#just going around accusing ppl of crimes
rainedroptalks · 2 years
Awful take, but Wednesday is exactly like S2 Jon
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ultra-raging-ghost · 8 months
oughhh the rant nobody asked for but everyone needs in their life
guys im so soft about bbh and the french
i was listening to this song and thinking about starhalo and then i was thinking this definitely also applies to ayhalo and then i was thinking about how much the french value bbh oughhh
i get so soft thinking about how pierre calls bad HIS badboy, HIS bebou, he would trust his egg with his badboy he'd go on a vacation with his bebou.. he always has bads back in all decisions he loves hearing about bads mischief he loves participating in create shennanigans with him... he knew bad filled the hole with snow and immediately decided to contribute to it, no questions asked... he had his back in purgatory he wanted to let his bebou off the leash....
and how etoiles is always there for bad, always excited to be with him, always excited to talk to him and fight with him and show him things.... they stick fight together and etoiles praises bad so much for his fighting even though bbh isnt the best, and he loves going and fighting in dungeons with him and he loves coparenting and they seek eachother out in moments of craziness like in p2 in the crowd, bbh was awkwardly hopping between groups and etoiles called him over as soon as he spotted him just to show him his friends....
I get so soft thinking about baghera and bad, i always loved how much they hung out pre purgatory, all the secrets they shared just between them and rarely anyone else, they schemed together and followed through and didnt betray each other no matter what and theyd lie for each other and they coparent both their eggs together... its so special to me that shes dappers mom as well as bad being pommes dad, the mutual adoption is just so special to me even if it has a little memey origins lol
Antoine was the first to call bad Bebou and has always supported him in their own cryptid way, he was one of the first people bad showed him the orb comic to and trusts him with a lot. They share the same ideals that comes about when youve been around for a long time, and antoine always has bads back when ppl accuse him of crimes he definitely did <3 im especially soft about them specifically because of their shared cryptid-ness... i feel the same way abt bad and foolish, the absolute shared insanity that happens when someones lived for so long they lose track of time, that being shared between two people is so interesting.....
im very soft about the french and bbh.... ive always just wanted bad to have someone that has his back in any situation, who can share secrets and trust his son with and honestly i find myself immediately looking to the french for that. I struggle to pick just one of them to ship with them so honestly, why not all of them at the same time?? It takes a village to raise an egg, and if the village is a bunch of french people who are madly in love with a shy gringo then goddamn it that village is going to be so fucking great!!!!
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afsosville · 21 days
An alternative version of how Shen Jiu's trial could've gone down, based off of this one tt I saw>>
I'll forever mourn the fact that we'll never know what Airplane had actually planned for Shen Jiu's character and how he would've made use of his backstory. The OPM getting the human stick treatment in the SV timeline was probably supposed to allude to him being the original scum villain of PIDW. Shen Jiu was meant to either be a red herring to the real scum villain or a temporary antagonist. He was never supposed to meet the end he did since it was reserved for smn else entirely.
So here's one plausible version of PIDW that exists somewhere lost in Airplane's drafts>>
The trial goes as planned, with the accusations against Shen Jiu announced and he's already found guilty of them. Before any of them can go lock him away for good, he starts talking (which is never a good omen for anyone in his immediate vicinity). His statements cause ppl to actually dig around and investigate the meaning behind his words because those statements vaguely come off as indiscernible threats. Whether the crimes were fabrications, lies, or were perfectly justified, all become clear soon enough. Shen Jiu gets the last laugh because he self destructed on the spot and shattered his own soul after he said his piece so no one could reach him or hope to resurrect him.
It's mostly Luo Binghe himself who tries to get to the bottom of it just for the off chance he might find anything that could help him bring Shen Jiu back. And he doesn't burn Cang Qiong down after the fact bc that would mean he's more similar to Shen Jiu than he's comfortable with admitting.
Shen Jiu also left everyone with departing words about the OPM, but only Luo Binghe understood those implications at all since they were directly connected to him and his parents.
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boricuacherry-blog · 6 months
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Reminder that Nicki Minaj bailed her brother out of jail after he was arrested for sexually assaulting his stepdaughter, then posted an old photo on Instagram with the victim in the photo to intimidate her and put her identity out there for ppl to harass her.
Nicki then hired a very expensive private investigator named Les Levine to find men that the underage victim slept with so her brother could argue the victim was "fast."
Even after her brother was found guilty, she wrote a letter to the judge in a bid to get him a lighter sentence, in which she called him "the most patient, gentle, genuine, giving, selfless man I know." This is AFTER he was found guilty and after his semen was found in the victim's undergarments. In that same letter, Nicki also accused the victim's mother of trying to extort her. Yet she chose not to take the stand and share this during trial, if this even really happened.
Nicki willingly chose a man convicted of r*pe and then actively tried to discredit his victim, harassing her relentlessly, and slandering her name in the media. Kenneth Petty's own friend accused him of sexually assaulting a handicapped girl. Nicki chose to disregard that info also.
In the case with Jennifer Hough, Nicki's husband admitted to trying to r*pe her. He willingly pleaded guilty, and under questioning, said all the things he attempted to do to his victim. He even said "no" when questioned if he was being coerced to lie. Nobody forced him to admit that. There was evidence, and he would lose in a trial.
Kenneth has five other kids that Nicki will not acknowledge. She acts as if her kid with him is the only one. Is she intimidating the mothers of his other children?
Ppl are not attacking her for her proximity to offenders but for also aiding in terrorizing their victims and trying to help offenders escape consequence, which some would argue makes her just as complicit in their crimes and just as evil of a person.
When you add in other factors, like her consistently rapping about liking minors in her own lyrics, it makes you wonder why she is so willing to be around offenders. Jelani's stepdaughter wasn't his only victim. Was Nicki aiding and abetting him with crimes? What's going on with her and her husband? Did she not take the stand bec incriminating info would come out about her?
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convenientalias · 8 months
Why You Should Watch White Christmas (the 2011 Kdrama): A Manifesto
Yesterday I was watching White Christmas (specifically episodes 4 and 5) for the fourth time. I watched it for the first time like five years ago and all my feelings are still there and still potent so today I am here to tell you that you should watch it too.
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Seven kids at an elite private high school over winter break. They stayed there because they all received mysterious black letters, accusing them of vague, nonspecific crimes and claiming that on New Year's Day someone will die. When they find out that ALL of them received this letter, they decide one of them must have been the one to send it--and they set out to discover who it was. In the meantime, a giant blizzard shuts down all the roads, and telephone and internet connections go down as well, leaving the school isolated and all on campus trapped there together.
things develop from there.
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Park Moo-yul: A Good Boy. His grades are constantly second highest in the school; he's obsessed with studying and wants to someday come in first. Sort of a leader type, he tries to organize the investigative efforts (and later, keep things from falling apart--except, much as he'd like to believe it, he's not immune to the Lord of the Flies effect lols). For the first couple episodes, he's sort of the main/POV character, but by the end it's more of an ensemble cast show. In the episodes I just watched, there are multiple scenes with him staring down a gun and waiting to get shot. Some ppl think he's boring but I love a guy with a hero complex.
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Choi Chi-hoon: The Genius. The first place to Park Moo-yul's second. People call him unemotional and heartless; it turns out later he does have difficulty feeling emotions due to a neurological issue. Loves science, interested in the black letters as a puzzle but for a while pretends not to be. The least likely to go Lord of the Flies but his Very Logical plans are often actually very risky.
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Yoon Eun-sung: The Only Girl. (except for that one other woman who shows up later but she's not one of the seven so we're not counting her.) Used to be the most popular girl in school and also Park Moo-yul's girlfriend but then she Changed (aka she developed depression). Sarcastic and possibly suicidal. Everyone is OBSESSED with her (well, four, arguably five characters are obsessed with her, but this show only has a total of 11 characters so that's really too many).
Also, she's played by Esom, so if you like Esom, you should watch White Christmas.
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Lee Jae-kyu: Why are you here???? For the first few episodes, that's a genuine question; he doesn't have an apparent connection to the others in the group, and it's a mystery why the black letter sender would have any grudges against him. It turns out later he has some secret issues. He's a bit of a snake in the grass. I won't go into it.
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Yang Kang-mo: He wants to be a reporter someday! His nickname is Cameraman Yang, and he's always carrying a camera around. He's deaf, and partly as a result, gets bullied a lot. He is the favorite character of the friend I was watching this show with yesterday. Also there's a whole episode of him getting chased around with baseball bats, look forward to it.
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Jo Young-jae: A bully, a coward and a messed up kid. A line he says in the show is, "Yes, I'm used to people hating me. To the extent that I'm scared when people don't hate me. But you made me hate myself!" A line someone else says to him is, "You're not a bad person. You're weak. If everyone knew how weak you were, they wouldn't hate you." To watch Jo Young-jae have multiple mental breakdowns, watch White Christmas, I promise it is very fun.
Also, he's played by Kim Young-kwang, so if you like Kim Young-kwang, you should watch White Christmas.
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Yoon Su: His nickname is Angel. In general, it requires incredible academic acumen to go to Susin High; Yoon Su got in bc his parents donated money to the school. He's a loner and does not want to be here; his ambition in life is to be a musician, and he loves playing the guitar. He has some mental health issues and takes (unspecified) recreational drugs. He also has a giant grudge. Against who? Stay tuned to find out.
Also he's played by Lee Soo-hyuk, so if you like Lee Soo-hyuk, you should watch White Christmas.
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Kang Mi-reu: THIS BOY IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE. Remember how I said seven kids got letters, seven kids stayed at the school? Meet kid number eight. Kang Mi-reu didn't get a letter and he didn't get permission to stay on campus either; technically he's on probation and on his way to being expelled. He sneakily stayed on campus to investigate who framed him for exploding a statue, the reason for his expulsion. He can go through air vents and has a great theme song. He wants to solve his problems with violence. Actually he once beat Choi Chi-hoon at academics but got pissed off at always losing to him and gave up on being a perfect student. We all love Kang Mi-reu.
Also he's played by Kim Woo-bin so if you like Kim Woo-bin, you should watch White Christmas.
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Yoon Jong-il: The teacher who stayed on campus to supervise. Wow, I'm sure with a responsible adult around, there will be no chaos or violence breaking out on campus.
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Kim Yo-han: He's not even affiliated with the school. He got in a car accident near it and then got stuck here due to the storm. He keeps getting concussions/broken bones/deadly fevers. Also, he's a psychiatrist, and finds all the weird shit going on at the school rather intriguing.
I mean, is there any actual romance? No.
Do we see slow burn friendships develop from suspicion to deep trust and affection over the course of the show? Also no.
Do I think some of these people should make out? Yeah.
A few ships I have specifically:
-Choi Chi-hoon/Park Moo-yul: Obvious rival ship, overemotional dude/kind of cold dude, leader type/genius type. There is also some hurt/comfort towards the end that I really can't describe without spoilers but the mix of resentment and trust is immense.
-Kang Mi-reu/Park Moo-yul: This is my just for fun ship. Good boy/bad boy vibes. Also Kang Mi-reu seems to actually listen to Park Moo-yul when for the most part he won't listen to anyone. Also he snuck into Park Moo-yul's bedroom once while he was sleeping and teased him about the fact that he and all the others got black letters and won't the sender be so offended he dares to sleep instead of sitting up paranoid all night. I just think they're cute.
-Yang Kang-mo/Jo Young-jae: Yes this is a bully/victim ship which is not usually my thing, but I love both of them and also Young-jae is so pathetic and Kang-mo honestly scares him at multiple points. Meanwhile Kang-mo is kind of tired and fed up with him but at this point has sort of a weird connection with him regardless. They know each other.
-Yoon Eun-sung/Jo Young-jae: Young-jae is my favorite of the dudes who's obsessed with Eun-sung, and the most toxic of them as well. She used to be perfect and he had a resentful crush on her for that; now she's kind of messed up but still aloof and superior, and he still wants and hates her at the same time. And she knows, and teases him about it, and he acts nonchalant but you can tell it grinds at him. The best m/f dynamic of the show.
I have a bunch of other ships.... explaining them involves spoilers so I'll just list a few: Kang Mi-reu/Yoon Su, Yang Kang-mo/Yoon Eun-sung/Park Moo-yul, Lee Jae-kyu/Choi Chi-hoon, Lee Jae-kyu/Jo Young-jae.
I love the characters of White Christmas but I mostly rewatch it so much bc 1) the pacing is on point and 2) it's so cinematically satisfying.
In terms of plot and pacing--Everything moves fast. Each episode is very distinct from the others, the plot consistently moving forward at a breakneck pace. Each episode I would say gets a little faster and wilder (with the exception of episode 3, perhaps, which moves a little slow--but then episode 4 goes completely unhinged, so it's a fair exchange). There is shit going on and they are going to cram a whole show's worth of content into 8 episodes and you are going to eat it.
In terms of production: Visually stark. Lots of glass and snow and shadows everywhere. Fun shots. A great soundtrack. For one thing, Wake Up by Arcade Fire recurs a lot and the vibes are immense and very teenage angst and "what the fuck am I supposed to do".
Anyways here's some shots I think convey the vibe:
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Watch White Christmas! And if you do, or if you've already watched it, please talk to me about it! I am currently in the White Christmas feelings, as I often am this time of year.
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lukkabloom · 7 months
Fun facts abt residents & castle trio according to Ikevamp Radio (ヴァンなま) Part 6
Episode 23: It's backkk!!
(I decided to put timestamps so ppl can watch/skip certain sections if they want to)
So apparently Morishi has officially taken over Makki’s role as MC as Makki is nowhere to be found haha.
Anyways we literally have 3 special guests in this video Horie Kazuma (Comte’s VA), Kamio Shinichiro (Faust’s VA), and Kijima Ryuichi (Charles’s VA) bc they’re celebrating Comte’s JP route release & the start of Act 2 of the game
Kijima & Morishi gives off the same vibes lol
Morishi introduces Faust’s character profile. The four start talking abt how if there was a person like Faust irl, they would not want to be friends w him even when he is good-looking
(38:00) There’s a new (?) segment called “Faust & Charles, What would you do?” where you (MC) are placed alone w Charles/Faust in a certain situation, and then the VAs will say the line out
The situation for Faust’s is… “you are falsely accused of stealing an art piece in a museum and are feeling down. Watching you, Faust says something to you. What does he say?” the options that the audience votes for are 1. “If you are feeling guilty for your crimes, I’ll listen to what you have to say… Haha, I’m kidding. If you continue to look so down, I’ll bully you even more” 2. “I know that you are innocent, but your struggling expression is  nice, too” 3. “It’s cheap! It’s cheap! The tuna’s cheap! Miss, if you have time to contemplate, go buy our tuna!” If the people can vote on the correct answer, the VA will say the line, but if they choose the wrong line, Horie will say the line instead (not as Comte but as a random dude)
(41:20) Option 2 was chosen, and it was not the correct, so Horie said funnily lol. Kamio says that the viewers are kinda dumb (baka)
(42:58) Morishi has Kamio say Faust’s line, so he says line 1 anyways
So apparently, there’s a second situation haha. Setting #2 is “It’s been around an hour deciding which glasses would fit you the most. You can’t decide which one would be the best. Faust says one thing while watching you struggle. What does he say?” 
The options are 1. “It's cheap! It’s cheap! The squid’s cheap! What about you use the squid-ring-fries as your glasses?” 2. “What about it? It’s one possibility to match glasses with me” 3. “How long are you going to ponder on for? Your face will not change, so just be who you naturally are” 
(45:34) The chosen line is… the third one!! Kamio says it yayy!!
(46:24) Onto Charles’s situation #1!! “An illness? It might be the flu… You’re not at your best and you zone out for a bit. Watching you, Charles tells you something. What does he say?” 1. “Are you okay? Here, come on my bed. Lay down, I’ll give you a hug… I’ll warm you up.” 2. “You’re sick? Then I’ll catch it for you. Get better soon” 3. “Why’re you catching a cold! If you have the time to catch a cold, you should finish making this sashimi!”
Horie will be reading the line if the audience chooses the incorrect one. (I feel like Kijima will be reading the legit one either way lol)
(48:30) The chosen one was… the first one!! Which was the correct one, therefore we get good voice lines :)) 
(49:13) Horie says the sashimi line haha
(49:45) Situation no 2 is “You’re eating out with Charles. You casually say ‘What really is love…?’ Replying, Charles says something. What does he say?” 1. “Hmm… I don’t really know, but is it love when I want to eat you? I don’t mind if you take a bite off of me.” 2. “What is love? Why don’t you try to find the answer… with my body.” (OMG I CANT THERES NO WAY I TYPED THAT lemme wash my hands and eyes) 3. “What is love? I don’t know. Go ask Nishino Kana or something! You wanna see me so much that you’re shaking? Then I’m shaking all year! I’m dying from the cold in the summer!” HAHAHA
(51:17) the correct answer was… answer 1!! Which was chosen as well
(51:57) Horie’s version AHHAHAHH he says line 3 he’s so funny
We get more lines from the two VAs since we got them correct (ignoring the mistake on Faust’s first one) (53:02) Faust says “Hmm? You have good instincts. I’m more curious about you. I’ll adore you like a guinea pig, so just roll around on my palm.” (53:57) Charles’s line “I had a feeling you were able to understand me. From now on, let’s spend a lot of time together. And then… you can love me even more”
(58:39) “I love yu” segment woooo. It’s a conversation between Faust and Charles, so no Sebas or Comte. (Wait they have baths at the castle?? Why am I surprised at this point)
Charles: “Doctor~ Would you like me to wash your back?” Faust: “I’ll be leaving” Charles: “Wait! Wait! Since we're together, let’s hang out.” Faust: “...How many times have you done that when I’ve been bathing? There are others who are willing to spend the night with you or hang out with.”
Charles: “Sigh, I had a feeling you were going to say that, so I’ve hidden the Doctor's clothes. If you leave the bath, you’ll be out naked” Faust: “Doing something without my permission… Well, the only people living here are men, so a single towel would do. I’ll be leaving.” 
Charles: “Wait! I got a message from Lord Vlad. He said ‘It’s the first time this castle’s bath-situation will be released. Be nice to the young ladies across the screen’” (So Vlad’s like Sebas that he can break the 4th wall… hmmmm) Faust: “‘the ladies across the screen?’ Oh, so that’s what that means. That old goat has finally gone senile, hasn’t he?” (the way Faust calls Vlad an old goat “じじい” is way ruder than I thought he says in Eng) Charles: “Kings are a bit different than us, so I don’t know what he’s saying either.”
Faust: “By the way, Charles, I smell a hint of blood on you. Did you attack someone today?” Charles: “I didn’t attack them! I just bit them and made them feel good.” Faust: “to feed off of them as an act of service…” Charles: “To me, that’s the same thing as an act of love. When do you feed off others, Doctor?” Faust: “When I feel like it, I’ll look for an opening and bite. That’s all. If they have interesting traits, then more the reason” (“interesting traits” may not be a good translation. Faust said 捕食対象 which is like traits of prey, kind of?? A bit difficult to translate)
Charles: “I’m curious what kind of person the Doctor's attracted to…”
Charles wants Faust to flirt w the audience or else he’ll sell Faust’s clothes out (Charles doesn’t know there’s an audience he just says ‘there’s someone out there that might be interested’) they say their lines (1:02:25) Faust & (1:02:57) Charles
Charles asks Faust if his glasses don’t cloud over the bath. Faust: “that’s a taboo question”
(1:09:20) Kamio: “Are you guys stupid??” LMAO when the audience doesn’t get the answer right
(1:22:44)”I love yu” segment w Comte & Sebas! The theme of today’s episode is “Teach me Comte! Secrets of an adult!”
Sebas: “Hmmm… I thought I heard a conversation from another bath that was not ours… Was that my imagination?” Comte: “You’re spacing out. Is something the matter, Sebas?” Sebas: “Right, I’m sharing a celebratory bath with Comte today, but to think I’ve been wondering about other people’s bathing situations…” 
Comte: “Celebratory? Is there something worth celebrating?” Sebas: “Of course there is! Congratulations on your route release, Comte.” *clap, clap*
Comte: “Route release? That’s an unusual word. What do you mean by that?” Sebas: “What are you joking about? You were happy when we were celebrating the other’s route release! Finally, the Comte’s secret is to be revealed, and I’m so dyungyun excited.” 
Comte: “Was there ever so much excitement concerning myself?” Sebas: “Yes, yes. Your past, for example.” Comte: “Born a noble, grown as a noble” Sebas: “Your relation with the pureblood, for example” Comte: “Oh, Vlad, right? He is an old acquaintance of mine.” Sebas: “Your previous relationships, for example” Comte: “Haha. Relationships, huh? A past lover once or twice. Something everyone is familiar with”
Sebas: “It’s as if you’re answering, but we’re not gaining any information, Comte. This just makes me more curious about your route”
Comte: “My past aside, I want to cherish the time that we spend in the mansion.” Sebas: “Of course. It’s not the mansion without you, Comte. Moments of kindness, moments of strictness, not forgetting the punishments on the residents when they’ve done something bad. What you would expect from the mansion’s papa.” Comte: “Haha. It’s not like I was planning to become a papa. The residents are filled with those who have strong characters.” Sebas: “They are unique, you can say. However, there are other moments where you show your ‘papa-ness’”
Comte: “Like when, for example?” Sebas: “According to my observations, when you send her a mountain of dresses and you’re caring for her, your ‘papa-ness’ is at its max” Comte: “I-is that so? I’m the one who brought her here to the 19th century. It bothers me sometimes. But being called a ‘papa’ gets me.”
(1:27:35) Sebas’s line (1:28:14) Comte’s line (i usually dont translate these lines cuz they’re so long sorry)
(1:29:10) Sebas calls Comte an “adult celebrity”
Another new segment called “Butler Skill: Improvement Lesson” where everyone will practice certain skills, which in this episode, is improving the skill of drawing. Morishi will draw Horie, Horie will draw Kijima, Kijima will draw Kamio, and Kamio will draw Morishi. They will try to draw each other as cute as possible. Presents each other’s drawings at (1:32:47) 
Good night voices start at (1:43:35) with Sebas, Comte, Faust, and Charles in this order
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kendrixtermina · 9 months
Misleading Claims about Gaza I’ve seen flying around
So I want to speak to a set of claims I’ve seen flying around that, while not 100% lies, get presented in a hugely misleading way.
I, a rando with an internet connection, was able to find with a simple google & wikipedia search that they were severely taken out of context.
1. They threw a gay person off a roof
Never happened.
This is a clear echo off of roof-related execution done by ISIS meaning to conflate the orgs in the mind of an uneducated westerner who doesn’t know how ME political groups are different.
There was indeed one (1) case of a person being accused of being gay & then executed (not by being thrown off a roof) – but that was among a long list of other crimes, & their relatives say it’s a pretext/slander to cover internal hamas power struggle.
Not great, part of a larger tendency to be repressive toward some rival factions, but hardly „systematic persecution and executions of gays“.
While it’s not exactly Amsterdam, there is no systematic or legally encoded persecution. There are cases of ppl being shunned or kicked out by their family, but you can say the same about, say, Alabama.
I’ve come across various posts by LBTQ people who travelled there and were not especially harassed. One even wore a flag pin.
A common thing you hear is that ppl are too busy just surviving & ending their more general oppression to worry too much about stuff like holding a pride march.
2. It’s forbidden to teach the holocaust in Gaza
This should have you very suspicious if you’re aware how little control Palestinians actually have over their education system and how they’re often handed textbooks with pro-zionist curriculums that present the Nakba as good (!) - to the point that arab students in mixed town hear their teachers call them the „enemy“ & younger palestinian educators often have not heard of famous palestinian writers & poets.
Indeed the claim probably goes back to a single dispute about a single UN course on human rights where Hamas officials expressed concerns about a curriculum that might include the holocaust for fear of indoctrination & zionist propaganda.
(Not an unreasonable fear, if you’re aware of the racist textbooks issue.)
During the discourse, there was an individual Hamas official who made some statement to the effect that the holocaust was probably just another lie made up by the Zionist to justify taking their country.
The man hasn’t been in power for years, btw (a good thing, seeing as he seems ignorant & incendiary) – genuine L for that guy & Hamas for hiring him. Not defending him at all, that guy is an idiot. But its NOT a comprehensive ban on the subject at all (indeed many Palestinians you see online seem quite well-informed)
But note how the claim is often presented in a way to evoke western neo-nazis who have long been motivated to explain away the biggest argument as to why their ideology is a bad idea.
Can you really compare these situations, though?
Make no mistake: The holocaust defo happened.
But why do I know this? Because I’ve read books by survivors as well as accounts of US & russian soldiers who found the mess. I’ve been to Dachau on a school trip & the walls of the gas chambers still had nail marks on them. I’ve been to that house in prague where all the walls are covered in victim’s names. My grandmother saw the infamous auschwitz human skin lamp with her own eyeballs. Heck, her father in law narrowly survived by jumping out of one of those death trains.
Now, does an older arab guy in a besieged, impoverished enclave have access to that proof? It’s not like he can travel to europe & go to a museum.
Also, as someone who went to an european school, I remember being told precious little about the middle east and some of it was stereotypic bullshit. So why would an arab guy living under a much worse-funded education system know much more about european history?
He’s used to the zionists spouting 2+2 = 5 lies, propaganda & spin all the time, so if he doesn’t know a lot about europe, he might jump to the conclusion that this thing they use to justify the conquest of his home is probably a lie as well.
Quite different from an european neo nazi denying mountains of proof out of wounded pride. (or because he actually thinks it was nbd but can’t say so publicly)
It’s kinda like the way radfems refuse to believe that men aren’t making up all their problems...
Again, it’s an L for that hamas guy, kids have nothing to fear from learning accurate facts about foreign countries, I'll always be against censorship & pro free information.
But one (1) idiot politician saying something offensive does NOT equal the subject being explicitly banned from discussion in all gazan schools.
The claim also leaves out the context that since Hamas also provides schooling & welfare there’s a bit of a rivalry/power struggle between it & the aid orgs (golly gee, I wonder why a population utterly abandoned by the international community would distrust foreigners...)
Something that was very telling about the post is „liberate gaza so they can finally learn about the holocaust!“ like its this all-important thing - I mean, it IS very important… if you’re european or jewish, cause in that case it massively impacted your civilization and your own family history. But it wasn’t the only mass murder nor the worst by method (rwanda) or number (stalinist purges) & doesn’t have this magic objective value, europe isn’t the navel of the earth & the ppl aren’t wrong not to want eurocentrism shoved down their throats.
I do think everyone should be taught about the evils of discrimination but probably a more natural place to start might be the armenian genocide, since Palestine used to be Ottoman. Or examples of discrimination in the arab world (including against jews)
I mean in that instance the guy was most likely being paranoid & advancing some power strugle agenda, & I’d say he was in the wrong, but the touchiness & concern about indoctrination has a reason & one instance of complaining about one course does NOT equal a general ban on the subject in schools. (many of which, are, after all, run by international orgs)
Frankly, a people living in a walled ghetto probably already know more about the evils of discrimination than anyone who doesn’t.
Also, it’s very ironic for Israel to go accusing others of denying atrocities when even mentioning the Nakba can cost you your academic career.
There’s no Israeli teens going to Nakba Museum and indeed school books portraying it as good that are forced on the arabs as well.
Imagine if a Romani, Jewish or Polish person in modern day Germany were forced to look upon textbooks full of common Nazi apologia like „Hitler built the Motorways“, „But Dresden!“ and „We only lost WWI cause the socialists backstabbed us!“ (For the record, all of those are all bullshit.)
3. When Israeli settlers pulled out of Gaza, the first thing they did is raze the synagogues
Again, this is deliberately phrased to remind westerners or diasporic jews of neo-nazis throwing molotovs and the like (if only our governments did as much against those as they’re presently doing to slander anti-war protesters… ), to trigger immediate sympathy for Israel & portray gazans as a bunch of vandalizing hatecrimers.
As the previous claims, this is „very loosely based on a true story“ as in it technically did happen but there’s a lot of context missing, such as:
Israel demolished TONS of Mosques & Christian Churches during the Nakba, or worse, turned them into warehouses bars & factories.
Settlers did horrific violence to ppl in Gaza. In one example, a house was burned with a toddler still inside. Settlers mocked & harassed the kid’s grandfather
When they pulled out, they destroyed the entire settlement, infrastructure & farming equipment so the locals couldn’t use it
They even considered destroying the synagogues themselves but then left them as the only buildings standing & tried to have them declared unesco heritage (possibly a ploy to maintain a presence in the strip after all or leave a backdoor to return, creating a strategic incentive to destroy them so the settlers wouldn’t have an excuse to come back)
We are talking about blocky cement structures a new as the settlements, NOT historic buildings (unlike the destroyed Mosques & Churches)
religious symbols & cultic objects were removed when the settlers left. Obviously. Why would they possibly leave it?
So what do we have left?
Some people vented their rage at empty concrete buildings that had no religious items in them, had no history and were never going to be used again. - which they were somewhat justified as seeing as symbols of domination leaving their mark on „their“ home, like a cat’s territorial piss markings, so it might as well be interpreted as an act of defiance against colonial power.
Still technically vandalism against a religious building, not very diplomatic, do not recommend etc.
but at the same time rather different from the idea suggested by „the first thing they did is raze the synagogues“… for once thing, there was nothing else left to raze cause the Israelis already did it themselves, it was retaliation for Palestinian sacral buildings being trashed & a response to finding out that israelis would destroy good farm tools rather than let them have it, and it was an interchangeable concrete block empty of actual synagogue stuff. - whereas without the context you are probably imaging hooligans singling out the synagogues out of useful, intact buildings, a unique historic building being thrashed or the cultic objects & holy books being broken & desacrated, similar to historic cases of nazi arson or russian pogroms. That just didn't happen.
The double standard, too, is very telling: This act of vandalism means gazans are evil hatecrimers out to get all the jews & means they can't be negotiated or made peace with, but Israelis’ much more widespread & systematic destruction of churches & mosques is assigned no such interpretation. Golly gee I wonder why.
Again, the point here is NOT to portray local government as perfect & flawless (what government is?) or to say that none of this stuff was bad. But sporadic events are being inflated into nonexistent systemic patterns, as well as misrepresented to appeal to very particular tropes & cliches to blatantly manipulate ya'lls emotional reactions.
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Long ask, got a little carried away. Sorry not Sorry >w<".
I do want to point out that equating shipping funny scugs with actual crimes is very drastic. Like, shipping discourse shouldn't go there unless you seriously believe that X ship is causing real world harm. Don't compare furries to pedophiles or zoophilia or incest. I feel like I shouldn't have to even explain why that is offensive. Do you seriously think that someone who thinks Artificer is hot is going to, like, turn around and fuck their dog? Do you really think that it'll even make someone more likely to accept someone fucking their dog? And I'm saying all of this because making drastic statements like this actually *is* harmful. It degrades the meaning of the terms and it justifies violence against a group that doesn't deserve it. And this part comes from the fact that most of the furries I do know are gay and/or autistic, but seeing ppl equate being into furry shit, which often isn't 100% about sex in the first place, doesn't sit right with me.
It also distracts from talking about actually harmful fandom ships; in this instance I mean fandom (ambiguous) because Rain World's fandom hasn't gotten any popular ship dynamics that are genuinely harmful. And, genuinely harmful ships is a more complicated topic than just "X ship bad" since ships are going to be interpreted by a ton of different people and taken in a ton of different directions. And the components that make a ship harmful can be complicated, but I think it usually comes down to the normalization of behavior. Like, that's why shipping a kid with an adult is always bad - the more normalized that is, the more that idea as gross or taboo gets eroded. Thus, the less likely someone is to respond appropriately to actual pedophilia. In this hypothetical, people shipping the adult and child aren't inherently pedophiles, but they would be contributing to the issue of pedophilia and creating a safe space for that behavior. So, again, I ask the people who are throwing the terms "zoophilia" around like candy, do you seriously believe that lewding slugcats creates a safe space for people who actually fuck real animals? Do you seriously believe that lewding slugcats erodes the barriers and taboos we have around fucking real animals?
I think Moon/Pebbles ship is a good example of what I mean. The reason incestuous ships are bad is because they normalize incest, which is its own can of worms that I'm frankly not equipped to address. While I could've sworn that Moon and Pebbles canonically see themselves as siblings and the one time I saw a Moon/Pebbles shipfic it was 100% intended as incest, that doesn't quite make it fair to pass judgement on everyone who likes the ship. Is the ship problematic? A little, maybe? But that's because the ship is prone to the same issues I said about incest, down to people talking around the fact that the two characters fucking are related, BUT Rain World is a game that very heavily leans on players making assumptions about the world based on scarce info, especially pre-Downpour. There's a ton of canon information that's easily missed. Like, the idea that Moon and Pebbles are siblings comes from their physical proximity and Moon being titled "Big Sis Moon." I personally like to imagine that everyone in the local group calls her that. This doesn't make ships like Lilypad and Eclipse a problem unless someone were to write them as incest. Likewise, someone could reasonably play the game and just not see Moon and Pebbles as siblings. In which case, shipping them isn't incest because it's not written as incest. Therefore, it's inappropriate to imply that anyone shipping these two characters is into incest. And I think Moon/Pebbles is the closest commonish RW ship to actually being a problem. And it's OK to be put off by the ship , I'm personally put off by it. But accusing people of being things that they are not isn't ok.
And, take a more popular ship - Sunstone. It has the capacity to be written in a harmful way. And there are plenty of fics where their relationship is written to be unhealthy, bringing up canon points to support this characterization. That doesn't make the ship inherently harmful. Wholesome Sunstone and Toxic Sunstone are both interpretations of an interpretation. Not to mention that Toxic Sunstone isn't even an inherently harmful interpretation to make art or writing for. There's a lot of value to be had exploring this kind of dynamic. On fact, fiction is probably the safest way one could possibly explore that. While it is possible to use Sunstone to glorify abuse, that isn't representative of the ship because the premise doesn't imply glorifying abuse.
This is what I mean when I say don't hurl serious accusations at people over ships. Even ships that have a tendency to be iffy. Even ships where the majority of content you've seen of them is just straight up disgusting. And this especially applies to Rain World, where canon is loose and easy to miss at best. Like, even going to the most concretely problem ship possible in the game, Surv/Monk, you can read the game's events as them being close childhood friends from the same colony. There's nothing explicitly calling them siblings, and I think that takes a reasonable assumption to make, especially if you're someone who doesn't pay mind to external sources of information. So, don't throw serious accusations at people unless you're being genuine about it, please.
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adhderall · 1 month
damn the t"""girls""" really dont want anyone to acknowledge that transmen get treated like shit in the so called "trans siblings" community (hmm i wonder why):
and the notes on this post are awful. all the transmen are behaving so spinelessly. its giving me second hand embarrassment
give me 1 example where a t"""girl""" actually tried to listen to a transman without crying about trans"""misogyny""" and accusing said transman of commiting that crime
in fact, these oh so supportive t"""girls""" will tell transmen to add "trans misogyny exempt" in their bios to virtual signal themselves as "privileged". its akin to wearing a dog collar. they treat transmen like pet dogs who must behave appropriately at all times
but its totally nothing like a millennia of males treating women like controlled animals hahaha no that's completely different bro trust me (this time they switched man and woman labels so its ok)
im sorry for an unprompted rant but posts like these really piss me off. this is the transman version of "were never making it out the patriarchy"
and this so called "trans siblings" community get so hostile if youre a transman lesbian 💀 the lesbophobia in this community is so rampant thanks to these brave and stunning t"""girls"""
No yeah I fucking hate it. every tr○○n (I don't want ppl finding my shit in searches) space is insanely fucking biased against transmen. I can definitely see why a lot of transmen would rather just go stealth and blend in with regular ass men (though homosexuals of either sex tend to do that with the respective opposite sexes usually).
and the constant spineless self-hating doormat behavior from other transmen gets on my nerves sooo fucking much. they wanna say female socialization isn't real but act like this........... :/
idk, I have too much pride for that shit. for someone to push me around they at least have to be in the right smh
I've been through too much homophobia in my life to ever not think of myself as a lesbian, and anyone who thinks I'm "invading" can shove it bc they're probably not female homosexuals themselves lmfaoooo
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forgetsrotation · 1 year
6.4 Tataru's Grand Endeavor
FULL SPOILERS, INCLUDING IMAGES!! A complete live blog of my progressions through the quest.
Proceed at your own risk. I won't cypher it with rot13 since it's behind a read more. Hopefully no one gets spoiled unintentionally. ;v;
A miqo picture so the other image doesn't pop up and spoil ppl lol
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I'm come down, relatively, from the thrill of it all. Two separate quests... no follow quest, which would have been disappointing if uhhh not for EVERYTHING ELSE THAT WAS GREAT!!! I am so pleased and I'm not just saying that because of what we got at the end of it all. :)
However. I cannot believe--
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OK. Henceforth will be my live blog reactions bc that's fun to chronicle! I hope you can derive some joy from it too. Fair warning, I curse a lot out of excitement. Gibberish. It's pure joy. You will NOT understand this if you haven't played the new quest yet LOL
Up at 5AM for these two… like a long nap after going to bed at 12:30AM lol. Waiting for patch to dl! It seems to have finished early, but I am in no rush!! My recording software is set up. :)
MILITARY EQUIPMENT??? Gaius’s “brother-in-arms”…
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I’m gonna frow up
me being able to crime tools gpose him wherever I want (still takes the time to gpose)
they are married
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He really has changed!!
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AVILINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHH
Other business = see his husband, but Gaius is very shy
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Aww I love when he kneels to talk to children
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NOT THE CLOUD DECK !!! gpose time……….
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HOLY SHITTTT U;MDFJDJ I’M LOSING MY MINDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD (post blogging: it was a fake out. it's ok tho lol)
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Miqo can drive better than Gaius :)
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support from the rear, huh……………………….
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Nero is mad at the bottom accusations.
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me constantly checking for allie. Severa is no where to be found… neither is vald...
checking all the npcs for flavor text… one lady moves around now!
Aw baby you know Makoh’to will help you anytime, anywhere!!
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hehehe she sure does!!
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just know my face has been like :D this whole time
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Aw… Miqo is good at soothing children so it’s ok!!
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I am crying
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waiting for the sun to rise so I can take better gposes… simmering in this feeling……….. letting it wash over me………… I’m guessing we will not get this portrait as our reward but I am so happy it happened all the same. Family picture real………………………………………………..
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THEY????????? DID THEY GIVE IT TO ME????????????falskdfjl;kasjdfkl;jasdlfkjasdf
I am in disbelief……………..
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Allie's overlooking the sea...
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FINALLY SEV AND VALD!! They even have new flavor text!
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i am so happy........t his is more than i could have dreamed
feel free to talk to me about this on twt in dms! i don't have much to say except keyboard smash.
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i3utterflyeffect · 1 year
I know absolutely nothing abt Wandersong so I can't ask any specific questions (;;-o-) BUT!!!!!!! take this ask as blanket permission to talk about any thoughts u have on the game that u want to, canon or AU
if u want some prompting, I saw ur MRD crossover and went 👀👀 I'm curious what ur AU changes from the game(s)!
oh!! okay so basically im going to split this into parts hang on
ANYWAY!!!!!!! godbard au will be under the cut in case its not way too horribly late for you to not be spoilered sfdgklgslg
Mad Rat Miriam
ok aside from this post basically. the combo means that miriam has a much longer time period that mad rat and instead of the entire world ending it's just her. audrey is basically herding her towards a cat and i feel like she's actually pretty violent before bard is like 'NOOO STOP IT'
bard may have been a cat but they're very nice and would not kill anyone. because that is mean and they are NOT mean. they may have been a stray but they'd always just beg for scraps from humans instead and give them the wettest eyes if they try to feed them a mouse.
mim is also still very distant from other people bc yeah she's still a lab rat and she's learned to not be too attached to other ppl and beside she's already alienated bc she's Weird. so bard is really the first time she's been friends with someone and the fact that she's going to die upsets her deeply. but she's glad she got to meet this stupidly nice little heart because god they're too nice but also they're so friendly and kind to her despite everything.
audrey is very much a beastie of instinct and instead of describing herself as a 'rat god' she more describes about as miriam's 'hero', 'guardian angel', whatever fits the bill for that sort of thing. even tho she very much is not and is scaring miriam into going where she wants since mim is not really a huge fan of the wish thing
a lot of the cities of wandersong is just a bunch of stray rats living and Fucking Chilling. and rat god is still a sort of legend thing but it's kind of a horror story where people go wandering into nowhere and never return.
ALSO. the heart battle is so fucking insane i bet. like bard HATES the idea of fighting miriam but they have to do SOMETHING because clearly mim isn't in her right mind. a lot of the fight is a test of patience i bet bc of this
also also! another counterpart of jack is dream king but he DOESN'T CARE about eating mim at all. lazy guy. audrey is not happy about this.
king of hearts is the main one tho since he starts drowning in place of jack and mim decides to save him!!!!!!!!
most of the monsters in general are just hallucinations
anyway miriam and bard have just this strangely similar dynamic to mad rat and heart. violence and 'be nice to people please :)' + Provider Of Beats
plus it's interesting to explore something where the person with their head on straight is bard bc you don't really equate someone happy-go-lucky like that to be the most realistic between the two! usually it's the pessimist but nah its bard this time <3
godbard au
anyway so basically i want to talk about audrey here bc she's been accused of killing bard and since she's basically forced to come along with miriam and bard she's very upset.
BUT. something very important: i feel like she believes in thought crimes.
she's always prided herself on heroism and she never really thought about it before but after some time around Normal People as a Normal Person she starts to get fucked up over her new thought patterns that she developed by being a hero
this gets even worse when bard and miriam start treating her with genuine concern and kindness because she hates them, and she's certainly thought about killing them
as people start talking abt her she becomes more self conscious and it eventually comes to a climax as she is found out and people go on a full-on witch hunt over her
she's very very prone to violence and as she realizes how fucked up her destiny to end the world is she goes into a downwards spiral as she begins to think about awful things more and more and about if she HAD killed them and watched the life drain from their eyes (and she wouldn't have even felt bad)
and if she finds her sword she only gets worse as the intrusive thoughts get worse and more within reach of being completed and she can't take it
and. um
basically i gave her ocd hours. and i feel like i'm correct <3
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nururu · 2 years
I think the worst part of healing from trauma is that I used to be so secure in gender expression and being close/vulnerable with ppl who were LGBTQ but I assumed a false sense of security and safety and ended up being hate crimed and discriminated against worse than ive ever experienced. one thing about me is that I was gaslighted since birth into believing that none of my emotions or reactions or whatever were real and that I was just being manipulative,, and like... I have a huge fear of being an awful person so I just.... no matter the source, when I'm criticized, I immediately think of how I can fix this thing that's making someone upset.. anyways, it got to the point where I stripped away every single unique thing about myself, expression, etc etc and became monotone and guarded and I'm never ever confident anymore that I'm doing things right, and that when I'm feeling like I'm doing what I want to do, that, that is a bad thing. bc I convinced myself that every part of myself was bad. so like.... being told by trans ppl who "passed" that I was just a girl, I wasn't trans enough, I was actually transphobic for not being trans enough etc. being accused of having attraction to ppls partners etc even though my queer identity wasn't even acknowledged.. like.. idk.... I'm so afraid to express who I am like... at all. even though I know none of those claims are valid, I have deep trauma that makes me immediately go "yeah but they could have a point and what if ur accidentally being horrible and don't realize it" and I get scared of doing the wrong thing. my initial reaction is NEVER "this person is abusive and manipulating me and trying to hurt me" bc I believe in the good in people and that people are honest. my mind can't wrap around the fact that some people are just cruel and abusive. even when I know I should be justifiably upset, I still have a hard time not giving weight to what abusers say.
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leonaluv · 1 year
Wow...tula! this is a detailed feedback so buckle upp🔥💪👏👏👏
Once again you blew my mind with your personalized reading for me, even if it's a free game! Damn i wish i had enough money to do your paid readings :((( Last FS reading was accurate too(all the repeated stuffs were there in yours and it felt much more personal hearing from you). And this one too, i always felt strongly towards tarots and i always admired the high priestess card with how she is usually depicted. First I choose the tarot card intutively for your game and then after few hours i was playing around with random tarot card generator websites and i asked my guides "what card reprsnts me" and clicked on the generate button and guess WHAT-The High Priestess card came out💀 so i was sure whatever that comes in your reading is going to be accurate this time too✨
Now for the father stuff, i am more thankfull that i stood up for the right and had the courage to defend and warn people about it. I had heard from another pastlife reading that i had some issues with being falsely accused and i was stunned to see you say that my father had done exactly that. Explains the daddy issues now smh💀 and the Knight part? --
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When you said this, i was very thankful for that soul, that i had Someone who'd stuck by my side from that time. But kinda funny stuff was you said something of the same "vibe" from my future spouse reading too --
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The knight from the past seemed like a respectful person and my FS seems to have similar characteristics from my POV. I don't even care if they are the same soul/person or not- i would always forever be thankful for that type of people in my life( a mix of both explanations is technically my ideal type- no not just an "ideal" type- the type of PPL i need in this life too). It is kind of funny that i resonate with that "Knight" and "Father" issues in this life too 😂 Hope everything turns out well, i am thankful and happy with your reading💕💞 Thankyou for your divination blessing✨
Hi , well thanks for joining the game and being here now that's all that matters. I love when the universe shows synchronicity like that with the card. Yes,it is shocking when it's family or like a lover that betrays you, but I did read that even most serious crime is always done by someone that is really close to the person so not random at all most of time.
The knight part being link to your lover sometimes I do see in some readings it can be a past life lover can also be someone current lover.🌌Its cool to look at the astrology , alongside other, methods to see. Still even if it's not the same person ,it is going to be a great type of love. 💜
Not to many did leave feedback or will go into the detail likes yours
Apperiacte it 🌸may everything be even better than expected
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29-12-2011 · 2 years
Hope this is okay to bring up but all th points u made in that post abt ppl white woman-Ifying viktor Yeah. It’s impossible 2 scroll through certain tags on this site (or any tbh) without seeing some bad jayce take because people don’t understand they’re completely separate characters. Or refuse to read viktor as he actually acts in arcane OR league just because he’s their scrungly sad little meow meow who can do no wrong and everyone and everything is out to get him. It’s incredibly annoying too because people are Making content based on league lore, but are basing it off other people’s fics instead of reading the lore, so it’s like a self repeating cycle, not sure how else to explain it but it just sucks ass and it makes it hard to interact with th majority of ppl making art for the two of them
that is true! sorry, didn't mean to localise it as an issue particular to just arcane because yeah, it's been happening since the arrival of 2016 viktor's lore (and maybe even before). i can't count the number of times jayce has been accused of genocide(?) or stealing blitzcrank by hiding him in his trenchcoat and running away or purposely trying to get viktor expelled (in the order of significance ascribed by most fans), or any other weird crimes people can dream up because the fact is that if you look at his biography instead of basing your entire knowledge off of drabbles and AUs and author's notes and inside jokes and references he did... none of these things?
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like there's nothing gloating about how he describes viktor getting expelled -- i'd argue he didn't intend for it to happen at all. but somehow in fandom discussions or reddit posts people stretch it to jayce stealing viktor's wife and kids or whatever i really don't get it! and if you argue from the lens of interpretation i'm not sure what textual basis you'd have for that at all given that jayce is notably distraught after losing viktor.
of course jayce doesn't do himself any favours by not mentioning blitzcrank, or trying to defend himself, but you only really fall victim to thinking viktor was in the right by doing an entirely surface level reading without realising, hey, maybe trying to strip people of free will is bad?
i understand being more emotionally engaged with viktor's side of the story, and if you read jayce's biography after reading viktor's your viewpoint is already shaped by the uncharitable way viktor depicts him, but honestly if you're going to try to engage with these characters in a serious level i'd at least ask for you to try and figure out what is going on (or don't, if it's more fun i guess i can't really police how you consume fictional men).
the "genocide" that they believe is happening (please google what genocide is) is so... GUYS HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED WHY VIKTOR WAS ABLE TO CONTROL AND ORDER AROUND THE AUTOMATONS THAT WERE SUPPOSED TO BE THE ZAUNITES' NEW BODIES? like there is room for nuance here obviously if you can be bothered to think it through but at a surface level glance viktor is not in the right here. i'll defend viktor and write him and love him until the day i die but that's not because i agree with what he is doing, it'd be because i enjoy him as a character and find him interesting to explore.
maybe people conflate this emotional attachment with the belief that since so much wrong has been done to him (which i won't deny, just that a lot of it wasn't jayce's fault) viktor must be in the right, and jayce becomes the target of this righteous anger because how dare you not defend this poor little meow meow victim of all of society's faults!
and all of these things are multiplied tenfold by looking at it through the lens of arcane and refusing to even consider how the two SEPARATE iterations would fuse together. now white woman A!viktor is dying, and isn't that just so pitiful? why WOULDN'T you let him commit all those atrocities, and if you REALLY LOVED HIM you wouldn't BETRAY HIM AND SELL HIM OUT! WHICH TALIS DOES NOT DO BECAUSE THOSE EVENTS ARE NOT PART OF ARCANE THEY ARE PART OF LEAGUE! or something or the other. and frankly this is just disrespectful to all four characters.
the image most arcane-only fans have of giopara would be "asshole", which is true, but he's also a complex layered character that loses a lot if you choose to reduce him to one archetype, and if you choose to misinterpret a character and then blame him for your misinterpretation it's like... well i really don't get it but it's whatever because it's for real just a video game biography/TV show.
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waddei · 3 years
(domestic violence tw)
A burner account accused Manatreed of being the defendent in a domestic abuse case. The evidence they provided that it was him was that his chin looks similar, the name of the defendent is banned in his chat, and the word "girlfriend." The burner account said to not contact the girlfriend about it because she deserves to get to move on.
Issues with this;
1) The mods have said they banned the name because full names are TOS (I can't find this tweet rn is have to go search for it again)
2) People we're asking about his sexuality so it's reasonable for girlfriend to be banned
3) The victim did not come out and accuse him, some random person found a court case and decided to pin it on him ??
4) There's pretty much no way for him to prove it's wrong because posting a photo of an ID even while redacted is against Twitter TOS for good reason, because it can be used to dox your location
5) Multiple fake allegations have come up against Dreams friends (and one legitimate one). The one with real proof was treated very seriously. This is nothing like it because there is absolutely no proof and there is a lot of reason to believe someone would frame him for no good reason (a lot of people were mad yesterday that he blew up on his first stream)
6) I think that it's suspicious they said not to contact the girlfriend because she's probably the only person who could verify whether or not this is actually true although I do think it's dumb to drag her into something so questionable
I'm going to look for the actual court case but I'm kind of annoyed right now. I totally am on board with believe victims so it's so stupid that the victim isn't even involved in this. People are discrediting actual abuse victims and it's just hmmm
ohh thank ye sm lilac!!
kindaaa weird how he got pinned a random court case just as he joined dsmp, is actually pretty terrifying that ppl go around digging actual crimes and shit to pin them on the new streamer..
like even if it is true it's still kinda weird to do, specially if the gf isn't involved,,,
welp Ig we will have to wait and see
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bosooka · 3 years
Isn’t bo like a terrorist or smth? I don’t like her cause of mando but I haven’t seen anything else, why do ppl not like her?
oh lord. okay. here we go anon. without further ado, bo-katan's entire canon story up until what you've watched:
her first appearance in the clone wars is as pre vizsla's lieutenant in the terrorist cult known as death watch, so, yes, bo is a former terrorist.
in essence, she is a loyal member of DW until pre vizsla chooses to ally himself with darth maul, whom bo immediately does not get along with. maul has them form alliances with the major crime families of the galaxy, and they successfully take over mandalore and overthrows bo's pacifist sister, satine. then pre vizsla is killed by maul, and bo splits from death watch. she tries and fails to keep maul from murdering her sister for obi-wan kenobi's manpain. at this point, bo decides that she has to lead efforts to chase maul off of mandalore, which he is using as a base for his criminal empire. the last time we see her in the clone wars, she managed to do this with the help of ahsoka and her clone friends. however mandalore gets re-invaded, this time by the clones under command of the empire, a few months later. we haven't seen this yet, but it is described in the OTHER star wars animated show, rebels, which is where she's given the darksaber. she is very reluctant to accept it because she thinks she already failed in trying to rule and is unworthy. however, she is eventually convinced and accepts it in her sister satine's honor.
i know that's a LOT, but that is essentially a summary of her story so far. i would very strongly recommend watching the animated shows, at the very least the specific episodes related to mandalore. i'm happy to give you a list, it's like 20 ish episodes total across both shows. honestly if i was watching mando and TBOBF without my previous knowledge i would be confused as fuck.
people don't like her for plenty of reasons. some think she's hypocritical, which i don't necessarily disagree with. others think she's a massive bitch, which is basically true. some just find her grating! the irony is that i like her for most of the reasons people don't like her. i like very flawed characters. "ex-terrorist who has spent decades trying to make amends to the sister she indirectly got killed, who dedicated her life to protecting a legacy she used to actively fight against" is right up my alley in about 17 different ways. she is delightfully terrible and can insult me whenever she wants.
HOWEVER, in my opinion, accusations of her being "racist" or a "blood purist" are either willfully bad faith takes or are ignoring the context of the story. i'm not going to interact with people who think those things because i think it's a waste of my time 🤷🏻‍♂️ not liking bo for any other reason is absolutely fine in my book, it's Not That Serious. throwing those words around makes it serious, especially since there are a number of very unintelligent people in this fandom who think liking a fictional character means you are 100% aligned with their moral ideals. bad news for vader stans, indeed!
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