a studyblr of sorts
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zipstidbits · 8 days ago
2/19 productivity check! 🍳
- finished an essay on coastal management acts for environmental regulations
- worked on laki eruption presentation for petrology
- studied for optical mineralogy exam
- took notes for natural disasters
- journaled
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classes were cancelled again today because of the horrible weather so i used that time to get ahead on some things i’ve been putting off. i’m really pleased with everything i got done today
🎧 - sunsoaked - babyteeth
🌲 - 3 hours
🥤 - arizona iced tea
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zipstidbits · 2 months ago
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final days of the year… ❄️ excited for a fresh start but also feeling the pressure of beginning new habits
i have a theory that trying to start new habits all at once is just going to lead to crashing and burning. so, only 1 new habit for the new year: journaling everyday.
it’s going to help me keep track of what i want to accomplish and my overarching goals of wanting to be stronger, healthier, and focused. i’ll try to build up better habits gradually, so that they last for longer than a week, especially when school is getting tougher.
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zipstidbits · 2 months ago
your life is not an optimization problem
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zipstidbits · 2 months ago
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My city pop/ retro anime themed January bullet journal. I completed the cover at a later time so it doesn't really go well with the rest lol
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zipstidbits · 2 months ago
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[ ✨ wrapped ✨ // aug 11th to dec 30th ; weeks 33 - 52/52]
hi! i hope you guys have been healthy and well and productive and that you haven't forgotten about me 🥹 it's been the most eventful year ever for me in terms of experiences and changes in my life and I'm just so glad to be able to share it with you guys <3 I hope to be more productive and focused and active on here from next year ^=^ see y'all around ily guyssss and i miss y'all so much!! 🫶
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zipstidbits · 4 months ago
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spent a week at home, prepping for finals, eating real food 🫶
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zipstidbits · 4 months ago
10/17 productivity check! 🖍️
- did a virtual lab with flies in genetics
- presented my discussion questions in literature
- took notes for genetics
- took a practice quiz for genetics
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i single-handedly mothered about a million virtual flies today, feeling #maternal
🎧 - iris - the goo goo dolls
🌲 - 3 hours
🥤 - wild harvest bucked up energy (not pictured lol)
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zipstidbits · 4 months ago
Quick question: how do you manage to study for so long?
i honestly really struggled studying for long periods of time but over the years i’ve figured out a few techniques! i use all of them pretty regularly, and it really just depends on how i am feeling (and how much i have to get done…) for which one i pick
1. the pomodoro method is honestly a game changer for me, taking little breaks really helps me stay motivated and not get too overwhelmed. i HAVE to pair it with the forest focus app though, otherwise i am guilty of getting sucked into tiktok and scrolling for hours. my favorite ones are from this account, i love the little cats!
2. breaking it up into larger chunks, i’ll study an hour here and then for another hour a few hours later. this only really works on days i have less to do but it is definitely beneficial on my lower-energy days
3. a lot of times i’ll just physically change locations and do my work in a public place. this is super helpful for me because i can’t just get up and wander around if i get tired of working haha! i go to my campuses library quite a bit because seeing other people work helps me stay motivated too
4. similarly, i will sometimes have my roommate come in and make sure i’m staying on track. she takes her accountability-buddy-ing very seriously!
5. rewards!! i’m not even joking, i will promise myself that i’ll go get a little treat (usually sonic because i’m an addict) if i finish this oneeee assignment or stay focused for the next hour etc etc. it’s a little embarrassing how well it work but it does require a lot of willpower because ive been known to say fuck it and go get a treat anyway…
those are the main ones i use, but i’m always trying new methods! that’s important too, it takes a while to figure out what works best for you! i hope at least one of these helps you out and thank you so much for your question!! <3
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zipstidbits · 5 months ago
10/16 productivity check! 🧋
- took a quiz for conservation of natural resources
- analyzed a poem and created discussion questions for literature
- checked out a new coffee shop
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i’ve really been trying to challenge myself and step out of my comfort zone when it comes to visiting new places lately, and this coffee shop was a really fun find! i’ve wanted to check it out for like 3 years but never have (ugh anxiety) but i am SO glad i finally did. it was really cozy and had a ton of pokemon and magic the gathering and dnd stuff there, so it was comfortably busy haha. i will definitely be coming back!
🎧 - brick - ben folds five
🌲 - 2 hours
🥤 - mango boba
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zipstidbits · 5 months ago
do not go to university they will make you open pdfs
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zipstidbits · 7 months ago
7/26 productivity check 📬
- built a new run for the chickens (it’s easily twice as big now!)
- worked on a penpal letter
- did a lottt of instacarts
- officially applied for my apartment!
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long long longgggg day today, i really felt like i didn’t stop moving at all! i am really happy with everything i got done though, especially the apartment stuff, one step closer to moving in!! i’ve been working on a comprehensive notion page of everything we need to gather for the apartment and it is a much longer list than i was thinking, but making the page was fun haha. hoping facebook market place and garage sales come through for us 🙏🙏
🎧 - juna - clairo
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zipstidbits · 7 months ago
sometimes i forget that i looooove school and learning and classes and writing and then i Remember. delightful
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zipstidbits · 8 months ago
✒️ reminder: it's a process 📖
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before today, i've never thought about the saying “art imitates life” in the context of the process of art imitating that of life.
i'm working on a novel (“working” is a loose description, i’m playing in a sandbox with my hands serving as both shovel and bucket), and yesterday, i boldly said that i felt “the bones are good this time,” refering to the first few chapters of my first draft. but something still really bothered me about it — the tone, or the promise of the premise that took far too long to be fulfilled, or... something... something that i couldn’t quite place.
today, after completely changing the setting so that several major plot points will need to be re-jigged, i think i figured it out. (again.)
struggling with mental health is kind of like that. one day, i’ll think i’ve healed “for good this time,” but that’s not how it works.
in the past, as with writing, this thought, of continually needing to try and try and try because i knew i would be met again and again and again with failure, exhausted me in a very deep and concerning way.
when i’m not in the right headspace, i am incredibly mean to myself, ignoring all of the obvious signs that no, that person doesn’t hate me now, and no, i have not fucked up my life beyond repair.
but with time and experience, learning from anything and anyone around me, i think i’ve developed just a bit more patience, a bit more kindness, and a bit more discipline.
i randomly picked up a book that i loved and read it’s introductory chapters again since it’s in the same genre i’m trying to write for. and i remembered just recently listening to a podcast where Kemp Powers explained why he loved rules in writing — how they can allow you to elevate your work rather than constrain it. then i realized i’d been resisting what was obvious and common sense all along. that’s why i decided to experiment with changing the setting and why i think it works better than my previous three drafts so far.
every step in the right direction, no matter how small, is still progress. trust the process, trust the experience and wisdom of those who have come before you, but most of all, trust in yourself.
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zipstidbits · 8 months ago
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!!! 🍀
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zipstidbits · 8 months ago
🪽 𝐽𝑢𝑙𝑦 𝑡𝑜-𝑑𝑜'𝑠 ﹒₊˚
♡ do pilates twice a week
♡ read 30 min daily
♡ replace sweets with fruits
♡ get 7-9 hours of quality sleep every night
♡ reduce screen time
♡ make art more often
♡ study botany
♡ take care of apparence
♡ finish current journal
♡ create and stick to a routine
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zipstidbits · 8 months ago
life isnt a race theres still time to do the things i want to do im still young im not behind in life i have time i have time i have time i have time
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zipstidbits · 8 months ago
Everybody says congratulations when you get a new job, or start a business, or buy a house, or have a baby, or get married, or buy a new car...
I just wanted to take a second out of the day to say congratulations to all of you who made it through a hard week this week.
Congratulations to those who are holding it together for the sake of the people you love.
Congratulations to anyone who thought about taking the easy way out and decided to stick around for a while longer.
Congratulations for showing up. Again.
You deserve all the love too.
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