don’t let the shippers freak you out.
Yes, we’re shippers too and I’m sure they say similar things to this about us, but we’re also the only ones I know of that pay attention to actual symbolism in the show and listen closely to what tptb and others involved in the production actually tell us.
And then there’s that shot of Beth lying beside Daryl in Rick’s hallucination in 9x05. Just saying. ;D
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joanna-lannister · 6 years
margaret-rhee replied to your post : margaret-rhee replied to your post :...
Oh I think my favorite theory is that Bran somehow messes something up in time and makes the mad king mad (like saying burn them all is referring to the white walkers) kind of like Hodor. This is my favorite mostly because Bran annoys me and I would believe that this whole show is his fault somehow 😂 What about you?
I just hope they do Maggie justice whatever happens. I really liked how they wrote her this season (and how she was actually in scenes) so I’m hopeful that she might get a good end If she has to be written off at all
Oh, I love that one too! Some people hate and tried to debunk it but if that's true, it's pure genius imo! I don't hate Bran but I understand what you say, I think he will have a big part to play against the Night King tho. I love this theory too : Bran=The Night King. Still don't really get how it works but I love it.
Oh my dear I have so many theories, for almost everything! The GoT/ASOIAF world is so rich! I always wanted to write down my favorites somewhere but I'm kinda afraid to receive hate because the fandom is so messed up, but now it's the right time, I guess? It will be long and I'm so sorry, if you read everything : THANK YOU ❤️ So... let's go!
the Night King & the White Walkers win: everybody dies and everyone is sad lol
no more Wall: and no more Night Watch, the White Walkers are totally annihilated and the human race survives
the Iron Throne will be melt down: by wildfire? dragon fire? not sure. they fought so many years over this ugly piece of shit metal, it would be cool in the end if no one sit on it and if the human survives, they symbolically destroy it to rebuild a better world. as for Westeros, they are either united under one King or Queen or each Kingdoms are ruled by noble family, just like before Aegon's Conquest (the North=Stark, the Westerlands=Lannister...)
Sansa is queen: in her own right? consort? in the North? of Westeros? I don't know but I truly believe she will survive and be in charge one way or another, the Sansa queen imagery is too strong and it would be such a waste to kill her just for shock value so she will be happy in the end i hope or i will hunt D&D
Sansa marries Jon: my shipper heart talks here but i believe to unite the North or Westeros these two are the perfect match
Arya marries Gendry: okay I have big doubts about Arya survival, don't know, a bad feeling but I think she will marry him, maybe not in a tradional way but some kind. We still have Robert quote "I have a son, you have a daughter. We’ll join our Houses." I always tought it was a foreshadowing for these two. So maybe she marries him before the big battle and dies here or she marries him at the end and they have somehow a happy ending. honestly i just want her to be happy with Sansa 😊
Melisandre dies saving Davos: oooh the sweet irony...
Daenerys dies beyond the Wall: (or what's left) when I watched GoT the first time, I thought "She is going to win and will be the queen" but then, the Red Wedding happened and it totally change my perception of the show and more I watched it more I realise her visions in the House of the Undying are a metaphore : she never touch the throne, she hear her dragons, follow the sound and pass the Wall and find Drogo & Rhaego. (And here people will hate me) I think when she's gonna learn Jon has a better claim than her to the throne, she will get angry. Jeez, she fought men for years, she survived in their world, and just like that, one man has more claim than her because of a piece of paper ? She will lose control and make a huge mistake and when she realise it, it will be too late and she will try to fix it because at her core, she's a nice girl. maybe by killing Viserion? but she will die with Drogon (like Rhaego, he's her baby and he carry Drogo's name) and she will find some peace because even if she fail, she did the right thing in the end if i'm right, i will cry my ass off for days lol
Alliance Lannister-Stark: okay if the Dark!Daenerys or Dany is the Night Queen theory happen and Winterfell destroyed, i want the Starks to ask for help to the Lannisters. This alliance would be so ironic but in the end, the Starks betray the Lannisters and execute them like Ned
Cersei dies in childbirth: i know most of her fans hate this idea but this is probably my favorite. her love for her children made her do terrible things, she wanted their safety but it backfired her. she blamed Tyrion for Joanna's death (jeez, i understand). it's kind of poetic, tragic and ironic. i can see her sacrifice herself in order to save her baby, maybe Qyburn performing a c-section like Maggie did to Lori? D&D could totally write this for shock value plus it somehow fulfills the Valonqar prophecy twice: Jaime, her little brother, got her pregnant and indirectly caused her death and baby!Lannister, the little brother/sister of her children, caused her death
Baby!Lannister survives: two possibilities here : 1) he's raised by the Starks, he know nothing about his birth parents and hates the Lannisters. I think about this quote : "If I give him sons, he may come to love me. She would name them Eddard and Brandon and Rickon, and raise them all to be as valiant as Ser Loras. And to hate Lannisters, too. In Sansa’s dreams, her children looked just like the brothers she had lost. Sometimes there was even a girl who looked like Arya." It would be funny that Sansa save the last Lannister and raise him as his own. 2) Tyrion promises Cersei to take care of the child, just like Ned with Lyanna, and escape with him. And because History repeats itself, they end up like Daenerys & Viserys. Flashforward 16 years later : baby!Lannister is all grown up, wants to avenge his family and say "I will take what is mine and they will hear me roar". Black screen. End of the show. LOL And then they can make another spin-off
Jaime & Cersei die in fire: If Cersei don't die in childbirth, I can see her burned with Jaime. Maybe by Daenerys or, imo, the White Walkers attack King's Landing (like Stannis in Blackwater), they have no way to escape, Cersei uses wildfire and burns the city. They exchange one last kiss and turn into ashes... "A day will come when you think you are safe and happy and your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth" I mean... it's pretty poetic and romantic
Cersei kills the Night King: As above : the White Walkers attack King's Landing, Cersei uses wildfire and burns the city. Like, she saves the world by accident 😂
Jon dies: no comes back, no magic, he dies. Period. LOL
Sam wrote ASOIAF: cliché but i love it!
OMG! I have so many others ideas but I stop here, this is so long! I'm so so sorry... If you have read this big mess, BIG THAAANK YOU. If you haven't, it's okay I understand 😂
Same! I really liked her too this season (Lauren is so goooood), guess it's the Angela Kang effect (hell I even liked N*gan dialog but i still hate him lol). Maggie deserves a happy ending with baby!Gleggie and all the love in the world, she has already suffered enough. And even if she unfortunately don't come back, I'll tell myself she's okay, she's safe and she's doing good like this 😊
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franeridart · 7 years
I honestly LOVE your bakushima kids, but did you have any ideas on what the rest of the bakusquad's kids would be like if the others did have kids? If you have thought of it, would the next gen of bakusquad be friends like their parents or not so much?
Thanks!!! And to be completely honest with you, the only other kid I have for that specific AU is the todo//deku one :0 not cause I haven’t thought about the bakusquad ones, but cause I still haven’t managed to decide which ships I wanna go with? Do I do kami//sero or kami//jiro or kami//mina? Do I do mina//jiro or momo//jiro? how about sero//mina? I like so many ships for the squad that I can’t manage picking just one haha but what I already have decided is that whoever Kaminari ended up with his kid is Tai’s best friend. I dunno who that kid is, but they’re best friends 👍
Anon said:Hy i have a fan account on ig it’s @o.urarakaa i want To know if i can repost one or your art thanks 🙏
Ahhhh sorry, but as it’s written more or less everywhere on my blog I don’t allow reposts of my stuff - thank you for asking, tho!
Anon said:Have you ever considered MomoJirou????
I have! Have also drawn it and posted it in the past, actually!
Anon said: FRAAAAAAAN! I love your art from the bottom of my heart and every little doodle makes me smile and gasp in awe because they’re beautiful. And since I love it so much, I often comment under it: Is it troublesome for you or I can continue? Idk, maybe it feels exaggerated or repetitive or annoying and I wouldn’t want to bother you :3 Have a lovely day and thank you for sharing your art! (Your KiriBaku give me life)
No no no it’s super totally okay don’t worry about it!!! Actually thank you so so so so much for always taking your time to let me know you liked my stuff!!!!
Anon said:legit crying at your latest comic. its too fucking soft and adorable i cannot handle it. you’re amazing. thank you for everything you share with us
;O; thank you so much???? oh my god!!!
Anon said:I’m always awkward w/ these BUT!!!!! I JUST NEEDED TO TELL YOU I ABSOLUTELY ADORE YOUR ART AND YOUR ART STYLE SO MUCH!!!!! I always look forward to any new art you post (even if it’s outside my fandoms!!) and I always SMILE/GET MEGA EXCITED WHEN I SEE A NEW ONE!!!! I personally really love your Kiribaku ones though sO THAT NEW KAMIJIROU ONE ESPECIALLY SENT MY HEART SKYROCKETING!!!!!! I sincerely love you as an artist so please know that!!!! Thank you for drawing!!!!!! They make me so happy!!!!!!
HOLY SHIT THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!! this seriously means the world to me, I’m so happy I can make you enjoy even stuff out of your fandoms!!! Seriously thank you for sending this ask, it made my day ;O;
Anon said:What do you think of Bakugou/Shinsou? I stumbled across the pairing recently, and it’s a bit of a rairpair, but it’s so cute???
It’sssss not really my thing actually - well, generally I’m a picky shipper with Bakugou anyway, not gonna lie, but the only interaction Baku and Shinsou ever had made it pretty clear Shinsou can’t stand him and I usually don’t ship Bakugou with people that don’t like him ??? I’m more drawn to his canon happy relationships honestly haha
Anon said:Oh my goodness, you’ve opened my eyes on the similarities and contrasts of both kiribaku and kamijirou (also, Kamijirou is one of my otps, thank you so much)
Haha that’s cool to hear !! They aren’t exactly similar as ships, but they are fun ships to put next to each other cause they contrast in some pretty funny ways imho! :D
Anon said:That’s so cute fran, how do you even come up with these comics they’re perfection
Thank you!!!!!! And I’m gonna be honest with you, that kamijirou one came up mostly just cause I wanted to write the “you’re an asshole how do you have a bf”/ ”for one, I’m not an asshole to my bf” exchange lmao
Anon said:your comics (bakushima in particular) make me so happy, thank you so much!!!!!!!
YAY!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!! I’m glad I can help you be a lil bit happier!!!!!!
Anon said:I love ur art!! I hope u had a nice day!!
THANK YOU! I hope you’ll have a great day too!!!!!!!
Anon said:R u a cat person or a dog person?
Generally a cat person, but just cause I have two cats and love them with my whole heart haha I love dogs a lot too, tho!! Always wanted one ;u;
Anon said:Hi! How was ur day?
Weirdly tiring, but generally good! I hope yours was a good one too!!!
Anon said:Okay but like… I am 100% a lesbian but your art of Tyki and Wisely is so gorgeous that it makes me feel just a little bit straight. Like, wow.
Holy heck, that’s high praise!!! Thank you so much???? :O
Anon said:Your krbk concert art makes me weep. It’s so beautifullll.
SOB thank you!!! This means a lot to me cause that AU means a lot to me, so really, thank you so much!!!! *hugs*
Anon said: I’m laughing, your Shinsou’s are both the most beautiful and the most relatable. I really love the colour scheme.
THANKS!!! Purple is one of my fav colors so I always have lotsa fun with its shades!!! :D
Anon said:i would love to see more bakucamies from you! their friendship is lit
I love and live for all Bakugou relationships, so more of that one will happen for sure! She made him laugh after all, she already owns my soul for that ;^;
Anon said:How do you feel about the other noahs?
Jasdevi means the whole world to me and I miss them more ever passing day, Neah and Mana are my kids whom I need to protect I really just wish for both of them to be happy though I know that’s probably not gonna happen ;;, Road!!!! is!!!!! My girl!!!!!!! Love her, like her better when she’s not hurting Lavi but generally I’m always happy to see her, I have conflicting feelings about Feedra, Sheryl is slimy and I can’t trust him, everyone else wasn’t around enough to know for sure how I feel about them honestly, I’m interested but not particularly invested :0
Anon said:You’re my favourite noah:)
This is??? A weirdly cute ask??? Thank you!!!! :D
Anon said:genuinely shrieking over your doodle of tyki. i love him so fucking much and aH,,
I’M GLAD TO HEAR THAT he’s!!!! so great isn’t he ;O; *sigh*
Anon said:Fran, did you know that I’d die for you and your art?? And also I just really love the extra little things you put in the tags when you post things, idk it makes me really happy to read those little tidbits and for me it just really completes the art,, also your ocs are actually the cutest things I’ve seen in my entire life ((I may or may not be gay for like half of them))
THANK!!!!! YOU!!!!!!!! the oc thing especially, that means the world to me oh my god ;O; still can’t believe people actually like them aaaaHHHHHHHHHHH
Anon said:A concept: someone getting flirty with Kirishima and a jealous Bakugou
A good concept which I’m always up for, but to be honest with you I’m more of a fan of the other way around :O like, Kiri is so good and bright and friend with everyone, jealousy might as well be something Bakugou’s used to by this point - but Bakugou, people tend to avoid him or think of him as rude and annoying, Kirishima wouldn’t be used to jealousy at all you know? So I like it that way around more haha
Anon said:Hi! as a fellow artist I just wanted to rant bc I thought you might understand how I feel. my art never comes out looking right and it’s just so frustrating ugh is this what you call artblock ;; I just want my art to look good sigh
I wouldn’t call it an artblock, it’s more like… like your mind is one step ahead of your skills, I’d say. If treated right, you can turn that feeling into improving your art! What is it that you don’t like? Can you break it down to smaller things? Is it the line work or the coloring style, or even just the way you draw eyes or hands or noses? If you can focus on the smaller parts of what you don’t like in your style you can then look up a way to do the same thing that you do like, and practice that till you’re satisfied with it! One small thing might not mean much by itself, but putting all these small things together is how you make improvement happen :D 
Anon said:Perdona se non scrivo in inglese, ma sono un totale disastro. Volevo solo dirti che ammiro tantissimo il tuo lavoro ed è un balsamo per l'anima quando appare in bacheca.
AHHHHHHHHH ;O; GRAZIE MILLE !!!!!!!!!! E non preoccuparti per la lingua !!! siamo italiani dopotutto, l’inglese non è necessario per comprenderci haha
Anon said:omg you and your all time low references, I love it so much (everytime I listen to afterglow I think in kiribaku bc of your drawing and now I’m going to do it with the last young renegade 💕)
Hahahaha they’re one of my favorite bands after all, I fall back on them a lot lol I’m glad you like that, tho!!!
Anon said:a concept: angry bakugo next to a smol duck
*me, crying* i-it’s beautiful ;o;
Anon said: *sobs* I LOVE YOUR YULMAS SO MUCH T-T
I’M HAPPY YOU LIKED THAT ONE????? Happy yulma is what keeps me going honestly I love them so incredibly much ;O;
Anon said:I ship the squad x Sero’s hammock
So do I hahaha
I DID! Happy you were happy about that!!! haha
Anon said:What’s your opinion on bakucamie? Both as a friendship and a relationship
Absolutely not as a romantic thing, but I love it as a friendship! As I said, anyone who can make Bakugou laugh owns my soul forever hahaha
Anon said:your bakugous are so good!! also you drew my new fave girl camie i love her so much and i espicially love her in your style!!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh thank you!!!!!!!!! I’m glad you like how she came out, tho I admit I feel like I still don’t have her down properly… will have to draw her more :O
Anon said:Your art style is so amazing, and I love your different au’s and Bakushima comics!! Any plans to draw some BakuCamie brotp in the future?
Thank you!!! And I don’t ever have plans for what I draw until I actually sit down to draw it, but more Baku and Camie is totally possible!!
Anon said:hey fran! i adore your art, been here from the very first page of your tattoo au!!!! i just wanted to say 2 things: 1. when baku laughed this chapter i thought of you! and 2. every time i see your todoroki my heart explodes in my chest he’s so so pretty in your style :00 hope you’re having a wondeful day!
YO THAT’S SUCH A LONG TIME!!!! I’m so happy to hear you stuck around this long!!! ;O; and thank you for the compliment oh my god!! ;O; Todo is so damn fun to draw, I’m glad to hear he comes out well enough!!!
Anon said:OH MY GOSH LITERALLY ALL THE BAKUGOUS YOU DREW IN YOUR MOST RECENT POST ARE SO FUCKING CUTE AND PRECIOUS AND PRETTY AND IM DEAD. The colours look amazing! And his facial expressions are so soft and nice. My favourite is probably him with the dog cos his hair look so freakin fluffy and soFT. I also love him laughing because didn’t everyone just die at that manga panel and you make him look extra sweet! I also love him talking to camie cos he looks exciting and a little shocked to have a friend! /// I love the other ones too obviously they’re all amazing! But I just wanted to share my favourites and how much I love them!
SO MUCH LOVE IN JUST ONE ASK!!!! Thank you so much for sending it all this way aaahhhhhhh
Anon said:Hiii, I hope you are having a good day! I want to know if you sell posters of your art online because I would love to have one of your kiribakus hanging on my wall 😍 idk why but your art makes me happy, like your style is so beautiful and your headcanons are so cute so it is like the perfect combination that always cheers me up when Im sad 💕 thank you
THANK YOU!!! And yeah I do, I have a redbubble shop!!! ;O;
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astro-b-o-y-d · 7 years
I was in a really sad mood last night so I tried to think about the Teenage Dadvid AU to cheer myself up. It helped a bit. (Ma/x///vi///d shippers or camper/counselor shippers/supporters don’t even fucking touch this post, this AU’s not for you) :
I think I might tweak my original idea for the AU a little and say that David (age 17) was at the park one day after school. Since it’s a nice day, he decided to pick up some food on the way and do his homework there. Gwen thinks he’s ridiculous for being able to focus on his homework in the middle of a busy park, but honestly, David would rather do it there with lots of people around then back home in an empty house (he was still adopted by Mr. Campbell, but...it’s Mr. Campbell and his constantly away on business).
In any case, David is there and hard at work when he turns his head and sees a chubby little toddler hand reaching up onto the picnic table and trying to grab at the food he has there. He looks down to see the angriest, most adorable little three-year-old with bright, green eyes, the fluffiest little head of hair, and chubby cheeks that match his precious little chubby hands.
Of course, David’s heart melts at the sight. He doesn’t want to give the child any food (what if he’s allergic to something? And there’s the whole ‘stranger danger’ thing that he was clearly too young to know about yet). So he asks the boy for his name and offers to help him find his parents.
He gets a name out of the little boy (Max) and despite the constant use of the words ‘dummy’ and ‘stupid’ to describe David, he’s willing to let David help him look around for his mommy and daddy. Unfortunately, they spend a good portion of the afternoon looking and asking around with no luck. By that point, Max is hysterical, angry and sobbing, not to mention he’s still hungry. With no options left and his lunch long gone, David decides to buy him some food and take him to the nearest police station just to see if they can help them find his missing parents.
He’s carrying Max by that point, and it does seem to calm the three-year-old down a bit. He even seems to cling to David tightly, as if he was scared of being dropped or put down or something. That really worries David, and the thought that maybe they couldn’t find his parents for a reason begins to form in his head. He hates the thought because he shouldn’t make assumptions about people he doesn’t know, but at the same time...
In any case, they make it to the police station after eating dinner (Max is fast asleep with his head against David’s shoulder and the little Happy Meal toy he got cradled safely in one arm) and David explains the situation to them, even going so far as to apologize for not reporting it sooner (Look, he hadn’t known how long Max had gone without food and he was worried!).
They thank him for reporting the missing child and try to take Max from him, only to have the boy wake up and start wailing and crying as a result and it’s only when he’s back in David’s arms that he calms down.
David offers to stay until they can get to the bottom of things, so they let him. He just sits there and holds Max for hours, but honestly it feels like no time at all to him. The boy just sleeps against him, and David feels his chest swell with warmth and joy at how sweet he is. Sure he spent most of the afternoon being angry and upset, but that’s okay. He’s just a scared kid in a world too big for him to comprehend. He just needed someone to help him out, and David dreads to think about what would have happened if he hadn’t been there to do it. Would anyone else have been willing to help him? Would anyone have cared? What about his own parents? Where were they? Were they worried about him? Surely they had to be, right? Who wouldn’t worry about their own kid?
...Other than his own birth parents...
And then those bad thoughts from earlier return in full force and he holds Max closer with the quiet promise he would not leave this police station until he knew Max would be okay.
He ends up staying the night (luckily it’s the weekend so school isn’t a worry) and sleeps with Max still cuddled up to him. The next morning, he’s told that they located Max’s parents. Apparently they had plans to move out of state and had left Max at the park on their way out. David didn’t want to listen past that, out of worry that his suspicions about them were correct, but he could tell by the look on the officer’s face that they most likely were. In any case, they were being charged with neglect and would likely lose custody of their son if the officers found any more evidence of neglect during further investigation.
David asks him about what will happen to Max. The officer tells him that he’ll likely end up in a foster home. But David meant a more immediate solution, like where he’d be staying for the next few days or something like that. The officer understands, and says he’s more than allowed to stay longer if he’d like (by that point, they’ve caught on that he’s the adopted son of one of the wealthiest men in town, so they’re not afraid to show blatant favoritism) while they locate a temporary foster home for the boy until the hearing to determine whether or not his parents can keep him.
So David stays at the police station for a few days. Max is happy to have him around, despite labeling David with the title of ‘Dummy’ and the massive tantrums he throws every so often. Mainly when David has to leave and go get them food, but he’s always happy to get a new toy to play with (David doesn’t always get Happy Meals for him, but he always does try to buy Max a toy when he’s on a food run just so the boy has something to play with while they wait).
It’s early Tuesday when the officer tells David that they have found a temporary foster home for Max until the hearing and that he can go home. Obviously, David’s crushed because of course he is, and he tells Max he has to go now. Max, being three, doesn’t quite understand and responds to this with a huge temper tantrum. David holds him, and tells him it’s going to be okay. He’s going to go live with some nice people who will take care of him, and he can keep all the toys David got for him. And maybe they’ll be able to see each other at the park again someday. That’ll be fun, right?
Of course, the officers do have to take Max from him and David has to leave, despite Max starting to cry again. He’s crying a bit too as he heads home, deciding to take the day off from school again. He calls Gwen (who had been keeping tabs on the entire weekend situation) and asks if she could come over after school. She had already planned on it to bring him his homework from the days he missed, but...now it was also to comfort her best friend.
David spends the entire afternoon (while doing the homework he missed) talking about how amazing Max was, with his big green eyes and cute little mess of hair and chubby cheeks and just how overall wonderful he was. Even when he was throwing tantrums, David really enjoyed looking out for him and taking care of him. Seeing his little face light up when he got a new toy or how precious he was with his light, gentle breathing as he slept through the night. Or how David spent a good portion of the nights at the police station just...watching that wonderful little boy sleep and just...wishing he could somehow collect all the happiness in the world, bundle it up and just give it to him.
Gwen’s got this knowing smile on her face the entire time as she watches David go on and on, until finally she’s like “God, you wanted to adopt him so badly, didn’t you?”
David looks embarrassed and he grows defensive like “Look, I know I’m only seventeen, but-”
She laughs. “David, I know you. I know how much you love kids probably more than you love yourself. And I know how much you want to be a parent. I’m not here to judge.”
David smiles, before his smile falls again. “Well, I suppose it doesn’t matter now. He’s with a new family and it’s out of my hands, so I should just...forget about it.”
He does, until about a month later when he gets a call from the police station, and they ask him to come down. Curious, he hurries down there to find Max, who practically tosses himself into David’s arms with an excited cry of “Dummy!” as soon as he sees him. David is surprised and asks what’s happening.
Apparently Max’s birth parents had ended up losing custody of him and he had gone through several foster families in the past month who could not handle his behavior. And whenever someone in his family would try to calm him down, he’s scream at them and say they’re ‘Not Dummy!’ and that ‘He wants Dummy’. It didn’t take the officers long to figure out who he was referring to, and after several families with no luck and little desire to keep dealing with a screaming three-year-old, they decided to try a more...unconditional approach to solving the situation.
David asks what they mean by that, and they explain that they looked up more information about him and his home life, other than information about his rich adopted father. They know he’s planning on going to college to major in child care and studies. They know he’s already a CIT during the summer, and they know he clearly loves Max, given how many days he was willing to spend at the police station with him and how clearly heartbroken he was to give him up. 
If David was willing to do it, they would pull some strings and allow him to foster Max. Of course he would have to become a legal foster parent and do all the work and research that goes into that, but knowing him, he would be able to do it with ease. But it was all up to him. If he didn’t want to do it, then they would figure out another solution.
David’s in shock as he tries to process all this. He'd be able to foster Max, if he really wanted to? He feels happiness swell up inside him, along with fear. Oh, God, what if that was a terrible idea? What if he wasn’t ready to be a father? This was a lifetime commitment! What if...what if he was worse than Max’s birth parents? What if he really messed the poor boy up?
He asks them if he’s allowed to think about it first, and he ends up going home and calling Gwen in a panic, the situation spilling out of him in a rush. She ends up coming over and he explains it to her more calmly. He tells her what he’s been offered, he tells her about Max, he tells her about how worried he is, and he ends up talking for a good hour before he falls silent.
She finally speaks up and reminds him of their conversation from a month ago. About how much he clearly cared about Max, and how he’d been there for him when not a lot of other people would have been. How David had been willing to spend almost five days at a police station just to make sure Max wasn’t upset.
Of course, she’s not completely optimistic about the situation (honestly, she’s surprised that DAVID isn’t completely optimistic about it despite how excited he clearly is at the thought of being able to take care of Max). Parenting is tough and just because he spent five days with the kid doesn’t mean he’ll suddenly be a top-notch parent forever. It’ll be hard, especially with how many tantrums the kid supposedly throws.
She doesn’t know if becoming a parent at his age is necessarily a good idea. But at the same time, she feels like if anyone COULD do it and still put 110% into it, it’d be him. He clearly loves that kid, and he already wanted to be a parent in the future. Consider himself just...ahead of schedule if he decides to go through with being Max’s foster parent.
They spend part of the day talking about it, before David makes his decision. That night he returns to the police station and leaves with Max asleep in his arms and takes him home, determined to make sure he gives Max the best life he possibly can. It won’t be easy, but he’s not going to give up on him. Because if David doesn’t help him, who will?
It’s when they’re back at the house (which is a little less empty now), after David’s tucked him into bed and he’s gently brushing the boy’s soft curls out of his eyes as he rests, and that warm feeling in his chest swells again, that he knows he made the right choice.
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writelively · 7 years
So you’re nervous about leaving comments on stories!
(From someone who has written over 150 stories online.)
First I’m going to give some tips for people with anxiety or those who are just nervous about offending a writer! You can skip this though and go straight to the second part if you like. 
The second part (look for the 2′s) will be actual comments that you can copy and paste into the comment section of any story!
Something is better than not commenting at all, I promise!
I get it, it’s hard to come up with things to say that sound genuine and won’t waste the writers time. Well, the good news is: Comments take seconds to read and if you’re not being nasty, it’s never a waste of time!
So I can write a short comment and they won’t be upset?
I don’t know about other writers, but (very) short comments are almost all I ever get. And they still make me smile and my heart flutter. Comments are what drive me as a writer! Short ones still make me happy, so don’t worry about it, if that’s all you can manage!
Isn’t it a bit shallow to ‘write for comments’?
What else am I writing for, buddy? I am writing for the fandom, not just myself! I write because there’s a sense of community and it’s fun to talk about the things I love and to make people feel !!~EMOTIONS~!! is the best feeling I get with my writing! It’s what has made this hobby take up so much of my life for a decade and a half.
But what if I want to give constructive criticism? 
Will the person be okay with that? Good question. One good way of telling if they’ll be okay with what you say is: Did they ask any sort of question in the author’s notes? If they did, they are definitely trying to hear your voice, so don’t be afraid to speak your mind!
If you want to give advice or say something that bothered you about a fic, you can say 2 positive things before the negative comment and 1 positive comment to wrap it up. This way, they have lots to be happy about and are more likely to take your negative comment as good natured.
IE:  “Wow, your characterization is so on point! I loved the way you described Frodo’s eyes! I didn’t feel like the fight scene with Legolas really fit the tone of the story, but the part when he rests his head on Gimli’s shoulder was both adorable and hilarious!”  
As a writer, a comment like this would tickle me to death! I would literally go back immediately and reread the parts you talked about. (Ok, I’ve never written LoTR fanfics, but you get my point.)
But I’m not that good with specific writer things like ‘tone’ or ‘characterization’?
Also fine! How about this:
IE: “More of those kisses and cuddles plz! :D Ahh Captain Kirk was so cute! The story could use more dialogue, but I love all the fluff!”
Totally okay to use emojis, keysmashing and text talk. They just further show how you’re feeling and we LOVE that!
But I hated it, disagreed with its content, the pairing, etc? 
Time to read something else, buddy! It’s not worth the stress on your body to give attention to something you hate. If someone was passionate enough about something to write about it, you won’t change any minds. Give your attention and passion to what you love and support the writers who write your interests! It’s better for everyone. I’ve been in fandoms for 15 years now and I can tell you that you will NOT be changing anyone’s mind. For yourself, move on.
I only felt ‘meh’ about this story, do I still have to comment?
Depends! Did you read the entire thing? If you did and still aren’t super ‘into’ it, but also didn’t hate it, maybe just write a simple single line like the ones I have listed below. If it was SO meh, that you actually regret reading it, don’t comment negatively. It could be a new writer and we don’t want to discourage new writers from writing!  You could leave constructive criticism like above, or something small like below.
This writer is clearly very popular / the story already has comments.
Before you decide that a writer has ‘too many comments’ or ‘too many notes’ remember that on sites like Ao3, replies and replies to replies count as ‘comments’. If the writer replies to most of the comments, the number is going to look like it’s double what it actually is. And we always appreciate every comment!  On tumblr, ‘liking’ something counts as a note. Reblogging with out tags or comments also counts as a note, but it’s better than just a like. 
Remember, we love attention. We love to hear what you have to say. I’ve never seen a writer put in their bottom notes ‘Please don’t comment, I don’t care.’
If something has 400 comments or is super old and you think that the author probably won’t care, it doesn’t hurt to write something small! Just give it a shot! Even if they don’t reply, they still might see it.
I see people commenting on my work from 10 years ago and though I barely remember the fandom, it still makes me giggle. I love it!
But in the end, the judgement call on whether or not you’ll comment is yours to make.
I want something to happen in a later chapter, can I tell you that?
You can, but do not demand or expect that someone will steer the story line off where they were going for you. You may want to word in a way that makes it seem like you HOPE it will happen, rather than you ASKING for it to happen.
NOT this:  Please let them kiss in the next chapter!!  DO this:  Aaaahhh, I hope they kiss, the tension is killing me! NOT this: Make Harry ask Luna to the dance. DO this:  Luna keeps staring at Harry, and he keeps noticing. I see what you’re doing thereeee~ SIDE NOTE: Demanding any sort of smut/kinks/AUs/pairings/etc that the writer might be uncomfortable with and haven’t been brought up in the story is probably not okay. If you want to make a request like that, make sure the writer is OK with requests and if they are, request a completely different story.   
If you’re worried a request might freak them out, try and do a little research. 
Remember, tons and tons of teens and kids (underagers) write fanfics. Many of them may be writing things that are above their age grade. If you accidentally read one of these, just back away and don’t interact. It is illegal.
If you ARE a minor writing things like smut, remember: It’s still illegal. If you have any more questions about this, feel free to ask. But remember, always keep it SFW when you’re talking to an adult. If an adult knows you are underage and still wants to talk to you about / show you / RP smut and the like, back away. That is predatory and real kids AND teens have gotten hurt in this way.
OKAY! If you have more comments or suggestions, feel free to reblog and add them!   Now for the copy and past part of our topic here!
Simple one-liners that you can use and reuse when you’re too nervous to write something yourself! Like I said above, writers will love anything! Just pick one (or more if you like) comment from below that you like, copy and paste it into the comment box on other sites or put it in your tags or ‘reply’s on tumblr! 
No need to mention you used the list AND you can customize them as much as you like!
Many of these are based on comments I have received in the past, that have made me smile! I am not adding numbers, so that they are easier to copy and paste. Feel free to save this in your drafts, if you want easy access in the future!
Here we go:
This is really cute and I would love it if you continued.
This is really good! I like this idea. If you are still thinking about updating it I would be excited to see this story progress.
Awesome :D really hoping you'll continue
This was sweet and I would very much like to read more!
I can’t wait to hear more about __________ !
Love this so much!
Very interesting start. I look forward to reading the next chapter.
I'm already hooked... It's very well written :D
I was already hooked by the summary and I was ready for more by the end of the chapter. 
To put it quite simply I loved it, and I hope you write more chapters.
This is really interesting, you have yourself a new fan. Update soon? 
I can't wait to see where you go with this story!
_______ was my favorite line. love it.
You write beautifully, I love how you describe emotions!
This is interesting! I would like to see how you could make your short story ideas into a full story.
I like the character's interactions with each other, very interesting dynamics.
Ohh, please, update soon. Seems interesting and cool.
This looks very promising! 
You kept me on the edge of the seat, but sadly it ended!
Will you update this? I wouldn't mind reading more of this!
I'm into this story already! Please update soon! :)
I started to read this out of curiosity, kinda thinking 'What? This can't possibly work!' and the next few minutes of my life were spent squeeing in joy.
You have converted me into a shipper!
UGH THE PAIN! You’re so evil, my heart hurts! (And I love it!)
I just started reading this as a sort of masochistic dare with myself... Dammit, why does this pairing just... work? 
You're gonna turn me into a shipper, I swear to God.
I beginning to love this couple and it's all your fault!
Thank you, this is really cute!
I freaking love this pairing and it sucks that it isn’t more popular! Thanks for adding to it!
This was fun to read!
They are such an adorable couple
So few views?! That’s just wrong, this was so awesome!
Hmmm well now I kinda like this pairing...
I like this, it's sweet :') think you should continue it!
I would very much be interested in reading more if you were willing to write it. I like your set up in this chapter.
I would like to read more
S’good! And cute!
Brilliant! Please post more soon!
I can hardly wait for an update! :)
The way the characters are written is fantastic and believable, keep it up!
By any chance are you going to continue with this fic? It's quite good.
I hope your thinking of continuing this! I seriously love it!
This is honestly one of the best _________ stories that I’ve ever read.
Your stories are pretty good I must say, but this one really sticks out at me.
I beg you to continue your story if you have more to tell!
Should you post more I will definitely read your updates.
Please post more, I NEED to know what happens!
alsdjalksjhdkja chd aksjdh alksjhd
The part with ______________ was really clever!
Oh, no no no! You can't leave it like this! It will haunt me forever!
Love this story! Even though the chapters were short, your story had a lot in it!
It was never lacking mystery and had me on edge waiting for the next chapter.
Wow... what's going to happen? *_*
I love it and I hate it, it’s so awesome, but it hurts and I hate it and I love it. WHY.
ok. I wasn't expecting that. That was really really really sad....
I  cant believe you ended it that way!
MORE! MORE! MORE!...Ahem... sorry... I absolutely loved it. Please write more!
The little sinister things are what intrigue us to move onward. So keep writing! I'll be waiting for the next chapter with anticipation!
I think it was an adorable chapter, maybe a little OOC, but still cute nonetheless. :)
Wow, what an unexpected ending!
gah this is beautiful ❤
I love everything you write!
Holy shit dude yes
Everything. Literally everything about this. Just... yes. 
I love this, it’s really good!
You’re a fantastic writer.
I can’t believe you were nervous to post this! I’m so glad you did.
Bless you man. This is lovely!
The characters, the set up, the descriptions, the dialogue... All of it was perfect!
You write them exactly as I see them! Thank you!
Characterization was perfect, holy crap.
Great now I’m all bothered~
*wipes away sweat* wow that was hot
*wipes away a tear* oh my god....
Such good content to stumble upon, thank you for writing and sharing!
Woah. Just... woah.
My heart is shattered :’(
Holy shit that’s gonna keep me up at night....
Excuse me while I go find a shoulder to cry on!
I need a hug after that!
That is all I have time for today. I may add more in the future and you can always feel free to add some if you like too! 
END NOTE: I wrote this up because I see a lot of posts from writers talking about how hurt they are that no one bothers to comment and people retorting that they’re too nervous to post. So I made this to make it easy!      99.99% OF WRITERS WILL LOVE YOU FOR COMMENTS!
Writers can’t do commissions like artists can, so this is the best way to support us! (Yes, I understand commissions are POSSIBLE, but it’s very difficult and in most of the instances I’ve seen people try it, someone is always disappointed. Most of us just want you to talk to us!)
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thorodnson · 7 years
review because i have a lot to say about this movie, and all spoilers are under the cut! 
soooooo i was so hype to see My Boy™ again and he was so good i could cry like thor is the best???? the actual best??? i love him so much??? the fight in his intro scene is wow. just wow. i was like ‘okay yeah so this is a god yes good’. Basically this is a movie really centre on thor (thank god) and i feel like a lot of people are going to like him more after this movie and i’m so happy about it!! because he’s funny! he’s nice! he’s powerful! he has a shirtless scene!!!
- it’s probably my new favourite marvel movie now (even if winter soldier is still the best) 
- great music, like ALWAYS great even if it’s an orchestral theme, a 80s retro synthwave vibe or immigrant song it was amazing and i didn’t know a movie could have all these types of music and not be ridiculous 
- Valkyrie... my girl... my first born... stay safe i love you
- i NEED to know more about asgardian art and history of art like right now 
- one of my favourite thing is the relation between thor and loki, and LISTEN it’s not even about thorki, quite the opposite because i realised halfway through the movie that it was the first time that i actually felt like they were siblings. It’s the ultimate  “‘no officer i have no idea who this person is’ and ‘fuck them all i will die with you if i have to’ with no in between” trope and i love it?? i feel like if they were portrayed like this from the start i wouldn’t have ship it (but TOO LATE rn i want 256752 fics about them in ragnarok) 
- need more idris elba in the next movies thanks 
- my main complaint is that the movie wants to be fun first (and it is!) and it’s sometimes at the plot’s expense or even the context’s expense. Sometimes things are told just to get a laugh out of you and it doesn’t really work with the intergalactic setting or just the personality of the character. But i guess the casual viewer doesn’t really care about that. It would have been great divided in 3 movies to really get into things, because everything was too ‘fun and fast’ and it’s a bit upsetting because all the ideas were here but there wasn’t time to really develop them
- update: need more idris elba and GIRLS where was Sif dammit
- Thor is stronger than the hulk even without his hammer it is now a fact thank you goodbye
- his eye..... my baby.... what have they done to you.... but at the same time oh my god he was so hot with all the lightning around him, fuck you could almost feel his power FINALLY a real god of thunder i could cry 
- hela was a generic villain i was kinda hoping for more? again, i’m pretty sure her plotline would have been better with 2 more hours but still
- i don’t know how to feel about the whole thor/valkyrie thing? which isn’t really a thing in the movie but... there was something? i love them both but together huuum but at the same time thor looking like a little boy in awe at a valkyrie is so cuuuute so i’m not totally against it
- also how old is she now??? 
- let’s talk about art and history or art with the mosaics and these very christian-looking halos around people like Odin or, i don’t know, LAUFEY?????? TELL ME EVERYTHING ABOUT ASGARD HISTORY I WANT TO KNOW how was the peace treaty accepted by the people? did they begin to like the Jotuns or was the mosaic just propaganda? how did people perceive the change in Odin policy after the Hela debacle? the fact that he locked his daughter away? How did people forget that??? historians are probably people sworn to secrecy because of all the shit Odin had to cover up tbh
- please let the brucenat thing die i don’t want it
- i d o n t  c a r e  a b o u t  d r  s t r a n g e i don’t care about your sherlock joke i don’t want him near thor i don’t even want him near loki
- but the friendship between valkyrie and hulk was cute! i hope they’ll keep it between her and bruce if they can 
- the last scene between thor and loki was the death of my thorki shipper heart just because of the ‘i”m here’ and then NO HUG??? TAIKA YOU COWARD 
- but K I N G  T H O R and loki by his side okokokok im alright
And to end this very long review: MATT DAMON AND LUKE AND SAM NEILL. 
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Pianos and Pickup Trucks
I got this idea a few days ago. Then I told an Alphy/ne shipper about it and she loved it, saying she wanted to write it. But this story belongs entirely to Undyrus so I'm going to beat her to it! Just kidding though, thanks for listening, kittysblog24. And also special thanks to @undying-undyrus for some of the ideas in this fic too.
I used a bit of language in this one because I thought it would add to the comedy of this piece. Hope that's okay.
Probably the worst thing about dating Alphys, other than the events that led to a rather messy breakup, was the romantic comedies. Anime was fantastic when they were watching it together (and they still met up frequently to do so) but Alphys had gotten the idea fairly early on that chick flicks and romantic comedies were a great way to bond. Undyne rather thought that Die Hard would be a better bonding movie but her devotion to Alphys had caused her to sit in front of an awful lot of these movies. These corny, goofy, cutesy romantic movies.
But months had passed. Alphys and Undyne were still girlfriends in the platonic sense but their days of romance were long over. It was definitely for the best. Honestly, they'd never been closer. Breaking up had been the best thing to happen to them.
And not only because Undyne had found love again. But that certainly helped.
Undyne strained her muscles as she lifted her piano onto the back of the pickup truck she'd borrowed from Asgore. This was going to be epic.
"Just do something big and romantic." Alphys had said earlier that day over coffee. "He'll love it!"
"How am I supposed to come up with something like that?" Undyne had asked, making a face as she sipped her coffee.
"Just think back to one of the rom coms we've watched and try something from that." Alphys shrugged.
Undyne doubted she'd meant this. But she was Undyne. If she was going to do something romantic, she was going to do it her way.
Finally, the piano was loaded securely. Undyne wiped sweat off her brow and climbed into the driver's seat.
It was a very short drive to Papyrus's house, in part because of the hour. Undyne pulled into his driveway and began the laborious task of unloading the piano from it. Ordinarily, she might have asked for help. But she was going to do this big romantic… thing on her own or die trying.
As soon as the piano was in place, she grabbed a handful of pebbles and threw them at his window one by one. He had to notice. How could he not?
Had that idiot actually gone to sleep tonight? Of all the luck… Undyne gritted her teeth. This called for drastic measures. Once Papyrus was out, he was out. Pebbles against the window would have absolutely no effect.
Undyne looked around until she noticed a large rock in the grass of the front lawn. She smiled toothily and picked it up.
Papyrus jolted out of bed, his nightcap flying off his head and his eyes bulging. Someone had just thrown a rock at his window!
"SANS!" he cried, grabbing his slippers and bolting out of bed. "SANS, I THINK WE'RE BEING ROBBED!"
"one step ahead of you." Sans called down the hallway, hurrying down with his trombone in his hands.
Papyrus gave him a withering look. "LET ME GUESS: YOU WANT TO KICK HIS BRASS. CLASSY, SANS."
"uhh nope, i was just planning on clubbing him with it but nice one, bro."
Papyrus growled through his teeth, nearly falling down the stairs in his haste. No one seemed to be in the house. Everything was exactly as they'd left it. Even Sans's clutter hadn't been touched.
"what the…" Sans began when a loud noise made them both jump.
It sounded like someone banging on the piano as loud as possible. The skeletal brothers looked at each other for a moment before hurrying to the front door, Papyrus hopping on one foot to put on his other slipper.
A truly bizarre sight greeted them when they emerged from the house. Undyne was sitting there, playing Maple Leaf Rag at twice its normal volume and pace. Once she'd caught sight of Papyrus, she yelled "LOOK, PAPYRUS, I'M BEING ROMANTIC AND SHIT!"
Papyrus goggled at her, his mouth agape. For a moment, he was convinced that he was dreaming. How in the world would Undyne have gotten her entire piano across town? And why in the world would she do it? That was the more pertinent question. The first question was quickly answered when he caught sight of the pickup truck. The second was probably going to have a more complicated answer.
"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU, YOU IDIOT!" Undyne bellowed back, a huge toothy grin on her face. "I'M PLAYING MUSIC OUTSIDE YOUR WINDOW LIKE IN THE MOVIES!"
Sans, whose left eye had lit up as they'd been searching the house, suddenly burst out laughing. Papyrus spared a moment to give him a withering look before turning back to Undyne.
"BUT YOU'RE WORTH A WHOLE DAMN PIANO!" Undyne hollered, playing the song again with even more gusto.
By this time, neighbors were starting to emerge from their own houses, staring wide eyed at an extremely excitable fish monster banging on her piano and shouting her love for a skeleton monster clad in ducky pajamas, all while a second skeleton seemed to be overcome with the giggles. It was a very odd sight indeed.
"UNDYNE I…" Papyrus's eyes brimmed with tears. "THAT'S THE SWEETEST THING ANYONE'S EVER DONE FOR ME!"
"Get used to it, you dork!" Undyne got up from her piano and tackled him in a hug.
They landed on the grass, her on her hands and knees leaning over his prone form. The lights from the streetlamps made her look very weird and more than a bit creepy but Papyrus was far too happy to care. Undyne kissed him just above the nose.
"Was that a big enough romantic gesture?" she asked in a low voice so the wheezing Sans wouldn't hear.
"Sleep is for the weak." Undyne chirped merrily, hopping off him and holding out a hand to help him up.
"Let them. I'm on the force."
"Kidding!" Undyne chortled. "I guess I'll pack it back up. Oh man, that was so worth it to see your face."
"DO YOU HAVE TO GO NOW?" Papyrus asked. He could feel heat rising to his cheekbones.
"No. But aren't I supposed to?"
Undyne shrugged. "I didn't think that far ahead."
Papyrus considered this for a moment. "DO YOU WANT TO COME IN FOR SOME HOT CHOCOLATE? OR COFFEE?"
"Sure!" Undyne took his hand in hers and squeezed it. "And then maybe you can go back to bed."
"Aww, I thought you liked cuddling."
There was no question about it this time. Papyrus was definitely blushing.
"OKAY. SURE." he said, allowing her to lead him back to the house, leaving Sans in the front yard without a second thought.
"That was the best advice you've ever given me!" Undyne told Alphys over coffee the next morning, looking a bit groggy but definitely more cheerful.
Alphys's face was in her hands. "That's n-not what I meant though."
Undyne raised an eyebrow. "It's me. What did you expect?"
Alphys half smiled despite herself. "Pretty much that."
"Well Papyrus liked it." Undyne leaned back, looking triumphant as she took another sip of coffee. "And I even got him to sleep a bit more."
"You… you stayed the night?" Alphys's head shot up and she leaned forward. "Details…"
Undyne narrowed her eye at her. "Oh calm down, it wasn't like that."
"Mhmmmm." Alphys waggled her eyebrows at her. "Then what, pray tell, was it like?"
"Get back in the trash."
"Already there."
"Well…" Undyne's cheeks turned puce. "I mean he is the perfect little spoon, really."
Alphys nearly knocked her coffee over as she leaned forward even more. "Yeah?"
"I mean that's about it." Undyne took another sip. "If you were expecting hentai…"
It was Alphys's turn to go scarlet. "That's… that's n-not… shut up."
"Then stop trying to live vicariously through me and Papyrus."
Alphys grumbled and returned to her seat, not failing to notice several eyes on her. Next time they had a discussion this juicy, she'd have to make sure they were home.
"But all that t-to say it's going well… right?"
Undyne felt her heart flop at the memory of the last night. "Yeah." she said. "It's going well."
Alphys grinned. "So d-do you think he's going to do a big romantic gesture in return?"
"It's Papyrus."
"Good point."
"Soooooo," Undyne's smile turned mischievous in an instant, "I'm going to have to outdo this. Any suggestions?"
"Oh no." Alphys put up her hands in defense. "I w-want no part of this."
"Come on, Al, you've got the best ideas!" Undyne pressed.
"You're g-going to twist all of m-my suggestions."
"I know, that's what makes it fun."
Undyne laughed, feeling happier than she had in a long time. As she continued to tease Alphys about her dating advice, she felt very thankful for her adorable boyfriend and her far too eager best friend.
She made a decision. Papyrus was definitely worth the whole piano, that's for sure.
But so was Alphys.
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imsarabum · 8 years
Responses to {Part 16} I Won’t Stop You // Jeon Jungkook, Vampire!AU Asks~
Please ‘Keep Reading’ to find my response to your ask ^^ As always, I have copied and pasted all asks into this post in regards to last night’s chapter to avoid clogging up people’s dashboards and to avoid spoilers for those who may still wish to read the chapter. Thank you ^^ 
Anonymous said: I FORGOT IT WAS TUESDAY AHHH!!! can't wait for the next chapter 😘😘
I hope you enjoyed it!
Anonymous said: I won't stop you is almost here I'm gonna die bitch I'm ready for it
Pls donut die ;c lol I hope you liked the chapter :D
@wang-banana said: EIGHT ON TIME IM SO EXITED
@succingjimin said: ITS HERE!!! I WONT STOP YOU!!!!!!
It’s hereeeee! lolol thank you babe I hope you enjoyed it :D
Anonymous said: I just wanted to tell you that I absolutely love I wont stop you. It kind of became a 'safe-place' for me, if i may say so. I've been feeling really empty and down for the past few months, but with this series i have something to look forward to every tuesday and for that i am really grateful! The story, even if its angst (which i like! ...well ;-; as long as it has a happy ending hopefully), lifts my mood and makes me forget some thoughts! Thank you so much for writing it! Have a great day! <3
Oh my goodness ^^ This makes me really happy to hear that it has become a safe place for you to escape the feelings of emptiness. I can empathise with you as I too, have intense feelings of emptiness (but feeling everything so intensely as well - confusing, I know.) I’m so grateful that something I do helps you to look forward to every Tuesday and it can calm you down a little~ I won’t lie; the story will contain a lot of sad/rage parts, but I think the ending may be one that will make you happy c: Thank you my dear and I hope you have a day that is as wonderful as you.
Anonymous said: Oh my god can i just tell you how MUCH i love the subtle fluff here and there!!! I love how JK thought of her as 'my Y/N' i love how lowkey jealous he got when he thought of another mans hands on you body/or parts of your body that belonged only to him. i love how tae and jimin could smell the ~mating~ LOL Even i giggled there! Especially because, well, jk is a fcking dom and i love it! Oh, btw, do you have any idea around how many chapters it will have? or are you just going with the flow? :)
Ahhh thank you so much for loving the ‘my (Y/N)’ bit! When I put that in, it made me feel super, super soft c: I’m a bit like the reader in a sense that sometimes, I feel that overprotective boyfriends and such are kind of lowkey problematic but...sometimes - it makes me feel super smug and happy at the thought? It’s probably an unpopular opinion. I like people being protective over me! lol  THE SMELL OF LOVEEEEE IN THE AIR~ *wink* hehe. And actually, I have NO idea how many chapters there will be! I have an outline for the rest of the story but I usually stop around 5,000 words for each chapter. But there is still a lot to happen, so it won’t be ending any time soon :D Thank you so much for reading!
@semisweetsuga said: Taehyung - a blessing. This story - a blessing. You - a blessing. 16 was so good Sara!!! I loved it!!!!! Love, your gay nerd
You: the biggest blessing on planet earth - end of story, no if’s, and’s or but’s ^^ My gay nerd lmfao I love you v much my dear and I hope you’re doing well (sorry I’m a piece of shit and I never reply on line; I’ve been an anti-social mop recently) Thank you for still liking me even tho I’m a terrible friend :c
@jynxy24 said: Sara, damn you. IWSY came out and I was SCREAMING! Now, Yoongi is going after reader for, whatever reason more than one, I'm pretty sure that this is gonna turn into some sort of love triangle. :D I mean, I hope so. (Smut pls) I'm not perverted, I swear!(Kill me)  But! If yoongi decides to change for reader, I WILL LOVE YOU TO DEATH! Not that I don't, I WILL ALWAYS! Keep staying awesome please, love ya!
Jynxyyyy~~ YOU WANT A VAMP YOONKOOK THREESOME? Damn - rest in peace if that ever happened Cx Hehe I can’t promise that something like that may or may not happen, but I won’t promise it won’t either. Are you confused yet? Good ^.^ muahaha~ I love you too my dear and thank you so much for reading the new chapter!
@moonlighthollow said: Omg the story is getting better and better I'm so hyped😲😍 i wanna read the next part so badly😭😢 but i know you need some time to write it and i fully respect that so no pressure hahah I'll wait😄♥IT'S JUST SO DAMN GOOD 😍
Ahhh I’m so happy that you think that my love! And no haha don’t worry I know you don’t mean it like that, it makes me super hyped that you’re really looking forward to the next part! So don’t worry at all c: Thank you a million times for reading the new part and I hope you’ll look forward to next week’s too!!
Anonymous said: You are such an amazing writer,I love you <3 Thank you so much for the update and posting a new chapter every single week, honestly it makes my Tuesday a whole lot better.I really can't wait for when Jungkook tell Y/N that he's a vampire, I am sure she'll love his regardless :) High key loving those vmin moments, its so cute :D Yoongi though what is he planning?! Can't wait for the next part , thank you again <3
Awhjfsgijwnegw I love you too *hugs* There’s no need to thank me because it’s my pleasure! I really enjoy uploading for all you guys and I will always try my 100% best to upload on time and thankfully I have been able to keep that promise since I began this blog with any series that I’ve written! (Actually, sidenote - when this series ends, I hope to do a small 1-3 chapters on Vmin and how they came to be; just for all of us lovely Vmin shippers out there :3) Thank you very much for reading my series lovely!
@audreymv said: I bet Yoongi wants to turn her. Omg I am so in edge and I am not ready but pleasw let her understand that Jungkook is a good vampire. Gosh Jimin is so cute and how he is just with Tae is just, my heart hurts and just flutters for them and dang Jungkook I PRAY FOR HIM. Literally loving this series
Hello cutie! hehe yes all the adorable Vmin moments~ (tbh, I kind of ship Taehyung with everyone...he’s just too adorable my lil bb aw) I’m super happy that you’re loving the series babe :D Thank you so much for reading the new chapter :D
Anonymous said: Sara these updates need to be longer I'm hungry for more 😛😛😛😛 I can't wait for next Tuesday
Loooonger?! It was 5k words! Hehe~ Thank you for reading and I really hope you enjoy next weeks chapter too my love! :D
Anonymous said: I'm so happy that I finally found a story that leaves me wanting more and makes me look forward to the next chapter! Like, I look forward to Tuesday's now because of IWSY. And the new chapter is amazing as per usual 😊. I am very happy that you write because your writing is ACTUALLY AMAZING!! I love your writing and I love this story!!!! Looking forward to what will happen next!!!❤️❤️ ~Ro
Hey Ro! I’m glad you found a story that leaves you wanting more :D Ahh you’re making me blush so much with all your wonderful words and compliments *hides* Thank you so much, I really don’t deserve such words ^^ You’re amazing and I hope you have a wonderful day my love. Thank you from the bottom of my heart ^^
Anonymous said: When you thought the dress was finally gonna be revealed BUT IT HASN'T YET OMG I'M GONNA DIE OF SUSPENSE
Anonymous said: IWSY is so goooooddddd. Like I'm hella shook rn. You're writing is amazing. It's so hard to find a quality fanfic these days. Thank you for blessing us all with these amazing stories. I'll be back next Tuesday ready for some of that good stuff. I love you! ~New Anon, BabyKookie
Hello lil BabyKookie ^^ Ah >< your compliments are so wonderful - I appreciate them so much, thank you babe :) I’m really happy to know that you’re enjoying my series and that you’re looking forward to the future chapters! I love you too and I hope you have an amazing day/night! :D
Anonymous said: Omg what are the jeons gonna think of y/n??? Like if they knew they guk and yn? Would they accept their pure son? Also I love gay tae and jimin. I WANT TO KNOW WHAT JIMIN WAS SAYING THE DRESS CAN WAIT A SEC OMG
I wonder too, indeed! Will the King and Queen of the Eternal Kingdom accept the fact their son - the Prince, has fallen in love with a human? D: I hope so! :c hehe~ Ahhh my Vmin feels recently c: Thank you so much for reading my dear ^^
@kpop-everythings said: I have got wait till next Wednesday now 😫. Fuck you time distance, fuck you to eternity and beyond.
To eternity and beyond hehe awww I’m sorry my love! Thank you so much for reading and I hope you’ll like next weeks parts too! ^^
Anonymous said: Oooooooohhhh what's gonna happen at the ball oml I can't wait for the next part! I have so many questions that I know you won't answer fml I just have to wait week after week but that's ok cuz it's so worth the wait every time. You're such an amazing writer tbh. I love this series so much and I love you ! Also where do you get inspiration from and how did you come up with this story cuz it's just soooooo good I'm ded
You’re damn right I won’t give anything away ;D Hehe thank you so much for reading and I love you too! Way back in March 2016, I had started to plan a Vampire series. But, due to a few reasons, I couldn’t begin it/post it (which I can’t really talk about lol). But - someone sent in a request asking for a VampKook smut around 18 weeks ago. So - I decided to use that opportunity to turn it into a series with all of my hard work creating lore and history and background to a world inside my head! I’m so happy that you like it :3
@cynicalspacehoe said: Okay first of all: OH MY GOD. "I Won't Stop You" is the best fanfiction I've ever read (and I've read many, trust me). I know that what I'm about to say is a little cheesy and may sound exaggerated but... this fic keeps me going. Well, technically you do. Week after week, I'm always longing for a new chapter. It kind of feels like a reward for surviving another week and it really helps. Thank you for writing this amazing story, keep going!
It’s not cheesy ahhh don’t worry - even at that, cheesy is great a lot of the time c: I’m really honoured that you feel my series is a reward for surviving a week - and if that’s what keeps you going for a while, then I am truly humbled and happy to be a part of that reason. Thank you for reading my series and I hope that you have an amazing week my love ^^
@manibbunny said: i loved the new episode! and i'm biting my nails just thinking about what will happen when yoongi shows up at the ball and omfg what will y/n do when he tells her?! will she accept him? or will she run away and never talk to him? i'm hoping it's the first lol *is lowkey thirsty for angst* shhh
Thank you so much babe! I’m so happy you enjoyed it :3 Hmmm will she accept him or run away? What if Yoongi catches her if she runs away? ;O hehe~ I hope you enjoy the future chapters too and thank you once again :3
Anonymous said: So will we be seeing Jungkook busting a move at the ball??? Getting down to some red velvet? Maybe??
Maybe real life Jungkook would :P But not 400 year old Prince of the Eternal Kingdom Jeon Jungkook xD It would be funny tho! hehe~
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