#just happened to be watching it when my art hyperfixation started
its-wabby-stuff · 1 year
What's your opinion about "rise turtles have save personality,and What you love/dislike the most about the way they written
Hi, thanks for the ask. I’ll try my best to answer the question.
I love how the boys are written like actual teenagers. I have four brothers myself, pretty much all of them have a level of ADHD, so to me their dynamics seemed very realistic. They aren’t perfect at what they do, but they try their best. They tease and fight but always remember they are family first.
Personally I connected with all the boys in different ways watching the series. I’m an odd collection of all their personalities. As the oldest in my family, the nerd, the artist, and the makes jokes when emotions are uncomfortable one.
Rise gives the boys very unique looks, aside from being different species. I think that’s really neat and makes each character identifiable. When I watched the 1987 version with my dad, and the biggest identifiable feature was the mask colors, it was hard to keep track of who was who. I love the Rise backgrounds, and the sewer lair designs. Just so much.
In comparison to the other TMNT iterations I don’t have much information, but I like researching it. I remember when the 2012 version was airing, but I didn’t have cable as a kid. As of now, i have watched half of 12 season one, the 1987 show, and Bayverse movie. I remember really liking Leo as a kid, and then I started really liking Mikey, and now I think I’m back to Leo, but Donnie is a very close second that it levers back and forth.
My friend actually introduced me to Rise while I was watching 2012, and I remember the shift being so harsh I couldn’t watch either of them for a couple weeks. I thought it was weird they made Raph the leader and the oldest, and I didn’t like Leo at first, but I’m a big fan of Ben Schwartz so I was pretty much eating every word. Donnie has the funniest lines in my opinion.
Raph and Leo’s growth in the series was the best part. I liked seeing them grow into the roles rather than just having them. I think, with the cut season two, we lost a lot of opportunity for Mikey and Donnie to have the same sort of growth.
Sorry if I gave you more than you bargained for. 😅
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elmushterri · 3 months
hiiii i when watching the pj masks rewrite video i was so excited bc i’d watched your guardians rewrite a year or so back (which is a movie i hold close to my heart) so i was hyped to see with what you came up with next but oh. my. cosmos. i never thought i’d get hyperfixated on a show i only have vague memories of from watching as a little kid. gunn tech au is spinning in my brain like a microwave. and all the art you’ve made of it is amazing it’s got me so hooked catch and release policy does not apply i am being eaten for dinner
i’m stuck on the idea of catboy and nightninja bonding over their hoard of siblings, i think it’s so cute i remember them beefing in the original show a bit i think their banter would be fun
i’m curious about who all the team gets sent to fight and how that often plays out along with romeo being their main villain as, at least my brain decided to interpret it as, he’s at gunn tech a lot so i assumed they’d see each casually often
anyway these aren’t things you’d need to answer if you don’t want to i just really wanted to tell you what’s on my mind and how cool you’re work is, both the art and the story i really wasn’t expecting to be so pulled in but i guess that’s just how awesome it was.
lots of loves and admiration and i hope you’re having an amazing day (ps i hope you enjoy fencing, i seem to know of a lot of super cool people who happen to fence)
AW, this is adorable— and “Oh my cosmos” is AMAZING, right up my alley. Glad you like the GunnTech AU!
If I’m understanding your question right, I think Romeo used to be at GunnTech before he split to start trying to experiment/genetically modify everyone in the world (or starting with the city, moving onto the world). But then in the later seasons (3 or 4-5), when the heroes start rebelling against GunnTech/it’s revealed GunnTech is bad, GunnTech asks for Romeo’s help and that’s when he rejoins, because they’re “all” evil now/all on the bad side. Romeo begins working with Grayson Gunn.
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hansoeii · 1 year
Several things: -LOVE your art, it’s amazing! Especially the one with Crowley and Aziraphale under the umbrella - which software do you use? Your art always look SO gorgeous (cheeky quote from GO right there lol) - how did you get so good at drawing?And thank you for encouraging other people to keep drawing and being so kind as I sometimes can’t help but compare my sketches to others and feel silly, but I guess it’s just a learning curve… Thank you so much for bringing your art to the world!😊
Thank you so much!!
I use Clip Studio Paint for drawing and Photoshop for small adjustments!
2. Haha thanks! Honestly...it's the hyperfixations. I managed to improve a lot in just a year because I've been drawing SO much cos there's so many shows and movies I became obsessed with that I wanted to create art for. So by drawing a lot I just naturally improved. For example these two Illustrations are just a year apart:
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I actually didn't actively try to improve, it's been a while since I did proper studies (I just don't really have the time for it between freelancing and art school), it just happened.
But I can absoluetly recommend going on YouTube and look for some art tutorials if you actively want to start improving! There's some channels that helped me so much back then:
Incredible shape language and super insightful tutorials on all kinds of topics! I learned so much from him.
Ahmed Aldoori
So many awesome tutorials on so many different areas of art. Love it.
Marco Bucci
Incredible tutorials on color theory and understanding how color works in general! Learned SO much from him!
Sinix Design
The OG tutorials I began learning from. I watched his videos religiously as a teen. I adore his painterly style and adopted it in some way, haha.
Ethan Becker
This dude sometimes drops these tiny art tips that just completely blow my mind and that I adopt immedietly. He's super entertaining but also such a great teacher.
And I can also recommend checking out this book by James Gurney if you want to get better at colors!
And for anatomy I highly recommend the Morpho books!
But improvement doesn't only come from drawing a lot. A lot of the time I don't draw for a while and just study the world and artists around me and suddenly I improved when I get back to drawing. Don't ever overwork yourself to the point that you don't enjoy what you do anymore. Take breaks and listen to your body!
I learned to try and not compare myself to other artists, which helped a lot. Through conventions and social media I made so many lovely artist friends and realized how we're all struggling in a very similar way. A lot of us don't even really know what we're doing most of the time, haha. But we help each other out, it's such a wonderful community. I think when you're not actively part of the community it tends to feel like other, more successful artists are some kind of art gods that have perfected the craft and never struggle. But believe me, all the artists you admire go through rough times all. the. time. Sometimes what they do feels easy and natural, other times (more often than not) it feels like you have to try and learn how to walk all over again and you start to doubt your abilities. I personally go through that so many times.
So what I'm trying to say is that instead of comparing yourself to the artists you admire, learn from them instead. Ask questions, befriend fellow artists, study the artists you enjoy and just have fun with it!
And finally I thought it would be fun to share some of my horrendous Johnlock fanart from a decade ago for some motivation:
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I hope my answer didn't overwhelm you, but I thoight it would be nice to give a more detailed answer!
Have a wonderful day and keep drawing! :)
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deliciouskeys · 4 months
Cozy Corner Domaystic prompts #16: Going through immigration and #24: Identity theft.
Guys. Guys, I’ll be honest. I have no idea what possessed me. I think I found these two prompts as some of the most challenging to imagine as a domestic fic, and… my thinking got a little bit too outside the box.
This fic will have an intended audience of about 1 (me). But I want to give major major props to @olliveolly who introduced me to this game and was the one who came up with this That’s Not My Neighbor / Boys crossover AU (with a couple lovely art pieces on the theme). The “lore” of this horror game is very simple. Tell me you don’t see it:
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Butchlander. That’s Not My Neighbor crossover/AU. Rated E (why). 3.3k words (why). 2nd person to allegedly reflect the feeling of first-person gameplay (why). Is this domestic fic? Welllllll. It takes place in an apartment complex so it counts, right? Lax interpretation of ‘going through immigration’ but honestly that’s what this game really reminds me of 😂 AO3 link
Another day, another interminable shift working as the concierge in the dreary lobby of this apartment complex. It was exciting at first, sure, what with getting to play the first and last line of defense against the doppelganger monsters that attempt to sneak in every single day. But you’ve just gotten too good at noticing discrepancies. Nothing gets past you anymore. You know every single feature- hell, every single freckle! -of every single resident in the building. By this point you’ve got all their phone numbers memorized, for no better reason than there is simply too much tedium to this job. You find yourself wishing you could actually watch the D.D.D. ‘decontaminate’ the lobby, as they so euphemistically put it, instead of just sitting there twiddling your thumbs behind a pulled down rollup metal shutter after summoning them. You could still make out screams without seeing the brutality, and you knew the D.D.D. employed flame throwers and other serious weapons to deal with these monsters. Sometimes you caught yourself feeling just a little bit of sympathy for the doppelgangers, even though their main goal in life appeared to be to imitate people to blend in and then feed upon human flesh, and your main goal in life was supposed to be to ensure none of them would ever get let in through the locked inner door.
John Gillman comes in through the first door and gives you a tired, nominal wave before fishing around in his pockets for his documents to gain entry. He might be your favorite resident— always polite, always in that clean-cut milkman uniform at least when you happen to see him, because no one really leaves the apartment building outside of work obligations. There’s no nightlife in New York anymore, not with everyone nervous of dark alleys or being alone on the street, especially after dark. When you came over here from London, you certainly didn’t expect to get stuck here during a worldwide apocalyptic event like this that has resulted in curfews and lockdowns. You certainly didn’t expect to get zero action and get a mindnumbing job just to make ends meet. It was probably still more interesting than your gig working as a bouncer back in London, but at least you got fresh air there, and sometimes a date to go home with after closing time. Maybe that’s why you’ve started hyperfixating and daydreaming about one of the residents— the involuntary celibacy is getting to you.
John just always looks uncannily attractive. Maybe it’s that silly uniform that’s easy to fetishize. Maybe it’s because his tired eyes also look like bedroom eyes, or the dark circles function the same way eyeliner would. Why is he always so tired anyway? You know he lives alone up there in F03-02. He never gets any visitors either. How much can a person masturbate, really? There’s a rumor around the building that Becca Saunders’ tyke might be his, but you don’t really see the resemblance, and have your doubts that this didn’t just start as a “sleeping with the milkman” joke that got out of hand. People just like to gossip about single mothers. Things like this shouldn’t be considered scandalous. It’s 1955 for god’s sake!
“Sorry, William,” John says, hurriedly shoving his ID and entry request form underneath the glass so you can take take a look. “Almost thought I left my ID at work.”
“Long day, huh?” you ask without expecting a reply, pretending to scrutinize the documents while making small talk. You know this is John. You’d know him from a mile away. But it doesn’t mean you can’t have a little bit of fun. “Looks okay, and you are on the list of people authorized to come and go today. But can you take off your cap?”
John grabs his milkman cap off his head, exposing a mop of blond hair, looking mussed after being under the hat all day. You really wish you could test him, see how far you’d be able to take things before he refused to cooperate. Take off your shirt, John. Gotta make sure it’s really you. You never know these days. But of course you don’t. All you’ll have is your fantasies about breaching every code of ethics and using your master key to gain entrance into his apartment, seducing him, ravishing him right in the middle of what must be a depressing bachelor pad. Give him much darker undereye circles by keeping him up all night. Give this apartment complex a more interesting rumor to spread about the milkman in their midst.
“You’re good to go,” you say and press the green unlock button to let him in. He gives you a wan smile and walks out of view, and you listen to his footsteps ascending the stairs.
The rest of the afternoon is uneventful, only a few people coming and going, and a couple of doppelgängers with laughably strange appearance or bad credentials being dispatched quickly. Or at least it’s uneventful until John walks in, just a little bit past curfew.
“Hey William,” he says, sounding distracted, rummaging in his pockets for his documents as a cold sweat breaks out on your forehead. This better be a doppelganger, you think to yourself. But he has both his ID and the entry request filled out correctly. He looks identical to the John that passed by here a couple of hours earlier. This can’t be.
You start dialing John’s number, not taking your eyes off the man in front of you.
John’s eyes widen with alarm when he sees that you get an answer from the other end of the line.
“Yes, hello? John here. I’m not expecting any visitors.”
You hang up pretty abruptly, staring at the John in front of you, searching his appearance for any subtle defect or inconsistency but finding none. Your finger is hovering over the alarm button.
“Oh my god. Oh my god, you think I’m someone else? It’s me, William! I swear to god it’s me! I don’t know who you let in earlier, and who’s answering the phone now, but it’s not me up there!”
And shit, you believe him. You must have fucked up. Gotten smug and sloppy. Maybe the doppelganger handed you a fake ID but you didn’t notice because you were too busy daydreaming about fucking him.
“William, please believe me, please!” John is pressing up against the glass at this point, clearly scared that you’re going to quarantine him in the lobby and sic the D.D.D. on him. They don’t tend to ask questions. You’ve never had it happen, but you’ve heard of innocent people getting snuffed out on the mere suspicion of being doppelgangers, the D.D.D. rarely admitting to such mistakes even after the fact.
“Alright, alright, I believe you. I just have to think…” you mumble. “I’ll let you in, but don’t go up to your flat. We have to figure this out.”
John nods frantically and slips into your office after you buzz him in.
“What are you going to do?” he asks, and if you weren’t scared shitless at the moment, you’d probably get a kick out of how vulnerable and scared his expression is compared to his usual tired, impassive one.
“I should call the D.D.D. and get them to go up there,” you think out loud.
“Won’t you get reprimanded?” John asks, and oh how sweet of him to worry about your job when you’ve fucked up so royally and almost gotten him killed with your negligence. Maybe already gotten some of his neighbors killed.
“I just don’t want you losing your job over this— you’re the best concierge we have,” he says and then looks down shyly, as if realizing how strange that concern is.
What is this? Are you dreaming? Maybe you’re just out of your mind with adrenaline, but John sounds like he’s got feelings for you.
“Let’s just go up there and see what’s going on,” he says, and damn he’s persuasive as fuck. You want to go and deal with the mess you made, and protect him.
“I’ll go up there and just check,” you say, hardly believing yourself as you grab the fire extinguisher from the wall as a makeshift weapon. Everyone who was scheduled to return to the building has, so you shouldn’t get any more legitimate people coming through, but you still tape up a note that you’ll be back at your post in a few minutes. “Right then. You just stay down here and wait. I don’t want you putting yourself at risk. If I’m not back in five, call the number on the post-it.”
John shakes his head and follows you up the stairs. “I’m not letting you go up there alone,” he says in that quiet irresistible voice and you start to wonder if there’s something strange going on. Why are you going on this potentially suicidal mission to deal with a doppelganger on your own? So what if you get fired? No job is worth your life, right? But you probably wouldn’t see John ever again if you lost this job and that’s clouding all your judgment right now.
Knocking on John’s apartment door is probably not a good idea, and will just give the monster inside time to prepare or hide. So you take out your master key and turn it in the lock as quietly and quickly as you can. The door swings opens with an ominous creak, revealing a dark living room with no sign of anyone there. Did he hear you coming up the stairs? You try to keep John behind you and shield him in case anything sudden happens from within the apartment, but then you feel a strong push from behind and both you and John are in the flat now.
You’re so stupid, so critically, fatally stupid. The John you let in earlier was the real one. You’ve let a doppelganger convince you that you made a mistake, and now you did let one in. You whirl around, try to hit him upside the head with the fire extinguisher you’re brandishing, but he blocks the move with little effort.
“I thought we agreed,” he says, and you realize he’s speaking not to you but past you to someone else in the room.
“Thursdays are my days,” an identical voice answers from behind you and you step back and try to make sense of what you’re seeing. Two John Gillmans, both in the same uniform, neither one looking the least bit spooked, both looking mildly irritated if anything.
“Since when,” the John who came up behind you asks of the other one. “I get to be here every other day, doesn’t matter what day of the week it is.”
“So now what are we going to do about him?” the John who was in the apartment asks, pointing to you. “Why didn’t you just leave once he called me? Are you stupid?”
Your heart may be racing, but your thinking feels as slow as molasses. They’re …. both doppelgangers?
“What have you done with the real John Gillman?” you whisper hoarsely. The twins turn to look at you and you’re creeped out by the very similar smirk that spreads across both of their faces. They’re really impeccable facsimiles of the real person, but this is an expression you’ve never seen on John.
“You’ve never met the ‘real John Gillman’,” one of them says.
There’s enough cold sweat that’s broken out on your back that it starts to trickle down as drops.
“We like you William. It would be such a shame for our friendship to end.”
You hold up the fire extinguisher in front of yourself defensively, but you’re not sure you can really do anything against two of them. You’ve never noticed before, and maybe the real John’s teeth didn’t look like this, but the two doppelgangers have sharp looking canines when they’re grinning. It’ll serve you right to get devoured in this dark flat for making so many mistakes and bad decisions in a row today.
“So you’re just going to kill me then?” you ask.
“We’d really rather not,” one of the twins says. “A murder would bring a lot of snooping law enforcement if not the D.D.D. Itself.”
“And it’s so hard to find good lodging to spend the night.”
They must be joking. “You really expect me to believe you’re not just here to eat people?”
One of the twins rolls his eyes. “Eat people! Yeah, that’s why we’re here, clearly.”
“Has anyone in this apartment building ever disappeared in all the months you’ve worked here?” the other one asks.
“How should I know?” You’re beginning to feel like this has to be some sick nightmare. You can’t possibly be having a civil conversation with a couple of cannibal monsters. This thought has a strange calming effect on you. “If I didn’t know you lot were masquerading as John Gillman, how am I to know how many other residents are real people?”
The twins turn to each other, still smiling and shrugging.
“We’ve been on a vegetarian diet for a while,” the other says and you can’t help but bark out a laugh.
“Laugh all you want,” the other one says, spreading his hands in concession. “But milk is more than enough to sustain us. We do think people are delicious, but there’s one thing we like much more than eating them.”
“And what’s that?” you ask, emboldened by the possibility that you’re just in a ridiculous, paranoid, bad dream of a worst case scenario at your job.
“We’ve been watching you William. We think you’ve been interested in us.”
“We’ve never fucked anyone from this building, and never fucked together, but there’s a first time for everything, right?”
You just stand there, fire extinguisher still raised up defensively. No question about it, this must be a nightmare that’s slowly but surely twisting itself into a sexual fantasy.
“Come on, William. Let’s make you comfortable.”
You can hardly protest as one gently pulls your makeshift weapon out of your loose grip, and the other one sweeps you off your feet with preternatural superhuman ease and carries you over to the couch in this sparsely furnished apartment.
Gentle but insistent hands undo the buttons on your trousers and then maneuver you so they can pull them off completely and free your legs.
“Humans are such fun creatures,” one of the Johns comments when he sees that despite your fear of the situation unfolding right now, you are sporting a half-hearted hard-on. It somehow only gets harder when you hear them talk about people as another species.
Both Johns are still fully dressed, situating themselves to kneel on the floor on either side of you. It’s wild. You must be dreaming. And as you watch both Johns lean forward, extending their tongues and licking your cock up and down from opposite sides, you realize that if this is a dream, you never want to wake up.
They know what they’re doing. They bring you right up to the edge of orgasm and then pull away, leaving you feeling desperate and even annoyed. You’re not annoyed for long though as they both strip down, and you see that their human-mimicking powers are perfect, down to the most minute details that would never be seen under clothes. Granted, you don’t know what John Gillman looked like naked, so maybe they’ve taken artistic license and embellished. Whatever it is, they’ve compared notes, because they still look indistinguishable to you.
“Like what you see?” one of them asks and you realize you I’ve been staring, maybe even with your mouth hanging open. You never imagined you’d hook up with a doppelganger, let alone two of them at once. But you have imagined foisting yourself on John in this very flat, and you’re about to live that daydream.
You end up doing things with the two of them beyond what you’ve ever dreamed of. You fuck one of them, and at the same time get fucked by the other one from behind, the cheap bed’s metal joints creaking and moaning from the motion of three bodies rocking against each other. You let them suck your cock and rim you to get you back in the mood for another round, trying not to think about how unsettlingly hungry they both look, and who they really are underneath the human-looking exterior. The exterior slips periodically when they’re in the throes of pleasure. You wince when they betray just how strong they really are, whenever they flip you over or change positions, as if you weigh nothing. You try not to pay attention when their eyes start glowing red when they’re particularly turned on, but it’s impossible to ignore in the darkness of the bedroom.
“William, you are fucking delicious,” one of them declares, licking his lips obscenely after swallowing down your cum, and all you can do is emit a short nervous chuckle, and think that even if they do decide to eat you at the end of all of this— either to cover their tracks, or just because they might start feeling peckish after all this is over— it will still have been worth it.
You don’t get eaten. In fact, you’ve had the time of your life, and as you get up from the bed and mumble that you have to get back to your post before your shift is over, the two Johns lie languid, naked on the bed watching you, each enjoying a post coital glass of milk (that’s all they have in the fridge— you saw when they opened it), like perfect mirror images.
“You won’t be making any unnecessary phone calls, right William?”
“We can count on you to be discreet and keep a secret, right?”
Through the combined haze of being scared for your life and then having the time of your life, there’s still one thing that bothers you, and you ask about it, against all your best self-preservation instincts.
“So what have you done with the real John Gillman?”
They turn to look at each other, not exactly conspiratorial but it still makes you uneasy.
“Oh, John Gillman never existed. We’ve been around a lot longer than you humans think. Many of us never tried to replicate and replace real humans.”
“Yeah, and a lot of good that did when some of us started! The ones who are doing it are the reason we’re being hunted now. Unoriginal hacks. And so bad at mimicking too.”
“So many embarrassing ones out there.” They both nod at each other.
You’d like to believe them. You really would. “So why choose this persona?”
“The milkman gets free milk and gets around in your society! And humans seem to like this look,” one of them says, grinning and gesturing with his hand over their naked bodies.
“But we only ever get to enjoy bored housewives.”
“And why are there two of you?” you ask hesitantly, glancing at the clock on the wall to verify that you’re not late yet.
“Oh there’s more than two of us,” one of them says and they laugh in unison in a way that sends a chill down your spine.
You think you’ve got it all worked out. You’re letting the John Gillmans stay in the apartment undisturbed, and you let them through even when it’s obvious that there’s more than one of them coming and going. You figure it’s a win-win. They promise to protect the building from any rogue doppelgangers who infiltrate and intend to harm the residents, and in return get a place to stay the night peacefully. You get to visit apartment F03-02 after your shift ends and have mind-blowing sex. They seem to enjoy the orgies as well. They know your shift hours and try to only come and go during those times. There doesn’t seem to be a problem with this arrangement.
Or at least not a problem that you’re going to make into your problem. When one of the Johns walks in, visibly smeared in blood, you do give him a hard time.
“Come on, John. Just because I’ll let you in, doesn’t mean you can just stop trying to look decent. God forbid I call in sick and someone else is here.”
John shrugs and goes through the formality of pushing his ID and entry request under the glass window.
“And get a new ID…” you tell him when you see bloody fingerprints all over the worn paper.
John shrugs, doing his usual tired act, despite how ridiculous it looks to be so bored and nonchalant when he’s smeared in blood.
“Whose blood is that, anyway?” you ask, wondering why you’re not more disturbed.
“Someone who was of no consequence and who won’t be missed,” John replies, terse and cool as a cucumber.
“I thought you said you were vegetarian?”
“I’ll take a cheat day if I run into a wifebeater,” John says, shrugging.
You buzz him in, telling him to get washed up before someone sees him, wondering if you’re being colossally naive to believe his story, and wondering if you’ve got a death wish because you’re still looking forward to going up there once your shift ends in a few hours.
(What in the world. 💀)
ETA: now with another art piece by @olliveolly
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taikk0 · 4 months
I love your self ship Pomni art! Question: not to sound judgmental, but why do you love her so much? (The way you draw her makes her look so pretty AAAA)
I... I don't know.
I just came across the first teaser for TADC and something clicked in my brain, I just had no idea what it was at the time.
I just saw this CREATURE and thought they were very cute and charming and appealing.
"I am fond of *him I don't really care about this show but I care about this thing. I wanna see *him again soon."
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*him as in, I had no idea Pomni was a girl.
Then eventually I ended up reluctantly watching the pilot which turned into a hyperfixation, and THEN I found myself thinking and talking about Pomni A LOT. It was usually made up of me appreciating her and being quite fond of her character, but THEN. I STARTED TO REALIZE I STARTED TALKING ABOUT HER A LITTLE TOO MUCH.
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I genuinely thought I could just say and admit it and just move on with my life, but I genuinely have no clue why Pomni had such a grip over me. It's been EIGHT MONTHS.
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I have zero explanation as to why Pomni is attractive to me. I am actually aroace so I don't really find myself latching onto anyone for any of their qualities in the first place, but there are a lot of things i love about Pomni.
She's a good person, just a bit of a mess. Pomni is kind and caring even if she doesn't always know what to say or how to say it, but she tries anyway. It's the heart that counts. She also takes no shit, she may seem anxious but she knows that she is allowed to have her own thoughts and feelings, she's not afraid to be judgemental, get angry. She's a person and not an archetype, and i love her so so much for that. She's also really pretty... just looking at her makes me smile, get a little flushed even.
But I guess all these aren't exactly reasons why I love her, they're just one of the many things that I love as a part of her. I just love Pomni no matter what, whatever she does.
I can't really put into words why she makes me feel the way I do about her. I just find so much joy, comfort, and warmth when it comes to her. I know it's silly, it's just a fictional character and I know that, but she is still very special to me nonetheless.
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which-qsmp-egg-would · 7 months
It's finally time for the February summary!
And you NEVER guess who won again!
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With 12/58 polls won (20%!!!) and another win under his belt, it's safe to say I'm scared of him. Richarlyson was voted most likely to:
Dig holes in the yard for no reason
Be a terror to a babysitter
Pretend to be kidnapped during a road trip
Try to get struck with lightning
Be a biter
Be better off if he were raised by wolves
Spin in an office chair enough to break it
Wear shorts in 0° weather
Lick a metal pole as a joke but get stuck
Be an Ethogirl
Start the plot of 'The Parent Trap'
Love 'Fortnite'
Wonderful chaos child.
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Some things never change, do they? Coming in 2nd place for the 2nd month in a row, with 11/58 polls won, is our sunshine princess! They've been voted most likely to:
Sleep with no less than 7 blankets
Demand to paint her parent's nails
Watch Winx Club
Hold their breath to get what they want
Cry every time a parent takes her fishing
Drive around the island in a toy car
Become a leaf millionare on the playground
Wear light up shoes
Follow an internet tutorial to become a mythical creature
Have the most insane roleplay with barbie dolls
Make friendship bracelets
What perfect results for Tubbo's princess!
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I was actually surprised to see Dapper in 3rd this month! With a score of 9/58 polls won, she's certainly climbed the ranks this time! Dapper has been voted most likely to:
Be really into bugs
Have a dinosaur hyperfixation
Learn how to perform magic tricks
Be able to name every local animal species by name
Perform surgeries on his stuffed animals
Hyperfixate on 'Digimon: Digital Monsters'
Love 'Undertale'
Create "potions" in the bathtub
Collect mundane objects
Ah, just like his father. (I think they would love Digimon, and I will CRACK on this hill)
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Next is the littlest huevo ever, Pepito with 8/58 polls won! Pepito has been voted most likely to:
Climb a tree and get stuck
Have a comfort blanket that's probably falling apart
Have a pocket full of rocks by the end of the day
Sit on the floor to watch TV
Only sleep in a onesie
Wear velcro shoes because Pepito can't tie Pepito's laces
Accidentally call the teacher mom/dad
Be unable to keep a poker face
I'm realising how long this post is going to be now...
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Now is when the point drop off happens. Coming in at 5/58 polls, Tallulah has been voted most likely to:
Eat flowers and judge them by color and taste
Make Valentine's day cards for everyone on the island
Write a musical for her siblings to play in
Cut her own hair
Be the teacher's pet
I'm glad to see her higher up on the list this month! I can't wait to see if her model gets redesigned, I'm confident it will look awesome.
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Coming in just under his sister with 4/58 polls, Chayanne has been voted most likely to:
Be concerningly excited to go fishing
Read Sun Tzu's 'The Art of War'
Play the drums
Make a pillow fort to comfort a sibling after a nightmare
He may have come in lower this month, but I'm sure he's happy his sister is getting the attention.
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These next three are tied, with 3/58 polls won! Ramón has been voted most likely to:
Get really into Hide and Seek
Be on tech for Tallulah's musical
Join Richas in the plot of 'The Parent Trap'
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With 3/58, Leonarda has been voted most likely to:
Pretend to be a werewolf on the full moon
Be raised by Wolves
Wear Heelies
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Now the last with 3/58, Empanada has been voted most likely to:
Sew cool outfits for her siblings
Exclusively eat poptarts in the morning
Have a sugar crash from all of the Valentine's day candy
I'm noticing a theme with those three.
Pomme & Chunsik
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Unfortunately, Pomme and Chunsik did not win any polls in February. While Chunsik is the newcomer, Pomme hasn't won a poll yet! Although after that wonderful Paintball poll, I imagine that will change for March! Better luck next time, my complimentary-colored eggs.
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kaiju-krew · 6 months
Heya! After watching GXK at my local theater, it reawakened my old hyperfixation with Toho and the Monsterverse out of a long hiatus. And boy am I glad it did! I wanted to find the people who made the comics that some people dubbed awhile back when I watched them! (With credit of course!) And you and another artist by the name of Ruubesz are a HUGE driving point for my hyperfixation happening in the first place and I couldn't thank y'all enough! And plus your art and Ruubesz artworks are just FRICKIN AMAZING LIKE CRAP WISH I COULD DRAW MONSTERS LIKE THAT! But still you guys rock with your art and I couldn't be happier about it! (And I also ship Mosugoji as well too because I have a shipping lil goblin in my brain too! Soooo yeah there's that.)
(Also sorry if the thing is really long for you to read. -u-')
ruubesz .............. who tf is that.........................
jk @ruubesz-draws is my ride or die i luv them with my whole lil heart!!!!!! truly the only one who i know i will never annoy with my mosugoji hc dumpings. a real one. 1000/10. i would die without them. new collab soon btw stay tuned
anyways rrRAAAAAGHHH you're so sweet thank you!!! :'') the mosugoji agenda spreads daily aS IT SHOULD
i hope the goji/kaiju drawin tuts i got cookin can help simplify the scary starting parts of monster arts!! praying it wont take me 9 months to finish it i want more ppl to try it out, it's a lot of fun <3
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cjstheshethey · 1 year
I really wanna talk about Blue Beetle and why it's so important to me. SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT!
Ever since this movie was announced, I was excited because I have familiarized myself with the character of Jaime Reyes for over a decade now. My sister introduced to me to the character when we had our late night Young Justice marathons during a vacation in Mexico back in 2013. Eventually, we got to season 2, where Jaime was introduced. I remember when he would speak Spanish, I would say "Hey he speaks Spanish like us!" And sometimes my non-English speaking cousins would join us watching the show, and when he spoke Spanish, they were able to understand him. As time went on I kinda forgot about DC for a while since I was gaining other interests until Young Justice came back for its 3rd and 4th seasons(This is also your subtle sign that if you haven't watched Young Justice you should do that). Naturally, Jaime is still one of my favorite characters in the show. While I was still in my Young Justice hyperfixation, It was announced that a Blue Beetle movie was happening and even had some concept art shown. Me being the superhero loving Mexican nerd that I am, I was already hyped, and we hadn't even gotten a trailer yet. Then, on April 3rd of this year, the first trailer came out, and I was so excited. DC has been one of my special interests since literally as long as I can remember no joke one of the first shows I ever remember seeing was the original Teen Titans and so combine one of my special interests with one of the most important parts of my identity(my ethnicity) and an excuse to go to the movies? I was stoked. And so I finally saw it a couple of days ago, and I LOVED it. From the family dynamic to the music choices(La Chona in the beginning where Rudy was introduced was the most Mexican introduction ever and I love it.) and even a few references to Mexican culture I didn't expect, Blue Beetle was everything to me. Finally a movie centered around a Mexican family that wasn't afraid to go into topics like immigration and straight up racism towards Mexicans and those topics not taking up the whole story while also not stereotyping any of these characters and treating them like real people. These guys did their research, and it showed. During the part where Jaime comes back to Earth and starts saying something in Spanish, he's saying a prayer. I used to say that particular prayer a lot back when I was a kid, which is a good thing they added that in there because it makes relatable to someone like me. I really wanna make note of one of my favorite scenes from the movie. So after Jaime gets the Scarab and it attaches itself to him, he tries to find a way to get it off him. Once they go to Ted Kords' hidden lab and find out he can't get rid of it safely, he angerly walks out. His uncle Rudy follows him up to the roof. Rudy asks if Jaimes ok and Jaime apologizes for yelling at Rudy. Rudy then starts giving a really good talk about the family and how resilient they are. Then he says this. "I mean, look at your old man. He brought me here from Sonora....when I was 10." No joke, just ask @alextric-overload(Hey dude 😁) and my other friends who came with me, I legitimately gasped in that theater. Why? Because that's where my family is from. Never before did I ever imagine Sonora would even be mentioned in any media let alone a big screen superhero movie but I am so glad it was and I've said it before and I'll say it again: Never in my life have I felt so seen and so represented. The moment those credits rolled, I legit said word for word, "This! This is how you do representation. MORE. OF. THIS. PLEASE." This is why representation is so important because if we continue to make movies like this, more people like me can see themselves in media and feel the way I did. REPRESENTATION MATTERS! So please go support this movie if you haven't already, it's so worth it!
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pinkcdraws · 2 months
Hello! This is my first time sending an ask since I’m usually just a lurker, and of course it’d be a long one. 🫠 I was anxious about asking because it’s about old art, but seeing your Grianverse callback post gave me courage lol 
Your art was what first introduced me to Hermitcraft way back in 2020, it was a parody animation of a Garfunkel and Oates song with Grian and Mumbo. The art style was so crisp and shapey and pretty, so I liked it even though I had no clue what the characters were from, lol. Then I realized I had passively heard the name Grian before and decided to check it out, starting with this “Hermitcraft” thing. And so the hyperfixation began, haha. 
I recently got back into Hermitcraft after falling out of it for a while due to new fandom obsessions and generally life happening. I have been really enjoying it, and wanted to rewatch that video for nostalgia’s sake, but I can’t find it so I assume it was privated or deleted.
I was wondering if there was anywhere I could watch it again, but I understand you probably removed it for a reason and I fully respect if you want it to stay in the past; I know people move on from fandoms all the time and don’t really want their old work for it to be public anymore and that’s totally fine. 
Either way, I also wanted to just thank you so much for introducing me to my biggest comfort series. Hermitcraft’s intense wholesomeness and good vibes have helped me feel okay again on some rough nights, and I may have never found it if not for you. Since I’ve rediscovered your art (and am loving the Genshin Impact content, haha), it makes me really happy to see that you’re doing well and still making really cool stuff! 
This genuinely was so sweet to read, I'm so glad I was able to introduce you to Hermitcraft! I still love it and watch it from time to time. Even though I distanced myself from it fandom wise, I still love this series dearly.
I did eventually unlist all my Hermitcraft related content- I was getting into new media at the time and was making fanart for said new interests, but people would constantly ask "but you're not going to stop drawing Hermitcraft right?" or "I miss when you drew Hermitcraft" and it became to much. I just wanted to draw what I was interested in at the time but so many people connected me specifically with Hermitcraft and it was honestly a little exhausting, like I wasn't allowed to branch out into my other interests.
I'm at the point though where I do miss my silly Grianverse babies and would like to draw them all again (wouldn'tmind even trying to draw Mumbo again, love that madlad), so fuck it we ball, so I don't mind putting a link to that video! I'm assuming this is the one you are referring to
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Ciao, Bonjour, こんにちは, Namaste, Shalom, Hàlo, Hola, 你好, Salam, Hujambo, Привет and such like.
I can't believe that I have been on Tumblr for almost a year now but I haven't made an introductory post.
Here goes nothing!
My name is Meena (well that's my chosen name but I'm gonna make it legal too {soon I promise})  
I have just officially exited my teens, but tbh I don't feel any different from when I was ten. I am neurodivergent (AuDHD), ace, lesbian and genderfluid (She/They) AND a Virgo. South Asian Queer Socialist and proud to be it. I'm doing law school and I probably should be studying rn but here I am goofing off on Tumblr. You'll see me going crazy about my hyperfixations which are basically a bunch of gay shows , film, art and music. You put Timothee Chalamet, Rooney Mara, Florence Pugh, David Tennant and Michael Sheen in anything and I'll watch it. I also love space. The cosmos I mean.
🌞˚..✭°・ .゜🌎༘⋆₊ ⊹★🔭๋࣭ ⭑⋆。˚🌌˚..✭°🌔🌜・ .゜🪐 ˚
I'm also running my sideblog @thegeorgiatennantblog (check in for pure Georgia Tennant awesomeness) and I am a co-admin with The Marvellous @sakuranova07 for @fightingalgth8rs
I also write a bit sometimes. I'm working on two Original Fiction pieces of mine if anyone wants to read ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
Something happened in Little River 25 years ago. Nothing has been the same ever since. For years the town has tried to bury the memory of the horror. But when bodies start turning up in the town not only do long unburied secrets start turning up but also the harrowing realization that something sinister lurks within Little River DI Sylvia McFarlane has the chance to uncover both the mystery of the case before her and that of her own shadowy past.
Thanks to @sakuranova07 on Tumblr who came up with the idea and a LOT of other people who kept egging me, at last BEHOLD, I have written THE detective story casting THE Georgia Tennant as a detective as she investigates crimes in her little hometown tinged with an element of the supernatural. This is an original piece of fiction and the characters are my ocs. The actors have merely been casted for the roles (bcs it is fun, helps visualize the story and also bcs who doesn't wanna see Georgia play a kooky detective).
Graphic Depictions of Violence (I mean it is a murder mystery) Scary scenes with supernatural events No on-screen s3x Off-screen or implied abuse, SA, SH, domestic violence, Transphobia, etc. (Nothing graphic or explicit) Strong Language: A-word, B-word, C-word, D-word, F-word and well basically all of them Not suitable for audiences under 15
A story of love, loss, death, coming of age, and found families. Coming soon.
Graphic Depictions of Violence No on-screen s3x Strong Language Drug abuse Domestic Violence (not explicit) Implied Child Abuse Might not be suitable for audiences younger than 15
So that's it for now!
🍭🍬 Sláinte M-fckers! 🍭🍬
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loftec · 4 months
Weekly tag Wednesday Thursday part 2
Hello beautiful kittens! 🐈‍⬛ Today’s tag game is about our wonderful fandom 😍
Thank you for the tags, @deedala and @wehangout! <3
How did you get into the fandom? 
I was watching gay compilation videos on YouTube and found the Gallavich season 1-4 video, then watched too many seasons of Shameless UK (because I didn't have access to US) then watched five seasons of Shameless US, then spent 3 months reading the whole tag on AO3.
How long have you been here?
Since... 2015?
What’s the first fandom channel you found? (Youtube, Reddit, Tumblr, Insta, Twitter, FB, other?)
I would say AO3, because I was on there reading people's fics for a long time before I started following their links to tumblr.
What’s your favourite now? 
Which mutual have you known the longest in the fandom?
@the-rat-wins for sure, but also @wideblueskies @damnnmilkovich @grumblesandmumbles @beckyharvey29 @mimilaroo and a few others that aren't really active anymore
Which tumblerino’s did you have your first fandom crush(es) on and want to get to know?
I'm so bad at like, retaining what I thought of people before I get to know them? But I'm pretty sure I got @the-rat-wins to follow me back by photoshopping a picture of Cam and Noel at an event together? I absolutely remember thinking I wanted to be friends and what makes better friends than a creepy little photo manip gift?
First Gallavich fan fic you read (or that blew you away that you remember)
I have no idea, I read so much fic. Here are my old rec rambles.
First Fan art that blew your mind? 
Most likely @luluxa 's art of Mickey...
Fanfic trope that you were sure wasn’t for you but now you low key (or high key) love?
Not sure if there is one, I have tried most tropes just to check them out, and I have liked tropes I don't normally like when it's just the once and it's done in some interesting or particularly skillful way, but I don't think I've ever done a 180 on something? I suppose! I usually start out only reading canon compliant fic when I'm first entering a fandom. Then I will either run out of steam or start reading AU, or fully just transition to only reading AU (which is what happened with Shameless, more or less). So I normally start out not liking AUs and then given enough time and steam, I will make AUs my whole personality.
What surprised you most about this fandom?
I'm really surprised by what it has become, it's so nice to see all the crafts and community building that's going on here every week, and how nice and drama free (from my vantage point anyway) it has become, in the last few years. I'm not very good at participating, but I really want to because it feels like such an open and welcoming and community-focused space.
Moment in the show (or YT vids if you’re one of those) that you fell in hyperfixation with Gallavich?
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I had zero context for this scene when I first saw it, but oh. My god.
Ian or Mickey?
Uuuuuuh I mean. Ian.
Which Gallagher or Milkovich are you? 
Probably Liam haha?
Do you want to answer some q:s? Consider yourself tagged!
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smolapricot · 10 months
When I watched the anime Houseki no kuni and started reading the manga of the same name, I caught a hyperfix on these stones. Since I also have a hyperfixation on deltarune, I wanted to “combine” two of my favorite art phenomena. I started with spamton (last post) and continued with other addisons, which I call addigems (addisons + gemstones).
Please accept them with love and don't blame me for the clichés, I'm just a stoned guy who doesn't know much about how to write characters correctly.
Pink Addison — Rose quartz, a patrolman who knows thems job, love silence and the sound of rustling grass, speak little, love to spend time with Chrysoberyl. When Halite renounced the addigems Rose (or Ti, because it contains titanium) became more withdrawn, they blame themselves for this.. They/them.
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Yellow Addison — Chrysoberyl, an impulsive patrolwoman who actually dreams of being a armorsmith, her personality is very impulsive and sharp. They/she.
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Blue Addison — Smithsonite with inclusions of Aurichalcite, a doctor and herbalist who feels like a burden to all addigems, they very fragile due to the inclusions of Aurichalcite, which make spherical cavities of different sizes in them, this happened due to the fact that they “stayed” in the deposit and part of they were over-oxidized, in love with Topaz, but never mention it, their consciousness is not here for long. They/them.
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Orange Addison —Topaz (Imperial Topaz), a lone patrolman who likes to relax and do nothing, likes to take errands from Smith (such as collecting some necessary herbs), does not like to change, and when something changes around him, however, when Smith's arms and legs are taken away he falls into despair, he does not know how to help those whom he values so much. Topaz's mental state begins to go downhill after the moment when Smith asks to crush his head, as they are tired of being conscious. After this request, Topaz becomes fixated on revenge, stops using any tactics, and subsequently loses his hands. He replaces his hands with 1900 liters of Pyrite, which Chrysoberyl dragged. After “merging” with iron sulfide, Topaz acquired hydrophobia, and his character became more aggressive. He/they.
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generositygullet · 7 months
A letter to Akira Toriyama
Dear Akira Toriyama,
I first interacted with dragonball when I was in 6th grade or so, when I started playing dragon ball fusions for the 3ds since the trailer looked cool. Kind of a weird start right? But I was getting really into anime at the time, and wanted to check out one of the most popular ones. I had NO idea who the characters were, and had NO clue what the story was about. But for some reason against all the odds, as soon as I saw the title screen boot up with that soaring music I was hooked. The game was super fun, no doubt about it. But what REALLY kept me going when playing it, was the world of dragon ball itself.
Again I had no clue who any of these people were. But seeing these characters interact with each other, seeing these different setpieces made, seeing all of these powers and personalities, it was unlike anything I’d ever experienced before. It channeled the raw kid desire in me to see two buff dudes duking it out, and god I adored every bit of it.
I didn't dig any deeper than that initially, and like all my other hyperfixations it died down. But again in 7th grade I started playing fighterz, and I was hooked again. But this time I dug deeper in preparation for the release of the new GT dlc, and so the first dragon ball media I actually watched? Was GT. Which is hilarious in hindsight, but I still adored every second of it.
In 8th grade things were not going so well for me, I was losing friends due to being an asshole, and I had to change myself to be worthy of the people around me. I was pretty depressed, and everything seemed sad and hopeless (I know it's pretty dramatic for a literal like 13 year old but bear with me lmao). It's around that time when I decided to watch Dragon Ball Super. And again, I was hooked. I binged it so fast, all 130 something episodes. I could talk big about the characters and everything, but honestly it was just so plain cool. It made me feel excited and happy, it made me feel like everything was ok. And those positive feelings made that much of a difference in me.
From that point on I always was interested in Dragon Ball. my first and only hyperfixation to never really go away. I read the OG dragonball, and started REALLY noticing your artistic talent. From the way you drew Goku moving across the battlefield and the poses he struck. To the illustrations of the action and the punches thrown. It was all so dynamic and energetic. When I was reading it I was always engaged, excited to see the next panel. I wanted to channel the same energy in my own art somehow, to encapsulate the same excitement you instilled in me with your drawings.
I FINALLY got around to watching and reading Z a little later. And of course I loved it. I knew all the basic plot beats, and had a 3 in one Goku vs Vegeta volume collection that I would reread constantly. But seeing them play it is so different. I also started to admire your character design more and more. Trying to draw them in my free time, and getting a bit sad when I couldn't capture the same magic you could.
All of this, of course, was older material though. This was all before my time, I was never there to experience it when it initially happened. Not for super, not for the OG DB, and not for Z. I adored it all, but I always knew what was going to happen.
I remember the reaction on my face when the news of DBS Superhero dropped. I was so so SO excited. More than you could ever imagine. Something new, something I could see with my own eyes, and something about Piccolo and Gohan??? It was amazing. And seeing it in theaters a few years later? God I was on the edge of my seat the entire film. I even started reading the DBS manga, I think it's amazing so far.
When I heard that you were gone yesterday night, I was crushed.
I’m a junior now. And after a long time of thinking about it, being anxious, afraid, and scared of the future. I think I want to be an artist or filmmaker. I want to bring the same energy you did to the world. I'm still trying to figure out my artstyle, and how I want to draw. I’m not great at it, but no matter what, I want to keep going. Because I want to bring a character to life, like you brought Son Goku to life and so many others as well. I want to inspire so many others like you inspired me. With your messages, you brought me happiness. You told me that simplicity was ok with Son Goku. You told me that we need to fight for what we love with Son Gohan. You told me that we should aim to be better than our predecessors with Piccolo Junior. You told me that we shouldn't let our pride consume us with Vegeta. You’ve shown me and the entire world so so much. And I hope you were proud of it. I’m
I said the world of Dragon Ball earlier, but really, it was your world Akira Toriyama. And your world changed mine forever in the best way. Thank you, for letting me dream again.
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disfrutalakia · 9 months
Okay pardon me for getting sappy and emotional today, but it's end of the year so I feel like this is my right.
When I started watching qsmp I did not really plan on participating heavily on the community, mostly just watching and maybe telling some stuff to my irl friends, mostly cause I wasn't expecting it to turn into a whole hyperfixation like it is nowadays, but well the server immediately got it's claws on me. But still, I didn't have plans of heavily participating with writing, art or anything.
That changed pretty quickly once I started to look at the qsmp tag here on tumblr instead of only twitter, suddenly i wanted to write, i wanted to draw and above all I wanted to talk about the server with people. Now, this blog was made on a time where I was not really having a great time, I was presenting the game I worked on to a lot of people on a con and my group was having a lot of conflict and because of that I was getting very frequent anxiety attacks, to the point that I just blocked any memories from what happened in either of those days, around the same time the tazercraft prison stream happened and I felt like I needed to talk about it, I wanted to talk about them more because at the time (this was around july/august) I didn't saw a lot of people talking about Pac and Mike, so I did my best to liveblog the prison stream and kept liveblogging until this day lmao
What I didn't expect from that, was to get passion back. I hadn't really written for my own enjoyment in quite a while, it was always reserved for college, but the server made me want to write, made me want to analyze those characters and share my thoughts about them!
And I must say, I definitely did not expect finding friends here and not because you guys are not great or something, because you are, it's mostly because I always had a hard time befriending people especially over the internet, because I always had a big fear of being judge by the way I talked, the way I enjoyed things, everything really for me even breathing felt like people were judging me for it.
But I did found friends, I found wonderful people who I talk with daily and even people who I might not talk on dms or discord a lot, I still see in my notes every time and we talk through the notes and it's fun, it feels like we are sharing little jokes!
Overall, I wrote this to say, that joining qsmpblr was probably the best thing I did in a long time.
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ketho484 · 1 year
Hoi! This is gonna be the start of my personal version of the Welcome Home Actor AU made by Frillsand on Tiktok and inspired by the drabbles made by @wally-darling-hyperfixation (love your work! Keep being inspirational!). This will mostly follow Wally and my OC, Willow. I'll put up a character sheet or several for each story I have in mind at a later date. For now, let the show begin!
Au belongs to @frillsand
Chapter 1: The blue haired child
It was a pretty normal day in the busy city. Cars were full of people trying to get to work or trying to get kids to school. The hustle and bustle of the early morning was fairly common, albeit rather annoying. The city was a good place to live, but it wasn't without its flaws, to put it kindly.
The greatest flaw in this city would be its discrimination against puppets. See, in the late 1950s, a prideful puppeteer had discovered a way to bring what he created to life. Nobody knows how he did it, but the puppet population exploded rather quickly after that as the creatures spread out into the world. They were similar to humans in many ways. They can grow and develop from childhood like humans, their digestive tracts are like humans, they can produce offspring like humans, and they can bleed, be bruised, get hurt, and even die much like humans. However, nobody knows if they are a new race of humans or if they are a species of their own due to the differences they have. The puppets can be hurt, but they are significantly more durable than humans. They can heal rather quickly, needing stitches and casts for roughly half the time that humans need them. If the injury is grave, like, say, a limb gets cut off, they just need to stitch the limb back onto their bodies and it will work with no problem. It was a bit freaky, but people started accepting that as normal for puppets as time went on. Even still, discrimination is a bit of a problem in the city as humans still try to grapple with the existence of puppets living among them.
However, this story doesn't deal with that on the macro scale. Instead, this story begins a bit smaller, beginning in the city suburbs, where a small puppet girl worked tirelessly to meet a deadline set for her, hearing an argument between her human parents outside her work room door. She had yellow felt skin and dark blue hair that hung down to her back. She wore a ragged dress with long sleeves, but wore no shoes. She had a gift of mastering many creative arts, including singing and sewing. This little girl would hum to herself, just like right now, as she worked on costumes for this place her father had signed for called PlayFellow Studios, the home of her favorite show, Welcome Home, the cast of whom always needed new costumes, so her father made a contract with the studio owners to make them and dumped all the work onto this poor little kid.
It was rare that she was allowed any time with the TV, but sometimes her father would allow it if she had been very good. When that happened, she was always keen on watching Welcome Home when it aired. It was one of the few things that made her feel like an actual child, watching all of the friendly characters sing and dance and have fun. It made her start to daydream about how different her life would be if she went to that beautiful town to live there. It would be far better than this horrible place…
She shook her head and got back to work. These new outfits had to be ready for tomorrow or else her dad would punish her. She hated being punished. Her dad had set up a whole room for her punishments depending on the severity. If she didn't get this finished, then-
"Willow?" A gentle voice called from the door to her sewing room, the voice of the girl's adoptive mother
"Yes, momma?" Willow looked up, turning off the sewing machine for the moment to speak
"Hey, honey…Your father and I were talking and-"
"You mean arguing?" Willow cut her mother off, making the woman chuckle as she came closer
"Either way, I…I might've convinced your father to take you with us when we go to show these costumes to the cast" Her mother said with a smile that widened when Willow's smile came bright and beaming onto her face
"You mean I'm gonna meet them!?" She asked as she bounced in her seat
"That's right…though for your safety, I need to ask if the costumes are ready yet"
"Almost" Willow said as she calmed down, turning to her current costume project "I just need to finish the costume for Mister Darling. I know he didn't demand much, but I wanna make all the costumes really special and I can't help but feel like this one is missing something…"
"Like what?" Her mother asked as she looked down at the white shirt Willow was sewing
"I'm not sure" Willow said simply as she kept going with her project "That's the problem. I'm not sure what this is gonna need. I made everything right. What is it missing?"
"...Could you sneak something onto it?" Her mother asked quietly
"What?" Willow perked up as she took the finished shirt off the machine
"Try adding something as a personal signature" Her mother said "Something your father can't take credit for"
Willow started thinking. What could she add to make these costumes unique? Something to ensure people knew she made them…That’s when it hit her. Her mother had been teaching her this technique for a few weeks now, so maybe she could try it. She gathered all of her colorful thread, grabbed the knit sweater for Wally’s costume, a simple dark blue sweater, and started sewing some embroidery on it, specifically a nice rainbow wrapping around the body. Willow gave her adopted mother a nod and the woman left to let her work. Willow didn’t often smile, especially at home, but she was smiling now as she embroidered all of the costumes. Wally’s white shirt to go with the new sweater had some vine and apple patterns on the collar and shirt cuffs, Julie’s new dress got some flower embroidery on the skirt and neckline, Frank’s new vest got some butterfly embroidery, Howdy got some apples on the pockets of his apron while his shirt cuffs got some caterpillar imagery, Polly’s new costume got some baked goods imagery, most notably on the bottom of her baking apron but also on the skirt of a dress, Eddie’s shirt collar and hat both got some letters embroidered onto them, Sally got some stars on her skirt and a theater mask symbol on her dress pocket located on the chest, and Barnaby’s vest got some bouncy balls and dog bones on the bottom along with a rainbow on the chest pocket and a daisy embroidered into the new hat. Willow was going through a creative frenzy thanks to her mother encouraging her, and she finished it all just after her parents went to bed.
As usual, she had to feed herself, but there was nothing in the fridge, so she went and got some money from her mother’s purse to go buy a burger from a place down the street. The owner, Jerry, was there when he saw her come in and sighed. She looked worse and worse every time she went in to see him. She just ordered a plain burger, but he gave her a big combo meal including a burger, chicken nuggets, and a large holder of fries. He paid for it himself and bid her farewell after she thanked him. She ran home, but ate on the porch so her father didn’t catch her eating in her room again. Last time it happened…She shuddered and finished eating before throwing out the bag and taking out the still full trash. She then quietly crept to the room she had been sewing in and laid down on some fabric scraps, the softest of which was her pillow. She took a deep breath, smiling at the outfits she’d made, and closed her little eyes.
Tomorrow was another day…
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starriknight · 4 months
Fine fine fine
I’ve been inspired to make a little letter to qsmpblr cuz y’all are the best :D
My first post was my pinned post almost a year ago(HOLY SHIT ALREADY) and honestly I don’t know why I decided to make a tumblr but I’m soooo glad I did. I’ve been watching qsmp since the start but I only ever watched vods until late 2023 after purgatory. Qsmpblr is such an amazing community and I don’t think I would be the silly hyperfixated guy I am today without y’all. NOT TO MENTION MY FUCKING LOVE AND APPRECIATION FOR BRASILL LOVE YALL🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
Special shoutout to some of my besti besti’s
@lilghostlettuce GHOSTT!! Literally my 1st qsmpblr besti and you’re so cool bro. I have so much joy just looking through your blog and seeing how much love you have for this community you’re culture and the whole world💕💕
@theroseyhues I LOVEEE seeing you’re super cool art and doing picrew chains with you is so fun and silly :33
@sarcastictissy TISSSYYYYY where do I even start omg. I literally don’t think I’ve met anyone kinder and more positive than you like whattt. And this discord!!! It’s been so much fun being a mod and talking to mutuals and people that I follow that I would otherwise be wayyy to nervous too :D
@charliecuntcicle ROXYYY you’re literally so cool I’m so glad that we have been talking more on the discord it’s been so fun and tbh you’re blog looked way too cool I was scared to talk to you kkkkkk😭
@ultra-raging-ghost ghosttt!! Yet another amazing person in this community called ghost kkkkk I never watched bads streams that much but I would never not know what happened thanks to your liveblogs(post limit must be your worst enemy😭😭)
@pixiecaps I know we don’t really interact but I just think your blog is literally so cool!! You’re a savior when it comes to funny clips I think I would’ve never seen without you obrigado!!
@royalarchivist LITERALLY SO AMAZING YOURE SENT FROM HEAVEN!!! Thanks for so many clips and cheers to many more
And to any mutuals not here yall are so cool and amazing and never change who you are
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