#charlie responds to asks
static-scribblez · 2 months
The fact that these looks are only three months apart scares me
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The fact that these are merely hours apart scares me more, fym these two are the same guy
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not-5-rats · 4 months
"Do you think we're together in every universe?" (Yuurivoice boys)
((these are long af, I didn't mean for them to be so long 😭)) ((Contains: Alphonse, Charlie, Auron & Faust))
They were in the shop, Al was stacking shelves as Boo sat on the counter. They had been out that day, had a little special day together. Chill morning in the house, went out for lunch, went on a long walk past the park and deep into the forest (they got quite lost) but ever since lunch Boo had been oddly quiet...like something was on their mind. Al however knew better than to question their silence, they did this sometimes and would tell him what was to when they needed to
Their voice was projected so that he could hear them (they were at opposite ends of the room) but it was still hushed, they were distracted
"Hm? You good over there Boo?"
"Yeah, just, do you think we'd be together in every universe?"
He looked over at them and smiled softly, putting down the boxes in his hands he made his way over to the counter and gently held their hand, giving them a soft kiss on their forehead
"Course we are Boo, you ain't escaping me in any universe"
Casper was sat on the couch with Charlie on the floor between their legs as they gently braided his hair, a film playing in the background (though neither of them were paying any attention) and an empty pizza box balancing on the arm of the couch. It had been...a long day, to put it simply, for both of them and they just wanted to rest for a few days so here they were. Neither of them were saying much, but every now and then one of them would blurt out some random shit before falling back into silence, until Cas remembered something they'd pocketed earlier
"Charlie, I've got a question"
They stopped braiding and moved their hands under his chin, tilting his face up so that their eyes met. Charlie made a noise to say that he was listening
"D'you think we're together in every universe?"
"Cas...if there's a universe where we ain't together then I feel bad for me...em..him? Charlie- of that world?"
Cas giggled and so did he, they ducked down and planted a kiss between his eyes before going back to braiding his hair
"I know what you mean my love, I know what you mean"
Rook had been working late...like super late. They had only left when Auron dragged them out (almost literally dragged), he had taken them back home and was gonna make them some dinner to make sure they ate. He was cooking and they were sat on a counter at the other end of the kitchen, half-awake as they yawned and rubbed their eyes.
To try and keep them awake Auron had been asking Rook about their day, what their morning had been like, what work they'd got done, etc anything really. Rook was exhausted, their mind tried to focus on whatever they were talking about but they were struggling and their mind began to wander. That's when they asked
"Auron...do you think we're together in every universe?"
He glances back at them before putting down the knife he was using, rinsing his hands and walking over to them. He cupped their face gently as he spoke
"Well Rookie that goes against the idea of infinite universes, so no not all of them"
He paused, they couldn't lie, they were kind of disappointed with his answer but he had more to say. He gripped their hands with his own free one before continuing
"But that just makes me appreciate you so much more, because I could have been born into any of the countless universes yet I was fortunate enough to be born into one where I found you and we do get to be together"
He kissed their hands then went back to cooking
They hadn't seen each other in person for such a long timeeee (it was like two weeks) Star had been sick and didn't want to risk infecting Faust, then they had to go visit family so they hadn't been able to see each other. It sucked, Star loved seeing Faust and yeah talking over face time and streaming together is fun but it's not the same. They missed him and had been thinking alot about him, how much he meant to them when an idea popped into their head.
They were finally in a room together, they were at Stars house in their room. Faust was sat on the edge of Stars bed with Star moving from their chair, to beside him, to behind him with their legs wrapped around him, repeat (hc that Star is a very fidgety/movey person). They were rambling about anything they could think of, asking Faust a bunch of questions (just cause they wanted to hear his voice lol), and just making sound cause of how happy they were. Faust complained about it but honestly he was just happy to see them about again and knew this was them showing that they were happy to see him.
"Sooooo do you think we're together in every universe?"
He rolled his eyes, crossed his arms and looked over at them
"What kind of question is that? You a philosopher now or something?"
They sat down beside him, gave him a pout and prodded his arm
"Shut up, just answer the question...please :3"
He sighed and leaned his head onto their shoulder, trying to hide the smile that was forming
"I don't know why I would choose to be with you in any universe...yet here I am...so sure I guess we might be"
((I'll do more if people want :3))
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cursedslimecicle · 10 months
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Day 8: Lounging
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dallina17 · 5 months
Headcanons about the Chaggie-Emilette group?
So Emily and her protection squad-
Sorry for how long it took to answer this, but thank you for asking anon!
And yes, basically Charlie, Vaggie and Velvette are the protection squad of Emily, and help her in different ways.
Charlie is the heart, she helps Emily to have a purpose, and encourages her not to lose faith or give up on her dreams.
Vaggie is the mind, she helps Emily to adapt to hell. Where to go, how to deal with demons, which measures take, etc. Vaggie is a guide through hell.
Velvette is the soul, it's due to her that Emily finds herself again, what kind of person (seraphim) she wants to be and what she really wants for her life.
These three would give their life for Emily, and are the ones that Emily feels more like a family. But it's a very messy family 😂
To begin with, Emily is sort of Miguel's daughter, so before fallings she calls Lucifer her "uncle", and calls Charlie her "cousin" (more it an affecionate way)
Vaggie on the other side is her sister. Maybe Emily is a seraph and Vaggie an ex-Exorcist, but Emily loves to call her sister (or sis, more specific, again, affecionate)
But then Emily falls and she gets adopted by Lucifer, so eventually she calls Charlie her sister too. I like to think that Emily sees Vaggie and Charlie truly as her sisters.
The same comes from Charlie and Vaggie, Emily becomes a sister to them.
But then Velvette comes to the picture, and she doesn't know how she fits in this family. Is she just the girlfriend of Emily? Is she really part of the family? Can she ask anything from Charlie ir Vaggie? Should she be away from them? Velvette has the hardest time becoming part of the family, and part of this is due to her own self doubts and not really believing that she should be part of that family.
Between Charlie and Vaggie, Vaggie is the one most reluctant to accept Velvette, mostly when she was still friends with Emily (because when Emilette starts dating, Velvette would have at least some trust of the hotel, but it's difficult at the beggining). So Vaggie always has an eye on Velvette, and is very skeptical of her. She thinks that Velvette means trouble, and she doesn't want Emily suffering. But when Emilette starts dating, Vaggie is chiller and friendlier with Velvette, she still has an eye on her but mostly because she is still a Vee and they can't never be too careful with the Vees as a whole, but outside of that, she likes Velvette and even cares for her. Eventually she won't have doubts about Velvette's feelings, would know for sure that she won't hurt Emily and will accept her completely, so Velvette will become one of the person she looks the most after (the other ones being Charlie and Emily, of course)
On the other side, Charlie is the one who tries the most to integrate Velvette, first to the hotel and then to the family. Like, before Emily and Velvette start dating, when they are friends, she invites Velvette to be in the hotel not like, a resident, but just to pass by and hang out. Then, when Emily and Velvette become a couple, Charlie is the most excited and is like "yup, you are part of mi family now, you are another sister and therefore I am going to treat you like one, OK?". She is still careful because again, Vees, but she is more welcoming and genuinely thinks that Velvette is not so bad, and that she is the best person for Emily.
Velvette has always had a fucked up family, and she already has a hard time accepting that someone like Emily loves her. So imagine what she feels like having Charlie treating her like a sister the moment she finds out she is dating Emily, being even more affecionate than she already was. And then Vaggie, who despite her doubts, cares about Velvette in her own way. She is like WAAAAAA. IS THIS A TRICK?!
But eventually Velvette will realize that no, it isn't a trick, and will accept the love she is being given by Chaggie and start to think them as family, I don't see Velvette calling her sister to either of them, but their relationship will be very sister like.
So yeah, is a situation of "the sister of my girlfriend is also my sister". Charlie and Emily are more vocal about it (Charlie calling Velvette sister, and Emily calling Vaggie sister, thou it's kinda of rare then because of messy families but nvm). And while Vaggie doesn't call neither Emily or Velvette sister, and Velvette doesn't call Charlie ir Vaggie sister, they definetly have that bond. Plus Lucifer is like "the girlfriends of my daughters are also my daughters what do you mean by that is not how it works" so yep.
Chaggie and Emilette are basically the royal couples of hell. And hang a lot together.
They even hanged out before Emily became a fallen angel. When Velvette was in the hotel the times that Emily was visiting, Charlie tried to encourage Emily and Velvette to set up their differences (because when they just met they had a lot of problems) and get along
But of course Vaggie was nervous to leave Emily alone with Velvette, so not wanting to let down the hopes of her girlfriend, she proposed that the four of them hanged out and Charlie thought it was BRILLIANT. And so that's was the predecessor for their double dates, and how the friendship between of them grew.
Of course Vaggie eventually trusts Velvette more and doesn't mind Velvette and Emily hanging out alone. But they still liked to hang out together, so... DOUBLE DATES!!! They love doing double dates, trying new things together.
Usually they take turns to choose, Chaggie chooses, then Angelic Vogue, then Chaggie, and so on. Somehow the spots that Angelic Vogue chooses end up being more chaotic, but they still have fun.
Their double dates include: going to La La Land, have picnics, shopping sessions, spa, do sports competitions, do high risk sports, go to a restaurant, pillow fight, camping, movie and boards game night.
When Velvette has problems with Emily, or doesn't know what to do about something, she usually goes to Vaggie for advice. Like she trusts Charlie a lot, but she is too optimistic, Vaggie is more pragmatic and Velvette has a better time with her advice.
But when looking forward to give Emily a surprise, Velvette always goes to Charlie for help and she is so happy to help! This happens viceversa too. Velvette and Charlie can spend HOURS looking for gifts, it's their favorite activity to do together.
One of the most fun times Vaggie and Velvette have is hearing Charlie and Emily sharing ideas to make something. They get so happy, they jump, and high five, and end the phrase of the other, and all Vaggie and Velvette can do is smile and think how lucky they are.
Vaggie and Emily have flying sessions together. Like of course they like to carry their respective girlfriend while flying, but that is more private, so Chaggie-Emilette has never had a double flying date. But Vaggie and Emily do enjoy flying together, compete or just have that freedom, and while waiting for them to come back, Charlie and Velvette talk.
What Emily loves to do with Charlie, outside of making plans for the hotel, is practicing magic. Emily basically has to relearn magic, and Charlie has never really got into learning how to control their powers, so they basically learn together. They pull pranks on the other, compete for who can do something best, teach the other, and overall have a fun time learning together.
Vaggie and Velvette like to train fighting together from time to time. Not that Velvette is super fond of fighting without reason, but their fighting styles are very different and thus, complementary. Vaggie is a meele fighter, while Velvette is a short distance figther and never uses her body to fight, just her weapon. So Vaggie focuses a lot on her opponent and ignores what happens around her, while Velvette is basically fucked if someone manages to get to her and the fight becomes physical, so they help the other to overcome their failings on their fighting styles.
Angelic Vogue was very involved in organizing Chaggie wedding and viceversa. They weren't the only ones of course, but still, they were the most excited about the weddings.
For Chaggie's wedding, Velvette made the dresses for Vaggie and Charlie. While Emily made the cake and some other cakes.
For Emilette's wedding, Charlie played a song in the piano, and Vaggie did the decorations.
And that's about it! I love the bond this four share, they are a family through and through ♥️
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somegrumpynerd · 6 months
Something about there being ask blogs on my dash again just makes me really happy
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queercodedvillains · 7 months
If you can I’d love to hear the outline/tldr of your Claire’s AU because the posts under that tag are always so funny to me
So the claires au tag started because I wanted to collect all my modern au inspo posts in one place. Since it all gravitates around my beloved little terrorist Deidara, and I think he'd do great at a dead end low effort retail job with a bonus perk of bullying giving piercings to tweens and a sick employee discount, the claire's au was born. In hindsight, I wish I had called it the mallrats au, but since the fics came after the tag, we're stuck with the consequences of my choices smh.
It's expanded significantly, to the point that its sooo hard to summarize, but I'm gonna try my best here!!
My general goal is to transcribe everything we know from canon as closely/creatively as I can to a modern/90s setting. Tbh this started because I just was not emotionally prepared to handle canon!akatsuki levels of fucked up war criminals and I just wanted to put them in low stakes shenanigans that keeps the core of their characters without all the murder and angst and action (I hate writing action. Horror is fun and dandy, but spin kicks and explosions and puppets are beyond me for now).
So in the claires au/mallrats cinematic universe, the Akatsuki are just a gang of queers doing your run of the mill criminal activity. Drug dealing, car stealing, chop shopping, gun running, book cooking, you name it. They all ended up kicked out of society for one reason or another, banded together, and became mundane villains of polite society.
For example, Sasori is always depicted as tinkering with his puppets. So I decided that tendency to methodically pull someone apart and back together, that special calculating mindset that it takes to look at a body and come up with twelve different secret weapons to hide in their limbs, would make the perfect fodder for a chop shop mechanic. Stolen cars instead of stolen corpses. He seems like he got the obsessing-over-cars brand of autism and I love him for it. He's weird and reclusive and pretentious and insufferable and genius.
Deidara likes explosives, duh, but guns are so boring imo so I wanted to dig deeper into his love of temporary beauty, and how that meshes perfectly with drugs. They're ephemeral, transient experiences that fade quickly but leave a lasting impact on a person, changing their life, etc. He's also. Super fucking pretentious about it. Don't let him corner you at a party. Sasori might be the chemist but Deidara is the real brains behind the operation, and also the very willing test subject. I see him as a club kid, always on one in the middle of the crowd, and entirely responsible for the Akatsuki's branding. He designed the clouds and the patented pressed pills (we got blue teslas, they got white owls, etc) and also is solely responsible for word of mouth advertising. He's always got a can of spray paint and/or a black business card with nothing but a phone number and a red cloud. He's always bright and loud and shiny and looking for attention in seedy places, always in the middle of the mosh pit or the dance floor or some sketchy back alley or the skate park (skating is kinda like riding a giant flying bird, right?) Either way, everyone wants whatever the fuck he's on.
Together they're a power couple. Absolutely nasty, insufferable to talk to, impossible to be around unless you're just as pretentious as them about their very specific interests AND willing to listen to them bicker endlessly about their arts. Naturally, they only have two friends. Kakuzu and Hidan.
I want to dig into their backstories and relationships later, narratively, but the barest bones of it is that Hidan is Deidara's childhood friend and professional pain in the ass. Class clowns in detention together, bullying the local nerds, weirdo queer kids with serious mental issues from broken homes, a scrappy sort of friendship born out of desperation for someone Like Them etc. I mean Hidan's got a nasty sadomasochistic streak, a propensity for self harm, and an obsession with the occult so don't get me started on him as your local satanic bad influence. Their whole thing could be its own post tbh.
Kakuzu and Sasori are like crotchety old men on the porch. They like to sit in some booth at the club talking shit and looking menacing while Deidara and Hidan are busy 'advertising'. I also see Kakuzu as a bit of a mentor to Sasori, being a bit older and wiser and seeing Sasori get dragged into the Akatsuki after dropping out of med school and being disowned by his grandmother (a whole other post as well) and spiraling into shitty coping mechanisms (alcohol, mostly). Kakuzu smacked some sense into him and got him sobered up because he loves that sad pathetic wet cat of a man they got money to make!!
If and when Sasori and Deidara split up to work, I see them pairing up with Kakuzu and Hidan, respectively. Every artsy twink needs their burly body guard, yknow?
I'm maintaining their age differences to some degree, although pinched closer. At the time Mallrats is set, Deidara is 25, Hidan is 26, Sasori is 32, Kakuzu is 40. Itachi and Kisame are also mid 20s, Konan and Pain and Zetsu and Tobi are in their 30s.
Deidara centric timeline wise (and trying to stick to canon as closely as realistically possible) he gets kicked out of his house for being fruity at 14, ends up couch surfing with Hidan (having 'sleep overs', or sneaking into his room when Hidan's mom said no but didn't care enough think to look under his bed/the closet/that pile of laundry) and when he can't pull that off, staying in the mall til after closing and posting up in there all night. After a while, someone in the Akatsuki notices him kicking rocks in a parking lot and realizes they need some scrappy kid to run a backpack from one end of town to the other without getting noticed. One thing leads to another and he ends up catching Konan's attention. She (30s, forgery and embezzling specialist, dyke and mother of the house) shuffles some papers, gets him his own apartment on the condition that he works for her and the money goes from their business associates to him to her to his landlord.
I have a soft spot for Konan doing this for anyone she can. Queer kids in the 80s and 90s didn't exactly have resources, and she did what she could with what she had, handing them a way to earn their own money and a safe place to live, even if its seedy and illegal. Beats the streets! Most of them were runners for a few years and aged out, she signed their SRO apartments off to them at 18 and they moved on with their lives. There's a whole host of people who only know her as Lady Angel (winknod to canon again) because she did what she could to save em. Deidara just happened to be too good at his job and got pulled higher and higher, until he landed in Sasori's shop.
That's about caught up to what I've gotten so far in Mallrats and The Waiting Room (with so much more to go. My muse is wildly overactive for the amount of time and attention span I got). I got head canons on like all the main characters from Konoha/Suna, all the Akatsuki, and the Sanin. Where they work, how they interact, how their relationships translate to mallrat/clubrat shenanigans, etc.
Every detail Sasori and Deidara falling in love? DUH. But also........... A complete dossier on everyone's kinks? Hidan and Deidara's gay awakening? Sasori's history with Orochimaru? The absolute fuckery that is any of their home life before the Akatsuki? Brazilian Kakuzu? Jashinism in a neopagan satanic context? Kakuzu and Hidan's perfectly vicious relationship? Konan as Lady Angel? Itachi darling son of the police chief working for the mob to spite his homophobic dad? Kisame... well, idk about Kisame, but if you care enough to develop it with me I could be convinced to!! The list goes ON.
I could go into heavier detail about so much more but this is already so long T^T. If you read this far thank u ilysm and I would be so delighted to get into more if you're interested!! The ask box is always open and I am foaming at the mouth over them at the drop of a hat <3
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deandoesthingstome · 9 months
Happy Birthday Charlie 🥳✨🎂
I hope you have a wonderful day!
I wanted to give you something back for all the love and support you share on your blog, so here‘s some fan art for the chapters of your wonderful fantasy hotel series! I hope you like it 😘
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Nina. NI.NA!!!
I am both screaming and speechless at the same time. The fact that anyone would put together fanart for me unbidden is amazing in and of itself.
And then, then!!! I spent the time since receiving and replying to this ask perusing each chapter's image. The amount of detail you managed to find and weave into these scenes is just mind-boggling.
I know how long I spent looking for the photos I wanted to use in Canva for the headers and you found some pretty spot on matches. And I am certainly no master with PhotoShop or whatever editing tool, but I also know how long it took me to make the pictures I did and yours must have taken hours.
I just...I literally cannot find enough words to thank you for honoring both me and my stories with such sumptuous art.
What an amazing birthday gift! I will cherish this and brag about it til the end my days on this hellsite. You make it so fun to be here and I love all of you support.
So like, in short (too late! And I won't put any of this response under a cut because I'm so proud of inspiring you to create it and I'll have everyone know how I feel about it!) Thank you so much, kind friend!
I will never forget this!
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waugh-bao · 8 months
So I was reading some concert reviews on IORR (I know) about the Ottawa 2005 concert. I'd read that Charlie left the stage during SFTD because of some technical troubles and wanted to know more about it. The reviews mentioned that both he and Keith left and Charlie seemed upset about his headphones. Then somebody mentioned that Charlie came in wrong on Brown Sugar and that Mick walked over and smiled at him and then Charlie got back on track. I think there might have been some technical issues for everyone because they also said guitars were cutting out so I assume Charlie was maybe having a bit of trouble hearing.
Anyway, two of the people who were there mentioned that at the end Keith, Mick, and Ronnie were trying to get Charlie to take a solo bow but he refused. One reviewer said they then "attacked him with kisses." And it made me think of how this was after his cancer and wondering if he could still play and keep up with the band and that they must have realized he felt down after the mistakes (whether or not they were his own or related to technical difficulties) and wanted to make him feel better and show him love. My heart!
Based on this:
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Something definitely happened. I would hazard to guess there were issues with the sound engineering that were affecting both the instruments themselves and the monitor set-up (what the musicians are hearing in their headphones/ear buds).
What I hate about this, and what is so typical of IORR, is that all of these dipshits come out and act like they’re musicology professors at Yale when the extent of their musical training or ability is the 3 weeks they played guitar in college to try to pull girls.
Like the genius who wanted to inform us that the “click track on the drum machine must have failed” and that’s why Charlie didn’t enter right on “Brown Sugar”:
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I have no clue what he means by drum machine, because the only time the Stones utilize drumming that isn’t Charlie himself playing in a live context are the pre-recorded bits of atypical drums for a few songs, like “Sympathy.” They never used any kind of drum machine before Hackney Diamonds. And they’ve very famously never used click tracks, which are a tool for drummers, not a component of a drum machine. Keith and Mick have both mentioned it multiple times, the only instance click tracks were used was one singular day in 1989:
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Which all culminates in this pièce de résistance from the same reviewer:
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Because somehow, while Keith’s fuck-ups are a charming example of how ‘raw and real’ he is and Mick’s are excusable, it’s all Charlie’s fault that the sound engineering equipment failed on him and the rest of the band.
That said, I absolutely love the descriptions of what happened after. How they tried to get him to take his own bow:
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And, when he wouldn’t do that, the way they responded:
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phonecall-fromgod · 2 months
Hey charlie!!
Your a pretty cool guy righttt??
Hand over your favourite bands, i wanna hear alk of your favourites.
Hope youre well <3
- w. 🔎 ➳ 〖knoxs secret/weird friend x〗
jajabswishhabs hi
i like um
chappell roan
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suite-dee-reynolds · 1 year
Wait, you've been a Sunny fan for 8 years?! You've got to tell us how it's been in that time!!! What's the vibe been like here in that time and how has it changed? What were the big fan theories? Was r/iasip always such a hellhole dumpsterfire? What are the big things from the fandom back in the day that we don't know about but should?
Ooooh lets see what I remember-
Charlie reigned supreme- like really and truly so many blogs and so, so much content was Charlie Charlie Charlie, everyday, all the time and I mean he still is insanely popular but definitely back in the day Charlie in the show and of the cast was easily the most popular, like it felt like 7/10 posts were about him. Glenn was next in line but I do distinctly remember Kaitlin and Rob didn't have as much content about them, at a certain point I kinda was the Kaitlin Olson tag, that's not me being up myself I just used to be in her tag constantly and it'd be a lot of posts in a row of just me- the girls of the series def didnt always get the love they should and I'm not really sure that's changed much ☠ But yeah this was also around the time that everyone was also going gaga about Pacific Rim so that def made Charlie even more popular too.
Macdennis has always, always been a popular pairing but their popularity 100% has skyrocketed the past few years, and I mean SKYROCKETED. Like they're on par with some wildly popular mlm ships nowadays and it's lowkey so funny to see em in the ring with like. destiel 😂 now when I go in the tag it seems half the posts feature mac and dennis, which is notable to me bc Mac especially was kinda... Unloved is not the right way to phrase it bc fans have always loved him but Rob/Mac def didn't get /as/ much love back in the day. Like people often spoke of him as the weakest character but after season 13 I think he's gained more appreciation.
Fans have def gotten much bigger on theories and stuff these days, I'm sure they had em back then too but it wasn't as prevalent and none particularly stand out, it was usually just the "X characters are secretly sleeping together" type beat. I also remember a popular theory that everyone was going to die in the inevitable series finale but then the show never got cancelled and I dont know what that was about?
Reddit has always been messy and there def was a pretty big us vs them type vibe between sunny fans back then- though it was less reddit vs tumblr and more "straight dude bros" vs everyone else like I remember so many posts being like "Ugh straight dude bros don't get the show" I probably made some of those posts 😂 Lots of "Mac isn't actually gay" too which is very, very funny in hindsight- No one ever thought they'd canonize his sexuality.
Ummm... Probably the most notable thing to me tho is seeing how popular the cast has become, like 8 years ago Danny was the only "Big name" Like the media absolutely spoke of the show as these no name people and Danny Devito. I mean that was not totally the case for Charlie, he was becoming more and more popular and gaining traction in the mainstream with pacific rim and the likes but with Glenn, Kaitlin and Rob they were definitely not super well known outside Big always sunny fans so seeing them go from that to Rob being besties with Ryan Reynolds and stuff has honestly been super interesting and funny. Like I remember posting rob and kaitlins wedding pictures and getting so many people going WAIT THEYRE MARRIED?? it was hilarious to see the transition.
Yeah those are probably the biggest changes I can think of- it's gotten more popular which explains most of it, shipping has def become a much bigger thing as well, ships were pretty chill back then, there wasn't too much fic or art so thats different now :)
OH BUT ART! There's always been wonderful fan artists but nowadays wowee!! some amazing art for the series, like much more abundant! That's the gist of it :)
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jencsi · 4 months
fun challenge make a tiny blorbo story based on random emoji
🏀 Finn + Russell + Charlie + trouble = His fourteen-year-old son's bedroom is empty. He’s supposed to be up here studying for school. He panics, rushes back downstairs, punching the teens cell phone number into his. It rings and rings and rings. His blood pressure rises with each ring. They should call the police. Honey you are the police, Barbara reminds him, oddly calm. How can she be at a moment like this? Where did Charlie go? 
As an investigator, he should have connected the dots. Biggest high school party of the year. Multiple sports teams joining together, cabin in the woods, bonfire, beer? Likely. Drugs. Maybe. Smoking god knows what? Highly likely. This is Seattle after all. Charlie doesn’t hang with that crowd. Charlie doesn’t care about what's popular. Or so he says. I’ve got a big history test on Monday, I can’t fail it or I’ll lose my spot on the team. Coach will kill me. Yeah son, I’ll kill you too. 
It’s her. She’s been odd all evening. Fidgeting in her seat at dinner. Not focused when she was helping Maya braid her hair. No jokes. No hyperactivity. No sense of the usual that is Finn. Russell focuses all her attention on her now. The lack of distress over Charlie being missing. No attempt to reach him like they were. No tossing around ideas about where he snuck off to. She knew about the party. They busted parties like that for years for the same illegal activities. She knew the when, the how, and most importantly, the where.
It's no big deal. It's one party. He promised to be back by eleven. You helped my fourteen-year-old son sneak out to a party we, his parents, told him not to go to. Worse, you both played us into thinking he didn’t even want to go in the first place! Nicely done? Well played. It was a slick move. Bold, cunning, blatant, very very much like Finn. Very very unlike Charlie. Well Finn said- I don’t care what Finn says!
But he does, doesn’t he? That’s a big fat lie. A juicy lie. He sweats just hearing himself speak the statement to his son. None of them are blind. Of course she matters. Of course everyone listens to her. She makes herself known, refusing to be anything else. She set them all on a collision course for chaos. Now that trickled down to Charlie.
 It was all her idea, she insists on the front porch when everyone is calm again. She’s kicking herself out for the night but still won’t leave, classic. Don’t punish Charlie. He has to think it over with Barbara first. Why the charade? Why the dance? Why the lies? Was there a chance they’d let him go if he genuinely asked? No. He’s a good kid. Yeah he is. He didn’t drink, he swore to me he wouldn’t do any of that stuff. Yeah Jules, and you believed him? Maybe it’s a good thing you don’t have kids. She scoffs. He’s right. Maybe. She likes being Aunt Julie better anyways.
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static-scribblez · 5 days
Hi I saw in an old post u mentioned making a litwtc bingo card, would u be OK with posting it? I'm trying to make my own rn and I'm looking for ideas of what to add
sorry anon literally just saw this in my inbox 😭
ofc, here you go
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theydoctor · 8 months
Here's a sleepy Snowy <333
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She sends her love!! As do I!! <3333333
Sorry, I completely forgot to answer this, but I love Snowy so much 🥺
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aftout · 1 year
I wanna know abt ACC Charlie 👀 whats she like? Does Maxwell still end up joining her?
GRAHHH TEEHEE HII I’m gonna try to keep this as comprehensible as I possibly can because when I write these character things I honestly kinda feel like the fucking. Mario Perchance essay ifykyk BUT ANYWAYS 🤯
Ever since her childhood Charlie has had this disease called “I need to partake in everything all the time” syndrome. She’s competitive, creative, adventurous, and was often enthusiastic about the most minuscule things. She loved helping her mother bake, she loved helping her father organise papers for his job, she loved assisting Winona with whatever projects she could despite not understanding machinery on the same level as her. Like, any sort of activity that she could get her hands on and do with someone was enticing to her.
She got into a particularly bad argument with Winona before she left home to start living on her own. Despite their eventual rekindling, the event sparked this flame of rebellion that played a big role in her life during her time in San Francisco. There was this lingering need to prove her sister wrong despite her absence, to show that she was more than capable of defending and taking care of herself, that she could choose her own path. Outside of her many part-time jobs she’d hang around clubs to socialise, she got into flapper culture, she still clung to that joy in meeting new people and assisting them with whatever imaginable; which ultimately led her to the Palace Hotel.
Clicking with William happened pretty much immediately. They were similar in many aspects, both far away from home and somewhat striving after the public’s attention. Besides, a magic act seemed fun. And William was good at it. Collaboration with one another came easy to them and eventually they had made quite a name for themselves; William even changed his completely.
They eventually got together as a couple but it seemed like more of a business title than anything else. Charlie– deep in the closet and not quite yet on terms with that part of herself– mistook her feelings of friendship as romantic (because, hey, that’s a guy!) and followed suit (Maxwell was in a very similar position but THIS ISN’T ABOUT HIM!!!).
BUT YOU WANT THE DRAMA. YOU WANT TO HEAR ABOUT WHEN THINGS FUCK THE FUCK UP. Shit hits the fan when she finds out that Maxwell is probably engaging in cult activities (thanks to his little spell book) after visiting his apartment to pick up a few show props. Or, well, she registers it as cult activity at first; still (somehow) not fully onboard with the idea that shadow magic is, like, an actual thing. And it’s creepy but she still cares about him, right? So obviously she’s all hey. You’ve been isolating yourself for a hot minute now but just know that I’m here for you if you need anything. And then during their next show The Bad Thing Happened.
The force from the blow basically severed Charlie, the overwhelming amount of nightmare fuel entering her system all at once fucking with her system and turning her into the Grue. All this eventually leads us to when ACC actually takes place. She’s the nightmare queen and she’s doing a lot of Cryptic Shit.
Heeerre’s the thing. When it comes to rulers of the constant, it really is Them. Whoever’s on the throne is merely a vessel for Them to channel Their power through. There’s the illusion of collaboration, sure, but once They’ve drained you of all you have to offer you’re as disposable as a dishcloth.
The best heirs to the throne are people with baggage. Shadow magic is a craft reliant on its practicer’s mental state, the more there for Them to dissect the more there is for Them to use. They’ll pull you apart mentally and stretch you out physically, They’ll take whatever you have on the table. And sure, Maxwell had a fair amount of petty grudges pent up that They could bend and manipulate, but Charlie? She’s ripe with wrath. She feels confused, she feels betrayed, she feels scared, she feels angry. She wants to watch that old man die a thousand deaths and then kill him herself a thousand times more. Her mind is oozing with all sorts of intense emotions for Them to get Their grimy little hands on, there’s a reason she’s so powerful.
They’re breaking her apart. She’s deteriorating.
RIGHT and whether Maxwell ends up joining her again or not? ACC Maxwell is in this position where two sides are offering him different things that he really wants. Wanda is giving him this final chance at making things right, a ticket home, whereas Charlie is (falsely) offering him the comfort of the past; an opportunity to revert things back to how they once were but better. Both of these things are tempting, and both of the people in question do mean something to him. I suppose it all relies on where his greed takes him.
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goopingandgunking · 1 year
Yeah wil went looking for people and he couldn’t find fucking anyone. Phil wasn’t even home. Also guys i wanna get in on the slimecicle cinematic universe talk…. Where do i start?
…maybe they’re avoiding Wilbur?
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princesable · 1 year
still recovering from one of my best pals in the whole world asking me if That Thing knows what neopronouns are. i dont think i’ll ever recover actually.
the answer is no btw
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