#just for moral support 💞
caracello · 2 years
sneaking on my phone in class to say You are gay 🏳️‍🌈
GGO BACK TO CLASS 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
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justkending · 2 months
Pool Olympics (Bonus Chapter)
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Mini-Series Summary: Two of the most stubborn people in the group partnered together for an undercover mission are also the two people with the most hatred for each other, so what could go wrong? Or is it, what COULDN’T go wrong?…
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger Reader (Enemies to Lovers) (Fake Marriage Trope)
Word Count: 2900+
A/N: I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to get around to this before school started, but I'm so glad I did! Plus, perfect timing, as the Olympics are actually happening ;) I hope you guys enjoy it! Love each and every one of you who have taken the time to read the story and interact with it💞
Bucky's POV:
"That's cheating! Ref! Ref! Flag him!"
I stuck my tongue out at the sore loser, and Y/N laughed from the lifeguard stand she was sitting and shaded in.
"I didn't see a fault of any kind. Point for Bucky's team," she declared, waving a hand on our side of the pool. I couldn't resist throwing a cheeky gesture at Sam through the volleyball net, adding to the competitive spirit of the game.
"Ok, that is the fourth unfair call she's made," Sam groaned, swimming to the edge of the pool where Banner stood next to her throne. "She shouldn't be making the calls when she's sleeping with the Captain of the opposing team."
"Hey, I'm just here for moral support. I don't know anything about volleyball rules or terms," Banner replies, raising his hands in surrender.
"Yeah, let the girl who played competitive sand volleyball for over ten years do her job," Y/N scooted to the edge of her seat and pointed down to Sam.
"Sam, you did practically jump into the net one of those calls, and Bucky didn't touch the ball before Wanda did, so it was only three hits," Steve sighed, standing in the shallow end of the pool, hands on his hips, as he tried to play peacekeeper for the umpteenth time today.
"True or not, that leaves two other calls to be reviewed," Sam argued, holding onto the pool edge and looking up at Y/N with challenging eyes.
As much as I wanted to smack him in the back of the head for arguing with my girl, I knew she'd handle it for herself.
"Jealous never won anyone gold medals, Wilson," she waves off, scooting back in her seat, unbothered, and pushing her sunglasses down on her nose from her head. "Either carry on or forfeit if you don't like the odds. Your choice."
He let out a groan, and Nat laughed from his side of the net.
"I feel like we've spent more time arguing about points then playing for them," the kid, Peter, grumbled quietly and nervously on my side and as I moved to serve, I patted him the back harshly.
"Don't worry, kid. It'll be a short game now that I'm serving," I winked to Y/N, who smiled, leaning on one of the arms of the lifted Adirondack chairs, and then got into position before waiting for the whistle to serve. The metal arm definitely had its advantages in this area and proved to be helpful becoming ambidextrous with.
The game went on with a few more calls from Y/N that Sam wasn't too happy about, but she gave him some leeway enough for us to move on to the next game without too much trouble.
"Next game is categories. No referee needed on this one," Steve announced after we had our break in between the games. "Rules are simple. The person standing on the diving board, facing away from everyone on either side of the pool, has to pick a category and then list choices within it. Pick a choice from the category in your head, and if they say it, you have to swim to the other side without them jumping in and tagging you. Quick and quiet movements are your friend. If they turn to tag and no one has moved, they have to take a step further away from us on the diving board. Everyone got it?"
"Wait, so, like, if she says TV shows and I pick Clone Wars in my head when she says it," Peter started asking as Nat moved to the diving board as the first tagger. "Then I have to swim to the other side of the pool without her getting me?"
"Got it," Steve nodded, turning and diving into the water like a graceful swan and going to the other side.
"I will not be saying Clone Wars, though, so it best that you choose a show most people know," Nat announced, bouncing on her toes at the board's edge as she waited for everyone to get in the water.
"Wonder how you'll figure out how to cheat on this one," Sam mumbled in my ear as he passed me. I instantly shoved him into the pool before he could brace for it.
"Whoops," I shrug, crossing my arms and moving to the edge.
When he resurfaced, the pool temperature had to have gone up 20 degrees due to the steam coming from his ears alone.
"You're dead," he pointed, swimming backward beside Steve.
"Ooh, what'd I miss?" Y/N asked, limping over to my side and squeezing my shoulder as she looked down at Sam sulking.
"Sam being a sore loser," I grin, turning to her and smiling before leaning down enough to peck her lips. She beamed up at me and I debated forfeiting the game just to hang out with her in the pool lounger instead. "Where have you been?" I wrap and arm around her waist and pull her closer.
"I figured if I was going to be out here getting as much sun as I am, I'd rather have a decent tan line from it," she shrugs and motions to her bathing suit.
And my oh my, I approve of the choice. From the cute and light sundress she had on earlier, she swapped to a red sexy two-piece that hugged all the right curves of her mouthwatering feminine figure.  
"Maybe I forget the game." My hand tightens around her, and she laughs playfully, shoving me away but not making any distance from me.
"No, you have to beat Sam, remember? I'm pretty sure we had a bet," she pinches my side, and I pull her into my chest and hold her gently.
"And how's that bet working on your end?" I ask.
We both watched Wanda jump into the pool, and Clint joined in afterward. Everyone is accounted for.
"Who was on the winning side of the last games? I don't think it related to your power serves," she teased and went to move to her seat up, but I held tight.
"Now, how does making calls where he screwed himself give you credit for making him lose?"
"What I say goes."
"As we all know, but-" I began to argue, but Nat cut me off.
"We get it! You two like each other! Can we please carry on with the Pool-day Olympics?" Her irritation was clear in her voice, even if she had a smirk on her lips.
"I think I'm going to sit this one out," I shouted back, still holding Y/N to my body as she wiggles against me.
"The hell you are!" She finally used her true strength to push off me and pointed a terrifying finger my way. "Go win us the gold, terminator! Use that damn stealth mode you have, and show no mercy."
I was slightly frightened, but mostly turned on by her competitive side, especially since it wasn't going against me this time around.
"You got it, Sarge," I salute and laugh, moving to the concrete edge to jump in, but I turned just before she sat in the lounger and gave her a good luck kiss that she laughed at before diving in and intentionally splashing Peter with the move.
Y/N's POV:
The day was rather enjoyable, even if I didn't get to participate.
Sam ultimately was defeated by Bucky in most of the games, minus Water Polo and Chicken. I think Bucky was just tired of Nat pulling his hair as her way of controlling his moves while she balanced on his shoulders. Understandably, he gave up and let Sam win for the sake of having a full head of hair by the end of the night.
Now, the sun was going down after having a group cookout where Steve made the burgers and hot dogs, and Wanda, Peter, and I took care of the sides inside before sitting down for family dinner. Conversation flowed, jokes were told, teasing was made, and gold medals were handed out courtesy of Tony joining at the very end for the food and award ceremony. We were a happily content and exhausted crew.
Clint had called it a night first. Tony and Banner left soon after, and Peter tagged along with them, Leaving Wanda, Nat, Steve, Sam, Bucky, and me still hanging out around the pool and conversing.
I decided to get in the water after seeing my friends spending most of their day in it and not being able to take part, and my muscles relaxed as soon as the water took on my weight for me.
"Careful. With those kinds of sounds people may think we're being inappropriate in the pool," Bucky's voice sneaks up behind me where I'm propped on the edge of the pool that overlooks the large lake behind the compound.
It's on one of the higher levels of the compound, Tony's private floor, to be specific, and of course, it's one of the fanciest and most breathtaking designs that overlooks the lay of the land.
"It feels really nice," I sigh, feeling my body practically melt in the cool water and no longer ache from the wear and tear I'd been putting it through thanks to my injury.
Bucky hums as he comes behind me, encasing me in between his arms, places both hands on either side of the glass wall in front of me and leans his torso into my back.
"Crazy what happens when you let your body rest," he whispers into my ear, resting his chin on my shoulder as we look at the view ahead together.
"I've been doing a lot better than I thought I would," I banter, knowing if I wanted to, I would have joined the games today, even against the protests.  
"You have, and I'm proud of you for it, but still, I saw the little things you thought no one noticed." His breath hit my neck as he talked.
"I have no clue what you're talking about..."
"Hmm mmm. No clue what-so-ever?"
"I've been perfectly relaxed all day."
"So climbing the lifeguard tower when your leg is probably the least healed of all your injuries was a good idea?"
"It was four steps," I huffed, leaning back into him.
"Four steps too many. And moving the pool lounger while we were already all in the pool when that thing is double your weight?" He gently nudged my head with his own.
"I moved it a single foot and double my weight isn't much to me."
"I'd say closer to four feet, but sure. We can go with that lie if it helps you sleep better at night."
"I sleep like a baby, thank you," I argue and turn in his arms to face him. "How long of a list do you have of my cheats today?"
"Longer than I care to have, but I'll cut you some slack because you picked a very nice swimsuit that I'm rather happy to see you move around in," he winks.
"I'll make a mental note that my strategy worked," I smile back widely.
We both turn behind him where a crash as the giant Jenga the four are playing goes caput, and Wanda jumps up in victory as the winner of the round.
"I think we all needed a day like today," Bucky says before turning back to me. "It was a nice reset."
"I'd have to agree," I nod and wrap my arms around his shoulders and hold him close. Our faces a few inches away.
If you were to tell me four months ago this was my reality, I would have laughed in your face and then bought a lotto ticket for something so impossible. Yet somehow, I'm filled with more joy and happiness than I have been in a long time. A new kind of bliss in my life.
"Can I ask you something?" I play with the hair on the back of his neck as I analyze his features for the millionth time since we started dating.
"Sure thing, sugar," he nods, looking between my eyes and then down at my lips.
"Do you think we're ready for the next step?"
He contemplates his answer, and I'm glad he does. The man puts thought behind all of his responses, and I appreciate it.
"I think so, but just to be clear, what do you see as the next step?" His hands move down to my waist in the water, and he pulls me closer in his lap as he sits on the built-in seats in the pools edge.
"Well, we haven't necessarily put a label on this. Which I've been fine with calling it dating and being exclusive, but-"
"You want to be my girlfriend?" His lips turn up into a boyish smile.
"I mean, I feel like I already am, but it'd be nice to call you my boyfriend," I say back, and damn it if I'm not getting flustered some at the look he's giving me.
"You'd want that?" He asked, almost stunned.
"Why wouldn't I?" I laugh nervously.
"I don't know. I guess sometimes I remember where we started, and the reality of where we are sinks in and, well..." He pinches my chin with his thumb and forefinger, bringing my gaze up to him. "Well, it seems almost like a dream to consider you'd even ask such a thing. Even with our growth the last two months and a half, I have flashes of realization that this is real."
I can't help the smile growing on my lips and spreading from ear to ear.
"You're a charmer, Bucky Barnes. A charmer that makes it pretty hard to consider a situation where I wouldn't want to take the next step with you," I nudge his nose with my own, and his hand moves to my jaw.
"I like the soft side of you you share with me," he caresses his thumb up and down my cheek. "If putting a label on this means I get to see even more of that, I would have asked months ago."
"Oh yeah?" I laugh, scratching my nails along his neck.
"Oh yeah," he drags out dramatically, almost moaning as he melts into my touch and rolls his eyes back. "This is the slice of heaven people talk about." He says, chuckling when I shove him slightly for his theatrics.
He grips my hand that rests on his chest and brings my palm to his lips, leaving a kiss as he looks me in the eyes.
"So, Y/N?" he hums, my hand now moved to press against his cheek. "Do me the honors of being my girlfriend?"
I laugh, and I notice our group of friends on the deck watching us before trying to act casual and stare at the sunset behind us.
"I'd like that a lot," I tease and lean in for a kiss.
It's a lot longer and lingering than the ones we've shared while in public. Not wanting to get the team riled up and give them the opportunity to give us a hard time, but who gives a fuck now. I like this man a lot, and I'm not scared to show the world that that's my truth.
And obviously, he's not either, since I'm the one who has to break the kiss when our friends start to whoop and holler behind us.
"Gold medal for being the most patient man in the world!" Wanda shouts.
"Gold medal for most stubborn fine ass out there!" Nat shouts to me, and I flip her the bird.
"Gold medal for the most lady-like demeanor," Steve chuckles and sends a thumbs up.
"Gold medal for the couple most likely to cheat at Olympic sports!" Sam shouts, his hands cupped around his mouth.
"Fuck off, Wilson!" Bucky shouts and mimics my hand gesture to him before turning back to me, cupping my face in his hands, and kissing me passionately.
"Ok, we get it! You guys are official now!" Nat shouts. "Now, get a room!"
"We will if I beat you in Janga!" I shout back, and Bucky turns back to me with a raised eyebrow.
"It's a low-risk game. You think I'm going to pull my quad any more than it already is by moving a block from on top of another one?"
He looks me up and down. "I wouldn't put it past you."
"Huh!" I scoff and shove off of him and start moving towards the stairs. "And to think I was going to offer victory cuddles tonight for making Sam lose all but two games."
"I knew you guys cheated!" Sam shouted, overhearing us.
"Didn't cheat. Just a star athlete," Bucky pointed out as he started quick stroke to follow me. "And I take it back. You are the least clumsy person I know. You could easily win the Janga gold medal if there was one."
"There will be one after tonight," I make it to the stairs first and quickly climb up them as carefully as possible. "Move out of the way, bitches. I'm making a name for myself sometime tonight!"
Wanda and Nat cheer as Steve puts the game back together, and Sam rolls his eyes.
Steps away from the team, Bucky's arms wrap around my middle and he throw me over his shoulder in a delicate way as to not further my injury.
"She does have a new name to add to the list, and it's my girlfriend!" He celebrates with his other hand in a fist-pumping in the air.
"Way to go, killer!" Nat laughs as she takes a seat in one of the loungers and motions to the game. "Now put your girlfriend down so she can kick Wanda's ass and break her winning streak. Then you can get that room she promised you..."
Marvel Tags:
@thejourneyneverendsx​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @death-unbecomes-you @mythos-writes​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​  @srrymydood​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @xa-dia​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @redhairedfeistynerd​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @morganclaire4​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @connie326​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @captain-asguard​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @mollygetssherlockcoffee​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @teenagedreams-bucky @shower-me-with-roses​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @livstilinski @basicallylool​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @starryeyeseunbyul​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
My Lovelies Forever:
@natura1phenomenon​ @lauravicente​ @kakakatey​ @traceyaudette​ @notyourtypicalrose​ @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​ @sandlee44​ @thorne93​ @thefaithfulwriter1​ @essie1876​ @greyeyedsmile14​ @capsiclehan​  @xostephanie​ @averyrogers83​ @awesomenursingstudent​ @gh0stgurl​ @cs-please​ @jjlevin​ @rainbowkisses31​ @deannotmoose​ @their-bibliophile​ @kitkatd7​ @willowbleedsonpaper​ @mariaenchanted​ @snffbeebee​ @couldabeenamermaid​ @rebekahdawkins​​ @alyispunk​​ @billyseye @hallecarey1​​
Bucky Barnes Tags:
@chloe-skywalker​ @charmedbysarge​ @jbarness​ @bellamy-barnes​ @katiaw2​ @aikeia​ @stopjustlovethemcu​ @enchantedbarnes
Mr. & Mrs. Hunt Series: (TAGS CLOSED)
@jackiehollanderr @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 @theroyalmanatee @wintrsoldrluvr @alexakeyloveloki  @bxckybxrnes24 @lillianacristina @selella @heletsmelovehim @lovelybaka @julvrs @mostlymarvelgirl @heletsmelovehim @learisa @bubblegumbeautyqueen @that-d-bitch @rabbitrabbit12321
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sanjoongie · 8 months
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✯Pairing: Kang Yeosang x Reader (f) ✯Au: E-sports Au, professional gamer au, mile high club au ✯Trope: established relationship ✯Rating: 18+ MDNI, smut ✯Word Count: 856 ✯Warnings: jealous sex, penetrative sex with no barrier, consensual free use, manhandling, public sex, creampie, aftercare ✯Summary: You piss Yeosang off on the way to a competition and he fucks you miles high in the sky ✯Dedication: @anyamaris the need to write this was high and so here it is for you, darling. thanks to @mejuii & @downtoamagicalland the unholy trinity beta team 💞
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“Sang--” Yeosang’s palm muffled your moans, the other hand busy with pinning your hands above your head. His eyes shot back down to where his cock was mercilessly fucking your cunt. “I don’t wanna hear it,” He said gruffly.
Still, your noises of utter pleasure bubbled from behind his hand, unable to keep quiet for even a second while he was fucking you good and hard and rough. 
How did you get in this scenario? Well, Yeosang was an Esports player, a very famous one, in fact. Tomorrow was a big competition for him and you were accompanying him for ‘moral support’ and ‘strategy guide’, read: Yeosang needed an outlet for his stress. 
So he decided to be a nice boyfriend and go get you two coffees before the long flight. You, however, decided to watch his competition. There was a streamer who played mid too, one who you personally enjoyed watching, if you were being honest. So you settled in, planning on studying the streamer’s strategies and typical moves to help Yeosang. It was apart of your job, before you let him fuck your mouth one practise night while training with his team. 
Yeosang wasn’t in the mood to entertain you watching another esports player. In fact, he was absolutely livid when he came back with your order and his, seeing you watching his competition. You didn’t help matters when you teasingly said, “You could never be him, darling… he’s a legend.”
“Sir…the jet’s ready,” A flight attendant intervened at just the right moment.
Yeosang, with your upper arm in a firm group, escorted you to the jet, lips tight with suppressed anger. He didn’t say a word as you walked the asphalt. He didn’t look your way as you two settled into the plush seats. The staff talked to you more before everyone were tucked away into their spots and it was just you and yeosang in the cabin and the plane miles high in the sky.
It took you a moment to realize what was going on when Yeosang unbuckled you and turned your chair towards the walkway. Once he pushed down his sweats, nursing a pretty thick boner, it clued into you that Yeosang was angry but Yeosang was horny.
“I’ll show you who’s a fucking legend--” Yeosang cursed, angrily yanking your leggings down your legs.
“Yeo-Yeosang!” You stuttered, unprepared for your boyfriend to strip you right then and there.
Yeosang shook his head angrily, causing his hair to get in his eyes, only fueling the rage. He pushed your thighs so that you were bent over, leggings and underwear still trapped on your legs. “Better mid than me my ass,” He continued to grumble.
It dawned on you that Yeosang had moved to a head space of simply overpowering you and taking his fucking anger out on you. Which you had already given him the go ahead if he ever needed it. With a quick glance towards the thin doors that separated the cabin from the staff, you moaned as Yeosang sucked on his thumb and harshly began to strum your clit. 
You licked your lips but could find no moisture in your mouth. Apparently it had gone all to your lower lips because Yeosang was grinning angrily when thumb plunged into your eager, wet hole. “Sometimes I think you say that shit to piss me off,” He grunted, pulling his thumb out after making your groan loudly when he touched your g-spot.
“No spindly armed, lazy mid player is gonna replace ME,” Yeosang muttered to himself as he pulled his cock through the slit of his boxer-briefs. 
You whined as he lined himself up with your cunt and pushed forward. He used short, powerful thrusts to open you up, making you squirm with yearning. He slapped your ass, making you squeak. “Stop it, and take my cock,” He commanded.
You watched with bated breath as Yeosang’s face stayed stormy and his thrusts grew choppy as he fucked his tension and frustration and anger into you. You took it all, happy to have inadvertently pushed this on yourself. 
Which brings us back to where you were now: your hands pinned above your head and Yeosang’s hand over your mouth. You knew, by the glossy-eyed look, that Yeosang was searching for his own release and not looking to take care of your own, but his powerful thrusts were sending you over the edge nonetheless. With your pussy clenching down on his length, Yeosang came with an angry grunt, full-tilt deep in you, back arched and head cast back. 
“Fuck, I needed that,” Yeosang sighed, pulling his hat off and pushing a hand through his hair.
When he pulled out, you whimpered as your legs were lowered and you could feel his cum seeping out of your still-fluttering hole. He scrunched up his nose. “I’ll get you some wet wipes.”
You were pretty sure you were about to become a puddle on the floor, let alone be able to walk off this jet, but you had no regrets. Especially when Yeosang came back with a cute awe-shucks grin and some water. Totally worth it.
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pursuitseternal · 7 months
“Torturing” update to “Our Blood is Thicker”
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Astarion x Named Tav (Cordehlia) | E | 2.8K
Summary: When a ransom message from his siblings, Astarion and the rest prepare for their quest with renewed zeal and more questions. Cordehlia awakes in her cell, taunted and tortured (not physically) as her captor comes to call.
CW: aggressive Astarion, total alpha male energy (poor Petras, not really), more tragic backstory revelations, Cordehlia wants blood and payback… and freedom.
Previous Ch | ao3 link | Masterlist
Chapter 17: Torturing…
“Get out of my way!” Astarion bellowed, hands balled into fists, fangs snapping and glinting at the wall of his companions blocking the door.
“You don’t know where she is… you can’t go barreling into a trap,” Halsin replied far too calmly for his tastes. “Cordehlia wouldn’t want that.”
“You won’t do her any good if you’re caught too… if she even has been taken by Cazador,” Shadowheart tried to reason, her own hands almost glowing, itching to cast a spell to hold him steady if necessary.
“We need to at least look for her, ask around. It’s broad daylight, you idiots! He shouldn’t have been able to look out a window let alone steal my…” his lips trembled. His stomach sank before he could even spit out one more word.
Lost, she was lost. Stolen. Taken. And he was powerless to save her. At least until he knew more.
“Daylight must not be a deterrent any longer, if he took her after dawn,” Halsin added, attempting a single step forward, hands in the air before him just in case the Vampire rushed. “We don’t know why or how, we don’t know where he took her or why…”
“I’m the why, you pack of idiots,” his voice was but a hollow growl. “I know the bastard, I’ve never been allowed anything of my own, no power, no freedom, no love, nothing for almost two-hundred years. And now…” he choked, fists shaking at his side. A sob, enraged and feral, catching in his throat. “Now… somehow he knows, knows that the fastest way to me, to having power over me again is to have power over…”
A sob shattered his words. He fell to his knees, bare chest shaking, wracked with ragged breath after breath. He couldn’t even mention her… not even remotely.
He was that same devastated slave. Lost. Broken. Shattered.
Something shimmered beside them, the stink of sulfur, the heat of infernal magic. Two bodies appeared, two sets of glowing red eyes in the midst of that black and red heat.
Astarion bolted to his feet, hands clawed and fangs ready for whatever manifested. And he could feel his companions readying to do the same.
Black mist parted, familiar faces formed around those glowing eyes. “Brother… sister…” Astarion hissed, only animalistic rage pounding through his nerves. The need to protect, to save, nearly blinding his reason and obliterating any wisdom.
“Astarion,” a mimicking, mocking voice broke through the amorphous cloud. “The Master has a message for you.” Stocky and swaggering, another male Vampire stepped forward, arms waving dramatically as he bowed.
Rolling his eyes, Astarion hissed in reply. “Ah, Petras, of course you get sent as the errand boy,” his voice dripped with hate, all that charisma and arrogance turned to shards of ice, pointed right at his enemies. His fellow Spawn. “And you brought Dal with you, a little moral support needed, hmm?” His eyes scathed over the female, her face was softer, always softer. But it didn’t matter, Astarion sneered. “What does the old bastard want, not that I couldn’t guess…”
Petras tossed something into the space between him and his brother, keeping a safe distance away, or so the puny weakling thought. Astarion gloated that he didn’t dare approach. Something long and metal clattered on the wooden floor and scattered to a halt at his feet. A long dagger, bright and sharp, a stain of blood dried on its curve, darkening that outline of a diving crow just above the tang.
At least she got the bastard…. Except…. As he picked it up from the ground, he instantly recognized that scent. Blood. Her blood. On her weapon.
“Where is she…” the question lanced from his sneering lips as he stood slowly. He could almost feel the imprint of her hand in the hilt. Eyes locking on that other vampire, he roared, guttural and toneless, flinging the blade to plant itself in the wall just over the female’s shoulder. Making her dart away.
In that second of chaos he launched forward. Fingers gripped into the pudgy circumference of Petras’ neck. “There’s nowhere safe for any of you, you know. Cazador can’t compel me, the sun can’t harm me, and you’ve backed a monster into the corner. You know how dangerous I can be, and you will know exactly all I’m capable of, brother, if you don’t start telling me what I want to know…” the wide red and glowing eyes scanned Astarion in terror. But the Pale Elf swung the brute to the side, thrusting him into the beams of morning light that streamed through the shadows where they had been hiding.
Torturing his brother wouldn’t be enough to sate his need to get to her. But it was a fun start.
Flesh melted, hissing and burning and stinking. Astarion could faintly hear his sister begging him to stop. He only laughed it off; when did she or anyone give a shit?
His voice was deep in his throat, laden with hate. “Now, you tell me what I ask, and I’ll throw you back into the shadows where you can skulk….” Petras’ head nodded even as his skin blistered. “Where… is… she?” the most feral of words he ever spoke.
“Th-th-the dungeons, under the palace. Secret defiled chapel. The Master wants you to t-trade your life for hers, let her go so he can complete our Ritual….”
A snarl through his fangs, and Astarion flung the Spawn across the floor, letting him stagger next to his sister. And all the while, he made certain his body remained in the sun. Taking his time, he strode forward, unhurried. Confident. Powerful.
Feeling the sun radiate from behind him and warm his back.
He looked down at where his former brother bent over in pain, smiling all the while as he enjoyed the show.
Petras muttered, “What are you?”
“I am the one that saves Cordehlia, stops your sham of a rite, and sends Cazador to his doom. You can tell the master that.” He spat the last two words. “Now you better scatter off and tell him before I regret my restraint,” hissing, he reached for her weapon embedded in the wall beside him.
Yet by the time he pulled it free, they had vanished as they had appeared. A flurry of sulfur and stink as they were lost into black mist.
He turned, his companions’ faces stared back, a mix of enraged and terrified, of concerned and determined.
“Astarion,” Karlach’s warm voice broke the tense silence first. “We will get her out.”
“Today,” he sniffed, still clinging to her dagger in his palm. As if he could feel her in the metal. “We get her today.”
“We need to know just what we are rushing into,” Halsin added, always so steady, so calm. Fuck, how did he do it. “We will need into the Palace.”
“Done, I know every way in and out,” Astarion’s face like flint, ready to parry every concern or question. There was no budging, no negotiation. She would be freed tonight.
“We need to know how to get to his dungeons, how to stop the Rite…” Halsin continued so steady and level headed.
“And we need to know… you’re not planning to give yourself up, are you?” Gale inserted, a deep breath as if he prepared another long diatribe. “And you should know, Astarion… have you ever seen the other spawn using infernal magic?”
At that, Astarion’s brows arched painfully high.
“I’ll take that as a no,” Gale rubbed at his chin, deepening his thought. “You see, between your vision of Cazador braving the thin light of dawn, and that display of teleportation magic, the infernal kind, mind you if you didn’t happen to notice the smell… it would seem Cazador has gained a little sliver of the power he has been promised once he completes the Rite of Profane Ascension. Daylight, mist-travel, who knows… we know he has previously called those werewolves into his service, he may even have other powers at his fingertips we can’t quite prepare for ....”
“I’m all pointy ears then, Wizard,” Astarion huffed begrudgingly. “What would you have us do… have me do?”
“Prepare for the worst, hope for the best,” he slipped his hand from its thoughtful placement.
“But we are getting her out of there, Astarion,” Halsin added, closing the distance to place a reassuringly large hand on the Vampire’s shoulder. “And you will not be a sacrifice for that Rite either.”
“You’re both owed your ‘happily ever after,’” Karlach grinned softly, “and you’re owed the freedom we all long for.”
Every head nodded, every face giving him a solemn smile.
“First, you’re going to have to put on more than pants, however…” a snide, sarcastic voice peeled from the bunch of them as Shadowheart finally gave her insight.
Astarion rolled his eyes and turned back to his things. That dagger in his fist calmed him and yet agitated. He could smell her blood stuck to it with each breath, and he could only hope that whatever wound she took in the fight wasn’t serious.
He smiled, a bit darkly if nervous, sliding on his undershirt and turning to his armor. Knowing her, whatever one wound she took, she gave at least ten in reply. He slipped the dagger into his belt, giving its hilt a little kiss first, whispering against its sacred steel, “I’ll be there soon, my little Raven.”
Dank, moldering air filled her nose. Cordehlia’s head throbbed, her arm stung where her blade had scraped her flesh when she was disarmed. Whatever magic it was that had disabled her at last, it was foul, in her nose and on her tongue. She shouldn’t have left… shouldn’t have gone without armor, or her sword or…
“Astarion!” she bellowed into the dungeon’s darkness as her eyes snapped open. But her voice only echoed against the slick walls of dark stone. She flung herself from the hard slab… a bed of sorts. Her muscles trembled, weakened from whatever spell had thrown her into darkness on his grave.
It had been quick, an ambush by the book. She should have known, she was too smart for such a simple attack. That voice, shrill and haunting, she recalled it from the pain inside her head. “Of course you would come here… and now little elf, you’re going to be the perfect bait.”
Her blade had flashed for a moment, nearly driving home in the tall elf’s chest, those glowing red eyes… it had to have been him.
“If the bait isn’t awake at last…” that shrill voice sounded once more too close to her ears for her own comfort. That same looming presence approached the diagonal bars of her cell. An arrogant smile on his thin lips and a shine on his pallid skin. “It’s been a while since this cell has held a Star Elf of such renown as the Bone Picker. Not since…”
He… Cazador… drew to a stop and tapped that massive and fearsome staff on the black tile floor. He scratched at his chin as he watched her glaring, that little She-elf with hair like fire and eyes like stars, and a soul blackened by the blood of thousands.
Yes, fitting bait for what he had in mind.
“Well, you’ve grown close with that upstart boy, Astarion, you know his kind… spoiled, arrogant, unteachable if there isn’t a cane or lashing involved.”
“He’s going to kill you, you know,” she hissed, a feral edge to her as well. “But only if I don’t kill you first.”
“Oh, you two certainly were made for each other, the kind of insolent response I would expect from his whimpering lips.” Cazador began to pace, to draw her attention and assess just what sort of reflexes the mighty warrior might hold. “I do so love the sight of such a rare and wise being in my power. You probably even know the last two to occupy such a cell, little Star Elfling… your High Lord and Lady….”
Cordehlia froze, trying to keep her face from reacting, but she was sure even the little tick of her flaring nostrils gave away her shock. Her dismay. She needed to know more, unable to keep herself from whispering their names and recalling their sweet if haughty faces. “What did they ever do to you?” she hissed again.
“I suppose there is no harm in telling you, you’re as good as dead or broken anyway…” Those eyes narrowed in the dark, assessing her, taking her measure. And clearly finding her wanting. “They existed. They double crossed one deal too many against my interests in order to get that welp into the City, all for some schooling for the boy.” The Vampire Lord sneered. “It was easy to betray them all, to make their precious son my spawn. It was almost easier to capture them as they grieved their son, to make them see the soulless slave he was before I killed them.”
Too much. It was too much. Her chest shook with rapid breath, her vision darkening to that bright red glare. Blood. She wanted his blood. Needed it to pay for the pain, the grief, the souls she had taken in the wake of her darkness. “On their glittering souls, I’ll kill you,” she seethed. “And once Astarion comes for me, he, too, will make you pay for everything… we will make you pay for everything you took from us for all these years.”
“Us?” Those ruby eyes narrowed, head craning unnaturally to the side. “No… it can’t be…” His cackle shivered down her back. “You’re also his beloved, aren’t you? Cordehlia?” He spat her name in disgust as if he heard it a thousand times before. “He used to scream for you, you know, when he first was turned. Those first nights were such druggery, beating him near to death only to have him try to run back to you again by daybreak. Must have taken a whole tenday of him screaming your name until I finally carved his flesh with his fateful scar and commanded your existence from his memory at last.”
A roar in her throat, Cordehlia launched into the cell door, leaping higher into the bars to clench her hand around his cold neck. It would be so sweet to squeeze the air from him, to relish his body going limp in her clutch as she had with so many of her foes.
But she only felt a cackle reverberating in her palm.
“Delightful, I can’t believe I get to see the rage of the Lady Corvus…” he mocked in those shrill tones, fingers easily peeling her hand from his undead throat one at a time. “And in exchange for such a great demonstration, you will witness the rise of the first and only Vampire Ascendant. Seven-thousand souls await their sacrifice too. in the rest of these cells. All is prepared and readied except for your long... lost love.”
His sickening smile made her stomach turn, her feet resting back on the ground if only so she could plan her next attack.
“The perfect bait… the perfect trap, the perfect way to torture your boy one last time. Once he comes to trade his life in the Rite for your freedom, then all will be forgiven, Lady Corvus, and you’ll go free.”
“Never,” she spat at his feet, eyeing that staff of his that he only gripped harder as he darted away.
“It’s what he was made for, little She-elf, to seduce thousands for the rite, to use that body of his for my will, to bring me the fodder and ensure my power, and then…” he cackled one more time, “to be consumed forever.”
Cordehlia could say nothing, could do nothing. She had to watch that monster, that tormentor, that thief that robbed her of their future… their love… her family… walk away back into the dank darkness.
Only once she was sure he was truly gone did she allow herself the comfort of tears. Swallowing her sobs, hiding her face as she sank back on that stone bed, knees pulled into her chest.
“Astarion…” she whimpered, longing with all her love to feel him or see him one more time. Trying to reach him with the tadpole, with her heart, or with her soul.
That velvet voice almost seemed to caress her mind, the slightest warming comfort in her heart, as if she could hear him: “I’ll be there soon, my little Raven,” he purred in her ear.
Another 3 days and you’ll quit hanging from that cliff 💞
Hold on tight, dear readers
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rahuratna · 2 months
Hi! I woke up this morning unmotivated and wanting to stay in bed for longer (because I finished JJK season 2). But then you replied, and I literally jumped out of bed this morning with renewed energy to make breakfast and go for a run 🫶
The part where you mentioned about a sense of belonging was so good. Like, for me, it brings up the question of to what extent did his cult make Geto feel like he belonged? Was he able to find some sort of twisted fulfillment out of it? This is where sometimes I wish it wouldn’t be up to the audience’s interpretation. Like a concrete answer would be very nice.
I think it would be very interesting to compare the dynamics between Gojo and Geto versus Geto and his followers. Geto was like a moral compass to Gojo since Geto was the one who convinced him why he shouldn’t kill the cult members applauding for Riko’s death. But afterwards, it seemed like Gojo didn’t need Geto by his side more. Not just in terms of having someone strong to fight alongside with, but also for moral guidance. While Geto was losing himself, Gojo continued to fight with a clear purpose: to get stronger so he can be able to redeem himself with what happened to Riko and allow others to have the opportunity to truly live. To elaborate off of your idea of Geto wanting a sense of belonging, perhaps a fraction of it was also a desire to be needed. Gojo no longer relied on Geto for moral direction, or that’s what it seemed liked on the outside as they grew apart. Contrast this with Geto’s followers relying on him for protection and purpose, and it has me thinking about the subtle nuances between belonging and being needed (excluding the monkeys). Of course it’s also important to consider the difference of relationship between best friend and best friend versus cult leader/parent figure/guardian and follower. It makes me wonder…
Was Geto able to find a similar meaning with his um… cult… like with his former friendship? Even though Gojo and Geto’s differences grew wider, was possible to still salvage their rifted friendship? And if so, would Geto have been happier or worse off staying… could he still find connection with Gojo and the others if he had opened up, or would he still have lost his original sense of purpose no matter what…
So many what-ifs. I haven’t read the manga (yet) but I’m planning too. Though I’m not sure if I can emotionally handle it LOL. Tears will be shed 😭 I think there are so many characters to explore more in depth, like Megumi and Maki. Thank you again for these lovely conversations! 💞💞💞
Hello! Finally got a chance to sit down and answer this little gem of an ask. Your thoughts on how Gojo didn't need Geto as his moral compass after a while really hit me somewhere. That rings so true, when I really stop to think about it.
Their relationship was one of mutual respect, but also a type of co-dependency, without either of them really knowing it. Growing out of the shackles of that need for support, of a friendship that provided an anchor in normality, must have been such a common, but heartbreaking thing to happen in the world they inhabited. We see a similar theme with Nanami and Haibara, except in that case, Haibara was removed from the equation with a shocking permanence and Nanami never recovered fully from the effects.
When I think about the experience of growing up and into the world you inhabit, of losing the innocence you only recognize when you're older, I find that there are a few other prominent moments in my memory that define this. One of them is coming to an understanding, for the first time, that there are certain things that you will always have to face alone, and you will have to learn how to face them with dignity, if not bravery.
My experience certainly isn't universal, but in some way, it helps me understand Gojo's process of growing into and integrating into the world of sorcerers, becoming the 'strongest', willingly donning the mantle of a weapon of mass destruction to be fired in directions he assumed partial control of. It was sad, but small wonder to me that he missed his friend's growing isolation and depression when he was so focused on this form of self-development.
I personally don't think Geto ever found the same level of trust or companionship. He certainly had the complete trust and faith of the members of his group, and seemed to cultivate that air of found family, but he seemed to have an air of loneliness about him, a veil between himself and the world, thinly disguised as scorn and hateful prejudice.
While I'm still reading the manga myself and learning more about his character, I feel like Geto's path was a tragic, but inevitable one. Even if his friends did identify his growing depression and attempted to help him, they would not have had the answers to the issues that plagued him, in a way that was totally unique to his personality and view of the world. I think the rift between him and Gojo would have shown itself sooner or later, even if he didn't become a curse user. They would still have been exceptionally important to one another, but probably inhabiting different spheres and ideologies within the same world.
At the end, I think Geto was alone, just like Gojo, and that Gojo knew this when he found him. Even though it sounds pretty bleak, I don't think Geto found that place even within his cult, but I do think they soothed his torment in some small way. They may not have allowed him to realise his dreams (unattainable as he probably knew they were) but he did face his death, with readiness, a form of dignity. And he probably did it for Gojo, who was the one he wanted to see most at the end.
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dirtyvirgotarot · 1 year
CHILL Messages, Chill Vibes Pick-An-Image Reading
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A late-night Pick-A-Card, best enjoyed late at night, curled up in bed with your favorite drink and some jazz in the background. 😎 Or at least, that's how I would enjoy this one anyways, but that's definitely the vibe for this Pick-A-Card! I'll be using a regular ol' deck of playing cards for this one to match the theme! Minor Arcana only, folks. Some non-stress messages and advice for you to enjoy! Take in the aesthetic and pick your reading! I'll see ya there. ❤️😉 ~~~~~~~~ Pile 1 (The Roulette Wheel): Your Hand: King of Clubs (Wands), Queen of Hearts (Cups), and the 7 of Clubs (Wands), 9 of Clubs (Wands) as a clarifier. You and your best friend/lover are doing fucking AWESOME at overcoming challenges at the moment. It's you two vs. the world, and you both are slaying it, even if it doesn't feel like it! Your bond is only growing stronger by working together. I have a feeling you two are complimentary opposites, water and fire, black and red. You and your partner have found a complimentary balance that will serve you well going forward. You're being encouraged to keep leaning against one another, to keep supporting each other when the other is down. I even sense in some friendship cases a sense of hidden attraction. You or your friend may have a crush on the other, and are stubborn about admitting it to the other. This might be a sign that the time is right, for those of you. If this is in fact a relationship for you, I see the challenges you overcoming only spurring on sexual encounters. You find the other's strength so sexy. Damn baby, you did that. After all, when fire and water combine, they do create steam. 😉❤️💙♨️💪 ~~~~~~~~ Pile 2 (The Swirl): Your Hand: 9 of Diamonds (Pentacles), Jack of Hearts (Page of Cups), 8 of Clubs (Wands), 2 of Hearts (Cups), Queen of Clubs (Wands) Damn, today's your lucky day! Or at least, in the very near future, I see a windfall comin' your way. Money, babey! It may be that someone will tell you that you got a raise, or maybe your partner got a raise, or sudden influx of money. Someone around you is levelling up, and it's effecting you in a real good way! It'll be really unexpected, and happening soon! If you got a honey, I see a date to celebrate in your future! That Queen is a fiery one... I wouldn't be shocked if it was the Queen in this scenario that got the raise, whether it be you or your S/O. Maybe you're the kindly Page, and you're the one that lets the Queen know. Either way, it'll only serve to bring you two together more. If you're not in a relationship at the moment, not only are you getting this influx of money, but someone is coming your way! Look out for a feminine energy, black or red haired perhaps, and they are going to come in like a light in a dark room. Love at first sight, for some of you! They are mysterious and intimidating, yet loud and fun at the same time. For you, my dear Pile 2, I detect some serious summer lovin' coming your way, and the windfall of money to be able to live it up! 🪙💸💘😍💞 ~~~~~~~~ Pile 3 (The Poker Chips):
Your Hand: 10 of Clubs (Wands), 2 of Diamonds (Pentacles), 3 of Diamonds (Pentacles), Queen of Clubs (Wands), 8 of Hearts (Cups), Queen of Diamonds (Pentacles) as a clarifier to the 8 of Hearts. Help is on the way, Pile 3! If you're struggling with life, or wanting to move on from something like a large project or undertaking, someone is coming in to help you balance things out. Perhaps a new coworker, friend or partner! The teamwork is palpable, you both get along and work together flawlessly. Despite this, I feel that sexual intimacy will be temporary, if not just staying a friendly partnership. Romance would go pretty south, as I get the feeling that this person isn't the greatest when it comes to relationships morally, or might be toxic in that area and a relationship would be unhealthy. If you're already in an unhealthy relationship with someone, and your history sounds similar to what I've explained, it is a safe time to move on from them! Still, I get the feeling that for the most part, this person's gonna get you out of a pinch or love you when you're lonely, or already has, and ease/d some troubles you've been having so you can move on to a better job or better person, and a better, more healthy you! 🤝⛓️🐦🪙🏃☀️ ~~~~~~~~ Pile 4 (The Boulevard):
Your Hand: 8 of Spades (Swords), King of Diamonds (Pentacles), Ace of Hearts (Cups), 9 of Hearts (Cups), 10 of Hearts (Cups) You may feel trapped or lonely right now, Pile 4.. But if you can believe it, the one who you love most loves you right back! A nurturing, stoic yet kind energy, someone who has always been there, always been your rock, perhaps masculine in energy. He is going to extend his hand and offer his heart to you. This is your person, Pile 4. If you simply take off the blindfold, if you let them take away your bindings and dry your tears, if you let them know that you see them and their feelings, and that it's mutual, and grasp the full cup they offer to you back, I see your soulmate in this person, the person you will marry!! You've found them, Pile 4. Call their name! 🗣️😭🙏🤍💞🫂💍 ~~~~~~~~ General Afterthoughts and Notes for All Piles: 😳😳😳 Gosh, you guys.. Love is in the air!! Then again, it is the middle of June.. Every single pile had something to do with love, whether physical or emotional in some form!! Lots of Clubs, Wands, fire! The theme really ended up matching the messages! Whew! 💦 Red is your lucky color right now. Wear lots of it. 😉 I hope these readings resonated, and I wish you the best in luck AND love, guys!! If you want more, check out my Tumblr, and my Youtube page for more in-depth readings!! If it REALLY hit different for ya, here's the link to my Ko-Fi! You would be supporting a disabled, queer reader! Stay tuned for more fun readings!!! :D Have a beautiful day! -DV💜💚
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zipstidbits · 5 months
hi zip! 👋 i'm just really curious about how you got into astrophysics 👀 and what careers interest you in that field if you don't mind sharing ☺️ i just think it's so cool, but like, in the way of someone who knows absolutely nothing about astrophysics except that it's probably really hard and also rockets 😛🚀 have a lovely day! 💞
hi zesty!!!!! thanks so much for asking, i don't mind sharing at all :))))
how i got into astrophysics:
both my parents are second-generation americans so education/college was always The Big Goal growing up. this translated to my parents really emphasizing math and science skills and i got really interested in science this way. (the post-cold war american cultural emphasis on science as a whole probably contributed to this as well, lmao.)
i ended up momentarily ditching the science dream because i started struggling with math in middle school. i can do it, but my adhd means i struggle to hold numbers in my head (do mental math) and sometimes i can be slow/need to write things out more than others/make silly mistakes/and then get bogged down by imposter syndrome. this was like 10+ years ago so i had zero diagnoses and minimal support so i hopped onto the anti-math train.
i never stopped liking science though. i want to know everything and imo, science contains the answers to everything and is how we'll learn all that is unknown right now. once i hit high school and science class started having a shit ton more math i started to view math differently. it became the whole 'the enemy (math) of my enemy (the unknown) is my friend' thing. thankfully, math, when applied to physics concepts, makes more sense than when in a pure math class, so this became a very doable arrangement.
i also started consuming a lot more pop-science/science in the news around this time. neil degrasse tyson, the one astrophysics class i took in high school, and my dad who played a lot of star trek and pbs space videos on youtube to bond with me opened my mind to the most beautiful thing ever (space). i just think it's the coolest thing ever and the unknowns are so cool and i want to know what's going on up there so bad!!!!
this (and some spite*) led me to apply to college for a BS in physics. doing just physics and not astrophysics was sort of a safety net because i thought i'd really like particle physics too but it turns out quantum mechanics is evil and fucked up so i chose to stick with astrophysics as my concentration, lmao.
*i felt like a lot of my peers in high school assumed i couldn't do this because i wasn't naturally good at math/physics and i took a little more time and effort (i spent a lot of early mornings and afternoons in help sessions, lmao) and a part of me wanted to prove them wrong.
then, this past fall/winter, i applied for a bunch of astrophysics phd programs because i've thankfully got a BS degree and i've made my mind up on what i want to do in life (study/learn about space). i got rejected from 7 out of the 8 schools i applied to which was terrible in the moment but great now because i didn't really have to choose what program to accept, lmaoooooooooooo.
careers that interest me:
i very much enjoy teaching (i was a teaching assistant this year) and i would really like to continue it. i could probably do that in most research jobs by mentoring others in a lab/research setting but also being a professor sounds really cool and appealing to me since i could do research and traditional teaching, lmao.
i'm kind of willing to give most astrophysics research jobs a try, i think? the only line i'd really draw is i don't want to work anywhere near the american military-industrial complex for moral reasons
thank you again for asking zesty!!!! sorry for rambling so much and i hope you have a lovely day as well!!! <33333
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robo-writing · 7 months
hi hiiiii can I request a fic of clive x petite f!reader that's super timid anxious n shy, and overly sheltered and innocent to the point she acts childish and ppl sometimes mistake her for a kid? can't wield a dagger to save her life, would curl into a ball and cry if shit got bad, and the hideaway peeps would likely think of her as a load to carry but never admit it out loud bc they're good ppl
I see all these clive x reader fics where the reader is super confident, flirty, and a real bad bitch with a blade/magic/smth generally cool and like,, props to y'all sexy girlbosses out there but I've got no shame in saying I've got bad social anxiety and would realistically have a panic attack and go into shock upon seeing one (1) corpse. I need more rep for my softer damsel in distress girlies 🌸✨💞💫🌼
Oh I love this, we need rep for the damsels just as much as the femme fatales! (This anon also requested this be written for a plus sized reader!)
When Cid told you about his plans you freely offered your services. Sure you couldn’t fight, but you could very well act as moral support!
A resistance is only as good as its soldiers, and without basic necessities there was no hope of survival. Food, water, clothes, if you weren’t at the hideaway you were at the market restocking for supplies.
Even if you couldn’t fight you had a nose for a good deal, even Lady Charon was impressed by the haul you’d bring back at times
And you were such a sweetheart, always volunteering your time in order to maintain the hideaway
Perhaps it’s that loving nature that drew Clive to you in the first place.
You were no dominant, no soldier, hells you couldn’t even witness the sight of blood without being nauseous
But you made up for that in spades; your kindness, your willingness to help those in need
You may not risk your limbs against steel, but being a part of Cid’s grand plan meant that you were risking your life
And for that, Clive is more than grateful to have you by his side
Whether you believe it or not, you were risking your life just as much as anyone else here
You remind him that there is good in the world worth fighting for
Still, there is a small part of you that feels lesser for being unable to join in the action
You’re surrounded by talented fighters—Gav, Cid, Jill—the list goes on
Especially when it came to Jill, when stood side by side the two of you couldn’t be more opposites
A brave young woman who fought her way from slavery, dominant of Shiva, adept with a rapier
And then there was you, shy, timid, the sharpest thing you’ve ever held being a kitchen knife
But in those days of self-doubt Clive is there to ease the pain
Holding you close, fingers pressed into the plushness of your thighs, he helps you to free yourself of those nasty thoughts, he helps you to forget
And for that, you’re grateful to him.
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You scrutinize yourself in the mirror, twisting and turning to see every angle of yourself, that nagging voice in your head pointing out every flaw in your reflection. It picks at all your insecurities with pinpoint accuracy.
Too weak, too big. A burden on everyone here.
The voice is silenced when you feel the familiar comfort of his hands around your torso, slowly swaying you in his hold with his head in the crook of your neck.
“You’re doing it again darling.”
You take the time to enjoy the peace he brings you before replying, eyes closed in bliss. “Doing what, Clive?”
A gentle kiss to your neck, he then turns you around to see you in all your glory. His hands find rest on your hips, as if the soft skin was made for his touch.
“You doubt yourself far too much for my liking,” he whispers. “I can see it on your face.”
You don’t have the heart to deny it, so instead you bury your face into his chest, nearly purring in content when he reaches up to stroke your hair.
“You are perfect just the way you are,” he says. “And I’ll spend the rest of my life convincing you of that.”
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sarahowritesostucky · 8 months
I love your fics. I love how unapologetic you are about your proships. I love the important work you do to highlight that fiction =/= reality and it is asinine to judge people by the fic they read/write. Just wanted to say thanks a lot from a silent observer.
Aw! 🤗 Thanks so much for saying so! You really made me smile over this. There was a lot of anon hate from antis for a bit, and I was getting discouraged at how it seemed like people were so uneducated, but now I've had people like you reaching out to lend support and it really is appreciated! It was very surprising and quite disturbing to me when I discovered that not only is there:
Someone on the Tumblr staff (my troll) who grossly misunderstands the proper application and enforcement of the ToS, but also that
An illiberal, vindictive, and poorly-trained Tumblr staff member has no real restrictions or built-in oversight for when they start to abuse their privileges and harass users on the platform.
There seems to be no dependable recourse for Tumblr users who are unfairly targeted in this way, though I've found that if you send enough repeated complaint emails, the staff troll is likely to back off after a while, as their coworkers and superiors DO eventually get wind of the abusive misaction.
Anywho, I totally agree with you on the importance of educating people about the dangers and ethical and moral problems with censoring fictional content as if it were real world crime. Thanks for the love and positivity! 💞
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sempersirens · 2 months
Hello Dee! If you’re still doing the ask game I’d like to hear your answers for 4 and 80 💞
hey lovely fifi - absolutely! thank you 🥰
4: what is the plot bunny you've been carrying for the longest? optional bonus question: do you ever wonder why you haven't written it yet and experience deep existential dread?
the ending to sun bleached flies! i knew how i wanted it to end before i even began writing, i just want to do it right. i’d say i feel deep existential dread at the idea of actually writing it; that series means a lot to me, and i don’t want any of the plot to feel disjointed or lacking purpose. the central theme of the fic is the reader’s healing process, and that will be evident come the series culmination.
80: do you try to put themes, motifs, messages, morals, etc in your writing? if so, how do you go about it?
echoing my answer above, absolutely! i find it easier to write angsty, character-driven narratives than any other type of fic; motifs and messages seem to seep into those kind of narratives without even trying. however, the majority of my writing is based on what kind of message i need at that given time. which is why i tend to hop from fic to fic, leaving wips abandoned for months on end. it’s easier for me to process things through writing, so my ideas usually derive from a specific theme or motif i’m trying to process or get my head around in real time. i guess it’s kind of silly expressing such a thing in the form of a fic, but i feel really lucky to have the freedom to do so in such a supportive and judgement free environment.
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flopbftheo · 2 months
HENNAAAAAAAA HAPPY BIRTHDAY I LOVE YOUUUUUUUU 💞💕💓💞💗💝💞💝💝💖💞💝💞💝💖💞💞💞 you thought i was done with the sappy bday messages but hihihi i could talk about how much i love u for days so 🤭 i want to remind u of how much you mean to me and how grateful i am for every second we spend together !! thank you for existing and making the world a better place just by being in it!! im sososo thankful for all the moments we shared and i look forward to all the days ahead 💗 you are my biggest bully and u have terrible taste in men (s*ngchan) but i would still pick u over everyone else in the entire world <3 i cant wait to find other erina duos because i know we belong together in every universe, i love u endlessly 💕💗💖💞💖💝💖💓💗
STOP IT RN OR I'M GONNA TEAR UP !!!!!! i hate you so much but no one ever could replace you and is allowed to bully me as much as you and i wish one day i can give you the biggest bone crushing hug ever 💗💗💗 we will always find each other in every universe and that's a sealed promise 💞💞💞 i love you EVEN MORE endlessly if that is possible (yes it is i made it possible) and thank you so so so so much for being you and my friend and my constant moral and emotional support and my favorite partner in crime and bully and everything good in the world 💗
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lovinggreeniehours · 3 months
❤️: How popular is you x your f/o? Are you a rarepair?
💞: Aside from with your f/o, who else would you commonly be shipped with? Why?
🪐: What would be your most popular AU and why?
💌: How would your dynamic be portrayed? What might people focus on most? Any misconceptions?
oooh more :D arifer timee
❤️: how popular is you x your f/o? are you a rarepair?
i would say they're relatively popular 🤔 i like to think that their toxic yaoi healing arc is rather fascinating so yeah sure <3 popular, if not controversial is my answer hfsgjjdsfj
arifer could definitely be the subject of a lot of discourse too, especially through all their s1 shit
💞: aside from with your f/o, who else would you commonly be shipped with? why?
the top candidates are probably satan and solomon. my reasons are as follows:
solomon, because they were already together at one point 😭 takahara's relationship with him is very sweet and supportive. they really do try to look out for each other, and ultimately, they just want each other to be happy. meta-wise, solomon represented takahara as a human. he represents moral goodness and selflessness, but also repression to the point of destruction. whether or not they're together, they're still quite compelling to me
satan, because!! they are best friends!!!! and i really like that for them!!! they took a bit to build genuine respect and trust in each other and i find that really neat! they were both each other's first pactmate! they both wear masks to hide the uglier parts of themselves in an attempt to be accepted! they're both connected to lucifer in ways that infuriate and stress them out but they inexplicably love him anyways! like. they already kiss and go on dates. and got joke-married. they're just adorable (i have an entire wip arisatan fic and im so desperate to post it i like it so much)
🪐: what would be your most popular au and why?
um. mayyybe the spyxfamily au? or the demon takahara au?
first one because. like. it's spyxfamily 😭 look at it
second one because they met as angels and like 😎 the exes to lovers of it all. come on
💌: how would your dynamic be portrayed? what might people focus on most? any misconceptions?
i think there's a majority of the fandom that may overexaggerate them a bit. and then there's that one pocket of madmen in the corner churning out fics that are Better than the source material because every fandom has those
on the majority, im often afraid takahara comes off as some kind of tsundere 😭 like. guys please,,,, he has layers i promise,,,,,,,
a misconception that i see happen very often with my own circle (most notably for like. s3 and onwards arifer) is like. dialing up the "i hate you"s and all that 😭 and most of the time im embarrassed to deny it. i feel like a lot of people can forget that they're actually really corny and silly. though it feels almost poetic that everyone forgets, considering how much work they do to make sure no one finds out hfshkgsshj but yeah
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firehananas · 4 months
top 5 ships right back at you!
Ooooh, it kind of changes depending what is the brain root of the moment, so take it with a grain of salt! 1. Shura x Corrin, mostly the het version in Conquest (Fire Emblem Fates). The dynamic, the potential drama (class and cultural differences, the immorality of falling in love with the man who kidnapped your cousin/step-sister), the softness of Shura when he is with Corrin and Corrin just being kind and trusting in him is just so 💞 and Shura post-mariage is just so sweet with her <3 I less like the gay variant because it's, in my sense, more built around Shura's dream to rebuilt his homeland (which is very cool), but the support with F!Corrin is more about his interactions with people and founding some self-value, which is better as a character development to get ready to be in a relationship. And that S support 💞💞💞
2. Anthy x Utena (Revolutionary Girl Utena). I'm not an expert of the anime (I've only watched it two times + the movie) but I really enjoy how they both grow as person during the series. Anthy finally leaving Othori is still haunting me, along with the line "one day, together, we will shine". Also, while I didn't really like the movie, that scene where Anthy and Utena are dancing is just incredible??? Everything is perfect to the scenery to the music — people aren't lying when they say Utena invented romance.
3. Madoka x Homura (Puella Magi Madoka Magica). My toxic Yuri, and I think it was the very first lesbian ship I really wanted to see them endgame? Some were disappointing or feeling betrayal by the third movie, but didn't surprise me that much Homura ended up corrupt by her own desire to save Madoka after everything she had endure. I can't wait to see how things will get going in the next movie!!
4. Jessie x James (Pokémon the original series). The first ship I have ever ship. They are just neet like that, theses doofus. Do I really have to explain myself?
5. Azirapharel x Crowley (Good Omens). I must confess, I'm not sure if I'll watch the second season because I can't really invest myself in it (I watch until episode 3 I think)? But they were really fun in the season one ; the dynamic, the teasing between them, it was so good! And the ending was also perfect!
Other ship needed to be referenced even if they aren't on the top:
Russia x Seychelles (Hetalia), completely crack, but I shipped it int the way Seychelles as a morality pet for Russia and them being weird together without feeling judged. I'm not so much in the fandom anymore but I made a ton of fanarts of them back in day!
Rikuya x Kuon (Tenkuu Shinpan). Another crack, and I think I'm the captain of their ship?? It made me think I should continue my rewrite of TS oops...
More an aesthetic ship, but I really like Bisharp x Lucario or Bisharp x Gallade ship.
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spohkh · 10 months
me posting anything yugyeom: beau is going to LOVE this (cry) (and I am summoning you. I need moral support)
your tags are the highlight of me putting anything related to him on this website skdksks I could never be as eloquent as you but we have the same thoughts like. THE WAY his hair is falling in that video and also how that one strand perfectly follows the curve of his nose at the end.. I need to go outside. don’t get me started on the fact that he just looks like that for free
anyway. so glad we are both normal about him and can be normal about him together 💞🩷💓💖
emi: youre so eloquent
the eloquence in question:
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KFKFKSFKSFDSK im glad u appreciate nd enjoy.... the way this dude makes my brain shut off...
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whoever styles/cuts his hair needs their ass ATE bc they did our boy SO RIGHT... the shape and flow of it.. literally effortless beauty hes literally this pretty for free.. im going to cry
i LOVE being so so so normal and regular about this guy w you its so good im glad we are in these trenches together💕🥰
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melis-writes · 1 year
It’s surprising to see how many readers don’t like or flat out hate Victoria in some post comments and submission. Personally I love how you’ve written Victoria as a character with a unique personality with challenges, successes, a whole family, and a backstory that could be an independent standalone character from the main male characters and she doesn’t get overshadowed. I enjoy that she could be paired with Al Pacino’s different characters in prompts and still works cause it’s fun a dynamic non-canon scenario. It’s so refreshing to see fanfics that’s not just “Y/n” over and over again cause I don’t like to self-insert “your name” into fanfics but we could still read from your OCs pov
I could understand how some may not like some of Victoria’s actions or decisions like any other character but I’m loving her spicy attitude and the interesting dynamic she adds to the GodFather story. I appreciate the effort of character development you put into OCs like Victoria and continuing with Celeste 🥰 🥰 Team Victoria forever!!! Gatekeep Gaslight and Girlboss 💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼
-From a very dedicated Meli supporter 😘🫡
To be honest, everyone has their own opinion about Victoria and that's fine. ❤️ The beauty of it is that everyone will experience her story, her actions, her lifestyle and her decisions differently and I completely respect that, but Victoria's character has also been rudely slandered in the past and called "annoying" or any other unhelpful criticisms which I absolutely don't accept. There's definitely a way to word how you feel about a character, their mannerisms and their role in the story you're reading without writing/sending literal anon hate which sadly I have seen in the recent past for Victoria.
I didn't create Victoria to be a likeable, relatable and quirky character. She fits in the world of Moth to Flame for The Godfather as one would expect a character in the canon world of The Godfather to. I love how you mentioned Victoria does have her own challenges, successes and a backstory without being overpowered by other main male characters. It's true! 🥰 She's a human being, she's not a stone cold monster who would let something like lies, betrayal and manipulation go past her. Victoria has emotions, her own values and morals too. There's things that get Victoria upset and there's things that don't even get under her skin.
I think somewhere along the way, some may have misunderstood this and expected Victoria to be cold, ruthless and a demon but we can't forget she's a mother, an aunt, a daughter, an academic, and a whole lawyer. Victoria had a life before she married Michael too, and she still does. She's not Michael 2.0 and she isn't designed to be. To be fair, it's not in my interest whatsoever to have Victoria be a likeable character or not just as I won't write out character personalities for the sake of being able to relate to them. I mean, Victoria's a corrupt lawyer and in the mafia... Should not be relatable. 😂
Of course Victoria isn't perfect. She's only human and she's not made to be a "perfect" character. She has her flaws and she has things she needs to work on; don't we all? At the very least they are mentioned and Victoria recognizes them too. You step into her perspective and see how Victoria reacts, speaks, and acts in Moth to Flame. Sometimes we may not agree with what she's said/done but it all adds to the story! That's what it is.
I also agree with what you said about the prompt shipping! 💞 It's for fun, it's unique and based on reader submission and I love interacting with you guys and playing around with suggestions/input!
Lots of love to you and thank you for sharing your opinion on Miss Victoria!! ❤️❤️❤️
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l0velylecter · 2 years
Hi darling! You've mentioned you're in university a few times so I thought I'd ask, if it's not too evading, if you have any tips on studying and handling the workload? I'm going back to school, which is something I never thought I would do, after one failed term years back and I'm a little nervous of messing everything up again.
hi dear ! thank you for this sweet ask, i'm honoured to hear that you trust me enough for advice, its super sweet hahaha 🙈
first and foremost, i just want to congratulate you first! you've worked so hard to get up to this point, and the most important part is getting back on your feet despite everything. you're amazing 💖
second, one of the first things i usually do is determine what kind of learner i am. there are four common types of learners: Visual learners, Auditory learners, Kinesthetic learners, Reading/writing learners. When my parents signed me up for an aptitude test, which was super helpful, they discovered that i am a reading/writing learner ! ( clinical aptitude test aside, you can also find out through the ones online or you can consult with friends / family/ etc. ) 📝
Which leads me to my third step, which is determining a study period + method. I always attend class, and even if I miss it because I'm sick or have an appointment with the bank, I always ask someone to help jot down notes to me, and I get it done in the same day. This is so the workload won't pile up, because my motto is that : if I let it slide once, I'm gonna let it slide twice, thrice and more ! So consistency and discipline are super helpful, especially for my study method, since I revise by writing/reading, so it takes a lot of effort and time for me to absorb the knowlege. I need to make notes, flashcards, and even study with a friend so we can practice outloud together ( this is super helpful because morale support too ! ) 📖
Some people do better studying under pressure or within a shorter time frame, and some people do better studying when they're relaxed and not when they're cramming. It all differs, which is why getting to know yourself is the best bit. I know for sure, I study better when I can revise little by little, but consistently every day, so usually I study months in advance for an exam. I've been studying for my upcoming exam for two months now ! It's exhausting but I know it'll be worth it 📚
Last but not least, setting goals. My goal personally is not to achieve a certain grade or a certain threshold, but it's to try my best and see the result. Whatever happens, happens, and I have faith in myself that my results will be a reflection of my hardwork ! And if it doesn't work out, perhaps it's not my path or not for me, but that doesn't mean I can't try other things and find other ways. When one door closes, another opens for all of us. I'm sure of it ! And goals also differ for other people, but goals are vital to keep us going, so find your core and remember :
enjoy going back to school ! it's about enjoying yourself 💞
for example, if everything goes well, I'll graduate my bachelors next year, and take my masters after. it's a daunting journey, and plans can change, but whatever happens, i'm glad i'm in it for the ride ! 🎢
if you genuinely enjoy what you do, then even when you have to make sacrifices and suffer a little bit, it'll be worth it in the end 💌
oh and remember to rest, take breaks, and put yourself first when needed ! 🛀🏻 best of luck, i believe in you sweet anon ! ❤️
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