#just gonna give this all the spoilers tags because I think these books should be read without knowing what's going to happen
highlordofkrypton · 2 months
I am going to ask way to many of these
2, 3, 5, 7, 20, 31
I want to ask many more but I am restraining myself
Linking to the ask game in question!
2. Anything you want to write but feel like you're unable to?
Porn. Straight up raunchy multiple thousand words for just filth. Feelings get in the way, we're all laughing or crying. I think it's an art to be able to focus on just the kinky stuff in a way that's engaging but not too anatomical. That's dirty but in a way that isn't gross, but just right, if you know what I mean?
I love smut, but the mental toll it takes on me to write pure smut is wild. I can usually shoot out 1k words in 15 minutes if I'm focused. It can take me three days to figure out like... where the character should kiss next 😭
3. How would you describe your writing style?
Oh gosh, are we supposed to use real writing terms? I don't know what styles there are out there, but my way of describing my writing would be: lived in.
I always say I'm a lazy writer, so I don't describe anything more than I have to. Usually, I will describe what matters to the character. I live in their shoes at that moment, and when I write, I embody their emotions as well. If the character is crying, my ass is sobbing over the keyboard. If they're angry, I'm rolling my eyes.
I do think that my style also means that the details I do include are a bit miscellaneous. It's natural to describe the setting, and clothes and items, but I feel like if you're really living in a universe, you get attached to the really random, if weird, shit.
5. What's a tag you never want to use for your works even when it applies?
Okay, let me start off by saying I am both pro and against tags. I think tags are a great way of searching up fics to make sure that you get exactly what you want, but I also think that for some fics it does a disservice to the fic. Disclaimer: I'm new to AO3 and I don't think I tag well enough.
So, on the point of disservice, I'll use my fic for example because I've been thinking about it for a while. So for Wildflowers, I consider it an ACOTAR prequel, first and foremost. While Tamsand is the main ship, I think by tagging the ship, it does the fic a disservice because the world is so rich, it doesn't just focus on the ship. There's so much more I want to gush about with people, and I find it answers so many complaints I see from ACOTAR fans who were disappointed by the rest of the books, but people will stop at the ship tag.
Also both characters are so polarizing in the fandom that if you hate one, you won't give this fic a shot which is FAIR but one of my goals was to convince readers to fall for the one they might not have thought they would, but yeah, I played myself with that idea.
I also tag to be safe than sorry so not to trigger anyone, but I'm very much a reader that is in for the ride no matter what, and I feel like tags can be spoilers, etc. Still, I do want to be respectful of others, but for me, I worry that if I tag 'SA' the fic might be misconstrued as it focuses on that topic whereas it's one scene that impacts later character development.
I wouldn't use the term never tag, but that's how I feel about tagging.
7. Your favourite AO3 tag.
Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne.
That's it. That's the whole tag LMAO.
20. Do you work on a single project or many at the same time? How does that work for you?
Hyperfocus or bust, apparently.
31. What was the most difficult fic to write (but in the end you made it)?
Pick any of my smut oneshots, except Regrets and that is probably one of them.
I would say that my Lucien x Elain (Elucien) fic Warmth was difficult because I knew the setting and how I was gonna start it, but I don't know Elain very well (I haven't finished reading the series) and I don't write Lucien enough. It's one thing to know the character, but another thing to know how they are when they are being intimate. That was really tricky.
I always try not to re-use the same tropes, positions, expressions and wording in my smut, but since I don't write enough of it, to me, it reads like I'm writing more or less the same and... I hate that.
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liyawritesss · 2 years
ᴛʜᴇꜱᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ᴍʏ ᴏɴʟʏ ɪɴᴛᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴꜱ
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Pairing: MCU!Riri Williams x Black!Masc!Reader
Genre: Fic
Synopsis: Riri brings you home to meet her mom for Thanksgiving, and you have a heart-to-heart about your intentions with her daughter.
Warnings: BLACK PANTHER: WAKANDA FOREVER SPOILER READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!, homophobia if you squint, the 'relationships' talk is briefly mentioned in regards to Riri
A/N: I have so many feelings for Riri. Comic book and MCU versions. This fic has a mix of both, I tried my best to mesh them both together smoothly. Riri is a character I already feel is gonna be close to home for me, and I can't wait to see more of Dominique Thorne's portrayal of her.
Tags: @verachii @inmyheadimobsessed @badass-dora-milaje @babyboiboyega
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There’s no reason why Riri should be the one nervous, you think, as you pull up into the driveway of her home. If anything, you should be the one sweating bullets in the passenger seat. And yet, the irony in such a situation is almost uncanny.
The two of you pull up to three-bedroom bungalow, common in the South Shore neighborhood of Chicago, decorated festively for the holidays. Riri caught you off guard when she asked if you wanted to spend the holidays with her mom and her. Mainly because, well, you had never met her mom before. Normally you’d meet the parents before such a milestone, but Riri had been putting it off due to her own anxiety. Having been together since January, though, she came to the conclusion that it’s finally time to come clean about this part of her life.
“Baby,” you call out to her, providing a comforting hand on her knee clothed with her favorite pair of blue jeans, “it’s gonna be okay. Shit, you’re more nervous than I am.”
“I’m sorry-” she begins, leaning back into the tan-colored leather fabric of the car seat. “It’s just- this is my moms, and I haven’t brung anyone around since Nat, and-”
Natalie, the one friend Riri did have in her youth, who met an untimely death from a drive by shooting. You’ve heard this testimony a few times - Riri doesn’t like to talk about it much, but when she does, it’s always in a very serious moment.
“Riri, I get it. It’s okay,” you respond softly, giving her knee a squeeze. She looks at you with her bright, lively eyes. The same eyes that caught your attention back at that New Years Eve party where you first met. Riri had always been an introvert, but if it was something she couldn’t verbalize, her eyes could tell it all. And right now, they’re pleading for this evening to go well.
“You know you still have time to chicken out-”
“Don’t even try it, Ri,”
This exchange brings a short laugh from the young and gifted engineer, as she watches you gather your phone and keys and exit the car. In a short moment, you’re at her side, opening the car door for Riri to step out. Her pink cashmere sweater does little to nothing to protect her from the November chill that has set itself into the air. Once the car is locked up, Riri’s feet, the only thing kept warm on her body thanks to the black ankle cut Ugg boots she had on, makes a beeline for the side door that leads into the humble abode. You follow shortly after, the wind starting to break through your clothes as well.
“Ma, I’m home!” Riri calls out from the doorway, and immediately the smell of soul food consumes both of you. The smells are distinctive - freshly baked mac-n-cheese that just got pulled from the oven, the greens simmering on low heat on the stove ready for plating, amongst other staple foods of a black household. The lighting is warm and inviting, and there’s some old school blues being played on a speaker coming from the kitchen. If this isn’t what home feels like, you don’t know what does.
Riri gestures to you to follow her as her mother responds from the kitchen. Riri’s mother turns from the stove to embrace her daughter, and is slightly caught off guard by the other presence in the home.
“You didn’t tell me you were bringing someone else over, baby,” the older woman says as she releases Riri from a signature mama-bear hug. She smiles warmly at you, to which you shoot one back. There’s an uneasy pit in your stomach caused by the anxiety of such a moment, but in an effort to make a good first impression, you ignore it and make the first move.
“It’s nice to meet you, ma’am,” You begin, extending your hand out to greet the older woman. She takes your hand into her own, and the softness of her skin spreads a calming warmth throughout your arm. "Oh, hun, I ain't no ma'am yet. Call me Ronnie."
“Momma, this is (Y/N),” Riri chimes in, swallowing the lump that’s formed in her throat from the interaction thus far, “my girlfriend.”
What you expect is for the world to freeze, for Riri’s mom to go stiff and ridged with discomfort. You expect her warm demeanor to change in an instant, for her to retract her hand, to give you a curt greeting and not another word. It’s the only experience you’ve ever had when it came to moments like this with previous partners.
And yet, they never come. Instead, Riri’s mother pulls you into a mama-bear hug, officially welcoming you into her home.
“‘Bout time she brought you home, had me wondering if y’all were hitting a bumpy patch,” says the older woman, which has your eyebrows furrowing together in confusion. Riri said she hadn’t mentioned she was dating anyone, let alone a girl, to her mother, so why did it sound like she knew all along?
“Oh, don’t look like that, baby,” says Riri’s mother as she lets you go, catching the look on your face, and the nervous one that Riri sports as she stands off to the side, chewing on her thumb nail like it’s one of the chicken drumsticks that sit pretty in a serving basket on the kitchen island.
“Forgive me,” you begin, sheepishly fumbling with your hands, “I just thought- Riri never said-”
“C’mon now,” the older woman interrupts, “a mother always knows.” And that’s enough for you to drop the subject, but Riri, on the other hand, is staring wide eyed at her mother in disbelief. “Momma?!”
“Oh hush, child,” the older woman replies, “you come back from MIT and suddenly you outside every other weekend. Of course you got yourself a lil’ boo, otherwise you’d be in here every Saturday morning hogging my damn TV!”
“Ion wanna hear it,” says Riri’s mother, raising her hand in the air signaling the halt of the conversation, “now take (Y/N) and get the good dishes from the glass case and set the table. Food is just about ready.”
Frankly, you were glad Riri’s mom dismissed you two to table setting duty - you weren’t sure how long you could keep a straight face in front of her. The exchange between the three of you was something you never saw coming, but you’d be lying if you said it wasn’t fun, in an odd secondary coming out kind of way.
“I thought you said you never told your mom?” You mumbled to Riri as she’s setting down the china on the placemats you were putting down.
“I didn’t,” she replied, “but that mothers intuition is a bitch.”
You laugh as she continues to mumble on about how she ‘don’t go outside every other weekend’, which both of you know is a lie. The one time Riri did go to a party, it was the New Years Eve party you two met at. You weren’t a student at MIT, but a friend of one, and you were also a Chicago born, and so the two of you just clicked. If it weren’t for your adventurous nature and classic dating etiquette, the young engineer would definitely - like her mother said - be in the house during the weekend hogging the TV. She was an introvert like that, was never one to initiate a conversation nor spark a friendship. Though it never bothered you as much, and you understood how Riri came to be the person she is, and that her standoffish nature came with the territory. Riri said it herself, you were the first person she opened up to fully since the death of her step-father and best friend. You promised yourself that you would do everything in your power to not jeopardize her healing journey, and if clinging to you would aid in Riri going back to her old, energetic self, then you’d gladly do all the reassuring, pay for all your little midnight rendezvous, and everything in between.
You loved Riri, from the girl you caught sight of that fateful night, to the headstrong, confident woman she was becoming.
The dinner portion went swimmingly. Many stories were shared, including Riri coming clean about what happened in Wakanda and why she was gone for so long (there felt like a piece missing, as you could she was visibly struggling when explaining a few parts, but as this was a story previously mentioned to you and that prior she stated that a part of said story she was not able to disclose to anyone, you wouldn’t push further). Her mother was slightly rattled at the story, it being her first time hearing about her daughter getting ‘recruited’ by a foreign nation thanks to her outstanding engineering intelligence, but nonetheless, supportive. It wasn’t every day your daughter gets to be in close proximity of African royalty, after all.
Then came the story of how you two met, which was a simple as the beginning of any regular college romance - the two of you spotted each other across the room at a party, you gathered the courage (with a little help from your homegirls) to approach Riri, and you two clicked from there. You did the pleasure of excluding the bit about a drunken kiss shared under a mistletoe while dancing to the party music, unsure of how Riri’s mother would react to that part. Riri seemed thankful for the exclusion of this fact as well.
With dinner done, you offered to help with the cleanup, and with three bodies moving in synchronicity, what would have taken at least an hour minimum for cleanup was done in twenty minutes. Now, the three of you sit on the couch with the television on some random network with a random show playing. Riri’s mom sports a wine glass with her choice of champagne, while the two of you sported canned sodas. From the way the evening had went, you were all but expecting the one fated question to be asked:
‘What are your intentions with my daughter?’
“Now, (Y/N), you knew this was comin’, so I want you to answer me honestly,” the older woman begins; she’d been nursing her wine for a while now, trying not cause you any unnecessary anxiety (of which, her efforts backfired completely).
“I’m sure Riri has told you the story of her step-dad and her best friend, Natalie - bless their souls,” she takes a sip to this, as if it’s for the aforementioned people, while you adjust your sitting position to face the woman directly. Riri is behind you, her full body weight leaning onto your back, her chin resting on your shoulder, watching her mother interrogate you, fully ready to end the conversation if it becomes too out of hand. It’s almost as if she saw this coming, too, and has prepared her defenses.
“My baby don’t just bring anybody home. And I’ve been hard on her about that, because I know how men are out here. And when she came to me and told me she liked girls, I became even harder, because as a woman, I know we break hearts too, sometimes even worse.”
She takes another sip from her wine glass, and with the way your heart is pumping furiously in your chest, you’re glad that the sound of it isn't audible, otherwise you think it’d shatter the glass in her hand.
“So, I have to ask. What are your intentions with my daughter?”
You took a moment to look at Riri. Your eyes locked. You drew in a breath, and recited your answer.
“Well, I will have you know, Ms. Ronnie,” you begin, addressing the older woman by her name, “Riri came into my life at a time when everyone was leaving me. And her presence has been liberating for me. I’ve asked the universe to take those away from me who aren’t going to help me be a better person- ‘cuz when we met, I was in a dark place. The universe took those bad people away- people who weren’t going to help me excel to my highest being, and…and sent me an angel who taught me more about myself and about love than I could ever imagine learning on my own,”
The weight on your shoulder shifted ever so slightly, but you continued; “I intend on making Riri the happiest girl in the world by any means necessary. I may not have it big right now- I’m working towards making my dream work for me- but when I get my money right, I’m going to repay your daughter for saving me in my darkest moments. If she wants the world, I’ll give her the universe, because she deserves it more than anyone in the world.”
You took a pause for a moment, reaching back for Riri’s hand. Once you’ve taken into your own, interlocking your fingers, you locked eyes with the young engineer, continuing once more; “And once I’ve made her the happiest woman in the world, I plan on making her the happiest wife.”
At this point, you forgot about Riri’s mother sitting to your right on the other end of the couch. In staring into Riri’s dark onyx eyes, you were completely enveloped in her. The Versace perfume you bought for her earlier that week, the warmth of her pink sweater that contrasted against your own clothes. The way she was holding her breathe, the way that her eyes were searching for an ounce of doubt or an inch of a lie in your own.
“Are you serious, (Y/N)?”
“You know I don’t play about you, Ri,”
If it wasn’t for remembering that her mother was in the same room, you would have kissed her. But it was the thought of her mother that caused you to break eye contact with Riri. Even more, the realization that you just spilled your entire life plan to the mother of your lover set in, and suddenly, your body was aflame in what you couldn't tell was either embarrassment or pride. Embarrassment because it’s her mother. Pride because of the amount of love for Riri that you had to be able to say all those things in front of her mother.
“Well, I’ll be damned,” said the older woman, taking a swig from her glass, “You’ve found a keeper, baby.”
At this, Riri wraps her arms around your neck, burying her face into the crook of it, in an attempt to hide the humongous smile that’s plastered on her face. You chuckle a bit at her, a smile of your own making its way to your lips.
“Your daddy would be proud, Ri,” her mother added on, “and he would have loved the shit out of you. I’m sure he’s up there smiling down on us right now.”
Riri peeks from her place in your neck, making eye contact with you once more. The smile on her face makes you melt. You’d do anything to keep that smile there for eternity.
“He would, wouldn’t he,” she whispers, more to herself than to anyone else. You place a kiss on her forehead, and she retreats back into the warmth of your neck.
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If you enjoyed, please leave a like, comment, and reblog for others to see! And don’t be shy to send in a request!
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cloud-somersault · 7 months
Hey, how are you doing? I hope you’re alright. 💕 I’ve been reading your status updates on Constellations and the Epilogue, and I just wanted to let you know that I think you’re amazing. Your writing is incredible and I love it. Your stories are so well thought out and the characters are ✨on point✨, and the plot is complex and detailed and aaahhh! It has me hooked! 🤩
And I understand how it hurts when you put so much effort and love into a story, only to post it and not see others be anywhere near as excited or invested as you are. I know how discouraging it can be. And it may be a little silly, but I do want to apologize for not commenting lately—life took some difficult turns for me healthwise around the end of last year and I haven’t been able to catch up! I’m still on Chapter 4 of Constellations! 😭 BUT Chapter 5 is open on my phone, and I am READY to read it as soon as I have the time (and mental energy, but that’s a whole ‘nother issue 😩). Don’t worry that your writing isn’t enough, or be discouraged if some readers don’t catch hints while others are figuring it all out seemingly too easily. Everybody reads and comprehends stuff differently, and it’s not a sign that your writing is bad if they don’t catch it! Honestly, I’m pretty bad at catching hints the first time I read a story unless they’re pretty darn obvious. I don’t usually notice subtle hints until the second, or third, or even seventh read-through, haha! (on the bright side, rereading stories and rewatching TV shows is always fun!) 😅
I guess what I really wanted to say is… don’t give up hope. Don’t lose your love and enthusiasm for your works, or feel like they aren’t worth writing because others don’t seem interested in them. At the heart of it all… at the end of the day… write because you love to. Because it makes you happy. And know that it doesn’t have to be “perfect”—the main goal should be that you enjoy it. That’s something I’m trying to teach myself, too. 💕
Thank you for taking the time to write this message and send it. I appreciate you're very kind words 💕I'm doing okay, I just had to take a step back for a bit from socials and stuff. I'm gonna keep that up for a while.
Please don't apologize for not commenting or taking your time reading. Your health always comes first, and I'm sorry if I came off as childish or needy, that wasn't my intention. Two things just happened that set me off and the timing of it was incredibly poor 😓
Please take your time reading; none of it is going anywhere, and don't feel obligated to leave comments either. i'm realizing that, even if chapters are short or long, finding the time to finish things is difficult, and everyone lives different lives. And I'm sorry about all the spoilers on this blog, I'll tag that better from now on.
But I really do think I got confused or disjointed in my perceptions; everyone here knows so much because i've been asked questions and given answers and people have interacted, so people following me here have more context than the average ao3 user. But I've kinda been expecting everyone to be on the same page, which will never be true.
I'm also the same way where it takes me a while to pick up on hints. I actually changed my writing style to prevent this. I got tired of reading books in college where you had to dive into every little thing. the hints and clues weren't obvious to me. I decided then that, when I wrote, I wanted things to be bold, obvious, but beautiful. I didn't want to make readers feel like they're missing something. I wanted them to trust that every answer, every clue would be answered in time. I made that promise to myself a decade ago, and being reminded of how different people interpret things just...made me remember.
I take writing really seriously, probably too seriously, but I've been doing it for so long and I love doing it. I want to be good at it. When it feels like I've gone back on that promise to myself, I get frustrated. I think of ways I could've fixed things. But I also remember that those books and those writing styles just weren't for me. I wasn't the target audience.
Sorry to go off on a tangent, but I wanted to explain why I got upset. I still love Constellations and I'm posting it on ao3 out of convenience, really. It's easier to reference and search there in one "Entire Work" than to have 5 documents open. The fact that others can see and read and have fun is a bonus. But I'm committed to telling this story, and I'm gonna finish with a bang.
Thank you, I won't forget why I'm doing this and that my thoughts/feelings come first! 😤I hope your health concerns are taken care of soon. Take it easy, and thanks again! 💕
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tasmanianstripes · 7 months
I'm gonna make an original post because I am not a discourse blog nor am I looking for a fight or, God forbid, for somebody to harass the OP or me over this. I am just a disabled person who's really fucking tired with how people treat accessibility features and I need to vent out my frustration
(As a disclaimer, idk if the OP of that post is disabled or mentally ill or anything, nor do I care. It genuienly doesn't matter. Being disabled or mentally ill or having any kind of disorder doesn't prevent you from being ableist. You can't hide behind "I'm disabled/have PTSD/whatever".)
But I saw some garbage take about trigger warnings today, that basically boiled down to that fanfic writers and artists don't need to use trigger warnings, that it's a fairly new thing and the standard for fiction was not using them for many years, and anything more than what the site requires is just a courtesy, but what ticked me off was these two ending points
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(Image ID: A tumblr text post that reads "➡️ It is your responsibility to protect yourself and close a book, or hit the back button if you find something in fiction that you're reading that upsets you. ➡️ You are responsible for protecting yourself from fiction that causes you discomfort." End ID.)
Which I absolutely agree with, which is why it's so frustrating.
Because how can somebody protect themself if the author chooses not to disclose potentially triggering and dangerous content they're posting?
Is it a standard? Yeah. Does it mean it's a good standard and shouldn't be changed? Hell no.
Yeah it is within your right to refuse to trigger tag something, but it doesn't mean it's the moral choice nor that it doesn't make you an asshole. Like not giving up your seat on a transit for a person in need is within your rights and you nobody can stop you from not doing that, but you are being a prick.
I'm all for people controlling their own online experience, they shouldn't demand somebody not post something and instead learn to block and filter their own experience, but they can't feasibly do that if somebody chooses not to use warnings. Just because something is the standard or law or a policy doesn't mean it's a moral choice. AO3's "Creator chose not to use archive warnings" is a good compromise, it can keep the creator from spoilering their story while warning the readers that they're clicking on their own risk. But to post something with absolutely ZERO warning? Yeah, full offence, you're just a cunt.
Call me crazy but it's not "courtesy" when it's about accessibility and people's health and safety, it's the bare minimum you should do to avoid dangerous situations. It's not just about comfort for many people, posting something triggering without any warnings can be genuienly dangerous. If you genuienly think everyone can just click away from a fanfic like that and be only uncomfortable at most then you're naive and sheltered, a lot of people need these warnings, fandom spaces are hostile to disabled people as is. If you want people to protect themselves from fiction that causes them discomfort or worse then you need to give them the tools to do so, you can't just wash your hands off any responsibility and absolutely refuse to meet anyone half-way.
It seems that when some people say "you need to control your own online experience" don't genuienly mean it, because if they did they would understand it's a two way street. No, they just want an easy guilt-free way out to shooting down people who criticise them for posting uncensored, not warned about triggering content.
I swear to god, when people pull out "Well it's the standard!" when talking about accessibility features for disabled people it makes my blood boil. Well it SHOULDN'T be!
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WIP Monday
Tagged by @new-old-friend and saw @sasslett post originally for just the last line but the last line I wrote is for something so very self indulgent currently. But it overall has been awhile since I posted any kind of wip. So have this little long bit of Demos and Sib in Endwalker. So spoilers for that since this is in the game events after the lvl 85 dungeon. Tagging in turn: @the-unending-journey @mimble-sparklepudding @bnuuywol @umbralaetherand I don't know too many others but please tag and share! I like seeing them!
Demos shifts, letting his shoulder touch Siberite’s back to let her lean against him while he quietly sketches out Anthea and Hythlodaeus, both looking up towards the creature high in the sky. He glances out of the corner of his eye when her shoulders move to sigh though none could be heard. Her eyes haven’t strayed from the happy couple and the smile she wears is overshadowed by something deeper she’s trying so hard to hide. “What’s got your mind far away,” he asks softly, hands moving over the page with a practiced grace.
“What makes you think I have something on my mind?”
He gives a quick chuckle, “You have that pensive look on your face. Same one you claim I get when I’m thinking too hard.”
Siberite can’t help but smile as she leans her head back, “You do think way too hard Demos. Too much for such a young man.”
“So what’s got your mind going this time?” Her head rolls to once again take in Hythlodaeus and Anthea laughing at some inside joke, their arms wrapping around him as he laces their fingers together. Watches as Anthea places a kiss on his cheek, any conversation they’re having growing silent despite how close they sit to the warriors. Watches as the two wave upwards, their talks more animated, and all the while Siberite’s eyes glass over with unshed tears. “Are you trying to compare your relationship with theirs?”
“No,” she sighs, sitting up right, bringing her knees to her chest, “I just-. I just wonder if we have any right to leave everything as is, we could change things so easily.”
“Just look at them, Demos, look how happy they are. They’re so happy and we both know how its going to end….and I don’t think I can live with leaving everything as it should be when they look so happy and so in love. What right do we have allowing something so beautiful and pure and warm to eventually die and be forgotten. What if Emet-Selch had a point?”
“That bringing this world back was the only option?” She looks down, shoulders giving a quick shrug. Demos sighs looking between the couple and the drawing, “Who says that they will be forgotten?” He nudges the sketch book towards her, “You and I are here aren’t we? When we go back our memory will still be there and down the line someone’s gonna find this and maybe they don’t know the full story but they’ll remember the love stored within it. Maybe they replicate it for a legend because no other couple can encompass what they’re conveying, so on and on it goes with their faces, this moment, their love is remembered.”
“Pretty confident people will like your art that much in the future,” she says with a small smile, Demos responding with a light shove, “But what about them now? They are living this now and don’t they deserve to stay happy?”
He hums, letting silence fall as she looks at him expectantly, “Can I ask you something?”
“Did you ever watch how your grandparents acted with one another?” 
Her brow furrows, “No. I think they died or stopped speaking to us by the time I was born.”
“Oh, well okay doesn't change my point,” he clears his throat, “When I was growing up I knew my paternal grandparents, got to see them everyday, saw how they both loved the other, and once I was able to understand that there was a concept of love I recognized how pure and warm it felt. It reminds me a lot like them.” He smiles as the two move to sit side by side, “One of my first memories was watching them sit exactly like that on the porch as everyone danced after setting up a new house and they would many times after that until she couldn’t walk much and there was never a chair big enough and comfortable enough to fit them both. She used to say it was fine because it wasn’t like sitting on the stairs, it wasn’t to me and I said as much. Thought it unfair that their time on the stairs was coming to an end, think I was havin’ a hard time with learning and accepting that one day they both would be gone. That their world and way of life would no longer exist, didn’t know when but it was going to happen.”
“But you couldn’t change something like us dying. We can though.”
“And still their lives would end. We don’t know when, but whether the Final Days happened or not, those two will one day no longer exist.”
“They could have a happier ending to their lives though.”
“And how can you know that for sure? Hythlodaeus said he sacrificed himself, for all we know Anthea went with him. Couples like them, the happiest ending they could ever ask for is for their story to end on the same page.”
“And what does that mean?”
Demos laughs with a shrug, “Don’t know entirely.”
She rolls her eyes, “Well did your grandparents end up dying at the same time?”
“No,” he exhales, “Gramps went first and then she did, but not before Grandma saw me finish repairing the obnoxious chicken clock. Said she wanted it over their graves and to not ever repair it again.” Demos shakes his head, “And no, I don’t know why she had that stipulation because they both hated the damned thing with a passion. The whole town did too, being a quarter malm away and still hearing it. If I ever come across them on our trips in the sea I’ll ask in your stead.”
Siberite laughs, “Good, because I want to know the reason also.” Her eyes glance over the various researchers working, laughing, laying out in the grass, reading, or watching as Emet-Selch assists in making the creature fly. “You know how he used to tell us stories about this time? Talk about all they accomplished, the work they did, and mostly gloss over the people he once knew, tales that I could never believe. I knew he was telling the truth but it didn’t feel like the truth to me.”
“Did finally coming here make it true?”
“No. It felt more like a dream, like the tales he’d told, but seeing them,” she pauses nodding towards the happy couple, “hearing the joke I have no context for and the subsequent laughter from the group of women that passed by here earlier, the one guy taking lunch on that rock, and seeing how at ease the old man is even when taking the little jabs Hythlodaeus makes….it feels….real. They all were once real and so much like us.”
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danwhobrowses · 1 year
My Highlights of WWE Payback 2023
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Yet another uneventful week from the most uneventful, unnewsworthy and uncontroversial sport on the planet...
But it's time for WWE Payback, a smaller card from WWE without Roman, Iyo, Gunther or the Women's tag champions, but a solid set of matches with a John Cena injection at least peaks some interest into the show, so let's see what we got.
Spoilers for Payback, also reminder this will only be positive highlights, because we deserve to just talk about some positive stuff in wrestling
Grayson Waller is a dick but he's got charisma, crashing the kick-off was a nice touch to build up his segment with Cody, I kinda liked how we was 'if I get punched in the face, maybe that's what I want' because yeah a heel would want a reaction
Pittsburgh Crowd is hot for Payback which is cool, I was kinda worried that Wembley would ruin crowd noises for me but I love the noise, Pittsburgh often have good crowds if I recall
Widow's Peak by Trish and Twist of Fate by Becky was a nice callback
A cage roof Tree of Woe was unique
It was a very good finish and the right woman won, props to all the women
The match aftermath too should put Zoey Stark on the right path
Knight and Cena squaring up was a nice tease
It's fucking hilarious that they had Cinnamon Toast Crunch sponsor not one, but two Rey Mysterio PPV matches XD At some point Rey's gonna be feuding with that cereal
I like the context given for Rey's gear as well, we've had a year of Heel Dominik, which also means a year of the Judgement Day laughing meme
I do like that we're carrying on with Tiffany Stratton's botch of saying Becky was a former NXT Women's champion by teasing Becky going to NXT, and honestly I think she should. She deserves to complete the grand slam set like her fellow horsewomen
Easy heat for Finn to stamp on the yellow towel things Pittsburgh likes
Owens with the Terry Funk shirt
Quick Hockey jersey costume change too was fun
The Swanton was a good spot, I feel bad for Owens' legs though he overshot it a little
Ripley with the Chyna gear sending Owens through the barricade (Barry's already dead though, Simon already killed him)
Judgement Day winning was surprising, though I don't mind them holding all the gold (meaning that Finn got his Grand Slam too; UNI, IC, US and now Unified Tag titles)
Grayson "I'm not gonna fight in front of these beautiful trees" Waller
Again, Rhea Ripley and her Chyna gear, Buddy tell us your secrets...or just me, tell me your secrets
Cena keeping Southpaw Regional Wrestling alive referencing Lance Catamaran, even the pink bow tie
Shinsuke with almost a Wrestle Kingdom-esque entrance
Muta in the crowd
Nakamura caressing Seth's lower back for the mind games
Seth almost got Montez Ford height with that Frog Splash
Conclusion Overall it was a nice show. In my honest opinion I think there was a bit of hyperbole going on, I wouldn't call any match a 5-star classic (not compared to the cage matches, texas tornado, stadium stampedes and anarchy in the arena matches we've had) but they were still really good. Some booking didn't go the way I expected them to but I'm not mad about it, though other matches did feel like they dragged, could've benefitted from having one more match on the card like Gable/Gunther or a Women's Tag Title defense. All in all it was good from WWE, and sometimes that's good enough.
Match of the Night: Gotta hand it to the Steel City Street Fight, do love me a bit of chaos and it just edges the Steel Cage match. Best Entrance: Nakamura especially with his whole comic buildup thing. Best Attire: Rhea with the Chyna homage, easy one given how Seth and Becky went tame again with the outfits. Best Performance: Give it a tie to Trish and Becky, both women had something to prove opening the show and worked hard to start strong. Spot of the Night: Owens' Swanton off the railings to Dom. He overshot it a little but it was definitely the high spot of the night.
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I seriously think I’m speaking to a three year old because there’s no way you can be older than a toddler with how stupid you are. If you are older, please consider going back to school because you’re not gonna get far in life with your lack of common sense and underdeveloped brain. There is no way you can call me illiterate when you literally started your reply with, ‘not you’re mad’ and ended with ‘stay one that Jujutsu Kaisen season two’. And in your first reply you did get your ‘your’ and ‘you’re’ mixed up - you used ‘your’ when it should’ve been ‘you’re so scared’. Now please tell me if that made any sense. Take your head out of your ass and admit how much of an imbecile you are.
Love don’t worry about if I have a job or not, I know I am and will be fine but it’s you that you should be worried about right now. I don’t think you can get a job with your stupidity and illiteracy - no wonder why you read manga, bro just follows the pictures and ignores all the actual writing. Please do yourself and everyone else a favour and log off of Tumblr and every other social and pick up an actual book.
Oh come on now, don’t be a coward and avoid my question. I’ll stop bothering you when you either answer what media you are planning to consume soon or admit that you putting a Gojo spoiler without any spoiler warning and under a Toji tag was idiotic and insensitive (even though you strongly disagree - I’m sorry I didn’t know we had a new Joker over here- not that you have the IQ to be able to pull that off). I’m sorry that I’m the only honest person in your life to say you are insensitive. I bet you don’t even know what that word means given that your literacy and comprehension skills are very limited. So I’ll help you out a bit (because I doubt you can even spell it) and give you a definition, ‘insensitive’ (an adjective) - showing or feeling no concern for other’s feelings. A synonym would be ‘inconsiderate’. You can’t prove me wrong that those words don’t describe you. It was a big spoiler and I know it because you were probably crying over it and in your post you literally say you’re not ‘reading jjk anymore idc’ - therefore, you had no right in spoiling it for others, get that into your thick head and small fish brain.
I’m sorry I didn’t know you were a sheep and posting spoilers without warnings because, ‘literally everyone on here isn’t’. Are you that daft? Just because everyone isn’t, doesn’t mean it’s not wrong. Bro are you saying that if the purge happened and everyone was out wreaking havoc, you’d do the same thing and still say it’s not wrong? Are you a child that doesn’t know right from wrong? Please for the love of God, for your own future and safety, go back to school.
TLDR: stfu and tell me your opinion when you have a present dad x and sorry if this was too much writing for your bozo self to process mwah.
I think I'm speaking to someone who dropped out of school, like literally dropped out of school in the 7th grade. Because if YOU'RE SO SCARED OF SPOILERS WHY ARE YOU ON TUMBLR?? LIKE I FUCKING SAID YOU PEOPLE HAVE SERIOUS ISSUES. IF YOU DONT READ THE NEW CHAPTERS THEN THATS, ON WHO??? ITS ON YOU. and why are you harassing me about my spelling?? Bitch it's fucking Tumblr, I'm not writing a thesis, a research paper or even a fucking essay. If I wanted to write a whole fucking article and then yes I would make sure that my spellings of both 'your' and 'you're were correct. However IM NOT. AND IDGAF. So why tf would I care if I spelt something wrong or mixed a few words up???. You bitches are talentless, jobless, bored and can't fucking read nor write and still live with YOURE parents in their BASEMENT. AND WANNA COME AFTER ME BECAUSE YOU GOT SPOILED. BITCH I DONT CARE IF YOU DIDNT READ THE CHAPTER AND FOUND OUT GOJO IS DEAD!!!!! BECAUSE SOCIAL MEDIA HAS SPOILERS E V E R Y W H E R E. DONT COME ONLINE AND YOU WONT GET SPOLUED THEN YOU FUCKING ASSHAT. YOUR mother must have dropped your special ass on the head as a baby, because why are you at YOUR grown ass age GOING ON DIFFERENT PROFILES TO HARASS ME ABOUT A FICTIONAL FUCKING CHARACTER. I just fucking know you don't take baths OR EVEN WASH THAT FUCKING FILTHY ASS OF YOURS. it's fucking disgusting that YOUR Neanderthal ass came on here to give me a hard time because you what??? Can't keep up with the chapters when it releases??? Not my problem fucktard. And I'll tag my fucking posts with whatever I want. And I did answer your question, I said and I quote I don't care sweetie. So why don't you go to sleep and roll over on that cockroach infested ass floor mattress you sleep on every night. Roll over and go get caught up to the new chapters. Imagine trying to harass someone because YOU live in a section 8 apartment, with 15 other family members, have roaches and rats crawling all over you while you sleep and mad at me. NOBODY GIVES A FUCK ABOUT YOU!!! I'm just sure YOURE a fucking foster child whose mother and father left your Crack baby ass in foster care. Because there's no way that someone who had a loving, family or SUPPORT SYSTEM IS THIS BOTHERED. AND IF YOU'RE SO FUCKING BRAVE WHY WERE YOU POSTING ANONYMOUSLY??? GET A LIFE YOU SMALL BRAINED, LONELY, PATHETIC, NEANDERTHAL ASS BITCH. I HOPE YOU TOSS AND TURN ON THAT FLOOR MATTRESS YOU SHARE WITH YOU 8 SIBLINGS EVERY NIGHT.
and stop coming on my page, mad ass., stupid ass, MONKEY ASS BITCH.
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thebonerpit · 8 months
Idk if anyone follows my posts enough to even notice this but you may have seen me talking about a lot of new things I've watched so far this year, both tv and film. I kind of made a mini resolution to do this because I found, especially at the end of 2023, that I was stuck in a rut of either rewatching old things or mindlessly flipping through YouTube videos I had little to no interest in. There's so much media out there I'm interested in and now I feel almost reinvigorated to go through it and I've been having a blast.
Most of the time I'll probably just reblog a gifset or two with thoughts in the tags but I finally watched the Interview with the Vampire tv show and I have FEELINGS (mostly good)! Spoilers for season one and I do talk about book things that eventually happen so beware in case you don't know and want to continue the show completely blind...
So I kinda put off watching this at first because the Vampire Chronicles books are some of my favourites, and while it did have its own issues, the 1994 film holds a special place in my heart. I was like... do we really need anything else? But I'm glad I gave it a chance because the show was able to go so much further in so many aspects and also now we have a chance to actually see even more of the book events take place!
I'm gonna say up front that almost every character felt very different from how they are in the book except for Lestat. Lestat was actual perfection and I cannot BELIEVE someone did a (dare I say) even better job than Tom Cruise who gave the performance of his life in the film. Sam Reid's Lestat is unhinged and dramatic and terrifying and sad and cringe and yet also loveable and it was a masterpiece of acting. For the majority of the other characters I really didn't mind the differences and in some instances I thought they were actually improved. Daniel Molloy, for example, who is basically Anthony Bourdain? Perfection. Louis who is yes kind of pathetic and dramatic like the book, but also is volatile and complicated which Lestat is drawn to right from the beginning instead of only after having his little breakdown caused by his brother's death? Excellent. Armand who is older and looks nothing like the Armand described in the books but I can see without any problem how Marius fell madly deeply insanely in love with him because he's GORGEOUS and has this unsettling serenity about him? Give. Me. MORE.
The only issue I really had was with Claudia. I see people praising her all over the place so I'm sure this is an unpopular opinion but I hated that they aged her up so much. The most compelling thing about Claudia as a character is that she is an adult woman trapped in the body of a literal CHILD. A pre-pubescent child. Not a teenager. It's absolutely horrifying and it should be horrifying. Now, I will say, I saw an article where they talked about part of the reason behind this choice being that they needed the actor to work longer hours and it was impossible for a kid to do that, plus the very intense material, and I fully FULLY support any protections for child actors because the industry is insane. But it does make me sad and I wish there was some way they could have worked around it. I get what they tried to do with teenage Claudia but it just fell flat for me. And also the actress really looks her age (I think she's 20?) so like the few times where people were making fun of her for "playing dress up" or whatever I'm like... she fully looks like an older teen at LEAST what are you talking about lol. Also I thought her accent was kind of bad.
But honestly, that was really the only problem I had with the whole series. I absolutely loved how they went full-on explicit with the Lestat/Louis romance and the chemistry between the two of them was... WOOF. I was actually really interested in the modern portions too, mostly because Anthony Bour-- I mean Daniel Molloy was so entertaining lol. I loved how he pushed and pushed at Louis and their whole back and forth was brilliant. Although putting on my archivist's hat for a second to be outraged at Daniel consenting to wearing the cotton gloves to handle the diaries but then eating a fucking sandwich right beside the book???? Absolutely not lol. It was so much fun to see the Armand reveal (which I was spoiled for somehow but that's ok) especially knowing that Armand eventually turns Daniel and boy oh boy I hope they go long enough to get to that. I loved the continued references to Lestat's love of music which makes me hope they're planting seeds to make rock star Lestat a little more believable lol (god can you even imagine?? And we don't talk about the Queen of the Damned movie ok).
As for S2, I'm so excited for Paris and the Théâtre des Vampires and HELLO Ben Daniels as Santiago!!! Omg so hype for that. And it's going to be so interesting to see the Armand/Louis relationship as well because I mean it's always going to be Lestat/Louis and Armand/Marius for me so Louis being like "he's the love of my life"... girl. (And speaking of Armand/Marius please GOD give us some flashbacks because they are my Vampire Chronicles OTP and I need to see that whole story including my girl Bianca thank youuuuu).
Yeah so overall I'm quite positive about the whole thing and sincerely hope that they get many more seasons because there's so many interesting stories in those books and we've only ever gotten a TINY portion on screen.
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stardomtrash · 1 year
So I made the mistake of seeing a subbed promo from Utami in the 5 Star before I knew anything else about the show. Those that know me have heard this rant before, but I can’t let it go. This show will be the death of me. I was DYING of laughter when the Wish.com Glamazon came out.
Look at this Caesar’s Palace Walmart Halloween aisle looking motherfucker.
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Her headdress fell off when she jumped Tam. Because of course it did look at that fucking thing.
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Can you imagine that thing in the line behind her in immigration.
Why her, Utami? What did you bond over? I assume she doesn’t know Japanese, so my working theory is that she saw Utami fight and thought "yup, I'll cross the world for that one"
Why does she get a shot at the Red Belt? I think SAKI from Colours said something when she got a White Belt shot... I’m paraphrasing cos it was a while ago, but something like “So I can just walk in and ask for a title shot and get it? Is this how the biggest company does things?” and it’s so true. It’s SO BAD when people just ask for a shot without earning it. Megan just turned up. If that’s the criteria for a title match, Rossy give me one. I went to more shows than Megan has.
Fucking Megan... no offense to anyone called Megan, but come on. Come on
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Bless Utami for trying to put her over, but it’s not working. And normally I hate the laughing crowd, but I was right there with ‘em on this one.
And now we get to the more serious stuff.
So, for anyone that hasn’t caught up on the 5 Star yet, it’s been long enough I feel comfortable revealing... I don’t even class injuries spoilers. That’s just not what they are. Calling them spoilers feels dirty. But it was A Thing That Happened in the most recent show
So, Kamitani got injured in her match with Tam. It was the main event and the match had to be called off. God bless her, I hope she heals up completely and comes back whenever she’s ready.
But this segment with bargain bin Greek goddess came RIGHT after the match was called off. Tam, who was obviously distraught at what had JUST happened, had to go along with the planned dumb spot and deal with This Thing.
Utami, who just watched her tag partner get stretchered out, could be there for her cos she had to wait for her queue to finish the show and do this dumb spot as planned. And I know there’s the whole ‘the show must go on’ thing, and I know she did do a callout on Mayu, but both Megan’s debut and the callout could have waited. It’s about taste. They should have called an audible and at least cut Megan’s debut out. It’s just not appropriate.
Anyway look, I heard that people are excited that Stardom booked Megan, apparently she’s ‘A Get’, but I’m just not interested. I’m sure she’s a lovely person and a great wrestler, I wish her all the best, but I’m not gonna watch her. Her debut was no fault of her own... okay well the bad costume was but nevertheless... the timing wasn’t on her, no-one can blame her for that.
I hope she has a good match with Tam and then goes onto a different promotion as quickly as she came
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I love your mcs! Next question: do you have anything written for their stories you want to share like a sneak peak,,, if not then wanna spoil a big emotional moment they have? I like spoilers
(i got a little excited answering this ask i'm so sorry in advance)
also sorry in advance for the many, many tws and cws i did NOT realise how dark my writing was???
YES what if i just start posting random scenes for you guys. what if i did that. okay i would love to post the entire first chapter but it turns out i didn't finish that sooooo have spoily spoiler instead... unfortunately it does not hit as hard without the context of the rest of the story, so i'll give a bit of contextualization first
morgan (they/them) has spent almost their entire life with only like... two friends, and one of then had been their sister, jill (she/her). jill is in the same year, so morgan, jill, and their mutual best friend mateo (he/him) have pretty much grown up together. during grades 1-5 (ages 5ish to 11ish for all my non-north american friends) morgan makes a friend named joel (he/him). they're close for a bit, but then in fifth grade some stuff changes and eventually they're not even on speaking terms anymore. coincidentally, jayden moved to the school and befriended joel around the same time. consequently, morgan blames him for "stealing" joel.
around 9th grade morgan realises that mateo is lowkey abusing/grooming and isolating them from all of their peers, so they cut ties with him. their sister does not, which they are understandably resentful over.
(also side tangents but i'm gonna put tws in the foreword of my books... i think everyone should do that tbh. it would make consuming content a lot more accesible imo. this has nothing to do with the ask i just thought of that while i was tagging)
anyway, up until this scene, morgan was under the impression that jayden had gang-raped someone with his entire friend group. this turns out to be something mateo made up about jayden to get morgan to stay away from him.
don't lie about rape kids. i absolutely should not have to be the one to tell you that. but i will. because apparently some people just fuck around and do it anyway (not to get personally upset online but like i said... an unfortunate amount of these events were real things that happened to or around me as a child.)
okay here's the actual scene 💀:
“I don’t understand what I did to you!” I shouted. I could feel tears pricking at my eyes and the only thought it my head was God, this is so fucking embarrassing. “And- and I keep trying to make it better, but you won’t let me! And that would be fine if I at least knew what I was being fucking shunned for-”
“How could you possibly not know?” they demanded angrily. “Everyone knew! Mateo told me-!”
And then they stopped. Their eyes glazed over. Tears gathered at the corners of their eyes, and they started laughing.
“Ha. Haha. Hahaha.”
It started slow at first, but then they just kept laughing until they were in full-out hysterics, laughing and crying. Their knees buckled, and suddenly they were sitting on the ground, right in the goddamn snowbank. I hated them for a minute, because I was supposed to be angry, but all I could feel in that moment was concern.
“What?” I demanded, legitimately scared. “What did Mateo tell you I did?”
They had both hands over their mouth, either to keep from sobbing or to stop laughing. I think they were scaring themself as much as they were scaring me. Then, they said something I’ll never forget.
“It doesn’t matter. Not a word he ever said was true.”
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
So this is going to be a barrage, sorry in advance!
1. So, I re-read the story cause it seems I can't get enough of the pain. And Jaden is giving me Armand from AMC's Interview with the Vampire vibes. Like taking advantage of an emotionally and mentally compromised person. Never leaving them alone to figure out you're fucking with their head. And its because you're actually just obsessed with their ex. Jaden is actually all about Max, the way Armand is actually all about Lestat. Which just makes Jaden scarier.
2. Since the book was entirely David's perspective and the show is more Max's, I'm assuming the audience reactions are going to come out on Max's side this time. If so can we see the #JAVID tag die in this universe? And or everyone falling in love with Max and becoming obsessed with seeing #MAVID back together.
3. I'm sad that Lance is going to have to fix his family. That's too much for a kid.
4. Does Jaden not want Arthur to watch the show because it shows Max in a sympathetic light?
5. Jaden seems super possessive of Arthur which i kind of get. But I'm wondering if David gave the ok for all those public social media posts. I thought they wanted to keep the kids out of the public eye?
6. I know everyone makes jokes about Jaden taking the method acting too far. But I can't understand how he just seems to have no empathy for Max? You play him on screen, you know the pain he went through. Now you have everything he so desperately cherishes. Why are you so obsessed with getting in the way of what's left of his relationship with his child? He comes across as kind of psychotic.
7. Is David in therapy? Since writing the show itself is a form of therapy for him, should we expect everything to implode for him with its end?
8. Did David actually buy a house with a pool for Max without realizing its for him?
9. David never answers if he loves Max, is it because he doesn't know? Or like he mentally can't even go there?
10. Is there a new Mavid fic coming in the future or can I dare hope for a sequel to this because I don't think any amount of closure will be enough unless we see them heal, be together again and Jaden get his comeuppance.
Oh but I love this. I think I can answer/respond to *some* of them. Let's see. Let's go!
I loved this comparison! I don't know a lot about Armand but i immediately got a bad vibe from him so now I'm concerned...
Most definitely. I mean we've already seen this. People recognize Max on the street all the time. Everyone tells him how much they love the show. There is a reason it's popular. It's because they lie to Max (or Michael rather). We'll have to wait to see the hashtags.
I think Lance can try. But Lance is also different from Rafael (if you've read TLND). He wants to help his family but he is also VERY good at setting boundaries. We'll see.
You got that right. I'm not sure it's a spoiler, but yes. Jaden knows if Arthur watches the show, he will like Max even more. So, he prevents it.
He doesn't post about them all the time. I don't think he got permission for that last post. We know he does shit like this all the time. Like how he spoke to arthur about acting even when david said no.
Astute observation. There are characters like Mallory who are very overtly messed up. But Jadens are more dangerous. Because we are friends with them....we date them. We don't know they are actually fucked up.
He was in therapy for a while after the 'accident'. He doesn't go to therapy in the present. Max does.
Maybe? It's definitely possible.
I said this in the very beginning. IALS is not like TLND. It's not about closure or everyone finding their happy ending or finding ways to heal. I don't want it to finish it with a bow on top or anything. And I'm improvising this story, remember. I have no idea if yall will be satisfied with the ending or not. But one thing i will not do is make the ending perfect or 'realistic' or whatever. It's gonna end how it's gonna end hehe. But yes of course we will see Mavid again if i get inspiration for another fic.
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captainaikus · 2 years
Oh! Okay I’m really glad and that’s a huge relief too. Oh ho ho ho I’m sure that NNN challenger idea is gonna be great I look forward to it! 😌 AHHHHH I also can’t wait for Bachira to be added into the series. I saw him the first episode and I was like “yes that one. the insane adorable one? yeah he’s mine now.” Asdhjkgfghh I love him so much. And those are some solid pieces of advice. I should probably remind myself of them more often. Ohhh what book? I recently went on a book shopping spree (that was my birthday gift) and got a whole bunch of books that I can’t wait to read once I have the time. The to-be-read list keeps getting longer and I’m like “…… but one more book wouldn’t hurt.” And then proceed to add 5 more ajshkjfdfcchjfdfg 💀💀. Anyways. Also kind of a random fact abt me but like I’m anime-only for Blue Lock rn and I KNOW WHAT YOURE THINKING BUT HEAR ME OUT. No I promise you didn’t spoil me. I’m a master at avoiding them now because I have this habit of like watching the first episode and then deep-diving into the shows tag on tumblr (x reader too ofc) and like seeing if I like the vibes. I have not yet gotten spoiled because I’m so practiced at dodging spoilers now. Anything that remotely even LOOKS like a spoiler I’m like “nope” and keep scrolling even tho it doesn’t get any easier each time 😭. So like don’t worry abt spoilers with me. But with this I’m always so excited for upcoming events and meeting new characters in the show. And especially with Blue Lock, cause like I’m a sports anime lover and the concept of Blue Lock is so different and new and it was so hyped up that I knew I had to try it. Fast forward to now and I have volume 2 of the manga and am waiting on my orders for volumes 1 and 3 😌😅💀. I’m still anime only tho cause I wanna finish the first season before I start the manga, that’s my policy. And like it’s so interesting how this show hooked me with the first episode (cough cough Bachira cough cough) and now I’m planning on reading the manga which is a huge surprise because I never read sports anime manga cause I feel like watching it is just more of a experience you know? Haikyuu being the only exception for me ofc. I’m currently in a mission to collect all 45 volumes. But it’s gonna take me a minute for obvious reasons. Anyways. But like Blue Lock just came in and swept me away. So like I’m really excited to see what happens in next weeks episode. Also your works were one of the reasons I decided to watch Blue Lock in the first place because they were so amazing to read even though I didn’t know any of the characters. Like your writing is just THAT good. So thank you for feeding into my new obsession 😌. Also I read in your bio awhile ago that you’re a November Scorpio? Happy early or belated birthday!! 🥳🎉🎂 I’m an October Scorpio so reading that was a pleasant surprise. Anyways. Thank you for your kind words in response to my earlier ask, they really meant a lot. Your blog is a huge comfort for me, all of tumblr really, but there are only a few blogs that I actually intact with because I love the vibes and energy and writing and the person behind it all (ie you), it’s just overall really comforting and makes me feel safe. ALSO do you mind if I give you my review and analysis of the episodes as I watch them?? Maybe occasionally?? I cant do that with your works yet unfortunately but I will try to as soon as I finish the first season or give into reading the manga before the season ends, whichever comes first. You can clearly tell that my self-restraint is on thin ice 💀💀. Anyways as always I hope your day goes good! *sends virtual hugs*
- ✨ anon
✨ anon !! ૮₍ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ₎ა
Oh yeah the idea I have for the NNN challenge is gonna be a tempting one but at the same time not everyone's cup of tea cause its kind of an old school idea; but at the same time. I know watching this thing made me go 'That's hot.'
Oh yeah i totally know that feeling of seeing someone and just falling for them. Like when I saw Yoichi I was all like 'he is so cute. lil blueberry muffin' and when I saw Kunigami I deadass went 'that's literally football bakugou and there is no way you can convince me otherwise. Cause just look at him, man wants to be a surperhero and looks EXACTLY like him, but he wasn't that much of an asshole' (he gets turned into one later during the series tho) Meguru looked so cute just lying on the floor and I kinda get him and his monster cause its a way of saying that he's in the zone (like the aomine and Kagami knb reference if anyone knows what I'm talking about?)
As for me; the moment I saw Aiku... I was like 'you have my attention.' But I knew something wasn't right cause I knew that this looked a little too good. Then i find out that he is a womanizer. And to add more onto that, he even got slapped and didn't care. He likes summer cause he gets to see girls in bikinis. And I was right about him liking baby chicks
Out of EVERYONE how is it that I get stuck with a person like this (me just proving that I fall for red flags) but i still love him and watch me defend this man .
(like even if you look at my track record with Haikyuu; likes Miya twins, Sawamura Daichi, Kageyama Tobio, Kuroo Tetsuro. Istg I'm asking for it)
So I'm currently reading Tuesdays with Morrie; its a heavy book based on the conversation between a dying teacher and his student and its based more on philosophy and the books I got were the old man and the sea by Ernest Hemingway, the alchemist by Paulo Coelho and books based on psychology. I have a very mixed taste and from the looks of it, its not very interesting is it? my personality is a mess and so is the aesthetic i roll with atp
Which books did you get? Must be some pretty good ones if you can't stop and you need to read 5 more? Is it a manga?
Oh yeah i totally get it. Reading a football manga and actually seeing it animated are two very different things (I wanna see how they animate Aiku cause I already got early spoilers for how everyone else looked. But aiku? I am waiting. I spoiled chainsawman for everyone and I was really surprised that Pochita's voice was so soft cause I was expecting something as deep as Daichi's voice? And same. Even if I get spoilers I will watch the whole thing; its a different story when i figure out the plot tho (i was forced to watch YOU despite predicting the entire plot of season 1 and season 2 in 5 minutes ; its the typical 'if I can't have you no one can' but I watched it anyway cause of my ex. couple goals ) I wish you luck on the journey of collecting all 45 mangas; cause even I wanna get bllk mangas ngl and I plan on buying one this week ig but I keep pushing it off ૮ ˶´ ᵕˋ ˶ა
I- I am surprised but happy that I got you into bllk ૮⸝⸝ > ꇴ <;⸝⸝ づ with time i'll even get you to like Aiku
And we can obsess together
And yeah i am a november scorpio; thank you for you wishes anon!!
( ⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝) we're scorpio buddies
I'm glad you like my writing though cause even if the content and the pace I keep with the posting is according to my comfort, at the end of the day, its an 'x reader' edition and you guys are the ones reading it; so it means a lot to me when every one of you reads my works and likes it ૮₍ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ₎ა and I'm glad that you feel safe here and that this is your comfort blog.
Of course !! You're very much welcome to give an analysis or a review whenever you want and ready!
go wild bb. Tumblr is supposed to be chaotic and that is welcome here ♡꒰ᵕ༚ᵕ⑅꒱
*sending hugs back*
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I don't mind spoilers at all actually! I'm very curious and tho I know there will be changes I feel like the main points will stay the same? possibly? And I'm very thankful to you for taking time and replying to me❤️
Do you feel like Lou is doing the same thing here with the interview? Trying to make Lestat show himself and eventually reconcile?
Do you have any predictions when it comes to the show? I think they green lit season 2 as well, no?
I'm happy to answer! ❤️ Book spoilers under cut again cause some in the tag won't want to see
Some of the main points have already changed, particularly regarding Claudia. Hopefully they won't change many more.
1. In the books, she's a 5 year old plague victim that Louis, in his extreme hunger, feed on. He flees after he thinks he's killed her only to find that Lestat has saved the girl so that Louis doesn't have to feel guilty. Louis doesn't want her turned, but he doesn't want her to die either, so Lestat turns her. But there was an ulterior motive as well; Louis was leaving and in a great bid to make him stay, Lestat makes him a daughter. Lestat is the girlfriend that baby traps their partner, true story . In the show, Louis is her grand saviour, saving her from the fire, taking her to a very reluctant Lestat who is then pressured by Louis into turning her. Book Louis never puts blame on Lestat for making her. Show Louis does, and it's not fair, because he's the one that wanted her turned. He's blaming Lestat for doing something that he pressured him into doing when he knew he was reluctant.
2. She tries to kill Lestat. She's unsuccessful, but a very good attempt is made. As in the last answer, in the books, she does this because of her immense frustration. She blames both of her fathers for turning her but she only tries to kill Lestat, not Louis. In the book, Merrick, we see her ghost, and she tells Louis that she chose him because she knew she could manipulate him into helping her kill Lestat, and she also knew she'd never be able to convince Lestat to hurt Louis. So she kept the one she could wrap around her little finger, and tried to kill the one she couldn't. Lestat never actually did anything to trigger the attempt on his life, she just snaps. However, the show is absolutely justifying her attempted murder of him. So it has actually removed quite a large chunk of Claudia's characterisation by making him this violent and giving her a very justified reason.
3. Daniel is a much younger man in the books, about 19 or 20. He ends up being turned into a vampire by Armand who becomes his lover (Louis is back with Lestat at this point, and a lot of the vampires are very polyamorous anyway). Not sure how that will work with Show Daniel, especially if they cast a canon compliant Armand. Armand is about 600 by present day but he was turned at 16 so will forever look like a teenager. With Book Daniel, that wouldn't look weird, but if they do that with Show Daniel, it's gonna look very questionable. Side note; I love the theory that Rashid in the show is going to be revealed as Armand. That would be wild.
I hope Louis is doing the interview for the same reason. It would make for a faithful adaptation if the purpose of the interview was to draw Lestat out of hiding, and it would also lead into The Vampire Lestat season, which will probably be season 3 now. Yeah season 2 has been greenlit, and it's going to deal with the second half of the first book. So we should see SPOILERS Louis and Claudia searching for vampires in Europe, finding them in Paris, the introduction of Armand and his vampires, the death of Claudia, the brief appearance of a very scarred Lestat (he heals fully over time, but is still recovering when he turns up in Paris), Louis living with Armand, and Louis seeing Lestat again briefly (which Louis says in his book happened, and which Lestat in his book flat out denies happened). Or it's possible other events from the same point in the timeline will happen simultaneously but since this is still being told from Louis' POV and he won't know about them (i.e. Lestat is thrown off a tower by Armand just after Claudia's death but Louis didn't know about that until he read Lestats book), that's probably not likely.
I'm curious to see how it's going to go.
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winryofresembool · 2 years
Get to Know Me meme
Thank you @athenasparrow for the tag!!! :)
Last song: Taylor Swift Eras tour spoilers (if I have someone who wants to avoid those following me!)
Um, possibly Karma by Taylor Swift since that was the last song she sang in her concert and I spent a /lot/ (too much) of yesterday finding clips from the said concert. Also currently have this is me trying open in a tab but haven’t listened to it yet. 
Last Show: (referring to my previous answer) Watching a concert online doesn’t count, right? In that case, I think it was Diandra’s (a Finnish singer) concert in November. Yeah, I don’t really get to go to these often bc I live in the middle of nowhere :d
Currently watching: I watch very few TV shows these days (aside from certain anime but I’m not gonna list them here) but I currently have a tinykittens (a Canadian cat rescue organisation) livestream open and I take a peek at it every once in a while. Those Bramble kittens are super cute ♥ (I would absolutely love it if I happened to have a fellow TinyVillager following me! So if you do, pls come talk to me!)
Currently reading: While my TBR list is ever growing, I have to be honest, I haven’t really been reading published books for several months now. Blame the Jily fics. They are way better :P But if I have to mention one, I’ve been reading this book by the Finnish translator of Harry Potter (Jaana Kapari) where she tells about her translating process and it’s honestly pretty interesting, makes me wish I was a translator too.
(As for the Jily fics, do not ask me how many fic tabs I have currently open. I literally just visited the Jily tag here and was like :--------O ‘Oh wow, a lot of authors seem to have decided to post stuff last night’)
Current obsession: my poor friend @criis55 who has to listen to my ramblings every day would be able to testify for this: currently it’s Taylor Swift. I wanna talk about what my relationship with her music is because I’m not a long time Swiftie unlike so many of the people I’ve seen here are. I first started paying attention to some of her songs maaaaybe around the time I started writing Caleo fics so ~ 2020 (obviously I knew some of her hit songs before that but I couldn’t call myself a fan) but a year later she released Red (TV), incl. All Too Well 10 minute version and that was probably when I started thinking, hey, this song is wonderful, I should give a chance to her other songs too. Since then I’ve been slowly getting more familiar with her other albums (it’s been a longish process bc she has a /lot/ of songs and as a non native English speaker I need to be able to see the lyrics to know what’s really going on in the song) and found more songs that I enjoy. This very week is an important milestone to me when it comes to me being her fan because she just released 4 new songs/new versions of her old songs and started her tour and I get to follow it from the beginning and as a relatively new fan I find all that really exciting. Hence you may also see me talking about this more here on tumblr as well. 
Well, other than TS, Jily ofc remains high on my current obsessions list ♥
Tagging: @criis55 if you happen to want to do this, no pressure ♥
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imaginemyreality03 · 6 months
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🌿🔨It’s never too late in life to discover who you are🔨🌿
Astrid Parker Doesn’t Fail- Ashley Herring Blake
Read: March 26 -> April 3, 2024
BRA Score: 73/100
Favorite Quote: “When you’re ready to talk, I’d like to listen.” -Isabel Parker-Green, Pg 356
Abbreviations: AHB- Ashley Herring Blake, DGDC: Delilah Green Doesn’t Care (the first book in this universe), APDF: Astrid Parker Doesn’t Fail.
Book Gist: Astrid Parker is trying to hold on to the one part of her life that hasn’t fallen apart in the last year: her interior design business. She gets hired to design the semi-famous Everwood Inn for their feature episode of Innside America, it’s a chance she can’t pass up. But of course, the whole thing has to go awry from the start, when she screams at a woman for spilling coffee on her ivory dress her first morning on the job… and that woman turns out to not only be her lead carpenter (and number one collaborator) but also an Everwood herself. Talk about starting off on the wrong foot. Now this project is a task of survival: get back in the good grace of Jordan Everwood, succeed at this redesign to keep her business afloat, and try not to have any sexuality crises along the way. She is only partially successful here.
Tags: Enemies/Rivals to Lovers, Sapphic, Adult Romance, Smut, Coming Out in Adulthood, Third Act Breakup, Messy Exes, internalized homophobia (ish).
Overall Review:
I tried to read this when it came out, and I made it like half way through before I put it down and just, forgot to pick it up again. I didn’t mean to DNF but it was not very encouraging to continue. It felt slow, I couldn’t feel the chemistry between Astrid and Jordan, and I still really didn’t like Astrid because of her in DGDC. This time around, I discovered that if I had continued reading literally 4 more pages, I would have finished the book that first time around, because it finally sold Jordan and Astrid to me at that point.
First impressions aside, I don’t think I was ever gonna LOVE this book, because I do have a general dislike for Astrid, both for who she is and how she was around Delilah (they are both at fault for their relationship, but I read a book in Delilah’s POV first, and Astrid was an ass for no reason so many times). That being said, while I would not be friends with her IRL, from a reader/writer perspective, she is a fantastic character. She is deeply flawed and actively acknowledges many of those flaws. She works to do better and her growth through this book is truly admirable. Watching her journey in trying to come out and to unlearn the habits she didn’t even know she had due to her upbringing, and all of her own thoughts she had to challenge in order to find her happiness… I am incredibly proud of her, she is a great main character. Still not gonna choose to spend any free time with her, but she served her purpose well in this book.
Jordan, I am obsessed with. I think the tarot thing wasn’t really made to fit. I think AHB was just really determined to include it, but don’t give Jordan enough connection in her backstory or personality to defend how invested she is in this tarot deck. We just know she bought it after Meredith left her, but we don’t know if Jordan had any prior interest in Tarot or anything similar, like astrology. It felt a bit forced, but other than that, I really did enjoy her. She’s brash and excitable and sarcastic and she’s on this journey of rediscovery too that is really fun to watch.
Meredith should just… move to somewhere international so they never have to see each other again, because while she’s valid to want a change in her life, she completely disregarded everything her wife did for her and everything that she felt for the sake of her “personal reawakening and need to find her destiny”. It was disrespectful of her relationship and of Jordan as a person. So, she can leave. You don’t get an I-had-cancer get-out-of-jail free card for being that much of an asshole.
I wanted more of the Bright Falls cast tbh. Especially really defining the way the group works with Delilah in the mix, and Josh back for good. I wanted more Josh being subtly bullied and tested for his promise to stay and be around. I felt like it was way too quiet, when all Astrid had outside of work was her friends, but there was no routinely seeing each other, or weekly get together. There were a handful of group outings and one event. I needed a bigger fix than that. But seeing how Delilah filled in a space they were missing was so beautiful. Claire kinda lost all her personality, but she also had like 6 minutes of screen time in bookish terms, so I’m not necessarily surprised that’s what happened.
The plot overall and the main conflict wasn’t super convincing for me. I feel like there wasn’t that much buildup of the risks involved for Astrid and Jordan if this doesn’t go well. But also, I feel like there hasn’t ever really been a risk of this not working out. There weren’t any actual opportunities or reasons to watch for presented to the readers about what could happen that would lead to the Reno failing, or the episode not airing. I knew they were worried, but i was never really worried for them. It just didn’t have the weight it needed to in my opinion. And it was so drawn out, but not in a slow burn kind of way, in a “I don’t know what I’m supposed to feel about this lady, and I’m so involved in my own issues I’m just gonna ignore this weird feeling and move on” kind of way. There wasn’t obvious chemistry to start, just conflict.
Other Comments:
What also probably didn’t help my perception of this book was some of the reviews I read on here before I started it (and I want to be explicitly clear that this is in no way the fault of any other poster or creator and I am in no way criticizing their opinions. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and is allowed to put that on the internet. If I didn’t want to hear it, I wouldn’t read it. This is entirely on me).
A few people posted reviews about why they didn’t like AHB’s writing, and pointed out parts of her writing style and how she develops and includes her queer characters, and especially how she leans into stereotypes and performative allyship.
That’s a rough summary, I can’t remember exactly what was said. But those were the thoughts I had in my head while I was reading, and it did make me very sad, because there was a lot of Delilah and Claire from DGDC that I really related with and I felt very connected to the way that these characters were presented in that story. Reading APDF, I could identify a few points that could be interpreted as this kind of thing, but I didn’t feel that they were as a big a deal, I guess. So that also turned me off from the book at the start, so maybe (ironically) this book was doomed to be a disappointment for me.
All in all, it was a good book. Maybe not worth a reread, but I can’t say I didn’t enjoy some of it. 😐
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qulizalfos · 1 year
hi daily friendly reminder that arian @callmetheidiot is literally insane and amazing who is with me!! all of you cheered. as you should.
also i promised to bring back the elmax week outline because literally no one asked <3 i am a woman of many talents and sharing is the main one !
you're the cure (you're the curse) spoilers below the cut btw!
"So el finds out about the book and she is all trying to get max to give her info and max is like idk i guess im just built different and el is like be so fr
She DOES find out (already knows?? how would she know?? go away) about the hanahaki and is heartbroken etc etc but max wont tell her that its el that shes in love with (el watches romance movies regularly in this so max should be soo nervous bc im putting so many tropes in this. but its okay bc el is sad and gay which negates sleuthing in personal relationships as demonstrated by the 2016 netflix original series stranger things)
Lucas calls max n they have a heart to heart
It makes max feel brave and loved enough to call el with the intent to confess and then say that she's gonna try and get surgery so el wont have to worry anymore
But els at a party n girlie is wasted so max goes over to pick her up and on the way back el drunken.ly comes out and max is just. Fuckign floored.
El calls over to maxs dorm and kisses her when max opens the door
pain fucks off happy ever after"
--copy and pasted from my google doc
yeah i talk to myself in my outlines and i think thats very cool of me. also i changed the kiss part while writing it bc im so silly <3
anyway u said tag urself and i took u literally i am "i guess im just built different" and also "be so fr"
anyway if youre reading this and u made it this far thank you so much :) but also im so sorry u had to sit through that lolll! ty arian for the amazing comment (iam Dead <3)
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