the-winter-dork-rp · 1 month
Winter sighs, dropping his forehead to the desk. "They're gonna be the death of me..." he grabs the become and reluctantly gets up from his desk. "Lead the way, Bun Bun."
The Tribulation
(A starter for @the-winter-dork-rp)
Jin enters the office with his cup of tea, sighing affectedly. "Can you get the separation broom? My idiot brother and supercat are wrasslin and they're going to break something. Possibly each other, probably the coffee maker. And we all know someone is gonna die if the coffee maker ends up broken."
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the-winter-dork-rp · 1 month
"Well, that's the only way one should ever lie on a fainting couch." He winks, placing the sauce on the stove as he begins preparing the noodles.
A blue birb makes a crater in the ground as it ruffles it's firey feathers, chirping angrily as several chirps are bleeped out like on television before dusting itself off. "Oh..."
What the fuck?" He startles as feathers fly everywhere before rushing to his side. "Ah...the dork cannon strikes again..." he laughs, picking him up and dusting him off.
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the-winter-dork-rp · 1 month
"Shall I fetch your fainting couch?" He smirks, catching the ingredients and beginning to mix them together.
A blue birb makes a crater in the ground as it ruffles it's firey feathers, chirping angrily as several chirps are bleeped out like on television before dusting itself off. "Oh..."
What the fuck?" He startles as feathers fly everywhere before rushing to his side. "Ah...the dork cannon strikes again..." he laughs, picking him up and dusting him off.
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the-winter-dork-rp · 1 month
"Oh no, your flabbers are most certainly gasted. Let's get you the emergency carbonara." He snickers, carrying him towards the kitchen.
A blue birb makes a crater in the ground as it ruffles it's firey feathers, chirping angrily as several chirps are bleeped out like on television before dusting itself off. "Oh..."
What the fuck?" He startles as feathers fly everywhere before rushing to his side. "Ah...the dork cannon strikes again..." he laughs, picking him up and dusting him off.
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the-winter-dork-rp · 1 month
A blue birb makes a crater in the ground as it ruffles it's firey feathers, chirping angrily as several chirps are bleeped out like on television before dusting itself off. "Oh..."
What the fuck?" He startles as feathers fly everywhere before rushing to his side. "Ah...the dork cannon strikes again..." he laughs, picking him up and dusting him off.
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the-winter-dork-rp · 10 months
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the-winter-dork-rp · 10 months
He picks him up and carries him away "c'mon... we're cuddling. I've already got everything together for us."
He felt himself being picked up with speed and held close, he knew those thoughts and the smell of him. "Easy Winter, easy... I'm frail, like pavlova." He laughed, almost feeling the stress. "There there, you can tie me up if you're feeling possessive." The dark-haired mutant reassured, knowing how Winter got. Saburo's solo missions with John to "build trust" also built a need for cheesecake, manga and stress relief.
"I don't trust John, I know he stresses you out. We're cuddling. I don't care if you want it, we're gonna cuddle and you're gonna enjoy it." He nuzzles his neck.
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the-winter-dork-rp · 10 months
He felt himself being picked up with speed and held close, he knew those thoughts and the smell of him. "Easy Winter, easy... I'm frail, like pavlova." He laughed, almost feeling the stress. "There there, you can tie me up if you're feeling possessive." The dark-haired mutant reassured, knowing how Winter got. Saburo's solo missions with John to "build trust" also built a need for cheesecake, manga and stress relief.
"I don't trust John, I know he stresses you out. We're cuddling. I don't care if you want it, we're gonna cuddle and you're gonna enjoy it." He nuzzles his neck.
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the-winter-dork-rp · 10 months
He wiggles his eyebrows "so true. Meetings are the best time for a kidnapping."
Uh-oh! A stray Phoenix has made it's nest in your inbox and seems to be asleep. Perhaps... cheesecake might convince it to leave?
"I now present...this fucking thing."
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"Why would I want him to leave?"
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the-winter-dork-rp · 10 months
He snickers "well there's always my approach, throw Jin something rabbit related and kidnap the Steve. Most of the problems I face can be solved with either stabbing or kidnapping."
Uh-oh! A stray Phoenix has made it's nest in your inbox and seems to be asleep. Perhaps... cheesecake might convince it to leave?
"I now present...this fucking thing."
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"Why would I want him to leave?"
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the-winter-dork-rp · 10 months
"when in doubt, throw Steve's ass at the situation....he never minds throwing his ass somewhere."
Uh-oh! A stray Phoenix has made it's nest in your inbox and seems to be asleep. Perhaps... cheesecake might convince it to leave?
"I now present...this fucking thing."
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"Why would I want him to leave?"
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the-winter-dork-rp · 10 months
Uh-oh! A stray Phoenix has made it's nest in your inbox and seems to be asleep. Perhaps... cheesecake might convince it to leave?
"I now present...this fucking thing."
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"Why would I want him to leave?"
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the-winter-dork-rp · 1 year
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I lived, bitch.
So, I know I've been missing for several days, barely been on at all with the exception of messaging a few friends who'd totally contact my mother to bitch me out. I have an impacted & rotting wisdom tooth that seriously nearly killed me. My whole face swelled up so bad that I looked like Roz from Monsters Inc.
But thankfully, after an unholy amount of antibiotics, fentanyl, hydrocodone, IV fluids & a Lot of rest, I'm looking at being discharged at some point tomorrow.
So to sum it up, I lived, bitches.
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the-winter-dork-rp · 1 year
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the-winter-dork-rp · 1 year
Hell. Fucking. Yes.
There has been a change…..
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Welcome Amina’s new faceclaim @vampiricelete @the-winter-dork-rp
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the-winter-dork-rp · 1 year
I know it’s a different verse but they’re trying to bully Mahina on another blog
Oh fuck no *grabs the rocket launchers*
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the-winter-dork-rp · 1 year
Oooo i want attention!!!!! Pick me! Pick me!❄
“I always choose you” she giggled booping his nose @the-winter-dork-rp
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