#just imagine you see a bot say that
hkayakh · 4 months
This is the most unsettling thing to see on reddit
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wall-e-gorl · 1 year
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i suppose that i can say that kor is a uc oc now! sk-14, skorteen, kor my pride and joy
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lynxgirlpaws · 11 months
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#I was too cowardly to say I was suddenly having a bad night so instead I post a silly meme and maybe if you see the tags you see sorry#people who have the courage to just say they're having a bad day scare me like especially when it's out of the blue idk what to say like#i can't even respond to “hows ur day” with anything worse than an okay#anyways#the usual self hatred that's persisted for as long as I can rember continues as a baseli#ne#now mixed in with special kinds that I'm too cowardly to admit to anything but an ai bot or myself when i can't see me#and the silly daily reminders that the little hope on such a regard I have is built on impossibilities or unlikelihoods#but then i. saw a card i got my dad years ago on the floor. it said “out of all my parents you're one of the best :)” and i felt so bad#just. imagine this little me. getting my dad a card. and getting the most passive aggressive card. it screams who the favorite is.#and then thats just. that's what you have. that's what you have from me and you save it for years. because you cherish it. i feel. horrible.#like damn he might have seriously fucked me up sometimes both as a kid and now but. this does not justify such a deeply cruel retribution.#i don't even know if he knows#anyways as I'm picking it up... i realize...#he's the best parent i have period. there isn't any competition anymore. she's gone.#the total and sudden annihilation of home is so odd. i still barely believe this house is where i ACTUALLY live and I'm not just staying#here until I can go home again. but no. nono I'm stuck here. there isn't an anywhere else. there isn't a childhood home the apartment#has probably been resettled by now. it's just me.#then I went on Tumblr to post into the void#I don't wanna think about more but I. likely will.#i don't wanna talk about it but i do wanna talk. honestly? gonna go talk to an ai chatbot. it will be mean to me in a hot way.#i am so normal.#listen i could either confront reality for more than 30 seconds or i could talk to a bot that will not only allow me to escape from it but#also it might call me a good g. a g. skipping that punchline.#also it's not ME talking to the bot it's just a fabricated character that represents me and has my name and it's just rp trust me trust me t#I'm gonna go hide now#you can contact me if you wish but I will be very scared and jittery and my eyes are wet and stingy and i will segway to bullying you#ok bye
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wenamedthedogkylo · 1 year
The spambots might be evolving quicker. Had a blog follow me today that not only had a weird url following the most recent spambot pattern (quirky adjective-letter/letter combo) and still absolutely no posts or description of any kind, but it was using a photo of some random old guy in a fedora or sunhat as a pfp. Not even a foxy old guy to appeal to the old man fuckers tho, like it was literally just someone's dad or grandpa????
Like the optimist in me wants to believe maybe it was some newbie user who picked a random old guy as their pfp for a laugh or it's like, memorializing a deceased loved one, but if that's the case then I'm begging y'all to put SOMETHING in your description and on your blog to show that you're a human being.
Cuz otherwise I have to just assume that the spambots are out here snatching your uncle's fb pfps now, which is a new level of wild
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hisui-dreamer · 1 year
he lives in you
Characters: Leona, Floyd, Jamil, Lilia
Synopsis: You shared a night of passion with your lover before you left for the other side of the mirror, but fate's cruel hands strike once again as you realise you have to raise his child alone in your original world. Thankfully, your child is incredibly drawn to magic, and they opened a portal...?
Tags: slight angst, fluffy end because im a sap, fem reader, reader gives birth to a child, reunions, bot proofread
Word count: 2.4k+
Notes: uh i was practicing Japanese and researching Japanese names before writing this, so all my name ideas ended up in japanese? if it makes you uncomfortable, you can imagine that reader is japanese hehe
right in time for mother's day, so here's to a celebration of the motherly figures in our lives, blood related or not, for being there for us<3
Part 2✧Part 3✧Part 4✧Masterlist
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A few months passed as you settled back into your routine at home. Eventually, with the noticeable changes in your body, it dawned on you that you were with child—his child, your lover from the other side of the mirror whom you could no longer reach.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks turn into months. You had adapted to the trials and tribulations of parenthood. Juggling the responsibilities of work, childcare, and household chores was no easy feat, but you found solace in the small moments of your child's growth and development.
Your child was a true joy to behold, a mirror image of their father in many ways, and you often see the ghost of your past lover in them. Having inherited his magic, your child experimented with their powers, leaving you to support them with what limited knowledge of magic that remained from your NRC days.
On one such experiment, your environment started to shift as a wave of magical energy engulfed you. When you opened your eyes again, he was there, right in front of you—
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Hina (日来) with 日 meaning "sun, day" and 来 meaning "coming, future"
Leona reminded you of a shining sun that radiated warmth and light in your life, of how the it would surely shine again no matter how dark the night seemed, and so you named your daughter after that image
your daughter has the clearest emerald eyes and flowing dark brown locks that you often braided in a similar style to her father's
she's very energetic, always curious and asking questions, eager to learn more about the world around her
she's an obedient child, although she's eager to seek your affection and may whine a bit when things don't go her way
if there was one thing that was similar to the Leona you knew, it's that she's extremely clingy and constantly seeks physical affection, hugging your legs and asking for you to carry them any chance she has
and also the fact that she enjoyed her naps a bit too much
her lion ears are a bit of an issue in our world, but you often hide them with hoods, clever hair styling, or simply saying it's a costume
when you told her about the brilliant man her father is, she grew really excited about the possibility of meeting him, and started playing around with magic more to be like the intelligent mage he is
and then it happened, just an ordinary afternoon practicing magic had the two of you transported back to twisted wonderland, face to face to Leona
somehow, he had grown even more handsome in the years you hadn't seen him, but instead of his lazy smile, he looked confident and powerful, like the leader he was always meant to be
A sudden gust of magic swept through the air behind him as he raised his staff in response, only to immediately drop it in shock as your figure came into sight, and beside you, a small child that he had never seen before.
"Herbivore..." he whispered.
Without a second thought, Leona rushed towards you, his heart beating wildly in his chest. He felt a lump forming in his throat as he reached out to embrace you tightly.
"This better not be a dream," he murmured into the crook of your neck as he inhaled your scent. "It's really you."
after a tearful reunion and introduction, Leona quickly excuses himself from his duties with a quick meeting with Falena, and helps you and Hina settle into the palace
since you left, Leona's been working hard to do what he can do as per your promise with him
he's now in charge of foreign affairs and on better terms with his brother after much needed communication
he showers you in affection, he's even clingier than before that it almost starts a rivalry with your daughter
he puts in a lot of effort to spend time with Hina, learning her likes and dislikes and bonding over magic
uncle jack and ruggie are always fun to be around and play with her
though it wasn't his fault, leona feels guilty you had to bare the responsibility on your own for so long, and he puts in a lot of effort to make amends for any mistakes work to build a strong relationship with you two
he has a family now, and you're damn sure he'll protect it with his life
Leona looked down at Hina, feeling a sense of pride and wonder at the little girl standing before him. "Hey there," he said, his voice gentle. "Nice to meet ya, kiddo."
Hina stared at him, her eyes searching his face. "Are you my dad?" she asked, her voice small and uncertain.
Leona's heart ached at the question, knowing that he had missed so much of her life. "Yeah, I'm your dad," he said, reaching out to take her hand.
Hina looked at him for a moment before a smile spread across her face. "Can you show me magic?" she asked, her eyes lighting up with excitement.
Leona felt a sense of joy at her words, feeling a connection with her that he had never felt before. "Of course I can," he said, standing up and taking her hand. "What do you wanna see?"
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Sakura (桜) meaning "cherry blossoms"
your daughter has sleek teal hair that reminds you of the sea, a single strand of dark hair, and mismatched eyes in the same manner as Floyd
Floyd had lovingly given you the nickname "Shrimpy", and it only felt right for your daughter to be named Sakura, after the tiny sakura-shrimp
she's incredibly mischievous and there's not a moment of silence with her, she's spontaneous and playful and you've got your hands full
though she is very considerate of you and will listen to your words, she's uncontrollable when she's bored and in need of a spark of interest
she's also a squeezer, much like her father, and hugs you every time she sees you or anyone she likes, and you're thankful her strength hasn't developed too much yet
she enjoys biting you, albeit gently, and you find your arms littered with bite marks, but it's her unique way of showing affection
her eel form won't show unless she's been in the water for too long (thankfully), and she enjoys squeezing you in her eel form even more
ever so curious, she's asked about her father many times, and you've told her how carefree and easygoing her father is, and that he'd love her the moment she saw her
which leads you to her magic actually teleporting you to him, her spontaneous idea having manifested itself, and you found in a dimly lit room similar to the Mostro Lounge
Floyd looked matured, his hair sleeked back and his features sharpened, though his wry smile that you loved had stayed the same
Floyd's eyes widened with shock and disbelief, and his steps quickened as he rushes towards you, his long arms outstretched in a gesture of longing. As he got closer, he noticed the beautiful and curious-looking child standing close to you.
"Shrimpy?" he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "No way... It's really you!"
Floyd pulled you close, holding you tightly as if he never wanted to let go. "I missed ya so much, I wish I hadn't let ya go," he said, his voice choked with emotion as tears threatened to spill. "You're not allowed to leave again, okay?"
Floyd is so ecstatic he can't stand still, once he's calmed down a bit, be immediately carries Sakura and drags you to Jade and Azul
Azul and Jade are pleasantly surprised at your return, and it's a warm welcome back
the two of them are glad Floyd won't be moping any time soon
the trio have now expanded into a franchise and divulged into many businesses, though Floyd largely acts as Azul's right-hand man
Now that you're back, he refuses to be apart from you, always holding onto you tightly and afraid you might disappear just like how suddenly you appeared
he does get mood swings where he's upset or angry, not at you though, just at how unfair things were and how he couldn't be there for you
he's a good eel who does everything to make sure you and Sakura are happy and comfortable, often cooking meals for you two
he's so curious about Sakura and enjoys playing with her and lifting her high up in the air
don't worry, he's extremely careful, this precious gem is why you got back to him!
Jade is the best uncle and Sakura wants to marry him??? (honestly same)
poor Azul is getting pranked by the daughter- father duo, though Sakura does comfort him afterwards with squeezes and kissss
Floyd looked down at Sakura, and he saw her staring back at him with wide, curious eyes in the opposite colours of his eyes. Though she resembled him physically, there was an air about her that was so distinctly his Shrimpy.
"Heya," Floyd said, trying to sound friendly. "I'm your dad."
Sakura giggled and reached out to him, her tiny hands grasping at his hands. Floyd froze, not sure what to do, letting her yand his hand forward. But then, she opened her mouth and bit down on finger.
"Hey!" Floyd cried, pulling back in surprise.
Sakura just laughed, her eyes sparkling with mischief. Floyd couldn't help but laugh too, despite the pain in his finger.
"Yer a feisty one, aren't ya, Sakura-shrimpy?" he teased, grinning down at her as he ruffled her hair. "You know," he whispered, "you can't just go around biting people like that. But I like your style."
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Isami (功己) 功 meaning "achievement, credit, honour, merits" and 己 meaning "self, serpent, snake."
your son has smooth ebony locks and sharp grey eyes that make him look slightly intimidating
Jamil had shown you how much he valued his achievements over his social status, so you chose a name the could embody him
he's a quiet child who's always attentive and careful
he's rather shy in front of other people, but when it's you he'll soak up all of your affection and stare at you with longing eyes seeking praise
he's a cute helper at home too! he always volunteers to help you with chores and cook in the kitchen, though you're careful he's not close to anything sharp or dangerous
he does have an inherent fear of bugs, something he's inherited from Jamil, but thankfully you've taught him to be less destructive than his father
do expect screams and for him to be crying as a little fly chases him around though
he's incredibly smart and talented at magic, easily grasping the concepts of magic you can only teach him theoretically
when you told him about his father, you've told him about the diligent man that his father is, and how would let his guard down around those he treasured
he had listened quietly without much of a change in his expression, but you could tell there was a bubbling excitement building up in his eyes
and no long after that, he managed to teleport the two of you to a warm, airy room of marble walls
Jamil's features had sharpened, he seemed more openly confident and comfortable with himself
Jamil's heart skipped a beat as he saw you. It had been five years since he bid your farewell at the mirror chamber and lost you forever. And yet here you were standing here in front of him with a child in tow, a child who resembled him so much.
"It can't be..." he murmurs.
Without hesitation, Jamil dropped all the papers and rushed towards you, his heart pounding furiously. His eyes locked with yours, and in that moment, time seemed to stand still. He could see the love and longing still shining in your eyes, and he knew deep down that he had never stopped loving you.
Jamil couldn't stop the tears that began streaming down his face. "I've missed you so much," he said, his voice raspy. "Letting you go is the worst decision I've ever made." He reached out and pulling you into a tight embrace, his arms shaking with emotions.
he's a bit overwhelmed but still so thankful you're back in his life
Kalim barges in at this time and exclaims in surprise at your return and ??? OMG JAMIL YOU HAVE A SON?!!
Jamil has half a mind to dissuade him from holding a banquet immediately to welcome you back, and instead take things slow to not overwhelm you or Isami
asks Kalim for some privacy and the second he's away, he melts into your embrace
he hasn't felt so at ease in so long
if he wakes up in the morning and you're not right there beside him, he's panicking and searching all over the place for some confirmation you're still here
he's very curious about Isami and asks him all sorts of questions to piece together his development and personality
they definitely have a rivalry over who's braver over bugs but it just ends up with the two hugging you for safety
he's a bit awkward with how careful he is with his emotions, so it takes Isami some time to fully trust him
but trust me, Jamil will go above and beyond for his family and there's no way Isami will have to endure what Jamil did in his childhood
Jamil's eyes widened in surprise and wonder. He couldn't believe that they had created a life together. He knelt down to the Isami' eye level and looked into his eyes. "Hello there," he said, his voice gentle and warm. "What's your name?"
Isami starred back at him, his eyes wide with distrust and caution before he buried his face in your legs. Jamil chuckled softly. "It's okay," he comforted. "You don't have to be shy around me. I'm your dad."
Isami looked up at him again, this time with a mix of curiosity and wonder. "Daddy?" they said, testing the word out.
Jamil smiled warmly as nodded, his heart swelling with love and joy. "Yes, daddy," he parroted. "And I promise I'm never going to leave you or your mommy again."
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Yuri (百合) meaning "lily"
Lilia's name always reminded you for lily flowers, and what better name for your daughter to embody him?
your daughter has straight raven hair with some of the hair flipping upwards resembling two horns, angular fae ears, and bright crimson eyes
she's always up for pranks and mischief, it's rare to see her without a smile
she loves exploring places, if you keep your eyes off her for one second, she's letting her curiosity take her to whatever she wants
if you're serious and stern though, she will listen to you, she wouldn't dare make her mother upset!
she's friendly with everyone and isn't shy to say hi to neighbors or absolute strangers
she's not overly affectionate, but she definitely enjoys hugs and kisses from you
she has an odd habit of taking stray animals back home in an attempt to adopt them, so you have little adventures with her trying to find an owner
do not let her in the kitchen
she has surely inherited her father's cooking abilities, somehow, she can render even a piece of toast beyond human consumption
magic comes as second nature to her, and she's always standing on ceilings
gosh her eyes absolutely sparkled when you told her about the teasing and mischievous fae that is her father
and soon, the portal opened and you found yourself in a gothic castle lit up by green candles
He's a lot taller, his hair longer and reaching his waist, and more enchanting than ever
Lilia stood in shock as your family figure come into sight. In all his years of living, he had never been so utterly stunned. After all these years, you had finally returned to him.
"Beastie..." Lilia gasped, his voice catching in his throat.
With a surge of energy, Lilia broke free from the trance-like state and hurried towards you, his hair streaming behind him like a dark flag as he enveloped you tightly in his embrace. "After all these years, you've truly come back to me?"
Carefully, Lilia held you at arm's length, studying your matured features, etching them into his memory like a cherished work of art. His eyes traced the lines and contours of your face, memorizing every detail that time had etched upon you.
"My, how you've grown," Lilia murmured, a mix of pride and wistfulness coloring his words. "The years have shaped you into a remarkable individual."
it's family reunion time!!!
he immediately drags you to the throne room where malleus, silver and sebek are
malleus is now king with two incredibly reliable bodyguards, and Lilia's his most trusted advisor
malleus is so glad his dear human friend is back, silver is satisfied that his father will have someone to be with, and sebek is screaming about Yuri, though she enjoys his loudness
for a while, Lilia is extremely affectionate, trying to make up for all the years that had gone by
when you're sleeping together at night, he hugs you tightly and it's difficult to leave his embrace
he definitely tries to cook for you two, going on and on about how the two of you need to stay healthy and need lots of nutrients
you always volunteer your portion for Yuri, and she'll gladly eat whatever her father has cooked for her
silver is an older brother often on babysitting duty, and Yuri loves watching him spar with sebek and also wants to learn
Sebek is quite fond of Yuri, and he sees his half-fae self in her
Lilia is always trying to fun with Yuri, bouncing her high up in the air and teaching her to hang upside down and swing around
plans so many family vacations, he can't wait to be exploring places with his two darlings
"Is she... ours?" Lilia asked. At your nod, he reached out to caress Yuri's cheek, his touch gentle as if he were touching fragile porcelain.
"Well, I'll be damned," Lilia chuckled, his voice cracking with emotion. "I never thought I'd be a father again. But I'm glad to meet you, little one. What's your name?"
Yuri giggled and and beamed at his touch. "My name's Yuri," she said, her voice sweet as honey.
"Yuri," Lilia repeated, his heart swelling with emotion. "What a beautiful name for my beautiful girl," he reached up to fondle her hair. "You know, Yuri," Lilia said, his voice growing serious. "I may not have been there for you when you were born, but I promise I'll always be here for you from now on. No matter what happens, I'm your father, and I'll always love you darling."
Part 2✧Part 3✧Part 4✧Masterlist
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smallestapplin · 2 months
Warnings : harem, human reader left GN!, autobots, in a meeting no less, belly bulge
🔞MDNI 18+ only🔞
Imagine being the darling of the autobots.
You practically live at their base, help them in their respective works, maybe even giving them ideas they hadn't thought of in the heat of the moment. They adore you, but it's common knowledge between them at least, that they all want you.
You don't notice that Optimus has you smelling like a truck, his scent pouring off of you in waves, confusing some if they don't see you first, thinking it's their boss, but no it's little ol' you.
Or how Sidesipe and Sunstreaker team up to get you away from Prowl, ho has no problem chasing them down to get you back.
Or that Bee follows you around, or carries you around, like an excited puppy, he just wants to be around you at all times and gets huffy if your time is taken up by another.
But it doesn't take too long for someone to cave and confess their love to you, and just when Jazz does so, so does everyone else, arguing that they love you more and just want to spoil and protect you.
So why not share?
Surprisingly everyone agreed and came up with a schedule so everyone could have time with you.
Maybe that's how you ended seated on Optimus's spike in the middle of a meeting, just keeping him warm in front of everyone. You can feel so many optics on you, staring at your trembling body, watching you struggle to stay still on the massive spike stretching you out.
You're not even half way down Optimus's shaft, but even so there is so much transfluid leaking from where you two connect. You can't even hear what the boss bot is talking about, your mind is fried and your stomach bulging from the intrusion.
And all while being watched? You know most of the bots in the room aren't even listening, just captivated by the sight of you.
The knowledge makes you clench around Optimus, making him tremble and fumble is words midspeech.
You don't want to disturb or interrupt them, but you're so close to cumming-!!
You bite down on your hand, trying so hard to muffle your squeal. Your juices coat the spike inside you, sliding down the rest of his shaft. Your climax has Optimus overloading, covering your insides with his transfluid, but it's so much and gushing out from around him.
By the time you two are done, he carefully lifts you off him, giving the top of your head a tender kiss, before passing you off to Prowl so he could continue what he was saying.
And given such a chance in front of everyone? Oh, of course he's going to use it to prove he's the best at pleasing you.
It becomes increasingly harder to listen to Optimus when you're sobbing and shrieking over his words, pleading 's-slow down! I can't- fuuuck!'
Drooling and crying as your hole gets stuffed with Prowl's thick spike.
Faintly you can hear Bee and Hot Rod whining, probably begging to go next with you, or trying not to touch themselves at the sight of your fucked out expression.
You're just going to be passed around after he overloads, just to let everyone have a taste of you.
So what's a few more climaxes when you'll get the best aftercare?
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7ndipity · 3 months
How They Would Propose
Ot7 x Reader
Summary: Headcanons about how each of the members would propose to their S/o
Warnings: none
A/N: Thank you to the lovely @bethanysnow for this request and for helping me brainstorm ideas! I hope you like it!😘
Jin loves making big gestures, like he literally brought his own confetti to an award show, so he would definitely want to go for a more grand, classically romantic proposal.
Like you would come home one evening to the house filled with heart shaped helium balloons floating around. 
Once you make your way through the forest of balloons, you find him waiting for you in the living room or on the balcony, in a suit and tie, surrounded by flowers.
And although he’s so incredibly sure about this, he can’t help but feel nervous, his hands shaking as he pulls out the notecards he prepared.
His speech would be simple, but so full of his love for you and the life you’ve built together, by the time he finishes speaking and drops to one knee, you’re already in tears and saying yes.
Yoongi would propose in a way that’s very quiet and personable to the two of you, just like everything else in your relationship.
I’ve said this in his dating hcs, but I see him half-jokingly asking you to marry him so often that when he finally does say it seriously, you might not take it as such at first.
It would probably happen either first thing in the morning as you’re having breakfast, or last thing at night as you’re getting ready for bed. Those quiet little moments of domesticity show him how much he want this forever
“I wanna marry you.” “I know, baby.” “No, really. I want to marry you.” You turn around and he’s holding out a ring box to you. “I mean, if you’ll have me?”
Once the initial shock wears off, you half-jokingly demand that he asks you properly, which he does, quickly dropping to one knee. Then you say yes.
Hobi would want to make your proposal as lavish and memorable as possible. Like he loves any opportunity to dote on and spoil you.
Like I see him surprising you with a weekend getaway to somewhere coastal so the two of you could just relax together on the beach for a few days.
But then on the final evening, as you’re watching the sunset together, he turns to you and drops down on one knee.
He has a whole speech prepared, but in the moment, he’s so overcome with emotion that he forgets half of it and basically sums it up with “I cannot imagine my life without you. Will you please marry me?”
He manages to keep it together until you say yes and then he breaks down in tears as he slips the ring on your finger.
Despite being a man who’s well known for his ability to weave words together into heartbreakingly beautiful lyrics, I think when it comes to his own proposal, he would be surprisingly simple.
He would bring it up after a normal date night as you're walking together through the park or something, waiting till you’ve stopped to admire the view before he decides to speak.
He would start off talking about some study he read that showed how being married can benefit ones health, extend life expectancy, etc. He would then shift to how much you mean to him, how much you’ve changed him for the better, how much he loves you.
“And so,” He pulls out the ring box, sliding it over to you somewhat shyly, almost afraid to meet your eyes. “If you're willing, would you please marry me?”
Of course you immediately say yes.
Jimin would want to plan something more cozy and classic, like a romantic dinner at home or at one of your favorite restaurants.
He would be so nervous, fidgeting around half the evening until you ask him if he’s alright, and then he just spills it all out.
He would have a somewhat short, but sweet speech, going over how much you mean to him, how thankful he is to have you in his life, and how he hopes for the two of you to spend the rest of your lives together.
By the time he finishes speaking, you're both crying, moving to hug each other tightly as you say yes.
After a few moments, you both manage to compose yourselves enough to separate so that he can slip the ring on your finger, before immediately pulling you close again.
Tae would want to make a grand romantic gesture, similar to Jin, but on a slightly smaller scale, more personalized to the two of you.
He would pick one of your favorite places, asking you to meet him there fro date night instead of him picking you up, which already makes you suspicious that something’s up.
But nothing could quite prepare you for the scene you’re met with as you walk in, candles and your favorite flowers covering every surface, creating an almost dreamlike atmosphere. And in the middle of it all stands Tae, grinning widely at you.
His speech is short, telling you how much he loves you, and promising as he drops to one knee that he will do everything in his power to try and make you as happy in life as you make him.
You can’t even say yes, just nodding as he slips the ring onto your hand.
I see Jungkook going one of two ways with a proposal; either super elaborate, destination proposal with a beautifully planned out speech, or completely impromptu confession when he just blurts it out
He would want to plan an amazing weekend away together, where he would have a whole scene planned out with the flowers and candles and a speech that he's been writing and rewriting for weeks/months.
But it ends up happening very suddenly but naturally, as you’re getting ready for bed one night and he’s just watching you picking out your clothes and setting your alarm for the next day, and it just slips out. “Marry me, please?”
You whip around in shock, but he’s just staring up at you with so much love and sincerity that you don’t don’t even hesitate to say yes.
He’d be kinda embarrassed afterwards, but neither of you really mind, because it was his true feelings in that moment and that made it all the more special to you.
Taglist: @sopebubbles-replies @btsw1fe @this-must-be-my-tardis @whitefoxgirl @bethanysnow @coffeedepressionsoup @main-bangtansmauyeondan @feminympho @a-gayish-unicorn @dfqcsqueen @mother2monsters @comingupwithacoolnameishard @universal-travel-er @bo0o0o0ooo @captainorangegoose @k4ngelz
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keerysfreckles · 9 months
omg hii i haven’t requested stuff before anywhere so idk if i’m doing this right but 😭😭 i would loveee a luke castellan imagine where it’s like an angsty friends to lovers with a happy ending… kind of like the song friends by chase atlantic idk sjdieie (ps i loveee ur writing ur so talented)
brutal — luke castellan
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pairing: luke castellan x fem!reader
warnings: use of y/n and she/her pronouns (yknow the drill), slight cursing
a/n: did i watch mamma mia twice today? yes. will i watch it again tomorrow? yes.
masterlist !
꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱
y/n l/n wasn't sure why luke castellan was acting weird. was it something she had done? maybe it's his time of the month. she'll never know because she's too afraid to ask. she hasn't seen the hermes' boy all day, and wasn't going to bother looking for him now.
y/n was supposed to be mad at luke. the two have been inseparable since they both arrived at camp. so she was pleasantly surprised when luke had just shoved her off whenever she asked if he was okay.
the girl busied herself this evening by collecting hay bales to bring to the stables. this was usually grover's job, but he was with percy and annabeth on a quest chiron gave them earlier that week.
she wasn't expecting any visitors, so to say she was taken aback by luke showing up would be an understatement.
"what are you doing here?" she asks, not bothering to look up from her wheelbarrow of hay. she continued filling it while luke walked closer to her.
"i wanted to check on you. you seemed to he distancing yourself today."
y/n scoffs, "i haven't been the distant one."
luke rolls his eyes, "what are you talking about?"
y/n doesn't respond.
"you think i'm the one being distant?" luke asks.
y/n shrugs before responding with sarcasm laced in between her words, "i figured since you haven't talked to me all week, and every time i asked if you were okay you'd turn around and avoid answering me. that's just a guess."
"i'm not trying to avoid you," luke responds, yet y/n scoffs again, not believing a word the boy says.
"you don't believe me?"
y/n finally looks at luke, "what was i supposed to think? that we were fine? while you were busying ignoring me and making me feel like a shitty friend?"
it's luke's turn to stay silent, which only makes y/n groan and go back to her task at hand. luke follows her. he grabs her shoulder to try and stop her. y/n only shrugs him off.
luke takes in a deep breath, "do you want to know why i've been so standoffish with you?"
"only if you don't avoid me this time, sure, have at it," y/n doesn't stop walking, and she can only assume luke's following her as his voice doesn't falter.
"i started realizing i have feelings for you," he pauses and y/n takes the silence to turn around. she drops the wheelbarrow and faces luke.
"i'm not used to it okay? so i- i figured if maybe i ignored you the feelings would go away. gods it's stupid, believe me i know. it hurt to see you get so upset."
"so why didn't you just talk to me about it in the first place?" y/n questions.
luke shrugs, "i was worried it'd ruin our friendship."
"oh so ignoring me wouldn't ruin it either? okay," y/n turns back around and starts pushing the wheelbarrow in the direction of the stables again.
luke runs his hands over his face in annoyance, "y/n can you please just listen to me? this is hard okay? i'm not used to liking anyone, especially not you."
y/n stops again, but doesn't look back towards luke.
"especially not you," luke repeats.
"would this be a bad time to say i've liked you since i first got to camp?" y/n still hasn't turned around, and her voice is quiet as she plays with her fingers as a distraction.
luke chuckles, and y/n can picture a blush is appearing on his cheeks.
"i wouldn't say it's the best time, but definitely not bad timing," luke jokes.
y/n finally turns around, with her arms crossed. luke has his hands in his jean pockets. the pair awkwardly stand four feet away from each other. the silence between them is defeaning, and they both know it.
four feet turn into three.
three feet turn into two.
two feet turn into one.
luke brings his hands up to hold both of y/n's cheeks.
"what are you doing?"
"kissing you."
before y/n can get a proper response out, luke pushes his lips against hers. it catches the girl by surprise. she kisses back, because she isn't an idiot, and her hands hold onto luke's wrist. luke pulls away first, and can't help but laugh at y/n's frazzled state.
"you alright?"
"i hate you."
but luke knew she didn't mean it.
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midnightanxietytm · 6 months
I have a silly idea :3
imagine Mabel recounting the “accident with the leaf blower” to the reader, who then proceeds to make sure Ford isn’t around and tells her about the “kissing practice robot” incident from high school (which they witnessed) if you don’t know what I mean watch the land before swine commentary video
meanwhile Ford is down in the basement and suddenly stops what he’s doing and is like “I feel a disturbance in the force.”
A/N: Oh my god the kissing bot is so iconic, Ford is such a dork for that one lol. Hope I met your expectations with this one , its been a while since I've written something more lighthearted. Thanks for the request!
Contents: Mabel and Reader spilling tea, talks about kissing and romance and other sappy things. Ford x Reader more implied than anything. Short and fun.
Word count: 500
You know something is wrong because Mabel isn't smiling, Mabel is always smiling. She walks through the gift shop door and goes straight to sit on the counter next to you with a big sigh.
“Alright, spill it, sunshine.” You say with a small smile, putting down the book you'd been reading in order to give her your full attention.
She looks up at you with big round eyes. “I dunno… The date went well, he even kissed me!” You gasp in pretend shock and that gets a small giggle out of her. “I know right?! But like… It felt weird! It wasn’t bad! Just weird… maybe I need more practice…”
That makes you laugh as you prop yourself near the checkout; “Mabel, darling, kissing isn't really some equation you can figure out, maybe he just wasn't the right person.”
She lets out another big sigh, but you can tell is more resigned and hopefull this time. “Yeah, I guess… Besides, I really don't want another leaf blower accident.”
You laugh again, Mabel has that charm. “The what accident now?”
“Oh my gosh, I never told you?! It's so embarrassing; I was obsessed with that boy, who turned out to be a bunch of gnomes by the way, and I wanted our first kiss to be perfect, so I stuck a photo of him on a leaf blower on suction made and used it to practice.” When she said that, both of you started to laugh so hard tears formed in your eyes. “I-t left like this huge bruise on my face!”
You lean your head on the table, trying to stop laughing, but the mental image of Mabel with a leaf blower stuck to her face is too much.
“Oh gosh you're just like your grunkle!” You say in-between wheezing.
“Wait which one?” Mabel asked, rubbing the tears off her eyes.
“Okay so…” You began, looking around just to check Ford wasn’t near. “Your Grunkle Ford, back in high school he built this robot…” You look around again, holding back laughter and bringing down your voice. “It was this mannequin head with a rubix cube for a mouth and it had an alarm that wouldn’t stop playing until he…” And you did quotation marks with your hands. “...kissed it right.”
And you both started laughing all over again. “That's so dorky oh my gosh!”.
“Right!? He's such a nerd.” You say, and there's a softness to it that eases Mabel's worries about romance all together. “It fell from his locker once and it started blasting the darn alarm! He couldn’t go anywhere for a week after that without people mimicking kissing noises. It was gross.” You chuckle and sigh, sitting back down on your stool. “Compared to that, a leaf blower is no big deal!”
“Compared to what?” Says a third voice.
You and Mabel snap your heads, seeing Ford standing on the doorway behind the vending machine.
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qep0ermint · 7 months
Good evening to all who have been waiting for news about the creation of AI Yandere Wally (but to everyone else, too, a good evening and good morning!)
I started prescribing the basic code and small details to him. For now, I decided to create a banal situation for the bot and see how it will cope with it. Here is a small part of what Yandere Wally's poor attempts to get out of the situation look like:
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It is still being tested for adequacy and has not been posted publicly. I want to make it the way I imagined it, but so far it's just an awkward lump of stuttering and red tomato. I also called him just Wally because... Well, adding "Yandere" sounds a bit strange if you refer to it in dialogues, right?... Or I'm wrong. In general, I will try to post it publicly soon ^^
And please, for the future I will say that this is just a bot for a fun time, you should not take it seriously. I wish you all a good day!
(P.S. Ishimaki is just a randomly invented nickname when I registered on this site, but it sounds good, huh...)
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jenscx · 3 months
[15] DAYLIGHT — thinking bout you
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you didn’t expect karina’s version of talking to be, literal talking. the bright shine of a voice call request makes you rub your eyes in the dark, in disbelief. hesitantly, your fingers press the green accept button. a deep, almost raspy chuckle is the first thing you hear. in the late night, or early morning, it sends shockwaves throughout your body.
“hey, darling.”
a lump forms in your throat. you mumble back, “hi, karina.”
she giggles and the husky tone elicits a warm and tingly sensation across your skin. you wouldn’t mind hearing her voice for the rest of your life. you could only imagine how it would sound in real life, her breathy and gruff voice in your ear. it causes you to shudder. you should really sleep if you were eluding such delusions.
“what’s up with the late talk?” no nicknames, no annoying and snide remarks, just the hint of concern in her words, “do you need help with something?”
you shake your head even though karina can’t see you, “no, just couldn’t sleep.”
“you said you were thinking about stuff. wanna talk about it?”
an involuntary blush rises. you can’t tell the person you were thinking of, that you were thinking of them.
“can’t tell you,” you say in hushed secrecy.
you can almost hear the smirk karina has. “oh really? that’s such a shame. did you just want to hear my voice?” you splutter indignantly, “no way.”
karina laughs. it’s music to your ears.
“it’s okay, darling. i know i have a nice voice.”
your throat constricts and turns dry.
“you’re so insufferable,” you scoff, but unable to deny the fact that the influencer does have a nice voice. a mesmerising one even.
“so,” karina drawls, “what’s the real reason of you texting me at 3am? only my booty calls do that.” a deep pit forms in your stomach. booty calls? just knowing the fact that karina might have had girls at her beck and call made your insides coil up. confused at the unfamiliar feeling, you simply remain silent.
“hm?” she urges.
“i don’t wanna talk to you anymore. bye,” you spit out, eyes narrowed. if anyone were here to witness your current state, they would have immediately darted from your fiery gaze that could kill someone.
“woah,” karina blurts out, “don’t be so haste, darling. i was just kidding.”
you roll your eyes, “and i wasn’t but whatever.” her nonchalant flirting with pet names only fueled the insecurity in your head. guess you were just another girl to play with. if she was so comfortable saying such things, it would only make sense that she’s done it countless of times before. you were probably just an easy target. as your finger hovered over the end call button, karina’s voice rings out again.
“as the winner of the bet, i command you not to end the call,” you can envision her proud grin.
“command? i’m not your dog,” you frown. your cat, bobo, snuggles up to you. if this were any other day, bobo wouldn’t be so affectionate. but maybe he sensed the inner turmoil you faced.
as you stroked his fur, karina says, “of course not. but seriously, are you not gonna tell me why you texted me?”
i wanted to talk to you because even though you’re the most annoying person alive i’m still madly attracted to you.
“just wanted to talk to someone. all my friends are asleep,” you lie.
“so i was just a second choice? that hurts my feelings, darling.”
“yeah, sorry to break it to you.”
karina guffaws.
“also,” you suddenly remember, “what are we going do on saturday?” you hear rustling from karina’s side, assuming she’s changing positions.
“i actually haven’t thought about it yet. what do you wanna do?”
“don’t you just normally walk around the city and shop?” you ask, recalling karina’s previous vlogs that you definitely did not watch countless times.
karina voice takes on a teasing lilt, “does park yn watch my vlogs? that boosts my ego knowing you hate youtubers.”
“i just saw it on my recommended page, don’t let it get to your head, dumbass. also, i hate a youtuber, not all youtubers,” you say, not bothering to explain any further.
“mhm, sure. anytime you wanna see this pretty face you can just text me instead of watching my videos,” karina says playfully.
you change the subject rather quickly.
“i wanna go to a cat cafe.”
“oh! yeah, actually we can do that. i always wanted to do that,” karina confesses, but then she laughs, “won’t bobo be jealous that you’re meeting other cats?”
“bobo isn’t my boyfriend,” you purse your lips. karina’s voice perks up, “and do you have one?”
you’re bewildered.
“what? have what?”
“have a boyfriend. do you?”
“none of your business, stupid,” you sneer. karina can’t help but pout. “but aren’t we friends, yn? you said we were acquainted on your stream. by now, we should be considered friends.”
you laugh sarcastically, “of course, we’re best friends and i will definitely tell you about my personal love life!”
“actually, i don’t think you have a boyfriend,” karina replies, amused, “you play league, overwatch and valorant. no single person plays all three, and more.”
your eyebrow raises as you bring the phone closer to your ear, desperate to hear more of karina’s voice.
“you play overwatch too, dumbass.”
karina yawns, “whatever, you’re still a stupid virgin who doesn’t have a boyfriend or any love life.”
“shut up, freak. i’m going to sleep.”
she hums, “fine. wear something cute on saturday.”
“that’s like five days away.”
“put in effort for me, ‘kay? i need to milk this bet as much as i can, and a cute yn on my thumbnail would get clicks.”
you snort, “okay.”
“good night, or morning, or whatever. rest well, darling.”
“night, karina.”
her voice is gone. just the beep of your phone.
tossing your phone to the side and almost hitting bobo, you’re unable to stop the grin on your face from forming.
you fall asleep with a smile.
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TAGLIST ! @flolio @imahallucination11 @wallfl9wer @edamboon @seullovesme @twicesserafim @klvarchives @rinapomu @pandafuriosa60 @jisooftme @cwpiqwon @yoontoonwhs @limbforalimb @xen248 @r4cjh @dni-unavailable @yukianism @i3lia @ryujinsdimple @httpisaoki @haerinsloverr @masuowo @multiliker @edenzeepy @1luvkarina @yeetaberry127
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Honestly I understand why everyone in the classroom looks so scared of Uzi. Imagine if you will:
You are a worker drone you live everyday in constant fear of the murder robots outside of your city’s compound. The daughter of the most famous drone in your colony blows up your classroom. She already generally unlikable and standoffish and has taken over the sentience of one of your classmates already. Anyway you go home form school and a couple hours later she rushes in and fights in a 2v2 with a MURDER DRONE AND WINS! That railgun she brought actually does work and totally could have killed you earlier. Yay!
She banishes herself for ONE DAY and you see her at school somewhat more angsty than usual. At the same time, the prom court is disappearing. Then the most popular girl at school invites a murder bot into your school and two drones PLUS UZI fight off the OTHER most popular girl in school.
THEN- a couple weeks (?) later you go on a school trip that wasn’t supposed to be a school trip and the teacher leaves you in the care of the TWO MURDER ROBOTS AND ONE OF THEM SHOT SOMEBODY- AND WHOOPS UZI IS GOING FERAL AND EATING PEOPLE GUESS ILL GET ON THE BUS AND ACT LIKE THIS IS NORMAL AND HALF OF MY CLASS ISNT GONE-
And then- it’s quiet. Uzi’s not in class. Everything is calm for a while. Peace and serenity. And then the planet starts…pulsating??? SUDDENLY YOU ARE LAUNCHED INTO SPACE- GRAVITY IS ALL TYPES OF FUCKY WUCKY. YOU ARE BARLEY KEEPING IT TOGETHER.
And just when things start to go back to normal- GUESS WHOS BACK ITS UZI! She had the audacity to say “maybe we should have stayed behind the doors!”. And she tells you that every scary thing that has happened over the last couple weeks/months has been some scary ass psycho virus that may or may not still be in a good chunk of your classmates (and even if it is- Uzi’s the main admin. Don’t think she told anyone that tho). The murder bots are just CASUALLY in your classroom, SHE’S DATING ONE OF THEM!
And now she do this!
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pholla-jm · 8 months
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IMAGINE: STUBBORN~ LAW X READER GENRE: FLUFF cw: established relationship ***********
There was something off, and you could feel it. Even if you were sleeping. That is why you woke up, your hand immediately going to Law’s side. However, you were met with an empty bed. The sheets were cold, meaning that he has been gone for quite some time. You can’t say that you were surprised. This occurrence happens quite often. 
You knew exactly where he would be too. So you got up and headed straight to where he would be. You didn’t even bother knocking on the door. You just went in, not surprised to see that he was hunched over his desk with books littered around him. 
His head snaps up when he hears the door open. Ready to snap at one of his crewmates to leave him alone until he saw that it was you. With a sigh, he turns back to his books. 
“Go back to bed, (y/n).” “No.” 
Law’s eyes twitch at your answer. He could tell this was about to be a long interaction. One that he wasn’t sure he was going to win. 
You could be stubborn at times, much to Law’s dismay. You plop yourself on the couch that was across the room, tucking your legs underneath you and you cross your arms. 
“Come back to bed.” You say. Well more of a command. “I’ll be back soon.” “No you won’t. You’re lying.” 
“Huh?” Law spins around in his chair, now facing you. Now that he was looking at you, he could get a better look at you. 
Your clothes were a bit wrinkled, your face a little puffy from sleep and your eyelids were drooping a bit. However, you were fighting them to stay open. Clear signs of still being tired. But did you care? No. 
“You heard me. I know you won’t come back to bed.” “(y/n), stop being ridiculous. I’ll be back soon.” 
“Hmph,” You lean back against the couch with a frown on your face. “I will be staying here until you come back to bed with me.” 
You were a bit upset. Mainly because you were tired. You enjoyed your sleep, and you especially enjoyed sleeping next to your boyfriend. However, when he wasn’t in bed with you, your sleep quality went down. So it is important that Law sleeps with you. 
“You’re so stubborn.” Law grumbles, “fine. Do whatever you want.” “I will.” 
Law rolls his eyes, “you just have to get the last word in. Don’t you?” “Yup.” 
Law sighs, while turning back around. 
He doesn't expect you to go back to bed. He knows how stubborn you could be. However, he knew that you wouldn’t be able to stay up that long anyway. 
So Law gets back to work. Hoping that you would fall back to sleep in the next five minutes. That way, he would put you back to bed himself. 
Soon five minutes went by, but Law decides to give it another five minutes just encase. When ten minutes went by, he could hear some shuffling. He slightly turns his head, seeing what you were up to. 
When he sees the cup of coffee in your hand, he quickly turns back to you. 
How did he not hear you leave the room to get coffee? When did you even leave? 
“Don’t drink that!” He shouts, but you were even fazed by it as you continued to take sips of the hot coffee. 
“I clearly got to stay up… so why not have something that helps me.” 
A vein pops in his forehead, eyebrow twitching as he continues to hear your sips. You had a smug look on your face, which annoyed Law even more. 
“Fine! Just stop drinking that coffee.”
You pull the cup away from your lips, “and why is that?” “You clearly need to go to sleep. And coffee isn’t going to do that.” “You clearly need to sleep too. And I can’t go to sleep unless you're next to me.” 
Law sighs, pushing himself out of his chair. “I know. You keep telling me that.” “And yet. You don’t listen to me.” “Clearly my mistake.” 
You grin, getting up as well. “Clearly. You should listen to me more.” “You know I’m your Captain. You should listen to me.” “And I’m your partner. You should listen to me as well.” “How are you so stubborn?” He asks. 
You just shrug as the both of you leave the office. Heading straight back to your quarters. Where the both of you slept.
“Your stubbornness is going to be the death of me. I can feel myself aging faster.” “You’re being dramatic.” 
Law’s eye twitched at your light insult, “just get in bed.” 
You jumped in the bed, happy that your boyfriend was finally joining you in bed. 
Law lays in the bed as well. Turning to see that you still had a grin on your face. “Happy?” “Yes, very much so now.” You tell him as you cuddle up to him. 
As soon as you cuddle up to him, his body relaxes. Your body warmth flowing into his, and he couldn’t help but wrap his arms around you as well. 
A blush flushes his cheeks when you place a kiss underneath his chin. Your version of a goodnight kiss. He pulls you in tighter, successfully hiding his blush from you. His chin goes on top of your head. “Goodnight, my love.” “Goodnight.” You whisper as you fall back to sleep.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 3 months
Disturbing the Force
It was an epic day of Harkle shenanigans after just over a month of radio silence from Harry and a week and half without Meghan.
And they both came roaring back to the public consciousness in top form. Let's wind the clock back a little bit, and dive in.
June 14, 2024
It's Trooping Eve, and Kate kicks the celebration off with an update on her health, a new portrait, and an announcement that she will attend The King's Birthday Parade the next day. The social media post goes viral and it becomes breaking news, complete with push alerts.
June 15, 2024
Trooping Saturday. Kate makes her glorious and glamorous return to the public spotlight. Charles, recovering from his own health battle, looks fab as well.
Meghan can't deal with it and orders Nacho Figueras to shill her latest products for Roop ARO, raspberry jam and dog biscuits. The backlash is swift and immediate, and Meghan issues an almost-apology saying she didn't know that Kate would be returning to work on Trooping Saturday and she didn't intend to distract from it.
(Sure, and I didn't intend to drink a whole bottle of prosecco but 🤷‍♀️ here we are, snark and all.)
June 16, 2024
Father's Day. The official BRF social media posts archival footage of Charles and Prince Philip. William posts a photo of himself with Charles. Kate posts a photo of William and the kids with the kids' first post on social media.
The Sussexes don't observe Father's Day, unless you count activating the bots and the Squad to complain about William honoring his father with a photo that doesn't include his father's other son.
June 17, 2024
It's Garter Monday. All is quiet. William looks fantastic, as always. Kate is missed, as always.
June 18, 2024
Royal Ascot begins. It's still quiet. Lady Gabriella makes a public appearance, riding in a carriage with Anne and Peter. She looks to be in high spirits.
Meghan is still smarting over the public calling her out for stealing Kate's glory. She fires up the hotmail and gives exclusive comments to British tabloid Closer (not to be confused with Kyra Sedgwick's The Closer) that:
“Both Harry and Meghan have been following Kate’s recovery with huge interest, but sadly it’s had to be more from afar because their lines of communication with the palace and The Waleses, in particular, are very limited, to say the least. They have had enough information to know that people are excited about the idea of a comeback for Kate and they’re both relieved and happy to hear that she’s on the mend and may soon be well enough to return to her duties. They’ve jointly reached out to send well wishes, but they’re still not really in a place with Kate to warrant much of a response. That hasn’t stopped them from trying to connect and do what they see as the right thing. When Kate gets back into action, their hope is that it might take some of the heat off them and possibly trigger a truce with her and William, and with the King, too.”
“Meghan’s desperate to come across as the bigger person and end this feud between them – appearing like some sort of royal saviour could only do her image good. And, despite all their bad blood, her heart does go out to Kate – she can only imagine how hard this situation must be for her. Meghan has made it clear she’d love nothing more than to move past all the nonsense and find a way towards healing for everyone’s sake. She’s ready and willing to let the anger and bitterness go. Of course, it’s not really up to her and Harry, all they can do is continue to reach out and offer olive branches. Meghan hopes her feelings are being communicated to Kate through their mutual friends. There’s no doubt making peace with William and Kate would be a huge relief for Meghan on many levels, not least because it would also improve her reputation and, in turn, the new brand she’s cultivating.”
Y'all, I cannot. Meghan says she has mutual friends with Kate. Ha! That's as believable as "William's friend" giving exclusives to Richard Eden about William's plan for his monarchy.
“Meghan would love to be accepted by the British public again and getting the seal of approval from Kate and William would go a long way towards that. It’s got to be pretty nerve-wracking for Meghan, so much is riding on making amends with Kate and William and no matter what she and Harry do, ultimately they have very little control over the outcome, all they can do is continue to reach out, and hope for the best.”
Just to remind everyone, Closer is probably the source of the Sussexes' new British PR person that they promoted pre-Nigeria.
June 19, 2024
William attends Royal Ascot with his cousins and the Middletons. Everyone loves how close he is with his parents-in-law, compared to, well, you know.
Absolutely no one picks up Meghan's interview with Closer (maybe she should've tried Kyra Sedgwick) so Meghan's hotmail tips off the New York Post, who finally writes about it.
(Fun fact. I went to college with a girl who went to school with the Bacon-Sedgwick kids. She told me once that Kevin Bacon is more amazing than you think he is but Kyra is a bitch.)
(Also I'm watching the AFI Achievement Award for Nicole Kidman and she is so fabulous. Oh, man. They're parodying her AMC commercial with MORGAN FREEMAN. Sorry, guys. I really did drink that whole bottle of prosecco so please just bear with me.)
June 20, 2024
Meghan's check to her old stomping grounds, OK Magazine, clears and they write about the Closer's Olive Branch.
June 21, 2024
William's birthday. Kate posts one of the most amazing photographs she's ever taken of William and the kids, jumping off a sand cliff on the beach at Norfolk. One of the things that fascinates me the most about this photo is how William and George (the future kings) are looking at the camera while Charlotte and Louis are looking forward. I suppose someone more sober than me tonight can make an eloquent metaphor about how the kings are looking at their people while the spares are looking for their landing zone.
William takes his kids, Mike and Zara, Peter and Savannah, and some friends to see Taylor Swift. They have an absolutely chaotic time shaking it off, hanging out with Taylor, and meeting the Kelce Brothers.
Wales loyalists photoshop Harry's Friar Tuck into the birthday photo (or maybe it was the Father's Day photo? it was really well-done) and they also do a "who wore it best" of the dueling pink linen suits: Mike Tindall at the Eras Tour or Meghan Markle at the Lakers game.
June 22, 2024
Sussex Squad continue their shenanigans over William's dancing and attendance at the Eras Tour.
Thomas Markle publishes an op-ed in the Daily Mail talking about how all he wants is to talk to Meghan again and see her children.
It reminds me of ancient tea that came out in July 2018 (yes I can remember that specifically because I was riding on a very stinking hot London underground subway at the time) that Meghan and her people were shopping for PR agencies in late 2017/early 2018 and Meghan's brief to the PR agencies included that Samantha and Tom Sr. were to be used as sources and strategies for PR.
Whenever Meghan needs to reset the public narrative, she trots out dear ol' Dad to give her the victim edit. It's her MO, right there next to "throw everyone under the bus."
June 23, 2024
Richard Eden's op-ed that the Sussexes are becoming more irrelevanter than irrelevant gets picked up by American media, including the New York Post. But before you can think "someone forgot to pay them this week!", the article course-corrects, reminding us that the Sussexes had graciously offered to pick up royal duties while Charles and Kate are away but mean William won't let them.
June 24, 2024
The Mirror rubs it in Harry's face that he doesn't stand a chance at inheriting Diana's home. Apparently we're all "surprised" that Earl Spencer's son is set to inherit the estate "due to the aristocracy's system of primogeniture."
That reminds me. Earl Spencer's archaeological dig at Althorp found a roman bracelet. He posted about it on Twitter. (We're allowed to still call it Twitter, according to the Supreme Court.) (And I guess he's still boinking the archaeologist.)
June 25, 2024
The Japan State Visit to the UK begins. William looks fantastic accompanying the Emperor and his wife to the parade grounds to begin the visit. We all wonder what he's going to do because the state banquet takes place the same time as football. Is he going to smuggle his phone to the dinner? (Nope! But he must have required someone at KP to watch the match because their "congratulations" tweet went up lickety-split.)
Charles makes a comment during his toast about his grandchildren and Sussex Squad and anti-Katers seize ahold of it to mean that he's talking about Archie and Lili.
The BRF courts controversy when Sophie wears the Lotus Flower Tiara (famously loaned to Kate) and issues a press release saying that Queen Camilla loaned it to Sophie. Everyone gets mad and blog-shouts how dare she but I think it's a nothingburger. You can see that the tiara still "belongs" to Kate because the velvet wrapping on the brace is still the dark brown of Kate's hair (as opposed to being changed to yellow for Sophie's hair) so probably Kate meant to wear it but she couldn't attend, so it was given to Sophie because of what the lotus symbolizes in Japanese culture. (I have another anon that wrote in about this. I'll post it soon.)
Not to be outdone, Meghan's hotmail tells Marie Claire Magazine to promote her latest olive branch (from Closer on June 18th, but they quote OK Magazine's story from June 20th).
June 26, 2024
Scotty's Little Soldiers published a tearful video discussion their founder, Nikki Scott, had with Harry over loss and grief. Harry talked about losing his mother. Nikki talked about dealing with the loss of her husband and having to tell her then-five year old child.
Harry has supported Scotty's Little Soldiers since 2017 when he met the founder at a Buckingham Palace event. Harry later named Scotty's Little Soldiers as one of seven charities for his wedding.
The video doesn't really get much attention, largely going unnoticed by most. (There's some speculation it was filmed last week or when Harry was last in the UK (May for the Invictus anniversary) but I am one with the couch now.)
June 27, 2024
It was a busy, busy day for the Sussexes!
First, There was a ruling in one of Harry's lawsuits, which drops a bomb that Harry is being accused by News Group Newspapers (whom he's suing in one of his umpteen lawsuits in the phone hacking case that won't go away) of having destroyed evidence for the lawsuit. In a (tipsy) nutshell (I mean, let's face it, you do sorta have to be tipsy to understand the lawsuits), NGN wants Harry to disclose what information / evidence he has, or has knowledge of existing, supporting his allegations of the phone hacking. They are trying to find out if Harry knew he had a claim (aka grounds for a lawsuit) before 2013. If they can prove he did, then the case can be thrown out because it was filed too late.
The judge is concerned that Harry's lawyers hasn't addressed that issue and he doesn't like that Harry has been doing all the research himself and - reading between the lines - it's a veiled accusation of obstruction because it sounds like Harry has refused to cooperate with the lawyers by deliberately controlling and withholding his records from evidence disclosure. NGN says "We have had to drag those out of the claimant [Harry] kicking and screaming."
Additionally, the judge revealed "troubling evidence" that tons of messages between Harry and his Spare ghostwriter over emails and apps had been destroyed. (This is the destruction of evidence issue.
Ah, the neighbors have started shooting off July 4th fireworks. *eagle screech of freedom*)
The judge ruled that Harry and/or his team:
Must conduct a wider search of his laptop and WhatsApp account(s) for the missing emails, texts, and messages for exchanges from 2005 through early 2023
Must try to retrieve the messages from the Signal app he used to communciate with his Spare ghostwriter.
Must produce a witness statement to explain his exchanges with the ghostwriter (which could lead to testimony from the ghostwriter -- juicy!)
Must send letters to the royal household and their lawyers requesting copies relating to Harry's communications during this time so they could be examined for relevance and applicability. Two people from the royal household were named and y'all, I don't think they're happy about getting dragged into this.
Must make an interim payment of 60,000 pounds to NGN for their costs of the hearing. (I don't know why.)
(Reuters Link)
Second, the ESPYs announced today that Harry will be receiving their Pat Tillman Award for Service for his work with Invictus Games.
Here is what the press release says about Harry's selection:
In honor of his tireless work in making a positive impact for the veteran community through the power of sport, Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex will receive the Pat Tillman Award for Service, an award given to a person with a strong connection to sports who has served others in a way that echoes the legacy of the former NFL player and U.S. Army Ranger, Pat Tillman. After serving for 10 years in the British Armed Forces, including two tours of duty in Afghanistan as a forward air controller and Apache helicopter pilot, Prince Harry founded The Invictus Games Foundation, continuing his service by creating an international platform to support wounded, injured, and sick servicemen and women – both active-duty and veterans – who are navigating both physical and invisible injuries. Since inception, the Games have transcended borders and impacted lives across every continent, bringing together competitors from 23 nations, with continued support and programming 365 days of the year. Now celebrating its tenth year, The Invictus Games has evolved into a globally celebrated and acclaimed organization that celebrates resilience, community, and healing through the power of sport. Past recipients of the Pat Tillman Award for Service include Jake Wood (2018), Kirstie Ennis (2019), Kim Clavel (2020), Marcus Rashford (2021), Gretchen Evans (2022) and the Buffalo Bills Training Staff (2023). 
Yeah, we're all sorts of pissed off because it's clear that Harry bought the award because he certainly doesn't qualify for it. Invictus Games qualifies for the award; not their bratty founder who takes all the credit.
It was totally purchased for the 10th anniversary of Invictus and to help Harry look important, like he actually does something and is worth everything he grifts gets. Speaking of, they haven't announced the 2027 host yet. Small mercies, I suppose. I wouldn't put it past them to try and announce it during the Olympics, because one thing Harry (and Meghan too) is very good at is not being able to read the fucking room.
According to the tea that has leaked out, the ESPY announcement caught many off-guard at ESPN because it was not meant to happen today (check out the comments here), leading to theories that:
The Sussexes are trying to bury the news that Harry's lawsuit isn't going well and that he's been reamed out in court.
Harry is trying to compete with William, who is attending a conference today for Earthshot 2023 winners with Bill Gates and Hannah Waddingham.
It's a tactical PR campaign to prop Hero Harry up for the UK's observance of Armed Forces Day on Saturday, June 29th.
4. All of the above.
(if you guessed #4, you're right!)
Third, in the most amazing of coincidences, Meghan Markle was papped in Beverly Hills merching a tracksuit for a photo shoot. Since it was near a popular coffee shop, my theory is that she's doing something for that Clevr thing, the one she did the commercial for last year. Maybe some kind of corporate partnership with her lifestyle brand. Clevr + ARO = the tracksuit fashion no one but Sue Sylvester needs.
Anyway. That's what you missed on Glee.
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slut4thebroken · 10 months
Tommy’s Pet
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Pairing | Thomas Shelby x reader
Summary | Tommy teaches his pet a new trick.
Warnings | Sexual content, 18+, smut, pet play?, humiliation, praise, deep throating, dehumanization, throatpie lol, oral fixation?, dub con but not really, slapping, a lil degradation
Words | 3.4 k
Notes | You have @pinguwrites c.ai bot to thank for this skdhdk. Also I’m considering doing more one shots with these two so send me some ideas :)
Ao3 link | <3
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It’s no secret that you’re Tommy’s pet. If the rumors weren’t enough, you always at his side, collared and mostly kneeling, would’ve made it obvious. He liked taking you out, taking you on walks. If you’re good he’ll let you off the leash, but if not then you stay firmly by his side, being dragged by your neck if you couldn’t keep up. 
He knew that everywhere he took you, men wanted to stare. They wanted to eye fuck you and use their imaginations to get rid of what little clothing he allowed you to wear. But most of them didn’t. Because everyone knows that you're his property— and he’s very protective of his property. 
The one man who dared to lay a hand on you while you were off your leash, being allowed to roam the Garrison while Tommy was talking, met a fate worse than the traitors did. That was the one and only time someone tried to touch his property.
You were sitting at his feet, almost under the table, with your head on his thighs as he ran his fingers through your hair and scratched your head. You weren’t listening to what he was saying, you just knew that it was important and you had to stay quiet at all costs. So you hugged his leg and nuzzled your face into his thigh with a pleased sigh. 
You love when he’s gentle with you. When he treats you like his puppy rather than his bitch. It fills your stomach with butterflies everytime. 
His hand moved down to gently caress your cheek, then he was placing his thumb over your lips, offering you something to take your mind off of how long you had to wait here. You took it in your mouth eagerly and sucked, letting your eyes flutter closed as you smiled around the digit. You probably could’ve fallen asleep if he left you here long enough. But just as you started dozing off, he was taking his hand back, making you frown. You realized that there weren’t any voices anymore and you couldn’t see any shoes under the table. 
“Aren’t you such a good pet… staying nice and quiet for me.” He cooed and you were too dumb and spaced out to realize he was mocking you. Nodding eagerly, you gave him a smile in response to the praise as you sat up straighter. “Go lay down in my office. I’ll be there shortly.” He ordered softly. 
“Yes, sir.” You crawled there, keeping your head down to avoid any passing eyes. If you got embarrassed, you’d slip up, then you’d be punished. You made it in his office and laid down on your cushion that was on the floor next to his desk. You weren’t sure how much time passed before he finally joined you, but you immediately sat up, eagerly waiting for his next command. He closed and locked the door, then walked over to pour himself a drink before sitting behind his desk with a heavy sigh. 
“Are you okay, sir?” He seemed stressed… The thought made you frown. 
“Just been a long day s’all.” He took a sip of his drink, then finally turned toward you. “You did a good job during my meeting.” He added, changing the subject. 
“Thank you, sir.” 
“I want to teach you something for next time.” He took another drink and you waited in anticipation. “At my feet.” He ordered, moving the chair back to give you enough room to kneel in front of him. “So obedient.” He murmured, almost to himself. “So small… So delicate.” His eyes darkened and you tried not to squirm under his gaze. “Sometimes I worry I’ll break you.” He uttered softly. 
“I can take it, sir.” You assured him, making him scoff a laugh. 
“s’that so?” He asked with amusement. You nodded in response. “Shall we test that?” He stood up and your eyes followed him curiously as he leaned on the edge of the desk, now behind you. “Face me.” You scrambled to turn around and sat on your knees eagerly. 
“I’m gonna teach you a new trick, love.” He set his glass on the desk and started unbuckling his belt. Your mouth was already salivating at just the sound of it clinking. He kept it in the belt loops, then started unbuttoning his pants, opening them just enough to slip his cock out. He only stroked it twice before pausing. “This might be easier while I’m still half soft.” He realized. 
“In your mouth.” You shuffled forward and wrapped your lips around him, starting to bob up and down until he stopped you. “No. All the way down and stay there.” You obeyed, wondering where this was going. He placed a hand on the back of your head and pushed you into him even more, squishing your nose against his pelvis. Once he was satisfied, he grabbed his belt and brought it behind your head, then started buckling it again. You stared up at him in confusion— how were you supposed to suck him off like this? He only looked at you after he finished securing it, then picked up his drink. 
“We’re training your throat today, pup. You’re going to stay there until I finish my drink.” He explained and your eyes widened. You’ve never stayed down that long before. 
Already you could feel his cock getting harder- bigger. You breathed steadily through your nose, trying to stay relaxed. He took a sip of his drink and stared down at you lazily. He still had almost half of the glass left and you had no idea how you were supposed to stay here until he finished. 
“Do you know why I’m training you to do this?” You could only let out a muffled sound in response. “I want to get you used to keeping my cock in your throat without choking and makin’ too much noise.” He gruffed, taking another small sip. “Once you can do that, that’s how you’ll stay during my meetings.” Those meetings are endless! How are you supposed to stay down the whole time? You wanted to ask that, but you could barely even whine. 
You felt the constant pressure on the back of your mouth now and you knew that he was close to being fully hard— close to going down your throat. You choked and your body convulsed, but you managed to calm down again, breathing heavily through your nose with tears in your eyes. He took another small sip, eyeing you with a lazy smirk as you started struggling. When he started petting your head, you looked up at him with a whimper. 
“Thought you said you could take it?” He murmured, challenging you to keep trying. So you took a deep breath and tried your best to relax. As soon as you did though, his cock was pushing past your throat barrier, making you gag as you whimpered and brought your hands up to his thighs, earning you a hard slap to the cheek. “Down.” He scolded, making you lower them with a blush. He drank a little more and it finally was a little less than half full. When you choked again and started squirming, trying to get away, he slapped you again. 
“Stay.” He ordered, making you whine. You stopped squirming and did your best to control your gag reflex. “So good at following commands, aren’t you, bitch?” You sobbed around him at the name. Anytime he orders you around like a dog, calls you bitch, pup, or puppy, you just get so fucking needy and so fucking wet. 
He took another slow sip and let out a pleased sigh at your obedience. When his eyes suddenly turned darker and almost sinister, you quickly grew nervous. He plugged your nose and your eyes widened as your struggling picked up again. He let you panic and writhe like that until your lungs were starting to burn and your head was starting to feel heavy, but he let go. You took in a sharp breath through your nose, then let out a strangled sob around him. 
“I know…” He cooed with mock sympathy. “Doing such a good job, keeping me so deep.” He started petting your head again and you beamed at the praise. “I think you can go deeper though.” Before you even had a chance to think about what that might’ve meant, he was hitting the back of your head a few times, making you choke again. “Good pup.” He groaned, ruffling your hair. “Maybe you were right. Maybe you can handle it.” You were worried that meant he was going to do something to make this harder, but he just raised the glass to his lips again, taking a larger gulp this time. Barely any left— maybe two more sips. You can last that long.  
“You do make such a good sleeve for my cock.” His praise always makes you blush. “Maybe that’s what you should go by; Tommy’s personal pet and cocksleeve.” He took another small sip and you would’ve cried in relief if you were able to. “I think like that actually.” He raised the glass again and you whimpered as you stared up at him with pleading eyes. Just before it reached his lips, he paused, not drinking yet. “What about you, pet? Do you like that?” You did your best to nod, say yes, anything to satisfy him. 
With a pleased smirk, he finally threw his head back and downed the rest of the drink before placing the glass on the desk and looking down at you, finding you waiting eagerly for him to unbuckle the belt. 
“I think I’ll have a smoke too.” He reached in his pocket and you let out a garbled moan, realizing that he was far from done with you. Once it was lit, he lifted it to his mouth and took a long drag, then blew the smoke down onto you. “After this, then you can be done.” He said teasingly. You tried to whine around him, but it just made you gag again, so you focused on staying completely still and quiet, and breathing slowly through your nose, even though it felt like your airway was partially blocked. 
“This was supposed to be a challenge, pup. But look at you… taking it so easily.” He took another drag of the cigarette and you had to force down the cough that the smoke was bringing up. “Who’s pet are you?” He stared down at you with a glint in his eyes, waiting for you to answer. You tried to speak, but you could barely get out one syllable before gagging again. “What was that? Use my full name, love.” 
You whimpered and tried to say “Thomas Shelby’s” but you started choking again. Everytime you sputtered, more saliva that had built up in your mouth was being forced out of you, some of it trailing down his balls or your neck, and some of it getting on his pants— you knew you were going to be punished for that later. 
“Come on pet, it’s not that hard. Say my fuckin’ name.” You looked up at him with a strangled whimper, silently begging him to not make you try again. When you didn’t speak, he raised his brows and took another drag of the cigarette, giving you one last chance. “If you can’t follow orders, I’ll put this out on your pretty face, and then light a new one.” He said, gesturing with the cigarette. 
So with a shaky exhale through your nose, you tried to suppress your gag reflex enough for you to talk again. You barely managed to mumble out an incoherent ‘Thomas’ before you gagged again, the hardest you had so far. You instinctively brought your hands up to his thighs as your body convulsed. It wouldn’t stop. You kept gagging, kept choking— you were practically dry heaving at this point— but he was barely half finished with the cigarette. 
“Settle down, love.” You whimpered and squeezed your eyes shut with furrowed brows, making him chuckle. “I know…” He cooed. “I know, puppy.. But you’re doing such a good job, you can’t stop now. You’re almost done.” As if to emphasize his point, he brought the cigarette up to his lips again. 
Tears were streaming down your cheeks now and you squeezed his thighs tightly to keep yourself from hitting him away or trying to push him back. You were starting to panic even more now though. With the intrusion in your throat and the shallow breaths as you cried, it felt like you couldn’t breath, which only made you need to hyperventilate, making the feeling worse. 
“Look at me.” He said softly. You whimpered and forced yourself to look up at him with teary eyes, taking in his blurry figure. He was petting your head again, trying to soothe you. “Just try to breathe. You’re doing so good, I know you can take it for just a little bit longer, eh?” You whimpered and averted your gaze, not really agreeing with him, but unable to say that. “Cause you’re my good girl. You’re my pet. And Tommy Shelby’s pet is as strong as he is… that’s why he chose her.” Your whole face flushed down to your chest at his words— you’re used to some praise, but never to this extent. 
When you let out a shaky breath and brought your hands back down to your sides, he gave you a proud smile. You felt like you were on the verge of gagging again any second now, so you tried not to move, not to breathe, anything to keep it from happening. 
“Should I give my good girl a treat?” He had the smirk on his face that usually meant trouble and you got a little nervous. “Yeah… I think she deserves something for doin’ such a good job.” You watched as he took a long drag of the cigarette, then your hips flinched when you felt pressure on your core. His leg was extended between yours, the top of his ankle resting right on your clit.   
“Go ahead, pup. Hump my leg.” You tried not to whine at the degrading words, not wanting to gag again. Even though doing this would make you release sounds that would probably make you choke, you knew that he wasn’t asking, he was ordering. So you started slowly rocking your hips, letting out a sigh through your nose as your eyes fluttered shut. Truthfully, everything about this situation had your clit throbbing and you were just glad you could finally get some relief. When you started grinding faster, you choked a little, but quickly swallowed it down. It just felt so good. And the last time you were allowed an orgasm was a few days ago because of how busy he’s been, so you were chasing it eagerly. 
“Just a little humping and my good pup turns into a bitch in heat.” He sighed, almost disappointed. “At least I trained you early. I’m sure if you didn’t have any rules for a day, you’d try to hump everything in sight.” You whined, but it cut off into a gag and you had to bring your focus back to actively controlling it. 
More smoke was blown in your face and you forced yourself not to whine again. When you looked up, you almost sighed in relief when you saw how close he was to the filter. You met his gaze, he was a little blurry through your tears, but you could see the pleased look on his face. It was faint, but it was definitely there. Wrapping your arms around his leg, you started grinding a little faster chasing your own pleasure. 
“Can you do one last thing for me, pet?” You did your best to nod, but your head barely moved. It probably didn’t matter though, he’d expect you to say yes no matter what. “I know I said after a smoke, but can you wait until I finish?” He knew exactly what he was doing using that tone. There wasn’t even a possibility of you saying anything other than yes when he spoke to you like that. To respond, you just squeezed his leg and he gave you a proud grin. 
He was almost at the filter now and with one, long drag, he finally finished it, stubbing it out on the ashtray and putting both of his hands on the edge of the desk next to his hips. 
“I‘m close, but I need a little more to get there, love.” That was the only warning you got before he started grinding against your face, making you choke when he cock pushed impossibly deeper. “If you want to speed this up, you know what to do.” He said through a breath. You brought your hand up to cup his balls, playing with them gently to add more stimulation. 
You were basically dry heaving again. Tears were rolling down your cheeks as you sputtered, your body convulsing as you tried to free yourself. You could feel bile rising in your throat now and you prayed he would be done very soon so you didn’t almost throw up on him.  
“You want me to finish quickly, eh?” You tried to nod again. “And you’re willing to let me do whatever I need to make that happen?” That made you falter… What would he need to do? He didn’t even let you try to answer this time. “Good girl.”
He plugged your nose and your eyes widened as you looked up at him with fear, making him groan. His other hand settled on the back of your head and he started pushing you down, going faster and faster. He wasn’t really pushing you down, but the movement was enough to make you choke anyway. Your lungs burned and the gagging intensified. When you brought your hand up to his thighs to push yourself away, he let go of your nose and slapped your cheek, hard. 
“You know where your hands need to be.” He warned, giving you a chance to put them back… and you did. He plugged your nose again and you had to dig your nails into his leg to keep from moving your hand again. Your other hand on his balls wasn’t helping much because of how hard you were focusing on not throwing up. Garbled whimpers escaped you as you tried pulling your head back, but even without his hand pushing you down, the belt would’ve stopped you. 
“You can breathe when I fuckin’ come.” He gruffed. God- you hoped that’d be soon. Spit was rolling down your neck to your chest, probably making a mess over the pretty clothes he bought for you. You started to feel lightheaded and your eyes were fluttering, trying to stay open. He moved both hands to the back of your head, letting you breathe again finally, but your relief was cut short. 
He let out a choked groan and both of his hands flattened on your head as he bucked his hips. With how deep he was, you couldn’t even really swallow his come, it was just being forced down. You tried to focus on his quiet moans and the way his cock was twitching inside your throat, but nothing could take your mind off of the constant gagging. 
His sounds died down and his hands loosened, letting you up just a tiny bit. You squeezed his thigh to get his attention, as if your loud choking wasn’t enough, and his eyes opened as he tilted his head down at you, his chest heaving. 
“Yes?” He asked innocently, making you let out a garbled sob around him. “If there’s something you want, you know you need to use your words.” He watched you struggle for another moment until his breathing settled into a normal speed, then reached for the belt. As soon as it was released, you shot back and started coughing, bracing yourself with your hands on the floor, watching a glob of your saliva slowly fall from your lips to the ground. When you were finally panting less and didn’t feel bile in your throat, you looked up at him, your chest still heaving slightly. 
“You did good, pet. I’m proud of you.” He ran his fingers through your hair and you sighed as you leaned into his touch. “I have no doubt that with a little more training, you’ll be able to take it without making a sound.” 
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thr0wnawayy · 2 months
Midoriya's Delusion
This is post that builds upon my previous one, I've copied many of the points I made there to here. Albiet with some corrections and tweaks.
To summarize, I have a bit of a crack theory that chapter 430 isn't as real as we've been led to believe. (As for when this actually takes place, that's up to you but I like to imagine the start of his third year marks the beginning of his mental decline.)
(As an update, I find it dubious whether 8 years have actually passed or if that's also a part of the fantasy. I can see Midoriya becoming so attached to the lie that his reference of time begins to warp)
This theory mostly comes from some inconsistencies in regards to the hero rankings and some other things I've found.
It's left ambiguous whether Best Jeanist and Endeavor are still active. However the fact that people view these two in a postive light (especially after Dabi and the war) still seems absurd.
2. Midoriya wasn't outright abandoned, rather their busy schedules make it hard for their days off to coincide. This falls apart when you look at this panel
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"The rate of new villains keep decreasing and the number of heroes have stabilized"
Besides Ochaco who's funding a quirk counseling project, the rest of the class should be able to make time. Again it's stated that they aren't actually fighting.
There's no real threat to face. Besides PR and Community Service there's bot a whole lot else (besides the occasional natural disaster)
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One could argue it's because the scope of what heroes do is increasing, thus keeping them busy. But again, we see heroes doing exactly what they did before, PR, Advertising and (implied) Showboating.
This leads me to believe that the lack of contact is based in reality, to some extent.
Whether it was by choice or forced by their (1A's) respective PR teams to preserve their images (can't be seen around the "freaks" for too long, now can we?).
The lie comes in the form of busy schedules.
Now whether that's what Midoriya tells himself or what he's been told, I cannot say for certain.
For those of you who didn't read my last post, you may be wondering, so what's going on?.
Simply put:
Midoriya's having a breakdown fantasy to cope with the fact that he won't be becoming a hero due to the loss of his quirk.
Im aware it sounds crazy but consider the following:
1. Midoriya subconsciously knows the way he's been treated was wrong.
This manifests within the escapists fantasy in Bakugo's drop in the rankings + the attitude surrounding him (as well as his damaged hand never fully healing)
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He meets a kid who just so happens to be in a near exact same position as he once* was (and still is to an extent). One could take this as his mind's way of trying to cope and heal itself, by having Midoriya do what he does best and help others, henceforth working though his trauma by using the kid as a stand in.
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*Even the kid's "bully" seems to be a warped version of Bakugo (perhaps this is how Midoriya tries to fool himself into believing how it was)
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2. We see Kota.
I believe that here, Kota serves as what Midoriya thinks he could have been had he not failed. Kota is the idealized version of Midoriya here, the unobtainable.
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3. A lesson ignored
Apparently people forgot the connection between Endeavor and Shoto. You'd think this would be a good thing as Shoto would be able to become his own person.
This falls flat when you remember that also includes people forgetting the reason and happenings behind Shoto's existence, it feels like Midoriya is trying to have his cake and eat it too
To elaborate, this is a major copout, it allows Shouto to be unaffected by his family's past bith career wise and emotionally. While also feeding into Midoriya's rather toxic belief that forgiveness is required to be a good person.
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(The fact that killing Tomura violated this only adds to my theory that this whole thing is an escapist coping mechanism.)
(You can also add the idea that Tomura didn't forgive society for what they did to him and his friends. That likely broke all the "rules" that Midoriya knew.)
4. The Mech Suit is a massive cope, it's the dying whimper of Midoriya's childish hope that All Might will save the day.
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This time there's no magic quirk, no garrish mech suit, no plot twist.
No. There's only Midoriya and the consequences of his, his classmates and hero societies actions. It doesn't matter how shiny and seamless the illusion, how sweet the lie.
You can't hide the blood.
Concerning Aspects:
That was mostly the revised stuff, let me introduce you to some new points
1. A Frozen Lake
Something I noticed was certain characters seem to be almost frozen in time, as if someone tried to continue a story using scraps of the original text.
The curious case of Rei Himura:
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This scene seems almost stagnant, what was most noticeable was Enji's bandages still being on and Rei still being there.
It's as if Midoriya hasn't seen them in years (or perhaps doesn't want to acknowledge what happened). So his mind uses what he last saw/heard of them, creating a sterile, static scenario. Little better than props.
Those surrounding her (with the exception of Hawks) also seem to be stuck in the past.
It's definitely strange.
2. See No Evil, Hear no Evil, Speak No Evil
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Shigaraki is a representation of Midoriya's repressed guilt and his fears. I believe deep down Midoriya knows that, inevitably the cycle will repeat, so long as the system is allowed fester and wallow in it's complancy.
I find the fact that he's behind Midoriya to be ironic, as if to say: don't look back, don't think about what you've done.
A Symbol of Stagnation:
I should warn you that it does get lengthy from here, however I think it's important to get the full picture. Even if I tend to ramble here.
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It's implied here that Lemillion's the top hero. This is awful for a variety of reasons. Mirio is a horrible symbol.
All Might was flawed for a variety of reasons, but a majority of these were byproducts rather than directly being his own doing.
Mirio on the other hand, has such a cancerous philosophy that it actively harms all who interact with it.
Mirio is a follower, he follows orders first and asks questions never.
Eri is the best example of this. Even after Nighteye's death, Mirio never truly reflects on the damage his actions could have caused ( only saved by the narrative, seriously it's a miracle Eri trusts anyone besides Midoriya after being abandoned like that)
You see, the difference between Toshinori and Mirio lies in their actions and principles.
Mirio left Eri to die, all for the sake of the "mission".
For all the heroes knew, Eri could have been a trafficking victim and either have been killed or relocated. But no, appearances and "gotta catch em all" take priority even after knowing Eri is in the Yakuza's clutches.
Lemillion made the worst decisions possible. He followed a known murder into a secluded, restricted area (with a hostage mind you) bringing his pupil with him.
Willingly ignored blatant signs of abuse (just look at the girl) and played hooky with thre leader of a criminal organization, who is known for his short fuse and willingness to kill.
He did all of that, when he could have easily detained Overhaul at any point (his quirk being a direct counter)
Toroshinori would fight tooth and nail in that situation. Consequences be damned if it meant saving Eri.
Part of the reason Toroshinori was so effective as a hero was 1. His sense of justice and 2. His compassion.
Mirio is a symbol that can be controlled, a weapon if you will.
The fact that Mirio is at the top shows that things haven't changed and are even beginning to decline. So this brings me to my next point
You may be asking, if Midoriya's losing it in his own mind, what's the outside world look really like?.
Allow me to set the stage.
4. Speculation
Within Midoriya's muddled mind, Lemillion represents both his toxic optimism and a subconscious understanding that nothing has changed. It represents denial and acceptance, a dysfunctional middle ground that's easy enough for Midoriya to stomach.
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The truth of the matter is, delusion or not, the reality is soon to sink in.
Something that I don't see discussed is the lack of reactions from other nations or really any insight into how they were affected by everything that happend.
Here's the idea: Most likely they are foaming at the mouth.
Particularly it's the countries who suffered under Imperial Japan in the past (Korea, China, Singapore etc), however this also applies to every nation Nedzu brow beat into aiding with the rebuilding efforts, albiet their reaction would be latent.
Not not only is the attitude painfully reminiscent of how Japan handles it's past atrocities, Japan has had them clean up their messes. seen below:
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(you cannot tell me Big Red Dot over here is having a good time)
From an outside pov. The Commission never told anyone about AFO, rather they suppressed any information, locked him up in Tartarus and then sat on the whole situation until it blew up in their (read: everyones) faces.
He then proceeded to: kill over 8000 people (+ those killed during the Blackout period), kill the top hero of one of the world's most powerful nations and incite mass panic. Destroyed massive amounts of infrastructure and transport nationwide, broke thousands of criminals out of prison, destroying those prisons in the process.
Meanwhile the heroes:
Abandoned civilians in mass by quitting in the middle of a war.
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Left the public in the dark for months and allowing crime and paranoia to grow rampant, even (forcibly) bringing someone they knew was being targeted by AFO and his forces to the one place they could find shelter.
Mutilated a seven year old girl. Who has a history of being mutilated for the gain of others and patted themselves on the back. (Also having no holdup on how that may effect her physically via her quirk or mentally via her trauma)
Mic: tried to kill a docile prisoner who could be considered in comatose, based off of his emotional attachment to a dead man + viewing it as justified if it meant Spinner couldn't get to him.
Used hospital staff and patients as meatshields (Central Hospital) during a riot.
Most had no qualms supporting a child beating eugenicist and implied marital rapist, even with his one of his victims exposed him and citing it as his main reason for turning to villainy.
Held an illegal questioning* with said abuser while ignoring his main victim (Rei, who is probably the most reliable source of information there)
(*which effectively is like conducting an investigation on yourself and declaring you are not guilty)
And so much more! (But this post is getting too long)
My point is by the time everything was said and done, it seemed everyone but Japan was paying for it.
It's outright stated that the US president risked national security by sending every hero they had to help Japan. (Impeachment worthy if you ask me)
Endeavor's little plan to kill himself and Dabi in a blaze of death ended up disrupting the weather. Very likely it'll end up resembling an El Niño phenomenon, only vastly off schedule and even more destructive than normal.
For Reference [https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/ninonina.html]
Very likely it'll lead to an agricultural drought in the northern America's and mass flooding in southern America's, likely starting at the west coast and bleeding inland. Leading to a domino effect where cost of living surges due to the sudden displacement of people and the rapid loss of products.
Worse still, because the US had no heroes (likely for months on end), crime has likely surged in the America's, which will further impact the rest of the world.
The rebuilding efforts likely emptied the wallets of most participating countries, leaving them unable to help anyone, including themselves.
Also keep in mind that Japan incriminated themselves with the Business Course footage. I don't think the general public (outside of Japan) is going to take too kindly to a known murder and abuse apologist being in charge of a system already known for it's corruption.
The end result is likely be a world that detests Japan, either from a moral perspective (Rei's treatment + the treatment of those society abandoned), a financial perspective (we can't afford shit and you contributed to that) or historical perspective (you do this everytime and ignore the consequences).
A world divided by struggle and united by an immense loathing for the Commission's Japan and the culture surrounding it.
Oh, don't forget there's no finding left for quirk research. Meaning that it's very likely no one will be prepared for quirk singularity to start manifesting in the upcoming generations (Thanks Nedzu).
Update: Can I just say that Aizawa's lack of ownership infuriates me even though this is likely a fantasy and not grounded in reality.
Like what the fuck do you mean "with the way he talks, it was pointless" Fantasy Aizawa.
Because "Hey Asshole", You deliberately ignored his attitude and offenses!. And what? Now your just gonna shrug it off like it wasn't your fault. To hell with that you had two years, most teacher are said to only get one. As you so graciously mentioned at the start of this shit show of an epilouge.
Heres the moment I'm referring to btw:
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While we're at it. Are you telling me it was too hard to get Momo some proper attire all three fucking years she was at UA for.
Not to mention Toru is still naked, how the fuck hasn't she died yet, she is literally exposed to the elements (and lord help her of she gets a cut)
Kirishima's costume is still his biggest liability considering it exposes his chest and back (also seeing as even when hardened he can't repell bullets)
Does Denki still fry himself with his quirk?
Before we move on Aizawa. How's that daughter you neglected, her horn still broken?.
Speaking of which let's look at the rescue team:
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What the hell is this!?
Let's see, we got a guy who can only do damage (and his sweat detonates on contact, destroying whatever it touches.)
A brainwasher who only got into the hero course via nepotism and who can only brainwash people who directly respond to him!. A person trapped underneath rubble either frantic or groaning in pain isn't going to be able to respond or even just give consent.
(On a side note what are the laws regarding mind control quirks, does some sort of waiver have to be signed, can a person sue for being controlled against their consent?)
Oh, but wait there's more.
Midoriya running headlong with experimental tech that has, very likely never seen the light of day. Let alone preform in an actual high stakes situation before.
You're trying to carry someone and oops! Something malfunctioned or was miscalculated, now there's an even bigger mess (hooray!)
Who could forget Mezo "they'll come for your kids" Soji. Who climbed the ladder and pulled it all the way up.
Yeah forget that Heteromorph's were getting hate crimed long before the war, ignore the fact that you yourself were maimed by an angry mob after doing one of the most heroic things a person can do. Dismiss Spinner's comment about being sprayed with Pesticide for walking in public.
Nah screw it, let's all sing Kumbaya while the Creation Rejection Clan runs wild outside the reach of the cities, then ignore that the discrimination still is prevalent in the countryside and it's only a matter of time before somone gets fed up and takes matters into their own hands. (talons, claws, you get the picture)
But your a hero now Soji, you got your's. So fuck the rest of 'em
And don't even get me started on Hawks. Congratulations you ignorant bastard, way to kill time and by that I mean for everyone but the heroes.
"Yeah life is great!, everyone hates us, we're rapidly falling into debt from all that rebuilding 8 years back."
"Speaking of which some of those buildings are staring to fall apart due to being rushed to meet deadlines set within the month they were started."
"Social darwinism is on the rise and people are becoming more complacent that ever before due to heroes applying bandaid solutions on decade long, deeply ingrained problems."
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"All so the average person doesn't have to think about what's festering beneath society's floorboards, so thank you Safety Commission. Here's your star of positivity ⭐️." - Some random anti-hero civilian
So much for greatest heroes, huh.
A dark thought I just had, is that the main reason Izuku killed Tomura was because Tomura broke the rule of "Forgiving Your Abusers makes you Good".
When Tomura refused to relinquish his hatred, when he stood his ground, that is when Midoriya decided he had to die. If not to "stop" him, then to preserve Midoriya's perception of the world .
Shigaraki + The LOV by their very ideals went against everything Midoriya has had beat into him by Bakugo and Aldera over the years.
Makes me wonder how'd he react to a person refusing to forgive their abuser. If he interacted with Natsuo or Rei, I could see that delving into a complete mess.
Now that I think about it, The Midoriya we know now, he would have never tried to hold onto Eri back when they first met.
Ironically, he became what he named himself after, a Deku. A puppet attached to thorns of liquid gold, glistening and burning hot.
A slave to his own biases and belief system, now trapped in a stage of his minds own making.
First bound by his past, then by legacy and finally, now by his own hand.
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